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A04902 Lectures of John Knewstub, vpon the twentith chapter of Exodus, and certeine other places of Scripture Seene and allowed according to the Queenes maiesties iniunctions. Knewstubs, John, 1544-1624. 1577 (1577) STC 15042; ESTC S106684 202,339 374

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think once to escape neglecting so great saluation which at the first begoon to be preached by the Lorde and afterward was cōfirmed by them that heard him God bringing testimony and authoritie thervnto both with signes and woonders and diuers myracles and giftes of the holie Ghost Well did the Lorde vnderstand that words are but winde with men and therefore it was the good pleasure of his will that neither his law nor Gospel should come naked and bare into the world but with the credit of his owne glorie and countenaunce of his owne maiestie For the gospell as now we haue heard was not only preached by the Lorde Iesus but also confirmed by the ministerie of those that heard him with signes woonders and myracles so that to neglect the gouernemēt of the word is to tread vnder feete the maiestie of the Lorde Hauing made this entrance I doe proceede vnto the texte where I am enforced to speake a little of the nature of the wordes because they bring great light to the true vnderstanding and meaning of the cōmaundement The word IEHOVAH which is here englished Lorde is a name of God giuing vnto him his true nature and essence which is so to haue his beginning and being of him selfe as in him by him all thinges that are haue their beeing and therfore it is vsually set before the promises and couenants of the Lorde in the scripture that we shoulde not doubt of the perfourmance thereof seeing it is the couenant promise of that God that hath his beginning and beeing of him self and procureth the beeing and perfourmance of all things vnto them in so much that the Lorde denieth in Exodus that he was knowne to Abraham Isaac and Iacob by his name Iehouah bicause he had not perfourmed in their time the promises made for their deliuerance out of Egypt and for their possession of the lande of Canaan The verbe is not vsually expressed of the Hebrues in the like phrases where the sense is apparant and therefore of some is sette downe before the word Lorde and read thus I am the Lorde thy GOD of other some nexte after the word Lorde and then it is read thus I the Lorde am thy GOD wherin although in sense there be no difference but that both affirme one and the selfe same thinge yet bicause there is more cleare vnderstanding of that one and the same thinge by placing the verbe next after the worde Lorde I see no cause why the practise of some should be preiudiciall in this matter but that it may be said I the Lorde am thy GOD. In affirming that he is their God he assureth them of all mercy and happinesse from him selfe alone both in this life and in the life to come making a league with thē to make himselfe knowne to be their God by the mercies he had to bestowe vpon them and that he would haue the care and charge of their welfare reserued to himselfe alone It remaineth to be proued by the scripture that this manner of speaking to be their God conteyneth promisses in it for this life and for the life to come In the psalme the Prophete hauing made mention of sundry outward blessings in children in increase of corne and cattel peace and freedome from enimies concludeth thus Blessed are the people that bee so blessed are the people whose GOD is the Lorde making these outwarde blessinges to bee conteyned vnder the benefite of hauing the Lord to be their god In Exodus promising their deliueraunce from Aegypt he saith that he wil be their God conteyning that outward deliueraunce within this mercie of being their god And as for the spirituall and inward blessings as writing his lawe in our harts pardoning our sinnes and not remembring them anie more that they are conteyned within this couenant of beeing our God may appeare in the Epistle to the Hebrues After those dayes sayth the Lord I wil put my lawes in their minds and in their hartes I will write them and I will bee their God and they shall be my people For I will be mercifull vnto their vnrighteousnesse their sinnes their iniquities I wil remember no more And in Ezechiel we may cleerly see that the renuing of our stonie hartes the receiuing vs to mercie after we haue transgressed the causing vs to walke in his statutes and lawes are streames that flowe from this free founteine of grace that the Lorde is become our god A newe hart saith the Lorde by his Prophet will I giue you and a newe spirite will I put within you and I will take away the stonie harte out of your body and will giue you a heart of flesh and I will put my spirite within you and cause you to walke in my statutes and yee shall keepe my iudgementes and doe them and yee shall dwell in the lande that I gaue to your Fathers and you shall be my people and I will bee your GOD Where these benefites receiued are made the fruites that followe of hauing him to be their God whiche is all done freely and vndeseruedly as the Lorde plainely professeth in the same chapiter in these wordes Bee it knowen vnto you that I doe not these thinges for your sake sayth the Lorde therefore O ye house of Israel he ashamed and confounded for your owne wayes Neither doeth this mercy of hauing the Lorde to bee our God conteyne it selfe within the compasse of this life but reacheth vnto the blessinges of the life to come as appeareth in the Gospell after Saincte Luke where our Sauiour Christe proueth that it must needes be well with Abraham and that hee muste rise againe bycause it is written The Lorde is the God of Abraham for he is not the GOD of the dead sayeth our Sauiour Christe but of them that liue In the Epistle to the Hebrues Abraham and others the children of God are reported to haue bene straungers in the land of promise and not to haue sene the promises fulfilled in their time whiche might seeme to make againste this that I haue sayd concerning the blessing of them to whom the Lord is become God but it is answered there that he was not ashamed to bee called their God for he had prepared for them a citie as if that whiche seemed to be wanting in this life were so sufficiently recompēced in that ioye that did abide for them as that the Lord neded not to be ashamed to be called their God so rich was his mercie towardes them By this we learne that the first commaundement conteyneth in it the promises of the Gospel as it is well noted by M. Peeter Martyr contrarie to this damnable opinion of certeine who holde that the fathers of the olde Testament had no promises sauing of the lande of Canaan and temporall thinges We see that the Lorde made promise to be their God which as we haue heard hath promises bothe of this life and of the
lawe to be found in like manner within his heart that prayeth in trueth vnto the Lorde For if the keeping of the lawe be vnto any his delighte the transgressing of the lawe in like manner must bee his griefe It is plaine then that true prayer must not onely be directed by the lawe and commandement of God but also must ioyne in desire and affection with the same The glorie of God is coupled to his word and therfore must praiers being the desire of the heart goe in desire after the same according as we haue the example and practise of the Prophet Dauid at large in the Psalmes where it is apparanr that hee placeth all the honour of God in his word sometimes praying to haue his petitions graunted that he might keepe his commandementes some times taking comfort assuring himselfe that he should he heard because he had a loue vnto his law plainly affirming as appeareth in that Psalme that saluation is far from the vngodly because they seeke not his statutes wherein his glorie consisteth as we may learne if we goe no further for profe therof then vnto the Lords prayer it selfe For after mention made of hallowing of his name comming of his kingdome there followeth the request of doing his will here in earthe because his honour glorie and dominion is seene in the obedience to his will reuealed in his worde Herein we may clearely see sentence giuen against all such prayers as proceeding from a heart ignorant of the word of God go after their owne good deuotion whiche is the honouring of them selues and not after his good will reuealed in his word which they are vtterly ignorant of Where we may clearely see what account is to be made of Popishe prayers where the woorde of God is not knowen of the moste and not regarded of the rest holding it for a sure principle that ignorance is the mother of deuotion To all suche prayers the Lorde doth answere according as it is written in the Prouerbes They shal call vpon me but I will not answer they shal seeke me early but they shal not finde me because they hated knowledge and did not choose the feare of the Lord. A iust recōpence of reward not to be heard when they in their distresse shal by prayer speake vnto the Lord because they refused to heare the Lorde speaking to them in his word Here also are the prayers of all suche reproued notwithstanding they haue knowlege of the word and followe not their good intents in praying vnto the Lorde as haue no affection ioye delite nor good liking to see the lawe and the dueties thereof perfourmed in their life nor yet any vexation or griefe in themselues for transgressing the same For prayer is a desire of the minde and therefore most desirously affected after that which it seketh whiche is the lawe and commaundement of the Lorde Whereby it appeareth also how fruitelesse those prayers are that come but from the lippes alone the heart being altogether holden with other matters and occupied wholy about other delightes The thirde thing that is required to prayer is that it proceede from an emptie heart whiche findeth want in it selfe of those thinges that it beggeth For if a man feele no want of that which he asketh he can neuer be earnest in asking The daunger heereof is then moste to be feared when we pray for those thinges the meanes wherof we haue at home as when a man prayeth for successe in a matter hauing either such wisedome in him selfe such wealth or such friendes that it is likely their nede to be no doubt made of the successe It is hard in such like causes to come to God with an emptie heart to begg it as earnestly of him as if we wanted all such helpes And yet is all our prayers but a dallying with God when wee shall nourish a secure opinion in our harts that we haue that helpe within vs for the which in wordes we are become sutors vnto him in our prayers Whē a wise man goeth aboute matters that vsually are compassed by wisedome or a rich-man about that that commonly we see compassed by riches a learned man about that which is perfourmed by learning and the like is to be thought of all such like matters cōmonly there are either no prayers at all to God for the accomplishing of suche matters or if there be any they are so colde and fainte as bewraieth this secret opinion to be nouseled within that they shall not do greately amisse though there come no helpe by their prayers For surely if the help at home were in truth doubted not to be sufficient the sute for relief abroad would be earnest The importunate sutor is hee that speedeth of his sute as we reade in Luke and he that is pinched with want wil spare no speech for his relief but he that feeleth no want is to learne as yet how to beg The prayers therefore of such as seldome or neuer examine themselues by the lawe and commandementes of God are greatly to be feared nay are plainely to be charged with dallying in their petitions with the lord For there is the sight of all our pouertie plaine and euident and all the sight that we haue of it otherwise is but a false light had in the shoppe of sathan to vtter counterfet wares withal The fourth thing required to praier is that we haue an assured hope of helpe from the Lorde a sure beliefe to obteine that which we doe aske for therefore is prayer an acceptable worship to God because it ascribeth vnto him that honor of mercie to be helpful to our miserie whē he is called vpon neither tying his mercie to good deseruing nor yet his power to secōd causes as if where they had no deseruing he had no mercy or where they had no instrumēts of helping he had no hand or power to helpe God is not truely honoured of the wicked where either he is taken to be but a vaine name dead thing in whom there is neither mercie nor power to be found in our necessitie as the Epicures bellie-gods think whatsoeuer they say or else suche weakenesse and imperfection in bothe as cannot goe but by holdes and helpes from vs. Our sinne then may not weaken our faith be it neuer so greate when there is true repentaunce for it For that should darken the praise of his mercie nor yet the want of all those meanes that haue any likelihoode to helpe the matter must driue vs to despaire for that were to abridge and diminishe his power The praier therfore that is ioyned with faith cannot but be acceptable vnto him giuing him the honour that is due vnto his name and because of that being an acceptable seruice and sacrifice vnto the lord But prayer without faith despayring to be heard dishonoureth the Lorde and is returned without any comforte or hope of helpe according as it is saide by the Apostle
