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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13203 [The Pentateuch]; Bible. O.T. Pentateuch. English. Tyndale. 1530. Tyndale, William, d. 1536. 1530 (1530) STC 2350; ESTC S1193 348,761 749

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vnto the Lorde thi God ād herken vnto his voyce acordinge to all that I cōmaunde the this daye both thou and thi childern with all thine hert and all thi soule Then the Lorde thi God wil turne thi captiuite ād haue cōppassion vpō the ād goo ād fett the agayne from all the nacions amōge which the Lorde thi God shall haue scatered the. Though thou wast cast vnto the extreme partes of heauen euen from thence will the Lorde thi God gather the and from thence fett the and brynge the in to the lande which thi fathers possessed and thou shalt enioye it And he will shewe the kyndnesse and multiplye the aboue thi fathers And the Lorde thi God will circumcyse thine hert and the hert of thi seed for to loue the Lorde thi God with all thine hert and all thi soule that thou mayst lyue And the Lorde thi God will put al these curses vpō thine enemyes and on thē that hate the and persecute the. But thou shalt turne and herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde and doo all his commaundmentes which I commaunde the this daye And the Lorde thi God will make the plenteous in all the workes of thine hande and in the frute of thi bodye in the frute of thi catell and frute of thi lande and in riches For the Lorde will turne agayne and reioyse ouer the to doo the good as he reioysed ouer thi fathers Yf thou herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God to kepe his commaundmentes and ordynaunces which are written in the boke of this lawe yf thou turne vnto the Lord thi God with all thine hert and all thi soule For the commaundment which I commaunde the this daye is not separated from the nether ferre of It is not in heauen that thou neadest to saye who shall goo vpp for us in to heauen and fett it us that we maye heare it ād doo it Nether is it beyonde the see that thou shuldest saye who shall goo ouer see for us and fett ●t us that we maye heare it and doo it But the worde is very nye vnto the euen in thi mouth and in thine hert that thou doo it Beholde I haue sett before you this daye lyfe and good deeth and cuell in that I commaunde the this daye to loue the Lorde thi God and to walke in his wayes and to kepe his commaundementes his ordynaunces and his lawes that thou mayst lyue and multipye and that the Lorde thy God man blesse the in the londe whother thou goest to possesse it But and yf thyne hert turne awaye so that thou wilt not heare but shalt goo astraye and worshepe straunge goddes and serue them I pronounce vnto you this daye that ye shal surely peresh and that ye shall not prolonge youre dayes vppon the londe whother thou passest ouer Iordayne to goo and possesse it I call to recorde this daye vnto you heauen and erth that I haue sett before you lyfe and deeth blessynge and cursynge but chose lyfe that thou and thi seed maye lyue in that thou louest the Lorde thi God herkenest vnto his voyce and cleauest vnto him For he is thi life and the lengthe of thi dayes that thou mayst dwell vppon the erth which the Lorde sware vnto thi fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob to geue them The .xxxi. Chapter ANd Moses went and spake these wordes vnto all Israel and sayed vnto them I am an hundred ād .xx. yere olde this daye ād can nomoare goo out and in Also the Lorde hath sayed vnto me thou shalt not go ouer this Iordayne The Lord youre God he will go ouer before the ād he will destroye these nacions before the ād thou shalt cōquere thē And Iosua he shall goo ouer before the as the Lorde hath sayed And the Lorde shall doo vnto them as he dyd to Sihon ād Og kynges of the Amorites ād vnto their landes which kinges he destroyed And when the Lorde hath delyuered them to the se that ye doo vnto them acordynge vnto all the cōmaundmentes which I haue cōmaunded you Plucke vpp youre hartes and be stronge dreade not nor be aferde of them for the Lorde thi God him selfe will goo with the and wil nether let the goo nor forsake the And Moses called vnto Iosua and sayed vnto him in the sighte of all Israel Be strōge and bolde for thou must goo with this people vnto the londe which the Lorde hath sworne vnto their fathers to geue them and thou shalt geue it them to enheret And the Lorde he shall goo before the ād he shall be with the and wil not let the goo nor forsake the feare not therfore nor be discomforted And Moses wrote this lawe and delyuered it vnto the preastes the sonnes of Leui which bare the arke of the testament of the Lorde and vnto all the elders of Israel and commaunded them sayenge At the ende of .vij. yere in the tyme of the fre yere in the fest of the tabernacles when all Israel is come to appere before the Lorde thi God in the place which he hath chosen se that thou reade this lawe before all Israel in their eares Gather the people together both men wemen and childern and the straungers that are in thi cities that they maye heare lerne and feare the Lorde youre God and be diligent to kepe all the wordes of this lawe and that theyr childern which knowe nothinge maye heare and lerne to feare the Lorde youre God as longe as ye lyue in the londe whother ye goo ouer Iordayne to possesse it And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses Beholde thy dayes are come that thou must dye Call Iosua and come and stonde in the tabernacle of witnesse that I maye geue him a charge And Moses and Iosua went and stode in the tabernacle off witnesse And the Lorde apeared in the tabernacle euen in the pyler off the cloude And the piler of the cloude stode ouer the dore of the tabernacle And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses beholde thou must slepe with thi fathers and this people will goo a whorynge after straunge goddes off the londe whother they goo and will forsake me and breake the appoyntement which I haue made with them And then my wrath will waxe whote agenst them and I will forsake them and will hyde my face from them and they shal be consumed And when moch aduersyte and tribulacion is come vppon them then they will saye because oure God is not amonge us these tribulacions are come vppon us But I wil hyde my face that same tyme for all the euels sake which they shall haue wrought in that they are turned vnto straunge goddes Now therfore write ye this songe and teach it the childern of Israel and put it in their mouthes that this songe maye be my witnesse vnto the childern of Israel For when I haue brought them in to the londe whiche I sware vnto their fathers that runneth with mylke ād honye then they will eate and fyll them selues and waxe
and myne hande shall destroye them Thou bluest with thy breth ād the see couered thē and they sanke as leed in the myghtye waters ¶ who is like vnto the o Lord amōge goddes who is like the so glorious in holynes feerfull laudable ād that shewest wondres Thou stretchedest ou● thy righte hande ▪ ād the erth swalowed them And thou cariedest with thy mercie this people which thou deliueredest ād broughtest thē with thy strength vnto thy holie habitacion The nations herde ād were afrayde pāges came vpon the Philistines Thā the dukes of the Edomites were amased ād trēblinge came apon the myghtiest off the M●abites and all the inhabiters of Canaā waxed faynte harted Let feare and dreade fall apon thē thorow the greatnesse off thyne arme and let them be as styll as a stone while thy people passe thorow o Lorde while the people passe thorowe which thou hast goten Brynge them in and plante them in the mountayns of thine enherytaūce the place Lorde whyche thou hast made for the to dweld in the sanctuarye Lorde which thy handes haue prepared The Lorde raygne euer and allwaye For Pharao wēt in an horsebacke wyth his charettes and horsemen in to the see and the Lorde broughte the waters of the see apō thē And the childern of Israel went on drie lande thorow the myddest of the see And mir Iam a prophetisse the sister of Aaron toke a tymbrell in hir hande and all the wemen came out after her with tymbrells in a daunse And mir Iam sange before them syng ye vnto the Lorde for he is become glorious in deade the horse and his ryder hath he ouerthrowne in the see Moses broughte Israel from the redd see ād they went out in to the wildernesse of Sur. And they went thre dayes longe in the wildernesse ād coude finde no water At the last they came to Mara but they coude not drynke off the waters for bitternesse for they were better ▪ therfore the name of the place was called Mara Then the people murmured agaynst Moses saynge ▪ what shall we drinke And Moses cried vnto the Lorde and he shewed him a tre ▪ and he cast it in to the water and they waxed swete There he made them an ordinaunce and a lawe and there he tempted them and saide Yf ye will herken vnto the voyce of the Lord youre Vve must do that vvhich is right in gods sight ād as his vvorde reach eth vs and no● aftir our avvne imaginac ● o● God and will do that which is righte in his syght and will geue an ●are vnto his cōmaūdmentes and kepe all his ordinaunces thā will I put none of this diseases apon the whiche I brought vpon the Egiptiās for I am the Lorde thy surgione ¶ The .xvj. Chapter ANd they came to Elim where were xij welles of water and .lxx. date trees and they pitched there by the water And they toke their yourney frō Elim and all the hole cōpanye of the childern of Israell came to the wildernesse of Sin which lieth betwene Elim ād Sinai the .xv. daye of the seconde moneth after that they were come out of the lande of Egipte And the hole multitude of the childern * of Israel murmured agaynst Moses ād Aarō in the wildernesse and sayde vnto them wold to God we had dyed by the hande of the Lorde in the lande of Egipte when we satt by the flessh pottes and ate bred oure belies full for ye haue broughte vs out in to this wildernesse to kyll this hole multitude for honger Than sayde the Lorde vnto Moses beholde I will rayne bred frō heauē doune to you ād let the people goo out ād gather daye by daye that I maye proue thē whether they wil walke in my lawe or no. The .vj. daye let thē prepare that which they will brīge in ād let it be twise as moch as they gather in dayly And Moses ād Aarō sayde vnto all the childerē of Israel at euen he shall knowe that it is the Lorde which broughte you out of the lāde of Egipte ād in the mornynge ye shall se the glorie of the Lorde because he hath herde youre grudgynges agaynst the Lorde for what are we that ye shuld murmure against vs. And moreouer spake Moses At euē the Lorde will geue you flesh to eate ād in the mornynge bred ynough ▪ because the Lord hath herde youre murmur whiche ye murmur agaynst hī for what ar we youre murmurynge is not agaynst vs but agaynst the Lorde And Moses spake vnto Aarō Say vnto all the cōpanye of the childerē of Israel come forth before the Lorde for he hath herde youre grudgīges And as Aarō spake vnto the hole multitude of the childerē of Israel they loked toward the wildernesse ād beholde the glorie of the Lord apeared ī a clowde And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayng I haue herde the murm●rīg of the childrē of Israel tell thē therfore ād saye that at euē they shall eate flesh ādi the morninge they shall be filled with bred ād ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde youre god And at euē the quayles came ād couered the groūde where they laye And in the mornynge the dewe laye rounde aboute the hoste And whē the dewe was fallē behold it laye apō the grounde in the wildernesse small ād roūde ād thyn as the hore frost on the groūde when the childrē of Israel sawe it they sayde one to another what is this for they wist not what it was And Moses sayde this is the breed which the Lorde hath geuē you to eate This is the thinge which the Lord hath cōmaūded that ye gather euery mā ynough for hī to eate a gomer full for a mā acordīge to the nōbre off you ād gather euery mā for thē which are in his tente And the childern of Israel dyd euen so ād gathered some more some lesse and dyd mete it with a gomer And vnto him that had gathered moch remayned nothinge ouer ād vnto hī that had gathered litle was there no lacke but euery mā had gathered sufficiēt for his eatinge And Moses sayde vnto them Se that no mā let oughte remayne of it tyll the morninge Notwithstondinge they harkened not vnto Moses but some of thē lefte of it vntyll the mornynge and it waxte full of wormes ād st●ke and Moses was angrie wyth them And they gathered it all mornīges euery mā as moch as suffised for his eatinge for as sone as the hete of the sonne came it moulte And the .vj. daye they gathered twise so moch bred ij gomers for one mā ād the ruelars of the multitude came ād tolde Moses And he sayde vnto thē this is that which the Lorde hath sayde tomorow is the Sabbath of the holie rest of the Lord bake that which ye will bake ād seth that ye will seth ād that which remayneth say vp for you ād kepe it till the mornynge And they layde it vp till the
