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A68449 A catholike and ecclesiasticall exposition of the holy Gospell after S. Iohn. Gathered out of all the singuler and approued deuines (which the Lorde hath giuen vnto his Church) by Augustine Marlorate. And translated out of Latin into Englishe by Thomas Timme minister. Seene and allovved according to the order appoynted; Novi Testamenti catholica expositio ecclesiastica. English. Selections Marlorat, Augustin, 1506-1562.; Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1575 (1575) STC 17406; ESTC S114256 780,235 632

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whith heauenly foode For when he affirmeth that his fleshe is meate in dede hys meaning is that those soules are like to famishe which wante this meate Therefore thou shalt then fynde lyfe in Christe if so be thou séeke the matter and substaunce of lyfe in his fleshe For so soone as wée forsake the Sacrifice of hys deathe there is nothing before oure eyes but death neyther doth he bring vs any other waye to felyng of hys diuine power than by his death and resurrection M. Therefore he speketh of the redemption of mankynde whiche shoulde be by hys death for the whiche cause he intended to offer his fleshe and bloode a sacrifice to hys father for the remission of the sinnes of the whole worlde Question But why doth he seuerally make mencion of hys bloode which is contained in the fleshe Aunsvvere I aunswere Christe in this had respect and regarde te our rudenesse For when distinctly he expresseth meate and drinke by them selues he putteth vs in mynde that the lyfe whiche he geueth is perfect and complete in each poynt lest we shoulde fayne and immagine to our selues some halfe and vnperfect lyfe as yf he shoulde saye that wée shall want no parte of lyfe if so bée wée eate hys fleshe and drinke his blood Euenso in the supper whiche agreeth with this doctrine beinge not contented with the signe of breade he ioyneth therevnto the Cuppe that hauing therein a doule pledge of lyfe we maye be contented with hym aloane for he shal finde no parte of lyfe in Christe whiche doeth not beléeue that Christe alone is his lyfe 56. He that eateth my fleshe and drinketh my bloude dwelleth in me and I in hym He that eateth my fleshe M. These words pertayne to the similitude of suche as eate and drinke to this ende that he might more amply declare the premisses Meate and drinke is tourned into the fleshe and bloude of the eater and drinker of the same euenso they abyding in hym and he in them haue lyfe Otherwise meate withoute the eater or not abyding in hym that hath eaten the same doth not nourishe insomuche that lyfe cannot consist yf so be the eater and the meate be seperated a sonder These thinges are temporall and incorruptible and therefore imperfect to set forth the power of Christe and yet notwithstanding they doe after a sorte set forth a sertayne Image of hym and doe teache vs this that it is necessarily required that he which will haue eternal lyfe must haue Christe the true foode of lyfe abyding in him in suche wise that he maye by no meanes be seperated And whosoeuer eateth his fleshe and drinketh his bloud hath Christ abyding in him and he also in hym C. Séeing therefore Christe aloane contayneth lyfe in him selfe he prescribeth vnto vs here a waye howe we shall inioye the same namely if so be we eate his fleshe euen as yf he shoulde denye hym selfe to be oures otherwayes then by eating hym thorowe fayth For he shall neuer come to the God Christe whiche neglecteth man Wherfore yf thou wilt be pertaker of any thing with Christe thou must firste of al take hede that thou doest not dispise or disdayne hys fleshe Bv. Therefore in these wordes the misterye of his Incarnation and passion is more euidently and fully expressed so that he eateth the fleshe and drynketh the bloud of Christe whiche with a firme fayth beleueth that Christe the true Sonne of the liuing God was incarnate crucefied raysed againe for him that hée washed vs with his dloude from all oure sinnes and hath reconciled vs to God his father Whosoeuer beleeueth this hath lyfe within hym euen the quickening spirite of Christe the power of righteousnesse and redemtion and so Christe lyueth in hym he in Christ Dwelleth in me and I in him M. Because this meate and drink are not subiect to corruption but haue alwaye in them power to geue lyfe therefore he vsed the worde quickening to this ende that it maye agrée with that whereas he promised euerlasting lyfe to suche as eate his fleshe and drinke his bloud C. For this is as muche as if hée had sayde that this is the onely bonde of vnity and that by this meanes he doeth growe with vs when oure fayth doeth rest and staye it selfe vppon his death Bv. This place therefore of the Gospell doth agrée with that of the Apostle where he sayth Rom 3. we knowe that a man is not iustified by the workes of the lawe but by Faith in Christe Furthermore hereby wée maye gather that he speaketh not of the external signe of breade of whiche many of the vnbeléeuing doe eate who notwithstanding are farre from Christe Also their error is hereby confuted which thinke that Iudas did no lesse receiue the body of Christe then the reste of the Disciples seeing that Christe gaue the bread to all For this is moste sertayne that Iudas was neuer a member of Christe and it is moste absurd to make the fleshe of Christe deade fleshe and withoute spirite also they are very foolishe whiche dreame of any eating of the fleshe of Christe withoute faithe whenas onely faith is the mouth of the soule A. Therefore where faith wanteth Faith the mouth of the soule there is no eating of the fleshe of Christe 57. And the lyuinge Father hath sent me and I liue by the Father euen so hee that eateth me shall lyue by the meanes of me And the liuing Father M. This particle also serueth for the declaration of that whiche goeth before Bv. And that there might be no manner of doubt in so greate a misterye of oure saluation he doth yet more strongly confyrme that whiche hée had sayde namely that his fleshe is meate in déede and his bloud drinke in dede Insomuche that suche as were nourished therewith shoulde be without all perill of death C. Nowe therefore he passeth to the principall cause because the principall originall of life is in the Father And he preuenteth an obiection because he might séeme to detract that from God whiche belongeth to God in making him selfe the cause of lyfe So therefore he maketh him selfe the author of lyfe that he confesseth that to bée geuen hym from another whiche he ministereth to other As if he shoulde saye R. The father is lyfe in déede so also am I the true lyfe forsomuche as the Father hath wholy inprinted hym selfe in me I will not reserue this lyfe whiche the Father hath geuen to me to my selfe aloane as a spightfull and enuious person but I will also communicate the same with the faythfull that euerye one which beleeueth in me may haue that life whiche I possesse through the Father For For this cause am I sent into the worlde that euerye one which beléeueth in mée maye be pertaker of all those good thinges and graces which through the Father I possesse by nature C. Let vs noate that hée framed this occasion also to their capacity with whom hée
they ought to haue a farther regard than to the commodityes of this present lyfe B. But they thought that this meate might be gotten by theyr workes therefore they demaunded what they should doe to worke the workes of God that is to saye which might bée acceptable vnto GOD and which might bye that meate C. But they which thus demaund are partlye deceyued because they knowe not the waye howe to worke for they doe not consider that GOD doth geue vnto vs by the hand of his sonne whatsoeuer is necessarye to the Spyrituall lyfe Fyrst of all they demaund what they must doe then when they come to speake of the worckes of God they wander they knowe not whether Thus they bewraye theyr ignoraunce of the grace of God M. And thys errour hath béene in all ages and tymes that men haue thought to wynne saluation by their workes C. Howbeit these men séeme here proudlye to reason with Christ as though he had reproued them vniustlye as if they shoulde saye Doest thou thinke that wée haue no care for euerlasting lyfe What is that then which thou requyrest at our handes more then that whiche wée doe B. Haue wée not the Lawe of Moyses by which wée are iustified and by which wée learne what workes they are whiche GOD requireth at our handes to bée done Doest thou make a newe Lawe by whiche wée ought to frame our lyues What workes canst thou recken to vs which are not comprehended and expressed in the Lawe of Moyses R. Wée are Circumcised we offer Sacrifices daylye wée eate no Swynes fleshe wee kéepe the Sabboth daye and wée fast are not these good workes whereby wée maye bée iustifyed Doth not GOD require these thinges at our handes by the Lawe Wée are called a holye people but howe should wée bée holy but by the righteousnesse of the Lawe Therefore they séeme not to question with Christe vppon a Godly desyre whiche they haue to learne but vppon contempte disdayne and presumption as though they were alreadye sufficientlye instructed out of the Lawe what workes God requyreth to attaine to righteousnesse A. But they went farre astraye And therefore 39. Iesus aunswered and sayde to them This is the vvorcke of GOD that ye beleeue on him whom hee hath sent M. Hée doeth not onelye aunswere the question of this people but also expoundeth that part of the admonicion where hée sayd Labour for the meate which perisheth not B. And here is a fygure called Imitacion For because they asked the question concerning workes and no workes can performe that which they sought for namelye the foode of euerlasting lyfe the Lorde Imitated them the worke hée called Faythe which is an assured perswasion of the goodnesse of GOD and an vndoubted hope of saluacion from him the which fayth the inspiration of the holye Ghoste worketh in the myndes of the elect Verse 44. which hereafter hée calleth the drawing of his Father C. Because therefore they had spoken of workes Christ putteth them in minde of one worke that is to saye of Fayth by which hée declareth that whatsoeuer menne take in hand without Fayth is vaine and vnprofitable and that Fayth onely sufficeth because God requyreth this alone at our handes that we beléeue For there is here a secréete comparison betweene Fayth and the workes of men As if hée should saye Men busye them selues in vaine when they séeke to please God without Fayth euen as if they which comming out of the waye can not attaine the Goale R. For it is Faith onelye whiche iustifyeth Faith only iustifieth and this worke aloane God requyreth to the fulfylling of the Law For fayth apprehendeth Christ and Christ is the fulfylling of the Lawe to righteousnesse to all that beléeue And hereby wée maye learne that carnall strength mannes wyll workes Rom. 10.4 and humayne deuises the externall obseruation of the Lawe Sacrifices and the kéeping of the Sabboth are of no force to attayne to righteousnesse but onelye Fayth in Christ whiche is the gyft of GOD and not to bée gotten by mannes strength C. And yet notwithstanding this place is not against loue as though other workes were superfluous For Fayth neyther excludeth Loue nor no other good workes séeing it contayneth all good workes in it selfe For fayth is called the onelye worke of GOD because wée possessinge Christ by the same are made the sonnes of GOD that hee maye gouerne vs by his spyrite Because therefore Christe doeth not seperate from Fayth the fruites thereof it is no maruayle if hée place in the same if wée may so speake the Helme and Rudder of the Shippe M. But if this question had béene proposed to any Pharisée hée woulde haue vsed another maner of aunswere and rather haue sayde A. Pharisees This is the worke of GOD that ye bée Circumcised that ye bée Purifyed that ye kéepe the Sabboth daye that ye offer Sacrifices and that ye doe suche lyke workes as these Or if the same question had béene proposed to any Papiste hée woulde by and by haue aunswered A. Papist This is the worke of GOD to fast often to Praye muche to heare Masses to goe to Confession and suche lyke with the which vngodlye menne doe daylye more and more defyle them selues not regarding this onelye worke of GOD without the which no man can attayne to euerlasting lyfe C. Moreouer vayne is theyr cauill whiche by the pretence of this place contend that wée are iustifyed by good workes séeing that Fayth doeth iustifye and seeing the same is also called the worke of God First of all it is manifest that Christ speaketh improperlye when hée geueth to Faythe the name of working Rom. 3.17 euen as Paule also doeth when hée compareth the Lawe of Fayth and the Lawe of workes togeather Secondlye when wée denye men to bée iustifyed by workes wée meane those workes by the merite whereof men thinke they maye wynne Gods fauoure But as for fayth it bringeth nothing vnto GOD but rather setteth a man naked and emptye before GOD that hée maye put on Christ and be replenished with his grace Wherefore fayth is a passiue worke Faith doth not iustifye as a Meretoryous worke to the which no rewarde maye bée geuen neyther doeth it bring any other righteousnesse than that which he receyueth of Christ 30. They sayde therefore vnto him what signe shewest thou then that we maye see and beleeue thee What doest thou vvorke What signe C. This wickednesse doeth sufficientlye declare howe truelye it is sayde in another place Mat. 12.39 This wicked generation seeketh a signe They were at the first drawne vnto Christ by the wonderfull shewe of signes and being amased at the sight of a newe myracle they confessed Christ to bée the Messias and vppon hope hereof they would haue made him a King and yet nowe they requyre a signe as of one whome they knewe not and had neuer séene before Wherevpon commeth suche sodayne forgetfulnesse but because they béeing
beléeue and are gathered into the shepefoulde of Christe 48. Doth any of the Rulers or Phariseis beleeue on him The Phariseis doe so blame their Ministers and souldyers that notwithstanding they maye haue them still at their commaundement For by these wordes they signifie that it is an absurd thing that they should not stand though the common multitude did fall But let vs sée what argument they haue to bere vp them selues why the should so proudly contemne Christ He hath saye they the common and rude sort of people on his syde but as for the chéefe Rulers and Magistrates they are agaynste hym They name the phariseis for that they excelled others in knoweledge and in holynesse so that they were counted the Princes of Princes M. But firste of all they testifie against them selues that they beléeue not in the Sonne of God when as they shoulde haue béen the first of all other whiche should haue imbraced Gods truth Thus these miserable men glory and boaste in that in the which they ought rather to be sorrowfull C. For although this obiection which they make vnto the souldyers séeme to haue some coller seeing the rulers and Gouernours of the Church ought to haue their authority as the Lawe commaundeth in this notwithstanding these men offended Deut. 17.8 because they arrogating to them selues the cheefest authority would not be subiect to God God in déede committed Iudgement to the high Priest but yet he would not haue him to pronounce the same withoute his Lawe What authoritye soeuer therefore Pastoures haue it dependeth vppon the worde of God that euery man from the highest to the lowest maye abide in his calling and God only maye haue the prayse It cōmeth often times to passe that the wicked beare Rule in the Church wherfore we muste take héede that wee attribute nothing vnto men when they depart from the worde of God We sée that all the Prophetes almoste were thus molested and troubled for to ouerthrow their doctrine these greate titels of high Pristes of Princes and of the Church was obiected vnto them The Papistes vsing the same weapons at this day are no lesse outragious than were the aduersaries of Christ and of the Prophetes in oulde time This is horrible and fearfull blyndnesse that a mortall man dare presume to sette himselfe againste God But to suche madnesse hath Sathan brought them that esteeme more their owne Ambition than they doe the truth of God Neuerthelesse it is oure parte to geue that reuerence to the word of God which maye obscure and extinguishe the glory of the world and maye driue awaye the vayne smoake of the same For it should goe euell with vs yf so be our saluation shoulde depende vppon the will and plesure of Princes and to vnstable shoulde that Fayth be which should eyther stand of fall at their becke M Here also we sée howe harde a matter it is for them to beléeue the Gospell of Christe which haue rule and gouernment in the Church of God and are famouse by the meanes of doctrine Wherefore that whiche these men bringe against the doctrine of Christ doth greatly make for the same For the same is more to be approued because suche come not to the same rather than if they did imbrace it And this is manifeste that it serueth not worldly glory and estimation but the glory of God otherwise this kinde of men would haue béene the firste that shoulde haue imbraced the same For it is verye incom Therefore we must haue respecte not vnto men but vnto god who can deceiue no man 49. But this common people which know not the Lawe are cursed C. The fyrste parte was Pride because they bearing them selues bould vp on the titell of the Priesthoode woulde haue all men to be subiect vnto them The seconde is contempt or disdaine for that they despise the reste as of noe price euen as they are alwayes contumeliouse to others which haue to much lyking of them selues and alwayes the contempt of oure brethren followeth the ouermuch loue of our selues Which knowe not the Lawe M. But if thou consider well the common people came nerer the true knowledge of the Lawe than did these rulers and Phariseis If thou haue respect vnto their life no doubt it was more conformable to the Rule of the Lawe If thou haue respecte to theyr fayth thou shalt fynde that they were more obedient to the Lawe of God then the other were For it is the principall poynt of the Lawe to knowe synne and to imbrace the grace of God propounded and offered in Christe Furthermore if so be this people were Ignoraunt of the Lawe whose falt was it Was not the falte in the Rulers and Phariseis For it was their partes to instruct and feede the people of God with the word of God and of the prophetes but when Christe their chéefe and moste excelent teacher came he founde them as they them selues confesse ignoraunt of the lawe of God Therefore they bring this testimonye concerning the ignoraunce of the people against themselues So also let vs answere those which at this day saye ignoraunce in the people is thorow the Priestes negligence The rude and vnlearned multitude followeth this newe doctrine by which ignoraunt men are seduced If so be the people of Christ be rude vnlearned and ignoraunt of the holye Scriptures and is therefore seduced why haue not you that be Maysters and teachers of the Churches better instructed and taught them Why haue you taken from them so many yeres the reading of the Scriptures and doe also at this daye depriue them of the same by fire and sworde C. There is also another cause why they pronounce the people to bée accursed They pretende the ignoraunce of the Lawe but there was another cause namely for that they thought there was no hollinesse but in their owne order Euen as at this daye the popish shaueling Priestes boasting themselues aloane to be of the Churche do contemne the laye people as they call them euen as if they were prophane But GOD to beate downe thys madnesse and pryde doth preferre the humble contemned before those that are so highly exalted And wée must noate here that they boast of the knowledge of the Lawe by which they did not instruct men in godlinesse and in the feare of God but of that knowledge by which they onelye were counted méete interpretors of the Lawe Knowledg Gods lawe doth sane tifie vs. and to aunswere doubtes and obiections It is verye true that they are accursed whiche are not taught and instructed in the Lawe of God Psal 19.9 the knowledge whereof doth truely sanctifie vs but this knowledge is not restrayned to a fewe that they being puffed vp with a wicked trust and confidence might deuide themselues from other men but it doth generallye belong to all the Children of God that from the leaste to the greatest all maye be vnder the obedience of fayth 51. Nicodemus sayth vnto
that is to saye they call him Mayster whose Disciples they woulde not be This is the manner of ypocrits to carry a shewe of that whiche is not in them A. But not euery one that sayth Lorde Lord shall enter into the Kingdome of heauen Mat. 7.21 but he whiche doeth the will of my Father whiche is in heauen 5 Moyses in the Law commanded vs that suche shoulde be stoned But what sayest thou M. The Phariseis knewe the Law and also how to cite the same in another bodies cause and when they saw it serue for their purpose They knewe also what ponishement the Lawe layed vpon Sinners when other mens synnes came into Iudgement but when they them selues offended againste the Lawe then ther was not so much as mention made of the same But the Lawe doeth not only commaunde this that the haynouse offender should be ponished neither was the Lawe only made to this ende that we might knowe when other men sinne and when they are to be condemned but it doth also commaund that no man oppresse the Innocent and as Nicodemus sayde that no man be Iudged before his cause be hearde and furthermore it was geuen to this end that euery man might behoulde in the same as in a glasse the deformitie of synnes and the corruption of mans nature But ypocrites which desier only to Iudge othermen are blynde in theyr owne synnes but more quicke of sight than Linceus in behoulding other mens faltes Linceus a man who coulde see shippes on the Sea 130. miles from him could nomber thē also could see through a stoane wall as sōe write C. Furthermore their dishonesty was so greate in seking occasion to cauill the whiche also they bewraye with their owne mouth For they saye that they haue a manyfeste commaundement in the Lawe Wherevppon it muste needes followe that they deale maliciously in séeking and demaunding of the same as of a doubtfull matter But their purpose was to constraine Christe to forsake his office of preaching that he might seeme to be a man wauering and inconstant R. They cyte the Law out of the twenty chapter of Leuitticus where it is sayde And the man that commiteth adultery with another mans wife because he hath committed adultery with his neighbours wife Leui. 20 i0 the adulterer and the adulteresse shall boath die the death But the Lawe doeth not therefore punishe the synnes and offences of men as though the punishement of the sworde were a satisfaction for sinne Ponishmēt of the Lawe doth not satisfie for sinne for the death of Christe onely hath made satisfaction for sinne but offendours ar punished by the sword for examples sake that the people might feare to offende and leste in tyme sinne and wickednesse might be counted for vertue and righteousnesse For the sin that is left vnpunished is not knowen to be sinne If any man obiecte the déede of Phinees the which is commended to come as it were from a deuyne zeale Sin vnpunished is not known for sinne and is sayd to tourne away the wrath of God from the Children of Israel I aunswere that the dede of Phinees was not a satisfactorious punishment of sinne Num. 25. for no punishment sauing the onely ponishment of Christe Iesus hath satisfied for sinnes but by this cruell stabbing as it maye séeme of Phinees the rest of the Israelites were made afearde to committe Whordome with the Daughters of Moab and Idolatry with Baal peor that knowing their Impiety they might repent by which repentaunce the wrath of the Lorde is pacefied Wherefore Phinehes is sayde by hys facte to haue appeased the Lordes wrath not that any death is so cruel which may satisfie for sinne but because hereby the people was brought into the right waye and to repentaunce Magistrats appese the wrath of God by ponishing sin by whiche the Lord is pleased yf so be it procéede from fayth So euery faithfull Magistrate by punishing with the sworde horryble offences and by their punishmentes drawing the wicked people to repentanc is sayde to appease the wrath of the Lorde and to take awaye sinne 6. This they sayde to tempte hym that they might accuse him But Iesus stouped downe and with his finger hee wrote on the ground This they sayde to tempte M. The Euaungeliste nowe expresseth with what minde the Scribes and Phariseis brought the adulterouse woman vnto Christe namely not to admonishe him or to make him circomspecte but to tempte to accuse and to destroye hym All temtation or tryal is not euell For God tempteth his seruantes one fréend is tempted of another the childe is tryed by the Father Temtatiō generaly is not euell the Wyfe by her Husbande the Seruaunt by his Master not that they might be hurt by triall but rather that they might thereby be profited The Deuill also tempteth Mat 4.3 i Thes 35. wherevpon also he is called a temptor in the Scripture M. Also enemies vse to tempt not to profite thereby but to hurte and to destroye This kynde of temtation is wicked and playne Deuelishe Therefore the lord hath exhorted vs to beware of those which tempt with an euell minde when as he willeth vs not only to be Innocent as doues but also wise as serpentes Mat. 20 i6 R. Therefore because Christe preached him selfe to be gentle and lowly in hart Mat xi 26. Mat. 9.5 Lu. 7.48.50 and because also they had hearde him say so often tymes Go thy waye thy faith hath saued thee on the one side they sett before him this sinfull woman on the other syde the Lawe C. to the ende they might catche Christe in a trippe by the prouidence of the Lawe For it was not méete to absolute any whome the Lawe condemned If he shoulde subscribe to the Lawe he might seeme after a sort to bée contrary to him selfe R. And so they had taken occasion to discredyt him with the people and to conuince him of a lye as one which preached many thinges concerning remission of sinnes whiche notwithstanding hée did not performe But Iesus stouped downe PAR. Iesus who by his deuine wisedome knewe the secrete thoughtes of the harte so deluded the mallice and subteltie of his aduersaries that he deliuered the synfull woman oute of the hands of those that went about to stoane her and yet notwithstanding did not discharge her of punishment lest he might séeme to offende against Moyses and the pollityke Lawes and againe that hée might not condemne the cause of his comming into this worlde which was to saue sinners M. What it was that Christe wroate because the euaungelist himselfe doth not shewe as we cannot define so we maye not to curiously searche after the same Bv. It séemeth to some that hée wroate these wordes vppon the ground Ye are earth and ye Iudge of the earth M. Othersome thinke that hee wroate the very same whiche he aunswered afterwerde in wordes Many thinke that he wroate some more
