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A30241 CXLV expository sermons upon the whole 17th chapter of the Gospel according to St. John, or, Christs prayer before his passion explicated, and both practically and polemically improved by Anthony Burgess ... Burgess, Anthony, d. 1664. 1656 (1656) Wing B5651; ESTC R13734 964,431 860

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Justification with whom Vorstius and Grotius in this Opinion associate themselves as also one or two late English Writers Doctor Hammond Pract. Catech. lib. ● Sect. 3. Now when I had endeavoured to state the Question in a most candid and fair way between those that deny Works to be a Condition sine quâ non of our Justification and those who affirme A Reverend and Learned Brother judging himself to be concerned in this Opinion likewise doth complain of the want of candor and truth Confess Preface in my stating of the Question wherein I rather expected thanks for my ingenuity For first I said All Merit and Efficiency was with great distaste removed from these works of Grace in our Justification Therefore the Question was Upon what account these are required in Justified persons Whether in some Causality or Concurrence as Faith is onely not with such a Degree of Excellency Now let any Judicious Reader that is acquainted with this Controversie decide wherein any candour or truth may be desired herein For I say Causality which is a general word not Efficiencie or Merit Againe I say Some Causalitie Causalitas quaedam which is Terminus diminuens Yea I added the word Concurrence which might easily satisfie any how low I brought the Question Yea as if this had not been enough I propounded it in other termes Whether good Workes be required as well as Faith Yet when I had done all this he complaineth as if wrong were done I am still more confirmed and that by this instance in what I delivered in that Preface That it is not a compendious or proper way to finde out truth and discover an Errour by dealing with persons according to their particular expressions or to attend to personall reflexions but to abstract the Question and to handle it in Thesi For how many words upon words may be multiplied in this very particular My Reverend Brother saith He vehemently disclaimeth all Causality of Workes in Justification Surely his meaning is all Proper Causall Efficiency and so did I in the stating of it but to deny Causality in a large sense is plainly to contradict himself For in his Aphorisme 74 Thesis They both viz. Faith and Works justifie in the same kinde of Causality viz. as Causae si●e q●ibus non or m●d●ate and improper Causes Or as Doctor Twiss Causae di●positivae but with this difference Faith as the principall part Obedience as the lesse princ●pall Here is Causality though improper Here is a Causa dispositiva and yet shall I be blamed after I had removed Efficiency and Merit to sta●e it with a Causalitas quaedam some Causality or Concurrence And therefore all the Arguments I produce are not against any supposed Causality but that Faith onely is that which justifieth and that good Works quâ Workes let them be Meritorious Efficient or Conditions onely are excluded as to the Act of Justification Grotius in cap. 2. Jacobi who maketh this Promise of Justification and Salvation Ad donationem sub conditione quam ad proprie dictam locu●ionem conductionem propius accedere happily this may occasion such great recourse to the Lawyers about the Nature of Conditions doth yet notwithstanding on the 2●th verse of the 2d Chapter of James from that expression of the Apostle Faith did 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 inferre Docemur non male fidem opera fidei posse dici causam Justificationis modo non intelligamus cau●am primariam sed conditiones quae saepe cau●ae sine quibus non aut sui generis causae dicu●tur But I need not runne to this for my Arguments militate against Workes as Workes justifying under any pretended Notion whatsoever And this maketh me admire how my Learned Brother could let ●f all one Passage wherein he may be so p●lp●bly and ocularly convinced to the contrary by the first looking upon my Arguments That which he saith is The strength of my Arguments lieth upon a supposition That Conditions have a moral Efficiency not to examine how freely he manageth his Answer to such a supposition Now this is that which I aff●rme That there is not one o● these ten Arguments brought against Justification by Workes as a Conditio sine quâ non that is built upon this su●position or hath any dependance on it onely in the fourth Argument after the full strength thereof is delivered then I do ex abun●anti and by way of amplification shew that a Condition in a Covenant strictly taken I put in that limitation hath a moral Efficiencie and is a causa cum quâ not a causa sine quâ non But this is onely by way of addition The Argument did not depend on this Assertion And my Learned Brother saith Some conditions and most among men are Morall Impulsive causes I finde another thing urged likewise as not fair dealing and that is To fasten upon his Opinion that we may say a Justifying Repentance as well as Justifying Faith and also Justifying Love Indeed in my Book it is Law and that was the Printers fault which I am sorry for because I see my Learned Brother so much moved at that as if he were charged to hold a justifying Law it should have been Love But why doth this offend my Reverend Brother He doth not say It is not true to say justifying Repentance or justifying Love but it is not fit to say Confess in the Pref. Why is it not fit if it be true It may be such an expression would be offensive to godly eares and therefore not fit Can Love be a Condition of Justification and yet not Justifying Love as a Condition This seemeth very strange But it 's said Faith hath a peculiar fitnesse and aptnesse to receive Christ which Love hath not It is true and therefore Faith onely Justifieth and not Love Thus it maketh against him and not for him Besides with him Faith justifieth as a Condition not from its peculiar aptnesse and therefore Love and Repentance being Conditions must justifie aequè with Faith though not aequaliter Faiths aptnesse is the remote reason as it is a Condition that is the proxime and formall reason Now Repentance and Love have this formall reason for they are Conditions Certainly if Brutum were Animal rationale he would be Homo as well as man is Some other minute and inconsiderable Objections are also brought in but they are not worthy of a contest I therefore return again from this Digression to the Subject in hand which is to take notice of the great Usefulness and Excellency of the matter contained in this Prayer of Christs Luther did justly call John the Evangelist for this Book Malleus Pelagianorum the hammer of Pelagians we may adde also of Socinians and Arians Hence Sixtus Senensis speaketh of some Heretiques called Alogi a name that Epiphanius did justly put upon them because they rejected this Gospel of John and could not endure this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Word so often mentioned by
Admonition To hearers for many times a vain people make vain unprofitable Preaching They have such wanton stomacks that they love nothing that is solid and sound give them words rattles and baby-clouts these things please them but to convince the Conscience to command the heart to make it tremble for sin that they cannot abide SERMON XXXVIII Of the Excellency and Necessity of Beleeving in Christ as a Mediatour That it is acceptable to God as well as Obedience to a Command Yet withall sheweth the difficulty of it and whence it comes to passe that the Children of God sensible of their sinnes are so hardly brought to beleeve As also why ungodly men think it so easie a thing JOH 17.8 And they have known surely that I came out from thee and they have beleeved that thou didst send me OUR Saviour commended their Obedience in the former part of this Verse Now he doth the like for their Faith For Obedience without faith is but a maimed and lame Sacrifice yea there cannot be any acceptation of our Obedience because of the imperfection of it unlesse Faith cover it in Christ and this our Saviour now undertakes that the Disciples were not as the Pharisees and Jews who trusted in the righteousnesse of their Obedience but when they had done all looked out for a Mediatour to stand between Gods perfection the Laws perfection and thine Imperfection Their Faith is commended by our Saviour 1. In the Acts. 2. The quality 3. The object of it The Acts are one of them large and comprehensive They have beleeved 2. More narrow and particular They have known Here you see that Faith is not a blinde ignorant assent but accompanied with a true and sure knowledge of that we beleeve Secondly There is the quality of their Faith They have known surely 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which may be opposed either to hypocrisie or false ends They did unfeignedly upon true grounds beleeve not like those that are said to beleeve yet our Saviour would not commit himself to them because they sought the glory of men more then of God Joh. 2. or else it may be opposed to doubting and staggering as our Translators seem to go They did surely overcoming all unbelief and doubts that might oppose them Lastly Here is the object of their Faith viz. That Christ came from the Father as sent to be a Mediatour working salvation for those that did receive him They looked upon him not only in respect of his person God and man but also in relation to his office that he was the Jesus and the anointed one to save his people from their sinnes Whereas then we see our Saviour in many words commending this faith of theirs as a most special consideration in them and which would be very acceptable to God we may observe That Faith in Christ as a Mediatour is acceptable and well pleasing as well as Obedience to a command It 's not Gods will that a childe of his should be alwaies either thinking of sinne or obedience but also of beleeving or resting the soul upon Christ as in whom all fulnesse is and though when God only becomes well-pleased with us Joh. 6.29 when the people asked What they should do that they might do the works of God Christ answers This is the work of God that ye beleeve in him Faith is here called the work of God 1. Because it 's wrought by him We are not able of our selves to beleeve but in this sence it 's not meant here 2. By work of God is meant that which in a most eminent manner is acceptable to him that which he seemeth to delight in more then any other and that is faith and indeed the people of God they are hardly perswaded of this They doubt rather whether it be a duty at all Oh how long are they kept in the uncertain wilderness of tears and dejections ere they come to know the way of beleeving They still hope by something they do to be accepted so that to the humbled sinner there seemeth nothing more paradoxal and difficult Whereas we would think thus to beleeve in Christ and receive him as a Mediatour would be very easie for all None would keep off For it is to come and take comfort and ease and who will refuse this But it 's certain that the Children of God sensible of their sinnes are a long while ere they are fully directed into this way of beleeving They do not presently understand how well-pleasing it is to God that they should cast off their burthen on Christ That they should cover themselves with his robes and so come and appear before God The Grounds of such discouragements in Gods Children are 1. The real and bitter sence of their sinnes in the nature frequency and all aggravations of them So that while they are thus broken in heart nothing but sin sin doth present it self in the guilt thereof See it in David Psa 51. His sinnes were alwaies before him His murder his adultery these were ever in his eyes and what a work is it to bring him to a joyful spirit in the mercies of God The godly therefore being many times attent to their sins they are carefull that their repentance be reall bitter and deep enough and withall seeing sinnes rising up in their hearts after one another as one wave after another They grow wholly despondent and all their thoughts and Meditations are as if there were nothing but sinne to be thought upon Nothing but sin to be meditated on and this extremity of sorrow makes the ear deaf to Christ so that it refuseth like Rachel to be comforted Thus the Incestuous person when he did feel the bitternesse of his sin was in danger of being swallowed up with too much sorrow He thinketh not only the Priest and the Levite but even the good Samaritan will also passe him by and powr no Oyle in his wounds When one eye is intent downwards the other cannot look upwards When the heart is greatly grieved from one object it can hardly be prepared to receive comfort from another 2. There is an innate inbred principle of a Legal Justification or acceptation by works that we doe and this makes Faith in the Mediatour as a stranger as an absurd thing and indeed this is the main reason why all the godly finde it so hard to beleeve why they are so loth to be beholding to grace onely to resign every thing and to be saved by Christ meerly Even that inbred principle of being justified by what we do See how all they that come to Christ propound this What shall we do that we may be saved They look upon doing not beleeving Thus the Jews generally they sought to establish the righteousnesse of the Law and would not submit to the Righteousnesse of faith Rom. 10.3 Oh it is a great matter to humble and empty the heart of a man so as that he will submit to a Righteousnesse of Faith yea we
