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A15343 A short, yet sound commentarie; written on that woorthie worke called; the Prouerbes of Salomon and now published for the profite of Gods people. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1589 (1589) STC 25627; ESTC S119970 239,133 222

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as it were the principall Chap. 14.4 he vnderstandeth all the rest because of winter i. because of the cold of winter meaning that euery little blast is as a meane strong enough to make him idle therefore i. for his idlenes sake shall he begge vz. of others in sommer i. in haruest time but haue nothing vz. giuen him he meaneth that the slothfull person shall fall to extreame pouertie and though he begge to get his liuing yet the bowels of compassion shall be shut vp against him Vers 5. The counsell in the heart of man i. the deuices purposes that a man thinketh vpon and tosseth too and fro in his vnderstanding is like deepe waters i. can either verie hardly or not at all be attained vnto q.d. mans thoughts are so déepe that no man knoweth them but the spirit of man which is in him 1. Cor. 2.11 but a man that hath vnderstanding i. he that is lightned from God by his word and spirit will drawe it out vz. by one meane or other as by demanding questions by obseruing diligently his gestures and behauiours c. Vers 6. Many men vz. that are in the world will boast vz. vaine-gloriouslie meaning that hee will to his owne glorie tell and set abroad euery one vz. of them of his owne goodnes i. either of the good things that be in him himselfe or of the kindnes and benefites that he hath performed towards others I incline to this latter but who vz. for all this boasting of theirs can finde vz. amongst them all a faithfull man i. such a one as either will performe the things he braggeth of or els do it without boasting And his propounding of it in the way of a question doth note how rare such men are to be found Vers 7. He that walketh i. leadeth a good and a holie life in his integritie i. in the soundnes and vprightnes that the Lord hath giuen him which is called his not because he hath it of himselfe but it is by God bestowed vpon him is iust vz. before God men before God because he is so accepted and before men because his conuersation is such as they cannot iustly reprooue it and blessed vz. from the Lord shall his children i. his posteritie be after him He meaneth that it shall not onely goe well with him himselfe whilest he liueth but with his posteritie also which is a common thing in Scripture to promise blessings to the iust and to their seede Exod. 20.6 Vers 8. A King vnder the chiefe he meaneth not him only but all inferiour Magistrates that sitteth vz. carefully and continuallie in the throne of iudgement i. in that place from whence iustice iudgement is pronounced meaning also hereby the execution of iustice and right chaseth away vz. quicklie and easilie all euill i. all manner of vice and corruption whatsoeuer with his eyes i. while he himselfe looketh into causes taketh knowledge thereof and giueth sentence according to right Vers 9. Who vz. amongst all men can say vz. iustly and truely I haue made mine heart cleane vz. from vnholie and vnhonest affections he beginneth with the heart because it is the fountaine from whence corruption floweth meaning by this interrogation that no man neither hath in himselfe power so to doo neither can rightly so say J am cleane from sinne vz. committed either in thought word or deed against God and men see 1. King 8.46 Ver. 10. Diuers weights vz. to buy and sell by as to buy by the more heauie and to sell by the more light and diuers measures vz. as one great and another little both these yea and all such kind of craftie and couetous dealing for vnder these two he comprehendeth all of the same sort see before Chap. 11. 1. Also Chap. 16.11 where you shall finde a reason why the Lord hateth them because he hath made them to be iust and vpright Vers 11. A child also It would bee better turned thus euen a child for otherwise that word also maketh it darke as though it were referred to somewhat before going is knowne vz. of men by his doings i. by the things he doth commit whether his worke i. the things that he doth one part for many bee pure and right vz. before God and man q.d. yong children doo by the manners and feates of their childhood many times bewray what course they will take afterwards in the rest of their life to come Ver. 12. The Lord vz. himselfe hath made vz. by his secret and almightie power both these vz. excellent parts and members of our bodies euen the eare to heare vz. his holie word and lawe and the eye to see vz. his great and wonderfull works q.d. it behoueth vs therefore rightly and well to vse them Ver. 13. Loue not sleepe vz. ouer much q.d. giue not thy selfe to ouer much sleepe His meaning is to turne men from slothfulnes which commonly causeth men to fall a sléepe Chap. 19. verse 15. Also Chap. 6.9.10 least thou come vnto pouertie vz. thereby A reason why he would not haue men to be idle because idlenes begetteth and bringeth foorth beggerie open thine eyes vz. to labour q.d. bée watchfull and diligently and carefully applie thy busines and thou shalt bee satisfied with bread vnder this phrase he meaneth that it shall go well with him and he shall haue plentie and abundance of all things necessarie for the maintenance of his life see Chap. 12.11 Ver. 14. It is naught it is naught i. it is starke naught or worth