the blindenesse of man is M. They were the people of God a chosen people out of all nations to this people hée came by incarnation who other wise by his deuinitie is and hath béene alwayes in the worlde and was neuer from the Father To this people hée was promised a Messias of the séede of Abraham and Dauid and was made a Minister of the circumcision for the truth of God Rom. 15 to confirme the promises made vnto the Fathers R. And hée was not onely reiected of them but also Crucified and put to death The knowledge of Christ is lesse among none than among the wise and mightie men of this world For Christ is to the Mightye and Wise of this worlde foolishnesse and a stone to stumble at M. But why doth the Euangelist vrge this same so often that Christ was not receyued For sayth he The darkenesse comprehended him not The world knew him not His own receiued him not Surely he doeth it least any man should saye Thou dost preache vnto vs a great light which is come already into the world but why came he so late why did he neglect the first world He aunswereth he came not to late but alwayes shyned hée was alwayes in the world but the worlde knewe him not And his also to whome by great benefites hée had ioyned him selfe to whom he came with singular grace and fauor to whome he shoulde haue béene best knowen receyued him not So thicke truelye and palpable are the darkenesse euerye where of this worlde He doth also take away that stumbling blocke by the which many were moued for that hee wrappeth the Iewes in the same darcknesse that the world was in So sayth Paul Blindnesse fell vpon Israel To the same effect pertayneth that complaint of God by the mouth of Esay Rom. 11 saying The Oxe knoweth his owner and the Asse his Maisters Cribbe but Israel hath not knowen mee Esay 1 For although hée hath the rule of the whole world yet notwithstanding hee maketh him selfe the peculiar Lorde of Israel whome he had chosen to bée as it were his deare Shéepefolde This place also serueth to make vs feare that we bée not careles of Christ when he is reuealed and Preached For we are not therefore iust because we heare the woord and because Christ commeth but bicause we beléeue and worke according to the measure of fayth A. The Iewes had no regard to the Lawe and the Prophetes and therfore they stumbled and fell at the Stone of offence and were reiected for theyr vnbeléefe M. Furthermore it shoulde not séeme straunge to any man if the sonnes of GOD which are in Christ bée not receyued of this worlde seeing that light was receyued neyther afore nor after the incarnation neyther of the Gentiles 1. Ihon. 3.4 nor of the Iewes The world receyueth that which is his owne 12. But as many as receyued him to them he gaue power to be the sonnes of God euen to them that beleue in his name But as many as receyued him Therfore that which is spoken before And his own receiued him not Is not so to be vnderstode that none of al the Iews receyued Christ for many receyued him but because he was not receyued by a generall consent Euen as if thou shouldest saye The Gospell came into England and England receyued it not How can Englande bée sayd not to receyue the Gospell seeing there are so many Christian Englishmen that receyue the same Surelye it maye be truely sayde not to receyue it bycause it doth not receyue it with a generall commen consent all men agreeing to the same R. To receyue Christ as Iohn interpreteth the same is to beléeue in the name of Christ And the name of Christ is wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption If any man therfore geue him selfe to the righteousnesse of Christe or to his redemption 1. Cor. 1 sinnes shall not remaine death shall vanishe awaye and Hell fire shal be quenshed For men shal be made suche as Christe him selfe is if they geue and bequeathe them selues wholly vnto him According to that which followeth To them he gaue power to be the sonnes of God C. Least this let should hinder or stay any man that the Iewes cōtempned christ the Euangelist lifteth vp the mindes of the godly which beléeue in him aboue the Heauen For hee sayth that this glory to bée the Sonnes of GOD must bée obtayned by faith And in this vniuersalitie as manye is contayned a secret comparison For the Iewes were puffed vp with a blinde vaine glorie as though they alone had GOD tyed vnto them The Euangelist therefore pronounceth that the lot is altered because the Iewes being forsaken the Gentiles are chosen in their stéede For it is asmuche as if the right of adoption should be transported to straungers And this is that which Paule sayth The destruction of one people was the life of the whole worlde Rom. 11 because the Gospell being expulsed as it were of them beganne nowe to be spredde euen throughout the whole worlde CHR. Therefore whether they be bonde or frée whether they be Barbarous or Scithians wise or foolish men or women Children or olde men all are worthie of one honour of the which it is sayde Hee gaue them power to be the sonnes of GOD. C. The Papistes by this place gather that it is in our power eyther to choose or to reiect this grace But the text it selfe doth plainelye ouerthrowe this false collection For straight after the Euangelist addeth that they are made the sonnes of GOD for he sayth To them he gaue power to be made the sonnes of God but specially by the next verse following This making commeth not by the will of flesh but by the will of God by the benefit of regeneration Wherfore if faith doe regenerate vs that we maye be the sonnes of God and if God from heauen doe enspire the same into vs it is manifest that the grace of adoption is not only offered to vs of Christ in power but also euen in the verye acte Moreouer in this Christ hath woonderfullye set foorth his grace that he hath giuen this honour to vncleane and prophane men yea to suche as lie in the shadowe of death that they should now sodenlye begin to be the sons of God Notwithout cause therfore doth the Euangelist extol the greatnes of this benefit Ephe. 2 euen as S. Paul saith to the Ephesians Euen to them that beleeue in his name C. He doth briefelye note the maner of receyuing of Christ namelie when men beléeue in him Therefore we being by fayth ingraffed into Christ do attaine the right of adoption that we maye be the sonnes of God And certainelye séeing hée is the onelye begotten sonne of God this honor pertayneth nothing at all vnto vs were it not that we are his members M. To beléeue in the name of Christ as wée shewed euen now is to receyue him as the sonne of
all the glorye of the onely begotten sonne of GOD in the dispensing of mans Saluation séeing the same is infinite The Israelites could not beholde the glory of Moyses countenaunce and yet could the eyes of the Apostles beholde the glorye of the onelye begotten sonne of GOD. They sawe surelye so much as was appertayning to the dispensing of our saluation Full of grace and truth B. As if he should saye I haue sayde that we haue seene and plainely beheld the glorye of the onelye begotten sonne of God and that not once or twise onelye because he was full of all grace and trueth M. The Euangelist therfore by these wordes commendeth the conuersation of Christ amongest his Disciples because of twoo thinges with the which the same was replenished namelye with grace and trueth Act. 7. C. Stephen also is sayde to bée full of grace but in another sence For the fulnesse of grace is in Christ he is the well from whence al we must drawe as more largelye hereafter shal be declared Iohn therfore meaneth that Christ was hereby knowne to bee the sonne of GOD because he had in him selfe the fulnesse of all thinges which pertained to the spirituall kingdome of God and because he truelye shewed him selfe in all thinges to bée the redéemer and Messias which is in déede the speciall note by whiche hée shoulde bée discerned from all other B. This fulnesse of grace in Christ was at sondrye times foreshewed by the Prophetes as in the Psalmes and in Esai Psal 49 Psal 89 Esay 16 Ihon. 14 and in other places Trueth in this place maye signifye sinceritye and integrity with the which Christ was alwayes replenished R. I am the waye sayeth he the trueth and the life 15. John beareth witnesse of him and crieth saying This was he of whome I spake He that commeth after me is preferred before me For he was before me Iohn beareth witnesse of him M. Because hée had sayd before that Iohn was sent to this end that he might testifye of Christ the true light which lighteneth euerye man comming into this world and by his testimony had brought most men to beléeue the same it was necessary that hée should adde these testimonyes and shoulde teache that they both testified one thing concerning Christ And he bringeth fiue of his testimonies by the which hée manifested Christ of the whiche wée will speake in order as wée come vnto them Iohn sayth hée beareth witnesse of him namely of the woord incarnate and of the onely begotten sonne of God C. For by the worde of the present tence the Euangelist meaneth the continual acte And truely this Doctrine ought to florishe for euer euen as if the voyce of Iohn did continuallye sounde in the eares of men So also he sayeth that Iohn cryed to declared that the doctrine of Iohn was not obscure and that he did secretelye tell the same in the eares of a fewe but that hée openly with a lowde voyce preached Christ R. This therefore so excellent a man whom the whole multitude reuerenced as a Prophete who for his holinesse and purenesse of life was taken for Christ this so singular a man I say beareth testimonye to Christ of this fulnesse Whereby the wicked obstinacye of the Iewes is noted that hauing so notable a personne to beare witnesse of Christ so plainelye and openlye Preaching of him yet notwithstanding abode in their hardnesse of heart and perished of the which the Euangelist spake before saying He came into his owne and his owne receyued him not And so all excuse is quite taken from them Saying this was he of whome I spake M. This is the testimony of Iohn Before that Christ came to him that is to saye to receyue Baptisme he instructed all men throughout al his race of Preaching of Christ which was nowe readye to come directing them from him selfe vnto Christ Baptizing them not into him selfe but into him and teaching to prepare the way vnto him And this is that which Paul sayth Iohn truelye Baptized with the Baptisme of repentaunce speaking of him that shoulde come after him that they might beléeue that is to saye Actes 19 Of Christ Iesus And hée pointed him out with the finger saying This is he of whome I spake C. By the which woordes he meaneth that this was his purpose from the beginning namely to make Christ known and that this was the ende of his Sermons M. Of this mynde and disposition ought euery Minister of Christ to bée that after the example of Iohn they learne not to preache themselues but Christ and not to suffer any to depend vppon them but to direct and send them vnto Christ So Saint Paul teacheth saying For wee Preache not our selues 2 Cor. 4 but Christ Iesus our Lord and our selues your seruauntes for Christes sake If all were endewed with this minde whiche will séeme to bée ministers of Christ there should be true concord and vnitye through the whole Churche neyther shoulde there bée at any time Scismes in the same C. Moreouer when Iohn the Baptist speaketh of Christe saying Hee which commeth after me although hée was elder than Christ by certaine monethes yet notwithstanding here hée speaketh not of his age But because he had done the office of a Prophete a certaine time before Christ had openlye shewed him selfe therefore by time he preferreth him selfe before Christ Therefore in respect of the publique reuelation of Christ Christ followed Iohn 16. And of his fulnesse haue all we receyued and grace for grace And of his fulnesse haue all wee receyued M. These woordes and that which followeth to the other testimony of Iohn beginning at the ninetéeth verse are referred of some to our Euangelist and not to Iohn the Baptist Although it make no great matter whose woordes these be yet notwithstanding there séemeth to bée no cause why they should bee taken from the testimony of Iohn the Baptist Nowe therfore he beginneth the Sermon touching the office of Christ because hée contayneth in him selfe the affluence and fulnesse of all good thinges insomuch that no part of saluacion is to be sought for of any other With God truely is the well of life of righteousnesse of trueth and of wisedome this well is hidden and shut from vs but in Christ the fulnesse of all these thinges is offered vnto vs. For hée is readye to flowe vnto vs of his owne accorde if so bee we geue vnto him passage by Faith And with Christ is the fulnesse because he hath receiued the spirite without measure Iohn 13 For the Father hath geuen all thinges into his handes The which thing was shadowed in the Lawe by Aron who when he was consecrated Priest had Oyle powred on his head the which for the great plentye thereof ranne downe by his Bearde euen to the skyrtes of his cloathing Psal 133. As therefore the Oyntment vpon the head which ranne downe the Bearde euen Aarons Bearde Euen so Christ was annointed
errours Hee maketh him the Sonne of Ioseph and also a Nazarite by birth both which are very false and yet notwithstanding bycause hée sincerelye desired to profite his brother and to reueale Christ this his dilligence is accepted of GOD and hée hath also prosperous successe For truelie euery man must endeuour himselfe soberly to abide within his bounds And wée must not thinke that the Euangelist maketh mention of this thing as though it were worthy of prayse in Phillip that twise he enformeth and falselye reporteth of Christ but his doctrine is commended of him to be profitable howe corrupt and erronious soeuer it was because it tended to this ende to reueale Christ Foolishly hée calleth Iesus the sonne of Ioseph and ignorauntly hée maketh him a Nazarite notwithstanding hée applyeth this to no other than to the sonne of God which was borne at Bethlehem neyther doth hée make a counterfayte Christ but woulde onely haue him knowen to be such a one as Moyses and the Prophets had foreshewed We do sée therfore that this is the speciall poynt in doctrine namely that by all meanes they which heare vs maye come vnto Christ This place also teacheth vs not disdainfully to reiect that which simple and vnlearned men bring vnto vs concerning Christ though it be not so aptly alleaged if so be they direct vs vnto Christ But least we be drawen away by the false imaginations of men from Christ we haue alwayes this remedie at hande that is to saye to séeke for the pure knoledge of the trueth out of the Lawe and the Prophetes B. And in that that Philip sayde vnto Nathanael VVee haue founde him of whom Moyses the Law and the Prophets did write we may coniecture that Nathanael was studious in the Scriptures and had dilligently searched in them for the comming and kingdome of Christ 46. And Nathanael saide vnto him Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth Philip saith vnto him Come and see Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth R. Nathanael is offended at the basenes of the place according to the manner of fleshe and blood which is alwaies offended at abiect thinges because it alwaies aspireth to high and great thinges but God hideth his excellent workes vnder a base forme and showe that he might be wonderfull in his workes C. This godlye man is at the first offended with the vnaduised and rash talke of Phillip for that which he foolishly thought this man certainly beleeueth beside this by the hatred and contempte of the place he had conceiued a wrong Iudgement In like manner except we take héede diligently we shall not be without the same danger For trulye Satan dayly goeth about to staie vs with the like lettes from comming to christ For he seketh diligently to haue many lies spread abroad which may make vs either hate the Gospell or suspect the same that we may feare to taste thereof There is yet another stumbling blocke which he laith in our waie and that is to make Christ séeme contemptible vnto vs. For we doe see what a great offence to many the basenes of the Crosse is the which appeared as well in Christ the head as also in his members M. Nathanael therefore hauing regard to the wordes of the Prophete whiche foreshewed that Christ shoulde bée borne in Bethleem and not in Nazareth demaundeth whether any good thing can come out of Nazareth Mich. 5 So some in the company of the Pharisées sayde Shall Christ come foorth of Galilee Doeth not the Scripture saye that hée shall come of the séede of Dauid and out of the Citye of Bethlehem Come and see B. Iohn 7 When Philip was not able to resolue this doubt hée biddeth him come and sée M. For hée aunswereth nothing to the demaunde of Nathanael but that hée should goe with him to Christ and sée The which notable counsayle Andrewe also vsed before when he brought his brother Simon to Iesus For these twoo Andrew and Philip had so great experiēce in the force vertue of the Diuine power of Christ that with good and assured trust they desired nothing else but that hée should be heard of men being certified that it woulde come to passe that if any heard him they should haue so great experience of the light of the truth that afterwarde they shoulde féele no doubting in them B. Therefore Nathanael had so great a desire to the trueth that out of hand he followed Philippe to Iesus although it séemed to bée contrarye to the Scriptures whiche Philip had shewed And hereby hée got straight waye the knowledge of the Lorde C. For hée suffered his double errour by this inuitacion of Philippe to bee corrected Euen so by his example let vs shewe our selues tractable and readye to bée taught let vs not also refuse to inquyre and searche séeing Christ is alwayes ready to ease vs of those doubtes that trouble vs. And if at any time our obiections can not bée satisfied let vs not yet condemne that whiche is offered vnto vs and seasse to séeke any farther for the trueth 47. Iesus saw Nathanael comming to him and sayth of him behoulde a right Israelite in whome is no guile M. Nathanael was not of theyr crewe which condemned the Doctrine of the trueth before they heard or knew the same and by obstinate impietie could not abide to heare the same Such were the Scribes and Pharisées of the Iewes and that contrary to the Lawe of God as Nicodemus noteth Doeth our Lawe sayeth he iudge any man before it heare him Iohn 7 and know what he hath done Such are the Iudges and Byshops at this day of the Popish Church which very rashely reiect the Doctrine of the gospell condemne and persecute the same And sayeth of him beholde a right C. In that Christ prayseth Nathanael hée doth it not for his sake but vnder his person he propoundeth a common doctrine For séeing there are many which boast them selues to be faythfull which are nothing lesse it is méete that the true and good be discerned from the false and counterfayt by some note or marke Wée know how greatly the Iewes boasted in their Father Abraham when they boasted of the holinesse of their ofspring notwithstanding scarce one of them among an hundred was founde which was not a Bastard and a Stranger from the fayth of his fathers Therefore Christe to the ende hée might take away the cloake from the Hipocrites hée briefely defineth a true Israelite and doth therewith also take away the offence which afterward should arise vppon the wicked contumacie of that Nation For they which woulde be counted the Children of Abraham and the holye people of God became afterwarde mortall and sworne enimies of the Gospell Least therfore the common impietie almost of all estates should discourage or trouble anye man hée admonisheth before hande and in dewe time that among many which pretende the name of true Israelites few are true in déede R. But
in Nicodemus which comprehended not those thinges which were spoken 10. Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto him Art thou a Mayster in Israel and knowest not these thinges M. Our Sauiour Christ séemeth to woonder at the scencelesnesse and ignoraunce of Nicodemus being a man learned in the Lawe as if hée had not knowne the same before But by these wordes our Sauiour casteth rather Nicodemus in the téeth with his ignoraunce than woondreth at the same and yet neuerthelesse without disdaine C. For Christ séeing that hée spent the time in vaine with a prowde man and that hée lost his labour in teaching of him falleth to plaine reprehension Bv. And being offended at his dulnesse hée reprooueth his grosse witte as if hée shoulde haue sayde O miserable condition of those shéepe the charge and care of whome is committed to a Pastor so dull and ignoraunt in heauenlye thinges Hitherto thou hast béene accounted of vs one of the chiefe maysters and teachers in Israel but séeing thou art ignoraunt of those thinges whereof euen such as are Disciples and Schollers may bée ashamed to be ignoraunt of men maye meruaile what thou and the Scribes and Pharisees men of thy calling teache the people committed to their charge E. Howe commeth it to passe that thou art ignoraunte of these thinges so common in the Scriptures séeing thou art a teacher of other men For what other thing else meaneth the circumcision of the heart which Moyses so dilligentlye commended vnto you What else was the meaning of the sanctification so often tymes preached to the people but this innouation and spirituall Natiuitie of mens mindes of the whiche I speake The whole Scripture doth sufficientlye testifie Gen. 6.5 and .8.21 that all fleshe is onelye inclined to that which is euill Howe therefore shoulde anye fleshe but that which is borne againe and sanctified enter into the kingdome of God which is the kingdome of righteousnesse What can bée more plaine than that which the Prophet Esay Iere. 31.19 Ezech 11.19 and .36.26 Ieremy and Ezechiel haue spoken concerning the regenerating and renuing spirite Of the same also most plainelye hath the Prophet in his Psalmes prophesied It is meruaile therefore that my doctrine séemeth so straunge vnto thée Beholde here the true waye and maner how prowde persons that are puffed vp with vaine glory and which stande in their owne conceite ought to bée handeled C. For doctrine shall take no place or profite nothing at all vntill suche time as they be cleane purged from the pride of their owne wicked conceypt R. And this is a generall reprehension by which Christe reprooueth the blindnesse of all the Rabbines For Christ so talketh here with Nicodemus that by him hée vnderstandeth the whole order of the Pharisées and Deuines and all the professors of their Leuen M. Therefore let suche as haue the titles and names of Pastors in the Churche Two thinges required in a Pastour and which brag of the same consider how they aunswere and discharge that their calling For two thinges are required in faithfull and true Pastors namelye puritie of Doctrine Purity of doctrine holines of life required in a true Pastour and holinesse of life Concerning the first wée haue mention made here concerning the other reade the thirtéenth of Mathew and the second Chapter to the Romaines 11. Veryly veryly I saye vnto thee we speake that wee knowe and testifie that wee haue seene and ye receiue not our witnesse Veryly Veryly Bv. The Lorde by this sentence declareth how certaine firme the whole doctrine of the Gospell is not onelye in the Doctrine of regeneration but also in all other articles and speciall poyntes of our fayth And this hee confirmeth with an oath the which he is not woonte to doe but in matters most sure and firme M. Séeing therefore there were two thinges to bée reprehended in the Iewes namelye the ignoraunce of deuine matters and the fault of vnbeléefe Christ when he had reprooued the first commeth to the seconde Wee speake that wee knowe A. Some referre these wordes to Christ and to Iohn the Baptist who was sent of God to testifie of the true light CHR. Othersome vnderstande them of the Father and the sonne whome he sent into the worlde Iohn 1.7 For Christ spake those thinges in the worlde which hée had hearde of the Father Iohn 8.26 Othersome saye that the Plurall number is put for the singular by a figure called Enallagen C. But there is no doubte but that Christ here ioyneth him selfe with all the Prophets and Ministers of God and speaketh generallye in the person of them all For Philosophers and other vaine Doctours doe oftentimes bring in those vaine toyes which they them selues haue imagined and deuised But Christ challengeth this as proper to him selfe and to all the seruauntes of God alone that they deliuer nothing but a certaine and vndoubted Doctrine For God sendeth not suche as shoulde prate and talke of thinges doubtful and vnknowne But suche as deliuer to others those things which they haue learned of him in his Schoole B. Here therefore we are taught that no man ought to teache any thing for a trueth and certaintye whereof hée is not most assured 1. Peter .4 All thinges that we speake in the Churche ought to bée as the woordes of God C. Let euery one therefore take héede what is reuealed to him of the Lorde least he goe beyonde the boundes of his Faith and loast he speake those thinges which he hath not heard of the Lorde Bv. Moreouer let all those obserue and weigh this sentence of the Lorde whiche crye that the aucthoritye of the Gospell should bée nothing if so bée the aucthoritye of the Churche had not allowed and confirmed the same For the Doctrine of Christ and of the Apostles hath sufficient aucthority and allowance of it sellfe and néedeth no other testimonye The Gospell needeth not the allowaunce of the Church For it is Authential and set foorth by those which are eye witnesses and most assured of the same hauing for the aucthour thereof the Sonne of God him selfe the wisedome of his Father and the holye Ghost whiche is the true liuing and eternal God speaking by the Apostles And testifye that we haue seene B. As if he should say We testifie euen the verye same thing which fewe of you receiue for some of you haue receiued it The lyke is reade in the first Chapter going before where it is sayde He came into his owne and his owne receiued him not C. By which manner of speache and by this complaint of our Sauiour Christ we gather that this was appointed to the word of God as a fatall destinye in all ages not to bée receyued and beléeued M. Wherevpon also Christ vseth the plurall number saying Ye receyue not C. Because this not receyuing pertayned to the greater number and almost to the whole bodye of the people Therefore Christ thought good to adde this least
