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A14033 The whole booke of psalms, collected into English meter by Thomas Sternhold, I. Hopkins and others: co[n]ferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to syng them withall. Faithfully perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes Maiesties Injunctions. very meete to be vsed of al sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort: laying apart al vngodly songes and ballades, which read only to the norishing of vice & corrupting of youth..; Whole book of psalms. 1565 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1565 (1565) STC 2434 175,429 234

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grace as may my lyfe prolong Thy holy word then wil I kepe both in my hart and tong verse 18 Mine eyes which were dim shut vp so open and make bright that of thy law marueilous workes I may haue y ● cleare sight verse 19 I am a straunger in this earth wandryng now here now there Thy word therfore to me disclose my footesteps for to cleare verse 20 My soule is rauished with desyre and neuer is at rest But seketh to know thy iudgemēts hye what may please thee best verse 21 The proud men and malicious thou hast destroyd echone and cursed are such as do not thy hestes attend vpon verse 22 Lord turne me frō rebuke shame which wicked men conspire For I haue kept thy couenants with zeale as hoate as fyre verse 23 The princes great in counsel sate and did against me speake but thē thy seruāt thought how he thy statutes might not breake verse 24 For why thy couenants are my ioy and my great harts solace They serue in stede of counsellers my matters for to pas DALETH The .iiii. part verse 25 I Am alas as brought to graue and almost turnd to dust Restore therfore my lyfe agayne as thy promise is iust verse 26 My wayes whē I acknowledged with mercy thou dydst heare Here now eftsones and me instruct thy lawes to loue and feare verse 27 Teach me once throughly for to know thy precepts and thy lore Thy works then wil I meditate and lay them vp in store verse 28 My soule I feele so sore opprest that it melteth for griefe Accordyng to thy word therfore hast Lord to send reliefe verse 29 From lieng and deceitful lips let thy grace me defend and that I may learn thee to loue thy holy law me send verse 30 The way of truth both straight sure I haue chosen and found I set thy iudgement me before which kepe me safe and sound verse 31 Since then O Lord I forced my self thy couenants to embrace Let me therfore haue no rebuke nor check in any case verse 32 Then wil I runne with ioyful cheare where thy word doth me cal when thou hast set my hart at large and rid me out of thral HE The fyft part verse 33 INstruct me Lord in the right trade of thy statutes deuyne and it to kepe euen to the end my hart wil I encline verse 34 Graunt me the knowledge of thy law and I shal it obey With hart and mynd and al my might I wil it kepe I say verse 35 In the right path of thy precepts guide me Lord I require None other pleasure do I wish nor greater thyng desyre verse 36 Incline my hart thy lawes to kepe and couenants to embrace And from al filthy auarice Lord shield me with thy grace verse 37 From vayn desires and worldly lustes turn back mine eyes syght Gene me the spirit of lyfe power to walk thy wayes aright verse 38 Confirme thy gratious promise Lord which thou hast made to mee Which am thy seruant and do loue and feare nothyng but thee verse 39 Reproch shame which I so feare from me O Lord expel For thou doost iudge with equity therin doost excel verse 40 Behold my harts desyre is bent thy lawes to kepe for ay Lord strengthē me so with thy grace that it perform I may VAV The syxt part verse 41 THy mercies great and manifold let me obtayne O Lord Thy sauing health let me enioy according to thy word verse 42 So shal I stop y e slaundrous mouthes of leud men and vniust For in thy faithful promises standes my comfort and trust verse 43 The word of truth within my mouth let euer stil be prest For in thy iudgements wonderful my hope doth stand and rest verse 44 And while y ● breath within my brest doth natural life preserue Yea til this world shal be dissolued thy law wil I obserue verse 45 So walk wil I as set at large and made free from al drede Because I sought how for to kepe thy precepts and thy rede verse 46 Thy noble actes I wil describe as things of most great fame Euē before kings I wil them blase and shrink no whit for shame verse 47 I wil reioyce then to obey thy worthy hestes and wil which euermore I haue loued best and so wil loue them stil verse 48 My hands wil I lyft to thy lawes which I haue dearely sought and practise thy commaundements in wil in dede and thought ZAIN The .vii. part verse 49 THy promise which y u madest to me thy seruant Lord remember For therin haue I put my trust and confidence for euer verse 50 It is my comfort and my ioy when troubles me assayle For were my life not by thy word my life would soone me fayle verse 51 The proud such as God contemn stil made of me a scorne yet would I not thy law forsake as he that were forelorne verse 52 But cald to mind lord thy great works shewd to our fathers old Wherby I felt the ioy surmount my grief an hundred fold verse 53 But yet alas for feare I quooke seyng how wicked men thy law forsooke and did procure thy iudgemēt who know whē verse 54 And as for me I framde my songs thy statutes to exalt When I among the straungers dwelt thoughts gan me assalt verse 55 I thought vpon thy name O Lord by night when others slepe as for thy law also I kept and euer wil it kepe verse 56 This grace I did obtayne because thy couenants swete and deare I did embrace and also kepe with reuerence and with feare HETH The .viii. part verse 57 O God which art my part and lot my comfort and my stay I haue decreed and promised thy lawe to kepe alway verse 58 Myne earnest hart dyd humbly sue in presence of thy face as thou therfore hast promised Lord graunt me of thy grace verse 59 My lyfe I haue examined and tryde my secret hart Which to thy statutes caused me my feete straight to conuert verse 60 I did not stay nor linger long as they that slouthful are But hastely thy lawes to kepe I did my self beware verse 61 The cruel bandes of wicked men haue made of me their pray yet would I not thy law forget nor from thee go astray verse 62 Thy rightous iudgemēt shewd toward me so great is and so hye That euen at midnight wil I ryse thy name to magnify verse 63 Companion am I to al them which feare thee in their hart and neyther wil for loue nor dread frō thy cōmaundements start verse 64 Thy mercies Lord most plentuously do al the world fulfil Oh teach me how I may obey thy statutes and thy wil. TETH The .ix. part verse 65 ACcording to thy promise Lord so hast thou with me delt For of thy grace in sundry sortes haue I thy seruant felt verse 66 Teach me to iudge alwayes aright and geue me knowledg