the flames and yet expect Gods power to keep thee this is to tempt God Peter will be in the High-Priests hall and where wicked company is and no wonder if it prove a Temptation to him he that handleth pitch shall be defiled with it He that cometh near an infected person may blame himself if the plague seaze on him Thirdly Be thankefull unto God for every daily assistance Be much in praise and acknowledgement of this his gracious power Unthankfulnesse makes God withdraw his mercy how often hath God assisted thee both by preserving in what is good and from what is evil yet thou hast not called upon thy Soul and all within thee to blesse his holy Name Therefore thou shalt to thy woe finde what a sad thing it is to be left to thy own self and not to have his grace to help in time of need The second Interpretation takes Name for the Knowledge of God and Faith in him So that the sence is Keep those thou hast given me by Faith as 1 Pet. 1.5 This is part of the meaning and from thence we observe Obs That the people of God are kept to Salvation through Faith Faith is a special Instrument to preserve us We are not only justified but sanctified and preserved through Faith hence the Apostle John cals faith our Victory over the world 1 Joh. 5.4 And Eph. 6. when we are exhorted to put on the whole Armour of Christianity he saith Above all take the Shield of Faith he giveth the preheminency to that To open this Consider 1. That whatsoever priviledge is attributed to Faith either in respect of Justification or Salvation it 's not for any merit or dignity in Faith Therefore it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is through faith not for Faith for if it were for Faith as a work then the Apostle Rom 4. would not oppose working to beleeving and the worker to a Beleever so that to put any confidence in our Beleeving to trust in our trusting is to give that to Faith which the Jews did to works and in this sense not only those that seek to be justified by the Law or works fall from Christ and make him to die in vain but also those that set up Faith in this Consideration 2. Therefore though Faith be instrumentall thus to our Conservation yet Faith it self needeth Gods help as well as other Graces We need his help to beleeve as well as to love God and arise from sinne Therefore though the power of God keeps us by Faith yet it also keeps Faith Vt nos custodiat per fidem ipsam custodit fidem We should fall from our Faith as well as other graces did not God strengthen and confirm that Onely when that is established God by it doth preserve us in the exercise of other graces so that being confirmed by God this confirmeth and establisheth us rather then other graces and that in these particulars Faith is that grace to which the promise of Gods power is made preheminently To him that beleeveth all things are possible Mar. 9.23 So that as all the promises are yea and amen in Christ as the Foundation and meritorious cause so they are yea and amen to Faith as instrumentall It 's of Faith that the promise may be sure Rom 4.16 What promises then or deeds of gift God hath made over to his people They are all made effectuall to the beleever No Faith no help no assistance 2. Faith only receiveth into the Soul Christ who is the authour and procurer of all strength Paul saith He can do all things through Christ that strengthens him Phil. 4.13 But how shall we make Christ ours How shall he come to dwell in us The Apostle saith By Faith Eph. 3.12 So that herein Faith is greatly instrumentall to keep us because it brings Christ with all his power into our soul It deriveth all ability from him It 's not Faith but Christ by Faith received that doth thus enable It was not Sampsons hair the weakest part about him but Gods power whereof that was a Symbole or sign that did confirm him No wonder then if Faith be thus serviceable to preserve us Seeing that by it Christ is wholly made ours in whom all Fulnesse both of grace and power dwels 3. Faith doth instrumentally preserve us in that it renounceth all our abilities and carrieth out to God onely This Faith hath peculiar to its nature above all other graces it emptieth a man of himself it makes a man renounce whatsoever priviledge and righteousnesse he may seem to have Thus Phil. 3 Paul refuseth all priviledges accounts all gain losse in respect of Christs Righteousnesse which is by Faith As the Criple cast his eye upon the Apostles hoping to be healed he had no thoughts of his own Sufficiency but their power only So it is here Faith makes a man cast his eye upon God and look up to him only for ability Oh then prize and nourish this grace of faith which doth so nullifie thee and omnifie God 4. Faith is serviceable to keep us by improving and making effectuall those instituted means appointed by God for to preserve us Such is the Ministery of the Word preached c. These are ordained by God to keep a man in holinesse Those that think they are above these and can be kept without them Let them think as well that they can live without food But how come these iustituted means of grace to be effectuall in us the Scripture attributes it to beleeving The Word did not profit when it was not mixed with faith Heb. 4.6 So that as the Word preached is used by God to beget Faith in us at first so afterwards Faith doth improve the means of grace for all encrease If therefore we would expect to have the Ministry and the holy means of grace to keep us in the way to heaven it must be faith that makes all these profitable 5. Faith is a means to preserve us because by that the devil who doth most sollicite our undoing is repelled No grace but Faith doth so immediately and formally repell him Whom resist stedfast in the Faith 1 Pet. 5 9. And by Faith we overcome the wicked one for Faith is not strong with its own strength and therefore it must needs overcome the devil as David overcame Goliah not by his own valour but in the Name of the Lord. 6. Faith is therefore helpfull to our preservation because in some sence it stirreth up and acts all other graces What the Papists say of Charity that it is the assistant form of all other graces we may say of Faith That it doth direct act and stir up all other graces to work Therefore faith is said to work by love Gal. 5.6 Thus it works by patience it works by repentance Therefore Heb. 11. all the glorious atchievements that those Worthies wrought are attributed to Faith Thus we see how many
ignorant man not knowing the one must necessarily have the other hid from his eyes Can there be any hope of that mans cure who knoweth not and feels not his disease Thy Ignorance of Christ argueth thou art also ignorant of thy self for didst thou know thy own poverty and guilt nothing could hold thee till thou mightst get some interest in Christ pain of body will make a man cry out for ease but pain of soul through sinne much more Thus you see the ignorant man is in the plain way to hell Thirdly Grosse Ignorance must needs be damnable because it 's immediatly opposite to the sanctified and appointed means that bring to God and Christ viz. the Ministery The Preaching of the Word is instituted by God to bring us to understanding and faith about these things Therefore they are called the Light and Guides But where there is grosse Ignorance there commonly the Preaching of the Word hath least effect and fruit as the Sunne-beams doe no good to the blinde man For seeing the Word of God is a morall Instrument and though potent by the power of God yet it doth by argument convince and perswade where men are bruitish like beasts what improbability is there of doing good Indeed the Word doth give eyes to the blinde and understanding to the simple where God useth it efficaciously for nothing can resist it then because it takes away the actual obstinacy yet the Ignorance of men is that which of it self would make all Preaching to drop like the water upon the rock where no fruit can grow For what doth the ignorant man understand what can he remember what can he meditate upon when he is gone hence Take a knowing though prophane man in his life yet we have something to work upon we speak to wise men that will judge what we say but to the blinde man day and night is all one Preaching and no Preaching To the deaf man Thunder and a still voice is all one Consider then lest thy ignorance doth not damn thee in that all the means and instituted waies of God become altogether unprofitable unto thee That makes all preaching in vain I shall not further enlarge on this Here is an Objection will presently be made Doth not ignorance quite absolve a man from guilt Is he not to be pitied rather then blamed I ●t doth not excuse a toto yet a tanto He doth not sinne so much as knowing men do which doth greatly encourage and comfort them We may answer this by that known distinction of an Ignorance merae negationis and pravae dispositionis It's true meer negative Ignorance doth excuse The Heathens and Pagans that never heard of Christ though they have other sins they are damned for yet the meer ignorance of Christ who was never revealed to them doth not condemn them Infidelitas negativa non damnat but then there is an affected and wilfull Ignorance this doth not excuse but accuse and aggravate and such is the Ignorance of all those that live under the means of grace and where the Name of Christ is preached It 's thy wilful and wicked disposition in thee that makes thee thus blinde You say as those in Job let the knowledge of the most High depart from you Job 21.14 Seeing you will not see and hearing you will not hear Therefore your condemnation is the greater It 's disputed among Casu●sts whether God may not have mercy upon natural fools that cannot know any thing of God or Christ because of a natural incapacity But thou art a voluntary fool and dost wilfully deprive thy self of all knowledge and how then shall God be gracious unto thee In the next place you may say If the estate of an ignorant person be thus dangerous how comes it about that there are so many ignorant persons Why cannot all say with the Apostle We know that we know 2 Cor. 8.1 There are some outward causes or inward causes or causes from the ignorant man himself or in respect of others First Many are therefore so ignorant in matters of Religion because they understand not the damnable estate this ignorance puts them into So that the ignorance of their dangers makes them also ignorant of the remedy As Austin said of Original sinne It was peccatum causa peccati and poena peccati the same is true of Ignorance It 's a sinne in its own nature because contrary to that command of God which doth so often require that we should know him and then it 's a cause of sinne yea of all sinne It 's because men do not know God that therefore they are so bold to transgresse his Laws Lastly It 's the punishment of sinne for all that black darknesse and