very little or nothing for so much doth the doubling of the word import as I take it saith the buyer vz. of any ware or marchandise but when he is gone a part vz. from him of whom he bought it he boasteth vz. of his good peniworths and what a good thing he hath bought q.d. the buyer that he may get his ware good cheape defileth his tongue with lying saying this and that in the dispraise thereof but when he hath bought it he commendeth it greatly committing as it were an offence on both sides Vers 15. There is gold i. great store of gold and it is much desired of men and vz. besides that there is a multitude i. an infinite number of precious stones vz. in the world but the lippes of knowledge i. a godlie wise man who hath sound and holie knowledge in his heart and can vtter it with his mouth yea that very knowledge it selfe are vz. indeede a precious iewell i. more precious than the things before named and therfore more to bee accounted of Vers 16. Take his garment vz. as a pleadge or pawne for the assurance of the monie that is suretie vz. rashly and without good aduice for a stranger vz. either to thee or to himselfe see Chap. 11. 15. and a pledge of him vz. that is become suretie vnto thee for a stranger Expound this as before q.d. feare not to demand a pawne or pledge of him that will easilie thrust himselfe into
rich i. though he be neuer so rich or of neuer so great credit And whē he saith it is better wee must not vnderstand him as though the other were good for it is alwaies a vile thing to goe astray from the holy commandement but hee speaketh here according to the common custome of men see Prouerb 19.1 Vers 7. He that keepeth i. indeuoreth to keepe and that vnfeynedly and with a good heart the lawe vz. of GOD and the good instructions that his father shall giue him out of the same is a child of vnderstanding i. is and sheweth himself to be a wise and obedient child but hee that feedeth the gluttons vz. with his meate and so is familiarly acquainted and keepeth companie with them vnder glottons he meaneth al other vngodly ones whatsoeuer and yet he maketh speciall mention of them because hée vsed the word feeding shameth his father i. doth what in him lieth to bring his parents to shame and contempt for the leudnes of the sonne is many times ascribed to the parents and as hath been sundrie times before there is no greater griefe to them in this life than the leudnes and wickednes of their children see Chap. 10.1 Vers 8. He that increaseth his riches by vsurie and interest i. by any vnlawfull meane for vnder these two he comprehendeth all of what sorte soeuer they bee gathereth them vz. though happilie he himselfe think not so for him that will be mercifull to the poore i. not onely kinde minded but liberall handed also towards them q.d. the Lord dooth appoint that the riches the vsurer hath wickedly gotten shall be taken either from him or his posteritie and come into a good mans hand who will giue the poore that which was before taken from them vniustly sée Chap. 13.22 Vers 9. He vz. how great or how little soeuer hee bée that turneth away his eare from hearing the lawe vz. of GOD read or taught vnto him by turning away his eare he meaneth all maner of contemning and despising of it and by hearing hee meaneth all the exercises of the word as hearing reading meditating c. q.d. he that any manner of way contemneth either all or any of the exercises of Gods word his praier shall be abhominable vz. before the Lord. q.d. the Lord will loth and abhorre the prayer he maketh and not heare him see Chap. 21.13 where the same is spoken of contempt of the poore Vers 10. He that causeth i. indeuoreth to cause or els by perswasion at the length preuaileth the righteous to goe astray vz. from the way that God hath prescribed in his word by an euill way i. by causing him to turne into an euill way which God hath condemned shall fall into his owne pit i. shall not only loose the labor and time that hee spendeth in intisement and prouocation but shall thorowe Gods iust iudgement fall into the danger that he supposed the other should fall into sée Chap. 26.27 and the vpright vz. in heart who●● God shall haue stayed from falling shall inherit good things i. shall be blessed with great and continuall blessings contrarie to the imagination of the wicked who thought to bring him into all miserie and danger Vers 11. The rich man is wise in his owne conceate i. he deemeth so of himselfe because hee seeth all things to fall out prosperously vnto him but the poore vz. man that hath vnderstanding vz. of Gods will reuealed in his word can trie him i. by the light that God hath giuen him can diligently consider and weigh his whole life and actions and that not by outward shewe onely as the rich man doth but by the rule and word of God q.d. The rich man looketh not vpon himselfe but vpon his substance and by that iudgeth of himselfe but the wise man though he be a poore man iudgeth by another rule both himselfe and the rich man Vers 12. When the righteous men reioyce i. when good men are exalted to dignitie and honor he putteth that which followeth glorie to wit gladnes for glorie it selfe there is great glorie i. there is all kinde of honor and goodnes but when the wicked come vp vz. to authoritie and credit in the common wealth the man i. euerie man is tryed vz. what is in him and what he hath q.d. when good men rule all are in good case and the common wealth florisheth but when the wicked are aloft no man doth safely possesse the things hee