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A17001 A reuelation of the holy Apocalyps. By Hugh Broughton.. Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. 1610 (1610) STC 3884; ESTC S105818 199,417 348

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happinesse Redemption that Iewes and Philosophers could speak of Emperors causes better then they Thus for 9. cōmun in stead of 10. for the Lords prayer maimed and turned to Battus infinite repetition against the Law Eccles 5. that our words before GOD should be few and their beliefe stayned in the maine sheweth how they of Rome taught the people that would not receyue the loue of the trueth but became a great deepe sea of darknesse that Sun ayer Christ the sun of righteousnesse and the scripture by which light commeth to our eyes were darkned by a smok of haeresies marring in their Masse al religion The Iewes though faithlesse yet they doe search most narrowly and profitable the speach and story of the law and shew vs Christ in all whom they cannot see But Romulus man of sinn setting forth him selfe as if he were God in his Masse booke darkneth sunne and ayer in steed of seruing God alone that is praying to God alone as our Lord Mat. 6. repeated his Law when ye pray pray to your Father which is heauen Maymony sheweth vpon what Command prayer dependeth otherwise prayer were sin saith in his treatise for prayer That all the Fathers expounded the Law for seruice to be prayer And Menachem saith God forbid that any should pray but vnto God only euen as Psal 50. Pray vnto me in the day of trouble I will heare thee so thou shalt honour me No holy in all the Bible the ayer to see Christ did euer pray to any Angell but the Eternall Son nor euer to any man departed Therefore Romylides liturgie in praying to infinite millions of creatures hath infinite sinnes Of the Locustes most liuely describing the Popes subjects to make him King of Locustes distinguished from all other policies that be or euer were in the world Locusts came out of the smoke and the hoat vapours of Lybia bred cloudes of Locustes which by South windes flee to Sardinia Silicie Spaine and Italie as others in Ioels dayes to Iudea that in one night the slow-bellies deuoure whole valleies of tender Corne where it would grow otherwise 100 fold This a Sardinian man tolde my selfe merchants manie as past doubt that exorcistes by Satans helpe were invited to helpe the matter Now the millions of Monkes and Friers and such as deuoure other mens labours void of all actions for political vse are so fitly compared with these that we may say God in the Creation made locuste to abound in Lybia to shew in time the locusts bred by Rome which would crucifie the King of glorie and should deuoure the fruites of such as had no loue to the trueth but would Honor the Citie that would kill the Lord of glory that was a greater sinn then the deuouring of all the fieldes in the world A distinction of these locusts from the proper locusts in Ioel that these be as scorpions These had power as the scorpions in Italie which sleepe vnder euery stone that no common weale could be healed of their sting but such as make their blood pay for it and by them selues be healed A further illustration of distinction from naturall Locusts Scorpions These locusts might not strike the blades of the earth nor anie greene thing or coleworts nor any plant but onely the men that had not the seale of God in the forehead professing openly that Christ is the Angell of Couenant and his Humanitie the golden Altar and his Mediation the Censer to receiue the prayer of them who by the aboundance of the grace of the gift of Iustice looke to reigne by Christ Iesuus A further distinction how their sting is not of naturall scorpions but of spirituall These kill not but torment men fiue moneths with a torment as it were of scorpions Heare the reade must marke corporation speaches that the whole state is termed by one man So doth Moses speake to Israel for many thousandes of yeeres in speach as though all were to the present men so Ezekiel speaketh of the King of Tyrus then liuing as hee was for a King in Salomons and Chyrams day Salomon had Chyrams daughter and he was a Proselite and by his charges Chyram the workeman wrought Salomons brasse workes so the king was of Eden garden so heere men of long descents bee stonge and not only for a particular age And as scorpions in locusts haue no more tyme to hurt but hide themselues in winter as Nahum telleth so these locusts hide themselues when sharp weather of policie commeth The Church spend neere 1000. yeeres good Abbates as Bernard others full many in Flaccius Illyricus and Antilogiâ Papae and such telling the Daemones or Popoi of their dealings and Princes resonablie matched them so long but Satan was let loose after 1000. yeeres That Popes deceiued Princes to spend their strength 200. yeeres as Gods enemies to bring the land cursed for euer into glory to make God a liar so Princes being weakned Daemones Popoi by strange forgerie of Constantinus gift became strong Constantinus sonnes knew no such matter no Iulian that scoffed all that he could forge against his Vncle nor Sozimus as bad as Iulian nor any Grecian Yet the Popoi Daemones will haue their owne testimonie for Empires giuen without States consent Thus the Papae or reuerend Father that would be a king by his locusts beggers the wealth of all Countreyes Of the Scorpiones stinges 1. Popoi Daemones taught to deny this that so God loued the world that he gaue his onely sonne to the end that whosoeuer belieue on him should not perish but haue life euer lasting 2. As the serpent deceyued Eue so the Pope hauing the throne of the serpent deceyued many mindes from that playnesse which is in Christ and so stong their heartes as they Iob. 3. who desire the graue and digge for it more then for treasures 3. And whereas this is only the work of God wherein a Christian is distinguished from Ciuill scribes to belieue in him whom God hath sent the Pope teacheth not to rest in this 4. He teacheth trust in wicked workes in giuing Landes to Locustes to auoid Purgatorie vnknowen to Greekes and to hate the Bible as auctor of haeresie to pray to Creaturs to be sure for that only if no more sinne were to perish for euer And he teacheth that men should doubt of their saluation So his Locustes haue the stinges of Scorpions Of the Locusts strength and auctoritie When by their forged Purgatorie and much begging the Locusts had gotten the fatt of all Countreyes thē they were horses prepared to warres that they sett Kings to warre as they would And though they would seeme to haue no secular Power yet their dealinges shewed they ware crowns like gold being in face as priuate men of womans haire in keeping in Cloisters yet haue they teeth of Lions to deuoure all and habergions of yron to defende them selues and the noise of their winges the proper noise of
tymes to stirre all to spend their life in the word of life That euery thing heere might teach how God inviteth all to saluation And the very Geometrical forme of Aleph Beth Gimel Daleth Heb Vau Zain c. sheweth that when God gaue them their order he gaue them also the forme which wee haue now and the Ebrewe name is from the forme which we now haue and the Ebrew named Alphabet is followed in the Greeke Alphabet old in the dayes of Phisistratus when Aristarchus diuided Homers Iliad and Odyssea by Alpha Beta Gamma c. Now this was old before Ezra was borne and later then the Ebrew Alphabet that was later then the formes of Ebrew letters which wee now haue therefore Ezra inuented them not as Popes would persuade but they are as God gaue them in the Tables be 613. there whēce the Lawes 613. haue their order 248. bidding cōmandements telling what we should belieue or do 365. forbidding euil The Iewes say the bones in a man well anatomed be 248. which all should work what God cōmādeth That rule is only giuen for memory hath no further mystery the 365. call Henoch into mind that as a son walked with God had his yeeres as the dayes of the suns yeer and so shall they that walke with God as Messias psal 72. To these cōmandemēts all disputations are called all the N. T. The Law thou shalt make a King that commandement is for Messias chieflie handled in Maymonie Tom. 4. Nowe the Scribes knewe not that Messias was to bee God Therefore this Law IEHOVAH our God IEHOVAH is One. is vrged vpon the Pharises that Messias must not only be Dauids son but also his aeternall Lord from Psal 110. and so Mat. 1. sheweth a golden Candlesticke of 42. notes and Emanuell and chap. 2. MESSIAS the holy of all holinesse is sought for the K. of the Iewes And all the 613. Lawes are called into his life The N. Testa beeing so handled might bee laid in one view to make Princes admire it at the first when the yeares and promises of Christ and punishments for contempt and Oeconomie of states are laide in one light and children when they first read were taught to read his familie and the end of Salomons house and are taught the afflictiones of Sorobabilidae in Daniel seuen tymes ouer Thus an vnspeakeable loue of the Gospell would flame in Princes heartes when they should see euery thing that can bee disputed brought to this Law And the Law for the King that he must write a copie of Moses And once a yeere read it himselfe So states could neuer be deceiued millions might be skilfull in speaches of the holy Trinitie and in the storie of them from whose feede CHRIST was made after the flesh the blessed God in the Diuine spirite and so great God and Sauiour Moyses made three crownes one for the arke which kept the Law which for knowledge euery man should weare in heart and the oratores of the Congregations also in tongue to bring all the Bible to short speach as Matth. 1. Luc. 3. Act. 7. and the epistle to the Hebrewes doth to a readie minde The Table with shew-bread remembreth the King of care to feed all his xii tribes so Moses was King and still craving of God what the people wanted so Iosuah so Dauid so Daniel made rich by wisedome chap. 2. praeferred his zealous nobles hoater for Gods glory then the fier who kept their nation from further danger of Idolatrie And by Daniels wealth the returned aboue 49000. were inabled to restore their policie And God gaue Cyrus Croesus gold to bee abler to send the Iwes home to teach the houre of true happines by our Lordes death in Iubilie 28. such men weare the crowne no lesse learned then the sacrificer and these exalted the horne of Christ as much as hee that by the Crowne of the Altar of incense morning and euening brent perfume The third Crowne was on the Altar of incense touched now and honorable in zeale and skill of praying to God Zacharie father to Iohn Baptist not high sacrificer but of the eighth course of 24. had a Crowne of praise for his cariage in that office Nowe for these Crownes euery man should knowe the Arkes meaning the mercie seat the Cherubim and know who would beare this Law in a minde golden within and without But skill of speaking should be required only of the practised vnto ripe yeares not bearing of the Arke be laide vpon shoulders of Beastes To the maintenance of all by bread belonged gouernement for all offences That the court of all tribes vsed when heathen tooke away capitall causes then excommunication was all that could be done Otherwise hee that kept his Fathers wife had felt death at once Princes were neuer excommunicated Ierusal Sane The high sacrificer was whipped in all sortes iudged as any other man ibid. Leuies tribe was bound to be ready to answeare to all demandes for applying Ceremonies to their spirituall meaning But they were often worst as in condemnation of Ieremie and Elies Sonnes and Iehosuahs in Nehemiah and Zacharie and Malachie An application of the Popes calling to this It was death for any of Israel to meddle with Leuies propre dutie when his office is quite extinguished it is a most high contemt of God to reuiue it by imitation from mans braine so all the Popes Priesthood and Masse is cursed As Archisynagogus was chosen for the best learned so where many learned bee one to bee chiefe reason and practise allway suffred this but so that he should not ouerrule or doe any thing of his owne head Reuenues altered not the case which Lawes and reason require to bee spent for Christian good and not for purchase to idlenesse Numius Ecclesiae Sheliah Zibbur The Talmud terme is now the office of a Bishop or Elder and none can bee fitt that way without rare and chargeable education And neuer yet any Pope was so learned as with skill of the holy speaches to make a true narration for the strength of the Gospell They make their Cathedrals dennes of thieues when professing to teach saluation blinde leade the blinde into the ditch They who wrest S. Matt. 20. Marc. 10. Luc. 22. for condemning of Gouernours of nations deale most wickedly Our Lord. Prou. 8. that hee giueth Princes wisdome to gouerne and stories shew that heathen gouerned for this life and ciuill commoditie as well as euer anyother Neither any terme vsed of the three Euāgelists meaneth tyranny but as in the 70 answereth to ordinary Ebrew And Zebedes sonnes Mother requested not place of tyranny but of ciuill auctoritie as for to be great in Iuda And our Lord would neuer answere beside the Qu. Their barbarous blindnesse is vnspeakeable who wrest holy wordes to maintaine Buyshopps sauage and more then hagarene tyranny and how can such escape the fier of Gehenna A doubt for the manner of policie now