116 As thou hast promised so perform that death me not assayle Nor let my hope abuse me so that through distrust I quayle verse 117 Vphold me and I shal be safe for ought they do or say and in thy statutes pleasure take wil I both night and day verse 118 Thou hast trode such vnder thy fete as do thy statutes breake For nought auayleth theyr subtility theyr counsel is but weake verse 119 Like drosse thou casts the wicked out where euer they go or dwel Therfore can I as thy statutes loue nothing half so wel verse 120 My flesh alas is taken with feare as though it were benomd For when I see thy iudgements strayt I am as one astound AIN The .xvi. part verse 121 I Do the thing that lawful is and geue to al men right Resigne me not to thē that would oppres me w t their might verse 122 But for thy seruaunt surty be in that thing that is good That proud mē geue me not y e foyle which rage as they wer wood verse 123 Mine eyes w t wayting are now blind thy health so much I craue And eke thy righteous promise Lord wherby thou wilt me saue verse 124 Intreate thy seruaunt louingly and fauour to him shew Thy statutes of most excellence teach me also to know verse 125 Thy humble seruaunt Lord I am oh graunt me to vnderstand How by thy statutes I may know best what to take in hand verse 126 It is now time Lord to begin for truth is quyte decayd Thy law likewise they haue trāsgrest and none against thē sayd verse 127 This is the cause wherfore I loue thy lawes better then gold Or iewels fine which are estemd most costly to be sold verse 128 I thought thy precepts al most iust and so them layd in store Al crafty and malitious wayes I do abhorre therfore PE. The .xvii. part verse 129 THy couenaunts are most wonderful ful of things profound My soule therfore doth kepe thē sure whē they ar tride foūd verse 130 When mē first enter into thy wordes they find a light most cleare and very idiots vnderstand when they it read or heare verse 131 For ioy I haue both gaped breathde to know they cōmaūdemēt That I might guide my life therby I sought what thing it mēt verse 132 With mercy and compassion Lord behold me from aboue As thou art wont to behold such as thy name feare and loue verse 133 Direct my fotesteps by thy word that I thy wil may know and neuer let iniquity thy seruaunt ouerthrow verse 134 Frō slaunderous toungs deadly harms preserue kepe me sure Thy precepts then I wil obserue and put them eke in vre verse 135 Thy coūtenāce which doth surmoūt the sunne in his bright hew Let shine on me and by thy law teach me what to eschew verse 136 Out of mine eyes great flouds gush out of dryery teares and fel when I behold how wicked men thy law kepe neuer a del ZADE. The .xviii. parte verse 137 137 IN euery poynt Lord y u art iust the wicked though they grudge And whē thou doost sētēce pronoūce y u art a righteous iudge verse 138 To render right fly from guile are two chief points most hye and such as thou hast in thy law commaunded vs straytly verse 139 With zeale and wrath I am consumde and euen pyned away To see my foes thy wordes forget for ought that I do may verse 140 So pure and perfect is they word as any hart can deme and I thy seruaunt nothing more do loue or yet esteme verse 141 And though I be nothing set by as one of base degree Yet do I not thy hestes forget nor shrinke away from thee verse 142 Thy righteousnes Lord is most iust for euer to endure also thy law is truth it selfe most constant and most pure verse 143 Trouble grief haue seased on me brought me wōdrous low yet do I stil of thy precepts delight to heare and know verse 144 The righteousnes of thy iudgements do last for euermore Then teach them me for euen in them my life lieth vp in store KOPH The .xix. part verse 145 WIth fernēt hart I cald cride now aunswere me O Lord That thy cōmaundemēt to obserue I may fully accord verse 146 To thee my God I make my sute w t most hūble request Saue me therfore and I wil kepe thy precept and thy hest verse 147 To thee I cry euen in the morne before the day waxe light Because that I haue in thy word my confidence whole plight verse 148 Mine eyes preuēt the watch by night and ere they cal I wake That by deuising of thy word I might some comfort take verse 149 Incline thine eares to heare my voyce and pity on me take as thou wast wont so iudge me Lord least life me should forsake verse 150 My foes draw nere and do procure my death maliciously which from thy law are far gone back and strayd from it leudly verse 151 Therfore O Lord approch thou nere for nede so doth requyre and al thy precepts true they are then helpe I thee desire verse 152 By thy cōmaundements I haue learnd not now but long ago That they remayne for euermore thou hast them grounded so RESH The .xx. part verse 153 MY trouble and affliction consider and behold Deliuer me for of thy law I euer take fast hold verse 154 Defend my good and righteous cause with spede me succor send From death as thou hast promised Lord kepe me and defend verse 155 As for the wicked farre they are from hauing health and grace wherby they might thy statutes know they enter not the trace verse 156 Great are they mercies Lord I graūt what toung can thē attayne and as thou hast me iudged ere now so let me life obtayne verse 157 Though many men did trouble me and persecute most sore yet from thy lawes I neuer shronke nor went a wry therfore verse 158 And truth it is for grief I dye when I these traytors see Because they kepe no whit thy word nor yet seke to know thee verse 159 Behold for I do loue thy lawes with hart most glad and fayne as thou art good and gracious Lord restore my life agayne verse 160 What thy word doth decree must be and so it hath bene euer Thy righteous iudgements are also most true and decay neuer SCHIN The .xxi. part verse 161 PRinces haue sought by cruelty causeles to make me crouch But al in vayne for of thy word the feare did my hart touch verse 162 And certeinly euen of thy word I was more mery and glad Then he that of rich spoyles and pray great store plenty had verse 163 As for al lyes and falsitie I hate most and detest For why thy holy law do I aboue al things loue best verse 164 Seuen times a day I prayse the Lord singing with hart voyce Thy rightuous actes and wonderful