hath but either by fraude or by force euen the seacretest things hee hath are searched out and looked into that they may bee a pray to the vngodly see Chap. 11.10 11. also verse the last of this Chap. and Chap. 29.2 Vers 13. He that hideth his sinnes vz. which hee hath committed meaning by hiding cloaking or couering of them from God which he cannot doo or concealing them from men or lessening them when they are made manifest shall not prosper vz. long either before GOD or men but he that confesseth them vz. vnfeynedly and fully either before God if they be secret or before men if they be open and forsaketh them i. loatheth and abhorreth them carrying with him a purpose neuer to fall into the like shall haue mercie i. shall obtaine grace and fauour before God and man sée 1. Iohn 1.9 also Psalme 32.5 Vers 14. Blessed vz. euen before God howsoeuer hee séeme miserable in his owne eyes or othermens iudgements is the man vz. of what state or condition soeuer he be that feareth alway vz. to offend God and breake his lawe neither is this continuall feare against stedfast trust in GOD but is put downe as a fruite of faith and repentance see 2. Corinth 7.11 but he vz. whosoeuer he bee that hardneth his heart vz. against God and his lawe so that he either regardeth not or feareth not to breake Gods precepts shall fall into euill i. it cannot be auoided but that he must runne into sundrie sortes of sinnes and at the end into Gods most fearefull iudgements Vers 15. As a roaring Lyon vz. is fearefull and terrible to the rest of the beastes of the Forrest Amos. 34. and an hungrie Beare vz. that runneth vp and downe for to seeke a pray will neuer bee in quiet till it bée obteyned so is a wicked ruler i. cruel and deuouring ouer the poore people vz. that cannot resist him no more than the lambe the Lyon or the Ridde the Beare hee meaneth that a tyrant spoyling and praying vpon the weake and poore people dooth in his rage and crueltie exceede all brute beastes Vers 16. A prince destitute of vnderstanding i. voyde of the knowledge of Gods wil reuealed in his worde is also vz. as well as the tirannous ruler a great oppressor vz. of the poore he sheweth that the lacke of the knowledge of the trueth of Gods word is the mother and nurse of all naughtines in magistrates but he that hateth vz. vnfeynedly from his heart couetousnesse i. the desire of hauing
For the Lord shall be for thine assurance i. he shall be in stead of a defence and an assured place of refuge vnto thee and shall preserue vz. by his almightie power thy foote i. thee thy selfe a part for the whole and yet he doth not without cause vse this speech because things are many times taken by the foote from taking i. that thine enemie shall not catch thee or thou thy selfe sticke fast in any manner of euill see for all these promises Psalme 91. vers 1 2 c. where thou shalt finde the like things almost Vers 27. Withhold not the good vz. which thou hast of another mans from the owners thereof i. from them to whom it belongeth as by the way of debt or of Christian duetie as in giuing almes counselling c. though there bee power in thine hand i. though thou bee presentlie and fullie able to doo it i. to hurt him and harme him by the detaining of that which doth appertaine vnto him Vers 28. Say not thou vnto thy neighbour vz. when he is in distresse and neede goe vz. from me now and come againe vz. another time as we are wont to say and to morrow i. some other time hereafter will I giue thee vz. somewhat toward the reliefe of thy néede see Iames 2.16 if thou haue it vz. in thy power and kéeping hée meaneth the same thing that he did in the other sentence sauing that he teacheth not only to doo well but quicklie and with speede to doo well for as it is in the Prouerb he doth a double good turne that doth a good turne in good season and againe the fauour that commeth too late is little or nothing worth Vers 29. Intend none hurt vz. by thought word or déede but specially in thought for if that be repressed the rest will easlie be beaten downe against thine neighbour i. against any but chiefly against those that dwell about thée and haue dealt friendly with thée seeing that he doth dwell vz. as he supposeth and thinketh without feare vz. of any hurt from thée meaning that he doth not so much as suspect that thou wilt doo him any harme by thee i. nigh vnto thée and thy house Vers 30. Striue not vz. either by priuate quarrelling or publike iustice with a man i. with any man or sundrie men as verse 13. of this Chapt. causeles i. without iust and good cause why when he hath done thee no harme i. iniured or wronged thée either by word or déede He meaneth that wee should not without cause debate any matter with any man speciallie with him that hath wrought no euill against vs for it is a great offence and will vtterly ouerthrowe humanitie and fellowship to complaine of one and to thunder out against him that hath nothing at all offended him and yet in the meane while no lawe of God or man forbiddeth vs to expostulate either priuatlie or publikelie before the Magistrate with him which hath offended and wronged vs yea to conuince him of the iniurie if we be able alwaies prouided that wee doo it not with a reuenging minde nor burst forth into priuate reuenge Vers 31. Be not enuious vz. either inwardly or outwardly for the wicked man i for the good successe and abundance of prosperitie that thou seest him to inioye see Psalme 37.11 neither chuse any of his waies i. followe not his order and trade of life he yeeldeth a reason in the next verse why he would not haue men to doo so Vers 32. For the froward vz. person vnderstanding by this terme one that regardeth not admonition but giueth himself to al violence crueltie and oppression is an abhomination vnto the Lord i. the Lord hateth abhorreth and cannot abide such a one see Psalme 37.20 but his secret is with the righteous i. continually abideth with them vnderstanding by secret a most close but yet most familiar communicating of his good will towards them as may appeare by the verses following Vers 33. The curse of the Lord i. iust plagues and punishments sent from God see Malach. 