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A13827 Times lamentation: or An exposition on the prophet Ioel, in sundry sermons or meditations Topsell, Edward, 1572-1625? 1599 (1599) STC 24131; ESTC S118486 347,352 464

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preachers tell vs goe forwarde I beseech you in all other sinnes and you shall finde but a verie small number that say I beleeued and therefore I heard The medicine to purge out all these corruptions is a true faith the which if either you leaue at home or lose it by the way the labour is all lost that you take therein Oh how lamentable and damnable a sinne is infidelitie when the iudgements of God are not beleeued and the mercies of God are abused But this greeueth all godly hearts to the quicke that euen in our daies and times there should be such that as a godly father saith are armed with the name of good christians yet fight against the faith of true beleeuers Looke vpon it in time least as death followeth sicknes through want of phisicke so the death of your soules follow their sickenes through want of faith Beleeue saith Christ and al things are possible the dead haue beene raised by faith the sicke haue beene releeued by faith the mountaines may be remooued by faith and the diuell himselfe is droue away by faith therefore bring faith with you vnto the hearing of the sermons the scriptures are the Lords wordes and they are set to sale by the preaching of the ministers themselues beeing his factors faith must buye them as money doth or bee exchanged for them as one thing is for another for there is no crediting vpon wordes no obligations vpon dayes that can get them from vs but present payment of a liuely faith Therefore if any will knowe howe to heare the Gospell with profit and to enioy it with comfort let him bring faith with him that the worde deliuered may bee sealed for truth and sinnes beeing reprooued may bee receiued for truth and suffer no starting holes of infidelitie to carrie our soules from the rocke of God his truth into the sea of heathenish securitie or endlesse aduersitie O yee elders That is you gouernours of the people whom the Lord hath honoured with long life and the world with great authoritie And from hence we note this doctrine that the most honourable must most of all giue eare to the worde of God whether that honour bee in the Church as the ministers or in the common wealth as the magistrates or in the familie as the father thereof or in the warres as the generall thereof all these beeing exalted aboue other haue also a charge aboue other that euerie one walke worthie of his profession which is onely by studying and hearing the word of the Lord. The Lord so commandeth Deut. 17. 19. That the king himselfe shall cause to be wrote a booke for him of the lawe that he keepe it with him and read therein all the daies of his life Those which haue the greatest charge must vse the greatest labour to discharge their places as none could be iudges in Israell till the Lord had giuen them of the spirit of Moses so none can sincerely execute their duetie that the world may be satisfied the Lord may be glorified and their owne soules comforted vnlesse they receiue of the spirit of God and by the ministerie of the word is the spirit deliuered Gal. 3. 2. Hearken therefore you rulers of the Lordes people that which excelleth all glorie being richer then all wealth and wiser then all learning euen the spirit of God may be receiued when the word of God is deliuered Oh how are they deceiued that thinke the ministerie a base profession not meete for any but for the poore to liue by for the lame disfigured for yonger brothers for bankerupt for seruingmen for blunt-headed-schollers and such as can be good in nothing How are they also deceiued that thinke it not an exercise fit for noble men and persons of estate knights and gentlemen and such great ones which haue the world at their wils and the countrey at their pleasures shall these say they make themselues drudges to the Gospell schollers to the preachers and goe on pilgrimage to a publike sermon Yea all these must resigne their crownes of maiestie their gownes of nobility their swords of chiualrie and their estimation of gentrie vnto the voice of the blessed spirit of God speaking in the scriptures and preaching in his ministers And if these must bend their knees we must bow our bodies to the earth and put our necke vnder the yoke of Christ Iesus that he may lift vp our head liues to the participation of glorie The Lord that bindeth kings in chaines and nobles in fetters of Iron and maketh the mountaines to cleaue in sunder at his roaring willeth and commandeth vs from heauen to heare his son and it shal so come to passe that the soule shal be cut off from the Lords people that hath not kissed the prince of glorie and commeth not to offer obedience and seruice to his royall Lord who is able to cast him body and soule into fire euerlasting Let vs therefore study to enter into the courts where the Gospell of Christ soundeth and reigneth least we fall away from grace and glorie after the euill example of those long agoe condemned infidels and reprobated apostataes which gaue their eares to falshood their toongs to blasphemie their liues to vanitie their bodies to luxurie and their soules to euerlasting miserie Let not the graye haires of old men the great wealth of rich men the worship of Magistrates nor the honour of gouernement draw away our hearts from the hearing of this message which being hid from vs maketh vs cursed castawaies but being declared vnto vs regenerateth vs to the hope of eternall happines The reasons of this doctrine are also easily gathered out of the word of God First the same which Samuel vseth in his first booke cap. 12. ver 14. at the annointing or crowning of their new king Saule to perswade them and their king to the diligent hearing of the word and reuerent feare of God he vseth this as a reason That then they shall be the people of the Lord God As if Samuel had said vnto them you know that this is the glorie of our nation that we alone are the selected band and chosen soldiers to fight the Lords battles and this is an honour against all the world beside that they seruing Idoles and worshipping diuels we serue the Lord of hostes if therefore you will indeed be the Lords people you must in truth heare the Lords word what could be said more forcibly to mooue a rebellious nation to a quiet submission And this being the badge and liuerie of the Church of God we may be bold to say openly and defend confidently that they which heare not the Gospell as now it is preached in our English nation are none of the true followers of his heauenly maiestie Euen all whether they be the archenimies of Christ the Papists or the new sectary of Recusants the Brownists or the vaine religion bablers the Newters or the priuy haters of the
miserable manners they had rather goe with musicke to the gallowes then with mourning to a sermon they choose rather to goe singing to hell then weeping to heauen cursed are they which speake euill of the way of righteousnesse and say to the prophets depart from vs. The Lorde shall come with speede to render vengeance to them that receiue him not The second Sermon Vers 2. Heare this yee elders IN these wordes the Prophet declareth the second part of the description of this booke namely the subiect thereof that is the persons whom it concerneth and the wordes are thus much in effect You that are the elders and gouernors of the people heare the worde of the Lord and all you which are the inhabitants of the land of Iudea the Lords inheritance hearken you also hereunto and tell me whether you euer heard the like in your daies or in the daies of your fathers which went before you Out of these words obserue these doctrines following first that the prophets and ministers of God must call vpon the people to heare the word for you see in the entry of this prophesie the prophet crieth to the people to giue audience to his sermons And indeed this is a most necessarie obseruation to be kept as an entrance to call the peoples minds at the beginning and as a remembrance to stirre them vp in the midst and a conclusion to admonish them in the end For this cause also the prophet Isa cap. 1. vers 2. thinking that if men would not giue an eare to his sermons yet he would not want audience calleth in this sort Heare O ye heauens hearken O earth shewing that if men will be so deafe at the crie of the Lords ministers as not to lend them their eares to their preaching yet the heauens and the earth shall tremble at their word giuing obedience to their heauenly voices the dumbe creatures shal condemne such intollerable rebellion In the booke of the Apostles Act. cap. 13. ver 16. We may read when Paul and Barnabas came to Antiochia being entreated on the Saboth day to giue some words of exhortation to the people Paul standing vp and beckning with his hand called vnto them saying Men and brethren hearken The people in most places are busied in vaine speculations when the peacher is most diligent in opening the word of truth some are drousie when their hearts should be waking to heare what God wil say concerning them others are scraping in the churches with their feete superstitiously conceited when they heare but the name of Iesus mentioned and yet they wil sweare by him and make no bones at all againe others are wearie thinking euerie minute an hower till the preacher be out of the pulpit and many shew the whole congregation their backes by departing out of the church All these let the preachers call with the voice of Trumpets Heare the word of the Lord put away your vanities rouze vp your drowsines take pleasure in godlines staye your disquietnes and continue your presence in the Lords assemblies know you not that the stones you tread on the heauens you gaze on the earth you walke on and the wordes that we preach vnto you shall all come against you like witnesses and tell the Lord your disobedience therefore we often say in our sermons Heare this men and brethren The reasons of this doctrine may euidently be gathered out of the word of God and the first is the practise of the Lord himselfe Psal 81. 