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A14216 The summe of Christian religion: deliuered by Zacharias Vrsinus in his lectures vpon the Catechism autorised by the noble Prince Frederick, throughout his dominions: wherein are debated and resolued the questions of whatsoeuer points of moment, which haue beene or are controuersed in diuinitie. Translated into English by Henrie Parrie, out of the last & best Latin editions, together with some supplie of wa[n]ts out of his discourses of diuinitie, and with correction of sundrie faults & imperfections, which ar [sic] as yet remaining in the best corrected Latine.; Doctrinae Christianae compendium. English Ursinus, Zacharias, 1534-1583.; Parry, Henry, 1561-1616. 1587 (1587) STC 24532; ESTC S118924 903,317 1,074

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God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleeueth And this is the ordinarie manner of giuing vs this beginning of euerlasting life namely by the woord mediately But there is another maner of giuing the same vnto infants and by miracles 7 Whether we can be assured in this life of euerlasting life IN this life not onely wee maie Our assurance of euerlasting life is necessary and grounded vpon sure reasons but wee ought also to bee assured and certain of euerlasting life otherwise we shal neuer haue it For it is giuen to al the elect and to them onely And wee maie be certaine of it by faith euen by a full persuasion of the good wil of God towardes vs likewise by the beginning of true repentaunce which is a ful purpose and intent to liue according to gods cōmandements lastly by the peace of consciēce by a desire of God and by a ioie and gladnesse in God This assuraunce and certainty is grounded on sure and strong reasons 1. The autor of euerlasting life is vnchangeable euen GOD himselfe 2. Gods election is vnchaungeable 3. Christ is heard in all thinges which he desireth of his Father But he praied that his father woulde saue all those whom hee had giuen him 4. God will not haue vs to praie for good things necessarie to saluation with a condition but simplie 2. Tim. 2.19 The foundation of God remaineth sure the lord knoweth who ar his Ioh. 10.28 No mā shal pluck my sheepe out of my hand I giue vnto them eternal life but it were not eternal life if it could be interrupted or broken off Of the consummation of euerlasting life we must bee assured by the beginning thereof Rom. 11.29 The giftes and calling of God are without repentaunce God is faithfull therefore as hee hath begunne so also will hee accomplish and end Wherefore to doubt of the continuaunce and consummation of euerlasting life is to ouerthrow the faith and truth of god Now of the beginning of eternal life we are assured chiefly by a true faith which withstandeth doubtes that is which hath a purpose to resist the Diuel and crieth I beleeue Lord help my vnbeliefe But this faith cannot bee without repentaunce and therefore by an assured repentance we are also assured of the beginning of euerlasting life and therfore withal of the consummation thereof That which now hath been spoken of this article doth sufficiently declare what is To beleeue euerlasting life namely assuredly and certainely to bee perswaded 1. That after this life there shall be also a life wherein the Church shall be glorified and God magnified of her euerlastingly 2. That J also am a member of this Church and therefore partaker of euerlasting life 3. That J also in this life haue and enioy the beginning of euerlasting life OF IVSTIFICATION THIS doctrine Of iustification is one of the chiefe points of our faith not onely because it treateth of the chiefe and principall matters but also because this doctrine is most of all others called by heretiques into controuersie For there are two principall controuersies between the Church and Heretiques The first Of the doctrine concerning God the other of this doctrine of Justification and either of these doctrines beeing ouerthrowen the other points of our faith easily goe to wracke Wherefore we ought chiefly to fence and strengthen our selues against heresies in the doctrine concerning God and iustification The special questions 1 What iustice or righteousnes is in generall 2 How manifold it is 3 What iustice differeth from iustification 4 What is our iustice or righteousnes 5 How it is made ours 6 Why it is made ours 7 Why it is made ours by faith onelie 1 WHAT IVSTICE OR RIGHTEOVSNES IN GENERAL IS A Definition so generall of iustice can scarce bee giuen as may agree both to God and creatures euen such as may agree to the furthest and highest kindes of iustice or righteousnes which are Vncreate and created righteousnes except we wil make a definition full of ambiguity For vncreated iustice or righteousnes is God himselfe Vncreate Iustice is God himselfe who is the very squire and rule of all iustice Created iustice is an effect of vncreate or diuine iustice in reasonable creatures This created iustice or righteousnes may be defined generally in such sort as the definition shall bee alike common to all sortes thereof Justice therefore or righteousnes in generall as it agreeth to reasonable creatures is a fulfilling of those lawes which belong vnto reasonable creatures Our created Iustice is our conformitie with Gods lawes appertaining vnto vs. or is the conformitie or correspondence of reasonable creatures with the lawes appertaining and belonging vnto them It may be also defined on this wise Justice is a conformitie with God or with the law of God Or it is a fulfilling of Gods law 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For iustice or righteousnes is the obseruance of the law 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as sin is the transgression of the law the name Righteousnes is deriued from Right which is the lawe it self and conformitie with the law is righteousnes it self This we must know because we must be iustified by the fulfilling of the law we must vnderstand that the law is not abolished but established by the gospel For the righteousnes iustice of the Gospel is the fulfilling of the lawe but doth not at all disagree from the lawe Obiect He that is iust and righteous is conformed and agreeable vnto the law To iustifie is to make iust Therefore to iustifie is to make one agreeable vnto the law Answere All this is graunted that is either in himselfe to be so or in another Now these are all one the imputed righteousnes or iustice of an other the righteousnes of the Gospel the righteousnes of faith Wherefore to iustifie is to assoile and absolue one from sin for that iustice or righteousnes which either is in himself or in an other This significatiō meaning of the worde is prooued throughout the whole Epistle to the Romans It was imputed to him for righteousnes 2 How manifold Justice is Legall Iustice IVstice we speak in general of created iustice is legal and Euangelical Legal iustice is the fulfilling of the Law performed by him who is therby said to be iust Or it is such a fulfilling of the Law which one performeth by his own obedience or it is a conformitie in the Law which is in him also who is called iust This legal iustice either is in vs or in Angels or in Christ as he is man as an accident inherent in his subiect Euangelical iustice is also a fulfilling of the Law but is not in him who is called therby iust or righteous but in another and is onelie imputed vnto him who is thereof called iust This is christs iustice or righteousnes performed for vs or that ransome of the Son of God imputed vnto vs by faith Euangelicall Iustice or the Iustice
such as define the circumstances of the duty of magistrates and subiects and citizens one towardes another is in euery place and at all times most iust the same are law-makers to follow But in that forme of the Mosaicall gouernment many things are applied to the state and condition of that nation region time and ceremoniall woorship the obseruation whereof would now be neither iust nor profitable because the causes for which those lawes should be giuen to the Iewes are taken away or changed as of giuing a bill of diuorce of marrieng the widowes of their kinsemen Wherefore God will not that all nations and ages be tied vnto those Lawes An argument whereof is that euen at that very time when hee commanded these Lawes to be obserued he bound not all nations but onely Abrahams posterity vnto them and yet some that liued according to such ciuil Lawes of other nations as were not wicked and vngodly did please him as Naaman the Syrian and whosoeuer of the Gentiles were conuerted who yet notwithstanding did not obserue the ceremonies and ciuill Lawes of the Iewes And Paul Rom. 13. saith we must obay not only those which gouern according to Moses lawes but also other Magistrates as the ordinance of god as long as they command nothing contrary to the commandements of God And himselfe also submitted himselfe vnto the Romane Lawes when he appealed vnto Caesar and when he said Jt was vnlawfull to binde one vncondemned which was a Romane Furdermore if any man will hence conclude That seeing it is lawfull to vse the Lawes of other common-weals as the Athenian Romane such like it is therefore much more lawfull beseeming to imitate and folow the forme of that common-wealth which was immediately ordered and constituted by God himselfe We easily grant that wise and discreete magistrates and law-giuers may take as wel thence as out of other gouernmentes if there bee anie thing conuenient and agreeing with their subiects with whom the times wherein they liue so that all opinion of necessity bee taken away that is so that it bee not therefore commaunded or reteined because it was prescribed by Moses to the Iewes but because there are good reasons wherefore nowe also it shoulde bee doone so and if the causes be chaunged then that the liberty also of changing these lawes by publicke autority be reteined Moreouer although ceremoniall and ciuill lawes are wholy abrogated as touching obedience also yet is not the Morall law in like manner abrogated For this after Christ was exhibited ceased indeede as touching the curse and constraint but not as touching obedience The reasons hereof are strong and cleare First The Sonne of god was not therefore made Mediatour tooke the forme of a seruant became obedidient vnto his Father euen vnto the death of the Crosse and redeemed vs from the curse of the Law that we should continue and persist in sinnes and enmity with God but that hee might deliuer vs from sinne reconcile vs vnto God and make vs againe like vnto god the temple of god If then he had this end for which hee did deliuer vs from the curse of the Lawe hee did not withall take away the bond of our obedience For this is the Mediatours office to expiate and do away sins and to bring to passe that hereafter the party offended bee no more offended by that party which had offended Secondly how much the more and greater Gods benefites are towardes vs so much the more are we bound to yeeld thankefulnes vnto him that is to liue according to his will and Law But they who are iustified and regenerated by faith in Christ haue receiued moe and greater benefits than others For these are ouermore added vnto their creation and preseruation and other benefits common to the wicked with the godly Therefore we are more bound after than before regeneration and iustification to yeeld and performe obedience to Gods Law Many testimonies confirme the same as Mat. 5.17 Thinke not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets J am not come to destroy them but to fulfill them This is meant of all the parts of the Lawe but especially of the morall Lawe For Christ fulfilleth the Law foure waies First by his owne righteousnesse For Christ onely hath perfectly performed such obedience as the Lawe requireth both because he was the sonne of God and conceiued by the holy Ghost and also because hee could not haue satisfied for vs except himselfe were free from all spot or staine of sinne Heb 7 26. Such a high Priest it became vs to haue which is holy harmelesse vndefiled separate from sinners Secondly by paying sufficient punishment for our sinnes Rom. 8.3 For that that was impossible to the Lawe in asmuch as it was weake because of the flesh god sending his owne Sonne in the similitude of sinnefull fleshe and for sinne condemned sinne in the fleshe that the righteousenesse of the Lawe might bee fulfilled in vs which walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite 2. Cor. 5.21 He made him to be sinne for vs which knew no sinne that we should be made the righteousnes of God And this fulfilling of the types of the lawe the paying of that punishment which wee did owe is that verie abrogating of the Lawe whereof wee haue spoken Thirdly Christ fulfilleth the Lawe in vs by his spirite reforming vs by him vnto the image of God that we also may in this life begin internall and externall obedience which the lawe requireth of vs may perfourme the same whole and entire in the life to come Now both these to wit punishment paide for vs by Christ and righteousnes begun in vs are comprehended and vnderstoode by S. Paul when he saith That the righteousnes of the lawe is fulfilled in vs which walke after the spirite And of the giuing of the Holie Ghost and of regeneration which is wrought for and by Christ S. Paul purposely entreateth Rom. 6. 7. Fourthly Christ fulfilleth the lawe by teaching it that is by repurging and purifying it from errors and corruptions and by restoring the true doctrine and vnderstanding thereof which he doth Matth. 5.6 7. If then Christ both teacheth and restoreth the obedience of the lawe in vs he doth not abolish the lawe as concerning obedience The same doth Paul teach Rom. 3.31 Do we then make the lawe of none effect through faith God forbid yea wee establish the lawe Now by faith or by the righteousnes and iustice of faith the Law is established not onely in confessing or approuing the iudgement and accusation of the Lawe against vs as that we doe not yeeld due obedience vnto the Lawe for asmuch as we seeke for righteousnesse without our selues in Christ in satisfieng because through faith is applied vnto vs christs satisfaction equiualent to eternall punishment which the Law required of vs not performing perfect obedience by this faith then it is wrought that without the
the couenant that the bookes of the Prophets and apostles are called the old and new Testament For it is wel known that here by the name of Testament is meant the couenant If then the couenant which is between God and the faithfull bee described in these bookes it must needes bee that in them is declared what God promiseth and what hee doth vnto vs to wit his fauour remission of sinnes his holy spirit righteousnes and life euerlasting and preseruation of his Church in this life by and for his sonne our mediatour as also what he requireth of vs that is to say faith by the which we receaue his benefits and a life framed according to his commandementes by which wee declare our thankfulnes And these are the thinges which are taught in the Law and Gospell 5 Neither is the meaning of the holy Ghost otherwise From the Subiect correlatiue of the couenāt when in a woorde he sayeth that Christ is taught in the whole Scripture and that hee alone is to be sought there For Paul truely as also the rest of the Apostles did not propose a maimed but a whole doctrine vnto the churches euen as himselfe witnesseth Act. 20. That hee kept nothing backe but shewed all the counsell of God concerning the Ephesians And yet the selfe-same Apostle 1 Cor. 2. saith That hee knew nothing but Iesus Christ and him crucifyed And Cap. 3. That the foundation of the doctrine of the Church is Christ alone And that this foundation is common to the Prophets together with the Apostles Wherefore the Doctrine concerning Christ is the summe and scope of the Scripture and the foundation laid by the Prophets and Apostles on which whosoeuer rely not they are not stones of the Temple of God that is members of Christes Church OF THE SECOND QVESTION SINCE that we do vnderstand what is the Doctrine of the Church Wherefore true religion is to be discerned from others cōteined in the books of the Prophets and Apostles to wit the sound and vncorrupt voice of the Law of God and the Gospell concerning Christ easie it is necessarie for vs to discerne it from al other religions 1 Because of the commandement of God 1 Cause The commandement of God 1. Iohn 5.39 1. Cor. 10. 1 Cor 6.17 Apoc 18.4 E●a● 52.11 ● Iohn 10. 2. ●●me The glory of God 2. Cor. 6.15 which ought to suffice vs whether we know the cause or no. Flie Idols Depart from her my people Be not yoked with Infidels Be yee holy Touch no vncleane thing yee that beare the vessels of the Lord. Hee that bringeth not this doctrine bid him not God speede 2 For the glorie of God who as hee will not haue him-self coupled with idols and diuels So also hee will haue his truth seuered from lies and his houshold to bee separated from the enemies of the Church that is from the children of Satan It were contumelious so to thinke of God as that he would haue such Children as persecute him There is no agreement betweene Christ and Belial ● Our saluation 3 For our owne saluation and that in two respects 1. That the Church may be known that is may be beheld vnto the which the faithful may ioyne them-selues Whereas if thou canst not discern the true Church from the false thou shalt ●ot know vnto which to ioyne thy selfe and what maner of woorship thou oughtest to follow For God will that all which are to he saued be gathered vnto the Church according as it is said Out of the Church there is no saluation 2. In regard of our comfort that euery one may know of what kingdome they are and whether they be of those vnto whom God promiseth saluation This canst thou not know except thou canst discerne the true Church from false churches 4 The doctrine of other sectes 4. The confirmation and the difference is necessarie to be knowen that our faith and comfort may bee the surer when as we see that to be in our Church which ●is wanting in others likewise when as wee perceiue what is the cause why they who make profession of our doctrine he saued but all other sectes together with their sectaries be damned 5 Least wee being deceaued should embrace the doctrine of some other sect for true Religion 5. The eschuing of danger Act. 4 Iohn 10. For there is no saluation in any other neither among men is there giuen any other name vn●der heauen whereby wee must bee saued Therefore is it said He that is the sheepheard of the sheepe him doe the sheep follow because they know his voice and they wil not follow a stranger but they flee from him for they know not the voice of strangers It is necessarie therefore that the sheep know how to discerne the voice of the sheepherd from the voice of wolues according vnto the rule 1. Iohn 4 Beleeue not euerie spirit For Sathan is wont to transforme himselfe into an Angel of light and the most part of Heretikes doe imitate the woords of true teachers whereas their opinions are most different And wee oftentimes see that the ruder sort when as they perceaue some similitude in some either rites or opinions are easily lead to beleeue that the aduersaries of the Church do professe either the same religion with vs or not so bad as wee make it or since that they haue some thing common with vs that it is not much material whether they let passe some thinges or ad some others Wherefore least some shewe of likenes may beguile any man it is profitable that the manifest and vniuersal differences of the true and false religions may be laid open to the sight 6 Least we be partakers of the punishments which are to 6. Punishment come on such men Apoc. 18.4 Goe out of her that ye be not partakers in her sinnes and that ye receaue not of her plagues 7 That the wicked may bee left vnexcuseable 7 That the wicked may bee left vnexcuseable For albeit an acknowledging of God is neither sufficient to saluation nor true without the doctrine of the Church yet so much of God is manifested vnto al men as is sufficient to take away al excuse from them for their impiety For neither vnto these very things which may truely bee gathered concerning God by the light of nature and frame of the world do they giue their assent neither go they forward to seeke a more full knowledge of God vnto the which those thinges are as it were spurs to pricke them forward but either they doe quite and clean reiect them or they draw them vnto an other meaning and stitch their own inuentions vnto them besides and against the testimonie of the whole nature of things and their owne consciences So that they are ignorant indeed of God but that of stubbornes and of purpose And this is the very cause why at length they are oppressed with desperation because they are
it is manifest that the decrees of the Church are of no lesse authoritie then the expresse sentence of the Scripture But we as we willingly grant that the controuersies of the Church must bee at length determined Aun Not the Church but the holie ghost is iudge in the word and that according to the Sentence of that iudge of whom wee may bee certainlie assured that we can not be deceaued So wee acknowledge this iudge to be not the Church but the holy Ghost himself speaking vnto vs in the Scripture and declaring his owne woords For he is the supreme iudge whose iudgement the Church onely demandeth declareth and signifieth he can not bee deceaued whereas all men are subiect vnto the daunger of error in a word he being the author of the Scripture is the best and surest interpreter of his owne words And therefore the Scripture it selfe in al doubtes recalleth vs and bindeth vs vnto it selfe as 2. Pet. 1. We haue a most sure word of the Prophets to the which yee doe wel that yee take heede as vnto a light that shineth in a dark place Iohn 5. Search the Scriptures Esay 8 To the Lawe and to the Testimonie if they speake not according to this word The Church doth not alwaies speake the words of the holie Ghost it is because there is no light in them For although the holie Ghost speaketh also by the Church yet because shee doth not alwaies speak the words of the holy Ghost she can not be the supreme chiefe iudge of controuersies in Religion For this iudge must be such a one whose sentence may by no means bee called in question But wee haue none such besides the word of God registred in the Scriptures Deciding of controuersies is not taken away Neither doe we at all take away the deciding of controuersies when wee make Scripture iudge of the meaning of the scripture For although contentious persons alwaies seeke sophismes by which they may delude and shift off the testimonies of Scripture yet doe they this against their conscience and the louers of the truth require no other interpreter of the Scripture but the Scripture and doe acknowledge and confesse themselues to be plentifully satisfied by it For whereas vnto men also it is graunted to bee themselues the best interpreters of their own wordes how much more ought this honor to bee yeelded vnto the holy Scripture The way how to decide doubtful places 1 The Analogy of faith Wherefore if controuersie be mooued concerning the meaning of some place in the Scripture we ought much more to doe that here which we would doe in other writinges First of all to consider and respect the anologie of faith that is to receiue no exposition which is against the ground of doctrine that is against any article of faith or commaundement of the Decalog or against any plaine testimonie of Scripture 1 Cor. 3. 2 Examining of Antecedents Consequents euen as Paul admonisheth forbidding to build wood hey stubble vpon the foundation Secondly to weigh the thinges that goe before and follow after that place which is in question that so not onely nothing contrary to these may be faigned on it but also that that may bee set for the meaning of it which these require For these either not beeing obserued or beeing dissembled the meaning of the Scripture is not seldome depraued Psalm 91. So those words of the Psalme Hee shall giue his Angels charge ouer thee that they shall beare thee in their handes that thou hurte not thy foote against a stone The Diuell tempting Christ interpreteth them as if they serued to maintaine ouer-rash and curious attempts when yet that which is added In all thy waies doth shew that they are to bee vnderstood of men doing those thinges that are proper vnto their calling Thirdly 3 Resorting to places which teach the same more clearly wee ought to search euery where in the Scripture whether there bee extant any place where it stands for confessed or is manifest or may bee shewed that the same doctrine in other woordes is deliuered touching the same matter which is conteined in that place which is in controuersie For if the meaning of the clearer and vndoubted place be manifest vnto vs wee shall also be assured of the place which is doubted of because in both places the same is taught as when Rom. 3. it is said We conclude that a man is iustified by faith without the workes of the Lawe That in this place to be iustified by faith is not to please God for the worthines of faith but for the merit of Christ apprehended by faith and that the woorkes of the Law signifie not the ceremonies onely but the whole obedience of the Law chiefly the morall other places doe teach vs which in moe and clearer woordes deliuer the same doctrine concerning the iustification of man before God as in the same chapter By the woorkes of the Law shall no flesh bee iustified in his sight for by the Law commeth the knowledge of sinne But now is the righteousnes of God made manifest without the Law hauing witnes of the Law and of the Prophets The righteousnes of God by the faith of Iesus Christ vnto all and vpon al that beleeue for there is no difference For all haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God and are iustified freelie by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus 4 Conferring like places togither Fourthly wee must conferre places of Scripture where though the same woords bee not spoken of the same thing yet the like woordes and formes of speaking are vsed of the like thinges For if the interpretation of the like place bee certaine and there bee the same causes for the like interpretation to bee giuen in the place that is in controuersie which are in the other then of like places wee must giue one and the same iudgement The Lord willeth Mat. 5. to put out our eie to cut off our hand if it be a cause of offence vnto vs. Now whereas the Law forbiddeth vs to maime our bodie Thou shalt not kill that therefore by this figure of speech the Lord would haue vs that wee should rather forsake thinges most deere vnto vs then that by the lust and motion of thē wee should suffer our selues to be withdrawen from God the like forme of speech otherwhere vsed to signifie things most deer and precious doth shew as Ierem. 22. If Iechoniah were the signet of my right hand yet would I plucke thee thence And Deut. 32. Hee kept him as the apple of his eie 5 The catholike Church When once according to these rules the controuersie concerning the text meaning thereof is iudged we may lawfully also descend to the consent of the Church yet putting great space betwixt not without great aduisement For least by the name of the Church we be beguiled first of all no sentence or
witnesseth that it sufficeth for the libertie of the creature if the will be inclinable of it selfe to the contrarie of that which it chooseth and doth of it owne accord choose that which the minde either liketh or disliketh And hence also is that dissolued that they say that man is not iustlie punished of God if he coulde not auoide his fall For he that sinneth willingly or doth drawe on himselfe the necessitie of sinning is iustly punished his owne conscience accusing him neither is it vniust that hee is forsaken of God and depriued of the grace of the holy ghost who wittingly and willingly casteth it away and that hee suffer the punishment of this his ingratitude and contempt of God although he cannot God forsaking him doe otherwise For none is forsaken of God except he be willing to be forsaken As Math. 18. It must needes bee that offences shall come but woe be vnto that man by whom the offence commeth At length they say that God is made cruell enuious and far from bountie and mercie Gods denial of grace no crueltie but a way to greater mercie if hee did not bestow that grace vpon man without which he knew man could not stand or cōsist in temptation yet would haue him tempted of the Diuel But these and the like tauntinges and reprochinges of the woorkes and iudgementes of God out of doubt are ioyned with great impietie because they ouerturne that grounde and principle which is the first degree step to godlines reuerence towards God that is that whatsoeuer God doth it is good and iust not disagreeing from his nature and lawe whether the reason thereof bee knowen vnto vs or vnknowen Wherefore this aunswere should suffice that it disagreeth not from the mercie and goodnesse of god whatsoeuer hee doth But there is not want also of other answers As that that deniall of grace doth not disagree but verie well agreeth with the mercie and bountie of god when god will haue this to bee an occasion of bestowing a greater grace and benefite as it is apparant in the fall and restoring of man Againe that that is not disagreeing from mercie or any other vertue which doth appertaine to the manifesting of the glorie of the chiefe good which is god For although it bee mercy not to reioyce in the ruine or destruction of his creature yet mercie ought not to fight with iustice Now it is iust that more regarde shoulde bee had of the chiefe good that is god both by himselfe and by others than of all the creatures Wherefore very well doe agree together in god his mercie which will not the death of a sinner and his iustice which suffereth mankinde to fall that by his fall the seueritie and goodnesse of god may appeare The second degree is in man fallen into sinne The second degree of l●bertie after the fall in man not regenerate and being vnregenerate In this state the will verily doth worke freely but yet is carried to euill onely and can doe nought else but sinne except it bee regenerated by the holy ghost Or shorter It is the fitnes pronenesse in man after his fall beeing vnregenerate to choose onely euill The reason is because men by the first Parentes fall are destitute of the true knowledge of god and of all inclination to obey him Therefore no actions of the vnregenerate be they neuer so notable can please god seeing they are not referred to this end that god may bee honored by their obedience This blindnes and corruption of mans nature doth the scripture liuely depaint out in very many places Al the thoughts of man are euil Psalme 59.11 2. Cor. 3.5 Ephe. 2.3 Iere. 13.23 Math 7.18 We are not able of our selues to think any good thing We vvere by nature the sons of vvrath Can the black Moore change his skin Then may ye also doe good that are accustomed to doe euil An euil tree cannot bring forth good fruit Wherfore the wil ability to do good work● is no more in the vnregenerats power than their creation The libertie which is in man now after his fall and not yet regenerated and recouered is the very bondage of sinne This libertie of the vnregenerate is the most wretched seruitude of sinne and very death in sinnes whereof the scripture treateth in many places as Iohn 8.34 Whosoeuer committeth sinne is the seruant of sinne Rom. 6.16 Know yee not that to whomsoeuer ye giue your selues as seruants to obey his seruants ye are to whom ye obey whether it be of sinne vnto death or of obedience vnto righteousnes 2. Pet. 2 19. Promising vnto them libertie are themselues seruants of corruption Free will to outward good action without an inward faith and obedience is not freewill to good 1 Obiection Nothing more easie saith Erasmus than to keepe a mans hands from stealing Againe Socrates Aristides manie others haue shewed and exercised manie vertues Therefore they had free will to good before regeneration Aunswere 1. This is an ill definition of a good worke and of free wil to good which is a power of yeelding obedience pleasing to God The vnregenerat steale within by their lust and desire though not by outwarde fact That the vnregenerate contain their hands that is obserue outward Disciplin this is also Gods benefite who by his generall prouidence gouerneth also the heartes of the wicked and bridleth their inbred wickednes that it breake not forth and effect that which it would But hereof it foloweth not that it is easie to begin inwarde obedience or that to contain their hands from stealing is simply a good worke The outward actions good in themselues are made euill by want of an inward faith Neither are those good works before God that is pleasing vnto God which haue not ioined with them faith and inward obedience But faith and inwarde obedience coulde not be in them because they were not regenerated Replie 1. The workes of the law are good Heathen men did the workes of the lawe therefore the workes of heathen men were good And by consequence heathen men also or vnregenerate haue libertie of doing good Wee answere to the Maior by a distinction The works of the law are good true by themselues but they are made ill by an accident so are these workes of the lawe made ill by an accident of the vnregenerate because they are not done by them for that ende and after that sort which God commanded The remnants of spirituall life in the vnregenerat are not sufficient to make their workes good Replie 2. There remain also manie true notions in the minds of the vnregenerat concerning god and his will the right ordering of their life Wherefore the will working according to these notions and the direction of true reason doth not sinne but worketh well Answere first Those legal notions whether they belong to the first or to the second table of the Decalog they
iudgement as perfectlie aunswerable vnto his Lawe Aunswere These and the like sayinges doe not challenge to the Godly in this life perfect fulfilling of the Law but the vprightnes of a good conscience without which faith can not consist or stand as neither can a good conscience without faith As it is saide 1. Timot. 1.18 Fight a good fight hauing Faith and a good conscience And Roman 5.1 Then beeing iustified by Faith wee haue peace towarde GOD thorough our Lorde Iesus Christ. For a good conscience is a certaine knowledge that wee haue faith and a purpose to obey GOD according to all his commaundements and that wee and our obedience though maimed and scarce begunne please GOD not for that it satisfieth his Lawe but because those sinnes and defectes which remayne in vs are for-giuen vs for the satisfaction of Christ which is imputed vnto vs. For as newe obedience is begunne by Faith so by Faith also it pleaseth GOD. Wherefore the Godly slacke not to bring foorth their life into the light neither shake and shiuer they at the tribunal of Christ but comfort themselues with the conscience or inward knowledge thereof Obiection 2. Pet. 1.10 Giue diligence to make your calling and election sure for if yee doe these thinges yee shal neuer fall 1. Iohn 3. Whosoeuer is borne of GOD sinneth not Aunswere These sentences in times past the Pelegians also and Catharistes and nowe the Anabaptistes abuse to establish perfection of new obedience in the regenerate but to fall and to commit or doe sinne signifieth in those places of Peter and Iohn to haue Raigning-sinne and to yeelde vnto it and perseuere in it and in this sort the regenerate sin not But that there remain n●twithstanding remnants of sins and defectes in them is expresly shewed 1. Ioh. 1.8 If wee say we haue no sin the truth is not in vs. Obiection Mat. 6 Luk. 11. The similitude which is vsed by Christ calling the ey the light of the bodie doth not inforce the lightsomnes of the minde The light of the bodie is the eie if then thine eie be single thy whole bodie shal be light hereof they gather that the mindes of the regenerate are so purged in this life that the whole heap and multitude of their workes is light and pure that is perfectly aunswerable to the Law But seeing the speech of Christ is conditionall it is manifest that neither the Antecedent nor consequent but onely the sequele thereof is affirmed and that the Antecedent also beeing supposed the consequent is no otherwise put than is the Antecedent Wherefore Christ doth not affirme by this similitude of the eye guiding the body that the mindes of men are lightsome and so all their actions to bee well directed and without sinne but rather hee accuseth the frowardnes of men who goe about to oppresse and put out euen that light which is left them by nature and doe withhold the truth as S. Paul speaketh in vnrighteousnesse and therefore are wholie that is in all their actions darke corrupt and worthy of damnation Furthermore the purity of actions can bee but so far supposed as the purity and light of mens minds is supposed For the light of nature beeing supposed actions morally good follow spirituall light supposed actions also spiritually good or good woorkes follow imperfect illightening supposed imperfect obedience perfect illightening supposed perfect obedience also followeth Seeing then in this life perfect light and knowledge of God and his will as much as the law of God requireth is not kindled in the regenerate but is differred vntill the life to come 1. Cor. 13. For we knowe in part and we prophesie in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shal be abolished Therefore neither in other parts perfect conformity with the Lawe can bee in this life yet neuerthesse euen nowe concerning imputation of perfect puritie it is true that the godly are pure and without sinne in the sight of God when hee beholdeth them in Christ which is then when the light of faith is kindled in their hartes So also that Ephes 5. is to be taken Christ gaue himselfe for the Church that hee might sanctifie it and clense it by the washing of water through the woorde that hee might make it vnto himselfe a glorious Church not hauing spotte or wrinckle or anie such thing but that it should bee holie and without blame For the Baptisme of water by reason of the woorde of promise adioined signifieth and sealeth to the faithfull a clensing by the blood of Christ which is most perfect and presenteth vs in this life vnblameable before God and a clensing by his spirit which is begun in this life and perfected in the life to come and therefore cannot pacifie and quiet our consciences There are also obiections against the second part of the former Doctrine concerning the third degree of libertie by which obiections they contend that it is in the power of the regenerate either to perseuere in righteousnesse or to depart from it They who haue liberty say they to choose good haue liberty to perseuere The regenerate haue libertie to choose good 2. Cor. 3. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is libertie Therefore they haue power to perseuere Aunswere If the conclusion of this reason bee rightly meant the whole reason may be graunted to wit that the regenerate haue so far forth libertie to perseuere as they are lightened and guided by the holie ghost For the libertie which they haue to choose good dependeth vpon his working and motion But if it be meant that the godly haue this libertie either alwaies or so that their perseueraunce dependeth of themselues there will bee more found in the conclusion than was in the premisses and that for two causes First Because they haue libertie alwaies to perseuere who are neuer destituted of the guiding of the holie spirite which shal bee in the life to come Secondly Because euen their libertie also to good who are neuer forsaken of the holie spirite yet dependeth not of themselues but of God But here they replie The regenerate deserue the departure of gods spirit from them through their manifold sinnes which yet the merit of Christ and his power preserueth in them He that is not forsaken of the holie Ghost except himselfe first withstand the motion of the holie ghost hath alwaies the aide and assistaunce of the holie Ghost readie that hee maie persist in that good which hee purposeth But the godlie are not forsaken of the holie Ghost vnlesse themselues first withstand him therefore they haue alwaies the assistance of the holie Ghost readie that they may perseuere But hee who hath this hath in his owne power to perseuere or to decline because the cause is in his owne will alone why hee doth either obeie or resist the spirite mouing him When wee denie the Minor of this reason they prooue it thus The iustice of
the 18. 19 20. questions of the Catechisme such a definitiō of the Gospel is framed The gospel is the doctrin cōcerning Christ deliuering teaching that he is made of god vnto all those who are ingraffed into him by a true faith and do imbrace his benefites wisedome righteousnes sanctification redemption which doctrine was reuealed of god first in Paradise by his son afterwards propagated by the Prophets shadowed by the sacrifices and ceremonies of the law and lastly fulfilled and accomplished by Christ Both which definitions all the summes which are in scripture deliuered of the Gospel doe confirme as Ioh. 6.40 This is the will of him that sent me that euerie man that seeth the sonne and beleeueth in him should haue euerlasting life And I will raise him vp at the last day Act. 13.38 Through his name was repentaunce and remission of sinnes to be preached to all nations Luc. 24 47. He commandeth his disciples to preach faith repentance Ioh. 1.17 The law was giuen by Moses but grace came by Christ By these and the like testimonies of the scriptures it is manifest that both the law and the gospel preacheth repentance and that the instrument whereby god doth worke in vs repentaunce or true conuersion is properly the gospel But this order in proceeding must bee obserued First the law is to be proposed that thence wee may know our miserie Then What order is to be obserued in teaching the law and the Gospel that wee may not dispaire after our miserie is knowen vnto vs the Gospel is to bee taught which both giueth vs a certaine hope of returning into Gods promised fauour by Christ our Mediatour and sheweth vnto vs the maner how we are to repent Thirdly that after we attaine vnto our deliuerie we bee not careles and wanton Againe the lawe is to bee taught that it may bee the leuil squire and rule of our life and actions 2 Whether the gospel hath beene alwaies knowen THe gospel that is the doctrine concerning the promise of grace through Christ our Mediatour is not newe but hath alwaies beene extant in the Church The Gospel published in Paradise For presently after mans fall it was manifested in Paradise but consummated and absolued by Christ both in the fulfilling or ful performance as also in a more cleare declaration of those things which had before time beene promised in the olde Testament This is confirmed by the records of the Apostles as of Peter Act. 10.43 To him also giue all the Prophets witnes that through his name all that beleeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes 1. Pet. 1.10 Of the which saluation the Prophets haue inquired and searched Likewise of Paul Rom. 1.2 Which gospel he had promised afore by his Prophets in the holie scriptures Of Christ himselfe also saying Ioh. 5.46 Had yee beleeued Moses ye woulde haue beleeued me for he wrote of me The same is manifest by all the promises and prophecies which speake of the Messias This is therefore diligently to bee marked because God will haue vs know that there was is from the beginning of the world vnto the end one onely way of saluation Ioh. 1. In him was life and the life was the light of men Ioh. 10.28 I giue vnto them eternal life Ioh. 8.56 Abraham saw my day and was glad Gen. 12.3 In thy seede shal all Nations bee blessed Iohn 10.7 I am the doore Iohn 14.6 I am the way the truth and the life No man commeth to the father but by mee Ephes 1.22 God hath appointed him ouer al thinges to bee the head to the Church Hebrewes 13.8 Christ is yesterdaie and to daie Iohn 5.46 Moses writ of me Now Moses writ of Christ Why Moses is saide to write of Christ First Because he recounteth the promises concerning the Messias Gen. 12.3 In thy seede shall al nations be blessed Deutronom 18.11 God shall raise you vp a Prophet Numb 24.17 A starre shall rise out of Iacob Secondly he restraineth the promise concerning the Messias vnto certaine persons of whom hee was to bee borne By which afterwardes the promise of the Messias was more and more renewed and reuealed Thirdly The whole Leuitical Priesthood and ceremoniall worship had a respect and were referred vnto Christ as the Sacrifices the immolations the altars the temple Yea the kingdome also and the kings were a type of the kingdome of Christ Wherefore Moses writ many things of Christ 1 Obiection But Paul saith that the Gospel was promised by the Prophets and Peter saith that the Prophets did foreshew the grace which should come vnto vs wherefore the Gospell hath not beene alwaies Aunswere The Antecedent of this reason is to bee distinguished The Gospel was promised and the grace and fauour to come was foreshewed it is true First as concerning the fulfilling of those thinges which in the olde testament were promised to come Secondly In respect of the more manifest knowledge of the promise of grace Thirdly In respect of a more large pouring out of the giftes of the holie Ghost Wherefore the whole reason wee accept of as true if by the Gospell they vnderstand the doctrine of Christ alreadie exhibited raised from the dead sitting at the right hand of his Father and giuing aboundantly giftes vnto men But wee denie it as the worde Gospell is taken for the very promise it selfe of grace remission of sinnes regeneration glorification freely to be bestowed for the Mediatours desert and merit For this grace was also promised truely proffered in the old testament to all beleeuers for Christs sake but who was hereafter to come to be exhibited as the same grace is yeelded vnto vs for the same Christ but who is alreadie come and exhibited Iohn 8.56 Abraham sawe my day and was glad Act. 10.43 To him giue all the Prophetes witnesse Rom. 10.4 Christ is the end of the Law Obiection 2. Paul Ephes 3.5 saith That in other ages the gospell was not opened vnto the Sonnes of men Aunswere This reason is a fallacy of diuision as the Logicians call it in dismembring or diuiding those thinges which are to bee ioined or otherwise it is a fallacie in affirming that simply to bee saide so which was so said but in some respect For the Apostle in the same place presently addeth as it is nowe For now that is the Messias beeing manifested the gospell is much more clearely discouered and deriued and spread to many more than it was in the old Testament It was therefore knowen vnto them who liued of olde though not in so simple sort as vnto vs. 3 Obiection The Lawe was giuen by Moses grace and truth came by Christ Iohn 1.17 Therefore the gospell was not from the beginning Aunswere Grace and truth did appeare by Christ exhibited and manifested to witte in respect of the fulfilling and full and plentifull perfourmance of those thinges which were promised in the old Testament But hereof it followeth not
