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A18271 A treasurie or store-house of similies both pleasaunt, delightfull, and profitable, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common places: by Robert Cawdray. Cawdry, Robert. 1600 (1600) STC 4887; ESTC S107929 530,386 880

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7.7 8 9. c. Gal. 3.19 5 As Christ rising from death is free from the graue Peter deliuered from the prison was free from the prison The sicke of the Palsie from his bed the yong man from his Coffen the mayden from her couch And yet the graue the prison the bed the Coffen the couch did remaine still Euen so the Law is abolished when wee are not subiect vnto it the Law is dead when we are dead vnto it and yet it remaineth still 6 As hee that hath an inward disease or corruption in his body although because it appeareth not on the outside he bee carelesse of the daunger yet when the same is launced and that hee perceiueth the inconuenience and perill ensuing thereby to his body he will then bee desirous of the Chirurgion Euen so the launcing of our sins by the preaching of the Law will cause vs beeing otherwise carelesse to seeke remedy in Christ 7 Like as the summe of our faith is comprehended in the Creed of the Apostles Euen so the Law of God is the direction and rule of good workes 8 Like as if a man were bound to pay a thousand pounds to his Creditor which he oweth him although this creditor did demaund this debt of him and he were not able to satisfie him or pay him yet the Creditor should not doo vniustly to aske him his thousand pounds For when the King did aske of his seruant the tenne thousant Talents that he did owe vnto him he did not vniustly or wrongfully Euen so all the whole Law of God is nothing else but a commaundement whereby we are commaunded and bidden to pay that vnto God that we owe vnto him For we are bound of dutie to loue God with all our harts with all our soules and with all our strengthes and our neighbour as our owne selfe for we are debters saith the Apostle but not vnto the flesh shal we say then that God is vnrighteous or that hee dooth vniustly in asking that thing of vs that we doo owe vnto him of bounden dutie But rather that he doth most iustly godly and righteously to demaund such things of vs. Math. 18.24 Deut. 6.5 Rom. 8.12 13. 9 Like as this consequence is nothing worth Money doth not iustifie or make a man righteous therfore it is vnprofitable the eyes doo not iustifie therefore they must be plucked out The hands make not a man righteous therefore they must bee cut off So likewise is this naught also The Law doth not iustifie therefore it is vnprofitable for we must attribute vnto euery thing his proper effect vse 10 As the Rauen was sent foorth before the Doue So the Law was giuen before the Gospell Gene. 8.6 c. Ioh. 1.17 Luk. 16.16 11 As the Rauen by nature is a foreteller of death Euen so the Law before hand inioyned the penaltie of death to Adams transgression Gene. 2.17 12 As the colour of the Rauen is blacke and full of melancholy Euen so it is the effect of Gods Law to bring a blacke day vpon the reprobate Ioel. 2.2 Math. 22.13 13 As the Rauen brought no tidings of the waters abating from the earth Euen so the Law telleth vs not that the wrath of God is appeased for our offences 14 As there belongeth first kniues and launcers to open that wound which is full of corruption and rottennesse euen to the bottome and then sharpe and bitter salue to draw out the corruption to eate out the dead flesh therof before there come any healing plaister neare it the nature whereof is to close vp and skin the vpper part of the wound which afterwards breeds great inconuenience makes the wound far more daungerous Euen so it fareth with al those which are wounded with the venimous dart of selfe-loue which woūd being choked with the corruption dead flesh of couetousnesse and pride and yet will vse no other medicine for the curing therof thē that pleasant healing salue of the Gospell which if they knew in truth how little the same did profit them before such time as the sharp launcing knife of Gods Law had opened the wound and the bitter salues of his iudgements and sharpe threatnings eaten out the rottennesse thereof they would goe an other way to worke vse a more sounder diet for the obtaining of health although it bee verie tedious and sharpe at the first Rom. 10.4 Gal. 3.24 15 As a Schoolemaister serueth not for his Sholler continually but till such time as the Scholler may growe to some good ability to goe forward at his booke by his own studie So the Lord feareth his people with the Lawe not alwaies but till such time as they haue sufficiently learned to know themselues and therfore to flie from themselues to Christ Iesus who freeth them from the curse and condemnation of the Law Gal. 3.24 16 Euen as a Rule directeth the Artificer in his worke and keepeth him from erring in any practise Euen so the Lawe and commaundements of the Lord are a rule to guide vs and to shewe vs wherein we erre from the right way 17 As a Line declareth the straightnesse or crookednesse of the tree Euen so the Law and commandements of God laid to our actions declare how much wee wander and goe astray 18 As a band dooth knit and hold many things together or as of many linkes is made one chaine And as by the sinewes our ioynts and parts of our natural bodies are tied and bound together Euen so by Lawe the politike body of a common-weale is vnited and knit together as one for the preseruation of peace in the profession of one true euerliuing and ouer-ruling Lord. 19 As among all other ordinarie accidents that are incident to the prosperitie or aduersitie of mankind there is nothing in earth that more fully proportioneth the ioyes in heauen then Musicke and Marriage to heare the one we leaue our meate and drinke and to bee ioyned to the other wee leaue Father and Mother Euen so among all ordinarie instructions incident to the earthly felicitie of mankind there is nothing that more fully proportioneth our condemnation to be iust then the Law nor any thing that more fully proportioneth our saluation to be in Iesus Christ then the Gospell In the one we heare thundring● Earthquakes lamentations mournings and woe in the other nothing else but sweete voices pleasant songs and instruments of Musicke all proportioning and perpetually pointing our marriage with Christ Iesus in whom we are freed from the curse threats of the Law and al other inconueniences whatsoeuer 20 As a Scholler is in subiection to his Schoolemaister till he become learned and then he is set at libertie So in like manner the Law hath performed the office thereunto appointed when by it wee haue learned to know and see and acknowledge our infirmities corruption sinfulnesse vnrighteousnesse and to flie vnto Christ to be iustified by faith in him 21 As Honie by nature is very sweete
Euen as the Grape that it may yeeld wine is brought to the presse that it may be throughly pressed so man is brought to calamitie that being pressed with sorrowes and exercised with afflictions he may bring forth the sweete and pleasant liquor of obedience and vertue and so be aduanced to true Christianitie which is the greatest and highest dignitie in the world Miseries penuries and tribulations do for the most part keepe vnder and stay our vnruly lusts and daungerous desires and are meanes that we lift vp our hearts and mindes vnto God and that we be strengthened and confirmed in true pietie and vnfained godlinesse And on the other side prosperitie worldly wealth dignitie and honours are oftentimes meanes to hinder vs in holy exercises and to puffe vs vp with pride and vaine-glorie and to draw vs to disloyaltie and rebellion against God Numb 21.6.7 2. Chro. 33.11.12 Nehem. 9.27 Aduersitie bettereth the godly but maketh the wicked worse 1 EVen as full wheate in the eare falleth out with the least motion of the sheafe that which is somewhat shrunke more hardly leaueth the huske but that which is altogether shrunke will rather go to the Chaffe then go out of the eare So a sincere hearted Christian with the least Affliction leaueth his sinne and flyeth to God the weaker Christian more hardly doth the same but the Apostata will rather burne with vnquenchable fire then forsake his beloued sinne that so hee may turne to God How a man may be assured of his Adoption 1 LIke as fire is knowne to be no painted but a true fire by two notes by heate and by the flame now if the case fall out that the fire want a flame it is still knowne to be fire by the heate Eeen so there bee two witnesses of our Adoption Gods spirit and our spirit now if it fall out that a man want the principall which is the spirit of Adoption hee must then haue recourse to the second witnesse and search out in himselfe the signes and tokens of the sanctification of his owne spirit by which he may certainly assure himselfe of his Adoption as he may know fire to be fire by the heate though it want a flame 2 Like as when the Angell shewed vnto the Shepheards the natiuitie of Iesus Christ saying I shewe vnto you great ioy that this day is borne to you a Sauiour in the Citie of Dauid which is Christ the Lord hee addeth you shall haue these signes ye shall finde the childe wrapped in swadling cloathes and laid in a maunger now if these Shepheards beeing come to Bethelem hadde founde the holy Virgine in an honourable Pallace and the Childe in a magnificall and royall cradle they might haue had iust occasion to doubt of the tidings of the Angell this estate not agreeing with the signe that he had giuen but hauing found the Childe in poore estate in a maunger as the Angell had foretold they were confirmed to beleeue that it was the Messias Euen so God hauing reuealed vnto vs by his word that he hath chosen vs to be his children hauing sealed it in vs by the testimonie and effects of the vnction of the holy Ghost and hauing also giuen vs the markes in this that hee hath made vs the members of his Church hee hath foretold and hath giuen one signe more of our Adoption that wee shall bee reproached and persecuted if then the world did make much of vs loued and honoured vs wee might after some sort doubt of the word of God and of our election and Adoption but seeing the accomplishment of that that was foretold vs wee ought to bee so much the more confirmed in this assurance that wee are not of the world but appertaine vnto our good GOD. Iohn 15.19 3 Like as if we aske the way to go to any place and that one tell vs for a signe of the right way that it is at the beginning dyrtie and afterwards full of hills wee will leaue the other wayes which seeme straight drie faire and easie and finding in that way which wee take dyrt and hills foretold and giuen vs for a signe wee will bee so much the more confirmed that wee are in the right way So the holy Ghost hauing foretold that through many tribulations wee must enter into the Kingdome of heauen and that the way leading to eternall life is narrow and difficult if wee finde the way of the Gospell narrow and full of troubles let vs acknowledge that wee are in the right way to the Kingdome of heauen and that we ought therefore to be so much the more confirmed in assurance that we are the Adopted children of God Act. 14.22 Math. 7.13 Of the inward markes of our Adoption 1 AS to the blinde and deafe the opening of their eyes and eares is needfull clearely to see and heare the voyce of him that speaketh Euen so we being of our owne nature both blinde and deafe as touching vnderstanding the holy Spirit is hee that openeth our eyes and eares to comprehend the reuelation of our Adoption and to feele in our hearts the assurance of it engendering in vs Faith which is as it were the hand by which wee apprehend this great benefite whereof also the fruites and effects as well of the holy Ghost dwelling in vs as of the faith that is in vs are the principall and most assured markes to giue vs knowledge of our Adoption Rom. 8.16 1. Iohn 3.24 4.13 Rom. 5.1 Ephe. 1.13 Baptisme may not be denied to Infants Deut. 10.16 30.6 Iere. 4.4 Rom. 2.28.29 4.11 1 AS Circumcision was a Sacrament of repentance as Moses and the Prophets do witnesse and also a Sacrament of Faith as the Apostle teacheth and yet God did not debarre Infantes from receiuing of the same Euen so no more ought Baptisme to be denied to our litle children Exo. 12.48 Nom. 9.14 2 Like as in the old Law when any stranger forsaking his Idolatrie would be ioyned vnto the people of God and professe the same religion that they professed both he and all his men children were circumcised were they neuer so young Euen so in the Apostles time and many yeeres after when any were conuerted vnto the faith of Christ not onely they but al their whole housholds both old and yong were sealed vp with Baptisme which is the seale of the people of God Act. 16.31.33 1. Cor. 1.16 Baptized but once 1 AS the Israelites were but once circumcised So wee are but once Baptized onely because we are but once borne onely As Circumcision was the first beginning of Iudaisme So Baptisme is the first of beginning Christianitie Baptizing by a Midwife 1 AS a priuate man condemning or killing a murtherer because the lawfull Magistrate is not then at hand to do it hath himselfe murthered and executed no iustice because he had no calling therevnto Euen so the Midwife or any other which without all calling do take in hand to Baptize children
