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A13030 A summarie of Englyshe chronicles conteynyng the true accompt of yeres, wherein euery kyng of this realme of England began theyr reigne, howe long they reigned: and what notable thynges hath bene doone durynge theyr reygnes. Wyth also the names and yeares of all the baylyffes, custos, maiors, and sheriffes of the citie of London, sens the Conqueste, dyligentely collected by Iohn Stovv citisen of London, in the yere of our Lorde God 1565. Whervnto is added a table in the end, conteynyng all the principall matters of this booke. Perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes maiesties iniunctions.; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1565 (1565) STC 23319; ESTC S117862 206,452 546

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Englande and Scotlande Cecilius was buried at Carlyon Kymarus succeded Cecilius and reigned three yeares in Britayne he was slayne as he was huntyng Elanius called also Danius was kyng of Britayn .ix. yeres Morindus the bastard son of Danius began to reigne in Britain he as our Chronicles saye fought with a kynge who came out of Germanye and arriued here and slew hym with all his power Moreouer as they write of the Irishe seas in his tyme came foorthe a wonderfull monster whiche destroyed muche people wherof the king hearyng would of his valiaunt courage needes fyght with it by whō he was cleane deuoured whē he had reigned .viii. yeres Gorbomānus eldest sonne of Morindus reigned .xi. yeres A prince iust and religious he renued the temples of his gods and gouerned his people in peace and wealth Oure englyshe Chronicle sayth he buylded the townes of Cambridge and of Grantham Archigallo brother to Gorbomannus was crowned kyng of Britayne he was in conditions vnlike to his brother for he deposed the noble men and exalted the vnnoble He extorted from men their goodes to enriche his treasurie for which cause by the estates of the realme he was depriued of his royall dignitie when had reigned .v. yeares Elidurus the thyrd sonne of Morindus and brother to Archigallo was elected kyng of Britayn a vertuous and gentil prince who gouerned his people iustly As he was in hunting in a forest by chaunce he met with his brother Archigallo whom moste louyngly he imbraced and founde the meanes to reconcile hym to his lordes and than resigned to hym his royal dignitie when he had reigned .v. yeares Archigallo thus restored to his royal estate ruled the people quietly and iustly .x. yeares lyeth buryed at Yorke Elidurus aforenamed after the deth of his brother Archigallo for his pitie and iustice by the generall c●nsente of the Britayns was agayn chosen kyng But he reigned not passyng two yeres but that his yonger brethern Uigenius and Peredurus raysed warre agaynste hym tooke hym prisoner and cast hym into the Tower of London where he remayned as they write duryng their Reigne Uigenius Peredurus after the takyng of their brother reigned together vii yeres Uigenius thā died Peredurus reygned after alone .ii. yeares He buylded the towne of Pyckeryng after the opinion of diuers writers Elidurus the thirde tyme was made kyng of Britayne who continued his latter reigne honorably and iustely but beynge sore bruised with age and troubles he fynyshed his lyfe when he had now lastly reigned .iiii. yeres and was buried at Car●●le Gorbonian reygned in Britayne .x. yeares Morgan was crowned kyng of Britayne who guyded the realme peacibly xiiii yeares Emerianus brother to Morgan succeded in the Realme of Britayne And when he had tyrannously reigned .vii. yeares he was deposed Iuall was chosen kyng of Britayne for his iustice and temperance which he gouerned peacyblye .xx. yeares Rymo gouerned this realme of Britayne .xvi. yeares In his tyme was great plentie and peace Geruncius reigned here in Britayne xx yeares Catillus reigned peacibly in Britayn x. yeres he houng vp all oppressours of the poore people to geue ensample vnto other Coilus succeded Catellus in the realme of Britayne who quietly reigned xx yeares Porex a vertuous and gentle prince reigned in Britayne .v. yeares Chirinnus king of Britayn through his dronkennesse as our Chronyclers write reigned but one yeare Fulgen his sonne reigned two yeres in Britayne Eldred reygned in Britayne one yeare Androgius lykewyse reygned one yeare in Britayne Uarianus the sonne of Androgius succeded his father in this realm of Britayne He wholly gaue hym selfe to the lustes of the fleshe reigned .iii. yeres Eliud kynge of Britayne reygned v. yeres who was a great Astronomer Dedantius kyng of Britayn reigned v. yeares Detonus reigned in this land of Britayne .ii. yeares Gurgineus reygned .iii. yeares in Britayne Merianus was kyng of Britayne .ii. yeares Bladunus gouerned Britain .ii. yeres Capenus reigned kyng of Britayn iii. yeares Ouinus ruled Britain .ii. yeares Silius reigned in Britain .ii. yeares Bledgabredus was .xx. yeres kynge of Britayne He delited muche in musycke and gaue hym selfe to the studye thereof Archemalus was kyng of Britayne ii yeares Eldelus reigned kyng of Britayne iiii yeares In this tyme dyuers prodigies were sene as globes of fyre burstynge oute of the ayre with