8. beside many other places in the scripture where the Lord calleth vpon the people before he declare his minde vnto them for audience and attention saying Heare O my people and I will speake hearken O Israell and I will testifie vnto thee What shall it auaile if we bring the toongs of angels into the congregations none or few wil lend vs their eares Although I easily graunt our perswasiōs enter as deeply into the wals of the churches as into the eares hearts of most of our hearers euen in this we are like these Israelites that if the Lord himselfe should come at one time as here he did cry Heare O my people of England yet it is much to be feared that at another time he might come and crye vnto vs Oh that my people of England would haue heard me as to them he doth in the latter ende of the Psalme Secondly another reason of this doctrine is this bicause by hearing commeth faith Rom. 10. 17. Faith is by hearing and hearing by the word of God so that if the hearing of the preachers beget faith in the hearers who shall more fitly or may more conueniently crie vnto them in their sermon time to heare this point of faith diligently to marke this doctrine carefully to lay vp this lesson aduisedly and remember this exhortation continually then the preachers themselues which are the midwiues of their faith Oh how wonderfully doth this doctrine condemne this faithlesse age wherein we liue for if faith come by hearing and hearing by the word of God whence haue they their faith that come so seldome to our sermons Doth not this argue forcibly that their faith is as litle as their hearing therefore saluation is as little as their faith How wil they answer this argument now before men and afterward before the sonne of God that they which heare not beleeue not they which beleeue not are cōdemned alreadie and they which are in such damnable estate it is not their reuenues of thousands their pallaces and houses of glorie the garments of brauerie their prouision of delicates their gentle friends their soft beds their hungry hounds their rauening haukes their pampered horses and their retinues of seruants that can fray the deuill from taking away their soules Is not this pitie that such glorious gentlemen should be cast away for not hearing a seely preachers sermons being otherwise learned in the toongs skilfull in the artes excellent in the lawes eloquent in speeches valorous in war and comely in stature Surely I beleeue Paul was deceiued when he said Faith came by hearing and hearing by the word of God What an impudent blasphemie were this to say that Ladies and gentlewomen on whose faces the sunne is not good inough to looke whose legges must not walke on the ground but either keepe aloft in their bowers or take the ayer in their coaches whose hands must touch nothing but either chaines of pearle cloath of golde embrodered and fine needle wrought garments that these beautifull stars I say should come downe from their nicenes and learne faith at the mouth of preachers Yet farther must our gallant youthes and proper seruing then whose heads are hanged with haire as if they would fright away both Christ and his ministers from the place where they stand come frō the tauerns from gaming houses from the play houses frō the Ale houses from the whoore houses and from al their disports to be ratled vp
preachers the carnall and time seruing professours these shall goe to the place from whence they came there to be tormented world without end It is not cold and idle hearing that maketh vs the people of God but a sincere and diligent frequenting the place where his person dwelleth We must not be contented to be the Lords retayners but we must sue to be made his houshold seruants The Apostle Peter in his first epistle cap. 2. ver 5. calleth vs all that professe the Lord Iesus a spirituall priesthood now this was the office in old time of a priest euery day to appeare at the altar and their very lodging was in the Temple therefore must we come often to the Lords house and desire to dwell in his tabernacle that we may euermore heare and speake his worde The second reason of this doctrine is taken from the continuall course of the Iudgements of God All Egypt was plagued because they heard not the worde of God euen their king lost his eldest sonne and afterwarde he himselfe for the same follie was drowned and swallowed vp of the sea The noble man which would not beleeue and harken to the voice of the prophet when he told him of the great and sudden cheapnes of corne answered him that it was impossible except the windowes of heauen shoulde bee opened but he sawe it accomplished and for his infidelitie was troden to death by the people Reade the whole booke of God and you shal euery where plainly perceiue that for disobedience to God his worde and contempt of his messengers Kings haue been deposed and Queenes haue beene punished Lords Ladies Magistrates and subiectes old men and children haue tasted of the deadly cup of the Lords heauie wrath Lay vp this in your harts my bowels in the Lorde happy are they which auoide danger by the fals of other men Oh that the teares of our countrymen couldewash away the guilt of this sinne for our score is growne so great by our long continued credit that we haue made no conscience to pay the Lord his owne and we haue vrgent cause to consider and also to feare least the Lord sue the extremitie of the lawe vpon vs and neuer spare till we haue paide the vttermost farthing and felt the full weight of his hande and spent euery drop of bloud in soule and body for the notorious contempt of his most glorious Gospel There is no sacrifice to be compared to the hearing of the Lords worde and therefore the neglect thereof in whomsoeuer is most fearefull most deadly most damnable The vses which offer themselues vnto vs out of this doctrine are these first that the ancient and great men must suffer the words of the Lords ministers patiently and for this cause the Apostle willeth vs Tit. 2. 2. To exhort the elders to sobernesse and faith There be two things which should shine as bright in age and authoritie as the eies do in the heads of strong yoong men that see and be seene of others and yet see not themselues euen so ought sobrietie and faith to offer themselues vnto the view of all persons where the graie haires appeere like the buddes of an almond tree whereby the aged may see and correct the follies of youth and yoong men may see their example to be drawne in loue with their liues but they themselues ought not to be proud for that honour which the Lord hath bestowed vpon them Oh how vnhappie is that time when olde men and great men are as wanton as children and as faithles as those which neuer knewe God Wo bee to that lande whose Prince is a childe saith Salomon Meaning that the whole countrey is distressed where the gouerners thereof haue as little stay as children or as little faith as children In our daies if the Lords ministers which keepe the soules of our countrymen shall in meekenesse admonish old men they tell them they are but boyes to themselues and they knew what religion was before they were borne not knowing their antiquitie cannot preiudice the spirite of the Lord or not considering what our sauiour saide to the labourers in the vineyard They which were first shall be last and they which were last shall bee first Others thinke that if they beare an office in the common wealth no man may dare to counsell them in the Lorde they themselues thinke they are iniured and their friends thinke they are disgraced if the word of exhortation passe vpon them shall I say they being a gentleman well descended well instructed of so many hundred poundes reuenues bee in as much slauerie to this preaching as the poore artificer But vnto these we may answere that if their natures or offices exempt them from sermons they also exempt them from saluation For it pleased God through the foolishnes of preaching to saue them that beleeue What is a King better then a farmer a noble man better then an artificer a