person when hee is past all hope of health and vtterly dispayred that it is needfull for the skilfull Phisition not onely to finde and prepare the medicine but also dispose the sicke person so as hee will and may vse this medicine and that hee may vnderstand rightly how to vse and apply it So the sicknesse of the soule which is most precious aboue all things and in the which makinde is not onely ignorant but also enemies of their owne saluation then wee must vnderstand by our Sauiour Christ the Phisition of the soule what is the medicine and then after what manner it must bee vsed yea and in such wise that the same our Phisition Christ Iesus doo prepare and make vs apt and meete that wee both will and can vse these remedies which hee hath prepared and appoynted for vs or else it will be no profit nor stand vs in any stead Christ our second husband by faith LIke as if a woman bee discharged from her first Husband beeing dead and hath married an other man the first Husband hath no power ouer her Euen so wee now beeing espoused vnto Christ our second Husband by faith are freed vtterly from our first husband the Law and as the Apostle saith are no more vnder the Law but vnder grace that is vnder perpetual remission of sinnes committed not onely before our Iustification but as well also after and during all our life long Christ our spirituall foode AS verily as bread dooth serue for the nourishing and strēgth of the body wine for the cōfort thereof So and as certainly to the inward mā in Faith Christ is bread to the soule and wine to the mind we mystically made one in him and he in vs feede on him and he our spiritual foode The last Commaundement explaned 1 AS the Lord by the former Commaundements of the second Table doth vtterly condemne and forbid all wicked deedes words and counselles that be hurtfull to our neighbour and which go with deliberation and consent with all full purposes and conclusions to euill Euen so in the last Commaundement to the end that he might touch vs the nearer whereby wee might the better perceiue our owne imperfections and weakenesse hee most straightly chargeth that our hearts should be so pure and cleane that no euill thoughts motions desires concupiscences lusts delights inclinations or naturall infections of originall sinne should once creepe into our hearts Gene. 6.5 Math. 5.28 Rom. 6.12 7.7 Iam. 1.14 2 Like as if a woman were by vnlawfull act defiled it were not simple fornication but adultrie though the defiler knew not that she was married So we must iudge also of lust and concupiscence when one is coueted not as though she were married but as one vnmarried and free in respect of a married woman whosoeuer coueteth her coueteth his neighbours wife whether he do it wittingly or ignorantly as Pharaoh and Abimelech did Gene. 12.15 c. 20.2 3. c. 3 Like as that man is desperate of his saluation and prouoketh the anger of God towards him that saith If I shall bee culpable in the sight of God for the concupiscence of my heart as well as though I do commit the fact therefore I will adde vnto my lust and concupiscence the fact which it desireth that I may carrie away some pleasure of my sinne and not be damned for nothing So likewise it is the part of a faithfull Christian man to acknowledge and bewaile the sinne and vncleannesse of his heart to lament for it and to flie vnto the mercie of God by faith in Christ our Sauiour and to withstand with all his power the naughtie desires and motions of the heart that so hee may for Christ his sake be made partaker of the grace of God and true health and saluation 4 As in this Commaundement is forbidden all euill desires So also by the same is commaunded all good desires good affections good inclinations to godly things and the perfect obedience of our hearts vnto Gods will and to wish and desire that our neighbour may quietly possesse and enioy all that which God hath sent him be it more or lesse 5 As the Lord by the former Commaundements doth commaund that the rule of Charitie should gouerne our willes studies and workes So hee now commaundeth the conceptions of our minde to be directed to the same rule that there be none of them crooked and writhen that may prouoke our minde an other way 6 As he hath forbidden our minde to be bowed and ledde into wrath hatred fornication robberie and lying so he doth now forbid vs to be moued therevnto by any lust or desire 7 Like as a man purposing to destroy a tree yet dooth no more then loppe and shred off certaine boughes and twigges leauing the stumpe and roote behinde deceiueth himselfe Euen so likewise so long as lust and concupiscence doth liue in men they may well seeme in the eyes of men to be very great conuerts if of ignorant idiots they are become such as haue gotten some skil and knowledge or as if of dunkards ruffians adulterers and such like they become sober and modest and of good behauiour as this may be done before men and yet the heart nothing altered before God for there be many causes which may mooue men to seeme outwardly to be godly when the heart within is fraught and laden with loathsome lusts full of rotten corruptions which make them still altogether abhominable before God and thus they haue hereby gained nothing 8 As the Lord our God requireth account of euerie idle word Math. 12.36 So likewise requireth hee tribute and account of wicked lusts and thoughts arrayneth them maketh them hold vp their hand at the barre keepeth a court for them and setteth fines and amerciments vpon the heads of them Pope no Christian 1 LIke as Iudas bare the name of a Desciple and Apostle and called Christ maister when and at such time as he endeuoured altogither to spoile Christ both of his authoritie and life Euen so the Pope and all his confederates although they boast themselues to be Christians pretending the name of Christ yet they both robbe Christ of his authoritie and also men of their saluation Math. 26.49 2 As the Lords who made the last rebellion in the North charged the inferiour sort in the Queenes Maiesties name to put on Armor and to come into the field as though it had bene in defence of her Maiestie whereas their purpose was the destruction of her royall estate and the subuersion of her Kingdome that they themselues might haue reigned Euen so in like maner dealeth the Pope his affinitie concerning Christ his Kingdome Corrupters of Princes are most seuerely to be punished 1 LIke as they do most greeuously offend which do infect with poyson a common well or conduite where all men doo draw water So likewise they deserue worst of a Common-wealth which corrupt the minde of a Prince
that the young chicken may slip out of it Euen so none otherwise doth Death dissolue and breake vp our body but to the intent that we may attaine vnto the life of heauen 26 As the mothers wombe carrieth the child seuen or nine moneths and prepareth it not for it selfe but for the world wherein wee are borne Euen so this present time ouer all vpon earth serueth not to this end that wee must euer be here but that we should bee brought foorth and borne out of the body of this world by Death into another and euerlasting life Ioh. 16.21 27 Like as a childe out of the small habitation of his mothers wombe with daunger and anguish is borne into this wide world Euen so goeth a man thorow the narrow gate of Death with distresse and trouble out of the earth into the heauenly life For to die is not to perish but to be first of all borne aright 28 As the brazen Serpent which hauing the forme and proportion of a Serpent was yet without byting without mouing without poysoning Euen so though Death be not vtterly taken away yet thorow the grace of God it is so weakned and made voide that the onely bare proportion remaineth 29 Euen as when the maister of the Shippe perceiueth that he is not wide from the hauen place where he must land and discharge he sayleth on forth the more chearfully and gladly So likewise the nearer we draw vnto Death where we must land the more stoutly ought wee to fight and withstand our ghostly enemies 30 Like as he that goeth a far iourney hath vncertaine lodging trauaile and labour desireth to return home to his owne country to his father and mother wife children and friends among whom he is surest and at most quiet by meanes wherof he forceth the lesse for any rough carefull path or way homeward Euen so all we are straungers and pilgrimes vpon earth Our home is Paradise in heauen our heauenly Father is God the earthly father of all men is Adam our spirituall Fathers are the Patriarkes Prophets and Apostles which altogether waite and long for vs. Psal 39.5 6. 1. Pet. 2.11 2. Cor. 5.1.2 Phil. 3 2● Heb. 13.14 31 Like as when a man liue in a darke miserable prison with this condition that he should not come forth till the walles of the Tower were fallen downe vndoubtedly he would be right glad to see the walles begin to fall Euen so our soule is kept in within the bodie vpon earth as in captiuitie and bonds now assoone as the bodie is at a point that it must needs fall we ought not to be sory therefore for by this approacheth our deliuerance when we out of the prison of miserie shal be brought before the most amiable countenance of God into the ioyfull freedome of heauen Psal 142.7 32 Like as it is no grief for a man to go sleep nor when he seeth his parents and friendes lay them downe to rest for he knoweth that such as are a sleepe do soone awake and rise againe So when we or our friends depart away by Death we ought to erect and comfort ourselues with the resurrection 33 As a good Housholder maketh prouision for himselfe and his familie and buyeth afore-hand fewell victualls and such things as he hath need of for a moneth or for a whole yeare c. according as hee is able Euen so much more ought a Christiā to prouide before his Death that which concerneth not onely one moneth or one yeare but an eternitie that hath no ende 34 Like as faithfull seruants waite for their maister So in like manner wee ought to looke for the comming of Christ when hee shall call vs out of this wretched world by Death Luk. 12.36 37 38 39 40. Math. 24.42 c. The time of our Death vnknowne LIke as Christ wold haue his last cōming to be hidden from men So also hee would haue the time of their Death for the very same cause to be vnknown vnto them vnlesse that he openeth the same vnto some either by particular reuelation or by probable coniectures Mat. 24.36 How to Draw neare vnto God LIke as hee is said to depart from God which doth abandon and giue himselfe to the lustes of the world by which he Draweth neare vnto the diuell So likewise he which departeth from these is said to Draw neare vnto God and so cleaueth vnto him by faith and true obedience Iam. 4.8 No Diuinitie except it be against God is prescribed to the Minister AS there is no Lawe by the which a Preacher for his doctrine may be punished if he speake not against the Prince So there is no Diuinitie by the which a Preacher is particularly prescribed or generally ordered if he speak not against God the mightie prince of peace Desires of heauen AS they that are straungers in a forraine countrie and haue parents and great wealth in their natiue soyle being hardly entreated where they soiourne and vppon the point to returne home into their countrie are vndoubtedly very glad thereof euen already they seeme to see their houses lands and possessions and in their conceites doo talke with their parents and feele a feruent Desire to be soone there Euen so we if wee remember that we haue treasures of eternall riches an vndefiled inheritance immortall incorruptible which is reserued for vs a heauenly Father that loueth vs in his welbeloued sonne our elder brother Iesus Christ in glory the Angels and holy Spirits inioy and that we their felow Burgesses haue our portion in al these goods and are euen vpon the point to be really in heauen with them we ought then to be rauished with a feruent desire to be lifted vp thither Phil. 1.23 Rom. 7.24 Daunces AS Apothecaries do couer their bitter Pilles with some sweete substance whereby to make them goe downe the easier So the Diuel vnder the sport and pleasure of Daunces maketh men to swallow lustfull desires and albeit they proceed to no greater iniquitie yet is this a mortall wounde to the soule considering that we knowe that such lusts are accursed in the sight of God Exod. 32.6 18.19 1. Cor. 10.7 1. Pet. 4.3.4 5.8 Rom. 12.2 2. Tim. 2.22 Iudg. 21.21 Ephe. 5.3 4 16.18 The Dutie of Parishioners to their Ministers 1 AS they that sit at a Table do eate chewe and digest their foode So they that be Parishioners and heare the word of God ought to listen vnto it meditate vpon it and print it in their hearts that so they may receiue the nourishment signified by the word and dutie to feede commended to the shepheards of Christs flock 1. Thes 5.12 Phil. 2.29 2. Cor. 7.15 Hebr. 13.17 2 As in meate we are not so much to seek licorousnesse as health So must it be in the preaching of the word for Ecclesiasticall assemblies be not l●ke to common Playes whereto men resort for pleasure but in Sermons we are to looke for that which is health