that they in the old Testament were destitute of this grace For vnto them also was the same grace effectually applied by Christ and for Christ but beeing as yet to be manifested in the flesh and therefore more sparingly Whatsoeuer grace and true knowledge of God was euer in any men they had it by Christ Iohn 1.18 No man hath seene God at any time the only begotten son which is in the bosom of the father he hath declared him Reply But hee saith The Law by Moses therefore not the gospel Answere The consequence is of no force which is inferred from the manner of handling a thing to the thing it selfe As Moses doth comprise and deliuer the gospell in dark and sparing maner Therefore he doth not at al meddle with it This consequence is not of force For the Law is said to be giuen by Moses because this was chiefly belōging to his office that he should publish the law though withall hee taught the gospel albeit more obscurely sparingly For the promises of grace are intermingled with the law and al the rites of the old testamēt haue a significatiō a testificatiō of the grace of the gospell which grace was bestowed on beleeuers for christ who shal hereafter be manifested But it was christs chiefe functiō to publish the Gospel albeit he also taught the law For he purged the moral Law from corruptions by rightly interpreting it and did write it by the woorking of his holy spirit in the harts of men abrogating the Law ceremonial and iudicial 3 How the Gospel differeth from the Law ALthough in the doctrine both of the Lawe and of the Gospell is entreated of the nature of God and of his wil and workes yet is there very great difference between both The law knowen by the light of nature They differ 1. In their reuealings or in the maner of their reueiling The Law is knowen by nature that is knowledge of the Law was graffed and ingendered in the mindes of men in the very creation and therefore knowen to al although there were no other reueiling of it Rom. 2.15 They haue the effect of the Law written in their harts The Gospel knowen by the light of grace onelie The gospel is not knowen by nature but is peculiarly reuealed to the Church alone by the Sonne our Mediatour For no creature could haue seene or hoped for that mitigation of the Law and the way howe to recouer out of punishment except the sonne had reueiled it Matth. 11.27 No man knoweth the father but the Sonne and hee to whome the Sonne wil reueile him Matth. 16.17 Flesh and blood hath not reueiled it vnto thee Iohn 1.18 The sonne which is in the bosome of the father he hath declared him Secondly they differ in the verie kind of doctrine or in the subiectes or matters which they deliuer For the Law teacheth what we ought to bee to wit perfectly conformed vnto God The law teacheth what wee ought to bee but not how we may bee as wee ought but yet it dooth not make vs to be such But the gospell sheweth the meanes whereby wee maie bee such euen by the imputation of anothers righteousnesse and the inchoation or beginning of newe obedience whereby we are conformed to God in Christ The Lawe saith Restore that thou owest doe this and liue The Gospell saieth The Gospel teacheth how wee may bee beleeue CHRIST thy debt is payed the grace of the holy Ghost is purchased whereby hee that is regenerated may perfourme the Lawe 3. They differ in the promises The Lawe promiseth euerlasting life but with a condition of perfect righteousnesse or obedience to bee perfourmed of vs. Hee that dooth them shall liue in them If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commaundements c. The gospel promiseth euerlasting life with a condition also of perfect righteousnesse but which is perfourmed by another though yet imputed vnto vs by faith The Law promiseth life to those who yeelde obedience or are righteous in themselues The gospell promiseth vnto sinners remission of sinnes and life euerlasting freely to be giuen for the satisfaction of Christ apprehended of them by a true faith that they be penitent or begin new obedience The gospel therefore requireth of vs only a true faith whereby we may embrace Christs perfect righteousnesse freely imputed to beleeuers yea Christ himselfe together with all his benefits bestowed of mere grace vpon vs. Neither for these respects are the Law and the gospell at ods one with the other For albeit the Lawe will that thou keepe the commaundementes if thou wilt enter into life yet dooth it not shutte thee from euerlasting life if another fulfill the Lawe for thee For by setting downe the one way of satisfieng for sinnes it doth not exclude the other to wit of satisfieng by another which way the gospel declareth vnto vs. Now we cannot make satisfaction by another that is by Christ except by faith wee cloth our selues with his perfect righteousnesse The gospell therefore commaundeth vs to haue faith and with-all to repent from our hearte for faith cannot stande without true repentance 4 They differ in effectes The Lawe is the ministerie of death The law the ministery of death and killeth Because by it selfe without the Gospell it is only the letter that is the outwarde preaching and bare knowledge of those thinges which we ought to doe For it teacheth indeede our duety and that righteousnesse which God requireth at our handes but it dooth not make vs able to perfourme that righteousnesse neither dooth it shewe vs any hope to attaine thereunto by another but rather accuseth and condemneth our vnrighteousnesse Fleshe hardely bearing this is angrie and rageth against GOD himselfe and is in despaire The Gospell the ministery of life The gospell is the ministerie of life and of the spirit that is it hath the forcible operation of the holy Ghost adioined and doth quicken For this is the instrument of the holy Ghost which hee properly vseth to kindle faith in vs whereby wee who before were dead are againe quickned and receiue strength to perfourme the Lawe For thorough faith in Christ our Mediatour the Lawe ceaseth to bee vnto vs the ministery of Death and is become spirituall that is the instrument of the holie GHOST whereby hee forcibly mooueth our heartes to serue God The Gospel is the preaching of repentance It was said in the definition of the Gospell and in the third difference betweene the Law and the Gospell that the Gospell requireth both faith and repentaunce or newe obedience and so is the preaching both of remission of sinnes and of repentaunce Against this Flacius Sectaries keepe a sturre and reason after this sort There is no precept or commaundement belonging to the Gospell The preaching of repentaunce is a precept or commaundement Therefore the preaching of repentaunce belongeth not to the Gospell but to the Lawe Aunswere We deny the Maior if it bee
iustification but as effectes of faith and as it were a testimony of their faith and thankefulnes For faith is not without her fruit Now to applie the merit of Christ is the proper act of faith but other good workes are not so though they also proceede from faith Wherefore also the apprehension of Christs merite is after another manner required in them that are to bee iustified than are other good woorkes For faith with this her proper act without which faith cannot bee considered is required as a necessarie instrument whereby we applie Christs merite vnto vs. But good woorkes are not required that by them we may apprehend Christs merite and much lesse that for them wee should be iustified but that by them we may shew our faith which without good woorkes is dead and is not knowen but by them Whatsoeuer is necessarily coherent with the cause that is not therefore necessarily required to the proper effect of that cause but good workes although they are necessarily coherent and ioined with faith yet are they not necessarie for the apprehension of Christs merit that we should ouer and besides faith by them also apply the same vnto vs. 6 Obiection The Messias bringeth euerlasting iustice and righteousnes Jmputed righteousnes is not eternall Therefore wee are not thereby iustified Aunswere It is said that Christes righteousnesse shall bee an euerlasting righteousnesse but after a diuerse manner For in the life to come wee shal bee iust after another manner than in this life For although we shall then be iust by the same righteousnes euen by the righteousnes of Christ imputed vnto vs yet with this shall also the legal iustice and righteousnesse be continued so that then also by the legall righteousnesse we shall be perfectly iust because now onely we are as concerning that but in part and beginning iust Each iustice both the iustice of the Law and the iustice of the Gospel is eternall by continuation And the iustice and righteousnesse of the Gospell that is the iustice of Christ imputed vnto vs is eternal by continuation of the imputation The iustice of the Law is eternal by continuation of good woorkes euen as it is continued by good woorkes first and beginning in this life vntill at length after this life it bee perfected and become perfect and so continue to al eternity 7 Obiection Knowledge dooth not iustifie Faith is a knowledge Therefore faith doth not iustifie Aunswere Knowledge alone dooth not iustifie But iustifieng faith is not a knoweledge onely but also a confidence and sure persuasion whereby as a meane we apply Christes merit vnto vs. And furthermore Knowledge and this sure persuasion are much different Knowledge is in the vnderstanding but this is in the will Therefore a sure persuasion or confidence is not only a knoweledge of a thing but also a will and purpose of doing or applieng that which wee knowe or of resting in it so that wee are thereby secure and take ioie of heart therein 8 Obiection Saint Iames saith cap. 2.24 Yee see then how that of workes a man is iustified and not of faith onelie Answere 1. Hee speaketh of that iustice whereby wee are iustified through our workes before men that is are approued iust or are found to be iustified but he speaketh not of that iustice whereby we are iustified before God that is whereby wee are reputed of God iust for vniust For hee saith in the same chapter Shew me thy faith by thy works and J will shewe thee my faith by my woorkes 2. He speaketh not of a true or liuely faith but of a dead faith which is without works 9 Obiection Euil workes condemne Therefore good workes iustifie Ans 1. These contraries are not matches for our euil works are perfectly euil our good workes are imperfectly good 2. Although our good woorkes were perfectly good yet should they not deserue eternal life because they are debts Vnto euil workes a reward is giuen by order of iustice vnto good works not so because we are obliged and bound to doe them For the creature is obliged vnto his creator neither may he of the contrary bind god vnto him by any works or means to benefit him 10 Obiect Saint Iohn saith 1. Ioh. 3.7 He that doth righteousnes is righteous Therefore not he that beleeueth Ans 1. He is righteous before mē that is by doing righteousnes he declareth himself righteous to others but before god we are righteous not by dooing righteousnes but by beleeuing 2. He sheweth there not how we are righteous but what the righteous are when he saith that hee that is regenerated is also iustified 11 Obiection Christ saith Luk. 7.47 Many sinnes are forgiuen her because she loued much Therfore good works are the cause of iustification Ans 1. Christ here reasoneth from the latter to the former from the effect which commeth after to the cause which goeth before Manie sins are forgiuen her Therefore shee loued much and because there is a great feeling in that woman of the benefite it must needes therefore bee that the benefite is great and many sins are forgiuen her That this is the meaning of Christes woordes appeareth by the parable which hee there vseth 2. Not euerie thing that is the cause of consequence in reason is also the cause of the thing it selfe which followeth in that consequence of reason Wherefore it is a fallacie of the consequent if it bee concluded Therefore for her loue manie sins are forgiuen her For the particle because which Christ vseth doth not alwaies signifie the cause of the thing folowing It foloweth not The Sunne is risen because it is day Therefore the day is cause of the rising of the Sun the contrarie rather is true 12 Obiection That which is not in the Scripture is not to be taught or reteined That wee are iustified by faith onelie is not in the Scripture neither the wordes themselues nor the sense of the woords Therefore it is not to be reteined Aunswere To the Maior we say That which is not in Scripture neither in words nor in sense is not to be reteined But that we are iustified by faith onely is conteined in Scripture as touching the sense thereof For we are said to be iustified freely Rom. 3.27 Gal. 2.16 Eph. 2.8 9. Tit. 3.5 1. Iohn 1.7 without the workes of the Law by faith without merite Not of anie righteousnesse which we haue doone The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth vs from al sinne Therefore no woork shall be meritorious If no worke Therefore are we iustified by faith onely apprehending Christes merit Wherefore wee are necessarily to retaine the particle onelie 1. That all merite either of faith or our workes maie be remooued from this woork of our iustification 2. That it maie be shewed that faith not the merite of faith is necessarily required to iustice because the iustice or merite of Christ is giuen by faith onely and by this meane alone we receiue that iustice and
righteousnesse 13 Obiection Jf Christ hath satisfied for vs we shall not be iustified freelie but for merite and desert Aunswere Wee are iustified freely in respect of vs not freely in respect of Christ whom the sauing of vs cost full dearely 14 Obiection Reward presupposeth merite So that where reward is there is also merite For reward and merite are correlatiues whereof if one bee put the other is put also But euerlasting life is proposed as a reward for good workes therefore also the merite of good workes is euerlasting life Aunswere The Maior is sometimes true as concerning creatures as when men may merite or deserue of men But neither alwaies among men doth it folowe that there is merite where there is reward For men also oftentimes giue rewards not of merit or desert Now it is vnproperly saide of God that he proposeth eternal life vnto our workes as a reward for we can merite nothing at Gods hands by our workes But for this cause especially doth God say that he wil giue a reward to our workes thereby to shew that good workes are grateful and pleasing vnto him 15 Obiection That which is not required vnto iustification is not necessarie to be done Good woorkes are not required vnto iustification Therefore it is not necessarie to doe them Answere The Maior is false if it bee meant generallie because wee ought to doe good woorkes in token of thankefulnes But if the Maior be meant particularly then nothing can bee concluded the premisses beeing meere particular nowe good woorkes are as an effect without which the cause to wit faith cannot be Therefore good workes verily are necessarie but not as any cause or merite of iustice 16 Obiection He that is iustified by two things is not iustified by one only But we besides that we are iustified by faith are iustified also by the merite and obedience of Christ therefore not by faith onely Answere He that is iustified by two things is not iustified by one onely that is after one and the same manner But we are iustified by two thinges after a diuerse manner For we are iustified by faith as by an instrument apprehending iustice but by the merit of Christ as by the formal cause of our iustice 17 Obiect Doctrine which maketh men profane is not to be deliuered But this doctrine that we are iustified by works maketh men profane Therefore it is not to be deliuered Ans If it should so fal out with any man it were but an accident Reply Euen those thinges which fall out to bee euils by an accident are to be eschued But this doctrine maketh men by an accident euil Therefore it is to be eschued Aunswere Those thinges which fal out to be euils by an accident are to be eschued if ther remain no greater cause for which they are not to bee omitted which by an accident make men euil But we haue greater causes why this doctrine ought to be deliuered 1. The commaundement of God 2. Our owne saluation 18 Obiection Christ hath brought vs eternall iustice This applied iustice is not eternal Therefore this is not our iustice but God himselfe is our iustice Aunswere The Lorde is our iustice that is our iustifier But that our applied iustice is eternal hath been shewed before because the imputation thereof is continued to all eternity That iustice also of the Lawe which is begunne in vs in this life shall bee continued and perfected in the life to come But that iustice which is God himselfe is not in vs because so God should be an accident to his creature and become iustice in man For iustice and vertue are thinges created in vs not the essence of God Moreouer Osiander who obiecteth this doth not discerne the cause from the effect As we liue not or are wise by the essence of God for this is all one as to say that wee are as wise as God so also we are not iust by the essence of God Wherefore nothing is more impious than to say That the essentiall iustice of the creatour is the iustice of the creatures for thereof it would follow that wee haue the iustice of God yea the verie essence of God The cause must be discerned from the effect increate iustice from created iustice 19 Obiection Where sinne is not there is no place for remission or imputation Jn the life to come sinne shall not be Therefore no place there for remission or imputation Aunswere In the life to come shall not bee remission of any sin then present but the remission which was graunted in this life shall continue and endure for euer And that conformity also which we shal haue with God in the life to come shal be an effect of this imputation 20 Obiection Ten Crownes are part of a hundred Crownes in paiment of a debt Therefore good workes also may be some part of our iustice Aunswere There is a dissimilitude because ten Crownes are a whole part of an hundred Crownes But our workes are not a whole and perfect part 21 Obiection It is said that Phinees worke and deede was imputed vnto him for righteousnes Answere The meaning of the place is That God did approue his worke but not that he was iustified by that worke Why we are iustified by christs merit onely We are iustified by the merite of Christ onely 1. For his glorie that his sacrifice might not bee extenuated and made of lesse value 2. For our owne comfort that we may be assured that our iustice doth not depend vpon our owne woorkes but vpon the sacrifice of Christ onely otherwise we should leese it a thousand times Why we are not Iustified partly by faith and partly by works Gal. 3.10 We are iustified not partly by faith partly by works 1. Because works are vnperfect and therefore our iustice also should be then vnperfect Cursed is euerie man that continueth not in all thinges which are written in the booke of the lawe to doe them 2. Although they were perfect yet are they due and debt So that wee cannot satisfie for an offence past by them When ye haue done all that yee are commaunded say wee are vnprofitable seruants 3. They are Gods works who worketh them in vs. 4. They are temporarie neither haue anie proportion with eternall blessinges 5. They are effectes of iustification therefore no cause 6. They are excluded that wee might not haue whereof to glorie 7. If they were part of our iustification our conscience should be destitute of stable and certaine comfort 8. Christ should haue died in vain 9. We should not haue the same way to saluation 10. Christ should not be a perfect Sauiour Why our works are vnperfect therefore cannot merit Now our workes are vnperfect 1. Because we omit manie things which we should doe and doe manie things which we should not doe 2. Because we blend and mingle euil with that good which wee doe that is wee doe good but wee doe it ill The thinges
And further also to direct our whole life thoughts words and workes to this end that thy most holy name bee not reproched for vs but rather bee f Psal 115.1 71.8 renowmed with honour and praises 123 What is the second petition Let thy kingdome come that is rule vs so by thy word and spirit that wee may g Mat. 6 33. Psal 119.5 143.10 humble and submit our selues more more vnto thee preserue and encrease thy h Psal 51.20 122.6.7 church destroy the workes of the Diuill and all power that lifteth vp it selfe against thy Maiesty make al those counsailes frustrate and voide which are i 1. Ioh. 3.8 Rom. 16.20 taken against thy word vntil at length thou k Apoc. 22.17.20 Rom. 8.22.23 raigne fully and perfectly when thou shalt be al in l 1. Cor. 15.28 al. 124 What is the third petition Thy wil be done in earth as it is heauen that is Grant that we and al men renouncing m Mat. 16.24 Tit. 2.12 forsaking our owne wil maie readily without any grudging n Luc. 22.42 obey thy wil which is only holy and that so euerie of vs may faithfully and cheerfully a 1. Cor. 7.24 performe that duty and charge which thou hast committed vnto vs euen as the blessed Angels doe in b Psal 103.20.21 heauen 125 What is the fourth petition Giue vs this daie our daily bread that is giue vnto vs al thinges which are c Psal 145.15.16 104 27.28 Mat. 6.25 c. needeful for this life that by them wee maie acknowledge confesse thee to be the onely fountaine from whence all good things d Act. 17 27.28 14.17 flow and al our care and industry and euen thine owne gifts to be vnfortunate and e 1. Cor. 15.58 Deut. 8 3. Psal 27.16.17 noisome vnto vs except thou blesse them Wherefore graunt that turning our trust awaie from all creatures we f Psal 62 11. 55.23 place repose it in thee alone 126 What is the fift petition Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs that is Euen for the bloude of Christ doe not g Psal 51 1. c. 143.2 1. Iohn 2.1.2 impute vnto vs most miserable wretched sinners al our offences neither that corruption which still cleaueth vnto vs euen as wee also feele this testimonie of thy grace in our hearts that wee steadfastly purpose vnfeignedly from our hart to h Mat. 6.14.15 pardon and forgiue al those who haue offended vs. 127 What is the sixt petition Lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euil that is because wee our selues are so feeble weak by nature that wee i Ioa. 15.5 Psal 103.14 cannot stand so much as one moment or instant and our most deadlie enemies k 1. Pet. 5.8 Eph 6.12 satan the l J●h 15 19. world and our own m Rom 7.23 Gal 5.17 flesh doe incessantlie oppugne and assault vs vpholde thou vs and establish and strengthen vs by the might of they spirit that we maie not in this spiritual combate n Mat. 26.41 Marc. 13. ●3 yeeld as vanquished but may so long stoutly withstand them vntil at length wee o 1. Thes 3.13 5.23 get the ful and perfect victorie 128 How concludest thou this praier For thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for euer that is we aske and craue al these things of thee because seeing both thou art our King and art almightie thou art both willing and able to p Rom. 10.11.12 ● Pet. 2.9 giue them al vnto vs. And these thinges wee therefore aske that out of them not vnto vs but vnto thy holy name al glory may q 10.14.13 Psal 115.1 Ier. 33.8.9 redound 129 What meaneth this particle Amen That the thing is sure and out of doubt For my praier is much more certainly heard of God than I feele in my hart that I vnfaignedly r 2. Cor. 1.20 ● Tim. 2.13 desire the same OVT of the diuerse and manifolde doctrine of the two former partes we haue learned that wee are not thorough anie merit of ours but of Gods meere grace by and for Christ redeemed from sinne and death and euen from all the euill both of crime and paine whereof it followeth that we should be thankful for this exceeding benefite bestowed by Christ vpon vs. But we cannot shew approue our selues thankful to God except we be truly conuerted First therefore those things which are spoken Of conuersion are in few words to be expounded Then ensueth the common place Of good works for by them we declare our thankfulnes towardes God and true conuersion cannot stand without good works Afterwardes is adioined the doctrine which entreateth Of the Law whereby wee learne to know good works For those are truely saide to be good works by which we worship God aright shew ourselues to be thākful which are done by faith according to the rule and prescript only of Gods Law But because God wil chiefly bee worshipped of vs and magnified by inuocation and for this cause wee shew our thankfulnes most of al by our praiers and thankes-giuing at length the common place Of praier shal bee lastly annexed These things wee purpos● to declare briefly and in order here following OF CONVERSION THE chiefe Questions 1 What Conuersion is 2 I● what the conuersion of the godly differeth from the repentance of the wicked 3 What are the parts of conuersion 4 Wh●● the causes thereof 5 What are the effects of ●onversion 1. WHAT CONVERSION IS FIRST we are to speak some-what of the 〈◊〉 of Conuersion Conuersion is either a generall 〈◊〉 like as is ●●●●ation or it is ●●ken more specially It signifie●● the same in Latine that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 dooth in Greeke and T●s●hum in Hebrue Moreouer the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is very well also interpreted in Latine by * We haue no one english word to answer● vnto RESIPISCENTIA For our english REP●NTANCE expresseth rather the Latin PaeNITENTIA which agreeth as well to the wicked as to the godly Resipiscentia there beeing the same reason of both names For as the Latine Resipiscentia is deriued from resipisco which signifieth to wax wise after wee haue done a thing So the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 commeth from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is also to wax wise after an errour or fault committed to recall or retract our iudgement and opinion and to alter an euill purpose Some render 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by the Latine Paenitentia that is repentaunce or penitencie And this Paenitentia is said to be deriued either from Paenites which signifieth to bee grieued and to repent or from Paena which signifieth paine and punishment because the griefe which is in repentaunce is as it were a punishment But the name of paenitentia or repentaunce is more obscure than the name
1. A griefe both for sin past and present which is called Sorrowe and also for sinne to come which is called Feare 2. An hatred of sinne committed both of present sinne and of sinne to come 3. An auerting from sinne committed both present and future sinne 4. A flying of sinne to come The griefe is in the heart The flieng is in the will in that we wil not here after commit sinne The auerting is in the hart and wil and it is an auerting vnto somewhat to wit an auerting from euil vnto good This former part of conuersion is called mortification 1. Because as dead men can not shew foorth the actions of one that is liuing so our nature the corruption thereof beeing abolished doth no more shew forth or exercise her actions that is doth no longer bring forth actuall sinne originall sinne beeing repressed For the dead bite not 2. Because mortification is not wrought without griefe and lamenting The flesh rebelleth against the spirite and for this cause mortification is also called a crucifieng Qui●●ening Quick●●●●g comprehendeth those thinges which are contrarie vnto mortification 1. The knowledge of Gods mercie and the applieng thereof in christ 2. A ioifulnesse thence arising which is for that God is pleased and for that newe obedience is begun and shal bee perfected 3. An ardent or earnest ende●●ur and purpo●● to sinne no more arising from thankefulnes and because we reio●●e that we haue God appeased and pacified towardes vs a desire also of righteousnesse and of reteining gods loue and fauour That ardent desire both of not sinning and also of righteousnesse and of reteining Gods loue and fauour is newe obedienc● it selfe This latter part of conuersion is called quickening for a cleane contrarie respect vnto that for which the former part was called mortification 1. Because as a liuing man doth the actions of one that liueth so quickening is a kindling of new● faculties and qualities of working in vs. For the loue of God is kindled in vs and the holy Ghost is giuen vs by whom we doe good woorkes By nature the vnregenerate are dead astouching good works The regenerate begin to doe good woorkes 2. In respect of that ioie which the conuerted haue in God which is a most pleasaunt thing This ioie in God which is the other part of quickening ariseth from hence to wit in that we know God now to be pacified towardes vs and that we are able to performe the Law and bee conformed and correspondent vnto the Law and God 4 What are the causes of conuersion THE principal efficient cause of conuersion is the holie Ghost Conuert vs and we shal be conuerted The instrumentall causes or meanes are first the Lawe then the Gospell and after the doctrine of the Gospel hath beene preached Lamen 5 2● againe the doctrine of the Law For the preaching of the Law goeth before preparing vs to the preaching of the Gospel because without the Lawe there is no knowledge of sinne and therefore no griefe or sorrowe for sinne Afterwardes followeth the preaching of the Gospell because without the Gospel there is no faith after the preaching of the Gospel againe followeth in the church the preaching of the Law that it maie be the squire of our actions So doe the Prophets first accuse threaten and exhort and then promise and lastlie exhort againe Such was also Iohn Baptistes preaching And such is the preaching doctrine of repentance which comprehendeth the Law the gospel The next instrumentall cause is faith because without faith there is no loue of God and except wee knowe what the wil of God is as namely that hee wil remit vnto vs our sinnes by and for Christ conuersion will neuer be begunne in vs neither in respect of the first part thereof which is Mortification neither in respect of the second part which is Quickening For by faith are the harts of men purified without faith there is no true ioying i● God neither can wee without faith loue god And whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne All good works flow from faith as from their fountain We being iustified by faith haue peace with god The furthering causes of conuersion are The crosse chastisementes as also punishmentes benefites and examples of others The subiect or matter of conuersion which belongeth to the mind will and hart is 1. Jn the minde and vnderstanding a right iudgement concerning god his wil and workes 2. In the wil an earnest and ready desire and purpose to obey god according to al his commaundementes 3. In the hart a good reformed affection The obiect of conuersion is 1. Sin or disobediēce which is the thing from which we are conuerted 2. Righteousnes or new obedience which is the thing whereunto we are conuerted The formal cause of conuersion is the conuersion it selfe and the properties thereof The chiefe finall cause of conuersion is gods glorie The next and subordinate ende is our good euen our blessednes and fruition of euerlasting life There is another end also of conuersion which is lesse principall to wit the conuersion of others When thou art conuerted confirme thy brethren Let your light so shine before men that they may glorifie your heauenly father which is in heauen 5 What are the effectes of conuersion THE effectes of conuersion are all good woorkes and an earnest desire both to obey God according to all his commandements without exception also to conuert and recall others into the way The conuerted or beleeuers sinne indeede oftentimes but they defend not their sinnes but endeuour more and more to shun and auoide them OF GOOD-WORKES THE chiefe Questions 1 What good-workes are 2 How they may be doone 3 Whether the works of Saints be perfectly good 4 How our woorkes though not perfectlie good please God 5 Why we are to doe good-workes 6 Whether good-woorkes merit any thing in the sight of God 1 WHAT GOOD-WORKES ARE. GOOD workes are such as are done according to the prescript rule of Gods Lawe with a true faith to the glorie of God onlie Three things are heere to be considered 1 The conditions cirumstances required for the making a woorke good 2 The difference betweene the woorkes of the regenerate and the vnregenerate 3 Jn what sort the morall woorkes of the wicked are sinnes 1 That a work which we do may be good these conditions are required necessarily vnto it 1 That it be commāded of God Matt. 15 9. Jn vaine they woorshippe mee teaching for doctrines mens precepts No creature hath the right or wisedome and vnderstanding to institute and ordaine the worship of God But good woorkes wee speake of morall good and the worship of God are all one Nowe Morall good is farre differing from naturall good in as much as al actions as they are actions euen those of the wicked are good that is naturallie but all actions are not good morally that is agreeing with the iustice of God And thus is
the couenaunt which is the Moral Law must bee reteined and written in our harts Now if they vrge those words which the prophet addeth They shall teach no more euerie man his neighbour for they shal al know me That hereby they may conclude That men are not in the newe Testament to bee willed to knowe God for that they shal of themselues know him and obey him they er too grossely going aboue to remooue the instrumentall cause by reason that the effect in the new Testament is greater and more plentifull For that men may know God and of their own accord obey him the holy Ghost worketh by the doctrine of the Lawe and the Gospell Neither doth it follow that they are not bound neither are to bee vrged by incitements of exhortation because they doe their dutie of themselues For binding and exhorting is a far other thing than constraining Wherfore in two respectes hath the law place in instructing the regenerate namely that they maie learne of the Lawe the will of God and may also by the Lawe bee more and more incited willinglie to obey God 4 The Moral Law is a testimonie of God that there is a god and likewise who and what he is This is a lesse principall vse of the Lawe as also those that followe but the former are principal vses of the Lawe 5. Jt is a testimonie of the church For seeing in the Church onely the doctrine of the Lawe hath beene preserued pure and vncorrupt which all other sects haue by assenting to manifest errours and impieties diuerslie corrupted the voice of the Lawe which soundeth in the church is an euident testimonie disciphring and declaring which is the people of God and which is true religion in the world 6. Jt is a testimonie of the excellencie of mans nature which was before the fall and which shall bee in the life to come that is it remembreth vs of the Image of god in man which was created in him and which is restored in him by Christ 7. Jt is a testimonie of eternal life For the Law must be obserued by vs because it was not in vaine giuen vs. And seeing in this life the Lawe hath not his ende in vs there must needs be therefore remaining yet another life wherin we are to liue according to the prescript of the law that so at length the Lawe may be fulfilled of vs. Wherefore in respect of al these causes and vses let vs conclude and resolue that the Law of god is to be inculcated in the church of Christ both after and before the doctrine of the gospel and is continually and diligently to be meditated on by all men according to the doctrin deliuered in the first Psalm His delight is in the Lawe of God and in his Lawe doth he meditate both day and night 4 Jn what the Law differeth from the Gospel THIS question hath been already handled in the second part Of mans deliuerie Pag. 264. and therefore needeth here no long discourse The Lawe differeth from the Gospell 1. Jn the manner of their manifestation The Lawe is knowen by nature the gospel was manifested from aboue 2. Jn their matter or doctrine The Lawe teacheth what wee ought to bee and what to perfourme The gospell teacheth how we may be such namely in Christ 3. In their promises The Law promiseth eternal life and al good things with a condition of our owne proper and perfect righteousnesse and obedience remaining in vs The gospel promiseth the same with a condition of faith and beliefe in christ whereby we embrace an others obediēce performed for vs to wit the obedience of Christ Now with this condition of faith is ioined by an indissoluble knot and bond the condition of new obedience 5 How far the Law is abrogated THE whole Law is abrogated vnto beleeuers 1. As touching iustification because iudgement is not giuen according to the Law for that iudgement would condemne and cast vs away but according to the gospel 2. As touching constraint We are vnder grace and therefore are we stirred vp by the spirite of Christ to yeelde voluntary obedience vnto the Law For seeing the whole Law is abrogated vnto beleeuers then verily the Moral Law is also abrogated vnto them in the same respect namely as touching iustification or condemnation and as touching violent constraint For now the Law doth not any more expresse and wrest obedience frō vs as a tyrant or as a master enforcing constraining a lewd seruant vnto obedience The reason is because Christ beginneth voluntarie and free obedience in vs by his spirit Obiection The Law and the Prophetes continue vntil John the Baptist came If therefore then first the Moral Law was abrogated as touching condemnation when Christ was manifested in the flesh it followeth that those were vnder condemnation who liued before the comming of Christ Answer The Law was abrogated as touching condemnation as wel vnto the beleeuers in the old Testament as to them who are beleeuers in the new To them who liued in the old as touching the power and efficacy of Christ to these in the new as touching his fulfilling and exhibiting The Ceremonial ciuil or Judicial Lawes are wholie abrogated as touching obedience so that there is no necessitie anie more of obseruing them 1. Because they were to continue onlie vnto the cōming of the Messias Gen. 49.10 The scepter shal not depart from Iuda nor a Law-giuer from betweene his feete vntill Siloh come And Dan. 9.26 After threescore and two weekes shall Messias be slain and shal haue nothing the people of the prince that shal come shal destroie the cittie and the Sanctuarie and the end thereof shall bee with a floode and vnto the ende of the battell it shall bee destroied by desolations Ephes 2.14 Hee is our peace which hath made of both one and hath broken the stop of the partition wal Jn abrogating through his flesh the hatred that is the Law of commaundementes which standeth in ordinances The Ceremonial Lawes then are taken awaie by Christ a type of whome they were that which also Stephen declareth in his Sermon Actes 7.7 Likewise the author of the Epistle to the Hebrues 2. Because the Messias beeing exhibited the types cease such as were the ceremonial Lawes Coloss 2.17 which are but a shadow of things to come but the body is in Christ But the Ceremoniall are said neuerthelesse to be perpetual because they were to last vntill the comming of the Messias As also because the things signified by them are eternall Against the abrogating of the ciuill or iudiciall lawes this is obiected The best and most iust forme of gouernment is to be followed But there can bee none better or iuster than that which God himselfe settled among his people Therefore that is to be followed and reteined Aunswere Either the Maior of this reason may bee distinguished or the Minor denied with an exposition For that which in positiue lawes that is
Law indeed that is not by our owne obedience but yet not against the Lawe that is not without anothers perfect satisfaction for vs we are iustified before God but the Lawe is also established by faith through the beginning of newe obedience in this life and the acomplishing of the same in the life to come Acts. 15. Purifieng their hearts by faith Gal. 5.5 We through the spirite waite for the hope of righteousnesse through faith These and the like asseuerations that the Decalogue is to be taught in the new Testament and the commaundementes of christ and the Apostles agreeing with the Decalogue doe most euidently refute the impiety of Antinomies Libertines and such like who contend that the law is not to be taught in the church of christ The same also may be gathered out of the vse of Gods Law which vse thereof seeing it must be continuall in the church it followeth that the Law it selfe also must be perpetual Which that it may be the more manifest let the chiefe obiections opposed against it be considered 1 Obiection Christ is not the Law-giuer as it is said The Lawe was giuen by Moses but grace and trueth came by Christ Therefore neither he nor the ministers of the Gospell should teach the Law Aunswere Christ is not the Law-giuer as concerning the chiefe and principall function and office of the Mediatour For that is to bring foorth the gospell out of the bosome of his father to make request and intercession to be made a sacrifice for vs and by the gift of the Holy Ghost to reconcile vs vnto God But a part notwithstanding of this office is to shew and take away those errours wherewith the Lawe is corrupted and to propound the pure Doctrine thereof to this end that the mindes of men may thereby bee prepared to heare the preaching of the gospel which is proper vnto the Messias and that they being conuerted may be instructed what thankefulnes God requireth of thē for the benefit of their redemption Christ then is the Law-giuer as he is God and author of the law together with the father but as hee is Mediatour hee is not indeed the law-giuer because he publisheth not the Law as it is saide 1. John 2. but yet notwithstanding hee is the purger repairer and restorer of the law from corruptions and this not principally but that hee might performe the principall function of his Mediatourship to wit our reconcilement saluation The same answere we make also concerning the ministers of the gospell in asmuch as they are to propound no other Doctrine vnto the Church than Christ hath deliuered 2 Obiect Hee that hath satisfied the Lawe by punishment is not bound to obedience because the Lawe bindeth either to punishment or to obedience but not vnto both together But wee haue satisfied the Lawe by Christs punishment Therefore we stand not bound to perfourm obedience Aunswere We distinguish the Maior First he that hath suffered a sufficient punishment is not bound to obedience to witte not to the same obedience for the omitting whereof he suffered punishment but after that satisfaction hath been made by punishment for sinne committed he is bound notwithstanding hence forwarde to obey the lawe or to suffer newe punishment if through new disobedience he breake the lawe Secondly hee that hath satisfied not by his owne punishment but by anothers and is receiued into fauour without his owne satisfaction ought to obey the lawe though not as thereby to satisfie for sinnes yet to shewe his thankefulnes that is hee ought to order and direct his life according to his will by whom he is redeemed and of whom he is receiued into fauour For no man is therefore punished for sinne committed or deliuered from the crime therof that he should persist in it but that he should leaue off hence forwarde to commit sin any more and to offend him vnto whom hee is reconciled Wherefore in like manner wee also because Christ hath satisfied for our sins stand bound to performe the obediēce not of the time past but of the time to come and this also are we bound to perfourme not for any expiation or recompence of those sins which either wee haue committed or doe commit or hereafter shall commit but for the shewing of our thankefulnesse for the benefite of Christ whereby wee are deliuered from sinne and death This doth S. Paul teach Rom. 6. Hee that is dead is free from sinne Againe Likewise thinke ye also that yee are dead to sinne but are aliue to god in Jesus Christ our Lord. 3 Obiection Christians are not ruled by the Lawe but by the spirite of regeneration according as it is said ye are not vnder the lawe but vnder grace Againe The lawe is not giuen vnto the righteous man Therefore it is not to be taught in the Church of Christ Aunswere Christians are not ruled that is are not compelled and constrained by the law and feare of punishment vnto whatsoeuer discipline or order like as are the wicked but yet they are taught and instructed by the law of God what worship is pleasing vnto god and the holy Ghost vseth the voice of the Lawe to teach and incline them to an obedience not constrained or hypocritical but true and voluntary so that not only the Law commandeth them what to doe but the spirite also of grace dooth giue them ability to obay For this is not to be vnder the Law and the Law not to be giuen vnto the righteous So then the bond and Doctrine remaineth albeit the condemnation and constraint is taken away For vnto this are wee bound that our obedience be most free and voluntary Rom. 8.12 We are debters not to the flesh to liue after the flesh 4 Obiection The Lawe is not necessarie vnto saluation Therefore it is not to be taught in the Church Aunswere This reason is a fallacie reasoning that not to bee simplie so which is not in some respect so For albeit the Lawe is not necessarie to this that wee shoulde through our obedience vnto it be saued yet is it necessarie vnto other thinges as hath beene taught already in the doctrine concerning the vse of the Law 5 Obiection Coloss 2.3 Jn Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdome and knowledge Againe Yee are complete in him Therefore there is no neede of the Lawe in the Church of Christ Aunswere This reason deceiueth by inferring a false consequent because it proceedeth from the putting of the whole to the denial of a part The whole wisedome and knowledge that is the Doctrine of Christ deliuered by him vnto vs is sufficient necessary for the Church But a part of that Doctrine is the Morall Lawe also because Christ commanded not faith only but repentance also amendment of life to be preached in his name he himselfe deliuered and declared the Lawe The compleatnesse therefore and perfection of our wisedome and saluation which we haue in Christ doth not exclude but include