docillitye and aptnesse to bée taught and the opening of the gate to enter into the Schoole of Christ R. For shée being confounded by the iudgement of the Lorde and brought to the knowledge and féeling of her sinne is made sorrowfull and carefull to séeke a reméedye for her terrified Conscience by reason of sinne M. In the which we maye beholde a difference betwéene the electe and the reprobate when they are admonished of theyr sinnes The Reprobates when they are for some cause reprehended of theyr sinne they eyther denye that they haue committed any such thing or else subtillye excuse the same For the plaine deniers of sinne Actes 5.2 1. Kin. 15.20 committed we haue these examples Annanias and Saphira for the other wée haue King Saule who subtillye excused his disobedience Othersome there are who when they be reprehended are angrye in so muche that they rayle and séeke to bée reuenged Mat. 6.17 Mat. 21 4● Actes 7.57 so dealt the wicked Kinges of Israel with the Prophetes so dealt Herode with Iohn the Baptist and so the highe Priestes Scribes and Pharisées behaued them selues toward Christ and toward Stephen whome they Martired A. But the elect so soone as they are admonished by the seruauntes of God of theyr sinnes and are called to repentaunce by the Preaching of the woorde fréelye confesse theyr sinne and with great submission of minde 2. King 12. 12. Esay 39.8 Actes 2.37 call for the helpe of God as Dauid Ezechias and the hearers of Peters Sermon M. Euen so this Woman of Samaria so sone as shée heard that her sinne was reuealed and obiected vnto her she neyther denyeth it nor is angrye neyther yet excuseth the same but truelye acknowledgeth and confesseth the same saying Lord I perceiue that thou art a Prophete that is to saye Learned and instructed in the Lawe of the Lorde I perceyue that thou arte an Interpretour of the Scripture For howe couldest thou with suche exquisite Iudgemente pronounce of my sinnes if thou haddest not the knowledge of the Lawe or howe can it bée that thou shouldest so plainelye knowe my secreete sinnes vnlesse thou were indued with the Spirite of Prophesie Wherefore I pray thée to helpe mée sillye wretche and teache me the waye by which I maye escape and extinguishe the fire of my Conscience now burning by the acknowledging of my sinne For séeing thou hast reuealed my sinne vnto mée I thinke it méete that thou shewe vnto mée the righteousnesse by which I maye be deliuered from my sinne Thou hast brought mée into death bring me therefore againe into life Thou hast placed mée in Hell but exalt mée out of Hell into the Kingdome of Heauen C. The woman by this her example teacheth vs that when any teacher or Preacher is sent vnto vs we should vse the same occasion least we bee vnthankfull vnto God who neuer sendeth Prophetes vnto vs but he doeth as it were reache out his hande vnto vs and call vs vnto him For Saint Paul sayth that they which haue the gift of teaching are sent to vs from God Rom. 10.15 Two sorts of Prophetes M. And here let vs note that there are twoo kindes of Prophetes The first are they which eyther foresée thinges to come or else knowe déedes secreetlye done by the instinct of the holye Ghost suche were Samuel Elias Elizeus Esay and Ieremy The seconde are they which are Interpretours of Gods worde and setters foorth of Gods wyll vnto the people as call them from their sinnes and exhort them to repentaunce and to a Godly conuersation 4. King 4 1.38 And such were the Sonnes of the Prophetes of the which wée maye Reade in the Booke of the Kinges 1. Cor. 14.32 A. The woordes of the woman here maye bée referred to both sortes when shée calleth Christ a Prophete notwithstanding properlye to the first because shée perceyued that to bée open and manifest to Christ which shée knewe was secréete and vnknowne to others 20. Our Fathers worshipped in this mountaine and ye saye that in Hierusalem is the place where menne ought to worship B. For so muche as that which followeth sufficientlye proueth that this woman was a Daughter of Abraham and chosen to euerlasting life there is no doubt but that of Godly Deuocion she questioned with the Lord concerning the true worshippe of God For when shée had confessed the Lorde to bée a Prophete shée beganne by and by to reason about the worship of God M. That therefore is false which some Imagine affirming that the woman subtilly began to slide and digresse to another matter because shée coulde not abide the foresayde reprehension C. But shée rather goeth from that which was perticular to the generall and being taught concerning her sinne shée desyreth to bée generallye instructed in the pure worshippe of GOD. And in that shée séeketh to learne of the Prophete shée dealeth verye orderlye least in worshipping God shée shoulde erre For there is nothing more disordered than to faine and deuise sundrye sortes of worshippe without the word of God M. Therfore such questions as concerne Religion are not to bée propounded to euerye one but to those alone as haue not onelye a zeale but are also indued with a speciall knowledge of pietye and trueth C. Furthermore it is well inough knowne that there was a continuall contencion betwéene the Iewes and the Samaritanes about the true manner of worshipping For although the people of Cuthah and other straungers who when the tenne Tribes were in Banishment were translated into Samaria had receyued the Rightes of the Lawe being therevnto constrained by punishmentes 4. Kin. 17.27 and professed that they worshipped the true God of Israel yet notwithstanding theyr Religion was lame and diuers wayes corrupted which was not tollerable among the Iewes But this contencion was more vehement after the Temple built vppon Mount Garizin by Manasses the sonne of Iohn the high Priest and by the Brother of Iaddi at what tyme Darius the last King of the Persians helde Iudea by the hand and power of the Liefetenaunt Sanabalet M. Therefore the contencion was concerning the manner and the place of worshipping God The Iewes affirmed that God was to bée worshipped at Hierusalem and in no other place The Samaritanes had theyr peculiar and speciall Temple in Mount Garezin where they sayde God ought to bee worshipped onely That Mountaine is higher than the rest Iosep An. 11 Chap. 7. and bordereth vppon the Citye of the Sichimites Iosephus maketh mencion both of this Mountaine and of the Temple also vppon the same The Iewes had to maintayne theyr worshippe the worde of God first Deu. 14.23 Deu. 16.5 because it was not lawfull to appoint vnto God an imagined worshippe nor any place for the same but must retaine that onely which God had appointed for him selfe therby to be worshipped and serued 1. Chro. 17.12 Furthermore after God had forsaken the Tabernacle in Silo he chose mount Sion
the Father the Spirite bearing witnesse vnto theyr spirites that they are the Sonnes of God and crying in theyr heartes Abba Father The Reprobate Rom. 8.16 Gala. 4.6 although they séeme to worshippe God yet they knowe not what true worshippe meaneth and doe alwaye abide in darkenesse although the lyght of the trueth doe shine more bright than the Sunne 22. Ye worship ye wote not what we knowe what wee worship For Saluation commeth of the Iewes Ye worshippe ye wote not what M. Because hée had sayde that the worshippe of bothe as well of the Iewes as of the Samaritanes should ceasse least he might séeme to haue nowe better lyking of the Temple of God at Hierusalem than of that which the Samaritanes had in Mount Garizin Bv. or myght seeme to make the Samaritanes worshippe equall with the Religion of the Iewes hée putteth downe a difference betwéene them both in these words and that no trifling one but a difference of great waight C. Notwithstanding hée deuideth the sum of his oration into twoo partes In the first he condemneth the forme of worshipping God which the Samaritanes vsed as supersticious and erronious and alloweth the worship of God among the Iewes as good and lawfull And he addeth the cause of this difference namely because the Iewishe worshippe was grounded vpon the word of God but that of the Samaritanes had nothing certaine from Gods mouth to maintayne the same Secondlye hée declareth that the Rites which the Iewes had hytherto obserued and kept shoulde shortlye haue an ende B. Therefore because the worshippe whiche was at Hierusalem at that tyme was stayed vppon the worde of God and that of the Samaritanes false by the Immitacion of the Fathers without the worde of God he repressed here the vaine bragging of the Samaritanes and affyrmeth that they worship they knowe not what That is to saye they worshipped God after a fashion of the whiche they were vncertayne whether it were acceptable before God or no naye it was reiected by playne oracles from God Therefore he taught the Woman that it was not méete for the Samaritanes to boast of theyr Religion and to preferre the same before the Religion of the Iewes C. This sentence of our sauiour Christ is worthy to bée noted by which wée are taught that wée ought to doe nothing rashelye or vnaduisedly in Religion because vnlesse knowledge be present to direct vs wée worship God no longer but a phantasie Wherfore by this sentence Good intencion ouerthrow all good intencions as menne call them are ouerthrowen for we knowe that men can doe nothing else but erre when they are ledde by their owne opinion and imagination without the worde of God M. For in the true worshippe of God there is required not onelye an Intencion to worshippe the true God but it is néedefull also that we haue knowledge to worshippe that we may bée certaine of our worshippe whether it please God or no. For saluation commeth of the Iewes B. Some restraine this vnto Christ who being the Sauiour of the worlde Rom. 1. ● was a Iewe by byrth C. But because there is no doubte but that Christ therefore preferreth the Iewes because they worshipped one God alone and no vnknowen God which reuealed him selfe vnto them and had chosen them to be his people vnder the name of Saluation that sauing manifestacion or reuelation which they had out of his worde ought to bée vnderstoode But why doeth hée say that saluation commeth from the Iewes when as rather it was hidde Question and layde vp in them that they alone might enioye the same Hée séemeth to allude vnto that whiche was spoken before by the Prophetes Aunsvvere Esay 2.3 That the Lawe should come from Sion For therefore were they segregated for a time from other people that from them at the leangth the pure knowledge of God might flowe to the whole world B. For the Gospell was deriued and brought from the Iewes to the whole worlde Lu. 24.47 And before the time of the Gospell the pure knowledge and Doctrine of God florished in no other nation than among the Iewes and it is likelye whatsoeuer the wyse men of the Gentiles haue euer taught that the same was euer borrowed of the Iewes Rom. 1.17 C. But this is the summe that if wee wyll haue our Religion allowable before God we must staye the same vpon the knowledge conceyued out of the worde of GOD. Wherevpon it followeth that they must néedes fall to Idolatrye which forsake the word of God M. Moreouer Christ ioyneth him selfe with the worshippers of God who notwithstanding is not onlye worshipped as true God of the faithfull but of the Angels them selues with the Father and the holye ghost But in that hée tooke vppon him the forme of a Seruaunt and was made man in that respect he worshipped the Father and was made obedient to him Phili 2.8 euen to the death of the Crosse 23. But the houre commeth and nowe is when the true worshippers shal worship the Father in spyrite and in the trueth for such the Father also requireth to worship him The houre commeth C. Nowe followeth the seconde part concerning the abrogating of the Legal worship M. whereby he teacheth what is the worship of the New Testament at the comming whereof those olde Ceremonies which were eyther at Hierusalem in vse or in any other place ought to ceasse And so hée admonisheth that the time of reformation is fulfilled Heb. 9.10 Therefore wée must note here the Antithesis or comparison betwéene the spirite and externall figures as betwéene shadowes the trueth Therfore the worship of God is sayde to stand by the spyrite because it is nothing else but the inward faith of the heart which bringeth forth inuocation secondlye the puritye of Conscience the denying of our selues that we maye bée whollye addicted and bent to the seruice of God Herevpon aryseth a question Question Did not the Fathers worship God spyritually vnder the Lawe I answere for so much as God is alwayes one God Aunsvvere hée hath not from the beginning of the worlde allowed any other worship than that which is Spyrituall which might agrée with his nature Of the which matter Moyses him selfe is a sufficient witnesse who declareth in many places that this is the onelye ende of the Lawe that the people cleaue vnto God in faith Deu. 10.12 and in a pure conscience But the Prophetes more plainely haue expressed this thing when they doe seuerelye inueye against the Hipocrisie of the people because they thought that God was pleased with that externall worship onelye Psal 50.8 Esay 1 11. Mic. 6.7 Amos. 8 14 with the offering of sacrifices Of the which wée may reade in the fiftéene Chapter of Mathew beginning at the eyght verse For such the Father also requireth to worship him M. This is the reason why the true worshippers worshippe the Father in Spyrite and in trueth namely because so it
séemeth good vnto God so the father wyll bée worshipped Therefore the wyll of God is that wée worshippe and serue him Psa 14.2 The Lorde looked downe from Heauen to see if there were any that would vnderstande and seeke after GOD. And in another place Psa 50.15 Call vpon me in the time of trouble and I wyll heare thee and deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifye me For that mightye God wyll be worshipped and called vppon of vs whome all the Angelles worship that we maye bée made pertakers of his grace and maye haue occasion to glorifye his name So hée sayeth in another place Esay 43.7 Euerye one shal be called by my name for I created him for my glorye formed him and made him Bv. This therefore is an argument taken of the good pleasure of God which is oftentymes reuealed vnto vs in the Scripture M. Wherefore all those Imagined and false worshippes are reiected which man hath deuised and this is prescribed to bee a true note of the worship of God that the same bée according to his Diuine wyll The which Socrates also is sayd to knowe and acknowledge 24. God is a Spirite and they that worshippe him must worship him in spirite and in the trueth Bv. The other argument of the Lord is taken from the nature of God God sayeth hée is a spirite where spirite is opposed against corporall substaunce Therefore God by his nature and substaunce is without a bodye Therefore he néedeth not neyther is hée delighted with corporall thinges neyther can wée winne his fauour with any thing but with the spirite He delighteth in pure sincere and spyritual thinges C. But séeing men are fleshe it is no maruaile if those thinges please them which bée agréeable to theyr disposition Herevpō it commeth that many thinges are myxed with the worship of God which are full of corruptions and imperfections But it should become them to consider this aboue all things that they haue to do with God Question who hath no more agréement with fleshe than fire hath with water B. But thou wylt saye if God bée a spirite and therfore wyll haue no other worshippers of him but such as worship him in spirite and in trueth why then gaue hée so many Ceremonies to them of olde tyme Aunsvvere For he was then also a spyrite In déede hée was a spyrite neyther dyd God then regard any other worshippe than that of the spyrite but because the people was then more rude and lyke vnto a Childe it seemed good vnto him so to declare his glorye in a rude and Childishe people and to haue some worshippe especiallye hée required to bée feared and to haue his worde obeyed and that with the whole heart Beholde the worship of Spirite and truth C. Moreouer wée must note that truth is not here cōpared with a lye but with the externall addition of Figures that the substance of spyritual worship might bée pure simple M. But the Bishops could not abyde this simplicity which was most acceptable to the Apostles and to the primitiue Church but so added Ceremonies vpon Ceremonies and beautified the same with outwarde shewe and made it glorious to the eye AV. that as this daye testifieth Christians farre excéede the Gentiles and the Iewes in superstition of external worshippe The which speciallye then preuayled when worldlye wisedome reiecting the word of God ruled the Religion of Christ For howe many is there at this daye which being contented with spirituall worshippe desyre not some externall Ceremonies to worshippe God withall B. When as notwithstanding Christian Religion for many signes receiued of Christ a fewe by which the true worship consisted and the same fewe easie to bée done r●yall to bée vnderstoode pure to bée obserued M. Therefore this argument taken of the nature of God is most strong of all other and such that it is not onely knowne to the Godlye and faithful but also to many of the Heathen Philosophers and Poetes Whereby theyr madnesse appeareth to be the greater which thinke that they doe greatlye please God with Gold with siluer with Tapers with Images with Bels and with such lyke Gentillity A. Therfore let vs content our selues with this that God wyll be worshipped in spyrite and trueth and not with mans inuentions 25. The Woman sayeth vnto him I wote that Messias shall come which is called christ when he is come he wyl tell vs all thinges J wote that Messias shall come C. Although the Religion of the Samaritanes was impure and confounded with many errours yet notwithstanding they styll beare in minde certaine principles which they had taken out of the Lawe as this of the Messias M. For they also looked for Christ thus farre agréeing with the Iewes although in worship without Christ they greatly disagreed To this Messias therefore the woman appealed when shée knew not how to aunswere the wordes of the Lorde C. For it is probable or likely that when the Woman gathered by the wordes of Christ that there was a wonderfull and strange alteration of the Church at hand shée straight way remembred Christ vnder whome they loked for a perfect reformation of all thinges B. Wherevpon the woman as it were to make an ende of theyr talke I am not ignoraunt sayth shée that Christ promised of God loked for alreadye of thus many ages shall come vntyll whose comming I wyl reserue these questions for hee shall at large declare vnto vs all thinges whatsoeuer thou hast vttered concerning the abrogating of the worship of the Iewes of the Samaritanes and of the Gentiles concerning Religion and concerning the Well and water of lyfe C. Therefore when hée sayeth that Messias shall come hée séemeth to speake of a tyme neare at hande And truelye it maye appeare by many reasons that the mindes of all men for the most part were greatlye comforted by hope of the comming of the Messias which shoulde helpe those that were in miserye and euen at the brinke of destruction Bv. For all the Prophesies were fulfilled the kingdome was taken awaye from Israel and the Priesthoode Gen. 49.10 was subiect to the power and gouernment of the Gentiles according to the olde Prophesie of Israel When he is come he wil tell vs all thinges M. Therefore they which looked for Christe first acknowledged that knowledge of GOD which they had before his comming to bee obscure and imperfect Secondlye that the same should bée made perfect by the comming of Christ because hee should plainelye declare all thinges The whiche twoo thinges are verye necessarye for our times For vnlesse wee knowe that all thinges are obscure and vnperfecte without the knowledge of Christ and that by Christ all thinges necessarye for our Saluacion and the knowledge of God are plentifullye set foorth it can not bee that wée shoulde imbrace the Doctrine of Christ as necessarye to our Saluation C. Wherevppon wée see that this Woman preferreth Christ before Moyses and the Prophetes
and hungrye with the excellencye of these thinges quite forgatte his meate and drynke And this is a singuler consolation vnto vs that Christ was so carefull for the saluacion of men that he conceyued most pleasure in séeking the same And there is no doubte but that he beareth toward vs the lyke affection at this daye M. Also Christ admonisheth vs by this sentence that whosoeuer are sent of God haue onelye this care to doe the wyll of him that sent them and to doe his worke for the which they are sent and called Let Bishoppes and all others which saye that they are called and sent of God haue respect vnto this example 35. Say not ye There are yet foure monethes and then commeth Haruest Beholde I saye vnto you lyfte vppe your eyes and looke on the Regions For they are whyte alreadye for Haruest Saye not ye Bv. Here our sauiour addeth certaine argumentes whereby he maye styrre vp his Apostles which shoulde be the teachers of the whole worlde to Faith and diligence in theyr Apostleshippe Some gather hereby what tyme of the yéere these thinges were done affyrming that it was the beginning of the Spring But here notwithstanding there can no suche certaintye of tyme bée gathered by reason of the inequallytye and difference of places and Regions C. By these fewe woordes Saye not yee He meant to note howe much more men doe séeke after earthlye thinges than after Heauenlye thinges For they so earnestlye desyre the comming of the Haruest that they kéepe reckening of euerye Moneth and daye and in the meane tyme they forestewe and neglect the gathering in of the Heauenlye wheate And daylye experience teacheth vs that this wickednesse is not onelye naturallye in vs but also so fast ingrafted that it can not bee easelye pulled awaye For when all men gape so greedelye after the earthlye lyfe what small care or remembraunce haue they of heauenlye thinges Euen so Christ him selfe in another place Math. 16.3 sayeth You Ipocrites ye can discerne the face of the Skye and can ye not discerne the signes of the tymes Beholde I saye vnto you lyft vp M. The purpose of our Sauiour Christ was to call the mindes of the Disciples from the care of the earthlye Haruest vnto that which was more principall and better agréeing with theyr calling and profession R. Therfore hée vseth here a certaine kinde of correction as if hée should haue sayd Ye saye that Haruest is as yet a farre of namelye foure Monethes hence but I saye that the same is nighe I speake not of the corporall Haruest which is foure Monethes of but of the Spirituall which is alreadye come Lyfte vp your eyes That is to saye behold and sée howe that not the Iewes onelye desyre saluation but the Samaritanes also aspyre to the Gospell and thyrst after saluacion So in like manner hée sayeth in another place Mat. 9.73 The Haruest is great but the Labourers are fewe Praye therefore the Lord of the Haruest that hee wyll rhrust out Labourers into his Haruest C. Therefore euen as soone as the Corne is readye and rype it maye tarrye no lenger for feare of shéeding euen so nowe the spyrituall Corne being Rype Christe sayeth that haste must bée made because delaye is daungerous So that we sée to what ende the Similitude is brought namelye to expresse the cause of making spéede 36. And he that reapeth receiueth wages and gathereth fruite vnto lyfe eternall that both he that soweth and he that reapeth might reioyce together And hee that reapeth M. This is an argument taken of the reward of the reapers By the Reaper hée meaneth not the Husbandman him selfe to whome the séede belongeth but the hyred Labourer To this man the fruite which hée reapeth belongeth not and yet notwithstanding hée loseth not his labour in reaping the Corne in that hée receyueth his dewe hyre and rewarde C. Therefore by this argument hée proueth how diligent the seruantes of the Lorde ought to bée in the worke of God because there is a large rewarde layde vppe in store to requite theyr labour For hée promiseth fruite and that neyther corporall nor momentany Howebeit that which hée addeth concerning the fruite maye bée expounded twoo wayes eyther to bée a declaracion of the reward and so hée should speake one thing twise in dyuers woordes or else to commende theyr labours whiche enritche the Kingdome of God euen as hée sayth in another place I haue ordained you to go and bring forth fruite Iohn 15.16 and that your fruite should remaine And truly both these ought greatly to encourage the Ministers of the worde that they faynt not at any tyme vnder theyr labour when they heare that there is a Crowne of glorye prepared for them in the kingdome of Heauen and knowe also that the fruite of theyr reaping shall not onelye bée precious before God but also euerlasting M. Here also is offered to the Godly no small matter of comfort when they vnderstande that they by the Ministers of the Gospell the Lordes Haruest men are gathered not to consumption and the seruitude of corruption as earthlye fruites are neyther to bée at the pleasure or to suffer the tyranny of the reapers but from eternall death to euerlasting life Let euery man behold and consider what hée is and from whence and wherevnto hée is eyther gathered or dispersed And concerning the large rewarde of Sheepheardes reade the fifth Chapter of the first Epistle of Saint Peter 1. Pet. 5.4 1. Tim. 4.7 and the fourth Chapter of the first Epistle of Saint Paul to Timothy That both he that soweth M. This is an argument taken of the ioye which the Haruest commonly bringeth with it and that not onelye to the Reaper but also to him that soweth C. For by these wordes Christ teacheth that it shal be without the complaint and finding faulte of any man that the Apostles shoulde reape the fruite of other mennes earing and tyllage R. For it is a comparison betwéene the Prophetes of the olde Testament and the Apostles of the Newe The Prophetes are the sowers and the Séede was sowen in the olde Testament For the sowing was the Doctrine of the Lawe and the Prophetes for then the séede which was cast into the grounde laye as it were hyd but the Doctrine of the Gospell because it bringeth men to perfect ripenesse is aptlye compared to the Haruest For the Lawe was farre from that perfection which at the length was offred in Christ R. For the Lawe is our Schoolemaister vnto Christ Gal. 2.24 Heb. 7.19 And the Lawe hath brought no man to perfection Wée knowe also the comparison which Paul bringeth betwéene the Age of a Childe Gala. 4.1 and the full and perfect age the whiche tendeth to the same effect And yet notwithstanding this letteth not but that the Fathers might bée gathered into the Lordes Barne but the manner of teaching was farre otherwise for as the Childhoode of the Church continued