2.2 c. is in the house of the wicked i. continueth abideth there howsoeuer they seeme to abound and flourish in all worldly wealth but he blesseth vz. continually with his fauour the habitation of the righteous i. not onely the place where he dwelleth but euen him himselfe and al that he hath Vers 34. With the scornefull i. such as giue themselues to iesting scoffing and contempt of all goodnesse he scorneth i. he laugheth at them or mocketh them and deceiueth their hope see Psalme 2.4 also Psalme 18.26 Prouerb 1.26 but he giueth vz. freelie and of his owne mercie grace i. all manner of goodnes both outward and inward to the humble i. such as thinke lowlie of themselues see Iames 4.6 also 1. Pet. 5.5 Vers 35. The wise i. such as are instructed with heauenlie wisedome shall inherite glorie i. shall haue renowne and good report as a perpetuall inheritance but fooles vz. shall inherit or possesse dishonor i. shame and contempt and that before God and man though they be exalted i. how much soeuer they bée exalted by their flatterers and clawbackes Others reade this latter parte thus but shame taketh away the foolish i. it carrieth both them and their hope away in a pinch of time or twinckling of the eye as it were The other sense and reading is in my iudgement as good as this if not better Do. Vers 1. Teacheth vs to haue good counsels in continuall remembrance to the end we may be guided thereby Vers 2. Teacheth vs that all blessings shall be to such as obediently walke in the lawe of the Lord. Vers 3. Teacheth vs to haue care and conscience of the performance of our dueties towards God and our brethren Vers 4. Teacheth vs that obedience to the worde maketh vs acceptable before God and man Vers 5. Teacheth vs two thinges first vnfeignedly to hang vpon the Lord secondly not to trust in our selues or any thing that is in vs. Vers 6. Teacheth vs that the meane to haue all our waies and workes blessed is to beleeue and confesse Gods wonderfull power and prouidence Vers 7. Teacheth vs first not to stand too much in our owne conceites secondlie that Christianitie consisteth of doing good specially to Godward and of absteining from euill Vers 8. Teacheth vs that obedience to God procureth all blessings Vers 9. Teacheth vs that this is one principall end of our riches to referre them to the aduancement of Gods honour and glorie Vers 10. Teacheth vs that God is no niggard in his gifts to his seruants Vers 11. Teacheth vs not to murmure or repine against GOD for his fatherly corrections vppon vs. Vers 12. Teacheth vs that Gods visitations vpon his children are testimonies not of his displeasure but of his great good will toward vs. Vers 13. Teacheth vs that true blessednes consisteth in sound and holie wisedome Vers 14. Teacheth vs that Gods word must be preferred
He meaneth that to follow the wayes of the harlot bringeth with it death and destruction both of bodie and soule Verse 19. All they vz. of what state or condition soeuer they be that go vnto her i. that haue but some familiaritie or beginning of acquaintance with hir returne not againe vz. without touch or taint of some mischiefe meaning also that they hardlie returne to the Lord by vnfeined repentance neither take they hold of the wayes of life i. they liue not againe or returne into life meaning also by life and the waies thereof a better order or course of life than they lead before And though he speake the same things in many wordes meaning that they shall not at any hand escape destruction yet the wordes must bee vnderstood of eternall death rather than of temporal bodilie death which yet notwithstanding the adulterers purchase and procure to themselues by their incessant filthie life Vers 20. Therefore q.d. seeing thou seest what iudgements shall fall vppon the wicked ioyne thou thy selfe to the good others reade it otherwise but me thinketh this is plaine enough walke thou in the way of good men i. be conuersant with them and order thy life well according to the good orders and courses of their life and keepe the waies of the righteous vz. in thy conuersation and behauiour q.d. in thy life followe their good and holie steppes Vers 21. For he sheweth here a reason taken from the iust iudgements of God towards the good in this verse and towards the wicked vers 22. the iust 1. those that haue care and conscience of iustice wel doing shall dwell in the land vz. which the Lord hath mercifullie giuen them for I take it that he alludeth to the promises made in the lawe Exodus 20.12 and other places Yet so that vnder the same he meaneth all manner of blessings whatsoeuer see Psalm 37.29 and the vpright men see Psalme 119.1 shall remaine in it vz. a long season Vers 22. But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth vz. through the iust iudgement of God against them for their sinnes and the transgressors i. such as transgresse against God and his lawe shall be rooted out of it vnder this word he meaneth that the wicked shall assuredlie sodainlie and vtterlie be destroyed see Psalme 37.36 38. also Psalme 52.5 And héere vnderstand by these outward and corporall things inward spiritual and eternal either life or death and marke that this is vsuall with him to amplifie by the contrarie as Chapt. 