confusion we are in is because of our revolt from God Ignorance then keeping man off from the true understanding of his misery makes him the more secure and content in it If thou didst know what curses hang over thy head If thou didst know what a gulf is between God and thee In what utter darknesse thou art in here which will be rewarded with utter darknesse hereafter thou wouldst have no rest within thy self 2. Another cause of Ignorance is Slothfulnesse and negligence They strive not they pray not for knowledge whereas this cannot be obtained without praier and diligence Then shall ye know if ye follow on to know the Lord Hos 6.3 and Solomon bids us seek after it more then for gold or the richest treasures Pro. 2.3 8.10 to love it as thy Sister or Mother many people complain they are ignorant God help them for they have little knowledge and where is the fault all this while Is it not thy negligence thy slothfulnesse May we not produce many instances of those who have been very ignorant and stupid yet by praier and hearty endeavour have obtained to a competent measure of knowledge for humane knowledge shall there be so much labour taken sudavit alsit said the Poet and for Christian knowledge wherein is our happinesse and eternel life shall we not be as industrious Why dost thou not rather cry out of thy self every night I goe to bed and yet have got no knowledge I understand such and such things in the world but nothing at all about God and Christ Thus the sluggards Field is full of briars and weeds At the day of judgement when God will call for an account of every day and hour thou wilt bewail thy folly that time was not more redeemed to get knowledge 3. Earthly and worldly affections These do so immoderately possesse the whole man that they regard nothing else Why is it that men ordinary plain men get so much skill and craft in worldly affairs they know the best way for improving every worldy advantage It is because their heart is set upon it They minde and regard this thing They rise with the thoughts of it and so goe to bed If their hearts were thus
they be indeed the devils fools What is this but to renounce God and to renounce your baptisme If you have lost your goods you will go and lose your souls to We reade of Ahaziah 2 King 1.6 when his childe was sick he would go to Baal to know whether his childe should recover or no but with what a dreadfull message doth Gods Prophet entertain him telling him his childe should die withall saying Is it because there is not a God in Israel that thou doest so May not we say so when you go to the devils instruments witches wise men and sorcerers Is it because there is not a true God in heaven Some have questioned whether such as compact with the devil and use familiar spirits can possibly repent and be saved they doubt whether they are in a capacity of ever having eternall life but that is too rigid for we reade of Manasses a great sinner in this kinde one that was given to witchcraft and used a familiar spirit yet he prayed and humbled himself and God accepted of him So we reade of some converted by the Apostles preaching that brought in all their conjuring books and burnt them Act. 19.19 Though therefore no doubt is to be made but upon their repentance God will forgive yet it is a great and a grievous sinne it 's a renouncing of God and your Baptism Take heed then of ever doing so and if thy heart hath been so gracelesse and wicked heretofore oh abhorre thy self let thy conscience cry out I have committed a great and abominable sinne thou art the chiefest sinner of many thousands We ought to have no communion with the devil though he had power to foretell and so do good to thee as he hath not any further then God may reveal to him When the devils confessed Christ was the true Son of God he rebuked them and would not own such a confession So Paul also Act. 16.16 would not own a confession though true because by one possessed by the devil Be ashamed of the name of a Christian and renounce thy baptism if thou shouldst over do such sins again SERMON XVIII The Necessity of the Knowledge of Christ Jesus as well as of God the Father JOH 17.3 And Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent WE now come to the second Object of this knowledge necessary to salvation and that is Christ This latter Object is added because of the Jews and some Heretiques who though they acknowledge the only true God yet because they are eirher ignorant of or deny Christ therefore they are not in the way to salvation The object to be known is described 1. By his proper Name 2. By his appellative or name of office 3. From the Original and Cause of it His proper name is Jesus Though some learned men have affected to go out of the ordinary way in giving the true root of this word yet certainly the most common derivation of it is most true viz. that it comes from the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to save as the Angell plainly interprets it his Name shall be called Jesus because he shall save his people from their sinnes Mat. 1.21 It 's the same with Joshua who was so called because he delivered the people out of their temporal miseries and brought them into Canaan being herein a Type of Christ 2. His Name of office Christ as much as anointed I shall not say much of this word now Though the word be attributed to others yet Jesus is properly called the Messias he is the Vnctus unctorum the anointed of the anointed and this doth especially demonstrate the Priestly and the Kingly office of Christ 3. There is the Original or Fountain of this office It 's from God the Father Now when the Father is said to send him it is not to be understood as if it were against Christs will no but he voluntarily and readily undertook this Office likewise so that if we did know and acknowledge such a person as was called Jesus yet if we did not also acknowledge him to be the Christ the Mediatour appointed by God our knowledge would be insufficient Obs That the knowledge of one true God is not enough to salvatian without the knowledge of Christ also They are both put together and none may separate them Hence it 's so often in Scripture commanded that we should beleeve in Christ That be who beleeveth shall not enter into judgement and our Saviour makes the knowlege of him and the Father inseparably joyned together Ioh. 8.19 To open the Doctrine Consider 1. That we cannot have any knowledge about Christ either that there is such an one or what he is but only by Revelation We told you about God there was a threefold Knowledge by nature by the Creatures by the Scriptures And therefore whereas it might be and is easily granted by all that none can be saved without the knowledge of the true God yet both of old and of late there have been those who have held that the Nations that know not Christ may be saved It 's true they are divided among themselves for some say the Gentiles have some implied or confused knowledge of Christ or else God revealeth it to them extraordinarily but others positively say the knowledge we have by nature and meer light of reason is enough to conduct to heaven As for Cornelius the Centurion whom they instance in the first Heathen converted and baptized under the New Testament it is plain that he had a knowledge of Christ though imperfect Neither is that expression of Peter upon Cornelius his admission Act. 10.35 where he saith God is no accepter of persons but in every Nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousnesse shall be saved any waies favouring salvation without Christ For now the partition wall being broken down and the Gospel to be preached to all Nations which was represented in the vision of a sheet full of clean and unclean beasts the Knowledge of Christ was likewise therewith to be propagated It 's true the Apostle saith they that sinne without the Law shall be judged without the Law Rom. 2. God will not judge them by that they knew not and so they that sinne without the knowledge of the Gospel they shall not be judged for not beleeving in Christ and not receiving of him to whom he was never tendred but then they have a law of conscience within them by which they shall be condemned so that by the Scripture we cannot say there is any other way of salvation but by the Name of Christ and Faith in his Name yea that Text Act. 4.12 is plainly excluding any other way of salvation There is no other Name under Heaven whereby we must be saved Howsoever men may tropically explain and say how can we think so merciful a God can suffer so many thousands and thousands who never heard of Christ to perish yea their poor Infants who committed no actual sinne We must submit to the
Scripture otherwise we may take up Origens opinion and say how doth it stand with the goodnesse of God and his pity to let so many Angels and men be damned and not save them all at last But when the Word of God speaks man must be silent and hold his tongue 2. A right knowledge about one true God is not enough without the knowledge of Christ partly on Gods part and partly on our part On Gods part for so he is absolutely considered as a righteous and just God hating all sinne and punishing it where he findes it Now in this consideration he is a consuming fire there is a great gulf between him and us The devils and damned in hell may as well hope for mercy as we if there were no Christ The heathens therefore who hoped for pardon they ignorantly thought to satisfie God as if he could be satisfied by any finite thing as Luther said It 's not Deus absolutus but relativus not God considered absolutely but relatively as a Father in Covenant through Christ that is the ground of all our hope and comfort This knowledge would only terrifie and drive to despair as you see in Adam till he was comforted with the promise 2. On our part It 's necessary to know Christ as well as God because without Christ there is no foundation for any duty We cannot pray we cannot approach near to him As he is a consuming fire so we are combustible stubble Whatsoever ye shall ask in my Name saith Christ shall be given you It must be through that Name our duties are accepted Can two walk together unlesse they be agreed What concord or agreement can there be between a righteous God and a corrupted sinner For this cause it is that the most holy men have praied that God would not enter into strict judgement with them Psa 143.2 If men sanctified dare not appear at the Tribunal of God in their own persons much lesse may sinners It 's necessary then because of that contrariety between God and sinful man there should be a Mediatour an advocate one that should stand between justice and us the condemning power of the Law and us Who is not afraid of justice Who hath so much purity that the Law cannot finde any fault with him So that if we consider of these two particulars we shall see great reason that we have to know Christ and God also Thirdly Take notice That a Knowledge or belief that there is a Messias is not enough unlesse we beleeve that person called Iesus to be Christ For he doth not say This is Eternal Life to beleeve a Christ but that Jesus is Christ The Jews to this day beleeve there will be a Messias all their hope and expectation is for such an one but yet the Apostle saith they are cast off by God for the present that they are branches broken off from the Olive Rom. 11. and why because they erre in two particulars 1. They deny that Jesus born of the Virgin Mary to be the Messiah Therefore they will not beleeve the promises to be fullfilled in him And 2. They look for a temporall Messiah who shall restore them from bodily captivity not for a Saviour in a spiritual sence Indeed before Christ came into the flesh then a belief and expectation of a Messiah was enough as appears by Simeons Song Luk. 2.34 who was one of the expectants for Christ and when he saw him then desired to depart in peace but now since he is come it 's necessary to salvation to beleeve that Person born of the Virgin Mary and crucified by the Jews under Pilate was the true and promised Messias Therefore a great part of the Apostles Ministry was to prove that Jesus was the Christ Fourthly In that Christ makes Eternall Life to lie in these two necessary things therefore the Papists are horribly presumptuous who