vntyll the ende of the Lawe and the flourishing Youth succéeded the Preaching of the Gospell euen so then saluation began to waxe rype the which the Prophetes had onelye sowen before 37. And herein is the saying true That one soweth and another reapeth R. Therefore the Prophetes are the sowers and the Apostles are the Reapers That which the Prophetes sowed the Apostles reaped Also to sowe is to Preache the Lawe and to Preache the Gospell is to Reape the offered Christ C. For this was a common Prouerbe by which was meant that many oftentimes receyued the fruite of other mennes labours Howbeit this namelye that hee which laboureth is greeued that another man shoulde take awaye the fruite of his labour is otherwyse because the Prophetes and the Apostles were pertakers one of the others Ioye And yet neuerthelesse it followeth not herevppon that the Prophetes are witnesses or priuye to those thinges which at this daye are done in the Churche because the purpose of Christ tendeth to no other ende than to shewe that the Prophetes taught with this mind and desyre that they might reioyce ouer that fruite which they had not leaue to gather The comparison which the Apostle Peter vseth 1. Pet. 1.12 is not much vnlyke this sauing that he generallye exborteth all the Faithful whereas Christ speaketh to his Disciples onelye 38. I sent you to reape that whereon ye bestowed no labour other men laboured and ye are entred into theyr labours Bv. As if he should saye The Prophetes by theyr labours made the fallowes and by theyr Doctrine prepared the worlde being as yet vnrulye and stubborne for the Gospell yée nowe succeede them and enter into theyr Labours and take a worke in hand alreadye begonne the worlde euen now wyllinglye receyuing the Gospell and mortall men séeking violentlye to enter into the kingdome of Heauen R. In saying I sende you hée declareth that they were appointed Reapers by his meere grace and not by theyr merite According to that which hee sayeth in another place Ioh. 15.16 I haue chosen you and ye haue not chosen mee Question c. M. But here it may bée demaunded howe the Apostles were sent to Reape when Paul sayth I haue planted i. Cor. 3.6 Apollo hath watered but God hath geuen the encrease Also hée sayth Ye are Gods husbandrye Agayne I haue layd the foundation and another hath builded thereon And in another place hée sayeth i. Cor. 9.11 If wee sowe vnto you spyrituall thinges thinke not much if we reape your carnall thinges Therefore Paul was sent of the Lorde rather to Sowe than to Reape Was then the Apostleship of Paul Aunsvvere differing from the Apostleship of the rest Surelye it was differing from the rest so long as they Preached to the Iewes and hée to the Gentiles For that which Christ here speaketh vnto his Disciples séemeth to appertaine chieflye to that first sending foorth in the which the Apostles were sent foorth to the lost Shéepe of the house of Israel as we reade in the tenth Chapter of Mathew in the which Nation the Prophetes also laboured It was one thing to preach the kingdome of God among the Gentiles and another thing to preache the same among the Iewes for the one knewe not God and the other were trained vp in the Lawe and the Prophetes Bv. Moreouer these woordes of the Lorde ought alwayes to bee before the eyes of all Preachers of Gods worde that thereby they maye be encouraged to bee faithfull and dilligent in discharging the office committed vnto them when as they knowe that the Labour which they bestowe in teaching shal be so profitable for them and so fruitefull to Christ and the Churche 39. Many of the Samaritanes of that Citye beleeued on him for the saying of the woman which testifyed that hee tolde her all that she had done Bv. The Euangelist now returneth to the former Historye and more fullye describeth the prompte obedience and the growing of fayth of the Citizens of Sychar otherwise called Samaria The calling of the Gentiles foreshewed R. And hée declareth howe greatlye the reporte which the woman made of him preuailed with them Whereby it appeareth that they had a hope and desyre of the promised Messias B. Moreouer this soddaine conuersion of the Samaritanes was a foreshewing of the calling of the Gentiles and therefore the Lorde would haue the same magnified as may plainelye appeare when as at the testimonye of one sillye Woman scant of good name many straight way and that Samaritanes beléeued the Gospell and imbraced Christ M. For what had she sayde of Christ Sayde shée that by the word of his power he could cōmaund all thinges as Men Spyrites Death Life Diseases the Sea and the Winde many of the which thinges the Iewes sawe and yet beléeued not Shée neyther saw nor spake of any of these thinges but this onelye shée sayde that Christ had tolde her all thinges that euer shée had done Who therefore séeth not howe soone these Samaritanes beléeued and the readinesse and maturity of this Haruest What else maye wée note here but that when the hartes of mortal men are made apte by the inspiration of the holye Ghost to receyue the trueth Faith commeth by the holye Ghost the kingdome of God is set forewarde with litle labour and oftentimes by such personnes as are verye base The ripe apple often times falleth from the trée without much labour yea at the onely shaking of the same by a childe but such as are scant ripe will scarce fall with the hurling and beating of a Cudgell and being by violence shaken downe they are so sower that they were better vntouched Euen so in like maner where the spiritual haruest is there euen a Samaritane woman bringeth many vnto Christe The haruest of the spirite is easy but where the spirituall haruest is not there the Apostles them selues sweate and labour in vaine C. This woorde beléeued signifieth herein properly that they were stirred vp by the woordes of the woman to acknowledge Christe to bee a prophete For this is as it were but the beginning of faith when mens mindes are prepared to receaue the profered Doctrine Such enterance into faith is here called honourably Faith to the ende we might know how reuerently God estéemeth of his woorde in making their onely docillity so honourable which are not as yet taught But in this that Faith of theirs sheweth it selfe that they haue a desire to profyte for the which cause they desire to haue Christe abyde with them 40 So when the Samaritanes were come to hym they besought hym that he would tarry with them and he aboade there two dayes So when the Samaritanes were come M. In these woordes is described the quallity of faith which commeth by the ministery of the preached Gospell By this the minde of the beleeuer is inflamed firste to sée him of whom so great things are published and beléeued Euen so these Samaritanes so soone
and to bring peace to them that were farre of 43. After two dayes hee departed thence and went away into Galilee After twoo dayes B. Hée abode twoo dayes onely with the Samaritanes because as yet the houre was not come for the kingdome of God more magnifycently to bée reuealed vnto them First it was necessarye that the Gospell of the kingdome should bée offered to the Iewes and then by the death of Christ the middle gate which deuided other Nations from the Iewes was to be broken downe And went awaye into Galilee M. The course or iourney of Christ was dyrected by the wyll of God from Iewry to Galilee but by the waye as hée went hée was as it were stayed abyding twoo dayes in Samaria notwithstanding after twoo dayes were past hée procéeded in the same Hereby let vs learne to knowe the certaintye of the course of the Gospell which is begonne and ended according to Gods Deuine wyll 44. For Iesus him selfe testified that a Prophet hath no honour in his owne countrey Bv. The Euangelist briefly and therfore obscurelye telleth the departure of Christ out of Samaria But if we confer with the other Euangelistes it shall appeare that hée leauing the Citye of Nazareth went another waye into Galilee C. For when he sawe that he was contemned in his countrey of Nazareth hée thought good to turne out of the way to another place A. Concerning this cōtempte reade in the thirtéene chapter of Mathew verse fiftye and seuen Marke the sixt verse foure And in the twentye and foure verse of the fourth Chapter of Luke 45. Then as soone as hee vvas come into Galilee the Galileans receyued him vvhen they had seene all the thinges that he dyd at Hierusalem at the daye of the feast for they went also to the feast daye Then as soone as he was come M. It appeareth that the Euangelist endeuoureth him selfe to shewe how Christ founde more fauour and friendship among these abiect and rude Samaritanes and Galileans than among the Iewes which were instructed in the lawe and the Prophetes and excelled others in the outwarde shewe of holinesse Euen so the ignoraunt and ruder sort of men are more readye to imbrace the truth than they which boast them selues to knowe Religion and to loue godlinesse So that hauing made mencion howe the Samaritanes receyued Christ hée nowe commendeth the same also in the Galeleans being a Nation so much contemned that the Pharisées boldlye sayde that it coulde not bée founde in the Scriptures that euer any Prophete came out of Galilee Iohn 7.52 and for this cause they reiected Christ as a Galilean C. Moreouer whether this honour continewed any long time which the Galileans gaue vnto Christ it is not perfectlye knowne For there is nothing more ready than the forgetting of Gods giftes and benefites When they had seene all the thinges A. Of these signes it is spoken before in the three and twentye verse of the second Chapter these thinges wanted not theyr fruite C. For in séeking to prepare a waye to Doctrine they bring to passe that Christ maye bée reuerentlye thought of For they went also to the Feast M. The Euangelist putteth not downe this without cause for beside that it apertaineth to the purpose it hath also a commendacion of the godlinesse of this people which so carefullye obeyed the Lawe of GOD that dwelling farre of they came to Hierusalem at the feast dayes appointed A. Hereof also wée maye take an example of the obedience and dilligence which is due to the word of God 46. So Iesus came againe into Cana of Galilee where he turned the vvater into Wyne And there was a certaine Ruler whose Sonne was sycke at Capernaum Into Cana of Galilee A. Concerning this Citye and the Myracle there shewed reade in the second Chapter going before M. The Euangelist maketh mencion of this in this place bothe to call to memory a freshe the Miracle of the water turned into Wine also to declare that Christ came for this cause into that place that he might as it were water and cause that to growe by shewing his power and light agayne which of late in the beginning of his Myracles he had planted Heauenly thinges are soone forgotten For such is our nature and corruption that howe soeuer we haue attained and gotten heauenlye and good thinges except they bee afterwarde caused to prosper of all other thinges they wyl most easylye bee forgotten But it is not so with those thinges that are euill and which are agreeable to our corruption the which although they bée lightlye gotten they wyllingly increase and goe forward insomuch that it is truely sayd The first beginninges see thou withstand For remeedye to late thou doest prouide When euylles haue the vpper hand By long delayes styll to abyde The which verses certainely cannot be veryfied of good thinges A. For this cause Christ him selfe a lytle before his death Iohn 12.1 went to sée Bethany where he had raysed Lazarus from the dead The Apostles also were wont to sée againe the Churches which they had planted by the Gospell of Christ Acts. 15.41 to confyrme them in the faith which they had receyued M. Wherefore by these examples let vs learne to sée and ouersée againe and by dilligent husbandry to set foreward eyther in our selues or in others the beginninges of good thinges And there was a certayne Ruler Bv. These thinges also which followe pertaine to that which went before for they proue that Iesus is euen the verye same whome hytherto he preached him selfe to bée and whome the Samaritanes acknowledged and receyued namely the sonne of God the Messias and sauiour of the world the Lord of all thinges euen of lyfe and death for this thing he most manifestly declareth by his present acte M. It appeareth that this Ruler was one of the seruauntes and Lieftenaunts of Herode as maye appeare in the thrée and twenty of Luke the seuenth verse C. And the Euangelist plainely expresseth his state condicion because in such a personage the myracle was more notable M. For it commeth very seldome to passe that suche a one beléeueth in Christ speciallye being the Seruaunt of such a King as Herode was These examples are very rare and yet notwithstanding nothing impossible Wherefore we must not despayre of such A. but rather praye that the Lorde wyll bring them to the knowledge of his trueth euen as the Apostle exhorteth i. Tim. 2.1 for great is his mercye 47. Assoone as the same hearde that Iesus was come out of Iewry into Galilee he went vnto him and besought him that he woulde come downe and heale his sonne for he was euen at the point of death R. The Ruler is here descrybed to haue a rude and a Childyshe fayth For hée requesteth Christ that he would goe downe to Capernaum heale his sonne In that hée prayeth Christ to heale his sonne it belongeth to a fayth conceyued by those myracles
is euer at hand to performe whatsoeuer hée promiseth so that our vnbeléefe bée not a let vnto the same Wée confesse that this is not alwaies often or commonly séene that the Lord by and by stretcheth foorth his hande to helpe vs but so often as hée differreth the same hée doeth it vppon good consideration and for our profite And although it doeth not alwayes by one manner of meane helpe his seruauntes yet notwithstanding no mans Fayth shal be in vaine but wée shall know that it is very true which the prophete teacheth that the promises of God Abac. 2.3 when they seeme to tarrye long do then most spéedelye come 52. Then enquyred hee of them vvhen he beganne to amende and they sayde vnto him Yesterdaye at the seuenth houre the feuer left him M. To the ende it might appeare whether his sonne were healed by chance or by the singuler power of Christ the father enquyred what tyme his Sonne beganne to amende C. The which hée dyd being moued therevnto by the secréete impulsion of Gods spyrite to the ende the trueth of the Myracle might the moore euidentlye appeare For we are to proane and readye by nature to obscure and darken the lighte and glorie of God and Sathan also séeketh by all meanes possible to kepe from vs the sighte of all hys wounderfull woorkes Wherefore to the ende all his woorkes maye haue their deserued prayse it is necessarye that they bée made so euident and playne vnto vs that there bée no occasion of doubting lefte How vnthankefull therefore soeuer men be yet notwithstanding this circumstance will not suffer so notable a woorke of Christe to bée ascribed vnto fortune M. Therefore the truthe and power of the woorde of Christe is suche that it neuer passeth without a sure and vndoubted experiment of it selfe and the more diligentlye it is examined the more manifest and certaine it is Truth the more it is examined the more certaine it is The power which Christe shewed in healing of this childe had bene hydden yf so bée the curiositie of the father had not enquired after the hower of his healing Thomas woulde not beléeue them that toulde him of the resurrection of Christe Ioh. 20.28 except he might haue experiment bothe by séeing and féeling the same But this kinde of experiment was so farre from detracting any thing from the truthe of Christes resurrection that it could not be made more manifest and certaine by any other waye R. This Ruler therefore enquireth the hower firste to declare his faithe which he hadde conceiued before by the woorde and secondly to the ende he might drawe his whole familye vnto faithe 57. So the Father knewe that it was done the same hower in the which Iesus said vnto hym Thy sonne lyueth And he beleeued and al his housholde So the Father knewe A. Let vs also learne after this manner to behaue our selues that the truthe of our woordes and actions may appeare more in déede than in woordes yf so be they be examined We sée that the Lorde vsed not manye woordes to shewe and commend vnto him the myracle but lefte the same to the truthe of that whiche hée intended to do which shoulde sufficiently declare the truthe of his woorde And he beleeued R. Did he not also beléeue before What is it then whiche the Euangelist sayth now C. For this séemeth verye absurde to make mencion of the beginning of Faith in that man whose faith he commended at the firste neither can the woorde of beléeuing in this place he referred to the procéeding of faithe But we muste note that the man being a Iewe and trayned vp in the doctrine of the lawe had some taste of faithe when he came vnto Christ And whereas afterward he beléeued the woorde of Christ that was a perticuler faithe which extended no farther then to the life of his sonne but now he began to beléeue after another maner because he hauing imbraced the doctrine of Christ professed him selfe to be one of his disciples So that now he doth not onely beléeue that his sonne is restored to health againe by the benefite of Christe but also acknowledgeth Christe to be the sonne of God and geueth his name to the Gospel M. Beholde therefore the fruite of this miracle namely the increase and confirmation of faithe And all his houshold C. This Ruler had his whole houshold fellow professors with him of the Gospell who were witnesses with him of the miracle Of the whole houshould there was not one whiche knewe what aunswere the Lord had made to the good man of the house but onely he him selfe which hearde the same but he toulde them all thinges and reuealed vnto them the vertue and power of Christe Bv. to the ende his whole familie might come with him to Christianisme The which thing not onely the maisters of houshouldes but also their whole families ought to consider thereby to learne what is their duetye yf so bée they wyll lyue godly in Christe namely to geue themselues wholly vnto God and to beleeue in Christe the sonne of God M. and by mutuall conference of the woord of God among them selues to edifie one another in the faith of Christe 54. This is againe the seconde miracle that Iesus did when he was come out of Iurie into Galilee Bv. The Euangelist maketh mencion of this to the ende we might vnderstande that the Lorde woulde by this meanes builde vp the foundacion of his kingdome which was layde among the Galileans and herewithall hée declareth that his purpose is to describe certayne speciall and notable miracles of our Lord and sauiour Christe to the setting forth of his power and to the teaching of the trueth of faith M. Neither ought it to séeme absurde to any man that the Euangelist so diligently declareth this thing séeing one only houshould or family was wonne by this miracle for this is not vnwoonted or straunge yf we waye and consider first of al how much the Lord esteemeth the saluation of one which is not comparable to so great a houshould as this was and also what small béeginninges of heauenly thinges and of the kingdome of God are woont to growe into a greate masse One house maye bée to a whole Citie euen as that littell leauen of the number of the Appostles was to the whole worlde For in what great estimation the faithfull are with God though they bée fewe in number and amount to the number of ten the family of Lot may bee an example for euer ❧ The fyfth Chapter 1. After this was there a Feast day of the Iewes and Iesus went vp to Hierusalem After this was there a Feast Bv. THIS PREsent Historye doeth speciallye teache and declare vnto vs the corporall benefite whiche the Lorde bestowed vppon the Lame Man and howe hée tooke from him his disease which by no arte was Curable and therefore without hope of recouerye whereby he declared againe that hée is the omnipotent Lorde of all
howe contemptible soeuer it appeare in outwarde shewe and suffereth persecution of the worlde M. Here the sicke man is not onely healed without all delaye but by the power of the word of Christ he is so restored to health that without all helpe of man he stādeth boult vpright on his féete taketh vp his Bed on his shoulders and stoutlye goeth foreward on his waye By which tokens the power of the word of Christ was sufficientlye declared Otherwyse if hée had abode styll in his Bed how whole soeuer he had béene the restoring of his health had béene obscure But when hee rose vp in the sight of all men and went on his way with his Bed on his necke there appeared a most euident declaration of the power of Christ And the same daye was the Sabboth C. Chrste was not ignorant how great offence woulde follow when the man shoulde be séene to carrye a burthen on his necke Ier. 17.21 For the lawe expresly forbiddeth to carry any maner of burthen vppon the Sabboth daye B. But Christe intended to shewe by this miracle that he is the Lord of the Sabboth and of al thinges els whereuppon he did this vppon the Sabboth daye and to the ende it might be the more openly knowne he commaunded him which so long tyme was carried of his bed to take vp the same now and to carie it in like maner on his shoulders The which being such impietie as was not woonte to bée shewed it moued the mindes of the multitude very much to enquire of the cause of so great bouldnes and so to learne the power and aucthoritye of the Lord who setting forth the glorye of his Father so greately by that miracle did a woorke belonging to the Sabboth daye C. Therefore he commaunded the bed to be caried that the miracle might be the more generally known secondly that occasion might be geuen as it were a way prepared to that notable sermon whiche he made afterward And of so greate waight was the knowledge of that miracle that he ought not to regarde the offence of the people especially séeing hée hadde so iust a defence in a redines by which although hée pleased not the wicked yet notwithstanding he mightely refuted their cauils Therfore we must holde this for a generall Rule That although the whole worlde shall rage against God yet neuerthelesse we must publish the glory of God and must preach forth his woorks so far forth as it shall be méete to make his glory knowne And we must not be wearye and discouraged although this our endeuour haue not good successe so that we séeke onely the glory of God and goe not beyonde our boundes 10. The Iewes therefore sayde vnto him that was made whole It is the Sabboth daye it is not lawfull for thee to carrye thy bed M. Hitherto the Euangelist hath made mencion of the power and also of the goodnes of Christe declared by the miracle and now consequently he declareth the blindnes and mallice of the Iewes by which reprobate and obstinate persones did caluminate and stander the deede of Christe bothe in the man healed of the Paulsey and also in Christe hym selfe R. For in these Iewes thou shalt fynd neither faith nor charitie For at the sight of so greate a miracle they should haue confyrmed their faith and wondered at the power of God glorified his name and also haue reioyced through loue with the man which was healed but the wicked are made more obstinate by the wonderfull workes of God Exod. 5.7 and .9 as we may sée by the example of Pharao M. These miserable men went about to obscure and hide the miracle of Christ the which to doe they take occasion of the circumstance of tyme. It is say they the Sabboth daye it is not lawfull for thée to carry thy bed C. The which thing they séeme rightly iustlye to condemne for so much as the lawe expresly forbad the same But when the excuse which hée brought would not satisfie them they began then to offend in that for the cause being knowne hée ought to haue ben borne withall The bearing of a burthen as is alredye sayde was the breaking of the Sabboth daye but Christ which layde the burthen vpon his shoulder by his aucthoritye discharged him 11. He aunswered them Hee that made me whole sayde vnto mee Take vp thy bed and walke M. Hée coulde not haue aunswered better nor more briefelye He doth not dispute eyther about the obseruation or breaking of the Sabboth neither doth hée alleage any thing to excuse him selfe B. but goeth about to declare that he doth of right obeye him which had healed him by his deuine power in carrying his bed yea though on the Sabboth daye as yf he should saye that he cannot commaunde anye thing against God whiche hadde declared so greate power of God to bée in him CRY Therefore hée referreth all the whole matter vnto him which had made him whole and séemeth to affirme stoutly that he is rather to be honoured then the sabboth in whome there is so greate vertue and grace that hée coulde heale this so olde a disease with his word onelye For it belongeth onelye to God and not to man to doe suche a déede Rashe iudgement C. We are taught therefore by this example to beware of rashe Iudgement vntill the reason and consideration of euery facte do fully appeare vnto vs. Whatsoeuer is contrary to the woorde of God deserueth without all controuersie to be condemned but because we are here often times deceiued let vs first modestly and quietly searche out the matter that we may haue a sober and sound iudgement For because the Iewes were euill affectioned they make no enquirye but fall to rashe iudgement Whereas yf they hadde suffered them selues to bée taught the offence had not onely béen taken away but they hadde béen brought with much more profite to the knowledge of the Gospell 12. Then asked they him what man is that which sayd vnto thee Take vp thy bed and walke Then asked they him Bv. It is likely that the Pharisées vnderstoode the plainnesse of his speache and perceiued that Iesus was the aucthour of this matter whom they knewe well inough hadde done hitherto greate miracles notwithstanding dissembling the same with wonderfull subtilty and couering their poysoned spite they demaunded what manner of man hée is which commaunded him to carrye his bed By which woordes there séemeth to be included an opposition betweene God and man M. As yf they shoulde haue sayde séeing God hath so seriouslye commaunded the obseruation of the sabboth and hath playnly forbidden vs to do anye manner of woorke vppon the Sabboth daye what man is he that dare presume to set him selfe so rashly againste God They say not what is he that hath made thée whole because this serued not their tourne to caluminate but they saye What man is he that Thus blinde and malicious flesh and blood is woont to