kinges without all color of warrant from God shew himselfe in the temple of God as if he were God beeing in all policie sinfull and blaspeming true teachers so he must needes be hated of Princes that euery one will draw from him all that they can That is to eate the flesh of the Idolatrous towne and burning it in the fire For God hath giuen it vnto their heartes to doe his minde and to doe one minde and to giue their kingdom to the beast vntill the wordes of God be brought about Because they did not receiue the loue of the trueth vnto right happinesse to studie the Lawes of God day and night God gaue thē ouer to a foolish minde to pull downe the East Empire and to set vp one in the West and to set the Synagogue of Rome aboue all to rule all Empire and Kingdomes And to this day that cursed blindnesse abideth in men that they thinke it a shame for a King to be learned or for Noble men True Kingdome standeth in knowledge of the kingdome of heauen and Princes of cunning education might know both Testaments in Greek and Hebrew and veine of storie in yong yeeres that their hearts might a thousand times in a day runne ouer the heauenly frame of Gods booke and see their Ancestors from Adam to Noë the pillars of the world Then the noble warrier Abraham King Moses King Iosuah King Samuel King David King Salomon and noble Daniel the mightiest subiect in the world and greatest warrior best learned And his noble Cousins that quenched the fire refusing Idols should haue taught nobles to haue in equal sort hated Babelish idolatrie of cursed Rome that crucified Christ and by the serpents biting pierced his footestepp and handes and would naile fast all feete and handes from walking in Gods wayes and working in his trueth What a shame is it for Kings that they know not the familie of David penned of purpose to make kings wise David Salomō both wise began the glorie Ioakim Ioachin both vnwise ended the glorie all betwixt are a glasse for Kings to see their owne case Againe the pompe of this world is eminēt in Daniels Image afflicting the holy house of Nathā but beatē to pouder for their paines that madnesse of Counsell is expressed in Nebuchadnezars open madnesse His open madnesse of seauen yeres was not so madd as the Persians or Alexander that made themselues Gods and the parted Macedonians are a patron of slauery to Satan Heere in one Image all Greek and Latin to Liuie is cōteyned and Kings might make their teachers to bring such stately matter into commune knowledge to make a Bridge from the fall of Salomons house vnto the setting vp of Nathans Nabuchadnezar honored Daniel to Iudahs good For chiefe heads of this matter Kings further called should further delite in this kinde So for the Image of the beast Apoc. 13. if Kinges had bene happy they had learned from storie what Iohn foretold but because they despised Gods exhortation to read the Booke God gaue it into their hearts to giue their kingdome to the beast if they would make their people learned in this Booke the flesh of the harlot should soone be eaten All true soldiers should be Doctores of Diuinity such all will conquer with small losse as Israel vnder Iosua which studied Moses 40. yer And Dauids Capteins by knowlede of Moses were mighty in battell Doctors in bare title the Popes and ours deserue so much reuerence as so many apes and all that put any trust in them are like vnto them Now commeth a plaine condemnation of Rome The woman which thou sawest is the great Citie which hath the Kingdome ouer the Kings of the earth All be past shame that see not Rome heere damned vnto the end of wrath CHAPTER XVIII The King is Angelus to cause the word to be sounded After this I saw an Angell comming downe from heauen hauing great auctority and the earth was lightned by his glorie and he cried mightily with a great voice saying BABYLON the great City is fallen is fallen and is become a dwelling of Diuells and a prison of euery vncleane spirit and a prison of euery vncleane and hatefull bird because she hath caused all nations to drinke of the wine of the anger of her fornication and the Kings of the earth committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth became rich by the might of her wealth c. THE like speach is in Ezekiel chap. 47. where the glorie of the Gospell shineth from Christ and waters of doctrine flow with life And the Angels glorie lightned the whole earth cha 10. taught this same matter where Iohn eateth the litle booke And Christ is the Angell he cōmeth downe when he setteth vp the light of his word by which hee shineth ouer the earth Though in vision sundry Angels expresse him And when Ierusalem is builded Babylon must needes fall and where the mighty Gospell is taught of millions there Christ speaketh with a great voice Anabaptistes be the chiefe helpe that the Papists haue to dispute that it is dangerous for the common people to medle with Gods word But a learned officer would with sagenesse soone teach them how they misse burning in fire the obstinat in haeresie Maymo in the treatise Chagigah Perek III. sheweth how the King should read the Law before the people in the feast of Tabernacles and in what sage reuerence A pulpit of wood was made for him in the court where all might come men and women and the synagogue keeper brought forth the booke of the Law gaue it to the Archisynagogue and he to Sagan of the Temple Strategos Act. chap. 4. 1. Chancelor we may terme him he to the high sacrificer and hee to the King and hee read Deuteronomie and of the King he saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That is The King is Angelus to cause the word of GOD to be sounded If the Iew could thus honor the Law and shew the Kings duty which Iew saw not the true glorie of it by the SON of GOD how much more should wee bring vp our Kings to honor the holy Gospell to read speciall places as the first of Saint Matthew of 1800. yer story and 3. Luke of 3957. or Act. 7. or 2. Thess 2. or some speciall place to stirre nobles a learned reading would be as good as a commentarie And chapters expounding one another and Psalmes might so be chosen that by bare reading great light would come So millions would say that Babylon the great is fallen and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Daemones be all one and Rome is a dwelling of Diuels and Cardinals bee vncleane spirits and Archbuy-shopps be vncleane and hatefull birdes and their keies be keies of the pit and their Idolatry making Peter the Rock against this THERE IS NO ROCK BVT THE ETERNALL had made the Kings of the earth madde in Idols from one error that
A REVELATION OF THE HOLY APOCALYPS BY HVGH BROVGHTON The ships also shall come from the Coastes of CITTIM and afflict Assyr and shall afflict Heber and also he shall come to destruction Num. 24. 24. And the Woman which thou sawest drunken with the blood of the Saintes and with the blood of the Martyrs of IESVS is the great Citie sitting on seauen mountaines which reigneth ouer the Kings of the earth called spiritually Sodom Egypt where our LORD was crucified The sealed of God the wise will vnderstand PRINTED 1610. TO THE MIGHTY PRINCE IAMES BY THE GRACE OF GOD KING OF GREAT BRITANNIE FRANCE AND IERNE-LAND DEFENDOR OF THE FAITH c. MOYSES Maymonides Gracious K. a librarie of both former Talmudes the Ierusalemy and Babylonian which from hard languages vnknowen to his nation he made familiar Ebrew so that they say from Moyses to Moyses the like to Moyses was not his works are exceeding profitable to cleare the New Testament For as S. Paul saith he differed not from the Iewes common graunt but that they knew not God to be in Christ reconciling the world vnto himself So Maymonides hath infinite much that cleareth the Apostles trueth more fitly then Greek and Latin Fathers doe And where the Apostles confute Pharisees he recordeth their doctrine that all may see the holy Apostles had iust occasion In this sort he hath two sorts which the New Testament battereth Both he recordeth in his treatise of repentance One is this That Moyses law shall stand for euer vnchanged and Messias shall come to Canaan to conquer all nations The other is this That all his learned taught all the good things spoken by the Prophets for Israel in the dayes of Messias are but for the commodities of the body This is the common Iewes religion whose God is their belly They which worshipped starres thinking they had soules and would enrich their worshippers equally made their belly their God they who brought the flood and confusion of tongues vnto the prophane Caesars that made themselues Gods and the King of Locusts which say they bee Iewes Rom. 2. 28. 29. but by a Synagogue of Satan both are the great dragon Apo. 12. The new Test telleth that the old speaketh of Eternall blessing in Christ his death ending Moyses Dan. 9. And the Iewes sin against the holy Ghost For Aben Ezra could not deny this vpon Dan. 9. that the seaueny seauents are from Daniels prayer vnto sealing Messias the holy of all holines He endeth sacrifice and offring and left bread and wine for the flesh and blood of beasts and wee all sweare in the Lords Supper that sacrifices bee ended by our Lords death and by that Supper his flesh and blood is the food of our soules and hee would destroy Ierusalem that no place of sacrifice should bee That S. Stephen taught Act. 6. and 7. faithfull vnto death and found the crowne of life When Ierusalem is destroyed as the Angelique-faced Stephen taught from the Angel Gabriel Christ sendeth his Angel to teach Iohn of an heauenly Ierusalem against which Rome shall fight to the end of the world first by open tyranny against martyrs when the Empire is destroyed for that Satan will turne himselfe into an Angel of light and set a Vicar of Christ with two hornes of a Lambe but with the lawes or mouth of the Dracon to set vp the former Empire and to be the King of Locusts all bent to the wealth and ease of this world This Iohn teacheth whom Chapter by Chapter I expound first briefly by arguments vpon euery Chapter then a scholion much larger which I dedicate vnto your Maiestie for the increase of knowledge in your people still to come out of BABYLON confusion to IERVSALEM the sight of peace Your Majesties most humble subject Hugh Broughton THE AVTOVR TO THE READER IN all controuersies men should know what both sides graunt what they hold differing So where I turne all the Apocalyps against Rome and did so twelue yeres agoe against the Popes champion D. Iohannes Pistorius sent to moue warres in Zwitzerland reason would for facility of ending controuersie I shew how much they graunted me and knew they must that if any of mine owne nation come short and that with Satanean malice they be dealt with as endeuoring to make our Church a synagogue of Satan The matter shal be briefly told Doctor Iohn Pistorius holden a father of the Iesuites dwelling in Friburge of Briscouia distant twēty English miles from Basil was stird of the Pope to chalenge all our Cantons for disputation that they ought to yeeld to the Pope as the seauen did And vpon disputation refused hee would by war chalenge his supremacy This then was thought no pley Vpon this Syllogisme the mayn stood If the scripture bee corrupted another judge must be had that is the Pope who onely doth chalenge that But the scripture is most corrupted as Geneva graunteth in Rob. St. praef to the N. T. for Ebrew double readings 848. as Elias reckoneth them and Arias Montanus hath written an whole work in apparatu of the old Testament corrupted in Babylon in 52. yeares in so many places and Beza checketh and vnchecketh the new that none knoweth what to stand to and the enemies graunt is still strong against himself Therefore the Pope will require by warres that ye make him judge A Rhoetian brought vp at Berne named Caspar Clause-christi at Leyden saw my scripture Concent where I defend the old Testament to bee pure to euery letter by the Massorites and say the Apocrypha bee all lying workes or Ironies mackages of fooles I taught him so much English and expounded the matter at large to him and for reconciling the Creed with the Gospell D. Fr. Iunius had told him hee was euer of my mind and one M. Baudertius shewed my Theseis to the Vniuersity and the Vniuersity allowed them By this he saw the Pope was berest of hope to giue a charge to vs where he hoped of victorie or by Gehennean torment as Athean a dream as his that wrote our Lord had gone into the second death when God raised him vp 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Diuinitie may not be handled with respect of persons But if Quirites yeeld to me so far I will defend Rome and Mentz and if Lacus Lemanus make the fish dead and Wintonia haue but a sack full of wind which Aeolus gaue to Vlisses when his fellowes thought it full of a great treasure and forced him to open it and so by tempest drowned themselues that chester wil I leaue to the wind to bee shut vp in Vlisses sack and leaue Lemanus to the snow water of the wild Alpes The Rhoetian saw all the Popes hope gone by the scripture proued true in text and the Apocrypha to be workes of men that knew not Christ and all in sadnes to be foolish and the going of the soule to Paradise to bee spoken in the Creed and he told me with
great asseueration that if I went to Zwitzerland I should remoue war I went presently to Basil and Zurick and Berne heard and vsed me with all kindnes Mine host of Basil a D. of Law D. Iacobus Henric-petri had occasion to goe to Friburge to D. Pistorius and on a thursday at Supper spake much of me to him Then D. Pistorius sayd The scholers of England be learned in the tongues but it were better they knew the Fathers better On Fryday my Doctor telleth me what he sayd On Saterday I gaue a Greek reply to the Post as Pistorius triumphed in Greek to this summe The Greek Fathers were in eloquence vnmatchable and in handling of the Trinity and Incarnation of Christ and Iustification by faith and of holy soules passage hence to heauen and of wicked to Gehenna they all agreed and none euer of 1400. yeares thought of Purgatory as their oration in the Synode of Basil shewed 160. yeares ago which D. Iacobus Zwinger yet hath And so much learning as their age could vse against eloquent heathen God gaue them But they had no occasion to deale much for text of scripture with such and therefore lesse studied it But for the Lords Supper This was their common opinion that the Bread and Wine were Icones and Symbola Images and Tokens of the body and blood of Christ As Origen spake the consent of his age and Eusebius from his great Librarie the recorder of common graunts And eloquent Nazianzen and others by Typi and Antitypa and as the most sage Theodorite in sad disputation to clear other matters bringeth the same as a graunted common matter to proue douted so Macarius Monachus sheweth his dayes opinion calling the bread Symbolon of the body And none wise could doubt marking vpon what prophecy the Lordes Supper stood The Angell Gabriel told holy Daniel that after 490. yeeres Christ the King by his death would end sacrifice and offrings And the Iewes dated all dayes in common Epistles and conueyances the yeares since the returne from Babel as wee the yeres of our Lord in whose last yeare they By Daniel looked the Kingdome of heauen should appeare Luc. 19. though they knewe not in what manner Nowe when sacrifice was to end at the Supper of the Lambe our Lord to seale the end of sacrificing gaue for beasts flesh and blood which figured his body and blood bread and wine to bee in couenant speach his Body and Blood All Graecians knewe proper speach and civill that hee should bee bad that knew not the place of both In proper speach a Father begetteth his Son in ciuill speach Romulus was ancester to Iulian Apostata Baasa to Achab Iechonias Salomontiades to Salathiel Nathanides So the token of a Kings seale is called his seale This all the Greeke Fathers knewe and tottering Theophylact your onely turneth to this And the taking of the Lords Supper is our oth that wee beleeue hee died in due tyme to bury Moses by his buriall and that by grace his spirit is with vs to sure saluation as mighty as by his word it made the world More is needlesse and cannot bee but is wickedly forged So farr the Fathers were rare not alwayes in commenting vpon the Byble But extremely deceiued almost all in honouring the Apocrypha which Iewes kept to play for Iosephus against Appiones that denyed all the Iewes story Therefore not to plead with them from the Law full of paradoxes they object failes and humane workes to busy them for all And they meant litle further great matter in them The Greeke Fathers sawe not this much though Eusebius told the true law had but 22. bookes Nazianzen agreeth for the number but misseth in regarding one Apocryphon for holy Iudith as I remember and Athanasius casteth out holy Hester So we like of the fathers for learning controverted in their age not aey for comment And these groundes ye shall graunt me or combat The Hebrew text is kept by the Massorites so that nothing can be corrupted to alter one wordes signification The Iewes knew their owne tongue and teach vs the native of it In honour of the two tables of 613. letters they bring all speches of lawes bidding or forbidding into 613. And hold that all which faith or life may think of is in them And the New Testament never goeth further And no one syllable helpeth Rome but Italy is expresly cursed by your owne translation as by all Iewes exposition Numb 24. vpon which all the Apocalyps maketh a reuelation This England holdeth and will not give place to Rome but will dispute with D. Pistorius Protonotary of the Pope at Basil one day in Hebrew an other in Greek with penners of every syllable of our speach Protonotarius is stout in these tongues as he hath written de arte Cabalistica though he hath missed altogether and sayth all Rabbins say Melchisedek sacrificed bread wine where none ever thought so but all hold it offred to Abrahams souldiers to eat and drink as he was a King and blessed Abraham as a sacrificer And for Greek Protonotarius and Pope are yet to learne how to defend the purity of the New Testament and to see Antique Septuagint Thalmudique and Apostolique dialects And no Papist ever could speak or write Ebrew Greek as coūtrey speach Thou knowest if thou dare dispute I may overthrow the Pope Therefore tell thine own hart and write to him that an English man wrote to thee that the chalenger will give over his chalenge or hee bee counted a shamelesse lier To this effect I wrote to him a Greek oration and sent R. Rubens Chananean epistle which honoured England above all nations that he might see he had not to deale with a Thraso Three dayes after he wrote to Zurick great commēdations of my poor studies specially of Greek eloquēce as native Attique And at three monethes end after much combat in all Greek he writeth thus I will not dispute nor have our old Religion to be called into question Then both sides Cantones showted that the feare of war was gone seing the Popes chalenger putteth vp this that the Pope hath not one syllable in the Bible for his defence But is vnvinciblie accused and hath none that dare dispute in the holy tongues for his defence Now he dareth not for stark shame require supremacie being so broken After this what Basil spake to English of me how for one all England should heare better while Basil stood one M r Brand of Londen and M. Ward of Cornewall they told me and belike at home How they told Netherlanders that this combat ended warres and sware so they will never deny it noble Danes know and doubtlesse told their K. how they staying for me at a ferry neare Leopoldus buriall which they had seen and I would see a Zurick hearing my name sayd wee were in great feare of war till the Englander brake Pistorius I would gladly see his countenance which argueth the mind that in
