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B00718 A conference of the Catholike and Protestante doctrine with the expresse words of Holie Scripture. Which is the second parte of the prudentiall balance of religion. : VVherein is clearely shewed, that in more than 260 points of controuersie, Catholicks agree with the Holie Scripture, both in words and sense: and Protestants disagree in both, and depraue both the sayings, words, and sense of Scripture. / Written first in Latin, but now augmented and translated into English.; Collatio doctrinae Catholicorum ac Protestantium cum expressis S. Scripturae verbis. English. 1631 Smith, Richard, 1566-1655. 1631 (1631) STC 22810; ESTC S123294 532,875 801

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threats of death vnder the onely condition of incredulitie Those promises and threats alone are proper to the Ghospell and Euangelicall all others are mixt partely euangelicall partely legall THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely teacheth that if we will enter into life we must keepe the commandements that patience is necessarie for to receaue the promise that without holines no man shall see God that to be baptized and to eate the flesh of Christ is necessarie to life that vnlesse we haue pennance we shall perish that if we liue according to the flesh we shall die The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely teach that the Ghospell promiseth saluation euen to those that haue no good works at all that it requireth no good workes to saluation offereth life without condition of anie worke that the promises of the Ghospell are absolute in respect of workes are not conditionall that the Ghosdell requireth onely the acceptance of the thing offered requireth onely beleife to life onely the condition of faith Which are so contrarie to Scripture as some times the Protestants themselues confesse it See lib. 2. c. 30. ART VII WHETHER THE GHOSPELL be contrarie to the law SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY DENIETH. Rom. 3. v. 31. Do we then destroie the law by faith God forbidde The Ghospell not contrarie to the law but we do establish the law Gal. 3. v. 21. Was the law then against the promises of God God forbidde Mathew 5. vers 18. Do not thinke that I am come to break the law or the Prophet I am not come to breake but to fulfill CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY DENIE S. Thomas 1. 2. quaest 17. art 3. Something is contained in an other by power as the whole tree is contained in the seed and after this manner the new law is contained in the ould PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Confessio Heluet. c. 13. The Ghospell truely is opposite to It is cōtrarie to the law the law For the law worketh wrath and denounceth maledictiō the Ghospell preacheth grace and benediction Illyricus in Sacrae Scripturae part 2. tract 1. eol 10. There are twoe kinds of doctrins the law and the Ghospell and they of themselues and of their nature truely contrarie Col. 11. This surely is the key of all the Scripture and Diuinitie to know that in Twoe maie● to heauen those contrarie it is cōtained a twofould kind of doctrine and a double way of saluation which are of themselues plainly contrarie the one to the other Col. 39. The law and the Ghospell of themselues wholy fight one with the other These doctrins fight but the law being the inferiour yeeldeth to the Ghospell the superiour and so the one contradictorie falling the other obideth true And Tract 6. col 547. 551. he saieth that the Ghospell correcteth the law Luther in Gal 4. f. 373. Let the godlie learne that Christ and the law are twoe contrarie all together incompatible Scusselburg tom 7. Catal. Haeret. p. 446. True it is Entire and perfect obedience is necessarie to saluation for the Lord himselfe hath saied If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandments But contrariwise there is full power giuen to me to Protestants mittigate the rigour of the law interprete or mitigate this rigour Wherefore I interprete and mitigate it thus Perfect obedience is necessarie to one that is to be saued to wit ether his owne or an other mans And p. 446. saieth that the Ghospell correcteth and amendeth the sayings of the law Caluin 2. Instit c. 9. § 4. Paul maketh the iustice of the law and the Ghospell contrarie one to the other Vallada in Apolog. cont Episcop Luzon c. 30. Luther speaketh not simply of Moises but of Moises opposite to Iesus Christ that is of the law opposite to the Ghospel And seing al Protestants thinke that the doctrin of the law is this Our keeping of the law is necessarie to saluation and the doctrine of the Ghospell this Our keeping of the law is not necessarie to saluation they must needs all say that the doctrine of the Ghospell is quite contrarie or contradictorie to the doctrine of the law Whereupon Beza de Praedest cont Castel vol. 1. p. 393. writeth in this sorte These are contrarie vnlesse you doe all these things you shall die and Albeit you do them not yet if you beleiue you shall liue Whereof the first they say is the doctrine of the law the second of the Ghospell THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that the faith of the Ghospell doth not destroie but establish the law that Gods promises are not against the law that Christ came not to breake the law The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that the Ghospell is truely opposite to the law that the law and Ghospell are twoe doctrins of their nature truely contrarie plainly contrarie and fight one with the other that the Ghospell correcteth the law that the iustice of the law and of the Ghospell is contrarie one to the other and that this is the key of all Protestant diuinitie and that Protestants haue full power to mittigate the rigour of Gods law Which are so contrarie to Scripture as Protestants some times confesse it See l. 2. c. 30. ART VIII WHETHER THE LAW OF Moyses did command faith in Christ SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Ihon 1. v. 45. Him whome Moises in the law and the Prophets Moises in the law wrote of Christ wrote of we haue found Iesus the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth c. 5. v. 45. For if you did beleiue Moises you would perhaps beleiue me also For of me he hath written Luc. 24. v. 27. And beginning from Moyses and all the Prophets Written of Christ in the law he did interprete to them in all the Scriptures the things that were concerning him And v. 44. All things must needs be fulfilled which are written in the law of Moises and the Prophets and the Psalmes of me Act. 3. v. 22. Moises indeed saied That a Prophet shall the Lord your God raise vp to you of your brethren as my selfe Him Moises commanded to beare Christ you shall heare according to all things whatsoeuer he shall speake to you c. 26. v. 23. Saying nothing besides those things which the Prophets did speake should come to passe and Moises if Christ were passible c. See c. 28. v. 23. CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME C. Bellarm. lib. 4. Iustif c. 4. Euerie where in the Ghospell we read that diuers misteries were fulfilled in Christ because it was so written in the law and Prophets PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Perkins in Gal. 3. to 2. The Ghospell requireth faith in Christ The law knew not Christ The law of Moises commanded not faith in Christ The law teacheth not faith in Christ the Mediatour God and man which faith the law neuer knew Pareus l. 1. de Iustif c. 16. Faith is no worke of the law for the law of Moises commandeth not faith in Christ And l. 2. c. 4. The law knoweth nothing of faith in Christ of iustifying faith
them Math. 7. ver 21. He that doth the will of my Father Some do his will which is in heauē he shall enter into the kingdome of heauen c. 11. v. 30. My yoke is sweet and my burden light Rom. 8. v. 4. God sending his Sonne in the similitude of the Iustification of the law fulfilled in vs flesh of sinne euen of sinne damned sinne in the flesh that the iustification of the law might be fulfilled in vs. c. 13. v. 8. He that loueth his neighbour hath fulfilled the law Gal. 5. ver 14. All the law is fulfilled in one word Thou shalt The law fulfilled in loue loue thy neighbour as thy selfe 1. Ioan. 2. ver 4. He that saieth he knoweth him and keepeth not his commandments is a lier and the trueth is not in him c. 5. v. 3. This is the charitie of God that we keepe his commandmēts and his commandments are not heauie CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Councel of Trent Sess 6. c. 11. No man must vse that temerarious speach and condemned of the Fathers vnder a curse That Gods commandments are impossible to be kept of a iustified man For God commandeth not impossble things but by commanding he admonisheth to doe what thou canst and to aske what thou canst not and helpeth that thou maiest PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker l. 1. cōt Dureū sect 9. Thou cāst doe nothing lesse We can not fulfill the law the fulfill the law No man can obey the law And Contr. 2. q. 6. c. 3. he auoucheth it to be a foundation of Christian religion That Gods law cannot be fulfilled of vs and ib. q. 5. c. 7. saieth that the contrarie is Pelagian heresie Perkins de Baptismo to 1. col 833. The Papists thinke that a man in this life can obserue and fulfill the law Confession of Auspurg cap. 6. So great is the weaknesse of No man can satisfie the law mans nature as no man can satisfie the law Apologie of England We say that in this life we can no way satisfie the law Luther de libertate to 2. fol 4. All the commandments are All the commandments are impossible are alike impossible vnto vs. In Gal. 3. f. 329. The law exacteth impossible things Caluin in Antidoto Concilij Sess 10. cap. 12. They bring nothing which helpeth their wicked opinion of the possible obseruation of the law In Luc. 10. v. 26. It is impossible for vs to performe The law is impossible to be kept that which the law commandeth In Actor 15. v. 10. It is manifest that the law is impossible to be kept Beza in Luc. 18. v. 22. No man can keepe one commandment so as the law prescribeth In Rom. 10. ver 6. The law proposeth not heauen but vnder an impossble condition Daneus Contr. de Baptismo c. 15. It is altogether impossible Altogether impossible to keepe the commandments Contr. 5. p. 974. Bellarmin saieth that is easie for him that hath charitie to keepe the law I answere that euen to him it is impossible Adamus Francisci in Margarita Theol. loco 5. Albeit Euen with God his grace regenerate men be holpen and gouerned of the Holie Ghost yet they are hindred by the remnants of sinne that they cannot satisfie the law CONFERENCE OF THE FORESAIED WORDS Scripture expressely saieth that Gods commandments are not heauie that his burden is light that who loueth his neighbour fulfilleth the law that God will make vs to keepe his iudgments that he sent his Sonne that the iustification of the law might be fulfilled in vs. The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that no man can satisfie the law that the law is impossible euen to a iustified man that the law is impossible that all the commandments are a like impossible that no one can be kept that the law proposeth not heauen but vnder an vnpossible condition that the doctrine of the possible obseruation of the law is wicked ART II. WHETHER EVER ANIE HAVE kept Gods law SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Psalm 118. vers 55. I haue beene myndfull in the night of thy Dauid kept Gods law name o Lord and haue kept thy law Luc. 1. v. 6. And they were both iust before God walking in Also Zacharias and Elizabeth all the commandments and iustifications of our Lord without blame Ioan. 17. v. 6. Thyne they were and to me thou gauest them And the Apostles and they haue kept thy word Act. 13. v. 22. I haue found Dauid the sonne of Iesse a man according to my hart who shall doe all my willes 1. Ioan. 3. v. 22. Whatsoeuer we shall aske we shall receaue of him because we keepe his commandments Apoc. 3. v. 10. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience and I will keepe thee from the houre of tentation c. 14. v. 12. Here And Saintes is the patience of Saintes who keepe the commandments of God and the faith Iesus CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Councel of Trent Sess 6. ca. 16. We must beleiue that nothing wanteth to the iustified that they may not seeme to haue fully satisfied the law of God according to the state of this life with those workes which are done in God PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE The Confession of Scotlond artic 15. We affirme that None but Christ hath kept the law none on earth Christ onely excepted in worke and indeed so performeth and shall performe that obedience to the law which the law requireth Confession of Auspurg c. de operibus Saintes do not satisfie Not Saintes the law Confession of Bohemia art 7. We teach that there is none who in deeds doeth fulfill the precepts of the law Luther in Gal. 3. to f. 3. 343. Moises requireth a worker who perfectly doth the law But where shall we haue him No where In. c. 4. f. 393. No man doth the law Caluin in Rom. 13. vers 8. No man performeth the law nor euer performed it In Act. 15. v. 10. The faithfull after they are regenerate with the spirit of God do giue themselues to the iustice of the law but yet they performe not all but halfe and much lesse then halfe In Gal. Gal 3. v. 10. It is cleare that neuer anie was found or can be fouud who fulfilleth the law In vers 12. There is none who doth the workes of the law The like he hath in Antidoto Concil sess 6. c. 12. In 3. Instit c. 17. § 3. 13. THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that Dauid kept Gods law did all his wills that Zacharias and Elizabeth walked in all Gods commandments without blame that the Apostles kept Gods word that Saintes haue kept Gods word and commandments The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that none besides Christe gaue that obedience to the law which it requireth that no man in deed hath fulfilled the law that no man satisfieth the law that the regenerate do much lesse then halfe of the law ART III. WHETHER EVER
hath satisfied the law which is impossible 3. Instit c. 17. § 7. A legall promise which added to an impossible condition proueth nothing In Antido to Concil sess 6. p. 280. Woe be to their Catechumens if so hard a condition of obseruing the law be imposed vpon thē what other then eternall malediction is laied vpon them In Act. 15. v. 10. The whole world is cast headlong into eternall perditiō if it cannot obtaine saluation but by keeping the law In Math. 9. v. 10. It sufficeth to testifie this by desire that we hate whatsoeuer is contrarie to Gods will and wish it were not Perkins in Cases of Conscience c. 7. If men do endeauour to yeeld God obedience in all things God will so accepte this their slender and small endeauour of doing that which they can do by his grace as if they had perfectly satisfied the whole law Slender endeauour accepted of God Piscator loco 17. The faithfull are freed from the rigour of the law and therein from care and feare of maledictiō of the law for the breaking thereof Pareus l. 4. de Iustif cap. 7. It is enough if they endeauour to Enough to endeauour begin the new obedience of the law according to all the commandments and aske and impetrate the pardon of defects for the merits of Christ otherwise no flesh would be saued Peter Martyr in 1. Cor 10. v. 12. The precepts of good workes require no other thing of vs then endeauour and diligence to liue well In c. 7. v. 19. vpon that But the keeping of Gods commādments This saieth he is not expected of you who already are children and belong to Christ but onely keeping of the commandments of God so farre as the condition of man and state of this present life do suffer THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that if we will enter to life we must keepe the commandments The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that it is not necessarie to keepe the commandmēts that it is enough to endeauour to begin the keeping of them that God accepteth a slēder endeauour of keeping them for a perfect keeping ART VII WHETHER THE LAW OF the ten commandments be abrogated and taken away from the faithfull SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY DENIETH. Rom. 3. v. 31. Do we then destroie the law by faith God forbidde The law not abrogated by faith in Christ If no law no sinne But we do establish the law c. 4. v. 16. Where there is no law nether is there preuarication Math. 5. v. 18. Do not thinke that I am come to breake the law or the Prophets I am not come to breake but to fulfill Ioan. 14. v. 15. If you loue me keepe my commandments CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY DENIE Councel of Trent Sess 9. Con. 19. If anie shall say that nothing is commanded in the Ghospell but faith and that the rest are indifferent nether commanded nor forbidden but free or that the ten commandments belonge nothing to Christians be he accursed PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Luther Sermone de Moyse The ten commandments belong The ten commandments belonge not to Christians to Christians And Whitaker l. 8. cont Dureum sect 91. addeth This article is surely most worthie of Luther because it containeth most high trueth and comfort The same Luther in c. 18. Deut. to 3. f. 56. Know that Gods law is that onely which commandeth to the wicked and desperate The law abolished to the godlie men what is to be done but where the godlie are there the law is abolished In Gal. 2. to 5. fol. 227. The hart being iustified by faith streight waies all lawes cease all things are free and lawfull 223. The law is dead and compelleth no more yet we may do the law vpon charitie but not as a law 315. all the ceremoniall A Christian not bound to the law law or the decalog is abrogated to a Christian because he is dead to it And to be dead to the law is not to be bound with the law but to be free from it and not to know it 370. Christ hath abrogated all lawes vniuersally Postilla in die Pentecostis f. 273. The Holie Ghost is giuen to this end to abrogate and take away the law Wherefore Christians are not to be gouerned by laws but others who professe not Christ in their hart are to be bridled with laws are to be remitted to hangmen and tormentours and to be gouerned by the sword for to be kept in order Et f. 272. The Holie Ghost doth so abrogate the law that he leaueth not so much as the letter of the law or if anie thing remaine it remaineth onely for to preach by word Melancthon in locis apud Fabritium in art Augustan 20. p. 364. We haue diuided the law into three partes Morall ceremoniall and iudiciall all which must needs be abrogated if the ould testament be abrogated And this was the cause of abrog●ting the law because it could not be performed or done Which The morall law is abrogated cause pertaining more to the morall law then to the ceremoniall or iudiciall we must needs say that the Decalogue also is abrogated Michael Neāder apud Schlusselburg to 4. Catal. Haeret. p. 61. I abide in my opinion that the law is not giuen to the iust The law hath no vse All lawes taken away in anie vse or office Tindal in Fox his Actes pag. 1140. Edit An. 1610. Christ tooke away all lawes and maketh vs free and at libertie Or as M. Rainolds l. 4. Caluinuoturcismi c. 22. reporteth his words out of an other edition Christ hath freed vs from all lawes so that hereafter no law bindeth vs in conscience Zuinglius in Explanat artic 16. The law is taken from the godlie by Christ The same in effect say all other Protestants who teach that the condemnation of the law or imputation of the breach thereof is taken from the faithfull so that it is not imputed to them ether for fault or punishment For it implieth contradiction that there be a law and that the breach thereof make not the wilfull breakers subiect to sinne or punishment Wherefore Luther in Disput 6. to 1. proposit 14. saied truely A law which condemneth not is a feigned or painted law like to a Chimaera And that the breach of no law is imputed to the faithfull is the commō doctrine of Protestants as is to be seene in Conf. Heluet. cap. 12. Scotica art 15. Apologia Confess Augustanae c. de Implet legis Martyr in locis class 2. c. 15. Caluin 2. Institut c. 7. Beza in 1. Ioan. 5. v. 3. in c. 2. v. 7. Whitaker loco citat and others THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that the law is not destroied by faith in Christ but established that Christ came not to breake the law but to fulfill it that if there be no law there is no sinne The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that the ten commandmēts belong nothing to Christians
Reg. 15. Luc. 1. Actor 13. he saieth this is not meant of true iustice or perfection but of apparent So that with these men nothing is true if it be against them but onely apparent as is indeed their religion Wherefore thus I argue in forme Who beside the foresaied opposition to the expresse words of Scripture in manie and great matters words which signifie true things are forced to expound them of apparence outward shews testifications and significations before men they contradict the true sense of Scripture Protestants doe so Therefore c. CHAPTER XX. THAT PROTESTANTS ARE FORCED to expound the words of holie Scripture by diuers disparates and contraries THE 20. argument wherewith we will proue that Protestants doe contradict the true meaning of holie Scripture shal be because they are cōpelled to expound the words thereof by things that are quite different yea disparate or nothing like and plaine concrarie of which doings of theirs amongst innumerable I will note some few examples They expound the words of Scripture by things different or diuerse For thus dealeth Zuinglius in Marci 1. to 4. p. 141. All were baptized that is saieth he were taught in Baptized 1. Taught the Ghospell In Ioan. 3. v. 5. The kingdome of God is here taken for heauenlie doctrine and preaching of the Ghospell In histor resur pag. 401. The sense is Whose sinnes you forgiue that is Forgiue 1. Preache to whome you shall tell the forgiuenesse of sinnes In Roman 5. pag. 419. Sinne in this place As sinne by one man c. is Sinne. 1. Dis●ase Faith 1. Preaching taken for a disease In cap. 10. pag. 434. Faith is by hearing Here marke that Faith is taken of Paul for the manifested will of God and for the manifest and publike preaching of faith amongst the Iews and Gentils In 1. Cor. 7. p. 463. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Good is here taken for commodious and quiet Et tom 2. in Elencho Faith 1 Gods election Which 1. Whiles Blessed 1. Bad Fairewell fol. 34. Faith iustifieth that is the election of God In Subsidio f. 245. Which is powred out for manie that is whiles or as it is powred out for manie In Exegesi f 355. And it happened as he blessed that is bidde them fairewell Et in Exposit fidei fol. 558. It is cleare that the name of Merit or Reward is in holie Scripture but insteed of a Free guift Caluin in Luc. 1. ver 15. Replenished with the holie Ghost expoundeth To be indued with greater grace aboue che common vulgar sorte In c. 7. ver 48. he expoundeth Forgiue vs Forgiue 1. Seale our tresp●sses thus Seale more and more mercie in our hearts In c. 8. v. 13. They beleiue for a time thus They giue an honor to the Ghospell like to faith In Math. 7. vers 21. By doing Doe Gods will 1. Beleiue the will of the Father he vnderstandeth Philosophically to frame his life and manners to the rule of virtue and to beleiue in Christ In cap. 21. vers 32. The name of Iustice here signifieth Iustice 1. Doctrine nothing els but that Ihons doctrine was pure and right In cap. 23. vers 22. To sit in the chaire of Moises is nothing els then to deliuer out of the law of God how men ought to liue In Ioannis 3. vers 5. By water he vnderstandeth Water 1. Holie Ghost Charitie in vs. 1. Towards vs. the Holie Ghost In Actor 8. ver 18. by the Holie Ghost Singular guifts In Rom. 5. v. 5. by the Charitie of God diffused in vs he vnderstandeth our knowledge of Gods charitie towards vs. In 2. Co. 2. v. 10. I haue giuen in the person of Christ that is saieth he sincerely and without simulation In 1. Timot. 1. and 6. by Faith he expoundeth Holesome doctrine Faith 1. Holesome doctrine In Tit. 1. v. 16. Appoint Bishops that is Be president in the choice of them And in Hebr. 9. v. 26. Destruction of sinne he expoundeth freing from the guilt of paine Sinne. 1. Guilt of paine Beza in Math. 3. v. 1. by Desert vnderstandeth A hillie countrie And in vers 6. by Confessing their sinnes Professing Desert 1. Hillie place themselues to be sinners And in cap. 5. vers 20. Vpon that Vnlesse your iustice abound c. by the Kingdome of heauē he meaneth the Church militant and by Enter Teach Peter Martyr in Roman 18. saieth When the Scripture Faith 1. Gods mercie saieth that we are iustified by faith when we heare the name of faith we must vnderstand the obiect of faith to wit the mercie of God Polanus in Syntagm l. 6. c. 36. Faith is imputed to iustice Faith 1. Christs iustice that is the iustice of Christ which faith apprehendeth is imputed Sadeel ad art 44. abiurat When we are saied to be iustified by faith by the name of faith we must vnderstand Christ And so also Bullinger dec 3. serm 9. The Confession of Saxonie c. de Remiss Peccat This saying is to be vnderstood correlatiuely we are iustified by faith that is we are iustified by confidence of the Sonne of God Zanchius de Perseuerant tom 7. col 143 by that You are Faith 1. Confidence fallen from grace vnderstandeth you are fallen from the doctrine of grace or from the Ghospell Pareus l. 2. de Iustif c. 7. Grace 1. Doctrine by Perfect charitie vnderstandeth sincere Et lib. 4. c. 7. by worke your saluation Doe those things which are necessarie for to obtaine saluation Perkins in Cathol reform Contr. 5. c. 3. saieth In all the promises of the Ghospell in which God doth voluntarily binde himselfe to reward our workes the obligation doth not directly pertaine to vs but in respect of the person and obedience of Christ Apologia Confess Aug. c. de Implet legis Because Loue. 1. Beleiue she loued much that is say they because she truely worshiped me with faith and with exercises and signes of faith Et de Resp ad Argum. When the text saieth that eternall life is rendered to workes it meaneth that it is rendered to those that are iustified Agayne Almes is saied to deliuer from death and to purge from sinne not in it selfe but in the cause thereof that is in faith Almes i. Faith Brentius hom 1. in festum om sanctorum To hunger after iustice is to haue a iust cause and yet not be able to follow it in law Reineccius to 4. Armaturae c. 19. by Sacrifice the Phase vnderstandeth Kill it lest he should be confessed that the pascal lam be was sacrificed Illyricus 1. Ioan. 2. v. 3. The keeping Keeping 1. Knowing of the cōmandements in this place signifieth the true knowledge of his doctrine Piscator in Thesibus l. 2. p. 192. 2. Pet. 2. They denie the Lord who hath bought them that is whome before they had professed that he had bought them Et p. 472. he Buye 1. Professe to buye
