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law_n heart_n put_v write_v 8,223 5 5.9548 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16579 A godlye medytacyon composed by the faithfull ... I.B. latlye burnte in Smytfelde ... Bradford, John, 1510?-1555.; Vives, Juan Luis, 1492-1540. Excitationes in animi Deum. aut; Pownall, Robert, 1520-1571. Most fruitful prayer for the dispersed church of Christ. aut 1559 (1559) STC 3483; ESTC S109638 19,168 75

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ryse for our righteousnes to assend for our possessiō taking in heauen and to appere before thee for vs for euer a high prieste after the order of Melchisadech that throughe hym we might haue fre accesse to come to thy throane now rather of grace then of Iustice Remember that thou by him hast biddē aske and promised that we should receaue saying aske and ye shal haue seke and ye shall finde knocke and it shal be opened vnto you O thou Dere god and moste meke and mercifull father we hartely beseche the to be mercifull vnto vs for this thy Christis sake for his Deathes sake for thy promisse truethe and mercyes sake haue mercy vpon vs pardon forgeue vs al our Sinnes iniquites and trespacis what so euer we cōmitted agaynst the in thought word or Dede euer or at any tyme hetherto by any means Der father haue mercy vpon vs thoughe we be pore yt our christ is Riche thoughe we be Sinners yet he is righteous though we be fools yet is he wise thoughe we be Inpure yet he is pure and holye for his sake therefore be mercyfull vnto vs Cal to mynde how thou haste promised that thou wilte powre out of thy cleane waters and washe vs from our fylth clence vs from our euilles forget not that thou hast promysed to take from vs our stony hartes Doest promis to geue vs sauft hartes newe hartes to put into the middes of vs right Sprites Remember thy couenate namely howe thou wilt be our god and we shall be thy people forgette not the partes of it that is to put owte of thy memory for euer all vnrighteousnes and to write in our myndes and hartes thy lawe and testymonyes Remēber that thou doest streightly charg vs to haue none other godes but the saying that thou art the lord our gad O thē declare the same to vs all we hartelye nowe beseche the forgeue vs our sinnes forget our iniquitis clence vs frō our filthines washe vs frō our wickednes powre out thy holy sprite vpō vs take frō vs our harde harts our stony harts our impenitēt harts oure distrustinge and doubtfull harts our carnal our secure our ydle our beastlye hartes our impure malicious arrogant enuious wrathfull impatient couetous hipocriticall and epicuriall hartes in place thereof geue vs newe hartes saft hartes faithful hartes mercifull hartes louing obediēt chaest pure holy righteous trewe simple lowly and patient hartes to feare thee to loue thee truste in thee for euer write thy lawe in our hartes graue it in our mindes we hertely beseche the geue vs that sprite of prayer make vs diligent happy in the workes of our vocation take in to thy custody and gouernaunce for euer our soules and bodyes oure lyues and all that euer we haue tempt vs neuer further thē thou wilt make vs able to beare what so euer thou knowest we haue nede of in soul or body deer god and gracious father vouchsafe to geue vs that same in thy good tyme and alwayes as thy children guide vs so that our life maye please the and our deathes prayse the through Iesus Christ our lorde for whose sake we hartely praye the to graūt these thinges thus asked al other things necessary for soule and bodye not only to vs but to all others also for whome thou woldest that we shoulde praye speciallye for they children that be in thraldom in exyel in prison misery heauines pouertye sycknes Be mercifull to al the whole realme of Englād graunte vs al trewe repentaūce mitigation of our myserye and yf it be thy good will thy holye worde and Religion amongst vs once agayne pardō our enemies persecutors and slaunderers and yf it be thy pleasure turne their hartes be mercyful vnto our parentes Brethern and Sisters frendes kinsfolkes and famelis neighbours and suche as by any meanes thou haste coupled and lincked vs by loue or otherwyse and vnto vs pore sinners here gathered together in thy holy name graunt vs thy blessing and holy sprite to sanctify vs and dwel in vs as thy dere childrē to kepe vs this day and for euer from all euill to thy eternal glory and our euerlasting comfort and the profet of thy churche which mercyfullye maynteyne thereshe and comforte strengthning them that stonde so that they neuer fall liftinge vp them that be falne and kepe vs from fallynge from thy truthe throughe the merites of thy deerly beloued sonne Iesus Christ our onely sauiour which lyueth and Reigneth with the the holy ghost to whom be all praise and honor both nowe and for euer Amen ¶ When you awake out of your slepe pray thus OH moste dere father of our Sauioure Iesus Christe whome none doeth know but of thy gift graunt that to the manyfolde greate benefytes of thy goodnes geuen to me this whiche of all other is moste m●● be added that like as thou haste awaked my body from slepe so thou woldest throughlye awake yea deliuer mi soule frō the slepe of sin and darknes of this world and that whiche now is awaked out of slepe thou wouldest after deathe restore to lyfe for that is but slepe to the whiche is death to vs Deere god I moste hartely beseche and humbly pray thy goodnes to make my body such a companiō or rather a minister of godlynes to my soule in this present lyfe that ī the life to cum it may parte take with the same euerlastinge happines by Iesus Christ our Lorde Awake thou that sleepest and arise frome the deed and Christ shal shewe light vnto thee Ephesians v. ¶ Occasions to meditate HEre call to minde the great myrth and blissednes of the euerlastynge resurrection Also remembre to muse vpō that mooste cleare lyght and brighte morenynge and new clearenes of oure bodyes after the longe darkenes it hath ben in all then shal be full of ioye ❧ So soone as you beholde the daye lyght pray O Lorde thou greatest and moste trewe light whence this lyght of the day and sunne dothe sprynge O lyght whiche doest lyghten euery manne that commeth in to this worlde Oh lyght whiche knowest no nyght nor eueninge but art alwayes a midday most cleere fayre with out whom al is most darke darknes bi whō albe most splēdent O thou wisdome of the eternall father of mercis lighten my mind that I maye onely se those thinges that please the and maye be blinded to all other thinges Graunte that I maye walke in thy wayes and that nothing els may be light and pleasaunt vnto me Lighten mine eies Oh lord that I slepe not in deathe leaste myne enemies saye I haue preuayled agaynst him ¶ Occasions to meditate MVse a little how much the light and eye of the minde and soule is better then of the bodye Also that we care more for the soule to se well then for the body Thinke that beastes haue bodely eies and therwith se but men haue eies of the minde and