yet the Pope would so vse the Church though heathen policy bridle him yet Pope Dracon is fierce against remnants as in his Spanish Inquisitions CHAP. XIII Caesars and Popes the Dracon and his tayle are expressed past all deniall who are meant The empire hath armes from the foure kindomes in Daniel So God forceth vs to be ready in Daniel and to compare together the brase of the Angelique men Then Greek Leopard had foure heades that of 23. Captayne 's al made Kings all came to fower quickly and every one dyed a violent death saving old Antipater to have blood for blood as the Romanes here The Beare had but one head the Lyon one and the fourth beast the parted Macedonians but one that beast is not named because it was the same nation with the former but is distinguished from the former by ten hornes or Kings five Ptolemies and five Seleuci or Antiochi that vexed Iudah From these the Romanes have their armes beginning with a beast with ten hornes with this difference Ten Diademes betokening so many kingdomes This beast was coloured like a Leopard footed like a Beare mouthed like a Lion As Nab. said who can deliver you from my hande was a Lucifer and would be equall to God So here it is sayd who can warre with the beast Alexander would be a God So Divi Iulij and Divi Augusti so the Persians And Antiochus Epiphanes hath a mouth speaking great thinges so hath this beast Now the sixt head being as dead sheweth that the Empire should be dead and revived otherwise five heads were gone and the seventh was not yet come But in a speciall sense one head seemeth as dead The time of Tyrannie was 300. yet by Metonymia meaning the argument of persecution from our Lords time it is called three yeares and an half Antiochus Epiphanes raged against the temple properly three yeares and an halfe as Elias plagued Israel properly three yeares and an half But the matter sheweth Ch. XI and twice in the XII and here that proper time cannot be meant Again I must advise the reader to learne Daniel before he learne this booke Twentie yeares ago I made him plain enough and plainer of late though the Dragon cast out of his mouth a river of water The whole Realme by this houre might else have knowne Daniel clearely The Tyrannie and blasphemie of the Caesars and their destructions are knowne The Popes description A beast arising from the earth that is without war having hornes like a Lambe that is Christes Vicar having the mouth of the Devill for divelish lawes restoring the Empire and working Miracles of deceit as though he were Elias a restorer of truth The Iesuites report of their miracles comment well on this And the Popes endevour since great Constantine left hateful Rome to set it vp by revived Empire to destroy the East this matter is famous in continuall stories And Canon lawe telleth that none may live vnder the Empire but by yeelding vnto the Popes lawes in subscribing or oth or some open token as a marke in the forehead And where a nūber given to a man as the sonnes of Adonikam were 666. that being called the number of the beast and to a sense of wisedome which is vsuall in notation A God stāding vp that is Adoni-kam this describeth plainlie the man that stands vp in the temple of God as if hee were God CHAP. XIIII The reviving of the Gospell by worship of God onely in Christ as on mount Sion of old religion taught with as great concent of law and gospell as any harpes can make by rare men of courage patience wisdome and high policie by virgin mindes vnstayned by Idolatry renued by Christ and following him is taught Ch. 14. as Ch. 7. 11. And the Pope is told of fall and of eternall death to all of his bent and the Martyrs of present heavens ioy without purgatorie And Christ sitting on a cloud at prayer of the Church and an Angel comming out of the Church bid by an Angel Lord over fire and Gods heat with sicles cut off Papistes that their blood would reach to the horse bridles over a Land as Canaan made to a square by the Thalmud 1600. furlongs 400. every way The new Testament speaking to Iewes is applyed to their manner of speach plaine to a Thalmudique where it is hardest to vs. The destruction which rebellion in Ireland wrought by the Pope in Desmonds countrey if all the blood of the dead were poured out would a good way reach to horse bridles as that also of Ostend And what would al that war now 40. yeares yeeld in blood of Papistes going withall to eternall destruction Happie are the soldiers that dye with a good heart for the gospell for they rest from their labours CHAP. XV. A new vision telleth the gospels restoring and the enimies punishment persecution borne sincerely through fire and faggot is a sea of glasse mixed with fyre and praise is against Romes Aegypt and Dragon Pharaoh and Romes Babylon from Exod. 15. and Ier. 10. And seaven Angels clothed with pure Iustice come out of the temple in heaven Angels represent what God by men will doe vpon earth when sincere harted fight in his cause These have golden girdles about their brestes as the Sacrificers were girded Maymoni in the holy implements sweateth to prove from Ionathan vpon Ezekiel and Kabalah that the Sacrificers were girded about their brests Iohn made no doubt of the matter but as a Thalmudique taught from God telleth resolutely the whole truth Chap. 1. and here Such poincts shewed would make Iewes all learned Iewes confesse that God penned the New Testament All Christians bee Kinges and Sacrificers and should consider that they must weare crownes of golde which no goldsmith but Christ maketh to rule them selves in order and to obey all in Gods law and the girdle of truth to bind their hartes in stedfastnes Now where one of the fower wightes giveth the Angels seaven cuppes of Gods anger the learned full of eyes teach the people who are the temple to pray vnto God for vengeance vpon Christs enemies and vpon the peoples petition the Angels have charge to serve them as in Dan. 4 Heb. 1. and men are fortifyed by them as Darius Gabriel Dan. 11. 1. As the temple Es 6. was filled with a smoke of Christ his anger and Seraphim the Angels which were instruments of fyer did attend so here the smoke is in all the Church that the enemies shall not perceive the truth till they be cōsumed having sinned against the holy Ghost as the Iewes Esa 6. even by Rambam his graunt could not amend by ten chastisements till the temple was brent CHAP. XVI Vnder the seaven trumpets the earth the sea the fountaynes and rivers the sun the King of Locustes Euphrates and earthquake is celebrated The seaven Angels in plagues keep that order The Popes earth or earthly hold of his possessions is full
hypocrites To this end the Popes clergie is described in a plaine painting forth of them and of their warres for Ierusalem at yeeres 1100. Next are all the Turkes warres handled alone next reuiuing of the Gospell against both vntill the end of the world before which tyme neither Turke nor Pope shall fall They flatter themselues that write otherwise But as the Antiochi who reigned about 300. yer after 150. were so weake that they stood by the Romans courtesie so Lagidae in the tutelage of Rome till the set yeere of Christ his first comming so though the Pope bee weakned in many places Italy shall remaine a continuall plague that shall appeare in the seuenth Trumpet But now let vs consider the first Trumpet CHAP. IX The 5. Trumpet sounding out the Popes cleerly The fift Angell sounded the trumpet and I saw a starre fall from heauen and the key of the deepe of the Pitt was giuen him and there came a smoke out of the deepe and the sun and ayer were darkened by the smoke that came out of the pitt THE haters of the Papes turned to Popes from fathers to Diuels to be the wicked Isai 11. Romylus in learned Ionathan from Cittim Ieroms Italy Nu. 24. Onkelos Iarchi Romans They be for this commune place the fift Trumpet in order of handling but in an explication of the first in tenor of matter The starre fallē from heauen was in the third trumpet the messinger of the cōgregation fallen from the kingdom of heauen Dan. 2. Mat. 3. in Christ and by Kimchi vpon Hosea 4. Key is power of gouernement in soules case Isai 22. Mat. 16. Apo. 2. The deepe is darkenesse Gen. 1. 2. in Zohar cōparing visible with inuisible darkenesse bringing to Gehenna euen as the commanding of light to shine out of darkenesse is compared with shewing Christ to our soules As Rattes suo indicio pereunt Terent. so heere the Pope and all that beare his keyes Keyes heere be damned but not such keyes as haue Gods warrant Whence the Pope chalengeth Keyes Nothing is more commune nor euer seene more impudent thē the Popes chalinging of Keyes from Mat. 16. first saying that Peter is there the Rock 1. All holy will hold him therin Abaddon Apollyon autor of destruction For the Son of man Dan. 7. Christ the holy of all holinesse Daniel 9. The son of God Psal 2. calleth himselfe the Rock from Deut. 32. translated in the 70. God six tymes in one chapter and the Rock was Christ 1. Cor. 10. there is no Rocke but the Eternall in Psal 18. and Rock is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Creator S. Peter chap. 4. vseth that terme for God onely teaching Papes not to be babes nor Popes but to know how he vnderstood the wordes of Christ yet the Pope will make Peter to take Gods name to be the chiefe of the Apostles and to haue power in new sort to binde and loose sinns as though all that truly teach Christ do not the same though they know it not But the first teachers of the son Ps 2. were to haue the first commencement of Doctorshipp in Thalmud knowen speach And all kinges who should read the Law preach as Salomon did all his life are the true Papae and Episcopi One appointed man should be the sergeāt of the Church to looke to businesse speciall But all that gouerned should be are called Episcopi as well as hee should be as well learned God is Episcopus Iob. 20. Pakid any of charge as Eleazar is Episcopus communely in the 70. Iudas office was Episcope Antigonus in Diodo was like to be Episcopus of all Asia And when the Greeke Papae would be Episcopi alone they were neuer quiet They had beene stronger if all learned had beene Episcopi with them as at Zurick now one ruleth none but is chiefe sergeant for teaching sacraments but accountable as any other for cariage But Pope Romane thus goeth on to teach that Peter came to Rome that he left keyes to one and he to successores that they be the Rock to sitt in the Temple of God as God to make men sweare otherwise then any of Gods people euer heard to allow Priests after our Lords death to reiect the Ebrew and Greeke Gods gift and to accept a Latin deadly falty translation Exod. 12. Act. 7. 13. to deny that the Bible which God gaue is extāt to vse Latin in Landes of other Languages to giue the people no vse free in it But 9. of 10. commun And Pater noster as to parrats and with the last verse stollen away the verse from Dan. 7. shewing all Kingdom Power and Glory giuen to Christ So the summe of faith they had in Latin as Parrats in the maine pointe for the soules going vp to the Father a going downe to hell with beliefe that the fathers till then were there Before I reckon more Popish that is diuelish points I wil heere shew how Iewes haue disgraced our Gospel by the wicked translation Descended to Hell by barbarous wresting of Latin from the true vse in Tullies dayes A digression to shew a scandal laid to Iewes Izhak Ben Arama saith Behold the string vpon which the law of Christians hangeth is this the famously knowen that for the sin of Adam the first death of the soule entred vpon all ages and they fell all fathers and sonnes first and later Prophets and holy into the sorrowes of Gehenna vntill Christ went and redeemed them These be strictly his wordes vpon Leui. 26. where Moses expresly telleth that the Godly should goe hence to Gods Tabernacle and Saint Paul 2. Corint 5. translateth him in a most heauenly and comfortable sort and telled expresly of Abraham and the commended that they desired an heauenly Citie and God prepared it for them although they were not perfected in this world with manifestation of the Gospell Some Greekes mistaking S. Paul held Limbum and wrested Greek from old vse to that as Basill vpon Psalm 49. Yet he spake well vpon Psal 15. As Maymoni tract poenite That all holy went hence to Gods Tabernacle and Chrisostome though he said Christ opened Paradise to the thiefe saith vpon 2. Corint Hom. 6. Thus Lazarus was poore and verie poore and he was rich that passed by him lying in the gate now whether entred into the Kingdom and ioyed in the bosome of Abraham Herein Chrisostom is very sound and laid no trap for the Iewes Athanasius Cyrill Theodorite and others vpon the Psalmes and many in Theophilact vpon Luke 23. And he vpon Iohan in this I goe to the Father and very many in Photius library and Hegessippus vpon the Maccabees yet Romes aduancing Latin to abolish knowledge of the Greek Testament caused old Chrysologus to say that Abraham was in Gehenna till Christ went thither and the 3. day brought him out So the Iew had caught the Latin company enemy to all the Bible for
