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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69499 Devotions in the ancient way of offices with psalms, hymns, and prayers for every day in the week and every holiday in the year. Birchley, William, 1613-1669. 1668 (1668) Wing A4248A; ESTC R8861 220,254 576

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lov'd thy Name and now we grieve that we lov'd no more Quench not O God of mercy the smoking flax nor break the bruised reed Pardon the sins of the days of our folly and supply the failings of the days of our repentance O were we now again on earth and had the benefit but of one months space How would we spend every minute in penance to purge away thorowly every least impurity How gladly would we take any cross or sicknes that might wholsomly imbitter the world to our tast How after this experience would we hartily strive * at any rate to escape these pains But we unhappy we have slipt our time * which our gacious God so long indulg'd us Now we are left to our sighs and tears and the incertain charity of those few that remember us At least O! you our friends send up your prayers * to hasten the day of our glad deliverance At least look well to provide for your selvs that you come not hither to this place of sufferings Sufferings which may your Souls ne're know yet may they ne're know worse then these These are indeed extremely afflictive but infinitely less than eternal torments We hope in time to rejoyce again we are sure at last our God will deliver us But O! how long delays our Lord to come why are the wheels of his chariot so slow Hast thou not said O God of truth that for thy Elect those days shal be shortned Hast thou not said O Lord of glory behold I come quickly and my reward is with me Come glorious JESU with all thy holy Angels * and the bright attendance of rejoycing Saints Come and redeem the captivity of thy children and lead them away as trophys of thy victory Thus dearest Lord will we cry continually to thee and never leave weeping at the gates of thy Palace Til thou art pleased to open those everlasting dores * and graciously say to our languishing souls Behold I am come to pardon and refresh you your sighs and tears have provok't my pity Behold I am come to cal you to my self * and give you possession of the inheritance I promis'd Come come you Blessed of my Father receive the Kingdom prepared for you 'T is enough that my servants have wept thus long come enter now into your Masters joy Give them eternal rest O merciful Lord and may thy glorious light shine upon them for ever Antiph Happy they who are pray'd for by others but far more happy they who pray for themselvs Antiph Gracious art thou O God in all thy promises and bounteously faithful in all thy performances Psal CXXXVI COmfort your selvs O you heirs of hope and be not cast down at your present distres If he defer a while expect * for he surely wil come and bring you relief He justly stays to punish your neglect when he often cal'd and you would not come to him He mercifully stays til your souls be refin'd and able to bear the splendor of his presence Then wil his glorious light immediately appear and open to your view that blysful prospect Then wil he graciously unveil himself and your eys shal see him face to face Then wil the eternal Deity shine brightly on you and ravish your harts with everlasting Extasys All your great hopes shal be fully satisfy'd and your long expectation abundantly rewarded You shal remember your afflictions with pleasure when you see they alone were your way to felicity Even this very delay shal increase your joys and every thing conspire to crown you with happines Meanwhile our task shal be to pray for your peace and joyn our humble voice to your strong crys That both our vows thus charitably united * may obtain for Both the pardon of our sins But we alas are dust and ashes and you your selvs as yet imperfect O pray for us you holy Saints whose well-prepar'd affections went strait to heaven Pray for us you Quires of Angels who assist continually at the throne of glory Pray for us bright Queen of heavenly Spirits * and blessed Mother of the Son of God! Pray for the faithful detain'd in sorrow that the days of their banishment be no more prolong'd Pray for us siners yet Pilgrims in the way that our souls may arrive at their true home Pray that we Both may stil look up to your glorys and wish and long for that happy state Pray that in all our eagerest desires we may stil submit to the orders of heaven Stil frame our songs of hope and patience and stil clo●●e all with these precious words Thy Kingdome come O glorious Lord and yet O Lord thy wil be done Give them eternal rest O merciful Lord and may thy glorious light shine upon them for ever Antiph Gracious art Thou O God in all thy promises and bounteously faithful in all thy performances Antiph I