power did open the shut dores The dores were not shut in the very instant of his passing See more art 23. Scripture Hauing a great high preist that hath penetrated Christ penetrated the heauen Not penetrated them Christ praieth for vs. He praieth not for vs. the heauenes Iesus the Sonne of God Protestants Christ ascended without penetration of quantities VVe admit no penetration See art 14. Scripture I will aske the Father VVho also maketh intercession for vs. Protestants VVe may not imagin that Christ as a Suppliant praieth for vs. His death and resurrection are in steed of an eternall intercession See more art 25. CHAPTER IV. OF ANGELS AND SAINTES SCripture And the Angell of our Lord answered and saied O Angels pray for vs. Lord of Hostes how long will thou not haue mercie on Hierusalem Protestants The Scripture teacheth not that Angels pray They pray not We denie that the holie Angels do pray in particular for our necessities See art 4. Scripture And he preuailed against the Angel and was Angels to be praied vnto Not to be praied vnto strenghtned and he wept and besought him Protestants The inuocation of Saints and Angels is impious See art 8. Scripture Our lord opened the eyes of Balaam and he saw the Angels to be bowed vnto Angel standing in the way with a drawne sword and he adored him flat to the ground Protestants We must beware that we nether adore nor worship Not to be bowed vnto Angels He could not fall downe to the Angel without diminishing Gods honour See art 11. Scripture Nether take thou away thy mercie from vs for God to be praied by the names of Saintes Not so to be praied Abraham thy beloued and Isaac thy seruant and Israel the holie one Protestants In the Prophets there is not found anie such inuocation Heare me o God for Abraham God is not to be besought by the names of Saintes See more art 9. Scripture For your selues know how you ought to imitate vs. Saintes to be imitated Not to be imitated God protecteth vs for the Saintes sake Not for their sakes Some Saintes bad power to worke miracles None had such power Santes receaue men into eternall tabernacles They do not receaue Be ye followers of me Protestants These trifles ought not to be sung to the people that they should imitate the Saintes God requireth that we follow his scripture only and not the examples of Saintes See art 12. Scripture I will protect this cittie and saue it for my self and for Dauid my seruant Protestants It is not to be borne that they say through Gods liberalitie and Christs grace the merits of Saints do profit vs to protection See art 10. Scripture And he gaue them power to cure infirmities and to cast out Diuels Protestants God neuer gaue anie man power of working miracles ether mediatly or immediatly See art 16. Scripture Make vnto you freinds of the mammon of iniquitie that when you faile they may receaue you into the eternall tabernacles Protestants VVe must not vnderstand that men shall receaue vs into eternall tabernacles See art 13. Scripture They shal be priests of God and Christ and shall Saints reigne with him reigne with him Protestants The Saints do not reigne with Christ. See art They reigne not with him 16. Scripture And he that shall ouercome and keepe my workes Saintes rule nations vnto the end I will giue him power ouer the nations and he shall rule them with a rodde of yron Protestants It is an errour that Angels or the soules of the They rule them not blessed men are appointed of God to rule and gouerne vs. See art 16. cit CHAPTER V. OF THE SCRIPTVRE OR WORD OF GOD. SCripture Paule according to the wisdome giuen him hath Some things in Scripture are hard written as also in all Epistles speaking in them of these things in which are certaine hard to be vnderstood Protestants Peter saieth not that Paules Epistles are obscure No thing hard no nor that there are some obscure things in Paules Epistles No parte of the Scripture is obscure How can the Scripture be called obscure in anie parte See more art 1. Scripture Iesus began to preach and say Doe pennance for The Ghospel preacheth pennance It preacheth it not the kingdom of heaune is at hand Protestants The Ghospell properly is not a preaching of pennance The Ghospell preacheth not to vs that this or that is to be done or exacteth any thing of vs. See more art 4. Scripture If thou will enter into life keepe the commandments Promiseth life conditionally Protestants The Ghospell promiseth saluation euen to those Not conditionally that haue no good workes at all The Ghospel requireth not workes to saluation See more art 6. Ghospell not contrarie to the law Scripture Doe we then destroie the law by faith God forbid But we establish the law Protestants The Ghospell is truly opposite to the law The law It is contrarie to it aad the Ghospell of themselues wholy fight one with the other See more art 7. Scripture All things must needs be fulfilled which are written Moises law commandeth faith in Christ It commandeth it not Traditions to be kept Not to be kept in the law of Moises and the Prophets and the Psalmes of me Protestants Faith in Christ the law neuer knew The law of Moises commandeth not faith in Christ See more art 8. Scripture Hould the traditions which you haue learnt whether it be by word or by our epistle Protestants VVe care not for vnwritten traditions we acknowledge no word but that which is written See more art 9. CHAPTER VI. OF S. PETER AND THE APOSTLES SCripture Thou art Peter and vpon this rock will I build Church built vpon Peter my Church Protestants Peter is not rock because Christ did not build Not vpon Peter his Church vpon Peter See more art 2. Scripture And I say to thee Thou art Peter And to thee Keyos giuen to Peter I will giue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen Protestants Christ called faith the rock to which rock not to Not giuen to him Peter be gaue these key●s See art 3. Scripture I haue praied for thee Peter that thy faith faile Peters faith failed not It failed not Protestants For a time surely Peters saith failed whiles he denied Christ It is a blasphemous speech that Peter denying Christ did not lese his faith See more art 4. Scripture And the wall of the cittie hauing twelue foundations The Apostles foundations and in them twelue names of the twelue Apostles of the lambe Protestants The Apostles were not the foundations See Not foundations more art 5. Scripture He that heareth you heareth me The Apostles simply to be heard Not simply to be heard Protestants The Apostles be not simply to be heard but to be examined according to the rule of Scripture S. Paules
our hart See more art 4. Scripture Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Protestants We do not pray that we may fulfill the law See more art 5. Scripture If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandments Protestants Woe be to their Cathecumens if so hard a condition of keeping the law be imposed vpon them See more art 6. Scripture Do we then destroye the law by faith God forbid but we establish the law Protestants All the ceremoniall law or the Decalogue is abrogated It is abrogated from a Christian because he is dead to it And to be dead to the law is not to be bound with the law but free from it and not to know it See more art 7. CHAPTER XX. OF MANS LAVV. SCripture Who thinkest thou is a faithfull and wise seruant Superioritie amōgst Christians whome his lord hath appointed ouer his familie Protestants Among Christians there can be no superioritie Christ is my immediate Lord I know no other See more art 1. Scripture To the rest I say not our Lord If anie brother None amōgst them haue a wife an infidell and she consent to dwell with him let him not put her away Protestants They draw to themselues all the maiestie of God Man can command that which God doth not He cannot Conscience subiect to mās lawes Not subiect who chaleng authoritie to make lawes See more art 2. Scripture Be subiect of necessitie not only for wrathe but also for conscience sake Protestants The lawes of Princes bind not the conscience haue no power ouer the conscience See more art 3. CHAPTER XXI OF FREE WILL. SCripture It shal be in the arbitrement of her husband whether There is free will she shall do it or not do it Protestants Free vill is a title without the thing See more There is none art 1. Scripture Without thy counsell I would do nothing that thy Freedome to good good might not be as it were of necessitie but voluntarie Protestants Man after his fall hath no libertie to good There No freedome to good is no free will to good See more art 2. Scripture We are Gods coadiutours Gods coadiutors Protestants Papists make God the first and cheefest cause of all goodnes and vs coadiutours Which is craftily to withdraw Not his coadiutors themselues from God See more art 3. CHAPTER XXII OF MANS SOVLE SCripture Feare ye not them who kill the bodie and are not Mans soule immortall able to kill the soule Protestants I giue leaue to the Pope to make articles of faith Not immortall for his followers Such as are that breade and wine are transsubstantiated in the Sacrament That he is Emperour of the world and an earthlie God That the soule is immortall and all those infinit monsters in the Romish dunghill of decrees What Propositions I pray you shal euer be thought cōtradictions if these be not seing there can scarce be deuised more formall or more direct opposition then is betwixt the most of these But because perhaps the vulgar Protestante will say that he beleiueth not all or most of the Protestants propositions here set downe albeit this excuse will not suffice him as I haue shewed in the end of my Preface yet for his fuller satisfaction I haue gathered twelue principall articles which commonly all Protestants beleiue quite contrarie to the expresse word of God THE COMMON PROTESTANTS CREED CONSIsting of twelue Articles quite contrarie to the expresse word of God in the Scripture 1 PROTESTANTS beleiue that a man is Lib. 1. c. 16. art 2. iustified by only faith quite contrarie to the expresse word of God Ioannes 2. v. 4. Do you see that a man is iustified by workes and not by faith only 2 Protestants beleiue that we can not keep Goods commandments quite contrarie to his expresse word Ezechiel 36. v. 27. I will make Lib. 1. c. 18. art 1. that you walke in my commandments and keepe my iudgments and doe them 3 Protestants beleiue that the keeping of Gods commandments is not necessarie to come to life euerlasting quite contrarie to Gods expresse words Mathew 19. v. 17. Lib. 1. c. 18. art 6. If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandments 4 Protestants beleiue that no men can forgiue sinnes quite contrarie to the expresse word of God Ihon 20. v. Lib. 1. c. 11. art 1. 22. Receaue ye the holie Ghost whose sinnes ye shall forgiue they are forgiuen them 5 Protestants beleiue that we are not bound to confesse our sinnes to men quite contrarie to the expresse word of Lib. 1. c. 11. art 2. God Ioannes 5. v. 16. Confesse your sinnes one to an other 6 Protestants beleiue that men when they die are not to be anoiled quite contrarie to the expresse word of God Lib. 1. c. 11. art 7. Iames 5. v. 14 Is anie man sicke among you Let him bring in the preists of the Church and let them pray ouer him auoiling him with oile in the name of our lord 7 Protestants beleiue that the blessed Sacrament is not the true bodie and blood of Christ quite contrarie to the Lib. 1. c. 10. art 1. expresse word of God Luke 22. v. 19. This is my bodie which is giuen for you and Mathew 26. v. 28. This is my blood which shal be shed for remisson of sinnes 8 Protestants beleiue that the Church of God is not infallible in faith quite contrarie to Gods expresse word 1. Lib. 1. c. 8. art 6. Timothie 3. v. 15. Which is the Church of the liuing God the pillar and ground of trueth 9 Protestants beleiue that we must not beleiue Traditions quite contrarie to the expresse word of God 2. Thessalon Lib. 1. c. 5. art 9. 2. v. 15. Hould the Traditions which you haue learned whether it be by word or by epistle 10 Protestants beleiue it is ill done to pray in the Church in an vnknowne language quite contrarie to the expresse Lib. 1. c. 14. art 12. word of God 1. Cor. 14. v. 17. where it is saied of such a one Thou indeed giuests thankes well 11 Protestants Beleiue that there is no sacrifice in the Church quite contrarie to the expresse word of God Malachie Lib. 1. c. 11. art 11. 1. v. 11. In euerie place there is sacrificing and there is offered to my name a cleane oblation 12 Protestants beleiue that there is no altar in the Church quite contrarie to the expresse word of God Hebrewes Lib. 1. c. 11. art 12. 13. v. 10. We haue an altar whereof they haue no power to eate who serue the tabernacle THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIKE AND PROtestant doctrine with the expresse words of the holie Scripture FIRST CHAPTER OF GOD. Article 1. Whether God willeth iniquitie or sinne SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY DENIETH. PSALME 5. verse 5. Thou art God will not iniquitie not a God that wilt iniquitie Abacuc
and knowledge of tōgues and attētiue reading And p. 138. Vnderstanding is common to all that haue any iudgment but to knowledge there is need of the externall illustration of the holie Ghost by reason of the blindnesse of mans iudgment The same say all Protestants who teach as we haue seene in the former article that the Scripture is cleare THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that prophecie that is vnderstanding of Scripture is not made by priuat interpretation that to know the misteries of the kingdome of heauē is giuen to some as a peculiar guift not common to all that Christs disciples had need to haue their vnderstanding opened by him for to vnderstand the Scriptures The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that the Scripture may be known by onely reading that to know what the Prophets or Apostles thought of euerie article of our religiō we need but a meane wit knowledge of tongues and attentiue reading That Scripture may be vnderstood without faith and without any peculiar light of the holie Ghost that to vnderstand the sense of the letter there is priuiledge of the Church that neuer so wicked men may know the trueth of the Scripture Which are so contrarie to Scripture as diuers Protestants confesse it See libro 2. cap. 30. ART III. WHETHER THE GHOSPEL be a law or containe any law SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Matth. 11. v. 30. My yoake is sweet and my burdē light c. 28. Christs Ghospell cōtaineth laws and precepts v. 19. Teach ye all nations baptizing them c. teaching them to obserue all things whatsoeuer I haue commanded you Ihon 15. v. 14. You are my freinds if you doe the things that I command you Galat. 6. v. 2. Beare ye one an others burdens and so ye shall fulfill the law of Christ The same is euident by other places which shal be cited in the two next articles and by the laws of baptisme and the Euchariste which are in the Ghospel Romans 2. v. 16. God shall iudge secrets of men according to my Ghospel Apocal. 14. v. 6. And I saw an other Angel flying through the middest of heauen hauing the eternall Ghospell to euangelize to them that sitte vpon the earth saying with a loud voice Feare our Lord c. CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME C. Bellarm. l. 4. de Iustif c. 2. The Ghospel containeth laws properly so called PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Luther de votis to 2. fol. 271. They know not the Ghospell The Ghospell is no law whiles they make a law of it Postilla in Dom. 3. aduentus fol. 36. None of thy workes must follow the Ghospell for it is not a law which requireth workes but onely faith because in it nothing is done but that Gods grace is offered and promised Confessio Wittenberg c. de Euangelio Vnlesse ye take the name of the law generally for doctrine certainly the Ghospell of Christ is not properly a law The same saieth Pareus in Galat 6. lect 71. Perkins in Gal. 6. to 2. The Ghospell must no wayes be called a new law So also Beza cont Sanct. Apol. 1. p. 305. Mart. in Rom. 7. p. 375. in 8. Melancthon in Disput to 4. p. 490. The ould testament is a law the new testament is no law The same say others as appeareth by what hath beene rehearsed cap. 3. art 7. and shal be more in the twoe next articles THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that the Ghospell of Christ is a yoake and burden that therein he commandeth some things that Christ hath a law that he commanded the receauing of baptisme and the Euchariste that men shal be iudged according to the Ghospell that the eternall Ghospell commandeth men to feare God The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that the Ghospell is no law no waies to be called a new law the new testament no law the Ghospell properly no law vnlesse by law you meane doctrin that it is no law that requireth workes ART IV. WHETHER THE GHOSPELL doth preach pennance and good workes SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Mathew 3. vers 2. Ihon Baptist thus began his preaching The Ghospell commandeth pennance of the Ghospell Doe pennance for the kingdome of heauen is at hand Matth. 4. v. 17. From that time Iesus began to preach and to say Doe pennance for the kingdome of heauen is at hand Luc. 5. v. 23. I came not to call the iust but sinners to pennance c. 24. v. 26. It behoued Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day and pennance to be preached in his name and remission of sinnes vnto all nations Actes 2. vers 38. S. Peter thus preached the Ghospell Doe pennance and be euerie one of you baptized And S. Paul c. 17. v. 30. God now denounceth vnto men that all euerie where doe pennance CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME C. Bellarm. l. 4. de Iustif c. 2. The Ghospell threatneth wrath and indignation to them who do not receaue our Sauiour nor do pennance PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE The Diuines of Targa apud Hospin in Concordia discordi The Ghospell properly is no preaching of pennance fol. 66. If the Ghospell be simply and properly taken for preaching to wit of the grace of God in Iesus Christ then it is no preaching of pennance but oney a preaching of remission of sinnes The like teach others ib. fol. 104. And the Diuines of Onely cōmandeth to beleiue Berga ib. fol. 140. The Ghospell teacheth and commandeth onely to beleiue in Christ Luther Postilla in die Natiuit fol. 60. We read and heare nothing preached in the Ghospell but mere grace and mere bountie In die Ascensionis fol. 264. I often times saied that the Ghospell cannot abide that workes be preached how good or great soeuer they be And in Inst de Moise fol. 449. The The Ghospell telleth not what it to be done or omitted Ghospell preacheth not to vs that this or that is to be done or omitted or exacteth any things of vs. The Diuines of Saxonie apud Schusselb tom 7. Catal. Haeret. p. 803. condemne Maior because he would haue the Ghospell properly taken to be a preaching of pennance and remission of sinnes Kemnitius in locis tit de Iustif p. 222. If we say that the Proper doctrin of the Ghospell is not of newnesse of life proper doctrin of the Ghospell is not onely of faith in the free promisses for Christ but also of newnesse of life or good workes then streight it followeth that good workes also enter into iustication as a partiall cause And pag. 224. Who would haue the the Ghospell properly so termed to containe not onely the promise of grace but also the doctrin of good workesse such vnderstand not what they say For by this means the difference of the law and the Ghospell is confounded Liber Concordiae 1. c. 5. p. 594. We reiect as false and pernicious Doctrin that the Ghospell properly is a preaching of pennance The Ghospell requireth not workes and not onely
of faith of remission of sinnes The like hath Ambing apud Hospin in Concord discordi fol. 140. Beza de Praedest cont Caste l. vol. 1. p. 393. There is no mētion in the law of this benefit of free redemption by Christ For the declaratiō of this will belongeth to an other parte of Gods word which is called the Ghospell Apol. Cōf. Augustan c. de Iustific The Ghospell preacheth iustice of faith in Christ which the law doth not teach THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that Moises wrote in the law of Christ that Moises wrote things concerning Christ That Moise commanded the people to heare Christ in all things The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that the law neuer knew faith in Christ that Moises cōmandeth not faith in Christ that the law knoweth nothing of faith in Christ that in the law there is no mention of free redemption in Christ that the law teacheth nothing of faith in Christ ART IX WHETHER ANY VNWRITTEN word or Traditions be to be kept SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. 2. Thessal 2. v. 15. Therefore brethren stand and hould the traditions Traditions not written to be helde which you haue learned whether it be by word or by our epistle CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Coūcell of Trent Sess 4. The holie Coūcell doth with equall pious affection reuerently receaue and honour traditions belonging to faith or manners as ether deliuered by Christs mouth or the holie Ghost and by continuall succession conserued in the Catholik Church PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Cont. 1. q. 3. cap. 10. We care not for vnwritten Not to be helde traditions And Contro 2. q. 5. c. 18. We acknowledge no other word then that which is written And what doctrine soeuer is not written we hould for bastard doctrine Perkins in Cathol ref Contr. 20. c. 2. We acknowledge the onely written word of God Luther Postil in ferias S. Stephani Nothing is to be affirmed Nothing but that which is expressed in Scripture which is not expressed in Scripture Iacobus Andreae l. cont Hosium p. 169. That faith is no faith but an vncertain opinion which is not grounded vpon an expresse testimonie of Scripture Wigand apud Scusselb to 7. Catal. Haeret. p. 681. Onely those doctrines whose very words or equiualent for sense are extant in the Scripture are to be tought and deliuered in the Church Caluin in Gratulat ad Praecentorem pag. 377. Nothing is to be beleiued which is not expressed in Scripture And cont versipellem pagin 353. There is no mention of vnwritten traditions Beza in Rom. 1. v. 17. Christians acknowledge no other object of this faith then the written word of God Etad Reprehens Castell p. 503. Whosoeuer beleiueth in doctrine of religion that which is not written I say he embraceth opinion for faith and an idol for God Vallada in Apol. cont Episc Luzon c. 13. In all the holie No speech of an vnwritten word Scripture there is no speech of an vnwritten word Daneus Controu 7. pag. 1350. The foundation of Christian faith is one onely to wit the word of God and that onely written Hospinian part 2. Histor Sacram. fol. 23. The Magistrates of Zurich commāded that hereafter nothing should be proposed or preached in their Church but the pure fined word of God contained in the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely teacheth that traditions as well they which are learned by word as they which are learned by writing are to be obserued Catholiks teach the same Protestants expressely teach that onely written doctrin is to be tought nothing to be beleiued but what is written onely the pure fined written word to be tought no obiect of faith but what is written nothing to be beleiued but what is expressed in Scripture and that in verie words or in equiualent sense that there is no mention of vnwritten traditions no speech of vnwritten word that they care not for vnwritten traditions A SVMME OF THIS CHAPTER OF THE WORD of God or Scripture What we haue rehearsed in this chapter doth clearly shew that Protestants do farre otherwise iudge of Scripture then the Scripture it selfe and Catholiks doe For the holie Scripture together with Catholiks teacheth that in it are some things hard to be vnderstood that it cannot be vnderstood without the light of the holie Ghost that the Ghospell is or containeth a law that it doth preach pennance and good workes reproueth sinne promiseth saluation vnder condition of good workes and is not contrarie vnto the law of God that the law of Moises commandeth faith in Christ and that vnwritten traditions are to be obserued And Protestants defend all the contrarie They shew also that Protestants steale from the Scripture Protestants steale from Scripture her excellencie wherewith she surpasseth the capacitie of mans wit and from the Ghospell that it containeth any law preacheth pennance or good workes reproueth sinne promiseth saluation vpon condition of well doing and agreement with Gods law whereby we see what a libertin Ghospell they bring in to wit such as containeth Libertin Ghospell of Protestants no law preacheth no pennance or good workes reproueth no sinne promiseth saluation without all condition of well doing and is quite contrarie to the law of God And that they steall from the law of Moises that it commandeth faith in Christ and finally they take away all the vnwritten word of God CHAPTER V. OF SAINT PETER AND THE APOSTLES ART I. WHETHER S. PETER WERE first of the Apostles SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. MATHEW 10. v. 2. And the names of the twelue S. Peter first of the Apostles Apostles be these The first Simon who is called Peter CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME C. Bellarm. l. 1. de Pontif. c. 18. Peter was put first by reason his dignitie PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Contr. 3. q. 5. c. 3. Wheresoeuer mention is made Not first of Peter if we looke well into the place we shall find that nothing is giuen to him which agreeth not to the other Apostles And Controu 4. quaest 2. c. Paul maketh himselfe equall to Peter in all points Tindal in Fox his Acts p. 1139. S. Paul is greater then Peter by the testimonie of Christ Articuli Smalcaldici pag. 345. We giue no prerogatiue to Peter Luther in Gal. 2. to 5. This place clearely sheweth that all the Apostles had equall vocation and commission There was altogether equalitie amongst them no Apostle was greater then an other Illyricus in Praefat. lib. de Sectis It appeareth that Christ gaue no primacie at all in his Church to any man Caluinus in Matth. 20. v. 25. Christ shewed that in his kingdome No primacie or firstnesse there was no primacie for which they contended Beza in Matth. 10. v. 2. What if this word First were added of some who would establish Peters primacie Festus Homius disput 12. All the Apostles were equall in dignitie authoritie
