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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10134 The righteous mans euils, and the Lords deliuerances. By Gilbert Primerose, minister of the French Church in London Primrose, Gilbert, ca. 1580-1642. 1625 (1625) STC 20391; ESTC S112004 181,800 248

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apostasie and defection from the ancient but too stale religion of their forefathers whereunto Iacob had no regard but sware by the feare of his father Isaac assured of the truth of his Religion which could not be outworne neyther by length of time nor by inveterate custome which is nothing else b Cyprian ad Pompeiū Epist. 74. Consuetudo sine veritate vetustas erroris est but oldnesse of error The maine point of Hamans accusation against the Iewes was that c Est 3.9 their lawes were diverse from all people neyther did they keepe the Kings lawes Iesus Christ the eternall Sonne of the heavenly Father when he came into the world to bear witnesse unto the truth appealed without anie difficultie unto the conscience of every man d Ioh 8.46 and defied his enemies to prove him faultie in anie thing yet hee could not eschue the venemous poison of reviling tongues The heads of accusations against his innocent and glorious person were that e Mat. 21.23 he preached and did all things without authority that both f Luk. 6.2 his Disciples and g Ioh. 5.16 he did that which is not lawfull to doe on the Sabbath day that h Matt. 26.64 65. he blasphemed because he called himselfe the Sonne of God and i Mat. 9.3 forgave sinnes k Iohn 7.41 that being of Galilee he affirmed that he was the Christ that l Iohn 7.48 none of the Rulers or of the Pharisees beleeved on him When he conversed with sinners to convert them they said m Mat. 11.19 Behold a man gluttonous and a wine-bibber a friend of publicans and sinners When they could not refute his doctrine they would cast in his teeth that n Iohn 7.52 he was of Galilee o Mar. 6.3 a Carpenter and p Matt. 27.63 a deceiver When he delivered those who were possessed with Divels ther said q Matt. 12.24 This fellow doth not cast out Divels but by Beelzebub the Prince of the Divels Neyther did he or said he anie thing so well but his adversaries maligned it with ill constructions When he spake r Ioh. 2.19 of the destroying of the Temple of his bodie and raysing of it up in three dayes ſ Matt. 26.61 they accused him to have spoken of the Temple of Ierusalem and when he convinced them of their sinnes they cryed that t Ioh. 8.48 he was a Samaritane and had a Divell Christ foretold his Disciples that v Mat. 5.11 men should revile them and say all maner of evill against them falsly for his sake for said he x Matt. 10.25 if they have called the Master of the house Beelzebub how much more shall they call them of his houshold And it did fall out so false witnesses accused Steven y Act 6.11 13. to have spoken blasphemous words against the Law of Moses against the holy place and against God It was laid to Pauls charge that he was a Act. 24.5 6. a pestilent fellow a ring-leader of the sect of the Nazarens who had gone about to profane the Temple b 2. Cor. 6.8 and was a deceiver As this holy religion did rid way encrease among the Gentiles there is no kind of calumnie which the Divell did not devise to make it hateful Then the Christians were upbraided with manie heynous and foule crimes that they sacrificed to c Tertull. Apologet cap. 7.8 Euseb h●st Eccles lib. 5. cap. 1. Ibid. lib. 9. cap. 5. Minu●ius Felix in Octavio Bacchus and Ceres because they celebrated the Lords Supper with Bread and Wine that they killed little children and in their congregations did cate their flesh and drinke their blood because in the Lords Supper mention was made of the spirituall eating of Christs body and drinking of his blood that in their assemblies which for feare of persecution they held in the night time their dogges tyed to the Candlesticks were inticed by some collops cast before them to leape forward that bounding they might beate downe the lights at the time prefixed and so the darkenesse might cover and hide from their eyes the shame of their incests with their mothers sisters and others of their neerest kindred did manie mo things which they shunned to name and as may be deemed came never in any mans minde to doe them since the beginning of the world Besides all these calumnies many other exceptions were taken against them as d Tertull. cap. 10. c. Euseb histor Eccles lib. 8. cap. 18. Idem lib. 9. cap. 7. their apostasie and defection from the religion of their predecessors their contempt of the gods and of all honour given to them the profession of an accursed vanitie of a blinde error of a most abominable and execrable religion c. 5 When God in the bowels of this mercy made the truth of his religion to spring up againe in Germanie in France in this Island were not all these crimes imputed to our forefathers whose eyes were first opened to see and imbrace the glorious light thereof And although time the mother of truth hath swept away the imputations of eating of Pigges after the maner of the Passeover of the extinguishing of the Torches and Candles of incestuous villanie wherewith our ancestors were injuriously blemished yet Christs enemies forbeare not to spew out of the open sepulchre of their stinking throats in our faces the reproach of heresie noveltie factions against God schisme against the Church and such like mustie defamations of very old date which wee wipe away with the same Sponge wherewith e Euseb histor Eccles lib. 1. cap. 1. the first Christians did blot them out saying and verifying by the holy Scriptures That our Religion is the same which God from the beginning did preach to Adam which Abraham Isaac Iacob and their off-spring professed which was foretold by the Prophets published by the Apostles to all nations beleeved in the world and is come from them to us who possesse it as we have received it of them in the holy Scripture That all doctrines introduced in the time between are but errours untruthes jugglings novelties broached by the Divell which shall be cleerly verified when our adversaries leaving off their bloodie persecutions shall be willing to take a patient tryall whether of our Religions will abide the hammering of Gods word 6 But the dimnesse of untruth fearing above all things to come to the light of the Scriptures hateth unto death all those which light the candle and putting it on the candlestick ●●●rie it before the eyes of men to enlighten their darkenesse And therefore as whoores seeking the renowne of chastitie are accustomed to exprobrate to honest women the vices wherwith they are polluted themselves so the Divels limbs publish abroad against Gods servants the crimes whereof they know themselves to be guiltie as these of heresie of blasphemie of high treason against God whereof I have alreadie spoken whereunto they