Al ye nations of the world prayse ye the Lord alwayes and al ye people euery where set forth his noble prayse For great his kindnes is to vs his truth endures for ay wherfore prayse ye the Lord our God prayse ye the Lord I say Confitemini domin● Psalme Cxviii M. ¶ Dauid reiected of Saule and of the people at the time appoynted obteined the kingdome for the whiche he biddeth all them that feare the Lord to be thankfull and vnder his person in al this was Christ liuely setforth who should be of his people reiected Syng this as the .98 Psalme verse 1 O Geue the thanks vnto the Lord for gratious is hee Because his mercy doth endure for euer towards thee verse 2 Let Israel confes and say his mercy dures for ay Now let the house of Aaron say his mercy dures for ay verse 3 Let al that feare the Lord our God euen now confes and say The mercy of the Lord our God endureth stil for ay verse 4 In trouble and in heauines vnto the Lord I cride Which louingly hard me at large my sute was not denide verse 5 The Lord himself is on my syde I wil not stand in doubt Nor feare what man can do to me when God stands me about verse 6 The Lord doth take my part with thē that helpe to succour me Therfore I shal see my desire vpon myne enemy verse 7 Better it is to trust in God then in mans mortal sede Or to put confidence in kings or prynces in our nede verse 8 Al nations haue inclosed me and compassed me round But in the name of God shal I myne enemies confound verse 9 They kept me in on euery syde they kept me in I say but through y e Lords most mighty name I shal work their decay verse 10 They came about me al lyke bees but yet in the Lordes name I quēcht their thornes that were on fire and wil destroy y e same verse 11 Thou hast wyth force thrust sore at me that I in dede myght fall But through the Lord I found such help y t they wer vāquisht al verse 12 The Lord is my defence strength my ioy my mirth and song He is become for me in deede a sauior most strong verse 13 The right hand of y e lord our God doth bring to passe great things He causeth voyce of ioy and health in rightrous mens dwellings verse 14 The right hād of the Lord doth bring most mighty things to pas His hath the preeminence his force is as it was verse 15 I wil not dye but euer lyue to vtter and declare the lord his might wōdrous power his works what they are verse 16 The Lord himself hath chastened and hath corrected me But hath not geuen me ouer yet to death as ye may see verse 17 Set open vnto me the gates of truth and righteousnes That I may enter into them the Lordes prayse to confes verse 18 This is the gate euen of the Lord which shal not so be shut But good and righteous men alway shal enter into it verse 19 I wil geue thankes to thee O Lord because thou hast heard me And art become most louingly a sauiour vnto me verse 20 The stone which at this tyme among the builders was refused Is now become the corner stone and chiefly to be vsed verse 21 This was the mighty worke of God this was the lords own fact and it is maruelous to behold with eyes that noble act verse 22 This is the ioyful day in dede which God himself hath wrought Let vs be glad and ioy therin in hart in mynd and thought verse 23 Now help me Lord and prosper vs we wish with one accord Blessed be he that comes to vs in the name of the Lord. verse 24 God is the Lord that shewes vs light bind ye therfore with cord Your sacrifice to the altar and geue thankes to the Lord. verse 25 Thou art my God I wil confes and render thanks to thee thou art my God and I wil prayse thy mercy towardes mee verse 26 O geue ye thanks vnto the Lord for gratious is hee Because his mercy doth endure for euer towardes thee Beati immaculati Psalme Cxix VV. VV. ¶ In this Psalm is contayned an exquisite arte a wonderful vehemēcy in setting forth the praises of gods law wherin y ● prophet cannot satisfy himself nor sufficiently expresse the affectiō which he beareth therūto adding moreouer many notable complaintes consolations wherfore it is mete that al the faithful haue it alway both in hart and mouth and in the Ebrue euery viii verses beg in with one letter of the Alphabet BLessed are they that perfect are pure in mind and hart whose liues conuersatiō from gods lawes neuer start 2. Blessed are they that geue themselues his statutes to obserue sekyng the Lord with al their hart and neuer from him swerue verse 3 Doubtles such men go not astray nor do no wicked thyng which stedfastly walke in hys pathes without any wandryng verse 4 It is thy wil and commaundement that with attentiue heede Thy noble and diuine precepts we learne and kepe in deede verse 5 Oh would to God it might thee please my wayes so to addres That I might both in hart and voyce thy lawes kepe and confes verse 6 So should no shame my lyfe attaynt whilst I thus set mine eyes and bend my mynd alwayes to muse on thy sacred decrees verse 7 Then wil I prayse with vpright hart and magnify thy name When I shal learn thy iudgements iust and like wise proue y e same verse 8 And wholy wil I geue my self to kepe thy lawes most right Forsake me not for euer Lord but shew thy grace and might BETH The second part verse 9 BY what meanes may a yōg mā best his lyfe learne to amend If that he marke and kepe thy word and therin his time spend verse 10 Vnfaynedly I haue thee sought and thus sekyng abyde Oh neuer suffer me O Lord from thy precepts to slyde verse 11 Within my hart secret thoughts thy wordes I haue hyd stil That I might not at any time offend thy godly wil. verse 12 We magnify thy name O Lord and prayse thee euermore Thy statutes of most worthy fame O Lord teach me therfore verse 13 My lips haue neuer ceast to preach and publish day and nyght The iudgemēts al which did procede frō thy mouth ful of might verse 14 Thy testimonies and thy wayes please me no les in dede then al y e treasures of y e earth which worldlings make their mede verse 15 Of thy precepts I wil stil muse and therfore frame my talke As at a marke so wil I ayme thy wayes how I may walke verse 16 My onely ioy shal be so fixed and on thy lawes so set That nothyng can me so far blynd that I thy words forget GIMEL The third part verse 17 GRaunt to thy seruant now such
sure For certenly beleue I do that thy preceptes are pure verse 67 Yer thou didst touch me with thy rod I erred and went astray But now I kepe thy holy worde and make it al my stay verse 68 Thou art both good and gratious and geuest most liberally Thy ordinaunces how to kepe therfore O lord teach me verse 69 The proud wicked men haue forged agaynst me many a lye yet thy commaundements stil obserue with al my hart wil I. verse 70 Their harts are swoln w t worldly welth as grease so ar they fat But in thy lawe do I delight and nothing seeke but that verse 71 Oh happy time may I wel say when thou didst me correct For as a guide to learn thy lawes thy rods did me direct verse 72 So that to me thy word and lawe is dearer manifold Then thousands great of siluer gold or ought that can be told IOD The .x. part verse 73 SEing thy hands haue made me lord to be thy creature graūt knowledge likewise how to learn to put thy lawes in vre verse 74 So they that feare thee shal reioyce when euer they me see Because I haue learned by thy word to put my trust in thee verse 75 Whē w t thy rods the world is plagde I know the cause is iust So when y u didst correct me Lord the cause iust nedes be must verse 76 Now of thy goodnes I thee pray some comfort to me send as thou to me thy seruant hetest so from al il me shend verse 77 Thy tender mercies poure on me and I shal surely liue For ioy and consolation both thy lawes to me doth geue verse 78 Confound y ● proud whose false pretence is me for to destroy But as for me thy hestes to know I wil my self employ verse 79 Who so with reuerence do thee feare to me let them retyre and such as do thy couenants know and them alone desyre verse 80 My hart without al wauering let on thy lawes be bent That no confusion come to me wherby I should be shent CAPH The xi