of these Princes a foresaied albeit weake yet was true and liuelie The same saieth Pareus l. 1. de Iustificat c. 15. Caluin in Antidoto Concilij Sess 6. Can. 28. I denie not Faith liuelie euen in most grieuous sinnes that some seed of faith remaineth in a man euen in most grieuous falls That how litle soeuer it be I confesse to be a parcell of true faith and liuelie also Zanchius in Confess c. 27. to 8. The faith of the elect alwaies liueth Contra remonstrantes in Collat. Hagae 396. It is not saied here If faith be defiled with any grieuous sinne that that faith is dead for so no man should haue liuelie faith Of the same opinion are all Lutherans who say that faith before and without good workes doth iustifie and Sacramentaries also who teach that iustification of faith remaineth in the faithfull what sinnes soeuer they commit For faith saieth doth not iustifie or giue life whiles it is dead but onely whiles it is liuelie if it iustifie without good workes yea with verie ill workes cleare it is that it is not dead or idle but liuelie without good or with ill workes THE CONFERENCE Scripture plainely saieth that faith without good workes is dead is dead in it selfe is dead as a bodie without the soule that all faith without charitie is nothing The same say Catholiks Protestants plainely say that faith without workes is not dead is not nothing is not vnprofitable that though it be defiled with great sinnes yet it is not dead that it nether can be nor cā be saied to be dead that in grieuous falls it is liuelie euen in those Princes who loued the glorie of men more then the glorie of God ART XI WHETHER THE FAITH whereof S. Iames speaketh be true or iustifying faith SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Iames 2. vers 22. Seest thou that faith did worke with his Saint Iames speaketh of iustifying faith Abrahams workes and by the workes the faith was consummate and the Scripture was fulfilled saying Abraham beleiued God and it ●as reputed him to iustice Et v. 24. Do you see that by workes a man is iustified and not by faith onely CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME C. Bellarm. l 1. de Iustif cap. 15 many waies proueth that S. Iames speaketh of iustifying faith PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker l. 1. cont Dureum sect 13. That Iames denieth He speaketh of a diuelish faith vs to be iustified by faith onely is to be vnderstood of a vaine feigned dead imaginarie and diuelish faith The like hath Iewel cited before art 8. Zuinglius in Iacob 2. to 4. saieth S. Iames speaketh of a counterfeit emptie and vaine faith Caluin in Iacob 2. v. 17. 19. He speaketh not of faith In v. Of a dead image of faith 14. He speaketh of a dead image of faith of a false profession Beza in Iacob 2. v. 14. It is not true faith but a dead image Peter Martyr in locis clas 3. c. 3. § 23. Iames maketh mentiō of a dead faith but that is no faith Pareus l. 4. de Iustif c. 18. For Iames deuideth not iustification He remoueth faith from iustification betweene faith and workes as the Sophisters would but wholy remoueth faith as a dead thing from iustification THE CONFERENCE Scripture plainely saieth that S. Iames spooke of faith which did worke with the workes of Abraham which was consummate by his workes wherewith Abraham did beleiue which was reputed to him for iustice and by which a man is iustified but not alone The same say Catholiks Protestants say that the faith whereof S. Iames speaketh was not iustifying faith was not faith was not true faith was a vaine feigned imaginarie and diuelish faith was a counterfeite and dead image of faith ART XII WHETHER ANIE FAITH be full or perfect and of some account in the sight of God SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Mathew 15. v. 28. Then Iesus answering saied to her O Woman Some faith great Full. great is thy faith Act. 6. v. 5. And they chose Steuen a man full of faith and of the Holie Ghost Rom. 4. v. 18. Who contrarie to hope beleiued in hope Et v. 19. Strong And he was not weakened in faith 2. Cor. 8. v. 7. In all things you abuond in faith Aboundant Heb. 10. ver 22. Let vs approch with a true hart in fulnesse of faith Iames 2. vers 22. And by the workes the faith was consummate Consummate 1. Petri 1. v. 7. That the triall of your faith much more pretious Pretious then gould which is proued by the fire may be found vnto praise CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton in Rom. 4. v. 2. The act of faith wherewith the vnderstanding is captiuated vnto the obedience of Christ is an act of notable vertue PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Iacobus Andreae in Colloq Montisbel p. 106. Faith is Faith is imperfect imperfect and no man beleiueth so firmely as he is bound to doe Caluin 3. Instit c. 11. § 7. Faith albeit of it selfe it be of no Of no worth worth or value iustifieth vs bringing Christ as a pitcher filled with money doth enrich a man In Math. 9. v. 22. We see that faith hath need of pardon for to please God In Act. 6. v. 8. Nether must we imagin any perfection of faith because he Saint Steuen was saied to be full of faith Beza in Colloq Montisbel pag. 28. It neuer came in our Not perfect mynd to say that there was any perfect faith in any Peter Martyr in locis classe 3. c. 3. § 6. Which I say not that I thinke that we are iustified by faith as it is a worke for it is defiled with many spottes of our infirmitie c. 4. § 8. If faith it selfe be considered as it is worke we cannot be iustified by it sith it is a worke lame and inperfect and farre worse then the law requireth but we are saied to be iustified by it as by it we apprehend and applie to our selues the promises of God and iustice merits of Christ Imagin a most filthie hand leprous and of some beggar Like a most filthie and leprous hand with which he receaueth almes of the giuer surely that beggar is not holpen of the filthinesse or leprosie of his hand but of the almes which he taketh with what kinde of hand soeuer And in Roman 11. he compareth our faith to a weake leprous and scabbie hand Pareus de Iustificat c. 7. It is not absurd that with faith is Sinfull mingled sometimes distrust or incredulitie which is a sinne and that so by an accident faith is sinne Againe Faith iustifieth as a beggar by a scabbie hand receaueth almes Pareus in c. 31. Enchiridij S. Augustini If we consider how Not worthie the name of vertue faith is of it selfe and in vs it is imperfect lame polluted and defiled and mingled with infidelitie so that it is not truely worthie of the
See lib. 2. c. 30. ART XII WHETHER GOOD WORKES be necessarie to iustification SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Math. 6. v. 15. But if you will not forgiue men nether will your Some good worke necessarie to iustification Father forgiue you your offenses Ioan. 15. vers 10. If you keepe my precepts you shall abide in my loue CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Councel of Trent Session 6. Can. 9. If any shall say that a sinner is iustified by onely faith so as he vnderstand that nothing els is required to cooperate to the grace of iustification and that it is not needfull in anie sorte that he be disposed and prepared by motion of his will be he accursed PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Confess Argentinensis c. 3. Whereas now some yeares it was tought that mans workes are required to his iustification our men haue tought that all iustification is to be ascribed to Gods good will and Christs merits Confessio Bohemica art 6. We teach that men freely by Iustification obtained without workes Christ by faith in Christ through mercie are iustified and obtaine saluation and remission of sinnes without any worke or merit of man Apologia Confess Augustanae c. de Respons ad argum tom 3. Melancthonis Doth not the Ghospell promise saluation Iustification promised to those who haue no good workes Presence of good workes not necessarie and remission of sinnes euen to them who haue no good workes at all Liber Concordiae Lutheran in Declarat artic cap. 3. It is false if anie say that faith cannot iustifie without good workes or that the presence of good workes is necessarie to faith for to iustifie or that the presence of good workes is necessarie to iustification or in the moment of iustifying Luther de libertate to 2. f. 5. Our faith maketh that none None haue need of workes to be saued haue need of the law or workes for to be iustified or saued f. 6. A Christian needeth no workes for to be iustified or saued Postilla in Dom. post Natale Nothing els is required to iustification then to heare and beleiue Christ Iesus our Sauiour And as Kemnitius in Schlusselburg to 7. pag. 530. saieth Luther clearly prof●sseth that workes are pernitious with that addition which he calleth Leuiathan to wit if they be saied to be necessarie to iustification and saluation Ministers of Saxonie in Colloq Aldeburg p. 164. Whosoeuer Workes not necessarily present in the time of iustification saieth that our good workes are necessarily present in the moment of iustification he swarueth from the word of God from the confession and Apologie of Auspurg and from the doctrine of Luther Herbrandus in Compendio Theol. loco de Iustificat What excludeth that word Onely Not workes onely from the efficient cause if iustification and from worth and merit but also from all cause without which not and from all necess●rie of presence in the act of iustification For without workes a sinner beleiuing in Christ is iustified Otherwise iustifi●ation would be alwaies vncertaine and so we should doubt of it Againe To iustification there is need of no other thing but onely of faith Onely faith needfull to iustification Those that haue no good workes may be iustified Presence of good workes not necessarie Kemnitius in Schlusselburg to cit p. 711. It is false concontrarie to the Apologie it selfe that none can be iustified who hath not good workes p. 716. It is false if I say that faith doth not iustifie vnlesse it haue good workes actually present Morlinus in Schlusselburg to cit p. 171. It is simply a false proposition The presence of good workes is howsoeuer necessarie in the act of iustification Et 173. It stands for an inuincible trueth if the presence of good workes be accounted as necessarie in the act of iustification it is dung and losse Manie more like sayings of Lutherans may be seene in Schlusselburg to cit Rainolds in Apologia Thesium p. 263. Good workes are Not required to iustification not required to iustification Caluin in Math. 6. v. 12. The pardon which we aske to be giuē to vs dependeth not vpon that which we giue to others The like sayings of theirs we repeated in the former chapter art 17. and shall hereafter also c. 17. art 1. and 2. THE CONFERENCE Scripture plainely saieth that God will not pardon our sinnes vnlesse we pardon others that we shall abide in his loue if we keepe his precepts The same say Catholiks Protestants plainely say that the pardon which me aske of God dependeth not vpō that which we giue to others that our workes or good workes are not required to iustification that we may obtaine remission of sinnes without anie worke that the Ghospell promiseth remission of sinnes euen to them who haue no workes at all that faith can iustifie without good workes that the presence of good workes is not necessarie in the moment of iustification that we haue no need of workes to be iustified that workes are pernitious if they tought necessarie to iustificatiō that faith iustifieth though it haue no good workes actually present that sole faith excludeth euen the necessitie of the presence of good workes when we are iustified ART XIII WHETHER GOOD WORKES be necessarie to saluation SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Math. 5. v. 21. For I tell you that vnlesse your iustice abound Our iustice necessarie to saluation Likewise our conuersion And keeping of the commandments Patience necessarie And Holines more then that of the Scribes and Pharisees you shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen c. 18. v. 3. Amen I say to you vnlesse you be conuerted and become as litle children you shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen c. 19. v. 17. If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandments Hebr. 10. v. 36. Patience is necessarie for you that doing the will of God you may receaue the promise c. 12. v. 14. Follow peace with all men and holines without which no man shall see God CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME C. Bellarm. l. 4. de Iustif c. 7. We say that good workes are necessarie for a iust man to saluation PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE The Confession of Bohemia and the Apologie of the Confession of Auspurg cited in the former article denie good workes to be necessarie to saluation Tindal in Fox his Acts p. 1143. We need not to labour for We need not labour for heauen all these things to be Christs heires and to haue heauen for these we haue already The English Translatour of Luthers cōmentaries vpon the Epistle to the Galathians For if there haue beene since the Good workes not necessarie to saluation time of Luther and be yet some which openly defend that workes be necessarie to saluation where he before so mightly hath taught the contrarie what then would these haue done if Luther had not beene Who also forewarned vs of the same prophecying that after his times the doctrine of iustification would be
approued Not true pennance the pennance of the Niniuites although it was not true pennance but some kinde of humiliation vnder the mightie hand of God Sadeel de vera peccator remiss p. 109. It is very absurd to compare those Heathen Niniuites strangers from Gods couenant and void of true doctrine who had heard nothing of the true God nothing of the M●ssias with godlie men receauing the benefit of Christ with true faith THE CONFERENCE Scripture plainely saieth that the Niniuites beleiued in God did pennance were conuerted from their euill way The same say Catholiks Protestants plainely say that the Niniuits were void of true doctrine had heard nothing of the true God and that their pennance was not true ART XX. WHETHER EREMITICALL life be lawfull SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Luc. 1. vers 80. And the child grew and was strenghtned in Eremiticall life lawfull spirit and was in the deserts vntill the day of his manifestation in Israel Math. 4. v. 1. Then Iesus was led of the Spirit into the desert Hebr. 11. v. 38. Wandring in deserts in mountaines and dennes and in caues of the earth Marc. 1. ver 13. And he Iesus was in the desert fourtie dayes Christ in the desert with beasts and fourtie nightes and was tempted of Satan and he was with beastes CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton in Promptuar Dom. 2. Aduentus Our Heretiks will not that S. Ihon liued in a desert poperly termed in a wildernesse in solitude lest so notable example of his may seeme to patronise our Ermits and Anchorets PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE The Magdeburgians Centur. 1. l. 1. cap. 10. Luke reporteth Eremiticall life superstitious that the child Ihon abode in the desert vnto the day of his manifestation which is not to be vnderstood of anie den farre frō all conuersation of men as if he had lurked there like a beare or a hater of mankind as afterward Ermits and such kind of men feigned to thēselues superstitious religious Et Cent. 4. c. 10. they write thus of Ermits But who will not accurse these monsters of men as enemies of humane societie and offending against the whole second table Perkins in reformed Cathol C. 8. p. 168. For time of peace I see no cause of solitarie life Polanus in Disput priuatis disput 22. Eremiticall life is Sauage and in humane clownish sauage and farre from ciuilitie The like say other Protestants THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that S. Ihon Baptist was frō a child in the desert that Christ was lede of the Spirit into the desert and was there fourtie dayes and with beasts that Gods Saints wandered in deserts denns and caues of the earth The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that eremiticall life is clownish sauage and superstitious that Eremits deserue to be accursed and do sinne against the whole second table THE SVMME OF THIS CHAPTER OF GOOD workes in particular That which we haue related in this chapter euidently sheweth that Protestants doctrine of good workes in particular is cleane contrarie to the doctrine of the holie Scripture For the Scripture together with Catholiks teacheth that not to marrie is good and counsailed of God that virginitie is a vertue and better then the state of marriage that fasting is a vertue and worshippe of God and an antidote against the Diuel and that choice of meats is lawfull that we may pray for the dead for all and for that which God hath not promised and in strange tongue and that he that praieth may be heard for his owne or his praiers worth that it is lawfull to sell all and giue to the pore that almes deliuereth from death and sinne that pennance is commanded to all that punishment of the bodie is a parte of pennance All which Protestants denie They shew also that Protestants steale quite away Whatvertues Protest reiect manie particular vertues and manie things also frō other vertues which they will seeme to leaue For they take quite away the vertues of virginitie of fasting vowing They take from praier that it be made for the dead for all and for that which God hath not promised They take frō religiō the forsaking of goods from almes the power of deliuering from death and sinne and from pennance the punishment of the bodie And thus much of good workes Now of their contraries that is sinnes CHAPTER XV. OF SINNES ART I. WHETHER SINNES BE IMPVTED to the Elect and Faithfull SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. REG 2. C. 12. V. 5. seq And Dauid saied to Nathan our Lord liueth the man that hath done this is the child of death And Nathan saied to Sinne was imputed to Dauid Dauid Thou art that man Thus saieth the Lord God of Israel Why therefore hast thou contemned the word of the Lord that thou wouldest do euill in my sight For which thing the sword shall not departe from thy house for euer because thou hast despised me The same teach both other places before cited which say that God is angrie and hateth the faithfull when they sinne grieuously as also such as teach that God punisheth them for sinnes and that sinnes are mortall euen to the elect faithfull Which we shall cite soone after CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME C. Bellarm. l. 1. de Amiss Grat. c. 7. If sinnes do remaine with a liuelie iustifying faith in men that are once iustifyed euen by this they are not imputed nether are they so much veniall and to be forgiuen as already forgiuen and remitted nether make they a man guiltie of any p●ine or punishment And there is no man but seeth how absurd and pernitious this doctrine is PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Wootton in Answere to Popish Articles p. 92. Sinne is Sinne is remitted before it be committed remitted as soone as it is committed or rather before it be committed a man once iustified hauing obtained full remission of all sinnes past present and to come Abbots in Diatribam Tomsonic 20. That sinnes be not Not imputed to the elect imputed to the elect pertaineth to mercie Luther in Gal. 2. to 5. f. 229. Because iustice fulfilling of the law is begun by faith therefore for Christ in whome they beleiue the rest of sinnes and fulfilling of the law is not imputed In c. 5. f. 420. A beleiuer hauing sinne sinning neuerthelesse remaineth Not to the faithfull godlie Albeit they haue and commit sinnes yet let them know that they are not imputed to them through Christ In c. 8. Isaiae Sinne maketh not Christians guiltie to 4. f. 83. This is Christian libertie that we may satisfie the law in some parte But where we do not there it doth not make vs guiltie because we haue remission of sinnes Caluin in Ioan. 5. v. 29. No not sinnes whereof the faithfull Sinne not imputed to the faithfull dayly do make themselues guiltie are imputed to them Et 3. In-Instit cap. 4. § 28. he saieth that the sinnes of
because you haue loued me Protestants The obedience which the faithfull giue to him is not so much a cause why he continueth his loue towards them as an effect of his loue See art 17. Scripture When you shall haue done all things that are commanded We ought to doe good workes you say we are vnprofitable seruants we haue done that which we ought to doe Protestants Thou owest nothing to God but faith This phrase We ought not of the law A faithfull man ought to doe good workes belongeth not to Christians See more art 18. Scripture I haue inclined my hart to do thy iustification for We may doe good for reward We may not euer for reward Protestants If thou pray fast c. Beware thou doest it not for that end that thou maiest reape anie temporall or eternall profit See more art 19. CHAPTER XV. OF GOOD VVORKES IN PARTICVLER SCripture I say to the vnmaried and to widous It is good for It is good not to marrie them if they so abide Protestants It is not good for a man to be single for it is not It is not good pleasant not honest nor profitable See more art 1. Single life couns●lled No● counselled Scripture Art thou loose from a wife Seek not a wife Protestants Paule will haue vniuersally all to be married God pronounceth the sentence that he will haue none to be vnmarried See more art 4. Scripture He that ioyneth his virgin in matrimonie doth Virginitie is a vertue well and he that ioyneth not doth better Protestants Virginitie is no vertue but a thing indifferent Not a vertue We thinke that virginitie is nothing See more articul 2. Scripture He that ioyneth his virgin in matrimonie doth Virginitie better then marriage Not better well and he that ioyneth not doth better Protestants Single life in it selfe is much more baser then marriage To beget children is the cheefest worke after preaching See more art 3. Scripture Who departed not from the temple by fastings and Fasting seruice of God praiers seruing night and daye Protestants Fasting of it selfe is an indifferent thing It is a No seruice of God naughtie superstition to thinke that fasting is a parte of Gods seruice See more art 5. Scripture This kinde of Diuels is not cast out but by Fasting driveth away Diuels It driueth thē not praier and fasting Protestants The ridiculous Papists make fasting an antidote to driue away Diuels See art 6. Scripture I Daniell mourned the dayes of three weeks desiderable Choice of meats good bread I did not eate and flesh and wine entred not into my mouth Protestants We hould this distinction of meats to be foolish Not good and wicked Choice of meates vpon certaine dayes S. Paule attributeth to the doctrin of Diuels See more art 7. Scripture I desire that praiers be made for all men Praier to be made for all Not for all Protestants Nether must we pray for euerie one We must not make praiers for the sinnes of the reprobates See more artic 8. Scripture It is a holie cogitation to pray for the dead that Good to pray for the dead they my be loosed from sinnes Protestants We detest praiers for the dead That forme of Not good praier God giue the dead a happie resurrection is to be reiected Praier in an vnknowne language good See more art 9. Scripture saieth of one praying in the Church in an vnknowne tongue Indeed thou giuest thankes well Protestants We detest praiers in an vnknowne tongue It is Not good repugnant to Scripture and contrarie to sense of nature See more art 12. Scripture Vow ye and render to our Lord your God Vowes good Not good Protestants Vowes are against the ordinance of God vowes do not become Christians See more art 14. Scripture If thou will be perfect goe sell all thou hast Forsaking of riches counselled Not counselled and giue to the poore and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen Protestants The forsaking of goods hath no commandment nor counsell in Scripture See more art 16. Scripture Almes deliuereth from all sinne and from Almes deliuereth from death Not from death Penall workes a parte of pennance No parte of pennance death Protestants Almes deliuereth not from temporall death nor from eternall death See more art 15. Scripture If in Tyre and Sidon had beene wrought the miracles that haue bene wrought in you they had done pennance in hairecloth and ashes Protestants Ashes sackcloth was no parte of pennance Sackcloth and ashes are only an externall signe of pennance See more art 18. Scripture The child grew and was strengthned in spirit Eremiticall life good and was in the deserts vntill the daye of his manifestation in Israel Protestants Eremiticall life is clownish sauage and farre Not good from ciuilitie See more art 20. Scripture God saw their Niniuites workes that they were The Niniuites pēnance true Not true conuerted from their euill way c. Protestants The pennance of the Niniuites was not true pennance See more art 19. CHAPTER XVI OF SINNE SCripture He that committeth sinne is of the Diuell Great sinners are of the Diuell Not all Protestants Nether the faithfull who sinne by chance or of them selues by weaknes but such as giue them selues to sinne serue the Diuell and ought to be called Sonnes of the Diuell See more art Scripture You are euacuated from Christ that are iustified Sinne putteth out of grace in the law you are fallen from grace Protestants Not anie enormious sinne obscureth grace much It putteth not lesse extinguisheth it The faithfull sinne but fall not from grace See more art 6. No murderer hath life Some murderer hath Iustice standeth not with sinne It standeth with sinne Sinne to be redeemed with almes Not to be redeemed with almes Sin purged by workes Not purged by them Great sinne seperateth from God Seperateth not Sinne cause of damnatiō Scripture No murderer hath life euerlasting abiding in him selfe Protestants Dauid a murderer was not yet quite spoiled of spirituall life not yet depriued of iustification See more art 6. cit Scripture What participation hath iustice with iniquitie Protestants Sinne dwelleth together with iustice in vs. A worke is partly good partly euill See more art 7. Scripture Redeeme thou thy sinnes with almes Protestants Should not Christ haue died in vaine for sinnes if sinnes could be redeemed with almes See more art 8. Scripture By mercie and faith sinnes are purged Protestants If purging of sinnes be giuen to mens workes then is Christ dead in vaine See art 8. cit Scripture Nether fornicatours nor adulterers shall possesse the kingdome of God Protestants Sinne shall not drawe vs from Christ though we commit fornication or murder a thousand times a daye See more art 9. Scripture Departe from me ye accursed into euerlasting fire for I was an hungred and you gaue me not to eate Protestants Those