concupiscence Therefore it is no sinne Aunswere An Inclination whether it bee according to Gods lawe or inordinate which is mooued towardes such thinges as displease God is sinne To desire the fruit of a tree is naturall but as it was desired of Eue beeing forbidden of God it was sinne But originall sinne and concupiscence differ For concupiscence is a propension to those things which are forbidden by the lawe Originall sinne is the guilt of all mankind the want of the knowledge and will of God 2 Obiection That which is not in our power to cause either to bee in vs or not to be in vs is no sinne Concupiscence is not in our power Therefore it is no sinne Aunswere The Maior is true except wee haue lost that power through our owne fault otherwise it is false For God requiring of vs vnpossible things doth not iniurie vs because hee commaunded them when they were possible Neither hath he nowe lost his right of requiring that of vs which hee left with vs. 3 Obiection In Baptisme sinne is taken away Therefore concupiscence is not sinne in those that are baptized Aunswere The guilt of sinne is taken awaie in baptisme but not the corruption or inclination to sinne 4 Obiection Sinne maketh men obnoxious to the wrath of God Concupiscence doth not make the regenerate obnoxious to Gods wrath Therefore concupiscence is no sinne Aunswere Concupiscence dooth not make the regenerate obnoxious to the wrath of God that is by reason of the grace of God but this commeth not thereof as if concupiscence were no sinne For neither doe other sinnes condemne the regenerate And this is it that the School-men say The Formal of sinne is taken away and the Material remaineth 5 Obiect Where the formall of sinne is taken away there also the thing it selfe is taken awaie that is the material of sinne or sinne it selfe But in baptisme the formal of sinne is taken awaie Therefore sin it selfe is taken away in Baptisme Answere There is a double formal of sinne 1. The guilt that is the appointing of it to punishment which guilt is taken awaie 2. The repugnancie with the Law and an inclination to sin which abideth NOW we haue expounded the Decalogue or Ten cōmaundements there are two Questions as yet remaining concerning the Lawe which haue beene heretofore handled and now are brieflie to be run ouer againe 1. Howe the Law is possible or How men may keepe it 2. What is the vse of the Lawe since in this life we are not able to fulfill it S. Ierome saith Let him be accursed who saith the Lawe is vnpossible to wit with grace in Christ And againe Let him be accursed who saith the Law is possible that is without grace 1 How the Law is possible THAT this Question maie the better be vnderstoode we are to distinguish the nature of mā as it was first entire vncorrupt and afterwardes fallen and againe restored Vnto nature entire and vncorrupt the whole Lawe as touching al parts and degrees thereof is possible as vnto Angels Vnto the regenerate who haue nature restored againe the Lawe is possible 1. As concerning outward order and discipline 2. By the benefite of iustification and regeneration both which benefites wee obtaine by faith 3. As touching the beginning of inwarde and outward obedience in this life 1. Ioh. 5.3 Likewise as concerning the imputation of Christes iustice in whom is our victorie Hee that without the beginning of obedience that is without regeneration glorieth that hee knoweth and worshippeth God is a lier But the Law is vnpossible to the regenerate in respect of God that is as touching the perfect inward and outwarde obedience of the Law For they fulfil not the Lawe perfectly because they doe many things contrary to the Lawe And those things also which they doe according to the Law are vnperfect For in the regenerate are many sinnes yet remaining as original sinne many actual sinnes ignoraunces omissions infirmities which their sins thēselues notwithstāding acknowledge and bewaile Therefore regenerate sinners differ much from vnregenerate sinners And this difference is threefolde 1. The purpose in God himselfe of sauing the regenerat 2. The certaine final repentaunce of the regenerat 3. Euen in the very sinnes of the regenerate there remaineth some beginning of true faith conuersion The wicked and vnregenerate in whom is nature fallen but not restored haue neither whole obedience nor the beginning of obedience 2 What is the vse of the Law SAINT Paul teacheth two vses of the Law in his Epistle to the Galathians 1. The knowledge of sinne 2. That it is a Schoole-Master vnto Christ In nature vncorrupted the vses of the Law were 1. Conformitie with God 2. A good conscience In nature corrupted the vses or endes of the Lawe are 1. Mainteinaunce of order and discipline as wel in the regenerate as vnregenerate 2. That we maie know that God is and what he is 3. The knowledge of sinne 4. A preparing to despaire in the reprobate 5. A meane whereby repentance maie be kindled and encreased in Gods chosen 6. A leuil or rule of liuing vnto the faithful and that whereunto we must tend and shoot as vnto our mark The Law then hath his vse both before and after conuersion It is profitable for the acknowledgement of sinne and repentaunce because it is a rule vnto vs whereunto we are to frame our life and thankefulnes Likewise it is a glasse vnto vs wherein wee maie see our wantes that so our renuing encreasing our praieng also maie encrease whereby we desire more more to be conformed vnto God and his Law The obiections whereby the aduersaries endeuor to prooue that there is no vse of the lawe vnto christians are these 1 That which cannot be kept ought not to bee taught because it profiteth nothing The Law cannot be kept Therefore the Lawe ought not to be taught Aunswere The Maior is false For the Law is to be taught that we maie striue and endeuour to come as neere as we can vnto it Obiection 2. Hee that commaundeth vnpossible things commaundeth vnprofitable thinges God commaundeth the Lawe which is vnpossible Therefore God commaundeth vnprofitable things Aunswere He commaundeth vnprofitable thinges who commandeth vnpossible thinges that is 1. Jf they be simply vnpossible 2. Jf they be alwaies vnpossible 3. If there be no other vses of this commaunding but that those things be done which are commaunded Now we haue heard before which are the endes of the Lawe for which ends of the law before declared God wil haue both the Law to be commanded and vs to be taught the same Obiection 3. What God wil not giue vs and so what wee are not able to attaine vnto that wee maie not desire God wil not giue vs perfect fulfilling of the Law in this life Therefore we ought not to desire perfectly to fulfil the Lawe Aunswere Wee ought not to craue or desire that which God will not giue vs that is except God
withdrawen from those errors which happily we drunk in in our childhood 3. Because we are to hold the foundation vpon which we may build and vnto which we may referre those thinges which wee reade 4. Because God receaueth not into fauour those who by their iudgement cannot discerne betweene things honest and dishonest this is to be vnderstood touching those who are able to receaue instruction neither doth saluation befal to those who haue vnderstanding without agnising and profession of the truth or without faith repentance This is life eternall Iohn 17.3 Rom. 10.17 that they know thee to be the only verie God And faith commeth by hearing Now no man beleeueth in him of whom he hath neuer heard There must therefore in the Church be deliuered such a summe of doctrine of which the ruder and yonger sort also may bee capable 5. Because of order and seemlines For as the Children of the Iewes after Circumcision were instructed in the Lawe so it beseemeth vs also after Baptisme to instruct our little ones in the first principles of Religion 6 It is necessary also for the rude and yonger sort that they bee seuered and discerned from the Heathen Obiection But we may haue an implicit or confused faith Therefore no neede of instruction Aunswere No faith is without knowledge therfore there is need of instructiō Rom. 10.14 Iohn 3.36 How shal they beleeue in him of whom they haue not hard He that beleeueth not in the Sonne the wrath of God abideth on him OF THE HOLY SCRIPTVRE WE see all men who at leastwise striue not to cast off all sense of humanitie to imbrace and professe some opinion of God and his wil as also some manner of worshipping him partly drawen from nature her selfe and partly by persuasion receaued which is it that they cal Religiō Now albeit al wil easily grant that to be the true Religion which hath beene deliuered by God himselfe neither will they seem to haue come vnto that degree of impudency as not to yeeld their assent vnto God when he speaketh of himselfe and of his owne wil yet notwithstanding which maie be that Religion deliuered from aboue wil neuer be agreed vpon amongest men vntil our Lord Iesus Christ returning to iudge the quick and dead doe decide the controuersie There are two opinions of Religion The one deemeth that in euery Religion which doth leade a man towardes God saluation is to be found The iust man shal liue by his faith that is euery man as these men interpret it shall liue by his faith what maner so euer it be But this opinion is not true because there is but one true Religion others are false lying at variance with the true according as it is said He that beleeueth not in the Sonne the wrath of God abideth on him The other opinion thinketh and that rightly that that is the true Religion in which God is truely worshipped and that to be but one that in it onely men shal be saued But the Church of God doth certainly know and though all the Diuels and wicked ones stamp at it doth professe that this is the alone true and wholesome doctrine of God and his worship which God himselfe euen from the creation of man deliuered by his owne voice to our first fathers and afterwards would haue to be contained in the scriptures by the Prophets and Apostles Since then whatsoeuer we may affirme of God and the saluation of men doth depend on the written word we wil first consider these foure things as touching the Scripture before wee come to make recitall what our selues affirme 1 What the holie Scripture teacheth or how Christian doctrine is diuided 2 What Religion deliuered in the Scriptures differeth from other religions or how we ought to discerne the true Church and to disseuer her from other sects 3 From whence it appeareth this Religion alone to be true and diuine and al others to be forged 4 For what cause no doctrine besides the holy Scripture is to bee receaued into the Church OF THE FIRST QVESTION What the holy scripture teacheth THE argument and summe of the whole sacred Scripture cannot be more rightly nor more simply nor with more perspicuous breuitie comprised thē the holy Ghost hath comprised it in the ten commandements Creed in which the Articles of our Faith are rehearsed which will be manifest inough if we remēber that the whole Scripture consisteth of twoo partes the Law and the Gospell The Catechisme of Heidelberg maketh mention of three of which yet the first the third appertaine vnto the Law Others make fiue parts The Decalog or tenne commandements the Law the Creed the Sacraments and praier But the Decalog is the summe of the Law and therefore is it to be referred vnto the Law which is the former part The Creede conteineth the summe of the Gospel and therefore must it be referred vnto the Gospell which is the secōd part The Sacraments are as appurtenāces adioined vnto the doctrine of the Gospel therfore also they are referred vnto the second part Praier is a part of the worship of God and therefore to be referred vnto the Law There are also who say this doctrine of the Church is diuided 1. Into the doctrine as touching God 2. into the doctrin concerning his wil 3. into the doctrine concerning his works But these three parts are handled both in the Lawe and in the Gospel An argument from the diuision 1. For al the doctrine concerning God is either of the nature or of the will or of the workes of God Wherefore what the nature of God is is taught in the Law and Gospel His wil is seene either in his commandements or in his threatnings or in his promises Now his works either are his benefites or the iudgementes of his will which are to be beheld in the creation after the fal in the restoring of man Besides these the sinnes also of men and diuels are described And of all these wee are taught either in the Law or in the Gospel or in both Wherefore the Law the Gospel are the chiefe generall heads which comprehend al the doctrine of the Scripture 2 Christ himselfe hath made this diuision saying So it is written and so it behooued Christ to suffer Testimonies and to rise from the dead the third day and that in his name should be preached repentance and remission of sinnes Now all this is conteined in the Law and the Gospell 3 Because the Law and the Gospel doe comprehend the same which are comprehended in the writings of the Prophets and Apostles and in the doctrine of the Church in which is comprehended what God hath done vnto vs and what of vs hee requireth Therefore haue we well diuided the Doctrine of the Church into the Law and the Gospel 4 We doe gather also the self-same argument of the holy scripture by this From the definition of the subiect to wit
conuicted by the force of the trueth to haue stubbornely sought after error and blindnes The difference of this true doctrine from others 1 This doctrine was deliuered from God other Sectes are sprung from men and haue beene inuented by Diuels 2 True Religion hath firme testimonies diuine such as quiet consciences The Law by nature known yet darckened and conuince al other Sects of error 3 In the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles is deliuered the whole Lawe of God rightly vnderstood and vncorrupt and both the Tables of the Law are perfectly kept As for other Sects they cast away the principal parts of Gods Law that is to say the doctrine concerning the true knowledge and worshippe of God which is contained in the former Table of the Decalog as also they do reiect the inward and spirituall obedience of the second Table That little good and true which they haue is a part of the commandement concerning the discipline conteined in the second Table or concerning the outwarde and ciuile duties towardes men The Gospel by nature not knowen 4 The whole Gospel of Christ that rightly vnderstood is in the true church alone taught and in this true doctrine alone is it contained Other sects either are clean ignorant of it as the Ethnickes Philosophers Iewes Turkes who also are as very enemies of the Church or they doe patch some litle part of it out of the doctrine of the Apostles vnto their owne errors of which part yet they neither know nor perceiue the vse as the Arrians Papists Anabaptists and al other Heretikes of whom some concerning the person others concerning the office of our mediator maintaine errors Al these though they arrogate vnto themselues the title of the Church and professe the name of Christ yet since that they depart from that onely foundation of the Church which is Christ that is since they do not acknowledge Christ either to be true God or true man neither do seek for righteousnes and saluation wholy in him they are not the members of the true Church not so much as in outward profession as it is said 1. Iohn 4. Euery spirit which confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is the spirit of Antichrist The difference of this true Doctrine from Philosophie It is true that wee studie Philosophie and not the Doctrine of other sectes but yet there is a very great differēce between these twoo Doctrines 1. Philosophie is whollie naturall but the principall part of this doctrine that is the Gospel is reuealed from aboue euen from God 2. Only this doctrine declareth the Gospel Philosophie is quite ignorant of it 3. The Doctrine of the Church sheweth the originals of our miseries Philosophie doth not so 4 This doctrine whereas it doth assure vs of eternal life it doth minister comfort vnto our consciences and sheweth vs the way how to wade out of dangers Philosophie teacheth vs not so much as this 5. Of this we are taught the whole Law Philosophie letteth passe the chiefest partes Indeede Philosophie conteineth two partes profitable for mans life as Logick Mathematikes others which God would not deliuer in this doctrine But as concerning this doctrine Philosophie hath but a little part of the Law that obscurely and that taken out but of a few preceptes of the Law It hath certain common comforts those that are not common it hath not as being proper vnto the Church Commō comfortes are these 1 The prouidence of God or the necessitie of obaying him 2. A good conscience 3. The woorthines of vertue 4. The final causes or the endes which vertue proposeth 5. The examples of others 6. Hope of reward 7. A comparing of euentes because a lesse euil is compared vnto a greater Those comforts which are not common but proper vnto the Church are 1. Remission of sinnes 2. The presence of God in miseries themselues 3. Our finall deliuerie Certaine notes or markes by which the Church is distinguished from others The marks which distinguish the Church or the professors of true doctrine from others are these 1. Puritie of doctrine 2. The right vse of the Sacramentes 3. Obedience towards God and his doctrine both in life and maners Many times truly great vices do grow in the Church but they are not maintained as falleth out in other Sectes For the true Church is the first her selfe that doth comprehend and condemne them before any other As long as this remaineth so long remaineth the Church OF THE THIRD QVESTION Whence it may appeare that this Religion alone was deliuered of God which is conteined in the Scripture GOD in the very creation of the woorld put this bridle in the mouth of all reasonable creatures that no man without extreme and manifest impudencie such as was the Diuels in paradise durst saie that anie thing if it were once apparantly knowen to haue beene spoken or commaunded by God might be called into question or that any man might refuse to obey it Here-hence are those things so often inculcated in the Prophets Hearken O heauens hearken O earth For the Lord hath spoken Thus saith the Lord. The woorde of the Lord came to Esaias Ieremias c. Since therefore it appeareth that the bookes of the olde and new Testament are the wordes of God there is no place left of doubting whether that bee the true Religion and doctrine which is conteined in them But whether these bookes were written by diuine instinct and by what proofes and Testimonies we are certaine of so great a matter this is a question not to be let passe of vs. Wherefore this question is necassary For except this aboue all other things remain stedfast and immoueable that whatsoeuer we read in the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles doth as truely declare the wil of God vnto vs as if wee did heare God openly speaking to vs from heauen it cannot chuse but that the very foundation and whole certainty of Christian Religion must bee weakned Wherefore it is a consideration worthy those who are desirous of the Glory of God and do seeke for sure comfort to enquire whence it may appeare vnto vs that the holy Scripture is the word of God To this question now long since answere hath bin made by the Papists that forsooth it is not otherwise certain The first part The autority of the Scripture doth not depēd of the Church then because the Church doth confirme it by her Testimonie But we as we neither reiect nor contemne the Testimony of the true Church so we doubt not but their opinion is pestilent and detestable who often saie that the holie Scriptures haue not their authoritie else-where then from the woorde of the Church For first wicked is it and blasphemous to say 1. Reason The reproch of God that the autority of Gods woord dependeth of the testimonie of man And if it be so that the chiefest cause why
not knowing the scriptures neither were they the true Church though they seased vpon the name and place of it 2 Answere Vniuersallie Secondly the true Church indeede erreth not vniuersallie For alwaies the light of the truth especially concerning the foundation of doctrine is preserued in some mens minds wherupon the Church is called the pillar and ground of truth But yet neuertheles some also of the godly oftentimes fall into errors through ignorance and infirmitie yet so that they hold the foundation neither doe they defend their erronious opinions contrarie to their conscience and at length they forsake them euen as it is said If anie man builde vpon this foundation gold 1 Cor. 3. Ephes 4. 1 Cor. 12 siluer c. And Philip. 3. If ye bee otherwise minded God shal reueile euen the same vnto you Last of al there is giuen vnto euery man grace according vnto the measure of the gift of Christ And the spirit distributeth to euerie man seuerallie as he wil. The Apostles before they had receiued the holie Ghost at Whitsontide were the liuely members of the Church yet erred they concerning the kingdom office of the Messias There were of the Chiliasts opinion great men in the Church as Pasias Irenaeus Apollinarius Tertullian Victorinus Lactantius Methodius Martyr And therefore although the Church er not vniuersallie yet oftentimes some of her members erre when as they swarue from the woord which God suffereth not seldome to happen vnto them for to keepe vs beeing warned of our weakenes and blindnes in modestie and his true feare and in daily inuocating of him and withal to teach vs that the truth of doctrine is not to be measured by the title of the church but by the woord deliuered of him by the handes of the Prophets and Apostles as it is said Thy woord O Lord is a lanterne vnto my feet Psalm 119. and a light vnto my pathes Likewise 1 Tim. 6. Keepe that which is committed vnto thee and auoid profane and vaine bablinges This ground beeing once laied 7 Obiection The Church ought to obey Bishops by the commandement of God that so far foorth the Church erreth not as it doth not swarue from the written woord of God it is easy to answere to that which they make shew of to the contrarie that the Church is ruled by Bishops and therefore must obey them as it is saied Act. cap. 20. Take heede vnto all the flocke whereof the holy Ghost hath made you ouerseers to gouerne the Church of God And Mat. 18. If hee refuse to heare the Church let him bee vnto thee as an heathen man and a Publicane Luc. 10. Hee that heareth you heareth mee and hee that despiseth you despiseth mee And to the Hebrewes 13. Obey those who beare rule ouer you For both they must rule and the Church must obey them according vnto the prescript of Gods woord as it is said If any man preach any other doctrine let him bee accursed Aunswere Necessarilie in those 〈◊〉 things which belong to the ministery frely in traditions Gal. 1. Whatsoeuer therfore the ministers propound out of the woord of God vnto the Church wee must of necessity obey it that which the Lord teacheth Matt. 23.2 when hee saieth The Scribes the Pharisees sit in Moyses chaire All therefore whatsoeuer they bid you obserue that obserue and doe For they sit in Moses chaire who teach Moses doctrine in the Church If also they ordaine any thinges indifferen● and of a middle sort which are profitable these also are to be obserued for maintaining of order and auoiding of offence But if they require vs to beleeue or obserue thinges repugnant to the woord of God or thinges that are in their owne nature indifferent with putting an opinion of necessitie in them and of woorshipping of God they sit no longer in Moses chaire but in the chaire of scorners and of them it is said Iohn 10. The sheepe heard them not Likewise 1. Tim. 4. In the latter times some shall depart from the faith and shal giue heed vnto the spirites of error And that the decrees of the Bishops also are not to bee receaued among the precepts and decrees of the Church is confirmed by the example of the ciuill magistrate whose iust good Lawes binde the cōsciences of the subiects 1 Inst For the dissimilitude of the examples consisteth in that that God himselfe by expresse woorde hath decreed a necessitie of obedience to the Lawes and commandements of the ciuil magistrate 1 Instance The magstrate doth bind the consciences therfore Bishops which are not repugnant vnto his Law but hath giuen a liberty of conscience in traditions of the Church so that he pronounceth himselfe to be angrie with him who obeieth not ciuil magistrats as long as they command nothing repugnant to his Lawes but not with them which without offence do contrarie to the constitutions of Bishops For of the magistrate it is said Rom. 13. We must obey him for conscience sake But of thinges indifferent in the Church Coloss 2. Let no man condemne you in meat or drink or in respect of a holy daie 2 Instance The higher power doth more bind 1 Answere Likewise Gal. 5. Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made vs free Now if againe they reply that the office of Bishops is aboue the ciuil power and therefore hath greater force then that to bind men to obey first we graunt that more obedience is due vnto the superior power then to the inferiour as long as it commaundeth nothing contrarie to Gods woorde As long therefore as the ministers propound the word of God vnto the Church and for auoiding of offence commaund such thinges to be obserued as appertaine to decencie and order they do not now offend against them but against God whosoeuer obey them not But if they require their lawes concerning thinges indifferent to be obserued with putting an opinion of necessitie in them and of the worship of God and do make them necessarie when there is no danger of offence to ensue Because this charge is contrarie to the word of God no obedience is due vnto it Further we confesse that greater obedience is due vnto the superiour power in those things in which it is superiour that is in which God would haue other powers to obey it But the ministerial power is superiour vnto the ciuil in those things which belong properly vnto the ministerie that is which are of God deliuered commaunded and committed vnto the ministers that by them they may bee declared vnto the Church But of matters indifferent concerning which nothing is either commanded or forbidden of God the ciuil power is superiour by reason of the authoritie which God in these matters hath giuen vnto the ciuil magistrate and not to the ministers of the Church Obiection 8 But against this they returne againe That wee also doe alleadge the Testimonies of councels fathers in
and true conuersion vnto God By this testimonie of the holie Ghost wee know that wee are Gods after wee are once deliuered from these miseries For the holy ghost which is the surest pledge of this thing doth witnes in our hartes that they trulie belong vnto vs. For hee maketh vs to serue God without feare Luk. 1.74 Gal. 4 6. And this Spirit of Christ which God hath sent foorth into our hartes crieth Abba Father 6. Our certaintie of euerlasting life This part differeth from the fifth because that is the certaintie of the thinges themselues but this is our certaintie by which wee know these thinges to be certaine And this is the beginning of faith Three things to bee obserued for the attaining vnto this comfort 1 The knowledge of our miserie 2 Our deliuerie 3 Our thankfulnes That we may attaine vnto this comfort three thinges are to bee considered of vs. 1. The knowledge of our miserie that we may desire deliuerance and be thankful to God 2. Our deliuerance without which we haue not comfort 3. Our thankfulnes without which wee are not deliuered Herein is conteined the summe and purpose of the whole sacred Scripture And these doe plainly accord with the diuision of the Scripture or Catholicke doctrine into the Law and Gospel and with the differences of these parts For vnto those three members are the Law and the Gospel referred to the first and third apperteineth the Decalog or tenne commandementes because there is a double vse of the Law the knowledge of our sinne and the rule of our life To the second member appertaineth the Creede because this speaketh of our deliuerie and is the sum of the Gospel The Sacramentes likewise are to be referred vnto the second part because they seal that which is taught in the Gospel They are those appurtenances as it were adioyned to the promise of grace and the seals of iustification by faith Praier belongeth vnto the third part that is to thankfulnes because praier is the chiefest part of thankfulnesse Out of these arise foure questions 1. From these arise fower quaestions 1 Quaestion For what cause these three are necessarie for our obtaining of comfort 2. Whence we may knowe these three euen out of the Lawe and the Gospel 3. How 4. Wherefore The knowledge of our miserie is necessarie for our obtaining of comfort 1. Because if we knew not our miserie Why these three are necessarie for the obtaining of our comfort Why the knowledge of our misery is necessarie Mat. 11.28 Isaie 57.15 and euen the greatnes of it we should not know the greatnes of our happines neither should we desire deliuerie out of euils If wee desire not deliuerie out of euils wee doe not seeke it if wee seeke it not we obtaine it not because God giueth deliuerie only to those who seeke it it is opened onlie to him that knocketh and so hath God his ende in them euen his worship Blessed are they who thirst after righteousnes Come vnto me al ye that labor I dwel in a contrite spirit That which wee haue now said is confirmed also by this syllogism or form of argument That which is necessarie for to stir vp in vs a desire of deliuerance that is necessarie for our comfort But the knowledge of our miserie is necessarie for the desire of saluation or deliuerance Therefore the knowledge of our miserie is necessarie for the obtaining of our comfort yet not for the comforting of vs for we are terrified by this knowledge of our miserie But this terror is good for vs because except we know our miserie we desire not deliuerie And they that desire not deliuerie receiue it not 2 The knowledge of our miserie is necessarie for the obtaining of our comfort because wee should be vngratefull if we were ignorant out of how great miseries wee were deliuered and drawen For how much the more wee feele the greatnes of our euil so much the more desire wee and with for a remedie and so much the more thankfull are wee towards God because he gaue vs a remedie against sin 3. Because by the preaching of the Lawe is made a preparation to the preaching of grace otherwise there followeth carnal securitie and our comfort is made vnstable Whereof it appeareth that we drawe the knowledge of our miserie chiefly out of the Law that therfore we must begin frō the preaching of the Law as the Prophets and Apostles haue done and that to the end that mens consciences and hearts may be cast downe before God and prepared to repentance and to the receiuing of the gospel Except this be done men wil become more careles and stubburne and pearles shal be throwen to swine to be trodden vnder feet Why the knowledge of our deliuerie is necessarie Igno● nulla cupido The knowledge of our deliuerie is necessarie for our comfort 1. Because a good thing not knowen is not desired according to that There is no coueting after an vnknowen thing When wee haue found it also if wee knowe not what it is wee desire it not and therefore doe not obtaine it Yea that verie meanes by which wee attaine vnto our deliuerie requireth the knowledge of our deliuerie For thou shalt er in the desire of thy deliuery except thou know what and of what qualitie it is and after what manner it is receiued Furthermore wee are made by faith partakers of this deliuerie But faith is not without knowledge Wherefore the knowledge of our deliuerie is necessarie both that we may obtaine it also because the mean instrument it selfe by which we do obtaine it cannot bee without the knowledge of our deliuerie 2. A good thing not knowen doth not comfort that therefore it may comfort thee thou must knowe how great and what maner a good thing it is 3. The knowledge of our deliuerie is necessarie that we may be thankeful because for a thing not knowen to be good wee vse not to giue thankes for that we make light account of it and if we wil be indeed grateful al the circumstances of that good thing are knowen and desired of vs. We know our deliuerie out of the gospel 1. By hearing it 2. By learning it 3. By assenting vnto it and that out of the gospel because the Gospel alone doth promise deliuerie vnto those that beleeue in Christ Now wee must diligently also obserue the maner of our deliuerie that wee doe not our selues imagine or receiue imagined by others any maner of deliuerie to the reproch of Gods name and hazard of our owne saluation The knowledge of our thankefulnes is necessarie for our comfort Why the knowledge of our thankfulnes is necessarie 1. Because no man can doe anie thing gratefull vnto God except he first know what is grateful vnto him For he wil be worshipped and haue vs gratefull vnto him not after that maner which wee will but which himselfe hath prescribed Except therefore thou knowe what
is gratefull vnto him thou shalt reape thence no comfort 2. Because there is first of all true consolation where there is thankfulnes for except thou be thankful thou canst not applie vnto thy selfe the merit of the Sonne of God For it is offered and applied onely to vs being thankful now thou canst not shewe thankfulnesse except thou knowe after what maner the Lord bestoweth on vs his benefites 3. The knowlege of our thankfulnesse is required necessarily because it is the chiefe ende and scope of our deliuery 1 Iohn 3.8 for this purpose appeared the Sonne of God that he might destroie the workes of the diuel 4. That we may know that those thinges which we doe are no merit but onely a declaring of our thankfulnes And what thou giuest thankes for that thou knowest that thou hast not deserued 5. By this thankfulnes our faith comfort is confirmed in vs. Obiection That which of it selfe followeth is not necessarie to be taught But thankfulnes must needes follow of it selfe Therefore it is not necessarie to be taught Aunswere Thankfulnes followeth deliuerie But not the maner of thankfulnes likewise for of this we are to bee instructed out of the word of God Furthermore that proposition is not vniuersally true for a thing may be taught which of it selfe doth greatlie followe for greater and fuller knowledge and confirmation Now thankfulnes it selfe we know 1. Out of the Gospel because it promiseth deliuerie with a condition of repentance 2. Out of the Law because the Law in speciall doth declare and determine the kindes of obedience Seeing that then the true sure and onely comfort of the faithful is the scope of the whole doctrine of christianity seeing that to that comfort these three are necessarily required that is The consideration of mans miserie of his deliuerie and of his thankfulnes it appeareth that these three are the chiefe partes of Christian doctrin And therfore we wil intreat of thē hereafter in order THE FIRST PART OF THE MISERIE OF MAN Whence knowest thou thy miserie OVT of the law of God a Rom. 3.20 What doth the Law of God require of vs That doth Christ summarily teach vs Mat. 22. Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy hart with all thy soule with al thy minde with all thy strength b Luk. 10.27 This is the first and the great commaundement and the second is like to this Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe On these two commaundements hangeth the whole Law and the Prophets Art thou able to keepe all these thinges perfectlie No truely c Rom. 3.10 23. 1 Iohn 1.8 For by nature I am prone to the hatred of God and of my neighbour d Rom 8.7 Ephes 2.3 Tit. 33. Did God then make man so wicked and peruerse Not so e Gen. 1.31 But rather hee made him good and to his owne image f Gen. 1.26 27. that is endewed with true righteousnes and holines that hee might rightly know God his creator and hartily loue him liue with him blessed for euer and that to lawde and magnify him g 2 Cor. 3.18 Col. 3.10 Eph. 4.24 Whence then ariseth this wickednes of mans nature From the fall and disobedience of our first parentes Adam and Eue h Gen. 5. Rom. Hence is our nature so corrupt that wee are all conceaued and borne in sinne i Psal 51.5 Gen. 53. Are wee so corrupt that wee are not at all apt to doe well and are prone to all vice Indeede wee are except we be regenerated by the holie Ghost k Iohn 3.5 Gen. 6.5 Iob. 10.4 15 14.16 3● Esaie 53 6. Doth not God then iniurie to man who in the Law requireth that of him which he is not able to perfourme Noe l Iohn 3.5 Eph. 4.24 For God had made man such a one as he might perfourme it But man by the impulsion of the diuel m Luk 10.30 and his owne stubburnesse bereaued himselfe and all his posteritie of those diuine graces Doth God leaue this stubburnesse and falling-away of man vnpunished Noe But is angrie in most dreadfull maner n Rom. 5 1● Heb. 9.27 as well for the sinnes wherein we are borne as also for those which our selues commit and in most iust iudgement punisheth them with present and euerlasting punishmentes as himselfe pronounceth Cursed bee hee that confirmeth not all the words of this Law to doe them o Deut. 27.26 Gal. 3.10 Is not God therefore mercifull Yea verilie hee is mercifull p Exod. 34.6 but so that hee is also iust q Exod. 20.5 Psal 5.5 2 Cor. 6.14 Wherefore his iustice requireth that the same which is committed against the diuine Maiesty of God should also be recōpenced with extreme that is euerlasting punishmentes both of bodie and soule IN THIS first part concerning the Miserie of man there are three places handled 1 Of sinne 2 Of the creation of man which maketh to the vnderstanding of the former place concerning sin 3 Of free will How we come to the knowledge of our miserie and sinne By the Lawe We know our miserie and that we haue sinned out of the Lawe of God which exacteth and requireth of vs the contrarie to that which is in vs. For we are prone to hate God and our neighbour which is very sinne it selfe but the Lawe requireth of vs the loue of God Nowe the name of miserie stretcheth farther then the name of Sinne. By the name of miserie we vnderstād the euil of trespas or offence that is al sin and the euil of punishment which comprehendeth al the destructions of our reasonable nature as griefes torments calamities To be short the euil of punishment comprehendeth al miseries and sinnes that follow after wherewith sinnes that goe before are punished So the numbring of the people committed by Dauid is both a punishment and a sinne That our miserie is learned out of the Law it appeareth sufficiently by this syllogisme or reason whose * That is proued by a syllogisme Whose maior being set by the Law Deut. 27.16 Gal. 3.30 Mat. 22.38 Maior or first proposition the Law it selfe mentioneth Accursed be euerie one who abideth not in the perfect loue of God and his neighbour Now this loue of God Christ calleth the first greatest commandement Likewise our conscience addeth the * And Minor added by our conscience The conclusion must necessarily follow as an approbation of the sentence of the Law Mat. 22.37 The part of the maior explicated 1 Why In perfect loue and what that is Minor or second propositiō I haue not abiddē in al of these two propositiōs ariseth the conclusion which is the approbation or alowing of the sentence of the Lawe therefore I am accursed So then out of the Law commeth our knowledge of sinne Neuertheles the Maior or first proposition is to be declared more at large First it is said
argument The Lawe sheweth our punishment because it bindeth vs either to yeeld obedience or to suffer punishment But no man performeth that obedience Therefore it bindeth vs to suffer punishment Furthermore the Law sheweth that al euils happen vnto vs because of our sins Againe it sheweth the iustice of God the greatnes and heauines of the wrath of God against sinne Hence ariseth a question whence sinne commeth especiallie since that the Lord made man good and to his owne image To this question apperteineth the common place concerning sinne the creation of man and free wil which three places we wil discourse of in order THE COMMON PLACE OF SINNE THE questions here to bee obserued are these 1 Whether sin be or whence it appeareth to bee in vs. 2 What sinne is 3 How manie kindes of sinne there are 4 What bee the causes of sin 5 What hee the effectes of sinne That sinne is not onely in the world but in vs also We know that sinne is in vs. 1 Out of the Law of God wee know 1. Out of the Law of God that is by comparing our selues and the Law together in considering what the Law requireth and what we haue performed The Law requireth whole and perfect obedience both inward outward But this we find not in our selues Obiect That which teacheth vs to seeke for righteousnes elsewhere then in our selues doth shew vs to be guilty of sin by that we haue knowledge of our sin But the Gospel willeth vnto to despair of ourselues Ob. We know it by the Gospel also Ans Not principally to seeke for righteousnesse elsewhere Therefore by the Gospel we haue knowledge of our sinne Answere I grant that we haue after some sort knowledge of our sinne by the Gospel but not principally For this is the principal vse of the Law But the Gospel presupposeth that which the Law hath proued that is that we are sinners before it sendeth vs to Christ So also sciences which are in order directlie one vnder another take their principles o● chiefe groundes from the sciences next aboue them and proceed according to them not prouing them but taking them as graunted Againe the Gospel doth onelie in generall accuse vs of sinne but doth not in speciall declare what and which be our sinnes But this is the principall and proper function of the Lawe therefore doe wee not put the Law as excluding the Gospel 2 By the Law of nature 3 By testimonies of Scripture 4 By punishments ensuing 5 By sermons which treat of repentance as if by the Law alone we had knowledge of our sin but chiefly and properly 2. We knowe that wee haue sinne in vs by the Lawe of nature or by that iudgement of conscience which is in al men 3. By the testimonies of the holy Scripture as Psalme 14 and 53. Esaie 59.4 By the punishments and miseries which follow sinne 5. By the sermons which treat of repentance Now this question is sette downe 1. against the Libertines 2. for the exercise of repentance And here the question is not whether sinne be in some thing or in some men but whether it bee in all men And because that without the knowledge of those things neither dew honour can bee giuen to God nor saluation befall to vs God wil haue the nature and causes of sinne and the punishmentes thereof to be knowen and searched out of vs. But euen as of the beginning of mankinde so also of his corruption and restoring none know the certaintie besides the Church which is instructed by the voice of God concerning these so weightie matters And therefore the Philosophers doe erre about the verie definition and declaring the nature of sinne while they iudge either outward actions onely or purposes and desires which agree not with honest discipline to bee sinnes but not corrupt inclinations and affections ignorance errors and doubtings of God and his will and in a woord whereas they doe not vnderstand wholly the law of God it cannot be but they must make account of manie most hainous sinnes as of no sinnes They erre also about the cause of sinne for because whereas they are ignorant of the falling away of the diuels from God of the seducement and corruption of mens natures in our first parentes they imagin that sinne was not borne together with vs but that all as they grow in yeares so by their owne will they doe fall into it Last of all they erre about the effect of sinne because both they are ignorant of the euerlasting punishments neither are they able sufficientlie to conceaue of the horrible wrath of God against sinnes no not though they were taught it out of the word of God The Apostle Rom. 7. I had not knowen lust except the Law had said Thou shalt not lust Iohn 16. The holie Ghost shall reprooue the world of sinne because they beleeue not in mee Psal 90. Who knoweth the power of thy wrath For according to thy feare is thine anger WHAT SINNE IS IT is agreed on of all men The nature of sinne that sinne is a thing displeasing God contrarie to righteousnes deseruing punishment as it is said Psalm 5. Thou art not a God that loueth wickednes As therefore the rule of righteousnes is the wil of god so of the cōtrary we are not otherwhere to know what sinne is then by the same rule of mans life actions Therefore the definition of sin in the 1. Epist of Iohn cap. 3. is the truest and plainest Sinne is a transgression of the Law or what soeuer is repugnant to the Law But because here mens mindes seeke further what those euils are which are forbidden and condemned by the law of God we must adde an explication of this definition out of the Sermons and declarations of the Law scattered throughout the whole Scripture to wit That sinne is a defect or an inclination or action repugnant to the law of God offending God making him that sinneth togither with al his posterity guiltie of temporal eternall punishments except remission bee graunted for the Sonne of God our Mediatour The * The Logicians cal it Genus which is the more common nature of a thing or the matter of it general nature of sinne is a defect Likewise an inclination or action Now there are called defectes in the minde ignorance and doubtfulnes of God and his will in the hart a priuation of the loue of God and our neighbour of ioy in god and of an earnest desire and endeuor to obay God according to al his commandementes and an omitting of inward and outward actions which are commanded by the Law of God Or This defect is an absence 1 Of good inclinations in our minde 2. Of the knowledge of God 3. Of motions to obay the Law of God 4. Of inward actions which are required in the Law 5. Of outward actions which follow the inward Now corrupt inclinations are said to bee