as diseases that are vniuersal throughout the whole bodie as a burning ague thogh they weaken all the parts of the same and specially the stomack more then all the rest yet neuerthelesse hinder not but that it may take a medicine yea rather the disease is an occasion vnto it to prouoke it vnto it Euen so also it ought to be so far of that the weaknesse of our Faith should keepe vs from embracing righteousnesse and the other benefits of Iesus Christ that it must prepare vs to the contrary Luk. 5.31 32. 2 Like as our diseases and infirmities let not but that our Faith be it neuer so weake is yet capable of the graces of God and of al the righteousnesse of his sonne Euen so the litlenesse of Faith maketh it not lesse caple to be able to apprehend and embrace the righteousnesse of Christ c. 3 And like as the Apple of the eye which is so litle and yet for all that can apprehend the light of the Sun which is spred ouer al the horizon yea and the Sun it selfe which is farre greater and more ample then all the earth Euen so the eye of Faith albeit that it be verie small yet it ceaseth not to lay hold of the Sonne of righteousnesse together with his light and other giftes which are as great and as many in number 4 Like as a woman with childe though she feele not the childe alwayes stirre yet because she hath sometimes felt it she comforteth her selfe that she is with childe and as she is with childe a good while before she can sensably feele it moue and at the first she feeleth it but weakly yea after she hath felt it strongly sometime she feeleth it not againe a good while and when she doth in much weaknesse sometimes in comparison of the former and yet for all this hath in the ende a happie trauayle Euen so Faith is not felt to mooue strongly assoone as it is bred and when it beginneth once it continueth not alwayes alike motions So that it is with Faith and with all other the Graces of the Spirite as it is with the Sunne which sometime setteth sometime riseth sometime shineth sometime is couered with cloudes or shaddowed from vs by thick and foggie mysts arising out of the earth Euen so Faith and other vertues sometimes seeme to be set and gone downe in vs but when the morning comes they arise againe sometimes they are couered from our eyes by such mysts and cloudes that arise out of the flesh that we cannot espie them but yet for all this as he reasoneth ilfauouredly and vntruly that saith The Sunne cannot be seene now for cloudes therefore it is not in the firmament so he that saith I cannot see and perceiue Faith and the Spirit in me now for the fruites of the flesh therefore they be not in me 5 Like as it doth not follow that a litle childe hath no reasonable soule because he hath not the vse of it or that the Trees be dead in winter because they beare no fruite or that there is no fire because there is no flame Euen so whosoeuer hath a certaine testimonie of his Faith and saluation in all his life may be assured that it is there still and shal be vnto the end although for a time he feele it not nor perceiue the working of it c. Ioh. 13.1 Phil. 1.6 Rom. 11.29 6 And like as whē fire is raked vnder the ashes it sheweth not his brightnesse or heate outwardly vntill it be vnraked and kindled in a flame Euen so it oftentimes falleth out with our Faith which is hidden couered with many vices which the most holy Saintes of God themselues doo many times themselues commit euen as to fall into diseases the which continueth till it please God to stirre vs vp anew by his spirite and to kindle vs againe euen like as when a candle is put out 7 Like as Rebecca when she felt the Twins striue in her wombe though it payned her yet she knew both that she had conceaued and that the children were quick in her Euen so they who haue these motions and holy affections in them to wit that their sinnes are pardonable desiring mercie and pardon of God in Christ by hartie prayer for them may assure themselues that the spirit of God dwelleth in them consequently that they haue Faith though a weake faith 8 As a poore diseased begger with a lame hand hauing the Palsie also is able neuerthelesse to reach out the same and receiue an almes of a King Euen so a weake and languishing Faith is sufficiently able to reach out it selfe and to apprehend the infinite mercies of our heauenly King offered vnto vs in Christ 9 As an Infant taketh and holdeth with his little hand a whole Apple though he doth it not so strongly or surely as a man Euen so Faith how little so euer it bee taketh hold on Christ and receiueth him not by halfes but all whole Math. 17.20 10 As the apple of our eye though maruellous little we see very great mountaines and the very body of the Sunne much greater then the whole earth So likewise our Faith though very litle taketh and receiueth al whole Iesus Christ the sonne of righteousnesse Iohn 3.16 11 As a little child doth as truely hold a precious Ring with his finger as a Giant with all the force of his hand and fist being one and the selfe same Ring So our Faith whether it be weake or strong apprehendeth and taketh hold vpon the merits of Christ Iesus the Sonne of God Mar. 9.24 Faiths obiect LIke as the act of healing the eyes of the Israelites and the brazen Serpent went together So in the act of iustifying these two Faith and Christ haue a mutual relation and must alwaies concurre Faith as the action which apprehendeth Christ as the obiect which is apprehended So that neither the passion of Christ saueth without Faith neither Faith helpeth vnlesse it bee in Christ his obiect Faith how it is alone and not alone without workes 1 AS the Queenes Maiestie though in her state and office shee bee alone yet shee goeth not without her maides of Honour after her Or as the office of the eye alone is in the head to see yet the eye is not without other members of the body which haue also their offices to them assigned appropriate Euen so it is with Faith for most true it is that by Faith alone in respect of other workes of the Lawe we are iustified And yet the same Faith being alone shee is not alone In her office alone but in practise not alone So that as euery thing must stand in his proper charge and office so also must euery thing neede in some respect the societie and helpe of an other 2 Like as the roote sucketh of the ground the body receiueth of the roote the braunches taketh of the body the fruite shooteth out of the braunches these successiuely goe
heauen and earth whereto thou maist leaue and not be deceiued wherein thou maist trust and not be disappointed He will euer be at thy right hand that thou shalt not fall He will take thy part and will mightily defend thee against all thine enemies of thy body and of thy soule But if thou wilt shake hands with vertue and bid it adew and farwell and forsaking the wayes of God wilt liue as thou list and follow thine owne corruption and make no conscience of ought thou doest defiling and blemishing thy selfe with al manner sinne and iniquitie then bee sure the Lord will appeare vnto thee in his furie and indignation from whose Iustice and iudgements none shall euer be able to deliuer thee M●l 3.6 Iam. 1.17 Psal 16.8 Glorie and renoume 1 LIke as the shaddow followeth the body as a companion inseparable Euen so doth Glorie renoume and fame accompanie excellent vertues worthy giftes and noble qualities 2 As a Smoke which at the first is great and thicke ascending vpward is quickly scattered and out of sight Euen so the Glorie of the proud men of this world by little and litle is obscured and vanisheth cleane away 3 As that fire smoketh not much which flameth at the first blowing So the Glorie that brightly shineth at the first is not greatly enuied at but that which is long in getting is alwayes preuented by enuie Not to belieue that there is a God AS there is no wound more mortall then the same that plucketh foorth mans heart or soule So likewise is there no poyson or pestilence of greater force suddenly in men to kill all faith hope and charitie with the feare of God and consequently to cast him headlong into the pit of hell then to denie the principle and foundation of all Religion namely that there is a God Psal 10.4 14.1 53.1 1. Tim. 3.16 Godly men see clearely the light of the word but the wicked doo the contrarie AS they that haue cleare and sound eyes doo easily induce the bright light of the Sunne wherewith eyes that be sore and diseased are greatly offended So vertuous and Godly men are illuminated and wonderfully cleared in their vnderstanding and the eyes of their minds with the diuine and heauenly light of the word of God wherewith the wicked and vngodly are highly offended in so much that they hate the light and loue darknesse more then it and so growing blinder and blinder euery day at the length they fall and tumble down headlong into the insaciable pit of eternall destruction Iohn 8.12 No heauen without the Grace of God 1 AS the Pilot of a Shippe without the shine of Sunne or Moone cannot take the Hauen of any land So a man without the light of Grace cannot attaine to the Hauen of Glorie but howsoeuer hee perswadeth himselfe that he casteth his Anchor in a place of safety it falleth out in the end that he casteth it vpon a Rocke where there is no hope of saluation 2 As those that were out of the Arke though they had wit glorie riches and learning were neuerthelesse drowned in the floud So no wit nor learning nor riches without the Grace of God can saue a man from euerlasting perdition Gene. 7.21 Gods fauour the safest refuge AS yong Chickens are in safetie from the Hauke and Puttocke so long as they straie not from about the wings of their dammes and when they do straie far from them they are easily taken of euerie vermine Euen so they that depart and lead their liues within the compasse and limits of his lawes and ordinances are most safely kept by him from the force inchauntments engines and all the subtill deuises of Sathan and his instruments but if they forsake God and not regarding his word diuide themselues from him by their sinnes and iniquities they must needes fall into the talons and iawes of that tyrannicall Hauke and hound of hell from whence there is no deliuerie 1. Pet. 5.8 The Glorie of God 1 AS the Glorie of God infinitely surmounteth the body the soule the honour and all that belongeth vnto man So it ought to bee in greater price and estimation with vs must continually be preferred aboue all things and neuer bee brought into the ballance of comparison with them Exod. 32.32 Rom. 9.3 2 As the want of zeale towards the the Glorie of God in all our doings and the preferring of earthly things before heauenly temporall before spirituall breedeth and nourisheth a corrupt manner of profession So it defileth all our counsels and workes and carrieth vs headlong to the loue of the world which is contrarie to the pure vehement and euerlasting loue of God 1. Cor. 10.31 3 As the saluation of men ought to bee deare vnto vs So the Glorie of God which consisteth in that his orders in his Church be kept ought to be much more deare that if at any time the controuersie could be betwene his Glorie and our saluation our saluation ought to fall that his Glorie may stand God would all to be saued EVen as an earthly Father is in such wise affected towards his children that hee would haue euery one of them to come to thriftinesse and be honest and worthie successours to him of his goods and substance and yet notwithstanding beeing made frustrate of his hope findeth the stubbernnesse and disobedience of them whereby they also at the length doo cast themselues with great ignominie into destruction and into some infamous kind of punishment Of this Father it may be said that he hath brought vp children kept to this so great mischiefe not that the will of his purpose was not farre other but that the children through their owne rebellion haue brought this mischiefe vpon themselues So God verily would haue all men made after his owne image to bee saued but if any of these beeing rebellious will not imbrace his word and by faith be conuerted but delighting themselues wholly in sensualitie pleasures and vanities doo die in their wickednesse these God suffereth to perish that they might sustaine the iust punishments as wel of their owne offences against the law of God as also of their contempt of obtaining saluation through Christ 1. Tim. 2.3 4. No man hath seene God at any time AS the children of Israel could not behold the shining face of Moses when hee had talked with God on the mount for the exceeding brightnesse therof but couered with a Vaile where through they did behold him So no man hath seene God at any time or can behold the face and presence of the Deitie and Godhead but so farre as it is both veiled and reuealed by the body and humaine fleshe of our Sauiour Christ Exod. 34.34 Iohn 1.18 1. Tim. 6.16 One God in Trinitie 1 EVen as a Margarite in euery part shining alike which if it bee defiled or fouled on one part looseth all his beautie So the Trinitie is but one God and if one person be dishonoured all three being
The Iudges doo this to keepe them alwayes in feare and diligence to doo their dutie and to stop them from taking too great libertie So likewise God doth with vs when he will pardon our sins and set vs at libertie leauing vs notwithstanding a great sort of Infirmities and Imperfections which may alwayes serue him to charge vs and for matter to cal vs to a reckoning whē we would wind out of that bondage and boast our selues abroade of the goodlinesse of our reason and loyaltie Right Iustice is to bee iudged by the authoritie of Gods will AS often as there is any malefactor and wicked person to be punished they which be appointed to bee the Iudges ' doo declare vnto the Prince his wicked fact and so looke for a writte from him and that beeing had they doo see the paines prescribed therein to bee executed vpon the malefactor Now if the Iudges or Officers doo any thing contrarie vnto that it is taken for a great offence and rebuke done against the authoritie and iurisdiction of the Prince and they escape not cleare withall Euen so it is a much more Iust matter before God that none bee put to death contrarie or besides his will and word who is the onely Lord of life and death Ignorance 1 AS men that dreame and wake againe who when they are a sleepe thinke to haue found some great treasure and haue a great ioy in it but after their waking they see that all is vanished like smoake whereupon they vex and grieue themselues So likewise men slumbering in the night of Ignorance thinke that they are righteous before God but they are grieued when they find that this is a dreame which passeth through their spirites and vanisheth as soone as they be awake and are deliuered from the darknesse of Ignorance wherein they were a sleepe and buried 2 As in the night by reason of the darknesse spread vpon the earth all things are hid and couered which causeth that we cannot discerne and discouer the spots which we haue in our faces but when the light beginneth to appeare that we take a Glasse to behold our selues therin then they are discouered and shew themselues Euen so likewise during the time that we are couered with darkenesse of Ignorance the vices that dwell in vs are hidden there and oftentimes wee thinke being leprous and deformed that wee are beautifull and perfect but our eyes being open and illuminate by the spirite and grace of our God and taking the Glasse of the Law therein to behold the state of our natur our life thē we begin to know the great and grieuous imperfections that are in vs and we at once loose the opinion which wee had conceiued before of our own righteousnesse and vertues and perceiue what daunger we were in before 3 As men somtimes enquire for them amongst whom they doo stand So some are Ignorant in that which is so plaine that all others know it and they can hardly auoide the knowledge of it 4 Like as the day and the night is all one to those that are blind Euen so is superstition Idolatrie and the preaching of the Gospell to those that are Ignorant of the meanes of their saluation 5 As they that loue not the light hide their dooings in the darke so as it is a manifest token that their owne consciences beareth thē witnesse that their doings be naught So likewise they that loue and choose rather Ignorance then the knowledge of Christ it is a manifest token that they loath to see the filthinesse of their owne works Iohn 3.19 20. 