deale That which serueth their turne to cauill they take but that which toke away all occasion of cauill they let alone A. So in the cause of the blinde man the Pharisées make mention onely of the claye which Christe made on the Sabboth daye but of so greate a miracle they speake not one woorde 13. And he that was healed wist not who it was for Iesus had gotten him selfe away because there was prease of people in that place And he that was healed wist not who it was M. A wonderful thing Christ was vnknowne to this sick man which was the aucthour of his health He remembred nothing concerning Christ but these two thinges namely the woorde which he had harde the which he obeyed and the health which he recouered by the vertue thereof but he was he knewe not no not so much as his name C. Herebye therefore we gather that it cannot bée attributed to this mans faith that hée was made whole who beeing made whole knewe not his Phisition and yet notwithstanding in that hée toke vp his bed at the commaundement of Christ it séemeth to be done by the directrix faith In very déede as we muste confesse that there was some impulsion of faith in him so by the order of the texte it euidentlye appeareth that he was whollye expert of sound doctrine and of the pure light vpon the which hee shoulde haue stayed him selfe Bv. Therefore at this time he aunswereth nothing to their question but deliberateth with him selfe and considereth of more dilligent enquirie and examination But the Euangelist Iohn addeth the cause why many knew not the aucthour of so greate a miracle saying For Iesus had gotten him selfe away C. Christ woulde not haue the glorye and praise of so notable a woorke to vanish away and to bée quite out of remembraunce but would haue the same knowen before that he professed hym selfe to be the aucthour thereof Therefore he got him selfe out of the way for a littell while that the Iewes might Iudge of the matter it selfe without hauing any respect of the person M. And also that he might not séeme to desyre the common praise of the people thinking it better to suffer the matter it selfe to prayse and extol the diuine power Vaine glory auoyded by Christe Thus they alwayes behaue them selues which séeke not their owne glory but to do good Othersome say that he went apart lest he might prouoke the malice of the Iewes to bée more vehement against him by his presence R. Therefore although he could haue destroyed his aduersaries with the breth of his mouth yet he abased him self euen to extreame impotencie and went aparte priuily from among the multitude not because his nature feared death but to the ende we might learne by his example not to tempte God but to shunne the madnes of such as are angry vntil their anger be somewhat asswaged For Heauie saith Salamon is a stone and the sande waighty but a fooles wrath is heuier then them both 14. Afterwarde Iesus found him in the temple and sayd vnto him Beholde thou art made whole synne no more lest a worse thing comme vnto thee Afterward Iesus found him in the temple Bv. Hitherto the truth of the miracle hath béen dilligently discussed and now Iesus shalbée declared manifestly to be the aucthour of the miracle For Iesus offereth him selfe againe to the man that was healed more fully instructing him that he is euen the verye same of whom he receiued his health C. It appeareth therefore that Christe did not hyde him selfe for a time that the remembraunce of his benefite might perishe for now of his owne accorde hée openly shewed him selfe In the former place he ment to haue the woorke onely knowne and now hée would haue him selfe proclaimed to bée the aucthour B. leste the deuine woorke shoulde bée oppressed through enuy but being receiued as it was méete it might proue vnto the godly that he is the sonne of God and so they might be confirmed in the faith but the wicked to whom al thinges turne to the woorst might be the more blinded M. Let vs note here into what places the Lord got him selfe when he was come to Hierusalem vppon occasion of the feaste dayes Before it is saide that hee came to that famous Lazarhouse in which laye a great multitude of sicke persons Here also we sée that he entred into the temple of the which is spoken before in the fourteene verse of the second chapter The Temple was the house of God the house of faith and the house of worship To this place he came not to offer according to the lawe The temple is the place of worship but to aduance the kingdome of God neuerthelesse we are taught by his example to come into Ecclesiasticall places with reuerence that in them with the rest of the members of the Church we may exercise those things which belong to piety and to faith and to charitie towardes our neighbour Also it séemeth that the man which was restored to health went straight way after he was healed into the Temple to geue thankes to God from whome he knewe all good thinges to come for his health A. Let vs also therefore learne to geue condigne thanks for those benefyts which God bestoweth on vs lest the same ingratitude which was found in the nine Lepers that were clensed Thankes geuing for Godes benefites do make vs altogether vnworthy of the fauour of God And said vnto him Behold thou art nowe made whole M. Hée which hath cured the sicke admonisheth those whome he hath healed after the manner of Phisitions to preserue their receiued health by good dyet lest by sinning they loose that which they haue receiued through grace What is the meaning of this els then to desire that we may constantly and firmely retaine that benefite which we haue receiued at his handes And in very déede Curates haue néede to be verie vigilant lest the grace receiued be lost againe by negligence C. Christe therefore declareth by these woordes that we do abuse the benefits of God vnlesse we be thankful for them For Christ doth not cast the man in the téeth with that which he had geuen him but doth onely teach that hée is therfore healed that being mindfull of the grace receiued he may woorship God his deliuerer all the daies of his life And to this ende God hath redéemed vs and bestowed an infinite nomber of other béenefits vpon vs that we might be thankfull vnto him Bv. Furthermore Sinne is the cause of sicknes let vs learne by these woordes of our sauiour Christe that the vices of the minde are the cause of the diseases of the bodye for the moste parte For the Lorde doth often times scourge our sinnes with the whip of sicknesse and corporall griefes C. What euyl soeuer therefore we suffer we must impute the same to our sinnes for the calamities which are incident to men come not by chanes but are
B. To conclude it appeareth what it is to be a captiue to Sathan Let vs not then marueyle yf so bée the worlde at any time doe persecute vs for our well doing Sathan is the enemie of God and where he perceiueth most godlynes there he most rageth 17. And Iesus answered them My Father worketh hytherto and I worke M. Thus farre forth the Euangelist hath noted the Supersticion malice and cruel dealing of the Iewes and now he commeth to the Appollogie of Christe in the which it is wonderfull that the most méeke and gentle Lorde woulde vouchsafe to answere these blind and peruerse men to so vnhonest and shamefull a Cauill and not onely to answere vnto it but also to reueale vnto them the misterye of the dispensation and of his diuine power But this was not done for the wicked cauillers sake to satisfie them but for the peoples sake which attended vppon him to be taught Furthermore it was done that we might learne truth out of the mouth of the Lord to confirme and stay our faith C. Let vs therfore sée what kinde of defence it is which Christe vseth Hée doth not answere that the Lawe concerning the obseruation of the Sabboth was temporall and now to be taken awaye but rather denieth that he hath broken the lawe because that which hée had done was a diuine worke That was a shadowed Ceremonye the which Christ ended by his comming as the Apostle teacheth but the whole state of the cause doeth not consist in this point Colo. 2.16 For men are commanded to ceasse from their workes onelye and therefore Circumcision whiche was a diuine worke and not of men was not against the Sabboth Christ standeth vpon this point that the Sabboth or holye rest which Moyses commaunded was not broken by diuine workes And by this reason hée doeth not onelye excuse his owne déede but him also which tooke vp his bed on his necke for it was an appendix or as it were a part of the Myracle because it was nothing but an approbation of the same Furthermore if so bée the thanksegeuing bée reckened among the workes of God and the setting foorth of his glorye also then it was not the prophanation of the Sabboth to testifye the grace of God by féete or handes Notwithstanding Christ speaketh speciallye of him selfe whome the Iewes enuied more than any other Neuerthelesse hée testifyeth that the health which hée had restored to the sicke person was a proofe of his diuine power Hée preacheth him selfe to bée the sonne of GOD and that his Father and hee worke all one manner of waye PAR as if hée shoulde saye As the Father because of the obseruation of the Sabboth on the which hée is sayd to rest from the workemanshippe of the world ceasseth not to doe good daylye to mortall men and to all other creatures euen so I which am his sonne hauing power and example from him to worke those things which pertaine to the health of mankind am not let by the obseruation of the sabboth to finishe those thinges which my Father hath commaunded CYR. For because the sonne is of the same nature that the Father is of and differreth nothing from him in vnitye of substaunce therefore hée cannot wyll any thing contrarye to the wyll of his father For he is the lyuing counsayle and the subsisting power of his Father and therefore hée worketh all thinges with the father Bv. If therefore the father by preseruing gouerning and blessing doeth not breake the reste of the Sabboth neyther dyd Christ violate the Sabboth in doing good to the miserable man C. In sixe dayes the creation of the worlde was finished but the gouernment thereof is perpetuall and GOD doeth continuallye worke in preseruing and maintaining the order thereof C. Euen as the Apostle teacheth saying Acte 17.28 Psal 104.29 In him we lyue moue and haue our being Bv. So that place commendeth vnto vs Gods diuine prouidence Therefore when thou séest the Sunne rysing the course of the Moone and of the Starres Welles Ryuers the force of nature in séedes and the increase of our bodyes and of the bodyes of brute Beastes consider then the prouidence of God and the continuall working of the father and the sonne C Neither doeth God by his generall prouidence onelye defende the nature which hée hath created but doeth order and frame euerye parte thereof But especiallye hée defendeth and preserueth the faithfull whome hée taketh into his protection When he sayeth And I worke Hée chalengeth vnto him selfe that whiche is proper vnto the diuinitye Heb. 1.3 euen as also the Apostle sayeth that hée sustayneth all thinges by his mightye power CH. Therfore to the ende thou mightest vnderstand the sonne to bée the creator and not the creature hée brought not an example of the working creature but of the father which hath created al thinges C. And therefore he affyrmeth him selfe to bée God that being manifested in the fleshe hée might performe the office of Christ so hée affyrmeth that hée came from Heauen because hée woulde haue men principally to knowe wherefore he descended into the earth 18. Therefore the Iewes sought the more to kyll him not onelye because he had broken the Sabboth but sayde also that God was the Father and made him selfe equal with God Therefore the Iewes sought Bv. The mindes of the Iewes were so farre from being mitigated by the Apology or defence of Iesu that they were the more exasperate and outragious laying vnto his charge not onely the breach of the Sabboth but also blasphemy for the which cause they thought him worthy to bée put to death because he compared his workes with the workes of God and boasted him selfe to be the sonne of God and so equall with GOD in all thinges C. But Christ was not ignoraunt of theyr malignaunt and dishonest dealing and of theyr stéelye and flintye obstinacie but he principally sought for this that he might profite that small number of the Godly which were there present then that he might be wray vnto all men theyr incurable mallice And he hath taught vs by his example that we ought neuer to geue place to the furor of the wicked but to séeke to maintaine Gods trueth so farre forth as necessitye shall requyre in despight of the whole worlde Neyther is there any cause why the seruantes of Christ should be gréeued if so bée they profite not all men when as Christ him selfe the onelye begotten sonne of God obtayned not thus much Bv. This is also to bée noted that the Iewes well vnderstoode that Iesus dyd not so call God his father as we men call God our father For the Iewes themselues say afterward we haue one Father Iohn 8● euen God neyther doe they thinke that they offended any thing at all therein And in another place it is sayde Iere. 3● I am Israels Father and Ephraim is my first begotten sonne But Iesus called God his Father after a certayne singular fashion
God hath appointed to guide vs in the right waye to wander at our leysure whether we lust Bv. For many are well affected in the beginning of Preaching for the loue of noueltie but within a while after do forsake the gospel againe following pleasures and corrupt affections which they estéeme more than the loue of godlynesse For a season C. By these wordes hée reproueth theyr folishnesse because they thought that the eternall light of God might bée extinguished by vaine way wardnesse and vnconstant follye Euen so at this daye the Papistes abuse all those godlye teachers and Doctours which the Lord hath geuen to his Church as bright Candelles as though they went about to dasell theyr eyes by beholding the light And they doe not onelye abuse the Candelles to obscure the light but they doe also oftentimes reioyce in darkenesse 36. But I haue greater wytnesse than the witnesse of Iohn for the workes whiche the Father hath geuen me to finishe the same workes that I doe beare witnesse of me that the Father hath sent me But I haue greater witnesse C. After hée had shewen in the person of Iohn that the Iewes had wickedlye corrupted the gift of God nowe secondlye hée repeateth that which hée had spoken as that he hath no néede of the testimony of man his owne witnesse being sufficient for him selfe Howebeit because hée sawe that he was despised hee citeth them according to his manner before his father As if he shoulde saye Bv. Thus farre forth ye haue hearde great thinges but ye shall heare greater thinges Ye haue Iohns testimony concerning me but nowe beholde a greater testimony namelye the testimony of my workes For there can not bée a more certaine testimony than the déedes them selues the which I doe not in my owne name but in my fathers name M. Let vs note here howe circumspectlye and wiselye he saieth not I haue a testimony much more certaine and true than the testimony of Iohn but he sayth Greater than the testimony of Iohn least he might so extoll the testimony of the Father concerning him selfe that the testimony of Iohn thereby shoulde bée quite discredited For whatsoeuer Iohn did testifye concerning Christ the same was of God neyther was it any whit contrarye from that which the Father by his workes testified of him But if ye compare the testimony of the workes of Christ which he had receyued of the Father with the testimony of Iohn ye shal finde that it is much more excellent and notable For as that Lucifer or morning Starre though it be a true testimony of the rysing of the Sunne yet notwithstanding is inferiour and nothing so euident as the Sunne beames it selfe which shine throughout the whole world ▪ euen so Iohn though his testimony were true concerning Christ yet notwithstanding it was far inferior more obscure than the bright shewe of Christes workes For the workes which the father hath geuen me R. The second thing whereby Christ proueth that he was sent of the Father are workes or Myracles M The vse wherof are here declared vnto vs when Christ sayeth They testifye of me Therefore they are not dumbe signes but lyuelye signes and therefore not simplie to be behelde but effectuallye to be hearde according to thys place The heauens declare the glory of God c. These speake not and yet notwithstanding their sounde hath gone forth into all landes and their wordes into the vtmost partes of the earth Psal 19.1 A. Euen so the wonderfull workes of Christ though they séeme to bée dumbe yet notwithstanding most euidentlye they set foorth his mightye vertue and power but to them to whome he hath geuen eares to heare M. Euen as appeareth in Nicodemus who being moued by the power and testimony of Christes workes Iohn 3. acknowledgeth that Christ is come a teacher sent from God For as a good Trée is knowne by his good fruite euen so the Lorde Iesus hath sufficientlye by his workes proued him selfe to bée the sonne of God Iohn 10.25 R. The workes sayth hée which I do in my Fathers name they beare witnesse of me C. It may here be demaunded whether miracles are sufficient ynough to proue Christ to be the sonne of God Question when as the Prophetes haue done the lyke M. Furthermore neyther the Iewes nor the Turkes doe denye the myracles of Christ but yet neyther of them doe acknowledge the testimonye whereof the Lorde here maketh mention Aunsvvere C. We aunswere Those signes and myracles which the Lorde wrought by the handes of his Prophets went not beyonde that ende for the which they were appoynted to be wrought which was that they might declare them to be the Ministers of God who otherwise coulde haue had neyther aucthoritie nor credite But God ment more highlye to extoll his sonne And this purpose of God in miracles must be taken for the ende and scope Therefore if the Iewes through malice had not willingly shutte their eyes the vertue of Christes signes might sufficiently haue declared who and what maner of person he was euen as hée himselfe sayth Yf I had not done among them the workes which no other man hath done Iho. 15.24 they had no sinne but now they haue seene and hated not onlye mee but also my Father M. As touching the Turkes although after a sorte they doe acknowledge some deuine power to bée in the myracles of Christ yet notwithstanding they wyll in no wise acknowledge him to be the sonne of God being vtterly blinded and deceiued by the false prophet Mahomet The Turkes denye Christ to be the son of God They say that God cannot haue a sonne séeing hée hath not a wife So foolish and blind they are that they wil not acknowledge the Image of the fatherly goodnesse power in Christ the sonne of God the which notwithstanding his works haue made him more euident and cléere than the Sonne 37. And the Father himselfe which hath sent me hath borne witnesse of me Ye haue not hearde his voyce at any time nor sene his shape And the Father himselfe which hath sent me Bv. Some restrayne this to the voyce which was hearde in the Baptisme of Christ but it ought to be farther extended C. For in the preterperfect tence or time past he sayth The Father hath testified to declare that hée commeth not foorth vnknowne because aforetime in the lawe and the Prophets the Father had made him manifest by tokens that he might bring his noates markes with him wherby hée might be knowne For God did testifie of his sonne so often as he promised saluation to his people the Iewes or the full restoring of the kingdome of Israell So it became the Iewes to haue the perpetuall substaunce of Christ out of the scriptures before hée shoulde be manifested in the fleshe Whereas they contemne him he being present and doe reiect him thereby they doe manifestly declare that they haue no taste of the Lawe the whiche also
Christ casteth in their téeth And yet they bragged of the knowledge of the Lawe euen as if they had come out of Gods owne bosome Ye haue not heard his voyce M. Because the Iewes chalenged to themselues a certaine singuler and peculier knoweldge of God aboue all other nations that were in the worlde because their forefathers had hearde his voyce and because Moyses had talked with him face to face and had receyued the Lawe from his mouth and for the opinion which they had conceyued of these men they did not onely despise all other nations in respect of themselues but also carelesly reiected the doctrine and admonition boath of Iohn and also of Christ the Lorde by these wordes most aptlye taketh away the opinion of diuine knowledge which they thought they had and plainelye affirmeth that they are nothing but plaine Atheistes that is to say without minde and féeling of God and haue no fellowshippe at all with him C. For here are thrée Metophoricall kind of speaches by which he meant to teache that they were far from the knowledge of God For as men make them selues knowne by countinaunce and by worde euen so God sendeth foorth his voice vnto vs by the voyce of his Prophetes and hath in the Sacramentes as it were taken vpon him a visible forme that wée may know him according to our capacitye Bv. For as God by his nature is inuisible for God is a spirite so hée is neyther séene with corporall eyes Ihu 4.24 not yet clarefied nor yet hearde with these corporall and corruptible eares Neuerthelesse he geueth vnto his seruauntes certaine signes of his presence and speaketh vnto men in such manner of speache as maye bée vnderstoode For so he appeared and spake to the Prophetes M. Wherfore that which wée reade in Deutronomy Deu. 4.10 concerning the voice of God which the Israelites heard is no otherwise to bée vnderstoode than that they hearde the voyce of an Aungell and not the proper voice of God A. But when Christ was made manifest in the fleshe wée had after a sort in him a visible Image of the inuisible Father he him selfe saying He which seeth me Iohn 14.9 seeth my father also C. Hée therefore which doeth not acknowledge God in his liuelye and expresse Image doeth sufficientlye thereby declare that he worshippeth no God at all but a God of his owne imagination Therefore the Apostle sayeth that the Iewes haue a vaile before their eyes 2. Cor. 3.14 least they should behold the glorye of God in the face of Christ 38. His worde haue ye not abiding in you for whom he hath sent him ye beleeue not M. That is to saye Ye neyther vnderstande his minde nor meaning neyther haue you grafted and rooted in your heartes his worde which was geuen to your forefathers Neyther doeth hée simplye saye And ye haue not his worde But he addeth this In you for otherwise they had the worde of God in Bookes in their mouthes and in theyr eares but in their heartes they had it not C. But this is the true profite when the worde of God hath roote in vs and abideth in our heartes for euer Christ sayeth that the heauenly doctrine had no place in the Iewes because they receyued not the sonne of God whome the same commended euerye where and rightly he obiecteth this vnto them For God had not spoken by Moyses and the Prophetes in vaine And the purpose of Moyses is nothing else but to cal al men vnto Christ the right waye wherevpon it is manifest that they are not the Disciples of Moyses which reiect Christ M. Therefore Christ speaketh here to the Iewes as he dyd in another place Iohn 8.9 Ye neyther knowe me nor my Father A. Also he sayeth Iohn 8. ●7 Ye seeke to kyll me because my worde hath no place in you C. For how can he haue the word of lyfe abiding in him which repelleth the life it selfe Howe shall hée imbrace the Doctrine of the same which séeketh all that hée can to destroye the soule of the lawe For the Lawe without Christ is imperfect and voyde The nerer therefore that a man commeth to the knowledge of Christ the more he hath profited in the worde of God Wherefore howe much soeuer the Iewes Turkes Heretiques and Papistes doe boast of the worde of God yet notwithstanding because they reiect him whome the father hath sent and doe not beléeue him their boasting is in vaine because they haue not the woorde of God abyding in them 39. Searche the Scriptures for in them ye thinke ye haue eternall lyfe and they are they which testifye of me R. The fourth testimony is brought from the Scriptures M. The Iewes had the Scriptures namelye the Lawe the Prophetes and the Psalmes of the whiche they did not a lytle bragge as though it were sufficient to euerlasting lyfe simplye to haue and to reade the Scriptures diuinelye inspired and not more necessarye dyligently to reade the same and to know and imbrace by faith Christ the sonne of GOD promised in them in whome alone all saluation and lyfe consisteth C. Therfore Christ here reproueth theyr foolishe boasting because they professed that they had lyfe in the Scriptures when as they tooke hold onelye on the dead letter For he doth not simplye reprehende vs because wée séeke lyfe in the Scriptures séeing they are prouided and appointed to vs for the same purpose for the word of the Lord is called the worde of lyfe and saluation The scriptures ordained of all men to be red because they which reade the Scriptures by fayth in Christ are instructed to saluation shal find in déede in them euerlasting life but he commendeth this that the Iewes thought that the Scripture was able to quicken them when as they were farre from the true sence and meaning thereof maye when they seeke to suppresse the light of lyfe contayned in them For howe coulde the Lawe bring lyfe without Christ who alone bringeth the same They therefore whiche reade the Scriptures without fayth in Christ Rom. 7.7 2. Cor. 3.9 shall finde nothing in them but the kylling Letter as the Apostle Paul teacheth Moreouer we are taught by this place to séeke the knowledge of Christ out of the scriptures For they which Imagine of Christ what they lyst them selues shal haue at the last nothing but a vayne phantasye Christ knowne by the scriptures Fyrst of all therefore let vs noate that Christ can be truly known by no other meanes than by the scriptures The which being so it followeth that we must reade the scriptures with this minde that we maye finde Christ there Whosoeuer declyneth from this scope and ende howe so euer hée spendeth his whole lyfe and wearyeth him selfe in reading hée shall neuer attaine to the knowledge of the trueth For what can wée knowe and vnderstands without the wisedome of God M. The Scriptures are geuen to vs from aboue not to the ende we might
6.40 C. The loue of God is here taken for the whole féeling of Godlynesse For no man can loue God but hée must also honour him and must submit him selfe wholye vnto him euen as where there is no loue of God there is no obedience In consideration whereof Moyses maketh this the summe of the Lawe Deu. 6.5 that we loue God with our whole heart M. Let vs here noate that all Hipocrites howe subtile soeuer they be are knowne well inough to the Lorde although mortall men can not espye them they hauing in their mouthes continuallye God the loue of God the zeale of God the glorye of God Hipocrites are known to God the honour of God the Churche of GOD and suche lyke none of the which thinges they haue in theyr heartes but séeke onelye vaineglory and their bellyes 43. I am come in my Fathers name and ye receiue mee not If another come in his owne name him wyll ye receyue I am come in my Fathers name R. Hée sheweth what great ingratitude it is to reiect him whome God the Father hath sent to saue To come in the name of the Father is to séeke the glory and wyll of God and in his office to haue respect to the common profite of all men and not to his owne profite or gaine A. And this is the wyll of the Father that euerye one whiche seeth the Sonne and beléeueth in him should haue euerlasting lyfe C. In this title false Prophets brag and boast them selues as doth the Pope at this day who braggeth that he is the Vicar of Christ yea Satan hath not deceyued myserable menne from the beginning but by this pretence who subtillye transformeth him selfe into an Aungell of lyght But Christe noateth the matter it selfe and not the coullor or pretence For he testifieth that he came therefore in the fathers name because he doth both testifie of the Father and doth faithfully performe that whiche he hath commaunded And by this marke he doeth discearne and noate lawfull teachers in the Church from those that are false and Counterfeyte Whosoeuer therefore do extoll them selues and do raigne in the consciences of men are bouldly to be reiected as this place teacheth For he whiche desyereth to be the seruaunt of God must be in nothing contrary to God Nowe if wée examine the whole doctrine of the Pope The Pope commeth in his own name the very blynde also shall sée that he is come in his owne name M. Herebye wée maye noate that it ought not to séeme straunge to the minister of Christe if although he be a true teacher suche a one as seketh the glory of God Innocent and faithfull he be not receyued of all men specially of the mightyer sorte séeing hée heareth the Lorde hym selfe the sonne of God whiche came not in his owne but in his Fathers name and declared him selfe to come from Heauen by mighty signes and wonders was not receyued of those whiche were the moste myghtie and principall in in Israell Ioh. 15.20 The seruaunt is not greater then his Lord. 1. Ioh. 4.6 A. Also we are of God he whiche knoweth GOD heareth vs he whiche is not of GOD heareth vs not Yf an other come in his owne name M. It commeth to passe by the iuste Iudgement of God that they whiche receiue not the true Christe whiche the Father hath sent into this worlde False Christes receiue● of thē which reiect the true Christe shall receyue false Christes comming not in the Fathers name but in theyr owne name neyther séeking the glory of the father but their owne prayse and glory The whiche happened to the Iewes according to the wordes of Christe here For they receyued false Christes boath before and also after the comming of Christe Concerning the false Christes whiche came be fore Christe Acte 5.36 Galmaliel speaketh in the Actes of the Apostles Math. 24 24. concerninge those whiche came after Christ himself speaketh in the Gospell after Mathew And Iosephus maketh mencion of a sertayne Aegiptian a Coniurer whiche drew after him thirtie thousand men Also in the Actes of the Apostles wée maye reade of Simon magus whome such as were seduced called the mighty power of God C. Yf any man obiecte and saye that this commeth to passe often tymes rather by error then by mallice we aunswere that none are subiect to the deceites of Sathan but suche as by a sertayne wicked desyre preferre lyes before the trueth For how commeth it to passe that Sathan fyndeth those prompt and apt Disciples to whome the Lord is fayne to crye as to deafe men but onely because wée hauing forsaken righteousnesse willingly followe Iniquitie Howbeit we must noat that Christ speaketh properly of those whome God hath specially illuminated as he had done the Iewes who being taught in the lawe knewe the right waye to saluation It is most certayne that suche doe not harken vnto false Prophetes but because they desyer to be deceiued Therefore saith Moyses that the Lord vseth the rysing of false prophets as a meane to trye and prooue his people whether they loue hym or no. Deut. 13. ● But there seemeth to be in many guiltlesse symplicity but there is no doubt but that hipocrisie daseleth their eyes whiche lurketh within their myndes For it is most sertayne that God shuttethe not the Gate against those that knocke and that they are neauer disapoynted of whome he is sincerely sought Truelye therefore dothe the Apostle Paul ascribe this vnto the vengeaunce of GOD Math. 7.7 when that the power the Apostle Paule ascribe this vnto the vengeance of God when that the power of illusion is giuen to Sathan that they which reiecting truth and approuing vnrighteousnesse might beléeue Lies and hée sayeth that they perishe 2. The. 2.10 which haue not loued the trueth that they might bée saued Euen so at this daye the Hipocrisie of many is discouered who being addicted to the deceites and wicked superstitions of the Pope rage most furiouslye against the Gospell For if there were in their mindes the feare of God the same feare would bring foorth also obedience Bv. But when they will not receyue the Doctrine of Christ they are wrapped in errors and perishe in their sinnes False Prophetes deceiue robbe and spoyle them to whome they are a verye scorne and derision euen as the Apostle very notablye hath discribed their disposition 1. Cor. 11.13 in the person of the Corinthians The Iewes would not haue the most méeke gentle and louing Christ to raigne ouer them but they would haue Cesaer Iohn 19. saying VVee haue no King but Cesaer And hée stoutlye plagued and slewe them aunswering his name in all thinges A. Euen so they which at this day refuse to beare the swéete yoake of Christ are miserablye in subiection and thraldome to the tyranny of the Pope 44. How can ye beleeue which receiue honor one of another and seeke not the honour whiche commeth of