that the whole nature of of man that is his mind wil and hart and all his faculties are so depraued that without renewing they can bring foorth none but vitious actions and such as displease God according to those sayinges Rom. 7. For wee know that the law is spirituall but I am carnal sold vnder sinne Again For I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing And Rom. 8. So then they that are in the flesh can not please God Matt. 7. A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit And truly the reason why it must needs be so is not obscure For whatsoeuer is not exactlie agreeable to the rule of the Lawe that cannot please God but deserueth malediction the wrath of God euerlasting as it is said Accursed be euery one that abideth not in all which are writtē in the book of the Law And S. Iam. ca. 2. Whosoeuer shall keep the whole Law yet faileth in one point he is guiltie of al. But no action of men since the fal hath beene wholy agreeable vnto the Lawe wherefore no action of theirs can please God The minor is hereof manifest because the Law in euerie action requireth the knowledge of the true God agreeing with his wil reuealed in the Scripture this end as principal that the true God by that obediēce of the reasonable creature may be honored and furthermore requireth such a desire of obeying god such a loue of god as for a man rather to leese al then to depart euen in the least matter from the wil of god and that there be none no not the least affection or desire or inclination that may cal him from that exceeding and most ardent loue of god and from obedience towards his Law 1. Cor. 10. Doe al things to the glorie of God Deut 6. Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with al thy hart and with al thy minde and with al thy strength But they who are not regenerat in all their actions they doe not so much as acknowledge the true god much lesse doe they refer al to his honor or loue him aboue al things but are turned away from him and are his enemie● Rom. 5. When wee were enemies wee were reconciled to god And cap. 8. The wisedome of the flesh is enmitie against god Wherefore no action of theirs whatsoeuer it appeareth to the shewe agreeth with the rule of the Law of God As it is said Rom. 14. Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne The doctrine of Original sin profitable to be held in the Church This doctrine concerning Original sinne is to bee held in the Church 1. That the knowledge of sinne be perfect 2. Because god will haue our corruption to bee knowen to bee so great as wee can not so much as begin our obedience by our selues without his grace and his holie spirit 3. That wee may know what sinnes are in the godlie and what be the differences of the sinnes which are in the regenerat and in the reprobate What Actual sinne is Actuall sinne is euery inward and outward Action which is repugnant to the Law of god as well in the minde as in outward actions and the omitting of those thinges which the law commaundeth as to will to thinke to follow to doe euil not to will to flie to omitte to doe good Likewise motions and passions contrarie to the Law Hither belongeth that diuision into sinnes of fact and sins of omission The second diuision of Sinne. Raigning sin THere is Raigning sinne and sinne Not-raigning This diuision is taken out of the Apostle Rom. 6. Let not sin raigne in your mortall bodie Sinne Raigning is all sinne which is not repented of and which is not resisted by the grace of the holie Spirit and for which not onely according to the order of gods iustice but also for the thing it selfe hee is guiltie of eternal punishmentes who hath it And it is called Raigning 1. Because it is pampered 2. Because it hath rule ouer a man and maketh him guiltie of eternal dānation Al sins in the wicked are raigning sins Such are all sinnes in the wicked who beleeue not the Sonne and are without faith and repentance That is also in the elect before their conuersion although it be remitted according to the secret purpose of God yet they do not as yet know it In the elect also before their conuersion 1 Iohn 3.8 But after they are conuerted they striue against it that it may not beare rule ouer them It is called also Mortal in which who perseuereth dieth in it perisheth He that committeth sin that is he that of purpose with delite sinneth is of the diuel Where he speaketh of Raigning sin Sin raigning is all sin in the regenerate before their conuersion in the not regenerat continually whether they be defectes o● inclinations or errors or Actuall sinne Sinne not Raigning is that which is repented of which is resisted by the grace of the holy Spirit Sinne not Raigning and whereof we obtaine remission And this sin is in the godly If wee say we haue no sin we deceaue our selues and there is no truth in vs. This saith Iohn Of sinne Not-raigning It is no more I that doe it Rom. 7. but the sinne that dwelleth in mee Sinne Not-raigning is called also Veniall Why not raigning sin is called venial not for that it deserueth remission or that it is not woorthie of punishment but because remission followeth such sinne Neuerthelesse I had rather vse the names of Raigning and Not-raigning sinne 1. Because the names of Mortall and Veniall sinne are obscure and doubtful For all sinnes are mortal And Iohn also calleth Mortal sinne or sin to death the sinne against the holie ghost 2. Because of the errors of the Papists who saie that they are called venial sinnes which are light and deserue not aeternal paines whereas yet it is said Accursed be euery one who abideth not in all 3. Because the Scripture vseth not these terms especially the name of Venial sinne 1 Obiection But the elect fal not from grace Answere Finally they doe not But they who sinne mortallie and doe not repent perish This falleth not to the elect that they should fal finally but before the end they fall easily and often 2 Obiection The wil of God is vnchangeable But he will the saluation of the elect and remission of their sinnes Aunswere I grant that it is true concerning the purpose and counsaile of God but not concerning our affiance which we haue of the remission of sinnes For our comfort standeth not togither with errors which are contrarie to the foundation and with sinnes committed against our consciences For then are we said to haue remission of our sins when we apply these benefits to our selues Eph. 2.13 Now in Christ Iesus yee which once were farre off are made neere by the blood of Christ And Osc 2.23 I wil saie to
which hatred of trueth was not in Adam or Peter Augustine therefore saith Faith failed not Peter in his heart when confession failed him in his mouth 2 Obiection The sin of Cain was not vnpardonable God sparing Cains life doth not therby shew his pardoning of his sinne but a further reuenging of it Because God would not haue him killed therefore he pardoned him his sin But Cains sinne was committed against the holy ghost Therefore some sinne against the holie Ghost is not vnpardonable Aunswere In the proofe of the Maior is a fallacie putting that which is no cause as if it were a cause For the cause why God woulde not haue him killed was not for that hee had pardoned Cain his sinne not repenting himselfe of it but that the murderer might be the longer tormented with the furies of his conscience that in so long time not repenting he might bee made inexcusable and furder also that murders might not waxe rife among men 3 Obiection They who are altogether ignorant of Christ Euerie sinne of the vnregenerate vnpardonable because not repented of which to others through repentance are pardoned sinne not against the holy Ghost But al that know not Christ haue vnpardonable sinne because it is neuer pardoned them Therefore some vnpardonable sin is not against the holy Ghost Aunswere We grant the whole reason if in the Minor and conclusion thereof bee vnderstoode by vnpardonable sinne those sinnes of the vnregenerate which are not indeed remitted vnto them for that they persist in those sinnes to the end without repentance yet to others they are remitted who persist not in them but repent of them in this life For not al who commit them persist in them But if that kind of sinne be vnderstoode it is neuer remitted to any man because al they who commit it persist in it to the end of their life without repentance then is the Minor false And so it there no consequence in this reason The sin against the holie Ghost and sin against the conscience differ as a general frō a particular Sin against the conscience is the general For a man may also through infirmity ignorance denie the trueth not through a hatred of it as Peter and Paul did So that then the sinne against the holy Ghost is a sinne against the conscience but euerie sinne against the conscience is not a sinne against the holie Ghost And therefore this is more general the other more particular The difference betweene the sinne against the holy Ghost and sinne against the conscience The sinne against the holy Ghost is said to be vnpardonable not that it exceedeth or surmounteth the greatnes of the merit of Christ but because hee is punished with a finall blindnesse who committeth it neither is it at any time granted him to repent Because it is a speciall and singular kinde of sinne therefore hath it a singular punishment that such sinners should not at all repent And without repentaunce there is graunted no remission of sinnes The fifth Diuision of sinne What is sinne of it selfe and what sinne only by an accident THere is some sinne which is of it selfe sinne and some which commeth to be sinne by an accident Sinnes of themselues are al those things which are forbidden of God in the Law or whatsoeuer things the Lawe condemneth as are inclinations disagreeing from the Law of God some actions also which are sins in respect of vs but in respect of God are punishments Sinnes by an accident are things either commanded of God or neither commaunded nor prohibited that is indifferēt things which are not done after the same maner neither to the same ende vnto which God woulde haue them to be don that is without repentance or with great defect Things commanded in the vnregenerate are sins because although the actions doings of those things are commanded yet the person from whō those actions proceed pleaseth not God neither is reconciled vnto God Further that which the vnregenerate doe they doe it not to that end whereunto they ought that is to the glorie of God neither is their action grounded of faith For they know not whether or no they haue God fauorable to thē or whether that be pleasing vnto him which they doe But these conditions and circumstances are necessarily required to a good work for it sufficeth not to do good works after a ciuill manner Those ciuil works indeed are good as they proceed from God but as they are in vnregenerate men they are euil euen as it is sin when a wicked man giueth almes because it proceedeth not from the loue of God therfore not frō faith neither is referred vnto gods glory But yet those things which men doe beeing forbidden in the Law of God are of thēselues properly sins because the nature or definition of sin doth properly agree vnto them which is that they are don against the expresse commandement of God And therefore in the Scripture thinges which are so done of men are euer called euill but neuer good But those things which are commaunded of God when they are done by the vnregenerat or in hypocrisie they are so discommended as yet neuerthelesse they are counted and praised for good and that not only in respect of God who is the efficient of those things in men in respect of whom al the actions of the wicked are iust but also in respect of the men themselues by whom they are done so that they also are said to haue done wel as 1. Kings 21. Seest thou howe Ahab is humbled before me Because he submitteth himselfe before me I wil not bring that euil in his daies And 2. Kin. 10. The Lord said vnto Iehu Beholde because thou hast diligentlie executed that which was right in my eies c. Neither is there cause why anie man shoulde heere say that inclinations and actions are of themselues good How inclinations and actions are in themselues both good and bad because they are things in nature made and raised of God For they are of themselues good as they proceed from God but as they are in men corrupted or as they are don by men they are of themselues euil and vitious because they are committed against the Law of God But neither of the contrary followeth it Why the works of the vnregenerate cannot please God that the works of the vnregenerate whether they be ciuillie or morallie good are not therefore sinnes and displeasing God because they are commanded of him For that the woork be good and pleasing to God not only that which is commanded must be done but it must be done after that maner also which is commanded or which is all one it must agree not onely in part but in whole with the Lawe of God And since the woorks of the vnregenerate are not so done though not wholy yet for a great part they swarue from the Law of God and are destitute of that perfection
at the creation by his perpetuall efficacy and operation and doth inspire into all by his vertue true notions and right election But if they challenge a libertie vnto the creatures depending of no other cause whereby it is guided wee denie their whole argument as knowing such a liberty of creatures to stand against the whole Scripture and that it only agreeth vnto God For him alone doe al things serue In him we liue and moue and haue our being he giueth vnto al not only life or power of mouing themselues but euen breathing too that is very mouing it selfe To the same tendeth this Obiection also If the will The will worketh togither with God is not mere passiue when it is conuerted of GOD or turned and inclined to other Obiectes cannot with-stand it is euen meere passiue and so woorcketh not at all But this consequence deceiueth them because there is not a sufficient enumeration in the Antecedent of those actions which the will may haue when it is mooued of GOD. For it is able not only to withstand God mouing it but also of it owne proper motion to assent and obey him And when it doth this it is not idle neither doth it onely suffer or is mooued but it selfe exerciseth and mooueth her owne actions And yet this is to bee vnderstoode of the actions of the wil not of the new qualities or inclinations which it hath to obey God For these the wil receiueth not by her owne operation but by the working of the holy Ghost The will of man withstanding the reueiled will of God is yet guided by his secret wil therefore resisting doth not resist Thirdly they say That which withstandeth the will of God is not guided by it But the will of men in manie actions withstandeth the will of God It is not therefore alwaies guided by the will of God But the consequence heere faileth because there are foure termes For the Maior is true if both the reuealed and the secret will of God bee vnderstood so that simplie and in all respects it bee withstood and that bee doone which simply and by no meanes it would haue done that which is impossible to come to passe because of the omnipotency and liberty of God But in the Minor the will of God must bee vnderstoode as it is reuealed For the secret decrees of Gods will and prouidence are euer ratified and are perfourmed in all euen in those who most of all withstand Gods commandements Neither yet are there contrarie wils in god For nothing is found in his secret purposes which disagreeth with his nature reuealed in his woord And God openeth vnto vs in his Law what he approueth and liketh and what agreeth with his nature and the order of his mind but he doth not promise or reueal how much grace he wil or purposeth to giue to euery one to obey his commandements God though the mouer of wicked wils yet not the mouer of the wickednes of the wil● Fourthly as touching this Obiection If all motions euen of wicked willes are raised and ruled by the will of God and manie of these disagree from the Lawe of God and are sinnes god seemeth to be made the causer of sinnes The aunswere is that it is a paralogisme of the accident For they disagree from the law not as they are ordained by or proceed from the wil of god for thus far they agree very wel with the iustice and Law of God but as they are done by men or Diuels and that by reason of this defect because either they doe not know the will of god when they doe it or are not moued by the sight knowledge therof to do it that is they doe it not to that end that they maie obey God who will so haue it For whatsoeuer is doone to this ende it disagreeth not from the Lawe seeing the Law doth not but with this condition either commaund or forbid any thing if God hath not commanded a man to doe otherwise So doth the Lawe of God forbidde to kill anie man except whome God hath commaunded anie to kil Who then killeth a man God not commaunding it hee out of doubt doth and offendeth against the Lawe Neither doth God dissent from himselfe or his law when he wil haue some thing done either by his reueiled or secret will otherwise than according to the generall rule prescribed by himselfe in his Law For hee hath such endes and causes of all his purposes as that they cannot but most exactlie agree with his nature and iustice Fifthly they obiect Libertie which is guided of another can not be an image of that liberty which dependeth of no other which is in god But the liberty of mans will is the image of the liberty which is in god Therefore the liberty of mans will dependeth not or is not guided by the will of god We denie the Maior For seeing that euerie thing which is like is not the same with that vnto which it is like to conceiue in some sort the libertie of God it is enough that reasonable creatures doe woorke vpon deliberation and free election of will albeit this election in the creatures is both guided by themselues and another in God by no other than by his owne diuine wisedome The image of a thing is not the thing it selfe and the inequality of degrees taketh not awaie the image as neither the likenesse and similitude of some partes taketh awaie the dissimilitude of others Wherefore the libertie of reasonable creatures both is gouerned of God and is notwithstanding a certaine image of the libertie which is in God because it chooseth thinges once knowen vnto it by her own and free or voluntary motion For as of other faculties or properties so also of libertie it is impossible that the degrees should bee equall in God and his creatures whereas all thinges are infinite in God and finite in his creatures Seeing therefore wisedome righteousnesse strēgth in the creatures is the image of the vnmeasurable wisedom righteousnes power which is in god a portion also of liberty agreeable and competent for the creatures may be the image of the liberty which is in God The will is not idle or mere passiue when God worketh by it no more than the sun raine and such like instrumentes of Gods operation Sixtly they say If the creature cannot but doe that which God wil haue done and cannot do what god will not haue done the wil hath no actiue force but is wholy passiue especially in our conuersion which is the work of god Likewise there is no vse of laws doctrine discipline exhortation threatnings punishments examples promises and lastly of our study and endeuour Wee denie the consequence Because the first or principal cause beeing put the second or instrumentall cause is not thereby taken away For as god lightneth the world doth quicken the earth bringeth foorth corne nourisheth liuing creatures yet are not the
thou that thou hast not receiued If thou hast receiued it why reioicest thou as if thou haddest not receiued it Philip. 1. I am perswaded that hee who hath begun this good worke in you will performe it vntill the daie of Iesus Christ Phil. 2.13 It is God that worketh in you both the wil and the deed euen of his good pleasure Ioh. 15. Without me you can doe nothing 1. Cor. 1.8 Who shall also confirme you vnto the end that yee maie bee blamelesse in the day of our Lorde Iesus Christ. 1. Cor. 10.13 GOD is faithfull which will not suffer you to be tēpted aboue that you be able but wil euen giue the issue with the tētation that yee may be able to bear it 1. Pet. 1.5 You are kept by the power of God through faith to saluation Reasons to proue the former doctrine This doctrine that the regenerate neither perfectly nor continually can obey God and that as the beginning so the continuance of our conuersion dependeth of God is confirmed besides these testimonies by euidēt reasons as that we receiue all good things from God Iames 1. much more then these good things which are the greatest of all that is our conformity with God and perseuerance therein 2 Againe Nothing can be done besides the eternal decree of God But the good works which the conuerted doe God from euerlasting did decree Ephes 2.10 We are his workmanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good works which God hath ordained that wee should walk in them Ier. 1.5 Before I formed thee in the womb I knew thee before thou camest out of the womb I sanctified thee wherfore they are able to do neither more nor lesse of such workes than God hath decred to worke in thē by his spirit 3 Againe The gifts of the holy spirit are not in the wil and power of men but in the power of the spirit who dispenseth them 1. Cor. 12.11 All these things worketh euen the selfesame spirite distributing to euery man seuerallie as he will Eph. 4.7 Vnto euery one of vs is giuen grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. 2. Thessal 3.2 All men haue not faith Nowe perseueraunce in true godlines and a will and desire to perseuere and the crauing of the confirmation strengthning and aide of the holie spirite are no lesse the gift of the holie spirit than regeneration it felfe and faith and conuersion as hath bin shewed before Wherefore to perseuere in faith and conuersion is no more in our power than to beleeue and to be conuerted 4 Againe In whose power and arbiterment our perseuerance is he is the preseruation of our safety But God and not we is the autor and preseruer of our safety Iohn 10. No man shall plucke my sheepe out of my hand Therefore our perseueraunce is not in our owne power and arbiterment but in Gods 5 Lastly As our conuersion so also our perseueraunce is the free gift of GOD that is As God findeth no cause in vs why to conuert vs so neither findeth he cause in vs whereby hee should bee mooued to keepe vs beeing conuerted that wee doe not defect or fal For neither is there cause in vs why hee should more keepe vs from falling away than our parentes in Paradise Neither is the chiefe cause in the Saintes themselues why God should defend some rather than some against tentations and sinnes as Samuel and Iosaphat rather than Sampson and Dauid But if to perseuere were in our power or not to perseuere then the cause of this diuersity should bee in vs. Wherefore perseuerance in godlinesse and absteining from sin is not to be ascribed to our selues but to the mercy of God But against the former sentence to witte that euen the best woorckes of the Saintes in this life are not perfectly good and therefore are not able to stande in the iudgement of God and to please God but by the imputation of Christs satisfaction the papists oppose themselues 1 Obiection The woorks of Christ and the holie spirit saie they cannot be impure and not please God The good workes of the regenerate Christ worketh in them by his spirit vvherefore it is necessarie and must needes be that they are pure and perfect and please God euen as they are considered in themselues For God cannot condemne his owne woorkes although he examine them according to the rigor of his iudgement We answere to the Maior The workes of God are pure and woorthy no reprehension The good works of the regenerat are not perfect so long as thēselues who work iointly with the spirit are not perfect as they are the woorkes of God and such as God woorketh but not as they are depraued by the creatures neither are they alwaies pure which are not the workes of God only but the creatures also For these as they are of God are voide of all fault but as they are doone by the creatures they are good also and without reprehension if the creature by which God worketh them be perfectly conformable to the will of GOD but impure and vnperfect and according to the sentence of the Lawe subiect to damnation if the creature by which God woorketh thē be corrupt vitious that is depraued by the not knowing of God and by auerting from God 2 Obiection God cannot condemne the members of his Sonne Rom. 8. The imperfections of the regenerate and their workes ar blotted out and pardoned in Christ There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus The regenerate are the members of Christ. Therefore euen as they are considered in themselues they and their woorkes cannot bee condemned in the iudgement of God Answere There is more in the conclusion than in the premisses For this onely followeth That the Saintes cannot bee condemned but this commeth in respect of Christ his satisfaction imputed to them not in respect of their owne obedience which pleaseth GOD not because it perfectly agreeth with the Lawe but because the defectes and faultes which cleaue vnto it are pardoned through Christ 3 Obiection How Christ wil render vnto euerie one according to his woorkes Christ in iudgement will render vnto euerie one according to his woorkes But the seueritie of Gods iustice dooth not render good according to woorkes which are not perfectlie good Wherefore the woorkes of Sainctes are so perfect as that they can not bee condemned in the iudgement of God Wee aunswere vnto the Maior The iustice of GOD dooth not render good but according vnto perfect woorkes if hee iudge legallie according to the couenaunt of perfect obedience towardes the Lawe But hee rendereth good also according to imperfect woorkes and such as deserue damnation except the sinne that cleaueth vnto them be pardoned when as hee iudgeth according to the gospell that is not according to the couenaunt of woorkes or our owne obedience which shoulde satisfie the Lawe but according to the couenaunt of faith or of the righteousnesse
of Christ applied vnto vs by faith and yet according to workes as according to the tokens or testimonies of faith from which they proceede and which they as effectes thereof doe shewe to bee in men 4 Obiection The Scripture in manie places ascribeth perfection of good woorkes to Saintes euen in this life and saith that they are perfect and did walke with their whole and perfect heart before God Psalme 119. I haue sought thee with my whole heart and in the same Psalme Blessed are they that keepe his testimonies and seeke him with their whole heart Genes 6. Noah was a iust and vpright man in his time 2. Chron. 15.17 The heart of Asa was perfect in all his daies Matth. 5. In what sense the Scriptures sometimes ascribe perfection of workes to the regenerate in this life Bee yee perfect as your father in heauen is perfect Answere First these and the like speeches speake of that perfection which is not of degrees but of partes or of the integritie and syncerity of the obedience begun in them Perfection of degrees or obedience perfect in degrees is that which hath not onely all the parts of obedience but that degree also which the law requireth in vs. Such a perfection haue not the regenerate in this life They haue indeede all the partes of obedience begun in them but yet weakely so that they are here daily more and more perfected but attaine not to the chiefe and due degree thereof vntill they inioy the life to come The perfection of partes is the integrity of obedience or whole obedience begun according to the whole law or it is a desire and endeuor to obay God and withstand corrupt lustes according not to some only but to al the commandements of his lawe The perfection of securitie is a desire or studie of obedience and godlinesse not fained but true and earnest albeit somewhat bee wanting to the partes as touching the degree This perfection to wit both the integritie and syncerity of obedience is in al the regenerate For vnto them is it proper to submit themselues to the commaundementes of God euen to all without exception and to beginne in this life all the partes of true godlinesse or obedience This is called also the iustice of a good conscience because it is a necessarie effect of faith and pleaseth God through Christ And albeit in all men euen in the most holy much hypocrisie remaineth as it is saide Euerie man is a lyer yet there is a great difference betweene them who are wholy hypocrites and please themselues in their hypocrisie hauing no beginning or feeling of true godlinesse in their hearts and those who acknowledging and bewailing the remnantes of hypocrisie which are in them haue withal the beginnings of true faith and conuersion vnto God Those hypocrites are condemned of GOD these are receiued into fauour not for this beginning of obedience in them but for the perfect obedience of Christ which is imputed vnto them And therefore to this declaration or exposition another is also to be added That they who are conuerted are perfect in the sight of God not onely in respect of the partes of true Godlinesse which all are begunne in them but also in respect of the degrees of the true and perfect righteousnesse of Christ imputed vnto them As it is said Coloss 2.10 Yee are compleate in him Heb. 10.14 With one offering hath he consecrated for euer them that are sanctified But they reply that the perfection also of degrees is attributed vnto the Saintes in the Scripture 1. Corint 2. vers 6. Wee speak wisedome among them that are perfect 1. Cor. 14. Be perfect in vnderstanding Eph. 4. vers 13. Till we all meete together in the vnity of faith and knowledge of the Sonne of God vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ. But these places also doe not call them perfect in respect of the Law of God that is in respect of that degree of knowledge and obedience which the Law requireth in vs but in respect of the weaker who haue lesse light and certainty and readines confirmed by vse and exercise to obey God to resist carnall lustes and to bear the crosse For so is this perfection expounded Heb. 5. and Ephes 4.14 That we be no more children wandering and carried about with euerie wind of doctrine Philip. 3.12 Not as though I had alreadie attained to it or were already perfect They oppose against these aunsweres a place out of 1. Iohn 4. vers 17. Herein is the loue perfect in vs that we should haue boldnesse in the daie of iudgement for as he is euen so are we in this woorld There is no feare in Loue but perfect Loue casteth out feare for feare hath painfulnesse and hee that feareth is not perfect in Loue. But Saint Iohn meaneth not that our Loue towardes GOD but Gods Loue towards vs is perfect that is declared and fully knowen vnto vs by the effects or benefites of GOD bestowed vpon vs in Christ Our regeneration newnes of life doth assure vs of our iustification as being an effect thereof or as Saint Paul speaketh Roman 5. Where hee saith that the Loue of GOD shed abroad in our heartes by the holy Ghost is the cause why wee doe without feare and with bouldnesse expect the day of iudgement And of this mercy and free Loue of GOD towards vs hee signifieth that by this token or testimonie wee are assured because in this life wee are refourmed by the holy spirite to his image For by our regeneration wee are assured of our iustification not as by the cause of the effect but as by the effect of the cause Nowe though regeneration be not perfect in this life yet if it bee indeede begun it sufficeth for the confirmation and proouing of the truth of our faith vnto our consciences And these very words which S. Iohn addeth Loue casteth out fear shew that Loue is not yet perfect in vs because wee are not perfectly deliuered in this life from fear of the wrath and iudgement of God and eternal punishment For these two contrary motions are now together in the godly euen the fear and loue of God in remisse and low degrees their feare decreasing and their loue and comfort or ioy in God encreasing vntill ioy get the conquest and perfectly cast out all trembling in the life to come when GOD shall wipe away euery teare Diuers places of Scripture to be vnderstood of the vprightnesse of a good conscience not of anie perfect fulfilling of the Law in the godly Obiection Iohn 3.21 He that doth truth commeth to the light that his deedes might bee made manifest that they are wrought according to God 1. Iohn 3.20 If our heart condemne vs not then haue wee boldenes toward God Psalm 119. I haue not declined from thy Lawe Therefore the good woorckes of the regenerate maie bee alleadged and stand in Gods
of god and haue not a Rom. 3 9. c. kept one of them and further am as yet b Rom. 7.23 prone to all euill yet notwithstanding if I c Rom. 3 42. Ioh. 3.18 embrace these benefits of christ with a true confidence persuasion of mind the ful d Tit. 3.5 Ep. 2.8.9 perfect satisfaction righteousnes holines of Christ without any e 1 Ioh. 2.2 merit of mine of the meere f Rom. 3.24 Deut. 9.6 Ezec. 36.22 mercy of God g 1. Ioh. 2.1 c. imputed and h Rom. 4.4 2. Cor. 5.19 giuen vnto me that so as if neither I had committed any sin neither any corruptiō did stick vnto me yea as I my selfe had perfectly i 1. Cor. 5.21 accomplished that obedience which Christ accomplished for me 61 Why affirmest thou that thou art made righteous by faith only Not for that I please god through the worthines of meere faith but because onely the satisfaction righteousnes and holinesse of Christ is my righteousnesse before k 1. Cor. 1.30 c. 1. Cor. 2.2 God and I l 1. Ioh. 5.10 cannot take hold of it or apply it vnto my self anie other way than by faith 62 Why cannot our good works bee righteousnesse or some part of righteousnes before God Because that righteousnesse which must stand fast before the iudgement of God must bee in al points perfect m Gal. 3.10 Deut. 27.26 agreeable to the Law of God Now our works euen the best of them are imperfect in this life and n Isa 64.6 defiled with sinne 63 How is it that our good works merit nothing seeing God promiseth that he wil giue a reward for thē both in this life and in the life to come That rewarde is not giuen of merite but of o Luk. 17.10 grace 64 But doth not this doctrine make men carelesse and profane No. For neither can it bee but they which are incorporated into Christ through faith shoulde bring forth the fruits of p Mat. 7.18 Ioh. 15.5 thankefulnes OF THE SACRAMENTES 65 Seeing then that onely faith maketh vs partakers of Christ and his benefites whence doth it proceede From the holy Ghost who a Ep. 2.8 6.23 Ioh. 3.5 Phil. 1.29 kindleth it in our harts by the preaching of the gospel b Mat. 28.19.20 1. Pet. 1.22.23 confirmeth it by the vse of the sacraments 66 What are the Sacraments They are sacred signes and seals set before our eies and ordained of God for this cause that hee may declare and seal by them the promise of his gospel vnto vs to wit that he giueth freely remission of sinnes and life c Gen. 17.11 Rom. 4.11 Deu. 30.6 Leu. 6.25 Heb. 9.8.9 Eze. 20.12.1 Sam. 17.36 Isa 6.6.7 54.9 euerlasting not only to al in general but to euery one in particular that beleeueth for that onely sacrifice of Christ which hee accomplished vpon the crosse 67 Doe not then both the woorde and Sacramentes tend to that ende as to leade our faith vnto the Sacrifice of Christ finished on the crosse as to the onely ground of our saluation It is euen so For the holy Ghost teacheth vs by the Gospell and assureth vs by the Sacramentes that the saluation of al of vs standeth in the onlie sacrifice of Christ d Rom. 6.3 Gal. 3.27 offered for vs vpon the crosse 68 How many sacramentes hath Christ ordained in the new Testament Two Baptisme and the holy Supper OF BAPTISME 69 Howe art thou admonished and assured in Baptisme that thou art partaker of the only sacrifice of Christ Because Christ e Mat. 28.19 Act. 2.38 commaunded the outwarde washing of water adioining this f Mar. 16.16 Mat. 3.11 Rom. 6.3 promise thereunto that I am no lesse assuredly washed by his bloode and spirite from the vncleannesse of my soule that is from all my sinnes than I am a Mar. 1.4 Luc. 3.3 washed outwardelie with water whereby al the filthinesse of the bodie vseth to bee purged 70 What is it to be washed with the blood and spirit of Christ It is to receiue of God forgiuenesse of sinnes freelie for the bloode of CHRIST which hee b Heb. 12.24.1 Pet. 1.2 Apoc. 1.5 22.14 Zac. 13.1 Eze. 36.25 c. shedde for vs in his Sacrifice on the Crosse And also to bee renewed by the holie Ghost and thorough his sanctifying of vs to become members of Christ that wee maie more and more die to sinne and c Ioh. 1.33 3.5 1. Cor. 6.11 12.13 Rom. 6.4 Col. 2.12 liue holily and without blame 71 Where dooth Christ promise vs that hee will as certainlie wash vs with his bloode and spirite as wee are washed with the water of baptisme In the institution of Baptisme the wordes whereof are these d Mat. 28.19 Goe and teach all Nations Baptising them in the name of the father the sonne and the holy Ghost e Mar. 16.16 He that shall beleeue and be baptised shall bee saued but he that will not beleeue shal bee damned This promise is repeated againe whereas the Scripture calleth Baptisme the f Tit. 3.5 washing of the new birth and g Act. 22.16 forgiuenesse of sinnes 72 Is then the outwarde Baptisme of water the washing away of sinnes It is not For the h Mat. 3.11 1. Pet. 3.21 Eph 5.26 bloud of Christ alone cleanseth vs from all i 1. Ioh. 1.7 1. Cor. 6.11 sinne 73 Why then doth the holie Ghost call Baptisme the washing of the newe birth and forgiuenes of sinnes God speaketh so not without great cause to wit not onely to teache vs that as the filth of our bodie is purged by water so our sinnes also are k Apoc. 1.5 7.14.1 1. Cor. 6.11 purged by the bloud and spirite of Christ but much more to assure vs by this diuine token and pledge that wee are as verily washed from our sinnes with the inwarde washing as we are l Mar. 16.16 Gal. 3.17 washed by the outward and visible water 74 Are infantes to be baptised also What else for seeing they a Gen. 17.7 belong as well vnto the couenaunt Church of God as they who are of a full age and seeing also vnto them is promised b Mat. 19.14 remission of sinnes by the bloude of Christ and the c Luc. 1.14.15 Psal 22.11 Isa Act. 2.39 holy Ghost the worker of faith as well as vnto those of full growth They are by Baptisme to bee ingrafted into the Church of God and to be d Act. 10.47 discerned from the children of infidels in like sort as in the olde Testament was done by e Gen. 17.14 circumcision in place whereof is f Col. Baptisme succeeded in the new Testament OF THE LORDS SVPPER 75 How art thou in the Lords Supper admonished and warranted that thou art partaker of that onely sacrifice of Christ offered on the
exercise in sauing of vs not impeaching his iustice he hath vttered in his word Iohn 5.21 The father quickeneth whom he will The second is his infinite wisedome whereby hee knoweth how to turne the purposes of the Diuel imagined and deuised to the reproche of GOD himselfe by corrupting mankinde and to the ouerthrowing of the saluation of Gods chosen euen to the manifesting of his owne glorie and to the saluation of his chosen God therefore by this his wisedome hath found out an admirable temperament and such as no creature coulde haue found of his iustice and mercie in deliuering man that is such a way whereby hee might shewe his exceeding both mercie and iustice The third is Gods omnipotencie wherefore hee is able to performe that deliuerie of man from sinne and death which hee through his immeasurable mercie and wise counsaile decreed Luc. 1.37 With God nothing shal bee impossible To denie then mans deliuerie is to spoile God of infinite wisedome goodnes and power against that which is said 1. Sam. 2.6 The Lorde bringeth downe to the graue and raiseth vp Psal 68.20 To the Lord God belong the issues of death Isai 59.1 The Lords hand is not shortened Obiection What the vnchangeable iustice and truth of god requireth that is vnchangeable But the iustice and truth of god requireth the casting away and damnation of man for god had expresselie threatned euerlasting death to the transgressours of his lawe and the iustice of god will destroie euerie thing that is not conformable thereunto Therefore the casting awaie of man from the face of god is vnchangeable neither is it possible that without the impeaching of gods iustice and truth man should escape euerlasting damnation Aunswere The Maior is to bee distinguished What the iustice of God requireth to wit simplie without al condition that is simply vnchangeable It requireth the casting away of man with this condition except there bee interposed a full and perfect satisfaction Wherefore the iustice of GOD requireth that a sinner either satisfie or bee cast away Mathew 5.36 Thou shalt not come out thence vntill thou hast paide the vtmost farthing Replie But impossible is it for vs to satisfie for our sinnes or to beare sufficient punishment so that wee may come from thence Aunswere It is impossible in respect of our selues but not in respect of God He knoweth the meanes how by an other full satisfaction may be made for vs. Adam after his fall before by special reuelation hee was assured of the promise could not hope for deliuerance But that our deliuerie by another is possible is knowen onely by the promises of the Gospel and the reuealing of the holy Ghost forcibly mouing our hearts to beleeue the Gospel Here ariseth a question Whether Adam after his fall might haue certainly promised himselfe deliuerie Wee aunswere that hee coulde not without especiall promise and reuelation And before he had this nothing could present it selfe vnto his mind but the great iustice truth of God exacting of him euerlasting punishment for not yeelding obediēce For flesh bloud reueal not those things which are the peculiar and proper benefites of the Mediatour But some man may except that the selfe same causes notwithstanding doe remaine euen nowe after the publishing of the Gospell to wit the iustice and truth of GOD who is neuer chaunged If then Adam coulde not hope for deliuerie before the promise was published neither could he after the publishing thereof For so hee might haue reasoned It is impossible that the iustice and truth of GOD shoulde bee impeached But mans recouering and escaping out of punishment would impeache the iustice and truth of GOD because euerlasting punishment shoulde not bee inflicted on man which yet the iustice and truth of GOD require For the punishment to bee euerlasting and yet man to wade and escape out of it are thinges contradictorie and of flatte repugnauncie Therefore mans escape and deliuerie out of punishment is impossible This Obiection or temptation Adam might by the promise nowe made haue repelled on this wise The Minor is true if the escaping bee such that sufficient punishment and equall to the sinne bee laide neither vpon the sinner himselfe nor on another who offereth himselfe in the sinners place But the iustice of GOD hath inflicted punishment sufficient for our sinnes on his owne Sonne who offered himselfe of his owne accorde to sustaine it for vs. Wherefore mans escaping out of miserie by the full satisfaction performed by the Sonne of GOD doth not impeache but rather establish Gods iustice But againe it is replied That which necessarilie doth not conclude punishment to insue doth leaue some hope neither willeth vs to dispaire of deliuerie from punishment But the euent hath taught that the casting away of man is not necessarilie concluded or inferred vpon the first fall of Adam Therefore Adam beeing fallen no not before the promise published concerning the seede of the Woman ought altogether to haue dispaired of his deliuerie Aunswere Hee ought not verily to haue dispaired neither coulde hee haue inferred vpon his fall necessarily that his deliuerie out of miserie was simplie impossible but neither coulde hee of the otherside haue certainely promised vnto himselfe or hoped for it before the publishing of the Gospell Because neither hee nor any creature was able Humane reason might probablie coniecture but not necessarily conclude mans deliuerie or shoulde for euer haue beene able of himselfe to perceiue or so much as imagine vnto himselfe a maner of escaping punishment not repugnant to the iustice of God except GOD had declared and reuealed the same by his Sonne Hee might truelie as others likewise who liue out of the Church destitute of the worde of promise haue probablie reasoned that one day there shoulde bee a deliuerie First because it is not meete that man the most excellent creature shoulde bee made of GOD to sustaine the greatest punishment and that for euer Againe For that it seemeth not likely that GOD woulde haue deliuered a lawe to man to no effect that is which shoulde neuer bee perfectly performed by him But except the voice of the gospel had come mā would neuer haue beene able by these reasons long to haue withstood the tentation of the Diuel who woulde easily haue refuted them by his owne example Wherefore albeit these two reasons are of themselues most true for GOD did not make mankinde vnto perpetuall miserie neither made hee a lawe to no effect yet man beeing fallen is not able by reason of his blindnesse and corruption without the promise and grace of the holy Ghost to assent vnto them that is is not able of them certainely and necessarily to infer that he knoweth and hopeth for his deliuerance out of paine and miserie 3 Whether Deliuerie be necessarie and certaine THat some should be deliuered and saued from destruction is necessarie Obiection But it is free vnto God The deliuerie of some necessarie euen to saue