him not for he wyll not spare youre mysdedes yee and my name is in him But and yf thou shalt herken vnto his voyce ād kepe all that I shall tell the thē I wil be an enimye vnto thyne enimies and an aduersarie vnto thine aduersaries when myne angell goth before the ād hath broughte the in vnto the Amorites Hethites Pherezites Canaanites Heuites and Iebusites and I shall haue destroyed them se thou worshippe not their goddes nether serue them nether do after the workes of them but ouertrowe them and breake doune the places of them And se that ye serue the Lorde youre God ād he shall blesse thi bred and thy water ād I will take all sycknesses awaye from amonge you Moreouer there shal be no woman childlesse or vnfrutefull in thi londe and the nombre of thi dayes I will fulfyll I will sende my feare before the and will kyll all the people whether thou shalt goo And I will make all thine enemies turne their backes vnto the ād I will send hornettes before the and they shall dryue out the Heuites the Cananites and the Hethites before the. I will not cast them out in one yere lest the lande growe to a wyldernesse and the beestes of the felde multiplye apon the. But a litle and a litle I will dryue them out before the vntill thou be increased that thou mayst enherett the londe And I will make thi costes frō the red see vnto the see of the Philistenes and from the deserte vnto the ryuer I By the ryuer vnderstonde the river E●phrates ▪ will delyuer the inhabiters of the londe in to thine hande and thou shalt dryue them out before the. And thou shalt make none appoyntment with them nor wyth their goddes Nether shall they dwell in thi londe lest they make the synne agaynst me for yf thou serue their goddes it will surely be thy decaye The xxiiij Chapter ANd he sayde vnto Moses come vnto the Lorde both thou and Aaron Nadab and Abihu and the. lxx elders of Israel and worshippe a ferre of And Moses went him selfe alone vnto the Lorde but they came not nye nether came the people vp with him And Moses came ād tolde the people al the wordes of the Lorde and all the lawes And all the people answered with one voyce and sayde all the wordes which the Lorde hath sayde will wee doo Then Moses wrote all the wordes of the Lorde and rose vp early ād made an alter vnder the hyll and .xij. pilers acordynge to the nombre of the .xij. trybes of Israel ād sent yonge men of the childern of Israel to sacrifyce burntoffrynges ād to offre peaceoffrynges of oxen vnto the Lorde And Moses toke halfe of the bloude and put it in basens and the otherhalfe he sprenkeld on the alter And he toke the boke of the appoyntment and red it in the audience of the people And they seyde All that the Lorde hath sayde we will do and heare And Moses toke the bloude ād sprinkeld it on the people ād sayde beholde this is the bloude of the appoyntment which the Lorde hath made wyth you apon all these wordes Then went Moses and Aaron Nadab ād Abihu and the .lxx. elders of Israel vppe and sawe the God of Israel and vnder his fere as it were a brycke worde of Saphir and as it were the facyon of heauen when is it cleare and apō the nobles of the childern of Israel he sett not his hande And when they had sene God they ate and dronke And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses come vpp to me in to the hyll and be there ▪ ād I will geue the tables of stone and a lawe and commaundmentes which I haue written to teach them Then Moses rose vppe ād his minister Iosua and Moses went vppe in to the hyll of God ād seyde vnto the elders tarye ye here vntill we come agayne vnto you And beholde here is Aaron and Hur with you Yf any man haue any maters to doo let him come to them when Moses was come vpp in to the mounte a clowde couered the hyll and the glorye of the Lorde abode apon mounte Sinai and the clowde couered it .vi. dayes And the seuenth daye he called vnto Moses out of the clowde And the facyon of the glorie of the Lorde was like consumynge fyre on the toppe of the hyll in the syghte of the children of Israel And Moses went in to the mountayne And Moses was in the mounte .xl. dayes and xl nyghtes The .xxv. Chapter ANd the Lorde talked with Moses saynge speake vnto the childern of Israel that they geue me an heueoffrynge and of euerey man that geueth it willingly wyth his herte ye shall take it And this is the heueoffrynge which ye shall take of them gold siluer ād brasse and Iacyncte coloure scarlet purpull bysse and gootes here rams skynnes that are red and the skynnes of taxus and sethimwodd oyle for lightes and spices for a noyntynge oyle and for swete cense Onix stones and sett stones for the Ephod and for the Ephod is a garment lyke a● amy●e brestlappe And they shall make me a sanctuarye that I maye dwell amonge them And as I haue shewed the the facion of the habitaciō and of all the ornamentes therof euē so se that ye make it in all thynges And they shall make an arke of sethim wodd .ij. cubittes and an halfe longe a cubite ād an halfe brode and a cubitt and an halfe hye And thou shalt ouerleye it with pure golde both within and without and shalt make an hye vppon it a crowne of golde rounde aboute And thou shalt cast .iiij. rynges of golde for it and put them in the .iiij. corners there of .ij. rynges on the one syde of it and ij on the other And thou shalt make staues of sethim wodd and couer them with golde and put the staues in the rynges alonge by the sydes of the arke to bere it with all And the staues shall abyde in the rynges of the arke and shall not be taken awaye And thou shalt put in the arke the wytnesse which I shall geue the. And thou shalt make a merciseate of pure golde .ij. cubytes and an halfe longe and a cubete and an halfe brode And make .ij. cherubyns off thicke golde on the .ij. endes of the mercyseate and sett the one cherub on the one ende and the other on the other ende of the mercyseate so se that thou make them on the ij endes there of And the cherubyns shall stretch their wynges abrode ouer an hye ād couer the mercy seate with their wynges and theyr faces shall loke one to another euē to the mercyseate warde shall the faces of the cherubyns be And thou shalt put the mercyseate aboue apon the arke ād in the arke thou shalt put the wytnesse which I will geuethe There I will mete the and will comon with the from apon the mercyseate from betwene the two cherubyns which are apon the arke of
thou shalt brynge vn to an oxe a meat offerynge of .iij. tenth deales of floure myngled with halfe an hin of oyle And thou shalt brynge for a drynk offerynge halfe an hin of wyne that is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde This is the maner that shal be done vnto one oxe one ram a lambe or a kyd And acordynge to the numbre of soche offerynges thou shalt encrease y● meat offerynges and the drynk offerynges All that are of youre selues shall do these thinges after this maner when he offereth an offerynge of swete sauoure vnto the L●●de And yf there be a straunger with you or be amonge you in youre generacions and will offer an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto y● Lorde euen as ye do so he shall doo One ordynaunce shall serue both for you of the congregacion and also for the straunger And it shal be an ordynaunce for euer amonge youre childern after you that the straunger and ye shal be lyke before the Lorde One lawe and one maner shall serue both for you and for y● straunger that dwelleth with you And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge speake vnto the childern of Israel ād saye vnto them When ye be come into the londe whether I will brynge you then whē ye will eate of the bred of the londe ye shall geue an heue offerynge vnto the Lorde Ye shall geue a cake of the first of youre dowe vnto an heue offerynge as ye do the heue offerynge of the barne euen so ye shall heue it Of the first of youre dowe ye must geue vnto the Lorde an heue offerynge thorow out youre generacions Yf ye ouerse youre selues and obserue not all these commaundmētes which the Lorde hath spoken vnto Moses all that the Lorde hath commaunded you by y● hāde of Moses from the first daye forwarde that the Lorde commaunded amonge youre generacion when oughte is commytted ignorantly before the eyes of the congregacion then all the multitude shall offer a calfe for a burnt offerynge to be a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde the meat offerynge and the drynk offerynge there to acordynge to the maner and an he goote for a synofferynge And the preast shall make an aronement for all the multitude of y● childern of Israel ād it shal be forgeuen the for it was ignoraunce And they shall brynge their giftes vnto the offerynge of the Lorde and their synofferynge before the Lorde for their ignoraunce And it shal be forgeuen vnto all the multitude of the childern of Israel vnto the straunger that dwelleth amōge you for the ignorauncye perteyneth vnto all the people Yf any one soule synne thorow ignoraunce he shall brynge a she goote of a yere olde for a synofferynge And the preast shall make an atonement for the soule that synned ignorauntly with the synofferynge before the Lorde and reconsyle him and it shal be forgeuen him And both thou that art borne one of the childern of Israel and the straunger that dwelleth amonge you shall haue both one lawe yf ye synne thorow ignorauncye And the soule that doth ought presumpmously whether he be an Israelite or a straūger the same hath despysed the Lorde And that soule shal be destroyed from amonge his people because he hath despised the worde of the Lorde a hath brokē his cōmaūdmentes y● soule therfore shall perysh ād his synne shal be apon him And whyle the childern of Ysrael were in the wildernesse they founde a man gatherynge stickes vppon the Sabath daye And they y● founde him gatherynge stickes broughte him vnto Moses and Aaron and vnto all y● congregacion ād they put him in warde for it was not declared what shulde be done vnto him And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses y● mā shall dye let all the multitude stone him with stones without the hoste And all y● multitude broughte him without the hoste ād stoned him with stones and he dyed as the Lorde commaunded Moses And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge speake vnto the childern of Ysrael and byd them that they make them gardes apon the quarters of their garmētes thorow out their generacions ād let them make the gardes of ribandes of Iacyncte And the garde shall Gods signes were to put men in remēbraunce of his worde that they shuld not seke a waye to please God after their awne imaginacion be vnto you to loke apon it that ye remembre all the commaundmentes of the Lorde and doo them that ye seke not a waye after youre awne hertes and after youre awne eyes for to goo a whooringe after them but that ye remembre and doo all my commaundmentes and be holy vnto youre God for I am y● Lorde youre God which broughte you out of y● londe of Egipte to be youre God I am the Lorde God ¶ The .xvi. Chapter ANd Corah the sonne of Iezehar the sonne of Cahath the sonne of Leui Dathan Abiram the sonne of Eliab and On the sonne of Peleth the sonne of Ruben stode vpp before Moses with other of the childern of Israel .ij. hundred and fyftie heedes of the congregacion and councelers and men of fame and they gathered thēselues together agenst Moses and Aaron sayed vnto them ye haue done ynough For all the multitude are holy euery one of them and the Lorde is amonge them Why therfore heue ye youre selues vpp aboue the congregacion of the Lorde When Moses herde it he fell apon his face and spake vnto Corah and vnto all his companye sayenge tomorow the Lorde will shewe who is his and who is holy and will take them vnto him and whom so euer he hath chosen he will cause to come to him This doo take fyre pannes thou Corah and all thi companye and do fyre therein ād put cēs thereto before the Lorde tomorowe And then whom soeuer the Lorde doeth chose the same is holy Ye make ynough to doo ye childern of Leui. And Moses sayed vnto Corah heare ye childern of leui Semeth it but a small thynge vnto you that y● God of Israel hath separated you frō the multitude of Israel to brynge you to him to doo the seruyce of the dwellynge place of the Lorde and to stonde before the people to minystre vnto them he hath taken the to him and all thi brethern the sonnes of leui with the and ye seke the office of y● preast also For which cause both thou and all thi companye are gathered together agenst the Lorde for what is Aaron that ye shulde murmure agenst him And Moses sent to call Dathan ād Abiram the sonnes of Eliab and they answered we will not come Semeth it a small thynge vnto the that thou hast broughte us out of a londe that floweth with mylke and honye to kyll us in y● wildernesse But that thou shuldest reygne ouer us also More ouer thou hast broughte us vnto no londe that floweth with mylke and honye nether hast geuen us possessions of feldes or of vynes Echer wilt thou pull out the
But geue him and let it not greue thine hert to geue Because that for that thinge the Lorde thy God shall blesse the in all thi workes and in all that thou puttest thine hande to For the londe shall neuer be without poore Wherfore I cōmaunde the sayenge open thine hande vnto thi brother that is neady ād poore in thy lande Yf thi brother an Hebrue sell him self to the or an Hebruas he shall serue the syxe yere and the seuenth yere thou shalt lett him go fre from the. And when thou sendest hym out fre from the thou shalt not let him goo awaye emptye but shalt geue him of thy shepe and of thi corne and of thy wyne and geue him off that where with the Lorde thi God hath blessed the. And remembre that thou wast a seruaunte in the londe of Egipte and the Lorde thi God delyuered the thence wherfore I commaunde the this thinge to daye But and yf he saye vnto the I will not goo awaye from the because he loueth the and thine housse and is well at ease with the. Then take a naule and nayle his eare too the doore there with ād let him be thi seruaunte foreuer and vnto thi mayde seruaunte thou shalt doo likewise And let it not greue thine eyes to lett him goo out from the for he hath bene worthe a double hired seruaunte to the in his seruyce .vi. yeres And the Lorde thi God shall blesse the in all that thou doest All the firstborne that come of thine oxen and of thi shepe that are males thou shalt halowe vnto the Lorde thi God Thou shalt do no seruyce with the firstborne of thi shepe but shalt eate thē before the Lord thi God yere by yere in the place which the Lorde hath chosen both thou and thine houssholde Yf there be any deformyte there in whether it be lame or blinde or what soeuer euell fauerednesse it hath thou shalt not offer it vnto the Lorde thi God But shalt eate it in thyne awne citie the vncleane and the cleane indifferently as the roo and the hert Only eate not the bloude there of but poure it vppon the grounde as water The .xvi. Chapter OBserue the moneth of Abyb and offer passeover vnto the Lorde thi God For in the moneth of Abib the Lorde thy God brought the out of Egipte by nyght Thou shalt therfore offer passeover vnto the Lorde thi God and shepe and oxen in the place which the Lorde shall chose to make his name dwell there Thou shalt cate no leuēded bred there with but shalt eate there with the bred of tribulaciō .vij. dayes lōge For thou camest out of the lōde of Egipte in hast that thou mayst remembre the daye when thou camest out of the londe of Egipte all dayes of thi life And se that there be no leuended bred sene in all thi costes .vij. dayes longe and that there remayne nothinge of the flesh which thou hast offered the fyrst daye at euen vntil the mornynge Thou mayst not offer passeover in any of thi cities which the Lord thi god geueth the But in the place which the Lorde thi God shall chose to make his name dwell in there thou shalt offer Passeouer at euen aboute the goyngdoune of the sonne euen in the season that thou camest out of Egipte And thou shalt seth and eate in the place which the Lorde thi God hath chosen and departe on the morowe and gette the vnto thi tente Sixe dayes thou shalt eate swete bred and the seuenth daye is for the people to come together to the Lorde thi God that thou mayst do no worke Then reken the .vij. wekes and begynne to rekē the .vij. wekes when the syccle begynneth in the corne and kepe the feast of wekes vnto the Lorde thi God that thou geue a frewil offeringe of thine hāde vnto the Lord thi God