sonne will be the sorrow of his mother then the Mother saith his rebelliō be vpon me This matter is deepe for a Iew to speak The same saith vpon Gen. 49. IAH is in Shiloh And vpō Gen. 3. By the serpent Christ shall be kild and many of Israel with him And a rare saying of God Rediemer in a Iubilie I graued in a brassen abridgment of the Bibles concent from Zohar vpon Leu. 25. In the Iubilie yere God dwelling in our tabernacle wil be remission Redemption and ending of Sabbath to Israel fol. 53. Col. None of ours of old saw Iubilies sitted to our Lords death the Iewes knew it must be so Ours scoffe it being shewed after that be highly extolled S. Paul describing Sem in the person of Melchitzedeck to be as God hath Rabbins phrases yet extāt in Zohar for his warrant that he held the man and person as they did And for all that epistle Rabbins speak the same that he doth And Rabbins haue bin a bridle to keepe Daniel sound that only holy Iewes bee the afflicted in him and when the image afflicting holy Iewes ended thē Messias should be borne in Bethlechem They might haue taught vs the right meaning of Daniel So for ending the house of Salomon in Iechonias lalkut bringeth Gods oth Maimoni in poenit Gods decree so Barbinel Kimchi and Iarchi vpon Ier. 22 and vniuersally they conclude that the first Adam the first day fell So the first day Christ is called heire of all In this sorte the Bishopps of the Synagogues taught as learnedly as any of Leuie Of the Synedrion Tha● Ierusalemy in Sanedrin sheweth that the Sanedrin of 70. might be all of Israel without any one of Leui. And that the high sacrificer was not of the Sanedrin but as another if he were rarely learned and sage And for all faltes he was iudged and punished as another and that often they were so simple that the councill taught them their duety on expiation day The high sacrificer might be excommunicated but the King might not but in Ieroboams case Where Mallachi telleth they should aske the Law at Leui that is because they were alway at the Temple and bound to be learned But Samuel of Korah and Daniel of Iudah were not inferior to any Of Athean imitation of Aharon It was death for any of Israel to meddle with Aharons office Samuel of Korah and Elias whose tribe is vncertaine had Gods dispensation Otherwise they had neuer sacrificed And nothing about the Temple might be in Israels houses no building like the Temple arke candlesticke table of bread Altars or Leuites attire yet the father of Rome will counterfaite he will haue a Candlesticke Cope Linen garments precious stones mitre girdle Priest sacrifice Altar Sathan taught him so to dally with Gods Law Greeke fathers began the name Priest and high Priest to be fitted to their Doctores but in the end the gangrene crept to harme vnspeakable that Satan by Turke and Pope ruled the world How Bishops were made in Israel Maymony in Sanedrin sheweth how the Bishops of the Sanedrin made a D. to teach the people that they called him Muphla wonderous learned and held him so first then some of the Sanedrin laid their handes vpon him and said Rabbi take thou auctority to teach what is bound and what is loose Our Lord vseth that speach in making his Apostles Bishopps in giuing them auctority to teach what is loose and what is bound But Iscariot let another take his Bishoprike the rest were faithfull Bishops Of excommunication In King Moses tyme and other Kings Ciuill punishments were vsed but when heathen ruled then the congregation could doe no more but remoue the party from the companie by open voice in their Ciuill court Kehelah in Adams tongue Ecclesia in Iauans Any of the seniors might excommunicate but if the excommunicated complayned of iniurie the Sanedrin examined the cause and vpon iniury they excommunicated the excommunicater A iust but strange doctrine Thal. Ierusal in Illu Megallechim writeth of a Rabbin who fell into an haunt of Iewe thieues They took his mony from him he pronoūced the Anathema for them they returned the curse vpon himselfe that amazed him and comming home he asked Rabbies whether he were in danger of curse doubtlesse said they a money matter where Lawes be open giueth no Anathema so the false Anathema returned sound vpon thy selfe On this he went to the thieues haunt and confessed sinne that for money he gaue them to Satan and requested absolution then said the thieues absolue vs wee will they agreed to both There a woman commeth by a scholmaister beating a boy cruelly saith thou art Anathema the scholmaister asked a Rabbi whether that could binde him frō the Synagogue the ordinary time A mounth doubt lesse said the Rabbi not the person but the matter giueth the authoritie go and confesse thy fault to the woman and thou art free and so he did Thus reason not politique authoritie giueth the force and the Law 1. Cor. 16. If any loue not the L. Iesus Christ let him be anathema Maran atha The Pope the greatest murderer Idolater in the world he will be excommunicating Princes They should returne the curse vpon his owne head and leaue God iudge others may deale alike with al of the Pops keies and God will make knowen who be his so Moses vsed Pharoh so Elias vsed the soldiers so Eliseus vsed the 42. of Bethel so Ieremie vsed Ierusalem so S. Paul vsed Alexander so the martyrs heere deale with the king of Locustes A digression to expound the terme Bishop Much strife is for the Bishop of Rome and for others The manifold sense of the terme must be opened to end the strife In Iob EL the Almighty God is translated Episcopus A looker to mans dealing In the Law PAKID a man of charge as Eleazar or the bishop of the armie is trāslated Episcopus Iudas had Episcopon as I mentioned afore therefore the Apostles were Episcopi in S. Paul 1. Tim. the terme Episcopus is translated in Arabique Zeken a senior that is the right meaning Policarpus the messinger of the congregation of Smyrna is in Greeks Episcopus And so the great teachers so Caluin was and Beza in Geneua was Bishop or yet Archbishop though they tooke other names as high Pastor is vsually the ciuill Gouernor and for Moses that is vsed he was Meparnes to Israel 40. year that is Feeder So Bishop is a terme for Lawfull calling and commēdable if learning tender care of people be to it Otherwise Ananias shal be excommunicated of S. Paul as a painted wall And they shall tread downe the holy Citie two and fouretie monethes Heere by Citie is meant folke as Ebr. 12. the Citie of the liuing God the heauēly Ierusalem so in this chap. where the tenth parte of the Citie falleth people not wall is meant So when the Citie is called spiritually
contempt of Godly teaching Christ was great Noe Sem Arphaxad Selah Eber Phaleg brother to Ioctan hath cast thē of hitherto The West-Indians seeme to come of the East as both speake some Ebrew Now God driueth vs to both Indians not for Pepper and Tobacho but in tyme to shew his name And the Iesuites in teaching the holy Trinity Person and Iustice of Christ may saue many and the Pope shall haue an outward reward of longer successe and some hundreths of yeares must be spent this way Of the old opinion of 6000. yeares God hath cast old ages into a pleasant frame of measures of them for Iewes and from Iewes I dedicated an Ebrew worke to the Landtgraue of Hessia Now thousandes I will touch In 3000. exactly the Temple was fully furnished euen to the Arke In 4000. exactly the Romanes destroyed the seconde Temple if without it Messias dayes haue 2000. yeares from the yeare of Christ 1609. of Adam 5536. One as Heber may come to the worlds end by 464. yer The trueth God only knoweth reason telleth affaires in worke require such tyme But no particular person is sure of one day but all should watch when the Bridegrome commeth And to destroy them that destroy the earth Although no Creature but Angells and men know God yet the close bent of all Creatures is framed to serue man for Christ God bending them so And in that sense euery thing is weary of their toyle Eccl. 1. and groneth looking for the Redemtion of the Children of God Rom. 8. and being turned to seruice of Idolls grone in Gods estieme as corrupted such was the old world in corrupting their wayes such were Babel builders till heathen came to God and almost all to this day And Apoc. 5. All creatures giue glory to the Lambe in seruice of Christians But alas men to this day would neuer search Gods word the wealthie and principall of state but remit that ouer vnto others as a base worke for themselues to regard whereby God cast off the world And the Temple of God was open in the heauen and the Arke of his Couenant was seene in his Temple and there were lightnings voices thunders earthquake great haile After papistries ouerthrow Christ who is the Temple and the Arke who hath the Law within him is the mercy seat shall be opened to the few saued and God will pay Papists with warres for the haile and fire that they mixed with blood troublesome meteores eloquently expresse troubles of state as before our Lordes first comming the Romans miseries destroying themselues were a wonder to historiques because Crassus robbed the Temple and Pompei afore made Israel serue Rome and Brutus with Cassius and Antonius with Cleopatra and againe Iulius so Rome that still will crucifie Christ shall haue as great stirrs to warne them of vtter ruine But by warres profanesse breedeth to all sides that when the SON OF MAN commeth he shall scant finde faith vpon the earth The best way to keepe faith is to exercise our vniuersities in the Ebrew and Greeke Testament and to leaue ciuill gouernement to sage courtes fitt for it as Zuricke in Zuitzerland doth that Scholars tyrannie make not new papistrie And thus once all is reueiled vnto the end New visions tell the same matter for better clearnesse CHAP. XII A description of the Church AND a great signe was seene in the heauen a woman clothed with the sun With the moone vnder her feet and a crowne of 12. starres vpon her head and beeing with child cried in trauaile and peigned to beare child THE woman is the church through the song of songes and there pure as the sun heere clothed with Christ the Sunne of Iustice And the state of the faithfull is called through this booke heauen and they are a great signe to the profane world to wonder at The Moone and all vnder the Sunne is contemned of the faithfull and the doctrine which the 12. Apostles equall in knowled and authoritie deliuered to the world is the Crowne and they be 12 starres Iudas Iscariot fell a starre from heauen and Matthias became a sonne of consolation in his stead to keepe still the number of XII for the XII tribes and as S. Paul trauailed of the Galathians that is of Christ to be formed in them that they frustrate not the Gospell by holding circumcision nowe abrogated So the faithfull trauailed in soule to haue Christ brought forth to heathens knowledge that all might knowe that all this world was made obedient to a man At the first which man fell from God his first day and then God opened his Counsell that the Sonne Eternall would be made man of a woman to destroy the workes of the Angels that fell who all are collectiuely satan the enemie Satan brought Adam to lose the life of his soule and his body to death and dust and all this world to corruption Christ kindled light in Adams soule and after 930. yeares heauinesse for sin tooke it to his ioy and will raise vp the body and make a new world that all men who will receiue the abundance of grace of the gift of iustice may reigne by Christ and all who will not regard this mercy so cleare as the sunne they all by Adams fall dead in sin shal be damned for euer with the Diuils This is the trauaile of the Christian minde Speach of this is in all books of the Old Testament in Adams tongue in all the newe in Greeke made most common for this Gospell And Lawe with Gospell expounded by groundes of art which enemies grant should bee the trauaile of our minde And if Academies had brought vp their scholars in Ebrew and Greek exercises for the holy eternall Trinitie in Vnitie and for kissing the SON to happinesse Psal 2. By likely-hood of mans reason the world had benefull of true Christians where as now our Papes Archbuyshopps and Buyshopps know not one letter prick accent of the Law what authoritie it hath from God A pitifull matter that such blinde should bee leaders But the blinde will no other leaders So God cannot pittie them who will make knowen them that be his and despise them that despise him that they poore Caytifes shall perish for euer and feele the aeternall wrath of him whose mercy they haue despised while they counted the mercies offred in Christ to be but folly Of the Prophane Caesar and Pope reuiuing of him both comprised in the body and taile of one Dragon Another signe was seene in the heauen For beholde there was a great ruddie Dragon with 7. heades and ten hornes and vpon his heades seauen diademes And his taile draweth a third part of the Starres of heauen and cast them vnto the earth Iohn saw with his eyes in Vision that which hee and all the Apostles as S. Paul 2. Thess 2. saw in their minde That from Rome the Ruler should rule till hee were taken away After thence man of
spirites which haue names in the Law And they only in heauenly Daniel called Son of man as admitted vnto Angells company so Ezekiel and only they two From Daniel chap. 8. and 9. Gabriel is brought to Luc. 1. For most rare vse The wise will vnderstand it but the wicked will neuer vnderstand Dan. 12. Michael is vsed thrise in Daniel twice chap. 10. and one chap. 12. Dan. 10. vers 13. Beholde MICHA-EL the principall or only of the chiefe Princes is come to aide me Daniel saw a glorious vision of Christ before which he fell as dead then an Angel in the forme of a man that is Gabriel speaketh how Christ shewed his assistance against Cambises inhibition of the Temples building and giueth him a notation Hee that is in the forme of God from Exod. 23. The Angell which hath the name of God in him The character or forme of Gods person Ebr. 1. 3. That doth MICAEL signifie In our Lords wordes Ioh. 10. from Dan. 12. The Father and I am one As I haue shewed vpon Dan. 12. In Dan. 10. vers last the matter is playner in these wordes there is none strong for you in these affaires but MICHA-EL YOVR PRINCE Daniel acknowledged no creature of spirites his PRINCE therefore Micha-el must bee the Son of GOD. So he is called chap. 12. in the same Angells speach Michael the great Prince that standeth vp for his people No created spirite dare chalenge a princehood ouer people so here in the exposition of praise MICHAEL is expounded Christ Of Tobies fable The Iewes as I haue written in Ierusalemi vpon Dan. 8. say their Fathers brought with them Angells names from Babilon Michael and Gabriel Then if Angells had no names before Tobie that bringeth Asmodaeus for a spirite must bee a late fable Neither Thalmud Ierusalemy nor Babilonian hath that name Only late Rabbines Yet the fable of Tobie cited by Clemens of Alexandria is elder then the compiled Talmudes But they are made from Writers all Elder then Tobies fable Thargum Eccl. is a late worke and eldest Iew for record of Asmodai the Prince of Diuells The Pharisees had Beelzebub Prince of Diuells And later Iewes made Prince of Diuells Ben Tzirgha sonne of Leprosie To disgrace our faith of the SON Prince among the holy Angells The wicked Rabbines feigne a Prince among wicked spirites But wee make no created Angell Prince the Eternall Sonne Creator of all is the only Angell Prince And hee is the Arch-angell that could not suffer Satan to speake bad speach of Moses the first King in Israel But Iehouah before Iehouah said The Eternall rebuke thee Satan The Iewes in Midras Rabba Deut. chap. 33. feigne pleading from Satan before God for Moses and in Abboth Rabbi Nathan S. Iude telling Rabbins that they would destroy the Nation by resisting rule bringeth their owne commentary how Michael the Archangel checked Satan for contempt of Moses King of Israel and giueth him the high checke from Zach. chap. 3. The Eternall rebuke thee Satan So the Eternall Sonne before the Father spake in Zacharie what in Iudes Rabbins in a like cause Michael the Arch-angell speaketh and Zohar Gen. col 46. saith Where Michael is head of the holy Angells there Gods maiestie is meant This hath Zohar And we should not fauor Arias more then our enemies would Tobies fable disturbing Scriptures glory where euen Rabbins speake for it should no more come among holy workes then a worke of Beelzebub Asmodaus or Ben Tzirgha being a leprous wicked worke from the principall mischiefe of the Diuel Of Michaels Angells All the true Christians are called Michaels Angells they fight by the two edged sword of Gods word which originally in the Ebrew and Greeke new Testament is pure in writ cleare in meaning and perfect to discusse all sage matters Caesares Diui were soone confuted because all knew their profanesse they were soone by all sides excluded from all mens regard for any hope of happy state But the great fight here is with the King of Locustes and his garrisons Satans Angells that they may be knowen not to be the People of God Here is a sore combate that of the two Prophets ch XI Of the wicked spirites names Dragon old Serpent Diuel Satan bee the names of the wicked spirites companie King Pharaoh Esa 27. is a Dragon as old Pharaoh who for all Moses Rod would bee but a Serpent So the king of Madai and Paras worshipped in Babel that for a moneth none should pray but vnto him is in the Apocrypha fable a Dragon worshipped in Babilon So the Roman Diui Caesares and the Pope shewing himself in the Temple of God as if he were God make a Dragon as the old enimie worketh in them Of old Serpent The old Rabbins as Zohar and Aben Ezra and many moo confesse that the Angells which fell spake in the old Serpent And that company is called the old Serpent or Tempter as Adam gaue the Serpent from his nature the name Tempter The Rabbins whom I haue cited in an Hebrew treatise of fitting Iubilees to the yeare of our Lordes death so terme the Tempter later Aben Ezra though late wicked Iewes turne all to fables of a naturall Serpent who may be musselled by their owne ancient Of Diuell Diabolos in Greeke is the commune name of any slanderer but applied by Iobs translater chap. 1. to the Ebrew Satan enimie where our enimie the false accuser goeth about like a roaring Lion seeking whom hee may deuour There Diabolos expresseth enimie by occasion taken from Satan slandering of Iob. Saint Pet. 1. 