workes workes whereas there is no such God no such Godhead which is delighted with these things And to 7. Serm. in Hebr. 11. God careth not greatly what kind or what notable workes we doe Tindall in Fox his Acts printed 1610. p. 1138. There is no To make water pleaseth God as much as preaching work better then an other to please God To make water to wash dishes to be a sowter or an Apostle all is one To wash dishes and to preach all is one as touching the deed to please God Other Protestants as testifieth Schusselburg to 7. Catal. Haeret. p. 551. Melancthon in Respons ad artic Bauar to 3. and Manlius in locis tit de Eccles saye God careth not for good workes And the same also do they thinke who as we shall relate hereafter saye that before God good workes are mere iniquities filth stench and dung For surely God careth not for such things THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that good workes are a sweet sauour before God are liked of God please God are pleasing before God The like saye Catholiks Protestants expressely teach that God careth not for workes careth not at all for them doth not regard or respect them is not delighted with them careth not what notable workes we doe maketh no accounte of them yea greatly loatheth them that to wash dishes to make water to playe the cobler pleaseth God as well as to be an Apostle ART XIV WHETHER GOD BE WORSHIPED or serued with good workes SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Isaie 19. v. 21. The Egyptians shall know our Lord in that day and shall worshippe him in hostes and in giftes God worshiped by workes Luke v. 2. c. 37. Who departed not from the temple by fastings and praiers seruing night and day CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton in Ioan. 4. v. 23. Therefore God is so serued inspirit and trueth that as this worshippe doth not exclude the outward acts of pietie and workes of charitie towards our neighbour wherewith we worshippe and serue God in iustice so c. PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Luther delibertate Christiana to 2. fol. 5. For we do not Not glorified by workes glorifie God by working but by beleeuing Ibid. cont Regem Angliae fol. 334. God is serued by faith onely De bonis operibus Not serued by them to 5. fol. 580. Onely faith is the true worshippe of God In c. 1. Ionae to 4. fol. 412. The true God is not serued with workes There is one onely worshippe pleasing to God to will true faith Tindal in Fox before cited God is honoured on all sides in Not worshiped by workes that we count him righteous in all his laws and ordinances and also true in all his promises Other worshippe of God is none except we make an idoll of him Confession of Basil art 13. Faith is the onely true worshippe of God The like saye other Protestants who as we shall see hereafter teach that good works are sinne before God For God is not serued or worshipped with sinne but disserued and dishonored by it THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that God is worshipped and serued with good works The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that God is not glorified by working that God is not serued by works that faith is the onely true worshippe of God that God is serued by onely faith that onely faith is the worshippe of the true God that there is no other worshippe of God but to beleiue him right in all his laws and true in all his promises ART XV. WHETHER GOD DO ACcount those good workes which are not commanded SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Mark 14. v. 3. and 6. There came a woman hauing an alabaster box of ointment of pretious spike-nard and breaking the A worke not commanded good in Gods sight alabaster box she powred it out vpon his head But Iesus saied let her alone why do you molest her She hath wrought a good worke vpon me 1. Corint 7. 25. And as concerning virgins a commandment of our Lord I haue not but counsell I giue CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Card. Bellarmin l. 2. de Monachis c. 16. God is worshipped with euerie act of vertue though not commanded yet done for God PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Confessio Heluet. c. 16. God liketh not workes and worshippes chosen by vs. And Confessio Saxon. c. 17. We teach that works as they say not due are no worshippe of God Luther Postilla in festo S. Ioan. fol. 92. Nothing pleaseth Workes not commanded not pleasing to God God vhich is done without his commandment Melancthon in Disput to 4. p. 602. Works not commanded from heauen are no worhippe of God Caluin 4. Institut c. 13. § 2. All voluntarie worships which we deuise without his commandment are abhominable to God In Rom. 5. v. 19. They dote who vaunte to God of their works deuised by themselues who esteemeth them no more then dung Lobechius in Disput 9. p. 184. Without Gods commandment Nor good a worke though done with neuer so good intention nor forbidden nether is nor can be good THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely affirmeth that S. Magdalens anointing of Christ though not commanded was a good worke gratefull to him that virginitie is good though not commanded The same saye Catholiks Protestants expressely teach that God liketh no worke not commanded by him that no worke not commanded is any worship of God that no worke whatsoeuer not commanded of God is good that what we do without Gods commandment is no more respected of God then dung and is abhominable to him ART XVI WHETHER GOD BE PACIfied with good works SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. 〈…〉 11. and. 13. But Moyses besought the Lord his God pacified by workes God saying why 〈…〉 furie angrie against thy people c. And our lord was pacified 〈…〉 the euill which he had spoken against his people 2. Paralipomen 30. v. 18. and 20. And 〈…〉 for them saying c. Whome our Lord heard and was pacified to the people Psalme 105. v. 30. And Phinees stood and pacified and the slaughter ceased Ezech. 43. v. 27. The preists shall make your holocausts vpon the altar and those which they offer for peace and I will be pacified toward you saieth our lord God CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton in Matth. 17. v. 21. Diuers examples in Scripture do teach vs the force and power of fasting ioyned with praier for to pacifie God PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Luther in c. 1. Ionae to 4. fol. 411. Papists haue an opinion that God can be pacified with our good workes whē as there is no No God that is pacified by workes where such a God In Galat. 2. to 5. fol. 363. The workes which I do according to Gods law do not pacifie his wrathe but prouoke it Workes prouoke Gods wrath Caluin 4. Inst c. 15. § 4. It is the doctrin of the Scripture that our good works are alwaies stained with
a preaching of the grace of God The like hath Gesnerus in Compendio loco 15. Gerlachius to 2. disp 13. The law requiring workes properly belongeth not to the Ghospell Againe It is truely saied that not the Ghospell but the law requireth workes Lobechius Disput 9. The word of the Ghospell sheweth not what is to be done by working but what we must beleiue Caluin in Rom. 10. ver 8. As the law exacted workes the Ghospell requireth nothing else but that men bring faith to receaue Gods grace The like hath Beza in Catechismo compend and others THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely teacheth that Ihon Baptist Christ and the Apostles begā the preaching of Ghospell by preaching pennance that Christ came to call sinners to pennance that pennance and remission of sinnes are to be preached in his name that God in the Ghospell denounceth to all mē that they doe pennance And the Ghospell euery where preacheth good workes The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that the Ghospell properly taken doth not preach pennance that the Ghospell commandeth onely to beleiue in Christ requireth nothing but faith sheweth not what is to be done or vndone but what is to be beleiued that it requireth not workes cānot abide that workes be preached whatsoeuer they be preacheth not that this or that thing is to be done preacheth not newnesse of life or good workes containeth not doctrin of Good workes Which are so contrarie to Scripture as some Protestants confesse it See l. 2. c. 30. ART V. WHETHER THE GHOSPELL do reproue sinne SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Rom. 1. v. 17. For the iustice of God is reuealed in it Gospell The Ghospell reproueth sinne by faith into faith v. 18. For the wrath of God from heauen is reuealed vpon all impietie and iniustice c. Ihon. 16. v. 8. And when he the Paraclet is come he shall argue the world of sinne and of iniustice The same teach the places cited in the former article and others wherein the Ghospell commandeth men to abstaine from sinne and threatneth punishment thereto CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton Roman 1. vers 18. Absurdly and impiously is saied that it belongeth not to the ministerie of the Ghospell to reproue sinne PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Luther Concordiae cap. 5. pag. 593. When the law and The Ghospell reproueth not sinne the Ghospell are compared together we beleiue each and confesse that the Ghospell is not a preaching of pennance reprouing sinne but that properly it is nothing els but a most ioyfull message and a preaching full of comfort not reprouing or terrifying Luther Postilla in die Om. Sanct. fol. 441. The law commandeth Dot not threaten threatneth and vrgeth the Ghospell maketh no threats nor pusheth on Schusselb to 4. Catal. Haeret. p. 209. The Ghospell properly speaking doth reproue no sinne but this is the proper and most proper office of the law Caluin 2. Instit c. 10. § 4. The Ghospells preaching pronounceth nothing els but that sinners through the fatherly goodnes of God are iustified without their merit Beza in Rom. 1. v. 18. To reproue sinne rather belongeth to the ministerie of the law then of the Ghospell THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely teacheth that in the Gholpell Gods anger is reuealed vpon all iniustice that the spirit of the Ghospell reproueth sinne The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely teach that to reproue sinne rather belongeth to the ministerie of the law then of the Ghospell that the Ghospell properly taken reproueth not sinne but is nothing els but a message of ioy and comfort that to reproue sinne is the proper office of the law Which is so opposite to the Scripture as some times Protestants confesse it See l. 2. c. 30. ART VI. WHETHER THE GHOSPELL promiseth saluation with condition of good workes SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Mathew 19. vers 17. If thou wilt enter into life keepe the The Ghospell promiseth saluation vpon condition of Workes commandments Luke 13. vers 3. Vnlesse you haue pennance you shall all likewise perish Roman 8. vers 13. If you liue according to the flesh you shall die Hebrews 10. v. 36 For patience is necessarie for you that doing the will of God you may receaue the promise C. 12. v. 14. Follow peace with all men and holines without which no man shall see God Ihon 3. v. 5. Vnlesse a man be borne againe of water and the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdome of God c. 6. v. 53. Vnlesse ye eate the flesh of the Sonne of man and drinke his blood ye shall not haue life in you c. 15. v. 10. If you keepe my precepts you shall abide in my loue CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Councel of Trent Sess 6. Can. 20. If anie shall say that a man iustified and neuer so perfect is not bound to keepe the commandments of God and the Church but onely to beleiue as if the Ghospell were an absolute and bare promise without condition of keeping Gods commandments be he accursed PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Apol. Conf. Augustan fol. 60. Doth not the Ghospell promise remission of sinnes and saluation euen to those that haue no good workes at all ib. in resp ad arg If remission of sinnes do depend of the cōdition of our workes it wil be altogether vncertaine Luther in Colloq Mensal apud Vlemberg causa 5. The Ghospell promiseth saluation without condition of workes Whosoeuer saieth that the Ghospell requireth workes to saluation is a lyer Perkins in Gal. 3. to 2. The Ghospell offereth and giueth life freely without condition of anie worke and requireth nothing but the acceptance of the thing offered Willet Controu 19. quaest 1. pa. 1012. The Ghospell and the law are twoe distinct things The law saieth Doe this and thou shalt be saued The Ghospell Beleiue onely and it sufficeth vnto life Adamus Francisci in Margarita Theol. loco 8. The promisse of the Ghospell is not conditionall Gerlachius to 2. disput 13. The promisses of the Ghospell are not conditionall but absolute in respect of workes The Diuines of Saxonie in Colloq Aldeburg Scripto 6. p. 134. The promises of the law are conditionall because they propose reward with condition of obedience But the promises of the Ghospell are not conditionall but free Caluin in Antidot Concil Sess 6. Con. 20. In that the Ghospell differeth frō the law because it promiseth life by faith and not vnder the condition of workes as the law doth And 3. Instit c. 11. § 17. The promises of the Ghospell are free and relie vpon the onely mercie of God whereas the promises of the law depend of the condition of workes Peter Martyr in Rom. 11. We denie that Gods testament of remission of sinnes in Christ hath anie condition adioyned Pareus l. 4. de Iustif c. 1. The Ghospell properly is the doctrine of grace so it requireth onely the condition of faith And c. 2. The Ghospell strictly and properly hath promises of saluation vnder the onely condition of faith and
name of vertue Of the same opinion are all Protestāts who as we shall see in the next chapter thinke that all our good workes are defectuous and sinfull For in this the same reason is of faith and good workes THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that some faith is great full abundant consummate in hope against hope nor weake and more pretious then tried gould The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that euerie faith is imperfect none perfect none of anie worth or value euerie one needeth pardon is sinne is defiled with manie spots worse then the law requireth lame polluted defiled with infidelitie like a most filthie leprous and scabbie hand and not truely worthie of the name of vertue ART VIII WHETHER FAITH BE CONsummate or perfected by good workes of charitie SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Iames 2. v. 22. Seest thou that faith did worke with his workes Faith perfected by workes and by workes the faith was consummate CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME S. Thomas 2. 2. quaest 4. artic 3. Charitie is called the forme of faith in that by charitie the act of faith is perfected and formed PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Luther in Gal. 2. to 5. f. 296. The true Ghospell is that workes Workes no perfection of faith or charitie are not the ornament or perfection of faith Bullinger Decade 3. Serm. 9. That opinion is altogether vnworthie of a Christian which affirmeth that our faith is perfected by workes that is that by workes is supplied that which wanteth to faith Caluin in Iacob 2. v. 22. Faith is saied to haue beene perfected Faith not perfected by workes by workes not that it taketh its perfection thence but because thereby it is proued to be true The same say other Protestants commonly THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that faith is consummate or perfected by workes The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that faith is not adorned or perfected by workes that workes do not perfect faith that faith taketh not her perfection from workes ART XIV WHETHER BY FAITH WE do onely know that we are iustified SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY DENIETH. Luc. 7. v. 50. And he Iesus saied to the woman Thy faith Faith maketh safe hath made thee safe goe in peace Rom. 1. c. 17. The iust liueth by faith The same is Galat. 3. Giueth life Hebr. 10. Abacuc 2. Rom. 3. v. 30. For it is one God that iustifieth circuncision Iustifieth by faith and prepuce by faith c. 5. v. 1. Being therefore iustified by faith let vs haue peace towardes God Act. 26. vers 18. That they may receaue remission of sinnes and lot among the saints by the faith that is in me Gal. 2. ver 16. We also beleiue in Christ Iesus that we may be Saueth iustified by the faith of Christ Ephes 2. v. 8. By grace you are saued through faith CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY DENIE C. Bellarm. l. 1. de Iustif c. 17. Let vs proue that true faith is not as our aduersaries would a bare and sole apprehension of iustice but a cause and that it hath vertue of iustifying PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Zuinglius in Exposit Fidei to 2. f. 557. We say that sinnes Faith onely make●h vs certaine of forgiuenesse are remitted by faith whereby we meane nothing els then to say that onely faith maketh a man certaine of the remission of his sinnes De Prouidet c. 6. to 1. f. 371. Iustification and Saluation are attributed to faith whereas they proceed onely from Gods election and liberalitie and faith followeth the election so that who haue it may know as it were by a signe and pledge that they are elected Et in Rom. 8. to 4. If we will speake properly election Faith saueth not saueth not faith but because faith is a certaine signe that thou art an elect it is attributed to faith which pertaineth to election Sutclif l. 2. de Eccles c. 6. The iustice wherewith we are iust Iustification dependeth of no act of ours before God doth not depend of anie temporall act of man but of the eternall decree of God and is then indeed when a man beginneth to beleiue The like hath Perkins in Serie Causarum c. 57. Abbots in Diatribam Tomsoni c. 4. He should remember that before God we are actuallie iustified from all eternitie in We are iustified from all eternitie Faith perswadeth vs of our iustification whome yet this is not reuealed and manifested but in due time Piscator in Thesibus l. 2. loco 8. When we say we are iustified by faith we meane that by faith we are certainely perswaded that God imputeth iustice to vs or remitteth our sinnes for the satisfactiō and obedience of Christ. Of the same opiniō are they who as we shall see in the next article denie that faith is necessarie to iustification or saluation For that sheweth that in their opinion faith hath no other function in iustification then to know it and to make vs certaine thereof And perhaps for this cause they both call faith an apprehension of iustice and define it to be aknowledge of Gods will towards vs as Caluin doth 3. Instit c. 2. § 6. and in Cathecismo c. defide or a persuasion of iustification or saluation as do Bucer and Beza cited art 2. For knowledge or persuasion doth no way cause the thing but onely maketh vs certaine of it THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that we are iustified by faith receaue remission of sinnes by faith that we liue by faith are saued by faith that faith maketh vs safe The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that we are actually iustified from all eternitie that our iustification dependeth of no temporall act of ours that our iustification is then reuealed whē we begin to beleiue that to be iustified by faith is to be perswaded that God imputeth iustice to vs that sinnes to be remitted by faith is nothing els but men to be made certaine by faith that their sinnes are remitted ART XV. WHETHER FAITH BE NEcessarie to iustification or saluation SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Marc. 16. v. 16. He that beleiueth not shal be condemned Faith necessarie to saluation Ioan. 3. v. 18. He that doth not beleiue is already iudged because he beleiueth not in the name of the onely begotten Sonne of God Et v. 36. He that is incredulous to the Sonne shall not see And iustification life but the wrath of God remaineth vpon him Hebr. 11. v. 6. Without faith it is impossible to please God CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Councel of Trent Sess 6. c. 7. Without faith none was euer iustified PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Willet Cont. 12. q. 5. p. 574. Christ dwelleth in Infants by his Not necessarie to iustification Holie Spirit though they haue no faith The same he repeateth Contr. 13. q. 1. p. 592. Et Cont. 12. cit p. 569. Infants haue nether faith nor charitie Whitaker Contr. 2. q. 6. c. 3. Baptisme infuseth not faith or any
say that there are any good workes of them which are not iustified CONFERENCE OF THE FORESAIED WORDS Scripture plainely saieth that a horlot was iustified by her workes that to an other manie sinnes were forgiuen because she loued much that a Sinner in beleiuing God doth well that the Publican did manie good workes before he was iustified The same say Catholiks Protestants plainely say that before iustification no workes are good all are badde are sinnes execrable before God and prouoke Gods wrath againe the workes ART II. WHETHER EVERIE GOOD worke of the Iust be sinne or the iust sinne in euerie good worke SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY DENIETH. Iob 1. v. 22. In all these thinges Iob sinned not with his lippes Iob sinned not in some speeches nether spoake he any foolish thing against God cap. 23. v. 11. My foote hath followed his steppes I haue kept his way and haue not declined out of it 3. Reg. 15. v. 5. Because Dauid had done right in the eies of our Dauid declined not but in some things Lord and had not declined from all things which he commanded him all the dayes of his life except the matter of Vrias 1. Cor. 7. v. 28. But if thou take a wife thou hast not sinned and if a Virgin marrie she hath not sinned v. 37. He sinneth not if she marrie 2. Peter 1. v. 10. Doing these things you shall not sinne at any Doing some things we sinne not time Apoc. 3. v. 4. But thou hast a few names in Sardis who haue not defiled their garments CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY DENIE Councell of Trent Sess 6. c. 11. It is manifest that they are against true doctrine who say that the iust man sinneth in euerie act at least venially or which is more intolerable that he deserueth eternall paines PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Whitaker l. 2. de Peccato orig c. 3. Inherent concupiscence We sinne in euerie act maketh that we sinne in euerie action of ours euē good Againe We teach that the iust do alwaies sinne mortally by nature of the thing and the acts themselues Et ad Ration 8. Campian All good acts are sinnes All good actions are sinnes in Gods iudgment mortall if God pardon them light This Luther saied and he saied truely Tindal in Fox his Act. p. 1139. There is no deed so good but that the law damneth it Luther de Ration Confitendi to 2. fol 26. Euen our good Good workes are sinnes workes if God iudge them according to rigour and not pardon them with mercie are damnable and mortall De Captiuit Babilon fol. 80. Yea good workes are found to be sinnes In Assert art 31. fol. 109. The iust sinneth in euerie good worke f. 110. He teacheth to sinne who denieth a good worke to be sinne In Confutat Latomi fol. 220. All iustice is vncleane euerie good worke sinne Tomo 5. in Gal. 1. f. 227. Let there be workes so it be knowne that before God they be sinnes 228. The workes of the law must needs be sinnes otherwise certainly they would iustifie In c. 2. f. 231. Workes of the most holie law of God are so farre from giuing iustice as that they are sinnes and make a man worse before God De bonis operibus fol. 581. Let a man know All our actions are nothing but dānable sinnes that all his life and actions are nothing but damnable sinnes in the iudgment of God Postilla in Dom. 4. post Pascha With all thy workes which thou doest thou canst do nothing els but sinne Postilla in Natali Christi f. 374. Christ teacheth that all that is ours is nothing but sinne before God Illyricus apud Schlusselburg tom 7. Catal. Haeret. p. 155. All Saints in euerie good worke do sinne Hitherto our men disputed against Papists that all Saints in euerie good worke do sinne Wigandus ib. p. 719. For this verie imperfection and pollution good works of themselues are sinnes Caluin 3. Instit cap. 17. § 11. There was neuer any worke of a pious man which if it were examined by the seuere iudgment of God was not damnable In Refutat Serueti pag. 655. Because God pardoneth vs like his children thereupon he by pardon imputeth free iustice to workes which of themselues are vniust Beza in Conf. c. 4. sect 19 If God in all rigour would examine The best workes are mere pollutions euen the excellentest workes of men nothing e●s would be determined of them then that they are mere pollutions of Gods guifts Et l. q. resp p. 674. If you examine the best workes of the most holie men according to the rule of the law I say they are sinnes Bullinger Decad. 3. serm 10. We say that the good workes of the faithfull are sinnes Serranus cont Hayum part 2. p. 188. Whatsoeuer is of mā is euill is sinne what shewsoeuer it hath of vertue Ianius Cont. 4. l. 3. c. 2. All the workes of a man though iustified are sinnes in themselues Pareus l. de Iustif c. 15. The workes of the iust if they be examined of God according to the rigour of the law are mere sinnes Et c. 20. The iust sinneth euen in well doing We sinne in well doing THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that Iob in some things did not sinne with his lippes did not decline from Gods way that Dauid declined not from all things that God commanded except the matter of Vrias that men sinne not in marrying that doing some things we shall not sinne The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that in euerie good act we sinne that the iust in euerie act sinneth that all Saints sinne in euerie good worke that in well doing we sinne that good workes are sinnes that good workes are of themselues damned of themselues in iust of themselues mortall sinnes that euen the workes of Gods most holie law make a man worse before God that euerie act in the iudgment of God is nothing but damnable sinne mere sinne nothing but sinne nothing but pollution of Gods guifts ART III. WHETHER WORKES OF the Iust be a sweet smell before God SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Gen. 8. vers 20. Noë offered holocaustes vpon the altar and A sweet sauour our Lord smelled a sweet sauour Numbers 29. ver 21. And shall offer an holocaust for a most A sweet ●dour sweet odour to the Lord. Apocal. 8. vers 3. And an other Angel came and stood before the altar hauing a goulden censor and there were giuen to him Incense manie incenses that he should giue of the praier of all Saints vpon the altar of gould which is before the throne of God And the smoake of the incenses of the praiers of the Saintes ascended from the hand of the Angel before God CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME C. Bellarm. l. 4. de Iustif cap. 20. The Scripture eueriewhere praiseth the workes of the iust and saieth they are pleasing to God and accepted as a sweet odour PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Luther in Disp
de Mysterio Trinit to 1. fol. 418. God exacteth Iustice of the the law is dung before God Vncleane the ciuill iustice of the law and in earnest commandeth it though he know that before him it is dung Wigandus in Methodo Doctrinae c. 12. Our good workes are vncleane are dung Vrbanus Regin in Interpr loc com to 1. f. 43. Our workes Filthie generally art filthie Illyricus in Claue Scripturae part 2. tract 6. saieth that Our workes are rifraffe or outcasts vertly vncleane and that they need cleansing Schlusselburg to 7. Catal. Haeret. p. 55. Paul will haue all his righteousnesse to be accounted reiected and contemned as dung and outcasts and Isaias a defiled cloute Caluin in Refut Serueti p. 651. Whē I teach that workes are Stinke before God alwaies mingled as it were with some dreggs so that they stincke before God if they be called to a streit account he saieth that I blaspheme against the Spirit The like he hath de vera Ref. p. 317. Et 3. Instit c. 14. § 16 The Scripture teacheth that all our iustices do stincke in the sight of God vnlesse they draw some good smell from the innocencie of Christ Et c. 12. § 4. Workes if they be iudged according to their worth are nothing but pollution and filth Et concione 158. in Iob Whatsoeuer we can giue to God is stenchie Bucer in Epitome Doctrinae Argent art 9. All Saints account for nothing and dung what good soeuer they did Pareus l. 1. de Iust c. 19. The Apostle simply opposeth the iustice of faith or by faith or the iustice of Christ and God with which alone he wil be found in Gods iudgment against all his workes present past and to come accoūting them all farre lesse for nothing for dung Againe Hitherto the Apostle casting away all his workes as dung is no more blasphemous then the whole Propheticall Church was blasphemous calling all her iustices a defiled cloute which is as filthie a thing Let Bellarmin goe now and crie blasphemies that we call his workes and iustices dung Et l. 2. c. 12. saieth That inherent iustices euen in the state of grace are filth euen all in the rigour of Gods iudgment THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely faieth that the good workes of the Iust are a sweet odour a most sweet odour a smoake of incense before God The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that the good workes of the Iust in the sight of God are filth dung nothing but pollution filth and dung that they are stenchie do stinck before God if they be thoroughly examined that inherent iustices are filth ART IV. WHETHER THE GOOD workes of the Iust be perfectly wholy and intirely good SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Isaie 38. v. 3. Ezechias praieth in these words I beseech Ezechias walked in a perfect hart thee Lord remember I pray thee how I haue walked before thee in trueth and in a perfect hart and haue done that which is good in thine eyes 3. Reg. 11. vers 4. Nether was his hart perfect with our Lord Also Dauid his God as the hart of Dauid his father cap. 15. vers 4. Because Dauid had done right in the eyes of our Lord. 1. Ioan. 4. v. 12. If we loue one an other God abideth in vs and Charitie perfiled his charitie in vs is perfited c. 2. v. 5. But he that keepeth his word in him in verie deed charitie of God is perfited CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME C. Bellarm. l. 4. de Iustif c. 10. All Catholiks teach that the workes of the iust are simply and absolutely iust and in their manner perfect though not in that perfection but that they may increase PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker l. 8. cont Dureum sect 89. There is no intire good No intire good in this life of ours in this life l. 9. sect 34. Our workes are manie waies vitious and are not answerable to the perfection of Gods law Ad Ration 8. Campiani In euerie action of man though notable Some vice in euerie act there is some vice which wholy marreth the action and maketh it odious to God if it be examined by the weight of his iustice Perkins in Gal. 5. ver 17. The workes of the regenerate are in In parte euill parte euill Confessio Wittembergens c. de Bonis operibus All the Imperfect good workes which we doe are imperfect nor one can bear the seueritie of Gods iudgment Confessio Augustana c. de operibus The new obedience is farre from the perfection of the law And Apologia eiusdem cap. de Implet legis Our workes are vncleane and need mercie Confessio Heluet. c. 16. There are manie thinges vnworthie Haue manie imperfections of God and very manie imperfections are found in the workes of Saints The like hath Confessio Belgica art 14. and Scotica Defiled art 15. Luther in Gen. 15. to 6. Thy workes are alwaies defiled imperfect and polluted Kemnice 1. part Exam. tit de Iustif Inherent iustice in this life is onely begunne imperfect and vncleane Zuinglius in Marci 10. tom 4. In the iudgment of God all Impure our workes though neuer so good wil be found impure and vncleane Peter Martyr in 1. Cor. 7. ver 19. We do nothing how good Spotted and holie soeuer it seeme to be which indeed is not spotted with manie vices Againe As workes come from vs they are disgraced with infinit filth Caluin l. de lib. arb p. 141. There was neuer anie good worke Lame which euerie way pure and perfect wholy wanted any spot In Math. 5. v. 12. What good worke soeuer cometh from the best mē is lame and vitious In Actor 6. v. 11. The workes of Saints haue alwaies some fault mingled with them The like he hath often times Beza in Confess cap. 4. sect 19. So great is Gods goodnesse that he doth not onely not dislike our workes though most imperfect but also so farre alloweth them as he vouchsafeth them reward Vrsinus in Catechismo q. 62. Our best workes in this life are imperfect and consequently defiled with sinne Pareus lib. 4. de Iustif cap. 10. They proue that the workes of Saints are imperfect and consequently sinnes c. 15. The workes of the Iust haue an imperfect goodnesse their goodnesse whatsoeuer is polluted with the filth of our flesh like as water passing through a filthie channell Et Prooemio in l. 5. The good workes of the iust are not absolutely good but alwaies polluted with inhabiting sinne THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely teacheth that the good workes of the Iust are good and right in the eyes of God that the charitie of those who loue one an other and keepe Gods word is perfect that Ezechias walked before God in a perfect hart that Dauids hart was perfect before God The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely teach rhat the good workes of the Iust are farre from perfection that there are manie imperfections in