gentleman better then a plowman and a magistrate better then a subiect without true religion and obedience to the gospel Surely nothing for now whether had you rather bee poore Iacob bowing to the earth alone or rich Esau attended with fowre hundred men whether had you rather bee Pharaoh or Moses Ieroboam or the prophet Ziakijah or Ieremie the rich man or Lazarus Pilate or Christ Herod or Iohn Baptist the Apostles or the high Priests stagger not heereat but shew your consciences whether of these you woulde be you cannot bee both therefore choose one The way to heauen is narrowe and we being clothed with our owne conceites can neuer enter in there is too little roome for both we cannot beare the yoke of Christ and the worlde at one time the least of both requireth a whole man Therefore you my beloued fathers beare with the voice of vs your yoongers for when we exhort you it is not done in our name but in his who is the ancient of daies elder then the oldest wiser then the wisest stronger then the strongest and yoonger then the yoongest who is euery day borne in his members It is not vs but him that you heare who knoweth your harts seeth your liues and shall condemne your incredulitie The Lord told the rebellious Israelites when they refused Moses and Aaron that it was not against them but him that they had murmured and refused so it is not our youth it is not our frailtie it is not our weaknes that you blame for if wee were not ministers you woulde loue vs the better for it but it is against the Lorde that you striue Oh staie your toongs before they go too farre God which dasheth in peeces yoong infants careth not for your gray haires your swordes auaile not against him neither can your reuenues redeeme your soules Secondly we may make this one vse of this That forsomuch as the Elders and Magistrates must aboue others vse the hearing of the worde of God what is their estate
word of the holy one of Israell But for vs which haue already giuen vp our names to the Lorde let vs with Dauid Psal 73. 28. drawe neere vnto our God that our zeale in preaching our labour in hearing our feeling in praying and our ioy in all manner of reuerence to the holy Gospell of Christ may euer arise higher and higher to the intent that we also may declare his works vnto other rather then in lamentable rebellion be made examples of his feueritie But now let vs come and see the vses of this doctrine as they are left in the holy worde of God and this may be one that seeing only in the word of God is the foreknowledge of hurt and the continuance of our peace oh then let vs beware of whatsoeuer that shall endeuour or any way be able to pull vs away from the same Our Sauiour himselfe hauing preached a long and sweete fermon vnto his Disciples to arme them against troubles and to forewarne them against corruptions shutteth it vp with this exhortation Luk 21. 34. Let not your harts be ouercome with surfeiting and drunkennes and cares of this life and so that day shoulde come vpon you at vnawares whereby the whole church of God are likewise taught that the diuell shoulde mightily labour by these instruments of drunkennesse and worldly care to burie the worde of God and to blot out if it were possible the very names of the elect from the booke of God and when were these daies if nowe they be not Shall we looke vpon the families of all our lande the very speciall and distinct persons therein we shal find very fewe that are not infected with one of these poisons Drunkennes hath banished all religion inuaded the houses of court and countrie and already made the heauens to weepe the earth to fast the beastes to pine the poore to famish the enimies of God to reioice the saints of Christ to be sorrowfull and the soules of many to be vtterly destroied The cares of this life haue also so farre preuailed that hell may seeme to be enlarged and the diuell with golden apples hath raised vp contention in all kingdomes and by this meanes gained infinite possessions Some haue all their minds on warres thinking it long till they be at the spoiles of their enimie do these men either thinke vpon the word of God which is or the day of God which shall be No no the cares of this life haue ouercome their harts some are too noble som are too base some are too rich some are too poore some are too learned and some are too ignorant thus by one way or other many are ouerthrowne But yet let vs not be hindered from preaching or discouraged from hearing let vs not want the meanes to obtaine life eternall and much more let vs not refuse the same being offered If the Niniuites had not repented when Ionah preached within fortie daies had Niniueh been destroyed oh happie Niniueh that thus was warned by the preaching of one yea rather blessed be our God that woulde not suffer a citie to perish before he had called them by his prophet But howe blessed are we that haue had many prophets and preachers and yet haue not repented in sackcloth and ashes yea although the worlde be hardned with preaching and say where is the promise of his comming where is the destruction that you haue prophesied where are the desolations that so many preachers haue threatened Yet take heede although the cocke crowe at midnight yea many times before the day will you say therefore it will neuer be light so although wee haue a great while agoe and yet continue to crie and call on you to awake before danger come bee assured it will come as the morning star after the nightlie darknes Oh then let vs arise put on your clothes trauaile to the Lordes house and hearken euery one what he will enforme vs to amend vs or instruct vs to forewarne vs. Another vse heereof we may make for the conuersion of them that are yet hardned in their sinnes then the prophet hath taught vs that our whole conuersion and safetie dependeth on the word of God in the mouthes of the ministers and we haue learned to watch ouer our liues that none steale away the same from vs. But yet we haue nothing to saie to them that are no drunkards no couetous misers no open and prophane persons nor yet despisers of the ministerie and meanes of reconciliation but rather louing vnto them and yet for all this make no conscience to knowe God out of his worde or to doubt of many maine points of saluation or to disport themselues in vaine and vnseemely mirth and such like euen vnto them I say with Paul 1. Cor. 15. 34. Awake to liue righteously and sinne not You haue liued indeed as Herod that honored Iohn Baptist as Pilate that thought Christ a good man as the Iewes that followed him from towne to towne but what change hath there beene of your liues since you knew these things if there be none as there can be none as yet then let Paul and Ioel crie vnto you Awake to liue righteously I may say vnto these men as Christ said to the Lawyer that they are not farre from the kingdome of God they are asleepe but not heauily asleepe and they may say of themselues as Agrippa saide of himselfe that they are almost perswaded to be Christians but not altogither Yet one thing more wanteth my beloued not the selling of your houses nor the distribution of your goods nor the reliefe of the poore nor the chastening of your bodies but the banishing of your vaine pleasures the ouerruling of your affections the crucifying of your lustes the putting from you your ignorance your pastimes your oathes your tabling your dicing your gaming and all your cost and time that is euill spent You haue indeede made a good beginning but also I wish you to make a good ending you haue cast the diuell out of the hall of your harts oh cast him out also from the parlour you haue thrust his head out of your mindes suffer not therefore his feete to remaine within you Is it as sweete as sleepe vnto you to do as yee do beware least it be as bitter as gall vnto you to receiue as you haue done therefore awake my brethren and cast off the couerlets of your euill forsake the sheetes of iniquitie and leape out of the soft bed of selfe-pleasing delights put on the garments of righteousnes embrace the crosse of christianitie and breake the neck of all your pleasures as Sampson did of his enimies The Lorde biddeth vs awake to iudgement the Gospell biddeth vs awake to righteousnes the church biddeth vs awake to sobernes the preachers bidde vs awake to holines the creatures bid vs awake to obedience the earth biddeth vs awake to fruitfulnes and the heauens from an high bid vs to awake either to saluation or else