5. taketh both names The Zohar telleth vpon Gen. 3. howe the Diuell accuseth each one from his comming into the world all his life So by the Iewes hee accused Christ as an enemie to Caesar and made him pay for robbery Psal 69. though it was not robbery for him to say hee was the Sonne of GOD. Christ held it no robbery to bee eaquall to God but the Diuell the Slanderer made Caiphas vrge this as a deadly matter so the Christians were slandered to the Caesares as athean and the reformed now are haeretiques to Papistes some trapps we lay in their way wherby Gods iustice doth whipp vs by their tongues Of trapps laid by our selues Whereas Catelthein eis haidon in the godly is all one as to remoue hence to the father Geneua denying Christ a passe Catelthein eis haidon denieth in tongue that he went to the Father And so denieth all religion Likewise Lutherans by Vbiquity for the humanity of Christ wound all the doctrine of incarnation wherein the humanity is according to our kinde sin onely excepted Besides we grant to the Papists that text of both Testaments is corrupt and so wee weaken the auctority of scripture and make no end of checking the holy Greek Testam that the Iesuits binde not it but Ieromes Latin with Ebrew in octauo Also where the Apostles speake plainly to all learned Iewes wee expound them as if
Tertullian hurt by Montanus The onely auctores that Eusebius could bring for Peter to haue beene at Rome And that strength beeing broken all further testimonies are but winde The Thalmud in San requireth in testimonie eye-sight And for the newe Moone though they knewe the Mathematiques they vsed two mens testimonie that they saw the Moone vnlesse cloudes hindered before they ordeyned the feasts celebration so God would haue the People to hold their eye-sight iudge as all simple must pleade sure faith So strike you this crosse and make blood come forth to two witnesses which by Moses Law must be my warrant and then I will be of S. Peters faith in your sense Of the Catholike faith I am and of the ancient faith which holy Paul of Tarsus Gygs land and holy Luke of Magogs land in Syria taught and wrote from Moses and the Prophets Ep. 2. 20. Make blood come out of this stone to my sight and I will bee a Pseudo-Catholique as yee are vpon this we turned to read the proselytes letters For whose testimony that I might haue had a Cardinalship principal at Rome One M r. Murton of Yorkeshiere desired me to goe to Mentz with him to heare that asked and tooke occasion in speach of Cardinales to aske what mine had bene worth then said hee about 18000. french Crownes But I shewed that Gods word was plaine to all of the tongues studie and pure in all rules to conuert any well meaning heart perfect to guide through the whole course of life I wishe others to belieue their miracles as I doe who know that God made sense a diuine testimonie that a man conuicted vpon two witnesses conuicted to worship bread and wine should dye the death The Gospell thrise and S. Paul 1. Cor. 11. tell that IESVS gaue bread and wine and that the Disciples dranke what hee gaue That no miracle was heere but the natiue manner of a Couenant And if the Apostles or Greeke Fathers had said The Bread and Wine were altered from their tast or nature for so much heathen would haue sworne the world neuer bare wickedder Magicians nor worthier of death by Moses Law which Christ gaue as aeternall God and came as man to bee iudged of man how hee did performe all so that the natiue power of reason which he planted in all soules should iudge of him that he performed all iustice to plaine capacitie of all nations and required none to belieue further then logique common to euery man would require assent or tell of open rebellion against the trueth This also was a great miracle that Emperor Henry the VII next Albertus in seditions comming to Italy where 60. yer Emperores absence gaue the Pope much auctoritie when the king of Sicilie Robert made stirres and the Pope Clement V. fauored him as a vassall of the Church and then kept at Auinion he commanded both by the othe of fidelitie to keepe the peace He answering that he would take no such othe yet by persuasion would take the crowne of him was soone after of Cardinales by Dominican Bernehard poysoning the Hostia or the Sacrament of the Altar sent to Haides because he would be boūd to no man The beast with two hornes like a Lambe in trueth the Dragon let loose after 1000. yea Apoc. 20. did this miracle The like was done to our K. Iohn who shewed in the Abbot of Glassimbury litle good will to make Popes too fatt And their dayly miracle told afore of the Sacrament of the Altar that men must belieue they haue no sense this Simon-Magus-bewitching of men by Moses Lawe should put them to death howe they would make their Images sweate by a fier and water hid behinde them in the Vestrie and tell how the sainctes were angry that men had no more zeale to offre to them these were commonly knowen to them that liued in our Fathers dayes before valiant King Henry VIII brake both the Popes hornes and ate the flesh of the beast If Erasmus Roterodamus had liued to this houre he could neuer haue iested ynough with the Popes false miracles as Saint Paul termeth them Yet to this day euery where Papists brag of their religion as proued by miracles and so they prooue their doctrine to be new Miracles are to bee wrought at the first deliuery of doctrine When Adam first sacrificed fire from heauen kindled it and Abels sacrifice respected of God are in Octaplo were fired by God That fire was kept vntill the flood Then againe Noes sacrifice was kindled from heauen And that fire was kept by great SEM or Melchitzedeke Abraham sacrificing had fire first in recorde from heauen and in Moses Salomon that is expresly told and thence gathered to the former so when the Iewes came home from Babylon they sacrificed no mention is made of their fire Their priuate storie Salseleth Hakabala saith they had fire form heauen The abridgement of the senselesse writer Iason of Cyren called the second of Maccabees telleth an old wiues tale of fire turned as vnto salt and set against the sunne and so brought to inflame the sacrifice Archimedes fire that set Roman ships on flame at Syracusa with a Christall Glasse of narrow passage for the sunne beames should haue beene as holy a fire as that of Iasons fable yet the Pope maketh great accompt of this inuention as being so true as his miracles whereby he would prooue new sacrifice Before the flood Adam liuing longe to teach the truth and the creation being all miraculous we haue no properly told miracle but our father Henochs assumption Abraham reuiuing the world did miracles so Moses beginning a new state and IESVS in his noble conquest in staying Sunne and Moone and Samuel at Sauls installation Ezekias in great fall of tenne Tribes captiued had the sunne turned backe tenne degrees To Babell the fire was quenched Dan. 3. and the King made as a beast chap. 4. Daniel stoppeth Lions mouths and an handwriting damning the state chap. 5. Thus to nations first motion or fall miracles are giuen but to confirme no other religion then agreeth with Adams But the Pope will dayly transubstantiate and make a Lynceus belieue he cannot tell whether he see Bread and Wine and so make a sacrifice as calling fire from heauen which must kindle euery sacrifice And whereas eye-sight is Gods Testimony by Creation law and allowed euer euen in the seale of the Couenant which may conteine no matter litigious He breedeth warres to make haile fire mixed with blood All this Doctrine is from the mouth of the Dragon Saying to them that dwell in the earth to make an Image to the beast which hath the stroke of the sword and is reuiued The earth is the profane common world opposite to the Church The Image respecteth Dan. 2. as the beast looked to Dan. 7. So the Pope shall challenge power to make Imperiall state termed Image Daniel 2. Padeuicius lib. 3. Capter 10. In Lotharius saxo
miseries and patience and constancie the fruite of his hope he shewed Rom. 5. and commended to vs Iam. 5. And in Iob God describeth the state of the Church nowe florishing nowe wholly afflicted yet by faith in the Redeemer finde recouery vnto eternall life Briefly the whole booke is a diuine commentary on Geneses both for Creation and Redemption Of Exodus Exodus sheweth how God performed promisse to Abraham of multiplying his seed of their affliction in Aegypt for his hainous sin as Rabbi Bechai saith in giuing Sarah to Pharaoh of reuenging Aegypt of bringing Israel thence by the blood of the Lambe drowning Pharaoh wher they sang the song of the Lambe The Tables with letters 613. Vowels Accents as we haue this day in the same forme in the first Law teach how we come from the Aegypt of this World and the Tabernacle how the WORD would haue his Tabernacle in vs. Romes error against this song of the Lambe barbarous Their Latin sayth The dwelling of the Children of Israell while they dwelt in Egypt was 430. year yet Cohach came with Iacob Gen. 46. and liued but 133. year Amram 137. Exod. 6. Moses 120. Deut. 33. all in extremity maketh but 390. year So Moses must be buried 40. year before he receiued the Law So the Pope maketh all the Old Testam nothing worth Saint Paul maketh it but 430. year from the Promisse Gen. 12. vnto the Law Gall. 3. 17. So the Pope would make both Testaments of small force as his knightes in Gen. 3. say shee shall bruse thy head to be the ground of hope that so the Virgin Marie might lawfully be worshipped Error Athean The heauy Commandement Thou shalt not make vnto thy selfe any grauen Image in the Popes decalogue is left out The Chaldean who destroyed the Temple that all of Gold was caryed to Babel so the couering of the Arke and the rest of the Gold that the timber and Tables seeme broken by the wicked those wicked are not more wicked then the other Babylon in a mysterie which to receiue Idolatry would take away one commandement from the tenne Of Leuiticus When the Tabernacle was sett vp the voice of Christ which was terrible on the mountaine speaketh softly to Moses how Leui should cōtriue all the Law by sacrifice hither that when the Iewes had destroyed Christ his Tabernacle hee would rayse it againe the third day and end Leuies trade and the Angell commenting vpon Leuit. 26. telleth the very houre when Christ by death would end sacrifice and offring How the Pope disannulleth all Leuiticus The Pope will haue Priest Altar Cope Leuitique linnen flesh of Bread and Blood of Wine to be for sacrifice against all the light that Christ planted in soules for sense of eye sight tast feeling smelling and hearing of wordes and common reason when words of possessions must be expounded lawyerlike not in naturall sorte He that should vrge naturall proprietie in this Iechonias begate Salathiel should bring infinite absurdities vpon the genealogie He is more senselesse that knoweth not speaches of a couenant how the thing signifying hath the name of the signified Typus antitypus simbolon Icones old greeks Dionysius the forged Origen Eusebius Nazianzene Theodoret. c. could terme the Bread and Wine seales of ending Moses Policie which had the auctority of God equall in wisedome to his wisedome in the Creation of the World Now where God endeth all sacrifice and Moyses policie performing by our Lords death and testifying by S. Stephens martyrdome Thence the beast arising from the profane earth would with the mouth of the Dragon erect a policie ouer the World to make by Satan imitation of Moses policie to turne all Common weales to apish mockage of the sage wisedome in Moses vnto the deceite of Satan who transformeth him selfe into an Angell of light Thus the harpes on Mount Syon will not agree with the Popes Policy by Leuiticus Of Numery When Moses had shewed in figures that Christ was to suffer and being the first from the dead should shew light vnto the World the people were to trye whether by this faith they would conquer Chanaan not by mans strength They are numbred in persons a miraculous number to proceed in 215. yer whence onely 70. male soules arose in 215. yeares 603550. men of warre besides Women and Children But they misbelieue and so come short The Like Popery teacheth that merits of sainctes must be helpes to conquer the Land of Rest And trust not to the Promisse giuen to Abraham Of Deuteronomie Deuteronomie repeateth to the sonnes the fathers religion in an abridgement shewing that all ages should doe soe and giueth an expresse Law that fathers should teach their Children the Law And so many psalmes and many places of the New Testament abridge the heauenly wisedome of God for all former doctrine The Contrarie No Cardinales of Rome nor Princes that gaue them honor knew this much Therefore their gold is in high gilt Of Iesus The booke of IESVS sheweth how IESVS conquered the Land by a lesser number then the first that man should not haue the prayse but only God Psal 44. And their towns 324. as some reckon them in Chananean names shew all commodities of soyle for a land The Contrarie The Iewes were told by Dauid that IESVS settled not the people in the true rest but biddeth them enter into a Rest from mans Ceremonies where Baptisme for Circumcision and Bread with Wine tokens as stronge as the worlds frame vpon Gods word of life to faithfull receiuers are all that religious policie requireth that wee haue a Rest from the infinite toyle of Moses Policie But the City that crucified Christ denyeth this Rest and bringeth from mans wicked braine wicked toyes innumerable to be religiously obserued wherof the least were as bad as the strange fire that Aharons sonnes did kindle Of the Booke of the Iudges Ioseph in his Beryll bare the XI I. Patriarches names as a King and stay of the common Weale when the people fell away other tribes Iuda Beniamin Isachar Zabulon Nepthaly and Dan in part and Leui to alteration vpon ouerthrow in Elies sonnes The 70. for a speciall reason set in Greeke for Iosephs Beryll the Emerauld of Leui that heathen might not say the God of Israell did not foresee what would come to passe Ioseph bare the sway and Ephraim of Ioseph caried except Iuda all tribes landed away Vpon the Greek translation Chrysostome sharper witted then skillfull in the originall in Photius liberary would make the high sacrificer the stay of the state where his office was for the World to come and vpon this the Patriarkes would be checking not teaching the Emperor till both came to nought as Elie his sonnes ouerthrew all the glorie of the states vnder the Iudges The Pope passeth all Greeke Patriarches ouer Kings by whom they stand and by whose guiftes they had means to study the word