part verse 81 MY soule doth faint ceaseth not thy sauing health to craue and for thy words sake stil I trust my harts desyre to haue verse 82 Myne eyes doth fayle w t looking for thy word and thus I say Oh when wilt thou me cōfort Lord why doost y u thus delay verse 83 As a skin bottel in the smoke so am I partcht and dryde yet wil I not out of my hart let thy commaundement siyde verse 84 Alas how long shal I yet lyue before I see the houre That on my foes which me torment thy vēgeance y u wilt power verse 85 Presumptuous men haue digged pits thinking to make me sure Thus contrary agaynst thy law my hurt they do procure verse 86 But thy cōmaundements are al true causeles they me greue To thee therfore I do complayne that thou mightest me releue verse 87 Almost they had me cleane destroyd brought me quite to groūd yet by thy statutes I abode and therin succor found verse 88 Restore me Lord agayne to life for thy mercies excel and so shal I thy couenaunts kepe til death my life expel LAMED The .xii. part verse 89 IN heauēs Lord wher thou doost dwel thy word is stablisht sure and shal for al eternity fast grauen there indure verse 90 From age to age thy truth abides as doth the earth witnes whose ground worke thou hast laid so sure as no toūg cā expres verse 91 Euen to this day we may wel see how al things perseuere accordyng to thy ordinaunce for al things thee reuere verse 92 Had it not ben that in thy law my soule had comfort sought Lōg time ere now in my distres I had ben brought to nought verse 93 Therfore wil I thy precepts aye in memory kepe fast By them thou hast my lyfe restord when I was at last cast verse 94 No wight to me can title make for I am onely thyne Saue me therfore for to thy lawes myne eares hart encline verse 95 The wicked men do seke my bane and therto lye in wayt But I the while considered thy notable workes and great verse 96 I see nothing in this wide world at length which hath not end But thy commaundement and thy word beyond al end extend MEM. The .xiii. part verse 97 WHat great desire and feruent loue do I beare to thy law al the day long my whole deuise is onely on thy saw verse 98 Thy word hath taught me far to pas my foes in policy For stil I kepe it as a thyng of most excellency verse 99 My teachers which did me instruct in knowledge I excel Because I do thy couenaunts kepe and them to others tel verse 100 In wisedome I do pas also the auncient men in dede and al because to kepe thy lawes I held it ay best rede verse 101 My fete I haue refrayned eke from euery euil way Because that I continually thy word might kepe I say verse 102 I haue not swarued frō thy iudgemēts nor yet shroonk any del For why thou hast taught me therby to liue godly and wel verse 103 Oh Lord how swete vnto my tast find I thy wordes alway Doubtles no hony in my mouth feele ought so swete I may verse 104 Thy lawes haue me such wisdome learnd that vtterly I hate al wicked and vngodly wayes in euery kind or rate NVN. The .xiiii. part verse 105 EVen es a lanterne to my fete so doth thy word shine bright And to my pathes where euer I go it is a flaming light verse 106 I haue both sworne wil performe most certeinly doubtles That I wil kepe thy iudgements iust and them in life expres verse 107 Affliction hath me sore oppressed brought me to deathes dore O Lord as thou hast promised so me to life restore verse 108 The offrings which with hart voyce most frākely I thee geue accept and teach me how I may after thy iudgements lyue verse 109 My soule is aye so in my hand that daungers it assayle Yet do I not thy law forget nor it to kepe wil fayle verse 110 Although the wicked layd theyr nets to catch me at abray Yet did I not from thy precepts once swerue or go astray verse 111 Thy law I haue so claymed alway as mine own heritage and why for therin I delite and set my whole courage verse 112 For euermore I haue ben bent thy statutes to fulfil Euen so likewise vnto the end I wil continue stil SAMECH The .xv. part verse 113 THe crafty thoughts and double hart I do alwayes detest But as for thy law and precepts I loued them euer best verse 114 Thou art my hid and secret place my shield of strong defence Therfore haue I thy promises lookt for with patience verse 115 Go to therfore ye wicked men depart from me anone For the commaundemēts wil I kepe of God my Lord alone verse
know verse 8 Burnt offrings thou delightest not in I know thy whole desire With sacrifice to purge their sinne thou doost no man require verse 9 Meat offering and sacrifice thou wouldst not haue at al But thou O lord hast open made myne eares to heare withal verse 10 But then sayd I behold and looke I come a meane to be For in the volume of thy booke thus it is sayd of me verse 11 That I O god should do thy mind which thing doth like me wel For in my hart thy law I find fast placed there to dwel verse 12 Thy iustice and thy righteousnes in great resortes I tel behold my tong no time doth cease O Lord y u knowest ful wel The second part verse 13 I haue not hid within my brest thy goodnes as by stealth But I declare and haue exprest thy truth and sauyng health verse 14 I kepe not close thy louing mind that no man should it know The trust that in thy truth I find to al the church I shew For I with mischiefs many one am sore beset about My sinnes encrease and so come on I cannot spy them out verse 15 For why in number they excede the heares vpon my head My hart doth faint for very dread that I almost am dead verse 16 With spede sēd help and set me free O lord I thee require Make hast with ayde to succor me O Lord at my desire verse 17 Let thē sustain rebuke and shame that seke my soule to spil Driue back my foes and thē defaine that wish and would me il verse 18 For their it feates do them discry that would deface my name Alwayes at me they rayle and cry fye on him fye for shame verse 19 Let them in thee haue ioy and wealth that seke to thee alwayse That those that loue thy sauing health may say to god be prayse verse 20 But as for me I am but poore opprest and brought ful low Yet thou O lord wilt me restore to health ful wel I know verse 21 For why thou art my hope and trust my refuge helpe and stay Wherfore my God as thou art iust with me no tyme delay Beatus qui intelligit psalme .xli. T. S. ¶ Dauid being greuously afflicted blesseth them that pity his case cōplaineth of the treason of his a wne frendes and familiars as came to passe in Iudas Ioh .xv. After he feelyng the great mercies of god gently chastising him and not suffring his enemies to triumphe against him geueth most harty thankes vnto God THe man is blest that careful is the nedy to consider for in y e seasō perilous the lord wil hym deliuer The Lord will make him safe and sound and happy in the land And he will not deliuer him into his enmies hand verse 3 And in his bed when he lieth sick the lord wil him restore And thou O Lord wilt turne to health his sicknes and hys sore verse 4 Then in my sicknes thus say I haue mercy Lord on mee And heale my soule which is ful wo that I offended thee verse 5 Myne