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A72693 The booke of the common prayer and administracion of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies of the Churche: after the vse of the Churche of England.; Liturgies. Book of common prayer Church of England. 1549 (1549) STC 16270A; ESTC S122894 224,523 337

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thynke ye of Christe whose sonne is he They sayd vnto him the sonne of Dauid He sayde vnto them howe then doth Dauid in spirite call hym Lorde saying The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde sit thou on my ryghte hande tyll I make thyne enemyes thy footestoole If Dauid then call hym Lorde howe is he then hys sonne And no man was able to aunswere him any thing neither durst any man from that day furth aske hym any mo questions The .xix. Sondaye I Call with my whole hearte heare me O Lord I wyll kepe thy statutes Yea euen vpon thee do I call helpe me and I shall kepe thy testymonies Early in the morning do I crie vnto thee for in thy worde is my truste Myne tyes preuente the nyghte watches that I myghte be occupyed in thy wordes Heare my voyce O Lorde accordying vnto thy louyng kyndnesse quycken me accordyng as thou art wont They drawe nye that of malice persecute me and are farre from thy lawe Be thou nye at hande O Lorde For al thy commaundementes are true As concernyng thy testymonyes I haue knowen long since that thou hast grounded them for euer Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the begynning is nowe c. The Collect. O GOD for asmuche as without thee we are not able to please thee Graunt that the workyng of thy mercye maye in all thynges directe and rule oure heartes Through Iesus Christ our Lorde The Epistle THys I saye and testyfie through the Lorde that ye hencefurth walke not as other Gentyles walke in vanytie of their mynde whyle they are blynded in their vnderstanding beyng farre from a godly lyfe by the meanes of the ignorauncie that is in them and because of the blyndenesse of their heartes whiche beyng past repentaunce haue geuen themselues ouer vnto wantonnes to worke all maner of vncleannes euen with gredynes But ye haue not so learned Christe If so be that ye haue hearde of him haue been taught in hym as the trueth is in Iesu as concernyng the conuersacyon in tyme paste to laye frō you that olde man whiche is corrupte accordyng to the deceiueable lustes To be renued also in the spirite of your minde and to putte on that newe man which after God is shapen in ryghteousnes and true holynes Wherfore put awaye lying and speake euery man trueth vnto hys neighbour forasmuche as we are membres one of a nother Be angrye and synne not Let not the Sunne go doune vpon your wrath neither geue place to the backbiter Lette hym that stole steale nomore but lette him rather laboure with his handes the thing which is good that he maye geue vnto hym that nedeth Let no fylthy communicacion procede out of your mouth But that whiche is good to edifie withall as oft as nede is that it maye mynyster grace vnto the hearers And greue not ye the holy spirite of God by whom ye are sealed vnto the daye of redempcion Let all bytternesse and fearcenesse and wrath and roaryng and cursed speakyng be put awaye from you with all malyciousnes Be ye curteous one to another mercyfull forgeuyng one another euen as God for Christes sake hath forgeuen you The Gospell IEsus entred into a shyppe and passed ouer and came into hys owne Cytie And beholde they broughte to him a manne sycke of the Palsey lying in a bed And when Iesus sawe the fayth of them he said vnto the sicke of the Palsey Sōne bee of good there thy synnes be forgeuen thee And beholde certayne of the Scrybes sayd within themselues this manne blasphemeth And when Iesus sawe their thoughtes he saide wherfore thynke ye euil in your heartes whether is it easyer to say thy sinnes be forgeuen thee or to saye arise and walke But that ye maie knowe that the sonne of manne hathe power to forgeue sinnes in yearth Then saieth he vnto the sycke of the Palsey Aryse take vp thy bed and go vnto thine house And he arose and departed to his house But the people that sawe it merueiled and glorifyed God which had geuen suche power vnto men The .xx. Sondaye O Considre myne aduersitie and deliuer me For I do not forget thy lawe Auenge thou my cause and deliuer me quycken me according vnto thy worde Health is farre from the vngodly For they regarde not thy statutes Greate is thy mercy O Lorde quicken me as thou art wonte Many there are that trouble me and persecute me yet do not I swarue from thy testymonies It greueth me when I see the trangressors because they kepe not thy lawe Consider O Lord howe I loue thy commaundementes O quicken me accordyng to thy louyng kyndnesse Thy worde is true from euerlastyng All the iudgementes of thy righteousnes endure for euermore Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the begynning is nowe c The Collect. ALmighty and mercyful God of thy bountefull goodnes kepe vs from all thynges that maye hurte vs that we beyng ready both in bodye and soule maye with free heartes accomplyshe those thynges that thou wouldest haue doen Through Iesus Christ our Lorde The Epistle TAke hede therfore howe ye walke circumspectelye not as vnwise but as wisemen winnyng occasion because the dayes are euyll Wherfore be ye not vnwise but vnderstand what the wyll of the Lorde is and be not dronken with wyne wherin is excesse But be fylled with the spirite speaking vnto your selues in Psalmes and Hymnes and spirituall songes synging and makyng melody to the Lorde in your heartes geuing thankes alwaies for all thynges vnto God the father in the name of oure Lord Iesus Christ submittyng your selues one to another in the feare of God The Gospell IEsus sayed to hys discyples The kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto a manne that was a kyng which made a Mariage for his sonne and sente furth his seruauntes to call them that were bid to the weddyng and they woulde not come Agayne he sent furth other seruauntes saying Tell them which are bydden beholde I haue prepared my diner mine Oxen and my fatlynges are kylled and all thynges are ready come vnto the Mariage But they made light of it and went their waies One to hys farme place another to his Marchaundise and the remnaunte toke his seruauntes and intreated them shamefullye and siewe them But when the Kyng heard therof he was wrothe and sent furth hys menne of warre and destroyed those murtherers and brent vp their citie Then said he to his seruauntes the Maryage in dede is prepared but they which were bidden were not worthy Go ye therfore out into the hye wayes and as many as ye finde bid them to the Mariage And the seruauntes went furth into the hye wayes and gathered together all as many as they coulde fynde both good and bad and the wedding was furnished with geastes Then the kyng came in to se the geastes and when he spied there a man which
