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A02613 The ensamples of vertue and vice, gathered oute of holye scripture. By Nicolas Hanape patriarch of Ierusalem. Very necessarye for all christen men and women to loke vpon. And Englyshed by Thomas Paynell; Exempla Sacrae Scriptae ex utroque Testamento collecta. English Hannapes, Nicolas de, patriarch of Jerusalem, 1225-1291?; Paynell, Thomas.; Peraldus, Guilelmus, 13th cent. 1561 (1561) STC 12742; ESTC S103820 271,342 814

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The ensamples of Uertue and vice gathered oute of holye scripture By Nicolas Hanape patriarch of Ierusalem Uery necessarye for all christen men and women to loke vpon ¶ And Englyshed by Thomas Paynell Anno. 1561. To the moste noble most excellent and mooste vertuous Lady Elizabeth Quene of Englande Fraunce and Irelande defender of the faith c. Thomas Paynel wisheth all felicity ALthough youre gracious life to all mens iudgementes is so cleane and pure that it neade no maner of incitatyon or ensample of vertue to vertuous charitable liuinge yet when I bethought me how corrupt how caduke how bryttle and howe sliding from vertue to vice mans nature is euen from the beginning with how diuers and manifold instigations the concupiscences and lustes of this deceitfull worlde doth embrace and intangle mā with all and that our aduersary the deuill is moste vigilante and diligente daily to deuoure the soul of manne and to alure him to his waies and tradityons ● Peter 5. I estemed it irreprehensible if I your daily orator shuld at any tyme I say not quicken youre grace for tha● were but lost labor but exhort your grace to the continuance of your godly and vertuous liuing and iudged my sel● vnblameable if I in this tempes●ious and blustryng time shuld send your grace as it were an anker or a staffe to stay you by and fermely to stablyshe your grace least that your grace should that God forbid wauer or slide from the Catholike and true faith of God from his true and liuelye worde or from the trace of your charitable and vertuous liuinge For who is sure to stand fast and not to fal Paule saith Let him that standeth take heede he fall not Or who can say I am without syn or my harte is cleane What is more surer then to auoide thys fall than to leane to thinfallible and mighty word of God than to ensue the life of Christ our sauior and redeamer and the ensamples and vndoubted hystories gathered out of holy scripture by me your highnes most hable obedient subiect trāslated for the vtilitye consolation of the vnlearned into english this is doubtlesse a verye profitable colection and the anker staffe that I spake of containing most compendiously the wonderfull miracles the noble historyes the worthy actes the wise sayinges the politike stratagemes the wicked cōspiracies the due obedience faith and fidelitye of a christian with other innumerable and meruelous thynges and the parables of all scripture Rede it therfore most gratious Ladye and take good holde at the godlye ensamples and doctrines there of for in so doing youre grace shall not neade to slide from the faithe of Christe nor yet from the trace of youre godlye and vertuous life but shall stand as Christes souldier against sathan the worlde and the flesh to your eternal felicity and comfort most victoriously For where there is no pain nor battaile there can be no victory nor no triumphe For Sayncte Paule saithe Act. 14. that we throughe muche tribulation and payne must enter into the kingdom of God And again he saithe 2. Cor. 4 that this our tribulation and aduersity which is momentanye and light prepareth an exceadynge and an eternall waight of glory vnto vs yea and that a crowne of righteousnesse is laide vp for all those that suffer tribulation and aduersity 1. Timo. 4. and haue fought a good fyghte and haue kepte their faith the which our Lord that is a righteous iudge shall geue vnto all theym that loue his comming And for as much as this our slidinge life is as it were but a warfare and a continual battail against our ghostly enemi the deuil fight ye must yea and that earnestly and continually euen to the latter end for so your grace shal ouerturne sathan your enemye moste victoriouslye and be crowned with the crowne of eternal ioy and felicity ¶ An exhortation to the study of holy scripture THou shalt shewe thy sonne in that daye saying Deute 12. Thys is that which our Lord did vnto me when I came oute of Egipt And it shall be as a signe vnto thee vpon thine hād and for a remēbraunce before thine eyes that our Lordes law may be alwayes in thy mouthe For in a strong hand our lord brought thee out of Egipt Ye shall not do that that semeth good in your owne eyes Deute 13. but that I commaund you that do you only vnto our lorde nor thou shalt put nought thereto nor take ought there from Thou shalt read thys● lawe before al Israell in their eares Deute 31 Gather the people together men women and chyldren and the stranger that is within thy gates that they may heare and learne and fear our Lord your God And kepe and obserue all the wordes of thys law Let not the boke of this law depart oute of thy mouthe but record therin day and nyghte that thou maist obserue and do according to al that is wrytten therin for then thou shalt make thy waye prosperous and then shalte thou doe wiselye Iosu. 1. Thou shalt not decline from the wordes of thys law neyther to the ryght hand nor to the left that thou maist do al thinge wiselye that thou takest in hand All the wordes of God are pure and clean for he is a shield vnto all them Prouer. 30. that putte theyr trust in him Put thou nothyng vnto hys wordes leaste he reproue thee and thou be found a lier Crye nowe as loud as thou canste leaue not of lyfte vp thy voyce lyke a trompet and shew my people theyr offences Esay 58 and the house of Iacob their sinnes Wo be vnto those folish prophets that followe theyr owne spirite Ezech. 13 and speake where they se nothing Searche the scriptures Iohn 5. for they are they whych testifye of me What so euer thynges are wrytten 1. Mat. 15. they are wrytten for our learning that we thorowe pacyente and comforte of the scriptures might haue hope 2. Timo. 4. Al scripture geuen by inspiration of God is profytable to teache to improue to amende and to instruct in rightwisenes that the man of God maye be perfecte and prepared vnto al good workes ¶ A Table of the Chapiters i. OF miracles shewed by the deuine power of God ii Of Gods prouidence secreate iudgementes iii. Of the benignitye of God toward his seruauntes iiii Of deuine consolation v. Of the benediction and blessing that God geueth vnto manne vi Of the malediction and curse wherwyth God curseth man vii Of the blessing wherwyth man blesseth God viii Of the benediction and blessing wherwith man doth blesse mā ix Of the malediction and curse wherwith man doth curse mā x. Of the seuerity of God agaynst the wicked xi Of the anger and fury of God xii That God dothe more regarde the intent of the doer then the worke it self xiiii That God at times doth tempt
Nume 28. and vppon other daies but one except in solempne feastes kalendes And that to declare that in festiual daies men shuld honor god more reuerently and aboundauntlye then other daies The man that was takē gathering of stickes vpon the Saboth day Nume 15. was by Goddes commaundemente stoned with stones of all the people Nehemias saw some treading wine presses 2. Esd. 13. and bringing of burthens to be solde vpon the Saboth day and he rebuked them as breakers of the Sabothe The gentiles which held with Antiochus appoynted to fighte vpon the Sabboth daies against certen Iewes that were fled out of Iewry 1. mach 2. but they casted not one stone at thē nor made faste theyr preuy places but said we will die all in oure innocencye But yet it is to be obserued and noted that notwythstandynge that in thys thing they shewed a Deuotyon towardes Goddes commaundemente yet inas much as they perceiued afterwardes that therby Gods people myghte be scattered and loste they toke better counsel sayinge What soeuer he be that cometh to make battell wyth vs vpon the saboth day we wil fight against him for why to fighte for the defēce of mans life or for the lawe of God is no seruile worke or labour Iudas Machaheus his companye fought against Nicanor his hoste 1. mach 7. slue 5000. men put the rest to flit● But yet they followed not the chase because it was the day before the saboth Nicanor thought withal his power to strike a field vpon a Sabboth day Neuerthelesse the Iewes that were compelled to go with him 2. mach 15. said O do not so cruelly and vnkindlye but halow the Saboth daye The Pharisies saide vnto the Disciples that did plucke and eat the eares mat 12. of corne 1. regu 21. ye do that which is not law full to do vpon the Sabboth day But the Lorde saide vnto them haue ye not read what Dauid did c. Then followeth The sonne of manne is also LORDE euen of the Sabbothe daye We do read that oure sauioure dyd many miracles vppon the Sabbothe day Mat. 12. as it is manifest thorow oute all the Gospell and for that ther may be assigned thre causes Fyrste to shewe hym self to be the Lord. Mat. 12. The seconde to open the true vnderstanding of the precept and commaundement for mē oughte not to cease from all woorkes vpon the Saboth Luke 6. Whether is it lawful on the Sabboth dayes to do good or to do euel Luke 12. to saue ones lyfe or to destroy it The thyrde that he myghte edifye and profet all that sawe hym and hard him When Christe had healed the woman which was bowed together the ruler of the Sinagoge disdayned Luc. 13. because that he had healed on the Sabbothe daye and saide There are syxe daies in which men ought to worke in them come that ye maye be healed and not on the Sabboth day But the Lord answered hym and said Thou hipocrite doth not eche one of you on the Sabboth day lose his Oxe or hys Alfe from the stal and lead him to the water And ought not this doughter of Abraham whome Sathan hathe bound lo 18. yeares be loosed frō this bonde on the Sabboth day And when he thus sayd all his aduersaries were ashamed all the people reioysed on all the excellent deedes that wer done by him The holy women which had prepared swete odours Luke 23. to anoynt our lords body kept the sabboth day so strictly that on that they would not anoynte so precious and holy a bodye So they rested the Sabboth daye according to the commaundement Oure Lorde laye in the Sepulchre on the Sabboth daye Ihon. 1● The Sabboth day was moste apte and conuenient to heare the worde lawe of God Act. 13. and the prophetes The whiche are read euery Sabooth day ¶ Of the reuerence that ought to be done exhibited to Gods Temple ca. xx OUR Lorde spake vnto Moyses saying Exo. 30. Thou shalt make a lauer of brasse to washe withall and putte water therin Aaron and hys sonnes shall washe their handes and theyr feete therin euen when they goe into the tabernacle of wytnesse Nume 4. It was lawfull but for a fewe to entre into the tabernacle or to touch the vessell 3. regu 6.7 Salomon was muche more dylygente and feruente in the edification and buyldynge of Goddes Temple then in buildynge of hys owne house For he accomplyshed Goddes house in seauen yeares and hys owne in thyrtene Yea he began soner to build the Temple than his owne house 3. regu 8. Salomon made greate solemnite in the buyldyng of the Temple 4. regu 11. Ioiada the byshoppe commaunded that Athalia shoulde be brought oute and not to be slayne in oure Lordes Temple Oure Lorde semed to haue greate cure and care for the Temple when that he commaunded Sirus the kyng of Percia Esd. 1. ca. 1. Esd. 45. to buylde hym an house at Ierusalem And it is vnderstanded of a materyall Temple As the texte dothe declare And Esaye declared the same two hundreth yeares before After that the Iewes were returned from the captyuite of Babilone they beganne to buylde the Temple 1. Esd. 3. or euer they edified or made the walles of the Citie notwythstandynge that they hadde manye ennemyes whome they feared bothe daye and nyghte Tobias is muche coōmended which wente to Ierusalem vnto the Temple of our Lord Tobi. 1. and ther worshypped and prayd vnto the Lorde After that they had optayned the vyctorye of theyr enemyes the which had defyled the Temple 1. Mach. 4. Iudas and hys brethren or euer they made any mention of theyr owne houses sayd beholde oure ennemyes are dyscomfyted Let vs nowe go vp to clense and to repayre the Sanctuary Kynge Demetrius ordayned that who soeuer fledde vnto the Temple at Ierusalem or within the liberties or coste thereof 1. Mach. 10 shoulde as thoughe they wer fallen into the kinges daunger for anye maner of busynesse be pardoned The Iewes goynge to make battayle agaynste Nicanors hoste 2. Mach. 15. hadde pryncipally more solycitude care and feare for the holye Temple then for theyr wyues chyldren brethren and kynsfolkes At the fortie dayes ende Our lorde woulde be broughte and offerd in the Temple Luke 2. And when he was twelue yeares olde Luke 2. he was founde disputing in the Temple Afterwardes he droue oftentymes the byers and sellers out of the Temple Ihon. 2. Luke 19. And manye times he taughte and did miracles in the Temple Oure Lord doth reproue the Pharises whiche sayde that the golde of the Temple was more holy Mat. 23. than the Temple After that the Apostles had receyued the holye ghoste Peter and Iohn went vp into the Temple Act. 3. at the nine houre of prayer And euen then was the fyrste myracle of healthe shewed
sentence the whiche discharged Menelaus and condēpned to deathe his iuste accusers Herodias gaue her doughter wicked counsell Mat. 14. saying Thou shalt aske nothynge els but the head of Iohn Baptiste Paule the proconsulle desired to heare the woorde of God Act. 13. that Paule and Barnabas did preache But Elimas the sorcerer withstode them and sought to turne the ruler away from the fayth When Paule and Barnabas were in suche honoure at Listra that men would haue done sacrifice vnto them as vnto Goddes Act. 14. Thether came certaine Iewes whiche when they had persuaded the people and had stoned Paule drewe him out of the cyty supposing he had bene dead By the occasion of a certaine damsell whome Paule delyuered of an euyl By the occasion of a certain damsel whome Paule deliuered of an euyll spirite Act. 16. her master fearing and sorowing the losse of hys auauntage declared so manye thinges to the magestrates rulers that he caused Paule and Silas to be beaten with roddes and to be cast into prison Of hearing the word of God Ca. xxix AAron tolde al the wordes which oure Lorde hadde spoken vnto Moses Exo. 4. and the people beleued And when they heard that our Lorde hadde visited the children of Israell they laye downe prostrate and worshypped And Moses saide before the Lorde Loe the chyldren of Israell heare me not and howe shall Pharo heare me Al the people sayd vnto Moses with one voyce Exo. 24● All the woords whych our Lord hathe saide wyll we do And a litle after And Moses toke the booke of the appoyntment and red it in the audience of the people And they sayd all that our Lorde hath sayd we wyll doo and be obedient Eglon the kyng of Moab sat in his somer parler Iudi. 3. and Aliud sayde vnto hym I haue a message vnto thee from God he arose immediatly out of his seate asthough he would haue doone reuerence vnto the woorde of God Hely taughte Samuell ryght well that he should saye vnto oure Lorde that spake vnto hym 1. regu 3. Speake on lord for thy seruaunt heareth Achab the Kynge of Israell would not heare Micheas our Lordes Prophete 3. regu 22. because he prophecied no good vnto hym but euyll Yet when Micheas was calde He sayd vnto hym Heare the worde of God Esdras brought foorthe the booke of the lawe 2. Esd. 8. and redde in it openlye from the mornynge vntyll the noone day and the eares of the people were erected vnto the booke Then foloweth All the people wepte when they hearde the wordes of the lawe Iobbe makynge aunswere vnto oure LORDE sayde Iob. 42. I haue geuen dylygente eare vnto thee and nowe I see thee with myne eyes Wherefore I geue myne owne selfe to blame and take repentaunce in the dust and ashes OURE Lorde spake vnto Ieremye Iere. 26. Keepe not one woorde of the Lorde backe yf peraduenture they wyll hearken and tourne euerye man frome hys wycked waye That I maye also repente of the euyll that I haue determined to do vnto theim because