be heard Saue me sayth he for I haue sought thy preceptes And in the same 173. verse Let thy hand saue mee for I haue chosen thy preceptes Likewise in the last verse of that Psalme hee sayeth these wordes I haue gone astray like a loste sheepe seeke thy seruaunt for I doe not forget thy commaundementes And not in this verse alone but in many other through-out this Psalme hee conceiueth hope of beeing hearde in his Prayer because the Lord had giuen him a carefull heart to the keping of his word wherin his glorie doth consist In asmuch therfore as he was careful of his glorie he conceiueth hope that the Lorde will not be vnmindefull of him but is bolde in a godlie hope to say Beholde mine affliction and deliuer me for I haue not forgotten thy lawe And sometimes in this intreating of the Lorde to heare him he promiseth in time to come that he will keepe the statutes and commandements of the Lord as it appeareth in the 145. verse of the Psalme in these wordes Heare me O Lord and I wil keepe thy statutes These authorities from the Prophet are vttered to this end that we shuld not put those things a sunder which the Lord hath coupled together For the Lord his glorie is not parted from his wil reuealed in his worde whensoeuer we haue in purpose to sanctifie his name to get praise vnto him and to aduaunce his kingdome here vpon earth we must proceede no otherwise then according to his word being assured that it hathe allowance and probation from the same these three petitions do not so much note what seueral things are to be asked as with what minde those thinges that we aske according to his wil are to be desired that is euen with a hartie longing desiring to see his name sanctified his kingdome established and that whiche is to his good liking and will accomplished here vpon earthe by bringing something to passe whereof he hath declared his liking apparantly in his word If we shal craue any grace of him whereby to haue our life bettered and our conuersation amended the care of his kingdome the desire of his name the longing to see his wil and pleasure take place ought to bee the thing that should moue vs therevnto Our petitions also for temporall blessings or to haue euils remoued from vs ought in like manner to be made in the care and desire of his kingdome and glory who hath promised in his worde that he will be nigh vnto his that call vppon him in in trueth and that hee will heare the prayers of his that attende vppon his commaundementes bothe in blessing them with good things also in turning euil things from them Such things therefore we should also desire euen for the establishing of his name credit and kingdome here vpon earth according as the seruants of God haue done as appeareth in many places of the scripture Helpe vs oh God of our saluation saith the Prophet for the glorie of thy name deliuer vs and bee mercifull to our sinnes for thy names sake Wherefore shoulde the heathen say Where is their God beeing moste of all carefull least the wicked should triumphe ouer the Lotd if that he should not stand by his according as he promised in his worde but lay them open to all iniuries and reproches of the wicked without hope of deliuerance from him Nowe let vs pray vnto our heauenlie father that we may so be touched with the glorie of his name the care of his kingdome and desire that his wil may take place as may comforte vs in the assured hope to haue our prayers heard when we call vpon him c. ¶ The xvj Lecture vppon the 11. verse Giue vs this day our daily bread WHen Solomon had made request vnto the Lord for the people of Israel on the dedication of the temple that hee woulde vouchsafe to hear their prayers when any of those seuerall occasions whiche there he maketh mention of should oppresse them in the end of his prayer he requesteth the Lord that he would defend the cause of his people Israel alwayes as the matter should require that what soeuer necessitie or extremitie time should bring vpon thē he would haue a fatherly regarde vnto them in that time of their necessitie releeue them This is that which is ment by daily bread that the Lorde would graunt vs euery day whatsoeuer shal be the necessitie of that day giuing alwaies the thinges of the day in his day For those be his words in that place according to the truth of the Hebrue text In this petitiō we haue warrāt to call vnto God for temporall benefites that we shall stand in neede of whatsoeuer The seruāts of God haue gone before vs by their example in applying the Lorde with prayer when soeuer the want of any thing did vexe them In the booke of Psalmes we shall see that Dauid in all distresses flyeth vnto God by prayer cureing all his griefes whether of minde or body with no other plaster then prayer That booke of psalmes being well perused let vs see the manifold vse and wonderful successe of prayer for somtime the Prophet cureth the griefe and languishing of his heart with prayer sometime he recouereth the helth of his body by prayer in other places he putteth all his enimies to flight with no other weapō then this of prayer to be briefe he maketh of prayer a medicine for all maladies speedeth so wel with it in all his necessities that we may not onely say in bare words that it is a salue for all sores but euen write vpon the head thereof Probatum est for it is tryed to haue cured all griefes and vexations of what kinde soeuer In the Psalme the Prophet declareth that hungrie and thirstie soules wandering in the wildernesse and calling vnto God by prayer are satisfied of him and sent away replenished with good thinges In the same Psalme he declareth in like manner that men beeing in prison bound fast with chaines and yron without all hope of help calling vpon the Lord in their prayers are heard of him their prayers graūted they deliuered The same psalme maketh mentiō of mē pyning away with sicknes or heauines of heart yet by calling vpon him in prayer to haue ben cured to haue recouered that dangerous estate To cōclude in the 13. verse of the same psalme the mariners that call vpon God when the tempest doth threten death vnto them are reported there to haue their prayers heard of the Lorde to be deliuered from that daunger and to bee brought to the land that they longed for What man not well instructed would once haue conceiued hope to haue these or the like thinges holpen by prayer What man not well instructed in the worde of God would not take it to be a casuall thing that commeth as it is said by fortune when faire wether commeth after a
in the seuerall braunches thereof is not only hurtful vnto vs but also iniurious vnto the due estimation of the death of Christe I cannot more fitlie compare those men who will most willingly confesse them selues in generall words to be sinners and yet are very loath to be troubled with any particular knowledge thereof then vnto some notorious offenders against the lawes and peace of their prince who can willingly heare these generall wordes that they bee offenders and haue not kept the seuerall statutes and lawes of their prince so that they will proceede no further with them but to be brought foorth and charged with their seuerall fellonies murthers or treasons that they haue committed and to haue their wickednesse particularly layd out in number of dedes manner of doing that may best set out the heynousnesse thereof that in no ease may be abidden and yet notwithstanding before that time neither is their owne estate greatly feared nor yet the lawe so much as thought vppon how to bee satisfied It is this particular sight of sinne that sendeth vs forthwith vnto Christ and maketh him appeare both glorious in the multitude of his so greate mercies and moste necessarie in the consideration of our so many daungerous infirmities If it please the Reader in the examining of him selfe in any commaundement foorthwith to ioyne to the same that which is written here of the properties of loue and that other nexte Lecture of the vse of the lawe he shall finde I hope some helpe in them the sooner to departe from him selfe and the more carefully to imbrace Christe And that he may be acquainted the better with my meaning and purpose in this matter I will giue him in fewe wordes the reason of the same I see in the lawe of God that we are not only forbidden the workes of our owne deuotion and intent bound to that choise of workes that God hath appointed in his word but also that we are strictly charged to doe the same all and euerie one of them in loue which is an affection that carrieth a man so in delight after the thinges which he loueth that he oftentimes forgetteth himselfe in respect thereof according as it is reported by the holy Ghost as a propertie to know it by that loue seketh not her owne thinges This is the cause why after the commandementes I haue set downe the notes and properties to discerne loue by that when we haue seene what workes they be that we are bound to doe we may also see with what affection we are charged to do thē that we may be as careful to bring the right manner of doing vnto the Lord as the verie deede that he approueth For we are as well to perfourme duetie in the manner of doing as in the deed it selfe It is one and the same God who hath inioyned both vnto vs and therefore may not be denyed in either of them The vse of the lawe which is in the Lecture following wil declare with what conditions we haue wages promised for our worke and whether the couenant be so fauourable as that we neede not to doubt but that we shall be able to perfourme it and therefore to liue in it or otherwise so harde as the trueth is in verie deede that he remayneth vnder the curse of God who continueth not in all thinges that are written in the booke of the lawe to do them Let vs then set these together First the number of deeds then the manner of doing whiche must haue in it those properties that be in loue and last of al the hard condition which is not to haue our good doeings to blotte out and put off our euil but to remaine vnder the curse if we shall not continue in euerie thing that is written in the booke of the lawe to doe it and then we shal be forced to giue ouer this strong holde euen this confidence in our selues and betake vs wholy to the mercie of our God and magnifie the same accordingly And least we should imagine the matter of letting go the opinion of our selues and our worthinesse to be nothing so hard as is supposed and therefore no such nede to haue so often before vs in meditation and earnest consideration thereof the multitude of deedes to be doone the louing manner of doing and the hard condition if they shall not be doone Let vs aduisedly consider how that singular instrument of God S. Paule confesseth that he himselfe was so subiect vnto this ouer great opinion of him self that the messenger of sathan was sent vnto him to buffet him leaste hee should be puffed vp with the measure of graces whiche were giuen vnto him The daunger is greater therefore then we are aware of when so rare an instrument and chosen seruaunt of GOD as was Paule so hardely and with so much a doe is brought to haue an humble opinion of him selfe and his worthinesse The Romish religion likewise fighting so stoutely for the deserte of man may teach vs that this doctrine of true humbling and submitting of our selues vnto our God wil not so easilie enter into fleash and bloud as at the first we would imagine but that we haue neede often to set before vs this lookeing glasse of the lawe in manner as hath beene declared to humble vs withall and all shall bee founde little inoughe to bring vs truely from our selues and to sende vs not in parte but wholy vnto the mercies of our GOD whiche are declared vnto vs at large in the next Lecture after the vse of the lawe When we shall haue profited in drawing nere vnto Christ and making much of his mercie by an often and true sight of our selues in the lawe there is yet remayning an other vse and fruite to be taken by it of no lesse profite then the former whiche is that when wee shall haue taken comforte in the mercies of Christ and decreed to walke in the obedience of his will to declare our thankefulnesse thereby the lawe will stand vs in good stead to quicken vs therevnto while wee learne by it bothe the number of things that are to be done and also the backwardnesse of our naturall disposition and inclination therevnto which we could not once without this admonition from the lawe haue suspected to haue beene so greate and therefore our care to suppresse it would haue bene so much the lesse But hauing determined once to walke in the wayes of his commaundements and then hauing warning from the lawe that there is bothe in our witt and will enimitie therevnto altogether bent to resist it it can not but increase our care and add vnto our paines and trauaile for the atteining vnto that end of obedience which we haue propounded vnto vs For the man who hath a desire vnto any thinge vnderstanding once of any let in the way is thereby more prouoked and stirred vp to bestowe cares and paines vppon the same knowing very well that the thing which he desireth