almost extinguished in the Church Liber Concordiae Luther in Declar. art c. 4. Those propositions of necessitie of good workes to saluation take away comfort Not necessarie to saluation from troubled and afflicted consciences giue occasion of doubting of the grace of God and are manie wayes dangerous Againe Those propositions of the necessitie of good workes to saluation are not to be taught defended painted but rather to be hissed out cast out of our Churches as false and not sincere Luther in Gal. 1. to 5. f. 286. The false Apostles did teach that Doctrine of false Apostles beside faith in Christ the workes of Gods law are necessarie to saluatiō l. de votis to 2. f. 281. Thou now vnderstādest why I saied so oftentimes that nether vowes nor our workes are necessarie to iustice and saluation And as Schlusselburg to 7. Catal. Haer. pag. 312. reporteth This forme of speech God workes are necessarie Cast out of Luthers Churches to saluation he caused to be blotted and taken out of same mens writings and made a publike disputation of the same and therein cast it out of his Churches and sent it back againe to the Popes market or as Illyricus and Gallus ibid. pag. 567. write In publick disputation held at Wittemberg 1536. he more then fiue times iterated this speech That proposition good workes be Condemned necessarie to saluation we will haue to be condemned abrogated and quite shut out of our Churches and scholes The like saieth Scheptius cited in Colloq Aldeburg p. 153. 349. The Ministers of Saxonie in Colloq Aldeburg p. 6. and 7. condemne this proposition Good workes are necessarie to Popish and impious doctrine saluation and p. 129. say that it is Popish scandalous dangerous and impious contrarie to the word of God the Conf●ssion of Auspurg and writings of Luther to which purpose they cite manie of Luthers sayings p. 134. they say it breedeth desperation Popish paradox p. 151. is the onely foundation of the Popes kingdome p. 349. a Popish paradox Schlusselburg tom 7. Catal. Haeret. pag. 69. Good workes Popish speech are necessarie to saluation is especially the speech and phrase of Papists and the foundation of all Popish and Antichrists workes This foundation standing all Poperie standeth If therefore we Foundation of Poperie shal be so madde as to admit this proposition we shall take away all distinction betwene vs and Poperie all our religion wil be condemned we iustly accounted Schismatiks accursed and ether compelled to recant our doctrine or to be damned for euer And to the same purpose he citeth manie famous Lutherans Morlinus in Schlusselburg to 4. Catal. Haeret. pag. 229. I am assured that it is the doctrine of Sathā if any say or thinke Doctrine of Sathan that to a sinner as he is now after his fall workes are any way necessarie to saluation To which Poach addeth p. 266. that it is doctrine of Sathan to say that good workes are necessarie to saluation ether in the law or in the Ghospell or in anie parte whatsoeuer of Christian doctrine Illyricus Praefat. in Epistol ad Rom. Workes are not any Not any way necessarie way necessarie to saluation Hunnius de Iustif p. 187. This proposition wherewith it is saied that workes are necessarie to saluation I iudge to be cast out of the Church howsoeuer it be painted or coloured Herbrandus in Compendio Theol. loco de bonis operibus Let this proposition God workes be necessarie to saluation be cast away The same say manie other Lutherans whome I name in my Latin booke c. 13. art 13. Confessio Heluet. cap. 16. We do not thinke that good God workes not necessarie workes are so necessarie to saluation that without them no man is euer saued And to this Confession subscribed the Protestant Churches of England Scotland France and Flanders as is reported in Syntagmate Confessionum Caluin in Antidoto Concilij Sess 6. Can. 20. In that the Ghospell differeth from the law that it promiseth life not vpon condition of workes as that doth but for faith Preus l. 3. de Iustif c. 12. Whence we vnderstand that workes Not absolutely necessarie are not absolutely necessarie to saluation l. 4. c. 1. We thinke euen the thiefe who in all his life hadde done no good when in his agonie he fled to Christ being preuented by death to haue beene saued with out workes Et. c. 2. Without new obediēce the promise of life may be sure to the beleiuers And in Gal. 6. lect 73. They Contrarie to the Ghospell Interimists did hould no few points of doctrine contrarie to the Ghospell of seuen Sacraments of workes necessarie to saluation c. THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that patience is necessarie to attaine the promises that without holines none shall see God that vnlesse our iustice be greater then that of the Pharises we shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen that if we will haue life we must keepe the commandments The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that workes are not necssarie to saluation not absolutely necessarie that the thiefe was saued without workes that the Ghospell promiseth saluation without condition of workes that doctrine of necessitie of workes to saluation is Popish is the foundation of all Poperie the doctrine of Antichrist and Sathan Which are so opposite to Scripture as sometimes Protestants confesse it See l. 2. c. 30. ART XIV WHETHER GOOD WORKES be profitable or auaile any thing to iustification and saluation SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. 1. Tim. 4. v. 8. Pietie is profitable to all things hauing promise Good workes profitable of the life that now is and of that to come The same teach other places cited in the former article and others to be cited in the next article CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Catechismus ad Parochos cap. de Oratione By deuout praiers we appease God by almes we redeeme the offenses of men by fasting we wash away the filth of our owne life And albeit euerie one be profitable against all kinde of sinnes yet c. PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Apologie of the English Church We say we haue no meed No meed in workes in Latin praesidium at all by our owne workes and deeds but appoint all the means of our saluation to be in Christ alone Confessio Argentinensis c. 3. It is cleare that our workes Workes helpe nothing to iustice Of no momēt helpe nothing to this that of iniust we become iust Confessio Belgica art 24. Workes proceding from the true roote of faith are of no moment of all for to iustifie vs. Whitaker ad Ration 8. Campiani God in iustifying vs Of no reckoning makes no reckoning at all of our workes Tindal in Fox his actes p. 1143. All that thinke that good Profit nothing workes helpe or profit any thing to get the guift of saluatiō they blaspheme against God and robbe God of honour Which Fox also
but matter of doubting and despairing that if we looke to them we must not onely doubt but despaire of saluation ART XVII WHETHER GOOD WORKES be a cause why God loueth vs SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Ioan. 16. v. 27. For the Father himselfe loueth you because God loueth vs because we loue Christ Because we keepe his cōmandments you haue loued me and haue beleiued that I comeforth from God cap. 15. ver 10. If you keepe my precepts youe hall abide in my loue as I also haue kept my Fathers precepts and do abide in his loue Act. 10. v. 36. In euerie nation he that feareth him and worketh iustice is acceptable to him CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton in Ioan. 16. v. 27. Christ plainely saieth that his disciples loue was a cause why God loued them with this kind of loue PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Caluin in Ioan. 15. v. 10. The obedience which the faithfull Good workes no cause of Gods loue towards vs. giue to him is not so much a cause why he continueth his loue towards them as an effect of his loue Et in cap. 16. v. 17. We are here saied to be loued of God whiles we loue Christ because we haue a pledge of his fatherlie loue THE CONFERENCE Scripture plainely teacheth that God loueth vs because we loue and beleiue in Christ that God continueth his loue towards vs if we keepe his commandments The same say Catholiks Protestants plainely say that our obedience is no cause why God continueth his loue towards vs that we are not loued of God because we loue Christ ART XVIII WHETHER WE OVGHT to do good workes SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Luc. 17. v. 10. When you shall haue done all things that are We ought to doe good workes commanded you say we are vnprofitable seruants we haue done that which we ought to do 1. Ioan 2. v. 6. He that saieth he abideth in him ought euen as he walked himselfe also to walke Et c. 3. v. 16. And we ought to yeeld our liues for the brethren Et c. 4. ver 11. If God hath so loued vs we also ought to loue one an other CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Councel of Trent Sess 6. Can. 20. If anie shall say that a man iustified and neuer so perfect is not bound to the keeping of the commandments of God and the Church but onely to beleiue be he accursed PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Tindal cited in Caluinoturcismo l. 4. c. 22. Thou owest nothing We owe nothing to God but faith to God but faith that thou maest confesse Christ Iesus and beleiue him to haue risen from the dead for so thou shalt be safe in all other things God hath made it free to the to follow thine owne will Luther Postilla in Dom. 3. Aduentus f. 39. All workes besides God requireth nothing but faith Workes are indifferent faith are to be done to our neighbour because God requireth nothing of vs but faith with which we giue him his honour In Gal. 2. to 5. f. 223. Christ hath so abrogated the workes of the law as they may be held indifferently but they bind no more Againe We are not tyed to any externall worke at all but free to any We are free to all workes To all things worke towards any man at any time or manner whatsoeuer A Christian is wholy free to all things doing or omitting as the occasion serueth or wanteth Psal 5. to 3. f. 171. Take this rule where Luthers rule of doing good the Scripture commandeth a good worke to be done do thou so vnderstand that it forbiddeth thee to do a good worke Et apud Kemnitium in locis part 2. tit de operibus p. 73. This phrase of the law A faithfull man ought to do good workes belongeth A Christian ought not to doe good not to Christians And apud Schlusselburg to 7. Catal. Haeret p. 193. We fight as well against good workes as against sinnes And l. de votis apud Coccium to 1. p. 1113. The doctrine Luther fighteth against good workes of workes is necessarily the doctrine of diuels Postilla in Natali Christi ib. Good workes are a couer of filthinesse and hypocrisie Et Serm. de Nouo testamento seu de Missa Let vs beware Bewareth of good workes of sinne but much more of good workes and laws and let vs attend to Gods promise and faith Ministri Electorales in Colloq Aldeburg p. 286. haue these words Gallus affirmed that Luther could hardly beare these propositions Good workes are necessarie A Christiā ought A Christian ought not do doe good workes to do good workes Et p. 128. Gallus Otto and manie other men do openly and bitterly reiect as false and improper this speach Good workes are necessarie and denie that Christians ought to doe good workes Liber Concordiae c. 4. Some haue disputed that good workes Good workes are free are not necessarie but free and voluntarie And some haue earnestly contended that new obedience is not necessarie in the iustified Melancthon in Resp ad Art 24. Bauar to 4. Some Protestants New obediēce not due denie this proposition New obedience is due because it is voluntarie Illyricus apud Schiusselburg to 7. Catal. Haeret. p. 271. condemneth Maior because he teacheth Good workes are necessarie to saluation by reason of debt Et in Apologia cont No debt Tiletan c. 6. All the obedience which Christ properly requireth of those that are to be saued is onely to beleiue in him and to runne to free bankets to which we are inuited of him Pareus l. 4. de Iustific c. 1. confesseth that this is the doctrine Good workes pertaine not to the kingdome of Christ Belonge to Satan We must pray to haue no good workes of the rigid Lutherans Good workes and new obediēce partaine not to the kingdome of Christ but to the world Christiās with their good workes belong to Sathan good workes are so farre from being necessarie as that they hinder saluation and be pernitious We ought to pray God that we perseuere to the end in faith without all good workes And the same speaches of theirs are repeated out of Colloq Aldeburg by Coccius to 1. p. 1113. Zuinglius l. de Relig. c. de Merito The Prophets do vehemently vrge to good workes but whom those that beleiue not well Caluin in Ioan. 6. v. 29. This alone doth God aske of vs that God requireth onely faith we beleiue THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that we ought to do the workes which are commanded vs that we ought to walke as Christ walked that we ought to giue our liues for our brethren that we ought to loue one an other The same say Catholikes Protestants expressely say that a Christian ought not to doe good workes that good workes are indifferent free voluntarie not necessarie and compell no more that a Christian is indifferent to all good workes not tyed to doe good workes
ANIE HAVE loued or followed God in all their hartes SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Deut. 30. v. 6. Our Lord thy God will circuncise thy hart and God will make vs to loue him in all our hart Dauid did so the hart of thy seed that thou maiest loue our Lord thy God in all thy hart and in all thy soule that thou maiest liue 3. Reg. 14. vers 8. Thou hast not beene as my seruant Dauid who kept my commandments and followed me in all his hart doing that which was well liked in my sight 3. Reg. 8. v. 23. Lord God of Israel who keepest couenant and mercie with thy seruants that walke before thee in all their hart 4. Reg. 23. v. 25. There was no king before him Iosias like Iosias followed God in all his hart to him who returned to our Lord in all his hart and in all his soule and in all his power according to all the law of Moises Daniel 3. 41. Azarias thus praieth And now we follow thee Also Azarias in all our hart and feare thee and seeke thy face Psal 118. v. 10. With my whole hart I haue sought after thee And Dauid CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME C. Bellarm. l. 1. de Amiss Gratiae c. 12. Luke writeth of Zacharias and Elizabeth that they walked in all the commandmēts and iustifications of our Lord nether would they be saied to haue walked in all the commandments who had neglected the first and greatest which is of louing God with all the hart PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE The Apologie of the Confession of Auspurg c. de Resp ad Argumenta No man feareth so much loueth God so much beleiueth God so much as he ought Luther in Gal. 5. to 5. f. 417. Thou shalt not find one on earth who so loueth God and his neighbour as the law requireth Postilla None can loue God in all his hart in Dom. 10. post Trinit f. 315. He requireth that we loue him with all our hart which no mortall man can performe Brentius homilia 1. in Dom. 13. post Trinit None was euer found amongst the Saintes who loued God perfectly with all his soule Caluin 2. Instit c. 7. § 5. I say there was no Saint who whilest No Saint euer loued God in all his hart he was in this mortall life attained to that hight of loue that he loued God with all his soule with all his hart with all his power Pareus l. 4 de Iustif c. 11. Such loue of all his soule none of the Saintes had or can haue in this infirmitie Daneus Contr. 5. p. 973. That this precept Thou shalt loue God c. can be fulfilled both vnder the ould and the new testament and that God promised it Deuter. 10. v. 12. 30. v. 6. Hier. 24. v. 7. is most false THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely teacheth that God will make the faithfull to loue him with all their hart that the three children followed God in all their hart that Dauid sought God in all his hart that God vseth mercie to them who walke before him in all their hartes that Iosias returned to God in all his hart in all his soule in all his power and according to all the law of Moises The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely teach that there is not one who loueth God so as the law requireth that no Saint loued God with all his hart that no Saint euer had the loue God in all his hart ART IV. WHETHER GODS LAW BE in the hartes of anie SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Hierem. 31. v. 33. I will giue my law in their bowels and in their Gods law in the hart of some hart I will write it Psal 36. 31. The law of God in his hart Deut. 30. v. 14. But the word is very neare thee in thy hart and in thy mouth to doe it The same Rom. 10. v. 6. CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton in Rom. 10. vers 6. The Scripture here saieth plainely The word is neare that is the commandment of the law to doe it This is not true saieth the Heretike and the word of the law or the cōmandment of the law is not properly in our hart PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Caluin in Rom. 10. v. 6. Euen after regeneration the word Gods law in the hart of none of the law cannot be properly saied to be in our hart because it requireth perfection frō which the faithfull themselues are farre of The same say others who teach that the law is impossible For if it be impossible it is not in our hartes THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that Gods law is in our bowels is written in our hartes is in the harts of some The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that the law of God is not properly in the hart of anie ART V. WHETHER WE PRAY THAT we may fulfill Gods law SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Math. 6. v. 10. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen We pray to fulfill Gods law CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME C. Bellarm. l. 1. de bonis operibus in part cap. 6. We pray that Gods helpe and grace be giuen vs whereby we may and will fulfill Gods commandments PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Perkins in Gal. 3. to 2. col 135. We do not pray that we may We pray not so fulfill the law but that we may endeauour according to our strēght to fulfill it Caluin in Math. 10. v. 6. It sufficeth that with desire we testifie that we hate whatsoeuer is against the will of God In like sorte Daneus in orat Dom. and others who teach that it is impossible to fulfill the law For no man praieth for that which he knoweth to be impossible THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely biddeth vs pray that Gods will be done in earth as it in heauen where doubtles it is fulfilled The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely teach that we do not pray that we fulfill Gods law that it sufficeth to testifie that we hate what is contrarie to Gods law Which is so contrarie to Scripture as sometimes Protestants themselues confesse it See lib. 2. c. 30. ART VI. WHETHER THE KEEPING OF the law be necessarie to saluation SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Math. 19. v. 17. If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandments Keeping of the law necessarie to saluation Ioan. 15. ver 10. If you keepe my precepts you shall abide in my loue CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D Stapleton in Math. 19. v. 17. This doctrine of Christ doth manifestly shew that the keeping of Gods commandments is necessarie to euerlasting life PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Luther in Galat. 2. tom 5. f. 311. The Papists teach Faith in Not necessarie Christ iustifieth but with all the commandments of God must be kept because the Scripture saieth If thou wilt enter c. There Christ is streight denied and abolished Caluin in Math. 19. ver 17. This answere of Christ is legall That none is accounted iust before God vnlesse he
grosse error as also he doth in his Epistle to the Galathians If we exhort to do pennance in hairecloth and ashes because Christ saieth Math. 11. ver 21. If in Tyre and Sidon had beene wrought the miracles that haue beene wrought in you they had done pennance in hairecloth and ashes lōg agoe Caluin ib. answereth Pennance is described by the externall signes which were then solemnely vsed in Gods Church not as if Christ vrged this matter but because he turneth his speach to the capacitie of the common people If we proue that we shall haue life euerlasting for giuing all our goods to the poore because Christ saieth Math. 19. v. 21. If thou wilt be perfect goe sell the things that thou hast and giue to the poore and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen Beza ib. answereth These words of Christ declare not how life euerlasting is of it self to be gottē but are spoakē to reproue him that was deceaued with false hope of his iustice Caluin ib. in v. 20. saieth Christs answere was directed according to the To the mans disposition mans disposition Gerlachius tom 2. disput 13. saieth The Lord in the places alledged Math. 19. and Luc. 10. accommodated To men be wicked with false doctrines To mēs errors his speach to them who asked him who were bewiched with an opinion of legall iustice and Pharisaicall doctrines And againe Christ might easily accommodate his speach to those errours Illyricus in Claue part 2. tract 1. col 32. writeth thus Christ after an other manner sheweth the way to the kingdome Christ shewed one way to some an othe● to others of heauen to the Pharise to the lawyer and to that yong man vaunting of the fulfilling of the law and in other manner vnto Nicodemus boasting of his discipline and good habits gotten by long tyme and time goodnesse of nature and free will and yet in an other manner vnto miserable sinners wrastling with their conscience with the wrath of God and their sinnes Author respons ad Theses Valent. p. 800. thus teacheth That we may graunt that oftentimes in Scripture iustification is denied to the ould and attributed to the new testament Yet According to the Iews supposition none seeth not but that this is saied of the Apostle by supposition of the Iews who like to Papists did speake of the ould testament as of the law which should giue iustice by workes And p. 813. In that Gregorie is deceaued that he thinketh it followeth out of Pauls discourse that prepuce keepeth the law which in trueth the Apostle spoake vpon supposition not as if it were indeed or could be but to shew boasting of the law circumcision and all the other ceremonies was very vaine Nor content to haue thus deluded so manie and so weightie sentences of Scripture they giue a generall rule so to delude them Caluin in 1. Corinth 10. ver 3. It is the Generall rule to delude Scripture thus manner of the Scripture when it speaketh of Sacramēts or other things sometimes to speake according to the capacitie of the hearers and so it doth not respect the nature of thing but what the hearers thinke amisse And l. de Praedest p. 713. The Scripture when it talketh of the Sacraments vseth to speake in twoe sortes If it talke with hypocrites according to their wrong meaning it deuideth the trueth from the signes The like he hath Gal. 3. v. 27. in Ioan. 6. v. 32. Daneus tom 2. Corinth 4. pag. 217. Peter Martyr in locis closs 2. c. 16. § 14. in 1. Cor. 10. Et Polanus in disput priuat 32. saieth God oftentimes Scripture calleth iust who indeed are not so speaketh according to their opinion with whome he speaketh So are they in the Scripture called iust who indeed are not iust but onely in opinion ether of themselues or of others By these and manie such like sleights Protestants vse to delude the holie Scripture which if they be admitted nothing at all can be proued out of Scripture Wherefore I thus make my sixt argument Who not onely in 260. articles do contradict the expresse words of Scripture in their cleare sense but also in manie and weightie matters are forced to say that the Scripture speaketh not accordig to her owne mynde meaneth not as she speaketh speaketh by way of graunt concession or argument according to the mynd capacitie grosse opinion error of others and after a humane fashion not according to the nature of the thing they are to be thought to gain say the true meaning of the holie Scripture But Protestants do so Therefore c. CHAPTER VII THAT PROTESTANTS ARE FORCED to say that the Scripture speaketh ironically mimetically hyperbolically and by amplification and fiction MY seuenth argument to proue that Protestants contradict the true sense of the Scripture shal be because they are forced to say that manie and most weightie sentences of Scripture of faith good workes Sacraments redemption of sinnes meanes of purchasing heauen and the like were spoaken not in earnest but ironically mimetically hyperbolically by amplification and fiction Precepts ought to be kept Ironically For if we proue that Gods commandments can be done because Leuit. 18. Rom. 10. Gal. 3. is saied Who shall doe those things shall liue in them Luther in Gal. 3. tom 5. fol. 347. Answereth I wnderstand that this speach is an ironie or scoffe If anie proue the same because Christ saieth Luc. 10. v. Ironically 26. Doe this and thou shalt liue Luther loc cit answereth I vnderstand this place in common that this saying of Christ Doe this and thou shalt liue is a kinde of ironie and mockage Poach in Schlusselburg l. 4. Catal. Haeret. 4. 301. Albeit the lawyer do inquire of life euerlasting yet if Christs answere be vnderstood according to the law that is without speaciall faith life cannot be ment of eternall life without an ironie Et p. 312. I do not denie but Christs answere may he wnderstood of eternall life not according to the law but an other way to wit ether according to the Ghospell or by ironie Againe That saying and the like may be expounded three wayes First by ironie as Luther saieth Gen. 9. and Galat. 3. Secondly according to the law c. And Gerlachius tom 2. disput 13. There is a secret ironie of Christ If we proue that the commandments must needs be kept because Christ sayeth Math. 19. v. 17. If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandments Pareus l. 4. de Iustificat c. 2. p. 967. answereth Luthers ironie about this place may be defended And pag. 969. It was a serious conference and yet that hindereth not but that the Lord might vse an ironie And Gerlachius to 2. disp 13. cit It was a serious conference and yet there is a secret ironie If we proue that an ill man may haue faith because S. Iames cap. 2. speaketh thus to such a one Thou hast faith