6 As he that goeth in the darke catcheth a shrewd turne afore he woteth of it So he that walketh in Ignorāce runneth headlong to destruction when he least thinketh of it 7 As Lot was so long loytering and trifeling in Sodome that the Angel was faine to plucke him out with violence Euen so certainely vnlesse the Lord by the good meanes of his prouidence should plucke vs out of Ignorance and darknesse wherein we vse such trifling and plunging and delaying that scarce one of a thousand would bee saued Gene. 19.15 16. 8 As the light of Godly knowledge increaseth vertue So the darkenesse of Ignoraunce is a hinderance to all goodnesse Immoderate studie AS the field ouermuch dunged is burned withereth away So Immoderate study and learning doth vtterly dull and make blunt the students braine Iniurie LIke as if any doo offer any Iniurie or bodily harme to a Doue or a sheepe or to any innocent creature thogh it be vnto death yet they will not make any resistance So likewise if any Iniurie or wrong bee done to the faithfull seruants of God they will patiently suffer it without any resistance c. Instructers of children 1 AS the good ryders doo first bring their horse to be obedient vnto the bridles So they that Instruct children must first exhort them to obedience and humilitie 2 As Hannah made Coates for her Sonne Samuel who serued in the house of God So likewise parents and maisters ought to array their seruants and children with the godly ornaments of wisedome and knowledge which is from aboue 1. Sam. 2.19 Prou. 4.9 3 Like as a man will sow his ground with the best seed and plant his Orchard with the best fruite because he looketh for the greater and more gainfull increase in the time of gathering So in like manner men louing their children as well as they doo other commodities ought also to traine them vp in the best things which are found in the discipline knowledge and faith of Christ and so doing they should not only escape many a secret griefe and bitter mischiefe but also blesse the Lord with great ioyfulnesse when they finde this fruite of their education in knowledge of these good things Namely their children to be a comfort refreshing honour to their gray haires and their seruants necessarie helpes before them in all good causes and matters of honestie truth Iustice and mercie Gal. 6.7 Inconstant men 1 AS the beast Hienae and the beast of Egypt now called the Mouse of Indie be sometimes males sometimes females So many be so Inconstant that now they bee friendes now foes now Papists now Protestants now hotte now colde now wise now foolish c. Reuela 3.15 16. 2 As the Reede is shaken too and froo with euerie little small wind Euen so such is the Inconstancie and mutabilitie of the common people whome euerie small trifle dooth cause to alter their minde and Iudgement Math. 11.7 Iudges 1 AS the beame with ballances doth bow towards that part wherein is the greater weight So some Iudges fauour them most whose gifts be greatest and not whose cause is best Iob. 15.34 Deut. 16.19 27.25 1. Sam. 12.3 2 As they which desire with heede and more surely to see doo shut the one eye So a Iudge to the intent that he may discerne according vnto Iustice and equitie ought not to bee partiall
but seemeth very bitter to some sicke and distempered bodies So dooth the Law seeme burdensome but this commeth not by nature but through our weaknesse 22 As the debter not beeing able to paie his debt was freely forgiuen Euen so the Law in the act of iustification is vtterly idle as that which is neither the cause nor a part of our righteousnesse as it is wrought of vs. Math. 18.23 24. c. 23 Like as if I owe a man a hundreth pound and bee bound to pay him at a certaine day if I doo then pay it albeit mine hart be neuer so grudging and vnwilling thereto yet haue I fulfilled the Law and discharged my bond so that there shall no processe or iudgement passe against me But Gods Law requireth a thing to bee done with a chearefull and a well willing heart and minde and euen of pure loue for if I doo it either for feare or vnwillingly that shal be imputed vnto me for sinne If I do it for feare 〈◊〉 doo I it not of loue but rather hate both the thing 〈◊〉 I doo and also the Law that constraineth me to doo it and if I doo it vnwillingly then would I doo the contrarie and so would that there were no such Law neither yet any God that should iudge me in so doing and seeing that God iudgeth me after mine heart and will then must he needes condemne me for I would doo contrarie vnto his Lawe and will yea and doo wish in mine heart contrarie to that which I doo in mine outward deed 24 Like as if I see a poore man which is not of abilitie to doo me any pleasure and neuerthelesse doth all his diligence to seeke my fauour and would with heart and mind giue me some acceptable present if he were of power being also sorrie that hee cannot performe his will and mind towards me Now if there bee any sparke of humanitie or gentlenesse in me I wil count his good will as wel as though he had in very deed performed his will for his ability extendeth no further if his power were better better should I haue Euen so seeing we are not of power and abilitie to performe the Law of God and yet beare a good heart towards God and his Law bewayling our imbicilitie that we can do him no further pleasure then will God recount vs not as his enemies but as his deare children and beloued friends 25 As after sleepe the body beeing awaked it is fresh lustie strong and couragious to doo his worke So likewise after the fearefull threatnings of the Law when wee heare the glad tidings of the Gospell that God will be our Lord and dwell with vs the mind is comforted strengthned and mooued vp to doo his dutie 26 As a man is iudged and known to be waking when hee can doo the office of a man as talke worke write or such like Euen so is man awaked out of the sleepe of sins when he liues in charitie feares God and walks according to his Law in his vocation 27 As we see in iudgements here amongst vs there is a royall seate set where the Iudge sits hee that is accused stands at the Barre holds vp his hand heares his Inditement read witnesse is brought against him and hee iustl● condemned to death So likewise we shal see Iesus Chris● the righteous Iudge of the world that will not be bribe● sit in his seate of maiestie at the last day and all the companie of Angels about him and we shall stand at the harre as accused and indighted for breaking that righteous Law of his word the diuel which intised vs so to do shall beare witnesse that to be true yea and our owne conscience also with the feare of that fearefull sentence Goe yee cursed into euerlasting fire c. shall make vs to tremble Math. 25.31 32 41. 28 Like as hee which cannot esteeme and discerne his sicknesse or the grieuousnesse of his disease the same must of necessitie haue a negligent care of seeking foorth a remedie and a wholesome medicine for the same Euen so hee which learneth not to acknowledge his sinnes by the Law the same doubtlesse knoweth not how to embrace grace by the Gospell Learning or vertue of transgression but improperly 1 AS the Date tree is most hard to be climed hauing yet fruit most pleasaunt So likewise the entrie or way vnto Learning and vertue is most vneasily when as yet they haue fruit all pleasaunt and profitable Prou. 3.13 14 15. 2 Like as nature hath hid verie deepe in the ground stones precious and of much value but others of no vertue are euerie where to bee found So things of estimation and price as vertue and Learning are knowne but vn●● fewe nor they will not bee obtained without great labour and studie 3 As hee which hungereth or thirsteth can doo nothing vnlesse they quench his appetite and desire So all things ought we to lay aside vntill we doo obtaine Lear●ing and wisedome 4 As the best Wine soone looseth his taste or colour if it bee powred into a vessell filthie and impure So is good Learning more then lost if it happen to a naughtie man for he will vse it most peruersly to serue his gaine and appetite To Liue well is to die well LIke as Balaam wished and had a great desire to die the death of the righteous but he would not immitate them in godly conuersation Euen so all men wish for a happie end of life but fewe care to Liue vertuously and honestly which doubtlesse is the readie way to die well Numb 23.10 Act. 8.19 20. 19.13 The Law our Schoolemaister to bring vs to Christ. 1 LIke as the Schoolemaister reproueth his Schollers wherby he grieueth them and maketh them heauie and yet not to the end that this bondage should alwayes continue but that it should cease when the children are well brought vp and instructed accordingly and that afterwards without any constraint of the Schoolemaister they should chearefully enioy their libertie and their Fathers goods Euen so they which are vexed and oppressed with the Law doo know that these terrours and vexations shall not alwayes continue but that therby they are prepared to come vnto Christ which is to bee reuealed and to receiue the libertie of the spirit c. Gal. 3.24 2 As the duties of a Schoolemaister bee especially three First to teach his Schollers Secondly to frame their manners And thirdly to punish offenders Euen so the Lawe of God first teacheth vs concerning God that there is a God and what manner of one hee is and what manner a one mans nature is by creation and what was that Image of God or originall righteousnesse in man namely agreeablenesse to the Law of God It teacheth also of sinne and the penaltie of sinne of the last iudgement of the resurrection of the dead and life euerlasting of outward discipline or honest gouernment of manners with many such other things Secondly it frameth our
manners in this outward and ciuill conuersation of life and it is a rule of life or good workes in which those that are borne againe must shew their obedience to God And thirdly it chastiseth vs with the threates of Gods wrath and endlesse damnation and it punisheth vs with death sicknesse and other miseries all which are Sermons of the Lawe concerning Gods dreadfull wrath against sinne Gene. 1.26 27. 2.7 3 As a looking Glasse dooth neither wash nor make him faire that looketh therein but giueth occasion either to seeke for water or else for some other thing that may make him faire and cleane Euen so the Lawe sheweth vnto vs our sinnes and maketh knowne vnto vs our miserable estate and wretchednesse and how that there is nothing good in vs and that wee are farre wide from all manner of righteousnesse and so driueth vs of necessitie to seeke righteousnesse in Christ as to the Physition and fountaine of all saluation who onely hath by his death taken away sinne and death and deliuered vs out of the prison of the Law 4 Like as in the night by reason of the darknesse spread vppon the earth all things are hid and couered which causeth that wee cannot discerne and discouer the spots which we haue in our faces But when the light beginneth to appeare and that wee take a Glasse to behold our selues therein then they are discouered and shewe themselues So likewise during the time that we are couered with the darknesse of ignorance the sins and vices that dwel in vs are hidden there and yet oftentimes we thinke being leprous and deformed that we are beautifull and perfect but our eyes being once opened illuminated by the spirit and grace of our God and taking the Glasse of the Law therein to behold the estate of our nature and our life then we beginne to know the great and grieuous imperfections and wants that are in vs and so at once we loose the opinion which we had conceiued before of our owne righteousnesse and vertues and so are forced to flie to Christ for remedie c. Lawes like to copwebs AS little Flies are fast tied and easily snared in the copwebs but the Drones and great Flies breake and escape through them So likewise poore and meane men are fast wounden and holden in the penalties and daungers of Lawes but Lordes and men in great authoritie dayly breake Lawes and are not corrected So that the weakest goeth to the walles and the worst may holdeth the candle Labour lost AS a wife by long suite obtained sometimes much molesteth her husband So some men with great Labours and charges purchase that thing which afterward is their onely care and vexation Appearance of Learning amongst inferiours AS the Ship lying in the Hauen or ryuer seemeth huge and great but beeing in the maine Sea it sheweth both slender and smal So diuers which be but simple and meane in some places appeare to be wise excellent and Learned wheras amongst their betters they appeare base simple and plaine Lamenting for trifles AS if you forbid children one play of game then they straight doo crie and weepe not regarding any other kind of pastime So diuers kind of men wil so Lament for a trifle or small displeasure that therby they make all other commodities and pleasures altogether vnpleasant Labour LS the Mariner when he perceiueth a storme or tempest to be neare he first calleth vpon God by earnest praier that hee may safely attaine to the wished hauen and then striketh his sailes and vseth all good meanes which he supposeth needfull for the same Euen so we must so trust to the prouidence of God that we also vse our owne industry in all good meanes and sort conuenient The Loue of God in giuing his sonne for vs. LIke as if a man giue a penny hauing a great deale of money in his purse is not so much as when he giueth it hauing but it onely As when Zerephath gaue Heliah the handfull of meale hauing no more for her self and her son Euen so the wonderfull great Loue of God toward mankind appeared in this that hauing but one onely Sonne and not many Sonnes he would vouchsafe to giue him for a raunsome for the redemption of vs most wretched and vile sinners 1. King 17.12 Iere. 6.26 Amo. 8.10 Ioh. 3 16. 