and iust soeuer the cause be that might prouoke me thervnto It was a saying sometime of Asia that it was no prayse neuer to haue seene it but to haue liued temperately in Asia was praise worthie so many were the allurements so great was the intemperancie thereof I thinke we may nowe altering the words reteine the trueth of the matter if we should say it were no great matter neuer to haue seene the Courtes of Princes but to haue liued Christianly in those Courtes were a special work of Christ in his And therefore Madame as sometimes I spake in the hearing of your honour so nowe I say againe that where the assault of the aduersarie lyeth sorest against any there wisedome would that the instruments to beare off and to beate backe the same should be more in number and stronger in effect And for this cause we do reade that in the Courte of Israel the Prince himselfe who for the number and weight of affaires was as may be thought by some iust title to be priuileged aboue the rest might not be exempted from keeping this diligent watch and warde in his owne person by reading all the dayes of his life in the lawes of his God against the dangers that by reason of that place he was in great danger of diuers wherof after they are recited in Deuteronomie immediately the holy Ghost giueth the medicine for them whiche is to be occupied in the lawes of his God all the dayes of his life If any by daily meditation in the lawe of God shall thus exalt wisdome that is the word of God by making it the chief delighte of their heart beside the auoyding of these daungers and suche like there is a promise passed from the Lord that wisedome shall exalt them If they shall sett her in place and estimation aboue all other things she will requite it againe by aduauncing their honour and estate aboue the condition of others but if they shall make no more of her but as a common thing she wil answer them in like measure againe to leaue thē in place estimation with the common worst sort of men The honour therfore of aduauncement which all men are giuen to haue so great lyking of commeth neither from the East nor frō the West but from the Lord him self this true honour wayteth vpon all of them whom imploy them selues their countenance and their credite to honour and aduaunce this wisedome which is the worde of god Which thing that it may abound in you Madame daily more and more and in his honour to whome the Lorde hath ioyned you and that by the meanes thereof you may so continue your life as that you shall not feare to dye as in dutie I am for many benefites receiued moste bounden so I doe moste humbly craue it of our mercifull GOD to whose fatherly prouidence ceassing to adde any thing further and remayning to perfourme all duties from time to time that I shall bee enabled vnto I do most humbly committee your Honour ¿ ¿ Your honors moste humble to commaund in the Lorde Iohn Knewstub ❧ THE LECTVRES of Iohn Knewstub vpon the twentith chapter of Exodus and certeine other places of Scripture The first Lecture vpon the firste and seconde verse of the same Chapter THEN God spake al these words saying I am the Lord thy God 2 Which haue brought thee out of the lande of Aegypt out of the house of bondage IT hath alwayes beene and now is a frutefull trauaile of men to drawe arts and sciences plentifully laide out into briefe heads and some few general rules and principles not onely for memorie whiche in many and long discourses becommeth so intangled as it can hardly with any fruit get out but also for practise whiche of necessitie muste be so much the later as it shall be longer before we learne the matters to be practised and the slower we are in perusing matters to be done the slacker must we be in the performance therof But yet all this notwithstanding aswell reason as the practise of the learned might easily be auoided bicause all is but the reason and practise of man if the onely wise God had not leafte vnto vs the whole doctrine of Christianitie comprehended in verie fewe words examples whereof we haue diuerse bothe in the olde and newe Testamente whiche may be a sufficient warrant for enterprising thus briefly to comprehend Christianitie If any shall take exception against the preaching and opening of the lawe in this cleare lighte of the gospell calling it as it is called in the seconde Epistle to the Corinthes the ministerie of death the killing letter let him vnderstand that the holie ghost in the same place speaketh of the lawe without Christe what it worketh in our infirmitie whereas otherwise of the law being considered in the couenant that is in Christ it is truely saide by the Prophet in the Psalme The lawe of the Lorde is perfect conuerting the soule the statues of the Lorde reioyce the heart c. At the publishing of this lawe of God there was great terrour feare on euery side For as appeareth in this former chapter the mount Synai was all on smoke and the Lorde came downe vpon it in fier and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a fornace and all the mount trembled excedingly The people hearing the thunders and lightnings and the sounde of the trumpet seeing the mounteine smoking and feeling such terrible trembling and shaking of the earth fled and stoode a farre off making earnest suite vnto Moses that he would speake vnto them and that they might not heare the Lorde least they died so great was their feare and so woonderfully were they amased at the matter It was very requisite and necessarie that this maiestie of the lord should come in with the entrance of his worde For we are giuen to make small reckoning of it lightly to reiect the authoritie thereof For doe not thousands imagine that they sufficiently reuerence the maiestie of the Lord when notwithstanding they liue without all awe feare and reuerence of his word Nedeful therefore was it nay most necessary that the maiestie of the Lord should visibly come forth after a glorious maner at the deliuery of the word that men might vnderstand that the neglect of the worde is the contempt of the maiestie and honor of the Lorde For the Lorde hath coupled his honor and glorie to his word so that they can not neglect the one but that they must in so doing cōtemne and despise the other Those plentifull testimonies that are recited to the Hebrues to aduaunce the dignitie of Christe prouing his diuinitie and giuing him superioritie aboue the Angels are in the seconde chapter applied by way of exhortation to the reuerencing of his worde telling them that if the worde spoken by angels was ratified and that euery disobedience receiued a iust recompence of rewarde how could they
his wayes and to keepe his ordinaunces his commaundements and his lawes and to harken vnto his voyce as if the obseruing of the law were the placing of him in his seate of glorie Now that we haue learned what is ment by this worde Name it remaineth to vnderstand what it is to take his name in vaine This name is saide to be taken in vaine when there is not diligent care watchfull obseruing and greate regarde had to the commaundementes of GOD to doe them It is written in Deuteronomie If thou shalt not obserue to doe for so is the trueth of the Hebrue text all the wordes of the law that is If thou wilt not diligently marke this law for to doe it and feare this glorious and fearefull name the Lorde thy GOD then the Lord wil make thy plagues woonderfull c. Carelesse securitie when men haue no carefull minde of the worde of God to liue thereafter is that which is forbidden by this taking of his name in vaine or vainely For in this place the holie ghost expoundeth the obseruing and taking heede to doe al the commandementes of the lawe to be the fearing of this glorious name The Lorde thy God whiche feare of his name is contrarie to the taking of it in vaine and esteeming of it as a vaine thing In saying He wil not holde them guiltlesse he doth assure them of punishment that are carelesse in keping of his commaundementes wherevppon his name and honour hangeth as it is written in Leuiticus If ye shall despise mine ordinaunces either if your soule abhorre my lawes so that yee will not doe all my commaundementes but breake my couenaunte then will I appoint ouer you fearefulnesse a Consumption c threatening as appeareth in that Chapter to proceed in punishment vntill their vncircumcised heart bee humbled to the carefull keeping of his commaundements For those who minde his commaundementes to doe them are they to whome onelie his mercies are promised in the 103 Psalme The louing kindenesse of the Lorde indureth for euer vppon them that feare him and think vppon his commandements to do them The punishmente of these that haue no carefull regard of the worde to doe it is threatened in the 28. of Deuteronomie beginning at the 15. verse in the which verse it is to be noted that there is the same phrase of speeche in the Hebrue whiche I spake of before that is not obseruing to doe all the commaundements which importeth this want of care in doing pointing out by that speache secure men that take no greate care of the worde for to doe it The same wordes Obserue to do are vsed in the first verse of the same Chapter and therefore not lightlie to be regarded of vs beeing so often noted by the holie ghoste If wee peruse the iudgementes of God throughout the whole Bible wee shal easily perceiue that when the people ceassed to be carefull how to please God then was some one punishmente or other let in vppon them to awake them out of that daungerous sleepe of securitie Send away this care by good life to honour God and then assure thy selfe punishment will not be long absent if thou be not a bastarde ouer whome he hath no fatherly regarde And no meruaile for in very deed God hath no seruice in trueth where this godly care is wanting it is no prayer that is not a careful prayer he neuer obteyneth that hath no desire to obteine When workes of them selues good are done without any great care to haue them doone the same may haue prayse for doeing but the heart can claime nothing for any carefull purposing The scripture therefore is plentiful in teaching vs that a Christians life muste bee a carefull life comparing Christianitie to a trade or occupation that muste be applyed thoroughly or else there is no good to bee doone in it If any man striue for a maisterie saith the holie Ghoste hee is not crowned except he striue as he ought to do The husbandman must laboure before he receiueth the fruite sending vs to learne at husbandry the care and trauail of Christianitie Euery man that proueth maisteries sayth Saincte Paule absteyneth from all things and they doe it to obteyne a corruptible crowne but we for an vncorruptible This commaundement therefore excludeth all feigned carelesse and hypocriticall walking in the wayes of the Lord and telleth vs that the Lorde looketh vnto them as he sayth by the Prophete that doe tremble at his worde It is not lightlie to be passed ouer that requiring this care to be had of Gods glorie he ioyneth to the name of the Lorde those two wordes Thy GOD whiche signifieth that loue to him because he is our God must bring foorth the care of his glorie and this obseruing of his commaundementes to doe them For heerein is the care and feare of a seruaunt distinguished and discerned from the care and feare of a Sonne that the sonnes care and feare he hath of his Father is ioyned with loue and aryseth thereof and proceedeth thereby to please him The Seruauntes care and feare aryseth in respecte of punishment if hee displease his maister or else from the hope of wages if happily hee may please him in his seruice So that euen the true feare and care of GOD is mingled with the loue of him because he is our god And is not that which wrestleth with the conscience and proceedeth to doing onely for this cause to get ease thereof not hauing any respect to glorifie his good God not but that the Lorde hath such beginning euen of his best children but that it is not right before it be seasoned with the loue of his mercie For the feare of GOD is neuer true in vs till wee be drawen vnto him by his goodnesse where through he allureth vs as it is written in the Psalme Mercie is with thee that thou maist be feared In the Booke of Kinges Solomon prayeth that the straunger who is not one of the people of Israel but commeth to the house of GOD hearing of his woonderfull workes may haue his prayers graunted that al people may feare GOD as doeth the people of Israel acknowledging his true feare to spring of his goodnesse The feare of GOD because it ariseth of his goodnesse draweth vs alwayes vnto God and in the Scripture therfore argumentes and reasons are drawen from his feare to bringe vs toward him in some one or other duetie as in the Psalme Yee that feare the Lorde prayse him and the reason is taken from his goodnesse in the next verse following For he hath not despised the affliction of the poore but when he called vnto him he hearde Also in the 115. Psalme Ye that feare the Lorde trust in the Lord for he is their helper and their sheelde c prosecuting his goodnesse as before In the next verse following it is saide The Lord hath bene mindeful of vs he will blesse