An ill man hath faith Ironically Thou beleiuest that there is one God Thou doest well Beza ib. answereth That which followeth Thou hast faith is spoaken ironically And Caluin ib. v. 18. Erasmus is much deceaued in that he acknowledgeth not an ironie in these words The speech is ironicall And Thou doest well is added for to extenuate And likewise in Rom. 3. v. 30. he saieth I thinke that there is an ironie in the words And lib. 6. de lib. arbit pag. 198. Salomon Mans is to prepare his heart Ironically saieth Prouerb 16. it is mans parte to prepare the hart and the Lords to gouerne the tongue Who seeth not that it is an ironicall description of mans arrogancie who challengeth to himselfe all high matters and hath not the least matter in his power If we proue that good workes do cleanse from sinne Almes cleanseth sinne Ironically because Christ saieth Luc. 11. v. 41. But yet that that remaineth giue almes and behould all things are cleane vnto you Vallada in his Apologie c. 22. pag. 300. answereth Christ is farre from teaching that by almes sinnes are redeemed that on the contrarie he derideth and rebuketh the Pharisees that they had this opinion And the Apologie Conf. August c. de respons ad argum There are manie who interprete it to be an ironie This interpretation is not absurd nor hath anie thing which is contrarie to other Scriptures P. Martyr in Rom. 11. Those words Giue almes c. may be expounded three waies The first is to say that the speach is ironicall And this he repeateth in locis class 3. c. 4. § 34. Aretius also in locis part 1. fol. 90. saieth Others chuse rather to take this sentence of Christ ironically If we proue that sinnes may be redeemed by almes because Daniel saieth c. 4. ver 24. Redeeme thy sinnes by almes Schlusselburg tom 8. Catal. pag. 524. saieth There are Almes redeeme sinne Ironically some that expound this place ironically Which he doth not dislike If we proue that the commandements may be kept because Luc. 18. v. 22. a man that saied he had kept them all Christ reprehendeth not but saieth Yet one thing thou One thing lacking Ironically lackest Sell all that euer thou hast and giue to the poore c. Beza ib. answereth Yea all things lack seing no man can keepe euen one commandment so as the law appointeth wherefore Christ speaketh with a holie ironie If we proue that a sinner hath free will or power to conuerte himselfe because God saieth Oseae 5. ver vlt. Going I will returne to my place vntill you faile and seeke my Men seeke God Ironically face Whitaker and Rat. 9. Campiani answereth Which words truely he spoake ironically and mimetically And lib. 9. cont Dur. sect 25. It is manifest that the Lord spoake ironically Thus you see in how great matters they say that the Prophets Apostles Christ and God himselfe spoake ironically or scoffingly when they speake against thē which is indeed to make the Prophets Apostles Christ and God himselfe to be scoffers or rather to scoffe and mock them Now let vs see how they say that the Scripture speaketh mimetically or by imitation of others If we proue that faith is a worke because Christ Faith is a worke Mimetically saieth Ioan. 6. v. 29. This is the worke of God that you beleiue in him Beza ib. answereth Perhaps this kind of speach is borrowed of the common vses and is to be expounded by mimesis or imitation as if one comming to a Phisician should aske of him for how much money would he cure him and the Physician should answere in these words All the money which I demaund of you is this that you trust me and be perswaded that I seeke nought but your health If I say the Physician should thus answere who could gather out of this answere that money is the trust which the Physician demandeth of the sicke man for to obey holesome aduise Wherefore they are very ridiculous that I may omit other paralogismes who out of that place do gather that faith is a worke Pareus l. 1. de Iustificat c. 16. Faith is improperly called a worke For Christ calleth faith in it selfe a worke of God according to the speach of the Iewes who asked him And Whitaker lib. 8. cont Dur. sect 88. Christ called faith a worke ether mimetically or because it is the worke of the holie Ghost If we proue that that faith whereof S. Iames speaketh Faith iustifieth Mimetically is iustifying faith because c. 2. v. 24. he saieth Yee see that a man is iustified by workes and not by faith onely that is Man is iustified by faith but not by onely faith Pareus l. 4. de Iustificat c. 18. answereth He addeth that Antithesis And not by faith onely by mimesis or imitation of the hypocrites we are iustified by faith onely yee see saieth he this is false If we proue that Christs flesh is truely eaten because he saieth Ioan. 6. My flesh is truely meate Zuinglius in Exegesi tom Christ flesh eaten Mimetically 2. fol. 333. answereth He finely obserueth the imitation of the Iewes who ether thought or would seeme to thinke that he was but a mere man And vpbraiding to these men their error he saieth His flesh is truely meate The same he repeateth in Ioan. 6. tom 4. fol. 308. And addeth fol. 334 According to etheologie and mimesis which are a kind of alleosis that is by imitation wherewith he spoake according to the speach and opinion of his enemies he vseth the word Flesh and meaneth Saieth Flesh and meaneth Spirit the Spirit that is his Diuinitie as often as he attributeth life to his flesh If we proue that there are twoe testaments because S. Paul saieth Gal. 4. For these are twoe testaments the one truely One testamēt Mimetically c. Zuinglius in Elencho tom 2. fol. 3. answereth Paul calleth it one testament not that it was truely a testament but by etheologie or imitatiō of them who so called it And he addeth who more stifly embraced shaddows as it is the grosse dispositiō of men more then they ought would rather leese light then darknesse not vnlike to that madde man who greatly complained that his freinds had procured him to be restored to his witts After the manner of these men Paul saieth that there are twoe testaments See how he saieth that Saint Paul speaketh like a madde man And in Ioan. 6. tom 4. p. 305. Where Christ calleth faith a worke he saieth Christ plaieth in the word worke and calleth faith a worke because they looked to workes So in the Epistle to the Rom. and Galat. by imitation he calleth grace the law of the spirit And in Math. Grace called a law Mimetically 19. pag. 107. The Lord continueth in his imitation and accommodateth his speach to the mynd of the yong man who after a Pharisaicall manner did think that
iustification and life euerlasting were to be gotten by workes And in Iacob 2. p. 549. he saieth that when S. Iames termeth faith that which is without workes he speaketh by imitation imitating them Faith without workes Mimetically who bragged of dead faith which is no faith as of liuelie and true faith Illyricus also in Claue tract 4. col 332. saieth that by imitation the Ghospell is called the law of faith Rom. 3. and faith a The Ghospell law of faith Mimetically worke Ioan. 6. and in like manner it is saied Make to your selues freinds of the mammon of iniquitie If we proue that those things which are written in the booke of wisdome were spoaken of Salomon because the praier to God which is in the 9. chapter can agree to no other Whitaker Controu 1. quaest 1. c. 12. answereth That might be done mimetically by imitation of the writer Salomon praieth to God Mimetically whosoeuer he was And the same saieth Rainolds Praelect 20. and. 21. As if imitations which are grounded in lyes and that in praiers to God were to be admitted in Scripture What other thing were this for Scripture but to imitate others in lyes and euen then when it speaketh to God And thus much of their Mimeses or imitation Now let vs see some of their hyperboles If we proue that faith may moue mountaines because Faith may moue mountaines Hyperbolically Christ saieth Math. 17. ver 20. If you haue faith as a mustard seed you shall say to this moūtaine Remoue from hence thither and it shall remoue Caluin ib. in v. 19. answereth It is certaine that it is an hyperbolicall kind of speach whē he saieth that by faith trees and mountaines may be remoued The same hath Illyricus vpon this place If we haue proue that almes deliuereth from sinne because Almes deliuereth from sinne Hyperbolically it is saied Tobie 4. v. 11. Almes deliuereth from all sinne and from death Vallada in his Apologie cit pag. 304. answereth This kind of speach of Tobie is hyperbolicall And Apologia Confess August c. de respons ad argum We will not say that it is an hyperbole albeit it must be so taken least it detract from the praise of Christ whose proper office is to deliuer from death and sinne If we proue that one man by his praier may procure One man procureth life to an o●her Hyperbolically life to an other because it is saied 1. Ioan. 5. vers 16. He that knoweth his brother to sinne a sinne not to death let him aske and life shal be giuen him sinning not to death Caluin ib. answereth If you vnderstand of man that he giueth life to his brother it is an hyperbolicall speach If we proue that God hath promised reward to good God rewardeth works Hyperbolically workes Zuinglius de Prouident c. 6. answereth These are hyperboles and hyperoches If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandements Who shall doe the will of my father c. and what promises soeuer els are made to workes Thus they deuise hyperboles in Scripture and yet Pareus lib. 1. de Iustific cap. 15. and in Galat. 1. Lect. 9. saieth I dare not say that there is an hyperbole in Scripture sith it ouerlas heth the trueth and seemeth to be a kind of lie If we proue that faith can be without charitie because Faith without charitie A fiction S. Paul saieth 1. Cor. 13. v. 2. If I haue all faith so as I remoue mountaines and haue not charitie I am nothing P. Martyr ib. answereth The Apostle speaketh by fiction for to exaggerate the dignitie of charitie Who seeth not that Paul speaketh here hyperbolically And in Rom. 11. When the Apostle Impossible Charitie extolled by fiction by all means extolled charitie he vsed a fiction for to extoll it But Luther Postilla in Domin Quinquagesimae saieth Paul brought an impossible example If we proue that faith may be without workes because S. Iames saieth cap. 2. v. 18. Shew me thy faith without Faith without workes workes Caluin ib. answereth In that he biddeth shew faith without workes he argueth from an impossible thing And in v. 17. It is cleare enough that the Apostle doth reason from an impossible thing If we proue that widdows marrying after they haue giuen their faith to the contrarie are damned because as S. Paul speaketh 1. Timoth. 5 vers 12. they haue made voide their first faith Caluin 4. Instit c. 13. § 18. answereth The Widows leese their first faith By Amplification Apostle for amplification sake addeth that they haue broken or made voide their first faith Wherefore in forme thus I argue Who not onely in so manie and so great matters contradict such words of Scripture and in such a sense as we haue seene but also in manie and great matters are forced to say that the Scripture seaketh ironically mimetically hyperbolically by way of fiction and of amplificatiō and by impossibilities they are to be thought to contradict the true sense of the Scripture But Protestants do so Therefore c. CHAPTER VIII THAT PROTESTANTS ARE COMpelled to turne the most generall propositions of the Scripture into particulars THE eight argument wherewith I will proue that Protestants cōtradict the true sense of holie Scripture shal be because in manie and weightie mattie to wit of God of Christ of the Church of Sacraments of faith and the like they are forced to turne the most vniuersall propositions of Scripture into particulars For touching God If we proue that he hath a will to haue mercie on all because Rom. 11. v. 32. it is saied God Touching God hath concluded all into incredulitie that he may haue mercie on all Beza ib. answereth The vniuersall particle All is to be restrained to wit as he saieth l. de Praedest cont Castel All that is Some p. 360. All who shall beleiue The like he hath in Colloq Montisbel p. 421. and in Resp p. 216. 223. and Caluin 3. Instit c. 24. § 17. But Zanchius l. 1. de Nat. Dei c. 2. tom 2. cal 562. saieth that this place and also that other Preach the Ghospell to euerie creature and the like belong onely to the elect If we proue the same because Sapient 11. v. 24. it is saied Thou hast mercie on all c. P. Martyr in Rom. 9. answereth But it easily appeareth that these things are to be vnderstood All that is Some of the vniuersall companie of the elect If we proue that God hath a will to saue all because 1. Timot. 2. v. 4 it is saied of God Who will all men to be saued Bucer in Math. 6. answereth That he saieth All is as much as if he had saied some of all Et Idem apud Zanchium l. de Perseuerant to 2. col 343. That place 1. Timoth. 2. Who will all and 1. Ioan. 2. He is the propitiation c. cannot be vnderstood but synechdochically for manie that is for
Beza l. de Diuort vol. 2. p. 87. saieth The Apostle respecteth that which is ordinarie and falleth out for the most parte as supposing that amongst the faithfull to whome he wrote marriages could scarce be dissolued by anie other means then by death If we proue that all sick folke are to be anointed with oile because S. Iames saieth cap. 5. ver 14. Is anie man sick Anie man that is Some among you let him bring in the preists of the Church and let them pray ouer him anoiling him with oile in the name of our Lord. Tilenus in Syntagm cap. 58. answereth As if those things which are spoaken indefinitly and commonly were to be taken vniuersally Concerning faith If wee proue that faith it is necessarie Touching faith to all because it is saied Ioan. 3. ver 36. Who beleiueth not abideth in death Caluin 4. Instit c. 16. § 31. answereth Christ speaketh not there of the generall guilt wherewith all the Who that is Some posteritie of Adam is infected but onely threatneth the despisers of the Ghospell who proudly and obstinately refuse grace offered to them The like hath Vorstius in Antibel pag. 375. If we proue the same out of those words Marke vlt. ver 16. He He that is Some that beleiueth not shal be damned Zuinglius lib. de Peccat orig tom 2. fol. 118. This is no way to be vnderstood simply but of those who hauing heard the Ghospell would not beleiue If we proue that no faith auaileth anie thing without charitie because it is saied 1. Cor. 13. v. 2. If I haue all faith so All that is Some as I remoue motūaines and haue not charitie I am nothing Caluin ib. answereth The faith whereof he speaketh is particular Beza ib. As for All that signifieth not in this place all kindes of faith but declareth a certaine perfection of this kind that is it signifieth rather whole then all Peter Martyr in Rom. 11. pag. 935. saieth We must know that vniuersall propositions are to be restrained to the matter whereof the speach is And in Rom. 9. p. 725. and 728. he limitateth manie vniuersall propositions of the Scripture Touching good workes If we proue that charitie falleth Of good workes not away in heauen because it is saied 1. Co. 13. ver 8. Charitie neuer falleth away Caluin ib. answereth What if I Neuer that is not for a time except that the perpetuitie of charitie whereof the Apostle here speaketh is after the last day and belongeth not to the time betweene And in Zacharie 1. v. 12. We know that the offices of charitie are restrained to the course of this life If we proue that the Apostle doth counsel single life vnto all men by these words 1. Cor. 7. v. 7. I would all men to be as my selfe Bullinger ib. answereth I would indeed all All that is Some men to wit who feigne chastitie obserue saieth he the synechdoche and leaue their wiues to be as my selfe If we proue that God graunteth chastitie to all that aske it out of that most vniuersall promise of Christ Ioan. 16. Any thing that is Some ver 23. Amen Amen I say to you if you aske the Father any thing in my name he will giue it you Daneus Contr. 5. p. 1038. answereth That generall promise of Christ doth not legitimate that I may so speake or make lawfull all our praiers before the Lord but onely those things which we aske according to Gods expresse and reuealed will and not other things And Perkins in Casibus Conscient l. 2. c. 15. Christs promise is to be vnderstood of those things which are necessarie to saluation and not of these especiall guifts In like sorte answereth P. Martyr de Votis col 1437. Riuet in Contr. tract 1. sect 67. Vorstius in Antibel p. 224. and others If we proue that we may pray for all men because S. Paul saieth 1. Timoth. 2. v. 1. I desire therefore first of all things that obsecrations praiers postulations thanks giuings be made for all men Rainolds Apol. Thes pag. 245. Answereth Where we are bidden to pray for all the word All doth not signifie All that is Some euerie of the kind but euerie kind of men Concerning sinnes If we proue that euen a faithfull Of Sinnes man committing a great sinne becometh the sonne of the Diuel because 1. Ioan. 3. v. 8. it is saied Euerie one that committeth Euerie one that is Some sinne is of the Diuel Scarpe de Iustificat Contr. 13. answereth They onely are saied to serue the Diuel and to be his children in whome sinne reigneth and who commit sinne with a full will but the faithfull doe not sinne so The like hath Pareus lib. 2. de Iustific cap. 17. and lib. 4. cap. 17. And if we proue that Dauid when he committed murder had not life in him because 1. Ioan. 3. v. 15. is saied And you know that no murderer hath life euerlasting in himselfe Protestants will except both Dauid and all the elect faithfull as appeareth by what we rehearsed l. 1. c. 16. art 5. and 6. If we proue that no fornicatour hath inheritance in Christs kingdome because S. Paul saieth Ephes 5. vers 5. Know you this that no fornicator hath inheritance in the kingdome None that is not Some of Christ and of God Scarpius de Iustif Contr. 5. pag. 86. excepteth the faithfull If we proue that all faithfull must feare least they fall Who that is Some because it is saied 1. Cor. 11. v. 12. Who thinketh himselfe to stand let him take heed Et Rom. 11. v. 20. Thou by faith dost stand be not to highly wise but feare Caluin 3. Inst c. 12. § 22. He doth not warne euerie man Of Gods law Touching the law of God If we proue that the faithfull may keepe all the commandements because it is saied All that is Some of Zacharie and Elizabeth Luc. 1. v. 6. They were both iust before God walking in all the commandements and iustifications of our Lord without blame Caluin ib. saieth I answere that these praises wherewith Gods seruants are so highly commended are to be taken with some exception If we proue that Iosias did keepe the whole law of God because it is saied of him 4. Reg. 23. He turned to our Lord in all his heart according to all the law of Moises Hunnius All that is Some tractat de Iustific p. 170. answereth That which is added According to all the law of Moises doth chiefly respect that reformation in religiō instituted according to the law of Moyses Thou seest Reader how often and in how manie and weightie matters Protestants are forced to turne the most generall or vniuersall sayings of the Scripture into particulars and how manie vniuersall particles both affirmatiue as All Euerie one Euerie creature As manie Whole As long time Who Anie man Anie thing and Negatiues as Not anie Neuer No fornicator No murderer
from euill to good because it is saied absolutely Zacharie 1. ver 3. Conuert to me saieth the Lord of hostes and I will conuert to you they limitate this onely to outward conuersion Peter Martyr in Roman 11. The Prophet spoake not of inward iustification but of outward conuersion to good workes If we proue that we are not infallibly certaine of forgiuenesse Touching Iustification of sinnes or eternall punishment because it is saied absolutely Ioel. 2. v. 14. Who knoweth if he God will conuert and forgiue and the like is saied Ion. 3. v. 9. Kemnice in locis part 2. tit de Argum. limitateth this to forgiuenesse of temporall punishment and saieth All the speach of the Prophet tendeth to that he treateth of remission of temporall punishment In like sorte he limitateth manie other places of Scripture in which forgiuenesse is attributed to workes onely to forgiuenesse of temporall punishment That also of Tobie cap. 4. Almes deliuereth from death he restraineth to temporall death And in like manner promises made to good workes he limitateth to certaine blessings in this world or in the next but will not haue them extended to eternall life And finally wheresoeuer in the Scripture anie man praieth God to iudge or reward him according to his iustice he limitateth that to the iustice of his cause or quarell with other men If we proue that euerlasting happines is giuen for good Touching eternall life workes because S. Iames saieth cap. 1. ver 25. He that hath remained in it not made a forgetfull hearer but a doer of the worke this man shal be blessed in his deed they limitate this to blessednes in this life Schlusselburg to 8. Catal. Haeret. p. 497. thus answereth to this place To be blessed is not alwaies taken in holie writ for eternall saluation but for blessednes in this life If we proue that we must not onely beleiue but also keepe the law because Christ saieth Math. 5. ver 18. I am not come to break the law but to fulfill Caluin ibid. answereth Here is treated of doctrine not of life Touching doctrine we must not imagin anie abrogation of the law by the coming of Christ And v. 19. where is saied One iot or one tittle shall not passe of the law till all be fulfilled Caluin ibid. saieth I answere that word be done or fulfilled is not referred to mens liues but to the solide trueth of doctrine If we proue that our consciences are obliged by the particular Touching laws of men iust lawes of Princes because it is absolutely saied Rom. 3. v. 2. He that resisteth power resisteth the ordinance of of God and v. 5. Be subiect of necessitie not onely for wrath but also for conscience sake they limitate these words to the power of Magistrates in generall Daneus Contr. 5. p. 1127. To obey the Magistrate in generall is a matter of conscience but to obey this or that law of the Magistrate wholy and in all points we are not bound in conscience And Whitaker libr. 8. cont Dureum sect vlt. We must obey the Magistrate in generall for conscience sake because by a generall precept we are commanded to obey the Magistrate but particular lawes of Magistrates haue no command ouer our consciences In like sorte Caluin 4. Instit c. 10. § 5. Wherefore thus in forme I frame my ninth argument who not onely in so manie and so great matters do contradict such words of holie Scripture and in such sense as we haue seene but also take so much vpon them as limitate and restraine so manie and so weightie sentences of Scripture they are to be thought to gayne say the right sense of Scripture But Protestants do so Therefore c. CHAPTER X. THAT PROTESTANTS CHANGE manie absolute Propositions of Scripture into conditionals THE tenth argument shal be taken from that Protestants are forced to change manie and weightie absolute Propositions of Scripture into conditionals For if we proue that absolutely God will not the death Touching God of a sinner but rather his life and conuersion because he absolutely saieth Ezechiel 18. and 33. I will not the death of a sinner but rather that he be conuerted and liue Caluin l. de Praedestinat pag. 706. answereth Whereas the Prophets speach exhorteth to pennace no maruaile if God say he will haue all to be saued but the mutuall relation betwene threats and promises sheweth that such kind of speaches are conditionall So the promises which inuite all to saluation shew not what simply and precisely God hath decreed in his secret counsaile but what he is readie to doe to all that are brought to faith and pennance Touching the Church if we proue that the gates of Touching the Church hell shall not preuaile against her because Christ doth absolutely so promise Math. 16. ver 16. Besnagus l. de statu Eccles cap. 8. and others adde this condition If she forsake not her dutie and the word of God If we proue that simply we must heare the Pastors of the Church because Christ saieth Luk. 10. ver 16. He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me Caluin ib. addeth this condition If the Church do faithfully her dutie If we proue that the Church is simply infallible because 1. Timoth. 3. she is simply called the pillar and strength of trueth Vallada in Apol. cont Episcop Lusonensem cap. 20. answereth The visible Church cannot be the pillar of trueth but as it is grounded vpon the doctrine of the Apostles Vorstius in Antibell pag. 143. The Apostle speaketh conditionally to wit as long as the Church perseuereth to be the Church of Christ Academia Nemaus resp ad Tournon p. 546. Let it be a true and faithfull Church if it discerne trueth from falsitie by vndoubted and authenticall trueth If we proue that the Church is simply to be heard because Christ saieth Math. 18. ver 17. If he heare not the Church let him be to thee as an Ethnick and Publican White in his way p. 78. answereth The sense is that we must obediently heare the Church and obey her not simply in all things but conditionally as long as she speaketh agreably to Gods word And Author respons ad Theses Vademont pag. 688. The answere is easie and readie As long as the Church teacheth the word of God she is to be heard but her authoritie is none when she seperateth her selfe from Gods word And when Bellarmin had brought manie places of Scripture to proue that the Church cannot faile Vorstius libr. cit pag. answereth In them certaine conditionall promises are proposed vnto vs by which eternall saluation and securitie against Satan death c. is promised of God to all and euerie faithfull to wit as farre forth and as long as they shal be such or perseuer in true faith If we proue that there are some doers of the law as Touching Gods law well as there are hearers because Saint Paul saieth absolutely Rom. 2.