of God If they had grace and to helpe many landes so to doe that in the Pope as in Elies sonnes a fall extreeme shall be Of Samuel c. When God hastening to shewe CHRIST from Iuda gaue Israel a minde to choose a King hee would giue one of Beniamin that Rachel should be aequall to Leah but soone remoue him then commeth DAVID of Iuda Dauid rare for faith and all humanitie whose Psalmes tell of Christ all that can be known from Stories past and in Prophecies for the state following That all men high and low rich and poore should still sing his psalmes And to him is promised an aeternall throne in Christ Now to prooue that this throne is not for this World Salomon hath all wisedome prosperitie and pleasure and writeth a song of songes that is all in continued allegories of true soules following Christ and Prouerbes to warne Ephraim from Idolls and Ecclesistes to tell that all vnder the sunne was vanitie To the same effect the historie of poore Ruth of Lot leauing Countrey kins folke and fathers house conteineth a sage hope in the songe for the Lambe And Salomons Temple is soone cast off to be despysed and the Kings of his seede in 1. and 2. of the Kings to shew that a King of Nathan Salomons brother should be the true King when Salomons Kings should cause captiuity to Babel and ouerthrow of all The Books of Kings and Chronicles shew that in euent Then Daniel sheweth 7. tymes ouer how vnder Kings Iuda shall bee in affliction till the King of Kings commeth In Prophecie Hosea telleth of his saluation how he shall be called from Egypt and destroy death and aryse the third day which matter Ionas in figure experienced before This saluation Osee teacheth and how Lo-Ammi should be Ammi and Lo-Ruchamah should be Ruchamach Ioel sheweth Gods fauor for the spirite vpon all flesh to speake of the resurrection chapter 2. and sharpe iudgement cited in this Chapter And Amos of erecting Dauids Tabernacle Isaiah is an Euangelist from chapter 40. specially chapter 53. and where not and who is like to Michah telling Herod of Bethlechem where the sonne of Dauid should be borne Nahum comforteth the true Iew with the faire feete of them that shew peace and sayth Aggie Aggeicha festiue thy festiuities though Niniueh scattred Israel yet Iuda should be built The name of Aggei the Prophet calleth that into minde Abbakuk embraceth the people with comfort against Babel and leaueth a messe of potage for Daniel and all good that the iust shall liue by faith Ieremie 40. year telleth Iudah their Ceremonies cannot turne their heartes from strange Gods But Babell shal bee their dwelling to consume the wicked to shew Gods glorie where the Towre brought shame to all nations built to worship Creatures and to forget the Creator Tzephain telleth that Tze-phan Iah the aeternall hath sealed vp iudgement for despysing the Redeemer taught by the Passouer in Iosiahs dayes therefore he will visite the Kings Children for close Idolatry the rulers for cruelty the false Prophets for lying vanities ouerthrow the state cary them to Babell but after confession of their sin he will leaue a poore and humble people that shall trust in Messiah the Lord. Obadiah telleth Edom that for helping Babell to destroy Ierusalem by Babell they should be destroyd yet in tyme Sauiours that is Apostles shall come from Syon to conquer and iudge them Luc. 22. 30. that is to bring them to the faith and that of that Kingdome Christ shall be King Ezechiel sheweth the sonne of man glorious aboue the Cherub Chap. 1. and from 40. a new Ierusalem and chap. 38. sheweth to the eye the resurrection touching his Ierusalem S. Peter tuneth the Harpe on Mount Sion that euery prophecie of scripture is not to bee expouded properly because the holy men of God spake caried by the holy Ghost Daniel expoundeth him that the death of Christ shall bring all nations to be an heauenly Ierusalem Of Daniel I haue written more then any since Daniel wrote how his holy Gospell sheweth Christ vnto Children The Copies of my last edition hee that vseth as the Persians the Prophete shall be commended of mee to the God of Daniel whom hee knoweth not For if he had knowen him he would not so haue crucified againe the Lord of glory So described king of the Iewes and first named CHRIST meere properly in Daniel Ages folowing shall enquire how God will deale with the men Aggei answering in name as was shewed to Nahums words sheweth that of Zorobabel the SIGNET shall come who shall shake the heauen of the Iewes policie and the profane earth Zachary and Malachy with him shewe what Zachary Malachy Luc. 1. should learne to begin the New Testament by the Angell Gabriel on whom they comment Ezra and Nehemias also record his trueth and celebrate the names of the chiefe returned and the number of all And Mordecai in Esther telleth how by faith in Christ they escaped the edge of the sword Thus vpon Mount Sion of old they tuned their harps in the strang land of this world knowing that God would receiue them hence into his Ourano polin yet they were not perfected in their musique heere to see and feele as 1. Ioh. 1. the word of life S. Peter writing to poore Iewes 2 Pet. 1. commendeth the reading of the old harpes as a light shining in a darke place till the morning starre Psal 22. Apo. 2. 21. and Dauid Kimchi vpon Psal 22. arise in our hearts The Popes contrarietie S. Peters most deadly enimie the Pope which would make him the Rock or God and will not learne how he expoundeth Rock to be the Creator 1. Pet. 4. from 2. Sam. 22. will not suffre the people to read the Law a Pope or Daemon openly bent against the goodnesse of God Of the New Testaments musique The Gospell The holy Publican maketh in his first Chapter a stately porch to the new Temple shewing from Abraham to Dauid that the Fathers of Christ were all afflicted in this world and knew the holy Trinitie and foresaw Christ and his kingdom which ariseth from David by Nathan not from Salomon whose house would not be vpright with God 2. Sam. 23. All be faltie but Ioakim so wicked that because hee ouerthrew the state the Iewes enacted not to name him in their narrations and so S. Matthew left him out Now when Nathans house commeth in for whom all Daniels Visions speake in them wee see heauen opened and howe God sate vpon a Throne as if he were like Iasper and Rubi with the Rainebow like Moses Smaragd about the Throne and his harpe hath all tunes of Law till Christ be taken vp So Marke playeth vpon Gabriels harpe Dan. 9. till CHRIST is King in heauen Luke playeth first
the Pope be sitting vpon the Empire by litle and litle And England at 1200. yer would not grant him supremacy Sigibert And good father WICKLIFE now 200. yeares ago preached that if the commune lawes of England might stand the Pope should haue no stroke in England And good Lady Margareth a pearle for a woman the mother to K. Henry the seauenth when she built Christs Colledge S. Iohns in both which I was fellow and owe them this dutie she in those dayes made lawes to aduance knowledge to ruinate the Pope And the valiant Henry VIII trust him out from being head or taile in our Church so the Empire ridden by the Pope stood but a litle while in sundrie places And all the while of the arising the Grecians as Chrysostome Andreas Oecumenius taught that the Romane Empire would be reuiued though in Greek stories Sysimus and the ecclesiasticall Alaricus Giezerichus wrought much harme and there Antichrist should reigne And if the Greeke old Doctores had bene well known the Pope had neuer gotten peny by his Masse Areopagita taketh the worde in the Law sense the token of the body so Eusebius the Image and Symbolon and so elder Origene and later Nazianzene Antitypes and later Theodorit in a full disputation and Macarius the Greeke Monke calleth it Symbolum and full many moo Then the Pope had no auctoritie for turning bread into the body of Christ to make him haue 1000. bodies and to make Religion a stage to Angels and men This long warning of the Popes arising was a warning to all ages that they should not suffer the starr falling to make bitter the waters of the Law nor darken the starrs and in all ages he had gainesayers And both Princes and People who contemned the warning of this book were worthie to be giuen ouer to all force of error And the Beast which was and is not the same is also the eight and one of the seauenth The Pope shall be the eight chaleng place aboue all follow all heathen superstitiō in name staffe apparel of Caesares and Temples setting but a face of Christianity vpon them A plaine description of the Popes comming vp And the tenne hornes which thou sawest are tenne Kings which haue not yet receiued the kingdome but receiue auctoritie as kings one houre with the beast These haue one minde and shall part their power and auctoritie to the Beast These shall make warre with the Lambe and the Lambe shall ouercome them for he is Lord of Lordes and King of Kings and they which are with him are called and chosen and faithfull Steuchus against Valla reckoning the Countries which held of the Pope bringeth them to ten But we must know that ten vsually is a great number about ten fewer or moo These kingdoms vnder the first Caesares were not so parted as when Iulian the Apostata kept at Paris who neuer heard that his Fathers brother the great Emperor Constantine gaue the West to the Pope and if any such matter had bene it could neuer be hid from him But when the Pope of Rome by long begging for S. Peter and so for Monasteries in many Countreies had gotten much wealth and ready good wills in Rome and the West to set vp againe the Empire at Rome He picketh quarrels with the Patriarch of Constantinople for procession of the holy Ghost and Pascha day and supremacy still of old labored to extinguish the Greek tongue and puritie of Latin and weakneth the East Empire that barbarous Gothes reigned whom to ouerthrow Princes gladly ioyne with him and he with them still for great Countreyes that in the end they sweare to helpe him to hold Constantinus donation and to bring the East the Greeke to agree with Rome And after 1000. yea the king of Locustes hath Satans throne in such power that his winges bee chariots and horses to cause kinges to doe what hee will As for Ierusalem warrs to ouerthrow all their kingdomes And in these tymes Satan bare sway that scant any learned were in the West But Monasteries and Collegies were built to fortifie haeresie that Greeke was vnknowen till our age and Ebrew to this houre for skill in the tongue able to hold water and to make a translation of good warrant to all learned iudgements In this blindnesse still some Abates and such fought well by pen and at the last by Martyrs whom the Pope damned and the secular power put to death But in the end Christ by his martyrs roareth like a Lion and seauen thunders tell his anger seauen Angels poure it out and men eate the little booke of Scripture and preach to nations and kinges to bethinke them how they did set vp Rome And hee saith to mee The waters which thou sawest where the Where sitteth are people and folke and nations and tongues The phrase is from Babel Ierem. 51. O thou which sittest vpon many waters and from Dan. 3. These phrases teach the simple how plaine Gods Law is lightning the eyes to call old matters into minde and to teach by old euents howe other matters will fall out Moreouer this open speach of manie waters to meane people and nations would making a commentarie in the margin vpon many places of the old Testament inlighten much Of the Popes fall And the tenne hornes which thou sawest vpon the Beast these shall hate the Whoore and make her desolate and naked and eate her flesh and shall burne her in the fire The same kingdomes which cleaued to the Pope for profite or deceipt when they see all profit gone and how he by terror of forged purgatorie gate Princes great lands wil alter their minde to hate the Pope Many millions in England hate his keies in Canterburies armes as a mockage to the true keies of knowledge so they hate the title grace in Scotland as doth the learned M. Meluin others hate Leuies Linen Cope Priest and Kneeling at receiuing bread which should bee receiued with most holy iudgement not in the Popes gesture others hate the Leprosie of the Apocrypha books the writers of which shew no more faith in Christ then did Flauius Iosephus nor so much Others hate the Popes forme of prayer patched vp for his vse to content the people not to spend that tyme in requiring of them opening of the Bible And many would haue our Bishops caught in praemunire to loose all Others make great sute to haue their lands Now if in England most reuerend right reuerend fathers so learned as they take vpon them to bee bee so hated for remnant of Papistrie what hatred shall open Popery haue where the Pope dareth excommunicate kinges Thal. Ierusal noteth that the King might not be excommunicated nor any chiefe Ruler But be sagely warned to keepe his house for a time and to saue his honor But the high Sacrificer was whipped with as many stripes as any other for his faultes Ierus in Sanedrin But our Pope will bee excommunicating