therefore let vs serue hym all the dayes of our life in holines and righteousnes accepted before hym Happie are those seruauntes whome the Lorde when he cummeth shall fynde wakyng Be ye readye for the sonne of manne wyll come at an hower when ye thinke not The seruaunte that knoweth hys maisters wyll and hath not prepared hymselfe neyther hath doen accordynge to his will shal be beaten with many stripes The howre cummeth and now it is when true woorshippers shall woorship the father in spirite and truethe Beholde thou art made whole sinne no more leste any wurse thing happen vnto thee If ye shall continue in my worde then are ye my very disciples and ye shall knowe the trueth and the trueth shall make you free While ye haue lighte beleue on the lyght that ye may be the children of light He that hath my commaundementes and kepeth them thesame is he that loueth me If any man loue me he will kepe my woorde and my father will loue hym and we will come vnto hym and dwell with him If ye shal byde in me and my woorde shal abyde in you ye shall aske what ye will and it shall bee doen to you Herein is my father glorified that ye beare muche fruite and become my disciples This is my commaundement that you loue together as I haue loued you If God be on our syde who can be against vs whiche did not spare his owne sonne but gaue hym for vs all Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Goddes chosen it is GOD that iustifyeth who is he that can condemne The nyghte is passed and the daye is at hande let vs therfore caste away the dedes of darkenes and put on the armour of light Christe Iesus is made of GOD vnto vs wisedome and righteousnes and sanctifying and redempcion that accordyng as it is written he whiche reioyceth shoulde reioyce in the Lorde Knowe ye not that ye are the temple of GOD and that the spirite of GOD dwelleth in you yf any manne defile the temple of GOD him shall God destroy Ye are derely bought therfore glorifie God in your bodies and in your spirites for they belong to God Be you folowers of God as deare children and walke in loue euen as Christe loued vs and gaue hymselfe for vs an offeryng and a Sacrifice of a swete sauoure to God Then the Priest shall geue thankes to God in the name of all them that haue communicated turning hym first to the people and saying The Lorde be with you The Aunswere And with thy spirite The Priest Let vs praye ALmightie and euerlyuynge GOD wee moste hartely thāke thee for that thou hast vouch safed to feede vs in these holy Misteries with the spirituall foode of the moste precious body bloude of thy sonne our sauiour Iesus Christ and hast assured vs duely receyuing the same of thy fauour and goodnes toward vs and that we be very membres incorporate in thy Mistical bodie which is the blessed companye of all faithfull people and heyres throughe hope of thy euerlastynge kingdome by the merites of the moste precious deathe and passion of thy deare sonne We therefore moste humbly beseche thee O heauenly father so to assiste vs wyth thy grace that we may cōtinue in that holy felowship and doe all suche good woorkes as thou haste prepared for vs to walke in through Iesus Christe our Lord to whom with thee and the holy goste bee all honour and glorye worlde without ende Then the Prieste turning hym to the people shall let them depart with this blessing The peace of GOD which passeth all vnderstandyng kepe your heartes and mindes in the knowledge and loue of GOD and of his sonne Iesus Christ our lord And the blessing of God almightie the father the sonne the holy gost be emonges you and remayne with you alway Then the people shall aunswere Amen Where there are no clearkes there the Priest shall saye all thynges appointed herefor them to syng When the holy Communion is celebrate on the workedaye or in priuate howses Then may be omitted the Gloria in excelsis the Crede the Homely and the exhortacion beginning Dearely beloued c. ¶ Collectes to be sayed after the Offertory when there is no Communion euery suche day one ASsist vs mercifully O Lord in these our supplicaciōs and prayers and dispose the way of thy seruauntes toward the attainement of euerlasting saluacion that emonge all the chaunges and chaunces of this mortall life thei may euer be defended by thy moste gracious and readye helpe throughe Christe our Lorde Amen O Almightie Lorde and euerlyuyng GOD vouchesafe we beseche thee to direct sanctifye and gouerne bothe our heartes and bodies in the wayes of thy lawes and in the woorkes of thy commaundementes that through thy most mightie proteccion both here and euer we may be preserued in body and soule Through our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christe Amen GRaunt we beseche thee almightie god that the wordes whiche wee haue hearde this daye with our outwarde eares may throughe thy grace bee so grafted inwardly in our heartes that they may bryng foorth in vs the fruite of good lyuynge to the honoure and prayse of thy name Through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen PReuente vs O lorde in all our doinges with thy moste gracious fauoure and further vs with thy continuall helpe that in al our workes begonne continued and ended in thee we may glorifye thy holy name and finally by thy mercy obteine euerlasting lyfe Through c. ALmightie God the fountayne of all wisdome whyche knowest our necessities before we aske and our ignoraunce in asking we beseche thee to haue compassion vpon our infirmities and those thinges whiche for our vnwoorthines we dare not and for our blyndnes we cannot aske vouchsaue to geue vs for the woorthines of thy sonne Iesu Christe our Lorde Amen ALmightie god whiche haste promised to heare the petitions of them that aske in thy sonnes name we beseche thee mercifully to incline thyne eares to vs that haue made nowe our prayers and supplicacions vnto thee and graunte that those thinges which we haue faithfullye asked accordyng to thy will maye effectually be obteyned to the reliefe of oure necessitye and to the settyng foorth of thy glorie Throughe Iesus Christe our Lorde For rayne O God heauenly father whiche by thy sonne Iesu Christ haste promised to all thē that seke thy kingdom the righteousnes therof al thinges necessary to the bodely sustenaunce send vs we beseche thee in thys our necessitie suche moderate rayne and showers that we maie receiue the fruites of the earth to our comforte and to thy honor Through Iesus Christ our Lorde For fayre wether O Lorde God whiche for the sinne of manne didst once drowne all the worlde excepte eight persons and afterwarde of thy great mercie didste promise neuer to destroy it so agayn We humbly beseche
the helpe of Beelzebub cast out deuils by whose helpe doe your chyldren caste them oute Therefore shall they bee youre iudges But if I with the fynger of God cast out deuilles no doubt the kyngdome of God is come vpon you When a strong manne armed watcheth hys house the thynges that he possesseth are in peace But when a strōger then he commeth vpon him ouercummeth him he taketh from him al hys harnes wherein he trusted and deuydeth his goodes He that is not with me is agaynste me And he that gathereth not with me scattreth abroade Whē the vncleane spirite is gone out of a man he walketh through drye places seeking reste And when he fyndeth none he sayth I wil returne agayne into my house whence I came out And whē he cometh he findeth it swept and garnished Then goeth he and taketh to him .vii. other spirites worse then himself and they enter in dwel there And the end of that man is worse then the beginning And it fortuned that as he spake these thinges a certayne womā of the cumpany lift vp her voyce and said vnto him happy is the woumbe that bare thee the pappes which gaue thee sucke But he sayd yea happie are they that heare the woorde of God and kepe it ¶ The .iiii. Sonday GOd is our hope and strengthe a very presente helpe in trouble Therfore will not we feare though the earthe be moued and thoughe the hylles bee caryed into the middest of the sea Though the waters therof rage and swell and though the mountaynes shake at the tempest of the same The riuers of the floude thereof shall make gladde the citie of God the holye place of the tabernacle of the moste highest God is in the middeste of her therefore shall she not bee remoued God shall helpe her and that right early The heathen make muche a dooe and the kyngdomes are moued but God hath shewed hys voyce and the earth shall mealte away The Lorde of hoostes is with vs the God of Iacob is our refuge O come hyther and beholde the woorkes of the Lorde what destruccion he hath brought vpon the earth He maketh warres to ceasse in all the worlde he breaketh the bowe and knappeth the speare in sunder and burneth the Chariotes in the fyer Be still then and knowe that I am God I wil be exalted among the Heathen and I wil be exalted in the yearth The Lorde of hoostes is with vs the God of Iacob is our defence Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. GRaunt we beseche thee almightie God that we which for our euill dedes are worthely punyshed by the comforte of thy grace may mercifully be relieued through oure Lorde Iesus Christe The Epistle TEll me ye that desyre to be vnder the lawe doe ye not heare of the lawe for it is written that Abraham had .ii. sonnes the