1.32 33. Chapt. 3.35 and in sundrie other places Do. Vers 1. Teacheth to bring with vs a mind readie prepared to receiue good things Vers 2. Teacheth vs to haue care faithfullie to retaine and keepe those good things which wee haue heard and learned Vers 3. Teacheth vs to vse earnest and continuall praier for the obtaining of al good things whatsoeuer Vers 4. Teacheth vs to spare no labour or cost for the obtaining of good things yea the better that the things are which we seeke for the more earnestlie to trauaile therein Vers 5. Teacheth vs that if wee seeke for the things of God with that affection that he requireth and to the ende he commandeth wee shall not lose our labour Vers 6. Teacheth vs that the gift of wisedom knowledge iudgement and euery good gift whatsoeuer commeth from the Lord. Vers 7. Teacheth vs Gods great care and singular prouidence ouer those that be his Vers 8. Teacheth vs that God reuealeth knowledge and wisedome vnto those that bee his to the end that they might learne according to the same to direct all their waies Vers 9. Teacheth vs that we know nothing of goodnes till God make the same manifest vnto vs. Vers 10. Teacheth vs both in the inward man and in the outward man to take delight and pleasure in good things Vers 11 12. c. Teach vs what great benefites sound and sincere knowledge of Gods heauenly will wisedom shall bring with it to thē that haue attained through Gods goodnesse to the same Vers 12. Teacheth vs to auoid al frowardnes whether it be in heart or speach Vers 13. Teacheth vs to take heed that we bleare not the light which God hath made manifest vnto vs. Vers 14. Teacheth vs to beware of reioycing in euill and naughtinesse for that is the height and toppe of all sinne Vers 15. Teacheth vs that when men delight in crooked waies they more and more go astray from God in following the leaudnes of their own soules Vers 16. Painteth out very liuely the qualities and conditions of a harlot or strumpet Vers 17. Sheweth that in adulterie there is a double transgression committed one against God and another against man which is the husband Vers 18.19 Shewe how dangerous and deadlie a thing it is to haue any familiaritie or acquaintance at all with light and dishonest women Vers 20 Teacheth vs to set good men in their goodnesse before our eyes to bee examples and patternes of good life and conuersation vnto vs. Vers 21 22. Set out the difference betweene the reward of the good and the bad both in this life but especiallie in the life to come CHAP. 3. Co. IN the other Chapter the holie Ghost had exhorted men to imbrace and obey wisedome and now because this doctrine is not easilie yeelded vnto yea mans nature doth whollie rebell against the same he beginneth new and fresh exhortations prouoking men to earnest and vnfained imbracing of Gods word Di. THe Chapter may be diuided into three parts In the first he setteth out Di. 1 the vse of Gods word which teacheth vs to trust in God to feare and honour him and pacientlie to abide his corrections from vers 1. to the end of the 12. In the second part he citeth promises and blessings assuring vs Di. 2 that all things shall fall out well to them that subiect themselues to Gods word and wisedome from verse 13. to the end of the 26. In the third he laboureth Di. 3 to remoue such euils as might hinder men from imbracing Gods word and wisedome as the doing of iniurie keeping companie with the wicked c. setting out the iustice of Gods iudgements against the dooing and doers thereof from verse 27. to the end of the Chapter Se. Vers 1. MY sonne see Chapter 1.8 forget not thou vz. at any time my lawe i. my doctrine and instruction and he calleth it his not because he was the author of it but the vtterer or penner of it but let thine heart whollie and soundlie keepe vz. within it in respect of knowledge my commandements i. both the things that I command the words in which I expresse them Vers 2. For they i. the not forgetting and keeping of them shall increase the length of thy daies and the yeares of life i. of thy life He meaneth not that the daies and termes which the Lord hath set vs shall bee lengthened or shortned but he speaketh it according
the worde hands here because they are the instruments of murther and when he saith shed innocent bloud he meaneth such as kill men and take away their liues without any good cause Vers 18. An heart vz. of a man that imagineth wicked enterprises vz. against other men speciallie those which are good and marke that the heart is put here in the fourth place and in the middest betwéene the sixe because it is as it were the fountaine and roote of all these euilles feete that be swift in running to mischiefe i. to accomplish and performe mischiefe he meaneth by this speach such as are whollie set vppon working of mischiefe of whom see before cap. 4.16 17. Vers 19. A false witnesse that speaketh lyes i. such a one as before a Magistrate either vppon his owne word or oath vttereth an vntruth and so it is diuers from the second thing because the tongue may be giuen to lying without false witnes bearing and him that raiseth vp vz. by any manner of meanes as by tale-carrying