adde a third thing necessary to Eternal Life which is Subesse Romano Pontifici To acknowledge the Pope to be head of the Church and to submit to him This is de necessitate salutis saith Bellarmine But they have never yet been able to make this out that there is such an universal visible and infallible head of the Church Yea Gregory one of the Popes said Whosoever should arrogate to himself the Title of Vniversal Bishop he was the Forerunner of Antichrist For the great Antichristianism described by the Apostles lieth not so much in doctrines Though they be Antichrists also that deny Christ to be come in the flesh 1 Joh. 2.16 yet the great Antichrist is described by the Church-power and universal dominion he shall take to himself in the Church exalting himself above every thing that is called God 2 Thes 2.4 Therefore howsoever they pronounce such dreadful sentences upon all the Reformed Churches that have cast off the Popes power as if they were not in a way to Eternal Life yet this Scripture may abundantly encourage where there is a true knowledge of God and Christ there is a possibility of Eternal Life Fifthly To know Jesus Christ whom the Father hath sent implieth the knowledge of these particulars 1. That he is really and truly God for how can he be a spiritual Saviour if he be not God Is it not God only that can raise from the dead Could meer man satisfie the justice of God destroy the works of the devil It 's not my purpose here to confirm that main Article of Religion I only inform you that he who truly knoweth Christ must know him to be God the only begotten of the Father else he cannot know him as a Jesus as a Saviour Therefore howsoever Arians and Socinians talk much of Christ dispute much of him yea mention him in their praiers and Petitions yet they do not truly know Christ if the Apostle makes it so great a sinne to deny Christ to be come in the flesh to be man that he saith he is Antichrist that doth so 1 Joh. 2.18 then it must needs be a greater sinne to deny him to be God for as he doth a man a greater wrong that denieth him a rationall soul then that denieth a mortal body to him so he doth in a greater manner dishonour Christ that denieth him to be God then to be man Shall Christ himself Phil. 2. think it no robbery to be equal with God and will they make Christ guilty of such robbery for he assumed to himself both the Title and reality of God 2. To know Jesus Christ is to acknowledge him man as well as God for this was his name given him by the Angel when he was born so that he only knoweth Christ who acknowledgeth him both God and man as the Scripture sometimes cals him the only begotten Son of God so sometimes the Son of man and many places in Scripture speak of both his natures Rom. 9.5 who concerning the flesh was of the Seed of Abraham and yet he is God for evermore concerning the flesh that is
Ghost is also requisite to Eternal Life appeareth in that we are baptized into his Name so that it 's a principle and Foundation to be instructed about the holy Ghost as well as the Father and the Sonne We reade that the Apostle doth in most of his Salutations pray for grace and peace from God the Father and the Lod Jesus Christ yet none may from thence gather the Spirit is excluded for 2 Cor. 1.13 14. There is the communion of the Spirit added to the love of God and the grace of Jesus Christ 3. You may demand If the Knowledge of those things be enough to eternall Life what then needs the Ministry or Preaching to a man that knoweth these If a man have these is he not above Ordinances and the Ministry This indeed some have arrogantly thought But 1. There is no man knoweth as much about God and Christ as may be known The Apostle that was lifted up to the third heavens yet he saith We know but in part 1 Cor. 13. If Paul then knew but in part what must others do We see the Angels themselves desire to have the Mystery of Christ made more known to them Eph. 3. so that it 's a foolish conceit to think thou knowest enough already for though our knowledge shall be perfected in heaven yet even there we cannot know God as much as he is known for the infinite object cannot be comprehended by a finite faculty 2. Suppose thou couldst not grow in knowledge which yet is impossible yet the Ministry is necessary for thy heart and affections The devils know more then any man but there will is obdurate and hardened in wickednesse So thou maist have great knowledge and understanding yet thy heart may need much quickening much mollifying and for this end the Ministry is appointed 3 If thou didst not finde a need of them either for understanding or heart which yet is more impossible then the former yet God having appointed such a way thou art only for obedience sake and to testifie thy submission to God to do it Christ needed not to be baptized for he wanted not the grace signified viz. remission of sinnes Yet to shew his obedience he did it Adam though created in a state of integrity yet had a command of triall to manifest his obedience and so though never so perfect yet thou canst not be exempted from obedience to Gods commands Vse of Instruction to the full self-righteous man that is not burthened and loaded with the sence of his sinnes whatsoever knowledge thou maist have yet thou canst not know any thing in a saving manner about Christ Till thou be affected with thy misery and the remedy thou art not yet a knowing man in Christs School or to those who labour and are greatly affected with their sinne They know sin They know the Law They know the terrors of an angry God but they know not Christ Consider how Paal was affected herein he knew nothing but Christ crucified 2 Cor. 2.2 All things were accounted dung and drosse for the excellency of this knowledge Phil. 3.8 Consider Eternal life is as well in knowing of Christ as in knowing of sin or what duties God requireth of thee SERMON XIX Sheweth how a Godly Life though it merit no good is a Ground of Comfort at the hour of Death JOH 17.4 I have glorified thee on Earth I have finished the work thou gavest me to do IN this Verse our Saviour addeth a new argument for that Petition mention mentioned v. 1. Glorifie me Why because I have glorified thee on earth I have finished my work Now his work is done he expects his reward These words our Saviour doth not speak out of ostentation and boasting but to shew the order God appointed that by his sufferings when perfected he should enter into glory In the words we have Christs profession of the end he intended in all things I have glorified thee on earth 2. The manner how or the means by which I have finished the work thou gavest me to do I have glorified thee though Christ as God had all divine glory due to him yet as Mediatour in the state of humiliation so he was inferiour to the Father and in this sence he did glorifie him To glorifie is either when really that glory is exhibited which was not before and so God glorifieth us or else when we celebrate acknowledge and declare that glory which is already possessed and thus we glorifie God For when we glorifie God we adde nothing to him we do not make him more glorious then he is indeed We cannot advantage him but our selves by serving of him as a man by seeing doth not profit the Sun but himself nor the thirsty Traveller by drinking refresh the Fountain but himself Christ then being by the state of humiliation made lower then God yea lower then Angels had this purity of intention in all that he did and all that he suffered to glorifie God Q. If you say Was not the redemption and salvation of these the Father gave him his end how then is the glory of God his end A. The Answer is the ultimate and chief end is Gods glory The proxime and immediate was the salvation of man and therefore in respect of the chief end this is the manner or the means of glorifying of God and this is intended when he saith He had finished his work 2. Consider the restriction or limitation of this glorifying of God from the place where I have glorified thee on earth That is mentioned because here only on the earth was he to be in a state of debasement here only he was to work in heaven he was to receive his glory The Schoolmen use to call a man while he was in this life the way to heaven viator and when he is possessed of glory they call him comprehensor Now they say That Christ was both viator and comprehensor together but if they mean that in this life he possessed all that glory which he should have in heaven that is false for we see him here praying for it and other places God promiseth it as a reward of his obedience and sufferings Indeed the humane nature of Christ was alwaies united personally to the godhead but there was a suspension of that glorious influance and happinesse while on the earth 3. Consider the time when Christ makes this profession at the end of his daies when he is to go out of this world This was the ground of his confidence in his Petition Now although we are not able in the same degree and perfection to say as he did yet for the main we ought to be like him in this when Death comes when our daies are to be finished to be able to say Lord we have glorified thee we have finished the work thou gavest us to do and of this particular I shall treat Obs That it is a blessed and most happy thing to be able at the time of
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a quiet easie death without pangs and torment but this is the easiest the comfortablest the best dying Oh that we should preferre any thing before that Oh that thou shouldst not cry out of every sin This will trouble me when I am dying 4. It 's a blessed thing to go out of the world having done Gods work because we are immediatly to appear before him No sooner is thy soul gone out of the body but it appeareth before God he either for thy sinne adjudgeth it to hell or because thou art a member of Christ appoints thee to eternall glory oh then when there is but such distance between God and thy soul how comfortable is it to have been all thy life time glorifying God Thou hast been glorifying God and God comes now to glorifie thee Thou hast been doing his work and now he is giving thee the good things promised Oh Beloved how should this prevail with you there is but a step between my soul and God how will God look on me who can endure his frowns and displeasures Doth not the Apostle say It 's a fearfull thing to fall into the hands of the living God Heb. 10.3 And now I am falling into Gods hands either the hands of a merciful Father or provoked enemy Well then while thou art in these conflicts and agonies what support is it to have this sure evidence O Lord in my life time I lived for thee and to thee now I come to live with thee O Lord In my life time I knew thee I did thy work but I was at a vast distance now I come to the immediate injoying of thee Reas 5 5. It s a blessed thing to have this evidence because it 's of that good which will be eternall Canst thou truly say thus then it 's an immortall Crown of Glory that is laid up for thee no more deaths no more changes no more fears or tears thou art made for ever But of this heretofore Vse of Admonition Let every one attend and give all diligence to get this evidence Oh the terrour and horrour that must take hold on thee if thou hast been dishonouring of God all thy life long if thou hast been doing the work that sinne and Satan tempted thee to why art thou so devoid of all understanding will thy health and strength alwaies hold Art thou exempted from the stroke of death Is not thy time running on sit down then and consider what thoughts will at thy death possesse thee What testimony have I that I have done the work of the Lord Oh doth not thy life accuse thee Is it not all over bloody Canst thou think of what thou hast been with any content Is thy life at present such that thou canst say O Lord I am doing thy work Oh the amazement and astonishment that should take hold on such men SERMON XX. Sheweth who they are that cannot at the close of their daies take comfort in this That they have finished the work God gave them to do As also what things if not avoided will much diminish the comfort of the Godly ones at that day JOH 17.4 I have glorified thee on earth c. THe Doctrine observed was That it is a most blessed and happy thing in