sleepe to condemnation shall we haue more neede yet to be awaked Oh no let vs arise quickly as the church doth Cant. 3. 2. and seeke that we may finde grace pray that we may obtaine faith and knocke at the gates of mercy that they may be opened least if we slumber anie longer we be vtterly excluded Another obseruation out of this verse may be this that seeing the prophet doth especially and by name call vpon the drunkards which are beastly men or men like beasts aduertising them in the first place aboue others to looke to the maine chance as the prouerbe is hee doth thereby teach vs that those which aboue others mispende the good creatures of God shal also aboue others be tormented with their want drunkards are cōsumers fo corne neglecters of time prodigal in their purses fooles in their heads disclosers of secrets and deuourers of god his benefits therfore the prophet telleth them they shall lament in miserie and perish in aduersitie We know that the first follie that euer was wrought by mankinde was wrought by a woman and therefore women sithence are euermore accursed more then men their bodies weaker their stomacks tenderer their paines greater their liues more slauish and their mindes more seruile Who was more merrie then Naball at his drunken feastes and yet who died more miserable then Nabal Who were more lasciuious then Sodom and who was more accursed then Sodom who liued more deliciously then the Giants of the old world yet who perished more generally and decaied more sodainly who were more gorgeous then the women of Ierusalem Esay 3. 17. 24. 25. which lauished out their wealth in brauerie and beautified their bodies in pride but in aduersitie who were more punished then they their secrets were opened their beautie withered their bodies vncouered their garments torne their heads balde their feete bare and sackcloth in steede of sattin Most miserable are the abusers of meate or drinke garments and health riches and friendship for vnto whom much is giuen of them shal much be required If the Lorde shoulde suffer of his blessed iustice this dearth and famine to continue they which haue had greatest plentie being alwaies filled and clothed with the best woulde bee more cruelly vexed then the poorer people who haue beene taught by long experience to content their hungrie stomackes with pinching and scantie morsels So that heerein you shall finde a most comfortable benefite of abstinence from meate and temperance in meate they teach vs to abounde and they teach vs to want they preserue vs in health and prepare vs against aduersitie Hearken vnto this you belly gods that worship your tables and pray to your kitchins and do you also that sit all the day at tauerns and alehouses lende your eares to this lesson that your wicked custome and companie drawe not your liues into most fearefull extremitie Consider before hande what were your miserie if the streames were dried vp the cellers were emptied and the corne fieldes desolate wildernesses that you coulde not be satisfied abroad nor yet contented within what releefe could you finde to pacifie your greedy appetite would you then be contented when you haue no other remedie that is not thankes woorthie will you pray for your flesh pots as the Israelites did that were to worke out speedily your owne condemnation will you then turne to the Lorde and confesse your gluttonie but such conuersions are seldome vnfeigned will you patiently endure intollerable famine oh but that you are not able but will rather eate of the flesh of your owne bodies and drinke of the loathsomnes of your owne waters Therefore either nowe spare your riot that you may be prepared to want or else fill vp your bodies with all manner of luxurie that you may be confounded with all manner of penurie The reasons of this doctrine may be these first bicause this kinde of men shall want their God and cheefest felicitie when the drunkards want their pots the gluttons their belly cheere the proud men their brauerie and the idle persons their ease Phil. 3. 19. Some persons there are that are so farre besotted with their liues that they make as the Apostle saith Their God to be their bellie and in another place he telleth vs what shall bee the estate of these daies wherein we liue That men shal be louers of pleasures more then louers of God Oh wretched time that hatched such monsters or rather wretched men bewitched with such pleasures what will some saie the Apostle neuer heard nor any other preacher can euer prooue that euer a man was so foolish as to make his belly his god or so faithlesse as to saie hee loued his pleasures aboue his God Indeed I grant at the common law we can hardly prooue it but in the spirituall lawe we can easilie shewe it we weigh not the word but the practise of men and if you finde a man for euery one must search himselfe that hath bestowed more on his belly then he can affoorde to the church and poore members of God that robbeth and spoileth the church liuinges that hee may entertaine noble guestes and keepe a liberall house or that raketh by extortion and vnlawfull meanes from his poore tenants that he may braue it out in London and exceede voluptuously at home in the meane season not regarding religion nor obeying the admonition of a good conscience nor the Gospel of God I say such a man hath his belly for his god whatsoeuer outward profession he make to the contrarie Againe if men doe not spend more time in pleasures then in praying preaching and hearing God his word but omit the time thereunto appointed and admit other vanities into the place thereof which almost all the yoong men of England doe I say also that these men loue their pleasures more then God Then hearken to your doome you despisers and be ashamed or else confounded that the earth which is not yours but the Lordes earth should beare vp such rebels from the pit of hell See wee not the preachers of God his word how our congregations are lessened how our sermons are mocked how our doctrine is derided and how our exhortations nay not ours but the Lords are scoffingly refused See we not gentlemen and their families at their ease when they should bee labouring in the Lords vineyard Lawyers in their studies when they should be in the churches merchants in their counting houses when they are wanting at sermons ruffians at tauernes yoong men at dauncing schooles husbandmen at drinking feastes though heauen and earth cry against it And the feare of a mortall man preuaileth more then the loue of the immortall God and yet for all this men wil say they loue God aboue all and their neighbours as themselues when they doe not nor can doe any of them both Then doth it necessarily follow that if you want these things you want your God and therefore they shall leaue you in most
our selues neuer so sinful Psal 9. 9 10. although we bee neuer so poore in spirit yet let vs know that ours is the kingdome of heauen So that if thou reason with the diuell himselfe who will if it be possible deceiue thy soule telling thee that thou art more vile then others and therefore it is but follie for thee to call on God for mercie yet say to thy soule that the Lord neuer despiseth the sighings of the poore although I haue sinned yet I haue sorrowed although I haue neglected grace yet with the Lord there is more grace be it that I haue no goodnesse in me the more neede haue I to goe to God the author of goodnesse Men seeke not to the phisition in health but in sicknesse and the more desperate is their disease the more speedily they sollicite him and a good phisition commeth quickly so I want the health of my soule and I see death standing at the doore and knocking for me therfore my praier shall goe to the Lord my physition and I knowe that he will speedily come vnto me He abhorreth not my weakenesse he hateth not my person he willeth not my destruction and therefore wil I pray for saluation I am exceeding base but he will bende to me I am very poore but he will giue mee the riches of the spirite I am a sinner and he is a Sauiour why shoulde I not goe vnto him and fall downe lowe vpon his footestoole for hee neuer despiseth the sighing of the contrite Giue not thine heritage That is the people whom thou diddest take vnto thy self aboue al the nations of the world from hence we may obserue as in a singular metaphor how deere the church is vnto God Deut. 4. 20. euen as deere as any mans inheritance is to himselfe for indeed an inheritance doth very fitly resemble and shadow out vnto vs the nature and condition of the church First because it is not woorth any thing except a man do plant sow the same and so is it in the church wherin if the Lord plow not and sow not there can no good thing grow therein Againe an inheritance is sometimes sold away for the barrennes thereof so when the church groweth secure and bringeth not foorth good fruits the Lord giueth it ouer for a season to be spoyled by strangers Againe if an inheritance will no way be amended then is it accursed and burned Heb. 6. 8. so if no means will reclaime the world from their wicked life then he accurseth them and giueth them ouer to the fire of hell Also as a man taketh singular comfort in his inheritance so the Lord doth in his church and as a man hedgeth and encloseth his inheritance to keepe it from being wasted euen so the Lord hath set a brazen wall about his church the which all the diuels in hell shall neuer be able to ouerthrow but men and angels shall fight for their safegarde and maugre sinne and hell they shall endure as the earth doth euen for euer and euer The first reason because hee might powre his blessing on it Esa 19. 