of their wicked inuentions OURE Lorde sayd vnto Ezechiell Eze. 3. Gette thee vnto the house of Israell and thou shalte shewe them my woordes and mynde Then there foloweth The howse of Israell woulde notte heare nor folowe the for they woulde not heare nor folowe mee The woordes of Ionas came vnto the king of Niniue Iona. 3. which rose out of his seate and did his apparell of and put on sackcloth and sate hym down in ashes Herode the Tetrache feared Ihon the Baptist Mar. 6. and kept hym and when he heard him he did manye thynges and hard him gladly Mary the sister of Martha sate at Iesus fete LuKe. 10. and hard hys worde And at the laste she hard our Lorde say Marye hath chosen the good parte which shal not be taken away from her Luke 6. Oure lorde in the later ende of hys sermon in the mount said whosoeuer heareth my sayinges and doothe the same shall be likened to a wise man that hathe builte hys house vppon a rocke of stone Luke 5. When the people preased Iesus to heare the word of God he sat downe and taught the people out of the ship Peter and hys fellowes brought the shippes to lande and they forsoke all and folowed hym To the woman that lyfted vp her voyce and said Luke 11● Blessed is the wombe that bare thee Oure Lorde aunswered yea blessed or happye are they that heare the worde of GOD and keepe it We do read that our Lorde aboute the time of his passion Luke 19 taught dailye in the temple And after a few words we read that all that people stode by him and were astonyed when they hearde hym As two of the Lordes disciples wer goinge to a towne or castell called Emaus Lu. 24. and talked together of al those thynges that had hapned and chaunced at the time of our Lordes passyon they deserued to haue hys companye of whome they spake and had theyr communication The sermon that was made to the people in the feast of Pentecost Act. 2. beyng ended and after the commynge of the holy ghost thus it is sayd and wryttē When they hard thys they wer pricked in theyr hartes and said vnto Peter and vnto thother Apostles Ye mē and brethren what shall we doe And ther wer baptised about a 3000. men After that the lame man was healed and Peters sermon ended Act. 3.4 manye that hard his predication beleued and the nombre of the menne was aboute fiue thousand The twelue Apostles called the multytude of the Disciples together Act. 6. and said It is not mete that we shuld leaue the word of God and serue Tables And note that those tables wer the tables of pore wydowes Where by we may vnderstande that the predication and setting forth of the word of God is preferd aboue the corporal workes of mercy The Iewes could not resist the wisdome and the spirite whiche spake by holy Steuen Act. 6. Philip went into a city of Samaria and preached christe vnto them Act. 8. And the people gaue hede vnto those thinges whyche Phyllyp spake wyth one accord Phillip opened hys mouth Act. 8. and preched Iesus vnto the chamberlain and commynge to a certaine water the chamberlaine sayde that he beleued that Iesus Christe is the son of God and he baptised hym Our lorde said thus vnto Ananias of Paule Act. 9. whome he blineded corporally and illumined spiritually Goe thy way for he is a chosen vessel vnto me to beare my name before the gentiles and kynges and the Chyldren of Israel Our lord wold not instruct Cornelius by his aungel Act. 10. but sent hym worde that he shoulde call Simon whose syrname is Peter he should tell teach him what he ought to do While Peter spake Act. 10. the holy ghost fel on all them
said Moses that your hart be not deceiued Deu. 11. and that ye turne not aside from God and serue straunge Gods and worship them And then oure Lorde beyng wroth shut vp the heauen The children of Israel haue transgressed the couenaunte Iosu● 7. and haue vsurped the excommunicate thynges There followeth And the wrathe of our Lord waxed hot against the children of Israel for the sinne of Achan Our Lord was greued and angrye with Osa and smote hym 1. para 13. because he touched the arke Our Lord was wroth with Salomon because his minde was tourned from our Lord. 3. reg 11. The fury of our Lord was against Israel 4. reg 13. and he deliuered them into the handes of Hazael kinge of Syria because of their Idolatry for they worshipped the calues that Ieroboas made Our Lord was wroth againste Israell and he moued Dauid agaynste them 2. reg 24 in that he saide to Ioab go and nombre Israel and Iuda After Idolatry witchcraft enchātmentes and other diuers synnes and wickednesse 4. reg 17 the Children of Israell prouoked oure Lorde And our Lorde was exceading wroth and angri with Israell and putte them oute of hys syghte The Prophet Iehu sayde vnto Iosaphat the kynge of Iuda 2. Para. 19 that came to battaile with Achab the king of Israell Thou helpest the vngodly and dost loue those that hate oure Lorde Therfore yre and wrath come vppon thee from oure Lorde Neuerthelesse there are some good actes founde in thee Ioas the kinge of Iuda his rulers serued groues and Idols 2. para 24. then came the wrath of God vpon Iuda for this their trespasses sake Amasias kinge of Iuda ouercame in battayle throughe the healpe of GOD 2. para 25 the Edomites and broughte theyr goodes awaye and bowed hym selfe before them wherefore oure LORDE was angrye and wrothe with him Hezechias did not again vnto God according to the benefites that he had shewed him 2. para 32 for hys harte arose and there came wrath vpon him and vpon Ierusalem Iosias king of Iuda when he had hard that was wrytten in the boke of the lawe 2. para 34. sayde great is the fury and anger of our LORDE that is fallen vppon vs because your fathers haue not kepte the woordes of oure Lorde They did eat Esd. 2.9 and wer filled and became fat and liued in wealth thorow thy great goodnesse and they prouoked the to anger And Artaxerzes the gentle commāded that all thinges shoulde be done to the mooste highest 1. Esdras 7 after the lawe of God Least his anger arise against the realme and against the king and his children Our Lord said to Eliphas the Themanite I am angrye and displeased with thee Iob. 42. and thy two frendes for ye haue not spoken before me the thing that is right Thus it is wrytten of Babilone be Iere. 50. hold she shal be the least set by among the nations voyde wasted and dried vp no man shal be able to dwel there for the fear and anger of oure Lorde but she shal be whole desolate When Machabeus had gathered a multitude together 2. Mach. 8. he was to mighty for the heathen for the wrathe of our Lord was turned into mercy And it is written in the parable of the vngratious seruaunt that would not haue compassiō on his fellow Mat. 18. his Lord was wroth and deliuered hym to the ●aylers Also it is wryttē against those that excused them selues that they coulde not come to supper Luc. 14. Then was the good man of the house displeased and said vnto his seruaunt c. He that beleueth on the sōne hath euerlastinge life Iohn 3. he that beleueth not the sōne shall not se life but the wrathe and anger of God abideth on him The ire anger that shal be shewed at the day of iudgement is greatly to be feared Apoca. 6. Of the which it is wrytten in the reuelation of Sainte Ihon. Kinges of th earth the great men c shall say to the hils and rockes fal on vs hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the seate and from the wrathe of the lambe ¶ That God dothe more regard the intent of the doer then the worke it self ¶ The .xii. Chapter CAine brought of the frute of the ground an oblatyon vnto our Lorde Gen. 4. Abel also broughte of the firstlinges of his shepe Then folow●th Our Lord had respect vnto Abel and to hys oblation but vnto Caine and to his offering he had no respect After that promys was made to Abraham that he should haue a child by Sara Gen. 8. he laughed and so did Sara Whose laughing our Lord reproued but not Abrahams We rede that when Moses Aaron shewed wonders before Pharao Exo. 6. that Pharaos wise men and enchaunters dyd in like maner with their sorrerye Chore and his companye had euen suche censers as Aaron had Nume 16. and perchaunce of as good metall or rather better and yet god did not equally accept their censing The Bethsames lifted vp their eyes and spyed the Arke and reioysed 1. regu 6. and offered a burnt offering vnto our Lord. And although they semed to do a good worke yet oure Lorde plaged them with a greate plague because they had seene the Arke the whiche they should not haue seene 1. regu 19. Whan Saul was amonge the prophetes he strypte of hys clothes and began to prophecye but it auayled him but lyttle Oza putte foorthe hys hande to houlde the Arke that it shoulde not faull 1. para 13. and oure Lorde smote him incontynently and there he dyed Notwythstandynge it is a verye good thinge to offre incence vnto our Lorde 2. para 16. yet it pertayneth notte to euery man to doe the same For Ozias the kynge of Iuda was smytten with the leper because he would burne insence vppon the aulter of insence Oure LORDE dothe reproue by hys Prophete Esay the oblations Esa. 1. that he hym selfe dyd institute to be offerde and that because of the wickednesse of those that offerde Why offer ye so manye sacryfyces vnto me sayeth our Lord Then there foloweth Your handes are full of bloude Oure Lorde preferd the offering of the widdowe which cast two mites in to the treasury Luke 21. aboue the offeringes of the riche menne Herode desired very greatlye to see Iesus And when he saw him he was exceading glad but yet he gate no profit therby LuKe. 23. thoccasion and cause where of was nother pitye nor charitye but curiosity and vanity ¶ That God at times doth tempt and proue man The .xiii. chapter GOD did proue Abraham and said vnto him Gen. 22. Take thi sonne c. Our Lord saide vnto Moses behold Exo. 16. I will raine breade from heauen to you and the people shal go out and gather There foloweth that
and commaundemētes of the obseruation and kepinge of them ca. xxiiii OUr Lorde gaue vnto our fyrst parent Adam a lyte and a easy cōmaundement to be fulfilled Gen. 2. Saying Thou shalt eat of euery tree of the garden but as touching the tre of knowledge of good and euyll thou shalt not eate of it But he kepte this cōmaundement but euyl and therfore he fel into a great and greuous paine and punyshement Notwithstanding the commaundementes seme at some tymes to bee of lyte slender maters Gen. 2. yet they oughte and with no small diligence to be obserued in asmuch as the transgressors are greuously punished For our Lorde sayde vnto Adam In what day or houre soeuer thou eatest of the tree of knowledge of good and euel thou shalt dye the death Noe dyd euery thynge euen as the Lord commaunded him Gen. 7. When the people of Israel should receyue the Commaundementes of God Exo. 19. they were commaunded to bee sanctyfyed Goe vnto the people and sanctyfy them to day and to morowe And therfore he commaunded the chyldren of Israell to make them gardes of yellow sylke in the quarters of theyr garments Nume 15. to haue a contynual remēbrance of the celestyal cōmandemēts Oure Lorde when he made Iosue ruler ouer hys people Iosu. 1. gaue hym a specyall monytyon of the medytatyon and obseruatyon of hys lawe and commaundementes Balaam the sorcerer sayde vnto Balach the kyng Nume 23. Tolde not I thee saying Al that the Lord commaundeth that must I do Beholde nowe what reuerence thys euyl man had to gods commaundement Iosua omytted nor mynyshed no word of all that our lord cōmaunded Iosu. 11. Saule the whych was specyallye chosen 1. regu 15. was vtterly reiected and caste away for the trangressyon and breakyng of Gods commaundement Dauid instructynge and teaching Salomon hys son 1. Para. 22. the whych shoulde raygne after hym sayde Then thou shalt prosper when thou fulfillest the statutes and lawes whych our Lord gaue to Moses After the ordynaunce of Ioiada the byshoppe 2. Para. 23. they brought oute the kynges sonne and put vpon him the crown and gaue hym in hys hande the lawe that was to be kepte and made hym kynge Syrus kynge of Persia and Monarch of all the worlde 1. Esd. 1. was not ashamed to saye Oure Lorde God of heauen and earth hath commaunded mee to buylde hym a house at Ierusalem Our Lord euē complaining doth say The commaundements of Ionadab the sonne of Recchab the whych he commaunded his children to kepe and that they should drincke no wine preuailed and were better kepte then mine Iere. 35. For they obeyed theyr fathers commaundement I haue spokē vnto you and yet haue ye not bene obedyent vnto me Susanna putting her life and good name in pearell and daunger Dani. ●3 iudged it better to fal into the hands of man then to forsake and leaue the lawes of God Ther were two wemen accused to haue circumcysed theyr sonnes 2. Mach. 6. whōe when they had led rounde aboute the city the babes hanging at their brestes they cast them down headlinges ouer the wals Eleazar an aged mā sustayned greuous pains of the body 2. Mach. 6. and at length he was put to deathe because that he against the law of god wold nother eat swines flesh nor yet fain or dissemble that he had eaten it For the law of god the vii brethren with their mother suffred greuous intollerable pains vnder Antiochus 2. Mach. 7. Other creatures that obey the lord do induce vs to obserue his commandementes 2. regu 24. of good aungels ther is no doubt the which are his mynysters doynge hys wyll and hys worde Of euell angels 1. Para. 21. He commaunded the euell sprite to go oute of the man Luke 8. He commaunded the Rauens to fede Helias and they did so 3. regu 17. And the Psalme doth say generallye He hathe geuen them a law which shal not be brokē Fire and haile Psal. 148. snow and Ise winde and storme fulfyll his word Iob. 9. He commaundeth the Sunne and it ryseth not The parentes of Ihon the Baptist walcked so in all the lawe Luke 1. ordinaunces and iustyfications of oure Lorde that no manne could fynde faut wyth them Our Lord answered the yong mā that axst him Mat. 19. what good he should do to haue euerlastinge life sayinge If thou wilte enter into life keepe the commaundementes ¶ Of obedience and disobedience Ca. xxv GOD willing that man beyng in the state of innocency should liue vnder obedience Gen. 2.3 bounde him wyth preceptes and lawes and punished him right sore and greuously liuing disobedyently Noe spedely obeyed our Lord in althinges that he Gen. 7. at the instant time of the floud commaunded him Notwithstanding that Gods commaundement of the circumcisiō was a greuous and an vnwont thing Gen. 17. yet Abraham made no procrastinatyon nor no delay to fulfill and accomplish the same For euen in the self same day that god cōmaūded it he fulfilled it Abraham without any stop or delay offred vp his only sōne in a sacrifice Gen. 22. Beholde and consider his meruelous and wonderfull obedyence Ioseph did spedely obey his father that sent him to his brethren Gen. 37. although he had accused them wher vpon he and not without a cause might a feared to haue gone vnto them Moses obeyed our Lorde that made Exo. 3.4 him the capitayne and guyde of hys people But marke yet wyth what difficultye For he excused hym selfe fiue times The children of Israell promysed greate obedience Exo. 24. saying Al the wordes whiche oure LORDE hathe sayde wyll we doe But yet afterwardes they did the contrary in their deedes The children of Israell walkyng in the wlldernes at Gods commaundement pitched their tentes Nume 9. and at hys cōmaundement they toke thē downe Also the children of Israell were afraid to ascende and to go vp into the land of promise Nume 14. when God commanded them but whē God forbad them they stroue to goe vp but it was to their paine Manye of the chyldren of Israell that went to warre againste the commaundement of God and Moses Nume 14. Nume 31. wer ouerthrown of a fewe but whan they foughte by obedience and commaundement a few ouerthrew a multitude and wan the victory In as much as Achan transgrest the commaundemente of Iosua the people wer ouercome in battaile Iosu. 7. and all Israell stoned him with stones 1. regu 13. Saule offeringe burnte sacrifyce againste the commaundemente of Samuel was reproued And likewise because he spared Agag the king of the Amalakites and theyr sheepe and other pretious chefest of their goods which shuld haue bene destroied 1. regu 15. and then Samuel saide vnto him Better is obedience then sacrifice Althoughe Dauid was annoynted king by Samuel 1. regu 17.