acordinge as the Lorde thi God hath blessed the. And reioyse before the Lorde thi God both thou thi sonne thi doughter thi seruaunte and thi mayde and the leuite that is within thi gates and the straunger the fatherlesse ād the wedowe that are amonge you in the place which the Lorde thi God hath chosen to make his name dwel there And remēbre that thou why wast a seruaūte in Egipte that thou obserue and doo these ordinaunces Thou shalt obserue the feast of tabernacles vij dayes longe after that thou hast gathered in thi corne and thi wyne And thou shalt reioyse in that thi feast both thou and thi sonne thi doughter thi seruaunte thi mayde the leuite the straunger the fatherlesse and the wedowe that are in thi cities Seuen dayes thou shalt kepe holy daye vnto the Lorde thi God in the place which the Lorde shal chose for the Lorde thi God shall blesse the in all thi frutes and in all the workes of thine handes and thou shalt be all together gladnesse Thre tymes in the yere shall al youre males appere before the Lorde thi God in the place which he shal chose In the feast of swete bred in the feast of wekes and in the booth feast And they shal not appere before the Lorde emptie but euery mā with the gifte of his honde acordynge to the blessinge of the Lorde thi God which he hath geuen the. The .xvij. Chapter IVdges and officers thou shalt make the in Iudge● all thi cities which the Lorde thi God geueth the thorow out thi trybes and lett thē iudge the people righteously Wrest not the lawe nor knowe any persone nether take any rewarde for giftes blynde the wise and peruerte the wordes of the righteous But in all thinge folowe righteousnesse that thou mayst lyuc and enioye the londe which the Lord thi God geueth the. Thou shalt plante no groue of what soeuer trees it be nye vnto the altare of the Lorde thi God which thou shalt make the. Thou shalt sett the vpp no piler which the Lorde thy God hateth Thou shalt offer vnto the Lorde thy God no oxe or shepe where in is any deformyte what soeuer euell fauerednesse it be for that is an abhominacion vnto the Lorde thi God Yf there be founde amonge you in any of thi cities which the Lord thi God geueth the man or woman that hath wrought wekednesse in the sighte of the Lord thi God that they haue gone beyonde his appoyntment so that they haue gone and serued straūge goddes ād worshipped thē whether it be the sonne or mone or anythinge contayned in heauē which I forbade and it was tolde the ād thou hast herde of it Then thou shalt enquere diligently And yf it be true and the thinge of a suertye that soch abhomynacion is wrought in Israel Opinly in the gates and not secretlye in preson with lawfull witnesse and not tormentynge them or mak●ge them swer agen●● thē selves or ●or swere thē selves thē thou shalt bringe forth that mā or that woman whiche haue cōmytted that weked thinge * vnto thi gates ād shalt stone thē
with stones ād they shall dye At the mouth of .ij. or iij witnesses shal he that is worthy of deeth dye but at the mouth of one witnesse he shall not dye And the handes of the witnesses shal be first vppon him to kyll him ād afterwarde the handes of all the people so shalt thou put wekednesse awaye from the. Yf a matter be to harde for the in iudgemēt betwene bloud and bloude plee and plee plage and plage in maters of strife within thi cities Then Arise and gett the vpp vnto the place which the Lorde thi God hath chosen and goo vnto the preastes the leuites and vnto the iudge that shal be in those dayes and axe and they shall shewe the how to iudge And se that thou doo acordinge to that which they of that place which the Lorde hath chosen shew the and se that thou obserue to doo acordinge to all that they enforme the. Acordinge to the lawe which they teach the and maner of iudgement which they tell the se that thou doo and that thou bowe not from that which they she we the nether to the right hande nor to the lyfte And that man that will doo presumptuously so that he will not herken vnto the preast that stondeth there to mynistre vnto the Lorde thi God or vnto the iudge shall dye and so thou shalt put awaye euell from Israel And all the people shall heare and shall feare and shall doo nomare presumptuosly When thou art come vnto the lōde which the Lorde thi God geueth the and enioyest it and dwellest therin Yf thou shalt saye I will sett a kinge ouer me like vnto all the nacions kyu●●s that are aboute me Then thou shalt make him kinge ouer the whom the Lorde thi God shal chose One of thi brethern must thou make kinge ouer the and mayst not sett a straunger ouer the which is not of thi brethern But in ani wyse let hī not holde to many horsses that he bringe not the people agayne to Egipte thorow the multitude of horsses for as moch as the Lorde hath sayed vnto you ye shall hence forth goo no moare agayne that waye Also he shall not haue to many wyues lest his hert turne awaye nether shall he gather him syluer and godlde to moch And when he is seten vppon the seate off his kingdome he shall write him out this seconde lawe in a boke takynge a copye of the preastes the leuites And it shal be with him and he shall reade there in all dayes of his lyfe * that he maye lerne to feare the Lorde his God for to kepe all the wordes of this lawe ād these ordinaunces for to doo them that his hert aryse not aboue his brethern and that he turne not from the commaundment ether to the righte hande or to the lifte that both he ād his childern maye prolonge their dayes in his kingdome in Israel ¶ The .xviij. Chapter THe preastes the Leuites all the trybe off Leui shall haue no parte nor enheritaunce I meruel that oure diffigured coude ●●●ke no figure of this all this while with Israel The offrynges of the Lorde ād his enheritaunce they shall eate but shall haue no enheritaunce amonge their brethern the Lorde he is their enheritaunce as he hath sayed vnto them And this is the dutie of the preastes of the people and of them that offer whether it be oxe or shepe They must geue vnto the preast the shulder and the two chekes and the maw the firstfrutes of thy corne wyne and oyle and the first of thy shepesheryng must thou geue him For the Lorde thy God hath chosen him out of all thy trybes to stonde and to ministre in the name of the Lorde both hī and his sonnes for euer Yf a Leuite come out of any of thy cities or any place of Israel where he is a segeorner ād come with all the lust of his herte vnto the place which the Lorde hath chosen he shall there ministre in the name of the Lorde his god as all his brethern the Leuites doo whiche stonde there before the Lord. And they shall haue lyke porcyons to eate besyde that whiche cometh to hym of the patrimonye of hys elders When thou art come in to the londe which the Lorde thy God geueth the se that thou lerne not to doo after the abhominacyōs of these nacyons Let there not be founde amonge you that maketh his sonne or his doughter go thorow fyre ether a bruterar or a maker of dismale dayes or that vseth witchcraft or a sorcerar or a charmar or that speaketh with a spirite or a sothsayer or that talketh with them that are deed For all that doo soch thinges are abhominacion vnto the Lorde and because of these abhominacyons the Lorde thy God doeth cast them out before the be pure therfore with the Lorde thy God For these nacyons whiche thou shalt conquere herken vnto makers off dysemall dayes and bruterars But the Lorde thy God permytteth not that to the. The Lorde thy God will sterre vpp a prophete amonge you euē of thy brethern like vnto me and vnto him ye shall herken acording to all that thou desyredest of the Lorde thy Christ is here promysed a preacher off better tydinges then Mo●es god in Horeb in the daye when the people were gathered sayenge Let me heare the voyce of my Lorde God nomoare nor se this greate fire any moare that I dye not And the Lorde sayed vnto me they haue well spoken I will rayse them vpp a prophett from amonge their brethern like vnto the ād will put my wordes in to his mouth and he shall speake vnto thē al that I shall commaunde him And whosoeuer will not kerken vnto the wordes which he shall speake in my name I will requyre it off him But the prophete which shall presume to speake ought in my name which I commaunded him not to speake and he that speaketh in the name of straunge Goddes the same prophete shall dye And yf thou saye in thine hert howe shall I knowe that whiche the Lorde hath no● spoken When a prophete speaketh in the name of the Lorde yf the thynge folow not nor come to passe that is the thinge which the Lorde hath not spoken But the prophete hath spoken it presumptuously be not aferde therfore of him ¶ The .xix. Chapter WHen the Lorde thy Gad hath destroyed the nacyons whose londe the Lorde thy God geueth the and thou hast conquered thē and dwellest in their cities and in their housses thou shalt appoynte .iij. cities in the lande whiche the Lorde thy God geueth the to possesse it thou shalt prepare the waye and deuyde the costes of thy lande whiche the Lorde thy God geueth the to enheret in to .iij. partes that whosoeuer committeth murthur may flee thither And this is the cause of the sleyer that shal The popis sētuaries are of an other purpose For he had leuer haue the frenshep of the
that are wrytten in thys boke for to feare this glorious and fearfull name of the Lorde thy God the Lorde will smyte both the and thy seed with wonderfull plages and with greate plages and of longe continuaunce and with euell sekenesses and of longe duraunce Moreouer he wyll brynge vppon the all the diseases off Egipte whiche thou wast afrayed off and they shall cleaue vnto the. Thereto all maner sekenesse● and all maner plages whiche are not wrytten in the boke of this lawe wyll the Lorde brynge vppon the vntyll thou be come to noughte And ye shal be lefte fewe in numbre where to fore ye were as the starres off heauen in multitude because thou woldest not herkē vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God And as the Lorde reioysed ouer you to do you good and to multiplye you euen so he will reioyse ouer you to destroye you and to brynge you to nought And ye shabe wasted from of the lande whother thou goest to enioye it And the Lorde shall scater the amonge all nacyons from the one ende of the worlde vnto the other and there thou shalt serue straunge goddes which nether thou nor thy fathers haue knowne euen wod and stone And amonge these nacyons thou shalt be no small season and yet shalt haue no reste for the sole of thy foote For the Lorde shall geue the there a trēblynge herte ād dasynge eyes and sorowe of mynde And thy lyfe shall hange before the and thou shalt feare both daye and nyghte ād shalt haue no trust in thy lyfe In the mornynge thou shalt saye wolde God it were nyghte And at nyghte thou shalt saye wolde God it were mornynge For feare off thyne herte whiche thou shalt feare and for the syghte of thyne eyes whiche thou shalt se And the Lorde shall brynge the in to Egipte agayne with shippes by the waye which I bade the that thou shuldest se it nomoare And there ye shal be solde vnto youre enemyes for bondmen and bondwemen and yet no man shall bye you ¶ The .xxix. Chapter THese are the wordes of the appoyntmēt which the Lorde commaunded Moses to make with the childern of Israel in the londe of Moab besyde the appoyntment whiche he made with them in Horeb. And Moses called vnto all Israel and sayed vnto them Ye haue sene all that the Lorde dyd before youre eyes in the lande of Egipte vnto Pharao and vnto all his seruauntes and vnto all his londe and the greate temptacyons whiche thyne eyes haue sene and those greate myracles and wonders and yet the Lorde hath not geuen you an herte to perceaue nor eyes to se nor eares to heare vnto this daye And I haue led you .xl. yere in the wildernesse and youre clothes are not waxed olde vppon you nor are thy showes waxed olde vppon thy fete Ye haue eaten no bred nor droncke wyne or strounge dryncke that ye myghte knowe howe that he is the Lorde youre God And at the last ye came vnto this place ād Sihon the kynge of Hesbon and Og kynge of Basan came out agenst you vnto batayle and we smote them and toke their londe and gaue it an heritaunce vnto the Rubenites and Gadites and to the halfe tribe of Manasse Kepe therfore the worde of this appoyntment and doo them that ye maye vnderstonde all that ye ought to doo Ye stonde here this daye euery one of you before the Lorde youre God both the heedes of youre trybes youre elders youre officers ād all the mē of Israel youre childern youre wyues and the straungere that are in thyne host from the hewer of thy wod vnto the drawer of thy water that thou shulddest come vnder the appoyntment of the Lorde thy God and vnder his othe which the Lorde thy God maketh with the this daye For to make the a people vnto him selfe and that he maye be vnto the a God as he hath sayed vnto the and as he hath sworne vnto thi fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob Also I make not this bonde and this othe with you only but both with him that stōdeth here with us this daye before the Lorde oure God and also with him that is not here with us this daye For ye knowe how we haue dwelt in the londe of Egipte and how we came thorow the myddes of the nacions which we passed by And ye haue sene their abhominaciōs and their ydolles wod stone siluer and golde which they had Lest there be amonge you man or woman kynred or trybe that turneth awaye in his hert this daye from the Lord oure God to goo ād serue the goddes of these nacions and lest there be amonge you some roote that bereth gall and wormwod so that when he heareth the wordes of this curse he blesse him selfe in his hert sayenge I feare it not I will therfore walke after the lust of myne awne hert that the drounken destroye the thurstie And so the Lorde will not be mercyfull vnto him but then the wrath of the Lorde ād his gelousye smoke agenst that man ād al the curses that are written in this boke light vppō him and the Lorde doo out his name frō vnder heauen and separate him vnto euell out of all the trybes of Israel acordynge vnto all the curses of the appoyntement that is written in the boke of this lawe So that the generacion to come of youre childern that shal ryse vpp after you ād the straunger that shall come from a ferre londe saye when they se the plages of that londe and the diseases where with the Lorde hath smytten it how all the londe is burnt vpp with bremstone and salt that it is nether sowne nor beareth nor any grasse groweth therein after the ouertrowenge of Sodome Gomor Adama ād Zeboim which the Lorde ouerthrewe in his wrath and angre And than all nacions also saye wherfore hath the Lorde done of this facion vnto this londe O how fearse is this greatt wrath And men shall saye because they lefte the testamēt of the Lorde God of their fathers which he made with them whē he brought them out of the lande of Egipte And they went ād serued straunge goddes and worshipped them goddes which they knewe not and which had geuen them nought And therfore the wrath off the Lorde waxed whote vppon that londe to brynge vppon it all the curses that are written in this boke And the Lorde cast them out of their londe in angre wrath and greate furyou snesse and cast thē in to a straunge londe as it is come to passe this daye The secrettes perteyne vnto the Lorde oure God and the thinges that are opened perteyne vnto us and oure childern for euer that we doo all the wordes of this lawe The .xxx. Chapter WHen all these wordes are come vpō the whether it be the blessinge or the cursse which I haue set before the yet yf thou turne vnto thyne hert amonge all the nacions whother the Lorde thi God hath thruste the and come agayne