1. Ioh. 4.9 Loue. 1 AS a Candell wasteth it selfe to giue light vnto others Euen so a good Christian ought to spend his life for the benefit of others 2 Like as in the building of a house one stone is bound and fastned to another with morter Euen so in the spirituall building of Christ one Christian man is ioyned to another by Loue. 3 As fire goeth out if it be not mainteyned with wood So likewise Loue groweth cold which is not mixed with good workes 4 As the fire without wood turneth to ashes So doth ●oue without workes take an end and finish 5 As hatred is the cause of contentions among men So likewise Loue couereth faultes either by reforming them or by winking at them Pro. 10 1● 6 As the rodde of Moses turned into a Serpent deuoured the serpents of all other roddes Euen so the Loue of God must deuour the loue of all other things 7 As that is the hottest fire which warmeth them that are furthest off So that is the most feruent perfect Loue which forsaketh none though they bee neuer so farre off neither friend nor foe that may be loued but imbraceth all in him who neuer dooth forsake vnlesse he be forsaken 8 As enuie hatred or malice mooueth vs to reproach and disdaine our brother when hee displeaseth or offendeth vs So in like manner Loue hideth and pardoneth the faultes which he committeth against vs though they be neuer so many 1. Pet. 4.8 9 As a King is honoured in his image So God in man is both loued and hated he cannot hate man who loueth God neither can he Loue God who hateth man 10 As fire cannot bee hidden in flaxe without some flame nor Muske in the bosome without smell Euen so neither can Loue bee hidden in the breast without suspition 11 As a cold stone by lying three or foure houres in the warme Sunne gathereth heate So the Loue of God shining vpon our soules ought to kindle vs both to loue him and all men for his sake Ioh. 3.16 1. Ioh. 4.16 19 20. Eph. 24 Rom. 5.8 13.10 1. Cor. 13.1 c. Lying 1 AS hee sinneth most greeuously that deceiueth blinde men or trauelling men by shewing them a contrary way Euen so much more heynously offe●●deth hee that in matters of religion doctrine and godlinesse do bring men into errours through Lying because he doth therby as it were thrust them out of the kingdom of heauen Eze. 13.6 8 10. Iere. 23.25 26. 1. Tim. 4.2 3. Esa 9.15 16. 2 As the diuel is the Father of lyes So Lying is an euident token of his children Ioh. 8.44 3 As
then a great bunch or wound in the other parts of the body So a small offence is euident and seemeth great in a Prince or Preacher whose life the whole people doo behold Prayses by an other 1 AS the pleasant tickling or rubbing of other men doo more delight vs then our owne So it is more commendable to be Praysed by those who be neither of our kinne or familiaritie Prou. 27.2 2 As they must not bee tickled which of their owne nature are ouer much giuen to laughter So must they not bee Praysed who of themselues are prone to desire Prayse 3 As we are warned to take heede of a perillous place or else therein circumspectly to behaue our selues So ought wee either not at all to Prayse our selues or else to doo it moderatly Power or abilitie 1 AS Prophirius the Serpent hauing much poyson yet for want of teeth can an●oy none Euen so many do imagine mischiefe but for that they lacke Power or abilitie they doo no hurt 2 Like as the marriage of man and wife is of God but the abuse of wedlocke is not of God but of the diuell So likewise all Power is of God but the abuse of Power 〈◊〉 not of him Rom. 13.1 Proud and obstinate 1 AS certaine lightnings do melt both brasse and yron when as they leaue soft wax vnannoyed Euen so Gods might or the Kings power doo worthily suppresse and beate down the Proud and obstinate that the meeke and humble they most fauourably and graciously do vse 1. Pet. 5.5 6. Luk. 18.14 2 Like as Tempests when they arise and lightning quickly and with a trice hurleth downe and ouerturneth mountaines and the highest trees Euen so doth the Lord bring downe with a breake-necke fall the Proud hautie arrogant and insolent which set themselues against God and seeke the spoyle of those that bee quiet and godly Esa 2.12 13. Psal 29.5 c. Painefull labours AS the Rose a flower of all others most pleasant is gathered vpon rough briers or brambles So of diligent and Painefull labours commeth at the length pleasant profit and great gaine Parents 1 LIke as the Ape doth with embracings wel-neare kill her young whelpes So some Parents through immoderate loue and ouermuch chearishing doo vtterly spoyle and marre their children 2 Like as when the head is well and sound and also the stomacke pure from hurtfull humours the body is commonly well affected B● so where the head of any f●●ily or housholde is religious and sound in faith and feareth God it commonly goeth well with all the houshold for according to the common prouerbe As the old Cocke croweth the yong learneth Such a Father such a Sonne Like Mother like daughter 2. Sam. 13.28 29. Ezech. 16.44 Es●● 24.2 Peruerse maners a cause of good lawes AS the most sorest sicknesse doo cause the most effectuall medicines to bee made So through the occasion of Peruerse manners good and lawdable lawes bee ordained Popish Priests AS the Magicians Witches and Sorcerers knowing their doings to bee but meere guile and deceit yet will they with certaine prescribed ceremonies and dotings amaze the mindes of their inferiours So some Popish Semenarie Priests blinded in ignorance and all void of good learning and godlinesse goe about to entangle the rude and simple people with a sort of superstitious ceremonies thereby to make them more subiect vnto them Poetrie 1 AS in slaughter massecres or murther painted in a Table the cunning of the Painter is praysed but the fact it selfe is vtterly abhorred So in Poetrie wee follow elocution and the proper forme of words and sentences but the ill matter we doo worthily despise 2 As in those places where many hearbes meete for medicines doo spring there also groweth great plentie of hearbes vnwholesome and naught So in Poets and Poetrie are sundrie things worthie and good but therein some other things be very pe●stiferous poyson 3 As in our feeding wee seeke not onely pleasure but also health So is the like regard to bee had in reading of Poetrie and prophane writers Poyson A Wicked sentence mixt with things profitable and pleasant is like vnto Poyson put into meate Preaching little auaileth without Christs spirit AS the crowing of the Cocke was not sufficient to mooue Peter to tepentance vntill Christ in token of fauour towards him looked backe vppon him Euen so Ministers may Preach to the people but vnlesse Christ open and mollifie their hearts and worke by his spirit in them they cannot receiue profit by their hearing Luk. 22.60 61. Iohn 6.44 65. 1. Cor. 3.6 7. Act. 16.14 Iere. 31.33 32.40 Prayse or honour AS euerie manner of Crowne is not ordained nor fit for euerie Victor and hee that vanquisheth So some kind of Prayse or honour is not meete for all men Prayse AS they which giue vnwillingly seeme to haue but little themselues So they which Praise other men slenderly seeme desirous to be Praysed themselues Preaching 1 AS sentence was giuen by God that S. Paul should appeare at Rome and not perish with his companie in the Sea It now being vnpossible that he should perish or any of his companie notwithstanding he yet truely said that they could not bee saued vnlesse the Marriners did abide in the Ship Euen so it is impossible to take God his sheepe out of his hand is truely said neuerthelesse it is yet impossible for them to bee saued without Preaching continuance of feeding by the word of God for as that namely the continuance of the Mariners in the ship was the ordinary meanes to saue their liues to deliuer them from shipwracke So this namely continuance of Preaching Catechising and often feeding by the word is the ordinarie meanes to deliuer vs from spiritual destruction Act. 23.11 27.23 24 25. Act. 27.31 Iohn 10.29 2 Like as meate doth not nourish I meane the Preaching of the word of God the foode of the soule vnlesse it bee receiued and by faith wee receiue it it cannot cherish vs vnlesse it bee digested and by the heate of faith it is concocted it cannot profit vs vnlesse it bee kept in our hearts and by faith we retaine it it doth no good vnlesse wee haue life and the iust shall liue by faith So that it is most requisite that we labour by earnest prayer to attaine vnto faith whereby we may be perfectly nourished with this meate the Preaching of the word of God Haba 2.4 Rom. 1.17 3 Like as the prophane and wicked people haue wit enough to say that if a man bee fallen into a ditch or brooke he may crie long enough Lord helpe me Lord helpe me if he do not endeuour striue to come out by taking hold of such things as he may escape and clamber vp by And yet are they not so wise as to consider the meanes by which God in mercie doth reach foorth his mightie arme vnto them to draw them out of the puddle and mire of sinne and to saue them which
through Christ all the faithfull haue in them likewise the seedes of all vertues needfull to saluation and hereupon they both can and doo endeuour to yeeld Perfect obedience vnto God according to the whole law God reuealeth his will vnto vs by Preaching 1 AS a man if he be of credite maketh the hid thoughts of his hart to be knowne by speaking Euen so God who is the truth it selfe reuealeth vnto vs by the Preaching of the Gospell his counsell and his will touching our adoption and saluation and confirmeth this reuelation by the vse of the holy Sacraments 2 As a Ship is held fast by the Anchor that it might not be carried away of the wind Euen so God wold that the reuealing of his counsell by the doctrine and Preaching of the Gospell should hold vs fast and assure vs against all doubts of our Adoption yea and to pearce euen into the very heauens with assurance whereof our forerunner Iesus Christ hath taken possession both for himselfe and for vs. Puritie of soule and body to entertaine God offering to dwell with vs. 1 LIke as if a man were certified that a Prince would come to his house hee would dresse it vp and haue all things in good order as might be Euen so much more wee ought to endeuour to Purifie and clense our soules and bodies from all sinne that they may bee fit Temples for the entertainment of the holy Ghost whome Christ Iesus hath sent to bee our comforter 1. Cor. 6.9 Iohn 14.16 16.7 2 As the Shunamite was careful to entertaine the man of God Elisha for shee said to her husband Let vs make him a little Chamber I pray thee with Walles and let vs set him there a bed and a stoole a table and a candlesticke So likewise much more carefull ought we be to entertaine God himselfe who is content to come and dwell with vs and therefore wee must adorne our bodies and soules with grace that he may lodge and sup and dine with vs as he hath promised but on the contrarie if wee defile our bodies with sinne wee banish the holy Ghost out of our hearts and suffer the diuell to dwell in vs. 2. King 4.10 Reue. 3.20 Professors that seeke themselues and not God AS the foolish Virgines went forth to meete the bridgroome with Lampes in their hands as well as the wise but they neuer so much as dreamed of the horne of Oyle till the comming of the bridgroome So likewise many men liue in the Church of God as members therof holding vp the Lampe of glorious Profession but in the meane season they seeke onely for the things of this life neuer casting how they may assure thēselues in conscience touching their reconciliation with God till the day of death come Math. 25.1 2. c. Patience in all crosses whatsoeuer so that we may liue with God afterwards 1 AS the Prodigall and desperate Sonne who did so humble and submit himself that he desired no more to be taken for a Sonne but to be put to labour as a day labourer and an hired seruant so that hee might but onely remaine in his Fathers house Euen so whatsoeuer God sendeth we ought to take Patiently so that wee may but onely dwell in the house of God in heauen with him euerlastingly Luk. 15.18 19. 