enemies wished me il in hart and thus of me did say When shal he die that al his name may vanish quite away verse 6 And when they come to visit me they aske if I do wel But in their harts mischief they hatch and to their mates it tel verse 7 They bite their lips whisper so as though they wold me charm And cast their fetches how to trap me with some mortal harm verse 8 Some greuous sin hath brought him to this sicknes say thei plain He is so low that without doubt rise can he not agayne verse 9 The man also that I did trust with me did vse deceyte Who at my table ate my bread the same for me layd wayte verse 10 Haue mercy Lord on me therfore and let me preserued That I may render vnto them the things they haue deserued verse 11 By this I know assuredly to be beloued of thee when that mine enmies haue no cause to triumph ouer mee verse 12 But in my right thou hast me kept and maintained alway And in thy presēce place assignd where I shal dwel for aye verse 13 The Lord the God of Israel be praysed euermore Euen so be it Lord wil I say euen so be it therfore Quemadmodum desiderat Psalme .xlii. I. H. ¶ The prophet greuously complaineth that being letred by his persecutours he could not be present in the congregatiō of gods people protesting that although he was separate in body frō them yet his hart was thether affectioned And last of al he sheweth y t he was not so far ouercōmen w t these sorowes thoughts but y t he cōtinually put his cōfidēce in y e Lord. Sing this as the .xxxv. psal verse 1 LIke as y e hart doth breath bray the welsprings to obtayne So doth my soule desire alway with the Lord to remayne verse 2 My soule doth thirst wold draw nere y e liuīg god of might Oh when shal I come appeare in presence of his sight verse 3 The teares al times are my repast which frō mine eyes do slide When wicked men cry out so fast where now is god thy guide verse 4 Alas what griefe is it to thinke what fredome once I had Therfore my soule as at pits brinke is most heauy and sad When I did marche in good aray furnished with my trayne Vnto the temple was our way with sōgs hartes most fayne verse 5 My soule why art thou sad alwayes freatst thus in my brest Trust stil in God for him to prayse I hold it euer best By him haue I succour at neede against al payne and griefe He is my God which with al speede wil hast to send reliefe verse 6 And this my soule within me Lord doth faint to think vpon The land of Iordan and record the little hil Hermon verse 7 One griefe an other in doth cal as cloudes burst out theyr voyce The flouddes of euil that do fal run ouer me with noyce verse 8 Yet I by day felt his goodnes and helpe at al assayes Likewise by night I did not cease the liuing God to prayse verse 9 I am persuaded thus to say to him with pure pretence O lord thou art my guide and stay my rock and my defence Why do I then in pensiuenes hanging the head thus walke while that mine enmie me oppres and vexe me with their talk verse 10 For why thei perse mine inward partes with pangs to be abhord whē they cry out w t stubburn harts where is thy God thy Lord verse 11 So soone why doost y u faint quail my soule with paynes opprest with thoughts why doost thy self assayle so sore wythin my brest verse 12 Trust in the Lord the God alwayes and thou the tyme shalt see To geue him thanks with laud praise for helth restord to thee Iudica me deus Psalme .xliii. T.
death red me Or that can geue a price to God sufficient for him verse 7 It is to great a price to pay none can therto attayne verse 8 Or that he might his life prolong or not in graue remaine verse 9 They se wise men as wel as fooles subiect vnto deaths hands And being ded straūgers posses theyr goods theyr rēts theyr lāds verse 10 Theyr care is to build houses fayre and so determine sure To make their name right great in earth for euer to endure verse 11 Yet shal no man alwayes enioy high honor wealth and rest But shal at length taste of deathes cup as wel as y e brute beastes The second part verse 12 And though they try their folish thoughts to be most leud vaine Theyr children yet approue theyr talke in like sinne remaine verse 13 As shepe into the fold are brought so shal they into graue Death shal thē eate and in that day the iust shal Lordship haue Theyr image and theyr royal port shal fade and quite decay When as from house to pit they pas with wo and weale away verse 14 But God wil surely preserue me from death and endles payne Because he wil of his good grace my soule receiue againe verse 15 If any man waxe wondrous rich feare not I say therfore Although the glory of his house increaseth more and more verse 16 For when he dieth of al these things nothing shal he receyue His glory wil not folow him his pompe wil take her leaue verse 17 Yet in this lyfe he takes himself the happiest vnder sunne And others likewise flatter hym saying al is wel done verse 18 And presuppose he liue as long as did his fathers old Yet must he nedes at lēgth geue place be brought to deathes fold verse 19 Thus man to honor God hath cald yet doth he not consider But like brute beast so doth he liue which turne to dust pouder Deus deorum psalme L. VV. VV. ¶ He prophecieth how God will call all nations by the Gospell and require no other Sacrifices of his people but confession of his benefites thankes geuing and how he detesteth all such as seme zelous of ceremonies and not of the pure word of god onely THe mighty God theternal hath thus spoke and al the world he wil cal and prouoke euen from the East and so forth to the West from toward Sion which place him liketh best God wil appeare in beauty most excellēt verse 3 Our God wil come before that long time be spent Deuouring fire shal go before his face A great tempest shal round about him trace verse 4 Then shal he cal the earth and heauen bryght To iudge his folke with equity and ryght verse 5 Saying go to and now my saintes assemble My peace they kepe theyr gifts do not dissemble verse 6 The heauens shal declare his rightuousnes For God is iudge of al things more and les verse 7 Heare my people for I wil now reueale List Israel I wil thee nought conceale Thy God thy God am I and wil not blame thee verse 8 For geuing not al maner offrings to mee verse 9 I haue no nede to take of thee at al Goates of thy fold or calfe of thy stal verse 10 For al the beastes are mine within the woods On thousand hils cattel are mine own goods verse 11 I know for mine al birds that are on mountaines Al beasts ar mine which haūt the filds foūtains verse 12 Hungry if I were I would not thee it tel For al is mine that in the world doth dwel verse 13 Eate I the flesh of great bulles or bullocks Or drinke the bloud of Goates and of the flockes verse 14 Offer to God prayse harty thankes geuyng And pay thy vowes vnto God euerliuing verse 15 Cal vpon me when troubled thou shalt be Then wil I helpe and thou shalt honor me verse 16 To the wicked thus sayth the eternal God Why doost thou preach my lawes hestes abrod Seyng thou hast them with thy mouth abused verse 17 And hatest to be by