be fulfilled Psal 5.4 Euill shal not dwel with thee Seeing then the Lawe is not an emptie sound and doth exact satisfaction for sinne committed equall vnto the fault it is wholy necessary that we performe it if we wil be receiued of god into fauour Heere are wee met with an Obiection But wee neuer satisfie the Lawe therefore this manner of escaping punishment is vaine and imaginary We Aunswere Wee are not able to satisfie by obedience wee are by paying the penalty which the Law in most full manner exacteth for our obedience omitted Reply But the Lawe requireth obedience that is the loue of God and our neighbour Therefore it is necessarie that the Law be satisfied by obedience Aunswere The Antecedent or former proposition is to be distinguished The Lawe requireth obedience that is which was after to bee perfourmed this beeing perfourmed the Lawe was satisfyed But if it bee not perfourmed then the Lawe exacteth punishment as a satisfaction for obedience omitted For neither can satisfaction bee made by obedience for the breach of the Lawe or for omitting of obedience Because the obedience or Godlinesse which followeth the breach of the Lawe when as it is due for that present when it is perfourmed cannot at all satisfie for the debt or offence or trespasse which is past Wherefore sufficient punishment is that satisfaction which the Lawe and Gods iustice exacteth at our handes for the not perfourming of obedience that wee may bee accepted and beloued of God This beeing sette downe and resolued of further demaund is made by whome that satisfaction or punishment is to bee perfourmed The Lawe will haue it perfourmed by vs and that iustly but it yeeldeth not ability to perfourme it neither any where maketh declaration thereof But the Ghospell declareth and sheweth vs Christ by whome we may satisfie By our selues wee cannot First because the Lawe requireth perfect satisfaction it is not perfect Our satisfaction can not bee by our selues because then it woulde bee infinite and so neuer accomplished except it bee either eternall for all sinne is an offence against the infinite good If then this infinite good must bee satisfyed satisfaction must needes be made by eternall punishment which aunswereth in equality to that infinite good or else temporall yet equall to eternall and worthie to bee accepted by the iustice of GOD for satisfaction If it bee eternall then neuer shall wee bee deliuered or recouered out of punishment death and sinne beeing fullie conquered because it can neuer bee saide that wee haue satisfyed which implyeth the ende but onelie that wee are satisfieng which sheweth the perpetuation and continuing of punishment which satisfaction is such as the punishment of the Diuels and reprobate men which neuer shall haue an end Nowe for a Temporall punishment which shoulde bee aunswerable and equall to eternall there is no man by reason of manifolde imperfection who can perfourme it Secondly because dailie wee heape vp offences and debtes yea euen in our punishmentes themselues while wee doe not in them acknowledge God to be iust and iustlie to punish vs for our sinnes but murmur and fret against him Wherefore our paines and punishmentes must needes be also heaped vp and encreased For he who goeth on afterwards in offending him whom he hath heretofore offended can neuer haue him fauourable vnto him Thirdly because wee cannot deserue of God that hee shoulde pardon vs our present sinnes muchlesse our sinnes past Neither can wee pay the debt past with that which wee owe presently Since then wee are not able by our selues wee must needes make satisfaction by another Obiection The Lawe requireth OVR punishment because wee haue sinned Aunswere The Lawe requireth ours but not exclusiuely so that it doth not admit it to bee performed by another for vs. For albeit the Law knoweth not this satisfaction for our sins made by another to be imputed vnto vs but the Gospell onely reuealeth it yet no-where dooth the Lawe either exclude or disalowe it Wherefore it is not contrarie to the Lawe that another should satisfie for vs. Reply But that another should be punished for offenders is vniust Aunswere That another should bee punished for offenders is not disagreeing with Gods iustice The conditions to bee in him respected who may bee punished for another if these conditions cōcur withall 1 If hee who is punished be innocent 2 If he be of the same nature with the offenders 3 If of his own accord he offer himselfe to punishment 4 If himselfe be able to recouer out of punishment and not inforced to perish therein And this is the cause that men can not iustly punish ones offences in another because they cānot bring to passe that the partie punished shoulde not perish in the punishment 5 If hee wish and attaine vnto that ende which Christ respected euen the glorie of GOD and saluation of men A meere man is not able to suffer and satisfie for man Furthermore that other by whom we must satisfie either must be a creature onlie or God to But no mere creature be he man or not man can satisfie for man which is a sinner First because the iustice of God doth not punish in other creatures that which man hath committed But man hath sinned Therefore all humane nature which hath sinned ought to bee punished Rom. 5.12 As by one man sinne entered into the world and death by sinne and so death went ouer all men for as much as all men haue sinned Secondly because no creature at al can sustain temporal punishment equiualent to eternal By reason therefore of the infirmitie weakenesse of the creature there would not be proportion betweene the punishment the sinne and so not sufficient punishment Psalm 130.3 If thou Lord straitly markest iniquities O Lorde who shall stande Rom. 8.3 Because the Lawe was not able to iustifie God sent his sonne Deut. 4.24 God is a consuming fire Thirdly He who is himselfe defiled with sinne cannot satisfie for others Fourthly Because the punishment of a meere creature would not bee a price of sufficient woorthinesse and valewe for our deliuerie Wherefore our Mediatour must be a man yet so that he be god also Fiftly The same is also shewed by this that the deliuerie of man is wrought after a sort also by regeneration But to purge out sinne and to make fleshie hearts of stonie is the worke not of any creature but of God alone For his it is to restore the image of God in vs who first created it in vs. Seeing therefore wee haue neede of a Mediatour for our deliuerie we must nowe speake of him OF THE MEDIATOR THE doctrine concerning the Mediator is to be held The causes why this doctrine concerning the mediatour is diligently to bee obserued and diligently to be considered 1 Because it is the foundation and short sum of Christian Doctrine 2. In respect of the glorie of God that we may know God doth not of any leuity
in the old Testament were special certaine and definite as the promises of the Land of Canaan of the Church of the gouernement and Mosaical ceremonies to be obserued in that region and nation vntil the comming of the Messias and lastly of the Messias to be borne out of that people In the new Testament there are no speciall promises of certaine corporall benefites but onely generall as that god will alwaies in this life giue his Church some abiding and resting places although it be dispersed and scattered throughout all Nations 2. They differ in a circumstaunce of the promise of grace For in the olde Couenaunt they were reconciled vnto god and saued for the Messias sake who shoulde come or be exhibited we in the newe Couenaunt are saued for him beeing come and exhibited 3. In the signes or symboles of the promises In the old were many and diuers signes and Sacramentes as the Circumcision the Passeouer the Sacrifices in the new few and plaine euen Baptisme and the supper of the Lord. 4. In the olde Couenaunt were types and figures of good thinges to come and so all thinges were the more obscure and darke in the newe is an accomplishment and exhibiting of those things and so all thinges more cleare The doctrine and knowledge of the Gospell especially nowe Christ beeing come and manifested is more bright and plentifull for that a declaration of thinges done vseth to bee more perspicuous than the fore-telling of thinges which shall bee done 5. In the olde the pouring out and effusion of the gifts of the holie Ghost is more narrow and sparing in the new more large plentifull Hierem. 31. vers 31. I will make a newe Couenaunt 2. Cor. 3.6 The olde was but for a time during vntil the comming of the Messias The newe is for euer According to that I will make an euerlasting Couenaunt with them How they differ in respect of men They differ in respect of men First For that in the olde testament the Church stood bound to the obedience of the whole Mosaicall lawe Morall Ceremoniall and Ciuill In the newe testament wee are bounde onelie to the spirituall or morall worship and the vse of the Sacramentes The Ceremoniall and Ciuil lawes of Moses binde not vs. Secondly The olde was made to one certaine Nation The Prophets therefore were sent vnto the people of Israell and to them they applyed their speeches The newe belongeth to all Nations For God will that all bee saued of what Nation language or condition so euer they bee The Apostles therefore were sent to the whole world to gather the Church of Christ out of all Nations or which is the same in the old testament the Church was tied vnto a certaine Nation In the newe it is Catholicke and vniuersall that is spread through all Nations Why the old couenant was taken for the law and the New for the Gospel Here is to be obserued that the old Couenāt is takē by a figure of speach called Synecdoche which we vse when wee take the whole for a part or a part for the whole for the law in respect of that part which was especially handled there For in the old testament the law was more vrged there were many partes thereof Contrariwise the gospel was then more obscure The newe also is taken for the Gospell because in the newe testament a great part of Moses law is abrogated and the manifestation and knowledge of the gospell is to vs more cleare and ample OF THE GOSPEL THis 19. question of the Catechisme which is cōcerning the gospel is like to the third For as that so this also sheweth that our deliuerance by the Mediator is knowen learned out of the gospel Seeing then it hath beene alreadie spoken of the Mediator we are necessarily also to speake of the doctrine in which the Mediator is declared described and offered vnto vs. That doctrine is the gospell Afterwardes wee are also to speake of the meane whereby we are made partakers of the Mediatour that meane is Faith First therefore the common place concerning the Gospel commeth to be handled which is fitly annexed to the former doctrine concerning the Mediator Couenant between god men 1. Because Christ the Mediatour is the subiect or matter of the Gospel which teacheth who what maner of Mediator this is 2. Because he is the Autor and publisher of the same For it is part of the Mediators office to publish the gospel as it is said Ioh. 1.18 No mā hath seen god at any time the only begottē son which is in the bosome of the father he hath shewed him 3. Because the gospel is part of the couenant the new couenant is often taken for the gospel The principall questions are 1 What the gospel is 2 Whether it hath bin alwaies knowen 3 How it differeth from the Law 4 What are the proper effects of the gospel 5 Whence the truth and certainty of the gospel maie appeare 1 WHAT THE GOSPEL IS THe greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for which we vse Gospel signifieth 1. A ioiful message or news 2. The sacrifice which is offered to god for this ioiful news 3. The reward which is giuen to him who bringeth these glad tidings Here it is takē for the doctrin which intreateth of Christ because it declareth ioiful things euē our deliuery frō sin death or remissiō life euerlasting There is a difference also to bee obserued betweene the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth the doctrine concerning Christ now manifested and is a cleare declaration of things done or of the promises nowe fulfilled by the Messias being manifested But 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is the promise and as it were a certaine shadowing out or a darke expressing of things to be fufilled by the Messias who was after to bee manifested and so is it more obscure The Gospell for so we interprete 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is of the new Testament the fulfilling of the promises of the old Testament Neuertheles this difference of these words is not perpetuall neither consisting in the thing it selfe For both of them declare the same benefites of the Messias but the difference is onely in the circumstance of time in the maner of his manifestation exhibiting Ioh. 8. Abraham saw my daie and was glad Ioh. 14.5 No man commeth to the father but by me Now the Gospell is the doctrine made manifest of God by his Sonne the mediatour presently after the fall of mankind into sinne and death The definition of the Gospel promising all beleeuing and repentant sinners remission of sinnes and their receiuing into fauour and life euerlasting freely to be graunted through and for his sonne the Mediatour By which doctrine the holie ghost doth forcibly kindle and worke in the hartes of the chosen faith repentaunce and the beginning of euerlasting life Out of
generally meant The recalling of sinners vnto God is proper vnto the Gospel For this precept is proper vnto the Gospell That it commandeth vs to beleeue it to embrace the benefit of Christ and now being iustified to begin that righteousnes which the Lawe requireth of vs. Wherefore the Gospell is the preaching of repentaunce because it willeth sinners yeelding them hope to obtaine pardon thorough and for CHRIST to returne vnto GOD. It sheweth them the way howe to exercise true repentaunce and beginneth it in their hearts by the force of the holy Ghost These thinges are not doone by the Lawe but by the Gospell onely They reply Yea but the Lawe also willeth vs to beleeue and commaundeth conuersion Therefore it is not proper to the Gospell or else the Gospell is not diuerse from the Lawe Aunswere Both the Law and the Gospell commaundeth faith and conuersion to God but diuersly The Lawe dooth it onelie in general because it commaundeth vs to beleeue euery woord of God Both the lawe and the Gospel require faith that is all the promises commaundements and threatninges of God deliuered either in the Lawe or in the Gospell and that with a denouncing of punishment except wee doe it The Lawe saith Beleeue euerie woorde of God it willeth therefore that we beleeue and obey this commaundement also by which God in the Gospell commaundeth vs to returne vnto him and to beleeue in Christ But the Gospell in speciall and expresly willeth vs to embrace by faith the grace promised vs in Christ and to returne vnto God that is it saith not in generall Beleeue all the promises and denouncinges of God c. For this it leaueth vnto the Law but it saith plainely and expressely Beleeue this promise to wit that thy sinnes are pardoned thee and that thou art receaued of God into fauour by and for Christ and returne vnto GOD. Further it exhorteth vs both inwardely and outwardely by the woord and Sacramentes that wee walke woorthie of him that is doe such woorkes as are pleasing to GOD but this it dooth onely in generall and therefore sendeth vs backe vnto the Lawe which in particular and distinctly declareth what that righteousnes or obedience or workes are which God requireth of vs. 4 What are the proper effectes of the Gospell THe proper effectes of the gospell are 1. Faith Roman 10.17 Faith commeth by hearing 2. Corint 3.8 The gospell is the ministery of the spirite Rom. 1.16 The gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleeueth 2. Our whole conuersion vnto God iustification regeneration and saluation which are the effects of Faith For by Faith as by the instrument whole Christ together with all his benefits is receiued 5 Whence the truth and certainty of the gospel maie appeare THe truth and certainty of the gospell that is of the promise of grace appeareth 1. By the testimony of the holy ghost 2. By the prophecies which haue bin vttered by the Prophets and other holy men 3. By the fulfilling of those Prophecies which was accomplished in the new Testament 4. By the miracles whereby the doctrine of the gospel was confirmed 5. By the end or property of the doctrine of the gospel Because that alone sheweth the way how to escape death and sinne Question 20. 21. of Faith The necessitie of the true doctrine of Faith THese two questions are necessarily annexed to the former concerning the Mediator Christ the gospel For without this Doctrine of faith neither the Mediator neither the preaching of the gospell are profitable to anie but rather encrease and aggrauate their condemnation For albeit the satisfaction of our Mediatour Christ for our sinnes be most perfect and God doth testifie in his gospell that hee will accept it for righteousnesse for it receiue men into fauour yet notwithstanding all are not freed from miserie but they only who beleeue the gospell and also doe apply the merit of Christ vnto themselues by a true faith For of that condition is Christes righteousnesse made ours if wee receiue it now that receiuing is the act and worke of faith alone that is faith only is the mean whereby we are made partakers both of Christ himselfe and of all his benefites Wherefore we are diligently to learne out of Gods word what is the nature and what the propertie of faith Grace is greater than sinne in respect of the sufficiencie of Christes satisfaction not in respect of the application thereof 1 Obiection Grace exceedeth the sinne of Adam If therefore for the sinne of Adam al men are cast away much more by the grace of Christ all and not beleeuers onlie are saued Aunswere to the Antecedent Grace exceedeth and is aboue sinne in respect of the sufficiencie of the satisfaction not in respect of the application thereof Wherefore that al are not saued through the satisfaction or obedience of Christ the fault thereof sticketh in men themselues and is to bee ascribed vnto the vnbeleeuers who embrace not the grace of Christ offered but like vngratefull men reiect it But in the beleeuers onlie doth god obtaine his end and purpose when as they bee thankefull vnto God receiue the benefites of god by a true faith and celebrate and magnifie them in their whole life 2 Obiection Whomsoeuer Christ hath fully satisfied for they are to be receiued of god into fauor For so doth the Iustice of god require But Christ hath fullie satisfied for all the sinnes of all men Therefore al men are to be receiued of god into fauor or if this be not doone god shall be vniust or somwhat is derogated from christs merit Aunswere The Maior proposition beeing vnderstoode simply and without any limitation is false All are receiued into fauor for whom Christ hath satisfied to wit if they apply the satisfaction of Christ vnto themselues by beleeuing and resoluing that they are for that his satisfaction accepted of god Ioh. 3.16 So god loued the world that he gaue his Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him might haue euerlasting life And hereof it appeareth wherefore all are not saued euen because all doe not apply by faith Christes satisfaction vnto them and god will haue examples to remaine not only of his mercy in his chosen but of his Iustice also in the reprobate This would not be if al without making of difference were saued Obiection Adam by one sin made al subiect to condemnation but Christ doth iustifie only some The force of Christes satisfaction is seene not in the multitude of them who are saued but in the greatnes of the benifit The force therefore is greater of sin to condemne than of the satisfaction of Christ to saue Auns We deny the consequence of this argument because the efficacie and excellency of the satisfaction of Christ is not to bee esteemed by the multitude of them who are thereby saued but by the greatnesse of the benefit it selfe For it is a greater work to deliuer and
saue euen one from euerlasting death than to make all men by one sin guiltie of euerlasting death For be it that Christ should saue euen but one man 1. It was necessarie that hee shoulde paie in a finit time a punishment in greatnesse and valewe infinit not only for that one sinne of Adam but for other infinite sinnes which followed it of which euery one also deserue infinit punishment 2. It was required also that he should purge and take away not onlie that originall birth-sinne but also infinite others 3. and should restore in vs a perfect conformitie with god Wherefore the grace of Christ in sauing euen one man doth in infinit manner exceed the sinne of Adam Againe that al are not saued by Christ the cause lieth not in the force and excellency of his satisfaction or in the merit of Christ for this in it selfe is a sufficient and ful worthie ransome for the expiating of al the sinnes of al men but the fault rather is in men who do not as much as applie vnto themselues by a true faith Christs merit as they doe apply vnto themselues the sinne of Adam both by beeing borne in it and consenting vnto it and in fostering it For the grace of God is not narrower or of a straiter compasse than sinne in respect of the sufficiencie of Christes satisfaction but in respect of the sufficiency of the application thereof which is required of men For God will not so shewe his mercie as that he will not also exercise his iustice Now the reason why God doth impute for perfect righteousnesse the merit of Christ to beleeuers onely and restoreth saluation vnto them is for that in them alone he obtaineth the end both of his creation also of his deliuerie iustification euen his praise and glorie For they only agnise this benefit of GOD and yeeld thanks vnto him for it the rest despise it OF FAITH HAVING declared the Doctrine concerning the Mediatour which is the gospell it remaineth that we speake of the meane whereby wee are made partakers of the Mediatour that is of faith without which also the preaching of the Gospell profiteth and auaileth nothing The principal questions concerning Faith are seuen 1 What faith is in generall 2 How many kindes of faith there are 3 How those kindes differ 4 How faith and hope differ and agree 5 What are the causes of faith 6 What the effects 7 To whom it is giuen 1 WHAT FAITH IS FAith in generall is a knowledge of certaine propositions a firme assent caused by the authoritie of a true witnesse who is not thought to deceiue whether it be God or Angell or Man or Experience or it is to assent firmelie to a thing knowen for the asseueration sake word of true witnesses This faith reacheth to thinges both diuine and humane Wherefore wee must giue a more restrained faith which may agree to diuine thinges which notwithstanding must bee also generall Theologicall faith therefore is a certaine knowledge firmely yeelding assent to all thinges The definition of Theological faith in general which are deliuered in the sacred Scriptures of God his will and woorkes and of sinne euen because God himselfe dooth affirme it or it is to yeeld assent to euerie word of God deliuered to the Church either in the Lawe or in the Gospell for that it is the asseueration or auouching of God himself Oftentimes it is taken for the very doctrine of the Church or those thinges whereby wee are out of Gods woorde enfourmed and instructed vnto faith or assent and beleefe Furthermore albeit there be also other certain notices whereunto we firmely giue assent as vnderstanding or apprehension of principles Science Sapience Art How faith differeth from all other kindes of knowledge Prudence for the assent comming vnto the notice doth confirme and perfect it so that what knowledge of a thing is had without assent it is imperfect and vnprofitable yet none of these are that faith especially the Theologicall such as a little before it is described For to those notices or apprehensions we doe assent either because they are naturally engraffed in our mindes or for that they bring demonstrance or some other true and certaine proofes But the Theologicall assent or faith is not neither ariseth it out of the instinct of nature neither out of sense or experience neither out of demonstrations or reasons borrowed from Philosophie but commeth and dependeth of a peculiar and supernaturall reuelation or diuine Testimonie That therefore which is added in the former description for the asseueration of God himselfe distinguisheth Theological faith from al other knowledges euen the most certaine And this generall definition of Theologicall faith is necessarie that wee may not thinke that out of Philosophie or such principles as are naturally knowen to all are to bee drawen reasons or argumentes sound and sufficient to confirme the articles of our faith but may know that the woord of God and those good and necessarie consequences and arguments which are framed out of it are a supernaturall light and more certaine then all though most exact and exquisite demonstrances either natural or Mathematicall of Philosophers 2 What are the kinds of faith 1 Historical 2 Temporary 3 Working miracles 4 Iustifieng What historical faith is THe difference of these kindes one from the other appeareth out of their definitions Historicall faith is to know and think al those thinges to bee true which are manifested from aboue either by voice or by visions or by any other manner of reuelation and are taught in the bookes of the Prophetes and Apostles and thus to be persuaded of them for the asseueration and testimonie of god himselfe It is called historicall because it is a bare knowledge of such thinges as God saith hee dooth or hath done or hereafter wil doe Of this faith these Testimonies of holy Scripture make mention Iames 2.19 The Diuels beleeue and tremble For the Diuel knoweth exactly both what things are written in the woorde and also what are not written Because he is a spirit witty quick and learned hee is present and seeth whatsoeuer things are doone in the church also through long experience hath known doth know the doctrin of the church to be true c. 1. Cor. 13.2 If I haue al faith so that I moue moūtains c. Which saying may be constred of al the sorts of faith Iustifing faith only excepted Act. 13. Simon Magus is said to haue beleeued to wit that the doctrine was true which the Apostles did propound Historical faith good in it selfe but made ill by them who can not applie it vnto themselues Wherefore historicall faith may be without iustifieng faith although iustifieng faith is not without it for the historical is a part of the iustifieng therefore this is good and profitable and necessarie in it selfe but is made in Diuels and men sinne by an accident for that they apply not
all euill For these are the effectes to come of that present and perpetuall wil of God towards vs which wee apprehend by faith Rom. 8.24 Wee are saued by hope but hope that is seen is not hope But if we hope for that we see not we doo with patience abide for it 1 Obiection Life euerlasting is a thing to come We beleeue life euerlasting Wee beleeue therefore that which is to come that is faith is also of things to come and so faith is hope it selfe Ans The Maior must bee distinguished Life euerlasting is to come tru as concerning the consummation or accomplishment therof But it is present vnto vs as cōcerning the wil and vnchaungeable purpose of God who hath decreed from euerlasting that which he hath begun in vs and will also in due time accomplish it Againe it is present vnto vs as concerning the beginning therof For euerlasting life is begun here in the elect by the holy ghost Wherefore faith apprehendeth it as it is present both in respect of the purpose of God in respect of the beginning thereof in vs. For he that beleeueth feeleth and knoweth that he is quickened and resolueth this to bee the will of God that that quickening and reuiuing which is here begunne shall bee absolued in another life Iohn 5.24 He that beleeueth in the sonne hath passed from death to life Iohn 17.3 This is life eternall that they know thee to be the only verie God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ Gal. 4.6 God hath sent forth the spirit of his sonne into your harts which crieth Abba father Rom. 8.24 We are saued by hope 1. Ioh. 3.2 Now are we the sonnes of God but it doth not yet appear what we shal be By faith thē we are certein that those blessings also which as yet we haue not are notwithstanding ours for Gods promise for the vnchangeable will in God to giue them vs but in certain hope wee looke for them as concerning their accomplishment Faith apprehendeth the promises of thinges to come hope relieth on the thinges promised The summe is There is one and the same act and operation of faith and of hope but they differ in consideration It is called faith as it doth apprehend things to come as if they were present in regard of the vnchangeablenes of Gods will It is called hope as it doth certainlie look for the bestowing of those things Therfore Heb. 11 1. it is shewed that faith is the ground substance of things which are hoped for that is it is that which maketh things which are hoped for to be extant and present in that manner as hath bin shewed Shorter thus Faith apprehendeth the promises concerning things to come as they are to come Hope the things themselues which are promised 2 Obiection Faith is the euidence of thinges which are not seene therefore not of thinges present Aunswere It is the euidence of thinges which are not seene to wit by the outward senses but they are seene by the eies of the mind euen as if they did lie open to the eies of the bodie Againe they are not seene in respect of their accomplishment or consummation 5 What are the causes of Faith THE first and principall efficient cause of faith is the holie ghost illightening the minde that it may vnderstand the word and moouing the will that it may assent vnto the woord once vnderstoode Yee are freelie saued by faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God Ephes 2.8 Obiection The Diuel hath faith It is wrought therefore in him by the holie ghost Aunswere What faith is in the Diuel is wrought by the spirit of God but that by a generall woorking onely whereby hee worketh in all euen in Diuels and hypocrites what-soeuer knowledge or vnderstanding is in them 1. Cor. 12. c. not by a speciall and proper action or working wherby to regenerat or sanctifie them that they might truely acknowledge him to bee the author of this gift and magnifie him therefore after which maner hee woorketh faith in the elect alone The Diuels therefore and hypocrits haue faith from the spirit of God but the elect from the spirit of God sanctifieng them The instrumentall cause of faith in generall is the whole worde of God the Lawe and the Gospell written spoken readde heard The chiefe instrumental causes of ingendering iustifieng faith are the preaching of the word and the vse of the sacramentes meditated likewise many works miracles of God in the world But the chiefe and proper instrument of iustifieng faith is the preaching of the Gospell the vse of the sacraments For these doth the holy ghost vse as instruments yet not necessarie but arbitrarie at his own good pleasure both to stir vp faith in vs and to nourish strengthen increase the same Rom. 10.17 Faith commeth by hearing Rom. 1.16 The gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleeueth 1. Cor. 4.15 I haue begottē you through the gospel Mar. 16.16 He that shall beleeue and be Baptized shall be saued Act. 22.16 Wash away thy sins 1. Cor. 10.16 The bread which we break is the communion of the bodie of Christ Wherefore ordinarilie iustifieng faith is neuer engendred in those who are of yeares to receiue it without the preaching of the gospell The cause of that faith which worketh miracles is not simply the woorde of God but there must necessarily come thereto an especiall and immediate reuelation from God The formal causes of faith a sure and ful confidence in Christ The obiect of faith Christ and his benefites promised The final causes of faith Gods glorie our saluation The formall cause of iustifieng faith is a certaine knowledge confidence in Christ The obiect of it is Whole Christ and his benefits promised in the word Likewise God fauorable to vs through Christ The subiect wherein it remaineth is the vnderstanding will of man The end or finall cause 1 The glorie of God to wit the celebration of his trueth iustice bountie mercie which hee hath shewed in the sending of his Sonne and in the giuing of faith in him 2 Our Saluation that we may receiue the blessings which are promised in the worde 6 What are the effects of faith The effectes of faith iustification and regeneration THe effects of iustifieng faith are 1 The iustifieng of vs before God 2 Peace of conscience or ioy resting on God Rom. 5.1 Beeing iustified by faith we haue peace with god 3 Our whole conuersion which followeth faith and beginneth at the same time with faith For by faith are our hats purified 4 The fruits of conuersion repentance euen good woorkes For whatsouer is not of faith is sinne Hither may be referred also the consequences of faith that is encrease of spirituall corporal giftes The first then and immediate effect of iustifieng-faith is Iustification from this afterwardes flow al other benefites
al his waies And Act. 10. God is no accepter of persons Thirdly Gods diuine wil is the chiefe and perfectest rule and onely squire of vprightnesse And therefore God alone because he is exceeding good cannot of his owne nature wil or work anie vniust thing but the wils and actions of all creatures are so far iust as they are made by god conformable to his diuine wil. Men not able without the doctrine of the church to conceiue aright of Gods iustice and righteousnes Now although al confesse god to be righteous and iust because God hath imprinted this notion and knowledge of himselfe among other in the reasonable nature because hee is perfectly good and therefore is the rule of perfect righteousnesse because hee witnesseth by examples of punishmentes and rewardes that he hateth and punisheth vniust thinges and liketh the iust because hee is the iudge of the woorlde to whome it belongeth to compose or set and administer all thinges in a iust order because lastly hee oweth not any thing to any nature but by the right of a creatour it is laweful for him to dispose of all thinges at his will and therefore cannot be to any iniurious as it is saide Luc. 17. When ye haue done all saie we are vnprofitable seruants Rom. 11.35 Who hath giuen vnto him first and hee shall be recompenced Matth. 20.15 Is it not lawfull for mee to doe as I wil with mine owne Yet notwithstanding it is farre off that men shoulde iudge aright of the righteousnesse and iustice of God without the doctrine of the Church because they haue not the whole knowledge not so much as of the Lawe wherein God made knowen his iustice and can affirme nothing certaine concerning the euerlasting punishmentes of sinnes and are altogether ignoraunt of the punishment which the Sonne of God susteined for sinnes Moreouer mens mindes are troubled The causes which make men to conceiue amisse of Gods iustice so that they doubt whether all thinges be gouerned of God in a iust and vpright order First when they see it goe well with the bad and ill with the good And to this obiection the doctrine of the Church onely is able to make aunswere which sheweth that God differreth the punishmentes of the wicked and the rewardes of the good to another life inuiteth the vn-Godly by his mildnesse lenity to repentance proueth confirmeth the Godly by exercises and calamities punisheth and chastiseth many for their sins who seem in mens iudgements to be g●ltles It goeth therefore euil with the good but not finally Now as hee differeth the punishment of the wicked thereby to inuite them to repentance so he afflicteth the Godlie First Because they yet retain manie sinnes Secondlie To proue and trie them Thirdly To confirme their saith in them Obiection But iustice requireth that neuer any good should be done to the wicked they were presently to bee punished Aunswere Except there be a reasonable and iust cause why to differre their punishment Reply But yet no harme shoulde euer be doone to the good Aunswere Not to those which are perfectlie good But we in this life are not p●●fectlie good Reply Wee are perfect in Christ Aunswere And therefore we are not punished of God but onelie chastised proued and exercised that so at length we may be also perfect in our selues Secondly when men consider that God dooth not cause and bring to passe that no sinne be committed when yet he might most easily doe it but farther that he punisheth sinnes which went before with after-sinnes and passeth at his pleasure thinges from one to another as the Aegyptians goods to the Israelites Exod. 12. And yet these thinges to be forbidden vs by his Lawe it seemeth vnto them that God will dooth some things contrarie to his Lawe But these thinges are contrarie to his Lawe and iustice if they be done by men but if God doe them they are most iust and are most agreeable to his Lawe For creatures are bound one to another one to prouide for anothers safety whensoeuer hee can But God is bound to none Thirdly some when they heare that god dooth not giue alike and equallie to men who all are by nature equal that is the Sonnes of wrath when as he conuerteth and saueth some hardeneth and condemneth others they deeme that by this reason accepting of persons is laide vpon God But these men mark not that then it is vniust to giue vnequallie to those who are equall when a due and deserued rewarde is paide and that GOD doth giue his blessings vnto men not of due but of his free bountifulnesse Reply Those thinges which are doone according to iustice are doone as due But that good should be doone to those who are good the order of iustice requireth Therefore good is doone vnto the good as due Aunswere Al this is true if wee talke of creatures But if of God not so because the creatour is bound to none as the creatures are neither can the creatures deserue any thing of God as they may one of another Wherefore God punisheth of iustice but dooth good of grace and mercie according as it is saide When yee haue doone all say we are vnprofitable seruants wee haue doone that which was our dutie to doe And if any man reply that not men onelie but God also is bound by order of iustice to spare and doe well to the good out of those wordes of Abraham Gen. 8.23 Wilt thou also destroie the righteous with the wicked It is to bee obserued that this bond is not of any desert or right that may make the Creatour to stand answerable to the Creature but of gods promise and truth For God did most freely and of his exceeding goodnesse when hee ought nothing to any bind himselfe by promises endented to doe good vnto the godlie And this goodnesse of God and faithfulnesse in keeping his promises is often called iustice And therefore it is well saide that it agreeth not with God to afflict anie vndeseruedly not because hee should iniurie any though he destroied him not offending but because his mercie and bountifulnesse and trueth doe not admit this These thinges are necessarily to be ascribed of vs vnto the iustice of God that the cogitation thereof may ascertaine vs of the punishment of the wicked of the deliueraunce of the Godly from their iniuries after this life that so we may patiently beare whatsoeuer he will lay vpon vs as Dan. 9. it is said O Lord righteousnes belongeth vnto thee but vnto vs open shame GOD teacheth vs in the Scripture to knowe his trueth after this manner First How wee are taught the truth of God in scripture that his infinite Wisedome suffereth none but most true and certaine knoweledge of all thinges to bee in him Hebrues 4.13 There is no creature which is not manifest in his sight but all thinges are naked vnto his eies with whom wee haue to doe Secondly that hee neither
exercised Ioseph and taken vengeaunce on his brethren that shoulde then haue beene the best It foloweth therefore that God will no other thing after hee hath once decreed what hee will haue done but that he was able from euerlasting to haue decreed some other thing For whatsoeuer he would that from euerlasting hee woulde most freely 4 Obiection Moreouer some places of scripture seeme to intimate that the will of God may bee sometimes hindered by his creatures As Ezech 33.11 I desire not the death of the wicked Math. 23. How often would I haue gathered thee and thou wouldst not Ans These and the like places onely shew with what God is delighted to what he inuiteth calleth al but not what by his mercie spirit he hath purposed to work in euery one Wherefore this doctrine of the libertie and free will of God let vs diligently maintaine that both the glorie of god may bee vindicated from stoicall blasphemies and in vs faith hope inuocating on god and sedulitie and earnestnes in performing our duety may be established if acknowledging god most freely to gouerne all hir creatures we be neither secure in prosperitie nor in aduersitie doe cast away hope and good indeuours Lastly in the description of gods nature is put The anger of God against sinne that he is angrie and wrath with offences and sinnes Which horrible anger and wrath of god whereby hee detesteth and punisheth all sinnes although al the wicked at length too late perceiue haue experience of when they rush into eternall dispaire yet such his displeasure and indignation as god will haue to be knowen they cannot so much as conceiue who are without the Church seeing they neither iudge all those euils to be sinnes which god in his lawe threatneth hee will punish with euerlasting tormentes neither knowe the death and punishment of the sonne of god than which god could not shewe a greater token and Argument of his anger against sin The elect and chosen alone are throughly moued by a right and sauing knowledge thereof gathered out of gods punishments and threatninges to conuersion and the feare of god But the greatnes of it no man can fully conceiue according as it is saide Psal 90. Who knoweth the power of thy wrath How the conceiuing of the whole nature of God he that is instructed by the spirit goeth beyond him whom nature informeth Out of the description therefore of God before deliuered wee may vnderstand how the true God is discerned from false Gods Likewise what the knowledge of God reueiled in his word differeth from that which the heathen haue beeing deriued from the light of nature The difference consisteth first In the attributes or properties of God now expounded Secondly In the persons Thirdly In the workes of these two is to be spoken afterwardes These thinges are fullie and rightly vnderstood in the Church onely Because they are made knowen by reuelation from GOD onely wherefore they who are not of the Church doe not knowe and worship of the true GOD but an idole in steede of the true GOD. For they erre First in the attributes or properties of GOD who either knowe not and professe all or doe not rightly and fully expounde them as they are declared in the worde or else corrupt them The Heathen therefore know not the omnipotencie wisedome goodnes iustice truth mercie bountifulnesse of GOD shewed in the sauing and restoring of men by the sending of the Sonne and the holie Ghost They knowe not the death and punishment of the Sonne of GOD therefore they knowe not the grieuousnesse of GODS anger against sinne euen that hee will punish all sinne yea the least with eternall punishment Wherefore also they know not the iustice of GOD punishing all sinne with eternal pains in the wicked or with that which is equiualent to eternall in his Sonne They knowe not the Wisedome Mercie Truth of god freeing vs sinners from death and receiuing vs without breach of his iustice into fauour Iustifiyng vs sanctifiyng and glorifiyng vs in his Sonne by the holie ghost according to his promises Neither further doe they ascribe vnto god fullie and wholy his Omnipotencie Wisedome goodnesse which shineth in the creation of thinges and in the continuall preseruing of the same For of manie things they haue either none or but a darke knowledge many things they subtract and withdrawe from the prouidence and gouernement of god and attribute it to their owne wisedome industrie vertue and strengh or ascribe it to fortune and chaunce The like we are to conceiue of other attributes of god in which they are alike blinde Secondly The Church acknowledgeth three persons of one and the same Diuine Essence that is that the true god is an Essence so in number one eternall and infinite that notwithstanding it is the same and whole substaunce of the three persons to wit the eternall Father and his Coëternall Sonne and the Coëternall holy ghost But the Heathen and Pagans and other sectes doe not acknowledge three persons but as the Essence so also the person of the Godhead they professe to bee onely one Thirdly They which are not of the Church are altogether ignorant of the works of the Churches saluation namely the reconciliation of men with god iustification sanctification and full deliuerie from all sinne and miserie by the Sonne and the holie ghost Neither doe they wholy acknowlege or professe the woorkes of Creation For they doe not thinke all thinges to haue beene created of nothing by the woorde of god onely they denie all generally and each in particular euen the least to bee administred power-fullie by the Omnipotencie of God but ascribe very manie to Chaunce Fortune and humane Wisedome Wherefore seeing out of the woorkes of god as his proper affectes are made knowen both the properties or nature of the true god as also the Trinitie of persons in one godhead and therefore god and eache of the persons take their names from them and seeing those woorkes are both all and chieflie extant in the Church and are by the Church rightly and sufficiently vnderstoode hereof is necessarily concluded that hee alone who is made knowen in the woorde and the Church is the true and naturall god and that hee is to bee knowen and discerned from Idols by the woorde onely and by his benefites and reuelations exhibited to the Church as the sending of the holy ghost the redemption of mankinde regeneration sanctification and glorification concerning the which Pagans and many other sects know nothing at all 3 Whence it may appeare that there is but one god Whence first sprang the multitude of Gods ALbeit god in the beginning did as certainely declare vnto mankinde that he is but one onely as what he is yet the world by the guile and deceit of the Diuel going about to spoile god of his honour and to beare and vaunt himselfe for god and to destroy mankinde for the hatred hee beareth vnto