great noyse Rodianus was kyng of Britayne .ii. yeares Redargius reygned kyng of Britayn iii. yeares Samulius reigned in britayn ii yeres Penisellus was made kyng of Britayne who gouerned it .iii. yeres Pirrhus ruled Britayne .ii. yeares Caporus was kyng of Britayne .ii. yeares Dinellus the sonne of Caporus a iust vertuous prince gouerned this realm of Britaine .iiii. yeares Helius the sonne of Dinellus reigned not fully one yere king of Britayn Of this prince the Isle of Ely toke this name for that he there buylded a goodly palace wherin was his most delight to lyue and also was there buried LUd the eldest son of Hely succeded his father and reigned .xi. yeares in Britayne As soone as he was made Kyng he reformed the state of his common weale for he amended his lawes and tooke awaye all vsages that were naughte Moreouer he repayred the Citie of London then called Troynouant with fayre buildyngs and walles and buylded on the west part therof of a strong gate whiche vnto this time retaineth the name of hym and is called Ludgate Fynally he dyed leauyng after hym two sonnes Androgeus and Theomancius who beynge not of age to gouerne their vncle Cassiuelane obteyned the Crowne Our Chroniclers write that London tooke the name of this Lud and was called Ludston He was buryed nere to the same Ludgate in a Temple whiche he there buylded CAssiuelane the sonne of Hely as oure vulgare Hystoriographiers write after the deathe of his brother Lud was made gouernour of Britayne whiche hee ruled .xix. yeares In the .viii. yere of his reigne Iulius Cesar who warred longe in France made the fyrste vyage of any straunger into this Realme and afterwarde subdued it Whan C. Iulius Cesar had warred seuen yeares in France Germanie commyng vnto that part where Calaice and Boloigne nowe stande hee determined to make warr into Britain whiche vntyll that tyme remayned vnfrequented and vnknowen of the Romayns His quarell was because that in the warres of Fraunce he perceyued the Frenchemen to haue muche succour and aide from thens Wherfore hauing prepared .lxxx. shyppes he sayled into Britayne where at the first beyng weried with an harde and sharpe battayle And after with sodeyne tempest his nauye almoste destroyed he retourned agayne into France there to wynter his men The next spring whiche was the yeare before Christ .51 His
Castile King Henry the eight Anno Regni .1 THe renoumed prince Hēry the eight beyng .xviii. yeres of age succeded his father in the gouernance of this realme and began his reigne the .xxii. day of Aprill in the yere of our Lord .1509 and deceased in the yere .1546 the .xxviii. day of Ianuary so he reygned .37 yeares .ix. monethes and .vi. days Of personage he was tall and myghtie in wytte and memorie excellent of suche maiestie tempered with humanitie and gentlenesse as was comely in so great a prince Margaret mother to Henry the .viii. buylded .ii. colledges in Cambridge and Willyam byshop of Lyncolne buylded Brasenos in Oxenford Kyng Henry maried the lady Katherin late wyfe to prince Arthure Richard byshop of Wynchester buylded Corpus Christi Colledge in Oxenforde Anno. 1. Thomas Bradbury mercer M George Monoxe S Iohn Doket S Thys yeare syr Rycharde Empson knyght and Edmund Dudley Esquier who had ben great counsaylours to the late kyng Henry the seuenth were beheaded at the tower hyll the .xvii. daye of August Whose attachement whervpon folowed y e execution was thought to be procured by the malyce of theym who wyth theyr auctoritie in the late Kynges dayes were offended orels to shyft the noyse of the straight execution of penall statutes in the late Kynges dayes by punyshment of those persons so saythe Halle Thys Edmonde Dudley compyled one notable boke and named it the tree of common wealth The oryginall copie whereof I haue seene though rudely written worthy for the excellencie thereof to be written wyth letters of golde A copy wherof I haue geuen to the ryght honorable lorde the Earle of Leicester Sir Wylliā Fitz wylliās was disfranchysed because he would not be sheriffe This yeare master doctor Colet deane of Poules erected a free schole in Paules churche yarde in London and committed the ouersyght therof to the maisters and wardeynes of the company of Mearcers because hym selfe was borne in London and sonne of Henry Colet whoe was a Mearcer and Maior of London Anno. 2. Henry Keibell mercer M. Iohn Milborn S Iohn Reste S Henry the fyrst son of king Hēry the right was borne on new yeres day for ioy● wherof a great iustes was kepte at Westminster on saint Mathewes day folowyng the chylde dyed Anno. 3. Roger Achiley Draper M. Nico. Shelton S Tho. Mirfyn S King Henry sent the lord Darcy with a goodly company of men into Spayne to ayde the kynge hys father in lawe against the Moores but ere he arriued a peace was concluded betwene theym wherefore shortely after he retourned home agayne The same tyme syr Edwarde Poynyngs accompanied with the lord Clinton and dyuers other was sente into Gelderland with .xv. C. archers to aide the prince of Castile at the requeste of Margaret Duches of Sauoye and Regent of Flanders Syr Edmond Haward and the lorde Thomas Haward toke Andrew Barton and .150 Scots with .ii. great ships The