heard a voice from heav'n saying to me Write Blessed are the dead who dy in our Lord from henceforth now saith the Spirit that they rest from their labours for their works follow them Magnificat as page 44. Antiph I heard a voice c. Then kneeling say Our Father and De profundis as follows From the depths O Lord have I cry'd to thee O Lord hear my voice Let thy ears become attentive to the words of my petition If thou shalt mark our iniquitys O Lord O Lord who can sustain it But with Thee there is propitiation and for thy Law I have expected thee O Lord My soul has expected in his word my soul has hoped in our Lord From the morning watch even until night let Israel hope in our Lord For with our Lord is mercy and with Him is plenteous redemption And He shal redeem Israel from all its iniquitys Give them eternal rest O merciful Lord and may thy glorious light shine upon them for ever V. Have mercy on them O Lord have mercy on them R. For their souls confide in Thee V. And in the shadow of thy wings shal they hope R. Til their iniquitys pass away V. Have mercy on them O Lord and bless them R. Shew them the light of thy countenance and be merciful to them V. Turn not thy face away from them R. Lest they become like those who descend into the lake V. Keep thou their souls O Lord for they are holy R. Save thy servants who put their trust in thee V. They shal praise thee O Lord with their whole harts R. And glorify thy Name for ever V. For thy mercy already has been great towards them R. Thou hast deliver'd them from the lowermost hell V. Yet hast thou set them in obscure places R. As the Dead of the world V. Thy arrows are stuck deep in them R. And thou hast fastened thy hand upon them V. Their iniquitys are gone over their heads R. And keep them down as a heavy burthen V. But thou O Lord art their strong sustainer R Their glory and the lifter up of their
followers strive to be rich and esteem'd Thy charitable labours were maliciously slander'd and shall not our faults have the patience to be reprov'd Thou disdain'dst not to be cal'd in scorn the Carpenters son and cannot our lownes bear a litle disparagement O how unlike are we to that blest Original * who descended from heav'n to become our pattern How do we go astray from that sacred path * which the holy JESUS trac'd with his own steps Pity O dear Redeemer the infirmitys of thy children and strengthen with thy grace our fainting harts Arm us O glorious Conqueror of sin and death against all the fears and terrors of this world Arm all our powers with those celestial vertues of Faith and Hope and invincible Love That we may still go on and resolutely meet * whatever stands in our way to heav'n Since we must suffer as Christians and deserve it as sinners * Lord let us bear it as becomes thy servants Glory be c. Antiph He humbled himself for us and became obedient to death even the death of the Cross Antiph Unworthy are we O Lord of the least of thy favours and ingrateful for all Psal LXIX MY God when I consider what thou hast suffer'd for us and what we have done against our ●●elvs I am amaz'd at the wonders of thy goodnes and confounded at the vilenes of our misery Our sins were the cause of thy cruel death yet still we permit them to live in us We entertain the worst of thine enemys and treacherously lodg them in our own bosoms Prefering a petty interest before thy heav'n a transitory pleasure before eternal felicity Many we confess are the follys of our life and our consciences tremble at their own great guilt Many are the times thou hast graciously pardon'd us and still we relapse and abuse thy clemency The memory of our transgressions is bitter to us and the thought of our ingratitude extreamly afflicts us But is there O my JESU any stain so foul * which thy precious Blood cannot wash away Is there any heap of sins so vast * to exceed the number of infinite mercys O no Thou canst forgive more then we can offend but Thou wilt not forgive unless we fear to offend Unless we seek to Thee for peace and reconcilement and humble our selvs in thy holy presence Wherefore behold O Lord we fall down at thy crucified Feet and there ask pardon for our perverse affections Reverently we kiss thy pierced Hands and implore forgivenes of our wicked actions Humbly we salute thy bleeding Side and supplicate thy grace to purify our intentions All we can offer thy offended Majesty * to pacify the justice of thy wrath Is only an humble ey bath'd in tears and a penitent hart broken with contrition Only a firm Resolve to change our lives and even all this we must beg of Thee O Thou our gracious and indulgent Lord who freely pardon'st all that truly repent Who giv'st repentance to all that ask and invit'st all to ask by promising to give Make us look seriously into our own brests and hartily lament our many failings Make us search diligently for our bosom-sins and strive to cast them out with