one by a bondemayde the other by a freewoman Yea and he which was borne of the bondewoman was borne after the fleshe but he whiche was borne of the freewoman was borne by promes which thinges are spoken by an allegory For these are two testamentes the one from the mount Sina which gendreth vnto bondage whiche is Agar For mount Sina is Agar in Arabia and bordreth vpon the citie whiche is nowe called Ierusalem and is in bondage with her chyldren But Ierusalem whiche is aboue is free whiche is the mother of vs all For it is written Reioyce thou barren that beareste no children breake furth and crye thou that trauaylest not For the desolate hath many moe children then she whiche hath an housbande Brethren we are after Isaac the chyldren of promes But as then he that was borne after the fleshe persecuted him that was borne after the spirite Euē so is it nowe Neuerthelesse what sayeth the scripture put awaye the bonde woman and her sonne For the sonne of the bondewoman shall not be heyre with the sonne of the freewoman So then brethren we are not chyldren of the bondewoman but of the freewoman The Gospell IEsus departed ouer the sea of Galile which is the sea of Tiberias and a greate multytude folowed hym because they sawe hys myracles whiche he dyd on them that were dyseased And Iesus wente vp into a mountayne and there he sate with hys Disciples And Easter a feaste of the Iewes was nye When Iesus then lift vp hys eyes and sawe a great company come vnto hym he sayeth vnto Philip whence shall we bye breade that these may eate This he sayd to proue him for he himselfe knewe what he woulde dooe Philip aunswered him two hundreth peniwoorth of breade are not sufficyente for them that euery manne may take a litle One of hys disciples Andrewe Simon Peters brother sayeth vnto hym There is a lad here which hath fiue barley loaues and two fyshes but what are they among so manye And Iesus sayd make the people sit downe There was muche grasse in the place so the menne sate downe in number about fiue thousande And Iesus toke the bread and when he had geuen thankes he gaue to the Disciples and the Disciples to them that were set downe lykewise of the fishes asmuch as they would When they had eaten inough he sayd vnto his Disciples gather vp the broken meate whiche remayneth that nothyng be loste And they gathered it together and fylled .xii. baskettes with the broken meate of the fyue barley loaues which broken meate remained vnto thē that had eaten Then those menne when they had seene the miracle that Iesus did sayd thys is of a trueth the same Prophete that shoulde come into the worlde ¶ The .v. Sonday SAue me O God for thy names sake and auenge me in thy strength Heare my prayer O God and harken vnto the woordes of my mouth For straungers are risen vp agaynst me and Tirauntes which haue not god before theyr eyes seke after my soule Beholde God is my helper the Lord is with them that vpholde my soule He shall rewarde euill vnto myne enemies destroye thou them in thy trueth An offeryng of a free hearte will I geue thee and prayse thy name O Lorde because it is so coumfortable For he hath deliuered me oute of all my trouble and myne eye hath seene his desyre vpon myne enemies Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the begynning c. The Collect. WE beseche thee almightie God mercifullye to looke vpon thy people that by thy great goodnesse they may be gouerned and preserued euermore bothe in bodye and soule through Iesus Christe our Lorde The Epistle CHriste beyng an hye priest of good thynges to come came by a greater and a more perfecte tabernacle not made with handes that is to saye not of thys buildyng neither by the bloud of goates and calues but by hys owne bloude he entred in once into the holy place and founde eternall redempcion
commaundementes The vngodly laide wayte for me to destroy me but I wil consider thy testimonies I see that al thinges come to an ende but thy commaundementes are exceding broade Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy gost As it was in the begynnyng is nowe and euer shal be world without ende Amen The Collect. ALmightie and euerlasting God whiche arte alwayes more ready to heare then we to praye And art wonte to geue more then either we desire or deserue Powre down vpon vs the aboundaunce of thy mercy forgeuing vs those thinges wherof our conscience is afrayde and geuing vnto vs that that our prayer dare not presume to aske through Iesus Christ our Lorde The Epistle SVche trust haue we through Christ to God warde not that we are sufficiente of our selues to thynke any thyng as of our selues but if we be hable vnto any thing the same cummeth of god which hath made vs hable to minister the new testament not of the letter but of the spirite For the letter killeth but the spirite geueth lyfe If the ministracion of death through the letters figured in stones was glorious so that the childrē of Israel could not beholde the face of Moses for the glory of hys countenaūce whiche glory is done away why shall not the ministracion of the spirite be much more glorious for if the ministracyon of condemnacyon be gloryous muche more dooethe the ministracion of righteousnes excede in glorye The Gospel IEsus departed from the coastes of Tyre and Sydon and came vnto the sea of Galile throughe the middes of the Coastes of the .x. cityes And they broughte vnto hym one that was deaffe and had an impedimente in hys speche and they prayed hym to put his hande vpon hym And when he had taken hym asyde frō the people he put his fingers into his eares did spyt and touched his tongue and looked vp to heauen sighed and sayde vnto him Ephata that is to say be opened And straight waye his eares were opened and the string of hys tongue was looced and he spake playne And he cōmaunded them that they should tel no man But the more he forbad them so muche the more a great deale they publyshed saying He hath doone all thynges well he hath made both the deaffe to heare and the dumme to speake The .xiii. Sonday LOrde what loue haue I vnto thy lawe all the day long is my study in it Thou through thy cōmaundementes hast made me wiser then mine enemies for they are euer with me I haue more vnderstandyng then my teachers for thy testimonies are my study I am wiser then the aged because I kept thy commaundementes I haue refrayned my feete from euery euill waye that I may kepe thy woorde I haue not shrinked from thy iudgementes for thou teachest me O howe swete are thy woordes vnto my throte yea sweter then hony vnto my mouth Throughe thy commaundementes I gette vnderstanding therfore I hate al wicked wayes Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning c. Amen The Collect. ALmyghtye and mercifull God of whose onely gyfte it cummeth that thy faythfull people dooe vnto thee true and laudable seruice graunt we beseche thee that we may so runne to thy heauenly promises that we fayle not finallye to attayne the same throughe Iesus Christe oure Lorde The Epistle TO Abraham and his sede were the promises made He sayeth not in the seedes as manye but in thy seede as of one whiche is Christe This I say that the lawe whiche began afterward beyond iiii C. and .xxx. yeres doeth not disanul the testament that was confirmed afore of God vnto Christewarde to make the promise of none effect For if the inheritaunce come of the lawe it cummeth not now of promise But god gaue it to Abraham by promise Wherefore then serueth the lawe The lawe was added because of transgression til the seede came to whom the promise was made and it was ordayned by Aungels in the hand of a mediator A mediator is not a mediator of one But God is one Is the law then agaynst the promise of God God forbidde For if there had beene a lawe geuen whiche coulde haue geuen lyfe then no doubt righteousnes shoulde haue come by the lawe But the scripture concludeth all thinges vnder sinne that the promise by the fayth of Iesus Christe shoulde bee geuen vnto them that beleue The Gospell HAppy are the eyes which se the thinges that ye se For I tel you that many prophetes and kinges haue desired to se those thinges which ye se haue not sene them and to heare