nor spirite but that good Angels are cogitations and motions raised by GOD in men or happie euents proceeding from GOD and bad Angels euil and wandring affections or lustes or purposes and deuises which come of the corruption of nature For except they were liuing substaunces and forcible in working they woulde not assume carrie and mooue bodies and visible shapes Moreouer the Scripture attributeth manie thinges to them euery where which agree not but to natures subsisting by themselues liuing and vnderstanding For the good Angels were those ministers by whom the lawe was deliuered in mount Sina Actes 7. Galat. 3. They shall come with Christ when he shal iudge the quicke and the dead Mat 25. They knowe not the daie of iudgement Mat. 24. They alwaies beholde the face of the father which is in heauen Math. 18.10 They reioice for the saluation of men Luke 2. and 15.1 Pet. 1. The elect shall be like vnto them Math. 22. Christ is made more excellent than the Angels Hebrewes 1. They defend the elect Psalm 34. But the euil Angels did not abide in the truth Iohn 8.44 They appeare amongest the children of god Iob. 1.6 They inuade and possesse the bodies of men and beastes Math. 8. They shall be punished with euerlasting torments Math. 25. Angels are also finite that is of a limited essence or nature 2 Angels finite both in nature and in properties and endewed with a certaine measure of strength and wisedome For although spirites are not circumscribed in a certaine compasse of place as bodies yet their substaunce is neither infinitelie extended neither in more places than one at the same time neither is able in wisedome or power or other properties to match and equall the immensnes of the Creator For they are saide to goe from one place to another and to be absent from one place when they are in another as Luk. 1. Act. 10. 12. Dan. 10. They were created by god of nothing 3 They were created in the verie beginning of the world Psal 148. Praise ye him al ye his Angels praise him al his armie For hee commaunded and they were created Col. 1.16 By him were all thinges created which are in heauen and which are in earth thinges visible and inuisible whether they bee thrones or dominions or principalities or powers c. Wherefore albeit in Moses there is no mention made Moses made mention of the Angels in general though not in particular in the storie of the creation seuerallie of Angels as who applying himself to the common capacitie of men especially recounteth the visible workes of god yet whenas he saith that heauen earth and al the host of them was created he implieth also Angels which both are these verie heauenly hosts and ministers of god and are often mentioned among them by Moses himselfe And whereas they are called Iob. 1. 38. The children of god it is not to be vnderstood of any coeternity and propagation of their substance out of god but of their creation and conformitie with god and of the mutuall loue betweene god and them as in like sort also may bee saide of men They were created al good and holy that is in their creation 4 They were created in holynes they were enriched with strength wisedome libertie of wil holines and righteousnes whereby they might be conformed and like to god as it is saide He sawe all that hee had made and lo it was verie good And of the good Angels it is said Psal 103.20 Ye his Angels that excell in strength that do his commaundement in obeying the voice of his word Mat. 18.10 Their Angels alwaies beholde the face of my father which is in heauen Mat. 22. The elect shall be in the resurrection as the Angels of god in heauen Luc. 9. they are called holie Likewise Isai 9. Seraphin that is flaming or shining namely with puritie and diuine wisedome and with the loue of god But of the bad Angels it is saide Iohn 8. Hee abode not in the truth And in the epistle of Iuda The Angels which kept not their first estate but left their owne habitation 5 And confirmed therein Now as these former to bee spirites finite created by God of nothing and created good and holie are in the Scripture deliuered as common both to good and bad Angels So also the Scripture deliuereth those things whereby a huge and exceeding difference appeareth betweene them For the good Angels by the especiall grace of their Creator were so confirmed and established in that sanctitie and blessednes wherein they were created that albeit they serue their Creator with an exceeding and most free wil yet can they neuer reuolt from him or fall from that state of righteousnesse and felicitie wherein they stand Wherefore 1. Tim. 5. They are called elect Angels Mat. 18. They are saide alwaies to beholde the face of the father Of those who are elected to euerlasting life it is said Math. 22. That they shal be like the Angels And this perseueraunce in their state they haue not by the peculiar excellencie and vertue of their nature as it is saide Iob. 4.18 He found no stedfastnes in his seruaunts and laid follie vpon his Angels But of the meere and free bountifulnes of God towards them by the sonne of God keeping and guiding them that they may be ioined to him as to their head and remaine together with elect men the euerlasting Church and Temple of God magnifiyng and praising God for euer Colos 1. All thinges consist in him Likewise Ephes 1. It hath pleased the father to gather together in one all thinges both which are in heauen and which are in earth in Christ 6 To worship and magnifie God The good Angels were both created and confirmed 1 Euerlastingly to knowe and magnifie God for his goodnesse and bountie towards them and mankind Psal 103. Praise the Lord al ye his hosts Isa 6.5 They crie Holie holie holie the Lord of hosts the whole earth is ful of his glory And Luc. 2. They laud praise God for the manifestation of the Messias 7 To be the ministers of God for the sauing of his chosen 2 To be the ministers of god for the accomplishing and maintaining of the safetie and saluation of the chosen when as God by them declareth his wil deliuereth the godly out of daungers defendeth them against the Diuels and wicked men Or also to punish the wicked who oppugne the Church Psalme 34.7 The Angel of the Lord pitcheth rounde about them that feare him and deliuereth them Psalm 91.11 He shall giue his Angels charge ouer thee to keepe thee in all thy waies They serue also for the wicked Nowe although the wicked also and reprobate are defended by the Angels and receiue other benefites not seldome at the handes of God as Iohn 5. When after the waters of Bethesda had been troubled by an Angel whosoeuer then first stepped in was made whole
goodnesse dooth he preserue administer and rule the woorlde created 6 Euerie positiue thing and all good is from God 6 Autor of all good as the first cause and chiefe good But not only substaunces but all their motions and actions are a certaine positiue thing good Therefore all motions also haue God their first cause and are done by his wil. 7 Hee that will the ende or consequent of anie euent 7 God maker and disposer of the meanes which bring to euerie end will also the meane or euent which goeth before But GOD will the ends of all things which are doone Therefore he will also all precedent euentes either simply and absolutely or in some sort and respect 8 God is the first cause of al things 8 He the first cause Therefore all thinges depend on him 9 An vnchangeable prescience or foreknowledge dependeth of an vnchaungeable cause 9 His vnchangeable foreknowledge of all thinges God foreknoweth all thinges vnchangeablie from euerlasting Therefore this his foreknowledge must depend of an vnchaungeable cause But there is no vnchangeable cause beside the wil of God Therefore al things depend and are gouerned of the wil of God 2 WHAT THE PROVIDENCE OF GOD IS THe prouidence of god is the eternal most free vnchaungeable The definition of Gods prouidence most iust wise and good counsail of god whereby he worketh al good thinges and permitteth also euil thinges to bee doone and directeth al things both euill and good to his glorie and the safety of his chosen The explication of the parts of the definition seuerally 1 Counsel 1 By the name of counsell is comprehended An vnderstanding or prescience and foreknowledge of things to come or to be done of the causes for which they are or are not to be doone Likewise a will effecting or woorking a thing for certaine causes and that in due time and order Prouidence therefore is the prescience and forcible wil of God Psal 33.11 The counsel of the Lord standeth for euer Isaie 46.10 My counsel shall stand Prescience is a knowledge whereby God knew from euerlasting not so much what himselfe was or is to doe as what not himselfe but others would and wil doe as sinnes And this prescience belongeth to vnderstanding Prouidence Predestination though they agree in this that both are of those things only which god himselfe purposed to do yet they differ because prouidence extendeth to al things and to al the works of god but predestination is extended properly to those creatures only which are endued with reason Predestination is the most wise eternall vnchangeable decree of God whereby he deputed destined euery man before he was created to his certaine vse and end God predestinated no man to commit sinne though he foreknew sinne before 2 Eternal 2 That this counsel is eternal cannot bee denied because seeing neither the ignorance of any thing nor encrease of knowledge nor change of wil falleth into God it is certain that he knew and decreed al things from euerlasting Pro. 8.22 The Lord hath possessed me in the beginning of his way Isa 46.10 Which declare the last things from the beginning from old the things that were not done Ephes 1.4 Hee hath chosen vs in Christ before the foundation of the woorlde 1. Corint 2.7 Wee speake the wisedome of God which hee had determined before the world 3 Most free 3 Most free that is a decree which was made from euerlasting of all thinges and euentes as it pleased him of his greate wisedome and goodnesse when hee had perfect power otherwise to haue directed his counsell or else to haue omitted it or to haue done thinges otherwise than hee decreed to doe them by his counsel Psal 115.3 Hee doth whatsoeuer he wil. Ier. 18.6 As the clay is in the potters hand so are you in mine hand 4 Vnchangeable Because neither error of counsell 4 Vnchangeable nor any change or mutation falleth into god but what he hath once decreed from euerlasting that as beeing most good and right doth he bring to passe 1. Sam. 15.29 The strength of Israel wil not lie nor repent Mal. 3.6 I am the Lorde I chaunge not 5 Most wise This is shewed both by the woonderfull course of things and euents in the world 5 Most wise and by the scripture it self Iob. 12.13 With him is wisedom and strength he hath counsel and vnderstanding 6 Most Iust Because the wil of God is the onely fountaine and the chiefe rule of all iustice manifested and declared in the Lawe Whatsoeuer therefore GOD will 6 Most Iust or hath decreed or doth woork it is simply and in it selfe iust whether we know or not knowe the manner how it is iust 2. Chro. 19.7 There is no iniquitie with the Lord our God neither respect of persons Dan. 9.14 7 Whereby god worketh This is added that wee maie knowe the counsel of God not to be idle 7 Effectual in working but effectual and forcible in working For god not only once created things bestowed on them a vertue and force whereby to work but also doth preserue and moue by his presence and continual working al things at his pleasure No creature whether great or smal can either be or moue or do or suffer anie thing except God effectually preserue moue and gouern it Act. 17. In him we liue and moue haue our being And God worketh al things by his sole and eternal wil without any labour or motion For to wil in him is both to be able and to do and contrary his power and action is his very eternal and vnchangeable wil. For in god the wil is not disioined from his efficacy and woorking as it commeth to passe in creatures The working or operation of God is two-fold General The general and special working of God whereby hee susteineth and gouerneth al things especially mankind special wherby he beginneth the saluatiō of his chosē in this life and perfecteth it in the life to come 1. Tim. 4.14 God is the sauior of al men specially of those that beleeue Ro. 8.14 As many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god An other diuisiō there is of gods working wherby it is diuided into immediate The Immediate working of God and mediate working Immediate working is when beside or contrarie to the meanes and order setled by him in nature he woorketh what he will as in all miracles which are described and declared to this end that we might learne that God dooth woorke most freely either by meanes or without them For that all those miracles are not wrought without diuine power both experience teacheth vs in asmuch as they cannot bee wrought by the power of any creature and the Scripture witnesseth as Psalm 136.4 Which onely dooth great woonders Exod. 8.19 This is the finger of God Gods Mediate working Mediate woorking is when God by creatures
execution of his iustice or the deliuerie of his Church or a chastisement or triall or Martyrdome or ransome Isay 1.24 Psalm 2.4 Prouerb 1.26 4 Obiection Hee will that all men shall bee saued 1. Tim. 2.4 2. Pet. 3.9 Answere All men that is all sorts of men For out of all sorts of men he chooseth his chosen Now of euil of crime or offence Euil of crime as it is such God doth only permit and not wil. there is another consideration For these as they are sinnes or euils of crime are not considered as good S. Iames saith of them let no man when he is tēpted that is when he is sollicited to euil say that he is tēpted of God Therefore God neither intendeth them in his counsel purpose neither alloweth nor worketh nor furdereth them but only suffereth or permitteth them to bee doone of diuels men that is doth not hinder thē from not being doone when yet he could hinder them partly to shew in punishing them his iustice partly to shew in pardoning them his mercy Gal. 3.22 The scripture hath concluded all vnder sin c. And Rom. 9.17 For the same purpose haue I stirred thee vp c. But in the mean season the forsaking of his creature or depriuing him of diuine light rightnesse the action it selfe which diuels mē sinning do against the Law wil of God he notwithstanding by his generall prouidence efficacy wil moueth but to such an end as doth best agree with his nature law iustice goodnesse whether it be knowen or vnknowen to vs. Therefore sinnes are truely said to be doone not by the wil or working but by the permission of God The word permission in this place is to bee reteined because both it and others of the same force are sometimes found in the Scripture As Gen. 26. and 31.7 Psal 105.14 But yet we must expound it aright out of the scriptures For God neither will nor will not sinnes simplie but in some respect he wil and in some respect hee will not but onely permitteth them Which that it may the better be vnderstood we must knowe that in euery sin or euil of crime are two things namely the material or subiect and the formal Sinne is alwaies both in a good subiect and to a good end directed by God that is the corruption it selfe or defect of rightnes sticking inherēt in the subiect The subiect is a thing positiue or a thing of nature as an inclination motion action therefore dooth it partake of the nature of good is wrought and moued by god but corruption is not wrought by God but came vnto the subiect by the wil of diuels and men forsaking God Wherefore no sinne can bee or bee imagined which is not in some good thing and hath adioined vnto it some consideration and respect of good Otherwise God for his infinit goodnesse would not suffer it to bee doone neither shoulde it bee desired of any neither should at al be so that it is truly saide that there cannot bee put anie thing which is the chiefe and extreme euill that is such as dooth take away good wholy for it should not bee desired vnder some shewe and apparancie that it hadde of good neither shoulde it haue a subiect wherein in to bee Sinne alwaies is to bee discerned from good and so shoulde destroie it selfe But albeit euill is alwaies ioyned with good and dooth concurre with it in the same actions or inclinations yet these two thinges are diligently to bee seuered and discerned neither is the woorke of the Creatour to be confounded with the worke of the creature sinning least either God thereby bee made the cause of sinne or the greatest part of the gouernement of the woorlde and humane affaires bee taken from him Heereby wee may vnderstand howe farre foorth god will sinne In sinne God effectuallie will 1 The subiect or matter how he wil not but permitteth it He wil therefore sinnes 1 As concerning their matter that is the actions themselues of men sinning motions and inclinations to obiectes as they are onely such God wil woorketh and directeth For both they partake of the nature of good and if God simplie would them not they shoulde not at all bee done 2. ● The endes As concerning the endes whereunto God destineth those actions which are sinnes that is hee wil the actions of sinners as they are the punishmentes of the wicked or chastisementes or trials or martyrdomes of the godlie or the Sacrifice of the Sonne of GOD for the sinnes of men But these endes are most good and most agreeing with the nature iustice and goodnesse of GOD. Therefore GOD the first cause of al good will intendeth and woorketh these in the sinnes or actions of the wicked and by a consequent also the actions them-selues which the wicked doe in sinning and by which as meanes GOD attaineth to those endes 3. 3 The forsaking of his creatures As concerning the withdrawing of his grace that is his diuine light and rightnesse This withdrawing is an action proper to god namely his eternall and forcible woorking will destining whom it will to bee forsaken It is also iust and holie because GOD is bound to none and because it is either the exploration and triall of the creature or the punishment of sin And this withdrawing once beeing put the inclinations motions actions of the creature cannot but erre and swarue from the Lawe of GOD and bee sinnes Nowe as the inclinations motions and actions of sinners The corruption of the action or inclination God will not but permitteth are sinnes that is are repugnant to order and nature and swarue from the Lawe of GOD because they are doone without the knowledge of Gods will and purpose of obeying him So God neither will nor ordaineth nor alloweth nor commaundeth nor woorketh nor furthereth them but forbiddeth condemneth punisheth and suffereth them to be committed of his creatures and to concurre with his most iust decrees iudgementes and woorkes thereby to shewe howe necessary and needefull for the creature is the grace of the holie ghost to flie sinne and to manifest his iustice and power in punishing sinne Wherefore the permission of sinne is no idle permission or a cessation and ceasing of Gods prouidence and woorking in the actions of the wicked as if they did depend onely vpon the will of the creature but this permission is of efficacie and woorketh Jt is permission as concerning the formall cause of sinne that is corruption it selfe which the creature hath of it selfe not by anie effection or woorking of GOD but it is of efficacie and woorketh as concerning the motions and actions of the creature sinning which god effectuallie will and moueth as also concerning the withdrawing of his grace the ends whereunto he destineth directeth and bringeth the actions of them that sinne GOD then is saide to permitte sinne 1. Because his will
19. By the obedience of one manie shall bee made righteous Isay 53.5 Hee was wounded for our transgressions hee was broken for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes wee are healed All wee like sheepe haue gone astraie we haue turned euerie one to his owne waie and The Lord hath laide vpon him the iniquitie of vs all 2. Cor. 5.21 Hee hath made him to be sinne for vs which knewe no sinne that we should be made the righteousnesse of God in him Gal. 3.13 Christ hath redeemed vs from the curse of the lawe when he was made a curse for vs that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Christ Iesus that wee might receiue the promise of the spirite through faith Gal. 4 4. God sent forth his sonne made of a woman and made vnder the lawe that is made an execration or curse Gal. 3.13 For we are deliuered not from the obedience but from the curse of the lawe that hee might redeeme them which were vnder the lawe that we might receiue the adoption of the sonnes Heb. 9.14 How much more shall the bloud of christ which through the eternall spirite offered himselfe without spot to god purge your conscience from dead woorkes to serue the liuing god Heb. 10.10 By the which will we are sanctified euen by the offering of the bodie of Iesus christ once offered By these and verie many the like places of Scripture it is manifest that for Christes merite wee are not onely freed from punishment the remission of our sinnes being obtained but are also reputed righteous before GOD adopted of him to bee his sonnes blessed endewed with the holy GHOST sanctified and made heires of euerlasting life Nowe this so great force and power fully and perfectly to deliuer vs Why Christs death was of such force as fully and perfectly to saue vs. and further to bestowe most perfectly saluation on vs the death and punishment of Christ which is a most perfect merite hath first by the worthinesse of the person because hee that suffered it is God Acts. 20.28 God hath purchased the church with his owne bloud Hebrewes 9.14 which through the eternall spirite offered himselfe Hereof therefore is it that the obedience of the Sonne in punishment or satisfaction surpasseth the righteousnes and punishment or satisfaction of all the Angels and is a sufficient price and merite for so many and so great blessinges Againe it hath this force by the greetiousnesse of the punishment because hee susteined the torments and feeling of GODS wrath for all the sinnes of the whole woorlde Hee descended into hell For hee suffered so great torments th●t euen those who are euerlastingly damned cannot sustaine so great and so sufficient afflictions and tormentes and therefore cannot satisfie the wrath and iustice of God Obiection The sufficient punishment for sinne must needes bee eternall But the punishment of CHRIST for our sinnes was not eternall Therefore was it not sufficient neither dooth it merite Aunswere The Maior hath not a sufficient enumeration either it must bee eternall as the reprobates punishment or equiualent to eternall as was the punishment of Christ for the causes euen now specified Secondly Christ saueth vs by his efficacie power 2 Christ saueth vs by his efficacie and powerful working operation whereby hee effectually applieth vnto vs his merited deserued benefits that is 1. He iustifieth vs by imputing vnto vs that satisfaction which he performed vnto the law for our sins 2. He giueth vs by the ministerie of his word the holy ghost by whom he worketh in vs both faith whereby we appling Christs merite vnto our selues maie be assured of our iustification in the sight of god through the force thereof also conuersion or the desire loue of new obediēce and so by his word spirit he gathereth his Church 3. He confirmeth this his collected gathered Church defendeth and preserueth it in this life against the force of Diuels and the world and against all the corporal and spiritual assaultes of all enimies euen to the end so that not one of those which are conuerted perisheth 4. And at length their bodies being raised from the dead he fullie deliuereth his church aduanced vnto euerlasting life and glorie from all sinne and euill The efficacie therefore whereby the sonne saueth vs compriseth the whole benefit of our redemption which hee bestowed on vs by faith through the vertue and woorking of his spirite For what benefites he merited by his death hee dooth not retaine them vnto him-selfe but beestoweth them on vs. For saluation and life euerlasting which him selfe had before hee purchased not for him-selfe but for vs as beeing our Mediatour The gift of the holy Ghost is part of our saluation Hereby wee may vnderstand that the giuing of the holie Ghost is a part of our saluation or deliuerie by Christ Iesus our Mediatour For the holy Ghost is hee by whom Christ effectually performeth this which hee beeing our intercessour with his Father hath promised his Father in our behalfe that is hee teacheth vs by illuminating our mindes with the knowledge of GOD and his diuine will and regenerateth or sanctifieth and guideth and establisheth vs that we may begin the studie of holines persist and profit therein vntil sinne be fully abolished in vs and sinne being abolished death must also needs be abolished which that hee might together with death destroy Christ was sent of his Father into the woorlde Of this efficacie or effectuall operation speake these places Colos 1.14 In the Sonne wee haue redemption through his bloud the forgiuenesse of sinnes Isai 53.11 By his knowledge shall my righteous seruaunt iustifie manie Iohn 1.9 That was the true light which lighteth euerie man that commeth into the world that is hee is the author and fountaine of all light both naturall in all Angels and men and spirituall in his elect and chosen Iohn 5.21 As the Father raiseth vp the dead and quickeneth them so the Sonne quickeneth whom hee will Iohn 15.26 I will send vnto you from the Father the spirite of truth Matthew 3.11 Hee that commeth after me will baptize you with the holie Ghost and with fire Ephes 4.8 When hee ascended vp on high hee gaue giftes vnto men Hee ascended that hee might fill all thinges Luc. 10.22 No man knoweth who the Father is saue the Sonne and hee to whom the Sonne will reueile him Iohn 1.18 No man hath seene GOD at anie time the onelie begotten Sonne which is in the bosome of the Father hee hath declared him Matthew 28 2. I am with you alway vntill the ende of the woorld Iohn 14.18 I will not leaue you comfortles Iohn 10.28 My sheepe shall neuer perish neither shall anie plucke them out of mine hand 1. Iohn 3.8 For this purpose app●●●ed the Sonne of God that hee might loose the woorkes of the Diuel Iohn 16.54 I will raise him vp at the last
All other proofes and arguments may be referred vnto these 2 What is the last iudgement IN euerie iudgement are the Accused the Accuser the iudge the cause examination hearing of the cause the Law according to which iudgement is giuen the sentence of absolution and condemnation and the execution thereof according to the Lawes Judgement then in generall is an inquisition or examination of a cause by an ordinarie and lawfull iudge according to iust Lawes and a pronouncing of sentence and the exequution thereof according to iust Lawes Nowe is it easie to define this iudgement of God This iudge hath no neede of inquisition or examination of the cause or of witnesses and accusers seeing he is himselfe the searcher of harts Therefore there shal be only the iudge men of whom sentence shall be giuen the law according to which sentence shal be giuen execution The definition of it is this 1 The last iudgement is a iudgement which God shal exercise in the end of the world by christ who should then visiblie descend frō heauen in a cloud in the glorie maiesty of his Father Angels by whom also then shall be raised from the dead all men which haue died since the beginning of the world vnto the end thereof but the rest who are then liuing shal be sodainly chaunged and all presented before the tribunall seate of Christ who shall giue sentence of al and shal cast the wicked with the diuels into euerlasting tormentes but shall receiue vp the godlie vnto himselfe that they maie with him and blessed Angels enioie eternal happinesse and glorie in heauen It may be defined more brieflie on this wise The last iudgement shall bee a manifestation or declaration and separation of the iust and vniust who euer haue liued or shall liue from the beginning of the wo●ld vnto the end proceeding from God by christ and a pronouncing of sentence on these men and an execution thereof according to the doctrine of the Law and Gospel The partes of this definition wee wil now in few wordes confirme 1. That iudgement shall be a manifestation of the iust and vniust For Reuel 20.12 The books shall be opened that the secrets of hartes may bee laied open 2. There shall bee a separation of the iust and vniust For Mat. 25.32 Christ shall place the sheep on his right hand but the goats on his left hand 3. This manifestation and separation shal be wrought of God by Christ If of God then shal it bee a most diuine and iust iudgement Rom. 3.6 Jf God bee vnrighteous how shall hee iudge the world Jt shall bee made and wrought by christ because Iohn 5.22 The Father hath committed all iudgement vnto the Son And Act. 17.31 God hath appointed to iudge the worlde by a man 4. J● shall bee a pronouncing of sentence Mat. 25.34 Come yee Blessed of my Father We are Blessed of God not in Adam but in his seed and therefore the sentence shall bee giuen according to the gospel For by nature wee are subiect vnto the wrath of God Therefore also shall the godly say When saw wee thee hungering or thirsting They shall confesse that the retribution of rewardes commeth not by their merit but by his grace Furder after this manner the wicked and the godly shall bee iudged according to the Lawe and Gospell Absolution shall bee principally according to the Gospel but shal be confirmed by the Law Condemnation shal bee principally by the Lawe but shall be confirmed of the Gospel Sentence shal bee giuen on the wicked according to their owne merite Sentence shall be giuen on the godlie according to Christes merite applyed vnto them by faith a testimonie and witnesse of which faith shal be their workes Now to be iudged is to bee declared iust before the tribunal of Christ and to enter into euerlasting life and that with a respect and condition of faith which is required in the Gospell Obiection But vnto euerie man shall be giuen according to his workes Therefore iudgement shall be giuen on al according to the doctrine of the Law Aunswere In this sense shal be giuen also vnto the elect according to their works not that their works are merites but in that they are the effects of faith Wherefore vnto the elect shal be giuen according to their woorkes that is they shal be iudged according to faith to be iudged according to faith is to be iudged according to the Gospel But the iudge maketh mention of our woorks and not of faith First because he wil haue it knowen to others why he so iudgeth least the vngodly condemned persons might obiect that hee giueth vs eternal life vniustly Wherefore he wil shew them our workes and will bring them forth as testimonies to refute them that we haue in this life applyed vnto vs Christes merit Secondly That wee maie haue comfort in this life that we shall hereafter according to our works stand at his right hand 3 Who shall be iudge CHrist shall bee the iudge Iohn 5.22 Hee hath committed all iudgement vnto the Son Neither yet are the Father the holie Ghost remoued from this iudgement But Christ immediatly shal speake and giue sentence and that in his humane nature And when he speaketh God shal speake not onely because he himselfe is God but because the Father shal speake by him The iudgement then shall belong vnto all three persons of the God-head as concerning their consent and authority but vnto Christ as touching the publishing and exequuting of the iudgement For Christ shall visibly giue sentence of all which sentence he shal also together execute The church also shal iudge as touching the approbation and allowing of this iudgement as Christ saith Luk. 22.30 That the Apostles shal sit on twelue seates and shall iudge the twelue tribes of Israel that is they shall subscribe vnto Christes iudgement and approoue his sentence The causes why Christ man shall bee iudge are these 1. Because the church is to bee glorified by the same Mediatour by whom and for whom it was iustified Act. 17.31 God wil iudge the woorld in righteousnesse by that man whome hee hath appointed Matth. 24.30 They shal see the sonne of man come in the cloudes of heauen with power and great glorie Ioh. 5.27 The Father hath giuen power to the Sonne to execute iudgement in that hee is the Sonne of man 2. That we maie haue comfort knowing him to bee our iudge who hath purchased vs with his bloode and who maketh vs his brethren yea his parts and members For he is 1 Our brother and our flesh 2 He hath promised and saide Ioh. 3.36 He that beleeueth in the Sonne hath eternall life cap. 6.24 Verilie verily I say vnto you hee that heareth my word beleeueth in him that sent me hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death vnto life The third cause why he commeth is to deliuer his Church
desire of him in the Elect. For hee is giuen to them that desire him Luk. 11.13 Hence is drawen a forcible argument to prooue the God-head of the holy ghost For to worke effectuallie by the ministerie is proper to God onely 1. Cor. 3.7 Neither is he that planteth anie thing neither he that watereth but God that giueth the encrease Matth. 3.11 J baptize you with water to amendment of life but hee that commeth after mee will baptize you with the holie ghost and with fire Rom. 1.16 The gospel is the power of god because the holie ghost is forcible in working by it whereupon also the gospell is called the ministration of the spirite 2. Corint 3.8 Now the holy ghost is receiued by faith Eph. 1.13 Wherin also after that yee beleeued yee were sealed with the holy spirit of promise The world cannot receiue the spirit of truth because it neither seeth him nor knoweth him Obiection But faith is the gift and fruite of the holie ghost Ephes 2.8 By grace are yee saued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of god 1. Corinth 12.3 No man can saie that Jesus is the Lorde but by the holie ghost Aunswere 1. The woorking of the spirite is in order of nature before faith but in time both are together because the first beginning of faith is the receiuing of the holy ghost 2. Faith beeing once begun the holy ghost is more and more receiued who woorketh afterwardes other thinges in vs by faith As it is saide Galat. 5.6 Faith worketh by loue Actes 15.9 By faith mens heartes are purified 7 How the holy ghost is reteined THE holie ghost is receiued and kept 1. By meditation in the doctrine of the gospell and by studying to profit therein Psalm 1.2 He that doth meditate in the Law of the lord da●● and night shall bee like a tree planted by the riuers of waters that wil bring foorth her f●uite in one season Coloss 3.16 Let the woorde of Christ dwel in you plenteouslie in all wisedome teaching and admonishing your selues 2. Hee is kept by encrease and continuaunce of repentaunce and amendment of life that is by a desire of bewaring to offend against our conscience Matth. 13.12 Vnto him that hath shal be giuen Reuelat. 22.11 He that is righteous let him be righteous still Ephes 4.30 Grieue not the holie spirit of god by whom yee are sealed vnto the daie of redemption Hither maie bee referred a desire of auoiding euill companie and sinne For hee that wil auoide sinne must auoide al occasion of sinning 3. Hee is reteined by dailie and earnest praie● and inuocation Luk 11.13 Howe much more shall your heauenlie Father giue the holy ghost to them that desire him The same wee maie see in that panoplie or complet harnesse which the Apostle describeth Ephes 6.14 Likewise it is confirmed by the example of Dauid who praieth Psalm 51.11 That god wil not take his holy spirit from him 4. He is reteined by applieng gods giftes to their right vse that is to his glorie and to the safetie of our neighbour Luke 22 32. And when thou art conuerted confirme thy Bretheren Matth. 25.29 Vnto euerie man that hath it shall bee giuen and from him that hath not euen that he hath shal be taken away 8 Whether and how the holy Ghost may be lost HEE may be lost of Hypocrits and reprobates Of the Elect he is neuer wholy lost but onely as touching manie giftes because they alwaies reteine some giftes Neither is hee finally lost of the Elect because at length they returne to repentance But of the reprobate he is altogether or wholy lost and finally so that they neuer receiue him Obiection But the holy ghost departed from Saul Therefore he may also depart from the Elect. Aunswere Hee departed from Saul but not the spirit of regeneration for he neuer had him Reply Yea but the regenerating spirite also departeth because Dauid praieth Psal 51.12 Restore to me the ioy of thy saluation Answ He is lost oftentimes as concerning some giftes of regeneration but not wholy For it cannot possibly bee that the Godly should reteine no remnants seeing they doe not sin to death A man saith Bernard neuer abideth in the same state either he goeth backward or forward For this difference is to be obserued held for the assoiling of that question How namely the perseuerance of the Elect may be notwithstanding certaine albeit they leese the holy Ghost which is because they are neuer wholly and finally destitute of the holy Ghost Now the holy Ghost may be lost fower waies and those contrarie to those other meanes whereby he is reteined 1 By neglecting the Woord and Doctrine For Paul willeth Timothie to stirre vp the gift of God which was in him also teacheth him how that may be doone 1. Tim. 4.15 By giuing attendance to his reading to exhortation and doctrine 2 He is lost by carnall securitie and by giuing ouer our selues to commit wickednesse against our conscience 3 By neglect of praier 4 By abusing the giftes of the holie Ghost as when they are not imploied to his glorie to the safety of our neighbor Luk. 8.18 Vnto him that hath shal be giuen from him that hath not euen that he hath shall be taken awaie 9 Wherefore the holy Ghost is necessarie HOW necessarie and needefull the Holy Ghost is and for what causes doth clearely appeare by these places of Scripture Ioh. 3.5 Except that a man be borne of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdome of Heauen 1. Cor. 15.50 Flesh bloud cannot inherit the kingdome of God 2. Cor. 3.5 Wee are not sufficient of our selues to thinke anie thing as of our selues but our sufficiencie is of God Hence we may thus conclude without whom we cannot thinke much lesse doe ought that is good and without whom we can neither be regenerated nor know God neither attain vnto the inhetaunce of the celestiall kingdome without him we cannot be saued But without the holy Ghost these things cannot be done by reason of the corruption blindnes of our nature Therefore without the holy Ghost it cannot be that we should be saued so it followeth that he is altogether necessarie for vs vnto saluation 10 How we may know that the holy Ghost dwelleth in vs. WEE know that wee haue him by the effectes or by his benefits and blessings in vs as by the true knowledge of God by regeneration faith and the inchoation or beginning of new obedience or by a readinesse and willingnesse to obay God Rom. 5.1 Beeing iustified by faith wee haue peace towards God The loue of god is shed in our harts Againe we know it by the testimony and witnesse which hee beareth vnto our spirit that we are the Sonnes of god Moreouer most certaine testimonies and tokens of the holy Ghost dwelling in vs are Comfort in the midst of death ioy in afflictions a purpose to perseuere in