Pascha Bouis and Arietis as a peace offring to endure for eating for the night of the Lambe a day and a night further bred the wicked note against expressed words of Saint Marke that the Lord praeuented the Iewes in the day of the Passeouer where so his Passeouer could not bee kill'd in the Temple where not to kill it on the due day it was death and their translation taught these lies Act. chap. 7. Iacob died in Egypt and the Patriarkes and they were caried to Sychem And they were put in the graue which Abraham bought for money of the sonnes of Emor the Sychemite Where Iacob was not buried in Sychem but in Hebron And Abraham bought nothing in Sychem neither was the purchase there for money but for Lambes Thus with a false translation they brake the peoples heart that they were discouraged from the Bible Also they blasphemed the Hebrew as Steuchus doth and praeferre their barbarous Latin to it Of ignorance in Alpha how it bred deadly errors They hold from a father well knowen that Ezra inuented the Law Characters which now we haue Alpha Beta c. be Greek names from the Chaldy and old in Greece as referred to old Cadmus which from Sidon built Thebes in Grecia Pisistratus was elder then Ezra Hee by Aristarchus diuided Homers Iliad and Odyssea into Alpha Beta c. named from the Chaldy expressing the Hebrew forme therefore the letters were an old inuention Diphath and Riphath Dodanim and Rodanim Genes 10. and 1. Chro. 1. are acknowledged of grammarians to come seuerall names for one Person in Noës tyme by the similitude of the Letters which wee now haue Therefore their antiquity is from the beginning Now the order of letters is settled by God Psal 25. 34. 37. 111. 112. 119. 145. Prov. 31. in Lament Chap. 1. once the 2. once the third thrise the 4. once And the speach sheweth that God hath a sure order in his wayes as in the letters whereby hee doth teach vs of his wayes Moreouer the Geometrie of the Characters is agreeable to their situation as all that marke them may know So the Popes ignorance greatly disgraceth Gods word by not knowing one letter in the Greekor Hebrew Also their exposition for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Tau in Ezekiel to make it a Crosse from T. in Greeke that is senslesse Tau there is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the 70. a marke as the Pope in his wickednesse hath to his Tau or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Hebrew last letter is Thaiu in grammarians with distinction from Tau the Marke OF VOWELS The Papists bee more hurtfull in teaching that Ebrew vowells were not from the beginning Heere some Iewes helpe them and our side and so they inferre that the text is vncertaine Their conclusion is Athean and the helpe to their assumption godles Very many words in Ebrew differ from ordinary grammar without difference in sense and none but the first writers would haue laid them so Accentes be of the same tenor of antiquitie Of Tiphereth Israel A most learned grammaticall worke called Tiphereth Israel the glory of Israel affirmeth that letters vowells and accents were written by God in the tables as now we haue thē And that is most sensible For Gods worke must needes bee perfect and who can adde to that which he hath done And Abben Ezra speaketh most sensibly that none euer was so wise as the auctor of the accents for hee neuer misseth to direct to the best sense Now the Popes ignorance in A and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Alpha and Omega sheweth that he is ignorant of the whole glory of the Bible Of Cethib and Kery Tymes 848. God teacheth vs elegancie of the tongue or sense of the text by setting a word in the margine to adorne the text and this passeth the witt of man and must needs be knowen to bee the worke of God and commonly for like Characters 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iod and some tyme to note the coniugation and mode for the commō Bibles vnvowelled and to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the margine hath a terme of arte to note Hophal 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 make thou streight my wayes Psal 5. 9. lest Dauid seeme to say My way is streight So in substantiue the text 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Ios 18. 24. might bee read Ammoni but to shew Patach vnder Iod the margine hath Ammonah 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sometimes vnciuil words as Rabsaketh Isay 36. are read in the margine by cleaner Now Aria● Montanus hath made a whole worke of this in apparatus shewing the text to bee corrupted in Babel wheras copies would endure 1000. yer And Daniel rich holy wise would keepe his pure And some double readings be after the Captiuity as in Daniel and Daniels former had beene amended by himselfe This opinion of Arias Kimchibred Praef. ad Ios Elias praef ad Mass Bibl. Barbiner ad Ezek. confuteth him mightily Now Plantines great Bible is printed without the margine reading and a Cypher is ouer the text word noting it to be corrupt So that worke would teach that the Bible is most corrupt It is strange that the Papists should be so blind as not to see this or so bad as to perswade it Of their inter linearia Their interlinearia sometymes putteth the text in the margine and the margine in the text to breed confusion Of a most wicked slander One writeth to the interlineall a poison full treatise to Genes 3. That for HE SHAL BRVISE the Hebrew should be SHEE shall bruise that the Virgine Mary not Christ should destroy the works of Satan And the text thrise hath the masculine gender and no Ebrew is euident or mentioned to haue taken it otherwise the Zohar saith vpon HV This is the blessed God So for Alpha and Omega they would make the late daughter of Eli the auctor of all Here their Latin their trāslations out of it place SHEE for HEE and at Colon on D. Sauerrinus meeting with me fell into sudden talke would know my religion by assent or dissent heerein and I made my minde plaine and that all Ebrewes Greekes and diuinity reiected SHEE Of Cetib and not Kery and Cery and not Cerib When two Prophets haue the like phrase sauing one word as Esai 16. and Ier. 51. the word which aboundeth is left vnvowelled so Idroc is twise in Ier. 51. once in Esai 16. in memorie of that left vnvowelled Sanctus Pagninus knew not the reason of this therefore he left the word vntranslated But Alpha will not like of this doctrine So when a storie is repeated as the speach of Rabsaketh if a word be more in the one the other hath the vowells
thirstie I will giue of the fountaine of the water of life freely Heere all excuse is cut off from the wicked that they are called to the waters of life but refuse Rome begging landes thirsted not to haue the waters of the Lawe to refresh the soule but made them bitter Therefore their condemnation is iust And for these waters be our fightes from Tiberius to this day since Ierusalem came from heauen He that ouercommeth shall possesse all thinges and I wil be his God and he shall bee my sonne Heere is a valiant combat The waters of life of the Hebrew and Greeke Testament are drawen from a deepe well many fadom of yeeres deepe and policies still will haue will haue their owne deuices and bestow death on such as offer men life Heere the faithfull vnto death shall haue a kingdome as the Sonnes of God But the cowards and the faithlesse and the lothsome and murtherers and fornicators and witches and Idolaters and all the false shall haue their portion in the lake burning with fire and brimstone They who take not vp their crosse and felow Christ are not worthie of him they who belieue not the Gospell are not worthie of him certaine beasts foules fish forbid to Iewes to distinguish them in diet from heathen are called vncleane or lothsome so be all without the Gospell in their high learning as Socrates Plato Cicero Varro Plutarch and the ciuilest Murtherers of the Martyrs specially wherein the Spanish Inquisition is the deepest Fornicators in Rome Venice and all Italy haue open freedome and of old Horace age and all epicures still as Turkes wallow in that and therfore S. Peter to the Iewes of Arabia giueth sharp warning against that and witches in all common Weales are hated and the subtilest witchcraft is that of the Popes TRANS-SVB-STAN-TIA-TION a monstrous terme for a monstrous matter besides all other their coniurations Of Idolaters Idolaters be the Papists the grossest that euer were and where Christ had infinite griefe to bee seene on the Crosse though in glory he darkened the Sun and shooke the earth and rent the stones yet Papists think that gold as in Nebuchadnezar his Image Daniel chap. 2. or siluer or Alablaster or stone or wood is a goodly worship Christ in whom is hid all the treasures of wisdome and knowledge could haue commanded that if he had liked of it and we should not be better learned then Alpha and Omega The Popes brabarous Answere An Idol is heathenish and vnlawfull an Image is lawfull as no man saith the Idole of God but may say the Image of God Answere Neither Attique Greek translated by Tulli nor 70. Greek nor the Apostles Greeke nor any Talmudique will suffer this distinction therefore it is for Witches not for Doctores 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Aratus is Cor●i Imago 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Plato is forma species in Tulli offi 1. Idolum Dei is in Apian Imago simulachrum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chal. Imago figura corporea vel incorporea Targ. idem and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is in Num. 33. 52. and the same is in Gen. 1. 26. 2 Kin. 11. 18. 2 Chron. 23. 17. Dan. 3. 2. Isai 40. be all vnlawfull They who would haue People to adventure their aeernall state vpon such quirks against all teachers of speach are pestilent witches and most impudent teachers He that cannot remember Christ by all thinges made ours for Christ is no Christian The starres serue Man for CHRIST the Ayer Lande Sea Plantes Beastes Foule Fish and what neede wee an Image which can represent but a base man in base sort No Iewe for Ebrewe no Attique for Greeke will cleare the Pope therefore he is Popes and teacheth doctrine of Deuils and Rome is a meere Babel confusion to holy speach And all liars haue their portion in the lake all who misse of Gods trueth are liars and perish The Thalmudiques who agreed with Paul for all iustice of the Law Rom. 10. yet missing of Christ lost all Now the Papistes be most impudent in lying as when they teach to vse Latin for Hebrew in the Law and for the Greeke in the Gospell their lies be of infinite number in their Purgatorie and where Haides hath but heauen and hell in the bread and wine against eisight the witnesses of God and their whole policie is a lie therefore chap. 19. the beast and false prophet was cast into the fire The second death The phrase second death is a Talmudique vsed in Onkelos vpon Deut. 33. and Ionathan vpon Isai 22. and in Zohar and later infinitelie And no soule goeth to it but perisheth for euer Of this I wrote vpon great occasion in an Epistle to Doct. Whitg to which he gaue great testimonie though one vnlearned brent the Copies after his death which flame may bring him and is very like to the fiery water Dan. 7. and heere And there came to mee one of the seauen Angells which had the seauen Cuppes full of the seauen last plagues and hee spake with me saying Come I will shew thee the Bride of the Lambe The same art it is to plague Rome and to build Ierusalem and in vision an Angell doeth this visibly learned trueth wherein Iohn him selfe is the principal Angell The Church hath heere a goodly name warning to be carefull of a wise holy soule the Bride of the Lambe All the song of songs goeth vpon this and the end of Isai Such Concent of Scripture Bellarmine and all that Brackmunim that would not haue all to know may looke for fire and brimstone to bee their portion All be bound to praise God and to doe that skilfully And his word teacheth that the Pope and each such is a Buy-shop from Satan not a Bishop from God which would not haue the word of God to dwell richly in vs. And he caried mee in the spirit into a mountayne great and high and he shewed me the Citie the great the holy Ierusalem descending from heauen from God and hauing the glorie of God This expresseth that which Ezekiel wrote of old concerning the building of the Church vnder Christ The Iewes to this day looke for a building in Chanaan Against that Saint Peter giueth this rule That euery Prophecie of Scripture is not to bee expounded properly because the holy men of God spake as they were caried by the spirit of God This place strengthneth Saint Peter and so expoundeth Ezekiel that all Iewes ●ight see Christ spake by the fisher of Galilee the deare to Christ Ezekiel was brought to an high mountaine so Iohn and our Lord Math. 17. when he would shew his glory tooke Peter Iames and Iohn and caried them into an high mountaine alone Visions must agree with spirituall matter Buildings of Princes be vpon mountaines stately to behold and hard to be come to by enimies to vex And wicked Rome braggeth twise in Virgill Septem quae vna sibi muro circumdedit arces This Rome
town and a persecutor to comfort the Citie that crucified Christ that as he found mercy so they might suffring as hee did And this much for the Iasper the stone But for the Greeke terme I must speake more Of the terme Iasper in the third place Apoc. 21. Foure Dialects the holy Apostles haue which matter telleth a sound reader to distinguish and a D. ignorant heerin will worke much disturbance To Attique or common Greeke they were to stand when they wrote to heathen and were not forced to peculiar Greeke Dialect So to Theophilus the heathen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Luc. 16. is vsed for heauen and hell as having both places and no moo and Catelthein for passage as the iourney standeth without regard of vp or downe Luc. 4. and ten times in the Acts as I mentioned So 70. Greek so Talmudiques and Apostles proper Colyrion in Ioh. ch 3. is Talmudique and that the Sacrificer was girded about his brest as Christ Apoc. 1. Maymony proueth from Vzielides and common tradition in treatise of holy apparell Perek 10. Iohns owne vse of Greeke is in Chalcolibanus Apoc. 1. to Dan. 10. and in white stone to Deut. 27. and in Iaspis cha 4. for Iaspeh the Hebrew and heere In the 70. Exo. 28 Sabulon is grauen in it for which Iohn first applieth Sardonix and as I told twise before in this chap. Iaspis must be referred to the Ebrew Carbuncle Codcedona in the Thargum Ierusal as Kimchi vpon Isai 54. well noted But heere Lawe will tell the Hebrew Iaspeh calleth the Greeke vnto it He that marketh not this shall confound all this matter And this much for the first foundation wherein Paul not Peter is surely meant Of the second foundation Simesn in Aharons chosen HAMISPAT or vertue of Iudgment was grauen in the second stone by birthright but he as Reuben by cariage not with right of iudgement lost natiue dignitie Sichem and Ioseph and Madianique Num. 24. brake his dignitie that gaue him no defender iudge only against Arabians in Ezekias dayes hee gate grounde and held it a while But for his owne people he did nothing extraordinarie Therefore because Iacob blessed all his sonnes some Darshan descanter framed Iudiths fable for Simeons helpe if that had been a true storie the builder of Ierusalem had left Symeon his Topaz in the second place For Issachar in Thola was not such a conqueror as Iudith if it were not a fable God hath plagued Grecia for Iudith that would giue an whole booke to the glorie of Symeon where God giueth scant a line he cā plague vs as well and we be as well aduised Of the Carbunck Leui in Aharon third in birth had the third place and the Smaragd to be for Moses as the sung Ouid Metamor In solio Meyses claris lucente Smaragdis That stone telleth that they be blinde that thinke the Law darke all Moyses describeth Christ of Iudah to bee the true sacrificer who abolishing Leuies Office taketh Leuies place And as in Iacobs sonnes not the first was best nor the second but the third better and Iudah the fourth best so Peter most missed and needed most comfort and Andrew found the Rocke before him and Iames sacrificed him self not at Compostella but vnder Herod and Iohn passeth all they both of Iudah Christ now changeth places as ending sacrifice that Leui shal teach of an eternall sacrificer So the Carbuncle is in the third Place The Smaragde The Rainebow of Couenant Isa 54. and Gen. 9. Like the Smaragde is about Gods throne to speake of the Couenant and Kingdome therefore it is next Christ Of the Sardonix Sabalon should be next by order of matter and Sardonix his Iahalom Exod. 28. a terme so applied by S. Iohn In Plato Phoed. Sardius and laspis and Sardonix are vsed to represent high ioy for the iust in Haides therefore Sardonix is of high price Elon was a Iudge of Zabulon and in the land of Zabulon the calling of Disciples began And as Zebed in Leahs tongue for societie to be from her husband sure so Zebedaeus had the terme in his name the father of Iames Iohn Of the Sardius Ruben deserued much pitie For he would haue saued Iosephs life and he was a frontier against the enimies therefore his Sardius a war color was in Gods glorie defending his Church ch 4. and hath his place before any of the handmaides S. Of the Chrisolite Lea pronounced her selfe happy when her maide bare Aser and God gaue him an happy soile to haue the sea and other tribes as barres and lockes to him and continuall strength and oliue woodes and much good Deut. 33. And whē Ezekiel telleth the King of Tyrus by termes frō the tribes stones what dignitie he had in old societie with Dauid and Salomon in Israell he reckoneth all Leahs six and Rachels two But none of the handmaids sauing Aser bordered next him and fellow to the sea with him He had no iudge all his dayes but gracious Anna that kept her a widow about 84. yeares praying and fasting at the Temple prophecying of Christ and teaching from Dan. 9. 