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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08870 An introduction into the bookes of the prophets and apostles Written by Peter Palladius, Doctor of Diuinity and Byshop of Rochil. Faithfully translated out of Latin into English. By Edw. Vaughan.; Isagoge ad libros propheticos et apostolicos. English Palladius, Peder, 1503-1560.; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.; Vaughan, Edward, preacher at St. Mary Woolnoth. 1598 (1598) STC 19153; ESTC S113915 75,737 224

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abuse of Christian liberty and warneth that the weake are to bee forborne rather then be an offence one to another chiefly in outward things As in meates drinkes and apparell and the communion of the sacrament At sometunes bringing himselfe for example at other times bringing moste horrible and fearefull examples out of the olde Testament From the 12. vnto the 15. he first repeateth the excelent guiftes of God in which the Ministrie of the worde is presented vnto the glory of God after that he seteth before their eyes the duties of Charitie Last of all he so comendes the Ministerie of the worde and preaching that he feareth not to preferre the same before all the Sermons and readinges of the Scripture From the 15. vnto the end he shewes most euidentlye and plainely the resurrection of the dead by the example of Christ and after that he shewes the clearnes of their bodies in eternall life to be diuers by many similitudes adioyning the maner of rising the victorie of the Godly Death being swallowed vp Last of all besides that he speaketh very familiarly in the last chapter concerning the helpinges and collections for the Saintes hee adioyning a finall conclusion with a horible threatening that hee which loueth not Iesus Christ our Lord God let him be accursed and condemned to eternall death The latter Epistle to the Corinthians THis Epistle doth differ from the first as oyle from wine or the Gospell frō the Law for in the 2. Epistle Paul comforteth the Corinthians sheweth him selfe very kinde towardes them doth bid that the excommunicated man may be receiued into fauour This Epistle doth consist of fiue thinges 1 Consolations 1 2 3 4. 2 Commendations 5. 3 Exhortations 6 7. 4 Inuectiues 8 9. 5 Comminations 10 11. From the beginning vnto the 6. chap are commendatiōs First whē he shews his loue towards the Corinthians and whatsoeuer he preached whatsoeuer he did and suffered was to their profit The he commends the ministery of the Gospell and as a doctrine most necessary worthier then the ministery of the Law That it is increased also in the beleuers and bred hope in them of eternal glory thorow affliction From the 6. vnto the 10. are exhortations First he exhorts them that they do adorne the worde of GOD with the workes of patience And afterwardes that they do giue their alines to the poore saintes at Ierusalem From the 10. vnto the end there are Inuections and comminations First he inueyeth against false Apostles he very confidently laboureth against them and doth glory in the Lord after this maner 1 of outward things and of other mens affaires 2 of his own sufferings in the body 3 of his owne passions in the soul for the Church 4 of Flying and escaping 5 of Visions reuealations tentations 6 of his fidelity in the ministerie of the worde amongst the Corinthians 7 of his desire to secure the Corinthians 8 of his redinesse 9 of his will to die for the Corinthians 10 of the iustification of a good conscience for that hee did not hurt the Corinthians Afterwardes hee shewes by manye reasons that Paule himselfe alone labored more in the ministery of the worde and suffered more then all amongst the false apostles of the Corinthians to wit in labours in imprisonments in stripes c. chap. 11. Lastly he threatneth the Corinthians in the last chapter who woulde not repent as Augustine saith He writes that hee will come as a iudge to the intent that he do not find whom to condemn Furthermore he saith that hee prayde for the Corinthians that they doe no euill whence Augustine saith it doeth appeare that God doth correct the will of man and doth guide it that he may do good workes Psal 63. The waies of man are directed by the Lord. The Epistle of Paule to the Galathians THis Epistle comes neer to that Epistle which Paule wrote to the Romanes as concerning christian Doctrine Paule defends the article of Iustification against false Apostles and confirmes the righteousnes of faith that a man is not iustified by the workes of the Law but only by faith in Iesus Christ And although there are two principal partes of this epistle the one of the righteousnesse of faith vnto the 5. chap The other of the fruites of faith or of good workes vnto the ende Notwithstanding sithence there are six chapters they may be considered twoe and two togither Paule in the first and second chapter doth extol and commend his vocation that he teacheth the churches by Diuine authority and not by humane and that he proues to be true by many argumēts that is to wit 1 That he Went into Arabia straight vp on his conuersion 2 That he Came into Ierusalem only to see Peter 