those thinges which ye heare and haue not heard them And beholde a certayne lawyer stoode vp and tempted hym saying Master what shall I doe to inherite eternall lyfe he sayd vnto him what is written in the lawe howe readest thou and he aunswered and sayd Loue the Lorde thy God with all thy hearte and with all thy soule and with all thy strength and with all thy mind and thy neighbour as thy selfe And he sayde vnto hym Thou hast aunswered right This doe and thou shalt liue but he willing to iustifye hymselfe sayde vnto Iesus And who is my neighbour Iesus aunswered and sayde A certayne man descended from Ierusalem to Hierico and fell among theues whiche robbed him of his raiment and wounded him and departed leauing him halfe dead And it chaunced that there came downe a certayne Prieste that same waye and when he sawe hym he passed by And likewise a Leuite when he went nye to the place came and loked on him and passed by But a certayne Samaritane as he ioueneied came vnto him and when he saw him he had compassion on him and went to and bounde vp his woundes and powred in oyle and wine and set him on his owne beast and brought him to a commō inne and made prouision for hym And on the morowe when he departed he toke out two pence and gaue them to the hoste and sayde vnto him Take cure of hym whatsoeuer thou spendest more when I come agayn I wil recompence thee Which now of these three thinkest thou was neighbour vnto him that fel among the theues and he sayde he that shewed mercy on hym Then sayde Iesus vnto hym goe and doe thou lykewise The .xiiii. Sonday THy worde is a Lanterne vnto my feete and a light vnto my pathes I haue sworne and am stedfastlye purposed to kepe thy righteous iudgementes I am troubled aboue measure quicken me O Lorde according vnto thy woorde Let the free will offerynges of my mouth please thee O Lorde and teache me thy iudgementes My soule is alway in my hande yet doe not I forget thy lawe The vngodlye haue layed a snare for me but yet swarued not I from thy commaundementes Thy testimonies haue I claymed as myne heritage for euer and why they are the very ioye of my
Christ our Lorde The Epistle I Desyre that you faynt not because of my tribulacions that I suffer for your sakes whiche is youre prayse For thys cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe which is father ouer al that is called father in heauē and in yearth that he woulde graunte you accordyng to the riches of his glorye that ye may be strengthed with might by hys spirite in the inner manne that Christe maye dwell in your heartes by fayth that ye being rooted and grounded in loue myght be able to comprehend with al saintes what is the bredth and length depth and heigth and to know the excellent loue of the knowledge of Christe that ye myght be fulfilled with all fulnes which commeth of God Vnto him that is able to do exceadyng aboundantlye aboue all that wee aske or think according to the power that worketh in vs be praise in the congregacion by Christ Iesus throughout all generacions from tyme to tyme. Amen The Gospell ANd it fortuned that Iesus went into a Citie called Naim and many of hys disciples went wyth him and muche people When he came nie to the gate of the citie beholde there was a dead man caried out which was the only sonne of hys mother and she was a wedowe muche people of the citie was with her And when the Lorde sawe her he had compassion on her and sayed vnto her weepe not And he came nye and touched the coffen and they that bare hym stode still And he sayde yong man I saye vnto thee aryse And he that was dead sate vp and began to speake And he delyuered him to his mother And there came a feare on them all And they gaue the glory vnto God saying A great Prophet is rysen vp among vs and God hath visited his people And this rumor of him wēt forth throughout al Iewrye and throughout al the regions which lye round about ¶ The .xvii. Sondaye THy testimonies are wonderfull therfore doeth my soule kepe them When thy word goeth forth it geueth lyghte and vnderstanding euen vnto the symple I opened my mouth and drue in my breath for my delyte was in thy commaundementes O looke thou vpon me and be mercyfull vnto me as thou vsest to do vnto those that loue thy name Order my steppes in thy worde and so shall no wyckednes haue dominion ouer me O delyuer me from the wrongfull dealinges of menne and so shall I kepe thy commaundementes Shewe the light of thy countenaunce vpon thy seruaunt and teache me thy statutes Myne iyes gushe out with water because men kepe not thy lawe Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the. c. As it was in the begynning is nowe and euer c. The Collect. LOrde we praye thee that thy grace maie alwayes preuent and folowe vs and make vs continually to be geuen to all good workes through Iesus Christ our Lorde The Epistle I whiche am a prisoner of the Lordes exhorte you that ye walke worthy of the vocacion wherwyth ye are called with all lowlines and mekenes with humblenes of mind forbearyng one another through loue and be delygente to kepe the vnytie of the spirite through the bonde of peace being one body and one spirite euen as ye are called in one hope of your callyng Let there be but one Lorde one faith one baptisme one God and father of all which is aboue all and through all and in you all The Gospell IT chaunced that Iesus went into the house of one of the chiefe Phariseis to eate bread on the Sabboth daye and they watched him And beholde there was a certaine manne before hym whiche had the dropsye And Iesus aunswered and spake vnto the lawiers and Phariseis saying Is it lawefull to heale on the Sabboth daye And they helde theyr peace And he toke him and healed hym and let him go and answered them saying which of you shall haue an Asse or an Oxe fallen into a pyt and will not straygth waye pul hym out on the Sabboth daye And they coulde not aunswere him againe to these thinges He put forth also a similitude to the geastes when he marked howe they preaced to be in the hiest roumes said vnto them when thou art biddē of any man to a wedding sit not doune in the highest roume lest a more honorable man then thou be bidden of him and he that bad him and thee come and saye to thee geue thys man roume and thou then begyn with shame to take the lowest roume But rather when thou art bidden go and sit in the lowest roume that whē he that bad thee commeth he may saie vnto thee frend sit vp hier Then shalt thou haue worship in the presence of them that sit at meate with thee For whosoeuer exalteth himselfe shal be brought lowe and he that humbleth himselfe shal be exalted ¶ The .xviii. Sondaye RIghteous art thou O Lorde and true is thy iudgement The testymonies that thou hast cōmaunded are exceadyng righteous and true My zeale hath euen consumed me because myne enemyes haue forgotten thy wordes Thy worde is tried to the vttermost and thy seruaunt loueth it I am small and of no reputacion yet do not I forgette thy commaundementes Thy ryghteousnes is an euerlasting righteousnes and thy lawe is the trueth Trouble and heauynes haue taken holde vpon me yet is my delight in thy commaundementes The ryghteousnes of thy testimonies is euerlastyng O graunt me vnderstanding and I shall lyue Glory be to the father c. As it was in the begynning c. The Collect. LOrde wee beseche thee graunte thy people grace to auoyde the infeccions of the deuyll and with pure hearte and mynde to folowe thee the onely God Through Iesus Christe oure Lorde The Epistle I Thanke my God alwayes on your behalfe for the grace of God which is geuen you by Iesus Christe that in all thynges ye are made ryche by hym in all vtteraunce and in all knowledge by the whiche thynges the testimonye of Iesus Christe was confirmed in you so that ye are behynde in no gyfte waityng for the apperyng of oure Lorde Iesus Christe which shall also strength you vnto the ende that ye maye be blameles in the daye of the commyng of oure Lord Iesus Christe The Gospell When the Phaciseis had heard that Iesus did put the Saduce is to silence they came together and one of them which was a Doctor of lawe asked hym a question tempting him and saying Maister whiche is the greatest Cōmaundemēt in the lawe Iesus said vnto him Thou shalt loue the lorde thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soule and with al thy minde Thys is the first and greatest commaundement And the seconde is lyke vnto it Thou shalt loue thy neyghbour as thy selfe In these two commaundementes hange all the lawe and the Prophetes While the Phariseis were gathered together Iesus asked them saying what