of the Gospel It may bee also defined briefly thus Euangelical iustice is a conformitie with the law performed by Christ imputed of God to vs by faith The legal iustice is performed either by the obedience of the law or by punishment For the lawe necessarily requireth one of these That which is performed by the obedience of the law is either generall or particular The general is an obseruing of al the laws which belong vnto vs or it is an obedience according to all the lawes vnto vs appertaining 1. Thes 4.11 Studie to be quiet and to meddle with your owne busines Generall or Vniuersal Iustice ●erfect Iustice This generall iustice is of two sorts perfect and vnperfect The perfect is an external and internal obedience to all the lawes belonging vnto vs. Or it is a perfect both inwarde and outward conformitie with the law of God Deut. 27.26 Cursed be he that confirmeth not al the words of this law to doe them The imperfect or begun iustice Vnperfect Iustice is a conformitie begun onelie and vnperfect euen such a iustice as doth not doe all things or not after that manner which the lawe requireth This vnperfect iustice is also of two sorts Philosophicall Iustice the one Philosophicall the other Christian The Philosophicall is a knowledge in the mind of Gods law and vertues vnperfect obscure and weake and whatsoeuer manner of purpose in the will and heart to doe those things which are right and honest according to that vnperfect knowledge and a directing and gouerning of their behauiour and manners according to the lawes Christian Iustice The Christian is regeneration or a knowledge of God and his law vnperfect indeede yet more notable and perfect than the philosophicall and to be perfected after this life rising from faith and the loue of God kindled in the hearts onely of the regenerate by the vertue and operation of the holy ghost through the gospel and ioined with an earnest and serious inclination of the will and heart to obey God according to all his commaundements The particular iustice Particular Iustice Commutatiue Iustice is that vertue which giueth to euerie one his owne and is of two sorts Commutatiue or exchanging and distributiue The Commutatiue obserueth equalitie of things and prices in exchanges and contracts or bargains The Distributiue Distributiue Iustice obserueth a proportion in distributing offices goods rewardes punishments giuing rewardes and punishments agreeable and proportionable vnto the persons There is also an other diuision of iustice namely Iustice of the person and of the cause Of the person and of the cause Iustice of the person when a person is iust and agreeable to the law Of the cause when he hath a iust and good cause in any controuersie whether the person himselfe be good or bad 3 In what iustice differeth from iustification IVstice is the verie conformitie it selfe with the lawe and the fulfilling of the lawe and the thing whereby wee are iust before god which is the very satisfaction of Christ performed on the Crosse Iustification is the application of that iustice What Iustification is and by this application the thing whereby we are iust euen that iustice and satisfaction of Christ is made ours and except that bee made ours or applied and imputed vnto vs wee cannot bee iust as neither the wall is made white except whitenes be applied vnto it For euen in like manner doth iustice differ from iustification or iustifieng as whitenes from whitening so application and imputation are not all one for imputation is not extended so farre as application For God alone doth impute but wee also doe applie vnto vs. Now Iustification is diuided in like sort as is Iustice Legall Iustification For there is one Justification legall which is a working of that conformitie with God or with the law of God in vs when as wee are regenerated There is another Iustification Euangelicall which is an application of the Euangelicall Iustice vnto vs Euangelicall Iustification but not a transfusion of the qualities into vs or it is an imputation of anothers iustice which is without vs an assoiling and absoluing of vs in iudgement Psal 143.2 In thy sight shall none that liueth be iustified Therefore that iustice whereby being applied and imputed vnto vs wee are iustified is not in vs but without vs. 4 What is our iustice Our righteousnesse is Christs satisfaction which consisteth in his whole humiliation OVR Iustice or righteousnesse that is the iustice or righteousnes of the Gospel whereby we are iust in the sight of God is not our conformitie with the Law but it is Christs satisfaction perfourmed vnto the Lawe for vs or the punishment which he susteined for vs and so his whole humiliation that is his taking of fleshe his vndertaking of seruitude penu●ie ignominie and infirmitie his suffering of that bitter passion and death all which he did vndergoe for vs but willinglie and that humiliation and satisfaction freely of God imputed vnto vs his faithful and beleeuers 1. Corinth 2.2 J esteemed not to know anie thing among you saue Jesus Christ and him crucified Coloss 2.10 Ye are compleate in him Rom. 5.19 By the obedience of one shal manie be made righteous Isai 53.5.6 With his stripes we are healed The Lord hath laid vpon him the iniquitie of vs al. Nowe that Christ might perfourme obedience and satisfie for vs it behooued him to bee our Mediatour beeing by himselfe iust and holy Heb. 7.26 For such an High-Priest it became vs to haue holy harmelesse vndefiled separate from sinners and made higher than the heauens All these things are true perfectly wholy in Christ For hee hath perfectly fulfilled the Law for vs 1. by the holinesse of his humane nature 2. Phil. 2.8 by his obedience for he became obedient vnto the death euē the death of the crosse And the former fulfilling of the law namely the holinesse of Christes humane nature was requisite for the other euen for his obedience This obedience satisfaction of Christ is our satisfaction our proper iustice for which we please god for which we are receiued into fauor with God the Father and which is imputed vnto vs. That former fulfilling of the Law is indeed imputed also vnto vs namely the humiliation and iustice or righteousnesse of Christes humane nature that wee maie bee reputed holy before god but this holinesse of Christ is imputed vnto vs for his obedience or satisfaction sake because he satisfied for vs gods iustice in susteining eternall punishment and paines which we should haue susteined euerlastingly Hence is it that the effusion of Christes blood as being the complement and consummation of Christes satisfaction is onely said to bee our iustice and righteousnesse 1. Ioh. 1.7 The blood of Iesus Christ cleanseth vs from al sin that is not only from that which is past but also from that which is to come Obiection The
sinnes for which Christ hath satisfied cannot hurt but christ hath satisfied for sinnes past and to come Therefore sinnes past and to come cannot hurt vs. Aunswere Nowe knitte and force this reason that wee maie see whither it tendeth Reply That which hurteth not we neede not to eschue sinnes to come hurt not therefore wee neede not beware of sinnes to c●me Auns 1. The Minor is false For god is offended with sinnes which is the greatest hurt and further sinnes bereaue vs of that conformity with God purchase bodily paines vnto the faithful But we are to distinguish between these questions 1. How a reasonable creature may be iust before god 2. H●w mā being a sinner may be iust before god 3. Whether a reasonable creature may merit or deserue ought at gods hands To the first question we answere That a reasonable creature may be iust before God by the conformitie with the law inherent in him as blessed men and Angels are iust To the second That man being a sinner is iust by the imputation onely of Christs merit and of this question is our speech when we speake of iustification To the third That no reasonable creature can deserue ought at gods hands Luk. 17.10 When yee haue done all say Wee are vnprofitable seruantes For neither is Christes obedience verily any merit in this respect as if any good came to God by it but in respect of the dignitie of the person bicause it was Christ that suffered it is called merite But a man which is a sinner cannot bee iust before God 1. Because before his iustification his woorkes are corrupt 2. Also after his iustification the works of a man which is a sinner are vnperfect 3. And when they are perfect as in the life to come they shal be yet can we not satisfie for the sinnes past for we owe those workes when we doe them 5 How Christes satisfaction is made our iustice and righteousnesse THIS question is adioined because it seemeth absurd that we should bee iustified by that which is another mans Christs satisfaction made ours two waies 1 By God imputing it or applyeng it vnto vs. and not ours The satisfaction or iustice of Christ is made ours or applied vnto vs two waies that is by a double application The former application is Gods who in respect of that fulfilling of the Law perfourmed by christ accepteth vs and applieth the same vnto vs that is he imputeth it no lesse than if wee had neuer sinned or at least had paied and suffered sufficient punishment for our sinnes For albeit to iustifie signifieth to make iust yet in the Church it signifieth another thing and is taken in another sense Or god doth applie it when hee imputeth the fulfilling of the Lawe perfourmed by Christ vnto vs euen as if it were perfourmed by vs neither wil at all punish vs. But to impute is to accept christs satisfaction performed to this end that it might be our iustice righteousnes 2 By our selues applyeng it vnto our selues We then also applie vnto vs the fulfilling of the Law perfourmed by Christ when we are stedfastly persuaded that God doth impute applie giue it vnto vs and for it reputeth vs for iust absoluing vs from al guilt Without this application the former is not at all and this latter is also from God For God first imputeth vnto vs Christes satisfaction then he engendereth faith in vs whereby wee maie applie the same vnto vs. Whence also it appeareth that Gods application doth go before is the cause of our application which is of faith albeit his is not without ours as christ also saith Ioh. 15.16 Ye haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you Moreouer wee may then bee assured and certaine that the righteousnesse or satisfaction of Christ is imputed vnto vs of God When wee may be assured of Christs satisfaction imputed vnto vs. when wee earnestly desire the grace of God and feele the holy ghost to work in vs a true confidence in the Mediatour of the faithful That which we haue nowe spoken of both applications both gods and ours doth manifestly shew what is meant in this place by iustifieng Which is that to iustifie is not to make one iust who is vniust but to repute him for iust and righteous who is vniust and to absolue the vniust and vnrighteous from al guilt and not to punish him and this for anothers iustice and righteousnesse imputed by faith vnto vs. Obiection But to iustifie is to make one iust who is vniust Aunswere This indeede is true in general but in the Church it is taken otherwise For the legall iustification is a woorking of iustice and righteousnesse in vs as in one subiect But the iustification of the gospell whereof wee speake here is a farre diuerse thing For the subiect of that iustice and righteousnesse which is made ours by the Gospels iustification that is whereby being appplied by faith vnto vs wee are reputed iust and righteous is Christ himselfe and wee are onely the obiect of this iustice and the matter about which it is conuersaunt but the matter wherein it is inherent is Christ only 6 Why Christs satisfaction is made ours THE perfect fulfilling of the Law performed by Christ for vs is made ours or applied vnto vs The cause of Christs sat●sfaction applied imputed is in God onely not in vs. through the alone and free mercie of God as who from euerlasting did predestinate vs and freely chuse vs to whom he might apply of his mere grace by faith that iustice and righteousnesse at his appointed time Wherefore al imagination and affirmation of merit is to bee taken awaie as which fighteth with the grace of God and is a denial of his diuine grace For the grace and mercie of GOD is the onely cause of both applications Hee of his goodnesse infinite and passing measure applieth Christes merit vnto vs and maketh that we also may apply the same vnto vs. The cause therefore why this application is wrought is in God alone but not at al in vs that is it is neither anie thing foreseene in vs neither also our apprehension and receiuing of this iustice For all the giftes and graces which are in vs are effectes of the application of Christes merit and therefore that merit of Christ is no waie applied vnto vs for the workes sake which we doe but this is done as the Apostle teacheth Ephes 1.5 according to the good pleasure of his wil. Whereupō also it is said 1. Cor. 4 7. What hast thou that thou hast not receiued And Ephes 2.8 By grace are ye saued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God And here it is to be obserued that to bee saued by the grace of God and to be iustified by faith are not all one for that signifieth the impellent or motiue cause in God this the instrumental cause in vs whereby we apprehend the righteousnesse
required 1. That they who vse the sign shew forth the death of the lord 2. That they trie thēselues whether they haue faith repentance or no. And seeing the age of Infants can not doe these things Infants are for good cause excluded frō the Supper 6 What is the right and lawfull vse of Baptisme The drosse which the Papistes blend with the simplicity of Christes institution in baptisme is to be reiected THE right and lawfull vse of baptisme is when the ceremonies or rites instituted by Christ in baptisme are not changed Whence it is manifest that the drosse and filth of Papists as oile spettle and exorcisme or coniuration is to bee throwen away Obiection But these appertaine and belong to order and comlinesse Aunswere The Holy Ghost knew well enough what did appertain thereunto Reply But they appertaine to the signifieng of some thing Ans It belongeth not to men to Institute any sign of Gods wil. This also we are to thinke iudge of others of the same hatching 2. The vse of baptisme is right when baptism is giuen to them for whom it was instituted which are al the cōuerted or mēbers of the church 3. When baptisme is vsed to that ende whereunto it was instituted not for the healing of cattle but when the true endes thereof are respected Briefly the lawful and right vse of Baptisme is when hee that is conuerted is baptized according to the lawfull rite and end Now Baptisme may not be reiterated 1 Because it dependeth not on the person of him that baptizeth And further he that is once engraffed into Christ shal neuer bee cast out or reiected and therefore it sufficeth to be once receiued 2 Saluation doth not depend on baptisme 7 In place whereof baptisme succeeded Baptisme succeeded in the roome of circumcision BAptisme succeeded in the place of circumcision which is prooued first by the woord of the Apostle before alleadged For he saith That we are circumcised in Christ with circumcision made without handes by putting off the sinful body of the flesh through the circumcision of Christ The Apostles purpose is by this speech to shew that there is no fruit or vse now Of the circūcision which was made with hands because that was accomplished fulfilled in christ which was by it prefigured and shadowed Now to declare expound these words he presently addeth that they are buried together with christ by baptisme by which words he sheweth that the complement truth of baptism is the cōplement truth of circumcision seeing baptism signifieth one the selfe same thing to vs which circumcision signified of old time vnto the Fathers which is that spiritual circumcisiō which christ accomplisheth performeth in vs. This only is the difference that baptisme is the signe of the thing exhibibited which circūcision prefigured when it was yet absent not exhibited Wherefore wee are taught by this place of Paul that baptism is the same to Christians which circumcision was before to the Iewes 2. That baptism was substituted in the place of circumcision this also conuinceth for that as circumcision so also baptisme is a signe of admission and receiuing into the Church For as the infantes of Iewes and Proselytes beeing borne citizens of the church were thorough grace circumcised but those who were of elder yeares were then first admitted vnto circumcision when they professed Iudaisme so also the infantes of christians are presently baptized but the elder sort are not vntill they haue made profession of true christian doctrine insteede of which profession it serueth the infantes that they were born in the church There are other reasons also besides the testimonies of holy scriptures drawen especially from the vse of Baptisme whereby it may be confirmed that Baptisme succeeded circumcision Now to succeed any sacrament is the former being abolished to be substituted in place thereof and that so as to haue the same vse and end which the former sacrament had and to haue also the same thing signified So is there the same thing signified by baptisme which was before by circūcision Moreouer the citizens of the church are no lesse receiued by baptisme and are discerned from al other men than in times past by circumcision Obiect If baptisme succeeded circumcision then now also only the males are to be baptized if the circumstances of circumcision be kept Answere The circumstances are not now determined as then because also these were peculiar special which maie be omitted without breach of the commandement But this is general agreeing to both that the children of the godly ought by this sign to be engraffed into the church whether that be doone on the eight day or presentlie after their birth 8 How baptisme agreeth with circumcision and wherein it differeth from it CIrcumcision and baptisme agree Baptisme circumcisiō agree 1 In the end which they respect 2 In the thing which they woorke 3 In the thing which they signifie The differences of Circumcision and baptisme 1. In the chiefe and principal end whereas in both is sealed the promise of grace by christ which is alwaies one and the same 2. By both of them is wrought our receiuing into the Church 3 By both is signified regeneration Ye are circumcised in christ with circumcision made without hands Circumcision and baptisme differ 1. In rites For the same are not the rites of circumcision and of baptisme 2. Circumcision on gods behalfe promised grace for the Messias to come baptism for the Messias exhibited The circumcised were receiued into fauour for christ which was to be exhibited the baptised are receiued for christ exhibited 3. Circumcisiō had a promise also of a corporal benefite that is it was a testimonie also that god would giue a certain place for the church in the land of Canaan vntill the comming of the Messias Baptisme hath no promise in particular of any temporall benefite 4. Circumcision on our behalfe did binde to the obseruing of the whole Law ceremonial iudicial and moral Baptisme bindeth vs onely to faith and amendment of life that is to obserue only the morall law 5. Circumcision was instituted for the Jsraelites Baptisme was instituted for all nations that are desirous and willing to come vnto the society of the church 6. Circumcision was to last vntil the comming of the Messias baptisme shal continue vntil the end of the world CERTAINE CONCLVSIONS OF BAPTISME 1 BAptisme is a sacrament of the newe testament whereby christ testifieth vnto the faithful which are baptised in the name of the Father and the Sonne and the holie Ghost remission of all their sinnes the giuing of the holy Ghost and their engraffing into the church and his bodie and they of the other side professe that they receiue these benefites from God and therefore wil and ought hereafter to liue vnto him and to serue him And further the same baptisme was begun by Iohn Baptist and continued by the Apostles because he
posteritie Vnto other Nations but not vnto the Iewes it was free to be circumcised or not to be circumcised Wee must here obserue that they of the olde testament were of three sorts 1. Jsraelites which were of Abrahams posteritie and were necessarily bound by the Lawe to obserue circumcision the ceremonies 2. Proselytes who of the Gentiles were conuerted vnto the Iewes did more more for cōfirming of their faith submit thē selues vnto circumcision and the whole ceremonial lawe 3. Those of the gentiles who were conuerted vnto the Iewes but did not obserue the ceremonies For vnto the gentiles and Prosylites it was free to keepe or not to keepe circumcision and the ceremonies These latter were called also Religious men who embraced onely the doctrine and promises of god Obiect The males onelie were circumcised therefore the women were shut out from the couenant of grace Aunswere The women were comprehended in the circumcision of the males And God spared the weaker sex And it sufficed for them to come of godly progenitors 2 What are the ends of circumcision CIrcumcision was instituted 1. That it might bee a signe of the grace of God towardes Abrahams posteritie and that doubly First that God woulde receiue the beleeuers by the Messias who was to come Secondly that he would giue them the land of Canaan and graunt his church a certaine place there vntill the comming of the Messias 2. That it might be a bond to bind Abraham and his seede vnto thankefulnes or to faith and repentance and so to keepe the whole law 3. That it might bee a marke to distinguish the Iewes from other Nations and Sects 4. That it might bee a sacrament of initiating and receiuing them into the church 5. That it might bee an accusation and a signification of vncleannes For that rite did shewe that all men were subiect to sinnes and vnclean 6. That it might bee a signe which shoulde shewe and signifie that the meanes of their deliuerance through Christ which was to come shoulde not come elsewhence than from the bloud of Abraham 3 Why circumcision is abolished CIrcumcision is abolished 1. Because the thing signified is exhibited For among other things it signified that the Messias promised vnto the Fathers should come at length in his appointed time and should in our behalfe take our nature 2. Because circumcision was instituted for the seuering of the Iewes from all other Nations but now the church that difference being abolished is collected and gathered out of al Nations And now the sacrament of baptisme performerth the same vnto vs which circumcision did vnto them Moreouer as circumcision was a signe vnto them of their receiuing into the people of God So is baptisme vnto vs the first mark which seuereth the church from the wicked 4 Why Christ was circumcised CHrist was circumcised 1. That hee might signifie that hee was also a member of that circumcised people 2. That hee might shew that he receiued and tooke our sinnes on himselfe that he might satisfie for them 3. That he might testifie that he did entirelie and fullie fulfill the law in our behalfe 4. The circumcision of Christ was a part also of his humiliation and Ransome OF THE LORDS SVPPER THE chiefe questions 1 What the Supper of the Lord is 2 What are the ends thereof or wherefore it was instituted 3 What is differeth from Baptisme 4 What is the sense and meaning of the words of the institution 5 What is the difference betweene the Lords Supper and the Papists Masse 6 What is the right vse of the Supper 7 What the wicked receiue in the Supper 8 Who are to come and to be admitted vnto the Supper 1 WHAT THE SVPPER OF THE LORD IS FIrst we wil see by what names the Supper of the Lorde is called then wee wil in few woordes define what it is This action or ceremony or rite instituted by a Christ a little before his death is called A supper Why it is called a Supper from the first institution of it that is in respect of the originall or first beginning of this rite or in respect of the time wherein this ceremony was instituted which circumstance of time the church hath chaunged Jt is likewise called Synaxis that is Why a conuent a conuent in respect of the assembly and conuent of the church because some either few or many assemble and meete together in celebrating of the supper For in the first celebration the Disciples were present Take this and diuide it among you Wherefore it must needs be that there was some number there which also appeareth by the Apostle repeating the first institution 1. Cor. 11. where in the end he addeth When ye come together to eat tarry one for another And further that moe ought to come together to celebrate the supper this end of the supper doth euidently enough shew in that it was instituted to be a token and euen a bond of loue For we that are many are one bread and one bodie It is called also the Eucharist Why the Eucharist Why a sacrifice Why Missa because it is a rite and ceremony of thankesgiuing Last of all it is called also a sacrifice because it is the commemoration of christs propitiatory benefit And at length it was also called Missa frō the offering or from the dimissing of the rest who might not communicate after the sermō which went before the celebration was finished Now let vs come to define the Lords Supper The definition of the Lordes Supper THE Lords supper is a ceremonie or sacrament instituted and appointed of christ vnto the faithfull for a memorial of him whereby christ dooth certainly promise and seale vnto mee and all the faithfull first that his body was offered and broken on the crosse for mee and his bloode shed for me as truely as I see with my eies the bread of the Lord to be broken vnto me and his cup distributed and moreouer that hee doth as certainlie with his body crucified and his blood shed feed and nourish my soul vnto euerlasting life as my body is fed with the bread the cup of the lord receiued from the hand of the minister which are offered to me as certaine seales of the body blood of Christ It may be also more briefly defined on this wise The lords supper is a distributing receiuing of bread and wine commaunded of Christ vnto the faithfull that by these signes he might testifie that hee hath deliuered and yeelded his body vnto death and hath shedde his bloode for them and dooth giue them those thinges to eate and drinke that they might be vnto them the meate and drink of eternall life and that thereby also he might testifie that he would dwel in them for euer And againe that of the otherside hee might by the same signe bind them to mutuall dilection and loue seeing Christ spareth not to giue his body and bloode for vs. This
to their condemnation or they eate their owne dannation Nowe to eate damnation is through incredulitie abusing of the sacrament to be abalienated and repelled from christ and al his blessinges or through abusing of the sacrament being receiued without faith repentance grieuously to offend God and so to draw vpon themselues temporal and euerlasting punishmentes except they repent Contrariwise to eate christ is through faith to bee made partaker of his merite efficacie and benefites For no man can eate christ and not withall be made by faith partaker of his merite efficacie and giftes No man therefore can both eate Christ and withall eate his owne damnation and therefore false is their obiection who say thus The wicked eate damnation vnto themselues Therefore they eate Christ Reply But why eat the wicked damnation vnto themselues seeing it is a good worke to receiue the sacramentes Aunswere It is a good work by it selfe but not vnto the wicked The receiuing of the sacramentes is a good worke when the true and right vse is adioined otherwise it is made not a commaunded but a forbidden work as also God saith He that killeth a bullocke is as if he slue a man So Paul If thou be a transgressour of the Law thy circumcision is made vncircumcision Now for these causes the wicked eate vnto themselues The causes for which the wicked are saide to eate vnto themselues damnation and drawe on themselues damnation 1. Because they profane the signes and by consequent the thing signified by laieng holde on those thinges which were not instituted for them but for the Dis●iples of Christ 2. Because they profane the couenaunt and testament of God by taking vnto themselues the signes and tokens of the couenaunt They wil seeme to be in league with GOD when as they are in league with the Diuell and not with God whom by this meanes they would make the Father of the wicked 3. Because they tread vnder foote the bloude of Christ His benefits indeed are offered vnto them but they receiue them not with faith and so mock God while they professe that they receiue the benefites of Christ when as they doe or mind nothing lesse and adde this new offence to their other sinnes 4. Because they condemne themselues by their owne iudgement For approching vnto the Lords table they professe that they accept of this doctrine and doe beleeue no saluation to be without Christ yet in the mean season are conscious vnto themselues that they are hypocrites and so condemne themselues 8 Who ought to approch and be admitted vnto the supper THIS question also conteineth two seuerall partes in it vnto which wee are seuerally to aunswere In the former part is demanded who ought to approch vnto the supper In the latter who ought to bee admitted And this latter part is larger and more generall because not the godly onely but hypocrites also who are not yet knowen to bee such are to be admitted vnto the supper The godly onely ought to approch vnto the supper First then is to bee considered who ought to approch thither They onely ought to approche vnto the supper who liue in true faith and repentance and so who haue faith and repentance not in possibilitie onelie but also actuallie whereby this obiection is refuted that Jnfants haue faith and therefore ought to approche vnto the Lords Supper For they ought not to come in respect of this circumstance which is adioined in the institution of the Supper Not Infants Shewe the death of the Lord Likewise Let a man examine himselfe and so let him eate of this bread and drinke of this cup. Wherefore we vnderstand in this place an actual faith which is a knowledge confidence beginning of obedience and a serious and earnest purpose to liue well But Infants haue faith onely potentiallie and in possibility not actually they haue an inclination onelie to faith or they haue faith onely by inclination but they haue not an actuall faith Not the wicked and hypocrites F●●thermore that it is not lawfull for the wicked to approch vnto the Supper it is manifest For the sacraments are instituted only for the faithful those which are cōuerted to seal to thē the promise to confirm their faith The Word notwithstanding is common to the conuerted and vnconuerted that the conuerted may heare it and bee confirmed by it and that the vnconuerted also may heare it and thereby bee conuerted Wherefore from the nature and subiect of sacramentes is drawen this demonstratiue proofe What God hath instituted for his houshold and children that hypocrites and aliants from the Church ought not to receiue Moreouer Paul also interdicteth all the wicked without any exception from comming vnto this holy supper by woordes authentique in which namely hee commaundeth that euerie man trie and examine himselfe and so eate of that bread drinke of that cup. But to examine himself is to trie whether he hath faith and repentance Wherefore he will haue him to come who hath these things in him But how shall a man know that he hath these things 1. By a purpose and desire to obey god according to al the commandements of God 2. By a confidence tranquillity of conscience Hope maketh not ashamed because the loue of God is shed abroad in our harts by the holie ghost which is giuen to vs. 3. By effects as by the beginning of inward outward obedience Vnto these may be adioined also generall testimonies whereby vnbeleeuers are forbidden to come to the Supper As Mat. 5.24 Leaue there thine offring before the altar first be reconciled to thy brother then come offer thy gift Likewise 66.3 He that killeth a Bullocke is as if he slew a man The second part of the former question is Who ought to bee admitted vnto the Lords Supper THey are to be admitted of the Church who in woords deedes professe true repentance they also who expresse shew a profession of faith repentance in the actions of their life are to be admitted but not they whosoeuer simplie doe auouch that they beleeue all things For he that saith he beleeueth and hath not woorkes is a lier and denieth indeede that which he affirmeth in words according to that of the Apostle They professe that they knowe God but by woorkes they denie him and are abhominable and disobedient and to euerie good work reprobate So saint Iames also sheweth That faith which is without workes is dead The reasons why they are to be admitted onely who both by their confession and life professe faith and repentance are these 1. Because the church shoulde prophane Gods couenant if it shoulde admit vnbeleeuers and men impenitent For he that dooth a thing and he that consenteth vnto it are both obnoxious to the same lawe To prophane the couenaunt of God is to commend and acknowledge them for the confederates or friends and fellowes of God who are Gods enimies and
his couenant despited reproched 9. That frō the sinners thēselues punishment may be auerted because the wicked approching vnto the Lords table eate their own damnation Wherefore that this may not come to passe the church is bound to prouide that such approch not hither 10 They who denie the faith and doctrine of christ are to be excluded frō the church from the vse of the sacraments For the faithful or christians are not to be confounded or mingled with those who are not members of the Church as with those which are professed vngodly persons blasphemours reuolters to Arrianism Mahumetisme the like But they that deny refuse to repēt deny the faith doctrine Tit. 1.6 They professe that they know god but by works they deny him And he that denieth the faith is worse then Infidels Therfore they who persist in their wickednes deny to repent are to be shut out of the church neither are they to be admitted to the vse of the sacraments And heere hath place that saying of Christ Matth. 7.6 Giue not that which is holy to dogs Wherfore nether to the sacraments are dogs to be admitted namely those which persist in their wickednes and make a mocke of Gods word For if Christ speaketh this of his audible word to wit the word preached which yet was instituted for the cōuerted vnconuerted or such as were yet to be conuerted much more shal this bee spoken of his visible word namely of the sacraments which were ordained and instituted for the conuerted onely 11 Open blasphemers ought not to be baptized For they ought not to bee baptized who beleeue not with their whole hart Wherefore Philip saith to the Eunuch If thou beleeuest with al thine hart thou maiest be baptized So Iohn also Baptized none but such as confessed their sinnes Now if blasphemers and vnbeleeuers are not to be baptized it followeth that they are to bee shut out of the church not to be admitted to the receiuing of the sacraments They who ought not to be baptized neither ought they to be admitted vnto he Supper For there is one and the same reason in ●oth 12 They who are not as yet baptized are not to be ●●mitted vnto the supper but to them who forsake their Baptism Bap●●●m is no Baptisme according to that of the Apostle 〈◊〉 2.25 If thou be a transgressor of the Law thy circūcision is made vncircumcision Therfore they who forsake their Baptism are not to be admitted vnto the Supper Obiection Then they who forsake their Baptism are also to be baptized after their receiuing into the church Answer Their receiuing into the church by Baptisme is firm and in force to them that repent without any iteration of the signe But seing Baptism is an entrance into the church they who forake it are not in the church and therefore as long as they continue such they are not to be admitted either into the Church or vnto the supper 13 Vnto whom the promise of grace doth not belong vnto thē the sign of grace ought to be extended otherwise the church should deale corruptly admitting them whom God excludeth should be diuerse disagreeing frō her selfe for she should absolue them by the visible woord whom she condemned by the audible word Wherefore whom God hath reiected depriued of his grace they are not to be admitted vnto the sacraments which are the signes of Gods grace 14 The institution of the sacramēts or the condition which must be obserued in comming to the sacraments requireth repentaunce Therefore they who shew not repentance ought not to be admitted This argument foloweth by a counterpositiō They which haue repentance faith are to be admitted Therfore they which haue not repentance faith are not to be admitted 4 How the power of the keies differeth from the ciuil power 1 THE power of the keies cōmitted vnto the church depēdeth on Gods words the ciuill power is armed with the sword 2 Jn the church iudgemēt proceedeth according to Gods lawes in the ciuill state iudgement is exercised according to ciuil Lawes 3 The church punisheth the obstinate with the word of God onlie yet so as that this punishment pierceth euen vnto their consciences The ciuil state punisheth the obstinate only with corporal punishment The church punisheth with the word when it denounceth the anger and wrath of God against infidels and vnrepentant persons 4 Oftentimes the Discipline of the church hath place where there is no place for ciuil iudgement as when the church casteth out of her congregation the impenitent and accounteth them no more for her members And contrariwise the ciuil gouernment oft times hath place where there is no place left for church Discipline as when the Magistrate punisheth adulterers robbers theeues with death and dooth no more reckon them for members of the commō wealth whether they repent or continue obstinate whom yet the church assoone as they repent and shee receiue them is bound to hold for her members 5 The iudgement of the church hath degrees of admonitions For first repentance must be sought for before they come to punishment But the ciuil iudgement proceedeth to punishment whether he which sinned promise repentance or continue vnrepentant 6 The end and purpose of the church is that hee which hath offended should repent and be saued for euer the end and purpose of the Magistrate is that the offender bee punished and so peace and externall order and Discipline be maintained in the common-wealth 7 The church is bound to reuerse and retract her iudgement and punishment if there come repentance But the Magistrate is not bound to recal his iudgement and punishment neither is he able sometimes to recall it Wherefore the difference is apparent and manifest of the ciuil and Ecclesiasticall power or the power of the keies deliuered by christ vnto the church And this power may easily stand and consist without that For the church acknowlegeth him for her member whom the Magistrate dooth not acknowledge nor suffer 5 What order is to bee obserued in exercising the power of the keies WHen a man hath cōmitted some priuate trespasse he must first bee curteously admonished by one according to the commandement of Christ Mat. 18.15 Jf thy brother trespasse against thee go and tel him his fault betweene thee and him alone Jf he heare thee thou hast wonne thy brother Moreouer Jf being admonished by one he dooth not yet repent he must bee againe priuately admonished by thee taking one or two with thee And such admonitions must be doone according to gods word and with signification of good-will towardes the offender and that not but for causes iust weighty necessarie And if neither so admonished by one or two he repent hee is to be corrected by the whole Church Which also Christ hath commaunded Jf hee will not vouchsafe to heare them tell it vnto the Church Nowe if a man transgresse publikely by offending of the whole
prooued by Paules words I haue deliuered saith he Hymenaeus and Alexander vnto Satan But our Ministers and Pastours of churches cannot do this Therefore it must needes be that Paul did it by special autoritie Aunswere This whole reason I graunt Wee must not follow his example if he did it alone But hereof it followeth not Therefore we maie not excommunicate For so more is in the conclusion than in the premisses And againe the Minor may bee denied because in the text alleadged it is reported only that Paul did it not in what sort and maner he did it THE THIRD PART OF MANS THANKFVLNES 86 Whenas wee are deliuered from all our sinnes and miseries without any merit of ours by the mercy of God onlie for Christes sake for what cause are we to doe good-workes BEcause after that Christ hath redeemed vs with his bloud he renueth vs also by his spirite to the Image of himselfe that wee receiuing so great benefits should a Rom. 6.13 12.1.2 1. Pet. 1. Cor. 6.20 shewe our selues all our life-time thankefull to God and b Mat. 5.16 1 Pet. 2.12 honour him Secondly that euery of vs may bee c 2. Pet. 1.10 Mat. 7.17.18 Gal. 5.6.22 assured of his faith by his fruite And lastly that by our honest and good conuersation wee may d 1. Pet. 3.1.2 Mat. 5.16 Rom. 14.19 winne others vnto Christ 87 Cannot they then be saued which be vnthankefull and remaine still careleslie in their sinnes and are not conuerted from their wickednesse vnto God By no meanes For as the Scripture beareth witnesse neither vnchast persons nor Idolaters nor adulterers nor theeues nor couetous men nor drunkardes nor slaunderers nor robbers shall e 1. Cor. 6.9.10 Ephes 5.5.6 1. Ioh. 3.14.15 enter into the kingdome of god 88 Of what parts consisteth the conuersion of man vnto God It consisteth of the a Rom. Ep. Col. 1. Cor. 5.7 2. Cor. 7.11 mortifieng of the oulde man and the quickning of the new man 89 What is the mortifieng of the old man To bee truely and hartily sorry that thou hast offended god by thy sinnes and daily more and more to hate and b Rom. 8.13 Ioel. 2.13 Ho. 5.15 6.1 eschew them 90 What is the quickening of the new man True ioy in God through c Rom. 5.1 14.17 Isa 57.15 Christ and an earnest and ready desire to order thy life according to gods will and to d Rom. 6.10.11 Gal. 2.20 doe all good woorkes 91 What are good-workes Those only which are done by a true e Rom. 14.23 faith according to f 1. Sam. 15.22 Eph. 2.10 gods law are g 1. Cor. 10.31 referred only to his glorie and not those which are imagined by vs as seeming to vs to be right and good or which are h Deut. 11.32 Ezec. 20.18.19 Js 29.13 Mat. 15.9 deliuered and commanded by men 92 Which is the Law of God God spake all i Exo. 20. Deu. 5. these wordes 1 I am the Lorde thy God which hath brought thee out of Aegypt out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue no other Gods in my sight 2 Thou shalt make to thee no grauen Image nor the likenes of any thing that is in heauē aboue or in the earth beneath nor in the water vnder the earth Thou shalt not bowe downe to them nor worship them for I the Lord thy God am a ielouse God and visit the sins of the fathers vpon the childrē vnto the third fourth generatiō of thē that hate me shew mercy vnto thousands of them that loue me and keepe my commandementes 3 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vaine for the Lorde will not holde him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine 4 Remember thou keepe holy the sabboth day sixe daies shalt thou labour and doe al that thou hast to doe but the seuenth day is the sabboth of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt doe no maner of works thou and thy son thy daughter thy man-seruant thy maid seruāt thy cattle the stranger that is within thy gate For in six daies the Lord made heauen earth the sea all that in them is and rested the seuenth daie wherefore the Lorde blessed the seuenth daie and hallowed it 5 Honor thy father thy mother that thy daies may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee 6 Thou shalt doe no murther 7 Thou shalt not commit adultery 8 Thou shalt not steale 9 Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour 10 Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house nor his wife nor his seruant nor his maide nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thing that is his 93 How are these commandements diuided Into two a Exo. 34.28 Deut. 4.13 10.3.4 tables whereof the former deliuereth in foure commaundementes how we ought to behaue our selues towards God The latter deliuereth in sixe commaundements what duties we b Mat. owe vnto our neighbour 94 What dooth God require in the first commaundement That as dearlie as I tender the saluation of my own soul so earnestlie should I shun flie all c 1. Cor. 6.9 10. 10.7.14 Idolatry sorcery enchantmēts d Leu. 19 31. Deut. 18.11 superstitiō praying to Saints or anie other e Mat. 4.10 Apoc. 19.10 22.8.9 creatures should rightly f Joh. 17.3 acknowledge the only true god g Ier. 17.5 trust in him alone h Heb. 10.36 Col. 1.11 Rom. Cor. 10.10 Phi. 2.14 submit subiect my self vnto him with al i 1. Pet. 5.5.6 humility patience k Ps Js 45.7 Iac. 1.17 look for all good things from him alone and lastly with the entire affection of my hart l Deu. 6.5 Mat. 22.37 loue m Deu. 6.2 Ps 111.10 Prou. 1.7 9.10 Mat. 10.28 reuerence n Mat. 4.20 Deu. 10.20 worship him so that I am ready to renounce and forsake al creatures rather thā to o Mat. 5.29.30 10.37 Act. 5.29 commit the least thing that may be against his wil. 95 What is Idolatrie It is in place of that one God or besides that one and true God who hath manifested himself in his word to make or imagin and account any other thing wherein thou reposest thy a 1. Para. 16.26 Phi. 3.19 Eph. 5.5 Gal. 4.8 Eph. 2.12.1 Ioa. 2 23.2 Ioan. 9. Jo. 5.23 hope and confidence 96 What doth the second cōmandement require That wee shoulde not b Deut. 4.15 c. Is 40.18 c. Rom. 1.23 c. Act. 17.29 expresse or represent god by any image or shape figure or worship him anie otherwise than he hath commaunded in his word himselfe to be worshipped 97 Maie there then at all anie images or resemblances of things be made God neither ought nor can be represented by