the close of our daies to be able to say upon good grounds We have finished the work God gave us to do You have heard particulars illustrating it and the grounds of the point I shall now amplifie this and in the first place shew Who they are that cannot with any comfort or very little be able to say thus For although this truth in the general be very terrible yet in the particular it loseth its edge because every man is a self-flatterer Every one is apt to think I have done Gods work and therefore it will be well with me If therefore it be possible my endeavour shall be that this arrow of Gods truth may enter in at the joynts of thy armour seeing it cannot any where else Consider then who they are that may say they are dogs and not children so that this bread doth not belong to them And first All those who daily and constantly are doing the clean contrary work to what God requireth such whose conversation is a perpetuall reproach and dishonour to God these do not at all glorifie God These have cause to tremble and quake when death approaches and their accounts must be made and is not this the condition of most Look generally upon mens lives are they not doing the devils works are they not dishonouring God all the day long by their ungodly conversation If there be any that are tender and consciencious are they not like gleanings after a Vintage here a man and there a woman otherwise for most men you would think they thought hell and the day of judgement to be but fables and such a truth as this to be a meer bugbear But God will not be mocked neither can mans greatnesse or atheism or prophane scoffings put off these things Oh then be at last perswaded that that life thou livest will be little comfort to thee one day Oh how speechlesse and confounded wilt thou be when God shall enquire into all thy words into all thy actions and there is nothing but sinne appeareth when every thing will be turned into blood as the Egyptian punishment was into the bloud of thy soul When God looked over all his works he had done he saw them exceeding good and so blessed the seventh day but thou wilt look over all thou hast done and finde it exceeding evil and curse both the day of thy birth and the day of thy death Oh that men would be wise that they would consider their later end What wilt thou do when God when thy conscience when the law when devils will accuse thee Where wilt thou hide thy self Remember Jacob Gen. 32.13 when his brother Esau was to meet him who was enraged and provoked against him how carefull he was by Presents and humble deprecations to mitigate his anger Remember the unjust Steward Luke 16.8 who knowing he must be called to account taketh all the subtill waies he can to make himself friends when he shall be cast out of his office our Saviour speaks that parable to this purpose That when God shall say to every one of us Thou shalt be no long or steward in this relation in that condition I will have an account of all that then we manage all things so that we may be able to have some comfortable refuge 2. Those have nothing of this texts comfort who though they do not contrary work yet do different non-required work It 's 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 though they do not male yet they do aliud agere a servant though he do not contrary to his Masters work yet if he do not the same he is commanded he is obnoxious to his Masters wrath And this is
faithfull for one as well as for many 2. All that Christ did it was not in reference to himself but for us All the Miracles he wrought it was for Beleevers he did them not for his glory and honour as he speaks about Lazarus his being dead Joh. 11. I was glad for your sakes because that Miracles might tend to their Confirmation in the Faith Thus Christ became obedient to the Law and fulfilled the righteousnesse thereof for our sakes Oh what an admirable overwhelming Point is this that all the labour and obedience which Christ performed of which he said It was meat and drink to do his Fathers will Joh. 4. That all this should not be for himself but in reference to us How may this fill our hearts and mouths with joy and confidence at the Throne of grace O Lord why did Christ fulfill all righteousnesse why did he perfectly obey the Law So that no fault should be found in him Was not all this for me Did he need this himself 3. His sufferings and rendring up himself as an atonement and Sacrifice upon the Crosse This also was wholly of God for us The Prophet Isaiah is affected with it He laid upon him the iniquities of us all and by his stripes we are healed Isa 53.5 Thus every where his death is said to be for us he died for us he gave himself for us and it must needs be so for in him was found nothing worthy of death There was no sin or guile found in him he was not under that Sentence pronounced upon Adam and his posterity And here again the people of God may lift up their heads wiih joy Christ died he became a Sacrifice to the justice of God not because of himself but of us Hence it 's said His bloud speaks better things then that of Abel Heb. 12.24 Abels bloud cried for vengeance this for mercy and if Abel though dead speaketh how much more must Christ who though dead is risen again May not this be an Axe laid to the root of all thy unbelief Shall the godly heart be any more bowed down when he shall remember all those Agonies which Christ did undergo were for us Shall thy sins be accounted great and Christs death not greater Go thou troubled and grieved Soul we will give thee leave to aggravate thy sins to the highest Let them be never so bloudy yea hadst thou committed more then thou hast done yea all that all the wicked men of the world have done Were all their sins thine yet here is the Red Sea to drown that great Egyptian host Oh that men could have as good cause to judge that they are ingrafted in Christ and are such to whom Christ belongs as they may conclude that if such Christs death doth overcome all their sins It was nothing In Christ but in thee that made him a Curse upon the Crosse 4. The fruits and benefits of Christs Mediation did not redound to him but to thee Justification and remission of sins Sanctification of our natures Victory over lusts assurance of Gods favour all these come by Christ but to those only for whom he was appointed a Saviour he needed none of these priviledges no more then the heavens where the Sun and Starres are do need rain Oh then set open the gates of thy Soul wide through faith that thou maist be satisfied and made happy with these mercies In this dead Lion thou maist finde much honey for thy self Oh Lord why are all these priviledges annexed to thy death Is it because thou hast any want or thou hast any need of them No but that my emptinesse may be filled my dark heart enlightened my naked soul covered Thus you see what is implied Secondly The second particular is That all this is of God the Father It 's his will and gracious appointment that Christ should do all these things for his They have known that all I have is of thee and thou hast sent me So the Apostle It pleased the Father that in Christ all fulnesse should dwell Col. 1.14 And here is admirable ground of hopes and confidence for it 's not against the Fathers will yea all this is of his gracious appointment that Christ should be thus a Mediatour for his Children Doubt not then whether the Father will accept of what Christ hath done or not Do not question whether he will receive thee in Christs Name for the Father hath manifested as great willingnesse for thy Salvation as the Son Say then Oh holy Father here is sure a wonderful way for my acceptance at the Throne of grace that I am astonished at it and it 's of thy goodnesse and grace that such a way is procured Oh what then can hinder but that I be justified The Father willing and the Son willing yea the Father loving Christ because he laid down his life for the Sheep Joh. 10.17 All this makes for the encouragement of the godly The third particular is That it 's the duty of all Gods Children to know and beleeve this fulnesse in Christ for them and to look upon Christ with all his benefits as for them Now faith thus fixed on Christ hath these either ingredient or concomitant acts and effects 1. There is a knowledge and a sound discovery of this sufficiency in Christ You see here knowing and beleeving put together Ignorance of this Point that all in Christ is for the beleever breedeth much dispondency and takes off the wheels of thy Chariots They look upon Christ as a Fountain sealed up as a garden enclosed They apprehend it 's not for every godly person to go and drink of this fountain unlesse attaining to such an high measure of grace Whereas a true knowledge of the end and use of Christ would quickly dispell all such black thoughts 2. To beleeve doth imply a relying and resting of the soul upon this fulnesse Christ with his righteousnesse is the center of his heart He trusts and puts his whole confidence in it He need go out no further to seek here is enough he fears no breaking no shaking as long as Christ will last and endure so long shall he As a man that treads on the firm ground he fears not as he that walks on slippery Ice Thus the godly man leaneth on a firm foundation but he that trusteth in his own righteousnesse or works melts as Ice before the Sunne 3. There is a full satisfaction of the soul in this beleeving So that it removeth all cares and fears Have I enough or no Is it sufficient to carry me out He is therefore said to save to the uttermost Heb. 5. and it 's called The riches of grace by Christ the unsearchable riches He therefore that beleeveth in Christ thus as sent of God he may say Return O my soul into thy Rest for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee what can satisfie if a Christ with all his benefits cannot
say Argumentum pessimi turba Again we are apt to judge of duty by our interest and engagements as our Education Safety and Profits leade us Whereas we should say to our hearts in such cases as Christ to Peter Get thee behinde me Satan We come to the second Observation the object of Obedience is described in the plural number Thy words thou hast given me They did not neglect or break any wilfully They looked upon all as precious gold wherein the least O●●e is not to be lost Obs That it 's the property of godly men to have a respect to all Gods Word to look to all his commands Herods and Pharaohs they will do some things but Davids and Josiahs they only will regard all and indeed doing many things unlesse all will not save There is a leak in the Ship that will overthrow all This one spark will set all on fire as David implieth Psa 119. Then shall I not be confounded when I have respect to all thy Commandments That man who because he hath done many things looketh for heaven will be in dreadful confusion when he shall see one sin able to shut the door of heaven against him and mark the expression when I have respect he doth not say obey but have respect That doth imply besides the outward obedience an inward awe and reverentiall eye towards every duty God requireth Thus James also doth severely reprove this partiall mutilated obedience and pronounceth that heavy doom He that breaketh one is guilty of all Jam. 2.11 viz. because of the vinculum formale the authority of God which is in one as well as in another To improve this consider First That even the godly through Ignorance upon their mindes or some importunate temptation may be very diligent in some commands and yet not observe others and this may be either from ignorance or provoking temptations from Ignorance such may the education of the godly be or they may live in such dark times wherein errour is common and none make any question of it and then they may continue in the omission of many duties So some excuse the Patriarcks in their Polygamy Though say they it was an expresse sinne against the first Institution of Marriage yet custome and Tradition had taken away the sence of sinning and so in the time of many good Kings who made an exact Reformation yet the high places were not taken away there was either non-attendance or sinful connivance at that and in the Infancy of the Christian Church how many were so weak as not to discern their Christian Liberty but placed