c. contention i. any manner of quarrelling or chiding among brethren vz. who should bee ioyned fast together he meaneth here such a one as is an author of quarrelles and contentions Vers 20. My sonne keepe thy fathers commandement i. practise the thing which thy father commandeth thee and forsake not thy mothers instruction i. set not light by at any hand such good things as thy mother shall instruct and teach thee in see Chapter 1.8 where you haue almost the very same words Vers 21. Bind them alway vpon thy heart i. thinke vpon them and remember them continually and tye them about thy necke vz. that thou feeling and seeing them maiest be put in minde to practise them see Chapter 3.3 Vers 22. It i. the wholesome counsell of thy parents giuen thee out of the law and word of God and receiued by thee shall leade thee vz. into all truth and weldooing when thou walkest i. whatsoeuer thou takest in hand or whether soeuer thou turnest thee it shall watch for thee vz. to keepe thée safe and sound both in minde and bodie when thou sleepest i. laiest thee downe and takest thy naturall rest and when thou wakest vz. to goe about thy busines and affaires it shall talke with thee i. it shall not onely counsell thee but also teach thee what how to speake Vers 23. For the commandement vz. of God meaning by commandement the whole word because it consisteth specially of commandements see Psalm 19.8 is a lanterne vz. to lighten the beléeuers and to go before them in the way of eternall life see Psalme 119.105 and instruction vz. out of Gods word a light vz. to our darke and blind consciences and corrections for instructions i. sharpe reproofes to instruct men specially when they cannot otherwise bée reclaimed for instruction so vsed see Chapt. 5.12 are the way of life i. the high and readie way or as a man would say effectuall meanes to bring vs to life and I would reade this verse by a Parenthesis and so ioyne the 22. and 24. together Vers 24. To keepe thee i. the word shal instruct thee to kéepe thée farre from the wicked woman i. from a woman whollie giuen ouer to wickednesse and from the flatterie of the tongue of the strange woman i. from the flatterie which the harlot vseth in the wordes which she vttereth with her tongue of this see before Chapter 5.3 He meaneth that heauenly wisedome out of Gods word shall kéepe him vntouched from all the assaults of pleasure and from all hinderances in the doing of his duetie so that neither by fleshly pleasure nor other euilles whatsoeuer he shall be carried away Vers 25. Desire not her beautie in thine heart i. take héed that thy heart be not ouertaken with desire and lust of her beautie see Math. 5 28. neither let her take thee vz. leading thee from the right way and stealing thy heart from thée with her eye lids i. either with the fairenes of her eyes or with the twinckling of the eyes or with setting thy eyes vpon her or els with any other either wanton lookes or whorish gestures Vers 26. For because of the whorish woman i. for satisfying of her in her greedie desire a man is brought vz. to seeke to a morsell of bread i. to extreame neede and beggerie so that begging from dore to dore he would be glad of a morsell of bread see Prouer. 29.3 and a woman i. a wicked adulterous and whorish woman will hunt for i. by all the meanes that she can seeke and neuer leaue of labouring till she haue gotten the precious life of a man i. mans life which is a very precious and deare thing and in this verse is contained a reason why adulterie is vile to wit because it bringeth with it losse of goods and destruction both of bodie and soule Vers 27. Can a man take fire in his bosome and his clothes not be burnt q.d. It is impossible Vers 28. Or can a man go vppon coales i. hot burning coales and without any thing vpon his feete and his feete not be burnt q.d. it cannot be for by this propounding of it in the way of a question he noteth the hardnes or impossibilitie rather of the thing And here note that he compareth whoredome to a fire of which see Iob. 31.12 shewing by two very apt similitudes that he cannot auoide both bodilie hurt and spirituall danger that hath any thing to do with a harlot or hath any acquaintance or familiaritie with her Vers 29. So he that goeth into his neighbours wife i. lieth with her and knoweth her he vseth an honest and sober speach to expresse a filthie and vile act see 2. Sam. 16.21 see also Psalme 51. in the title shall not be innocent i. cleare either before God or man but subiect to iudgement not onely to that which is inward and eternall from God but also that which is outward amongst men to which he is subiect if he be taken in it and this sense is confirmed by that which followeth where he compareth an adulterer to a chéefe shewing the one to bee a greater offence than the other Vers 30. Men do not despise vz. very much a theefe i. he that stealeth any thing when he stealeth q.d. no though he be taken in the fact of théeuerie if it be to satisfie his soule i. his life and maintaine it when he standeth in neede for wee knowe that the soule eateth not because he is hungrie vz. and he stealeth to satisfie his hunger onely Vers 31. But if he be found q.d. yea though the hardest fall out that he bée found in the deede doing he shall restore vz. to him from whom he hath stollen seauen fold i. very much for otherwise the Scripture maketh mention what he shall restore and in what cases see Exod. 22.1 2 c. or vz. if he be not able to restore he shall giue all the substance of his house i.