25. for hee hauing many most excellent benefits in store hath made choise of his church to powre foorth all that he hath thereupon for whether we consider the blessings of this life or the benefits of the life to come they are all ordained for the good of them that be godly He is wise to instruct vs he is mightie to defend vs he is liberall to maintaine vs he is mercifull to receiue vs for our sakes were the heauens created the earth established the waters remooued and the fruits appointed for our sakes were the angels condemned the sonne of God crucified and the age and yeeres of the world is plunged Another reason because we should be holy vnto him Deut. 19. 2. Of all the creatures of this worlde there is none that can bee holy vnto the Lord saue onely mankinde for they are the image of God and if the lande whereupon Moses stood was holy much more is the land of our harts holy whereupon the Lord himselfe standeth for he raigneth in vs. And this is the cause why the Lorde hath made vs his inheritance that we should serue him in holines and righteousnes all the daies of our life for the heauens are holy whither wee are going the angels are holy with whom we shall dwell the church is holy wherein we liue and therefore we must bee holy or else we are accursed Seeing we are the inheritance of God purchased by his sonne then let not any of vs liue to our selues but to him that redeemed vs 2. Cor. 5. 15. how many waies might I vrge this doctrine that as the earth beareth not fruit for it selfe but for vs so should not we eate the fruits of our owne labours but offer them to the Lord. Our harts are the grounds our bodies are the hedges God his law is the plough the worde is the seede and himselfe is the husbandman Oh let vs not be ploughed and planted in vaine let vs not frustrate the Lords expectation and our soules saluation If we were but seruants yet we ought to worke for our hire but being his inheritance we must liue and die day and night to beare him fruit wee cannot put him away but he may put vs away our fruits do not profit him and yet the want of them will curse vs. Let vs not be for the weedes of sinne nor for pleasures to feede on as bullockes do on pasture-land but let vs bee his garden of sweete flowers his vineyard of fruitfull grapes his field of fine planted wheat and his possession for an euerlasting inheritance Let our words be as gratious fruit let our religion be as pretious pearle let our loue be as rockes of golde and let our bodies bee as fruitfull garners let vs bring him all for first fruits tenthes and offerings and sacrifices that we may be his blessed land vnto the worlds end Another vse seeing we are the Lords inheritance we may see that the Lorde will be very hardly driuen to forsake vs for he gaue a lawe Numb 27. that none shoulde sell awaie their inheritance but at the ende of fiftie yeeres euery one should reclaime thereunto So that if the Lord shall giue ouer his inheritance as hee did Israell Hos 5. 15. the case is very desperate but not perpetuall A man that hath manie barren fieldes doth not presently sell them away no more the Lorde which hath many barren soules in the compasse of his church doth presently forsake them but rather dresseth them by the ministerie of the worde that they may be made fruitefull Oh heare this you that are in the Lordes folde although he beare for a season with your barren hearts and suffer you manie yeeres to lie in rest thinking at the last you will bring him some profit bring it foorth with speede or else knowe that the Lorde which redeemed you from
and fro amongst ten thousand waues being full of passengers without either pilote or mariner is in extreme hazard of drowning bicause they haue none to sound the bottomes for to throw foorth their anchor to staie them in the stormes or when the calme commeth they haue not one among them to direct them to the shore euen so when the floudes of troubles shall threaten the ouerthrow of any particular church or nation they hauing no preachers or prophets among them who should perswade them to patience during their aduersitie and to cast out the anchor of their hope during their danger or hauing escaped those fierie and fearefull troubles yet who but the ministers of God shall instruct them in righteousnesse and direct them to heauen In the raigne of Iosiah although his daies were happie through peace and his subiects ioyfull through a good king and religious nobles yet this was the glory of his kingdome that there was one Huldah a Prophetesse the wife of Shallum that tolde him his owne prosperitie bicause his hart melted at the voice of God his worde and also that there is one Helkijah a priest 2. Kings 22. that gaue him the law of his God so are we happie through long enioyed peace being shadowed vnder the wings of a mercifull Prince and religious Magistrates yet this is the glorie of our nation that many Prophets and Preachers haue offered vnto vs the verie word of God the which if it were wanting all were worth nothing therefore if God build not who can reare If he send not who can prosper If he speake not who can prophesie and if he diminish the number of his seruants the preachers we may complaine in our miseries as the Iewes did There is not one Prophet more left and yet remaine comfortlesse The vses which we will briefly make here of are these First the same which our Sauiour Christ teacheth vs vpon this doctrine Mat. 9. 28. Pray saith he the Lord of the vineyard that he would thrust foorth labourers into his haruest There is no more Christian exercise or necessarie practise then with vnfeined soules to desire at the handes of him who ruleth all with his hand that in times of ignorance and neglect of heauenly worship when the corne is ripe and fit to be gathered into the Lords barne that he would haue pitie vpon his wandring sheepe and care of his planted corne euen the worke of his owne handes and not suffer them to be cast away for want of instruction Oh howe would it and doth it grieue a christian soule to consider that the image of God himselfe should be lost which shineth so beautifully in euerie one of mankind pray therefore my beloued in the Lord for hereby onely shall you performe a worke acceptable to God because you are humbled beneficiall to the church because you aske for her labourers comfortable to your selues because you tender your brethrens soules and ioyfull to the verie angels for the conuersion of sinners The ruler of the temple Mat. 9. 18. hauing but his daughter sicke and diseased yet came to our Sauiour and entreated him for her health which he performed and she recouered Let vs therefore in pitie of many thousand sons and daughters of the world come to the courts of the Lords house within the closets of our owne soules and desire with feeling and earnest prayers the Lord Iesus that he would shewe and shine forth his truth by his word in the mouthes of many more ministers of peace to conuert many moe sinners vnto righteousnes to turne the hearts of fathers to their children of mothers to their daughters of princes to their subiects and of the nations to their God There is not any one point that proueth more substantially to a mans soule that hee loueth Christ vnfaynedly then this the practise of it to pray for the increase of heauenly pastors Euen as in the world nothing is so commendable as the workes of mercie as to feede the famished to cloath the naked to deliuer the imprisoned and to acquite him that is wrongfully condemned so in the church of God there is no grace like to the gift of the ministerie the starued are fed by them with the bread of life the naked are cloathed by them with the garments of a Sauiour they which lye fast bound in the verie dungeons of hell and the prisons of darkenes are deliuered by them into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God and euen they which were condemned to temporall miseries and eternall calamities are acquited discharged and released by their message Let vs all therefore say vnto the Lord Lord increase the number of painefull preachers And if we ought to pray for them how damnable is their estate that pray vpon them if it be the highest seruice of God to promote them then is it the highest seruice of the diuell to persecute them If they be blessed where the word is preached and beleeued then are they accursed where it is not heard nor receiued If Christ blamed his disciples that would haue had him to blame them that cast deuils out in his name then are they to bee blamed which will vpon euerie light and easie occasion labour to the vttermost to stop the mouthes of Gods seruants to discourage the people from hearing the olde men from instructing the yoong men from studying the children from learning the women from asking the seruants frō obeying the word of God Therefore if we haue any care of the Lords seruice any compassion of them that are tyrannously oppressed any conscience of the soules of men then pray for the peace and number of the preachers For as when the teeth are fallen out of the mouth the life is hardly nourished and quickly turnd Euen so when the ministers which are the teeth of the church to grinde the word vnto them are remooued then followeth the graue and sepulchre of the Lords family To Ioel the sonne of Pethuell heerein is no hardnes and euerie one may easily perceiue the meaning hereof for the prophet nameth himselfe and also declareth his parentage and it is very like that his father was a man of good estimation that the Prophet thus barely without any further addition prefixeth his name to this prophesie We obserue out of this description of the ministring cause of this prophsie this doctrine that God preferreth the seruice of men before the seruice of angels in the building of the church he rather choseth and appointeth that his heauenly immaculate word should be manifested by earthly and sinfull men then by celestiall holy angels Act. 1. 8. The Lord Iesus maketh this his ordinance that his disciples shall witnes the redemption in Ierusalem Iudea and Samaria and the vttermost parts of the earth Euen the same Lord which not long before told them that he had the angels at commaund now rather vseth the helpe and ministerie of men Men would thinke it a strange proceeding