trouble suche lucke and prosperite was in his hande Ptolomy the king of Aegipt would haue obtained Alexāders kingdome bee fraude and gyle 1. Mach. 11. but his enmite and malice was openly knowne Simon knewe that Triphon dissembled in his wordes 1. Mach. 13. when he demaunded Ionathas two sonnes and a hundred talentes of syluer yet cōmaunded he the money and the chyldren to be sente vnto hym leeste hee shoulde be the greater enemy against the people of Israell and saye because hee sente hym not the money and the chyldren therefore is Ionathas dead ¶ Of peace and concorde Cap. xlviii Gen. 1. IN the begynning god made all other beastes double that is male and female But he created man sole and of him are all other procreated and made and that to cōmende the vnite of peace and concord in man Riches and abundaunce of temporall thinges Gen. 13.26 are oftentimes the matter and occasion of strife and debate as it appereth in Abrahams and Lots herdsmen and Isaac and the shepherdes of Gerare Menne doo gladly make peace and frendshyppe with suche as be of great mighte and powre Gen. 16. And therefore Abimelech came to Isaac because he sawe him prosper Sumtimes a man must geue place and avoide the fury or hastines of his better Gen. 17.18 As Iacob did departing from his brother Esau vntill his fearsnes and wrath was swaged The Gabaonites hearinge what Iosua hadde done at Ierico and Hai Iosu. 9. came vnto hym and made a good peace and agrement with them Whan Phinees and the other legates that wer sent vnto the children of Iosu. 22. Ruben had heard theyr excuse they were appeased and gladly receaued theyr answere Althoughe Absolon hadde doone to 2. regu 18. wickedly againste his father yet Dauid more desyred peace then the death of his sonne for he sayd Is the yong man Absolon safe Notwithstanding that Dauid was holy 2. regu 7. and suche a one as pleased god yet our lord would not that he should buylde hym a house but that Salomon his peasible sonne should enioye and be honored and haue that priuiledge Our lord is much to be lawded and praysed when he geueth his people a peasable and a quiete estate 3. regu 5 as was in Salomons time the whiche sayd The lorde my god hathe geuen mee rest on euerye syde so that there is neyther aduersarye nor anye euyll plage Then there foloweth blessed be oure lorde Good and blessed menne haue loue and amite one to a nother 3. regu 14. But the euyll fyghte agaynst the good and other that are euyll As there was war contynually betweene Roboam and Ieroboam It was declared and shewde vnto Helias that oure lorde was not in the mighti strong winde 3. regu 19. nor in the earth quake nor in the fyre But in a small styll voyce that is in tranquilite and peace And the people blessed and thanked all those 2. Esd. 11. that wer wyllinge to dwell at Ierusalem Ionathas sente ambasidoures vnto Bachides for to make peace wyth him 1. Mach. 9. and yet the selfe Bachides was capytane of the hooste in the whyche Iudas Machabeus Ionathas brother was slayne King Demetrius sent letters vnto Ionathas with louynge wordes and praised him greatly for he sayde we wyll firste make peace with him 1. Mach. 10. before he bynde him selfe with Alexander against vs elles he shall remember the euyll that we haue doone agaynst him his brother and his people The cause of the peace that was in Onias time 2. Mach. 3. was his wisdome and goodnes and the goodnes of his subiectes After that Iudas Machabeus had ouerthrowen Lisias 2. Mach. 11. he wyllinglye and gladlye made peace with hym For he perceyued that the Hebrues beinge defended by the healpe of almightie God could not be ouercome Wherfore he sente them worde and promised that he would consent to all thinges whiche were iuste and resonable and to make the kinge their frende Oure Lorde woulde vs to haue so muche peace and concorde with oure neighbours Mat. 18. that he said vnto Peter that we should not forgeue our brother yf he sinne against vs tyll seuen tymes but seuentye tymes seuen tymes The Angelles in oure Lordes natiuitie brought tidinges of peace and commaunded them to haue peace amonge them selues Luke 2. Luke 10. Iohn 14. that they should shew it forthe Luke 24. Forther more he leaft them peace and after his resurrection he offered them peace He that desireth to kepe peace and to haue the quietnes of minde muste abstayne from discursions and troubles of the minde Iohn 11. and at sometymes cease from that that is honest and laufull For when Martha hearde that Iesus was come she wente and met him Mary sat styll at home nor moued not thence vntyll she was called of oure Lorde by her sister althoughe that Mary parauenture was not ignoraunt of oure Lordes commynge when that Martha knewe it before Howe greate that the goodnes of peace is it may be pondred by Paule that discrete iudge the whiche moste diligentlye in all hys Epistles dothe wyshe it to all those that he writeth vnto excepte in hys Epystle to the Hebrewes in the whyche for certayne causes he nether setteth to his name nor premytteth anye salutation Note yet that when he sayeth peace be vnto you he premytteth grace Sayinge Grace bee with you and peace Roma 1. Wher by it is manifestely vnderstanded that true peace cannot be hadde wythoute the grace of god Esa. 48. And therefore Esaye saythe As for the vngodlye they haue no peace ¶ Of vnite and common consent Capi. xlix De. Ci li. 12. Capi. 22. GOD made mākynde of one mā to cōmende declare vnto men how pleasant a thing the vnite of many is vnto hym Wherevppon Saint Augustine doth say Man was made one but not lefte alone There was neuer thinge that humayne nature spake of so commodius for mankynde so full of discorde through vice so geuen to feloshippe so naturall agaynst the vice of discorde other to be taken hede of if it be not or to be holpen and healed if it apeare as the remembraunce of oure fyrste parent whome god would creat alone that of him many other shuld spring that by thys admonition a concordiall vnitye myght be obserued and kepte in many The people of Israell was of one consent and minde in the desarte Exo. 19. and willing to receiue the law For after they had hard of Moses the wordes of the law they answered all wyth one voyce all that our Lord hath said we wil do The people to make and performe the worke of the tabernacle of oure Lord Exo. 35. and the holy uestmentes of the ministers did bringe in offer with most readiest deuout minds all that was necessary to performe the same All the children of Israell wer gathered and knit
people dyd pearyshe wyth theym And hys wyfe that looked behynde her was tourned into a pyllare of Salte And Lot hym selfe that woulde not after the Aungels counsell by and by ascende vp to the mounte dyd trespasse and synne wyth hys owne doughters Ruben counsayled hys brethren to restore Ioseph to hys father agayne Gen. 37.42 But in as muche as they would not it hapned afterwardes that they wer put to trouble When the chyldren of Israell wold ascende or euer it was tyme vnto the place that oure LORDE hadde spoken of Nume 14. Moses sayd Our LORD is not among you The Amalechites and the Cananytes are there before you And ye shall fall vppon theyr sweardes because ye are tourned awaye from our LORD and wil not heare hym After that horryble deede commytted agaynste the Leuites wyfe the Chyldren of Israell gathered together Iudi. 20. and sente messengers to the children of Beniamyn the whych shulde saye thus vnto them what wyckednesse is thys that is hapned amonge you Delyuer vs those that haue commytted that haynous dede But they wold not here them and afterwards therefore they were in a manner all slayne a few excepted Abner said to Asael leaue of to followe me 2. regu 2. but he despysed hys wordes And Abner smote hym thorow wyth the hynder end of hys speare Roboam Salomons sonne would not heare the olde mennes Counsell 3. regn 12. but harkened to the counsel of yonge men wherfore he lost a great part of hys people Achior gaue Holofernes good and faythfull Counsell the whyche hee proudlye and dysdaynfullye despysed and wythin a while after was slain and his host put to flighte wyth losse and confusion Iudi. 6. Godolia whom the king of Babilō had made gouernoure of the lande of Iuda Iere. 40.41 sent Iohanan the sonne of Careah faithful word that Ismaell the sonne of Nathania woulde kill hym And he answeared him Thou speakest falsly of Ismael but in the seuēth month Ismael came and after he had eaten with Godolia he slue him Daniel said vnto Nabuchodonozor o king Dani. 4. accept my counsel redeame thy sinnes with almes but he would not agre there vnto and so was turned into a beast Iudas Machabeus taking hys iorney towardes Galaad 1. Mach. 5. left Iosephus and Azarias to be captaines ouer the people and commaunded them saying Se that ye make no war against the heathen vntill the time we come againe But they couetyng to get thē a name and fame lost both the thyng they wente aboute and theyr name also Iudas Machabeus had but viii C. men 1. Mach. 9. his aduersaries were two and twenty thousande his companyons warned hym not to fyghte wythoute an host of men but he would not follow their counsell he hym selfe was killed in that battaile and the remnaunt fled Pilates wife gaue her husbād good counsell Mat. 27. but he refused to followe it Fearing more to offend Cesar then to condēpne the iust innocent blud ¶ Of suspition and false credulity Ca. lvii ABraham suspected that the fear of God was not in Geraris Gen. 20.26 and that the men of the country wold kyl him for his wiues sake The like chaunced to Isaac Laban suspected that Iacob hadde stolen his goods Gen. 31. and for that cause he searched all his houshold stuffe Iacob perceyuyng Iosephes coate to be bloudy Gen. 37. suspected that he hadde bene dead and of some wycked beast deuoured Ioseph commaunded his stewarde to bringe his brethren into his house to dine with him Gen. 43. but they being sore afraid suspected and beleued that he would haue broughte them into seruitude and bondage The Rubenites and the Gaadites going to their possessions Iosu. 22. did build set vp an aultar beyond Iordan The children of Israell hearinge there of were sore troubled not knowing for what purpose they had done it and beleued that they woulde goe from theyr law When Sampson was gone to hys fathers house Iudi. 15. his father in law thought and beleued that he had hated refused his wife and therfore he maried her to a nother Hely seinge Annes lips moue and that she spake neuer a word 1. regu 1. beleued she had bene dronken Because Saule did persecute Dauid he laid to Dauids charge that he persecuted him 1. regu 22. And said that hys sonne Ionathas had stirred vp his seruaunt to lie await against him the whyche thing was most vntrue and false When Dauid was with Achis the king of Geth as the keper of hys life 1. regu 26 The Lordes spake vnto Achis to let Dauid go least he shuld flie returne again vnto Saule Dauid sent messengers to king Amnon to comfort him ouer the death of his father ● regu 10. But his Lordes suspected that they came rather to spy oute the city then to comfort hym After that kinge Ahasuerus was moued against Aman that he was laide downe vpon Esthers bed Esth. 7. to intreat her for his lyfe The kinge laid vnto him that he in his presēce wold haue opprest and forced the Quene When Ieremy was going toward the land of Beniamin Iere. 37. the porter of the gate toke hym and layd falslye to hys charge that his minde was to run to the Caldees Ieremye the Prophet declared the wyl of our Lord to the people that was left and remained after the destruction of Ierusalem Iere. 42.43 they said vnto him Thou lyest Our Lord hath not sent the but Baruch the sonne of Neria hath prouoked the against vs that he might bring vs into the captiuitye of the Chaldees The tormentors that led Eleazar to his torment paine 2. Mach. 6. toke displeasure and wer angry with him because of the wordes that he said for they coniectured suspected that he had spoken them of an arrogancy and hie mind When the disciples saw our Lord walking on the sea Mat. 14. they suspected that it had bene some sprite and cried out for feare When Simon the Pharisy saw a woman which was a sinner wepyng at our Lordes fete LuKe. 7. he spake wtin him self saying If this mā wer a prophet he would surely knowe who what manner of woman this is that toucheth him for she is a sinner For a man nother to set muche by him self Luke 18. nor yet to iudge euil of a nother the example that the Lord our sauiour doth bring in of the Pharisy that bosted him self and of the meeke and hūble Publicane is much profitable When the Iewes after the effusyon of the holy spirite sawe that oure Lordes disciples spake wyth dyuers tongs and languages Act. 2. Some of them saide These menne are full of newe wyne All the christē disciples wer afraid of Paule after hys conuersion Act. 9. beleued not that he was a Disciple vntil that Barnabas broughte hym to the Apostles and declared to them