howe that I I am he and that there is no God but I. I can kyll and make alyue ād what I haue smyten that I can heale nether y● there that can delyuer any man oute off my honde For I will lifte vp myne hande to heauē ād will saye I lyue euer Yf I whett the lyghtenynge of my swerde and myne hande take in hande to doo iustyce I wyll shewe vengeaunce on myne enemyes and will rewarde them that hate me I will make myne arowes dronkē with bloude and my swerde shall eate flesh of the bloud of the slayne and of the captyue and of the bare heed of the enemye Reioyse hethen wyth hys people for he wyll auenge the bloude off his servauntes and wyll auenge hym off hys aduersaryes and wil be mercyfull vnto the londe off hys people And Moses went ād spake all the wordes of this songe in the eares of the people both he and Iosua the sonne of Nun. And when Moses had spoken all these wordes vnto the ende to all Israel then he sayed vnto them Sett youre hertes vnto all the wordes whiche I testifye vnto you this daye that ye commaunde them vnto youre childern to obserue and doo all the wordes off thys lawe For it is not a vayne worde vnto you but it is youre lyfe and thorow thys worde ye shall prolonge youre dayes in the lond whother ye goo ouer Iordayne to conquere it And the Lorde spake vnto Moses the selfe same daye sayenge get the vpp in to this mountayne Abarim vnto mount Nebo which is in the londe of Moab ouer agenst Iericho And beholde the londe of Canaan whiche I geue vnto the childern of Israel to possesse And dye in the mount whiche thou goest vppon and be gathered vnto thy people As Aaron thy brother dyed in mounte Hor ād was gathered vnto his people For ye trespased agenst me amonge the childern of Israel at the waters off striffe at Cades in the wyldernesse of Zin because ye sanctified me not amonge the childern of Israel Thou shalt se the londe before the but shall not goo thither vnto the londe which I geue the childern off Israel The .xxxiij. Chapter THis is the blessinge where with Moses gods man blessed the childern of Israel before his deeth sayenge The Lord came frō Sinai and shewed his beames from Seir vnto them and appered gloriously from mount Paran and he came with thousandes of sayntes and in his right hande a lawe of fyre for them How loued he the people All his sayntes are in his honde They yoyned thē selues vnto thy fote and receaued thi wordes Moses gaue us a lawe which is the enheritaunce of the cōgregacion of Iacob And he was in Israel kinge when he gathered the heedes of the people and the tribes of Israel to gether Ruben shall lyue and shall not dye but his people shal be few in numbre This is the blessynge of Iuda And he sayed heare Lorde the voyce of Iuda and bringe him vnto his people let his handes fyght for him but he thou his helpe agenst his enemies And vnto Leui he sayed thy perfectnesse ād thi light be after thy mercyfull mā whō thou temptest at Masa ād with whom thou striuedst at the waters of strife He that saieth vnto his father ād mother I sawe him not ād vnto his brethern I knewe not and to his sonne I wote not for they haue obserued thi wordes and kepte thy testament They shall teach Iacob thi iudgementes ād Israel thi lawes They shall put cens before thi nose and whole sacrifices apon thine altare Blesse Lorde their power and accepte the workes of their hondes smyte the backes of them that ryse agēst them and of them that hate them that they ryse not agayne Vnto Ben Iamin he sayed The Lordes derlynge shall dwell in saffetye by him and kepe him selfe in the hauen by hym contynually and shall dwell betwene his shulders And vnto Ioseph he sayed blessed of the Lorde is his londe with the goodly frutes off heauen with dewe and with sprynges that lye beneth and with frutes of the encrease of the sonne and with rype srute off the monethes and with the toppes of mountaynes that were from the begynnynge and with the dayntes of hilles that last euer and with goodly frute of the erth and off the fulnesse there of And the good will of him that dwelleth in the bush shall come vppon the heed of Ioseph and vppon the toppe of the heed of him that was separated fro amonge his brethern his bewtye is as a first-borne oxe and his hornes as the hornes of an vnycorne And with them he shall push the nacions to gether euen vnto the endes of the worlde These are the many thousandes of Ephraim and the thousandes off Manasse And vnto Zabulon he sayed Reioyse Zabulon in thi goenge out and thou Isachar in thi tentes They shall call the people vnto the hill and there they shall offer offerynges of righteousnes For they shall sucke of the abundaunce of the see and of treasure hyd in the sonde And vnto Gad he sayed blessed is the rowmmaker Gad. He dwelleth as a lion and caught the arme ād also the toppe of the heed He sawe his begynnynge that a parte of the teachers were hyd there ād come with the heedes of the people and executed the righteousnes of the Lorde and his iudgementes with Israel And vnto Dan he sayed Dan is a lions whelpe he shall flowe from Basan And vnto Nepthali he sayed Nephali he shall haue abundance of pleasure and shal be fylled with the blessinge of the Lorde ād shall haue his possessions in the southwest And of Asser he sayed Asser shal be blessed with childern he shal be acceptable vnto his brethern and shall dyppe his fote in oyle Yern and brasse shall hange on thi showes and thine age shal be as thi youth There is none like vnto the God of the off Israel he that sitteth vppon heauen shal be thine helpe whose glorie is in the cloudes that is the dwellinge place of God from the begynnynge and from vnder the armes of the worlde he hath cast out thine enemies before the and sayed destroye And Israel shall dwell in saffetye alone And the eyes of Iacob shall loke appon a londe of corne and wyne moreouer his heauen shall droppe with dewe Happye art thou Israel who is like vnto the A people that art saued by the Lorde thy shilde and helper and swerde of thi glorye And thyne enemyes shall hyde them selues from the and thou shalt walke vppon their hye hilles The .xxxiiij. Chapter ANd Moses went frō the feldes of Moab vpp in to mount Nebo which is the toppe of Pisga that is ouer agenst Iericho And the Lorde shewed him all the londe off Gilead euen vnto Dan and all nephtali and the londe of Ephraim and Manasse ād all the londe of Iuda euen vnto the vtmost see ād the south and the region of the playne of Iericho the citye of datetrees euen vnto Zoar And the Lorde sayed vnto him This is the lon de which I sware vnto Abraham Isaac and Iacob sayenge I will geue it vnto thy seed I haue shewed it the before thyne eyes but thou shalt not goo ouer thither So Moses the seruaunte of the Lorde dyed there in the londe of Moab at the commaundment of the Lorde And he buryed him in a valey in the londe of Moab besyde Beeth Peor but no man wyst of his sepulchre vnto this daye And Moses was an hundred and .xx. ye re olde when he dyed ād yet his eyes were not dym nor his chekes abated And the childern of Israel wepte for Moses in the feldes off Moab .xxx. dayes And the dayes off wepynge and mornynge for Moses were ended And Iosua the sonne of Nun was full of the spirite of wisdome for Moses had put his hande vppon him And all the childe●n of Israel herkened vnto him and dyd as the Lorde cōmaunded Moses But there arose not a prophett sense in Israel lyke vnto Moses whom the Lorde knewe face to face in all the miracles and wonders which the Lorde sent him to doo in the londe of Egipte vnto Pharao and all his seruauntes and vnto all his londe and in all the myghtye deades and greate tereble thinges which Moses dyd in the sight of all Israel ¶ The ende of the fifth boke of Moses Avims A kinde of geauntes and the worde signifieth crooked vnright or weked Belial weked or wekednesse he that hath cast the yoke of God of his necke ād will not obeye god Bruterar prophesiers or sothsayers Emims a kinde of geaūtes so called be cause they were terreble and cruell for emin signifieth terreblenesse Enack a kinde of geauntes so called happlye because they ware cheynes aboute their neckes for enack signifieth soch a cheyne as men weer aboute their neckes Horims A kinde of geauntes ād signifieth noble because that of pride they called thē selues nobles or gentles Rocke God is called a rocke because both he ād his worde lasteth euer Whett thē on thy childern that is exercyse thy childern in thē ād putthem in vre Zamzumims a kinde of geaūtes ād signifleth myscheuous or that be all waye imaginīge
what is within hypocrites sawe that I was begyled ād that that councell was not the nexte way vnto my purpose And therfore he gate me no favoure in my lordes sight ¶ Wherevppō my lorde answered me his house was full he had mo thē he coude well finde and advised me to seke in london wher he sayd I coude not lacke a service And so in london I abode almoste an yere and marked the course of the worlde and herde oure pratars I wold say oure preachers how they bosted them selves and their hye authorite and beheld the pompe of oure prelates and how besyed they were as they yet are to set peace and vnite in the worlde though it be not possible for them that walke in darkenesse to cōtinue longe in peace for they can not but ether stōble or dash them selves at one thinge or another that shall clene vnquyer all togedder sawe thinges wherof I deferre to speake at this tyme and vnderstode at the laste not only that there was no rowme in my lorde of londons palace to translate the new testament but also that there was no place to do it in all englonde as experience doth now openly declare ¶ Vnder what maner therfore shuld I now submitte this boke to be corrected and amended of them which can suffer nothinge to be well ▪ Or what ●rotestacyon shuld I make in soch a matter vnto oure prelates those stubbutne N●mrothes which so mightely fight agenste god and resiste his holy spirite enforceynge with all crafte and sotelte to qwench the light of the everlastinge testament promyses and as poyntemente made betwene god vs and heapinge the sirce wrath of god vppon all princes and rulars mockinge thē with falfe fayned names of hypocrysye and servinge their lustes at all poyntes dispensinge with thē even of the very lawes of god os which Christe him silf testifieth Mathew .v. that not so moch as one tittle therof maye perish or be brokē And of which the prophete fayth Psalme .cxvii. Thou haste cōmaunded thy lawes to be kepte meod that is in hebrew excedingly with all diligēce might power and haue made thē so mad with their iugglinge charmes and crafty persuasiōs that they thinke it full satisfaction for all their weked lyvinge to tormē● soch as tell thē trouth to borne the worde of their soules helth sle whosoever beleve theron ¶ Notwithstōdinge yet I submytte this boke and all other that I haue other made or trāslated or shall in tyme to come if it be goddes will that I shall further laboure in his hervest vnto all them that submytte thē selves vn to the worde of god to be corrected of thē yee and moreover to be disalewed also burnte if it seme worthy when they have examyned it wyth the hebrue so that they first put forth of their awne translatinge a nother that is more correcte ¶ A prologe shewinge the vse of the scripture THough a man had a precious iuell and a rich yet if he wiste not the value therof nor wherfore it served he were nother the better nor ryeher of a straw Eyen so though we read the scripture bable of it never so moch yet if we know not the vse of it and wherfore it was geven and what is theim to be sought it profiteth vs nothinge at all It is not ynough therfore to read and talke of it only but wo must also desyre god daye and night instantly to open oure eyes ād to make vs vnderstond and feale wherfore the scripture was geuen that we maye applye the medicyne of the scripture every mā to his awne sores inlesse then we entend to beydle disputers and braulers aboute vayne wordes ever gnaw enge vppon the bitter barcke with out and newer attayninge vnto the swetepith with in and persequutinge one and other for defendinge of lewde imaginacions and phantasyes of oure arene invencyon ¶ Paule in the thyrde of the secōde epistle to Tymo the sayth that the scripture is good to teache for that ought mē to teach not dreames of their awne makige as the pope doth also to improvt for the scripture is y● twichstone that tryeth all doctrynes by that we know the false from the true And in the .vi. to the ephesians he calleth it the swerd of the spirite by cause it killeth hyppocrites and vttereth āo improveth their false inventyons And in the. ●● to the Romayns he sayth all that are wryten are wryten for oure learninge that we thorow pacyence and cōsorte of the scripture myght have hope That is the ensamples that are in the scripture comforte vs in all oure tribulacyons and make vs to put oure truste in god and pacyently to abyde his leysure And in the .x. of the firste to the Corinthyans he bringeth in examples of the scripture of feare vs and to bridle the fleshe that we caste not the yoke of the lawe of god from of oure neckes and fall to lustynge and doinge of evill ¶ So now the scripture is a light and sheweth vs the true waye both what to do and what to hope And a defence from all erroure and a comforte in adversyte that we despayre not and feareth vs in prosperyte that we synne not Sec̄e therfore in the scripture as thou readest it first the law what god cōmaundeth vs to doo And secundarylye the promyses which god promyseth vs ageyne namely in Christe Iesu oure lorde Then seke ensamples firste of comsorte how god purgeth all them that submitte them selves to walke in his wayes in the purgatorye of tribulatyon delyveringe them yet at tye latter ende and never soferinge any of them to perysh that cleave faste to his promyses And fynallye note the ensamples which are writen to feare the flesh that we synne not That is how god suffereth the vngodlye and weked synners that resiste god and refuse to folow him to contynue in their wekednesse ever waxinge worse and worse vntyll their synne be so sore encreased and so abhomynable that if they shuld longer endure they wold corrupte the very electe But for the electes sake god sendeth thē preachers Neverthelesse they harden their hartes agenste the truth and god destroyeth thē vtterlye and begynneth the world a new ¶ This comforte shalt thou evermore finde in the playne texte and luerall sense Nether is there any storye so homely so rude yee or so vyle as it semeth outwarde wherin is not exceadinge greate comforte And when some which seme to them selves great clarkes saye they wott not what moare profite is in many gestes of the scripture if they be read with out an allegotye then in a tale of robenhode saye thou that they were wryten for oure consolacyon and comforte that we despayre not if soch likehappen vnto vs. We be not holyer then Noe though he were once dronke Nether be●●ter beloved then Iacob though his awne sonne defyled his bedde We be not holyer then lot though his doughters thorow ignorance