for their follies by preaching forsake their fashiōs of the world to be new fashioned in their minds that in stead of infidelitie wherwith the most of that crew are infected they may haue faith engraffed in them by hearing the Gospell least as they consume their purses they condemne their soules neither can robbe for more soules as they do for more purses Then will you say beloued you haue ploughed in vaine vpon the rocke but better let vanitie be vanitie then preaching be vanitie better let gamesters be deceiued then Apostles be falsified and better let Lordes and Ladies Gentlewomen and seruingmen and all the route which be contrary minded to this doctrine perish and depart from their pleasures then that the sonne of God the church of God and the ministers of God should depart from the truth It is no blasphemie to say with Paul It pleased God through preaching to saue them that beleeue Therefore no preaching no saluation or with Iohn He that heareth vs not is not of God Therefore they which stop their eares when they shoulde heare the preachers shall heare against their wils Go yee cursed into the fire of hell Nowe let vs come and see what particular vses the holy Ghost maketh of this doctrine in other places of Scripture And let that generall exhortation of our Sauiour Matth. 13. 9. be the first when he saith He that hath an eare to heare let him heare And this is as if our Lord had saide the Gospell of saluation is of such waight that it concerneth all the people of the worlde by the preaching thereof the gray headed the yoong men the tender women and the little children may and must receiue some profite old men must bee prepared to the graue yoong must be strengthened to fight with their pleasures women must be gouerned like the daughters of righteousnes and children instructed in the worke of redemption The king must heare as Dauid did the noble man must heare as Obadiah did the gentleman must heare as Sergius Paulus did the ladie must heare as Esther did the yeoman must heare as Elisha his host did the labourer must heare as Apollos did the women must heare as Marie did and the little children must heare as they did which when they sawe Christ cried Osanna in the highest For euery one that hath an eare to heare must lende the same to the worde of God The Gospell of Christ is not like other professions that when they haue most followers one marreth anothers trade but when all men if it were possible shall be ioyned to the Lorde in the profession of the truth then is the glory thereof greater then the brightnesse of the sunne Therefore my beloued rouse vp your heauie and hanging downe sences and consider with your selues that if the Lorde hath giuen you your eies to see withall your hands to worke withall your toongs to speake withal your feete to walke withall then thinke also that he hath giuen you your eares to heare his worde withall And if they which haue eares to heare must heare what shall they not forfaite their eares for not hearing Truely if the forging and counterfaiting of a noble mans seale or of a peece of euidence be by the lawes of man most woorthily deemed to be punished with cutting off their eares bicause it bringeth harme to a common wealth then also it may easily followe that in like case they deserue the loosing of their eares which will not lend them to the Lords preacher This I speake not to make any ciuill constitution but comparing sinne with sinne I would gladly manifest the great euil that hangeth on their neckes which haue their elbowes as ready to heare as their eares Most lamentable it is to consider that if they were all deafe that will not heare our sermons what a deafe world would this quickly prooue O my beloued brethren know you not that hearing is the sence of obedience and therefore you cannot iustifie your selues to obey vnlesse you testifie that you will heare God his ministers If he were accursed that layeth a stumbling blocke before the blinde then are they also accursed which stop their eares against the Lords ordinance Was it not a heynous thing to remooue but a land marke which our elders planted and therefore much more heynous is it to remooue hearing God his word from our eares which the Lord himselfe hath planted Come therefore my beloued and as you would be called Christians so fulfill the minde of Christ for as the vine branche is good for nothing but to beare grapes euen so the eares of man are but combrances into vs in most matters except in hearing the worde of God in the world they are too long in the Lord they are too little therfore for amending of our follies let vs apply our eares to heare while we can heare least it be too late when we would Secondly we make another vse thereof that seeing the ministers of God must call vpon the people to heare the word it is also requisite to shew you the true way for the sauing hearing of the Lords truth for in one and the same maner of preaching there is not one and the same manner of hearing therefore the holy Ghost speaketh by the author of the Epistle to the Hebrewes cap. 4. ver 2. Vnto vs was the Gospell preached as also vnto them but the word that they heard profited them not bicause it was not mixed with faith in those that heard it where we may learne if men and women heare the word of God with such diligence as the dearest seruants of the Lord doe yet are they many times neuer the better and he giueth the reason thereof bicause they do not mingle it with faith There are some seeds so smal and of that nature that when the gardiner will sowe them he must first take vp a great deale of earth and crushing it very small doth mingle it with his seed and then casteth it into the earth and it prospereth exceedingly euen so deerely beloued if you mingle not the pure earth of a sound faith with the seed of the Lordes word you shall neuer receiue any profit by our preaching And this is the verie cause that the Gospell groweth not mens hearts tremble not and their liues amend not because they bring minds full of infidelitie vnto the congregations The close Papist saith to himselfe I will heare this preacher but I will beleeue nothing that he vttereth contrary to my first receiued superstition the proude man saith to himselfe all the sermons in the world shall neuer humble me the couetous man he saith for all their preaching and telling me that I shall neuer enter into the kingdome of heauen yet I will not beleeue them if Christ himselfe say so the ruffians will not forsake their vanities for any instruction the common people say we preach but for our liuings and God forbid that all should be true which the scripture and
eleuenth they concerne the Lord. That which mooueth them for themselues is first of all their penury and want ver 5. their pleasures and plentie should be pulled from their mouths Secondly in regard of the meanes how this should be effected which he describeth metaphorically by comparing the little beasts to a mighty nation ver 6. whose power is there also described in the 7. ver the worke which he should worke that the vines and figge trees the most pleasant profitable and necessarie plants of their countrey should be vtterly subuerted And this we will by the mercifull assistance of God his holy spirit first of all handle First of all the prophet calleth vpon those drunkardes to awake for we know that much drinking bringeth much sleeping and therefore before the prophet could speake vnto this kinde of persons he calleth vpon them to awake from their wine and to rouze vp themselues from the soft bed of their easie or rather beastlie sinnes And out of this we may behold how sweet is the sinne of drunkennes euen as sweet as sleepe is to the wearie body Againe here we may note how dangerous is the sinne of drunkennes that raigning in the bodies of men their mindes cannot be instructed their follies cannot be reprooued and their liues cannot be amended for they are alwaies sleepie and drouzie so that nothing can enter into their hearts so long as the loue of drinke raigneth in their mouthes and many other waies I could vrge this similitude or metaphor of the prophet but I omit them because they are well and worthily declared by other This therefore will I obserue out of this worde Awake that if men be not reclaimed by the preaching of God his worde they shall suddenly be destroied by the comming of his iudgements Awake saith the prophet as if in other words he had declared his meaning you sinners you gluttons you drunkards you vnmercifull men which are taking most delightfull pleasure in your seuerall iniquities You are lulled a sleepe by them but lift vp your eies with speed if you be not speedily remoued ere euery you thinke therof you shall be suddenly cōfounded The prophet Dauid Psal 58. 