euerie tale and of the foolish and the wise man from vers 10. to the end of the 18. In the Di. 3 third he speaketh of the euill persons of the poore and rich of the proud and the mercifull of euill thinkers and good men of painfull labor and wicked words of riches and follie of a faithfull and lying witnes and of the reuerence and feare of the Lord from vers 19. to the end of the 27. In the Di. 4 fourth part hee speaketh of kings and their power of bridling anger of enuie of oppression and pitie of the ends of the wicked and the godlie of wisdome iustice and the fauor or displeasure of a Prince and this reacheth from vers 28. to the end of the chapter Se. Vers 1. A Wise woman i. euery woman that is truely wise fearing God and regarding their houshold affaires in holines and modestie buildeth her house vz. not so much with outward furniture and shewe as while that by hir labor and the right gouernement of her houshold she doth by all meanes keepe defende and increase the same but the foolish vz. woman who is set against the wise woman mentioned before destroyeth it i. her house and familie with hir owne hands i. whilst that vnheedely by hir naughtie deedes negligence and euill gouernement she suffereth all things to goe to wracke Vers 2. He that walketh in his righteousnes i. leadeth an vpright life voyde of hypocrisie and it is called his righteousnes not because he hath it of himselfe but because God in great mercie hath communicated the same vnto him feareth the Lord vz. vnfeinedly but he that is leaude in his waies i. leadeth a leaud and lose life despiseth him i. offereth as much as in him lyeth despite and contempt against the Lorde because he despiseth his lawe q.d. by the order of a mans life euen as it were by certaine fruites may a man be knowne whether he be godly or wicked Vers 3. In the mouth of the foolish i. in wicked mens wordes vttered with their mouth is the rodde of pride i. is there great and wonderfull pride wherewith in the height of his minde hee dooth not onely strike sometimes and hurt other men but giueth other men standing by and hearing staues and clubbs as it were to strike himselfe but the lippes of the wise i. words vttered with their lippes as sundrie times before preserue vz. from hurt and danger them i. both the wise themselues and others that depende vpon them the reason is because they obserue a measure and wisedome in their speeches that they neither hurt themselues nor others see chap. 12.6 Vers 4. Where none Oxen are vz. such as can worke and goe to plowe being accustomed to the yoke and tillage Vnderstanding hereby all workemen and whatsoeuer appertayneth to husbandrie there the crib is emptie i. there is nothing no not for the beastes to eate much lesse is there any thing in the barnes or storehouses for vnder one hee vnderstandeth all the rest but much increase commeth vz. to the good husbandman by the strength of the Oxe vz. that laboreth in tillage meaning thereby all husbandrie and tillage with al things thereto appertaining whatsoeuer Vers 5. A faithfull witnesse i. a faithfull man being called foorth to witnesse any thing will not lye vz. for any cause whether it be for fauor feare flatterie or otherwise but a false record vz. against men will speake lies vz. for euerie cause and in euerie place meaning that hee that hath falsified his faith in publike iustice will not spare to strayne it in priuate speeches see chap. 6.19 Vers 6. A scorner i. he that scoffeth and scorneth at all good things see chap. 1.22 seeketh i. maketh as though he would seeke for or els indeede seeketh for it but not to a right end wisedome i. Gods heauenlie wisdome and findeth it not q.d. for all that hee findeth it not the reason is because he seeketh it not as he should that is diligently and earnestly and to a right end that is Gods glorie and the comfort of his children but knowledge vz. of God and his mysteries is easie to him that will vnderstand i. that hath a minde and laboureth to atteyne it and he saith it is easie meaning to be founde because she offereth hir selfe vnto all as chap. 1.20 And Chapter 8.1 Vers 7. Depart vz. quickely and with hast from the foolish man i. from the wicked man that hath his heart seased and possessed with all manner of follie and euill When thou perceauest not in him i. so soone as thou findest that he hath not the lippes of knowledge i. words that sauor of sounde knowledge iudgement and wisedome Vers 8. The wisdome of the prudent i. the wisdome that he hath is i. consisteth specially in this to vnderstand i. to haue a diligent and watchfull eye to his way i. his whole life and the course thereof whether he imploye it in words déeds or both q.d. this is his duety and herein his wisdome appeareth diligently and with iudgement to weigh whatsoeuer hee attempteth auoyding alwaies rashnes but the foolishnes of the fooles is deceit i. tendeth wholy and altogether to deceit q.d. the fooles in their folly regard this thing specially to deceaue others Vers 9. The foole i. all foolish and wicked persons as appeareth because the word is of the plurall number in the Hebrewe text maketh a mocke of sinne i. maketh no more account of it than of a matter of sport or play see Chapter 10.23 but among the righteous there is fauour i. vnfeyned good will one of them towards another Some readeth it farre otherwise and maketh another sense of it which also I rather allow of thus Sinne vz. which the wicked and vngodlie men commit and they knowe one by another maketh fooles to agree vz. one of them with another q.d. their partaking in wickednes ioyneth the wickeds minds one of them towards another but among the righteous i. the good and holy people that which is acceptable vz. before God good men maketh agreement vz. among themselues q.d. good things only tie good mens minds together Vers 10. The heart vz. onely knoweth vz. perfectly and thorowly the bitternes of his soule i. the heauines and grief that the soule indureth and the stranger i. whatsoeuer is without shall not meddle with his ioye i. with the ioye of the heart or soule For the inward ioye which wee haue in the heart none knoweth so well as wee our selues neither are wee able by any outward signes to expresse the greatnes of the inward ioye In the meane while we learne not to giue our selues too much ouer to sadnes or ioy but to kéepe the golden rule of measure or mediocritie in both Ver. 11. The house of the wicked i. he and all that he hath shall be destroyed vz. through Gods iust iudgement but the tabernacle of the righteous i. he himselfe and all that appertaineth to him shall florish vz. through the