her hande to the poore yea she stretcheth furth her handes to suche as haue nede She feareth not that the colde of winter shall hurt her house for all her houshold folkes are clothed with skarlet She maketh her selfe fayre ornamentes her clothing is white silke and purple Her husband is much set by in the gates whē he sitteth among the rewlers of the lande She maketh cloth of silke and selleth it and deliuereth girdles vnto the marchaunt Strength honour is her clothing in the latter day she shall reioyce She openeth her mouth with wisdome and in her tongue is the lawe of grace She looketh wel to the wayes of her housholde and eateth not her breade with ydlenes Her children shall arise and call her blessed and her husbande shal make muche of her Many doughters there be that gather ryches together but thou goest aboue them al. As for fauour it is deceitpfull beutie is a vaine thing but a woman that feareth the Lorde she is woorthy to be praysed Geue her of the fruite of her handes and lette her owne workes prayse her in the gates The Gospell ANd one of the Phariseis desired Iesus that he woulde eate with him And he went into the Phariseis house and sate downe to meate And behold a woman in that citie whyche was a synner assone as she knewe that Iesus sate at meate in the Phariseis house she brought an Alabaster boxe of oyntemente and stode at his feete behind him weping and began to washe his feete with teares and dyd wype them with the heares of her head and kyssed his feete and anoynted them with the oyntment When the Pharisee which had bidden him saw that he spake within himselfe saying if this mā were a prophete he would surely knowe who and what maner of woman this is that touched him for she is a sinner Iesus aunswered and sayed vnto him Simon I haue somewhat to say vnto thee And he said Maister say on There was a certayne lender whiche had two debters the one ought him fiue hundreth pence and the other fiftie When they had nothing to pay he forgaue them bothe Tell me therfore whiche of them will loue him most Simon aunswered and sayd I suppose that he to whome he forgaue moste And he sayd vnto him thou hast truely iudged And he turned to the woman and sayde vnto Simon Seeste thou this woman I entred into thy house thou gauest me no water for my feete but she hath washed my feete with teares and wiped them with the heares of her head Thou gaueste me no kysse but she sence the tyme I came in hath not ceassed to kysse my feete My head with oyle thou didst not anoint but she hath anointed my feete with ointment Wherfore I say vnto thee many sinnes are forgiuē her for she loued much To whome lesse is forgeuē the same doeth lesse loue And he said vnto her thy sinnes are forgeuē thee And they that sate at meate with him began to say within themselues Who is this which forgeueth sinnes also And he sayd to the woman Thy fayth hath saued thee go in peace ¶ Sainct Iames the Apostle O Prayse the Lorde of heauen prayse him in the height Prayse him all ye angels of his prayse him all his hoste Praise him Sunne and Moone praise ye him all ye starres and lyght Prayse him all ye heauens and ye waters that be aboue the heauens Let them prayse the name of the Lorde for he spake the woorde and they were made he commaunded and they were created He hath made them fast for euer and euer he hath geuen them a lawe whiche shall not be broken Prayse the lord vpō the earth ye dragons and al depes Fyre and hayle snowe and vapours wynd and storme fulfillyng hys worde Montaynes and all hilles fruitful trees and al Ceders Beastes and all cattell wormes and fethered foules Kinges of the earth and all people princes and all the Iudges of the worlde Youngmen and maydens olde men and children prayse the name of the lorde for his name onely is excellente and his prayse aboue heauen and earth He shal exalt the horne of his people al his sainctes shal prayse him euen the children of Israel euen the people that serueth him Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. GRaunt O merciful God that as thyne holye Apostle Iames leauing his father and al that he had without delay was obediente vnto the calling of thy sonne Iesus Christ and folowed him So we forsaking al worldly and carnal affeccions may be euermore ready to folow thy cōmaundementes through Iesus Christ our Lorde The Epistle IN those dayes came prophetes from the citie of Ierusalem vnto Antioche And there stode vp one of them named Agabus and signified by the spirite that there shoulde bee greate derthe throughout al the worlde which came to passe in the Emperour Claudius dayes Then the disciples euery man according to his habilitie purposed to sende succour vnto the brethren whiche dwelt in Iewry whiche thing they also did and sent it to the elders by the handes of Barnabas and Saul At the same time Herod the kinge stretched furthe his handes to vexe certaine of the congregaciō And he killed Iames the brother of Iohn with the sweord And because he sawe that it pleased the Iewes he proceded farther and toke Peter also The Gospell THen came to hym the mother of zebedes children with her sonnes wurshipping him and desiring a certayne thing of him And he saied vnto her what wilt thou She said vnto him Graunt that these my two sonnes may sit the one on thy right hand the other on thy left in thy kyngdome But Iesus answered and sayd ye wot not what ye aske Are ye able to drinke of the cup that I shall drinke of and to be baptised with the baptisme that I am baptised with They sayd vnto him we are He sayd vnto them ye shal drinke in dede of my cup be baptized with the baptisme that I am baptised with but to sit on my right hāde and on my lefte is not myne to geue but it shall chaunce vnto thē that it is prepared for of my father And when the ten heard this they dysdayned at the two brethren But Iesus called them vnto him said ye knowe that the princes of the nacions haue dominion ouer thē and they that are greate men exercise authoritie vpon them It shall not be so among you But whosoeuer wil be great among you let him be your minister whosoeuer will be chiefe among you lette him be your seruaunt Euen as the sonne of man came not to be ministred vnto but to ministre and to geue his lyfe a redempcion for many Sainct Bartholomewe NOt vnto vs O Lord not vnto vs but vnto thy name geue the praise for thy louing mercy and for thy truethes sake Wherfore shall the heathen say where
before This is the testament that I will make vnto them After those daies sayeth the Lord I will put my lawes in theyr heartes and in their myndes will I write them their synnes and iniquities will I remembre nomore And where remission of these thynges is there is nomore offeryng for sinne Seeyng therefore brethren that by the meanes of the bloud of Iesu we haue libertie to enter into the holye place by the newe and liuyng waie whiche he hath prepared for vs through the vayle that is to say by his fleshe And seing also that we haue an hye priest whiche is ruler ouer the house of God let vs drawe nye with a true hearte in a sure fayth sprinkeled in our heartes from an euil conscience and washed in our bodyes with pure water Let vs kepe the profession of our hope without waueringe for he is faythfull that promised and let vs considre one another to the intent that we may prouoke vnto loue and to good workes not forsakyng the felowshipe that we haue among our selues as the maner of some is but let vs exhorte one another and that so muche the more because ye see that the daye draweth nye The Gospell WHen Iesus had spoken these wordes he wēt furthe with his disciples ouer the broke Cedron where was a garden into the whiche he entred with his disciples Iudas also which betrayed