discipline reformed My wordes I say thou doost reiect and hate verse 18 If that thou see a thefe as with thy mate Thou runnest with hym and so your pray do seke And art al one with baudes and ruffians eke verse 19 Thou geuest thy selfe to backbite and to sclaunder And how thy toung deceiueth it is a wonder verse 20 Thou sittest-musing thy brother how to blame And how to put thy mothers sonne to shame verse 21 These things thou diddest whilst I held my tong Thou didst me iudge because I stayed so long Like to thy selfe yet though I kepe long scilence Once shal thou fele of thy wronges iust recōpence verse 22 Consider this ye that forget the Lord And feare not whē he threatneth with his word Least without helpe I spoyle you as a pray verse 23 But he that thankes offereth prayseth me aye Saith the Lord God he that walketh this trace I wil him teach Gods sauing health to embrace An other of the same by I. H. THe god of gods the lord hath cald the earth by name frō wher the sōne doth rise vnto the setting of the same Frō Stō his faire place his glory bright cleare The perfect beuty of hys grace from thence it did appeare verse 3 Our God shal come in hast to speake he shal not doubt Before him shal the fire wast and tempest round about verse 4 The heauens from on hye the earth below likewise He wil cal forth to iudge and try his folke he doth deuise verse 5 Bring forth my saints sayth he my faithfull flocke so deare Which are in hand and league with me my law to loue feare verse 6 And when these things are tride the heauens shal record That God is iust al must byde the iudgmēt of the Lord. verse 7 My people O geue hede Israel to thee I cry I am thy God thy helpe at nede thou canst it not deny verse 8 I do not say to thee thy sacrifice is slacke Thou offrest dayly vnto me much more then I do lack verse 9 Thinkest thou that I do nede thy cattel yong or old Or els so much desire to fede on goates out of thy fold verse 10 Nay al the beasts are mine in woodes that eate theyr fils And thousāds more of nete kine y t runne wild in the hils The second part verse 11 The birdes that build on hye in hils and out of sight And beastes that in the field do lye are subiect to my might verse 12 Then though I hungred sore what nede I ought of thine Sith that the earth with her great store al therin is mine verse 13 To bulocks flesh haue I such mind to eate it doost thou think Or such a swetenes do I find the bloud of goats to drink verse 14 Geue to the Lord his prayse with thankes do him apply And see thou
pay thy vowes alwayes vnto the God most hye verse 15 Then seke and cal to me whē ought would worke the blame And I wil sure deliuer thee that thou maist prayse my name verse 16 But to the wicked trayne which talke of God ech day And yet theyr workes are foule vaine to thē the Lord wil say verse 17 With what a face darest thou my word once speake or name Why doth thy talke my law alow thy dedes deny the same verse 18 Where as for to amend thy life thou art so slacke My word the which thou doost pretēd is cast behind thy backe verse 19 When thou a thefe doost see by theft to liue in welth With him thou runnest doost agre likewise to thriue by stelth verse 20 When thou doost them behold that wiues and maydes defile Thou likest it wel and waxest bold to vse that life most vile verse 21 Thy lippes thou doost apply to sclaunder and defame Thy tong is taught to craft and lye and doth stil vse the same verse 22 Thou studiest co reuile thy frends to thee so nere With slaūder thou wouldst nedes defile thy mothers sōne most deare verse 23 Hereat while I do winke as though I did not see Thou goest on stil and so doost thinke that I am like to thee verse 24 But sure I wil not let to strike when I begynne Thy faultes in ordre I wil set and open al thy sinne verse 25 Marke this I you require that haue not God in mind Least whē I plage you in mine ire your help be far to find verse 26 He that doth geue to me the sacrifice of prayse Doth please me wel he shal se to walke in godly wayes i. Miserere mei deus Psalme .li. VV VV. ¶ When Dauid was rebuked by the Prophet nathan for his great offences he did not onely acknowledge the same to God with protestation of his natural corruption and iniquirie But also left a memorial therof to his posteritie Therfore first he desireth God to forgeue his sinnes and renew in him his holy spirit with promise that he wil not be vnmindfull of those great graces Finally fearing least God would punish the whole Church for his faute He requireth that he would rather increase his graces towards the same O Lord consider my distres And now with spede some pitie take My sinnes deface my fautes redresse good Lord for thy great mercyes sake Wash me O Lord and make me cleane Frō this vniust and sinful act and purifie yet once agayne my haynous crime and bloudy fact verse 2 Remorse and sorow do constraine me to acknowledge mine exces verse 3 My sinne alas doth stil remaine before my face without reles verse 4 For thee alone I haue offended committing euel in thy sight And if I were therfore condemned yet were thy iudgmēt iust right verse 5 It is to manifest alas that first I was conceyued in sinne Yea of my mother so borne was yet vile wretch remayne therin verse 6 Also behold Lord thou doost loue the inward truth of a pure hart Therfore thy wisdome frō aboue thou hast reueld me to conuert verse 7 If thou with Hissope purge this blot I shal be cleaner thē the glasse And if y u wash away my spot the snow in whitenes shal I passe verse 8 Therfore O Lord such ioy me sēd that in wardly I may find grace And y ● my strēgth may now amēd which y u hast swagd for my trespas verse 9 Turne back thy face frownig ire for I haue felt inough thy hād And purge my sinnes I thee desire which do in nūber passe the sād verse 10 Make new my hart within my brest frame it to thy holy wil Thy cōstāt spirit in me let rest which may these raging enmies kil The second parte verse 11 Cast me not Lord out from thy face but spedely my torments end Take not frō me thy spirit grace which may frō dāgers me defēd verse 12 Restore me to those ioyes again which I was wōt in thee to find And let me thy fre spirit retain which vnto thee may stirre my mind verse 13 Thus whē I shal thy mercies know I shal instruct others therin And mē that ar likewise brought low by mine ensāple shal flee sinne verse 14 O God that of my helth art Lord forgeue me this my bloudy vice My hart toung shal thē accord to sing thy mercies and iustice verse 15 Touch thou my lips my tonge vnty O Lord which art y e only kay And thē my mouth shal testify thy wōdrous works praise alway verse 16 And as for outward sacrifice I would haue offred many one But thou estemest thē of no price therin pleasure takest y u none verse 17 The heauy hart the mynd opprest O Lord thou neuer doost reiect And to speake truth it is the best and of al sacrifice the effect verse 18 Lord vnto Siō turne thy face poure out thy mercyes on thy hil And on Ierusalē thy grace build vp the walles and loue it stil verse 19 Thou shalt accept thē