457. yeares after the returne that that yeare Christ must be borne and seeing God face to face The daughter of Phannel seeing God face to face being of the happy Tribe of Aser sheweth the Sonne of God to all that looked for Redemption in Israel Therefore though of the last borne of the handmaides sonnes for this Godlinesse hath the seauenth Place Of the Beryll Ioseph that bare all is now bare of glorie His Beryll bare all the Patriarches aequall in Letters as Gods prouidence did cast them 25. in one Beryll and 25. in another Thus Maymoni doth cast them in Celi Mikdas Perek 9. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Thus Gods care doth teach what a precious thing beliefe in Christ is that for Abrahams faith he should so play with Iacob for his mariages for the wiues aemulation for Children for wisedome to giue names to them as their lot should fall out and time of their birth that Iacob should blesse them according lie Now Ioseph bare sway about 600. yeares But too long dignitie bred pride to contemne all hope in Christ that Ioseph bare not vp but bare away the Tribes The wisedome of God who knoweth how the Angels despised his counsell and Christ and perished for euer doth shew matter small to a carnall minde wisedome to astonish Angell that euery worde of this booke should haue a mysterie These defendours of the people came of Ioseph King Iosuah Deborah Gedeon Abimelech Ieptha Abdon halfe the tribe of Manasseh in Iair with Reuben Gad in Sauls dayes But Ieroboam the eight did marr all So
manifold and vnsearchable is the wisedome of God The Iewes seeing Ioseph gone for Ieroboam might feare lest Iuda should fall more for killing of Christ that now only Saint Pauls Bishopricke of the West is best in Christianitie he foretold how Rome would deceiue and bad them not to be proud but feare and not ouerrule the ciuill officer but be subiect all this is vaine to many Iosephs Beryll the glorie of Paradise is now abiect Of the Topaz Simeon hath the ninth place to be very base yet afore manie of the handmaides children Of the Chrysophrase The Chrysophrase is a white Achate with a golden lace and part greene Achate simply is in Exod. 28. for Nephtaly Iohn giueth the trimmest of Achates as God shewed him And Nephtali is set before Dan because Dan first fell away Of the Hyacinth Leshem was Dan his stone and in notation it is Folow God and in the partition of the lande Leshem the Towne was giuen to Dan as prophecied in the name of his stone though it were farre from the other soile of his where Samson dwelt Semel is an idole Alpha and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 mega gaue him warning that he turned not the Letters But none can stand longer than God stayed him Ionathan the some of Manasses of Gerson of Moses who would thinke it he and his house were Priests to the idole till the remouing of the glorie from Ephraim and Ieroboam regarding not that set vp a Calfe in Dan. The Antichrist by imitation of idoles is Dans childe Barbarous Rome cannot auoid that but by a ridiculous distinction of Idole and Image Of Gads Amethyst God of ordinarie course should folow Dan and Aser the yonger being set before him for Anna the daughter of Phanuel Thus Iohn comforteth the 12. tribes in their owne veine of speach calling all their stories of 1700. yeeres often reuolued in the same desert to shew the Constancie of God to encourage the 12. tribes not to be amazed that Rome hath crucified Christ and destroyed the lowe Ierusalem but to know that it also shall be destroyed after vnwilling furthering of the Gospell by martyring and when ease and wealth bringeth blindnesse and error it shall vnder praetense of holinesse and by persequution cause more study of Law then all former ages had The Iewes soone would climme into the mountaine of Tab●r in minde to acknowledge this description to be all from the Prophets and most easie to vnderstand And this cutteth off all Iudaisme which the Rabbins haue to this houre who from Ezekiel 40. looke still for a returne to Canaan But against that S. Peter told them that euery Prophecie of Scripture is not to bee expounded properlie And the twelue gates were twelue pearles euery one seuerall gate was of a pearle The wordes of the holy Apostles open the way into the Citie and the spirit of God spake in them and no one could be aboue the other but euery one stood a foundation vpon the Rocke By them which haue written we know that the others had wordes also as pearles When the Pope buried the stile of the Apostles and brought in Romes tongue and neither that pure then the pearles lost their gaynesse And the street of the Citie was pure gold as cleere glasse The open lawes are agreeable to the soules frame in iudgment from God and rules of faith bee cleere Rome hath scant one rule of either But their lawes crosse commune reason and their speaches of faith be either false or litigious And a Temple I saw not in it for the Lord God of hostes is the Temple and the Lambe Earthly buildings profit not as all S. Stephens oration telleth and the faithlesse Iew Izhak Ben. Arama Port. 52. shewing how the Tabernacle thrise described and set vp did litle helpe they presently misbelieuing And Salomons Temple after his death was robbed by Shisak King of Egypt and rejected of the tenne Tribes And this as the Iew confesseth to shew that God rested in CHRIST a goodlier Temple the heauen and the earth whose tēple when it should be once pull'd downe he would raise it vp the third day Moyses Law ye shall stand in reuerence of my Tabernacle tooke effect for punishment in Ephraim for Elies sonnes defiling of women waiting there that God foresooke his Tabernacle in Shiloh and Ephraim fell in the day of battel 34000. 1. Sam. chap. 4. and Psal 78. Nabuchadnezar that destroyed the Temple was so many yeeres like a beast as the Temple was in building And his Babell for the holy Temple was destroyed The carnall Iewes vrged Moyses Law against Christ as to death That he said destroy this Temple and I will build it againe in three dayes He spake of his owne Temple For which the Law of Moses was made and the Tabernacle and the frame of the world and because they stood not in reuerence of his Temple hee destroyed them By the former Law as they martyred S. Stephen for saying Iesus of Nazareth would destroy the Temple And they meant as much for S. Paul for speaking teaching against the Temple and they thought he had brought Trophimus a grecian of Ephesus into the Temple and so polluted it But the true Temple they saw not till theirs was destroyed And here Iohn expoundeth Moses That God the Lord of hostes the Angels and goodly frame of the world That CHRIST in whom all fullnesse it selfe dwelleth is the Temple And they that crucifie a picture as his making him vile or worship a piece of bread as his body being a mockage to Angells and men shall finde no place in Ierusalem The Temple of the Lambe must be vsed as hee teacheth It sitteth in shining light in heauen and may not be made base in this darke ayer by our foolish inuentions his owne commanded works as Salomons Temple cannot conteine God 1. King 8. Act. 7. Esai 66. This one rule ouerthroweth all Talmudiques by the Prophets whose words they reuerēce A plaine conclusion from Esai 60. and 51. and Ezeck 47. of the Gentiles Ierusalem And the Citie shall haue no neede of the sun to giue light in it for the glory of God lightneth it and the Candle of it is the LAMBE Isai 60. Arise be lightned for thy light is come and the light of the ETERNAL riseth ouer thee Ephes. 4. He saith arise thou that sleepest and stand vp from the dead and Christ shall shine to thee Many Rabbines as S. Paul draw Esaies words to Christ and when Iohn wrote 144000. Iewes faithfull would so take it Isai 60. The Sun shal be no more thy light on the day and the brightnesse of the Moone shall not giue light vnto thee But the ETERNAL shal be thy continuall light and thy GOD shall bee thy honor Thy Sun shall no more sett and thy moone shall not be hid for the Eternall will be thy continuall light and the dayes of thy mourning shall be gone worldly ioy shall not bee thy
vpon the last string of Malachie and the same tunes as the other two The Sonne of thunder beginneth from before the beginning shewing that by the SON God made the world and harpeth most vpon that string and teacheth the Pope that hee not Peter was the best beloued and needed not a threefold incouragement to feed the sheepe Thus the man Leui the Lion Marke The Oxe Luke Eagle Iohn play all Dauids tunes That mighty Theophilus saw in euery one Man Lion Oxe Eagle as Ezekiel chap. 1. Of the Actes The Actes telleth that S. Luke was full of eyes specially for depth of Ebrew skill Act. 7. and 13. as in his Gospell ch 4. which poinctes I touch in a Latin Epistle to PP of Germany and to our K. Maiestie The Antiochian sheweth how Antiochia first had Christian name to shew that Christ would be great ouer Magog Ezek. 39. and he alone was a miracle of Gods mercy But Nicolaus stood not sound as Antioch by Pride had a fall Though Peter were there and an heauenly company of which if Rome might haue bragged a 1000. Martin Luthers and Zuinglians and Martyrs Bucers should not haue shaken the Popes pride who swelleth that Paul comforteth the small Company who had no Apostles to strengthen that yet their faith was sounded ouer the world And S. Luke endeth in Paules speach vnto Iewes who knew not what the Gospell meant till hee came thither that the Pope might be ashamed to say that S. Peter was there whose writing is all in Iewes veine and if hee had bene there but one day the Synagogue had heard what the Gospell was In that he telleth how S. Paul was borne free in Rome and thereby found great protection and freedome and how Iesus our Sauiour told that he should bee the Apostle to bring his name before Caesar of the famous course by appeale from Festus to Caesar known to king Agrippa by famous nauigation and miracles these shew the Popes badnesse that would put all this out of tune to beg landes to match Emperors by a lye that S. Peter should be at Rome whereof God hath not giuen one syllable of found The Testimonie of Origen Clemens Alexandrine Tertullian Eusebius all vnsound and nothing worth without testimonie from them that should see him there The Pope must cut of all the stringes of S. Lukes harpe on mount Sion and vse Poliphemus musique to Galatea from Aetna if hee will stand in his old forgery Epiphanius would not stay vpon that fable though Latin writers to glory of the West could foster the fable Of the Epistle to the Romanes As the stringes of the Wolfes entralles will neuer haue concordes with the sheepes the musicall so the fable from the Pope that belieueth not that Christ is the only Rocke Psal 18. will neuer agree with the stringes of S. Paules epistle It Catechiseth men as needy of stay and telleth of a long desire that way and giueth expresse Law that euery soule should obey Caesar in matters of gouernement as to Iewes not taught in that And Modestly sheweth his reasons of rules fitt for simple though he was persuaded they could teach one another He had not passed ouer S. Peter if hee had taught them And hee pleadeth for his Bishoprick charge ouer the Gentils from Ierusalem to Illyrico all ready gone ouer and the Romanes to be of his Bishopricke where the name of Christ had not bene sounded by any Apostle And in salutations to fiue and twentie not one syllable soundeth toward that S. Peter had bene or euer should bee at Rome If the Pope had knowen IAH IEHOVAH THE ROCKE OF ALL AGES this epistle had taught him the Ebrews songe and to auoide them that should make sedition and scandala from this doctrine Of the first to the Corinthians This teacheth that the authority of Cephas Paul Apollos the cunning lawyer might not be of auctority But with expresse doctrine of Ceph to Rocke whereupon they that build be Cephae set vpon the Rocke And for excommunication he followeth the Synagogues sage manner That the open Court not Angelus Ecclesiae should practise it Though the Pope will be excōmunicating kings which thing Thal. Ieru in Sanedrin holdeth neuer vsed nor lawfull Other Thalmudique questions he decideth many and for the Lords supper putteth transsubstantiation out of tune and sheweth how all the Church should be as one body full of charitie and goodnesse and exhorteth all to haue skill in the Bible Of the second to the Corinth It continueth in the same tenor and that afflictions be the adiunctes to teachers of saluation not the Popes ease and quietnesse and that the Gospell shineth to all whom the god of this World blindeth not though ignorance be the mother of the Popes holy deuotion Against Purgatorie Where he sayth we know that if this earthly house of tabernack hath an end we haue a building from GOD an house not made with hands euerlasting in the heauens The Rock Leuit. 26. powreth water of that Doctrine to Moyses So Haides to all godly is heauen Of the Epist to Gal. Galatae barbarous Canniballs in Strabo are brought by S. Paul to the Rocke of saluation by faith without workes of the Law and if they stick to any one of them as Circumcision Christ profiteth nothing By this Epistle Martin Luther shewed the Pope to be an enimy to saluation And where he saith after many yeares he found Peter at Ierusalem and that Peter was the Iewes Apostle to saue whom hee could before the nation should be scattred And so he was for Greeks This water from the Rocke should wash away the Popes lies And the whole Epistle might tell him that he might as well repete Circumcision as Priest high Priest Mitre Cope Linen sacrifice Of the Epistle to the Ephesians The Epistle to the Ephesians conteineth a perfect doctrine of all faith penned easie for all to learne and dashing all popery The Philippians Are taught to reioyce in afflictions as the martyrs by Rome Apoc. chap. 1. and 7. and 11. and 12. and 14. and 15. and 17. and Pauls afflictions brought the name of Christ into Caesars pallace Colossians Epaphras brought the Colossians to the Rocke the son of God of whose aeternity and dignity S. Paul speaketh heauenly and to their building into all riches of full vnderstanding in the mysterie of Christ about deceit of Philosophie Iewes Ceremonies for meate the Pope in both matters is busie that his Wolfes stringes make no musique but where Lupa gaue milke to Rome builders Of the first to the Thess They in affliction be an example for the Martyrs in Spaine haters of the Popes idolls The last glorious comming of Christ will be their comforts Second Thess They should not looke that the last dayes were come to the World as to the Iewes Common weale in Prophets Genes chap. 49. Dan. 2. and Ebr. chap. 1. Because not onely open