Mardocheus bowed not hys kne vnto hym Holy Iob was a gentile and as it is sayde hee descended of Esau and yet it is certaine Iob. 30. that he was maruelous noble both in faith and maners The which saide of him selfe I was the brother of dragons and the felow of Estriches Ieremy was wyth the people whithe remayned in Iudea after the destruction of Ierusalem Ier. 43. and he prayed for theym and declared the wyll of oure LORDE vnto them But they sayde vnto hym Thou liest our LORDE hathe not sente thee But Baruche prouoketh the against vs that hee myghte brynge vs into the handes and captiuitye of the Caldees Eze. 2. Our Lord sayd vnto Ezechiel thou sonne of man feare them not for the vnfaythful and prouokers are wyth the and thou dost dwel among Scorpyons Daniel Ananias Azarias and Misael dwelt among the Caldees Idolaters Dani. 3.6.14 the which labourd to induce bring them to Idolatry and to draw them from the worshipping of the very true God Dani. 13. Susanna liued in Babilon mooste chastly wheras the two olde priestes were vnchaste and vntrue iudges It semed that in Antiochus Epiphanis time that the Iewes were translated and brought to the rites and customes of the gentiles 2. Mac. 6.9 But yet there was found Mathathias and his sones Eleazarus and manye moe whyche were stable and stronge in the law of God Our Lord commending the faythe and deuotion of the Centurion Math. 8. sayd I haue not found so great faith in Israel Nicodemus a ruler of the Iewes cam to Iesus by night cōfest plainly Rabbi Iohn 3.19 we know that thou art a teacher come from God And after that our Lorde was crucifyed he came to bury him and brought a C. pound of precious oyntment Ioseph of the citye of Aramathia Mar. 15. a noble counselloure was also the dysciple of Iesu but yet a secreat disciple for feare of the Iewes But laying al feare a syde he went in boldlye vnto Pilate and made a deuoute peticyon askyng of an vndeuout tyraunte the body of Iesu. Gamaliell an honorable doctour of the lawe Act. 5. was a Pharisey and gaue good excellent counsaile to the chefe priestes for the Apostles There was a certayne man in Cesaria called Cornelius Act. 10. a deuout man and one that feared God wyth all hys housholde whiche gaue much almesse to the people prayed God alway ¶ Of the mobility and inconstancy of the people Ca. Cxiiii MOses returning out of the lād of Madian into Egipt told al the wordes of oure Lorde for the whych he had sent him Then foloweth And the people beleued And when they hard that oure Lorde had sanctified the chyldren of Israel they bowed theyr head and worshypped But afterwardes when they wer afflicted by Pharaos task masters Exo. 4.5 they said to Moses and Aaron Our Lorde loke vpon you and iudge which hath made the sauor of vs stink in the eyes of Pharao and in the eies of hys seruauntes and haue put a swearde in theyr hand to slea vs. When that the children of Israel after mani plages of Egypt came out of Egipt enriched armed our lorde going before them shewynge them the way by a cloud and fire Exo. 14.15 they saw the Egiptians folowyng after them and were sore afraid And saide vnto Moses because there were no graues in Egipt haste thou therfore brought vs awaye for to dye in the wildernesse After that they were comforted by Moses when our Lord deuided the sea that they passed ouer dry foted and that Pharaos host was drowned then the people feared oure Lorde and beleued him and hys seruaunt Moses saying we wyl sing vnto the Lord. And sone after commynge to Marath the people murmured because the waters were bytter when they were made swete by castinge in of a lyttle wodde Exo. 15.16 they murmured agayn for lacke of meat and sayde vnto Moses and Aaron would to God we had dyed in the lande of Egypt when we sate by the flesh pots and oure Lorde at the euen tyde sente them quayles and in the mornynge he sente theym Manna After thys when he shuld geue thē the law Exo. 19. they said All that our Lord hath said we wil do And whē Moses had shewed them the wordes and preceptes the whych he had receyued of our Lord Exo. 24. they sayde All the wordes whych our Lord hath sayd wyl we do But when Moses staid long in the mount with our Lorde about the description of the tabernacle Exo. 32. the people gathered them selues together vnto Aaron and said Make vs Gods to go before vs. After that the Tabernacle was reared vp Nume 11. and that the chefe men after that the fighting menne and Leuites were nombred had made theyr oblations and that all thynges were ordayned howe they should go on their iourney the people a non after began to murmur Nume 21. as greaued by muche labour After that the people had hard the spies relation they murmured and wept Nume 14. And sayde one to another Let vs make a captain and retourn vnto Egipt again They hearynge that theyr murmuring dyspleased our LORDE ascended vppe into the Mountayne and against Moses wyll and pleasure did fight and wer ouercomde by their ennemyes Nume 14. Agayne in the sedition of Chore there rose many agaynste Moses and Aaron Nume 16. and when they were most terriblye punished the multitude of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron sayinge ye haue kylled the people of oure Lorde And when oure Lorde hadde by the miracle of Aarons rod caused them to ceasse from their grudginge Nume 17. they sayed Beholde we are wasted away and consumed we all come to noughte who so euer cōmeth nye the dwelling of our Lorde dyeth Forthermore they proceded came to the waters of strife Nume 20. where they chode in suche manner wyth Moses and Aaron that they lykewyse mystrusted the diuine power And therefore oure Lorde punished them After that the people beganne to cōmit whoredome wyth the doughters of Moab Nume 25. whyche called the people vnto the sacryfice of theyr goddes Israell coupled hym selfe vnto Baall Peor And oure Lorde commaunded the heads of the people to bee hanged vp agaynst the sonne When Gedeon hadde delyuerd the chyldren of Israell from the hande of Madian and had slain zebee and Salmana the men of Israell sayed vnto him Iudi. 8. raygne thou ouer vs both thou thy sonne and thy sonnes sonne But after that he was dead hauinge .70 sonnes they went not aboute to take any of them to be their Lorde ruler Samuel the prophet delyuered the people of Israel from the hand of the Philistines 1. reg 7.8 and recouered the cityes whiche they had taken from Israell Afterwards they gathered thē selues together demaunded a king both against our Lords will and
escape tyll all be fulfylled And the scripture cānot be losed or broken And the new Testamente is of no lesse aucthoryte Ioan. 10. but rather of more then the olde Of the whiche oure Lorde sayth● Mat. 14. Heauen and earth shall passe but my wordes shall not passe Oure Lorde oftentymes ouercame the hie priestes mat 21. Scribes and Pharisees euen by Scriptures the whiche reproued him Oure Lorde reproued the Saduces of ignoraunce mat 22. saying Ye do erre not knowyng the scriptures Peter in his firste sermon after the holye sprite was sent Act. 2. conuerted vnto Christ bi the declaratiō of the prophet Iohels auctorite .3000 men The Enuche or chamberlaine the whiche comming oute of Ethiopia to Ierusalem Act. 8. red the prophete Esay sitting in his charette is muche cōmended praised And Philip by the commaundement of God toke an occasion to preache the gospell of Christ vnto him that by the auctoryte of Scripture that he found him reding whom beyng fast in his belefe he christened Act. 17. Paule cōminge vnto Berrheham entred into the Iewes Sinagoge Certein of them receyued the worde very gredely Dayly searching the Scriptures whether it were so or not And many honest good women of Grece beleued of the cheife men not a few Apollos an eloquent man mighty in the scriptures Act. 18. helped them muche whiche had beleued throughe grace For he ouercame the Iewes myghtely and openly shewing by the scriptures that Iesus was Christ. Our Lorde sent the lawyer that inquired of him what he should do to obtain life euerlasting LuKe. 10. to the scrypture saying what is wrytten in the lawe how readest thou ¶ Of good exhortation and predication of the word of god Cap. xxvii CAine being admonyshed by the exterior voyce of God Gen. 4. lefte not of hys pretenced iniquitye And by this it is patent and manifest that the exterior exhortation withoute the interior is of very litle smal efficacy The iust man Lot dyd mekelye admonyshe and exhorte the Sodomites saying Nay for gods sake my brethrē do not so wickedly Gen. 19. Do not thys euyll vnto whō they answered very contumaciously get the hense Thus it appeareth that peruers people are hardly cured and corrected It happened and chanced wel with Iacob Gen. 27. for as much as he agreed vnto his mothers exhortation counsels Ruben hearynge the wycked wordes of his brethren againste Ioseph Gen. 37. sayde Lette vs not kyll him nor shedde hys bloude and Iudas gaue counsell not to slaye but to sell hym that so the lesse hurte myghte ensue and followe Moses sister perswaded Pharaos doughter euen wel Exo. 2. that an Hebrues womā might be cald to nurse the child Iethro for the vtility of the people and to alleuiate and lyghten Moses burden gaue him good counsell Exo. 18. that he shoulde appoynt and orden meane iudges for the people Dauid by the good exhortatyon of Abigaile 1. regu 25. was tourned and drawne from his intent and purpose that is from shedding of Nabals blud Abner gaue good counsell to Asaeli that followed after hym 2. regu 2. sayinge folowe me not leaste I be compelled to smite thee to the grounde But because he woulde not heare hym hee slue him The olde menne gaue Roboam Salomons sonne good Counsell 3. regu 12. but he to hys greate hurte and dammage ensued the counsel of the yōger sortes of men When Naaman the Syrian because of Eliseus answer 4. regu 5. was departing with displesure his seruauntes counselled and perswaded him to accomplish and fulfil the prophets commaundement and he did so As long as Ioiada the bishop liued whiche instructed and exhorted Ioas the king of Iuda 4. regu 12. so long he was good but after that hee was departed hee waxed very euil The postes wente wyth letters by the commaundement of Ezechiell the king 2. Para. 30. and of hys Lordes and prynces thorowout all Israell and Iuda And saide Ye children of Israell tourne againe vnto oure Lorde God of Abraham Isaac and Israel and let euery one retourne to the remnaunte that are escaped oute of the handes of the Assirians When the Iewes were buyldyng the temple 1. Esd. 5. they that were retourned from Babylone were exhorted and Aggeus and zacharias dyd healpe them Nehemia desyring to build a wall in Ierusalem sayde to the noble men and rulers 2. Esd. 2. Let vs get vp and builde and they strengthened theyr hands to good At Nehemias exhortation they that toke vsury of the people cōsented both to restore it againe 2. Esd. 5. and also from thence forth to take no more Tobias being in captiuitye wente vnto all them that were in prysone Tobi. 1.4.14 and gaue them wholesome exhortations Also he preached verye wel vnto to his sonne It chaunced wel with Toby that he obeyed the counsels of Raphaell Tobi. 6. whome he estemed and toke for a man and specially in drawynge out of the fyshe in demaundynge and askyng a wife and whether he shoulde marrye her or no. The parentes of Sara yonge Tobies Tobi. 10. wife did monysh and exhorte her to honoure her father and her mother in law to loue her husbande to rule well her housholde to kepe her house in good order and to shewe her selfe fautlesse Iudith made a good exhortation vnto the people Iudi. 8. reprouinge that that was vndiscretely ordeined and teachynge them what oughte to bee doone Mardocheus efficacelye perswaded Esther Esth. 4. to go into the kynge wyth danger and pearel of her life to pray for the wealth of her people After that Esay had sene the wonderfull vision Esa. 6. he hym selfe saide wo is me because I holde my peace but after that he perceyued that hys lyps were cleansed with the stone or hote coale that was taken from the aultar he said vnto our Lorde that inquyred whome he shuld send vnto the people here am I send me Oure Lorde sayde vnto Esaye Crye as loude as thou cansie leaue not of Esa. 58. Lyft vp thy voyce lyke a trompette and shewe my people their offences and the house of Iacob their synnes Ieremy fyrst execused hym selfe frō preachinge Iere. 1. and after he graunted folowed the wyl of God Abimelech the Mortan sayde vnto king Sedechias Iere. 38. My Lord the kynge All thy seruauntes that haue cast Ieremye the Prophet into the dongyon or lake haue done euel And the king commaunded that he shuld be drawn out of the lake before he died Our Lord spake vnto Ionas saying Arise Ionas 1.2 and get the to Niniue and preache there vnto them the predication that I shall speake and declare vnto thee Daniell gaue Nabuchodonozor the kynge of Babylon good Counsell Dani. 4. Sayinge be contente with my counsayle and redeame thy synnes wyth almesse When that Mathathias should die he exhorted his sonnes to do