vs he wil blesse the house of Israel c. Wee do plainely se then by these testimonies that they doe not truely feare him that are not drawen by his goodnesse to the carefull louing and honouring of him This commaundement then toucheth al those that passe ouer their time carelessly without a lawe feare of the Lord as if there were nothing lesse belonging vnto them then by obseruing his wil to get honour to their God or as if their vngodlie and secure life shoulde neuer a whit impeache the glorie of his name By this commaundement we learne that not onely Atheists and godles persons haue to feare the iudgementes of God but also all those that are not touched with care and great desire by their good life to glorifie god For he will not hold thē guiltlesse that take his name in vaine not regarding his honour by careful attending vppon his pleasure Hereby also we are taught to ceasse to meruaile at the afflictions of those men in whose liues we haue espied no great outwarde offence For here we see the want of care to his glorie though it bee coupled with no outward euil hath matter in it sufficient to prouoke the iudgements of God against vs Doeth not that maister who at his comming home findeth the worke he had inioyned his seruant carelesslie loked vnto thinke there is occasion sufficient offered him to proceede to the correction of his seruant notwithstanding hee hath no other matter to charge him withall In this cōmaundement also is forbidden all swearing vainely or falsely all swearing by those things that are not God as particular thinges against his word and therfore against the glorie of his name For if the commaundement forbid the neglect of his lawe generally it must needes forbid seuerally and particularly that which is against some seuerall particular cōmaundement We haue learned that carelesse contemning of his worde is reproued in this commaundement and the reason is because the Lord doth communicate his name and his honour therevnto whiche we may not take in vaine or without reuerence The same thing is to be saide for the vse of his name whiche he hath graunted vnto vs to decide controuersies doubtes of great importance withall that because there is in it the marke and print of his glorie wee must haue the vse of it in those matters with reuerence accordingly We deale not with the Lord in any communicating with his essence and euerlasting beeing that a man should imagine that hee can offer him no wrong vnlesse he rush against the heauens and violently run vpon his person he dealeth with vs by his worde and by his name if there be any villany wickednesse nay want of reuerence that way it toucheth his glorie pearceth the honour of the highest Blasphemous mouthes therefore that cannot be stirred in their affections but they wil by by be reuenged of the Lorde cast vp their choler in othes and blasphemie against his maiestie haue heere wel to looke aboute them and to remember that in such outrage they fight against the honour of the liuing Lord that wil aduance the same in the dishonour vtter confusion of them Is it not horrible blasphemie that a miserable man should seek to redeeme himselfe from contēpt by bringing the Lord vnder his foote and treading his honoure in the dust I doe not meane that periured persons who haue put vpon the Lord the person of Sathan in making him a protector of lyes be only these blasphemous mouthes that haue enterprised the defacing and dishonouring of the Almightie but those common swearers also in whose mouth the name of the Lord runneth so vsually so vnreuerently in common speeche The Lord hath lent vs the vse of his name to determine our doutes decide our controuersies that be of great importance and cannot otherwise come to light and that with such reuerence as vnto his honour apperteyneth He hath not left it to wait vpon our vaine words talke of no importāce to serue where our humor wil place it so that men are alwayes guiltie of high treson against his glorie in the vse of his name vnles both the weightines of the mater they haue in hand their reuerēce in the manner of dealing therin shall excuse them A man can no way be vnreuerēt toward his name but he shal in so doing be guiltie of his dishonour for those things wherin he hath left the marks of his glory as his name his word and sacramēts by the vse or abuse of them do truely witnes of the heart how it standeth affected towardes the honouring of him There was neuer man founde truely honouring God in his heart whose tongue was defiled with vsuall swearing and often vnreuerent vsing of his name Neither was there euer founde man truelie fearing the Lord that walked without all awe and reuerence of his worde The excuse therefore is vaine and vtterly vntrue that swearing is but a custome of the tongue and that their heart standeth reuerently affected towarde his name and glorie For it is the want of reuerence in the heart to God that fometh out such filthynesse at the mouth and the longe continuaunce of that impudencie in the heart hath brought the fruit thereof into the mouth which witnesseth sufficiently the corruption that is settled inwardly in the heart Let the common swearer then ceasse to seeke excuse by saying It is but a folish custome For that long custome of dishonouring the Lord in his mouth will proue that he hath had a custome to dishonour him in his heart of no lesse continuaunce Our communication must be yea yea nay nay that which is more commeth of euil But it is commonly said Something must be added or els men shall not be beleeued It is a pitiful thing that the credit of a Christian should be so little that to borrow beliefe for his common talke he must leaue no lesse pawne and pleadge behinde him then is his faithe and trueth the greatest treasures and iewels that he hath receiued from the Lorde If men would seeke credit by their wel dealing they need not to bring foorth so great assurance for it in their speaking It is likewise vnlawfull to sweare by creatures in asmuche as an othe giueth superioritie vnto that whereby they sweare and acknowledgeth it as a Iudge and discerner of secret hid things a bringer also of them vnto iudgement condemning the wicked in bringing his way vppon his heade and iustifying the righteous in giuing him according to his righteousnesse The giuing of this vnto creatures entreth vppon the right of the Almightie intituleth creatures vnto the honour of the creator who hath declared plainely that hee will not giue his glorie to another And therefore it is in the highest degree of reproching or rather blaspheming the Lorde in laying his chiefe honour open to the spoyle of a creature bringing a contemptible creature as it were to pray vppon the
whiche reuerence muste partely arise of that whiche wee conceiue to bee in them whiche wee must searche out rightly examining the worthines thereof that we may be forced to haue that loue lyking and estimation of him whiche may driue vs from all stubberne proud and presumptuous dealing yea from all vncomely vnreuerent dealing toward him making his excellēcie to humble vs euen in that wherein we did moste glorie Thus must wee trauel with our heartes to find out some great thing in him for we can hardly bow vnto nothing or by loue reuerence but where we shall haue found some worthinesse and cause thereof yet if there be no greate thing in the man the Lords authoritie must step in to obteine this loue towardes him who hath appointed our giftes to serue those that haue nede of them Loue is also perceiued by this propertie that It seeketh not her owne things this is set downe also in this place as a token and sure marke of it the meaning wherof is not that loue letteth go all care and regarde of it selfe but that it is so carefull of that whiche it liketh that in regarde thereof it is often negligent about it selfe not inioying all the libertie pleasure or cōmoditie that lawfully it might haue A proofe of this may bee had in parentes whome nature hath taught to loue their children they seeke not with how little charges they might be discharged of them in putting them off their hands to be apprentises of some occupatiō which may be done with small charges and is very lawful for them to doe whereby also they them selues may be the better able to liue as beeing with so little coste vnburdened of them They inquire not thus with how little charges they may be bestowed but will straine them selues oftentimes aboue their abilitie liuing very spareingly and hardly at home to mainteine them at learning or at some other thing likely to procure their preferment This is loue which seeketh not her owne things whiche teacheth them to forgoe that pleasure or profite which lawfully they might inioy to pleasure and profite their children whome they loue This propertie of loue did Paule plainely declare when that he did not burthen the congregation as lawfully he might By this propertie of loue it cōmeth to passe that men hauing once learned what is lawful begin to inquire then whether that same be expedient to be done or otherwise because notwithstanding that it be lawfull yet loue will not doe it vnlesse it be also expedient By this it commeth to passe that those which be strong will not alwayes proceede in the strength of their persuasion to doe accordingly but forbeare their right to winne the weake withall This propertie of loue is lacking euery where For almost all mē wil haue all their pleasures and all their profits not forgoing any parte thereof although the Gospell and them selues do heare much euil for it euery where If we may once say it is lawful I may do it by law or it is not forbidden but permitted by the word we neuer inquire further This proueth manifestly that loue is not in vs which seketh not after all that it may but is contented to departe from her owne right oftentimes therby to declare her affection to them whome she loueth especially when the holding of her to her owne is like to bring discredite vnto that whiche she loueth In preseruing our cōmodities or our pleasures we alwayes followe them to the vttermoste of that which is lawfull we driue our commodities as far alwayes as by any meanes may be accounted lawfull and if at any time wee bee accused of hard dealinge wee aunswere it is a couenaunt a plaine bargaine true buying and selling it is lawfull as if loue vnto the Gospell if it were in vs would not make vs sometimes to giue in and relent of that we might demaund to get credit therevnto and to stop the mouthes of the euil speaker and slaunderer when we see that wee cannot holde that but wee must procure euil speeche to our profession Likewise when we are charged with excessiue vsing of recreations or apparell forthwith we answere recreations are lawfull apparell is lawfull wee may vse it But loue seeketh not all that it may When our profession is euil spoken of the Gospel blamed to be a doctrine of libertie should not the loue therevnto make vs ceasse to seeke all that wee may and beginne to inquire what is most conueniēt to purchase glorie to God withall When those which striue for maysteries are desireous to get the garland and haue a loue therevnto they doe not sit downe to reckon how many kindes of meates they may lawfully feede vppon and yet be able to run with some speede but they consult how many they had neede to absteine from that they may be likely to preuaile and get commendation by running Thus hath loue taught them to defraude them selues of many sweete morsels which lawfully they might take to inioy but some corruptible thing For loue seeketh not all it may but forgoeth much of her right for their pleasure whom she so greatly liketh Miserable therfore are these times wherein so many go further in pleasures and commodities then by any lawful meanes they may doe and the better sort stand at the staues end with God not yeelding one iote of those profites or pleasures that by any colour of lawfulnes they can lay claime vnto notwithstanding his name that is so euill spoken of for this obstinate vse of their libertie doth euen begge it at their hands that they should relente of their right and something giue in vnto their god Where are they to be founde whome the care of their brethren doeth so occupie that it taketh them vp from some of their lawfull commodities pleasures and cares to bee occupyed the more where their loue resteth Loue is full of paines where it loueth therefore doeth the Apostle giue laboure and labouriousnesse vnto it as the proper note to discerne it wherevnto accordeth that which is set downe heere that it is so much occupied where it loueth that oftentimes it neglecteth it selfe This propertie of loue notably descrieth idle and carelesse pastors and preachers of the word whiche so much seeke thēselues that they neglect their flock and charges wheras if there were loue in deed towards them it would beget in them the care thereof euen with the neglect of them selues in respect of the care and paines taken with them This propertie must euery man try him selfe by in his calling whatsoeuer For if the Lord shall accepte of our dealings therein it is mete requisite that they be done in loue which is ful of seruice paine towards that which it loueth To relent of our right vnto God for his glorie is no work of supererogatiō which we are not boūd vnto as the church of Rome hath taught but due debte For we doe owe loue vnto God from the