the sonnes of them And that whosoeuer moued any of thē to worshuppe false goddes how so euer nye of kynne he were they must accuse him ād bryng him to deth ye and wheresoeuer they hard of mā womā or citye that worshupped false goddes they must slee thē ād destroye the citie for ever ād not bild it agayne And all because they shuld worshuppe nothinge but God nor put confidence in anythinge saue in his word Yee and how warneth he to beware of witch craft sorcery inchauntment negromātie ād all craftes of the devell ād of dreamers sorthsayers and of myracledoers to destroye his worde and that they shulde suffer none soch to lyue Thou wilt happlye saye They tell a man the truthe What then God will that we care not to knowe what shall come He will haue vs care only to kepe his commaundmētes and to commytre all chaunses vnto him He hath promysed to care for vs and to kepe vs from all evell All thinges are in his hande he can remedye all thinges and wil for his truthes sake yf we praye him In his promyses only will he haue vs trust ād there rest ād to seke no farther How also doth he prouoke them to loue euer rehersynge the benefites of God done to them allready and the godly promyses that were to come And how goodly lawes of loue geveth he to helpe one another and that a man shuld not hate his neyghboure in his harte but loue him as him filf Leuitici .xix. And what a charge geueth he in euery place over the poore and neadye over the straunger frendlesse ād wedowe And when he desyreth to shew mercye he reherseth with all the benefites of God done to them at their neade that they myght sea cause at the lest waye in God to shew mercye of very loue vnto their neyghboures at the ir neade Also there is no lawe so simple in apperaunce thorow out all the fiue bokes of Moses but that there is a greate reason of the makynge therof if a man serch diligently As that a man is forbyd to seth a kyd in hys mothers milke moueth vs vnto compassyon and to be pytyefull As doth also that a man shall not offer the syre or dame and the yonge both in one daye Leuitici .xxij. For it myght seme a cruell thing in as moch as his mothers milke is as it were his bloude wherfore god will not haue him sod therin but will haue a man shewe curtesye vppon the very beastes As in another place he commaundeth that we mosell not the mouth of the oxe that treadeth oute the corne which maner of thresshinge is vsed in hote contrees and that because we shuld moch rather not grudge to be liberall and kynde vnto mē that do vs service Or happlye God wold have no soch wanton meate vsed among hys people For the kyd of it self is noryshinge and the gotes milke is restauretyue and both to gether myght be to rancke and therfore forbodē or some other like cause therewas Of the ceremonies sacrifices and tabernacle with all his glorye ād pompe vnderstōde that they were not permitted only but also commaunded of God to lead the people in the shadowes of Moses ād night of the old testamēt vntyll the light of christ ād daye of the new testamēt were come As children are ledde in the phantasies of youth vntyll the discretiō of māsage become vppon them And all was done to kepe them from idolatrye The tabernacle was ordened to the entent they might haue a place appoynted them to do their sacrifices openly in the syght of the people ād namelye of the preastes which wayted therō that it might be sene that they dyd all thīge acordīg to gods word and not after the Idolatrie of their awne imaginacion And the costlinesse of the tabernacle ād the bewtye also pertayned therevnto that they shuld se nothinge so bewtifull amonge the hethē but that they shuld se more bewtifull ād wonderfull at home because they shuld not be moued to folowe them And in like maner the diuers facions of the sacrifices and ceremonies was to occupye their mindes that they shuld haue no lust to folow the hethē ād the multitude of them was that they shuld haue so moch to do in kepinge thē that thei shuld haue no leysure to ymagine other of their awne yee and that gods word might be by in all that they dyd that they might haue their fayth and trust in God which he can not haue that ether foloweth his awne invencyons or tradicyons of mēnes makynge wyth out Gods word Finally God hath two testamentes the old and the newe The old testament is those temporall promyses which God made the childrē of Israel of a good londe and that he wolde defende them and of welth and prosperyte ād of temporall blessynges of whiche thou readest ouer all the lawe of Moses But namelye Leuitici xxv● And Deuteromij .xxviij. ād the avoydynge of all threateninges and curses off which thou readest lykewyse everye where ▪ but specyallye in the two places aboue rehersed and the avoydinge of all punyshmēt ordened for the transgressers of the lawe And the old testamēt was bilt all to gether vppō the kepinge of the lawe ād ceremonyes and was the reward of kepinge of thē in this liffe only ād reached no further then this liffe and this world as thou readest leui .xviij. a mā that doth them shall live there in which texte Paule reherseth Rom .x. and Gala .iij. That is he that kepeth them shall haue this liffe gloriouse accordinge to all the promises and blessinges of the lawe and shall avoyde both all temporall punishment of the lawe with al the threateninges and cursinges also For nether the lawe euen of the .x. cōmaundmentes nor yet the ceremonies iustifyed in the herte before god or purifyed vnto the life to come Insomoch that Moses at his deeth euen .xl. yere after the lawe and ceremonyes were geuen complayneth sayenge God hath not geven you an hart to vnderstonde nor eyes to se nor eares to heare vnto this daye As who shuld saye god hath geuen you ceremonies but ye know not the vse of them and hath geuē you a lawe but hath not wryten it in youre hartes Wherfore serveth the lawe then yf it geue vs no power to do the lawe Paule answereth the that it was geuen to vtter synne onlye and to make it appere As a corosye is layde vnto an old sore not to heale it but to stere it vp ād to make the disease alyve that a mā might feale in what ioperdye he is ād how nye deeth ād not aware ād to make awaye vnto the healinge playster Euē so sayth Paule Gala .iij. The lawe was geven because of transgressiō that is to make the synne alyve that it might be felt and sene vntill the seed came vnto whom it was promised that is to saie vntil the childern of fayth came or vntill Christ that seed in whom
mornynge as Moses bad ●● it stāke not nether was there any wormes th●● And Moses sayde that eate this daye for to ●● ye it is the Lordes Sabbath to daye ye sh●●●● de none in the feld Sixte dayes ye shall gather it for the vij is the sabbath there shal be none there in Notwithstondinge there went out of the people in the seuenth daye for to gather but they founde none Thē the Lorde seyde vnto Moses how longe shall it be yer ye will kepe my cōmaundmētes ād lawes Se because the Lorde hath geuē you a Sabbath therfor he geueth you the .vj. daye bred for .ij. dayes Byde therfore euery mā athome ād let no mā go out of his place the seuenth daye And the people rested the seuenth daye And the housse of Israel called it Man And it was lyke vnto Coriander seed and white and the taste of it was lyke vnto wafers made with honye And Moses sayde this is that which the Reliques ought to be but a remembraunce only Lorde commaundeth fyll a Gomor of it that it maye be kepte for youre childern after you that they maye se the bred wherewith he fedd you in wyldernesse when he had broughte you out of the lande of Egipte And Moses spake vnto Aaron take a cruse and put a Gomer ●ull of man therin and laye it vppe before the Lorde to be kepte for youre childern after you as the Lorde commaunded Moses And Aaron layed it vppe before the testimonye there to be kepte And the childern of Israel ate man .xl. yere vntill they came vnto a lande inhahited And so they ate Man euen vntill they came vnto the bordres of the lāde of Canaan And a Gomer is the tenth parte of an Epha The .xvij. Chapter ANd all the companye of the childern of Israel went on their iourneys from the wildernesse of Sin at the commaundment of the Lorde and pitched in Raphidim where was no water for the people to drynke And the people chode with Moses and sayde geue us water to drynke And Moses sayde vnto * them why chyde ye with me and wherfore do ye tempte the Lorde There the people thyrsted * for water and murmured agenst Moses ād sayde wherfore hast thou broughte us out of Egipte to kyll us and oure childern and oure catell with thyrste And Moses cried vnto the Lorde saynge what shal I do vnto this people they be al most redye to stone me And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses goo before the people and take with the of the elders of Israel ād thi rod wherwith thou smotest the riuer take in thine hande and goo Beholde I will stonde there before the vppon a rocke in Horeb and thou shalt smyte the rocke ād there shall come water out there of that the people maye drynke And Moses dyd euen so before the elders of Israel And he called the name of the place Massa and Meriba because of the chidynge of the childern of Israel and because they tempted the Lorde saynge ys the Lorde amonge us or not Then came Amalech ād foughte with Israel in Raphidim And Moses sayde vnto Iosua chose out men and goo fighte with Amelech Tomorow I will stonde on the toppe of the hyll and the rodd of God in myne hande And Iosua dyd as Moses bade him and foughte with the Amalechites And Moses Aaron and Hur went vp to the toppe of the hyll And when Moses helde vp his hande Israel had the better And when he late his hande doune Amelech had the better when Moses handes were weery they toke a stone and put it vnder him and he satt doune there on And Aaron and Hur stayed vpp his handes the one on the one syde and the other on the other syde And his handes were stedie vntill the sonne was doune And Iosua discomfeted Amalech ād his people with the edge of his swerde And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses write this for a remembraunce in a boke and tell it vnto Iosua for I will put out the remembraunce of Amalech from vnder heauen And Moses made an alter ād called the name of it * Iehouah Nissi for he sayde the hande is on Iehouah nissi the Lorde is he that exalte●● me the seate of the Lorde that the Lorde will haue warre with Amalech thorow out all generations The .xviij. Chapter IEthro the prest of Madian Moses father in lawe herde of all that God had done vnto Moses and to Israel his people how that the Lorde had broughte Israel out of Egipte And he toke Ziphora Moses wyfe after she was sente backe and hir .ij. sonnes of which the one was called Gerson for he sayde I haue bene an alient in a straunge lande And the other was called Eliesar for the God of my father was myne helpe ād delyuered me from the swerde of Pharao And Iethro Moses father in lawe came wyth his two sonnes and his wife vnto Moses in to the wildernesse where he had pitched his tente by the mounte of God And he sent worde to Moses I thi father in law Iethro am come to the and thi wyfe also and hir two sonnes with her And Moses went out to mete his father in lawe and dyd obeyssaunce and kyssed him and they saluted etch other ād came in to the tente And Moses tolde his father in lawe all that the Lorde had done vnto Pharao and to the Egiptians for Israels sake and all the trauayle that had happened them by the waye and how the Lorde had delyuered them And Iethro reioesed ouer all the good which the Lorde had done to Israel and because he had delyuered them out of the hande of the Egiptians And Iethro sayde blessed be the Lorde which hath delyuered you out of the hande of the Egiptians ād out of the hande of Pharao which hath delyuered his people from vnder the power of the Egiptians Now I knowe that the Lorde is greater thē all goddes for because that they dealte prowdly with them And Iethro Moses father in lawe offred burntoffrynges and sacrifyces vnto God And Aaron and all the elder● of Israel came to eate bred with Moses father in lawe before God And it chaunched on the morow that Moses satt to iudge the people and the people stode aboute Moses from mornynge vnto euen when his father in lawe sawe all that he dyd vnto the people he sayde what is this that thou doest vnto the people why syttest thou thi self and lettest all the people stonde aboute the frō mornynge vnto euen And Moses sayde vnto his father in lawe because the people came vnto me to seke councell of God For whē they haue a matter they come vnto me and I must iudge betwene euery man and his neyboure and must shewe them the ordinaūces of God and his lawes And his father in lawe sayde vnto him it is not well that thou dost Thou doest vnwysely and also this people that is with the because the thinge is to greuons for the and thou