manfully for the law of God 1. Mach. 2. When Iudas Machabeus shoulde fighte 1. Mach. 3. he exhorted and encouraged hys people wyth goodlye woordes And in a nother place hee weaponed them 2. Mach. 15 not with the armour of shielde and speare but with wholesom wordes and exhortations When the fyrst of the seuen brethrē was tosted and tormented 2. Mach. 7. the rest of hys brethren with hys mother exhorted him to die manfully and strongly saying Our Lorde God shal regarde the truth and comfort vs. But specyally theyr mother dyd wonderfully efficacely exhort her children Ihon the Baptist exhorting manye thinges Mar. 1. preached vnto the people of the whyche Luke 3. certaine are touched in the fyrst of Luke whose exhortatyon was of suche efficacy that not onlye many cōfessing their sinnes wer baptised Mar. 6. but also when Herode him selfe heard hym he dyd many thinges and heard him gladly Our Lord sent forth his discyples saying Mat. 10 Go and preach sayinge The kingdome of heauen is at hand Mar. 16. Peter the Apostle preached vppon Whytsonday so effectuouslye that in one daye there were baptysed Act. 2. 3000. soules And at a nother time through hys preachynge ther were christened fiue thousand And when the Prophets and doctors that were at Antioche had fasted and praid Act. 13. the holy ghost saide Seperate me Bernabas and Saule Then followeth They were sente forthe of the holye Ghoste and preached the worde of God in the sinagoges of the Iewes As Peter was preachyng in Cornelius house Act. 10. the holye Ghoste fell on all theym whyche hearde the word of God And he commaunded them to be baptysed Paule and Barnabas returned againe to Listra Act. 14. and to Iconium and to Antioche and strengthed the discyples soules again and exhorted them to continue in the faith And it fortuned in Iconium that Paule Barnabas went into the synagoge of the Iewes Act. 14. and so spake that a great multitude both of the Iewes and also of the Grekes beleued When Paul being in bonds should speke and answer for him selfe before king Agrippa and the iudge Festus Act. 26. Agrippa saide vnto him Somewhat thou perswadest and bringest mee in minde for to become christen A vision appeared vnto Paule in that nyght There stode a manne of Macedonia and prayed hym sayinge come into Macedonia and healpe vs. Act. 16. Then there followeth After he hadde seene the vysyon Immediatelye wee prepared to goe into Macedonia beynge certefyed that oure LORDE had called vs to preache the Gospell vnto them And manye of the Corinthyans whan they gaue audience to Paules preachynge beleued Act. 18. and were baptised Then spake our lord to Paule in the night by a vision Be not afraide but speake and hold not thy peace for I am with thee and no man shall inuade the that shal hurt the. And a Iew named Apollos born at Alexandria Act. 18. was learned in the way of our lord spake feruentlye in the spryte and taughte diligentlye the thinges of our Lord Iesu. Paul entring into the Iewes sinagoge at Ephesus behaued hym self spake boldly Act. 19. disputing and geuynge them exhortations of the kyngdome of God And vpon one certen daye Paule being ready to depart on the morow continued his preachinge vnto mydnight A certain yong man oppressed with dead sleepe Act. 20. fell downe from the window and was taken vp deade When Paule was come downe vnto hym had reuiued him● he wēt vp again and talked with them euen til the morning and so departed Paule departing from Asia said vnto the elders Act. 20. By the space of three yeares I ceased not to warn and monyshe euerye one of you nighte and day wyth teares ¶ Of euil counsels and perswasions Ca. xxviii EUa gaue vnto Adam her husbād of the forbidden tree Gen. 3. and he dyd eat of it It is to be thought and estemed that she perswaded hym Gen. 39. Iosephes mystres whom he serued did wickedlye perswade and sollycite hym to euil Moses tarying somwhat long with God in the mountain Exo. 32. the people said vnto Aaron make vs straunge Gods to go before vs. Unto whose suggestions Aaron did folyshlye condescende and obey Baalam taught Balaac how that by wemen he might drawe the chyldren of Israell to iniquity and synne Nume 31. and so to prouoke our Lorde agaynst hym self The chyldren of Amon perswaded their king verye euill 2. regu 10. that he shoulde dishonest Dauids messengers Ionadab Dauids Nephew gaue verye euyl counsaile to Amon 2. regu 13. when he counsailed him to defloure his syster Of the whych thing chaunced greate inconuenyence harme afterwards Achitophels counsel that he gaue to Absolon was detestable and fylthye And yet the counsaile that he gaue in those daies was as a man had asked counsaile of God Wemen turned Salomons hart throughe thē it was so depraued that he followed other Goddes 3. regu 11. and worshypped them Ochozias the kynge of Iuda walked in the wayes of the house of Achab the whyche was moste wycked● 2. para 22. for hys mother Athalia by her counsayle entysed yea and compeld hym to do wickedly As the Iewes after theyr retourne and commyng againe from Babylon wer building theyr temple 1. Esd. 4. theyr ennemies wrote vnto king Artaxerses and perswaded by them dyd forbyd them to worke any more Amans frendes hearynge him complaining of Mardocheus Esth. 5. that would not knele vnto hym said Cōmaund a hyghe payre of galowes to be made and to morrowe speake thou to the kynge that Mardocheus may be hanged theron Iobs wyfe gaue him verye folyshe counsel Iob. 2. but he as a prudent and a holy man wold not folow it Pharaos wise counsellers gaue him vnwise and folish counsaile Esa. 19. Because that Ieremy did Prophecye that the citye of Ierusalem shuld be taken of the Chaldees Iere. 38. The prynces and rulers of the people said vnto kynge Zedechias Syr we beseche you let this manne be put to deathe And he vnwysely agreing vnto them saide Lo he is in your handes for it is not mete that the king should deny you any thing Darius the king of Percia through the euyll suggestion of this Princes and noble men Da●i ● made a statute that whoso desyred any peticion either of God or man except of the kinge onelye Should be caste into the Lyons Denne In the dayes and tyme of Antiochus wicked men wente oute of Israell 1 Mach. 1. and persuaded manye sayinge Lette vs goe and make a couenaunte with the Heathen Menelaus dyd so persuade Andronicus that he slewe Onias the priest 2. Mach. 4. without anye regarde of righteousnes When the court was kept against Menelaꝰ before Antiochus Ptolome beynge corrupted with money by Menelaus persuaded the kynge 2. Mach. 4. and brought him to the
sonne Ioseph was deade Gen. 37. he sayde I wil go downe into hel vnto my sonne mourninge So then he beleued that he was there in spryte Iosephes brethren hauynge in wil and mynde to saye that one of theyr brethren was deade said We are xii brethren Gen. 42. the sonnes of one man the yongest is with oure father and one no man wotteth wher he is Our lord appearing vnto Moses in a bush Exo. 3. sayd I am the God of Abrahā Isaac and Iacob c. by thys our sauiour proueth the resurrectyon of the dead Mat. 22. He is not a God of the dead saith he but of the liuyng It is sayd of Chore and hys companye that they wente down alyue into hell Nume 16. and the earth closed vpon them and they pearyshed from amonge the congregation By thys it appeareth that the euil as touchyng theyr soules do lyue in hel If Saule had surelye beleued that Samuel had bene extincte and deade as touchyng hys soule 1. regu 28. he woulde not haue desyred hym to haue bene reuyued and called againe When that Dauids seruauntes maruailed why he wepte not for hys yonge sonne that was dead he said I shal go to him rather thē he shal come again to me When that Dauids seruaunts meruailed why he wept not for his yong sonne that was dead 2. regu 12. he said I shall go to him rather then he shall come againe to me When Absolon was hanged and thrust thorowe with iii. speares 2. regu 18 Dauid be wailed lamented him mournfully And s. Augustine in his boke de doc chri sayth That Dauid bewaild not the lack and deathe of hys sonne But because he knew to what pains that adoulterous and Paracide soule shoulde be drawen vnto But for his other sonne that died an Innocente and for whose sicknesse hee was sore afflicted 2. regu 12. he reioysed 3. regu 17. Helias praid for the reuiuification of hys hostes chylde saying O Lord my God let thys childes soule come into hym againe Oftentimes we read in the bookes of the kynges 3. regu 14. he was layde a sleape wyth hys fathers The whiche thing by no meanes maye be vnderstanded or spoken of brute beastes 4. regu 13. and therefore ther by it is proued that they liue after theyr death and that here after they shal arise again as it appeareth in those that slepe It is manifest and open by Thobias wordes which he spake rebuking the folishnesse of his kinsfolkes that the soule liueth after that it is seperated from the body Tobi. 2. We are saythe Toby the children of holy men and loke for the life which God shal geue vnto them that neuer tourne their be lefe from him And afterwardes in his oration and prayer he saithe Tobi. 3. O Lord deale not wyth me accordynge to thy wil and commaund my sprite to be receiued in peace Our Lord gaue Iob double of al the euer was his Tobi. 42. And at length he gaue him vii sonnes and iii. doughters The preacher after the mynd of s. Eccle. 11. Gregory in the laste of his Morales spake expresly and plainly sayinge Let the dust be tourned agayne vnto earthe from whence it came and the spryte shall retourne vnto God whiche gaue it By those woordes that the dampned do saye in hell they declare and shew Sapi. 5. that the good as wel as the euil do liue in a nother world Thus it is wrytten euen literallye of Nabuchodonozor king of Babylon Now that thou art laid down to slepe that is in death Esai 14. there come no mo vp to hewe vs downe Hel also beneathe trembleth to meete thee at thy comming And after there foloweth Thy pryde is brought downe into the depe of hel And many mo thinges ar wrytten there by the whyche it is euidente that he pearished not vtterly but that his soule went downe into hel When that they counseld Eleazarus to faine and dyssemble hym self to haue eaten of the flesh of the sacrifice 2. Mach. 6. he said Though I were now delyuered from the tormentes of menne yet shuld not I escape the hand of almighty God nether aliue nor dead One of those seuen brethren saide 2. Mach. 7. Those thynges I possesse and haue from heauen but now for the lawe of God I despyse them for my truste is that I shall receyue them Of hym agayne Lykewise it is cleare and manyfest by the mothers wordes and other that they as touchyng the soule beleued not that they should pearish Razias takyng hys owne bowels threw them vpon the people 2. Mach. 14 callyng vpon our Lord and ruler of the earth and spirit to reward and restore him this again and so he dyed Our sauiour warninge his Dysciples the whych he sent abrode Mat. 10. sayde vnto them Feare ye not them which kyl the body but are not able to kyll the soule But rather fear him which is hable to destroy both soule and body into hel That thing which our Lord dothe shew of the rych man and Lazarus semeth to be no parable or symilitude Luke 16. but a manifest hystorye And so it appeareth that the soules bothe of the good and euyll be immortall and receyue after the separatyon from the bodye euen as they deserued beynge in the body Our Lorde by the ensample of the vniust steward that made hym frendes wyth hys masters goodes Luc. 16. dothe conclude sayinge make you frendes of the vnrighteous Mammon that when ye shall haue neade they may receiue you into euerlastinge habitatiōs The which saying was of none effect if the soule after the seperation from the body or after the death of the body had no receptacle or place to be receiued vnto Blessed saint Steuen had a deuout and a right opinion and faithe of the soule Act. 7. the whyche when they stoned him saide Lorde Iesu receyue my spryte It appeareth manifestlye by the wordes of that excellent doctor Paul tha● the soule doth liue after it be seperated from the bodye 2. Cor. 5. We knowe saith he that if our earthy mancyon of thys dwellynge wer destroyed we haue a building of God an habitation not made wyth handes but eternal in heauen Philip. 1. And he saith I desyre to be losed to be with Christ. And the selfe same man saythe O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this bodye subdued vnto death roma 7. Truely he wold not say such thinges but that he was sure of a nother life ¶ Of the faith that man shuld haue vnto God Cap. xxxiiii ABraham beleued our lorde Gen. 15. and that counted he to him for righteousnesse and note that he beleued God whiche promised hym a thynge most difficult and hard After that the children wer past ouer the red sea Exo. 14. and Pharaos host ouerthrowne and drowned the people feared oure Lorde and beleued
howe that he had sene our Lord in the waye and how he had done boldlye at Damasco in the name of Iesu. When Lysias the Tribune saw that the Iewes intreated Paule so cruellye he asked of hym Act. 21. Arte not thou that Egiptian whyche before those dayes madest an vprore and leddest oute into the wyldernesse 4000. men that were murtherers When the barbarous people and straungers saw the Uyper hange on Paules hande Act. 28. they sayde No doubte thys man is a murtherer thoughte that he should haue swolne or fallen downe dead sodenly ¶ That holye and good men suffer certaine thinges to be done but not gladlye ¶ Capi. lviii IAcob at the instance of his children Gen. 43. dyd permit and suffer hys well be loued sonne Beniamin to be led away and kept agaynste his wil for the necessitye and lacke of vitaile Moses suffred the Iewes that wer odious and spiteful to their wiues Deu. 24. to geue them a bill of deuorcement because he feared the murtherynge of theyr wiues Dauid considering his people set captains ouer them 2. re 18. And said vnto the people I wil goe with you also And the people aunsweared Thou shalt not go forth for thou shalt be coūted worth ten thousand of vs. Wherfore it is better that thou succour vs with in the City And he sayde vnto them what semeth you best that I wil do Symon knewe that Tryphon dyssembled and vsed gile and deceyte in his wordes desiring Ionathas two sonnes and a hundred talentes of siluer yet commaunded he the money and the children to be deliuered i. mach xi least parauenture he shoulde prouoke the enmite and euyll wyll of the people against him selfe Of Iustice and equitie Capitu. lix ABraham being minded and wel wyllyng to be seperated and diuided from Lot his brothers sonne Gen. 13. gaue him the option to chuse and to take what parte he would And thus maye a perticion be well made the elder to deuide the yonger to chuse Iacob sayd vnto Laban my iustice and my righteousnesse shall answere for me to morowe Gen. 30 Elizeus suffred the chyldren of the prophetes to seke Helias 4. re 2. leest haply the spirite of our Lorde had caste him some wheres And yet he knewe that they should labour in vaine Salphaads doughters peticion was iust euen by gods testimony witnes Num. 27 the which desired of Moses that they myght in herite theyr fathers inheritaunce and landes Kynge Adonibeseth was taken by the chyldren of Israell Iudi. 1. the whiche cut of his thombs and his great toes Then saied the king Thre score ten kinges hauing their thombes their greate toes cut of gathered the fragmentes vnder my table As I haue done so god hath doone to me againe After that Agag the king of the Amalakites was brought before Samuel 1. reg 15 Samuel sayd vnto him Thy swerde hath made women childlesse so shall thy mother be childlesse aboue other women Dauid saied vnto Saul that vniustly persecuted him 1. re 26 Our lorde reward euery man accordinge to his righteousnesse and fayth Dauid ordened in a maner it was taken for a lawe 1. re 30. that as his parte is that goeth downe fighteth so shall his parte be that tarieth at the stuffe Dauid would not accept the thressinge floure of Arama for naughtes the whiche he myght haue hadde so 2. reg 24 but he bought it at a iust price When Tobias harde the kyd cry Tob. 