2 As that Pilot is to bee praysed which can rule a Ship cunningly not onely in calme weather but in time of tempests So hee is a good gouerner of himselfe which can do it not onely in prosperitie but doth also ouercome aduersitie with Patience 3 As Noes Arke the higher the water and floud was the higher it did rife So must our courage and Patience be in the deepest troubles Prosperitie most pleasant after long aduersitie AS the spring time following comming immediatly vppon the rough and hard winter is the more acceptable pleasant and welcome vnto vs Or as a battell the sorer our enemies doo assault and fight against vs the greater is the ioy and triumph at the victorie and ouerthrow of them Or as hee that hath kept his bed a long time and lyen sicke a great season afterward when he is recouered health is a more precious treasure vnto him then euer it was before that hee felt what sicknesse was and also such as mourned and were sorie for his sicknesse doo receiue an infinite ioy and an exceeding reioycing at his restoring vnto health againe Euen so doth God depriue vs for a time of riches wealth prosperitie our naturall countrie bodily health and such other transitorie benefits for this purpose that when hee giueth them againe vnto vs we may the more reioyce be gladder of them Math. 18.12 13. Luk. 15.22 23 24. Of greatest Paines greatest gaines AS Roses which are the most pleasant flowers doo spring and wax out of thornes Euen so of hard and great trauell springeth the most pleasant fruit In Prosperitie we must prouide for aduersitie AS a waterman or Marriner will neuer let out his sayle so farre but that he may soone pull it in againe Euen so euerie man as long as all things stand well and vpright with him he ought to foresee and prepare in time for the contrarie Perseuerance in Prayer AS the Heathnish woman of Canany al hope and comfort in the remedie and counsell of man set apart desireth helpe and succour of Christ and although the Lord giueth her at the first a rough and sharpe answere yet she is nothing abashed nor will not be so answered Euen so hold thou on likewise with this Cananitish woman saying and crying still O thou Sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon me and so shalt thou heare at length this comfortable Gospell and absolution Thy faith is great bee it vnto thee as thou desirest Math. 15.22 c. Prosperitie is sometime hurtfull 1 AS it happeneth to him that is quiet and at ease that he falleth soone a sleepe and hauing an Apple or any other thing in his hand it falleth or is easily takē from him So the ease of the fleshe bringeth vs a sleepe in the world and causeth vs to leese the spirituall good things and to suffer them to fall to the ground 2 As the great lake in India called Asphaltites is neuer troubled with any waues stormes or tempests but is euer quiet Euen so such are they which lead their liues in tranquilitie peace and quietnesse and are neuer pressed nor broken with any calamities nor tossed and troubled with any sorrowes or miseries in the world but are euer at hearts ease and liue as they list 3 Euen as a straunger in a farre Countrie hauing and enioying all things seruing either for necessitie or pleasure careth litle for returning home So he which hath all things needfull for this life in aboundance at his hearts desire little careth for heauen or heauenly things Counterfeit Professors are most enemies to the Church 1 EVen as of all the enemies that Iuda had the tenne Tribes of
will flow with water that is pleasant sweete and wholesome but suffered let alone are corrupted and doo stinke So Riches worldly substance if they be distributed vnto the poore translated from them that haue too much to those that are needle and hauing nothing they do greatly increase and multiplie for a very little is great Riches to him that hath nothing and to him that did bestow them they are instruments and meanes of Gods blessing but being Coffered and lying still so that the poore needie creatures are not releeued with them they are vnprofitable and will breed the stinch of hell and endlesse woe to those that so doo keepe them Psal 41.1 112.9 23 As the Licoure in the pot profiteth not to it selfe but them that draw and drinke therof So worldly goods and Riches oft profiteth not the keeper and owner thereof but other that come after 24 As they that are swolne with the Dropsie who a far off seeme fat and to bee in good liking by reason of the aboundance of the humors in their bodies though that for this cause they be soare and daungerously diseased So do we iudge by the outward appearance that Riches are verie pleasant and such as loue and haue them very happie though that for the most part there be nothing more vile and filthie in their houses then themselues 25 Euen as a Gold ring doth not so soone touch a goutie or diseased finger but that presently it causeth great intollerable griefe So likewise Riches honours pleasures profit of this world do nothing else but molest trouble our minds either with ambition or couetousnesse 26 As an Ape or Munket is tied and tethered to his clogge So likewise Riches of themselues doo encumber and entangle mens minds Reason AS if the Sunne were not all our life should bee led in night and darknesse So if Reason were not all our other sences were no better then bruite beastes Repentance requireth confession 1 AS the beginning of health is the feeling and perceiuing of the sicknesse So the beginning of Repentance is to acknowledge the offence 2 As they are most hardly healed which in their sickenesse be void of all reason So hard it is for thē to repent amend who will not acknowledge their owne sinne and wickednesse 3 Like as when a man is sicke the fist step to health is to know his disease Euen so to true Repentance and saluation the first step is to know the damnation due for our sinnes Rich men are to liue godly as well as the poore AS God alloweth the Rich man nothing more to misvse or mispend then he doth the poore man for as he hath the same Baptisme Faith Lord God and Father in heauen with him and hopeth for the same kingdome that the poore man doth Euen so hath he the same Law giuen him to liue after and by the same shall be iudged as well as the poore To Relieue the poore 1 AS he that gathereth vp the Queenes rents if he bestow them not in that good manner that he is appointed but wasteth spendeth them ryotously howsoeuer shal be sure to suffer due punishment for his so doing Euen so likewise he to whom God hath giuen riches and great wealth for the reliefe of his poore brethren if he neglect them and spend his goods lasciuiously on his backe or belly or otherwayes God wil punish him most seuerely at the day of his account Luk. 16.1 2 c. 2 As the cloudes that are full powre out raine Euen so the rich that haue abundance ought to distribute Reading of the Word 1 LIke as the busie Bee when as shee flieth into some faire and pleasant Garden and lighteth sometimes here and sometimes there as it falleth out sucketh out some sweetnesse out of euery flower and hearbe whereon she sitteth Euen so a Christian looking into the volume of the sacred scriptures and reading sometimes this parcell thereof sometimes that shall receiue by euerie booke therein some comfort and profite as will cause him to preferre the same before the honie and the honie combe 1. Timo. 4.13 14.15 16. Psal 19.8 9 10 119.72 103 104. 2 As the vse of meates is not sufficient to the nourishment of mans bodie except they be dressed and prepared Euen so the hearing of the word of God read is not sufficient to bring men to sound knowledge and saluation except the same be preached and rightly diuided Amos 8.11 Reprobate and vngodly men often in greatest prosperitie AS the Butcher will suffer those beasts which he appoints to be killed to goe where they list in his best pastors and to breake his hedges that in so dooing the sooner they be fatte the sooner he may kill them Euen so the Lord lets reprobate and vngodly men whom he loues not in his Sonne Christ take their pleasure corrects them not for their amendment but le ts them worke their iust condemnation in giuing them vp to their owne lusts and into a reprobate sence as he did Pharao Saul Iudas Herod Antiochus Nero c. Deferring of Repentance 1 LIke as if a malefactor for his punishment should be appointed to carry euery day a sticke of wood to an heape to burne him twentie yeares after Euen so men by deferring Repentance do treasure and heape vp wrath against the day of wrath Rom. 2.4.5 2 The longer a man goes and continues in his sickenesse without any Physicke the harder is the recouerie Euen so the more the time is prolonged the harder it is to repent For where the diuel dwels long he will hardly be remoued 3 As the case is dangerous if a man fall into the relapse of an ague or any other strong disease it may peraduenture cost him his life and the recouerie will be verie hard Euen so it is verie daungerous after Repentance for some greeuous sinne to fall into the same againe and come to Kepentance the second time Iohn 5.14 Luk. 11.26 Resurrection of our bodies 1 LIke as the bodie of Christ which he tooke in the virgines wombe was by his Almightie power raised vp againe immortall and glorious all infirmities that it was subiect vnto being cleane put away and taken off Euen so these mortall bodies of ours euen the same that we tooke of the substance of our sinfull and mortall mothers shall at the day of the generall resurrection of all flesh be raised vp againe according to the mightie working of the Lord whereby hee is of power to subdue all things vnto himselfe Esa 66.24 Eze. 37.1 c. Dan. 12.2 Math. 25.41 Ioh. 5.29 Ioh. 19.25 Iohn 11. 25. 1. Cor. 15.1 c. 2. Cor. 5.10 1. Thess 4.13 c. 2 As Swallowes Wormes and Flies which haue lyen dead in the winter season in the spring by vertue of the Sunnes heat reuiue again So likewise men fall in sounes and traunses being for a time without breath or shewe of life and yet afterward come againe and
receiuing in that time any bodily meate or drinke according to the order of nature yet neuerthelesse no man ought to refuse meate and drinke beeing the ordinarie meanes that God hath appointed for the preseruation of our bodily life Euen so God could saue vs without all meanes and giue vnto vs a liuely faith through the wonderfull working of the holy Ghost and that without either preaching or hearing of his word or else without prayer and ministration of the Sacraments yet neuerthelesse is it his ordinance not so to do Exod. 28.18 34.28 Deut. 9.9 1. Kin. 19.18 Act. 9.1 c. Sacraments 1 AS the great Castle Gili●fer floureth not til March and Aprill a yeare after the sowing and Marians Violets two yeares after their sowing So the grace of God receiued in baptisme doth not by and by shew forth it selfe till some yeares after the infusion 2 Euen as the best medicines doo most annoy vnlesse they bee rightly ministred and receiued So the vnspeakable wholesome Sacraments of Christ to the worthie receiuers are al health and life but to the vnworthie death and damnation 3 As a seale is altogether vnprofitable yea not allowed a seale vnlesse it be bounde or set to some instrument or writing for the confirmation thereof Euen so the Sacraments are altogether vnprofitable yea indeed are no Sacraments if they be not ioyned with the word of God preached to confirme the same vnto vs. Matth. 28.19 1. Cor. 11.26 4 As they which come to heare the Gospell preached and want faith receiue nothing but words and the Gospell to them is no Gospell Euen so they which come to receiue the Sacraments without faith do indeed receiue the symballs or signes but they haue not the fruite and thing of the Sacraments 5 As Circumcision which was a Sacrament of the old Lawe was a seale in that time to our Fathers of righteousnesse Euen so be our Sacraments to vs in these daies seales of Gods promises vnto vs and al haue one strength and vertue 6 Like as the Sunne which shineth well for all but not to all so it happeneth to those to whom the Sacraments are ministred 7 As there are none but those which haue eyes and do open their eyes that do receiue the light of the Sunne the which it representeth to all but in the meane time such as are blinde or do shut their eyes do not receiue it for they haue not the instrument without the which they cannot receiue it So standeth it betweene the faithfull the vnfaithful in respect of the ministery of the church for it representeth vnto all the benefites of God And albeit that the wicked and faithlesse do not receiue them at all that notwithstanding the fame letteth not but that the Ministery hath alway in it self his vertue But in the mean while it is not ordeined but to be exercised towards those for whom it was ordained or otherwise it should not be a Ministery and by consequence shuld not haue his vertue For where there is no faith in the heart there the holy Sacraments or signes do no more profit the soule then the light or shining of the Sunne doo those that are blind 8 As a corrupt and withered braunch which sticketh still fast to the tree but for all that can receiue no strength or life from the roofe or hart of the tree Euen so the vnfaithfull although they receiue outwardly the bread and the wine of the Ministers in the Supper of the Lord yet they do not receiue the fatte or the inward strength and the treasure to wit the life the holy Ghost or to speak it in one word the communion of the body and of the bloud of Iesus Christ no more then the corrupted or withered braunch receiueth life and strength of the tree in the which it is dead albeit for a time it cleaueth fast to it 9 Euen as it followeth not that for so much as the withered braunch can draw to himselfe no strength nor receiue life that therefore it must needs bee also that the sound braunches can draw or receiue no strength or life of the trunke or body of the tree or that it doth not communicate his life vnto those good and sound braunches Euen so it followeth not that the Sacraments be vain and bare signes because that the vnfaithfull cannot lay hold on life nor on that which is offered and sealed vnto vs by the same 10 As the fault is not in the Tree but in the withered braunches that it receiueth not from the Tree a fatnesse or a iuce So no more is the fault in God which offereth and presenteth to all men richly his giftes but in the vnfaithfull which neither will nor can receiue and imbrace the same because of their vnfaithfulnesse through the which they are dead in the body of the christian church as oftentimes a braunch doth starue in a good tree 11 Like as the Scripture of God is an Indenture betwixt him and vs wherin is contained both the promises grace and mercy which God offereth to the world in his sonne Christ and also the conditions which he requires to be fulfilled on our behalfe So the Sacraments are the seales set to this Indenture to strengthen our faith that we do not doubt 12 As it is not inough to write the conditions of a bargaine in an Indenture except it be sealed Euen so God for our weakenesse thought it not sufficient to make vs promise of blessings in writing in his Scriptures but he would seale it with his owne blood and institute his Sacraments as seales and pledges of the same trueth to remaine to be receiued of vs in remembrance of him and strengthening of our faith So that we may very conueniently say that Sacraments are as witnesses and solemne oathes wherby we do as it were homage to God and do make profession of our faith and Religion 13 Like as in Circumcisiō there meet foure things that is to say the promise the commaundement of the signe and the beliefe of the promise So likewise in the meeting of euery Sacrament the same things must of necessitie meete namely that a godly Sacrament be a visible signe commaunded and ordained by God Whereby like as God beareth record of his promise vnto men so man accepting the signe doth on the other side professe his faith toward God and confirmeth the same with the vse of the signe and by thinking vpon it 14 Like as if a man would take the bush that hangeth at the Tauerne doore and should sucke it for to slake his thirst and would not goe into the Tauerne where the Wine is might bee well accounted an idiot and a foole Euen so likewise may he be reckoned a foole that wheras the signes of the Sacraments were ordained by God to bee helpes to nourish and plant faith in our hearts and to confirme in vs the promises of God hee through ignorance thereof as many doo should preposterously iudge of the same