5. 7. 8 telleth vs that those which will not be rebuked by the prophets are like to the deafe adder which will not be cast out by the charmer and therfore he plainly telleth them that they should consume as the Ise doth and that they should melt away as a snaile in her owne shell that they should be ouerthrowne as quickly as a fire of small thornes that they should be like the vntimely fruit of a woman and that they should as speedily perish as an arrow flieth out of a bowe this selfe same wisedome threatens to her disobedient and incredulous children Pro. 1. 27. that seeing she had called but none had answered therefore their feare should come like sudden desolation and their destruction like a whirle winde There is not any thing among vs but serueth for some vse and the want therof is noysome vnto vs the day for labour the night for rest the winter for ploughing the sommer for reaping and so the worde of God is sent to awake vs before iudgement least iudgement should destroye vs. The old world would not be awaked by Noah and therefore they were drowned the Sodomites would not be awaked by Lot and therefore they were burned the Israelites would not be awaked by Ieremie and therefore they were captiuated the Iewes would not be awaked by Christ and therefore they were destroyed the Corinthians would not be awaked by Paul therfore they were spoiled by the heathen the inhabitants of Constantinople would not be awaked by Chrysostome and then the Barbarous Turke deuoured them and our countreymen of England will not be awaked by the preachers therefore famine warres plagues and sickenesses are seised vpon vs to ouerthrow vs. Oh if euer we will let vs now looke vpon it there is not one among vs but will cry against an open and notorious witch burne her burne her shee were not worthy to liue but against the open rebels against the word of God which as Samuell told Saule is equall or as damnable before God and all good men as is witchcraft yet we say nothing thereunto yea rather as Augustine saith most heauenly He is accompted a publique enimy who is displeased with these kinde of coniurations and him do the multitude turne out of audience displace out of reuerence and if they durst destroy him from among the liuing Oh my deare brethren what wil be the end of these mischiefs God his maiestie is alreadie reuiled Christ his sonne is alreadie denied the diuell their enimie is alreadie embraced the Gospell our saluation is already despised the church of God our most deare mother is already weakned the preachers of truth our most painefull watchmen are already defaced and will not the iudgements of God come also speedily to take vengeance vpon so manifold contempts and so abhominable rebellions yet let vs at least receiue this for truth that if yet we be not awakened we shortly shall be confounded The reasons of this doctrine are manifest First because as Salomon saith that the prosperitie of fooles shall slay them that is euen the meate which wicked men eate the clothes that couer them the friends that flatter them the professions that enrich them and the pleasures that reioice them shal turne God his word from them and them from euerlasting comfort Oh lamentable miserie or miserable follie that we should all of vs be so bewitched with our wealth which is a most mercifull and liberall blessing of God that we should be all rather payred then amended thereby such is the state of them that be rich to themselues and not to God Let vs then take heede to the most certaine worde of God to bee instructed by it to the most holy voice of preachers to be reclaimed by them and to the most terrible iudgements of God whensoeuer they bee vttered that we be not condemned by them for if we embrace and beleeue not the former we shall be embraced and corrected by the latter Secondly another reason heereof doth Dauid giue Psal 73. 27. That all those which withdrawe themselues from God shall perish and those which haue not the worde of God haue not God neither any comfortable feeling of his presence but rather a fearefull looking for of vengeance Oh how terrible and dangerous is the condition of all papisticall and carnall Recusants which do willingly absent themselues from our assemblies what doe they else but withdraw themselues from the Lorde and worke out their owne condemnation and therefore heauie is their case which as Esay saith 5. 24. As the fire deuoureth the stubble and the chaffe is consumed of the flame so their roote shal be as rottennes and their budde shall rise vp like dust because they haue cast off the lawe of the Lorde of hostes and contemned the
sorrie if any blood beshed or any violence bee executed in his ouerthrowe But I knowe some will say how shall wee warre against the papists may we not triumph with all manner of warlike and lawfull ioy at their ouerthrowe as we would doe against heathens Surely I answere we may so warre with them as with idolators not with heathens and so to triumph in their conquest as Iudah was woont against Israel that is being prouoked by them to trie it to the vttermost and to spare no person that is an aduersarie yet to suffer the remnants to enioy their countrie if they will embrace the truth and forsake idolatrie The reasons of this doctrine are these first because as men spoile the godly so shall they bee spoiled againe Ier. 30. 16. Againe good men are at peace in the land and therefore it were crueltie to rage against the peaceable And therefore make this account that God will reuenge the iniurie offered to his people vpon the children and childrens children of them that were the workers thereof Isa 13. 16. As Dauid commaunded Salomon that he should not suffer the hoare head of Ioab to go into the graue in peace because he had slaine two men more righteous then himselfe in the time of peace so God will not suffer them to come in peace to their graues that haue had any hand against the righteous of the world Learne therefore as the Prophet exhorteth Ierem 39. 12. that in warres or in any common slaughter thou euer vse gentlenes to them that thou shalt know haue liued godly And therefore in all the warres betwixt Iudah and Israell you shall neuer read of a priest or prophet of the Lord to be slaine but they were slaine in the time of peace when men were wearie of the word of God Be a valiant souldier but bee also a mercifull christian if any yeeld himselfe then giue not his life to thy sword Remember that glorie doth not onely dwell in fighting and killing but in ouercomming and if thou ouercome by any means or stratagems thy conquest is neuer the lesse Spare them that pray for thee for all christians pray one for another and as the King of Syria fought no more after he had ouercome Ahab but let all Israell goe home in peace so after thou hast ouercome the principall actors and procurers of the warre then let the residue goe scotfree Thinke also that the warres are mutable and if they giue thee victorie at one time yet they may let thee be conquered at another time and therefore so spare as thou wouldest bee spared and as Abner would haue perswaded Asahel Ioabs brother to depart from him because he should slay him and then would Ioah be wroth with him so if words may pacifie thy enimie rather vse them then weapons And as I would haue thee deale in warres so thou must deale in peace that thou take not euerie aduantage against thy brother but spare him when thou hast him in thy hand whether it be in combate or in suite at the law or in complaint before a magistrate or in any extremitie Do thou nothing against him but let the law do all rather silence some bitter things then inuent any new occasions of strife and to the vttermost of thy endeuour labour to buy peace although it cost thee deerely for whether thou winne or lose thou shalt be polluted by trouble The xxxv Sermon ANd they haue cast lots This is another cause why the Lord doth enter into so sharpe a iudgement against the wicked and that is as you see bicause they vsed them most vilely and not onely them but the holie ordinance of God which is casting of lots So that they as it were plaied at dice for the people of God they cared not who wonne them nor howe they greeued them for it coulde not choose but offend them to see the lottery made vpon them which God had appointed for another vse But in this that they cast lots for the people of God and the lot beeing the verie ordinance of God not to bee vsed in sport or pastime wee may note that euill and ignorant men doe profane and abuse euery thing yea though in it selfe it be neuer so good Tit. 1. 