him knewe the place for Iesus oft times resorted thither with his disciples Iudas then after he had receyued a bende of men and ministers of the hye priestes Phariseis came thyther with Lanterns and fyerbrādes and weapons And Iesus knowinge all thinges that should come on him wēt furth and saied vnto them whom seke ye They answered him Iesus of Nazareth Iesus sayeth vnto them I am he Iudas also which betraied him stode with thē Assone then as he had saied vnto them I am he they went backewarde fell to the grounde Then asked he them agayne whom seke ye They sayed Iesus of Nazareth Iesus answered I haue tolde you that I am he If ye seke me therfore let these goe theyr waye that the saying might be fulfilled whiche he spake Of thē which thou gauest me haue I not lost one Then Simon Peter hauing a sworde drew it and smote the hye priestes seruaunt and cut of his right eare The seruauntes name was Malchus Therfore sayeth Iesus vnto Peter put vp thy sweord into the sheath shall I not drinke of the cuppe which my father hathe geuen me Then the companye and the captayne and the ministers of the Iewes tooke Iesus and bound hym and led hym awaie to Anna firste for he was father in lawe to Cayphas whiche was the hye prieste thesame yere Cayphas was he that gaue counsell to the Iewes that it was expediente that one man shoulde dye for the people And Simon Peter folowed Iesus and so dyd an other disciple that disciple was knowen to the hye priest and wente in with Iesus into the palace of the hye prieste But Peter stode at the doore without Then wente out that other disciple whiche was knowen to the hye prieste and spake to the damosell that kept the doore and brought in Peter Then sayde the damosell that kept the doore vnto Peter Art not thou also one of this mannes disciples he sayd I am not The seruauntes and ministers stode there which had made a fyre of coales for it was colde and they warmed themselues Peter also stode among them warmed himselfe The hye priest then asked Iesus of his disciples and of his doctrine Iesus aunswered him I spake openly in the worlde I euer taught in the Synagoge and in the tēple whither all the Iewes haue resorted and in secrete haue I sayed nothing Why askest thou me Aske thē which heard me what I sayd vnto them Beholde they cā tell what I sayde When he had thus spoken one of the ministers which stode by smote Iesus on the face saying Aunswerest thou the hye priest so Iesus aunswered hym If I haue euil spoken beare witnesse of the euill But if I haue well spoken why smitest thou me And Annas sente hym bounde vnto Cayphas the hye priest Symon Peter stode and warmed himself Then sayd they vnto him Art not thou also one of his disciples He denyed it sayde I am not One of the seruaūtes of the hye priestes his cosin whose eare Peter smote of sayed vnto him did not I see thee in the garden with him Peter therfore denied again and immediatly the Cocke crewe Then ledde they Iesus from Cayphas into the hall of iudgemente It was in the morninge they themselfes wente not into the iudgemente hall leste they shoulde be defiled but that they myghte eate the Passeouer Pilate then went out to them sayd what accusacion bringe you againste this man They answered and sayd vnto hym If he were not an euil doer we would not haue deliuered him vnto thee Then sayd Pylate vnto them take ye him and iudge him after your owne lawe The Iewes therfore sayed vnto him It is not lawfull for vs to put any manne to deathe that the woordes of Iesus myght be fulfilled which he spake signifying what death he shoulde dye Then Pylate entred into the iudgemente hall againe called Iesus and sayed vnto him Art thou the king of the Iewes Iesus answered sayeste thou that of thy selfe or did other tel it thee of me Pylate answered am I a Iewe Thine owne nacion hye priestes haue deliuered thee vnto me what hast thou done Iesus answered my kyngdome is not of this worlde yf my kyngdome were of this worlde then would my ministers surely fight that I shoulde not be deliuered to the Iewes but nowe is my kingdome not from hence Pylate therefore sayed vnto him Art thou a kynge then Iesus answered thou saiest that I am a king For this cause was I borne for this cause came I into the world that I should beare witnes vnto the trueth And all that are of the truethe heare my voyce Pylate sayde vnto hym what thyng is truethe And when he had sayd this he wente out againe vnto the Iewes sayeth vnto them I finde in him no cause at all Ye haue a custome that I shoulde deliuer you one loce at Easter wil ye that I loce vnto you the king of the Iewes Thē cried they al again saying Not him but Barrabas thesame Barrabas was a murtherer Then Pilate toke Iesus therfore scourged him And the souldiers wounde a croune of thornes put it on his head And they dyd on him a purple garmente came vnto him and sayed hayle king of the Iewes and they smote him on the face Pylate went furth againe and sayd vnto them beholde I brynge him furth to you that ye may know that I finde no faulte in him Thē came Iesus furth wearing a croūe of thorne and a robe of purple And he sayth vnto them beholde the man When the hye
the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is nowe c. The Collect. LOrde from whom all good thinges do come graunt vs thy humble seruauntes that by thy holy inspiracion we may thinke those thinges that be good and by thy mercifull guyding may perfourme thesame thorowe our Lord Iesus Christe The Epistle SE that ye bee doers of the worde and not hearers only deceyuing your owne selfes For yf any man heare the worde and declareth not thesame by his workes he is lyke vnto a man beholdyng his bodely face in a glasse For assone as he hath looked on himselfe he goeth his waye and forgetteth immediatly what his fashion was But whoso looketh in the perfecte lawe of libertie and continueth therin if he be not a forgetfull hearer but a doer of the worke thesame shal be happy in his dede If any man emong you seme to be deuout and refraineth not his tonge but deceiueth his owne hearte this mannes deuocion is in vaine Pure deuocion and vndefiled before God the father is this to viset the fatherles and widowes in their aduersitie and to kepe hymselfe vnspotted of the worlde The Gospell VErely verely I saye vnto you whatsoeuer ye shall aske the father in my name he wyll geue it you Hitherto haue ye asked nothyng in my name Aske and ye shall receyue that youre ioy may be full These thinges haue I spoken vnto you by prouerbes The tyme will come when I shall no more speake vnto you by prouerbes but I shall shewe you plainly from my father At that daye shall ye aske in my name And I saye not vnto you that I wil speake vnto my father for you For the father himselfe loueth you because ye haue loued me and haue beleued that I came out from God I went out from the father and came into the world Againe I leaue the worlde and go to the father His disciples sayed vnto him Loe nowe talkest thou plainly and speakest no Prouerbe Nowe are we sure that thou knowest all thinges and nedest not that any manne should aske thee any questiō therfore beleue we that thou camest from God Iesus aunswered them nowe ye doe beleue Beholde the houre draweth nye and is already come that ye shal be scattered euery manne to his owne and shal leaue me alone And yet am I not alone for the father is with me These woordes haue I spoken vnto you that in me ye might haue peace for in the worlde shall ye haue tribulacion but be of good chere I haue ouercome the worlde ¶ The Ascencion daye ¶ Proper Psalmes and Lessons At Mattyns Psalm viii The second Lesson Iohn .xiiii. vnto the ende Psalm xv The second Lesson Iohn .xiiii. vnto the ende Psalm xxi The second Lesson Iohn .xiiii. vnto the ende ¶ At the Communion O Clap your handes together all ye people O sing vnto God with the voice of melody For the Lorde is hye and to be feared He is the great king vpon all the earth He shall subdue the people vnder vs And the nacions vnder our fete He shall chose out an heritage for vs euen the worship of Iacob whom he loued God is gone vp with a mery noyse And the Lorde with the sounde of the trompe O syng