the heauenly and publike witnesse of the Church of Christ whereby the Lord testifieth that it is he which receiueth men freely into fauour and which clenseth from all blemishes and to be short maketh vs partakers heires of al his goodnesse Schooles 1 AS a man that hath diuers Orchards will also haue a Semenarie full of yong plants to maintaine it Euen so Schooles which are as Seminaries to Gods Church without which the Church fails to decay ought to bee maintained because they serue to make supplie of Ministers 2 As trayning makes Dogs fit for hunting So Schools and learning makes nature profitable The holy Scripture aboue the Church 1 AS the Sunne is cleare and bright not because that men doo iudge it to be so but rather men do iudge it to be so because it is so indeed and can iudge of it none otherwise Euen so the holy Scriptures contained in the canonicall bookes of the old and new Testament are the infallible worde of the liuing God not because the Church dooth iudge and allow it to bee so but rather the true Catholike Church doth iudge and allow it to be so because that it is so indeed can iudge of it none otherwise no more then the cleare and bright eyes can iudge of the light and brightnesse of the Sunne of the which the blind can giue no iudgement euen as the vnfaithfull and reprobate can giue no iudgement of the word of God nor yet allow it 2 As the Lawes of Princes ruling by Iustice ought to be receiued professed and practised of all their subiects Euen so much more the Church ought to bee gouerned by the Lawes of Christ her Lord and King 3 As the Lawes and ordinances giuen by Moses who was but a seruant might not bee abrogate chopped or chaunged of any mortall creature without the displeasure of the Almightie Euen so much lesse those Lawes and ordinances of the Lord Iesus beeing the chiefe Lord and ruler ouer all Deut. 27.26 Gal. 3.10 Iohn 10.4 5. 16.13 14. Schoolemaister 1 AS it is the part of a good Husband to vnderstand the nature and fertilitie of the ground which he dooth till So it is the part of a good Schoolemaister to discerne the disposition and nature of his Scholler 2 As Prometheus did make marueilous Images such as none other euer could So a wise discreete and learned Schoolemaister prepares to a child of an excellent wit that which an ignorant and vnlearned Maister vtterly destroyeth Scholler 1 AS if Appelles should see the forme of Venus or Protogenes the Image of Hialisus all with myre and dirt defiled they would no doubt be sorie So if a man see his Scholler whome he hath brought vp now enclined and giuen to lewdnesse he cannot chuse but greatly lament 2 As there be some women that cannot conceaue of some men yet accompaning with others they are become fruitfull for the encrease of children So there bee some Schollers that bee vnapt to learne vnder some Tutors Schoolemaisters but vnder others they will soone proue of a good quicke wit and learned 3 As the goodnesse of the ground is not much profitable for Corne vnlesse there be a meete husbandman to till and sowe the same So it is not enough to finde good towardnes in a Scholler vnlesse there be added vnto him a meete Schoolemaister to further the same 4 As a drop of water falling from the house Eaues weareth and holloweth the hard stone not by force but by his often falling Euen so a Scholler proueth learned not by power or strength but by much diligence and great reading 5 As Appelles became an excellent Painter because there was neuer a day but hee laboured himselfe to some learning So in like manner a diligent Scholler by dayly applying of his learning and often exercising of vertue attaineth to perfect honour and vertue 6 As young men which haue bestowed their time in labouring for learning and knowledge happily are apt and prone to come to great honour and preferment So contrariwise those Schollers which are giuen to their owne sensualitie and appetite are to bee auoided of all good men 7 Like as the goodnesse of the ground is not sufficient to bring foorth Corne except there bee a good Plower and seede Euen so a toward and wittie Scholler is not like to get good learning except he haue a master a good instructor and bookes Suites in Law how they are lawfull 1 AS a Souldier in lawfull warre may kill his enemie and yet loue him Euen a man may forgiue an iniurie that is done against him and yet seeke remedie by Law so it be in a Christian manner that is without priuate reuenge that it bee not scandelous to the Church that it bee to maintaine peace and that the partie offending may bee chastised and brought to repentaunce for his fault 2 Like as Physitions vse desperate remedies when weaker will not serue Euen so must men vse Law as the last meanes when all other faile Who is a Spirituall man AS the Scriptures call that man carnall which is not renued by the spirit and borne againe in Christes flesh and all his workes like euen the very motions of his heart and mind as his learning doctrine and contemptation of high things his preaching teaching and studie in the Scripture building of Churches Schooles or Hospitals founding of Colledges giuing of Almes and whatsoeuer hee doth though they seeme Spirituall and after the Law of God neuer so much So contrariwise he is Spirituall which is renued in Christ and all his workes which spring from faith seeme they neuer so grosse as the washing of the Disciples feete done by our Sauiour Christ and Peters fishing after the resurrection yea deedes of matrimonie are pure Spiritual if they proceed of faith and whatsoeuer is done within the lawes of God though if bee wrought by the body as the very wiping of shoes and such like howsoeuer grosse they appeare outwardly yet are sanctified Ioh. 3.6 1. Cor. 2.15 The Scripture sufficient to confute errours 1 LIke as if a man being taken with a Phrensie the Physition should come offer him a medicine which is of vertu to purge the superfluous humor that causeth the disease to make him whole sound and the phrantike man should refuse it and take an other to his owne contentation that would doo him no good were this medicine strengthlesse and not able to helpe his disease because the patient desired to haue an other rather then that Not so So in like manner although some men refuse to haue their errours and false opinions to be confuted by the word of God desiring rather to be tried by the writings of men which can do them no good to establish their faith this maketh not but the Scripture is sufficient to confute and refell erronious doctrine and all false opinions though they take it not so 2. As in the night season in darkesome places men are wont to
that euer was and God hath bestowed the same on his Elect and hee requires nothing at their handes but that they would turne their faces from this world and walke vnto it in the way which hee hath chalked foorth vnto them in his word Therefore if they be desirous to haue Saluation life euerlasting they must come forth of the broad way that leades to destruction and enter into the straight way that leades to eternal life they must acqaint themselues with the guides which are the faithfull Ministers of the word that wil cry vnto them Here is the way walke ye in it when they shall goe to the right hand or to the left 2 As Simeon going into the Temple by the motion of Gods spirit met with Christ So if we will be ruled with the same spirit frequent holy assemblies we shal meete with our Saluation Christs Spirit 1 AS the light cannot match with darkenesse So likewise Christs Spirite cannot accord and match with sinne and lusts of the flesh 2. Cor. 6.14 2 As Raine with the moysture therof fatteth the earth to make it fruitfull Euen so the holy Spirit with his inuisible grace doth make vs fruitfull to produce the fruits of righteousnesse Ioh. 7.38 3 As fire consumeth euerie thing that it layeth holde on So the Spirit of God consumeth all the corruption of our hearts and originall sinne in vs. 4 As fire giueth light to the bodily eyes So the Spirit giueth light to the eyes of the soule Ephe. 1.17 5 As fire giueth life quickneth those that be benummed with cold So the Spirit of God doth quicken and put life into those that be dead in their sinnes Ephe. 3.5.16 6 As a man that made a bargaine will bee carefull to keep the earnest pennie that he loose not all his bargaine So also must we be carefull to keepe the Spirit of God the earnest pennie of our saluation that we bee not depriued of the same Ephe. 1.13 Sacraments AS Circumcision which was a Sacrament of the olde Law was a seale in that time to our Fathers of righteousnesse Euen so be our Sacraments to vs in these daies seales of Gods promises vnto vs and all haue one strength and vertue Rom. 4.11 Sinne of set purpose AS hee that striketh the King ignorantly not knowing him to be the King is nothing in so much fault as he that striketh him knowing it is the King Euen so hee that dooth offend God of ignorance is to bee lesse blamed then he that wittingly and willingly offendeth him Luk. 12.47 48. God giueth vs vnderstanding to know the Scripture EVen as the Disciples of our Sauiour Christ had no knowledge nor vnderstanding vntil God gaue it thē So fareth it with al the rest of Gods children that althogh they heare neuer so much his Apostles Preach yea Christ himselfe personally sounding in their eares yet except the Lord open their hearts and minds as he did Lydia it auaileth not one Math. 16.17 Act. 16.14 Sinnes are our greatest enemies 1 AS a huge and mightie fire will bee asswaged and at the length quite put out if the stickes and other matter that doth chearish and increase it be withdrawne and kept from it So in like manner our affections and troubles will come to an end if we doo cease to doo euill and giue ouer sinning before it giue ouer vs for our Sins are as drie stickes and stubble wherwith the fire not onely of the wrath and malice of Infidels and heretikes but also of the wrath and indignation of God is kindled increased and most mightily stirred vp against vs. 2 As wee wonder at the Creator not onely in great matters as heauen earth the Sunne Elephants c. but also in like creatures as pismires lice wormes flies c. So a soule giuen to Christ must as wel regard litle as great matters and Sinnes knowing that wee must giue an account for euerie idle word Math. 12.36 For the health of the Soule the bodie is to bee kept in subiection LIke as when one part of a man that is sicke is not capable of the remedie wherewith he may be holpen the Physition is wont to applie the same remedie to an other part as if one bee grieued with an extreame Ach of the head then the Phisition vseth to strike a vaine of the arme because the head will not abide Phlebotomie or bloud letting So that we may helpe and heale many diseases of the Soule wee must keepe the body in subiection to the spirit and tame the lusts of the flesh and labour to bridle our affections and to keepe them within the compasse of reason sobrietie and temporance Spirits that die in the Lord. EVen as the Spirit of Christ passed from the Crosse into Paradise at the verie same moment that it departed out of the body and thence returned into the body that whole Christ in respect that he was man might be afterwards glorified So likewise all good Christians doo beleeue that their Spirits and soules who die in the Lord doo straightway depart vnto God there to enioy that measure of glorie that is appointed for them vntill that they being adioyned againe vnto the same bodies which will be the very same in substance truly corporall though in a far more excellent estate shall liue vnder Christ their head for euermore Luk. 23.43 Reue. 14.13 The Lords Supper 1 AS Bread nourisheth and strengthneth man and giueth him abilitie to labour So the body of Christ eaten by faith feedeth and satisfieth the soule of man and furnisheth the whole man to all duties of godlinesse 2 As Wine is drinke to the thirstie and maketh merrie the hearts of men Euen so the bloud of our Lord Iesus drunken by faith dooth quench the thirst of the burning conscience and filleth the hearts of the faithful with vnspeakable ioy The holy Spirit the earnest pennie of our inheritance 1 AS in a thing that is bought there is sometimes giuen an earnest pennie to wit some part of the money agreed on as wel for the beginning of the payment as by consequent for the assurance that the bargain shal be held firme So likwise the holy ghost who by faith engendreth peace ioy in the harts of the faithful is the earnest penie assuring vs by this beginning of the spirituall blessings which God promiseth to his children that he holdeth vs for his possession purchased to the prayse of his glorie and that at the length he will gather vs into the full enioying of the inheritaunce of heauen Ephe. 1.13 14. Rom. 8. 29 30. 2 Like as when a man dooth purchase an inheritance he first giueth earnest that is some part of the money promised that serueth as a beginning to the payment of the totall Summe So God hauing redeemed vs by the bloud of Iesus Christ giueth the earnest pennie of his holy Spirit that is to say a beginning of knowledge of the true God of sanctification of loue to God of