our offrings of peace righteousnes I say yea calues many other things vpon thine altar wil we lay ¶ An other of the same by T. N. Sing this as the lamētation HAue mercy on me God after thy great abounding grace After thy mercies multitude do thou my sinnes deface Yet wash me more frō myne offēce clense me frō my sinne For I beknow my fautes stil my sin is in mine eyne Agaynst thee thee alone I haue offended in this case And euel haue I done before the presence of thy face That in the things that thou doost say vpright thou maist be tried And eke in iudgyng that the dome may passe vpon thy side Behold in wickednes my kind and shape I did receyue And loe my sinful mother eke in sin did me conceyue But Loe the truth in inward partes is pleasant vnto thee And secrets of thy wisdome thou reueled hast to mee With Hysope Lord be sprincle me I shal be clensed so yea wash thou me and so I shal be whiter then the snow Of ioy gladnes make thou me to heare the pleasing voyce That so the broosed bones which y u hast brokē may reioyce From the beholding of my sinnes Lord turne away thy face And al my dedes of wickednes do vtterly deface O God create in me a hart vnspotted in thy sight And eke within my bowels Lord renew a stable spirit Ne cast me from thy sight nor take thy holy spirit away The comfort of thy sauing helpe geue me agayne I pray With thy free spirit establish me and I wil teach therfore Sinners thy wayes wicked shal be turnd vnto thy lore The seconde part O God that art God of my helth from bloud deliuer mee That praises of thy righteousnes my tōg may sing to thee My lips that yet fast closed be do thou O Lord
waters depe Yet none can there thy steps espy nor know thy pathe to kepe verse 20 Thou leadest thy folke vpon the land as shepe on euery syde through Moyses through Aarōs hād y u didst them safely guide Attendite populi psalme .lxxviii. T. S. ¶ He sheweth howe God of his mercye chose his churche of the posteritie of Abraham casting in their teeth the stubburne rebellion of their fathers that their children might not onely vnderstand that God of his free mercies made his couenaunt with their auncestors but also seing them so malitious and peruerse might be ashamed and so turne wholy to God In this psalm the holy ghost hath cōprehended as it were y ● sum of al gods benefits to the intent the ignorāt gros people might see in few words the effect of the whole histories ATtend my people to my law and to my wordes incline My mouth shal speake straunge parables and sentences deuyne Which we our selues haue heard and learnd euen of our fathers old and which for our instruction our fathers haue vs told verse 4 Because we should not kepe it close frō thē that should come after who should gods power to their race praise al his workes of wōder verse 5 To Iacob he cōmaūdemēt gaue how Israel should liue Willing our fathers should the same vnto their children geue verse 6 That they and their posteritie that were not sprong vp tho Should haue the knowledge of the law and teach their sede also verse 7 That they may haue the better hope in God that is aboue And not forget to kepe his lawes and his precepts in loue verse 8 Not beyng as theyr fathers were rebelling in gods sight and would not frame their wicked harts to know their god aright verse 9 How went the people of Ephraim their neighbours for to spoyle Shooting their darts the day of war and yet they toke the foyle verse 10 For why they did not kepe with God y e couenant that was made Nor yet would walke or lead their liues according to hys trade verse 11 But put into obliuion his counsel and his wil and al his workes most magnifique which he declared stil The second part verse 12 What wonders to our forefathers did he himself disclose In Egipt land within the field that called is Thaneos verse 13 He did deuyde and cut the sea that they might passe at once And made the water stand as stil as doth an heape of stones verse 14 He led them secret in a cloud by day when it was bright And in the night when darke it was with fire he gaue thē light verse 15 He brake the rockes in wildernes and gaue the people drinke As plentiful as when the depes do flow vp to the brinke verse 16 He drew out riuers out of rocks that were both dry and hard Of suche a boundance that no floudes to them might be compard verse 17 yet for all this against the Lord their sinne they did increase And styred him that is most hygh to wrath in wildernes verse 18 They tēpted hym within their harts lyke people of mistrust Requiring such a kynd of meat as serued to their lust verse 19 Saying with murmuration in their vnfaythfulnes What can this God prepare for vs a feast in wildernes verse 20 Behold he strake the stony rock and floudes forth with did flo But can he now geue to his folke both biead and fless also verse 21 When God heard this he waxed wroth with Iacob and his sede So did his indignation on Israel procede The third part verse 22 22 Because they did not faithfully beleue and hope that he Could alwayes help and succor them in their necessitie verse 23 Wherfore he did cōmaund y ● clouds forthwith they brake in sūder verse 24 And raind down Manna for thē to eate a foode of mickel wonder verse 25 When earthly men with angels fode were fed at their request verse 26 He bad the east wind blow away and brought in the south west verse 27 And rainde down flesh as thick as dust foule as thick as sand verse 28 Which he did cast amids the place where al the tents did stand verse 29 Then did they eate excedingly and al men had their fils Yet more and more they did desire to serue their lusts and wils verse 30 But as the meat was in their mouthes his wrath vpon them fel. verse 31 And slew the floure of al their youth and choyse of Israel verse 32 Yet fel they to theyr wonted sinne and stil they did him greue For al the wonders that he wrought they would him not beleue verse 33 Their dayes therfore he shortened and made their honor vayne Their yeres did wast and pas away with terrours with payn verse 34 But euer when he plaged thē they sought hym by and by verse 35 Remēbring thē he was their strēgth their help God most hy verse 36 Though in their mouthes they did but glose flatter w t the Lord and with their tongs in their harts dissembled euery word The fourth part verse 37 For why their harts wer nothyng bēt to hym nor to hys trade Nor yet to kepe or to perform the couenant that was made verse 38 Yet was he stil so merciful when they deserued to dye That he forgaue them their misdedes and would not thē destroy Yea many a time he turned his wrath and did himself aduise and would not suffer al his whole displeasure to arise verse 39 Considering they were but flesh and euen as a wind that passeth away and cannot wel returne by his own kind verse 40 How oftentimes in wildernes did they their Lord prouoke How did they moue stir theyr Lord to plage thē with his stroke verse 41 Yet dyd they turn agayn to sinne and tempted God eftsone prescribing to the holy Lord what things they would haue done verse 42 Not thinking of his hand power nor of the day when he Deliuered them out of the bonds of the fierce enemy verse 43 Nor how he wrought his miracles as they themselues beheld In Egipt and the wonder that he dyd in Zoan field verse 44 Nor how he turned by his power their waters into bloud that no man might receyue his drink at ryuer nor at floud verse 45 Nor how he sent thē swarms of flies which did them sore annoy and fild their coūtries ful of frogs which shuld their Lord destroy The fyft part verse 46 46 Nor how he did commit their fruites vnto the Caterpiller and al the labour of their hands he gaue to the grashopper verse 47 With hailstones he destroid their vines so that they were al lost and not so much as wild fig trees but he consumde with frost verse 48 And yet with hailstones once again the Lord their cattle smote and al their flocks and heards like wise w t thunderbolts ful hote verse 49 He cast vpon them in his ire and in his