3 That he Went into the parts of Cilicia and Syria 4 That he Circumcised Titus at Ierusalem 5 That he Receiued nothing from the great Apostles 6 That he Reproued Peter Afterwardes hauing put this principall proposition in the end of the second chapter to wit that a man is not iustified by the workes of the Lawe but by faith in Christ He goes forward to proue the same in the third and fourth chapter First by scriptures Secondly by examples Thirdly by similitudes of Scripture out of Genesis Leuiticus Deuteronomy and Abacuc There are three similitudes besides allegories Therefore we are not iustified by the workes of the Law but by faith in Christ The summe or effect of the argumentes with Christ 1 That He is not the minister of sin 2 That He deliuered himself to deth 3 That He died not in vaine 4 That The holy ghost is giuen thorough faith 5 That Abram is iustified by faith 6 That They that iustifie themselues are vnder the cursse 7 That The iust shall liue by his faith 8 That Christ was made a cursse for vs. 9 That Righteousnesse was before the law 10 That Inheritance comes by promise Last of all hee teacheth in the fifte and sixt chapter a conclusion beeing made concerning the place of iustification the fruites of Faith inforcing the commandementes concerning good workes and manners that the beleuers should walke according to charitye and should maintaine their liberty in Christ and yet after that sort as not abusing the same That Paule was amongest the Galath See Act. 18. The Epistle to the Ephesians THe Epistle to the Ephesians is the amplification of the place of Iustification and reconciliation and the admyrable and profounde commendation of the Gospell and also a long rehearsal of Gods benefites in the cause of our saluation It is deuided into two principall partes to wit the tree and the fruit of the tree that is to say into doctrine of the righteousnesse of faith and of good workes The some of the first part that dooth respect Faith consisteth in these benefits of God giuen vnto vs through Christe As are 1 Spirituall blessing 2 Election 3 Predestination 4 Adoption 5 Good will 6 Glorious grace 7
are established certaine matters concerning Pollicie 1 The parting of the spoile after the victory in the warre against the Amalakites 2 A particular diuiding of the lande of Canaan 3 A rehearsall of the places of ab●ade where the Israelites sometimes staied for the space of 40. yeares 4 A discription of the bounds of the land of Canaan and the chusing of them that should be deuiders with the part of the Leuites the Cities of refuge and possessions which might not bee translated to another Tribe All these are full of Examples of Faith and vnbeleefe of transgressions punishments and of the maruellous administrations of God hauing reference to Christ that was to come in the flesh 5. Of Deuteronomy SO called of DEVTEROS NOMOS● that is of the second rehearsall and publishing of the lawe for whatsoeuer is propounded in Exodus and Leuiticus concerning moral Ceremoniall Iudicial lawes the same Moses doth almost repeate in thi● booke For it was very requisite that th● people beeing punished for their disobed●ence should againe bee brought to the obseruing of the lawe Moses therefore repeated the Law again with all things that happened vnto them Besides what pertayned to the priesthood from the 9 chap hee declareth all those matters which pertained either to spiritual or corporall gouernment all which he applyeth to this end that they might draw vs vnto Christ of whome hee prophesyeth plainly in the 18. chap I will raise vppe a prophet for them from among their brethren c. For the law is a schoolmaister vnto Christ and the end of the law is Christ The Book is very fitly deuided into 4. principall parts 1 From the beginning to the 5. chap are rehearsed some of Gods works benefits past vnto thē wherby the people are sharply admonished both of their own vnthankefulnesse and disobedience and also put in mind of Gods goodnesse thereby to obey him 2 From the fift to the 20 he repeateth those things which eyther might further or hinder faith which do chieflye concerne spiritual gouernment and the true worship of God in the first Table for first vnto the 13 chap hee repeateth the ten Commaundements with weighty admonitions exhortations to the feare of God and keeping the x. commandements of God with exhortations from the Idolatry of the gentils especially after the inioying of the lande of Canaan with a recitall of some stories Thē he faithfully repeateth the ecclesiastical ordinances concerning ministers and the ministery of the word Tithes the yeare of Iubile the principal feasts choise of magistra right of the priesthood and the Cities of refuge 3 From the 13 chap to the 20 all those things which belong to the worship of the first Table 4 From the 20 to the 31 hee repeate● those things that might either work or hinder charity In the second Table that which conce●● outward gouernment as political ordinances 1 of Warlike affaires 2 of The works of charity 3 of Those things that were fit for at office of thē that were to take i● 4 of The bill of diuorce 5 of thanfulnes towards Gods word Hereunto are added punishmentes