God onely Howe can ye beleeue Bv. Here he openeth the originall and cause of theyr vnbeléefe C. Because it might séeme very harde that they which were domesticall Disciples of the Lawe and the Prophetes from theyr Childhoode should bée condemned of such grosse Ignoraunce and appointed to bée enemies of the trueth naye it might séeme a thing incredible Christ sheweth what dyd hinder them from beléeuing namely Ambicion which possesseth their whole minde For properly he speaketh vnto the Priests and Scribes who swelling with Pride coulde not submit them selues vnto God B. They which beléeue giue all glory vnto God for they séeke for all thinges at his hande The which thing they can not doe which séeke and receyue glorye of men For they séeme to be somewhat Vaine glorious mindes are voyde of faith and attribute much vnto them selues And this is a notable place teaching all men that the gate of Faith is shutte vp against those whose mindes are desirous of terrene and vaineglorye For it must néedes be that he which wyll be some body in the worlde must bée a vacabonde and ronne awaye from God But a man commeth to the obedience of heauenlye doctrine when he thinketh that he ought to séeke all his life tyme to bée in the loue and fauoour of God A. Herevppon it is sayde Iames. 4. Hee which wyll be a friende of this worlde is an enemye to God If any man loue the worlde 1. Ioh. 2.15 the loue of the Father is not in him M. Christ doth not in this place condempne Ciuill honestye when one man honoureth another but he speaketh against suche as are vaine glorious and séeke after honour The Apostles commaundeth the faithfull to goe one before another in honour Also Peter sayth Rom. 12.10 Honour all men 1. Pe. 2.17 But there is difference betwéene honouring of other men and séeking to bée honoured of other men For the fyrst belongeth to Christian faith the other not so Question But howe doth these wordes agrée with those which the Euangelist hath in that which followeth where he saith Neuerthelesse Ioh. 12.24 among the Rulers many beleeued on him but because of the Pharisees they dyd not confesse him least they should bee excommunicate For they loued the prayse of men more than the prayse of God Wée aunswere that there are twoo kindes of fayth Aunsvvere Faith of two kinds the first is that which commeth by Miracles or by a manifest declaration of the trueth the other is that whiche commeth by hearing the worde of God through the grace of the holy ghost Concerning these thinges reade that whiche goeth before in the ende of the seconde Chapter Verse 23. Faith that commeth by hearing iustifyeth The first kinde of faith doeth not iustifye the heartes but the latter kinde doeth both iustify and also bring lyfe Concerning the first of these the Euangelist speaketh but of the latter faith the Lorde speaketh here the whiche Fayth they can not haue which séeke moore the prayse of menne than they doe the glorye of GOD. For this Fayth as it beléeueth so it bothe speaketh and lyueth I beléeued sayeth the Prophete and therefore I spake A. Hée therefore which wylbe a true Disciple of Christ must of necessitye both heare and followe the Apostle which speaketh thus 1. Cor. 3.18 Let no man deceyue him selfe If any man among you seeme to him selfe to bee wyse in this worlde let him bee a foole that hee maye bee wyse Galat. 6.3 And in another place If any man seeme in his owne eyes to bee somewhat when in deede he is nothing he deceyueth his owne minde To bée short if so bée we wyll bée capable of Diuine and Heauenlye wisedome i. Cor. 14.10 wée must be litle children not in vnderstanding but in mallice because God hath hidden his secréete misteryes from the wise and prudent of this world and hath reuealed them to Babes Mat. 11.24 For where Ambicion is there can not bée Faith 45. Doe not thinke that I wyll accuse you to my Father there is one that accuseth you euen Moyses in whome ye trust Do not thinke that I wyll accuse you Bv. Hée concludeth his demonstration with a commination or threatening the which hée prosecuteth in fewe wordes but yet most effectuall threatning to the Iewes eternall dampnation if so bée they goe forewarde in their vnbeléefe and hardnesse of heart Threatning ought to be vsed when gētle admonition wyll not serue C. For towarde the obstinate and stubborne this waye must bée vsed when Doctrine and friendlye admonitions wyll not preuaile There are very fewe which openlye deryde GOD but there are verye many which being sworne enemyes vnto GOD doe dallye and trifle with him in theyr heartes fayning to them selues that hée is mercifull and fauourable to them Euen so at this day Gods enemies which wickedly treade the Doctryne of Christe vnder theyr féete are notwithstanding as proude as if they were Gods dere friendes For who can perswade the Papistes that there is Christianisme any where but amongst them Such were the Scribes with whom our sauiour Christ disputed here When they were notable contemners of the lawe yet they greatly bragged of Moises insomuch that they did not let to holde him out against Christ as a buckeler If hée had threatned them that hée him selfe woulde haue béene to them a heauye and an intollerable enemye hée knewe that they woulde haue contempned it Therefore hée sayeth that Moyses wyll accuse them the which they much more estéemed than the other For because they litle regarded the Doctrine of Christ and affirmed that they obserued the discipline of Moises saying VVe are Moyses Disciples Iohn 9 2● wee knowe that God spake to Moyses But as for this fellowe wee wote not whence he is necessarilye nowe he affirmeth that Moyses of whome they boasted was of them despysed also and that they néeded no other accusar for that all other holding theyr peace the lawe of Moyses was suffficient to condemne all the Iewes which beléeued not in him Bv. But neuerthelesse wée must not here imagine a grose manner of accusation by which Moyses nowe being in eternall blisse shoulde be vexed For because the Iewes did not beléeue their Moyses testifiyng of Christ and threatening euerlasting destruction to them which beléeued not Christ they are sayd to be accused of Moyses whose owne conciences doe accuse them C. For Christ hadde no other respect than that he might quayle the trust of hipocrites which falsely gloried in the reuerence of Moyses Euen as if a man at this daye shoulde saye vnto the Papistes that they shoulde haue no greater enimies vnto them than the holye Fathers of the Churche whome so falsely they haue alleaged M. So it maye be sayde to those which falsely bragge of the Apostle Peter and of his aucthoritie that they shal haue Peter whose doctrine they little regarde a bytter accuser before God A. And to be
being distributed among fiue thousande men euery hundred part shall haue for his share eyghtéene pence thrée farthinges Six mites make a far thing and thrée mites and thrée fift partes of a mite But nowe adde to the fiue thousande a thousande women and children mo so shal you finde that Phillip here alloweth to euery perticuler person of the general number of sixe thousande thrée mites worth of breade to eate But it may be as commonly it commtth to passe in a great multitude that there were thought to be a great manye more B. Marke sheweth that they sayde Let vs go and bye two hundred peny worth of breade Mark 6.37 It séemed therefore that they had so much mony And thus louing they were that they were ready to bestow all that euer they had for the vse of the people C. Neuerthelesse Phillip went about to terrifie Christ with the greatnesse of such a multitude as if hée shoulde haue sayde that they had not monye ynough to féede the people A. For Christ had sayde giue ye them to eate 8. One of his disciples Andrew Symon Peters brother sayth vnto him 9. There is a little Lad here which hath fiue barlye loaues and two fishes but what are they among so manye Reade our exposition of the fourtenth Chapter of Mathew beginning at the seuentéenth verse 10. And Iesus sayd make the people sit downe Ther was much grasse in the place So the men sate downe in nomber about fiue thousand Make the people sitte A. Reade thirtie and nine verse of the sixt chapter of Marke So the men sate C. In that the Disciples had no better hope and trust and had forgotten so worthily to consider of his power as they ought to haue done they are to be reprehended Obedience in the Disciples and in the people but yet notwithstanding their prompte obedience deserueth no smale praise in that they nowe obaye his commaundement not knowing what he intended to doe or what successe that whiche they did should haue The like obeydience also was in the people For they all satte downe at one commaunding worde being vnsertayne of the ende The like readines of obayinge wée maye behold in the wayting seruaunts whiche seruid at the mariage in Cana of Galile For when they sawe that the wyne fayled and that there was water sufficient yet notwithstanding at the Lordes commaundement they filled vp the waterpottes with water to the full Iohn 2.7 C. And this is the probation of a true faith when God commaundeth men to walke as it were in darknesse That we may thus obaye let vs lerne not to be wise in oure owne conceite but to trust for prosperouse successe in confused thinges seeing we followe God our Captaine which will neuer disapoynt his seruauntes B. Moreouer the Euaungelist hath set downe to vs the tyme the place and other circomstaunces for his purpose was with dilligence and faithfulnesse seriously to set forth the trueth A. Concerninge the nomber of those that sate downe ye may read in the fouretéene chapter of Mathew beginning at the one and twenty verse 11 And Iesus toke the bread and vvhen he had geuen thanks he gaue to the disciples and the Discipls to them that vvere set dovvne and likevvyse of the fishes as much as they wold For the exposition of this verse reade the fouretéenth Chapter of Mathew beginning at the nintéenth verse 12. When they had eaten ynough he sayd to his Disciples gather vp the broken meate that remayneth that nothing be lost B. These thinges are not onelye spoken to commende and set foorth the myracle but also to declare that the works and benifites of the Lord Iesu are most perfect For although the multitude of people was fedde to the full yet notwithstanding there remayned an ouerplus of the breade and of the fishes M. By these wordes also wée are taught that the Lord woulde haue none of his good gyftes to be vnprofitablely lost C. And herewithall also the Lorde admonisheth and exhorteth his Disciples and followers to liberalitie and honest sparing For the great bountifulnesse of GOD Ritches maye not ryotouslye be spent ought not to prouoke vs to ryot prodigallitye and excesse Therefore let them which haue aboundaunce remember that they shall one daye geue an account of theyr excéeding plentye except they doe faithfullye imploye the same to honest and good vses 13. And they gathered it togeather and filled twelue baskets with the broken Meate of the fiue barleye Loaues which broken meate remained to them that had eaten Reade the exposition of this verse in the fouretéene Chapter of Mathew beginning at the twenty verse 14. Then those menne when they had seene the myracle that Iesus dyd sayde This is of a truth the same prophete that should come into the world A. The other Euangelistes make no mencion of this thanksegeuing but in stéede thereof Mathewe and Marke put downe the number of those which had eaten of the Loaues Fishes of the which matter our Euangelist hath made mencion before alreadye So that this séemeth to bée some profite that procéeded of the miracle that they confesse the Messias to bée the aucthor of the same And this was all that Christ looked for M. For the sight and sence of the Myracle moued theyr mindes to this to thinke that this Iesus was not simplye a Prophete Den. 28.15 but that Prophete whome Moyses foreshewed should come The which place no doubte by reason of the Publique reading of the Lawe was commonly knowne C. But that knowledge which they haue conceyued of Christ they by and by turne amysse to another ende And this is no smal faulte in menne that so sone as God hath reuealed him selfe vnto them they peruert and corrupt his trueth with lyes yea when they haue entered into the right waye they doe by and by degenerate from them selues R. Now Christ was counted a Prophete among the common people because hée had fed them and had fylled their bellyes but afterwarde when hée commaunded to geue vnto Cesaer those thinges which belong to Cesaer hée was a flatterer and when hée bare his Crosse hée was a seducer of the people and not worthy to lyue vpon the earth For whether the fortune of temporall thinges doe inclyne thyther the Iudgement and affection of the waueryng multitude is carryed 15. When Iesus therefore perceyued that they vvoulde come and take him to make him a King he departed againe into a Mountayne him selfe aloane When Iesus perceyued R. First of all wée sée by this déede that the disposition of the common sort of people is suche that they wyll sooner féele the benefite of theyr bellye than of theyr minde They had séene greater Miracles and yet notwithstanding they neuer gaue vnto him so magnificent a name thus much could the fulnesse of the belly preuayle And nowe being as yet but rude and grosse they loking for suche a Messias as shoulde challenge to himselfe a worldlyke
vnthankefull to God are starke blinde at the sight of his power And there is no doubte but that they dyd disdayne and contemne all the myracles whiche hitherto they had séene because Christ did not follow theyr willes and because they did not finde him such a one as they imagined him to bée If they had bene put in hope of earthly felicitie they woulde daylye haue extolled him and without all doubt haue saluted him by the names of a Prophet of the Messias and of the sonne of God but now because hée reprehendeth them for that they were to carnally addicted they thinke it good to heare him no more but doe withstande hym saying VVhat signe shewest thou that wee may see and beleeue thee VVhat doest thou worke Bv. As if they shoulde saye Thou speakest muche in thine owne commendation as though thou wert sent into the worlde to saue and redéeme mankinde R. Thou requirest that wée shoulde beleue in thée as in the Sauiour sent of God thou sayest that Fayth in thée is the worke of GOD whereby the foode of euerlasting lyfe is gotten but doest thou thinke vs so scencelesse and foolishe that thou speaking these thinges wée wyll strayght waye beléeue thée and reuerence thée alone and forsake Moyses and the righteousnesse of the Lawe By what signes by what myracles doest thou confirme the aucthoritye of thy doctrine Bv. But if thou be that manner of man which thou wouldest séeme and be accounted to bée shewe this vnto vs by some heauenlye signes by which wée being conuicted as by inuincible arguments wée maye now boldelye receyue thée and may beléeue thée as the Sonne of GOD and Sauiour of the worlde B. To beléeue here signifyeth wholye to depende vpon him whome thou beléeuest So also the people béeléeued Moyses Exo. 14.31 M. Here wée sée the disposition of carnall men who so long as fayth in Christ is required are enimies of the which wée haue experience in manye at thys daye C. For in the beginning Carnall Gospeleres because they perswade themselues that Christ will be fauorable to their sinnes they earnestlye receyue his Gospell and require no probation of the same but when they are called to denye themselues and to beare the Crosse then they beginne to forsake Christ and to demaunde from whence the Gospell had his beginning to bée shorte Christ is no more their Mayster so soone as hée denyeth their desires M. Othersome require myracles as though the doctrine of Christ were not sufficiently proued al readie boath by miracles also by the Scipturs A. But wisdome is iustified of hir Chrildren 31. Our fathers did eate manna in the wildernesse as it is writen He gaue them breade from heauen B. Hereby it appeareth what these men sought for namely that they might wander vp and downe with the Lorde idelly and be fed of him without labour euen as the people long before had bene fed in the wildernesse forty yeares with Manna C. Therefore our Sauiour Christ gauled them when hée sayde that they came like to brute beastes to fyll their bellyes for they bewraye this theyr grose affection when they require such a Messias as maye féede them M. This is another argument of their witstandinge Christe They obiect Moyses and the Fathers and they pretende their aucthoritie to cloake theyr incredulitie wythall as contrarye to that fayth which Christ required to be in him B. As if they shoulde saye What workest thou that wée maye beléeue thy thy wordes Thou hast once fedde fiue thousande of vs with fiue Loaues and two Fishes but Moyses fedde sixe hundedered thousande of our Fathers or there aboutes with breade from heauen for the space of fortye yeres But as yet thou hast shewed vs no suche signe It is better therefore that wée bée Moyses Disciples than thy Disciples and to depende vpon hys worde than of thine C. But whereas they extoll the grace of GOD in the Manna that they doe verye subtilly to ouerthrowe the Doctrine of Christ by whiche hée commended the moderate desire of corporall meate For on the contrarye parte they doe oppose the glorious name of Manna whiche was called breade from heauen and Aungels foode But the holye Ghost doth not call Manna breade from heauen although GOD fylling the bellyes of hys people as menne fyll Hogges gaue them no better thing Therefore they haue no excuse at all when they doe wickedlye reiect the spirituall foode of the soule whiche GOD now offereth to them M. For Moyses doeth sufficientlye declare why the Lorde did feede the people with Manna saying And hee gaue thee Manna to eate which neyther thou nor thy Fathers knewe to the ende hee might shewe to thee that manne shall not liue by breade onelye but by euerye worde whiche proceedeth out of the mouth of GOD. B. Manna is called the breade of Heauen and of Aungels because it rayned from heauen by the Ministerye of Aungels A. There are some which interprete this to be the breade of Princes or of greate men because of the Hebrue worde whiche in another place signifieth princes and noble men 32. Then Iesus sayde to them verelye verelye I saye vnto you Moyses gaue you not that breade from heauen but my father giueth you the true breade from heauen Verelye I say vnto you Bv. The Lord knowing well ynough howe filthy their affections were aunswered nothing to the signe whiche they required partly because he came not to fill the bellyes of the hungary nor to playe Pageants before euery one Luk. 23.9 for the whiche cause also he made no aunswere to Herod and partly because the daye before he had shewed so manifest a signe to the people that there néeded not the repeticion of many wordes The Lorde had proued by that signe that he was the same Prophete whom hitherto the Fathers had loked for And the very same men whiche in this place require a signe confessed then that trueth whiche nowe they doubte of For they had sayde This is verily that Prophete whiche shoulde come into the worlde Wherefore he faring as thoug he did not sée the rudenesse of the multitude their ingratitude inconstancy and their mallice goeth aboute by pure symplicity to bringe them to true and perfect knoweledge of the mystery of Fayth M. And because he knewe that this people did to muche hange vppon Moyses as though he had geuen to the Fathers those thinges whiche pertayned to lyfe and therefore did not ryghtlye iudge of the miracle of Manna nor truelye vnderstande that celestiall breade much lesse desire the same hée vseth an earnest asseueration But Christ séemeth to denye that which was cited out of the Psalme yet it is otherwise for hée speaketh onelye by comparison The bread of heauen is called Manna which nourisheth the bodye onelye but that is truelye and properlye iudged to be the breade of heauen which is the spirituall nutriment of the soule Therefore Christ here opposeth the worlde against heauen because the incorruptible
what I write vnto you i. Cor. i4 37 that they are the commaundementes of the Lorde but if any man bee ignoraunt let him be ignoraunt He-which wanteth fayth seeketh not the will of God but his owne wyll neyther truely vnderstandeth he anye thing of matters holy and deuine C. No other thing than doth keepe vs backe from a true and sincere iudgement but our owne indocillitye and stubbornenesse and we suffer the iust punishment of our hipocrisie so often as Sathan doth deceiue vs who daylye lyeth in wayght to beguile vs and layeth trappes and snares to entangle vs. So Moyses teacheth vs that when false Prophetes doe arise we are tempted and proued of the Lorde Deut. 13.3 For they shall neuer be deceyued which are of a sincere and vpright heart R. For hée which truelye abydeth God shall easilye vnderstande and knowe whether the doctrine whiche is taught be of God or procéeded from some vaine imagination of Phantasie Hereby it appeareth how foolish they are at this daye which feare the perill of erring so much that they refuse vtterlye to reade the holy scriptures by which feare they hinder themselues from all learning and knowledge Math. 7.7 for it is not sayde in vaine knocke and it shall be opened vnto you But let vs not doubte but that if wée giue our selues wholye to the obedience of God hée will giue vnto the spirite of discretion which shall be euer our guide and directour 18. He that speaketh of himselfe speaketh his owne prayse but he that seketh his praise that sent him the same is true and no vnrighteousnesse is in him M. Hée addeth a sertaine argument wherby it is manifest whether hée spake of God or of himselfe C. For hée putteth to his doctrine another noate wherby it maye be knowne whether it be of God or of man For whatsoeuer setteth foorth the glorye of God is holye and deuine but whatsoeuer serueth to the ambition of men and in extolling them obscureth the glorye of GOD doth not onely deserue no credite but also ought seuerelye to be reiected R. Now if so be wée examine the doctrine of Christ by this rule I praye you what did Christ séeke for in his doctrine did hée not séeke the saluation of men and the glorye of God his Father he sought not his owne fame or the prayse of the people Ioh. 6.15 If so be hée had sought these thinges hée woulde not haue fled into the desarte when the Iewes woulde haue taken him and made him a King Neyther woulde hée willinglye haue offered himselfe to the Crosse but woulde haue forsaken the same The doctrine of the Pope concerning the supremacie of the seate of Rome and concerning the superiority aboue all the kinges of the earth séeketh hys owne prayse it is not therefore of God It shall be lawful also by this rule to iudge of the sondrye contentations and interpretations of the holy Scriptures concerning merites and the rewarde of workes concerning fréewill and suche lyke For that doctrine which most séeketh the glorye of God and deminisheth humaine strength is to be preferred and receyued before any other And we shall more glorifie God if so be we acknowledge him not to be couetouse and a sertayne nigardly sparer whiche geueth nothing withoute price and rewarde but a certaine liberall dispencer which giueth and bestoweth all his graces and benifites fréelye and we shall more gloryfie God if wée confesse oure power and strength to be nothing as in déede they are not but onely God to bée the worker boath of the will and also of the worke in vs. Phil. 2.13 Saint Paule also commaundeth that prophecie that is to saye Rom. i2 6 the interpretacion of the scripture shoulde proceede from the analogy or proportion of faith Therefore if thou bring diuers interpretations of Scripture to the rule of fayth it shall be an easie matter to discerne betwéene them C. Hereby also wée are taught that no man can faythfullye discharge the office of a Teacher in the Church but he which béeing voyde of Ambition seeketh only to aduaunce the glory of God R. Lastly the ende of them is to bée considered which despising the glory of God seeke their owne prayse fleshe beginneth at glory and endeth in contempte but Criste beginneth with Chrosse and shame and maketh an ende with greate glory and honoure And no vnrighteousnesse is in him M. The Lorde speaketh not here of euerye kinde of vnrighteousnesse for no man setting Christe aside is perfectlye righteous but hée speaketh here of sedusing vnrighteousnesse and deceyte meaning him to be vniust whiche intrudeth himselfe into the office of teaching to deceyue and to séeke his owne glorye M. Hée sayth not And no vnrighteousnesse shall be ascribed vnto him but And there is no vnrighteousnes in him For the wicked and vngodly attributed to Christ himselfe errour and vnrighteousnesse although hée sought nothing but the glorye of GOD his Father by whome hée was sent but there was no vnrighteousnesse in him 19. Did not Moses giue you a lawe and yet none of you keepeth the lawe why go ye aboute to kill mee They which haue well considered of the Euaungelicall histories knowe that the same doe contayne sertaine mixed matters the which the Euaungelistes thought sufficient so to ioyne togither that of those fewe wordes and actes which they haue written Christ might be knowne neyther were they curious to make mention in order of all thinges whiche the Lorde boath did and spake Herevppon thou mayst sée that an apt and feete beginning wanteth often tymes in their writinges an ende Euenso in this place the Euangeliste doth not shewe by a continuall order the wordes whiche our Sauioure spake but only taketh oute the principall poyntes of matters whiche appertayne to the sum of the whoale The Scribes and high Priestes were inflamed with hatered against hym because he had healed the man sicke of the paulsey the whiche they professed they did of the zeale and loue whiche they bare vnto the lawe To refell this their hypocrisie he bringeth nowe an argument not of the matter but of the personne For because they all licenciously liued still in their sinnes as if they had neuer knowen or hearde the Lawe of God here thereby gathereth that they were touchid with no zeale or loue of Gods Lawe But this defence was not sufficient to prooue his cause For admit that they vse a false pretence to couer their hatred yet notwithstanding it doth not follow that Christ did well if he committed any thing contrary to the prescripte Lawe For we cannot excuse oure owne falts by excusing other men But Christ here Ioyneth two members together With the firste he striketh the consiences of his enemies and when they proudly boasted them selues to bée the Patrones and defenders of the lawe he plucked from their faces this visor and hipocriticall shewe For he casteth in their téethe their sufferaunce in permitting the Lawe to be broken