much obedience in the observation of Jewish rites and Ceremonies And thus also there may be some provoking violent temptations The Godly though they have an universal Inclination to Gods will yet are hurried aside David was overtaken with Adultery though his heart was sincere towards all the whole Law of God We distinguish then between temptations and an habituall custome in any sinne The godly man may by the former be driven out of his faith not by the latter so that even then there remaineth an inward seed that doth virtually contain the commands of God and therefore is called the Law of God written in their hearts Secondly In the godly we are again to distinguish between grosse sins such as Tertullian saith waste the conscience And those Reliques of corruption which Austin saith are of daily incursion upon us The one is a camel the other is a gnat comparatively Now the godly do so keep all Gods commands that they seldom or never to be sure not wilfully and habitually fall into these deep and foul pits But as for the latter we see by Pauls complaint they have not a full conquest over them Rom. 7. They may be possessors of Canaan though they have some Jebusites alive to humble them and keep them low Thirdly Though the godly have a respect to all Gods Commadements yet they acknowledge an order amongst the commands they know some are greater and others lesse And therefore when there cometh an indispensable omission of one they passe by the least and the contrary to this is grand hypocrisie which our Saviour doth often condemn in the Pharisees They omitted the great things of the Law and Judgement and Mercy but were very diligent in the inferiour things Saul lost both a temporall and spirituall Kingdom in this respect For Samuell tels him Obedience was better then Sacrifice 1 Sam. 15.22 and Rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft There is the great command of loving God with all our heart and soul to which all others must bow Fourthly We must alwaies distinguish between the Integrity of parts of our obedience and the intension of degrees The godly though they reach to the former yet not to the latter It 's true by what reason we do any command in the integrity of it we are bound to the perfection of it But God giveth not such a measure of grace in this life It 's said of David and Zachary with his Wife that they walked in all the Commandments of God Yet that cannot be understood perfectly for how often did David fail and Zachary for his unbelief was stricken dumb There is no such thing as a Popish perfection The Fathers abhorred it our perfection is to acknowledge our imperfection and then the Commandements are by Gods grace accounted done when what is not done is forgiven and pardoned These things premised let us consider why the godly are obedient to Gods commands they dare not omit known duties or commit known sins Reasons 1 First Because the principle of Regeneration and seed of grace is universall It doth seminally contain all kindes and parts of grace in it As all seeds even of an Oak or the tallest Trees though never so little yet virtually contain all those great branches and let them have time to grow they will diffuse themselves into a vast compasse Grace is the Image of God and that inferreth a resemblance in lineaments and parts an hand or a foot is not an Image So then seeing that in Regeneration there is infused the habit or principles of all grace no wonder if there be an Inclination to all yet not so but that they may be carried out more readily and willing'y to some rather then other even as though all men by reason of original corruption have a Fountain of all wickednesse yet one may be carried out more propensely to one sinne rather then another The Sea may break out of one bank sooner then in another Reasons 2 Secondly There is the same authority forbidding or commanding in all As the Apostle James argueth Jam. 2. He that said Thou shalt not do thus said also Thou shalt not do thus If therefore the same God put forth his authority in every Command Who are thou that darest omit one and not another Reasons 3 Thirdly The motive is the same For every sinne because it's sinne and a dishonour to
is so well-pleasing to God that we should believe in Christ our Mediatour It 's accepted of as well as our Repentance or love or any other obedience And 1. Because hereby God is exalted and magnified in his glory We cannot glorifie God more otherwise Now then if God aimed at his glory in the Creation of the world but much more in the redemption of his Children There is not a way to exalt his glory more then by beleeving Thus Abraham in that of his concerning a Seed which did relate to Christ it 's said he staggered not but gave glory to God Rom. 4.20 The glory of his power of his goodnesse he regarded not the dead womb nor any other difficulties Thus it is here when thou seest sinne against thee the Law against thee Justice against thee and that every thing hath a dead womb yea a damned womb for thee to overlook all in Christ is an high degree to glorifie God Oh then ckeck thy unbeleeving thoughts Say Is there any way in the world whereby I can glorifie God like to the relying on Christ and leaning upon his grace So much dishonour as despair casteth on God so much glory faith attributeth to him resist then all the buzzing temptations of Satan and say What shall I not glorifie God What shall I not give God honour 2. The acceptablenesse of it doth appear in the frequent and constant commands that Christ giveth about it It 's true he commands Repentance Love Self-deniall but above all he requireth faith The question he propounded to most that came to him was Do ye beleeve This is so great a duty in Christianity that the Heathens abhorred our Religion as irrational saying It 's only beleeved with them whereupon they called them in scorn Beleevers But this is the grand and primary duty Heb. 11.1 There is no coming to God without this and Eternal life is said to be in this Above all take the Shield of faith Eph. 6.16 If then we see the Scripture so constantly enjoyning this above all yea and threatning with damnation if we do not beleeve How is it that the godly stand aloof of and still are not resolved whether they should beleeve or not Thou dost not so about Repentance Thou never questionest whether thou shouldst grieve or mourn for thy sins Thou wouldst think it high wickedness to do so Why then shouldst thou doubt whether being burthened with sin thou shouldst seek ease by faith in him Is not the command as indispensable for one as the other 3. It 's acceptable Because hereby Christ as a Mediator is improved for all these glorious ends he was appointed by God and thereby Christ is also glorified What shall such unsearchable riches of grace as are bound up in Christ be buried Shall there not be daily acknowledgements of him Now consider that if by Faith thou dost not receive him thou declarest Christ lived in vain and died in vain by what reason thou dost not beleeve for one effect thou must not for another and so for all Thus it will be as if there had never been such a person as Christ We may in some sence call it thy Antichristian unbelief He that denieth Christ to be come in the flesh is Antichrist 2 Joh. 7 Doth not thy unbelief deny him For the denying of his office is by consequence the denying of his person Thy unbelief doth that practically which the damnable heresies of Socinians do doctrinally make as if Christ were not a Mediatour and such who had satisfied the wrath of God for us Oh then know it 's not all thy sins do so immediatly oppose Christ as a Mediatour as thy unbelief doth which makes Divines say that in some sence only unbelief damneth beeause that rejecteth the Mediatour refuseth the Saviour so that as we say It 's not the disease but the neglect of the medicine that kils 4. It 's very acceptable to God because It 's the most evacuating grace It emptieth us wholly of our selves God he delights in humility now nothing humbleth us and takes us off all our seeming worth like faith in Christ for therefore I wholly trust in him for righteousnesse because I have none of my own If I had any rags that could cover my nakednesse I would not be ashamed but now being all over impure and unclean my Faith makes me catch hold on him Thus Paul he counted all things dung or drosse Phil. 3. because of the righteousnesse which is by Faith in Christ Seeing then Faith gives all to God and Christ makes us miserable wretched and hopelesse in our selves No wonder if God doe so accept of it Consider therefore how it debaseth thee and carrieth thee off every thing that is thine and then thou wilt say this is the grace God loveth this makes me nothing and God all in all 5. Faith in Christ must needs be acceptable because hereby we bring a righteousnesse into Gods presence which doth best please him which satisfieth him to the utmost for Christ is made our Righteousnesse and the end of the Law to us he became sin that we might become the Righteousnesse of God through him 2 Cor. 5. ul Now then if we by Faith can bring the Righteousnesse of Christ in all our duties and performances we must needs please him This is to bring Benjamin with us Oh what satisfying Reasons doth Faith in the Mediatour bring O Lord It is not my Righteousnesse nor the Righteousnesse of Adam nor the Righteousnesse of Angels but of Christ who is infinite that I bring before thee O Lord doth not Christ please thee better then I can O Lord is not this obedience better then my Repentance Oh then that we should not be more sollicitous to beleeve in every duty in every approach to God for that brings Christ that presents not our persons or duties but Christ Thus Paul he would be found in Christ not having his own righteousn●sse Phil. 3.9 Ye know not how righteous God is nor the Law nor what God requireth that do not thus press to beleeve Other grounds of this excellent Evangelical Point I defer and come to the Vse which is of Direction to the people of God Oh what joyful comfortable and blessed lives might you live if acquainted with this Truth Art thou dejected filled with unbelieving thoughts it 's from thy ignorance of this Truth You would be more filial and Evangelical were you possessed with this Truth more The Devil labours to keep you off as Saul did Jonathan and the people from eating honey whereas if they had not forborn it their enemies had been quite vanquished he keepeth thee from this honey he knoweth if thou wert beleeving no sin or temptation could stand before thee Heb. 5.13 The babe Christian is said to be unskilful in the word of Righteousnesse what is that he knoweth not Christ and the righteousnesse by him Therefore the Spirit of God is said to convince the world of Righteousnesse Joh. 16.8 O