for the breach of Gods commandement and rewards for keeping them and that which is most comfortable he sheweth in the 30 ch that thorowe repentance there is a waye for sinners to the mercy of God 5 From the 31 cha to the end of the book are set forth those thinges which happened about the death of Moses For first he comforteth the people least they should greeue and be discouraged because of his death thē with a notable song hee giues thankes vnto God and foretelleth what shal come to pas in the land of promise Afterward he blesseth the people and after the example of the Patriarch Iacob Gen 49 he blesseth euery seuerall tribe taking his leaue of them and prophesieth what shal befall vnto then Lastly he goeth vp to the mountain and receiuing comfort from God departeth this life and as it is thought he was both with body and soule carried vp into heauen as he appeared with Eliah in mount Thabor Thus farre of the Pentatenk of Moses which is so called of the number fiue and of the laste ve be Tencho which signe is to giue instruction as if it were an instrument which is of fiue stringes hauing respect to the only Lord Iesus Christ as he himselfe else-where but especially in the last of Luke doeth testifye saying Those thinges which are written of the sonne of man in Moses c. also there are diuers places in the new Testament alledged out of Moses Of the Booke of Iosua NOw some of the bookes Historical do follow in order vntill the 5. booke of Iob. Amongst which the chiefest are first As that of Iosua the Iudges and Kinges Wherein we may plentifully learne 1. The feare of God and Fai h. 2 weaknesse the crosse 3 repentance and amenedment 4 patience and comfort 1 The booke of Iosua taketh the name of Iosua himselfe the sonne of Nvun whoe was otherwisē called Iesus Naue Hee succeeded Moses in the office of Magistracie and as Moses guided and gouerned the people 40. yeares beeing deliuered out of Egypt in the wildernesse by the mighty hād of God so Iosua by the same power of god brought the people into the land of Canaan or the lande of Promise taking the Caties and killing or putting to flight the inhabitants and deuided the land among thē in which these three things are to be seuerally obserued 1 That God kept his promise made to fiue Patriarches concerning the lande of Promise 2 That the Common-weale of Israell is preserued for the foretelling of the blessed seed of the woman our lord Iesus Christ 3 That God fighteth for his people againste the wicked whose sinnes hee punisheth by wasting and killing them for an example to all the vngodly that they might repent This booke is deuided as the principal book of Deut. into 4. parts First from the beginning to the sixt cha besides the calling of Iosua and the confirming of him and his gouerning of the common weale of Israel and the sending out of the spyes their daunger and returne they● myraculous passage ouer the riuer lordan is described with the remembrance thereof and with a new command of Circumcision which for 40. yeares space had beene omitted and the celebration of the Passeou●● 2 From the 6 Chap to the 13 besides the league made with the Gibbonites the sinne of sacriledge the sacking of the Cities of Ieric● Hai c. And the killing of many Kings are heere discribed which in the 12 chapter are numbred that we may see how God fighteth mightilie for his people and that he rooteth out the vngodly 3 From the 13 chap. to the 20 is discribed the diuision of the lande of Canaan and the distributing thereof by lots according to the Tribes of Israell whereby is shewed that the promise of God is true 4 From the 20 chap to the
be God the euerlasting Creator and preferring his Gospell before the preaching of the Law moke away the obiections that are made This is the principall proposition of this Epistle and all tend vnto this end that the Iewes to whom he writes leaning Iudaisme should put their hope assuredly in Christ In the third and fourth chapters hee preacheth Christ to be much more excel lent than Moses by making comparison By and by he applyeth the time of the Gospell vnto that which is in the ninth Psalme called to day with an horrible threatning by their example whoe for their incredulity perished in the wildernesse being shut out from the rest in the land of Canaan In the fift sixt and seuenth he begins to describe Christ to be a priest by comparing him with Aron and with Melchisedech In the ende of the fift chapter for the slothfulnesse and dulnesse of the Iewes a dangerous dissession whose description he seemeth willingly to passe In the sixt chapter it seemeth that a place of repentance is denied to an offender to strike a terror into the obstinate In the seuenth chapter he describeth commendeth Melchisedech in which he extolleth the priesthood of Christ In the eight nine and ten he shewes by many graue arguments Christ to be the onely priest and the onely sacrifice for our sinnes which he prefers before al Legal sacrifices calling it the newe Testament out of the 13. chapter of Ieremy Afterwardes he reckoneth the part● of the Tabernacle chapter 9. that is to wit The gate or portch the holy place and the holy of holiest with their significations In which