valiant courage of Eleazar one of the principall Scribes in the dayes of the blood-thirstie Tyrant Antiochus Epiphanes i 2. Maccab. 6.21 c. He was besought by the Kings officers for the old acquaintance they had with him to bring flesh of his owne provision such as was lawfull for him to use and make as if he did eate of the flesh taken from the sacrifice commanded by the King that in so doing he might be delivered from death and for the old friendship with them finde favour A friendly counsell if yee consider the men which gave it but if ye consider the intention of the divell who suggested it a most violent assault and craftie tentation what so sweet as life what so desirable as to save it without any reall offence what so plausible or at least more excusable than to make a shew of an evill which indeed thou doest not to shun to be made a publike shew of the evill which otherwise thou must suffer with shame and great torments Flesh and blood will say to Eleazar that in this there was no sinne The Pope which giveth dispense to the Papists of this Realme to dissemble and deny their Religion will say that it was but a veniall sinne and of the number of those which are most pardonable Eleazar led with another Spirit even with k Esa 11.3 the Spirit of the Lord which is the spirit of knowledge of wisedome of counsell of might and of the feare of the Lord saith not so but considering the holy Law made and given by God It becommeth not our age said he in any wise to dissemble whereby many young persons might thinke that ELEAZAR being fourescore yeeres old and tenne was now gone to a strange religion and so they through mine hypocrisie and desire to live a little time and a moment longer should be deceived by me and I get astaine to mine old age and make it abominable for though for the present time I should bee delivered from the punishment of men yet should I not escape the hand of the Almighty neyther alive nor dead wherefore now manfully changing this life I will shew my selfe such an one as mine age requireth and leave a notable example to such as be young to dye willingly and courageously for the honourable and holy lawes This seemed madnesse and despaire to his Iudges which changing the good will they bare him into hatred and their meeknesse into fury and rage let him straight wayes to the Tympan which was a most cruell kind of torture whereupon being ready to dye of the stripes which hee had received ceived he groaned and said It is manifest unto the Lord that hath the holy knowledge that whereas I might have beene delivered from death I now endure sore paines in body by being beaten but in soule am well content to suffer these things because I feare him XIV Reade also the storie of the cruell death and constancie l 2. Macc. 7 of the seven brethren and their mother at that same time the Tyrant himselfe marvelled at their courage for that neither the scourges and whips wherewith they were torne nor the cutting out of their tongues nor the mangling and maiming of all their members nor the pulling off of the skin of their heads with the haire nor the hot pannes and caldrons wherein they were fryed being yet alive could compell them against the law of God to eate swines flesh The eldest heire worthy of the prerogative of the first-borne answered to the Tyrants threats to the Hangmans whips and to all the tortures We are ready to dye rather than to transgresse the lawes of our fathers and exhorted his brethren as they exhorted him to dye manfully for the law of God And to make you know that this was not madnesse of mind but faith the second said to the King Thou like a fury takest us out of this present life but the King of the world shall raise us up which have dyed for his lawes unto everlasting life So spake the third so the fourth and the rest but the youngest was most wonderfull of all for neither could the promises of riches and honours tickle him nor the cruell torments which he had seene his brethren suffer shake his constancie but being encouraged by his most wonderfull mother he cryed to the executioners Whom wait ye for I will not obey the Kings commandement but I will obey the commandement of the law that was given unto our Fathers by Moses So they dyed so dyed last of all their marvellous mother after that she had beene to them in stead of a Levite or Priest and had exhorted and comforted them with a most excellent speech concerning the resurrection And therefore the Apostle ascribeth their victorious constancie to their faith saying Heb. 11.35 that by faith they were tortured not accepting deliverance that they might obtaine a better resurrection XV. The Christian Church aboundeth in such examples of most wonderfull victorie against the flesh the world and the divell In it this is to bee admired that men which may live in honor by denying Christ choose shame and dishonor preferre torments to ease sorrow to joy paine to pleasure death to life kissethe postes and other instruments of their punishments looke upon the torments with a cheerefull face runne to the fires as joyfully as worldings doe to a bridall feast and not onely rejoice but also m Rom. 53 glorie in tribulations which is the highest degree of pleasure and joy Steven stopping his eares to the murmuring of the people which like a swarme of Hornets and Waspes made a humming noise about him shutting his eyes to the stones wherewith they were armed to fell him and overcomming by faith the horrors of death n Act. 7.55 56 59 60. looked up stedfastly into heaven and seeing there the glory of God and Iesus standing on the right hand of God cryed with a triumphing voice Behold I see the Heavens opened and the Sonne of man standing on the right hand of God Neither could their showting nor the stones which hayled upon him stay him to kneele downe and to call upon God both for himselfe and for them XVI If ye search the Ecclesiasticall histories of the Martyrs of the primitive Church and of ours the examples of such victories are infinite S. Ignace Bishop of Antiochia hearing the roaring of the hungry Lions and seeing them stretching foorth their clawes to teare him and opening their throats to devoure his flesh cryed with a loud voice o Iren adv heres sib 5. Because I am Christs wheat now shall I be ground with the teeth of beasts that I may bee found to bee the pure bread of God p Euseb hist E●cl lib. 4. cap. 15. Policarpe Bishop of Smyrna answered to those which now intreated him with many promises now impotuned him with threats to call the Emperour My Lord and to deny Christ to bee his Lord I have served him