sufficient to set God only againste the raging worlde R. Also this trueth of God maye bée referred to the promises which the Scriptures testifie to be made of God concerning Christe For Christ was sent of God Rom. 15.8 for the trueth of God to confirme the promises made vnto the Fathers Whome ye knowe not C. He declareth that it is no marueile yf he were not knowen to the Iewes Knowledg of God commeth by Christ which knewe not God For this is the true beginning of wisedome to haue respecte vnto God R. To knowe God is not to haue the Law or to know the Lawe or to speake and glory of God but knowe Christ through faith is truly to knowe God For Christ is the face forme Image worde and purpose of God the Father Reiecting therefore Christ they doe glory of God the Father in vayne as wee shall sée hereafter 29. But I knowe hym for I am of hym and he hath sent me C. He declareth that he is not thus boulde rashly or withoute cause And by his example he teacheth vs that we ought not lightly to vse the name and to boaste of the same as of the patron and reuenger of oure cause For there are many to boulde in boasting of Gods authoritie yea those men which boast their owne inuencions for deuine oracles wil vse nothing sooner to condemne the Iudgementes of all other men then the name and authoritie of God But by these wordes of Christe we are taught to beware of vayne confidence Vaine confidence is to be estewed and wée muste then bouldly stryue against men when the truth of God is manifest vnto vs and when we are sure that God standeth on oure side M. Therfore Christ speaketh of the sure vndoubted knowledge of God of the whiche he aloane maye truely boaste R. Because no man hath séene God at any time but his onely Sonne which is in the bosome of the father Iohn 1.18 Mat. 11.27 who hath shewed him vnto vs. For no man knoweth the Father but the Sonne and he to whom the Sonne will reueale hym For J am of him By this place may be gathered the celestiall originall of Christ M And that he is the true Messias Bv. For he was not sent of God as other prophetes were but as the Sauiour of the whole world and the true Mediatour betwéene God and man 30. Then they sought to take hym but no man layed handes on hym because his houre was not yet come C. There wanted neyther will neyther dilligence nor power to hurte oure sauioure Christe Howe then commeth it to passe that in so greate mallice and spight they are astonied euen as if their handes and their féete were bound The Euaungelist sheweth the cause hereof saying Because his howre was not yet come By whiche wée are admonished that Christe was protected and defended by God againste their force and outragious crueltie And with all he taketh away the offence which might come by the crosse because there is no cause why wee shoulde be troubled when we heare that Christe was not caried to Death at the will and pleasure of men but was appoynted to be made such a sacrifice by the decrée and will of his Father Bv. Therfore Godes deuine protection and prouidence is here commended vnto vs to the whiche whosoeuer wholy committeth himselfe shall go forwarde voyde of all feare in the Lordes businesse C. For hereof is gathered a generall doctrine For howsoeuer wée liue from day to day yet notwithstanding with GOD euery mans houre of death is appoynted It is a matter Incredible that wée béeing subiecte to so many casualties and haps to so many iniuries of men and of wilde beastes and béeing besette with so many sickenesses and diseases should notwithstanding bée withoute the gonshote of all daungers except it be when it is Gods pleasure to call vs but wée muste fight and striue continually against oure distruste And firste of all we must note here what doctrine we heare then the ende wherevnto it tendeth and thirdly the exhortation that is taken of the same that casting all our cares vpon God we maye followe oure vocation and not swarue from oure dutie through anye feare Neuerthelesse lette no man passe hys boundes For it is not méete that the truste of Gods prouidence shoulde be extended farther than God hymselfe hath commaunded B. Wherefore lette vs only seeke to set forth the Glory of God and as for other thinges he will care for neyther shall any thing happen to vs before oure houre be come and then whatsoeuer happeneth shal be for oure saluation Concerning the whiche reade the one and twentie chapter of Luke the eyghteene verse R. This if we beléeue whensoeuer any affliction aryseth wée will not dispayre we will not séeke for vayne helpe we will attempt no euell but will patiently abide the hand of the Lorde looking for Helpe from aboue Neyther is there any cause why thou shouldest distruste that God will deale otherwise with thée than hee hath done with Christ Gen. 45.8 ● kin 24.5 Psal 18 25 4. kin 6.14 Act. 9.25 Act. 12.8 For looke howe the heade fareth so shall the members As it as to be sene in Ioseph in Dauid in Elizeus in Paule in Peter and many other mo 31. Many of the people beleeued on him and sayde when Christe commeth will he do moe miracles than these that this man hath done Many of the people beleeued Bv. This also pertayneth to consolation that as the wicked are multiplyed from daye to daye euenso godly simple and good men shall neuer be wanting to beléeue the Gospell C. Christe might haue séemed to preache to deafe and obstinate persones yet notwithstanding the Euaungelist sayth that there followed some fruite M. Because the Kingdome of God cannot be preached withoute fruite C. Therefore howsoeuer some do fret and fume some deride and othersome Cauill whereof diuers discencions maye aryse yet notwithstanding the preaching of the Gospell shall not bée vnprofitable Wherefore the séede must be sown and we must patiently abide vntill continuance of tyme bring forth fruite When Christ commeth B. These men hauing the séede of God might haue séene great thinges in the Lorde namely such great signes and myracles as greater could not be herevppon also they knewe Christ hymselfe beeing nothing offended at his humilitie at his stocke and kindred or at his conuersation C. But because they rather depended vppon miracles than leaned to doctrine and were not as yet fully perswaded that Iesus was Christ the sonne of God this worde beleeued is improperly vsed that is to saye because they weare redy to heare him and shewed them selues apt to be taught of him as of a master such preparation of faith is called fayth Therefore in that the holy Ghoste voutsafeth to call a smale sparke of good affection by so honorable a title we ought thereby to be incouraged and not to doubte but that the least faith shal be
them hee that came to Iesus by night and was one of them 51. Doeth our Lawe iudge any man before it heare him and knowe what he hath done Bv. Although a fewe of the Rulers claue vnto the Lord Christ yet notwithstanding it was méete that the words of these Rulers which spake against Christ should bée conuinsed of a lye the whiche was done by this demaunde of Nicodemus C. And this man the Euangelist discribeth vnto vs to bée indifferent whiche neyther seriouslye durst take vppon him the defence of Godly Doctrine nor yet could abyde that the trueth should bée oppressed When he sayth that hée came by nyght that is partly to his commendacion and partly to disprayse If he had not loued Christ hée neuer durst to haue set him selfe against the fury and rage of the wicked For hée knewe if a man dyd but mutter or hisse hée was by and by hated and in daunger Therefore in that hée durst cast foorth one worde though to small effecte he bewrayeth certayne small sparkes of Godlinesse which were in his heart M. for whereas hee sayeth generallye that no man ought to bee iudged he doeth not plainelye defende neyther the Doctrine of Christ nor his Fayth for feare of eiection and excommunication C. The Euangelist therefore meaneth by these wordes that hée sauoured as yet of his night and priuy lurking and that he was not a true Disciple of Christ Hée sayth that he came once to Christ in the night but yet that hée stoode styll among the enemies of Christ and retayned his place This is the more dilligentlye to bée noated because many at this daye whyle they pretende that they are lyke to Nicodemus thinke by this couller that they maye dallye with God and escape vnpunished But graunt that whiche they desyre namelye that they differ nothing from Nicodemus what doeth such example I praye you helpe them Nicodemus denyeth that Christ ought to bée condempned before he bée heard Thus muche maye bée sayd for a Théefe or Murtherer For this is a common saying Better it is that the guyltye should bée set at lybertye than that the innocent should bée condemned Furthermore to helpe the person of Christ hée quite forsaketh his Doctrine What now shall wée fynd here worthy to commende him for a Godlye and faythfull man But wée shall frame this example far more profitable to another ende namelye that the Lorde doeth often bring to passe that the Doctrine which séemed to bée loste doeth by lytle and lytle take roate then after processe of tyme Ioh. 19.39 spring foorth and last of all floorishe and bring foorth fruite euen as dyd the Fayth of Nicodemus after the death of Christ B. Moreouer although hée durst not here openlye defende the Lord yet notwithstanding it came to passe by this interruption and disturbing of them that this present pestilent counsayle was dissolued as wée shall sée anon R. Wée must also noate that among so many notable Pharisées there was but one onely Nicodemus so small is the number which beléeue 52. They aunswered and sayde vnto him Art thou also of Galilee Searche the Scriptures and see for out of Galilee aryseth no Prophete They aunswered Bv. The Pharisées being wholy blinded with enuye and impietye according to their manner fall to sclaunder furiously crying Art thou also of Galilee M. Reprochefully they called al those which imbraced Christ Galileeans C. as though he could haue no man to hould of his side except he were of that barbarous and base corner of Galilee Iulian the Apostata learned his lesson of the Pharisees Bv they thought that Christ shoulde come out of Galilée wherevppon in great contempt they called him a Galilean Out of this Deuillishe Schoole Iulian the Apostata learned that reprochefull Lesson wherby hée called Christe him selfe and all Christians by the name of Galileans But that myserable Catife felte him no impotent Galilean but a most mightye King by that iust vengeaunce whiche hee cast vpon him at which tyme he was constrained to crye Thou hast ouercom And verylye Christ shall ouercome for euer raygning in the middest of his enemyes C. And whereas wée sée the Pharisées to be so violently moued against Nicodemus we maye noate thereby the furious hatered with the which they were inflamed against Christ And yet notwithstanding he dyd not plainly take vppon him the defence of Christ but onely affirmed that hee ought not to bee condempned before he were heard Thus deale the Papistes at this day who will not suffer any man so muche as to open his mouth in the defence of the Gospell but they wyll by and by exclame that hée is an heretique M. The Pharisées make no aunswere to Nicodemus concerning the rashnesse in iudging but doe reprooue him as one ignoraunt of the Scriptures As if they shoulde saye Séeing thou art a Pharisee and of our order art thou not ashamed to set thy minde vpon the dregges and filthynesse of the Galileans as do the multitude which are ignoraunt of the Lawe and are accursed Bv. No scripture promised vnto vs that a Messias shall come out of Galilée yea so vnfortunate is Galile that it hath brought forth vnto vs fewe or none that haue béene notable Prophetes so small hope there is to looke for the Messias the Prince of all Prophetes to come out of the same M. If thou bee ignoraunt of this Searche the scripture and see And thou shalt not fynde that any one Prophete hath come out of that base and barbarous nation Thus these blinde men thought that they had sufficientlye aunswered Nicodemus But what reason I praye you hath their obiection concerning Galilée For admit that there came neuer any Prophete out of Galile howe doth it followe thereof that Christ is not a prophet although he were borne in Galilée as he was not But they are blynde and quite out of their wyttes Furthermore doth not the Prophet saye that this notable benefite was bestowed vpon the Galileans Esay 9. i. Galilee among the Gentilles a people whiche walked in darkenesse sawe great light Mat 4. ●5 The which was fulfilled when Christ by the Preaching of his worde visited this people as Mathew expoundeth the same R. If so bée they woulde truely haue knowne Christ they shoulde first of all haue loked vpon his Doctrine then vppon his workes For in Iudging of Doctrine we must not haue respect to the person to the countrey or to the apparell of the Prophete or Apostle or minister but to his worde and Doctrine whiche these men dyd not M. But thus they framed their priestlyke argument There hath not rysen a Prophete out of Galilée therefore there shall neuer any ryse If there neuer ryse any thence then Iesus is not a Prophete Thus also doe the Bishops of Rome reason Apoca. i8 6 The seate of Rome neuer fell therefore it shall neuer fall But Saint Iohn denyeth this consequence 53. And euery man went to his owne house
of Abraham And this faulte hath béene to common and generall in all Ages to referre to the oryginall of the fleshe the extraordinarye giftes of God and to ascribe vnto nature those remedies which God appointeth to correct the same 34. Iesus answered them Verilye verily I say vnto you that whosoeuer commytteth sinne is the seruaunt of sinne C. Here he vseth an argument of the contraries They boasted themselues to be frée but he proueth them to be the seruauntes of sinne because they being subiecte to the desyres of the fleshe dooe sinne daylye Bv. Ye thinke your selues sayth hée to bee verye frée but in déede ye are seruauntes For this is most certaine that hée is a seruaunt to that thing wherevnto hée is become obedient ye shewe your selues obedient to sinne therefore ye are the seruauntes of sinne and so by consequent the Deuell is your Lorde and Maister for hée ruleth here ouer suche as are subiect to sinne And it is maruaile that men are not conuinced and constrained by their owne experience to laye aside all Pride and to learne to humble them selues Also it is too common a thing at this day that the more a man is ouerwhelmed with sinne the more stoutly he braggeth and boasteth of frée wyll It is not true Captiuitye nor true seruitude if so be a man be borne a seruant of a Handmayde or be taken in the warre or doeth by Lawe sell him selfe into anothers power or if he bée shut into close prison but hée is a Captyue whiche is vnder the power of sinne and the Deuyll R. And such Captiues and seruaunts are all men by theyr owne nature Rom. 5.12 Because by one man sinne entered into the whole worlde and so by synne death came vppon all For by Adam all his posteritie became subiect to sinne to affliction death hell and to the cruell tyrannye of the Diuell And the Lawe and right of Sinne is to kill for the wages of sinne is death the Lawe of death is to condemne the Lawe of afflictions is to bring trouble and misery and the power and aucthoritye of Sathan is to destroye To these powers Adam hath made vs and all our strength subiect by hys obedience And this is so greate captiuitye and seruitude as greater cannot be deuised For whosoeuer is in this seruitude and bondage hée can doe nothing with a frée will hée hath no peace of conscience hée hath no rest howe frée soeuer he bée in bodye Out of this Captiuitye no Captiue coulde euer deliuer another Man captiued to sinne Wherefore Christ the Sonne of GOD descended from Heauen and was made man and by his Crosse Death and Resurrection hath deliuered vs from the Lawe and power of sinne leaste the same shoulde kyll vs from the power of death least the same shoulde condemne vs from the power of afflictions least they shoulde trouble vs and bring vs to miserye and from the power of Sathan least he should destroy vs. And hee hath restored vs to righteousnesse Christ hath made vs free to ioye to lyfe and into the fauour of the most mightye GOD and hath made vs the Sonnes of GOD whiche were before the bondeslaues of Sathan Also this true libertye must not bée drawne to carnall and to humaine desires but to faith and loue which are twoo workes of the holye Ghost setting vs at libertye Wherefore Faith is the Rular and Mistres in Sinnes in afflictions in death and in hell Faith ouercommeth sinne For it teacheth that we are so deliuered from them that they haue no power at all in vs neyther can destroy or condemne vs. Moreouer the reliques of sinne are purged awaye by faith and in stéede of sinnes the righteousnesse of GOD which is Christ is set In so muche that whatsoeuer true fayth commaundeth being dyrected to the worde which is Christ it cannot chose but bee righteousnesse howe muche so euer it séeme outwardlye to bée sinne Faith is the mistres in the libertye of spirituall thinges Nowe as Fayth is the Mistres in the liberiye of spirituall thinges so charitye is the Ladye in the libertye of corporall thinges as of Foode Apparell Moneye and suche kinde of earthlye benefites In these thinges wée must be so frée as charitye wyll suffer For although by the Lawe and libertye of Faith all externall thinges are frée yet notwithstanding the vse of this libertye is left vnto the dispensation of Charity as all meates by the Lawe of Fayth are frée For all thinges are cleane and that which entereth into the mouth of a man doeth not the defile the man notwithstanding charitye dispenseth the vse of this libertye T it i.xv. Mat xv xi i. Cor 8 13. Charity is the mistres of corporal thinges Wherevppon the Apostle Paule sayth If so bee meate offende my brother I wyll neuer eate fleshe Also hée sayth I maye doe all thinges but all thinges are not expedient For wée muste haue respecte vnto charitye So also the whole earth all heauen and the whole Sea and all thinges in them are frée by Faith For the earth is the Lordes and the fulnesse of the same and wée are the Lordes Wherefore the whole earth is frée for vs and oures also but charitye dispenseth the vse of this libertye which wyll not suffer mée to benefite my selfe to the iniurye and hurte of my neighboure For charitye stealeth not deceiueth not playeth not the Tyraunt neyther offendeth our neighbour in worde but if so bée it standeth in néede of any thing that is our neyghbours it séeketh to winne the same by intreatye and for money taking nothing without the good wyll of our neighbour Brieflye by Faith we are called into the most excellent libertye of the Children of GOD and by charitye wée are called into the seruice of our neigboure as the Apostle sayeth Owe nothing to any man but this that yée loue one another C. This therefore is the purpose of Christ Rom. xiij 8 to shewe that all are subiecte to sinne whome he deliuereth not insomuche that they are seruauntes euen from their birth taking the contagion and infection of Sinne of the corrupt nature Wée must also noate the comparison betwéene nature and grace vpon the which Christ here standeth whereby it shall easilye appeare that men are spoyled of libertie except they recouer the same from some other Bv. To this effect partayneth the whoale sixt Chapter almost of the Epistle of Saint Paule to the Romaynes where hée speaketh of this seruitude of sinne C. Moreouer this seruitude is so voluntarye that they which necessarily synne are notwithstanding not constrained to synne M. To synne here noateth and sygnifyeth not the symple acte but the verye purpose indeauoure and meditation of a corrupt minde and the wickednesse of depraued and defiled nature although the worke of syn follow not and is not as yet come into action insomuch that the Reprobates maye be sayde to synne euen as euell trées are sayde to bring foorth euyll
Sinagogues E. Wée ought rather to reioyce and bée glad because wée being not forsaken of Christ holde fast the hope of euerlasting lyfe 23. Then againe called they the man that vvas blynde and sayd vnto him Geue GOD the prayse vvee knowe that this man is a Synner E. The Phariseis are verye carefull and dilligente to obscure and hynder the glorye of GOD in Christ For as Sathan neuer resteth but alwayes goeth séeking whome hée may deuoure so the wicked being the instrumentes of Sathan doe continuallye séeke to hynder the glory of Christ and to hurt the godlye M. These Iewes had laboured in vaine in calling and in examyning the Parentes of the blind man For they failed so much of theyr purpose that they more confirmed this miracle than they obscured the same Wherefore they returne to the former practise subtillye séeking to defame the aucthour of this miracle and for that cause they call before them againe the man whiche had béene blinde after they had sent awaye his Parentes C. And there is no doubte but that they being ashamed called the blynde man whom at the first they found to firme and constant Thus the more vehementlye they striue against God the more they entangle and insnare them selues Bv. They séeke nowe by another way to drawe this man from the confession of the trueth that is to saye by fayre speaches and by the pretence of the glorye of God C. For they exhorte him by a speciall preface to geue the glory vnto God but by by they forbyd him imperiously that he aunswere according to the reason of his owne minde Geue God the prayse R. They vsed this solemne forme of speache when they required any man to sweare as is to bée séene in the ninetéene Chapter of the seuenth booke of Iosephus R. By these wordes they gaue him to vnderstand that no small dishonour was done vnto GOD if so bée any man by his name went about to deceyue And verilye so often as any of vs shall sweare this preface ought to come into our mindes that the trueth maye bée no lesse precious vnto vs than the glorye of God But we sée that Hipocrites when they pretende the greatest reuerence of God they doe not onelye dissemble but also impudentlye deceiue for wickedly they go about to make the blind man to swere vpon their wordes to the manifest dishonour of God B. For by the name of sinner they meant that the Lorde sought to transgresse the Lawe of GOD As if they shoulde saye It is plaine that hée is a dishonest and wicked person M. And they speake vppon their aucthoritye when they saye Wee knowe As if they shoulde saye It is not méete that any man shoulde thinke otherwyse than we thinke whiche haue skill and knowledge of all thinges Let it therefore satisfye thée that we so thinke After the same maner also at this day our Bishoppes and Phariseis taking vpon them the aucthoritie of Magistrats doe bouldly pronounce what they lust as though they hauing the keyes of knowledge ought to be beléeued whatsoeuer they speake as when they saye Wée knowe that this Doctrine sauoureth of Heresie wée knowe that these and these men are Heretiques C. Thus God reuealeth the wicked counsailes of the wicked howsoeuer they goe about with diuers coullers and fayned shadowes to couer the same 25. Hee aunswered and sayd whether he be a sinner or no I cannot tell one thing I am sure of that whereas I was blind now I see M. The Euangelist doth not in vaine vse so great dilligence in putting downe vnto vs in wryting the aunsweres of this blinde man For they are such that no man can choose but maruaile more at the light and sight of the internall man than of the externall man The Phariseis had sayde VVee knowe that this man is a sinner that is to saye a wicked and lewde person What therefore sayest thou Geue the glorye vnto God confesse the trueth To these wordes the blind man aunswered Whether he be a sinner or no. C. The which wordes ought to be expounded ironice that is to saye meaning that hée was iust that he might more sharpely gaule them A little before he had confessed him to be a Prophet when hée sawe hée profited nothing suspending his iudgement of the person he propoundeth the matter it selfe For hée woulde not swarue one whit from the true testimonye concerning him Therefore this graunting vnto them doth not want a scorne and mocke as if hée shoulde saye Bv. Whether Iesus bée a wicked man or no it maketh no matter vnto mée it is not my parte to iudge him this one thing I can trulye testifie the which also I haue found true by experience that whereas before I was blinde I now sée M. Wherefore that which ye require at my handes to be done I cannot doe with a good conscience by which I am constrayned to thinke of him as of a notable Prophet and not as of a sinner and an enemie to God and as I am constrained to thinke of him so also I will Iudge and speake of him This blinde man was moued nether with threatninges nor with faire woordes but doth constantly and bouldely proclayme that which gréeued the aduersaries and which they woulde if they had coulde haue taken out of the heartes and mouthes of all men M. Therefore this man although hée were a laye man and vnlerned could not abide vnwisely rashly to subcribe and agrée against his owne conscience to the opinion of the Rabbines and Pharisées Bv. Thus the simple truth of the Gospell by imbecillytie and weakenesse ouercommeth the strong mighty thinges of thys worlde 26. Then sayde they to him againe what did hee to thee Howe opened he thine eies M. Now the Pharisées retourne to the straight examination of the worke of Christ with the which they began at the first And because they thought they had gotten a simple man and an Idiot before them whom they might easilye beguile with theyr crafte and subtiltie they examine him by certaine shorte Interrogatories that hée aunswering the lesse circumspectly might be by them intrapped and that they might thereby get occasion to blame and reprehende the facte of Christ whereby they might depriue him of the glorye of the miracle C. Verilye séeing wée sée the wicked to be so busy careful to bring their wicked actions about wée may be ashamed of our slouth and negligence in handeling the worke of Christ so negligentlye 27. Hee aunswered them I toulde you yere while and yee did not heare wherfore would ye heare it againe Will ye also be his Disciples C. Séeing the enimies of Christ sought occasion by all meanes to speake euill of him and to darcken and obcure the myracle the Lorde doth notablye frustrat their deuises without the quayling of the blinde mans constancye for hée doth only persist in his constancy but doth also freely and seuerely reprehend them for that they sought to ouerwhelme the truth which was