nor yet what mercie is in Christe For beeing ignoraunt of the seuerall parcels they doe iudge amisse of the whole and therefore of the greatnesse of that benefite that hath discharged all Those men that are not acquainted with the often sighte of their seuerall sinnes by the lawe and commaundementes may fitly bee compared to a man that hath some sore in his body which he discerneth by some little hole appearing in the skinne yet so as he maketh nothing of it neither thinketh to be any greate benefite to be cured thereof for it appeareth to him to bee verye little by reason of the small quantitie of skinne that is broken but after that it beeing searched and lanced there is knowen to be so muche dead fleashe about it as beeing taken out maketh the hole tenne times greater then before then hee beginneth to thinke what daunger hee is in for the decay of his whole bodie if that parte bee not well healed and therefore taketh it for a greate and singular benefite to be cured thereof whiche before he did nothing at all esteeme No lesse necessarie is it for vs by searching into our seuerall corruptions by euery commaundemente to cutt away the dead fleashe of carelessenesse and good lyking of our estate or at the leaste of findeing no greate lacke in it whiche hindereth the true enterteyning of the free mercies of Christe For it is the burthen that wee feele of sinne by the lawe whiche maketh grace sweete and acceptable vnto vs and they that be loaden with the weight of sinne bee those whome the Lorde hath promised to ease as it is written in Matthew Come vnto mee all yee that are wearie and loaden and I will ease you For what are they that doe not well perceiue in what a miserable condition they should bee without him can neuer rightly esteeme of him One contrarie maketh an other better knowen Libertie is neuer so swete as when it commeth immediately after bondage One day of libertie is more made of while the burthen of bondage is fresh in memorie then two dayes are after when there is no remembrance lefte of the former condition It is miserie that maketh a right account of mercie It is miserie that maketh mercie to be mercie The lawe must let vs see our miserie that we may haue right regarde of mercie If it were so expedient for Paule to haue the messinger of Sathan to buffet him lest he should be exalted out of measure for the abundaunce of Gods giftes that praying often that it might departe from him he could not be heard to haue it taken cleane away as appeareth to the Corinth how necessarie is it for vs that are in much more daunger then he to bee exalted with the liking of our selues to be kept humble with the continuall sight of our infirmities in the lawe that we exalte not our selues against the free grace of our God In the booke of Iob it appeareth that the Lord to hyde the pride of man vsually bringeth them into some one great affliction or other and that sundrie times For there it is saide that GOD will worke thus twise or thrise with a man that he may turne back his soule from the pit For these are the wordes of the text in that place This doctrine vtterly ouerthroweth them that rest in their workes looking for righteousnes and iustification from their owne deseruings good deedes because they haue kept the lawe of God in their owne opinion and therefore may iustly lay clayme to eternall life for those their good deedes This doctrine also condemneth all secure men that haue no sense of sinne For the lawe should so lay open vnto vs the soares of our sinnes that the verie sight thereof might sende vs to Christe For the ende of it is so to charge vs with our owne woful estate that we may be driuen to giue ouer the strongest holde that we haue whiche is the opinion of our selues and fortifie our selues in Christ in his mercies alone It is the greatest worke of the Lorde to win this hold at our hands yet if we remaine in it we are but dead men and caste away euerie one of vs The Lord therefore meaning to hyde vs in his mercies and there to make a sure safe harboroughe for vs doeth shoote off this warning peece of the lawe so to shake this ruinous holde of our owne good deedes that we seeing in deede the weakenesse thereof may take vs to his mercies alone a holde that will holde in deede The practise of sathan by the Lawe is in extremities for either he woulde driue vs to despaire thereby or else touch vs not at all therewith But we are learned out of the worde of God that the office of the lawe is to ioyne vs to Christe and to keepe vs from bothe these rockes of securitie and despaire whiche are two daungerous rockes and therefore needefull for all men to take heede of in this voyage of Christianitie For either of them bothe doeth threat to make shipwracke of our saluation Let vs therefore require of the Lawe to do that which vnto it apperteineth that it would so let vs see our selues that we be no longer carelesse of our estate which must needes be vntill that warning peece haue awakened vs and scared vs out of our selues But if it shal presume to deal further with vs to driue vs to despaire remēber that that is more then it hath in cōmission for the law is charged with no more saue this so to humble vs that Christ may receiue vs For as an euill bodie must be prepared before the physicke that shal do good must be ministred so must the lawe by true humbling of vs and purging these hautie humours that we be full of make way for the medicine of his mercie to worke well vpon vs This doctrine giueth God his true mercie for to giue vnto them that be vnworthie is a thing worthie and beseeming God Dare indignis res magè digna Deo. It giueth vnto him true iustice for it ascribeth vnto him suche iustice and righteousnesse as no righteousnesse that is found in man is able to stande with all but muste yelde and giue ouer But the doctrine of the Churche of Rome offendeth bothe against his mercie and iustice ascribing neither perfect mercie nor righteousnesse vnto God. For it is no mercie to helpe him that hathe deserte in him selfe to be holpen that is iustice Neither is that iustice perfect and beseeming GOD that mans can matche withall and stande without checke before it That lifteth man too high abaseth God too lowe The law then teacheth vs true humilitie letteth vs see that it was the free and vndeserued goodnesse of God that hath begone whatsoeuer holinesse and righteousnesse of life is in vs Moreouer when we shal be assured that we haue verie well profited in Christianitie it is also necessarie for vs to beholde our selues often in the
Iames that he that doubteth and wauereth is like a waue of the sea tost of the winde carried away which shall not receiue any thing of the lord Yet herein we are to be admonished that we doe not take either that anguish and feare of the fleshe in daunger and trouble or yet the weakenesse and feeblenesse of faithe to be that wandering that the Apostle speaketh of For feare and anguishe in trouble weakenesse also in faith are euer to be founde in fleshe and wil not be vtterly remoued so long as we abide in this mortal life That prayer that by faith holdeth out and continueth notwithstanding this feare of the fleshe and feeblenesse of faith to sollicite the Lorde is sure to speede of her purpose at the last For patience wil bring experience of his goodnesse and experience bringeth hope for by continuing our prayers to the Lorde in the time of trouble we are sure to finde suche mitigation thereof as not onely maketh it so tollerable that it may be borne but also leadeth vs to a further hope in that experience of mitigation alreadie had whiche thing is better learned with vse then it can be made plaine by any rule Onely we haue to take heede lest we should let goe the experience of his goodnesse towardes vs either in hauing taken away trouble at our request or else in hauing asuaged the rage thereof for experience strongly vpholdeth hope and mightily battereth downe despaire And nowe to incourage vs to prayer we haue not onely a commaundement for it whiche maketh our obedience herein better then a sacrifice offered vnto God our contempt and neglecte of prayer sinne and rebellion against God but also most plentiful and louing promises to allure vs with assured hope of rewarde as it is written in Matthewe Aske and it shal be giuen you Knocke and it shal be opened Seeke and ye shall finde What man is there among you whiche if his sonne aske him bread would giue him a stone If ye then which are euil can giue to your children good giftes howe muche more shall your Father whiche is in heauen giue good things to them that aske him These promises whiche are grounded in the mercies of God haue made the godlie conceiue hope to pray vnto him and not their owne worthinesse nay they haue turned away their eyes from the feare of their owne sinnes after the hope of these promises made in mercie vnto his A notable example wherof we haue in Genesis where Iacob after he confessed that he was not worthie the least of those benefites whiche he had alreadie receiued yet notwithstanding is imboldened to pray for other benefites because God had promised The promises of God are founded in his mercie and therefore perfourmed because of his mercie These promises made al the godly that euer were in any age bolde to pray We therefore hauing the same promises haue also the same hope and holde of his mercies that they had and the same cōmendation of our cause and suites whatsoeuer For all their hope did hang and depend vppon the goodnesse of God promised in his word therefore let vs not be guiltie of so greate sinne againste our owne soules as to be disobedient by our neglect of prayer to the lawe and commandement of our God neither yet so iniurious vnto the Lord as through infidelitie and mistrust to call into question the veritie of his worde and trueth of his promises which are perfourmed vnto vs in our mediatour and redeemer Christ Iesus in whom all the promises are fulfilled When the question is then of our vnwoorthinesse let vs call to minde that there was neuer any man vpon the earth no Saint or seruaunt of God howe holie or blessed so euer that was heard for himselfe or had the promises perfourmed vnto him in respect of his owne worthinesse but onely in and for Christe to whome the promises were made who is the heire of all things as it is written to the Hebrues and therefore no man hathe true title to any promise of blessednes but in his name and for him because he is a part and member of Christ who is Lord of all hath true title therevnto Our hope ariseth in the right of Christe our clayme is good in his title our comfort commeth by his interest We beeing therefore members partes of him haue lawfull title in his name who is the true and lawfull heire of all the inheritaunce notwithstanding that in any title that we can shewe for our selues as from our selues we remaine without hope of any help or comfort by suite to recouer any thing at all a deede of gifte being before made vnto the Lord Iesus of that inheritance and all that belongeth therevnto Euerie gifte and graunt that is made passeth in his name and whatsoeuer suite is recouered apperteining to our happie estate it is entred likewise in the title right of him and is giuen vnto vs because we are members of him The firste Chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians maketh plaine proofe hereof that we haue no spirituall blessing but in Christe because we are his and in him whom the father hath appointed the lawful inheritour of all thinges It is in plaine wordes affirmed by the Apostle to the Corinthes that the faithfull are by the appointment of God the Father in Iesus Christe who is made vnto them as before wee haue heard wisedome righteousnes holinesse redemption that he who will glorie may glorie in the Lord. Those therefore that enter their suites and petitions to God the Father in the title and right of any Saint Angel or Apostle whatsoeuer whether they passe in their names alone or in Christe his name and theirs together they enter their suite amisse and therefore shall neuer profite by it They take vpō them to frustrate that graunt made from God the Father to Iesus Christ alone making an alienation thereof vnto others at their owne will and pleasure cancelling that deed of gifte and forging a newe wherein the virgine Marie and others are made parteners with him affirming that the suites and petitions must proceede in their name also as well as his That blasphemous prayer of theirs is not vnknowen vnto any Tu per Thomae sanguinem quem pro te impendit fac nos Christe scandere quo Thomas ascendit Thou Christ for that bloud whiche Thomas for thee did spend make vs clyme thether whither Thomas did ascende If they woulde qualifie their speeche their owne practise will condemne them For they haue prayed to bee accepted in the title right and deseruing of the Sainctes making mediatours to him who is for vs alreadie and our alone mediatour in deede making him as a straunger or enimie rather to be appeased by others when as in verie deede hee is our best and deerest friende appointed our mediatour and standing on our part to appease other Whose affection that it standeth better towardes