what Enemies are we to our selves because ignorant herein SERMON XXXIX Further sheweth How acceptable unto God it is to beleeve in Christ the Mediatour And setteth forth the dangerous Nature of Trusting in our own Righteousnesse JOH 17.8 And they have known assuredly I came from thee and have beleeved thou hast sent me WE are prosecuting this Evangelical Point That Faith in Christ as a Mediatour is acceptable unto God as well as obedience to a command That as love is the fullfilling of the Law so Faith of the Gospel Several Reasons have already been laid down we now proceed to give you more 1. Therefore Faith in Christ as a Mediatour is acceptable because of the difficulty of and opposition to it When we are seriously sensible of sinne yet to rely on the love of God in Christ is like Esthers venturing into Ahashuerus his presence If I perish I perish or like the Lepers into their enemies the Syrians Camp Thus saith the afflicted soul If I lye despairing under the burthen of my sin I am sure to be undone I cannot finde any hope within my self It 's therefore venturing on Christ It 's good to go to him I am like that woman of the bloudy Issue that had spent all she had on Physicians but yet could not be cured I have run to every refuge tried every conclusion but still my soul cannot have any safe bottome to stand upon Let me therefore by Faith fly to him as a Mediatour In the midst of these depths and agonies of heart to trust in Christ is an high heroical disposition like that of Job Though he kill me I will trust in him Job 13.15 Like that of the Canaanitish woman whose faith Christ so commended Though she were put off and called dog and told the bread did not belong to her Mat. 15.27 the promises of grace and pardon were not her due yet for all that she will hold upon Christ and not let him go Oh then consider that if thou like Peter wilt venture to go though upon the waters to him here is a special discovery of the noblenesse of thy Faith That thou regardest Gods command and his promise more then all Satans temptations and the sence or suggestions of thy own soul As it is with love to God when God doth afflict and chastise us yet to keep up a tender fervent love to God argueth the greatnesse and purity of thy love so in the midst of broken bones and trouble for sinne to depend upon the grace of God in Christ argueth the excellency of Faith Our Saviour when he said Blessed are they that beleeve and see not sheweth that he who beleeveth Joh. 20 9. when he hath the least prop of sence and encouragement from outward things doth put forth the purer and nobler acts of Faith Now for Abraham to beleeve though Sarahs womb was a dead womb argued stronger Faith then if she had been a fruitful woman Thus the difficulty and opposition in such temptations makes faith the more acceptable 2 Faith in Christ must be as acceptable as Obedience because there is great Obedience in Faith For although Faith in Christ doth not justifie us as it 's an Obediential act for then we should be justified by a work but as it 's an Instrument receiving the Righteousnesse of Christ an hand to take that inriching Treasure yet there is very great Obedience in every act of beleeving go over the several acts of it knowledge assent and fiduciall application all these are therefore put forth by a beleever because God saith it Hence it 's called the Obedience of faith Rom. 10.26 And we are said to captivate our understandings herein 2 Cor. 10.5 For a man in beleeving walketh not by sence or humane reason or principles of the world but the meer revealed will of God so that whether we regard the doctrine to be beleeved or the promises to be embraced we must conclude that faith is a spiritual Martyrdom It 's not reason but Gods Word moveth thee as we told you in the Jews They went about to establish their own righteousnesse and would not submit themselves to the Righteousnesse by Christ Rom. 10.3 You see by that expressien how a man must be much humbled and captivated ere he can yield up himself to Christs Righteousnesse Oh then think not that Faith is not an high degree of Obedience It 's a renouncing of all humane thoughts apprehensions and whatsoever seeming worth or righteousnesse may be in us Oh how deeply was Paul humbled ere Phil. 3. he would come to account all things dung and drosse and to be found not having his own righteousnesse but that which is by Faith in Christ So that although Faith as it is a work doth not justifie yet it 's a great work and that of pure and meer obedience For whereas in all other moral duties Love and Patience there is some ingrafted notions within that convince of that In beleeving there is nothing but the command of God and his promise that inviteth to this duty 3. Faith must needs be acceptable to God because that only of all graces hath a relative fitnesse to receive Christ and his benefits Rom. 3.23 and in many other places Remission of sinne and so the Spirit of promise and also Justification is still said to be by Faith not by Love or Zeal or any other grace because they are of an active nature and go out to God This of a passive nature and receiveth Christ so that the Scripture useth a peculiar phrase to expresse the nature of Faith making it a supernatural Instrument or organon to receive Christ as the hand of all parts of the body taketh a Treasure when given and thereby a man is enriched It 's true it 's not for the dignity or merit of Faith that we are justified Therefore the Learned observe well that it 's never said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not for Faith as a cause but by Faith as an Instrument so that it 's not properly Faith in Christ that justifieth but Christ apprehended by Faith as it is not the hand but the treasure taken by the hand that enricheth or as the Scripture excellently describeth it It was not the bare seeing of the brazen Serpent or any excellency in the eye but the brazen Serpent that did heal Seeing that Faith hath that aptitude of all other graces to apply Christ and God makes use of it and appoints it for this end no wonder if that be so well-pleasing to him 4. Faith in Christ as a Mediatour is well-pleasing because by this we also are enabled to all obedience to all duties of mortification and holinesse so that this Faith which receiveth Christ as a Mediatour receiveth him in his fulnesse of grace as an head and thereby we have strength and ability to every thing that is holy Act. 15. purifying their hearts by Faith That implieth both our Justification and our Sanctification Hence
it self and the effectuall application of it For all do acknowledge that Christs death in it self is of value enough to redeem thousands of worlds if there were so many It cannot be otherwise because it 's the obedience to death of that person who is God as well as man and by reason of his Deity there is such a merit and satisfaction upon his death that all the sins of men and devils are not able to counterpoise it Therefore it 's great Unbelief to be cast down as if the greatnesse of thy sins exceeded the greatnesse of Christs Sufferings As the Heavens exceed the earth in magnitude so do Christs merits our transgressions but then if we speak of the Intention and purpose of Christ in laying down his life that is onely for his Sheep Joh. 10. I lay down my life for my Sheep And if that be true which Truth it self speaks Greater love then this can no man shew then to lay down his life for another Our Saviour if he had died for others besides the Elect had vouchsafed the greatest love that could be to them and certainly to become a Surety for another to die in anothers stead must needs be an high expression The Scripture useth two words when it speaks of Christs death for us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Now although they may be used promiscuously yet 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a great deal more then 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is vice alterius in stead of another So that what generally he was to undergo the Surety did it in his room but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is for the good of another though not in his stead as Paul said he suffered his afflictions for the bodies sake or the Churches sake Col. 1.24 that was not in their stead but for procuring of some good It cannot be denied but that all mankinde even reprobates themselves do obtain a world of Mercies through Christs Death yet to say that Christ died for them viz. in their stead to suffer all that anger of God which was due to them is to say the highest mercy that can be If we say that such are justified such are glorified it 's not so much as to say Christ died for them as Rom. 8. Christs death is made the foundation of all other mercies and the Apostle argueth from the greater to the lesse If he hath given us Christ how shall he not with him give us all things else Therefore to say Christ died for all is in effect to say Christ will actually save and glorifie all We may as well say Universal Salvation as Universal Redemption For Christs death is by the Scripture made the highest and greatest expression of love as also the cause of all other priviledges 4. The special and particular love of Christ in his death and Intercession to some rather then others is no ground of despair Nor no just cause for any troubled conscience to be perplexed about his estate but if a man will act according to reason it 's more hopeful then for a man to be left to such an universal uncertain benefit of Christs death which yet they confesse none may be actually saved for all that for this is acknowledged by some that hold universal grace and redemption That Christ by his death did obtain a sufficiency of Salvation for all but through mans corruptions it may fall out that they refuse this fruit of Christs death and so have no actuall application of it at all Now then Is it not more desirable to have such a special love whereby to be sure some will be saved then such a general one by which no man may receive salvation at all But especially this is no ground of despair for we can give as large encouragements and comforts to any humbled sinner as the adversaries can For these Universalists do not so hold Christ died for all that whether all repented or not beleeved or not that still they should be saved No they hold these conditions necessary unlesse men repent and believe they cannot have any benefit by Christs death Now so all the Orthodox say If thou art a Believer If thou repentest question not but that Christs death extends to thee It 's for such as hunger and thirst and therefore whatsoever soul lieth under any burthen of sinne and doth desire the grace of God through Christ let him not stagger but confidently goe unto him Therefore we can administer comfort to all those that are in a Gospel-manner qualified and the Vniversalists can do no more So that here is no dreadfulnesse nor terrour in this Point but rather much comfort and encouragement to all those who finde sinne a burthen and as for others that love and delight in their sinnes that doctrine cannot be of God which would speak any comfort or peace to them 5. In this Point of Religion as in all others we must not go according to our carnal affections and desires but the direction and revelation that is in the Scripture For the way of Salvation being wholly depending upon Gods Will None are able to judge of it but so farre as he discovers his will therein Therefore the Gospel is said to be Light come into the world The world had not this Light of it self We cannot say of the things of the Gospel as the Apostle doth of the things of the Law that they do them by nature and know them by nature No it 's necessary these things should be revealed from heaven therefore when thou goest to study this Point do as in all other Mysteries lay aside thy own thoughts thy own imaginations become an abrasa tabula have none of thy philosophical or natural principles within thee This dust or humour in the Eye will hinder thee from beholding perfectly this Object It 's true it 's a very specious and taking doctrine that Christ died for all that grace is universal but if a man would therefore embrace it because it 's so pleasing to flesh and bloud then there is that of Origens which goeth further and is much more pleasing That all even devils and all shall be actually saved Therefore to hold universal grace or redemption is nothing so pleasing as to hold universal Salvation Alas though men hold Christ died for all yet they grant the most of them are damned Therefore that doctrine is nothing so desirable as that which maintains the salvation of all If then you say that is too broad a way the Scripture gainsays that Thus it followeth also If the Scripture gainsay the other we are to attend to what that saith and not to what our own hearts would have Therefore throw away the head of the Sacrifice as God commanded all thy own thoughts and natural Imaginations in this matter 6. It cannot be denied but that the Scripture when it mentioneth the Subject for whom Christ died speaks indefinitely of all As all died