figures he applies the bloud of Christ purifying the consciences He cals Christ the Mediator of the New testament signifieng the bloud of Christ to be powred out in the new Testament for the remission of sinnes Last of all by repetition hee amplifyeth the same that is to wit The sacrifices of Christe with the sacrifices Leuiticall Psal 39 and 31. chapt At length hee concludes this whole place by an exhortation to settle confidence in the bloud of Christe and performes the duties of mutuall loue by good workes making preparation to the chap. following In the 11 12 and 13 he commendes by examples the faith of the Patriarkes and of other saintes of the old testamant Then hee ioyneth an exhortation for the fruits of Faith patience discipline peace sanctification true repentance obediēce towards the word of the Gospel not only bringing the example of Christ but also threateninges out of the olde Testament In the last chap he reckoneth a heape of good workes with an exhortation to auoide false doctrine and with an exhortation to confesse the true doctrine of Iesus Christ to giue thankes The Epistle of Iames. SOme men thinke that this Epistle is not written by Iames the Apostle which was slaine by Herod not onely because of that place cited out of Genesis concerning Abraham for the Iustification of works contrary to the analogie of Faith but also for other places taken out of the epistle of Peter and Paule and of this Epistle mixed heere and there It is not a methodical epistle as other saye neyther doth it containe one certaine matter but as a man may say dissolued or vnloynted scopes that is to say Sentences not agreeing in order amongst themselues And the summe is that hee vrgeth the Law and good workes against secure carelesse men and boasters of faith with our good workes There are fiue chapters which are thus to be discerned In the first chapt he proponeth parcicularly these 8. sentences 1 Patience is to be shewed in aduersity 2 Diuine wisedome to bee desired of God 3 Wee muste beleeue without wauering 4 We must vse riches rightly 5 And suffer tentations which do rise from concupiscence 6 To heare the heauenlye worde diligently 7 And do good workes being the effect of the word 8 To liue in true religion In the second chapter he handleth onely two thinges the one that poore Christians be not contemned seeing that faith in Iesus Christ dooth not suffer the exception of persons the other concerning good workes by the which faith towards God and our neighbour is shewed as this place is a collation betwixt man and man not betwixt God man where faith only iustifieth whe he faith shew me thy faith by thy works If any do not thus vnderstand Iames. but wil wrest this his sentence to Iustification which auailes before God hee takes away the analogye of faith And the Epistle of Paule to the Romanes which seeing it is absurd the sentence of Iames may admit a profitable interpretation and the analogie of Faith Otherwise places or examples out of Genesis or of the booke of Ioshua concerning iustification might bee cited directly against natural sence of scripture concerning Iustification In the thirde chapter are also twoe places wel handled of the which one is the restraint of the toung that he teach not false doctrine which is to arrogate and vsurpe to himselfe magistracye in the holy scriptures aboue the holy ghost the true teacher and maister whose disciples are all true teachers in the church The other place is concerning the diuine wisdome which is in the doctrine Lawe and Gospel the very light of faith in our mindes and the beginner of obedience agreeing with the law of god according to this saying Thy worde is a lanterne vnto my feet In the fourth chapter there are forewarninges concerning vertues in euery commandement of the Tables as in one knot or heape bound together 1 Concerning the auoiding of contention 2 Of pleasures or desires 3 Concerning prayer 4 The auoiding of adultery 5 Of pride and humility 6 Concerning obedience towardes God and so forth vnto the end of the chapter In the fift chapter he chiefly inueyeth against those that doe abuse their riches I hen hee exhorteth the godly to patience and sufferance and hee dehorts them from the custome of swearinge Then hee perswadeth to haue a care of the weake and to pray one for another Last of all he exhortes to prayer and he commends it by the example of Elias In the end he shewes the true effect of conuersion The first Epistle of PETER THis Epistle is truely Apostolicall as of him which being asked of Christ who he was answered Thou art Christ the son of God Mathew 16. Againe to whom shal we goe thou hast the words of eternall lyfe Iohn 6. For it hath a sweet sauour of the same confession with constancy and sincerity in Faith For he confesseth Christ syncetely taking away saluation from our merits and deliuering the true knoledge of Christ in which he would haue al the Gentiles that are conuerted vnto whom he writes to goe forwarde constantly and to increase from day to day so as they may answer in their liues maners and conuersations to the Gospell of what state soeuer they bee as those whom he numbreth 1 The Subiects 2 The Seruants 3 The Women 4 The