kyng of Scottes requyred hys shyps that were lately taken to bee restored accordyng to the league but answer was made by kyng Hēry that the matter perteined nothing to the league because that Andrew Barton was a pirate and robber on the seas The .xv. day of Ianuary was holden a parliament in the which two fiftenes and two tenthes of the clergie wer grāted to ayde the king in his warres that he entended agaynst the French kyng Anno. 4. William Copinger fishmōger M. Rob. Holdernes S Rich. Haddon S Rob. Fērother S This yeare was finyshed the beautifull steple with the lanterne of Bowechurche in cheape The lorde Marques Dorset with diuers other lordes and knyghtes was sent into Spain with an army of .13000 men who a good part of the sommer dyd much harme in Guyon by spoilyng the countreis But in wynter returned by meanes of a flixe which fell among his men Sir Edward Haward admirall of Englande with a great nauie scowred the seas and then went toward Britayne Kyng Henry sent forth a nauy of .xxv. shyppes among the which the Regent a shyppe royall was chiefe Sir Edward Haward lorde admirall of Englande through his to muche hardinesse was slayn in Britayn after whō his brother syr Thomas Hawarde was made admirall by the Kyng The nauies of Englande and France metynge at Britayne Baye foughte a cruell battaile in the whiche the regent of England and a Caricke of Fraunce beyng crappled together were burned and their captaynes with theyr men all drowned the englishe capitayn was sir Thomas Kneuet who had wyth hym 700. men in the frenche carricke was sir Piers Morgan with .900 men Anno 5. Williā Brown mercer M. Iohn Dawes S. Iohn Bridges S. Roger Basforde S. Kyng Henry beyng confederate with the Emperour and the kyng of Spayn passed with a great power into France where hauyng in wages vnder his banner the Emperor Maximilian all the nobilitie of Brabant Flaunders Holland he discomfited the whole power of France conquered Turwyn and the great citie of Turney In thys time the kynge of Scots not withstandyng that he was sworn on the sacrament to kepe peace inuaded this land with a myghty Armie but by the good diligence of the Quene and the policie and manhode of the Erle of Surrey the kynges lieutenant he was hym selfe slayne with .xi. of his erles and the Scottes discomfyted but not wythout great losse of Englyshemen Before this tyme the townes about London as Islington Horton suche other had so enclosed the common fields with hedges and dyches that neyther the yong men of the citie myght shoote nor the ancient persons walke for their pleasure except either theyr bowes and arrowes wer broken or taken away or the substanciall persons arested or endited saying That no Londoner shoulde go out of the citie but in the hygh ways This saying sore greued the Lōdoners and sodainly this yeare a great number of the Citie assembled in a mornyng a turner in a fooles cote cam crying thorough the citie shouels spades so many people folowed y t it was wonder and within a short space al the hedges about the townes were cast down and the d●ches filled and euery thing made plain The kynges counsaile hearyng of thys assemblie came to the graye friers and sent for the Maior and counsaile of the citie to knowe the cause which declared to them the noysance done to y e citisens and their commodities and liberties taken from them though they wold not yet the cōminaltie whiche were anoyed would plucke vp and remedy the same When the kynges counsayle had heard the answer they dissimuled the matter and cōmanded the Maior to see that no other thynge were attempted and to cal home the citisens which when they had done their enterprise came home before the kyngs coūsell and the Maior departed without any more harme doyng and soo after the fieldes were neuer hedged Sir Iohn Wallop burned diuers tounes and villages in Normandie
Danes discharged 44 Tempest in England Tewkesbury abbey buylded 61 Twenty gouernours of London 75 Twelue yeeres in Englande 91 Terme kepte at Shrewesbury 99 Tunne in Cornhyll 101 Treasure conueyed out of England 101 Theues in apparayle of friers 101 Three hundred men slayn by misfortune 141 Two Maiors and syxe Aldermen of London dy● within .viij. dayes 164 Thomas Kneysworth hys charitable dedes 171 Turney and Turwyne wonne 171 Towre of Grenewyche buylded 180 Thomas More Chaunceler 181 Thomas Cromwell 185. 188. 193. 198. Towre of London repayred 185 Thomas ●unflow his charitable dedes 167 Thomas Whyte his charitable dedes fo 225 Trinite college erected 225 Three folde plague of London 245 U Ueye a ryuer 4. Uniuersitie at Stamforde fo 11. Uies buylded 14. Uortymer poysoned by his stepmother 29 Uillages and towns drouned 89 Uisytation of the abbeyes fol. 189. Uoyage to Moscouie 220 W Wales described 4. Welshemen fo 4. Wolues deuoured kynges fol. 10. Wynchester buylded 11 Walbrooke howe it tooke that name 23 Wall of stone betwene England and scotland 26 Wyndsore castel fyrst buylded 31. Wynchecombe abbey buylded 37 Wolues destroyed in Englaude 43. Warwell buylded 44 Walthā abbey buylded 50 Wenloke abbey buylded 55 Westmynster Halle buylded 58 Wyndsore buylded 62 Wodstocke buylded ibid. Wyllyam wyth the longe bearde 72.73 Wynchester abbeye