bondage of their Maisters with all their labours their force and diligence yea euen vnto bloud Euen so forasmuch as both our selues and all that we haue belong to God by right and hee possesseth vs as slaues and bondmen therefore what seruice soeuer we endeuour to doo him it is certaine that he can owe nothing vnto vs. Iob. 9 3 15 20. Psal 143.2 16.2 3. 5 As it hath bene sometimes said and truly reported of the Athenians namely that they knew what was meet to do but they wholly neglected to do the same Euen so many Christians know what is meete and right to doo but yet for the most part wholly neglect to do the same Luk. 12.47 Iam. 4.17 6 Like as the Lord according to his iustice and truth hath threatened terrible punishments to wicked and impenitent sinners Euen so contrariwise he hath promised rewards to them that do good Workes and worke righteousnesse Mat. 5.16 Rom. 13.9 1. Cor. 15.58 Ephe. 2.10 Phil. 4.8 Tit. 2.12 3.8 7 Like as if a man should say the Vine is made more fruitfull by bearing grapes or that the internall light of the Sunne is augmented by the externall emission of the beames So likewise for a man to say that inherent righteousnesse is by good Workes namely the fruites of righteousnesse augmenteth so to to say is not onely erronious but also ridiculous 8 Like as if a rich man not constrained but of his own good will should adopt one to be his sonne whome hee knoweth not and to whom he oweth nothing and shuld appoint him to be the heire of all his landes and goods and certaine yeares after that he hath bestowed this benefit vpon him he should lay vpon him a lawe to do this or that he cannot now say that he hath deserued this benefit by his owne works seeing that many yeares before he asking nothing had receiued the same freely and of meere fauour So God could not respect our Works and deserts going before righteousnesse for the promise and the gift of the holie Ghost was 430. yeares before the Lawe Gal. 3.16 17. 9 As it is impossible to seperate washing from water and burning from fire and good fruites from a good tree Euen so vnpossible it is to seperate good Workes from a true and a liuely faith Iam. 2.22 10 As Marchants or Chapmen doo oftentimes prise and esteeme their wares marchandise more then they be worth Euen so do we of our doings vertues and good Works but when they are examined and prised by those which know them as by the Spirite of God and his Prophets they are altogither iudged as old ragges torne tied togither and patched vp againe 11 As old Images new gilded ouer which outwardly hath some glistering shew but within are nothing but dust and durt Or as counterfeit mony which is of ill and naughty mettal how good a print soeuer it haue Euen so is the good that we do and al the righteousnesse vertue which is in vs is nothing but shame reproch Rom. 10.3 12 As the Temple sanctified the Golde that was vpon it but was not sanctified by the Gold or as the Altar sanctified the offering that was vpon it but was not sanctified by the offering Euen so good VVorkes do not beautifie a Christian man in the Lorde but the man in the Lorde doth beautifie the VVorkes Mat. 23.17 19. Reu. 14.15 13 As the Apple is not the cause of the Apple tree but a fruite of it Euen so good VVorkes are not the cause of our saluation but a signe and a fruite of the same Math. 7.17 14 As Caterpillers sometimes and blasting do fret and annoy the branches that the sap cannot haue his course and so the fruite faileth which seemed faire to the eye So rancour and displeasure diuision schisme and seperation among men being no lesse then noysome windes and Caterpillers to our Christian faith eate vp and drie away many times the sappe or iuice of loue and charitie whereby the expected fruite of good VVorkes is withered in the braunches 15 As sauoury water cannot come from a stinking puddle or sweete fruite from a sower roote Euen so no more can any good VVorke come from an vnregenerate man from a corrupt sinfull soule who although he giue his bodie to the fire for the profession and maintenance of the trueth and all his goods to the poore in a tender compassion of their miserie yet he being destitute of faith loue and the rest of the parts of regeneration dooth not by these workes please God or fulfill his Lawe 16 As the channel which is polluted and defiled doth pollute and defile the water that is without defilement in the fountaine Euen so the mind and will of man defiled by the remnant of sinne defile the Workes which as they come from Christ are vndefiled 17 As in fire there is both heate and light yet doo wee not say that the light dooth burne but the heate So in a man iustified there is both faith and good Workes inseperably yet dooth not good Workes iustifie but faith o●ely 18 As one Torch doth giue more light carried before then foure borne behinde So likewise our good Worke or deed done in life time and perfect health is more welcome vnto God then fortie after death 19 As the greene leaues outwardly sheweth that the tree is not drie inwardly So the good Workes openly testifie the zeale of heart inwardly Wise men 1 AS the olde naturall Phylosophers doo say that the Sunne feedeth on the salt water and that the Moone taketh her foode vppon the sweete water Euen so Wise men do seeke things bitter so as they be profitable when fooles onely passe for things pleasant and delightfull 2 As the Bee out of the most bitter things doth gather most sweet Honie So a Wise man out of things hard and vnpleasant picketh gaine and vtilitie 3 Like as Alexander did cause Bucephalus his Horse being olde to be carried on other horses to the battaile that he might be fresh for the fight So ought graue olde and Wise men be spared from labour that their good counsel might be onely regarded and had in necessities Wits 1 AS the vessell with a narrowe mouth of a long time may not bee filled but then at the length it holdeth the liquour more furer So Wits that be dull in receiuing learning wil most stedfastly remember the same once obtained 2 Like as too great a noyse hurteth the eare Or as too much meat annoyeth the stomack Or as heauie burdens hurt the bearers of them Or as too much raine doth more hurt then good to the ground Euen so weake Wits and weake consciences may soone bee oppressed with ouer hard questions Wisedome 1 AS that vessel can neuer be filled which alwayes powreth foorth and leaketh So may hee neuer receiue Wisedome which continually speaketh and at no time harkneth Prou. 17.27 Iam. 1. 19. 2 As the Asse Colt which of all other beastes
is counthe veriest dullard yet bringeth more Wit and abilitie to helpe it selfe then a young infant Euen so whatsoeuer Wisedome or vertue men haue now they brought it not with them into this world but haue it afterwards by the gift and free liberalitie of God Iam. 1.17 3 As the Palme tree spreadeth his boughs and braunches so wide and giueth such pleasaunt shaddowes that Xerxes the King of Persia tooke singular delight to sit vnder it whole dayes together So likewise Wisdome comming out of the mouth of the most high with heauenly comfort protecteth shadoweth recreateth defendeth al those that commit themselues vnder the shadowes thereof from all harme and daunger Psal 17.8 Lamen 4.20 4 As Honie is good and the Honie combe sweete vnto the mouth So also is the knowledge of Wisedome vnto the soule Prou. 24.13 14. 5 As earthly wisedome is corrupted with affections Euen so heauenly Wisdome is pure vndefiled and not polluted with affections Iam. 3.17 6 As earthly wisedome is desirous of contention So contrariwise heauenly Wisedome is peaceable that is diligent to make peace and quietnesse among men 7 As earthly wisedome is rigorous and cruell So heauenly VVisedome is gentle and giueth place to rigour 8 As earthly wisedome will yeeld to no man So heauenly VVisedome is tractable and doth easily obey him that commaundeth those things that be good and right 8 As earthly wisedome is vnmercifull So heauenly VVisedome is mercifull and full of good fruits 9 As earthly wisedome doth accept persons omitting the cause So heauenly VVisedome dooth in no case regard the persons but the causes 10 As earthly wisedome hath hypocrisie ioyned with it So heauenly VVisedome is voide of all hypocrisie 11 As the sweete showers of raine fal downe from the high hills and mountaines and so they abide barren but they rest and sinke into the low valleyes and make them fruitfull Euen so the deawes of true VVisedome dooth not rest vpon the proud hautie and scornefull but vpon the meeke lowly and humble Esay 57.15 66.2 Math. 11.25 Luk. 1.51 1. Pet. 5.51 12 As hee that is humble and hath denied himselfe is fittest for the receiuing of wisedome Euen so there is no greater hinderance to the attaining of VVisedome then the pride of mans heart and carnal VVisedome Rom. 8.7 13 As in daungerous sayling the sterne is not committed to him which excelleth in riches and nobilitie but to him which is expert in the skill and cunning of Nauigation So likewise it behoueth not to commit and deliuer vnto him a princely gouernement which is richer and more honourable then other but to him which doth excell other in VVisedome policie and fidelitie 14 As reason is the difference which distinguisheth a man from a beast So VVisedome is the perfect index which sheweth how farre one man excelleth an other 15 Like as a hand is no part of a man except it can doo the office of a hand So is VVisedome no part of VVisedome vnlesse it be imployed as it should be Word of God 1 AS an ill stomacke what good meate so euer it receiueth it turneth it into ill humours and the Spider gathereth poyson to the same flowers that the Bee gathereth Honie So in the VVord of God and his blessed Lawes which he ordaineth for our health and saluation ill men gather death and damnation through their owne wickednesse and no fault in the Law nor Law maker 2 Like as no Burgesse of a Citie that hath care of his Corporation but would bee glad to know how in times past the world went with his Corporation that thereby hee may vnderstand the better how to behaue himselfe therein as occasion shall serue and not onely would desire to know the Lawes of the same but also what examples haue any way beene giuen touching the same Euen so it becommeth much more Christians that are Citizens of the Church of Christ and haue a communitie in that body to knowe not onely the Lawes of this Citie which is the Word of God but also what hath befallen either good or bad and euerie accident whereupon experience may arise by example and wisedome thereof to be put in vse accordingly 3 As men in the night because of the darkenesse vse Lanthorne and lights that they may see their way Euen so we ought in this blind darke and ignoraunt world to vse the Word of God as a Lanthorne vnto our feete and a light to our steps that we may walke in those wayes that God hath prouided for vs to walke in Psalm 119.105 Iohn 1.9 4 As Almightie God by his most mightie word and his holy spirit and infinite power brought foorth all creatures in the beginning and euer sithens hath preserued them Euen so by the same Word and power he worketh in vs from time to time this maruellous spiritual generation and wonderfull spirituall nourishment and feeding which is wrought onely by God and is comprehended and receiued of vs by faith The Word must be rightly diuided OFtentimes wee see that one mans stomacke taketh harme of that meate whereof an other taketh profit and that which helpeth one sicke man hurteth an other Euen so doth the Word of God not rightly preached and therfore to Preach mercie where iudgement ought to be taught and to Preach onely the Law where the Gospell should be taught is not good The World lieth in sinne AS a possessed or mad man is not therefore free from the snares of the Diuell or well in his minde because hee hath his hands and his feete bound and can doo no hurt Euen so the World although it bee bridled by the Law from outward wickednesse and mischiefe yet is it not therefore righteous but still continueth wicked yea this restraint sheweth plainely that the World is wicked and outragious stirred vp and enforced to all wickednesse by his prince the Diuell for otherwise it need not to be bridled by Lawes that it should not sinne The true Worship of God EVen as a man might say vnto his wife of one that is not a verie man for as much as he is not a man hee is not meete for marriage and therefore not to be matched with thee as thy Husband and if hee be a very man indeed yet thou maist not ioyne him with me for I am thy Husband onely So likewise if any be a counterfeit God euen therfore he is not to be Worshipped nor to be matched with the true God because he is counterfeit if any seeme to bee the true God yet we may not Worship him which professe one true God and that one alone Exod. 20.2 3. Deut. 5.6 7. Our best Workes stayned 1 AS pure water put into filthie vesselles is corrupted therby Or as cleare running water passing through filthie channells gathereth filthinesse Euen so the pure graces of God so soone as they entered into vs are stained by the corruption of our nature 2 Like as there is a greater force in sinne to pollute holy things then