2 He sayed Looke that it be not stolen restore it againe to the owners for it is not lawful for vs to eat or to touch any thinge of thefte Proude and vniuste Aman by the commaundemente of kynge Abasuerus Esth. 7.9 was hanged on the selfe same galous that he hadde made for Mardocheus And on the same daye the Iewes enemies wer slaine by the Iewes the whiche they hadde thought to haue slayne Ieremy prophesiynge against Babilon sayeth Iere. 50 Recompence her as she hath deserued and accordinge as she hath done so deale with her againe Kinge Darius commaunded those menne whiche hadde accused Daniell to be caste into the Lyons denne Dani. 6 and the Lyons or euer they came at the grounde tooke them and brake al theyr bones a sonder The people dydde to those oulde Preastes whiche accused Susanna Dani. 13 as they hadde doone agaynste their neighboures for they put theym to death and slewe them Antiochus caused Andronichus to be striped out of his purple clothing 2. Mac. 4 and to bee slayne in the same place Wher he vniustly put Onias the hye preaste to death The cruell and wicked Iason that hadde caste many one out vnburyed 2. Mach. 5 was throwne out him selfe no man mourning for him so that he neither enioyed the buriall of a straunger nether was partaker of hys fathers sepulcher Antiochus the homicide and blasphemer was sore plaged euen as he hadde intreated and plaged other 2. Mach. 9 so he died a miserable death in a straūge countrey vpon a mountaine Oure lorde dyd merytoriouslye reuoke the whole debte Math. 18 that he liberally forgaue the wicked and vngratiue seruaunte because he would not forgeue his felowe an hundred pence that he oughte him ¶ Of the good and euill iudgemētes of men Capi. lx A Iudge oughte most diligentely to search oute the cause that he is ignorante in Gen. 11.18 for it is sayed that god from whome nothinge can be hid came downe to se the city which the children of Adam buylded and likewise he sayeth I wyll go downe and see whethere they haue done in dede accordinge to that crye which is come vnto me or not Iudas vniustly cōmaūded Thamar his doughter in lawe to be burned Gen. 38. Iosephs master geuinge to muche credit to the wordes of his wife Gen. 39. put him in prison Causes of smale importaūce as Iethro counseled Moses ought to be determined by the lower iudges Exo. 18 causes of greate importaunce by the hier magistrates and rulers Moses gaue none of the .xii. oxen and .vi. charettes to the chyldren of Caath Num. 7. although thei wer nie akinne vnto him But he gaue al to the other Leuits because that they being burdened with heuier thinges had more nede of them thē the other Moses counseled with our lorde for the doughters of Salphaad Nume 27. And oure lorde made him this answer if a man dye and haue no sonne hys enheritaunce shall turne to his doughter It was Moses minde and will Nume 32 that the chyldren of Ruben and other that desyred to inhabite the land that was now required and gotten shoulde go armed to battayle before the children of Israell vntil the other countres were subdued and gotten Of Samuels children it is written that they turned a syde after Lucre 1. reg 8. toke rewards peruerted the right Dauid at
the woorde and reporte of Siba that gaue him gyftes gaue an vniust sentence against Mephiboseth beynge absent 2. re 16.19 But yet after he knew the truth of the matter he was wyllynge to reuoke the vntrue sentence agayne Salomon gaue iust iudgemēt of the two women 3. re 3 the whiche contended to be the mother of one childe Iosaphat the king of Iuda set iudges in the lande and commaunded them saying 2. Para. 19. Take hede what ye do For ye execute not the iudgementes of manne but of God For al that ye shall iudge shall redounde vnto you againe Let the feare of oure Lorde be vpon you and do all thinges wyth diligence At Amans suggestion kinge Ahasuerus spake vniustly of the people Esther 3. saying vnto Aman do with that people as it pleaseth thee Esay said thus by the iudges of Israel Thy princes are wicked companions of theues Esa. 1 They loue gistes altogether and gape for rewardes They help not the fatherlesse to hys right nether wil they let the widowes causes come before them In as much as Ieremy prophecyed from our LORD that Babilon Iere. 38 shuld be taken of the Chald●es The princes and rulers of the people said vnto Kynge Sedechias Syr wee beseeche you lette thys manne bee put to death He answered then saying Lo he is in your handes for the kyng may deny you nothing Nabuchodonozor the king of Babilon commaunded that all the wyse men of Babilon should be destroyed Dani. 2. because they coulde not declare the dreame he had sene Although Darius the king of Persia knew right wel that Daniel was an innocente Dani. 14 yet at the instaunce of his lordes and princes he caused him to be caste into the lake and denne of Lyons Daniel did discreatly examin those two olde iudges Dani. 13 that bare false wytnesse against Susanna When Menclaus was accused in the iudgement hall before Antiochus for mony 2. mach 4. which he promised was discharged and his accusers wrongfully put to death The Iewes made theyr complaint before king Antiochus of the vniuste deathe of Onias 2. Mach. 4. the whyche Antiochus althoughe he was wicked was sory therfore and commaunded that Andronicus should be stripped out of hys purple clothing and slain wher he slue Onias Herodes iudgement was to vniust when he sent forthe men of war math ii and slue all the children that wer in Beth leem At the peticion of a damsel that daūsed Herode the Tetrarch caused Ihō the Baptist to be beheaded in prison mar vi and yet he knewe that he was a iuste man and a holy Nicodemus said vnto the pharises Doth your law iudge anye man Ihon. vii before it heare him and know what he hath done This iudgement was most vniust when Pilate losed Barrabas the homicide math xxvii thefe and seditious persone delyuered vnto the wil of the Iewes our Lord Iesus The Apostles answered the prestes and magestrates of the temple Act. 4. commaundinge Peter and Ihon not to teach any thing in the name of Iesus saying whether is it right in the syght of God to harken vnto you more thē to God iudge ye When Paul had cast the deuel out of the maid which had a sprite that prophesyed Act. 16 her masters vnto whome by Prophesying she brought muche luker and vauntage accused hym the magestrates caused Paule and Silas to be beaten with rods and to be cast into prison When the Iewes accused Paule Gallie the proconsul and ruler of the countrye saide Act. 18 If it were a matter of wrong or an euil dede O ye Iewes reason would that I should hear you But if it be a question of woordes or of names or of your law looke ye to it your selues for I will be no iudge of such matters The hie priest commaunded them that stoode by Act. 23 to smyte Paule on the mouth Then said Paule vnto hym God shal smite the thou painted wal syttest thou and iudgest me after the law and cōmaundest me to be smittē contrary to the law Act. 24. Althoughe Paule had reasonablye wel excused him self before Felix the ruler yet Felix hauinge in mynde to please the Iewes left Paul to Festus his successor bound in pryson Festus the president said It is not the manner of the Romaines to condēpne any man Act. 25. before that he which is accused haue the accusers before hym and haue lycence and place to answer for him selfe concerning the crime laid against him Festus not agreinge to the Iewes which desired that Paul might be sēt to Ierusalem said vnto Paule wylt thou go to Ierusalem and there bee iudged of these matters Then said Paul I stand at Cesars iudgement seat Act. 25 wher I oughte to be iudged I appeale vnto Cesar. Then spake Festus with deliberatyon and answeared Thou hast apealed vnto Cesar vnto Cesar shalt thou go When they had heard Paules reasons kinge Agrippa Festus spake together Act. 26. saying This man hath don nothing worthy of death Then said Agrippa vnto Festus Thys manne might haue bene let lose if he had not appealed to Cesar. ¶ Of penaunce Ca. lxi SO long as Marie taried with out the host Num. xii the children of Israell remoued not For it is nether good nor profytable to go or to pason by the deseart and wyldernesse of this life withoute the bitternesse of penaunce Nu. xiiii The people of Israell hearynge that our Lorde was angrye for theyr murmuring toke great sorowe And in the mornyng they wold haue don more then our Lorde had commaunded them Iudi. ii At the voyce of the aungel layinge the benefites of God vnto the synfull people they cried out and wept The children of Israell saide vnto our Lorde Iudi. 10. We haue sinned do vnto vs whatsoeuer please thee And they put away the straunge Goddes from them Then there doth folow he had pity on the misery of Israel Dauid did sone repente when Nathan did reprehend and rebuke hym of his faut 2. regu 12. Achab the most wicked kyng of Israel rente his clothes put on a cilice about hys flesh 3. regu 21. and fasted and lay in sackclothe went barefote and helde downe hys heade and the payne and punyshment that he for hys offences had worthely deserued was delaied Manasses the kyng of Iuda beyng bounde wyth chaynes ii Pa. xxxii was caryed to Babilon he did great penaunce and humbled hym self exceadingly before God and he broughte him agayne to Ierusalem into his kingdome It was said vnto Esdras lamēting the synnes of the people i. Esd. x If there bee penaunce in Israel for thys thyng I wyll make a couenaunte wyth oure God The people hearyng of the fearful and terrible power of Holofernesse cryed earnestlye Iudith iiii and humbled theyr soules with fastinges and Prayers they and theyr wiues the Priestes put on
his lorde vnto Dauid 2. re 16 his euell wordes wer sone beleued As the chyldren of Israell whiche were retourned from Babilon were buyldinge of the temple i. Esd 4 their enemies sente a wicked and an vntrue epistle to king Artaxarses to cause him to let and to hynder the buyldinge When that Sara Raguels daughter reproued one of her maydens for her faute Tob. 3 she answered her sayinge God let vs neuer se son nor daughter of the more vpon earth then kyller of thy husbandes By the onely occasion of Mardocheus that would not worship nor bowe to proude Aman he informed the kinge Ahasuerus that the Iewes condemned his cōmaundemēt Esth. 2 and that they sowed discorde and debate throwoute all his kingdome And vpō reporte the wer condemned all to dye but yet the diuine mercy prouided for theyr deliueraunce Because that Ieremy preached that the Caldes should take the city of Ierusalem Iere. 38. The princes and rulers of the people saied vnto kinge Sedechias This mā laboureth nor seketh not for peace of the people but for mischefe The Caldes came and accused the Dani. 3 Iewes saiyng vnto Nabuchodonosor the king that Daniels felowes did not worship his gods and that they were transgressors breakers of the kings decrees and lawes The princes and lordes of Darius the king of Persia Dani. 6 enuyinge and beringe hatred to Daniel accused him to the king that he prayed and worshipped another god thē king Darius These two olde prestes went about filthely to defame Susan Dani. 13 but yet god by an abstinent and a chast childe did wonderfully deliuer her Alchimus which would haue bene the hie preast and certayne other saied vnto kinge Demetrius i. mach 7 Iudas and his brethrē haue destroyed thy frends haue scatered vs out of our coūtrey There came together against Ionathas certaine pestilent and wicked men of Israel i. mach 10 to prouoke king Alexander against him But the kinge regarded them not Simon of the tribe of Beniamin a ruler of the tēple 2. mach 3 came to Appolonius and tolde him that the treasury was full of innumerable money This Symon of whome we spake before 2. mach 4 reported and spake the worste of Onias the prouisor of the citye And was bolde nothyng ashamed to call hym an enemy of the realme whi●he was so faithfull a defender of his people and so feruent in the lawe of god 2. Mach. 24 Alchimus comminge to kinge Demetrius amōge al other things saied As longe as Iudas lyueth it is not posible for men to be in quiet mat 9. When the pharises sawe that oure lorde sat at meate in Mathews house the saied vnto his disciples why eateth your master with Pubblicās sinners Lu. 19 The like chaunced be zacheus For thei murmurd that he was gone in to tarye with a man that is a synner math 11. And of Iohn the baptist that was a greate faster they saied He hath the deuell And of our lorde Iesu that did eate with sinners they sayed Behold a glutton an vnmeasurable drincker of wyne a frende vnto Pubblicans and sinners After that the pharises had sene the miracle of him that was borne blind Iohn 9 and how that he was restored to hys sight by our lorde Iesus thei bacbited oure lorde saiynge we knowe that this man is a sinner and they curssed the man saied Be thou his disciple The Scribes and pharises bacbited oure lorde callinge hym a Samaritane a demoniach A blasphemer a sinner a glutton a drunckard a liar and one that forbad to paye tribute to Cesar a subuerter of the people A seductor the which all may be had and found in diuers places of the gospell The Iewes beinge-vnable to resist the wisedome of Steuen Act. 6 and the spirite that spake by him brought into the counsel two false witnesses saiyng This man ceaseth not to speake blasphemus words against this holy place and lawes Certain men beinge in sorow that they hadde loste theyr gayne Act. 16 because that Paule had caste oute of a mayde of theyrs a sprete that prophesyed sayed vnto the magistrates These mē trouble our city through their euel wordes the people ran against them and theyr clothes beinge rent they wer commaunded to be beaten wyth rods and to be cast into prison When Gallio the proconsull was ruler of the coūtry of Acaia the Iewes made an insurrectiō with one accord againste Paule Act. 18 and broughte him to the iudgement seat saying This fellow doth counsel men to worship god contrary to the law At Ephesus when diuers waxed hard hearted Act. 19 beleued not but spake euel of the way of oure Lorde that before the multitude Paule departing frō thence separated the disciples When certain Iewes which were of Asia Act. 21 saw Paul in the temple they cried o ye men of Israel helpe This is the man that teacheth all men euerye wher against the people and the law Furthermore he hathe broughte the gentiles into the temple and hathe polluted this holy place Act. 24 The orator Tertullius propunded for the Iewes before Felix the deb●ty agaynste Paule saiynge We haue founde this pestilent felow mouinge sedition debate vnto all the Iewes in the whole worlde and a maintayner of sedition of the secte of the Nazarites whiche hath also enforced to pollute the temple Paule disputinge at Athens Act. 17 certayue philosophers of the Epicures and of the Stoyckes saied what will this babler saye Other sayed he semeth to be a tydinges bringer of new deuels When the straungers sawe the viper hange on Pauls hand Act. 28 thei saied no doubte this man is a murtherer Whome thought he haue escayed the see c. But shortely after the chaunged their opinion ¶ Of Liberalite mercye and largenes Capi. lxxii REbecca Batuels daughter did most liberally answer Abrahams seruant Gen. 24 saying Drinck my lorde Exo. 2. Moses did very liberallye when he defended Iethroes daughters frō the shepheardes that woulde not suffer them to water theyr shepe When Moses hard that Iethro his father in law was comming to hym Exo. 18 he went out to mete him and did diuersly honor him The children of Israel wyth moste prompe and deuout minds did geue to the worke of the tabernacle Exo. 36 the holy vestments al thing that was necessary And the artificers wer enforced to say vnto Moses The people bring to much and more then inough Moses desired of kinge Edom saying we pray thee that it may be lawfull for vs to go thorow thy land Nume 21 we will not tourne in to the fieldes nor vineyardes neyther drinke of the waters of the wels c. Gedeō desired bread of the lords of Sochot Phanuel for his cōpanions an men that wer weary Iudi. 8. but they wold geue him none the which thing was