buylded 81 Wardes graunted to the kyng 83. Weyghts and measures 95 Woll staple kepte at sandewyche 102 Whyte battayle 108 Woll staple kept at Westmynster 119 Wolstaple kept at Chychester ibide Wolstaple kept at Lincolm Brystowe and Canterbury ibidem Wylliam Walworth slewe Iacke strawe 127 Whityngton colledge buylded 135 William Taylour his charitable dedes 155 Wyat taken 229 Y Yorke buylded 10 FINIS Imprinted at London in Fletestreete nygh vnto S. Dunstones churche by Thomas Marshe Anno Salutis 1565. Polydore Virgil. Now at thys presente there is a byshop of Glocester Ther is now a byshoppe at Peterborow London brydge Cornelius Tacitus This arme of the sea as I Iudge is nowe called Anste where is a passage betwene the village of Anste and Chepstoll 1108 London builded He stablyshed the Troian lawes in thys kyngdome 1084 Howe the ryuer of Humber toke that name Howe the ryuer of Seuerne tooke that name 1063 The Queene reigned durynge the mynoritie of her sonne 1053 The king deuoured by wolues Policronica 1009. Iohn Hardyng The king destroyed of wolues 989. Policronica Gaufride Iohn Hardinge Dumbritaine Edenbrough Bawburgh and Yorke buylded 929. 917. Carleile builded 892. Canterbury Wynchester and Shaftesbury builded 863. Stamforde buylded Iohn Hardyng alledgyng Merlyn Bathe wyth the hotte bathes builded The king attemptynge to fly brake his necke 844 Leycester buylded ●0● Galfride 800 Howe Glamorganshyre tooke that name S. Iohns Towne in Scotlande buylded Bangor in Wales buylded 766 It rayned bloud .iii. dais Rome was buylded ●21 684 636 The game of ● hosse deuised 612 559 496 Porrex slewe his brother Forrex and Porrex was afterwarde slayne by his mother Brutus lyne extinguished 441 The fyrste king of Englande that ware a crown of golde who builded Black well Hall in London The seconde lawes were Mulmutius lawes R. Fabian The towne o● Malmesbury buylded 401 Iohn Hardynge Three archeflames in Englande Foure notable wayes made in Englande Belyns gate in London buylded Iohn Leylande The tower of London fyrst buylded Carlyon buylded The old temple nexe to tēple barre builded 375 The Spaniards fyrst inhabited Irelande Ector Boyce 356 The thirde lawes were Marcian lawes 330 The Pictes fyrste inhabited the marches of Englande and Scotland 323 321 311 The king deuoured by a monster 303 Cambridge Grantham buylded 292 The kyng depriued 286 281 272 270 The town of Pikerynge buylded 261 258 248 234 The kyng deposed 225 207 191 173 A good ensample 163 143 138 137 135 134 133 136 124 120 118 115 113 111 108 106 104 94 92 Prodigious sygnes in the ayre 88 86 83 81 78 76 74 70 Now the Ile of Ely ●tooke fyrste that name 69 Kynge Lud buylded London from Lōdon slone to Ludgate and named it Ludston 58 Iulius Cesar made his fyrst voyage into Englande The seconde voyage of Iulius Cesar in to England London submitted to Iulius Cesar. England first tributarye to the Romains Iohn Lidgate Iulius Cesar a bakers son cōquering y e worlde and beyng the first Emperour was in the capitoll by the senate slayne with bodkins The castels of Douer Canterburye Rochester the tower of London builded Salisbury Chichester and Excester builded 42 19 The byrth of Christ. 17 Thomas Lanquet 45 Southampton howe it tooke that name Gloucester buylded whiche before was named Carlyon Peter and Paule crucified 73 Chester town builded 126 Colchester buylded 180 England first receiued the christen faith Gildas in his boke De victoria Aurelii Ambrossi In this tyme as Gildas Martin a chronicler dooe write xxviii temples of Flamynes were made cathedrall churches and bysshops placed in the same as Flamyns before had bene Lōdon York and Earlyon were archbyshops Adrians wall repaired by Senerus which is yet called the scottyshe banke 213 218 Polydore Virgile 226 Alectus slayn by Asclepiodatus 232 Walbroke in London how it toke that name 262 Asclepiodatus slayne 289 S. Albon of England martyred Iohn Lidgate 310 Wherfore the kynges of Englande weare close crownes The fyrste christen Emperour S. Helene an englyshe woman 329 Ector Boice Polydore Virgile 283 Maximus cōquered lyttle Britayn S. Ursula of Englande 391 The Scotts and Picts inuade Englād A walle of stone betwene England and Scotlande The Scottes and Picts inuaded this realme so sore that the Romains refused to defende the same but rather to lose theyr Trybute Beda de gestis Anglorū 433 The kynge slayne in hys chamber by a Picte 443 A Monke made kyng of Englande The kynge traiterousely slayne by certaig Pictes 448 Great plentie of Corne and grayne A great pestilence The Scots Pictes spoyled this land The fyrste Saxons entryng thys realme Kyng Uortiger deuorced from his laufull wyfe and maryed Rowan y e daughter of Hengist the Saxon. Pelagius heresy in Englande Uortiger depriued of hys kyngdome 464 The king poisoned by his stepmother 471 Hardyng sayeth the Saxons slewe on the Playne of Salisburye iiii C. and ix barones and Erles toke the kyngeprisoner Abbot Ambry buylded Ambresbury Kyng Uortiger burned in his castell in Wales 481 The seconde kyngdome of the Saxons How Porismouthe came to that name The thyrde kyngdome of the Saxons 218 500 517 Gildas made a boke de gestis Arthuri Iohn Frosard Wyndsor castell buylded The fowerth kyngdome of the Saxons Galfride Mordred the traytour vsurpeth the crowne Mordred slayne and Arthur woūded to deathe 543 Gildas the wyse 546 The .v. and vi kyngdome of the Saxōs 548 Guido 552 The fyrste war betwene the Saxons in this realme 586 Gurmundus builded Gurmundchester so sayth Hardyng who alle●g●th Beda 589 The Saxons had the whole possession of this realme S. Augustin came into Englande