tempest or health doeth succeede sicknesse when deliuerance commeth after imprisonment or plentie after pouertie These are so often sene by experience to come one after an other that notwithstanding men haue in their distresse prayed for them yet hardly can they be brought to think that they are blessings graunted to faithful prayer but rather imagine that they are thinges cast heere and there vpon men at aduenture And therefore where men are in those or such like distresses they hardly or not at all conceiue any hope to he heard Seldome doe they make any sute vnto God in faith especially if those afflictions lay sore vpon them but the children of God knowing that they are promised to haue the Lorde neere vnto them in all that they shall call vnto him for and that they shal be heard for the thing of the day vpon his day as their occasion requireth so doe they seeke vnto the Lord beeing sure in continuance to finde comforte at his hands and why they knowe assuredly that the Lord will haue his mercie and power tryed and seene heere vppon the earth in hearing the requestes of his in their distresse that by that meanes hee may bee truely feared and honoured of them according as it is proued in the booke of Kinges and also that by his hearing of their petitions in those their distresses they may be confirmed in the persuasion that GOD fauoureth them remitteth their sinnes and beeing at one with them is fauourably inclined vnto them in all their needfull demaunds Whosoeuer shall diligently consider of the places of Scripture in the olde Testament applied by the Apostle to the forgiuenes of sinns shall easily perceiue that the godlie haue taken their deliueraunce from their distresses as pledges of the remission of their sinnes and assuraunces that God for Christe was at one with them For their temporall blessings were not receiued of them but as confirmations of his reconciliation with them whiche proueth that which was said before that the Lord heareth the prayer of his in their necessitie to strengthē their faith in the remission of sinnes and persuasion that GOD for Christ is beecome fatherly affected towardes them his promises being visibly confirmed to them In Deuteronomie there are promises made vnto them that do giue diligent heede vnto the law and commandements of God to obey them that they shal be blessed in the fruit of their body in the fruit of their cattel in their comming in and going out in all that they shall put their handes vnto in causing their enimies that rise against them to fall before their face and the cause is added in the tenth verse in these wordes Then all the people of the earth shall see that the name of the Lorde is called vppon ouer thee and they shall be affrayde of thee It is therfore moste assured that the Lord will be seene to bee the GOD of his and to haue a kingdome heere vppon earth by graunting them their requestes when they shall call vppon him in their distresse by leauing outwarde blessings as plaine confirmations of his inwarde heartie good will that he beareth towardes them And for this cause doe his people craue those temporall benefites euen that it may bee seene that he ruleth vppon earth standing by his as he hath promised Wherefore whensoeuer their enimies oppresse them or by the want of any his accustomed benefites they seeme not to bee regarded of the Lord they cōplaine vnto him not so much in the consideration of their necessitie as in regarde of his glorie vsing these such like kind of speeches Wherfore should the Heathen say Where is now their GOD As if their chiefe care were to haue the Lorde his glorie vpholden in the confirmation of his goodnesse promised vnto his whiche is called into doubt of the vngodlie while they see those that accounted thēselues for his in affliction and oppression necessitie and want as if they were not regarded of him wherby the vngodly are imboldened the more to oppresse the righteous by calling into question the trueth of his promises made vnto his confirmed the rather in the continuing of their disobedience Very fitly therefore is the hallowing of his name the comming of his kingdome and the doeing of his wil set before the request of outwarde necessities because wee should demaund them rather in respect of his glorie that he might therby haue a name and kingdome here in earth and his wil perfourmed rather then wee to haue therein our alone necessitie releeued The godly in like manner returne the whole praise vnto him euen whē those things are graunted vnto them that seeme to be moste casuall and to come at aduenture Therfore in that Psalme before mentioned they are willed to praise the Lord and to tel vnto others what he hath done for thē when those things which seeme to be meere casuall and comming by fortune and chaunce are obteyned which clause of praysing the Lord and telling vnto others what thinges he hath graunted at the requestes of their prayers is added in the psalme vnto the end of euery seuerall benefite graunted vnto thē But al men cōceiue not this doctrin they are his children alone who in hart are assured that these which cōmonly we cal casual things are disposed by him at the pleasure of his will graūted as pledges of his goodwill to those that in trueth call vpon him and therfore in the last verse of that psalme it is said Who is wise that he may obserue these things because they be onely his children that haue this wisdome to obserue this to mark it to knowe that he disposeth these outwarde things to the good of his as pledges of his fatherly goodnes towards them and therfore they onely call vpon him for them in faith and in receiuing them doe assuredly in their heart reckon them as benefites receiued of him confirming their faith therby in the assurance of his especiall goodwill towards them By this that hath bene said it doth appeare that when we are oppressed with anguish of heart or vexed with any calamitie either of bodie or minde wee haue to seke our remedie at the hands of the Lord by prayer in assured hope to receiue no smal comfort thereby if in faith and hope of his mercies we continue in calling vppon his name It is a very hard matter and the worke of faith alone when a man is sore distressed seeth no means to escape then to call vpon God with faith and hope of beeing heard and if help shall come it is as hard a matter to ascribe it vnto the mercies of God as the fruit of prayer and an assured token of his goodwil rendering from the ground of our hart the praise that is due vnto him for it and strengthening our faith therby in the persuasiō of his mercies towards vs The seruāt of God glorifieth God in these things acknowledging from his hearte that God is the giuer
almightie creator And if there be acknowledgement of superioritie ouer vs to the thing that we shal sweare by as is witnessed by the holie Ghoste then as we may not sweare by Heauen Earthe or any other creature muche lesse may wee by Masse Mattens Roode or such like we will put the honour of the Almightie vpon them and take them as our God who onelie hath superioritie ouer vs to iustifie righteousnesse and to bring the wickednesse of the wicked vpon his head whiche thing in our othe we do acknowledge to belong vnto him by whōe we sweare When Almightie God promiseth by his Prophet Hosea to receiue the Israelites to fauour again after their affliction he saith that he wil take away the names of their Idols out of their mouth thei shuld be no more remēbred by their names These things may suffice to teach vs that the Lord cannot beare the dishonour of his name but will haue that vpholden in honour and reuerence without suffering it either to lie open vnto the cōtempt of godlesse persons or vnto the spoyle of Idolaters who breaking it vpon his glorie do beautifie and set out his creatures with the ornamentes thereof This commaundement likewise reacheth particularly to all of them whiche neglecte any of those meanes that God hath commaunded vs to vse either for the welfare of our soule or bodie For the wordes and workes of his wisedome may not be refused as vaine needelesse but must with all humilitie be imbraced that in our so doeing his wisdome may be honoured who hath appointed those to be the meanes whereby he will conueye his mercie towards vs the neglect whereof chargeth the Lord with want of wisedome in ordeyning them Here falleth to the grounde the wicked and blasphemous opinions of the Anabaptistes Libertines and the feigned Familie of loue who are growen to suche a magnifying of grace brought as they say by the reuelation of the spirit as the wisdome of God in his worde is of small or no account with them in deede but as if it were a needeles matter or had no certeintie in it it is wholy transformed into their spirite made to speake accordingly The nature of man is in this cōmandement corrupted as in the rest doing the thinges which he doeth to God without all awe and feare of his word It behoueth the man therfore that wil truely trie him selfe to searche into his life and wel to consider what manifest contempte there hathe beene in him of the name and honour of God in stubbernely standing againste the authoritie of his word while he hath willingly neglected to be admonished and aduised thereby what contempt of his honour he hath giuen forth in common swearing and vsual oathes that either directly or indirectly reach to the glorie of God euen to the wounding of him in the same Moreouer it behoueth him to consider what carelesnesse there hath beene and what little regard in his best doings to haue them so soundly throughly done as vnto the honour of God doth apperteine where the diligent paines carefull and through dealing in matters that touch his owne name shal be a sufficient light to disclose his halting with the lord For the corruption of mans heart is so great and so hidden that all meanes almost are to few to vtter it therfore it is requisite that we vse al the meanes we may in that behalfe Let a man in this examination wel consider whether there hath beene any suche feare or care to auoide things forbidden and to do things commanded him by the word wherein consisteth the glorie of God as there hath ben while his own honor is in hand and his owne name called to question at any time whether he hath delt in dueties appointed him by God with feare and care lest the Lorde through his infirmitie shuld be foyled his name dishonoured whiche coulde not haue beene wanting if his owne estimation had beene in hazarde that he may be brought to the sight of his Sonne For when it pleaseth God to cal any to the hope of his kingdome hee letteth them see their corruption to be so great in these and suche other kindes of dishonor that they haue done vnto him as that their harte is forced to appeale vnto the mercie of God fastening themselues to it vtterly giuing ouer their owne obedience Whiche mercie of God they so stay vppon and are so comfortable in that it prouoketh them no longer to neglect the name and glorie of their God but with all reuerence to submit themselues to the gouernement of his word alwayes endeuouring to better their obedience towardes his lawe because it tendeth to the glorie of his name wherein howe greate so euer their profiting be yet this corruption whiche cleaueth so fast vnto them cānot but continue in them stil an humbled and lowly harte euen in all their blessings while they clearely perceiue them by the sight of their corruption to be the vndeserued graces and gyftes of their god Their offending also whatsoeuer cannot be without the great grief of their hart because they see it to be with the dishonour of him who hath abased himselfe to the deathe of the Crosse to worke the honour and aduauncement of them We are therefore brethren diligently to learne to waxe wearie of those wayes that would depart from the reuerence and honouring of the Lord in not fearing to offend againste his word because it is written He that despiseth the worde he shal be destroyed but he that feareth the commandement shal be rewarded Let vs learne to become careful in the duties which are appointed vs by the worde for the Lorde will not holde them guiltlesse that are secure therein We can not beare good heart vnto the Lord if we let his honour fall to the ground among vs it is his mercie that doth vouchsafe vs this fauour to be trusted with his honour Can it want then iust reproche if we shal be tried to be senselesse in this point It drewe teares from Dauid that the wicked kept not his lawe can we see our owne liues and the liues of those committed vnto vs wandring from the wayes of life and hungerly in the contempt of the worde pursuing after death and yet for all that neuer to be touched with it especially seeing the dishonour of our God dependeth vpon it It should vexe vs that the gospell hathe beene so long time with so litle fruite among vs that the instruments of his grace that haue gayned so many in former times vnto God shuld not only not preuail in many but euen receiue discredite and dishonour among men and that the litle fruite appearing in our liues shoulde call into question the veritie of Gods gospel being in fruite and effect so vnlike in many vnto that it hathe beene in former times A Christian should go to the dueties laide vpon him by the word with the like minde that a good souldiour goeth