prayses syng prayses vnto oure God O syng prayses syng prayses vnto our kyng For God is the king of all the earth syng ye prayses with vnderstanding God reigneth ouer the heathen God sitteth vpon hys holy seate The princes of the people are ioyned to the people of the God of Abraham for God whiche is very hye exalted doeth defende the earth as it were with a shylde Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer c. The Collect. GRaunt we beseche thee almightie God that lyke as we doe beleue thy onely begotten sonne our Lorde to haue ascended into the heauens so we maye also in hearte and minde thither ascende and with him continually dwell The Epistle IN the former treatise deare Theophilus we haue spoken of all that Iesus began to doe and teache vntil the day in which he was taken vp after that he through the holy goste had geuen commaundementes vnto the Apostles whome he had chosen to whome also he shewed himselfe aliue after his passion and that by many tokens appearyng vnto them .xl. dayes and speakyng of the kingdom of God and gathered them together and commaunded them that they should not departe from Ierusalem but to wayte for the promes of the father wherof sayeth he ye haue heard of me For Iohn truely baptised with water but ye shal be baptised with the holy gost after these fewe dayes When they therfore were come together they asked of him saying lord wilt thou at this time restore againe the kingdom to Israel And he sayde vnto thē it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father hath put in his owne power But ye shall receiue power after that the holy gost is come vpon you And ye shal bee witnesses vnto me not onely in Ierusalem but also in al Iewry and in Samaria euen vnto the worldes ende And when he had spoken these thinges while they beheld he was taken vp on hye and a cloude receyued him vp out of their syght And while they looked stedfastly vp toward heauen as he wente beholde two men stoode by them in white apparell whiche also sayed ye men of Galile why stande ye gasing vp into heauen This same Iesus whiche is taken vp from you into heauen shall so come euen as ye haue seen him goe into heauen The Gospell IEsus appered vnto the eleuen as they sate at meate cast in their teth their vnbelefe hardnes of heart because they beleued not them which had sene that he was risen again from the dead he sayd vnto them go ye into all the world preache the gospel to all creatures he that beleueth is baptised shall be saued But he that beleueth not shal be damned And these tokens shall folowe them that beleue In my name they shall cast out deuils they shall speake with newe tonges they shall dryue away serpentes And if they drinke any deadly thing it shall not hurte them They shall laye their handes on the sicke and they shall recouer So then when the Lord had spoken vnto thē he was receiued into heauen and is on the right hande of God And they wente furth and preached euery where The Lord working with them and confirming the worde with miracles folowing ¶ Proper Psalmes and lessons at Euensong Psalm xxiiii The seconde lesson Ephe. iiii vnto the ende Psalm lxviii The seconde lesson Ephe. iiii vnto the ende Psalm cxlviii The seconde lesson Ephe. iiii vnto the ende ¶ The Sondaye after the Ascencion THe Lord is king and hath put on gloryous apparell the Lord hath put on his apparel and girded himselfe with
the wildernes to satysfye these And he asked them how many loaues haue ye They sayde seuen And he cōmaunded the people to sit downe on the ground And he tooke the seuen loaues And when he had geuen thankes he brake and gaue to hys disciples to sette before them And they did set thē before the people And they had a fewe small fishes And when he had blessed he commaunded them also to be set before them And they dyd eate and were suffysed And they tooke vp of the broken meate that was left seuen baskettes full And they that did eate were about foure thousande And he sent them awaye The eyght Sonday after Trinitie Sonday ¶ At the Communion THou arte my porcyon O Lorde I haue promised to kepe thy lawe I made mine humble peticion in thy presence with my whole heart O be mercifull vnto me accordyng vnto thy woorde I cal mine owne waies to remembraunce and turne my feete into thy testimonies I made haste and prolonged not the tyme to keepe thy commaundementes The congregacions of the vngodly haue robbed me but I haue not forgotten thy lawe At midnight will I ryse to geue thankes vnto thee because of thy righteous iudgementes I am a companyon of all them that feare thee and kepe thy commaundementes The earth O Lorde is full of thy mercie O teache me thy statutes Glory be to the father and to the sonne to the holy gost As it was in the begynnyng is nowe and euer shal be world without ende Amen The Collect. GOd whose prouidēce is neuer deceiued we humbly beseche thee that thou wilt put away from vs all hurtful thinges and geue those thinges which be profitable for vs Through Iesus Christ our Lorde The Epistle BRethren we are debters not to the fleshe to liue after the flesh For if ye liue after y e flesh ye shal dye But if ye through the spirite doe mortifye the deedes of the body ye shall liue For as many as are led by the spirite of god they are the sonnes of God For ye haue not receyued the spirite of bondage to feare any more but ye haue receyued the spirite of adopcion wherby we crie Abba father The same spirite certifieth our spirite that we are the sonnes of God If we be sonnes then are we also heires the heires I meane of god heyres annexed with Christ if so be that we suffre with hym that we may bee also glorifyed together with hym The Gospel BEware of false Prophetes whiche come to you in shepes clothing but inwardly they are rauening wolues Ye shal know thē by theyr fruites Do men gather Grapes of thornes Or Figges of Thystles Euen so euerye good tree bryngeth furth good fruites But a corrupte tree bringeth furth euill fruites A good tree can not bryng furth bad fruites neyther can a bad tree bryng furth good fruites Euerye tree that bryngeth not furth good fruite is hewen downe and caste into the fyer Wherefore by theyr fruites ye shall knowe them Not euery one that sayeth vnto me Lorde Lord shall entre into the kyngdome of heauen but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heauen he shall entre into the kingdome of heauen ¶ The .ix. Sonday O Lord thou hast delt graciously with thy seruaunt according vnto thy woorde O learne me true vnderstandyng and knoweledge for I haue beleued thy commaundementes Before I was troubled I went wrong but nowe I haue kept thy woorde Thou art good and gracious O teache me thy statutes The proude haue imagined a lye agaynst me but I wil kepe thy commaundementes with my whole heart Theyr hearte is as fatte as braune but my delyte hath bene in thy lawe It is good for me that I haue beene in trouble That I may learne thy statutes The lawe of thy mouthe is dearer vnto me then thousandes of golde and siluer Glory be to the father to the sonne and to the holy gost As it was in the begynnyng is nowe and euer shal be world without ende Amen The Collect. GRaunt to vs lord we beseche thee the spirite to thinke and dooe alwayes suche thynges as bee ryghtfull that we whiche cannot be without thee may by thee be hable to lyue accordyng to thy will Through Iesus Christe oure Lorde The Epistle BRethren I would not that ye should be ignoraunt how that our fathers were all vnder the cloude all passed through the sea and were al baptised vnder Moses in the cloude in the sea and did all eate of one spirituall meate dyd all drynke of one spirituall drynke And they dranke of the spirituall rocke that folowed them whiche Rocke was Christ But in many of them had God no delight For they were ouerthrowen in the wildernesse These are ensaumples to vs that we should not lust after euil thinges as they lusted And that ye should not be worshippers of ymages as were some of them accordyng as it is written The people sate downe to eate and drynke and rose vp to playe Neyther let vs bee defyled with fornycacion as some of them were defyled with fornicacion and fel in one