fauour and goodnes of God against a large and faire house in outward shewe he setteth a weake and lowe tabernacle Vers 12 There is a way i. there is an order and course of life which seemeth right to a man vz. in his owne iudgement but the issues vz. or ends thereof i. of that way are the waies of death i. leade the high and readie way to death and destruction because we are easilie deceiued with the shew of right he counselleth vs not to stand to our owne imaginations but to trie both our manners and opinions by the rule of Gods word Vers 13. Euen in laughing i. while men laugh the heart is sorowfull i. their hearts are possessed with great sorowe though many times they would couer the same and shake it off with laughter and the end of that mirth vz. which is made so from the téeth outward is heauines i. great and much sorowe specially of heart q.d. It falleth out many times that while a man laugheth and laboureth either to ease or shake off the griefe of his heart that he returneth notwithstanding to sorowe and heauines Vers 14. The heart i. the man himselfe and yet he speaketh of the heart because there is the fountaine and beginning of euill that declineth i. turneth aside either to the right hand or to the left from the lawe and word of God shall be saciate with his owne waies i. shall walke so long in the wickednes that his owne heart hath deuised that he shall bee filled as it were with wickednes and at the length be ouertaken with Gods iudgements for the same see Chapter 1.31 but a good man shall depart vz. quicklie and with as much speed as he may for feare of afterclappes from him vz. that starteth a side from the obedience of Gods commandements Vers 15. The foolish will beleeue vz. very easilie and without any great perswasion euery thing vz. which is tolde them but the prudent will consider vz. déeplie and earnestlie his steppes i. the waies wherein he shall walke and the things which he shall doo q.d. he will doo nothing rashlie but diligentlie will examine and weigh whether he ought to beleeue or doo it see before vers 8. of this Chapter Vers 16. A wise man i. a godlie wise man feareth vz. the euill that is for to come meaning corporall punishments in this life and eternall in the life to come and departeth from euill i. sinne and transgression which is a meane to drawe both temporall and eternall punishments vpon vs but a foole i. a wicked man rageth vz. very sore both against God and men and is careles vz. of that which is to come q.d. he boldly runneth headlong into rage and in his furie desperatly committeth all manner of euils whatsoeuer for he feareth not Gods iudgement or any punishments to come and therefore casteth himselfe headlong into the same Vers 17. He that is hastie to anger i. he that hath no stay of himselfe but suffereth his anger against others speedelie to breake out committeth follie i. not onely bewraieth the foolishnes of his heart but is making post hast to great and greeuous sinnes and a busie bodie vz. such a one as is a continuall medler in other mens causes and affaires is hated i. purchaseth hatred to himselfe both from God and man The word which is here turned busie bodie is in Hebrue the man of imaginations which phrase sundrie men take diuersly some in euill parte as though he should meane such a one as is not hasty to wrath but thinketh long vpon the mischief he will doo and so he should compare two contrarie vices the one is headlongnesse to anger the other is malice long meditated and thought vpon Other some take it in the good parte meaning by a man of thoughtes a man circumspect and wary in his words and deedes and then it is read thus He that is hastie to anger committeth follie yea he is hateful to a circumspect or wise man and this I take to be the best the holie Ghost minding to note the discommodities that hastines to wrath bringeth with it Vers 18. The foolish doo inherit follie he meaneth not onely that folly is borne with them and is as it were their inheritance but also that in processe of time they doo receaue the fruite of their follie also but the prudent are crowned with knowledge hee meaneth that knowledge which they haue to performe good things by is as it were a crowne vpon their heads and that they shall in the end receaue also a moste glorious fruite of the same Vers 19. The wicked shall bowe vz. in token of reuerence and submission before the good i. such as God maketh good and the wicked vz. shall stand waiting thorow néede of one thing or other at the gates of the righteous i. before their doores Thus it pleaseth the Lorde to make things some times fall out in this life for the comfort of the godly and the example of the wicked Vers 20. The poore i. he that commeth by any meanes into pouertie is hated i. lothed and despised euen of his owne neighbour i. euen of him that in all reason and duety should moste tender and pittie his case but the frends of the rich are many i. such as haue riches and store haue aboundance of frends for the world will loue his owne Vers 21. The sinner i. the notorious wicked man as sundrie times before despiseth his neighbour vz. because hée is poore but he that hath mercie vpon the poore i. pittieth them and prouideth for them Psalm 41.1 is blessed vz. of God or els by blessed he meaneth is praysed and commended amongst men Some reade it thus This sinner vz. which hateth the poore man and estéemeth the rich shall be despised of his neighbour vz. for that his sinne q.d. God will bring this iudgement vpon him that hee which despiseth others shall of others bee despised himselfe but O blessed is he q.d. certainely of what state or condition so euer he bée hée is blessed that sheweth fauor vz. either in countenance word or déede to the poore i. to them that are in néede Vers 22. Doo not they erre vz. from the right way which God hath prescribed vnto them that imagine euill vz. against others This demaunding noteth a more certaine and assured affirming of the matter q.d. without doubt they goe astray and therefore must of necessitie miserably perish but to them that thinke vz. earnestly and déepely on good things vz. towards God and man to doo the same shall bee mercie and trueth vz. from the Lord bestowed vpon them yea and men also shall deale mercifully and truely with them q.d. God will faithfully performe his promises in the accomplishment whereof is manifested both his mercie and truth and he will moue men also in truth and mercie to deale with them Vers 23. In all labor vz. which a man taketh vpon him in his ordinary calling vnderstanding by labor diligent