subiect our selues in modestie vnto them euen he that hath more vnto him that hath lesse as it is written to the Philippians In meekenesse of minde let euerie man esteeme another better then himselfe And to the Romanes In giuing of honour let one go before another There is as great a cause why the aged shuld be honoured in his knowledge long time experienced in good thinges as the young man for the ripenesse of his witte and therefore men must mutually reuerence the gyfts of their fellow brethren if loue and liking shall be any longe time mutuallie vpholden That is the cause why in the same verse when the Apostle had persuaded vs to brotherly loue immediately hath these wordes In giuing of honour go one before another as if the one would not long continue where there were not the other There is no one thing that our nature can lesse like of then to be vnder contempt and that nothing should be espied in vs for the whiche men woulde regarde vs wherefore it standeth all vpon to trauell so in finding out the goodnesse of the gyftes and graces of GOD in other as their hartes may in vnfeignednesse yelde reuerence therevnto and also thereby to make a defence against infirmities whiche wil be in flesh and bloud that there may be bearing and forbearing one of another by loue reuerent regarde had to the gyftes of Gods grace in them Our nature is no better inclined in dueties towardes men then it is as before we haue learned in dueties towardes god For we are giuen to seeke to haue our selues honoured in our calling or gyft whatsoeuer but litle to regard nay euen to enuie the honour of others whiche we shall then discerne when any shal be compared with vs and made either superiours or else equals vnto vs And therefore when it pleaseth God to call any of his vnto the hope of his kingdome he letteth them see their corruption euen in this commandement so as they are forced by the sense and feeling thereof to giue ouer the claime of saluation in the title of their workes whiche haue no promise if they doe not perfourme the whole lawe and euerie worke thereof throughout the whole course of their life For it is written in Deuteronomie Cursed is hee that confirmeth not all the wordes of this lawe to do them And I would willingly learne what man there is that can truely say that he hath neither done nor yet left vndone any thing either to his superiour or inferiour to men of greater gyfts or lesse thē him selfe which did bewray want of honouring of them from his hart The lord also causeth those whom he calleth both carefully to stand in watch against their infirmitie lest it should burste forthe to the dishonour of God likewise more hartily to require a readie and willing affection to procure the honour of his name by walking duetifully in this commandement And if the outward work of this commaundemēt should be attended vpon of any neuer so diligently yet Gods glorie not sought therein it would profite vs nothing For if we giue men their due and in the meane time deny the Lorde his what auayleth it vs Therefore those former foure pointes wherein his glorie consisteth conteyned in the former commaundements must of necessitie be ioyned with all duties vnto men which are First that we acknowledging all our welfare to come from the Lorde alone doe depend wholy and only vpon him Secondly that in loue of him for his mercyes wee begin to obey him after his word Thirdly that his glorie beeing the marke we shoot at make vs carefull in all our works so to do them as he may haue honour by them Fourthly and last of all that in true acknowledging and trauaile in subduing of our owne corruptions whiche will not altogether bee sundred from our wayes and workes we humble our selues in our best obedience that the Lord may alwayes reteine the praise of the free and vndeserued working of his grace Now let vs pray vnto our heauenly father that we may truely see and bewaile the little reuerence and regarde that we haue had bothe to superiours and inferiours becomming thereby not onely vnthankfull vnto them but also vnto the Lord who hath placed such graces for our benefite in them and let vs craue of him that we may not onely obteine more power to suppresse the same but also may be inabled from him to send abroade suche fruites of true reuerence and honour as may come to the sight hearing of many to the great praise of his name The sixte Lecture vpon the thirteenth verse 13 Thou shal not kill THe former commandement hath giuen forth instruction for particular callinges from whiche by reason of more particular imploying of benefites mutualy one vpon another there ariseth more particular duetie of the one vnto the other then that which euerie common man may claime vnto himselfe Nowe we are to be instructed in those dueties that generally we doe owe vnto all men amongst whiche this cōmandement of not killing hath the first place wherein we are forbidden to do any violence iniurie or wrong to the bodie life of our neighbour and commanded to defend mainteine and cherish the same It is to be obserued that the Lorde bidding vs shewe foorth loue vnto our neighbours hath not left it vnto vs to deuise wherein to pleasure them but hath set downe what things are most deare vnto them that by our helpe giuen for the preseruation of those thinges safe vnto them and in benefiting them therin they may haue true triall of the loue and affection that we beare vnto them Our neighbour therefore in this consideration is not shut vp in the alone fleshe bloud of the man but the duties of neighbourhode reache vnto the life and bodie wife goodes and good name of the man Neither is loue the not hating or not hurting of a man but the helping and furthering of him to receiue more comfort in those thinges aboue recited ouer the whiche euerie man is so tender that beeing in any of those annoyed he can no longer account him selfe as a man loued or regarded of the authours therof For he himselfe is vpholden in life and liking by the comfort of them The Lorde in forbidding murder forbiddith also all violence crueltie and wrath towardes our neighbour labouring in the detestation of this greatest euill to worke in vs a hatred towardes all that be of any affinitie with it and therefore not letting vs see them but in that fourme which may most feare vs from them putting vpon them al that feareful fourme of murder The punishment of the offences against this commandement wil help vs to iudge the greatnes of the same Touching the murderer it is said in Leuiticus He that killeth any man he shal be put to death Violence bursting foorth into extremities of dealing in the olde lawe was punished with the like of that
lust desire and concupiscence that we may be confounded in our selues vtterly that our deliuerie may be from the gates of death that we may knowe how that our saluation consisteth in his meere grace for we can hardly be brought to begge abrode till all reliefe be spent at home There is no daunger in the feeling and acknowledgeing of our pouertie for the Lord hath promised that if those that be heauie loaden with sin shall come vnto him they shall be refreshed neither was there euer found any that despayred who before had not thought too well of him selfe All the daunger is on the other side least wee not taking those to be no sinnes which are sinnes in deed so thinking better of our selues then there is cause should in iustice be iudged of the Lord because we would not proceede by a right rule to iudge our selues By this that wee haue heard it is plaine that a Christian must walke in feare and care not onely to consent to euil towards his neighbour but also to be stirred and pricked with any bee it neuer so little or small a delight therevnto and that our thoughts are poysoned and therefore the daunger great in the not bridling of thē The thing then commaunded is to bring our desires thoughts and delights vnto the good and benefite of our brethren in matters wherein they are to be benefited that we bring not only hands to do wel to our neighbours but also heartes thoughts desires lusting longing and delighting therein according as the apostle testifieth of him selfe that he was delighted with the law of God according to the inner man whervnto accordeth the holie Ghost in the Prouerbs in these wordes It is ioy to the iust to doe iudgement Many haue bene brought to do outward things in them selues good which neuer had any ioyfull desire in them to glorifie God with them but the holie ghost worketh in his not onely a chaunge of workes but also an alteration of thoughtes desires and delights that their desires may be holden within that whiche is good Wherin it behoueth a Christian to be carefull euen thus to transforme his delights not taking it sufficient if hee shall haue brought them at any time from that which was euill vntill he haue ioyned them to that which is good Let our care be increased this way to haue suche desire and delight vnto that whiche is good as may reteine our thoughts and kepe them diligently occupied in suche seruices Be it far from vs to think that the grace of GOD onely reacheth vnto the deede and ful consent letting desires and thoughts take their libertie in their corruption We muste confesse as the trueth is that his grace not onely bridleth thoughts frō rushing into that which is euil but also giueth them a sweete taste in that which is good and holdeth them greatly therevnto There is no man will denie but that we ought to delight in that which is good and surely if the delight be once taken in doing good vnto our neighbour it will gather the thoughtes together and assemble them to that ioy delight If when the delight is wicked the thoughtes are spent therevppon surely if the desire bee chaunged the thoughts also wil resorte greately thither Let vs therefore seeke after the grace of GOD not onely to season our deeds but also our thoughts delights therewith that our studie and thoughts may be occupied in that which is acceptable to him For if some deeds shal at starts be done of vs but the heart neuerthelesse vnchaunged in desires delights it shall not profit vs The vnderstanding that Christians haue of their estate how it fareth betwene God and them is better taken and hath surer profe and more certeyne testimonie from their desires and inwarde affections vnto the lawe of GOD then from their outwarde doeing of things commaunded by the lawe Euil things may be left vndone for feare of punishment for desire of commendation or auoyding of euill speech or for that wee are not tempted with them when notwithstanding the heart shall not in any respect mislike of them Good things also may bee done for praise of man for hope of merites with God when yet the affection shall nothing bee moued that way And this is nothing before God to auoyde euill from thy hand but to embrace it neuerthelesse in thy heart or to doe good with thy hand without any desire of the heart So that bothe in euill deedes left vndone and also in good deedes done we may be deceiued But if the inwarde affection of the heart stand desireously affected after that which GOD hath commaunded vs to doe vnto men and hatefully affected towardes that which God hath forbidden this chaunge cannot be wrought there but by the spirite of GOD alone As for the praise or dispraise of the people it reacheth nothing so farr Let vs then embrace this desire vnto the dueties commaunded vs not giueing any rest vnto the Lorde in our prayers before we shall obteine this inwarde testimonie whiche is aboue all exception to be taken against it and without the which outwarde doeinges are of no account before the Lord who looketh into the affections of man and embraceth a cherefull and delightfull giuer Heere are those men confuted that would driue affections out of the fleashe and kil nature attempting such things as vtterly tend to destroy it as if the nature of man shuld by regeneration becōe altered into the nature of Angels wheras regeneration killeth not nature but restoreth and repayreth it destroyeth not the affections but transfourmeth them from that euill which naturally they are inclined vnto into that which is good commaunded of GOD. The angrie man may not thinke his conuersion and regeneration to be good if hee shall bende him selfe neuer to be moued with any thing at all but if that heate which sometimes hee felte vnto euill be now as feruent vnto that whiche is good then is his conuersion approued before god The couetous man is not then conuerted when he shall haue driuen all desire thirst after worldly commodities out of his minde vnlesse that desire be repaired in him to bestowe and vse those commodities as GOD hath commaunded Neither is that man gone straight way out of the worlde that hath betaken him selfe to a wildernes and cloyster to haue no dealings in the world but he that in dealings of the world hath kept him selfe vnspotted of the world vsing the things therof as if hee vsed them not hee may truely say he hath left the worlde In all these dueties towarde our neighbours we may neuer forget this which hath partely bene touched before that if it were possible for vs to perfourme all dueties vnto men and yet not doe them in obedience vnto God according vnto the rules which before we haue learned it were vtterly to be abhorred For what auaileth it to deale wel with men and in the meane