the southe part which part is the front and begynnyng of the Land and endeth narow or as it were in a straighte So the circuit or compasse of the Iland is .xviii. C. myles which is .200 lesse than Caesar doothe recken or accompt Thus muche I haue thought good to take out of Polydore touchynge the diuision of England with the forme and situation of the same Much other good matter that author doth alledge whiche here for breuitie I doo omitte referring those that desyre to know farther herof to that boke where he shall fynde the style and story bothe pleasant and profitable The Race of the kinges of England since Brute the fyrste of this Realme and in the margent are placed the yeares before Christ his byrth when euery kyng began their Reignes tylye come to Cimbilinus in whose tyme Christe the Sauioure of the world was born and then foloweth the yeares from Christ his byrthe AFter the commune and best allowed opinion of the moste ancient and best approued Authours Brute the sonne of Siluius Posthumius arryued in this Ilande at a place now called To●nes in Deuonshire the yeare of the worlde .2855 the yeare before Christes natiuitie .1108 wherin he fyrst began to Reigne and named it Britayn which before was called Albion And therin he builded the noble Citie of London and named it new Troy buildyng there a Temple to Appolyn wherein he placed an Archeflamyn He deuided the same Iland among his thre sonnes vnto Locrine he gaue the midle part of Britayn now called Englande with the superioritie of al this Ile Unto Camber he gaue Wales and to Albanact Scotland After whiche partition he deceassed when he had reigned xxiiii yeres and was buried at London then called new Troy as is aforesayd Locryne the eldest sonne of Brute reigned .xx. yeres he chased the Hunnes whiche inuaded this Realme and pursued them so sharply that many of thē with their kyng were drowned in a ryuer whyche departeth Englande and Scotland And for so much as the kyng of Hunnes named Humbar was there drowned the ryuer is tyll this daye named Humbar so saythe Hardyng Fabian and other This king Locryn had to wyfe Gwendolyn● daughter of Corineus duke of Cornewall by whom he had a sonne named Madan he also kept as paramor the beautiful lady Estrilde by whom he had a daughter named Sabryne And after the death of Corineus duke of Cornewal he put from him the sayd Guendolyn and wedded Estrylde but Gwendolyn repaired to Cornwall where she gathered a great power and fought with king Locryn and siue him he was buryed at Troynouant She drowned the ladye Estrylde wyth her doughter Sabrine in a ryuer that after the yong maydens name is called Seuerne Gwendolyne the daughter of Corineus and wyfe to Locryne for so much as Madan her sonne was to yong to gouerne the land was by common assent of all the Britaynes made ruler of the whole Isle of Britayn whiche she well and discretely ruled to the comforte of her subiectes .xv. yeares and then lefte the same to her sonne Madan Madan the sonne of Locryne and Gwendolyne was made ruler of Britayne of hym is lyttle memorie made by any wrtters but that he vsed greate tyranny among his Brytons And that beyng at his disport of huntyng he was deuoured by wyld wolues when he had reigned .xl. yeres He left after hym .ii. sonnes as is reported in Polycronica named Mempricius and Manlius Mempricius the sonne of Madan beyng Kyng by treason slewe his brother Manlius after whose death he lyued in more tranquillitie wherthrough he fell in slouth and so to lechery takynge the wyues and doughters of his subiectes and lastly becam so euyl that he forsoke his wyfe and concubines and fell to the synne of Sodomie with beastes wherby he became odible to God and man And goyng on huntyng lost his company and was destroyed of wyld wolues wherof the lande was then full when he had reigned .xx. yeres Ebranke the sonne of Mempricius was made ruler of Britayn he had as testifieth Policronica Gaufride and other .xxi. wiues of whom he receued .xx. sonnes and .xxx. daughters whiche he sent into Italye there to be maryed to the blood of the Troyans In Albanye now called Scotland he edified the castell of Alclude which is Dumbritain he made the castle of Maidens now called Edenbrough he made also the castel of Bamburgh he buylded Yorke citie wherin he made a temple to Diane and set there an Archeflame and there was buried when he had reigned .lx. yeares About the yeare of the world .3000 according to the prophecie of Helie half the yeares of the world were fulfylled whyche was the yeare before Christes byrthe .963 Brute Greneshield the sonne of Ebranke ruled this lande .xii. yeares and was buried at Yorke leuyng after him a sonne named Leill Leill the sonne of Brute Greneshield beyng a iust man and louer of peace in his tyme buylded Carleile and made there