the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul A certain woman named Lidia a seller of purple Act. xvi beinge baptised by Paules predication prayed Paul very deuoutly and liberallye and compeld him and his felowes to remaine and abide in her house When Paul and his companions were scaped in the wynter out of the brokē ship the barbarous straunge people shewed them no litle kindnes for they kindled a fire Act. 28 and refreshed euery one of them because of the present rain and cold Publius the prince of the Islande called Mytilene Act. 28 vnto the which Paul and his felowes after the tempest arriued receiued vs and lodged vs thre daies curteously whose father Paule dyd heale of a feuer and of a bloudye flixe It appeareth that Paule was very liberall to the pore whose busynesses he so diligently procured 1. Corin. 16 as it is manifest in the gathering for the poore 2. Corin. 9 the which he caused to be done moste carefully And he saithe if it be mete that I go also they shal go with me And he which soweth litle shall repe litle And he that soweth largely and frely shal reape plenteously There was in Paule an ensample of a wonderfull liberality and gratitude the whyche wrote so affectuous letters for one Onesimus a fugitiue seruaunt of Philemons as it is euident in his epistle to philemō If thou counte me a felowe saithe Paul receiue him as my selfe Capi. 1. If he haue done the any hurte or oweth the o●ghte that laye to my charge ¶ Of Couetiousnes Capitu. lxxiii IN that that Cain slewe his brother Gen. 4. because he sawe his brothers goodes increase may be noted greate auarice and a greate desyre of money We reade that Cain was the fyrste that builte any citye Gen. 4. and not Abel For good holy menne haue heare no contynuynge citye Heb. 13. but they seke one to come Because of the greate substaunce that Abraham and Lot had thei could not inhabite and dwell together Gen. 13● And theyr herdsmen began to striue one with a nother The abundaunce of tēporal goods Gen. 13. is oftentymes the occasion of greate sinne as it is enident by the Sodomites whyche were of all other synners the wurst After that Isaac grew to be ryche his shepeherdes and his neghboures began to braule and chyde Gen. 26. Iudges and prelates ought to hate auaryce more then any other vice Exo. 18. And therefore Iethro spake notablye of Iudges Thou shalt seke out those that hate couetousnes There are fewe preastes in these daies that forbid or let the superfluite of oblations Exo. 36. as thei did that were rulers ouer the workes of the tabernacle Balaacs messengers wente vnto Balaam hauinge money and rewardes in their handes Nume 22. and so he was corrupted with couetousnes The tribe of Ruben and Ead. And halfe the tribe of Menasses Nume 32. because thei hadde greate substance of cattail woulde not goo ouer Iordane But were contente for their portion to inhabite and dwell in the countrei apte and meate to f●de and bring vp their cattayle Achior seduced by couetousnes toke of the excomunicate thinges of I●richo But for that lucre and gayne Iosu. 7. he had and sufferd greate losse and dammage Dalida for money that was promised her of the philistians Iudi. 16. delyuered Samson her husband vnto them It is written of Samuels sonnes that they tourned a syde after lucre 1. regu 8. and toke rewardes and peruerted the righte Couetousnes semeth to be the chefest cause or occasion that Saule was reproued for 1. regu 15. I mene the cupidite that he hadde to Amalechs pray For Samuel sayed vnto him wherfore haste thou not harkened vnto the voyce of our lorde but hast turned to the pray and haste done that is wicked In the sight of oure lorde Nabel was to strayte laced against Dauid demaunding somwhat of him Whervpon 1. regu 25. but for Abigail his wifes sake he had welnye lost both his substance and him selfe to Semei against the kinges prohibition and commaundement went oute of Ierusalem to seeke his seruauntes that were runne their wayes 3● regu 2. And for that Salomon caused hym to be slayne Nabothes vyneyarde the whiche Achab desyred 3 regu 21. was the occasion that two false wytnesses were broughte forthe against him and that he was commaunded to be stoned Forasmuche as Gihezi tooke that thing of Naaman that Eliseus refused 4. regu 5. he was striken with Leprosy In Nehemias time there were certayne of the noble men and rulers so oppressed with v●ury 2. Esd. 5. that the were wyllyng to sell their sonnes daughters vnto bondage but Nehemias did muche rebuke them After that Nabuchodonozor had gotten the victory of Arpharat the kyng of Medes Iudi. 1. by and by he occupied and subdued all other kyngdomes Iudas Machabeus saied vnto hys people companions 1. Mach. 4. be not gredy of the spoyles we haue yet a battaile to fight for Gorgias his hoste is heare by vs in the mountaynes Ptolomi the kyng of Aegipt slaundren Alexander his sonne in lawe 1. Mach. 11. because he would haue had his realme And yet Alexander had honorably receiued him Simon of the tribe of Beniamin styrde Appolonius and kyng Antiochus against Onias the holye cytie 2. Mach. 3. sayinge that the treasury was full of innumerable money Menelaus through the money that he promised Antiochus obtayned the hie prichode 2. Mach. 4. And at length by menes of the golden vessell that he stale oute of the Temple the whiche he gaue Andronicus he caused Onias to bee slayne And beynge acoused to Ptolomi he corrupted hym with money and caused hym to geue sentence of death agaynst his accusers And the selfe Menelaus throughe the couetousnes of them that were in powre remayned styll in aucthoritie increasynge in malyce to the greate hurte of the cytezins When that certaine Iewes at Machabeus ● Mach. 10. commaundement had besieged two towers in the whyche theyr enemies were 2. Mach. 10 certayne straungers intreated for money let some of them escape the whiche Machabeus caused to be slayne as traitours and sellers of theyr brethren After that the warre against Gorgias was ended Iudas Machabeus and his company came 2. Mach. 12 to burye the bodies of them that were slayne Under the cotes of certayne Iewes that were slayne they founde money and Iewels of ydols whiche thinge was forbidden the Iewes by the law And therefore menne beleued it to be the cause that they were slayne The yonge manne that inquired of oure lorde how he myghte haue eternall life Mar. 19. hadde greate and ryche possessions and therefore when he harde the counsell of perfection he went a waye so●ye The preastes wyllinge and desyrynge that the people shoulde oftentimes offer mat 21.23 did suffer that suche thinges as mighte
regu 12. that I shoulde cease to pray for you and I wil teach you a ryght waye and a good When Dauid sawe the Aungell that smote the people 2. regu 24. he offerd him selfe to be beate for them let thyne hād I praye the tourne agaynst me Al they of Israel hard of the iudgement whyche the kynge had iudged betwene the two wemen 3. regu 3. and they feared the kynge for they saw that the wysedome of God was in him to do iustice It is a signe and a token that oure Lorde dothe loue the people when he geueth them a good prelate 3. regu 9. For the Quene of Saba saied our Lord loued Israell and therefore he made the king ouer it to do equity righteousnes 3. regu 20. Oure Lorde beynge purposed and wyllinge to deliuer the king of Siria into the kinge of Israels handes sent him worde by his prophet that the kinge shoulde beginne to fighte and geue battaile As longe as Ioiada the byshoppe lyued 4. regu 12. Ioas the kynge of Iuda was good and did that whyche was good in the sighte of oure Lorde But the byshoppe beynge dead he did muche harme Iosaphat the kinge of Iuda set iudges in the lande ouer the people and dyd faithfullye 2. Para. 19. and wysely instruct them Take hede sayeth he what ye do for ye execute not the iudgemēt of man but of God whiche is wyth you in the iudgemente Wherefore nowe let the feare of God bee vpon you and take hede and be doynge the thinge that pleaseth hym for there is no vnrighteousnesse with the Lord oure GOD that he shoulde haue any respecte of persons or take rewardes Hezechias kinge of Iuda caused th● brasen serpent to be broken in peces 4. regu 18. because it was vnto the people an occasion of committinge ydolatry The postes wente with letters thorowoute all Israell and Iuda at the kynges commaundemente and hys Lordes 2. Para. 30. sayinge Turne againe vnto oure Lorde c. As Esdras was prayinge and wepyng for the transgression of the people 1. Esd. 9. there resorted vnto him a greate company of men and women and the people folowinge his ensample wept and lamented very sore Eliachim the hye preast hearinge of the power of Holofernes Iudith 4. wente rounde aboute all Israell and spake vnto them sayinge Be ye sure that oure Lorde wyll heare youre petitions if ye contynue stedfaste in fasstinges and prayers in the syghte of oure LORDE And thus he comforted the people wyth good exhortations A good prelate must be as a good father vnto the people cōmitted vnto him For it is writtē by Esai of Eliachim whome oure lorde set and dyd constitute in Sobnas the rulers place Esa. 22. he shall be as a father of such as dwel in Ierusalem After that Iudas Machabeus was dead 1. mach 9. ther spronge vp wicked persons throughout all costes of Israell and exhorted all such as did euyll to wickednes And in those daies there was greate hunger c. When men thought that Ionathas was slayne by Tryphon 1. Mach. 12. Then all the heathen that were rounde aboute them soughte to destroye them For they saied now haue they no captain nor any man to helpe them Therfore now let vs ouercome them and rote out their name from amonge men It is well sayed that the prudencye and pitye of Onias the hye preaste 1. Mach. 3. and the goodnesse of other godly subiectes was the cause of peace and good estate of the holy citye Onias did wel resyste Heliodorus goynge aboute to spoyle the temple 2. mac 3. and to take awaye suche thynges as was layed vp for wyddowes and fatherlesse chyldren Our sauiour and lord Iesus where he calleth him selfe a good shepherde Iohn 10. by and by he submitteth the cause sayinge a good shepharde geueth his lyfe for the shepe And agayne I geue my lyfe for the shepe Whereby he dothe vs to vnderstande what thinge is required that a mā may be called a good shephearde When our Sauiour after his resurrection was mynded to committe the cōgregation of the church to Peter first he proued him Iohn 22. saying Simō louest thou me more then these And note that he examined him of dilection not of knowledge not of practice or contemplation but of the dede not of the lawe Nor he asked hym not once but thryee If thou loue me fede my shepe clyppe them not nor slaye them For whye a good prelate muste feede hys shepe wyth worde example and bodely foode Peter perceyuinge that the Iewes marueled and iudged euyll of the discyples lifted vp his voyce and sayde vnto them Act. 1. Ye menne of Iewrye c. where he defendeth his flocke mooste constantly and most holsomlye ouercommeth his aduersaries We maye consider here by Paule the prelate of all excellent goodnesse that dilection dothe mooste specyallye pertaine to a good prelate Iohn 10. For the prince and chefest of all pastoures did so loue his sheape that hee gaue hys life for hys sheape The whych loued theym euen to the latter ende And Paule was meruelous feruente in that kynde of dilectyon and loue And therefore he saide I wyll verye gladlye bestowe and wyll be bestowed for your soules 2. Cor. 12. thoughe the more I loue you the lesse I am loued agayne Item there oughte to bee in a prelate the science knowledge of scripture Chuse and loue the lyghte of wisedome Sapi. 6. the which doth profyt the people Or elsse howe can he dyscerne Leprosy 1. Cor. ● 3 from no Leprosye or iudge the people cōmitted vnto him Paule had an excellent knowledge bothe in deuine humain matters he gaue vnto babes in Christ milke to dryncke spake wisdome among those that are perfect And he was takē vp into the third heauen 2 Cor. 12. harde secreat wordes which no man can vtter The loue of subiectes and knowledge of scriptures causeth a presydent or a prelate to be dilygent Roma 12. Lette him saithe Paule that ruleth doe it with diligence The which solicitude and diligence Paule vsed mooste feruently towardes his neighbors And therfore he saithe beside the thynges whych outwardlye happen vnto me I am combred dailye and do care for all Congregatyons 2. Cor. 11. And in a nother place I woulde ye knewe how great solicitude care that I haue for you Collo 2. Of and by these three foresayd thynges thinstruction of the learned doth follow and therfore our Lorde dothe promyse by Ieremy sayinge I wyll geue you herdmen after mine owne minde whiche shall ●eade you wyth learning and wisdome As Artaxerzes said to Esdras and to the iudges of the people 1. Esd. 7. Teache the vnlearned frelye the whiche thynge Paule the doctor of the heathen hath done euidently teaching the vniuersall world other by word or wryting a teacher of the gentiles wyth faythe