prayer and fasting Open thou O Lord our lips to accuse our crimes that we blush not to confess what we fear'd not to do Correct our past sins with the works of pennance that the stains they leave may be quite ta'ne away Preserve us herafter with thy powerful grace that no temptation surprize or overcome us Extend thy mercy O Lord over all our works since Thy self has declar'd 't is above all thine own Glory be c. Antiph Unworthy are we O Lord of the least of thy favors and ingrateful for all Our Father c. First Lesson ATtend to me O my People hear me O my Nation for a Law shall proceed from Me and my judgment shall rest to be a light of the world I gave my back to the scourgers and my cheeks to those who pluckt off the hair I turn'd not away my face from them that rebuk't me and spit upon me I have trodden the winepress alone and of the Gentiles there was not a man with me I lookt about and there was no helper I sought and there was none to aid All that saw the laught me to scorn they shot out their lips and shook their heads he hop't in the Lord let him deliver him because he delights in him let him save him I was as one that is deaf and heard not and as a dumb man that opens not his mouth They who sought evil against me spake vanitys and meditated deceits all the day long They open'd their mouths upon me as a lyon ravening and roaring many dogs incompast me the councel of the malignant besieg'd me They pierc'd my hands and my feet they numbre'd all my bones they divided my garments and for my vesture they cast lots They gave me gall to eat and in my thirst vineger to drink I am poured out as water and all my bones are disjoynted my hart is made like wax melting in the mid'st of my bowels my strength is dry'd up like a potsheard and my tongue cleav'd to my mouth Thou hast brought me down to the dust of death R. All this O Blessed JESU thou taught'st thy holy Prophets to prepare the world for thy coming all this and infinitely more Thou verify'dst in thine own Person with pains and sorrows and reproaches able to make even patience it self break forth into this sad complaint * O all you that pass by the way behold and see if there be grief like to my grief I was betray'd and bound and led away captive I was revil'd and buffeted and scornfully spit on I was stript and scourg'd and condemn'd to a cruel death I was crown'd with thorns and pierc't with nails and crucify'd among theeves * O all Second Lesson NOw therefore saith our Lord Turn to me with all your hart in fasting and weeping and mourning Rend your harts and not your garments and be converted to the Lord your God for he is benign and merciful patient and of much compassion and ready to pardon your offences who knows if he will return and forgive and leave behind him a blessing Seek our Lord while he may be found call on him while he is nigh Behold the hand of the Lord is not shortned that he cannot save nor his ear heavy that it cannot hear but your iniquities have divided between you and your God and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear Let the impious forsake his way and the wicked man his thoughts and return to our Lord and he will have mercy on him and to our God for he is bountiful in pardoning Wash you be clean take away the evil of your thoughts from mine eys cease to do perversly learn to do good seek judgment relieve the oppressed judg for the fatherless defend the widow Come
* and are opprest under the weight of your sins Come to me you that hunger after heav'n * and thirst to drink at the fountain of blyss Come to me and I will refresh you * with the wine of gladnes and the bread of life Come you that are weak that you may grow strong and you that are strong lest you become weak Come you that have leisure and here entertain your time come you that are busy and here learn to sanctify your imployment Come all and gather freely of this celestial Manna and fill your souls with the food of Angels Glory be c. Psal LVIII THus does our gracious Lord invite and shall we go shall sinners dare to sit down at his table Thus He invites and shall we not go shall wretches presume to refuse his Call Rise then my soul and take thy swiftest wings and fly to the presence of this great Mystery Soon as thou com'st bow low thy head and humbly adore our hidden God Our God who is come thus far to meet us and brings along with him a whole heav'n to entertain us Arise and leave the world behind thee and run with gladnes to salute thy Lord Enter the Palace of that admirable Tabernacle the house of his own most glorious Residence There we shall see the Eternal Word * that descended from heav'n to become man for us We shall see him still more wonderfully abridg'd * into a lesser space and lower shape There we shall see the Lord of glory * vested with the familiar forms of bread and wine There we shall see the Prince of Peace * sacrifice himself to reconcile