a temple placyng therein a Flamyn to rule the same accordyng to the lawes of theyr gods at that tyme and there was buryed when he had ruled Britayn .xxv. yeares Lud Rudibras the sonne of Leille buylded Canterbury Winchester and Shaftsburye wherein he buylded .iii. temples and placed in the same .iii. flames lyke as byshoppes now be he reigned .xxix. yeares and left a sonne after him named Bladud Bladud sonne of Lud Rudibras who had longe studied at Athens broughte wyth hym .iiii. Philosophers to keepe schole in Britayn for the which he builded Stamford and made it an vniuersitie as saythe Merlyn wherein he had great numbre of scholers studyinge in all the .vii. liberall sciences whiche vniuersitie dured to the commynge of S. Augustine At whiche tyme the byshop of Rome interdited it for heresies that fell among the Sarons and Britons together mixt so saith Hardyng He builded Bathe and made there a temple to Apollo and placed there a Flamyn he made there the hote bathes and practised his necromancye He decked hymselfe in fethers and presumed to flye in the ayre and fallynge on hys temple of Apollo brake his necke when he had reigned .xx. yeares Leire sonne of Bladud succeded hys father he buylded Caire Leyr now called Leicester and made there a Temple of Ianus placyng a Flamyn there to gouerne the same he had .iii. daughters Gonorell Ragan and Cordelle Whiche Cordelle for her wysedom and vertue towardes her father succeded hym in the kyngedome When he had reygned .xl. yeare he deceassed and was buried at Leycester Cordyla the youngest daughter of Liere succedynge her father was sore vexed by her two nephues Morgan of Albanie and Conedagus of Camber and Cornewall who at the lengthe tooke and caste her in pryson where she beyng in dispayre of recoueryng her estate as testifieth Galfride slewe her selfe
when she had reigned .v yeares and was buryed at Leycester in Ianus temple by her father Morgan the eldest sonne of Dame Gonorell claimed Britayn and warred on his nephue Conedagus that was kyng of Camber that nowe is Wales and of Cornwall but Conedagus met with Morgan in Wales and there slue hym which place is called Glamorgan tyll this daye And then Condenagus was kyng of all Britayne he buylded a Temple of Mars at Perche that now is S. Iohns towne in Scotlande placed there a Flamyne he buylded an other or Minerue in Wales which now is named Bangor The third he made of Mercurie in Cornewall where he was borne he reigned .xxxiii. yeares and was buryed at London Riuallo sonne of Conedagus succeded his father in whose tyme it rayned blood .iii. dayes after the whiche tempest ensued a great multitude of venemous flyes which slewe muche people And then a great mortalitie throughe out this land whiche caused almoste desolation of the same This Riuallo reigned ouer this whole Iland .xlvi. yeres and than deceased and was buried at Caire branke that now is Yorke In the yeere .1554 after the vniuersall Floud and after Comerus the fyrst king of Italy .1414 after y e destruction of Troy .432 And after Brute arriued in England .356 Rome was buylded in Italy by Remus and Romulus Gurgustus sonne of Riuallo succeded in the kyngdom of Brytayne who reigned quietly but was a cōmon dronkarde wherof folowed all other vices when he had reigned .xxxviii. yeres he deceased and was buried at Yorke Scicilius the brother of Gurgustus succeded in the Kyngdom of whome is left but little memory but that he reygned li● yeares and was buryed at Bathe Iago or Lago cousyn of Gurgustus reigned .xxv. yeares for his euyll gouernement he dyed of a litargie and was buryed at Yorke The game of Chesse about this season was deuysed by wyse men to mytigate the myndes or hartes of tyrantes the yere of the worlde .3339 the yere before Christ .614 Kynimacus succeded Iago in thys realme of Brittany wherin he reigned liiii yeares and was buryed at Yorke Gorbodug succeded his father Kynimacus in this realme of Britain as our Chronicles write He reigned .lxiii. yeres and was buried at London Forrex with his brother Porrex ruled this lande of Britayn .v. yeares but it was not long ere they fel at ciuile discorde for the soueraygne domynion in whiche Forrex was slayne And Porrex afterwardes by his mother was killed in his bed Thus cruelly was the bloodde and house of Brute destroyed when that this Realme by the space of 616. yeares had bene gouerned by that lynage After the death of the two brethren Forrex and Porrex thys Realme was deuided with ciuile warres for lacke of one soueraigne gouernour whiche continued by the space of .li. yeares vntyll that noble Dunwallo reduced the same into one Monarchie MUlmutius Dunwallo the sonne of Cloten duke of Cornewall reduced this realme into one Monarchie beyng before by ciuile warres and discention seuered and brought into dyuers dominions he was the fyrste that ware a crowne of golde he constituted good lawes whiche long after wer called Mulmutius lawes he gaue priuileges vnto Temples and ploughes and beganne to make the fower notable wayes in Britayne In London called then Troy Nouant he buylded a great Temple whiche some suppose to be S. Paules some Blackwell Hall whiche was called Templum pacis Finally when he had brought