art not able to do it thi selfe alone But heare my royce and I will geue the councell and God shal be with the. Be thou vnto the people to Godwarde and brynge the causes vnto God and prouyde them ordinaunces and lawes ●d shewe them the waye wherin they must walke and the werkes that they must doo Morouer seke out amonge all the people men of actiuite * which feare God and men Oure prelates nether feare God for they preach not his vvor de true ly●ner are lesse cove touse thē ludas for they haue rece●●ed of the de v●ll the kyng dames of the ●●●h and the ●●●rie there ●● vvhich christ refused Mathe ●4 that are true ād hate covctuousnes and make them heedes ouer the people captaynes ouer thousandes ouer hundredes ouer fyftie and ouer ten And let them iudge the people at all seasons Yf there beany greate matter let them brynge that vnto the and let them iudge all small causes them selues and ease thi selfe ād let them bere with the. Yf thou shalt doo this thinge then thou shalt be able to endure that which God chargeth the with all and all this people shall goo to their places quietly And Moses herde the voyce of his father in lawe and dyd all that he had sayde and chose actyue men out of all Israel and made them heedes ouer the people captaynes ouer thousandes ouer hundreds ouer fiftie and ouer ten And they iudged the people at all seasons ād broughte the harde causes vnto Moses and iudged all small maters them selues And th● Moses let his father in lawe departe and he went in to his awne londe The .xix. Chapter THe thyrde moneth after the childern of Israel were gone out of Egipte the same daye they came in to the wildernesse of Sinai For they were departed from Raph● dim and were come to the deserte of Sinay and had pitched their tentes in the wildernesse And there Israel pitched before the mounte And Moses went vpp vnto God And the Lorde called to him out of the mountayne saynge thus saye vnto the housse of lacob and tell the childern of Israel ye haue sene what I dyd vnto the Egiptians and how I toke you vpp apon Egles wynges and haue broughte you vnto my selfe Now therfore yf ye will heare my voyce and kepe myne appoyntment ye shall be myne awne aboue all nations for all the erth is myne Ye shall be vnto me a kyngdome of preastes and and holie people these are the wordes which thou shalt saye vnto the childern of Israel And Moses came and called for the elders of Ifrael and layde before them all these wordes which the Lorde had comma unded him And the people answered all together and sayde All that the Lorde hath sayde we will doo And Moses broughte the wordes of the people vnto the Lorde And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses Loo I will come vnto the in a thicke clowde that the people maye heare when I talke with the and also beleue the for euer And Moses shewed the wordes of the people vnto the Lorde And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses Go vnto the people and sanctific them to daye and tomorow and let them wash their clothes that they maye be redie agaynst the thyrde daye For the thyrde daye the Lorde will come doune in the sighte of all the people vpon mounte Sinai And sett markes rounde aboute the people and saye beware that ye go not vp in to the mounte and that ye twych not the bordres of it for whosoeuer twicheth the mounte shall surely dye There shall not an hande twych it but that he shall ether be stoned or els shot thorow whether it be beest or man it shall nor lyue when the horne bloweth than let thē come vp in to the mounten And Moses went doune from the mounte vnto the people and sanctifyed them ād they wasshed their clothes And he sayde vnto the people be redie agenst the thirde daye and se that ye come not at youre wiues And the thirde daye in the mornynge there was thunder and lightenynge and a thicke clowde apō the mounte ād the voyce of the horne waxed ●●ceadynge lowde and all the people that was in the hoste was afrayde And Moses brought the people out of the tētes to mete with God and they stode vnder the hyll And mounte Sinai was all togither on a smoke because the Lorde descended doune vpon it in fyre And the smoke therof ascēded vp as it had bene the smoke of a kylle and all the mounte was exceadinge fearfull And the voyce of the horne blewe and waxed lowder ād lowder Moses spake ād God answered hī ād that with a voyce And the Lord came doune vppon mounte Sinai euen in the toppe of the hyll ād called Moses vp in to the toppe of the hyll And Moses went vppe And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses go doune and charge the people that they prease not vp vnto the Lorde for to se hī ād so many off thē perissn And let the preastes also which come to the Lordes presence sanctifie them selues lest the Lorde smyte them Then Moses sayde vnto the Lorde the people cannot come vp in to mounte Sinai for thou chargedestrs saynge sett markes aboute the hyll and sanctifie it And the Lorde sayde vnto him awaye and get the doune and come vp both thou ād Aaron with the. But let not the preastes and the people presume for to come vp vnto the Lorde lest he smyte them And Moses wēt doune vnto the people and tolde them ¶ The .xx. Chapter ANd God spake all these wordes ād saide I am the Lorde thy God which haue brought the out of the londe of Egipte ād out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue none other goddes in my syght Thou shalt make the no grauen ymage nether any symilitude that is in heauen aboue ether in the erth beneth or in the water that ys beneth the erth Se that thou nether bowe thyself vnto them nether serue them for I the Lorde thy God am a gelouse God and viset the synne of the fathers vppon the childern vnto the third and fourth generacion of thē that hate me and yet shewe mercie vnto thousandes amonge them that loue me and kepe my commaundmentes Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne for the Lord wil not holde him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne Remēbre the Sabbath daye that thou sanctifie it Sixe dayes mayst thou laboure ād do al that thou hast to doo but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the Lorde thy God in it thou shalt do no maner worke nether thou nor thy sonne nor thy doughter nether thy manservaunte nor thy maydeservaunte nether thy catell nether yet the straunger that is within thi gates For in sixe dayes the Lorde made both heauen and erth and the see and all that in them is and rested the seuenth daye wherfore the Lorde blessed the Sabbath daye and halowed it Honoure
the cleare daye light And I beleue also that the prophetes whiche folowed Moses to confirme his prophesyes and to mayntayne his doctrine vnto Christes cominge were moued by soch thinges to serche further of Christes secrettes And though God wold not haue the secrettes of Christ generallye knowne saue vnto a few familier frendes which in that infancye he made of mans witte to helpe the other babes yet as they had a generall promysse that one of the seed of Abrahā shuld come and blesse them euen so they had a generall fayth that God wold by the same man saue them though they wist not by what meanes as the very apostles when it was oft told them yet they coude neuer comprehend it till it was fufilled in deade And beyonde all this their sacrifices ād ceremonies as farforth as the promyses annexed vnto them extende so farforth they saued thē and iustified them and stode them in the same steade as oure sacramentes doo vs not by the power of the sacrifice or deade it selfe but by the vertue of the faith in the promysse whiche the sacrifice or ceremonye preached and wherof it was a token or sygne For the ceremonies and sacrifices were lefte with them and commaunded them to kepe the promysse in remēbraunce and to wake vpp their fayth As it is not ynough to sende manye on errandes and to tell them what they shall doo but they must haue a remembraunce with them and it be but a ringe of a rush aboute one of their fingers And as it is not ynough to make a bargayne with wordes onlye but we must put thereto an oth and geue ernest to confirme the faithe off the person with whom it is made And in like maner yf a man promysse what soeuer trifull it be it is not beleued excepte he hold vppe his finger also soch is the wekenesse of the world And therfore christ him silf vsed oftymes diuerse ceremonyes in curynge the s●ke to sturre vpp their faith with all As for an ●nsample it was not the bloud of the lambe that saued thē in Egipte when the angell smote the Egiptians but the mercye of God and his truth wherof that bloude was a token and remembraunce to sturre vppe their faythes wyth all For though God make a promysse yet it saueth none finallye but them that longe for it and praye God with a stronge fayth to fulfill it for his mercye and truthe onlye and knowlege theyr vnworthynesse And euen so oure sacramentes yf they be truelye ministred preach Christ vnto vs and leade oure faythes vnto Christ by which faithe oure synnes are done awaye and not by the deade or worke of the sacrament For as it was impossible that the bloude off calues shuld put awaye synne euen so is it impossible that the water of the ryuer shuld wash oure hartes Neuerthelesse the sacramentes clēse vs and absolue vs of oure synnes as the preastes doo in preachinge of repentaunce and faith for which cause ether other of them were ordened but yf they preach not whether it be the preast or the sacrament so profitte they not And yf a man allege Christ Iohan in the. iij ▪ chapter sayeng Excepte a man be borne agayne of water and the holye goste he can not se the kingdome of God and will therfore that the holy gost is present in the water and therfore the verye deade or worke doth put awaye synne then I will send him vnto Paule whiche axeth his Galathians whether they receaued the holy goste by the deade of the lawe or by preachinge of faith and there concludeth that the holy gost accōpanyeth the preaching of faith ād with the worde of faith entreth the harte ād purgeth it which thou mayst also vnderstonde by saynt Paule sayenge ye are borne a new out of the water thorowe the worde So now if baptim preach me the wasshing in christes bloude so doth the holy gost accompa●y it and that deade of preachinge thorow fayth doth put awaye my synnes For the holy gost is no dome god nor no god that goeth a mummige Yf a man saye of the sacrament of Christes bodye ād bloud that it is a sacrifice as well for the dead as for the quycke and therfore the very deed it self iustifieth and putteth awaye synne I answere that a sacrifice is the sleynge off the body of a beest or a man wherfore yf it be a sacrifice then is christes body there slayne ād his bloude there shed but that is not so And therfore it is properly no sacrifice but a sacrament and a memoriall of that euerlastinge sacrifice once for all which he offered apon the crosse now apon a .xv. hundred yeres a go and preacheth only vnto them that are alyue And as for them that be dead it is as profitable vnto them as is a candell in a lantrene without light vnto them that walke by the waye in a darke night and as the gospell song in laten is vnto them that vnderstond none at all and as a sermon preached to him that is dead and hereth it not It preacheth vnto them that are a lyue only for they that be dead yf they dyed in the faith which that sacrament preacheth they be faffe and are past all i●opardye For when they were alyue their hartes loued the lawe off God and therfore synned not and were sory that their membres synned and euer moued to synne and therfore thorow faith it was forgeuen them And now their synnefull membres be dead so that they can now synne no more wherfore it is vnto them that be dead nether sacrament nor sacrifice But vnder the pretence of their soule health it is a servaunt vnto oure spiritualtyes holy coue●nousnesse and an extorcyonar and a bylder of Abayes Colleges Chauntryes and cathedrall chirches with false gotē good a pick purse a pollar ād a bottomlesse bagge Some man wold happely saye that the prayers of the masse helpe moch not the lyuinge only but also the dead Of the hote fire of their farvent prayer which consumeth faster then all the world is able to bringe sacrifice I haue sayde sufficiently in other places Howe be it it is not possible to bringe me in beleffe that the prayer which helpeth h●● awne master vnto no vertue shuld purchesse me the forgeuesse of my synnes If I sawe that their prayers had obtayned thē grace to lyue soch a liffe as goddes worde did not rebuke then coud I sone be borne in hande that what soeuer they axed off God their prayers shuld not be in vayne But now what good can he wysh me in his prayers that envieth me Christ the fode and the liffe of my soule What good can he wish me whose herte cleaveth a sundre for payne when I am taught to repent of my euell Forthermore because that fewe knowe the vse of the olde testament and the moste parte thinke it nothinge necessarye but to make alle goryes which they fayne euery mā after hys awne brayne at all
of the hye preast And se that ye polute not the londe which ye are in for bloude defyleth the londe And the londe can none other wyse be clensed of y● bloude that is shed therein but by the bloude of it that shed it ●efyle notherfore the londe which ye in habitt in the myddes of which I also dwell for I am y● Lorde which dwell amonge the childern of Israel ¶ The .xxxvi. Chapter ANd the auncyēt heedes of the childern of Gilead the sonne of Machir y● sonne of Manasse of the kynred of y● childern of Joseph came forth and spake before Moses and the prynces which were aunciēt heedes amōge the childern of Israel sayed The Lorde commaunded my lorde to geue y● lande to enherette by lotte to the childern of Israel And then my lord commaunded in y● name of the Lorde to geue the enheritaunce of Zelaphead oure brother vnto his doughters Now when any of the sonnes of the trybes of Israel take them to wy●es then shall their enheritaunce be taken from the enheritaunce of oure fathers and shall be put vnto the enheritaunce of the trybe in which they are and shal be taken from the lott of oure enheritaunce And when the fre yere cometh vnto the childern of Israel then shall their enheritaunce be put vnto the enheritaunce of the trybe where they are in and so shall their enheritaunce betaken awaye from the enheritaunce of the trybe of oure fathers And Moses commaunded the childern of Israel at the mouth of the Lorde sayenge the trybe of y● childern of Joseph haue sayed well This therfore doeth the Lorde commaūde the doughters of Zelaphead sayenge let them be wy●es to whom they thē silfe thynke best but in the kynred of the trybe of their father shall they marye that the enheritaunce of the childern of Israel roole not from trybe to trybe But that the childern of Israel maye abyde euery man in the enheritaunce of the trybe of his fathers And euery doughter that possesseth any enheritaunce amonge the trybes of the childern of Israel shal be wife vnto one of the kynred of the trybe of hir father that the childern of Israel maye enioy euery man the enheritaunce of his father that the enheritaunce goo not from one trybe to another but that the trybes of the childern of Israel maye abyde euery man in his awne enheritaunce And as the Lorde commaunded Moses euen so dyd the doughters of Zelaphead Mahela Thirza Hagla Milca and Noa ●d were maried vnto their fathers brothers sonnes of the kynted of the childern of Manasse the sonne of Joseph ād so they had their enheritaunce in the trybe of the kynred of their father These are the commaundmentes lawes which the Lorde commaunded thorow Moses vnto the childern of Israel in the feldes of Moab apon