15. To euill men and defiled all thinges saith the Apostle are polluted their toonges are adders speares their lips are instruments of guile their handes worke iniquitie and their feete runne to euill and shed blood and if they thus abuse their naturall parts what will they doe with the spirituall benefits Oh it greeueth my hart to tell you for their praiers they vse to curse and banne them with whom they are angrie their knowledge they abuse to beguile and deceiue the simple and vnstable soules they will haue the Scriptures to couer their profanenesse and when they be espied they say they can approoue their sinnes by holie warrant Oh damnable blasphemie they vse their wits to cauill their wealth to oppresse their strength to steale their friendes to bolster out their offences and their naturall wisedome to maintaine their vnnaturall blasphemie they are hungrie to be gluttons they are thirsty to be drunkards they are clothed to be proud they are honored to be disdainful they are wel borne that they may liue ill vncontrolled with a thousand such like enormities which we may find in the cōtinual practise of the wicked they abuse their marriage for lust their children for couetousnesse their offices for bribing their ministerie for reprehension their lawe for delay of truth the day for open euill and the night for secret shame If a good man fall into their hands they wil vse him scurrilously the holy worde of God either they despise or wrest damnablie the ordinances of God they profane wickedly and the societie of men they dishonour shamefully and yet still they liue and still shall liue that they may so abuse death as they haue abused life that as they make life a time of sinne so they may finde death a day of destruction The reasons of this doctrine are these First because they are blinded of the diuell 2. Corint 4. 4. And therefore they cannot see so much as that which nature teacheth for the diuell neuer ceaseth to toule on a man till hee haue made him defie the grace of God and to defile the nature of man Another reason is bicause such is the poison of sinne that it defileth the very garments of a man and the walles of a house Iud. 23. wherefore it will worke more effectually in man who is a more meete and apt subiect for the same The vses which come of this doctrine are these First that we learne to discerne a man that is thus giuen ouer to abuse verie lawfull thinges woe be to them saith the prophet that speake euill of good and good of euill Isai 5. 20. For men in this estate will not sticke to commende any kinde of filthinesse because
is a greeuous thing to bee made priuie vnto any vnlawfull practises and not to reueale and open the same Secondly our corrupt estate is such that our temptations doe drawe vs from God Iam. 1. 14. The first vse Let vs follow the counsell of the prophet Isa 1. 16. That we take away the euill of our hearts Men thinke it lawfull for them to range in conceit vpon any follie or sinne or lust or treacherie whatsoeuer and to plaie with the diuell in imagination suffering his delusions to tickle their delights and delight their soules with an inwarde desire onelie But in truth this kinde of sport is a most vnlawfull game condemned by the Lordes owne statute when he biddeth vs to take away the euill of our harts Clense your handes yee sinners and purge your hearts you wauering minded the diuell first commeth into your hearts by doubting then by entreatie or begging then by delighting when once hee delighteth hee hath erected his throne in thy soule and if thou labour not to cast him out he wil become vnresistable Dallie not with him as Samson did with Delilah for it will betray thee trust him not as Sisera did Iael for it will destroy thee desire him not as Dauid did Bathsheba for it will repent thee chuse him not as Lot did Sodom for in the ende it will vexe thee Remember that God which seeth thy hart will punish the sinne of the hart for in truth thy heart is the principall in euerie offence and the bodie is but accessorie Thy heart prouoketh thee to sinne as the high priestes prouoked Pilate to crucifie Christ and thy bodie obeieth as Pilate did while in the meane time thy conscience giueth thee warning as Pilats wife did him and therefore haue nothing to do with sin which is poison with the knowledge of it for it will infect thee and purge thy soule from euill thoughts as Ezechiah purged Israell from idolatrie Fourthlie when hee saith that hee will render their recompence vpon their owne head Wee may note that the same measure which we offer vnto others shall be repayed to vs againe Isaie 33. As we smite with the sword so shall wee perish with the sword as we shed the blood of other so shal we haue our owne blood shed againe We know that as Ahab and Iezabell did cause Naboth to come to a violent death and the dogs to licke his blood so the dogs did licke vp their blood againe And this falleth out with the most godly in the world as we may see in Dauid who tooke away the life and wife of Vrijah he lost his owne sonnes and escaped himselfe verie narrowly and in the end you know how his sonne Absolom lay with his wiues before all Israell Therfore harken vnto this my deerely belooued that you neuer offer any other things to other but the same that you would haue offered to you againe Take what libertie thou wilt to offend other to waste their goods to shame their liues to open their sinnes to defile their wiues to oppresse their goods to harden thy heart against the poore and to heape vp iniuries in the highest measure for as Salomon saide He that stoppeth his eare at the crie of other shal cry himselfe and not be heard so shalt thou be offended and wasted and shamed and opened and defiled and oppressed and iniuried and reuenged as thou hast deserued We see the king escaped not this law and therefore thinke not thou whether thou be rich or wise or great or noble or worshipfull or poore or strong or weake or yoong or old or learned or ignoraunt but as thou hast reioyced in others harmes so shall other in thine as thou hast defiled others wiues so shall other thine as thou hast stollen other mens goods so shall they steale thine as thou hast reproched other mens liues so shall thine be as thou hast beene pitiful to others so thou shalt receiue pity for this law shall neuer be broken that whatsoeuer we do to other we shall receiue of other againe The reasons First because this is the whole doctrine of the law and the prophets Matth. 712 for surely there is not any thing that sauoureth more of beastly tyranny or lesse of godly pietie then to do that vnto other which we would not receiue of other therefore in the practise of religion betwixt man man let this serue instead of the golden rule whereby the weake shall be neuer offended or the poore bee euer oppressed or the rich be euer enuied or the godly be euer defamed This will take away all bribing from officers all tyrannie from princes al pride from gentlemē al couetousnes from landlords and all malice from enimies Truely truely there was neuer precept giuen better for the church for the common-wealth or for the world for the church for it teacheth to saue soules for who would loose his owne to the common-wealth for it preserueth life for who would kill himselfe and to the world for it keepeth humanitie for who would become a beast Let vs therefore learne to forget iniuries Leuit. 19. 18. for their remembrance prouoke vs to reuenge and all reuenge is damnable before God Oh whose soule is not set on fire to embrace this doctrine which I might follow with all the examples of the world For who can abide to haue his owne blood shed his owne body maymed his owne children murthered and his owne soule damned therefore do not so to other but write this law on the palme of thy hands that it may neuer be out of thy sight It will teach thee all religion it wil saue thee from the strife of toongs the shame of fooles the blame of good men the furie of diuels and the wrath of God for if thou canst beare the iniuries of thy brother and not reuenge them thou wilt also beare the afflictions which God sendeth and the sorrow which good men endure and not repine at it but as Ioseph hauing all his brethren that sold him yet did not hurt one of them so doe thou not hurt any of them that hate thee The xxxviij Sermon Vers 8. And I will sell your sonnes and your daughters into the hand of the children of Iudah and they shall sell them to the Sabeans to a people farre off for the Lord hath spokenat HAuing shewed them that he would doe vnto them as they had done vnto him and his people that is hee would take their sonnes and daughters and giue them into the hands of the children of Iudah whom they had spoiled and the children of Iudah should sell them away to the Sabeans who dwelt in the vtmost partes of Arabia being great merchants which should likewise sende them away into a very farre countrey that so their owne policie might returne to their owne dammage Wherby here commeth a question to be handled namely whether it be lawfull for Christians hauing conquered any nation their enimies to sell