his doctrine but that the whole faulte and blame of ignorance rested in them which were negligent and disobedient and withall he proueth him selfe to be the Messias and sheweth the cause vnto the Iewes why they dyd not beléeue the same C. Christ doeth not make semblaunt as though he were Christ neyther yet doeth hee teache them as though they were apte to bée taught but doeth rather cast their mallice in their téeth in the whiche they were obstinate because hytherto they had profited nothing being taught by the worde and workes of God He imputeth it therefore vnto theyr faulte that he is not knowne of them As if he shoulde saye My doctrine of it selfe is easie inough to be vnderstoode but the faulte is in you because ye doe maliciously withstand God By whose wordes onelye menne are taught that I am Christ Wherefore séeing ye onely behold my contemptible shewe and base condition because I come not in Kinglye Pompe as ye looked for it cannot bée that ye shoulde beléeue my worde But goe to bée ignoraunt of my personne as the Lawe commaundeth that no mannes person shoulde bée knowen in iudgement and take houlde of my worde and iudge according to my word and not according to the outwarde shewe and then it cannot bée but that ye shall beléeue The workes that I doe C. Hée speaketh of workes also that hée might conuince them of double obstinacye For beside his doctrine they had euident testimonye in miracles if they had not béene to vnthankfull vnto God When hée addeth Jn my Fathers name M. Hée geueth vs to vnderstande that to beléeue in Christ is also to beléeue in God the Father and to reiect Christ is to reiecte the Father Bv. The same argument also hée vsed in the fifte Chapter going before 26. But yee beleeue not because ye are not of my Sheepe as I sayd vnto you M. Secondlye hée sayeth Ye beleeue not For vnbeléefe is reprehensible when men beléeue not the worde of the sonne of GOD the most excellent Sheapheard the which in the wordes going before he obiected vnto them And this incredulitye is inexcusable when men beléeue not the workes of God Euen as he him selfe wyll declare hereafter in plaine wordes saying Ioh. i5 If so be I had not come and had not spoken vnto them they had had no sinne c. But nowe hée alleadgeth a farther cause why they beléeued neyther his miracles nor his doctrine namelye because they were Reprobates And wée must noate the purpose of Christ For because they boasted them selues to bée the Churche of God least their vnbeléefe should derogate any thing from the Gospell hée pronounceth that the gyfte of Faith is speciall And veryly to the ende men may know God it is necessarye that they first of all knowe them selues Galat. 4.9 as sayeth the Apostle Paule also they to whome God hath no respecte must néedes bée alway farre from him M. Whereby we gather that they can not beléeue Christ Titu i.i. which pertain not vnto Christ Therfore the fayth in Christ is not the Faith of Goates of Dogges or of Swine but of Shéepe that is to saye of the elect as sayeth the Apostle Bv. The Reprobate haue no simple disposition and apte to bée taught but a harde variable wanton corrupt and peruerse disposition because they wyll not suffer them selues to be purged and restored R. They are the Sheepe of Christes which heare Christes voice The Phariseis heare not the voice of Christ for they knowe his person but not his worde therefore they neyther are his shéepe neyther beléeue nor are saued C. If any man should murmuringlye obiecte and saye that the cause of vnbeléefe resteth in God because it is in his power onely to make shéepe we must aunswere that hée is frée from all blame séeing men by their owne voluntarye wickednesse reiect his grace God getteth so muche Fayth vnto him selfe as sufficeth but the wyld Beastes are neuer tame vntyll suche time as by the spirite of God they are turned into Shéepe They whiche are suche shall séeke in vaine to laye the blame of their madnesse vppon GOD which is proper to their owne nature To bée short Christ geueth vs to vnderstande that it is no maruaile if so bee he haue fewe that imbrace his Gospell because so many as by the spirite of GOD are not subiect to the obedience of Faith are vntamed and wilde Beastes Wherefore it is muche more vnméete and absurde that the authoritye of the Gospell shoulde depend vppon the faith of menne but rather let the faithfull waye and consider howe muche more they are bounde vnto GOD than they whiche are blinde when as they them selues by the illumination of the spirite are drawne vnto Christ M. Hereby also we sée that we must not by and by conceale the trueth before those which beléeue not For although the vnbeléeuing are vnworthy to heare the same and are none of the electe yet notwithstanding it is so appoynted by God that the Gospell of grace should also bee preached to the Reprobate and vnbeléeuing not because there is any hope that they shoulde beléeue but because it is so méete that the light of the trueth shoulde aboue all other thinges shyne before the eyes of all men as doeth this visible Sonne and also take from them all excuse that the iudgement of God maye bée iust by which the vnbeleeuing shal be damned Last of all the Ministers of the Gospel haue here wherewithall to comfort them selues if so bée their labour be not profitable to all men 27. My Sheepe heare my voyce and I knowe them and they followe mee M. Christ doeth not in vaine repeate the condicions of the Sheepe and of the Pastour For this is a great consolation in aduersitye that Christe is our Sheaphearde and that wée are his Shéepe C. Now therefore hée proueth by the contraries that they are none of his shéepe because they beléeue not the Gospell For those whome God hath elected he effectuallye calleth and so by Faith the Shéepe of Christ are proued And therefore the name of shéepe is geuen to the Faithfull because they submitte them selues to be gouerned vnder the hande of the most mightye Sheaphearde and forsaking their former brutishe wildenesse doe shewe them selues tractable and obedient B. By these wordes Christ plainlye teacheth that all thinges depende vpon the deuine election and that they to whome it is geuen to be shéepe can neuer perishe For in this place we doe heare that they onelye heare the voice of Christe that is to saye doe receyue the same by fayth which are shéepe Nowe whereof shall it come that some are shéepe that is to saye capeable of the doctrine of Christ and others not No doubte because the one are indued with the good spirite of God and the other not so For the Apostle Paul doeth attribute the knowledge of diuine thinges i Cor. 2 i4 to such as are endued with the spirite of God
what thing worthy of hatered did the most méeke and louing Lord Iesus commit He deliuered from destruction he deliuered from the tyranny of the Deuell he extinguished the strength of synne he broughte manking out of seruitud and bondage into the gloriouse libertie of Gods childeren he hath geuen vnto men the participation of the holy Ghost and the kingdome of heauen to be our dwellyng place Wherefore he was rather to be commended of all men than to be hated But none of these thinges could mooue them For they hated him without any cause whome they should most entirely haue loued B. That which is written in the Psalme he sayeth was written in the Lawe because by the name of Law hée vnderstood the whoale Scripture C. Also the whoale doctrine of the Prophetes was nothing else but an Appendix of the Lawe And we know that the Ministery of Moyses continued but tyll Christes tyme of the which wee haue spoken in the seuentéene verse of the eyght Chapter going before Also he calleth it theyr lawe not for honours sake but that they might be more sharplye nipt with a familiar tytle As yf he should say they haue a Law geuen vnto them as it were by birthright in the which they sée their manners liuely drawen forth vnto them M. Where we haue to noate howe the wicked by their wickednesse fulfill those thinges which are foreshewed in the holy Scriptures The Iewes knewe this place of Scripture and yet notwithstanding they were so blinded that they did not perceiue that they fulfilled the same by hating Christ yea and if any had toulde them of the same they would in no wise haue acknoweledged it 26. But when the comforter is come whome I will send vnto you from the father euen the spirite of trueth whiche proceedeth of the Father he shall testefie of mee Bv. This also pertaineth to the consolation of the sayntes in persecutions which they suffer for the confession and preaching of the trueth of the Gospell C. For after Christ hath shewed that the Apostles ought not to estéeme any whit the lesse of the Gospell because the same hath many aduersaryes euen in the Church it selfe nowe he setteth against their wicked madnesse the testimony of the Spirite As yf he should saye the worlde shall rage agaynst you to some your Doctrine shal be a iestinge stocke and othersome shall deteste and abhorre the same but there shal be no such violent motions which shall shake the strength of your fayth when the holy Ghost is geuen vnto you which shall stablishe you by his testimony Bv. For I knowe howe hard a charge it séemeth vnto you to be which I nowe committe vnto you ye your selues féele howe vnapte and vnprepared ye are to take a matter of so great waight vppon you ye feare I knowe this world armed with wisedome pollicie and with all manner of helpes and strength But I would not haue you carefull the holy Ghost shal be geuen vnto you which shall geue testimony of me in this world and that with so great power that though this world rage neuer so mightely yet it shall preuaile nothing And this verely is our onlye comfort and staye when the world is on a roare on euery syde that the trueth of God beeing sealed by the holy Ghost in oure hartes it regardeth nothing that is in the world For yf so bée it were subiect vnto the Iudgement of men our Fayth shoulde dayly bée ouerthrowen a houndered times Therfore we must diligentlye noate howe we must staye our selues in the midest of so great troubles namelye thus because we haue not receiued the spirite of this world but the spirite of God we knowe what thinges God geueth vnto vs. This only witnesse doeth mightely repell disperse and ouerthrow whatsoeuer the world extolleth to obscure and beat down the power and glory of God Whosoeuer shal be endued with this spirite they haue so litle cause to be discouraged by the hatered and contempte of this worlde that euery one of them shall be conquerers and ouercommers of the same A. For this is the victory which ouercōmeth the world 1. Ioh. 5.4 euen our fayth In the meane time wée must beware that we do not depend vpon men For so soon as Fayth beginneth so to wander yea so soone as the same beginneth to goe forth of the sanctuary of God it must needes be miserably tossed Therefore it muste bee reuoked and brought to the inward and secret working of the spirite which the faithfull knowe to be geuen them from heauen And the spirit is sayd to testify of Christ because it retayneth and kéepeth the same fayth in him aloan that we might not séeke any part of our saluation in any other Moreouer he calleth the holy Ghost the comforter that is to saye our Instructor our aduocate and patrone that we bearing our selues bould vppon his defēce should neuer feare For Christ went about by this title to confirme and strengthen our fayth lest it should quail in temptations whom J will sēd vnto you C. He sayeth that he will sende his spirit from his Father and that the same shal procéede from the Father to make the same of more authority For the tstimony of the spirite could not suffice against so many strong assaults except we were perswaded that the same proceeded frō god Therefore it is Christ which sendeth his spirite but out from the heauenly glory to the ende we might know that the same is not a humaine gifte but the assured pledge of Gods grace But wheras in this place it is called the spirite of trueth it is to be applyed to the present circumstance For we must vnder stande an Antithesys or comparison for because without this witnesse men are diuersly caryed thys way and that way and knowe not where safely to rest but wheresoeuer he speaketh there hée deliuereth mens mindes from all doubting and feare of erroure A. Wherevpon the Apostle sayth It is God which stablisheth vs with you in Christ and hath anoynted vs which hath also sealed vs 2. Cor. i. 2i and hath geuen the earnest of the spirite into our heartes B. This spirit worketh all righteousnesse and truth in the sayntes it gloryfyeth Christ makinge them bould to confesse hym to be the only sauioure yt teacheth all thinges and maketh all those thinges which Christe hath spoken to be vnderstoode to bee shorte it leadeth into all trueth and therefore it is properly called the spirite of trueth 27. And yee shall beare wittenesse also because ye haue been with me from the beginning C. The meaning of Christe in these wordes is not that the testimony of the spirite is such that the Apostles shoulde haue the same priuately and aloane but that he would by them spread the same farther because they should be the Instrumentes of the spirite euenas he had spoken by their mouth As if Chryste shoulde haue sayde Bv. When I saye that the spirite shall beare witnesse of mee I
Lambe And S. Iohn taketh this as graunted vnto him that the same Lamb was a signe of the true and only sacrifice by which the Church should be redéemed Neyther maketh it any matter that the same was offered for a remembraunce of the redemption alreadie made For so god would haue that benefite celebrated that it might promise spirituall deliueraunce vnto the Church in time to come Wherfore without all controuersie the Apostle Paule applieth that forme of eating the Pascal Lambe which Moses prescribeth vnto Christ By this analogie and similitude fayth gathereth no small fruite because the same shall beholde saluation offered in Christ in all the Ceremonies of the Lawe 37. And agayne another Scripture saith They shal loke on him whō they pearced This place is taken out of the twelfth chapter of the prophesie of Zacharie B. Deut. 32.35 And it agreeth with that whiche is written in Deutronomie wher it is said Vengeance is mine and I will repay By whiche places séeing the punishemente of the wicked is deferred for a long time to come the spirite signifyeth that the wicked shall preuaile and haue the vpper hande in thys worlde but yet so that they shall sley them selues with their owne sworde For the more they prosper in their euill dooinges the more iuste their cause is thought of them to be Therefore béeing blynded they runne headlong into the greeuous iudgemente of God Therefore they whiche goe aboute too expounde this place concerning Christe according to the letter do too violently racke the same For the Euangelist doth not alleage the same to that ende but rather to shewe that Christe is that God whiche long agoe complayned by Zachary that the Iewes had perced him to the harte For there God speaketh after the manner of men signifying that he is wounded with the wickednes of the people but specially with the wicked cōtempte of his worde euen as that man is wounded to death whose harte is perced Now bicause Christ Iesus is God manifested in the fleshe Esay 6.10 Saincte Iohn sayth that the same was openly fulfylled in his visible fleshe which his diuine maiesty according to that manner whiche it might suffer suffered of the Iewes Not that God is subiecte to the iniuries of men or that the reproches and slaunders of mortall men can reache from the earth vnto him but bicause he woulde expresse by this manner of speach of how great sacriledge the impietie of man was giltie when proudly and presumptuously it extendeth it selfe to heauen And rightly S. Ihon ascribeth that to the Iewes which was done by the hand of a Romaine souldiour Euen as in another place they are sayd to haue crucifyed the Sonne of God although they touched not his body with their fynger They shall see him M. As touching this séeing some therby vnderstand the conuersion of the Iewes Act. 2.3.9 Act. 3.15 of the which we haue an example in the second of the Actes of the Apostles R. For then they began to haue respect vnto him whom they pearced in mourning and repentaunce Othersome interprete the same of the punishemente of the wicked to come as we sayde before Both which are comprehended in this place if we wel consider of the same namely that a remnante shall be gathered by God from amonge this loste nation shal also shewe his horrible punishment and vengeance vpon all the contemners of his grace For we knowe that they were wont to scorne the Prophets no lesse than if they had tolde a tale without the commandemēt of God This sayth the Lord shal not escape vnpunished bicause he will him selfe defende his owne cause Concerning the rest of this chap. reade the .27 of Mat. 56. vers The twentith Chapter 1. The first day of the Sabbaths came Mary Magdalene early when it was yet dark vnto the sepulcher and sawe the stone taken away from the graue HItherto wee beholde nothing in the passiō of Christ outwardly in Christ Rom. 1.4 thā a very abiect mā forsakē of God But nowe by the resurrectiō it is manifestly declared that he is the sonne of God And first of al we must haue a consideration of the works of God by the resurrectiō For as God began the resurrectiō in Christe by a cleane cōtrary worke that is say Death the beginning of life by deiecting casting down into the extreme pit of hell euen so he beginneth ioy with sorow glory with ignominy shame and life with death C. But bicause the resurrection of Christ is the principall Article of our faith without which the hope of euerlasting life lieth dead therefore the Euangelists do stand the more vpon ●he probatiō of the same Rom. 4.25 Roma 6.4 1. Cor. 15.3 Euen as this our Euangelist gathereth many testimonies by which we may be certified that Christe rose agayne from the dead A. The vertue of whose resurrection the Apostle Paule in diuers places sheweth at large but specially in his Epistle to the Romanes C. But it may seeme very absurde that S. Iohn doth not bring more approued and credible witnesses for he beginneth with a woman But thus this saying was fulfilled 1. Cor. 1.7 that God hath chosen the weake foolish and contēptible things of this world to confound the wisdome power and glory of the fleshe A. And in that there seemeth to be some varietie betweene this our Euāgelist and the other thrée reade our Commentarie vpon the .28 of Matth. the first verse and there you shall see a playne reconciliation of those places which séeme to varie 2. Then she ran and came to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whō Iesus loued and sayth vnto them They haue taken away the Lorde out of the graue we can not tell where they haue layde him R. Althogh this woman was not as yet endued with a perfect fayth yet notwithstanding she rightly endeuoured her selfe to manyfest the glory of the sonne of God M. Mary therefore runneth with speede to Peter and Iohn eyther for that they were best knowen vnto her or els because they were gathered into one companie She maketh hast by running béeing feruently affected by the spirite And bicause she found the graue emptie contrarie to her expectation forgetting the woordes of Christe shee conceyueth a wrong suspition in hir minde that the body of the Lord was translated into some other more seemly decent sepulchre the other being but rude and inconuenient though peraduenture fitte for the purpose of the Iewes beeing neere vnto mount Caluerie where he was crucified or els she iudged that the body of Christ was remoued for some other cause which shee knew not of R. Therefore wéeping and crying she commeth to Peter and Iohn saying They haue taken avvay the Lorde out of the graue She speaketh of the body of the Lorde and she calleth him hir Lorde thoughe he were buried so she was affected towarde the Lorde Iesus But this woman rather suspected
keepe it he dothe not denie that to bee true whiche the woman had sayde Blessed is the vvombe that bare thee and the pappes that gaue thee sucke but extolleth those whiche heare the worde of God and keepe it C. Therefore Christe heere for this consideration commendeth fayth bicause the same beeing contente with the simple worde of God dependeth not vppon the sence and reason of fleshe and bloud So that he comprehendeth the force and nature of fayth in a briefe definition namely that it standeth not in the present aspecte but pearceth vnto the heauens and beleeueth those thinges whiche are hidden from humayne vnderstanding To this effect pertayne these sentences Fayth is an assurance of things which are hoped for Heb. 11.11 1. Cor. 5.7 and a certenty of things which are not seene Aso VVe walke by fayth not after outvvarde appearaunce The which places signifie that fayth hath his aspecte but yet suche aspecte as stayeth not on the worlde and vppon earthly obiectes If any man obiect and saye that this place is contrarie to that where he pronoūceth those eyes to be blessed which beholde him present We answere Mat. 13.16 That Christ doth not speake there of a corporal aspect only as he doth in this place but of the reuelation which is common to al the godly from the time that he came to be the redéemer of the world He compareth the Apostles with the holy Kings Prophets which were held vnder the obscure shadowes of Moses law But now he saith that the state of the faythfull is blessed bicause more perfecte lighte shineth vnto them yea bicause the substaunce and truthe of figures is offered vnto them Many of the wycked behelde Chryste wyth the eyes of the fleshe at that tyme who notwithstanding were neuer a whit the more blessed but we whiche neuer sawe Christe with oure eyes are made partakers of this blessednes which Christ héere commendeth Blessednesse of those that see not Christ Gal. 3.1 Whervpon it followeth that those eyes are called blessed whiche spiritually consider that in him which is heauenly and diuine For at this day we beholde Christ in the Gospell no lesse than if he were present before vs. M. Therefore let no man say O that I had lyued in the dayes of Christe and had seene with mine eyes those his myracles We beleeue that they are muche more blessed whiche see not than those whiche haue seene 1. Pet. 1.8 C. If therefore wee desire to sée that in Christe whiche maketh vs happie and blessed let vs learne to beleue when we see not Wheras therefore the Papists wrest these words to proue their Transubstantiation it is too friuolous and vayne That wée maye be blessed they cōmaunde vs to beleeue that Christ is in the fourme of breade but the purpose of Christ was nothing lesse than to make our fayth subiect to the inuentions of man the which fayth if it passe neuer so little the boundes of the worde it ceasseth now to be fayth If so be we must beléeue generally all thinges which are not séene then our fayth shall be subiect to all monstruous myracles to all fables and forged lyes Therefore to the ende thys sentence of Christe maye take place we must fyrst of all proue that by the worde of God of the which we do doubte The Papistes bring the worde of God for their Transubstantiation but false expounded and vnaptly alleaged Bv. Let vs therfore kéepe our selues within our prescript boundes and let vs beléeue that Christ is our Lorde our life and our resurrection in that he him selfe is risen agayne from death 30. And many other signs truely did Iesus in the presence of his disciples which are not written in this booke M. When the Euangelist did write these thing many other signes also concerning the Lordes resurrection came vnto hys minde the whiche he might haue put in writing aswell as these but bicause he had alreadie determined with him selfe concerning the quantitie of his booke and was alreadie come to the measure of the same least any man should thinke that he had written all the signes which Christe did after his resurrection that the Lord appeared not passing once or twice to his Disciples to confirme his resurrection he thought good to adde these thinges vnto his Narration C. As if he should say Let no man thinke that he hath heere a full and perfect historie Bv. For the Lorde Iesus did declare by many other Argumentes signes tokens and demonstrations the truth of his resurrectiō and of his diuine power and that so euidently that the disciples might not only vnderstād the same but also might see with their eyes touch with their hāds the Lord Iesus restored to life might beléeue that he was risen agayn frō death But al these things haue I not perticulerly repeated in this my Euangelical work Act. 10.41 not that they wer vnworthy to be remembred but bicause these things were sufficient to the edification of Fayth 31. These things are written that yee might beleeue that Iesus is Christe the sonne of God and that in beleeuing ye might haue life through his name Bv. Here the Euangelist addeth the cause and ende of those thinges whiche he hath hytherto declared to the ende the Reader mighte knowe how to profite in reading these things saying That yee might beleeue that this Iesus of whom I testifie that he is risen agayne who by so many signes declare to his disciples after his death that he is risen to life is Christe the sonne of God that is to say that Messias only begottē sonne of God whome the father acording to the Scriptures sente into this worlde to bee a sauiour and Mediator C. Therefore by these words he geueth vs to vnderstande that he hath put in writing so muche as is sufficiente to satisfye vs because the same is sufficient inoughe for the confyrmation of oure fayth For he mynded to preuente the vayne curiositie of men whiche is seldome or neuer satisfied Also Sainct Iohn was not ignoraunt what the other Euangelistes hadde written But seeing hee intendeth nothing lesse than to abolishe their writings he dothe not sepadate their Narration from hys saying that this is the ende of the Scriptures that we might beléeue that Iesus is the sonne of God C. Notwithstanding it séemeth absurde that fayth should be grounded vpon myracles which ought to be wholly tyed to the promises of God and of his worde Answere Myracles are appoynted héere to serue for no other vse than to be helpes and stayes of fayth For they serue to prepare mens mindes that they may geue more reuerence vnto the worde of God Myracles confirm our fayth R. Therefore myracles doo confyrme a mans fayth but they geue not fayth For they which beléeue not by the worde bot myracles do fall away in time of temptation That Iesus is Christ Bv. That is to saye the Messias promised in the Lawe and in the