ver 13. Not the hearers of the law are iust with God but the doers of the law shal be iustified Caluin ibidem answereth This sentence hath onely this meaning If iustice be sought by the law we must fulfill the law because the iustice of the law consisteth in the perfection of workes Peter Martyr ibid. That which he saieth hath this meaning If anie were to be iustified before God by the iustice of the law he must fulfill the law Pareus libr. 4. de Iustificat cap. 14. The Apostlesaieth indeed Doers of the law shal be iustified but he meaneth conditionally if there be anie And Illyricus in Claue part 2. tract 4. writeth thus Roman 2. When Gentils doe those things which are of the law that is if they did them Againe Doe this and thou shalt liue is put for If thou doest them thou shalt liue If we proue that there are some which loue their neighbour and fulfill the law because it is saied Rom. 13. v. 8. Who loueth his neighbour hath fulfilled the law Caluin ib. answereth Paul saieth not what men doe or not doe but speaketh vpon condition which you shall not find any where fulfilled And if you proue that the law may be fulfilled because the Apostle saieth Galat. 6. v. 2. Beare yee one an others burdens and so yee shall fulfill the law of Christ Caluin ibid. answereth Because none performeth altogether that which Paul requireth therefore we are all farre from perfection If we proue that single life is simply good because S. Paul saieth absolutely 1. Cor. 7. v. 1. It is good for a man not to touch a woman P. Martyr in locis Classe 3. cap. 7. § 17. answereth They should see that what Paul hath of the praises of single life are neuer spoaken absolutely If we proue that virginitie may be absolutely counselled Of good workes to men because S. Paul 1. Corinth 7. v. 7. saieth absolutely I would all men to be as my selfe And ver 25. A concerning virgins a commandement of our Lord I haue not but counsaile I giue And ver 28. Art thou loose from a wife seeke not a wife Caluin in ver 25. cit answereth Because it is a slipperie matter and full of difficulties he speaketh alwaies vnder condition And in v. 27. This second member must be taken vnder condition If we proue that some may fall from grace because S. Of Iustification Paul saieth Gal. 5. v. 4. You are fallen from grace Pareus in Galat. 1. lect 7. answereth The Apostle speaketh that conditionally And in cap. 5. vers 4. lect 61. For the Apostle affirmeth not that the Galathians were fallen but threatneth that if that if they will be iustified by the law that it will come to posse that they fall wherefore thus I make my tenth argument Who beside the foresaied opposition on to so manie and such words of holie Scripture are forced to change manie and weightie absolute sayings of Scripture into conditionals they contradict the true meaning of the holie Scripture But Protestants doe so Therefore c. CHAPTER XI THAT PROTESTANTS CHANGE Conditionall Propositions of the Scripture into Absolute and delude them diuers other waies THE eleuenth argument for to proue that Protestants contradict the true sense of holie Scripture shal be because they are sometimes forced to change conditionall propositions thereof into absolute and to delude them diuers other waies For if we proue that our freindshippe with God dependeth of our keeping the commandements because Christ saied conditionally Ioan. 15. v. 14. Yee are my freinds if yee doe the things that I command yee Caluin ibid. answereth He meaneth not that we obtaine so great honor by anie merit of ours but onely admonisheth vs vpon what condition he receaueth vs into fauour and vouch safeth to reckon vs amongst his freinds But this wil be more euident by that we shall shew in the next chapter how they of causall propositions make no causall Diuers others waies they delude and frustrate the conditionall propositiōs of holie Scripture For if they can by anie colour they expound them of onely faith or of the holie ghost So they delude those places Ioan. 6. vers 53. Vnlesse yee eate the flesh of the Sonne of man and drinke his blood yee shall not haue life in yee and Ioan. 3. ver 5. Vnlesse a man be borne agayne of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdome of God Which teach that Sacraments are necessarie to saluation Or if they must needs expound them of good workes they will not expoūd thē of doing all necessarie good workes and auoiding all necessarie euill but of some onely or in parte or of endeauor to doe or auoid them so they delude those sayings of the Scripture Rom. 8. v. 13. If you liue according to the flesh you shall die but if by the spirit you mortifie the deeds of the flesh you shall liue Caluin ib. He promiseth vs life if we endeauour to mortifie the flesh For he doth not exactly require the death of the flesh but onely biddeth vs endeauour to tame the lustes thereof And the like he doth in manie other places as may be seene hereafter c. 16. And in like manner they delude all other sentences of Scripture which teach that if we wil be saued or iustified we must doe good workes and eschew euill And according to this they say that we must doe some good or haue some good workes that we must haue a begun or imperfect newnesse of life and keepe the lawe in some sorte or fashion Luther in Isaiae 8. to 4. f. 83. The holie Ghost is giuen that we may satisfie the law in some parte In some parte And in Psal 51. to 3. fol. 455. We will fulfill and keepe the law but with a large that is with a true Euangelicall dispensation Confessio Saxon. c. 9. It is needfull that there be some obediēce Protest dispensation Some obedience Some beginning In some sorte In some kind To begin in those that are iustified Schlusselb to 4. Catal. p. 176. The iustified are free from the accusation and damnation of the law not from beginning of obedience Bucer in Rom. 8. Christ giueth that spirit whereby we auoid sinne in some sorte Pareus l. 3 de Iustif p. 645. Saints doe not doubt of some kind of inherent iustice and l. 4. c. 7. It is enough if we endeauour to begin the new obedience of the law according to all the commandements So that wheresoeuer the Scripture saieth conditionally If thou wilt be iustified or saued doe this or doe not that they vnderstand it with a large dispensation that is doe somewhat or doe not somewhat of it or begin or endeauour to doe or not doe it But if this shift will not serue because the Scripture speaketh conditionally of keeping the whole law as Math. 9. v. 17. If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandements and the like thē they say it is the
c. 3. Nether is eternall life called a reward properly Piscator in Thes l. 2. p. 103. Faith properly speaking doth not purge sinnes Et p. 112. We must not properly vnderstand that Christ purged the Church by the lauer of water in the word but metonymically Imperpely In like sorte for improperly Caluin in Ioan 4. ver 39. The word Beleiue improperly signifieth that they were stirred vp by the speach of the woman to acknowledge Christ a Prophet In c. 6. v. 29. It is euident enough that Christ spoake improperly when he calleth faith a worke In cap. 12. ver 42. He seemeth to speake improperly whilest he seperateth faith from confession In Math. 6. v. 16. That he promiseth reward from God vnto fasting is an improper speach In illud Math. 12. v. 33. Make a good tree It is an improper speach In illud c. 13. v. 19. He scrapeth away that which was sowed in the heart That Christ saieth the word was sowed in their hearts is an improper speach In c. 26. v. 26. The word of Bodie is improperly trāsferred to bread of which it is a signe In illud Rom. 11. v. 22. If he remaine in goodnesse This should be improperly spoaken peculiarly of anie good man that God had mercie on him when he chose him if so he remaine in mercie † Goodnesse In illud Ephes 2. vers 20. Built vpon the foundation of the Apostles Properly Christ is the onely foundation Beza in Colloq Montisb pag. 120. saieth Baptisme was heth away sinnes is an improper speach Aretius in locis part 1. f. 84. There is an other improper forgiuenesse of sinnes as is that of the Ministers Bullinger Dec. 3. Serm. 9. The Apostles improperly attribute iustice to good workes but truely and properly to faith and most properly to Christ himselfe Piscator in Thes l. 2. p. 119. It is improperly saied that faith is imputed to iustice These and manie other things they say are spoaken improperly or not properly when the proprietie of the word maketh against them Something 's they say are to be vnderstood tropically Tropically or Figuratiuely or figuratiuely P. Martyr cont Gardiner col 623. We say That speach This is my bodie is not proper but metopharicall and tropicall And in Hospin part 2. Histor fol. 239. The words This is c. cannot be taken simply and without a figure They are a tropicall manner of speaking And Hospin himselfe ib. fol. 26. saieth Zuinglius expounded Christ his words This is c. by a metonymie interpreting Is for signifieth Fol. 35. OEcolampadius sheweth that the figure is in the word Bodie And fol. 161. Those of Strasburg and Zurich agree that the words are tropicall Caluin de Rat. Concordiae The word Bodie is figuratiuely giuen to bread Beza in Colloq Mōt pag. 302. Our men denie not this proposition Man is God but tell how it is to be expounded we say it is a tropicall speach Daneus Cont. de Euchar. c. 10. Bread it selfe is tropically called the bodie of Christ Vorstius in Antibel p. 394. It appeareth that those words of Christ must needs be meant by a figure Tilenus in Syntagm c. 64. The Apostle indeed saieth Christians haue an altar but not a materiall and visible but figuratiuely Some things they will haue be expounded Symbolically Symbolically Caluin in Admonition vltim ad Westphal Bread is symbolically called Bodie Et cont Heshus p. 844. Touching bread the speach is metonymicall that it may truely be symbolically called the true bodie of Christ Zuinglius in Subsid to 2. f. 245. The disciples vnderstood Christs speach rightly but symbolically Other things they vnderstand aequiuocally Pareus l. Aequiuecally 4. de Iustif cap. 4. I confesse that in Scripture the Ghospell is equiuocally called the law of faith the law of Christ the law of libertie In which sense we graunt that Christ is called a lawgiuer a law maker that is a Teacher Other things they expound Analogically Perkins in Cathol Refor Contr. 11. c. 2. Bread is the bodie of Christ sacramentally by analogie and no otherwise Some things they will haue to be taken Synecdochically Synechdochically Luther in Hospin l. cit fol. 76. There is a synechdoche in the words of consecration as a sword with a scabbard Westphalus in Schlusselb to 7. Catal. p. 176. Luther acknowledgeth a synechdochicall speach in the words of Christ This is c. and the same saieth Adamus Francisci in Margarita loco 16. Bucer l. de Ministerio pag. 609. It is euident that those Take Eate are synechdochicall and are referred to twoe things Peter Martyr contra Gardiner col 933. I alwaies pretēded that I did acknowledge a metonymie or synechdoche in those words of the Supper And he addeth It cannot be denied but there is a manifest alleosis And col 965. I confesse that Bucer liked better a synecdoche Vorstius in Antibellarm p. 42. Nothing hindreth by Soule synechdochically to vnderstand the bodie it selfe and that also dead Wigand in Schlusseb to 7. Catal. p. 754. Worke your saluation with feare and trembling is a synecdoche that is Doe true pennance Lobechius disput 22. The Scripture saieth that faith iustifieth vs and faith is imputed to iustice by metalepsis and synechdoche taking faith for the obiect of faith that is for Christ or the iustice of Christ Scarpius also de Iustif Cont. 1. saieth that this speach Faith iustifieth is synecdochicall Sometimes that words which make against them are Catachrestically taken Catechrestically or abusiuely Zuinglius l. de Relig. cap. de oration Christ abusiuely calleth faith a worke Agayne Testament is taken here abusiuely for the signe or symboll of the testament In Elencho fol. 31. Paul speaketh of twoe testaments but the one he calleth catachrestically a testament In Respons ad Billican O Ecolampadius saith that here in words of the Supper is a catachresis or metonymie In Math. cap. 9. That the Scripture calleth faith that which is dead is done by abuse of the word as we say the faith of Iews the faith of Turkes And in Hospin lib. 2. Histor fol. 35. When I say that by Catachresis This bread signifieth my bodie and OEcolampadius saieth metonymically This bread is a figure of my bodie what difference I pray you is there in the summe of the sense Illyricus in Mathew 5. vers 12. Christ abusiuely calleth future goods a reward Caluin 3. Institut cap. 2. § 9. The testimonie of faith is attributed to such but by catachresis Zanchius in Supplication tom 7. pagin 59. That speach To obey their concupiscences when it is attributed to the elect is to be vnderstood catachrestically Pareus l. 1. de Iustif c. 15. A dead faith is not a true faith though abusiuely it be called faith Author Resp ad thes Valent. Our men do say truely and orderly that the Ghospell cannot be called a law but catachrestically Otherwhile they will haue the words of Scripture which are contrarie to them to
be in it selfe cleare So Pareus in Gal. 2. lect 25. The Ghospell teacheth good works not of it selfe but borroweth the doctrine of workes from the law So the some Pareus Colleg. Theol. 9. disput 39. The Thessalonians tooke not vpon them to iudge or to debate whether Gods trueth were to be admitted but onely examined Pauls doctrine according to the touchestone of Scripture So Caluin act 17. vers 13. As if Paules doctrine and Gods trueth were not all one The Ghospell in a most large sense is taken for the whole doctrine of Christ and the Apostles Largely for the doctrine both of grace and faith and of repentance and new obedience but straitely and properly for the doctrine of grace by faith So Pareus l. 4. de Iustif c. 3. Finally the Scripture speaketh as the law not as the Ghospell by which distinction they delude manie places of Scripture as is to be seene in Luther de seru arbit to 2. f. 449. Caluin in Math. 19. vers 17. Pareus l. 4. de Iustif cap. 2. Schlusselb to 8. Catal. p. 441. to 2. p. 270. Of S. Peter and the Apostles they haue inuented these Of the Apostles new distinctions S. Peter is first of the Apostles in order not in iurisdiction The Apostles are foundations of the Church as those that found the Church not as those on which it is founded or as Iunius spaketh Cont. 3. l. 1. c. 10. The Church is founded vpon Peter as vpon a pillar not as on a foundation Of Pastors they distinguish That authoritie is in the Of Pastors word which they preach not in themselues That they gouerne the visible Church but not the Catholike That in case of necessitie they are made without mission but not otherwise See l. 1. c. 7. Of the Church they haue brought in these new distinctions Of the Church That for professiō of faith there is one Church visible an other inuisible That she is infallible in fundamentall points but not in others That she is to be heard when she preacheth Scripture but not otherwise That she is the pillar to which trueth is fastened not on which it relieth So saieth Riuet Tractat. 1. sec 39. Or as Andrews writeth in Resp ad Apol. Bellar. c. 14. She is so the pillar of trueth as that she relieth vpon trueth not trueth vpon her That the Church is necessarie to beleiue the Scriptures not to know them So whitaker lib. 3. de Script 396. That the Church is the staye and pillar of trueth not the foundation of trueth Heilbruner in Colloq Ratisb sess 7. Of the Sacraments they distinguish in this sorte They iustifie as signes or seales not as causes They are receiued Of Sacramēts whole and intire of the good but not of the badde that baptisme is the lauer of regeneration passiuely not actiuely So Daneus Contr. 2. c. 12. That baptisme is but one taken wholy but is twoe taken by partes So Beza part Resp ad Acta p. 44. That the Church is cleansed significatiuely by the baptisme of water but really by the baptisme of the spirit So Beza ib. p. 115. or as Polanus saieth in Disp priu p. 37. Sinnes are saied to be blotted out by baptisme not properly but in a figuratiue sense The same Beza in Hutter in Analysi p. 54. saieth I neuer simply saied that baptisme was the obsignation of regeneration in children but of adoption Perkins in Galat. 3. By baptisme actuall guilt is taken away but not potentiall Pareus in Gal. 2. lect 23. Absolutely we are all borne sinners but in regard of the couenant we are borne Christians or Gods confederats Of the Eucharist they haue these distinctions That it Of the Eucharist is the symbolicall bodie of Christ but not his true bodie That Christ his flesh killed doth profit vs but not eaten That it is exhibited in the Supper according to the vertue thereof not according to the substance That when S. Paul saieth 1. Cor. 11. He eateth iudgement to himselfe he meaneth not of damnation but of correction So wolfius in Schusselb l. 1. Theol. art 25. In like sorte they say that Preists forgiue sinne indirectly not directly directly as it is an offense of the Church indirectly as it an offense of God So Spalata l. 5. de Repub. c. 12. Of faith they make these distinctions That one is Catholike Of Faith or vniuersall or historicall an other speciall Againe that one is abstract naked simple an other concrete compounded incarnate So Luther in Gal. 3. to 5. That there is one habituall and actuall of men an other potentiall and inclinatiue of infants So Pareus l. 3. de Iustif c. 14. or as Polanus saieth part 2. thes p. 651. Infants haue not altogether the same faith that men haue yet they haue some thing proportionable Piscator in Thesibus l. 2. pag. 252. Adam before his fall had not iustifying faith or as Pareus writeth l. 1. de Amiss Grat. c. 7. Adam lost faith of the commandement but not faith of the promise Bullinger dec 5. serm 7. Infants are faithfull by the imputation of God Agayne They are baptized in their owne faith to wit which God imputeth to them Zanchius in Supplicat to 7. Manie reprobates are endued with a certaine faith much like to the faith of the elect but not with the same Perkins in Cathol 4. c. 5. There is one generall and Catholike faith wherewith a man beleiueth the articles of faith to be true and an other iustifying or particular faith Thus they distinguish of faith And in like sorte they distinguish of the iustification of faith to wit that it iustifieth relatiuely or correlatiuely not absolutely and as an instrument not as it is a worke Bucanus in Institit loc 3. Faith is saied to be imputed to iustice not properly but relatiuely Polan part 2. thes pag. 197. We are iustefied by faith not properly but relatiuely Reineccius tom 4. Armat cap. 21. Faith iustifieth as well absolutely as considered relatiuely Pareus in Galat. 3. lection 32. Faith is imputed to iustice relatiuely Agayne Faith iustifieth organically And in Colleg. Theol. 2. disp 10. We are saied to be iustified by faith but not formerly nor meritoriously but organically Touching the losse of faith they thus distinguish Zanchius in Supplication citat The elect loose faith in parte but not wholy Beza in Prefat 2. part respons ad Acta Faith sometimes sleepeth sometimes seemeth to be quite lost but yet is not lost Agayne There is a lethargie of faith but no losse The feeling or vse of faith is lost for a time but not faith it selfe Some reprobates do beleiue with a generall and historicall faith common to the Diuels themselues Tilenus in Syntagm capit 43. The faithfull become sometimes outliers but not runawaies or forsakers In like sorte they say that faith without works at the time of iustification is not dead but at other times if it be without workes it is dead Likewise Reineccius