Jordayne nye vnto Jerich● ¶ The ende of the .iiij. boke of Moses A PROLOGE IN TO THE fyfte boke of Moses called Deuteronomye THis is a boke worthye to be rede in daye and nyghte and neuer to be oute of handes For it is the most excellent of all the bokes of Moses It is easye also and light and a very pure gospell that is to wete a preachinge of fayth and loue deducinge the loue to God oute of faith and the loue of a mans neyghboure out of the loue of God Herin also thou mayst lerne right meditacion or contemplacyon which is nothing els saue the callynge to mynde and a repeatyng in the hert of the gloriouse ād wonderfull deades of God and of his terreble handelinge off his enemyes and mercyfull entreating of them that come when he calleth them which thinge this boke doth and almost nothinge els In the .iiij. first chaptres he reherseth the benefites of God done vnto thē to prouoke thē to loue ād his mightie deades done aboue all naturall power ād beyonde all naturall capacite of faith that they might beleue God ād trust in him and in his strength And thyrdlye he reherseth the firce plages of God vppon hys enemyes and on them which thorowe impacientie and vnbele●●e fell from him partelye to tame and abate the appetites of the fleshe whiche alwaye fyght agenst the spirite and partely to bridle the wilde raginge lustes of thē in whom was no spirite that though they had no power to do good of loue yet at the lest waye they shulde absteyne from outwarde euell for feare of wrath and cruell vengeaunce whiche shuld fall vppon them and shortly finde them oute yf they cast vpp goddes nurter and runne at ryotte beyonde his lawes and ordinaunces Moreouer he chargeth them to put nought to nor take oughte awaye from goddes wordes but to be diligent onlye to kepe them in remēbraunce and in the harte and to teache theire childern for feare of forgettinge And to beware ether of makynge imagerye or of bowinge them selues vnto images sayenge Ye sar●e no image when God spake vnto you but herde avoyce onlye and that voyce kepe and therunto cleaue for it is youre liffe and it shall saue you And finally yf as the frayltie of al flesh is they shall haue fallen from God and he haue brought them in to troble aduersyte ād cōbraunce ād all necessite yet yf they repent and turne he promyseth them that God shall remēbre his mercie ād receave thē to grace agayne In the fifte he repeteth the .x. commaūdmētes and that they myght se a cause to do them of loue he biddeth them remembre that they were bounde in Egipte and how God delyuered them with a mightie hande and a stretchedout arme to serue him and to kepe his commaundmentes as Paule sayeth that we are bought with Christes bloude ād therfore are his servauntes ād not oure awne ād ought to seke his will and honoure onlye ād to loue ād serue one another for his sake In the sixte he setteth out the fountayne off all commaundmentes that is that they beleue how that there is but one God that doeth all and therfore ought onlye to be loued with all the herto all the soule and all the myghte For loue only is the fulfillinge of the commaundementes as Paule also sayeth vnto the Romaynes and Galathians likewise He warneth thē also that they forgett not the commaundmentes but teach thē their childern ād to shew the ir childern also how God delyuered thē out of the bondage of the Egiptiās to serue him and his commaundmētes that the childern myght se a cause to worke of loue likewise The seuēth is all together of faith he remoueth all occasiōs that might withdrawe them from the fayth and pulleth them also from all confidence in them selues and sturreth thē vp to trust in god boldlye and onlye Of the eyght chaptre thou seyst how that the cause of all temptation is that a mā might so his awne herte For whē I am brought in to that extremite that I must ether suffre or forsake god then I shall feale how moch I beleue and trust in him
and how moch I loue him In like maner yf my brother do me euel for my good then yf I loue him when there is no cause in him I se that my loue was of god ād euē so yf I then hate him I feale and peaceave that my loue was but wordly And finallye he sturreth thē to the fayth ād loue of god ād dryveth them frō all confidence of their awne selves In the nynth also he moueth thē vnto faith and to put their trust in god and draweth thē from confidence of them selues by rehearsinge all the wekednesse which they had wrought from the first daye he knew them vnto that same daye And in the end he repeteth how he coniured god in horeb ād ouer came him with prayer where thou mayest lerne the right maner to praye In the tenth he rekeneth vpp the pith of all lawes and the kepinge of the lawe in the harte which is to feare god loue him ād serue him with all their harte soule and mighte ād kepe his commaundmentes of loue And he sheweth a reason why they shuld that doo euen because god is lord of heuen and erth ād hath also done all for them of his awne goodnesse without their deservinge And then out of the loue vnto god he bringeth the love vnto a mans neyghboure sayenge god is lorde aboue all lordes and loveth all his seruauntes indiffe rently as well the poore and feble and the straunger as the rich and mightye ād therfore wil that we loue the poore and the straunger And he addeth a cause for ye were straungers and god deliuered you and hath brought you vnto a londe where ye be at home Loue the straunger therfore for his sake In the .xi. he exhorteth them to loue and feare god and reherseth the terrible dedes off god vppon his enemies and on them that rebelled agenst him And he testifyeth vnto thē both what will folow yf they loue and feare god and whate also yf they despise him ād breake his commaundment In the .xij. he cōmaundeth to put out of the waye all that might be an occasion to hurte the fayth and forbiddeth to do ought after their awne mindes or to altre the worde of god In the .xiij. he forbiddeth to herken vnto ought saue vnto gods worde no though he which coūseleth cotrarye shuld come with miracles as Paule doth vnto the Galathians In the. xiiij the beestes are forbiddē partely for the vnclennesse of thē ād partely to cause hate betwene the hethē ād thē that they haue no cōuersatiō to gether in that one abhorreth whatt the other eateth Vnto this .xv. chaptre all pertayne vnto faith and loue cheflye And in this .xv. he beginneth to entreate moare speciallye of thinges pertayninge vnto the comenwelth ād equite ād exhorteth vnto the loue of a mans neyghboure And in the .xvi. amonge other he forgetteth not the same And in the xvij he ent●eateth of right and equite chefly in so moche that when he loketh vnto faithe and vnto the punyshment of ydolatres he yet endeth in a lawe of loue and equite forbiddinge to comdemne any man vnder lesse them twoo witnesses at the lest and commaundeth to bringe the trespacers vnto the open gate of the citye where all men goo in and out that all men might heare the cause and se that he had but right But the pope hath founde a better waye even to apposse him with out any accusare ād that secretlye that no man knowe whether he haue right or no other hate his articles or answere for feare lest the people shuld serch whether it ●●●re so or no. In the. xviij he forbiddeth all false and de●elish crastes that hurte true fayth Moreouer because the people coude not heare the voyce of the lawe spokē to thē in fire he promiseth thē another prophete to brīge thē better tydinges which was spokē of christ oure sauiour The .xix. ād so forth vnto the ende of the xxvij is almost al together of love vnto oure neygboures ād of lawes of equite ād honestye with now ād then a respecte vnto fayth The .xxviij. is a terreble chaptre ād to be trēbled at A christē mans harte might wel bleed for sorow at the readinge of it for feare of the wrath that is like to come vpō us accordinge vnto all the curses which thou there readest For acordinge vnto these curses hath god delt with all nacions after they were fallē in to the abhominacions of blindnesse The .xxix. is like terreble with a godly lessō in the ende that we shuld leue serchīge of goddes secrettes ād geue diligēce to walke accordinge to that he hath opened vnto us For the kepīge of the cōmaūdmētes of god teacheth wisdome as thou mayeste se in the same chapter where Moses sayeth kepe the cōmaūdmētes that ye maye vnderstod whate ye ought to do But to serch goddes secretes blīdeth a mā as it is wel proved by the swarmes of oure sophisters whose wise bokes are now whē we loke ī the scripture foūde but ful of folishnesse The first Chapter of Deuteronomye THese be the wordes which Moses spake vnto all Israel on the other syde Iordayne in the wildernesse and in the feldes by the red see betwene Pharā ād Tophel Laban Hazeroth and Disahab .xij. dayes iurney from Horeb vnto Cades bernea by the waye that leadeth vnto mount Seir. And it fortuned the first daye of the .xi. moneth in the fortieth yere that Moses spake vnto the childern of Israel acordinge vnto all that the Lorde had geuen him in commaundment vnto them after that he had smote Sihon the kynge of the Amorites which dwelt in Hesbon and Og kinge of Basan which dwelt at Astaroth in Edrei On the other syde Iordayne in the londe of Moab Moses begane to declare this lawe saynge the Lorde oure God spake vnto us in Horeb sayenge Ye haue dwelt longe ynough in this mount departe therfore and take youre iurney and goo vnto the hilles of the Amorites and vnto all places nye there vnto both feldes hilles and dales and vnto the south and vnto the sees syde in the londe of Canaan and vnto libanon euen vnto the greate ryuer Euphrates Beholde I haue set the londe before you goo in therfore and possesse the londe which the Lord sware vnto youre fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob to geue vnto them and their seed after them And I sayde vnto yov the same season I am not able to bere you myselfe alone For the Lorde youre God hath multiplyed you so that ye are this daye as the starres of heauen in numbre the Lorde god of youre fathers make you a thousande tymes so many moo as ye are and blesse you as he hath promysed you how sayde I can I myselfe alone beare the combraunce charge and stryste that is amonge you brynge therfore men of wisdome and of vnderstondinge and expert knowne amonge youre trybes that I maye make them ruelars ouer you And ye answered me and sayed
that which thou hast spoken is good to be done And then I toke the heedes of youre trybes men of wysdome and that were expert and made them ruelers ouer you captaynes ouer thousandes and ouer hundredes ouer fyftye and ouer ten and officers amonge youre trybes And I charged youre Iudges the same tyme Iudges sayenge heare youre brethern and iudge righteously betwene euery man and his brother and the straunges that is with him Se that ye knowe no man in Iudgement but heare the small as well as the greate and be afrayed of no man for the lawe is Gods And the cause that is to harde for you brynge vnto me and I will heare it And I commaunded you the same season all the thinges which ye shul de doo And then we departed from Horeb and walked thorow all that greate and terreble wildernesse as ye haue sene alonge by the waye that ledeth vnto the hilles of the Amorites as the Lorde oure God commaunded us and came to Cades bernea And there I sayed vnto you Ye are come vnto the hilles of the Amorites which the Lorde oure God doth geue vnto us Beholde the Lorde thi God hath sett the londe before the goo vpp and conquere it as the Lorde God of thy fathers sayeth vnto the feare not nether be discoraged And then ye came vnto me euery one and sayed Let us sende men before us to serche us out the londe and to brynge us worde agayne both what waye we shall goo vpp by and vnto what cities we shall come And the sayenge pleassed me well and I toke .xij. men of you of euery trybe one And they departed and went vp in to the hye contre and came vnto the ryuer Escoll and serched it out and toke of the frute of the londe in their hondes and brought it doune vnto us and brought us worde agayne and sayde it is a good lande which the Lorde oure God doeth geue us Notwithstondinge ye wolde not consente to goo vpp but were dishobedient vnto the mouth of the Lorde youre God ād murmured in youre tentes and sayde because the Lorde hateth us therfore he hath brought us out of the londe of Egipte to delyuer us in to the handes of the Amorites and to destroye us How shall we goo vpp Oure brethern haue discoraged oure hartes sayenge the people is greater and taller than we ād the cities are greatte and walked euen vpp to heauen and moreouer we haue sene the sonnes of the Enakimes there And I sayed vnto you dreade not nor be afrayed of thē The Lorde youre God which goeth before you he shall fyghte for you acordynge to all that he dyd vnto you in Egipte before youre eies ād in the wildernesse as thou hast sene how that the Lorde thy God bare the as a man shulde beare his sonne thorow out all the waye which ye haue gone vntill ye came vnto this place And yet for all this sayenge ye dyd not beleue the Lorde youre God which goeth the waye before you to serche you out a place to pitche youre tentes in in fyre by nyght that ye myghte se what waye to go and in a cloude by daye And the Lorde herde the voyce of youre wordes and was wroth and swore sayenge there shall not one of these men of this frowarde generacion se that good londe which I sware to geue vnto youre fathers saue Caleb the sonne of Iephune he shall se it and to him I will geue the londe which he hath walked in ād to his childern because he hath contynually folowed the Lorde Likewise the Lorde was angrye with me for youre sakes sayenge thou also shalt not go in thiter But Iosua the sōne of Nun which stondeth before the he shall go in thither Bolde him therfore for he shall deuyde it vnto Israel Moreouer youre childern which ye sayed shulde be a praye and youre sonnes which knowe nether good nor bad this daye they shall goo in thither ād vnto them I will geue it ād they shall enioye it But as for you turne backe and take youre iurneye in to the wildernesse euen the waye to the reed see Than ye answered and sayed vnto me We haue synned agenst the Lorde we will goo vp and fyghte acordinge to all that the Lorde oure God cōmaunded us And whē ye had gyrde on euery man his wepons of warre and were ready to goo vp in to the hilles the Lorde sayed vnto me saye vnto thē se that ye go not vp and that ye fighte not for I am not amōge you lest ye be plaged before youre enemies * And whē I told you ye wold not heare but Here thou se●st the verey image of the papistes For thei like wise where Gods worde is there they beleue not ād where it is not there they be bold disobeyed the mouth of the Lorde and went presumptously vp in to the hilles Thē the Amorites which dwelt in those hilles came out agenst you and chased you as bees doo and hewed you in Seir euē vnto Horma And ye came agayne and wepte before the Lorde but the Lorde wolde not heare youre voyce nor geue you audience And so ye abode in Cades alōge season acordinge vnto the tyme that ye there dwelt The .ij. Chapter THen we turned and toke oure iurney in to the wildernesse euen the waye to the red see as the Lord cōmaunded me And we compassed the mountayns of Seir a lōge tyme Thē the Lorde spake vnto me saienge Ye haue cōpassed this mountayns lōge ynough turne you northwarde And warne the people sayenge Ye shall goo thorow the costes of youre brethern the childern of Esau which dwell in Seir and they shal be afrayed of you But take good hede vnto youreselues that ye prouoke thē not for I wil not geue you of their lōde no not so moch as a fo●e breadeth because I haue geuē mount Seir vnto Esau to possesse Ye shall bye meate of thē for money to 〈◊〉 and ye shall bye water of thē for money to dr●k● For the Lorde thy God hath blessed the in all the workes of thine hāde ād knew the as thou wē test thorow this greate wildernesse Moreouer the Lorde thi God hath bene with the this xl yeres so that thou hast lacked nothinge And whē we were departed from oure brethern the childern of Esau which dwelt in Seir by the felde waye from Elath ād Ezion Gaber we turned ād went the waye to the wildernesse of Moab Thē the Lorde sayed vnto me se that thou vexe not the Moabites nether prouoke thē to batayle for I will not geue the of their lōde to possesse because I haue geuē Ar vnto the childern of loth to possesse The Emimes dwelt there in in tymes past a people greate many ād tal as the Enakimes which also were takē for geantes as the Enakimes And the Moabites called thē Emymes In like maner the Horimes dwelt in Seir before time which the childern of Esau cast