this Ralme to wealthe and quietnes reygnyng herein .xl. yeares He dyed honourably leauing after hym two valiant and noble sonnes Belinus and Brennus as Fabian writeth He buylded the towne of Malmsbury and of Uies He was buried at London in the temple of Peace before named BElinus and Brennus sonnes of Mulmutius deuyded thys whole Isle of Britayne betwene them Unto Belyne the elder brother was appoynted England Wales and Corn wall Unto the other the North part beyond Humber But Brennus a young man desyrous of glory and dominion thinking hym selfe equall with his brother in marciall prowes was not therewith content Wherfore he raised war agaynste Belyne But in conclusion by the meanes of their mother they were accorded and Brennus brynge geuen wholly to the study of warres lefte his countrey to the gouernance of his brother and went into Fraunce amongest the Galles where in the Prouince of Lions for his excellēt qualities he was greatly estemed of Siguinus kynge of the countrey whose daughter he maried And of the Galles was made Souerain captain whē they made their vsage to Rome Belyne in the meane tyme both in ciuile iustyce and also religyon suche as at that tyme was vsed greatly increased his Realme He made three Archeflames whose seas were at London Yorke and Carlion He fynyshed the fower great waies begon by his father He subdued and made tributarye vnto hym Denmarke In London he made the hauen whyche at thys daye retaineth the name of hym called Belynes gate and as Iohn Leyland writeth whose labour and industry in most diligent serchyng out the antiquities of this Realm is greatly to be cōmended builded y e tower of London He maried his daughter Cambria vnto a prince of Almayn called Antenor of whō these people were called Cymbri and Sycambri Fynally after he had reigned with his brother and alone .xxvi. yeres he died and after the pagan maner with great pompe was burned his ashes in a vessell of brasse set on a high Pynacle ouer Belyns gate as saith Robert Fabyan he builded Carlion and also the temple of concorde whyche after the opinion of many is nowe the paryshe churche of the Temple Gurgunstus sonne of Belyne succeded his father He subdued Denmark compellyng them to continue their tribute and in his returne home mette with a fleet of Spaniards which were seekyng for habitations because theyr contrey was so populous and not able to susteyne them to whome the Kynge granted the Isle of Ireland to inhabite and to holde the same of hym as their soueraigne Lord But the Scots write that the Spaniards arriued before this time in Ireland This Gurgun●us reigned .xix. yeares and was buried at Carlyon Guinthelinus sonne of Gurgunstus was crowned kynge of Britayne A prince sober and quiet who had to wife a noble woman named Marcia of excellent learnyng and knowledge She deuised certain lawes which long time among the Britains were greatly estemed and named Marcian lawes Fynally when this vertuous prince hadde reigned .xxvi. yeres he dyed and was buried at London Cecilius the sonne of Guenthelyne and Marcia reigned .vii. yeres of hym there remaineth nothyng notable But that as the Scottes write in the fyrst yeare of his reigne a people of Almain called Pyctes arriued here in Britayn and possessed those parties which now be the marches of bothe realmes
William shold succede hym in the kyngdome of England Harolde the sonne of the Erle Goodwin went to Normādie wher he made faithfull promise to duke William that after the death of Edwarde he woulde kepe the kyngdome to hys behalfe on whiche condition he brought with hym at his returne his brother Tosto The noble kynge Edwarde fynished hys laste daye whenne he hadde reygned foure and twenty yeares .vii. monethes and odde dayes Hee purged the olde and corrupte lawes and pycked out of them a certayn whych wer most profitable for the commons And therfore were they called the common Lawes For restitution whereof happened dyuers commotions and insurrections in this lande Hee was buryed at Westminster HArolde the eldeste soonne of Earle Goodwyne beynge of greate power in Englande and therewyth valyaunt and hardye tooke on hym the gouernance of thys Lande nothynge regardynge the promyse that he made to Wylliam duke of Normandye Wherfore when William sente to hym Ambassades admonysshynge hym of the couenauntes that were agreed betwene theim Harolde woulde in noo wyse surrendre to hym the kyngdome whyche Wyllyam claymed not only for the promyse that was made to hym but also because hee was the nexte of Kynge Edwardes bloudde In thys meane tyme Tosto whiche fledde oute of the Lande beyng moued agaynst his brother the kynge of Norway who entryng in the north partes of England with a great puisance discomfited .ii. Erles that gaue hym battaile But Harold in reskuyng his people slewe the kyng and his owne brother Tosto and chased the Norwayes with disworshyp to their shyps When William Duke of Normandye perceyued that he could not by any meanes brynge Harolde to fulfyll hys promyse nor by treatie to yelde to hym the kyngdome by force he entred the lande to whome Harolde gaue stronge and sharpe battaile In the end wherof William by pollicy obteined the victorye chased the englishemen