us with his Father There we shall see O stupendious mercy the Son of God stoop even to the mouths of men Can we O dear Redeemer believe these Wonders and not be ravisht with admiration of thy love Can we acknowledg thy supream Veracity and not believe were they possible stil greater wonders What though our eys say ther 's nothing but bread our faith assures us there 's nothing but our Saviour Shall not the almighty Power that made our senses * exceed the operation of his own creatures Shall we refuse to believe our God because his mercys transcend our capacitys No no 't is thy very self we see O Blessed JESU 't is thine own light by which we see Thee None but an infinite Wisdom could ever have invented * so strange and high and prodigious a mystery None but a more then infinite Goodnes would ever have imparted * so dear and tender and rich a blessing Glory be c. Psal LIX LOrd who are we unworthy sinners that thus thou regardest our wretched dust What is all the world compar'd to Thee that thus thou seem'st to disregard thy self 'T is for our sakes and to draw us to thy love that thou personally vouchsafest to dwell among us 'T is for our sakes and to spare the infirmity of our nature that thy brightnes appears not in its proper luster Blessed O JESU are the eys that see thee in this kind disguise and the mouth that reverently receives Thee Blessed yet more is the hart that desires thy coming and longs to see thee in thy beauteous self O Thou eternal Lord of grace and glory * our joy and portion in the land of the Living What hast thou there prepar'd for thy servants who bestowest such pledges of thy bounty here What dost Thou there reserve in thine own Kingdom who giv'st us Thy self in this place of banishment How will thy open vision transport our souls when our dark faith yields such delight Nothing on earth so sweet as to kneel whole hours before thee and one by one consider thy innumerable mercys VVhat must it be in heaven to shine continually before Thee and all in one contemplate thy u●●speakable glorys O my ador'd Redeemer when will that happy day appear that mine eys may behold thee without a veil When will these clouds and shadows pass away that thy beams may shine on me in their full brightnes Object not against me dearest Lord that none can see thy face and live Those fears thy love has chang'd and all my hope * is now to live by seeing thee Say not O thou mild and gracious Majesty if I approach thy presence I must dy Rather instruct me so to dy that I may live for ever in thy presence Glory be c. Antiph How great is the multitude of thy sweetnes O Lord which Thou hast hidden for those that love Thee Capit. 7. Apoc. A Men Benediction and Glory and VVisdom and Thanksgiving Honor and Power and Strength be to our God for ever and ever Amen Hymn XVIII VVIth all the pow'rs my poor soul hath Of humble love and loyal faith Thus low my God I bow to Thee VVhom too much love bow'd low'r for me Down busy sense Discourses dy And all adore Faith's Mystery Faith is my skill Faith can believe As fast as Love new laws can give Faith is my ey Faith strength affords To keep pace with those pow'rful words And words more sure more sweet then they Love could not think Truth could not say O dear Memorial of that death VVhich still survives and gives us breath Live ever bread of Life and be My food my joy my all to me Come glorious Lord my hopes encrease And fill my portion in thy peace Come hidden life and that long day For which I languish come away When this dry soul those eys shal see And drink the unseald source of Thee When glory's Sun faith's shade shal chase And for thy veil give me thy face Antiph He feeds the young Ravens that call on Him and says He esteems us much better then them behold a full proof He feeds them and all things else but to feed us behold yet a fuller O Riddle of Bounty even out of the Feeder himself comes food for us V. The bread of life which came down from heav'n R. Feed us with the bread of science and understanding O Lord hear our pray'rs And let our supplications come to Thee Let us pray O Bounteous Lord the continual supplier of thy creatures with all convenient sustenance to advance our growth and strength fit to take heav'n by violence and rise at length eternal Injoyers of thy self Fix we beseech Thee our eys and adoration on that open Hand which thus graciously gives us our dayly bread and grant that the miraculous Feast of thy Sons Body and Blood may duly sanctify our tasts to all other thy bountys that they may relish as they are only thy great love to us and feed as they ought purely thy dear love in us through the same our Lord Commemorations as Page 29. Thursday Vespers OUr Father c. as Page 33. Antiph Whether O my God should we wander if left to our selvs where should we fix our harts if not directed by thee Psal LX. UNhappy man at first created just as every work comes fair from