daye three and twentie thousande Neyther lette vs tempt Christ as some of them tempted and were destroyed of serpentes Neyther murmure ye as some of them murmured were destroyed of the destroyer All these thynges happened vnto them for ensaumples But are written to put vs in remembraunce whome the endes of the worlde are come vpon Wherefore lette hym that thynketh he standeth take hede lest he fall There hath none other temptacion taken you but suche as foloweth the nature of man But God is faythfull whiche shall not suffer you to bee tempted aboue your strength but shal in the middes of the temptacion make a way that ye may be hable to beare it The Gospell IEsus sayde vnto hys disciples There was a certayne ryche manne whiche had a Stewarde and the same was accused vnto hym that he hadde wasted hys goodes And he called hym and sayde vnto hym howe is it that I heare thys of thee Geue accomptes of thy Stewardship for thou mayst be no longer Stewarde The Stewarde sayde within hymselfe what shall I doe For my maister taketh away from me the Stewardship I can not digge and to begge I am ashamed I wote what to do that when I am put out of the Stewardship they may receiue me into theyr houses So when he had called all his Masters debters together he sayed vnto the first how much owest thost vnto my Master And he sayed an hundred tunnes of oyle And he sayde vnto him take thy Bill and sitte downe quickely and wryte fiftie Then sayde he to an other howe muche owest thou And he sayde an hundred quarters of wheate He sayde vnto him take thy bil and write foure skore And the Lorde commended the vniuste Stewarde because he had done wisely For the children of this world are in their nacion wiser then the
heart I haue applyed my heart to fulfill thy statutes alwaye euen vnto the ende Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. ALmightie and euerlastyng God geue vnto vs the increase of fayth hope and charitie and that we maye obteyne that whiche thou doeste promyse make vs to loue that whiche thou doest commaunde through Iesus Christ our Lorde The Epistle I Say walke in the spirite and fulfill not the luste of the fleshe For the fleshe lusteth contrarye to the spirite and the spirite contrarye to the fleshe these are contrary one to the other so that ye cannot doe whatsoeuer ye woulde But and yf ye be led of the spirite then are ye not vnder the lawe The dedes of the fleshe are manifest whiche are these adultry fornicacion vnclennes wantonnesse wurshippyng of images witchcraft hatred variaūce zele wrath strife sedicyons sectes enuying murder dronkennes gluttony and suche lyke of the whiche I tell you before as I haue tolde you in tymes past that they whiche commyt suche thynges shall not bee inheritors of the kingdome of God Contrarilye the fruite of the spirite is loue ioy peace long suffering gentlenes goodnes faithfulnes mekenes temperaunce Agaynste suche there is no lawe They truelye that are Christes haue crucifyed the fleshe with the affeccions and lustes The Gospell ANd it chaunsed as Iesus wente to Ierusalem that he passed throughe Samaria and Galile And as he entred into a certayne towne there met hym .x. men that were lepers Whiche stode a farre of and put furth their voyces and sayde Iesu Maister haue mercye vpon vs. When he sawe them he sayed vnto them goe shewe your selues vnto the Priestes And it came to passe that as they wente they were clensed And one of them when he sawe that he was clensed turned backe agayn with a loude voyce praised God and fel downe on his face at his feete gaue him thankes And the same was a Samaritane And Iesus aunswered and sayde Are there not .x. clensed but where are those ix There are not found that returned agayne to geue God prayse saue onely thys straungier And he sayd vnto hym aryse goe thy way thy fayth hath made thee whole The .xv. Sonday I Hate them that imagine euill thynges but thy lawe doe I loue Thou arte my defence and shylde and my trust is in thy woorde Away frome ye wicked I will kepe the commaundementes of my God O stablyshe me accordyng vnto thy woorde that I may liue and let me not be disapoynted of my hope Holde thou me vp and I shal be safe yea my delyte shall euer be in thy statutes Thou hast troden downe all them that depart from thy statutes for they imagine but deceipte Thou puttest awaye all the vngodly of the earthe lyke drosse therfore I loue thy testimonies My fleshe trembleth for feare of thee and I am afrayde of thy iudgementes Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. KEpe we beseche thee O Lorde thy Churche with thy perpetuall mercye and because the frayltie of man withoute thee can not but fall Kepe vs euer by thy helpe and leade vs to all thynges profitable to our saluacion through Iesus Christ our Lorde The Epistle YE see howe large a letter I haue written vnto you with myne owne hande As many as desyre with outwarde appearaunce to please carnally the same constraine you to be circūcised onely lest they should suffer persecuciō for the crosse of Christ For they thēselues which are circūcised kepe not the lawe but desyre to haue you circumcised that they might reioice in your fleshe God forbid that I should reioice but in y e crosse of our lord Iesu Christ wherby the world is crucified vnto me I vnto the world For in Christ Iesu neither circumcision auaileth any thing at all nor vncircumcisyon but a newe creature And as many as walke according vnto this rule peace be on them and mercye and vpon Israell that pertaynethe to God From hencefurth lette no manne put me to busines for I beare in my body the markes of the Lorde Iesu Brethren the grace of our Lorde Iesu Christe be with your spirite Amen The Gospell NO man can serue two Maisters for eyther he shall hate the one and loue the other or elles leane to the one and despise the other ye can not serue God and Mammō Therfore I say vnto you be not careful for your life what ye shal eate or drinke nor yet for your body what raimēt ye shal put on Is not the life more worth thē meat the body more of value then raiment Behold the foules of the ayre for they sow not neyther doe they reape nor cary into the barnes and your heauenly father feedeth them Are ye not muche better then they Whiche of you by taking carefull thoughte can adde one cubite vnto hys stature And why care ye for rayment Consider the Lilies of the fielde howe they growe They labour not neyther doe they spinne And yet I saye vnto you that euen Salomon in all his royaltie was not clothed lyke one of these Wherefore if God so clothe the grasse of the fielde whiche though it stande to day is to morow cast into the fornace shall he not muche more doe the same for you O ye of lytle fayth Therefore take no thoughte saying what shall we eate or what shall we drynke or wherwith shall we be clothed after al these thinges doe the gentiles seeke For your heauenlye father knoweth that ye haue nede of all these thinges But rather seeke ye firste the kyngdome of God and the righteousnes thereof and all these thynges shal be ministred vnto you Care not then for the morowe for the morowe day shall care for it selfe sufficiente vnto the daye is the trauail therof The .xvi. Sonday after Trinitie Sonday ¶ At the Communion I Deale with the thing that is lawful and right O geue me not ouer vnto myne oppressours Make thou thy seruaunte to delyte in that which is good that the proud do me no wrong Myne iyes are wasted awaye with lookyng for thy health and for the woorde of thy righteousnes O deale with thy seruaunte accordyng vnto thy louyng mercy and teache me thy statutes I am thy seruaunte O graunte me vnderstandyng that I may knowe thy testimonies It is tyme for thee Lorde to lay to thyne hande for they haue destroyed thy lawe For I loue thy commaundementes aboue golde and precious stone Therfore holde I straighte all thy commaundementes and all false wayes I vtterly abhorre Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. LOrde we beseche thee let thy continuall pitie clense and defende thy congregacyon and because it can not continue in safetie withoute thy succoure preserue it euermore by thy helpe and goodnes through Iesus