lawe and commandements of God thereby to see what infirmities are still in vs that the Lord may haue the praise of his vndeserued mercie as wel for continuing his graces vndeseruedly as for beginning thē without any our desert For when we shal perceiue by true tryal in our selues what iust occasion the lord hath offered him on our part to stay or rather vtterly to giue ouer his merciful dealing towards vs we must acknowledge euen from our heart that the Lord hath taken the occasion to continue his graces towardes vs as well as to beginne them in vs from his free mercies alone and so from an humbled heart yeelde vnto him no lesse prayses for continuing then for beginning true holinesse in our heartes that he may haue whiche by good right doeth apperteine vnto him the whole glorie of our newe birth and regeneration What horrible wickednesse were it with the Chuche of Rome to part the praise of our Christian conuersation betweene God and vs whiche is wholy due vnto his vndeserued grace according as it is written in the Epistle to the Philippians It is God that worketh in you bothe the will and deede euen of his good pleasure This is spoken vnto them that had begone and continued also some good time in Christianitie that they should continue in feare and humilitie because God wrought in them euen of his owne good pleasure and not at the deserte of their obedience whiche may soone be perceiued to be true if we shall examine our selues by the Lawe and commaundementes of our God whiche thundereth out curses against him that shall not continue in all manner of obedience vnto the ende The lawe beeing looked truely vppon will let vs see muche required and commaunded and yet vnperfourmed of vs muche forbidden yet for all that done of vs and therfore many curses due vnto vs by our own deseruinges so that we shal be forced to confesse the greatnesse of his kindenesse that continueth through so great vnkindenesse of oures We may conclude then that in those who haue begone in simplicitie and singlenesse of heart to serue the Lorde the lawe hathe great vse and the often sight of themselues therein is verie necessarie not onely to be humbled vnder the freenesse and vndeseruednesse of his grace but also vnder the greatnesse of his goodnesse whiche is so muche knowen to be the more as our deserte is knowne and perceiued in our selues to be the lesse so muche the more tried to be mightie as it is well perceiued not to haue beene beaten backe by so great force of our sinne as we are well priuie vnto by tryall had of our selues in the lawe to haue stoode in the way against it Therefore to conclude this part the lawe and commandements of God truely beholden and considered do teache vs to giue vnto God the honour that is due vnto him as well for the free vndeserued beginning as for the free and vndeserued continuing of his mercies towardes vs that he that will glorie may glorie in the Lorde Moreouer this vse we haue of the lawe of God that by it we are truely directed into the way of life which of our selues we could neuer haue learned and so forewarned of these by-wayes of our owne deuising and deuotion whiche leade vnto destruction For it can neuer be lawfull that the rule to serue and please a maister by should come from his seruaunt who is to please and not from the maister himselfe who is to be pleased And therefore miserable should our estate haue beene if we should haue imagined that the rule for vs to serue and please God by were to be taken from our good intent and well meaning and not from the Lord our maister his good pleasure and liking If a maister should not haue prescribed his seruant what to doe or to leaue vndone there were more to be saide for his good meaning although it did goe from the good liking of his maister whiche was not vttered vnto him but when the maister shal make knowen his will and pleasure by his woorde there is no excuse lefte vnto good intent or good meaning when his pleasure made knowen and declared vnto the seruaunte from his owne mouthe shal be neglected and not accomplished by him The lawe therefore being the will of our maisster vttered from his owne mouthe teacheth vs truely and safely to serue him and stoppeth vppe that daungerous pitte of our good intente deuotion and good meaning a daungerous pitte to fall into at any time but nowe moste daungerous when we haue learned what is good deuotion and good meaning euen from the Lords owne mouthe There is also an other singular benefite whiche we haue by the lawe and seueral commandements of God which doeth remedie a mischiefe that is ouer rife in these dayes Many not of the worste sort of men content themselues generally to haue a liking of the word of God and a general good meaning towarde his commaundementes but neuer trauell to approue their heartes before GOD by profiting and goeing forwarde in the seuerall dueties of euerie seuerall commaundement whiche is well prouided for in the lawe where wee are charged with seuerall dueties vnto GOD and also vnto man so as the neglecte of any duetie sett foorth by the lawe redoundeth to the contempt of the Lord who is the lawgiuer The often perusing therfore of the seueral commandements doe bring vs from christianitie pretended in generall profession and meaning vnto Christianitie approued in particular practise of seuerall dueties drawing that vaine generall profession and liking vnto particular and seuerall well doeing It were a lewde practise of a seruaunt to pretend good liking of any thing that his maister should commaunde yet neuer to put his hande painefully to the executing of his seuerall charge There is nothing so common among many professours of the worde as to vpholde the credite of professing the Gospel and fauouring it not with careful following after the thinges giuen by name and particularly in charge vnto them but onely with their general liking or rather their not misliking therof as if this were good seruice to giue our maister leaue to commaunde as seemed good vnto him so wee might be at libertie to practise and doe as muche as like vs It is a Christians profession to vpholde Gods honour in what thing soeuer it is assaulted there specially where it is most assaulted in any he most weak to resist which kind of warfare as it is the best so is it well mainteyned by this light of the law For there we se by often true examination which of the walls of Gods glorie are moste battered in vs beat vpon by the aduersaries power whereby if there shal be any care in vs we shal be prouoked to bring all the helpe that we haue or can come by to that parte to strengthen it withall For to what purpose were it for vs the enimies entring in at one parte of the house
This is the reason why it seemeth madnes and extreme follie vnto his seruants whatsoeuer is not approued by his worde haue it neuer so strong reasons of mans wit to vpholde it withall It is not their wisdome they can see no witt in it For Christe is become wisedome vnto them and they haue learned no suche thinge of him in his word Therefore it is their wisedome to reiect such wisedome It is a merueylous thinge that any man who hath wit and reason should mislike that religion which hath nothing else in it but force of witt and strength of reason But let vs ceasse to meruaile and beginne to magnifie the goodnes of that God who vouchsafeth to become wisedome vnto his teaching them in his worde another manner of wisedome then that whiche is taught them of ther owne wit and reason Here ye see then the first benefite that commeth with Christe vnto his euen wisdome in his word Doe we meane to approue it before God man that we are called vnto the fellowshippe of Christ and become Christians in deede Let vs then become wise after his worde Let vs giue ouer our owne witt and reason in the gouerneing of our liues either towarde God or man and betake vs to his worde who is become our wisedome Let the worde of God dwel richely in vs in all wisedome teaching admonishing ourselues as we are commanded by the Apostle For if in our dealing with God or man we like well inough of the counsell had from our owne witt in vaine is this boaste made that Christe is become wisedome vnto vs For he pulleth his from the deuises of their owne witt in the ordering of their conuersation vnto the gouernment of his word letting them vnderstand and feele the want wretchednesse of the one and the sufficiencie and blessednesse of the other Christe as you see at his first comming chaungeth our wisedome this is his worke Where is then our frank and free will vnto that whiche is good when it is manifest wee cannot see what is good before Christe lighten vs who is become our wisedome Wee haue no will vnto any thing but that whiche our witt approueth and our iudgemente doeth embrace and good things can we not in iudgement imbrace and like before Christe who is our wisedome shall haue chaunged our iudgements If Christe must open our heartes and chaunge our mindes before wee can haue true wisdome and vnderstanding of good things which we must approue in iudgement before we haue a desire and wil vnto them in our affection it followeth necessarily that not from our selues but from Christe commeth all the free will which we haue vnto that which is in deede good For we haue no will vnto any thing but that whiche wee approue and like in our iudgement We can approue and like in our iudgement no good thinge before our iudgement be good Good iudgement wisdome we haue not of our selues but are taught it of Christe and haue it with him who is made our wisedome therefore the desire and will vnto good things wee haue not from our selues but from Christe amongst whose giftes the very formoste is that he giueth him selfe vnto vs when he giueth vs the knowledge of him selfe in his worde The second benefite that we receiue from God the father by Christe is Righteousnes For it is written as wee haue heard before that hee is made wisedome vnto vs and righteousnesse c. This righteousnes consisteth in two points The first is in discharging vs of our sinnes The second is in presenting vs blamelesse before his father in suche perfect obedience as the lawe cannot reproue nor iustely charge with any want This is perfourmed to vs in Christe who hath satisfied in his suffering for our sinnes and wrought our full discharge and also perfectly kept the whole lawe and euerie commaundement thereof in the behalfe of vs that be his For he being God and therefore aboue the lawe as Lorde and giuer therof needed not to haue become a subiect thervnto for him selfe Whereby it appeareth plainly that he went vnder that obedience in our name and for vs and that the same obedience of his is auaylable for vs that be his according as it is written to the Romanes in these wordes As by one man his disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many also be made righteous The tree must be good before the fruite be good and therefore wee our selues must bee righteous before any good fruite of righteousnesse proceede and come from vs The gift is neuer welcome when we can not abide the giuer neyther will the Lorde haue good liking of any thing that is oures before hee shall thinke well of vs Wee are therefore first to be setled by fayth as righteous in Christe before the Lorde will take in good parte any thing that shall proceede from vs Our roote was rotten in Adam and therefore brought foorth fruite accordingly We must therfore be grafted into Christ and then drawe power from him to bring foorth fruite that shall be pleasing vnto him and acceptable in his sight according as our Sauiour Christe sayth in Iohn As the braunch can not beare fruit of it selfe except it abide in the vine no more can ye except ye abide in me His seruants finde want of righteousnesse in them selues and therefore flee vnto him for righteousnesse They see so much in thē selues that they wel vnderstand that they cannot be accepted for thē selues and therfore sticke vnto the righteousnes of an other which is Christ Whē the question is then whervpon ariseth this diuersitie of iudgementes in men that one persuadeth him selfe that the cause why hee is acceptable to God first springeth of him selfe and an other number denyeth all that is in him selfe to haue beene any cause to make him accepted vnto God and dothe attribute the whole cause why he is acceptable vnto God vnto the righteousnes of Iesus Christ which is become theirs by fayth from hence wee haue an aunswere that may satisfie vs whiche is that Christe is made righteousnesse vnto his It is the worke of Christ in them to assure them to bee accepted for the righteousnesse of an other and to giue ouer all the holde that they haue by the reason of any thing that they shall haue doone them selues Our naturall wit and reason can not allow of that It is apparant therefore that wee haue an other scholemaister that doth teache vs this doctrine Can one man for his good workes that he hath done stand so strongly assured in his opiniō of saluation and to bee accepted for them that hee shall offer his ouerplus to helpe other withall and an other man that is not inferiour vnto this other neyther in wit reason nor good deedes so giue ouer all the hope of them that in flat deniall and vtter renouncing thereof he should lay clayme only to the righteousnesse that an other