doth eke his iustice shew in al the Heathens sight verse 3 His grace and truth to Israel in mynd he doth record That al the earth hath sene right wel the goodnes of the Lord. verse 4 Be glad in him with ioyful voyce al people of the earth Geue thankes to God sing and reioyce to him with ioy mirth verse 5 Vpon the harpe vnto him sing geue thanks to hym with psalmes Reioyce before the Lord our king with trumpets with shalmes verse 6 Yea let the sea with al therin with ioy both rore and swel The earth like wise let it begin with al that therin dwel verse 7 And let the flouds reioyce their fils and clap their hands apace and eke the mountaynes and the hils before the Lord his face verse 8 For he shal come to iudge and try the world and euery wight and rule the people mightely with iustice and with right Dominus regnauit psalme .xcix. I. H. He cōmendeth the power equitie and excellency of the kingdō of god by Christ ouer y e Iew Gētils prouoketh thē to magnify y e fame to serue y e lord following the example of the aunciēt fathers Moyses Aarō Samuel who calling vpon God were hard in their prayers Sing this as the .95 Psalme verse 1 THe Lord doth raign although at it the people rage ful sore Yea he on Cherubin doth syt though al y e world wold rore verse 2 The Lord that doth in Sion dwel is high wōdrous great aboue al folke he doth excel and he aloft is set verse 3 Let al men prayse thy mighty name for it is feareful sure and let them magnify the same that holy is and pure verse 4 The princely power of our kyng doth loue iudgement and ryght thou rightly rulest euery thyng in Iacob through thy might verse 5 To prayse the Lord our God deuyse al honour to hym do His footestoole worship ye lykewyse for he is holy to verse 6 Moyses Aaron and Samuel as priests on hym dyd cal when they did pray he heard thē wel and gaue thē aunswer al. verse 7 Within the cloud to them he spake then did they labour stil to kepe such lawes as he did make and pointed them vntil verse 8 O Lord our God thou didst them heare and aunswerst them again Thy mercy did on them appeare their dedes didst not maintayn verse 9 O laud and prayse our God and Lord within his holy hil For why our God throughout the world is holy euer stil 2 Iubilate deo omnis terra psalme C. He exhorteth al to serue the lord who hath made vs and enter into his courtes and assemblies to prayse his name AL people y t on earth do dwel sing to y e Lord with chereful voice him serue w t fear his praise forth tel come ye before him reioice verse 3 The Lord ye know is god in dede wtout our ayde he did vs make We are his folke he doth vs fede for his shepe he doth vs take verse 4 Oh enter thē his gates w t praise approch with ioy his courts vnto praise laud and bles his name alwayes for it is semely so to do verse 5 For why the Lord our God is good his mercy is for euer sure His truth at al times firmly stood and shal from age to age indure Another of the same verse 1 IN God the lord be glad and light praise him throughout the earth Serue him come before his sight with singing and with mirth verse 2 Know that the Lord our God he is he did vs make and kepe Not we our selues for we are his owne folke and pasture shepe verse 3 O go into his gates alwayes geue thankes within the same Within his courts set forth his prayse and laud his holy name verse 4 For why the goodnes of the Lord for euermore doth raigne from age to age throughout the world his truth doth stil remain Misericordiam iudicium psalm Ci. N. ¶ Dauid discrybeth what gouerhmēt he wil obserue in his house and kingdome He wil punish and correct by rotyng out the wick●d and cheryshing the godly persons Sing this as the .81 psalme verse 1 I Mercy wil and iudgement sing O Lord God vnto thee and wisely do in perfect way vntil thou come to mee verse 2 And in the midst of my house walke in purenes of my sprite verse 3 And I no kind of wicked thyng wil set before my sight I hate their worke that fal away it shal not cleaue to mee verse 4 From me shal part the froward hart none euil wil I see verse 5 Him wil I stroy that slaundereth his neighbour priuely The lofty hart I cannot beare nor hym that looketh hy verse 6 Mine eyes shal be on them within the land that faithful be In perfect way who worketh shal be seruant vnto me verse 7 I wil no guileful person haue within my house to dwel and in my presence he shal not remayne that lies doth tel verse 8 Betimes I wil destroy euen al the wicked of the land That I may from Gods city cut the wicked workers band Domine exaudi orationem psalme Cii I. H. ¶ It semeth that this prayer was apointed to the faithful to pray in the captiuity of Babilon A consolatiō for the buildinge of the church Wherof foloweth the praise of god to be published vnto al posterityes The conuersion of the Gentils And the stability of the church Syng this as the .67 Psalme verse 1 O Heare my prayer Lord and let my crye come vnto thee verse 2 in tyme of trouble do not hide thy face away from mee Incline thine eares to me make hast to heare me when I cal verse 3 For as the smoke doth fade so do my dayes cōsume and fal verse 4 And as a harth my bones are burnt my hart is smittē dead and withers as the grasse that I forget to eat my bread verse 5 By reason of my groning voyce my bones cleaue to my skin verse 6 As Pellicane of wildernes such case now am I in And as an Owle in desert is loe I am such a one verse 7 I watch and as a Sparow on the house top am alone verse 8 Loe daily in reprochful wise myne enmies do me scorne And they y ● do against me rage against me they haue sworne verse 9 Surely with ashes as with bread my hunger I haue fild and mingled haue my drink w t teares y t fro mine eies haue stild verse 10 Because of thy displeasure Lord thy wrath and thy disdayn For thou hast lifted me aloft and cast me down agayn verse 11 The dayes where in I pas my life are lyke the fleeting shade and I am withered like y ● gras that soone away doth fade verse 12 But thou O Lord for euer doost remayne in stedy place And thy remembrance euer doth abyde from race to race The second part verse 13 Thou wilt arise and mercy thou to