tom 4. Armat cap. 15. saieth Faith is called a worke not absolutely as it is considered in it selfe but relatiuely as it apprehendeth Christ Hunnius de Iustificat pagin 157. Faith worketh by charitie towards our neighbour not toward God Finally Perkins in Casibus c. 7. That which euerie one is bound to beleiue is indeed true according to the intention of God who bindeth him but it is not true alwaies according to the euent Of good works in generall they coyne these distinctions Of good works in generall The good workes of the iust are good in parte not wholy They are all equall before God but not in themselues They are acceptable to God in his throne of mercie but not of iustice They are necessarie to iustification by necessitie of presence but not of cause They are necessarie to saluation not to iustificatiō See l. 1. c. 14. art 15. To which we adde that Pareus lib. 4. de Iustificat capite 17. saieth That good works are worthie of reward in the courte of mercie but worthie of punishment in the courte of iustice of God Et l. 1. c. 16. 23. 24. Works are required to regeneration not to iustification or as Reineccius speaketh 10. 1. Arm. c. 20. They are necessarie to sanctification not to iustification Who also to 4 c. 22. distinguisheth a worke in Giuing and Receauing and saieth that faith is a giuing worke not a receauing Schlusselb to 7. Catal. p. 446. writeth that obedience is necessarie to saluation but an others obedience not ours And addeth The dutie of obedience is indeed necessarie to saluation forsooth if it be not freely remitted Scarpius de Iustif Contr. 15. Iust men are worthie of the kingdome of God by the worth of aptnesse not of perfection or merit Riuet tract 3 sect 36. There may be a relation of Merit and Reward betwene men but not betwene God and men Perkins in Cathol Ref. Cont. 4. cap. 6. Good workes are necessarie to saluation not as cause but onely as a thing necessarie following faith Touching good works in particular they thus distinguish of good works in particular That to liue single is a good profitable but not honest or vertuous That virginitie is better then mariage in something but not simply That fasting is a parte of Gods worshippe in the law but not in the Ghospel That almes deliuereth from sinne and death not by it selfe but by the cause thereof That it is lawfull to pray for the elect not for others for the liuing not for the dead for things promised in the Scripture not for other things as appeareth by what hath beene rehearsed c. 15. To which we adde that Perkins in Cathol reform Cont. 3. c. 3. writeth that we pray not so much for the forgiuenesse of sinnes past as present Confessio Wittember saieth We may wish to the dead all rest and happines in Christ but we may not pray for them Luther in Postil Dom. 2. post Trin. graunteth that we may once or twise pray for the dead but not often And at home and in our chamber but not in the Church And the like hath Vrbanus Regius in formulis caute loquendi to 1. Who also in locis fol. 322. saieth that we may pray cōditionally for the soule of our brother but not absolutely Feild l. 3. de Eccles c. 17. teacheth that we may pray for one that is dead streigth after his death but not afterward Zuingle in art 60. saieth I condemne not if one being carefull for the dead doe implore or pray Gods mercie for them but to define any time for this is diabolicall Spalata l. 5. Repub. c. 8. n. 132. writeth that God at the intercession of the Church forgiueth litle sinnes soone after death but not long after Thus they distinguish about praier fore the dead Perkins in Apoc. 2. tom 2. The precept of repentance is directly giuē to the elect indirectly to the reprobate Et Tilenus in Syntagm c. 47. There is no counsaile inferred out of 1. Corint 7. but onely a desire and wish of one desiring the guift of continencie Touching sinne these new distinctions they make Of sinne That it is imputed to reprobates and infidels not to the faithfull and elect That it is veniall to the elect not to others that it may stand with iustice with some wrastling no otherwise that byting vsurie is condemned not other as we haue related l. 1. c. 16. Besides Perkins in Cathol ref Cont. 2. cap. 1. saieth that in iustification sinne is taken away not in it selfe but as it is in the person or as Riuet speaketh Cōt tract 3. sect 26. Sinne remaineth in parte not wholy Caluin in Ioā 1. v. 29. Sinne is in vs but not in the iudgement of God Beza in 2. part resp ad Coll. Montisb p. 73. Dauid sinned but not whole but as he was not regenerate p. 79. He did not retaine the holie Ghost but some thing of the holie Ghost pag. 71. Sinne casteth not of the holie Ghost but hindreth his efficacie Et p. 87. It maketh the holie Ghost a sleepe for a time but doth not cast him of Pareus l. 1. de Amiss Grat. c. 7. Adam fell not as he was predestinate but as he was to be predestinated He lost the grace of creation but not the grace of iustification And Piscator in Thes loc 20. The elect do slide but are not cast downe Touching iustification these new distinctions they Of iustification frame It is declared by workes but not caused It forgiueth sinnes but taketh them not away It maketh that sinne is not imputed but not that it is no more It maketh a man iust not in himselfe but in Christ And others such like as may be seene lib. 1. c. 17. Moreouer Luther in Zanchius de Perseuer to 7. col 128. saieth When Peter sinned his loue towards God and Christ was not drowned but onelie floated Reineccius to 4. Arm. c. 15. Sanctification increaseth and decreaseth but not iustification Kemnice in locis part 2. tit de Argum. writeth that when in Scripture God is required to iudge vs or reward vs according to our iustice that speach is not of the iustice of person but of our cause or controuersie with other men And agayne That same yee are cleane Ioan. 13. And yee are washed and sanctified 1. Cor. 7. is to be vnderstood imputatiuely Whitaker ad Rat. 8. Camp Faith hope and charitie doe make vs iust inchoately not absolutely Perkins de Praedest to 1. distingui●heth grace into that which represseth which he saieth is cōmon to reprobates into that which reneweth which he maketh proper to the elect Et in Cath ref Cont 4. c. 4. saieth Adam had imputed iustice according to the substance thereof but not according to imputation Illyricusin Claue part 2. tract 6. Sinne is abolished by right promise for the time to come but not in act and deed Gesner in Cōp loco 22. In Scripture those are called i●st
a contradictorte proposition to the words of Christs institution For Christ saieth This which I giue you to eate is my bodie The Sacramentaries denie it and say That which thou giuest vs to eate is not thy bodie The like hath Musculus art cit They teach that Christ is not in the Supper l. 1. c. 11. art 1. And neuerthelesse thus writeth Beza in Hospin part 2. Histor fol. 301. Manie thinke that we would exclude Christ from the Supper which is plainely impious We are so farre from saying that Christ Iesus is absent from the Supper that aboue all men we most repugne this blasphemie Concerning faith they teach that it is not simply necessarie to saluation l. 1. c. 13. art 15. Which is blasphemous Touching Faith in the iudgement of Luther in Genes 47. tom 6. Zuinglius saieth he wrote of late that Numa Pompilius Hercules Scipio Hector do enioy euerlasting happines in heauen with Peter and other Saints Which is nothing els then plainely to confesse that they thinke there is no faith no Christianitie The like saieth Beza l. de puniend Haeret. Touching good works they denie that it is necessarie Touching good workes they should be present when we are iustified l. 1. c. 14 art 12. Of which doctrine thus pronounce the Electorall Ministers in Colloq Aldel p. 343. It is horrible dishonor to God and a barbarous doctrine to professe that in the very instant and act of iustification not onely merit but also necessitie of the presence of good works is excluded They say that all the good works of iust men are sinnes and mere iniquities lib. 1. cap. 14. art 2. Of which doctrine Zuinglius giue●h this verdict in Exposit Fidei to 2. Some of ours haue saied paradox like that euerie worke of ours is abhomination They say also that we may not doe good for reward l. 1. c. 14. art 19. Of which doctrine Remonstrantes in Collat. Hagae p. 95 giue this censure Who denie that the faithfull may doe good workes in regard of reward due to good works he peruerteth and denieth the nature of faith of Gods law of eternall life and death Touching sinne they teach that in the faithfull it doth Touching sinne not expell grace l. 1. c. 16. art 6. Of which Hutter thus writeth They plainely make the Apostle a liar who with open mouth pronounceth that euerie fornicator vncleane and couetous man is excluded out of the kingdome of heauen and also Christ our Sauiour who pronounceth this sentence against those that denie him whosoeuer shall denie me c. They teach that men shall not be damned for their sinfull works but onely for incredulitie l 1. c. 16. art 10. And yet Beza in 2. part Resp ad Acta Montisb pag. 218. after he had recited these positions of Iames Andrews Onely incredulitie damneth men Men are not damned because they haue sinned addeth Durst euer man before this so impudently bring into Gods Church so false so monstrous so abhominable doctrine Et p. 215. Surely your speach seemed into lerable to vs that men are not damned for sinne The like hath Vrsin in Miscellan p. 84. Touching Iustification they teach that a iustified man Touching Iusication cannot leese grace by any sinne that he committeth lib. 1. c. 17. art 12. Which doctrine is thus censured by Wittembergenses in Schlusselb lib. 1. Theol. art 7. It is a great madnesse of the Anabaptistes and other frantike men who say that the iustified cannot fall or at least not leese the holie Ghost and become againe guiltie of Gods wrath albeit they breake Gods commandments against their conscience Hutter in Anal. cit p. 562. It is a blasphemous speach of Zanchius saying that forgiuenesse of sinnes once obtained is not made voyde by sinnes folowing and that the holie Ghost once giuen to the iustified remaineth with him for euer And of Beza writing that Peter denying Christ and Dauid falling into adulterie did not leese the holie Gost Adamus Francisci loc 6. The Caluinists with a horrible madnesse imagin that the regenerate cānot fall into mortall sinne and that if they fall notwithstanding they retaine Gods grace the holie Ghost and faith Et Confess August c. 11. condemneth the Anabaptistes who denie that they who are once iustified can againe leese the holie Ghost They teach that a Sinner doth not cooperate to his conuersesion but that he is iustified doing nothing as a logge or els rebelling lib. 1. c. 17. art 15. Which doctrine thus the Wittembergians condemne in Schlusselb to 5. Catal. Haer. With all our hearts we abhor from that doctrine dishonorable to God and full of Blasphemies against the Sonne of God A man is conuerted not onely as a logge but also resisting and we say that by such speach not onely securitie and profane contempt of God but also horrible sinnes of men are bolstered Of free will they teach that man hath no freedome in good or euill deeds l. 1. c. 21. art 2. Which doctrine Melancthon lib. de Causa Peccati to 2. thus condemneth We doe not applaude the madnesse of the Stoickes or Maniches who are dishonorable to God and pernitious to mans life feigning that men do necessarily commit sinne Finally Iames Andrews in Colloq Montisb condemned manie doctrines of Beza as blasphemous as pag. 381. That the elect though they sinne grieuously doe retaine the holie Ghost pag. 393. That onely the elect infants are adopted in baptisme p. 447. That Christ died not for the sinnes of the whole world p. 422. That God will haue some to perish Et p. 423. That God will not haue mercie on some and that he created some to this end to shew his wrath in them Vorstius also in Parasceue oftentimes condemneth Piscators doctrine of blaphemie And scarce is there anie Protestant that writeth against an other who doth not accuse him of blasphemie Wherefore let this be my 25. argument Whose sundrie doctrines are not onely so opposite to the expresse words of Scripture as hath beene shewed in the first booke but also so blasphemous as sometimes the very Authors of them partely other learned Protestants their brethren do confesse it they are opposite to the true meaning of holie Scripture But manie doctrines of the Protestants are such Therefore c. CHAPTER XXVI THAT PROTESTANTS DOE FRVSstrate and make voide the ends of the coming and passion of Christ MY 26. argument wherewith I will proue that Protestāts cōtradict the true sense of holie Scripture shal be because manie of their positions doe frustrate and make voide the coming and passion of Christ For one end of the coming and passion of Christ was Protest say Christ tooke not away sinne to take away and exhaust our sinnes 1. Ioan. 3. v. 5. And you know that he appeared to take away our sinnes Hebr. 9. v. 28. Christ was offered once to exhaust the sinnes of manie But Protestants as we shewed l. 1. c. 17. art 5. say that Christ did not take
they are filth dūgge and stinke in the face of God art 3. But if all If all good workes be sinne there can be no vertue good works be sinnes and mere sinnes surely there is no vertue at all For as Whitaker saieth l. 2. de Pec. orig c. 14. Tell vs how sinnes can be good workes Which is much more true if they be mere sinnes They set also allurements to sinne For as is shewed l. Protest set allurements to sinne 1. c. 2. art 1. they teach that God willeth sinne art 2. That sinne pleaseth God art 4. That God worketh sinne art 5. That God predestinateth to sinne artic 6. That he commandeth to sinne art 7. That he tempeth to sinne art 8. That he necessitateth to sinne art 10. That he iustifieth the wicked remaining wicked artic 17. That he will not haue his commandements kept And cap. 3. artic 11. That Christ was truely a sinner c 4. art 1. That the Angels in heauen do sinne c. 13. art 17. That faith being alone doth iustifie art 23. That it can neuer be lost c. 16. artic 4. That sinne must not be ouercomen of vs. art 13. That the Elect doe not sinne art 16. That all vsurie is not sinne Et c. 19. art 1. That the law of God is not possible art 2. That neuer anie kept it art 3. That none euer loued God with all his heart But what man in his witts can denie that these Positions Sinne pleaseth God God willeth doeth commandeth sinne He predestinateth necessitateth tempteth to sinne He will not haue his commandements kept Christ and the Angels in heauen doe sinne The wicked is iustified remayning wicked faith being alone doth iustifie it can neuer be lost sinne must not be ouercomen of the faithfull they themselues neuer sinne and such like be great enticements to sinne They take away also the obstacles or impediments They remoue impediments of sinne of sinne in teaching as we haue shewed l. 1. c. 2. art 3. That God hateth not sinne art 9. That God hateth not the faithfull when they worke wickednesse art 11. That he is not angrie with the faithfull whilest they sinne art 12. That he neuer punisheth for anie sinne committed art 23. That he damneth not men for sinne And c. 3. art 7. That Christ gaue no laws art 8. That he is no iudge c. 5. art 6. That the Ghospell promiseth saluation without anie condition of workes art 5. That it doth not reproue sinne c. 10. art 8. That in baptisme al sinnes past present and to come are forgiuen c. 16. art 1. That sinnes are not imputed to the faithfull art 2. That they are not mortall to them art 5. That seruing the flesh we may serue God art 6. That no sinnes cast of grace art 7. That sinnes can stand with grace artic 9. That to abstaine from sinnes is not necessarie to saluation artic 10. That sinne is not the cause of damnation artic 11. That we must not giue account of sinnes cap. 17. artic 12. That iustification is neuer lost artic 13. That the iustified need not feare to fall artic 16. That he is to suffer no punishment at all c. 18. art 4. That the faithfull are not to be iudged art 4. That Hell is no place art 7. That hell fire is no true fire And cap. 19. art 7. That the law is abrogated from the faithfull But it is most euident that taking away Gods wrath hatred and punishment of sinnes and sinners taking away Christs law-giuing and iudgement taking from men all feare of iudgement damnation wrath and hatred of God and of losse of iustice and saluation and putting securitie that men euen committing heynous sinnes are certaine of Gods loue of grace and eternall saluation and free from all punishment whatsoeuer all impediments of sinne on Gods parte are taken away and if anie beleiuing this doctrine do forbeare sinne it proceedeth not but from a naturall engrafted horror of sinne or els from feare or or shame of men Yea so euident it is that diuers positions of Protestants Protest confesse that some of their opinions allure to sinne are allurements to sinne as some Protestants confesse it For thus write the Wittembergians cited before cap. 25. That to denie a man to cooperate to his conuersion doth settle horrible wickednesse Which yet Protestants denie lib. 1. cap. 17. artic 15. Remonstrantes apud Hom. in Specim Cont. Belg. pag. 126. say The doctrine of their perseuerance in faith who haue once beleiued is of it nature and condition sufficiet to engender a securitie in men for to serue them as a cushion in midst of their sinnes Againe Of it selfe it is hurtfull to true pietie and good manners And yet Protestants teach thus libr. 1. cap. 13. art 23. Schlusselburg tom 7. Catal. writeth thus To pardon sinnes to come which one doth studie to commit is surely to graunt an Epicurean licence to sinne And yet this is Protestants doctrine l. 1. cap. 10. art 8. Melancthon in Cocleus in art 6. Confess August thus speaketh Now it is vsuall to speake of faith and faith cannot be vnderstood vnlesse pennance be preached Surely they poure new wine into ould vessels who preach faith without pennance without doctrine of the feare of God without the doctrine of the law accustome the people to a carnall kind of securitie That securitie is worse then all the errors vnder Poperie were And yet Protestants say that the Ghospell doth not reproue sinne doth not preach pennance promiseth saluation vpon condition of faith onely as is shewed l. 1. c. 5. art 5. 6. Hutter in Anal. Cōfess August p. 571. writeth that The error of the Anabaptists who denie that men once iustified can leese the holie Ghost doth giue full licence to commit all kind of villanie vnder the absolute perseuerance of those that are once iustified And yet this is the doctrine of Protestants l. 1. c. 17. art 12. other Protestants in Zanchius de Perseuer to 7. col 159. say that the opinion which teacheth that the faithfull cannot fall from grace taketh away pennance looseth the reines to concupiscence maketh a man secure that he dare sinne euen against his conscience And Liber Concord Luther c. de bonis oper That false and Epicurean opinion is sharpely to be reproued wherewith some feigne that faith and grace once receaued or saluation cannot be lost by anie sinne or wickednesse whatsoeuer albeit it be most freely committed Also other Protestants as Gualterus Praefat. Epist Rom. reporteth when they thinke seriously of pietie doe feare that we deuise to easie a way to saluation and least this doctrine breed a licēce to sinne and opē a gappe for men to dare to doe any thing Moreouer diuers of them confesse that men take occasion to sinne by their doctrine as Luther tom 5. in Gal. 6. Iames Andrews Conc. 4. in Luc. 21. Perkins de Serm. Dom. to 2. and in Gal. 5. ver 13. and others in Erasmus in Epist ad
which Protestants assigne I let passe that the Lutherans say that the Sacramētaries had their exposition of the Scripture frō the Diuell and that Luther professeth that he was taught of the Diuell as perhaps we shall proue an other time at large Wherefore thus I make my 28. argument They who in so manie and weightie matters do expressely contradict such plaine words of Scripture and yet haue no infallible way to attaine to the true sense thereof must needs contradict the true sense of Scripture But Protestants be such Therefore c. CHAPTER XXIX THAT PROTESTANTS ARE FORCED to admit no Iudge in the Church to whose iudgement they will stand THE 29. Argument wherewith we will proue that Protestants are against the true sense of Scriptrue shal be because their doctrine is so plainelie against Scripture as they dare not admit anie Iudge thereof For thus Zuinglius tom 1. in Explanat artic 67. Protest admit Iudge I suffer no man to be iudge in the matter of trueth and faith Whitaker Contr. 1. quaest 5. c. 4. God hath reserued to himselfe the iudgement of religion and hath not graunted it to anie man And Contr. 4. q. 1 c. 2. There is now no infallible iudge on earth which is man Vorstius in Antibel pag. 80. We haue proued that onely Christ or the holie Ghost speaking plainely in Scripture is to be accounted this supreme iudge of controuersies of faith Pareus in Colleg. Theol. 4. Disputatio 2. The supreme iudge of interpretations of Scripture and controuersies of faith from whome there is no Appeale is is no man now nor since the Apostles nether Church nor Councell c. Lutherans in Colloq Ratisb Session 9. Proue this that besides the written law there must be an other visible iudge appointed The like saieth Academia Nemausiensis Resp ad Tournon Eliensis resp ad Apol. Bellarm. c. 14. Feild l. 3. de Eccles cap. 13 16. Moulins in his Bucler art 3. sect 6. and other Protestants commonly But that there must needs be admitted a iudge in the Church to whose iudgement we must stand I proue First out of Scripture For Deut. 17. it is saied If thou perceaue that There must needs be a Iudge the iudgement with thee be hard and doubtfull thou shalt come to the Preists of the leuiticall stock and to the Iudge that shal be at that time and thou shalt aske of them who shall shew thee the trueth of the iudgement and thou shalt doe whatsoeuer they that are presidents of the place which our Lord shall chuse shall say and teach thee according to the law and shalt follow their sentence nether shalt thou decline to the right hand nor to the left hand But he that shal be proud refusing to obey the commandement of the Preist who at that time ministreth to our Lord thy God and the decree of the Iudge that man shall die Behould a Iudge instituted in the Church vnder the law and him to be obeyed vnder paine of death Likewise Math. 18. Christ saieth If he will not heare the Church let him be to the as an Ethnik and Publican And Actor 15. When the Christians did disagree about the obseruation of Iewish ceremonies they apointed that Paul and Barnabas should goe vp and certaine others of the rest to the Apostles and Preists in Hierusalem vpon this question and all true Christians submitted themselues to their decree and S. Paul commanded it to be kept And the like practise hath beene euer obserued in the Church and they held for Heretiks who did not submit themselues to the iudgement of a lawfull Councell Secondely I proue it out of the Fathers For thus S. Ciprian Epist 55. For nether are Heresies risen or Schismes sprung from anie other roote then because the Preist of God is not obeyed nor beleiued that there is one preist for a time in the Church and one Iudge for a time in steed of Christ Loe to denie that there is a iudge in the Church in steed of Christ is the occasion of all Heresies and Schismes And S. Austin l. 1. cont Crescon c. 33. Whosoeuer feareth to be deceaued in the obscuritie of this question let him aske the Church of it whome the holie Scripture doth shew without anie doubt Thirdly because it was euer the custome of Heretiks Heretiks denie a Iudge to denie that there is a Iudge in the Church Whereupon the Donatists in Breuic Collat. say that Christ must be the iudge of this cause stirring vp enuie to Catholiks because they had requested a man to be iudge Fourthlie I proue it by reason because it is a plaine argument of an euill cause that the Patrons thereof dare not submit it to the iudgment of anie Iudge in the common wealth Besides there can be no peace in anie societie or commonwealth vnlesse beside the laws there be some Iudge who may determine matters and to whose iudgement men must stand And who denie such Iudges ether mantaine an ill cause or loue not peace but continuall braules For these and the like arguments Protestants sometime Protest sometime admit a Iudge in Words in words doe admitt a Iudge in the Church For thus Whitaker Cont. 1. q. 5. c. 4. I confesse that in euerie common wealth there ought to be Iudges who may make an end of contentions amongst men Et c. 7. God indeed hath left a Iudge to his Church but who it is now is question and debate betwene vs and the Papists Eliensis cap. 14. cit But beside the law there is need of another liuely Iudge Who denieth that Melancthon in Resp ad Ant. Bauar tom 3. We openly confesse that there must be iudgments in the Church But indeed they will haue the Scripture onelie to be this Iudge For thus Zuinglius disput 1. to 1. I will neuer admit any other iudges beside the holie Scriptures Which is in word to admit a Iudge and in effect But not in effect to denie him For the Scripture is the law of Christians and therefore not their Iudge who is to giue sentence according to the law And the Lutherans in Colloq Ratisbon sess 1. when they had saied that Scripture is the rule and square of faith afterward doe adde It is one thing to shew the Iudge● another to shew the rule Wherein they plainelie distinguish the Scripture and the Iudge Moreouer the testimonies of Scriptures of Fathers and the reasons before alledged do proue that there must be a liuelie or speaking Iudge in the Church which is different from the law or Scripture Finallie it is fond to make Protest iudge can nether heare nor speake such a Iudge and him onely who is both deafe and dūbe and who can nether heare those that contend nor pronounce sentence nor compell them to obey it Furthermore as hath beene often saied in most controuersies betwixt vs and Protestants Scripture doth not so much as seeme to giue sentence for Protestants vnlesse it be