slewe Harolde and obteined the gouernaunce of this lande when Harolde had reigned but .ix. monethes Hee was buryed at Waltham abbey whyche hym self had buylded and was the last that reigned of the bloude of the Saxones in thys Realme This happened .617 yeres after the fyrst arriuall of the Saxons or Angles in whiche space they reygned dyuersly Fyrst began the kyngdom of Kent the yeare of our Lorde .475 vnder Hengistus And after that .vi. other kyngdodomes at sundry tymes tooke theyr begynnyngs Whych all at the last were broughte into one Monarchie and subiect to the West Saxons by king Adelstane the yeare of our Lord .ix. hundreth thirtie eight Whiche monarchie continued .129 yeares durynge fiue and twenty of whych yeares the Danes reigned in this land vnder Canutus and Harolde A Summarie of King william Conquerour Anno regid .1 WIllyam Duke of Normandye surnamed Conquerour Bastarde sonne of Roberte the syxte Duke of that Duchye and nephew vnto kyng Edward the confessor began his dominion ouer this Realme of England the .xiiii. day of October in the yeare of our Lorde 1067. and deceased in the yere .1087 the nynthe day of September and reigned .xix. yeres .xi. monethes lackyng fyue dayes He vsed greate crueltie towarde the Englyshe menne burdenynge theym wyth greuous exactions By meane whereof he caused dyuers to flee the lande into other countreies And lyke as hee obteyned the kyngedome by force and dent of sweard so he chaunged the whole state of this common weale and ordeyned newe lawes at his pleasure profytable to hym selfe but greuous and hurtfull to the people Thys Wylliam was wyse and politike ryche and couetous and loued well to be magnifyed He was a fayre speaker and a great dissembler A man of comely stature but somdeale grosse bealyed sterne of countenaunce and strong in armes and had great pleasure in huntynge and makynge of sumptuous feastes Wyth thys Wyllyam Conqueroure entred into thys Realme dyuers noble menne and gentylmenne whose successoures for the moste parte to this daye doo remayne in greate honoure and reputation To whome he dysposed and gaue greatte possessions and reuenues And because those houses maye not bee vnremembred I haue thoughte good in thys place to recorde the names of theym as Iohn Hardynge in hys Chronycles dedycated to kynge Henry the syrte doothe particulerly recite theym That is to saye Gospatryke to whome he gaue all Cumbreland and made hym erle therof Perey Bohune Malot Bewchamp Menylebyllers Umframuile Le Uause Taylboys Musgraue Muschaump Bailiol Bruis Bepount Neuyle Sent Clere S. Poule Melchynes Menvile Albemarle Le Fortz Courtenay Albenay Councy Gournay Gaunt Beer Latimer Darcy Ayncorte Lescrope Maundeuile Ledespenser Purpoynt Momboucher S. Elo Seint Iohn Uernon Estontvile Delauale Euers Bonuile Belasyse Uescy Bouser Clarell Fitz Raufe Fitz Roger Fitz Waltar Fitz William Bulmers Fawcomberde Claruays Fitz Waryne Malory Longchampe Matrauersse Fitz Robert Mandit S. Quintine Fitz Thomas Fitz Henry Caunvyne Iohn le vicount Normanuile Forniuale Lassels Scrutuile Mantalent Manley Mortimer Claruayle Mountforde La Poole Lucy Ualence Lusours Longuile Ferrer Engayne Longspe S. Uay Lacy Longchamp Coluill Toures Lisle Tracy Chauncy Bowlers Mountagu Sourdeuyle Fulgers Belknap Coniers Someruile Champneys Longuillers Maners Fitz Urcy Glaunuyle Bewfort Chauser Mountpillers Mortayn Graunson Moruille Breton Broyne Gascoyne Daynvyle Chandose Paruynke Dabrygecourt Deuerose Keruyle Cheuercourt Fitz Hugh Cornuyle Morley Fitz Rayner Pudsay Harecourt Cheyny Dela hay Delamore Gargraue S. Omer Moyne Poynyng S. Richar Chartenay c. Hitherto gathered out of Hardyng The reste I haue collected oute of other good authors Pyget Bertrame Tochet Camoys Hauteney Warrayne Chauent Loueney Bygotte Mohant Marmylon Baylyffe Marrays Estraunge Monbray Audeley Ueer Souche Couderay Brabanson Brabason Butecort Bysette Bassette Tressy Caunuyle Iaunville Andgilham Bascoruile Chamberlaine Logenton Hastynges Muriell Bures Malebraunche Mortymer Dyne Lynnesey Fenys Boys Muse Peache Daubeney S. Amounde Riuers Meuille Chamburnon Uerdon Rydell Hanley Mortmayn Gower Botiller Fylberde Sent leger Paynell Traynell Peuerell Daniell Arundell Riuell Loueday Denys FitzNormāduk Rous Trusbutte Corbyne Mounteney c. Anno. 2. The town of Excetor the North-humbers rebelled whyche were both subdued and greuoufly punyshed This kyng Willyam buylded foure strong castells Twayne at Yorke one at Notyngham an other at Lyncolne whych he furnished with garrysons of Normanes Anno. 3. Canutus kyng of Denmark beyng encouraged thereto by certayne englyshe outlawes inuaded the northe partes of England passed through to York frō whens he was driuen backe by Williā and forced to flee into his own coūtrey Anno. 4. The Scottes wyth their kyng Malcolyne inuaded Northumberland and spoyled the countrey Anno. 6. William kyng of England made suche warre vpon the Scotts that he forced Malcolyne to doo to hym bothe homage and fealtie he also disherited Gospatrike and exiled hym the lande and gaue all Cumbrelande with the honour of Carlylle to Raufe Meschynes and made hym earle therof Kynge Wylliam by the counseyle of the Erle of Hertford caused the money and