glory More properties of this glory II. The second part of the Point is that this glory is to be earnestly praied for For 1. Without seeking God will not bestow it 2. Thereby our desires after it will be more enflamed 3. III. The third part of the doctrine That this glory praied for will be a cordial against all affliction Because 1. It 's an universal Medicine 2. It 's the most sutable mercy to a gracioas heart 3. Because of the insufficiency of all other things to satisfie the heart 4. Because the way to heaven is full of briars and thorns 5. It exceeds all earthly glory 1. Earthly glory is but a puffe 2. It will not avail us at death Vse Observ That Christ had the glory he praied for with the Father before the world was That Christ had an eternal being Vse Quest Whence is it that any deny Christ to be the eternal God Answ What sins doe chiefly provoke God to give men up to strong delusions 1. Pride 2. Unfruitfulness 3 Neglect of the godly learn●d Ministry Vse 2. Vse 3. Vse 4. Vse 5. Observ That the world was not from Eternity Proved from Scripture 2. From Reason Observ That God is only and properly known by the godly Some knowledge of God may be had several waies Of true saving knowledge peculiar to the godly Though many have some kinde of knowledge of God yet the godly only do truly know him Vse Observ Why the Ministers end in Preaching should be to bring his people to the saving knowledge of God From the necessity of it Because of the nature and properties of it The several significations of the word world in Scripture Doct. That the people of God are called out of the world Demonstrations of the Point They have not the Spirit of the world The Spirit of the world what They walk not after the rudiments of the world He lives not as others do Reasons How many waies a people may be said to be Gods Doct. That the godly are Gods people in a peculiar manner Consider How many waies or upon how many Titles those that are godly are the Lords Doct. I. 1. 2. The word of his Commandements 3. The Word threatning 4. The word of Consolation II. Because it is Gods Word III. And receive it with the whole heart IV. And make it a Rule for their lives V. They that keep Gods Word have a high esteem of it 1. For the spiritual effects of it 2. Because it 's so necessary 3. And so usefull 4. The Preciousnesse and dignity of it VI. They keep the Word who persevere in it notwithstanding all temptations Doct. It 's not enough for Gods people to have grace but they must thrive and grow in it How many waies the graces of Gods people are to grow thrive I. In respect of degrees and measure II. Depth and rooting III. In the extension and kinde of all graces IV. In the means and Instruments of their graces V. By exciting others to grow VI. In solidity and fortitude Grounds and motives Vse Doct. It 's our duty to know and beleeve in Christ as the only Mediator sent by God I. What Christ had or was as Mediator was for us I. His Incarnation 2. All that he did His Miracles Obedience to the Law His sufferings The benefits of his Mediation II Christ Media●i●● for us is of God the Father III. It 's the duty of all Gods people to beleeve this fulnesse in Christ for them The ingredients or concomitants of Faith 1. 2. A relying and resting of the soul upon Christs fulness 3. There is a full satisfaction of the soul in this beleeving 4. A receiving of what Christ hath 5. A holy boldnesse at the Throne of grace 6. Large and vast thoughts of Christ 8. Faith purifieth and makes holy Why it is the duty of Gods people thus to know and beleeve on Christ Vse Doct. That only is proper obedience that hath the Word of God requiring it The grounds of this are I. From the Soveraignty of God· II. Gods promise is annext only to Gods command III. Because of the pollution that is upon mans understanding IV. From the fulnesse of the Scripture V. Else obedient persons could never bear up their hearts against the discouragements they meet with in Gods work Vse Obs That it 's the property of godly men to have respect to Gods Word Proposition to clear the Point How far godly men may sail Doct. It 's a sure character of Gods people to be a willing people I. The dulnesse in Gods people is not reigning but resisted and prai'd against Reasons 1. The sense of guilt and misery 2. The sense of Gods mercy 3. The divine nature they are partakers of 4. Because they were so willing heretofore to sin 5. Because they know none but willing service is accepted 6. Because of their great reward 7. Because of the joy and comfort that attends Obedience Vse Vse 2. Obs The Ministers of the Gospel are to preach Gods Word 1. It 's their duty 2. Their greatest honour 3. It 's his comfort and safety 4. Most useful and profitable Doct. Faith in Christ as Mediatour is acceptable to God Why Gods Children are so hardly brought to beleeve Why prophane men think it so easie to beleeve in Christ Why beleeving in Christ is so acceptable to God 1. Faith in Christ the Mediatour the main scope of the Scripture 2. The work of the Spirit in the Ministry is to convince of sin 3. It s the end of the Law 4. It 's the essence and marrow of the Gospel 5. The devil in all ages hath laboured to obscure this Doctrine Vse· Quest Answ Directions shewing how a man may come to prize this doctrine Vse An Invitation of the greatest sinners to come to Christ Doct. It 's very hopeful and encouraging to pray for those that discover signs of grace in them Consider these particulars I. It 's not our duty only to pray for our selves but for others also Quest Whether it be lawful to pray for any man in particular Answ II. Yet we may not pray for Reprobates as such A twofold faith in praier III Whether we may pray in faith for others as for our selves Then our prayers are liklier of a powerful effect when we pray for the godly Of praying for ungodly men Motives there unto Doct. All Gods people are under Christs Mediatory Praier Concerning which consider The Children of God are of two sorts The Priesthood of Christ exceeds the Priesthood of the Law The aggravations of Christs praier The several acceptations of the word World World how to be taken in this place Doct. Christs Mediatory Praier and his Death is only for the Elect. Considerations to clear the Point I. There is a necessary connexion between Christs Intercession and his death II. Though Christ in his praier and death had a special regard to some of mankinde yet no man that is damned can blame any but himself III.
see many of the Christian Teachers and disciples were led away in this as appeareth by the Epistle to the Romans and Galatians What a great task hath the Apostle to take all off from works and the obedience to the Law and to give all to Christ They would give part to Christ and part to their works but not all to Christ so that it 's a very hard thing to pull this weed out of our breast We see all Popery and Socinianisme goeth this way also To doe something that they may be justified thereby 3. Thus they cannot think that it 's so acceptable to beleeve in a Mediatour because it 's chiefly their comfort and their good thereby so that they look upon it as self-seeking and immoderately desiring their own good and peace not as any waies tending to the glory of God But we shall shew you that Faith in the Mediatour doth not only bring comfort and joy to us but admirable glory to God even more then Martyrdom or the highest expressions of Obedience Do not therefore tempt thy self and be a Satan to thy own peace What though thy comfort thy salvation bound up in beleeving yet if God will be honoured and glorified this way Thou art rather joyfully to receive his grace then frowardly to dispute against it so that if this beleeving be a self-seeking it 's such as God would have thee to do and as he that will not eat or drink is guilty of bodily murder so he that will not beleeve on Christ which is called eating and drinking is guilty of soul-murder 4 This is strange and difficult to the godly a long while because our justification and acceptation by him is wholly of supernatural Revelation It 's like the doctrine of the Trinity or of Christs Incarnation As humane reason would never assent to such a Truth were it not for divine Revelation that overpowers all so that all our sins are pardoned through Faith in Christs bloud is likewise of meer divine manifestation For see what nature doth incline us unto in all the heathens when they had sinned so as their Conscience condemned them they went to some solemn sacrifice or other extraordinary work thinking thereby to pacifie the wrath of God Adam was created in a state of Righteousnesse and so by his Obedience of works he was to be justified And upon his fall it became impossible that any should be justified by what he did unlesse sinne could justifie a man Therefore when God discovered a Christ and Justification by faith in him This is new doctrine from heaven Neither Men or Angels could have found out such a way so that it 's no wonder if man be thus averse to this Faith in the Promise because it 's a way that neither the state of Integrity or of man fallen was acquainted with insomuch that a godly man in the sence of his sins must bring such a faith in the Mediatour as he doth in other mysterious supernatural objects of Faith and his heart saith It 's unlikely such a sinner such an offender should finde mercy say O my Soul Are not the other supernaturall Points of Religion that I beleeve very unlikely also and incredible to flesh and bloud Lastly Therefore this seemeth hard to the godly broken hearted sinner because though Faith in a Mediatour be a duty yet it 's not to every one that live that wallow in their sins Christ is not a Mediator whether men repent or not repent You are not to think that it is all one godlinesse or no godlinesse If then such only may beleeve in a Mediatour as do truly and sincerely repent of sinne This will be hard to finde out for there are Ahabs tears and Judas's tears for sinne and indeed upon this depends all In this the godly are so much plunged Christ indeed bids those Come that are heavy laden that hunger and thirst after him But I have great cause to question my self whether I doe thus or not In the second place Why is it so that Prophane and ungodly men think it so easie to beleeve in Christ And they say they do it with all their heart when it 's plain by the Scripture they are not such to whom those glorious things of the Gospel do belong And 1. They think it so easie because they take presumption for faith They think they beleeve when they presume Now to presume is easie because it 's a work of the flesh it 's sutable to our corruptions that the Jews though they committed all lewdnesse yet the Prophet complaineth they would come and lean themselves upon the Lord and trust in lying words saying The Temple of the Lord c. That is not faith which most of the world have It 's presumption it 's carnal-confidence such as those had who said Lord have not we prophesied in thy Name Such as the foolish Virgins had Mat. 25. Such as Paul had before his Conversion when he said He was alive Rom. 7. Oh then tremble at that security and confidence thou hast Thou maist be sure it 's a sinne and of the devil it 's so easie whereas Faith is very difficult 2. They look upon Faith in Christ as easie because they divide the Object they take some things of Christ not whole Christ They think it 's only beleeving on him as a Saviour for pardon of sinne They do not choose him as a Lord to whom in all obedience they resign themselves This is indeed the rock that splits many tell them of beleeving in Christ and they think that is only to rest for salvation They attend not that it 's the receiving of Christ for all the ends and purposes God sent him into the world Now one main end besides our justification and salvation is our Sanctification To redeem to himself a people zealous of good works Tit. 2.14 To communicate his Spirit for to make holy as well as his merit to make happy Lastly They think it easie because they never think on any qualifications which are required in those who partake of Christ It 's true there are the Antecedent Conditions of merit or worth Let that Popery be abandoned but yet the Scripture tels who and what kinde of persons they are that must claim an Interest in Christ They are blessed that hunger and thirst for such shall be satisfied Mat. 5. Every one that is athirst is to Come Rev. 22.17 Repent that your sins may be blotted out Act. 3.19 Now prophane secure people they never think of these qualifications They say God is merciful They say Christ is a Saviour but then they never consider of whom They think not that many are called but few chosen They love not those places The way to heaven is a narrow and straight way Not all that say Lord Lord shall finde the gate of heaven opened to them If they thought seriously of these things it would cause an holy trembling in them These things premised Let us consider Why it