a pitiefull God he will not forsake the nether destroye the nor forgett the appoyntmēt made with thy fathers which he sware vnto them For axe I praye the of the dayes that are past which were before the sence the daye that God created man vppon the erth and from the one syde of heauen vnto the other whether any thinge hath bene lyke vnto this greate thinge or whether any soche thinge hath bene herde as it is that a nacion hath herde the voyce of God speakinge out of fyre as thou hast herde and yet lyued ether whether God assayed to goo and take him a people from amonge nacions thorow temptacions and sygnes and wonders and thorow warre and with a mightie hande and a stretched out arme and wyth myghtye terreble sightes acordynge vnto all that the Lorde youre God dyd vnto you in Egipte before youre eyes Vnto the it was shewed that thou myghtest knowe how that the Lorde he is God and that there is none but he Out of heauen he made the heare his voyce to nurter the ▪ and vppon erth he shewed the his greate fyre and thou hardest his wordes out of the fyre And because he loued thy fathers therfore he chose their seed after them and broughte the out with his presence and with his myghtye power of Egipte to thrust out nations greater ād myghtyer then thou before the to bringe the in and to geue the their londe to enheritaunce as it is come to passe this daye Vnderstonde therfore this daye and turne it to thine herte that the Lorde he is God in heauen aboue and vppon the erth beneth there is no moo kepe therfore his ordynaunces and his commaundmentes which I commaun de the this daye that it maye goo well with the and with thi childern after the and that thou mayst prolonge thy dayes vppon the erth which the Lorde thi God geueth the for euer Then Moses seuered .iij. cities on the other syde Iordane towarde the sonne rysynge that he shulde fle thiter which had kylled his neygh boure vnwares and hated him not in tyme past and therfore shulde fle vnto one of the same cities and lyue Bezer in the wildernesse euen in the playne contre amonge the Rubenites and Ramoth in Gilead amonge the Gaddites and Solan in Basan amonge the Manassites This is the lawe which Moses set before the children of Israel and these are the witnesse ordinaunces and statutes which Moses tolde the childern of Israel after they came out of Egipte on the other syde Iordayne in the valey besyde Beth Peor in the londe of Sihō kinge of the Amorites which dwelt at Hesbon whom Moses and the childern of Israel smote after they were come out of Egipte ād conquered his lande and the lande of Og kinge of Basan .ij. kynges of the Amorites on the other syde Iordayne towarde the sonne rysynge from Aroar vppon the bancke of the ryuer Arnon vnto mount Sion which is called Hermon ād all the feldes on the other sydel or dayne eastwarde euen vnto the see in the felde vnder the springes of Pisga The. ● Chapter ANd Moses called vnto all Israell and sayed vnto them Heare Israel the ordynaunces and lawes which I speke in thyne eares this daye and lerne them and take hede that ye doo them The Loode oure God made an appoyntment with us in Horeb. The Lorde made not this bonde with oure fathers but with us we are they which are al heare a lyue this daye The Lord talked with you face to face in the moūt out of the fyre And I stode betwene the Lorde and you the same tyme to shewe you the sayenge of the Lorde For ye were afrayed of the fyre and therfore went not vpp in to the mount and he sayed I am the Lorde thy God which brought the out of the lōde of Egipte the housse of bōdage Thou shalt haue therfore none other goddes in my presence Thou shalt make the no grauen Image off any maner lykenesse that is in heauen aboue Image or in the erth beneth or in the water beneth the erth Thou shalt nether bowe thy self vnto them nor serue them for I the Lorde thy God am a gelouse God visettinge the wikednesse of the fathers vppon the childern euen in the thyrde and the fourth generacion amonge them that hate me and shew mercye apon thousandes amonge them that loue me and kepe my commaundmentes Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne for the Lorde will not holde him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne Kepe the Sabbath daye that thou sanctifi● it as the Lorde thy God hath commaunded the. Syxe dayes thou shalt laboure and doo all that thou hast to doo but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the Lorde thy God thou shalt doo no maner worke nether thou nor thy sonne nor thy doughter nor thy seruaunte nor thy mayde nor thine oxe nor thyne asse nor any of thi catell nor the straunger that is within thy cytye that thy seruaunte and thy mayde maye rest as well as thou * And remembre that thou God sheweth a cause why we oughte to kepe his commaundmentes the pope doth not wast a seruaunte in the londe of Egypte and how that the Lorde God brought the out thence with a myghtye hande and a stretched out arme For which cause the Lorde thy God commaundeth the to kepe the Sabbath daye Honoure thi father and thi mother as the Lord thi God hath cōmaūded the that thou mayst prolonge thi dayes and that it maye go well with the on the londe which the Lorde thi God geueth the. Thou shalt not slee Thou shalt not breake wedlocke Thou shalt not steale Thou shalt not beare false witnesse agenst thy neghboure Thou shalt not luste after thi neghbours wife thou shat not couet thi neyghbours housse felde seruaunte mayde oxe asse nor ought that is thi neghbours These wordes the Lorde spake vnto al youre multitude in the mount out of the fyre cloude and darcknesse with a loude voyce and added nomoare there to and wrote them in .ij. tables of stone and delyuered them vnto me But as soone as ye herde the voyce out off the darcknesse and sawe the hill burne with fyre ye came vnto me all the heedes of youre tribes and youre elders and ye sayed beholde the Lorde oure God hath shewed us his glorye and his greatnesse and we haue herde his voyce out of the fyre and we haue sene this daye that God maye talke with a man and he yet lyue And now wherfore shulde we dye that this greate fyre shulde consume us Yf we shulde heare the voyce of the Lorde oure God any moare we shulde dye For what is any flesh that he shulde heare the voyce of the lyuynge God speakynge out of the fyre as we haue done and shulde yet lyue Goo thou ād heare all that the Lorde oure God sayeth and tell thou vnto us all that the Lorde oure God sayeth vnto the and
commaundest me I haue not ouerskypped thy commaundmentes nor forgetten them I haue not eaten thereof in my moornynge nor taken awaye thereof vnto any vnclennesse nor spente thereof aboute any deed corse but haue herkened vnto the uoyce of the Lorde my God and haue done after all that he commaūded me loke doune from thy holy habitacyon heauen and blesse thy people Israel and the lande which thou hast geuen vs as thou swarest vnto oure fathers a lond that floweth with mylke and honye This daye the Lorde thy God hath commaunded the to doo these ordinaunces and lawes Kepe them therfore and doo them with all thyne hert and all thy soule Thou hast sett vpp the Lorde this daye to be thy God and to walke in hys wayes and to kepe his ordinaunces his commaundmentes and his lawes and to herken vnto his voyce And the Lord hath sett the vp this daye to be a seuerall people vnto him as he hath promysed the and that thou kepe his commaundmentes and to make the hye aboue all nacyons which he hath made in prayse in name and honoure that thou mayst be an holy people vnto the Lord thy God as he hath sayed The .xxvij. Chapter ANd Moses with the elders of Israel cōmaunded the people sayenge kepe all the commaundmentes whiche I commaunde you this daye And when ye be come ouer Iordayne vnto the londe which the Lorde thy God geueth the sett vpp greate stones and playster them with playster and write vpō thē all the wordes of this lawe when thou arte come ouer that thou mayst come in to the londe whiche the Lorde thy God geueth the a londe that floweth with mylke and honye ▪ as the Lorde God off thy fathers hath promysed the. When ye be come ouer Iordayne se that ye set vpp these stones which I commaunde you this daye in mount Eball and playster them with playster And there bylde vnto the Lord thy God an altare of stones and se thou lifte vpp no yerne uppon them But thou shalt make the altare of the Lorde thy God of rughstones and offer burntoffrynges thereon vnto the Lorde thy God And thou shalt offer peaceof frynges and shalt eate there and reioyse before the Lorde thy God And thou shalt write vppon the stones all the wordes of this lawe manyfestly and well And Moses with the preastes the Leuites spake vnto all Israel sayenge take hede ād heare Israel this daye thou art become the people of the Lorde thy God Herken therfore vnto the voyce of the Lorde thi God ād do his cōmaundmētes ād his ordinaunces which I commaunde you this daye And Moses charged the people the same daye sayenge these shall stonde vppon mount Grisim to blesse the people when ye are come ouer lordayne Symeon Leui Iuda Isachar Ioseph and Ben Iamin And these shall stonde apon mount Eball to curse Ruben Gad Asser Zabulon Dan and Neptaly And the Leuites shall beginne ād say vnto all the men of Israel wi●h a loude voyce Cursed be he that maketh any carued image or image of metall an abhominacion vnto Here of take the popes an occasiō to curse .iiij. tymes in the yere the Lorde the worke of the handes of the craftesman and putteth it in a secrett place And all the people shall answere and saye Amen Cursed be he that curseth his father or hys mother and all the people shall saye Amen Cursed be he that remoueth his neghbours marke and all the people shall saye Amen Cursed be he that maketh the blynde goo out off his waye and all the people shall saye Amen Cursed be he that hyndreth the right of the straunger ▪ fatherlesse and wedowe and all the people shall saye Amen Cursed be he that lieth with his fathers wife because he hath opened his fathers coueringe ād all the people shall saye Amen Cursed be he that lieth with any maner beest and all the people shall saye Amen Cursed be he that lieth with his syster whether she be the doughter of his father or off his mother and all the people shall saye Amen Cursed be he that lieth with his mother in lawe and all the people shall saye Amen Cursed be he that smyteth his neghboure secretly and all the people shall saye Amē Cursed be he that taketh a rewarde to flee innocent bloude and all the people shall saye Amen Cursed be he that mātayneth not all the wordes of this lawe to doo them ād all the people shall saye Amen ¶ The .xxviij. Chapter YF thou shalt herken diligently vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God to obserue and to do all his commaundmentes whiche I commaunde the this daye The Lorde wil set the an hye aboue all nacions of the erth And all these blessynges shall come on the and ouer take the yf thou shalt herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God Blessed shalt thou be in the towne and blessed in the feldes blessed shal be the frute of thy body the frute of thy grounde and the frute of thy catell the frute of thine oxen and thy flockes of shepe blessed shall thine almery be ād thy store Blessed shalt thou be both when thou goest out ād blessed whē thou comest in The Lorde shall smyte thyne enemyes that ryse agenst the before thy face They shall come out agenst the one waye and flee before the seuen wayes The Lorde shal commaunde the blessynge to be with the in thy store housses ād in all that thou settest thine hande to and will blesse the in the lande which the Lord thi god geueth the. The Lorde shall make the an holye people vnto himselfe as he hath sworen vnto the yf thou shalt kepe the commaundmentes of the Lorde thy God and walke in hys wayes And all nacyons of the erthe shall se that thou arte called after the name of the Lorde and they shal be aferde off the. And the Lorde shall make the plenteous in goodes in the frute of thy body in the frute off thy catell and in the frute of thy grounde in the londe whiche the Lorde sware vnto thy fathers to geue the. The Lorde shall open vnto the his good treasure euen the heauen to geue rayne vnto thy londe in due ceason and to blesse all the laboures of thine hande And thou shalt lende vnto many nacyōs but shalt not nede to borowe thy selfe And the Lorde shall sett the before and not behinde and thou shalt be aboue only and not beneth yf that thou herken vnto the commaundmentes of the Lorde thy God which I commaunde the this daye to kepe and to doo them And se that thou bowe not from any of these wordes which I commaunde the this daye ether to the right hande or to the lefte that thou woldest goo after straung goddes to serue them But and yf thou wilt not herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God to kepe and to doo all his commaundmentes and ordinaunces which I commaunde the this daye then all these curses shall come