of trouble they cryed vnto thee and thou hardest them frō heauen 2. Esdra 9. And thorowe thy great mercye thou gauest them sauiours whych healped them out of the hand of theyr enemyes Tobias after many good dedes god suffring the same Tob. 2. waxed blynde and afterwardes was laughed to scorn of those that shuld haue comforted him But our Lord after that dyd dyuers maner a waies recreate and comfort him againe Iudith speaking of her owne people said Iudi. 8. Ye ought to remembre that whan your father Abraham was tēpted and tried thorow manye tribulations that he was made and found a louer and a frend of God Iob sustained tribulatyon by hys wyfe and by the reproches and contumelious woordes of his frendes the which thing ought to haue prouoked him to heauines Iob. 1.2.30 And in body he was diseased with a meruailous sore infirmity euen from the sole of hys foote to the crowne of his heade And in the losse of his substaunce and chyldren In the taking away of hys solace and comfort for hys wife abhord him and could not abide his breath Other yōg and vile persons derided him staind his face with spittle Ieremy which was sāctifyed in his mothers wombe Iere. 15. and ful of the spirit of prophecye said thus of hym selfe that he was a brauler a man of dyscord and dissention and a rebuker of the whole land and that all men cursed and spake euil vpon him Ieremy for preaching the truth vnto the people Iere. 16.18 was now and then punyshed and ofte imprysonned and at lengthe the people stoaned hym to deathe Ezechiel being in Caldea as a banyshed man Ezech. 1.5 saw in the middes of the Captiues the wonderfull visions of God Wherby it appeareth that god doth oftentimes comfort those whych are in tribulation It appeareth wel by Daniels cōpanions that our Lord is with him that is in tribulation Dani. 3. for Nabuchodonozor saw wyth theym a fourth lyke the sonne of God Nabuchodonozor in hys prosperity was arrogant and proud Dani. 4. and therefore he was cast out of mens companye and chaunged into a beast But after that he recouered hys vnderstāding the which he being in dignity honour lost by elation and pryde he praysed the hyest whome before hee blasphemed Our Lord was as highlye or more praysed throughe the pacience of the iii. children Dani. 2. the which they toke in the tribulation of the fornace as he was with the sapience and wisdom of Daniel the which he had in the expositiō and interpretation of dreames Susanna being condēned to death Dani. 13. hauing no recourse to any humayne aid or healpe weping loked vp vnto heauen as doth the bird which cōpased on earthe with men and dogges hath no refuge except it eleuate it self into the ayre After the death of Iudas Machabeus wicked men came vp ther was a great dearth in the land 1. mach 9. And wycked Bachides toke away the Lordes rulers of the country And there be came great trouble in Israel There went forth a very vniust decre and commaundement against the Iewes 2. mach 6. that who so would not do sacrifice after the lawes of the gentils shuld be put to death And there was great tribulation in Israel Antiochus being in good healthe was a cruell and a proude homicide 2. mach 9. but afterwards smytten by god with a greuous and vncurable plague he chaunged bothe hys wordes and his purposes After that our Lord was borne he sone after felt and suffred the pressures and torments of the world so that Ioseph tooke him and his mother math ii fled into Egipt Of diuers and many afflictions and iniuries whych our lord hath suffred read in the titles of mercy and pacience The Apostles beyng scourged by the precepte and commaundement of the Magestrates Act. 5. departed from the coūsel reioysing that they were counted worthy to suffer rebuke for the name of Iesu. And although Paul was not euen thē wyth the Apostles ii Corin. xii yet he sayde afterwardes of him self we reioyce in our tribulations And again Uery gladly wyl I reioyce of my weaknes that the strength of Christe may dwell in me Act. 8. After that Steuen was stoned too death there was a great persecutyon agaynste the Congregatyon whiche was at Ierusalem and they were all scattred abrode thorow out the regyons of Iewry and Samaria excepte the Apostles But yet note That it was muche profytable for the dinulgation of the gospell It may be well knowen by the actes of the Apostles that Paule after his conuersion suffered tribulations and persecutions Act. 9. For the Iewes toke counsell together 2. Corin. 11. to kyll hym by nighte And when they went aboute their deceitfulnesse he was let downe thorowe the wall in a basket When Paule and Barnabas wer in Antioche Pisidia Act. 13. they sowed and preached the word of God thorowout al the country But the Iewes raysed persecusion agaynst them and were expelled oute of theyr coastes But they shoke of the dust of their feete against them and came to Iconium In the citye of Li●tris they wer had in such honoure Act. 14. because of the creapel whome Paule healed that they wold haue done sacrifice vnto thē But thyther came certain Iewes which whē they had obtained the peoples consent had stoned Paul thei drewe him out of the city supposing he had bene dead And in Macedonia by the occasion of a damsell oute of whome Paule cast forth a sprite that prophesied her master beynge heauye for the gayne that they lost thereby Act. 16. they apprehended and toke Paul and his felow Silas and saied that thei wer disturber● of the citye The rulers cōmaunded thē●o be chastened with rods to be cast in prison to set their feete in the stockes Afterwards at Thessalonica when many of them beleued the disdainfull Iewes by certaine euell men slyrde vp Act. 17. and set all the citye in a roar But the brethren immediatly sent awaye Paule and Silas vnto Berrea But when the Iewes perceyued that they had receyued also the word of God at Berrea they came and moued troubled the people there And thē immediately the brethren sent away Paul and by sea brought him to Athens Paule in lyke manner preached at Corinthe and testified to the Iewes that Iesus was very Christ. And whē they saide contrary blasphemed Act. 18. he shoke hys raymente and sayed vnto them youre bloude bee vpon youre owne headdes When Callio was a ruler of the countrey of Acaia the Iewes made insurrection with one accorde against Paule Act. 18. and brought him to the iudgement seate sayinge This felowe counceleth men to worship God contrary to the lawe Paule departinge from Ephesus and preachinge boldely the worde of God and doynge there many myracles Act. 19. A certain manne named Demetrius a
the more vpon earth Of the two harlottes whyche contended and pleated before Salomon 3. rgu 3 shee spake folyshelye and wyckedlye that sayed of the intante Let it bee neyther myne nor thyne but denyde it When Amans wyfe hard the complaynt that her husbād made of Mardocheus Esth. 5. she answered and sayed commaunde a loftye galous to bee made that he may be hanged thereon As Iob was sytting vpon the dunghyll and scrapinge of the fylth of his sores with a potshard Iob. 2. hys wyfe sayde vnto him Cursse God and dye But he made her a good and a dyscreate answer sayinge Thou speakest lyke a folyshe woman Shall we receyue prosperitye at the hande of GOD and not receyue aduersitye Our Lord approued not the chyldren of Zebedes mothers peticyon Mat. 20. when she said Graunt that these my two sonnes may sytte the one on the right hand and the other on the left in thy kingdom Peter at the voyce of a maid denied our Lord. mat 26. The woman of Samaria spake manye symple wordes vnto our Lorde Iohn 4. or euer she stumbled vpon the truth ¶ Of the superfluous ornamentes and raimente of wemen Capi. cxxx THamar Iudas doughter in law Gene. 38. beinge mineded to intice her father in lawe that by him she might be conceyued put her widowes garments from her and couered her self with a cloke When the comming of Iehu whiche slue Ioram the kynge of Israell was hearde of 4. regu 9. Iesabell payneted her eyes starched her face and tired her head Iudith dothe testify that her ornamentes and apparell whych she toke deceiued Holofernesse Iudith 16. She putte on the apparell of gladnesse she anoynted her face wyth oyntmentes shee bounde vp her here in an houe to beguile him We read of Esther that when she should come into the king Esth. 2. she requyred no ornamentes as other wemen did And threatninge it is wrytten Esay 3. In that day our Lorde shall take awaye the gorgiousnesse of their apparell spanges chaines partlets Colers Bracelets Houes the goodly floured wide and broydred raiment broches hedbandes ringes garlandes holye day clothes vales kerchers pinnes glasses cipresses bonets and taches Salomon describeth the reprehensible garmentes of an euill woman Prouer. 7. saying I spied a yong fole and there mette hym a woman decked lyke an harlot prepared to intrap the soul of man ful of words wandering hither and thither and vnquiet The wise man not without a cause doth monish vs Eccle. 9. when he saith Turn away thy face from a wel decked and a beautiful woman For such womē intice and prouoke men to synne Wemens apparel shall not be outward wyth broydred hear 1. Peter 3. hanging on of gold ether in putting on of gorgyous apparell ¶ Of deathe in generall Cap. Cxxxi THe sentence of God wherwith he said vnto man Gen. 2. In what dai so euer ye shall eate thereof shalt dye the deathe It is playne and euident that man assone as sinne is committed doth die So that the liuing man doth die as it were continuallye As Sainte Augustine sayth in hys fourtene booke of the Citye of God Notwithstanding that men before the floude liued so manye yeares gen 9. yet scripture after the descriptiō of their liues saith And he died It was no maruaile that oure fore fathers feared to die and desired to be longe liued For they as yet coulde not ascende vp into heauen nor haue the fruition of the deuine vision vntyll the commyng of our sauyour the which opened the gates of heauen And therefore holye Lot was monyshed to saue him self in the moūtaine Gen. 19. He feard to go thether least some misfortune should fal vpon him and that he should die there The wycked also do desire to dye wel Nume 23. I pray God that my soule may die the death of the ryghteous that my last end may be like his said Balaam Althoughe Moses would not obey our Lordes commaundement Deut● 24 which woulde he shoulde haue passed ouer Iordan Yet it seemeth that he wold gladly haue lyued longer if it hadde pleased our Lord. For he sayth Our LORDE is angry with me Lo I must die in this land and shal not go ouer Iordan A great part of the rewarde of Moses lawe semed to consist and stande in long lyfe Deute 32. Set your haries vnto al the woordes whyche I testifye vnto you for if ye fulfill and do them ye shal prolong your dayes in the lande whether ye go to cōquere and to possesse it Zebee and Salmana desired rather to be slayne wyth the hand of worthy Gedeon Iudi. 8. then wyth the hande of Iether his yongest sonne Dauyd whych wept for hys childe beynge sycke and dyseased 2. re 12. woulde not weepe for hys chylde which was departed When Helyas sate vnder the Iunyper tree 3. re 19. he desyred for hys soule that he myghte dye And sayde It is nowe ynoughe o LORDE take my soule for I am not better then my fathers Hezechias kyng of Iuda did walk before oure Lord in truthe and was good Yet whan Esaye brought hym word that he should die Esay 38. he prayd our Lord with sorowful teares to prolōg his life for a while Tobias being much prouoked with his wiues answer Tobi. 3.4 tooke it heauilye and with teares began to make hys prayer sayinge O Lorde thou arte righteous comma●●de my spirite to be receiued in peace for more expedient were it for me to die then to liue So when he thoughte hys prayer to be hearde hee called vnto hym hys sonne After that Sara Raguels doughter was iniuried by her maid she praied vnto our Lord Tob. 3. and amonge all other thinges sayde I beseche the o Lorde lose me oute of the bondes of thys rebuke or els take me vtterlye awaye from of the earthe Ieremy praied king Sedechia most humbly that he wold not slaye hym Ie●e 38. nor commaund hym to be led agayne to that pryson where he laye before least he die there After the death of the crosse which oure Sauyoure woulde sus●ayne and suffre Math. 27. he apertlye and manifestly declared that a iust man ought not only to dye but to suffer euen readily anye kynde of deathe for to obey oure Lord. Before the commynge of the holye ghoste math 26 the Apostles feared death exceadingly the which when our Lord was taken lefte hym and fledde from hym But after that they were fortyfyed and had receiued strengthe from aboue they beynge sette before princes and tyrants spake faithfully and chearely Paule feared but little yea he feared not death which saide I am ready not to be bound onlye Act. 21. but also to dye for the name of oure LORDE Iesu. If the Iewes knowe that I haue hurte theym Act. 25. or commytted anye thynge worthy of death I refuse not to die And this is