of conuersio or conuersion For repentaunce dooth not comprehend both that from which wee reclaime our selues and that whereunto we are changed But conuersion comprehendeth the whole because it addeth that mutation and chaunge on which ensueth a beginning of newe life Nowe repentaunce signifieth onelie the griefe which is conceiued after the fact or sinne Moreouer the name of repentaunce is of a larger compasse than the name of conuersion For conuersion is spoken onlie of the godly who alone are conuerted vnto God and in like manner is the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the Latine Resipiscentia spoken of the godly only because by these three names is signified the new life of the godly But repentaunce is spoken of the wicked also as of Iud●s who indeede repented of his wickednes but was not conuerted because the wicked when they sorrowe or are grieued are not afterwardes conuerted or corrected Whereby also it appeareth how necessarie conuersion is vnto the godlie or those who are to be iustified therefore that mo●● exhortatiōs to amendment of life or conuersion the foundation or ground is to be laid concerning the absolute and simple necessity of conuersion it selfe in al those which are to be iustified Nowe let vs see then what conuersion is Conuersion is 1. A griefe for sinne knowen 2. An hatred and flieng of sin 3. A ioy in respect that God is pacified and pleased by our Mediatour and an earnest purpose and desire to obey God in all thinges This definition is proposed by his seuerall partes and the same is wholy and iointly set downe in the Actes of the Apostles To open their eies saith Christ that they maie turne from darknesse to light Act. 26.18 and from the power of Satan vnto God that they maie receiue forgiuenesse of sinnes and inheritaunce among them which are sanctified by faith in mee It is also defined on this wise Conuersion is a mortifieng of the old man and a quickning of the new Or It is a change or mutation of a corrupt mind life and wil into a good stirred vp by the holy Ghost through the preaching of the Gospel in the chosen on which ensue good woorkes or a life directed according to all the commaundementes of God This definition conteineth the verie causes and essence of conuersion and is confirmed by diuerse testimonies of Scripture As Isai 1.16 Wash you make you cleane 1. Cor. 6.11 But ye are washed but yee are sanctified Psal 34.14 Eschue euil and doe good 2 In what the conuersion of the godly differeth from the repentaunce of the wicked THE difference betweene the conuersion of the godly The wicked and godly repent after a diuers sort 1 Their griefe diuers Gen. 4.13 and the repentaunce of the wicked consisteth 1. In their griefe The wicked are greeued only for the punishmēt torment ensuing not for that they offend displease God So was Caine grieued onely in respect of his torment My iniquitie the punishment of my iniquity is greater than J can beare Behold thou hast cast me out this daie from the earth Now the godly hate indeed the punishment but they are greeued especially for that God is offended and for their sinne So Dauid Against thee Psal 51.4 against thee onlie haue I sinned my sin is euer before mee The good hate to sin for the loue they beare to vertue the wicked for the feare they stand in of punishment So in Peter was a sorrow and griefe for that hee had offended God In Iudas for his torment ensuing not for the sinne it selfe 2 Jn the cause which breedeth repentaunce in both 2 The cause of their griefe diuers The wicked repent by reason of a despaire distrust and dissidencie so that they runne more and more into desperation murmuring and hatred against God But the godlie repent by reason of faith and a confidence which they haue of the grace of God and reconciliation and so comfort and erect themselues againe in the Mediatour they trust in God and relie on him with Dauid Psal 51. Purge mee with Hyssope and J shal be cleane 3 Jn the effect 3 The effect of their griefe diuers which their repentaunce woo●●●eth in them In the wicked newe obedience dooth not follow repentaunce but they goe forward in their sinnes they are mortified indeed themselues and quite destroied but the old corruption of their nature that is sin is not mortified in them and how much the more they giue themselues to repentāce so much the more is in them an hatred of God murmuring flying and turning away from God and an approching vnto the Diuel But in the godly newe obedience followeth accompanieth repentance and how much the more they repent so much the more dieth the old man in them and the studie and desire of righteousnes liuing well is in them so much the more encreased For the conuersion of the godly is a reuersiō or returning vnto God from the Diuel from sins and from their old nature 3 What are the parts of Conuersion THE parts of Conuersion are in number two The 2. parts of conuersion 1 Mortification 2 Quickening as the Apostle sheweth The mortifieng of the old man and the quickening of the new man So speak we better with the Apostle than if wee should follow them who make Contrition and Faith the parts of conuersion Nowe by contrition they vnderstand also mortification by faith they vnderstand the ioy which followeth the studie of righteousnesse newe obedience which are indeede effects of saith but not faith it selfe and co●●ition goeth before conuersion neither is conuersion it selfe nor any p●rt thereof but only a preparing of men vnto conuersion and that in the Liect only not in others And this is the reason why they beginne the preaching of Repentance from the Law then come vnto the gospell so come backe againe vnto the Law The Old man which is mortified is a meere sinner onely namely our corrupt nature The New man which is quickned is he who beginneth to cease from sinnes namely as our nature is regenerated Mortification Mortification conteineth 1 A knowledge of sinne 2 A griefe for sin and for the offending of God 3 The flieng and shunning of sinne By this appeareth that conuersion or mortification is verie vnproperly attributed vnto the wicked because in them is not any hatred or shunning of sin neither any griefe for sinne all which mortification doth comprehend Furdermore The knowledge of sinne goeth before that griefe which is vnfained proceeding from the hart which mortification conteineth because the affections of the hart folow knowledge Wherefore knowledge or acknowledgement shall be a part or at least a cause of the other two partes in both parts of conuersion The griefe which is in the wicked when they repent is a griefe for the euill either to come or present which is punishment But the griefe which is in the godlie when they repent is
excluded that coined deuise of good intentions when as namely men doe euill things that good things may come thereof likewise when they deuise and imagine woorkes which they thrust vpon God insteed of worship Neither doth it suffice if a woorke be not forbidden but it must also be commaunded if it shall serue for Gods worship 2 That the worke haue his original from a true faith which faith must be grounded and depending on the merite and intercession of the Mediatour and by which he may know both the person and the worke to be accepted of god for the mediatours sake For without faith it is vnpossible for anie man to please God Neither is such a faith ●●ere sufficient which assureth thee that God will this ●r that this worke is commaunded of God For then the wicked also should doe that which God will but not with a true faith A true or iustifieng faith therefore stretcheth surder as both cōprehending historicall faith and also which is the chiefest thing applieng the promise of the gospell vnto vs. Of this true faith are these things spoken Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Without faith it is vnpossible to please God And the reasons of both these sayings are not obscure because without faith there is no loue of God and so consequently no loue of our neighbour And whatsoeuer woorke ariseth not from the loue of God is hypocrisie 3 It is required that this woorke be referred principally i● the glorie of God onely Otherwise it shal proceed frō the loue of thy selfe not from the loue of God Whenas thou doest any thing thou must not heede or care what men speake whether they praise thee or no so that thou knowe that it pleaseth God But yet true glorie we may lawfully desire seeke for according to that Mat. 5.16 Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good woorkes By these former conditions all these woorkes are excluded 1 Which are sins in themselues and repugnant vnto Gods Lawe and his will reuelled in the word 2 Which are not repugnant vnto the Law neither in themselues good or euill but which may yet by an accident be made good or euil Workes not repugnant vnto the Lawe are made euill or sinnes by an accident when as they beeing not commaunded of God but imposed by men are done with an opinion of worshipping God therein 3 Which are good in themselues and commanded by God but yet are made sinnes by an accident in that they are vnlawfully doone as not arising from those lawfull causes by which the doers of them should be moued to do them and which in doing them they should respect that is they are not done by faith neither to this end chiefly that God might therein be honored 2 The woorkes of the regenerate and vnregenerate differ because the workes of the vnregenerate First Proceed not of faith Secondly Are not ioined with an inward obedience and therefore are doone dissemblingly and are meere hypocrisie Thirdly As they proceed not of the right cause so are they not referred to the chiefe end which is Gods glory 3 This difference which appeareth in the workes of the godly the wicked cōfirmeth also that the very morall works of the wicked are sins though yet not such sins as those are which in their owne nature are repugnant vnto Gods Lawe For these are sinnes by themselues and in their own kind but those either are sins onely by an accident namely by reason of defect because neither they come of faith neither are doone for Gods glorie Wherefore this consequence is not of force Al the workes of the wicked and of Paynims are sins Therefore they are al to be eschued For the defects only are to be eschued not the worke 2 How good workes may bee doone GOod workes may be done through the grace or assistance of the Holy Ghost onely and that by the regenerate onely whose heart is regenerated of the holy ghost by the gospel and that not onely in their first conuersion and regeneration but also by the perpetual and continual gouernment of the holy ghost who both worketh in them an acknoweledgement of sinne faith new obedience and also doth daily more and more encrease and confirme the same gifts in them Vnto this doctrine Saint Ierome also consenteth Let him be accursed saith hee who affirmeth the Lawe to be possible without the grace of the holy Ghost Wherefore out of this doctrine wee learne that men not as yet regenerated are able to doe no good and that euen the holi●st men sinne also except the benefite and blessing of regeneration bee continued This wee maie see in Peter and Dauid Without regeneration no one part of a good work can bee so much as begunne because All our righteousnesse is as the cloth of a menstruous womā In which saying also the Prophet comprehendeth himselfe and euen the holiest among men If in the Saintes themselues nought else is found before God what then in the vnregenerate What these are able to perfourme wee see in the Epistle to the Romanes in the two first Chapters Now as by our selues we are not able to beginne good workes So neither are we our selues able to accomplish anie good worke For it is God which worketh in you both the will and the deede euen of his good pleasure Without imputed righteousnes we are all in the sight God abomination filth and dung But the righteousnes of christ is not imputed vnto vs before our conuersion Therefore it is vnpossible before our conuersion that either our selues or our worke should please God Faith is the cause of good woorkes Faith commeth from God Therefore the effect also shall come from God neither shall it goe before the cause therfore good works cānot be before conuersion 3 Whether the workes of the Saintes be perfectly good THE woorks of the Saintes are not perfectly good or pure 1. Because the Saints which doe good workes doe many things which are sinnes in themselues for which they deserue to be cast out into euerlasting paines Cursed be he that abideth not in al. Deut. 27.26 Yea the holiest men doe many euil works commit many sins and acts which are euill in themselues Such was the sinne of Peter thrise denying Christ and of Dauid murthering Vrias committing adulterie willing to couer it and numbering the people 2. Because there is not that degree of goodnesse in those good woorkes that proceede from the Saintes which ought to be For their good workes are not so pure and good as God requireth Yea when the Saintes perfourme most holy workes yet are they not perfect but haue alwaies in this life defectes and are stained with sins For faith and the loue of God and our neighbour whence good workes flow are imperfect in vs in this life The effect then shall not bee perfect because the cause is not perfect For we do not perfectly know and loue God and our neighbour and
not lawfull for me to doe as I wil with mine own He must needs be very impudent who hauing receiued of gift an hundred florens of a rich mā thinketh that he deserueth a thousand mo by receiuing those hundred whereas rather he is by this gift receiued bound to the rich man not the rich mā to him 5 No creature which doth euen the most perfect woorkes can thereby merit ought at Gods handes or bind God vnto him to giue him any thing according to order of iustice The reason hereof doth the Apostle yeeld Who hath giuen him first We deserue no more our preseruation than we deserued our creation He did owe nothing vnto vs when hee created vs so neither now doth he owe vs our preseruation neither is he bound to giue vs any thing We can bestow no benefit vpon our Creatour nay although we should neuer sinne yet can we not sufficiently declare and shew forth our thankefulnesse 6 There is no proportion betweene our woorkes which are vtterly vnperfect and the excellency of those great blessings and benefites which the Father giueth vs freelie in his Son 7 1. Cor. 1.31 He that reioiceth let him reioice in the Lorde But if we merit by our work remission of our sins man should haue in himselfe whereof to reioice neither should the glorie be giuen to God Rom. 4.2 If Abraham were iustified by his woorkes hee hath wherein to reioice but not with God 8 Wee are iust before we doe good woorkes Rom. For yer Esau and Iacob were borne when they had neither done good nor euil that the purpose of God might remain according to election not by works but by him that calleth it was said vnto her The elder shall serue the yonger As it is written I haue loued Jacob and haue hated Esau 9 They who will be iustified by woorkes haue no sure and steadefast conscience Rom. 4.16 The inheritance is by faith that it might come by grace and the promise might be sure to all the seede 10 If wee should obtain righteousnesse by our own worke the promises should be made voide For in Abraham shall all the nations bee blessed And Christ also should haue died in vaine 11 There should not be one and the same reason and cause of our saluation if this Doctrine of the merit of woorkes should be admitted Abraham and the Theefe on the Crosse should haue bin otherwise iustified than we are iustified But there is but one way leading vs to saluation I am the way the truth and the life 1. Tim. 2.5 There is one Medatour betweene God and Men. Eph. 4 5. There is one Lorde one Faith one Baptisme Heb. 13.8 Jesus Christ yesterday and to day the same is also for euer Acts. 4.12 There is giuen no other name vnder Heauen whereby wee must bee saued Therefore we shall not be saued by good workes or for our good woorkes 12 Christ shoulde not giue vs full and perfect saluation and so neither should hee bee a perfect Sauiour if some thing were as yet required of vs whereby we should bee made iust But Christ is our perfect Sauiour For as Paul witnesseth God with his glorious grace hath made vs accepted in his beloued By whom we haue redemption through his bloud euen the forgiuenes of sinnes according to his rich grace And Ephes 2.8 By grace are yee saued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God 1 Obiection They which haue not good woorkes cannot be saued Therefore good woorkes are necessarie vnto saluation Ans That without which we cannot be saued is necessary vnto saluation that is as a part of saluation or as an accident of saluation not as a cause of saluation 2 Obiection God calleth those blessings which hee promiseth to them that doe good workes rewardes and meed Now meede presupposeth merit Therefore good workes doe merit Aunswere Amongest creatures sometimes it doth but neuer with god But they are called the rewardes or meede of our woorkes in respect of God forasmuch as hee recompenseth most fully those thinges which wee doe neither yet is that recompence due For there can come no commoditie vnto God by vs therefore God is not bound no not to make the least recompence For he that stādeth no waies in need of our works and vnto whom they can ad or bring nothing at al of him doubtles wee are not able to merite or deserue any thing But there commeth good rather vnto our selues by good workes For the good works which we doe are a conformity with God therefore are Gods gift by which gift and benefit we are bound vnto god but not god vnto vs. Wherfore it is no lesse absurde to say that we merite saluation at gods hāds by good works than if one should say Thou hast giuen me an hundred florns Therefore thou oughtest also to giue me a thousand florens Obiection 3. But whereby may we be assured that we haue good works Aunswere 1. By the peace of conscience 2. By our conuersion 3. By the fruites of conuersion OF THE LAW OF GOD OR OF THE DECALOG AND TEN COMMANDEMENTES THE chiefe Questions 1 What the Law is in general 2 What are the parts of the Law 3 What is the vse of the Law 4 Jn what the Lawe differeth from the gospell 5 How far the Law is abrogated 6 How the Decalog is diuided 7 What is the meaning of the Decalog and of euerie commandement thereof 1 What the Law is in general THE Lawe in generall is a sentence or decree commaunding things that are honest binding creatures endued with reason vnto obedience with a promise of rewarde and a commination or threatning of punishment It is a sentence commaunding thinges that are honest otherwise it is no Law It bindeth creatures endued with reason for the Lawe was not made for them who are not bound to obedience With a promise of reward The Law freely promiseth blessings vnto those who perfourme obedience because no obedience can be meritorious before God Obiection But the gospell also promiseth freelie good things blessings Therefore the Law differeth not from the gospell Answ The Law promiseth freely after one maner and the Gospel after another The law promiseth freely with a condition of our obedience But the gospel promiseth freely without the works of the Law with a condition of faith not with a condition of our obedience Wherefore the gospell dooth not promise blessings freely without al condition but without such a condition as wherewith the Lawe promiseth blessinges vnto vs. And with a commination or threatning of punishment Otherwise the Lawe were a vaine and empty sound and shoulde effect nothing Moreouer the Latine woorde Lex which signifieth the Law is deriued from Lego which signifieth to reade and publish or from Lego which signifieth to choose With the former deriuation agreeth the Hebrue woorde with the latter the greeke woord For in Greeke the Lawe is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
which commeth from a word that signifieth to diuide and distribute and therefore the Lawe is so called because it distributeth vnto euery one proper charges and functions In Hebrue the Law is called thorah that is doctrine because Laws are published vnto all that euery one may learne them And hereof is it that the ignorance or not knowing of the Law doth not excuse naie rather they who are ignorāt of those laws which belong vnto them do euen in that very respect sinne because they are ignorant 2 What are the partes of the Law LAwes are some diuine and some humane Humane Laws bind certaine men vnto certaine external actions whereof there is no diuine commaundement or prohibition expreslie with a promise of reward a commination or threatning of punishmentes corporal and temporal Now all humane Lawes ought to haue this their ende euen that the Lawes of God may bee the more readily and better kept Further whereas their causes are altered and chaunged according to the state and condition of times places persons and other circumstances the Lawes also themselues may be chaunged Moreouer these Humane Lawes are either Ciuill or Ecclesiasticall Ciuill Lawes are such as are made by Magistrates or by some whole bodie and corporation concerning a certaine order of actions to be obserued in ciuill gouernment in bargaines and contracts in iudgementes and punishmentes Ecclesiastical or ceremonial Laws are those which are made by the consent of the church concerning some certaine order of actions to be obserued in the ministerie of the church which are the limitations of circumstances seruing for the Law of god Diuine Lawes that is the Lawes of God partly belong vnto Angels and partly vnto men And these do not only binde vnto external actions but require furder internal or inward qualities actions and motions nether propose they corporal and temporal rewards and punishments only but eternall also and spiritual and they are the ends for which humane Lawes are to bee made Diuine Lawes are some external and vnchangeable some changeable yet so that they can bee chaunged of none but of god himselfe who made them By the Law also is often-times vnderstood the course order of nature instituted and ardained by god So the Law that is the order of nature requireth that a tree bring foorth fruite After this sort is the order of nature vnderstoode by the Lawe abusiuely but yet more abusiuely dooth the Apostle call Originall sinne the Lawe of sinne because namelie it doth in maner of a Lawe enforce and constraine vs to sin Now hauing humane Lawes and other things which are signified by the name of Lawe we will speake henceforth of the Lawe of god as which only hath place here and is the fountaine of all other good Lawes which are woorthie of the name of Lawes The Lawe of god then is a doctrine deliuered of god at the creation by the ministery either of Angels or of men and afterwardes repeated and renued of him by Moses and the Prophets teaching what we ought to doe and what not to doe binding reasonable creatures alwaies promising to perfect perfourmers of obedience eternal life condemning eternally them who perfourme not this obedience except remission be graunted for the Mediatours sake The parts of the Law of god are in number three The Morall Ceremonial and ciuil or iudiciall Law The Morall Lawe is a Doctrine agreeing with the eternall and immortall wisedome and iustice which is in god discerning things honest and dishonest knowen by nature and engendred in reasonable creatures at the creation and afterwardes repeated againe and declared by the voice of god by the ministerie of Moses the Prophets and Apostles teaching that there is a god and what he is what we ought to doe and what not to doe binding all the reasonable creatures to perfect obedience both internal and external promising the fauor of god and euerlasting life to those which perform perfect obedience and denouncing the wrath of god euerlasting pains punishments vnto them who are not perfectlie correspondent thereunto except there be graunted remission of sinnes reconciliation for the Sonne of god the Mediatours sake That in this part of the Lawe the nature and righteousnesse of god is expressed the image of god dooth shew whereunto man was created For seeing this image of god consisteth in true righteousnesse and holinesse Ephes 5. and that righteousnesse holines is described comprised in the Law Deut. 12. Ezech. 20. it followeth then that this is the image of god whereunto man ought to be conformed which is expressed in the law The same is taught by manie testimonies of Scripture which affirme that god is delighted with this righteousnes which he commaundeth in the Lawe and that hee dooth such things as that is and hateth the contrary That this law is external is hereof apparant and manifest because it remaineth from the beginning vnto the end of the world one and the same we are redeemed by Christ and regenerated by the holie ghost to obserue and keepe this Law in the life to come 1. Iohn 2.7 J write no new commaundement vnto you but an old commaundement which ye haue had from the beginning Galat. 5.20 They which doe such things shal not inherit the kingdome of god The Moral Lawes are so belōging vnto the Decalogue that not only they agree with the Decalogue neither are onlie deduced thence by a necessary consequence but also the Decalogue it selfe is the summe of the Morall Lawes whence it commeth to passe that hee who breaketh the Moral Lawes is said to breake the Decalogue Neither is this which we haue said hindered at al for that certaine special commaundementes belonging to matters of this life haue ceased For the general shal notwithstanding still continue There shal be no neede of the ministerie or of a certaine time to be alotted vnto the ministerie in the life to come because there shal be a perpetual Sabboth that is al eternity shal be giuen for the contemplation beholding of diuine matters for the worship magnifieng of God There shal be no neede of Lawes concerning marriage because there shal be no vse of marriage but yet there shal bee an Angelique chastitie in men This Law is knowen by nature and from the creation because men and Angels were created according to the image of God And Paul also saith of the remnauntes of that light Roman 2.15 The Gentiles shew the effect of the Lawe written in their hearts This Lawe also bindeth the Angels because they also were created vnto the image of God and Christ saith Matt. 22. That the Saints in the life to come shal be as the Angels of God he hath taught vs to pray Let thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen Jt requireth furdermore perfect obediēce Deu. 6. Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy soule Galat. 3.10 Cursed is euery man that continueth not in al thinges
which are written in the booke of the Law to doe them Now that the Law dooth not take away the intercession of Christ is apparant out of the gospell which teacheth that it is correspondent and agreeable vnto the iustice and Lawe of God that sinners should be receiued into fauour a sufficient satisfaction and their conuersion being interposed and comming between For god is not at variance with himselfe in the doctrine of the Law and the gospel The Ceremonial or lawes deliuered of god by Moses concerning Ceremonies binding the Iewes vntill the comming of the Messias that they should distinguish this people the church from others and should be signes symboles types or shadowes of spirituall thinges to be fulfilled in the New Testament by Christ That this definition may be vnderstood we must know what ceremonies are to wit solemne externall actions that is often to bee after the same maner with the same circumstances reiterated ordained of God or of men also to be vsed in the seruice and woorshippe of God for order or signification sake But the Ceremonies which are ordained of God are simple absolutely diuine worship The ceremonies which are ordained and instituted of men if they be good are a woorship onely seruing for diuiuine worship The Judicial or Lawes concerning the ciuill order or ciuil gouernement that is of the offices of Magistrates iudgementes punishments contractes and of the distinguishing and bounding of dominions deliuered of God by Moses for the settling and preseruing of the Jewes common wealth binding al Abrahams posteritie vntil the comming of the Messias and furder that they should be the bond of the preseruation and gouernment of this Mosaicall common wealth vntill the Messias was manifested and certaine markes whereby this people which was bound vnto them should be discerned from al others and should withall bee kept in honest discipline and good order lastlie that they might be types of that order which should be in Christs kingdome that is of the spiritual regiment of the Messias Ceremoniall and ciuill Lawes whether they be diuine or humane so that they be good are verily agreeable vnto the Decalogue But yet are they deduced thence onely by a necessary consequence and serue thereto as certaine prescriptions of circumstances Hereby plainly appeareth the difference of these Lawes which yet is diuerse because there is not one and the same gouernement of the common-wealth and of the church neither is there the same end of al these Lawes neither are al these Lawes after the same maner abrogated But the chiefe and especiall difference of these lawes is drawen frō the binding time knowledge or manifestation 1. The Moral ordinances are knowen by nature The ceremonial and ciuil are not knowen by nature but are instituted according to the diuersity of causes and circumstaunces 2. The Moral bind al men and euen the Angels also The ceremonial and ciuill were onely prescribed vnto the people of Israel And therefore Iob Iethro Naaman the Cyrian and others who are recounted for religious men that is such as were borne of Paynims and liued amongest them but yet worshipped the God which was manifested among the people of Israell they did not obserue the Leuiticall ceremonies and yet did neuerthelesse please God And the verie ordinaunces themselues concerning the ceremonies and the forme of ciuill gouernement shewe that they bind Abrahams posteritie onelie whom God woulde by this fourme of gouernment and worshippe distinguish from other nations 3. The Lawes of the Decalogue are perpetual in this life and after this life The ceremonial and ciuill were deliuered of God at a certaine time and againe abolished 4. The Moral Lawes speak of both internall and external obedience The ceremoniall and ciuil speak of externall obedience only albeit neither doth this please God without the internall and morall obedience 5. The moral Lawes are not limited by certain circumstances but are general as that there is a time to bee granted for the ministery and seruice of God and that the ministery is to be preserued that adulterers and theeues are to be punished But the ceremonial and ciuil Lawes are special or a limitation of circumstances which are to be obserued in external rites or actions both ecclesiastical and ciuil as that the seuenth daie is to be alotted for the ministery and seruice of God that the Tenths and first-fruits are to bee giuen to the Priestes that adulterers are to be stoned that theeues are to be amerced with a four-fold restitution 6. The ceremonial and the ciuil Lawes also are types or figures of other things for whose cause they were ordained The moral signifie or prefigure nothing but are signified by the rites and ceremonies 7. The morall are the end for which other causes are to bee made or they are the principal seruice and worshippe of god The ceremonial and ciuil serue for the moral ordinances that to them obedience might be rightly and duely perfourmed that a certain time and certain rites may be obserued in the publique ministery of the church that the ministery it selfe maie bee maintained and preserued 8. The ceremoniall giue place vnto the Morall The Morall giue not place vnto the Ceremoniall The Morall Lawe the Naturall and the Decalogue differ The Decalogue is the summe of the morall Lawes which are scattered throughout the whole Scripture of the olde and new Testament The Naturall lawe dooth not differ from the Morall in nature not corrupted but in nature corrupted a good part of the natural law is darkened by sins and but a little part only concerning the obedience due to god was left remaining after the fall For which cause also God hath in his church repeated againe and declared the whole sentence and doctrine of his Lawe The distinctions of these Lawes are to bee knowen both in respect of the differences of the same and also in respect of their aborgating and lastly for the knowing and vnderstanding of their vse 3 What the vse of the Lawe is THE first and principall vse of the ceremoniall and iudiciall Lawes of Moses was to serue as a schoolemaster vnto Christ and his kingdome that is to bee a signification of spirituall and Heauenly things in Christs kingdome namely the benefites of Christ towardes his Church and the duty of the Church towardes God and christ Gal. 3.24 The Law was our Schoolmaster to bring vs vnto Christ This S. Paul prouounceth of the whole Lawe of Moses But that it is true concerning the forme of ceremoniall worshippe and ciuill gouernment for a type and signification of christs kingdome the Epistle to the Hebrues doth purposely teach from the beginning of the fourth chapter to the end of the tenth all places of Scripture which referre the ceremonies and kingdome of the old people vnto Christ as Coloss 2.11 Wee are circumcised with circumcision made without hands 1. Cor. 5.7 Christ our passeouer is sacrificed for vs. Psal 110. Thou art a Priest for euer Dan. 9. The
most holy shal be annointed And of the ciuill Lawes it is saide Ezech. 44 24. Jn controuersie shall the Priest stand to iudge and they shall iudge it according to my iudgements Ierem 23.5 Behold the daies come saith the Lorde that I will raise vnto Dauid a righteous branch and a king shall raign and prosper and shall execute iudgement and iustice in the earth Wherefore that forme of woorshippe and ciuill gouernment was ordained of god principally vnto this that thereby the old people might be aduertised of the thinges signified and to be performed by the Messias Now whereas the allegories or figuratiue speeches of all the Lawes are not in speciall expressed and expounded in the woorde of god First we are to make or receiue none but such as reteineth an analogy with faith and loue againe these onlie are to be accounted and held for true and certaine which can bee prooued by Scripture But those which are not declared either by plain expositiō or by the maners of speaking in the scripture the same may be verily tolerated as orher similitudes which are brought by way of example but may not be admitted as certain and as proofes of doctrine And in those which are not declared in speciall it is sufficient to rest in the general signification Secondly by these as by visible markes and eminent differences God would haue his people with whom the true worship of god and the promise of the Messias was left to bee discerned and sorted out from al other nations that both for his own glorie that the true god and true religion might be discerned from Idoles and the inuentions of men and also for mens saluation that they seeking after the church in the world might find and behold it Deut. 4.6 Keepe them therefore and doe them for that is your wisedome and your vnderstanding in the sight of the people c. And chapter 12.30 Beware that thou aske not after their gods saieng How did these nations serue their gods that I may do so likewise Thou shalt not doe so vnto to the Lord thy God for all abomination which the Lorde hateth haue they done vnto their gods Eph. 2.14 Which hath made of both one and hath broken the stop of the participation wall In abrogating through his flesh the hatred that is the Law of commandementes which standeth in ordinances The third vse is obedience or the obseruing performāce of the moral ordināces For because the moral law requireth not only internal obedience but also external whereof the vse of the ministerie of the church and ciuil order are not the lowest parts that these two therfore may be maintained preserued a defining or limitation of many circūstances is necessarie without the equable form obseruatiō wherof order cannot bee maintained in the church and common wealth As therfore in the new testamēt god hath left free in the ministery cōmonwealth such constitutions ordinances as may be necessarie for the maintaining of this order so in the old Testament what he would haue obserued himselfe did constitute and ordaine For this is Moral That there be a publique and solemne inuocation and seruing of God The furtherance and forme hereof god would haue the ceremonies to bee which himselfe prescribed Againe this is Moral that there be a iust and vpright ordering of iudgementes contractes punishmentes in the common wealth This order God prescribed vnto the Iews by Iudicial Lawes Wherefore the ceremonies are an adherent of the first table and the iudiciall lawes are an adherent of the second because those informe concerning the outwarde and externall forme of the ministery of the church or diuine seruice and worship these concerning the functions and duties of the Magistrates and of the citizens of that common wealth towardes their Magistrates and towardes one another Fourthly that manifold obseruation of rites and ceremonies was also an exercise and a testification of their obedience towardes God For he that dooth willingly and diligently perfourme burdensome and vnpleasaunt thinges if he know the same to be pleasing to God he then dooth shew himselfe to loue God and to obey him with a readie mind Therefore saith god to Abraham beeing now ready to sacrifice his Sonne Now I know that thou fearest God seeing for my sake thou hast not spared thine onlie Sonne So the ceremonial and iudicial ordinances of the old Testament are called a yoke Acts 15. and seruitude Galat. 4. Fiftly vnto most of the ceremonies namelie such as signified Christes benefites was proper and peculiar the sealing of Gods couenaunt or the confirmation of faith For this is meant when they are said to be the signes of the couenant Gen. 17. Rom. 4. Exod. 31. Ezech. 20. namely to signifie and testifie what benefites God would giue by the Messias vnto beleeuers Sixtly the iudiciall or ciuill Lawes in asmuch as they were the verie forme of the Mosaical common wealth serued for the preseruation of that regiment kingdom vntil the comming of the Messias Seuenthly Albeit now the ceremonial and iudicial Lawes are so abolished that the obseruation of them is not required as concerning the types yet those things are perpetual which are signified by them And therefore they are a confirmation of the newe Testament as well as the oracles and prophecies of the ould Testament concerning the Messias and his kingdome For types are visible promises Wherefore when as wee see those thinges to be fulfilled in Christ which were foretold of him by the prophecies and shadowed or prefigured by the old types it is also cōfirmed vnto vs that both he is exhibited that this Iesus in whom wee beleeue is that Messias which of oulde was promised And although also we are not bound to keep and obserue the same rites yet notwithstanding out of those ould pictures wee learne and vnderstand what spirituall obedience holynesse and worship god continuallie requireth in his church Whence it is said Hosea 14.2 We wil render the calues of our lyps Hebr. 13.15 Let vs by him offer the Sacrifice of praise alwaies to God that is the fruite of the lyps which confesse his name 1. Pet. 2.5 And yee as liuely stones be made a spiritual house and holy Priesthoode to offer vp spirituall sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ These maie suffice for the refuting of Anabaptistes and such like who shut the old testament out of the church of Christ Furdermore of the Morall Lawe there are other and greater vses because the worshippe of God dooth properly consist therein and other Lawes were made for this About these chiefely doe mens mindes dispute when they heare mankind so to bee plunged into sin that the reprobate cannot so much as begin any obedience acceptable to god neither the Elect in this life attain by any means to the perfectiō thereof yet notwithstanding god wil haue the Lawe preached both to the regenerate and vnregenerate For they maruel to what vse or end the Law
is vrged when obedience cannot possibly bee performed But here it is necessarie that we distinguish and discerne the nature of men corrupted from it selfe being vncorrupted For in nature beeing not as yet depraued or corrupted through sinne there were and shal be againe also in nature perfectly restored these two vses of gods lawe especially The first is the whole and entire conformity of man with god For there did shine and againe shall shine in the minde of man the perfect knowledge of god and his will and the same did woorke againe shal worke the correspondence and congruity of all our inclinations and motions with this diuine order that is perfect iustice and righteousnesse before god For the mind iudging aright doth rightlie also gouern guide the hart wil not being through stubburnesse peruerted depraued Nowe that both there was perfect knowledge of the law in mans nature not yet fallē and did woorke also in it perfect conformity with god the doctrine concerning the image of god doth testify whereunto man was created which is by Christ in vs restored The other vse of the Law in nature vncorrupted is a good conscience or a certaine perswasion of gods fauour and a certaine hope of eternall life For when as the Lawe both commandeth perfect obedience and promiseth eternall life to those that perfourme it Therfore it worketh in nature vncorrupted as perfect obedience so also certaine expectation of the reward according as it is saide Leuit. 18. Rom. 10. Gal. 3. He that doth them shall liue in them Mat. 19. If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commaundements But in nature now corrupted there are other effects or vses of the Law those partly accidental partly the remaines of those proper effectes which it hath in nature vncorrupted partly in the regenerate partly in the vnregenerate As therefore the whole Law is a Schoolemaster to Christ so likewise is the Morall whereof the first vse is both in the regenerate and vnregenerate the preseruing and mantaining of discipline both in the church and without also For the Lawe both being by god himselfe engrauen in the mindes of all men and speaking by the voice of teachers magistrats doth by binding of the conscience and by denouncing ordaining of punishments by shame bridle restraine the vnregenerate also so that they shunne open and manifest wickednesse and some order is thereby kept in the world amiddest the furies of Diuels and wicked men that mankinde may be preserued and the church thence collected and gathered 1. Tim. 1.9 The Law is giuen to the lawlesse and disobedient But albeit this vse of the law doth chiefely belong vnto the vnregenerate who are not bridled by the loue of god and righteousnesse but by the feare of punishment onely shame not to make open profession of wickednesse yet hath it place also in the godly For they indeede haue another bridle whereby they are guided euen the holy ghost illightening and inclining their harts vnto obedience but yet by reason of the weakenes and corruption of the flesh prone to sinne experience teacheth that this chaine and bonde also is profitable and necessary for them for the shunning and auoiding of transgressions Many places also of Scripture witnesse this which threaten euen vnto the saintes if they run into grieuous offences grieuous punishments As Ezech. 18. If the righteous turne away from his righteousnesse and commit iniquity hee shall die for it And the examples of punishmentes as of Eli of Dauid and many others For therefore both threatnings and examples are set before the godly to keepe them in good order The second vse is the acknowledgement and accusing of sinne in the regenerate and vnregenerate Rom. 3.20 By the Law commeth the knowledge of sinne Rom. 7.7 J knew nothing but by the Lawe for neither had I knowen lust except the Law had said Thou shalt not lust This vse of the Law belongeth vnto all men because all haue so much knowledge of the Lawe as is sufficient to breede in them a pricke and remorse of conscience But there is a double effect hereof For in the vnregenerate the knowledge of sin of the iudgement of God against sin engendereth an hatred of god an increase of sinne For so much the more doth nature not yet regenerated desire to commit and excuse sinne and murmureth against gods iudgemēt how much the more the law vrgeth and presseth the prohibition and condemnation of sinne Rom. 4.15 The Law causeth wrath Rom. 7. Sinne took an occasion by the commandement and wrought in mee al manner of concupiscence Moreouer if those vnregenerate be also reprobate then woorketh it at length in them despaire and blasphemy Therefore 2. Cor. 3. it is called the ministery of death But in the elect the knowledge of sinne is a preparing of them vnto conuersion For it woorketh in them a desire of Gods fauour and of deliuerance from sinne enforceth them despairing of their own righteousnesse to seeke for righteousnesse and life in Christ their Mediatour And after they are once conuerted it continually instructeth them with due contrition truely to humble themselues in the sight of God and maketh them to profit and goe forwarde daily in true conuersion vnto God and in the dread fear of God Now although many wicked men beeing blinded with security doe not acknowledge their sinne for a time yet the Law accuseth all and the terrours and torments of conscience doe at length oppresse them Vnto the regenerate also although they neither are subiect to damnation neither liue without the acknowledgement and bewailing of their sinne yet necessary is the preaching meditation of the Law that thereby they more and more knowing the remnants of sinne which are in them may continue and go foreward in true repentance and amendment of life Moreouer concerning both these vses namely the maintenance of Discipline and acknowledgement of sinne it is said that the Lawe is a Schoolemaster vnto Christ For neither can men be instructed concerning god neither doth the holy ghost woorke faith and conuersion in their heartes except open and manifest transgressions be eschewed and they persist not in sinnes against their conscience Jsai 66. J will regard the poore and contrite in spirite Rom. 8.13 If yee mortifie the deedes of the bodie by the spirite ye shall liue but if yee liue after the fleshe ye shall die Neither do they indeede seeke for desire earnestly deliueraunce from sinne and death who doe not truely knowe and agnise the greatnesse of sinne Joh. 9.41 If yee were blind yee should not haue sinne but now yee say Wee see Therefore your sinne remaineth The third vse of the moral Law is proper vnto the regenerate to witte an instructing and informing of them concerning the true seruice and woorship of God This is done by the doctrine of the Lawe in teaching and exhorting For seeing there are yet remaining manifold ignorāces
doubtfulnesse and corrupt inclination in the Saintes they stand in neede not only of the continuall conduct of gods word but also of the spurres and prouokements of exhortations and of meditation on gods will least either they er in their purpose and counsail or also seeing that which is good be neuerthelesse carried the quite contrary way Psalm 1.2 His delight is in the Law of the Lord and in his Law doth he meditate day and night Psal 19.7 The Law of the Lord is perfect cōuerting the soul the testimony of the Lord is sure giueth wisdome to the simple The statutes of the Lord are right reioice the heart the commandement of the Lorde is pure giueth light vnto the eies Moreouer by them is thy seruant made circumspect and in keepeing of them there is great reward Psalm 119.50 Thy worde is a lanterne vnto my feete and a light vnto my path Ier. 31.33 J will put my Law in their inward partes and write it in their hartes Wherefore wee see also that Christ and the Apostles propound the commaundementes and explication of the law not so much to prophane and wicked men as to the regenerate godly Against this vse of the Law some obiect that place Rom. 7. Ye are dead to the law by the body of Christ that yee should be vnto another euen vnto him that is raised vp from the dead that ye should bring forth fruite vnto God And Gal. 2 I through the lawe am dead to the lawe and that I might liue vnto God I am crucified with Christ Thus I liue yet not I now but Christ liueth in me and in that that J nowe liue in the flesh I liue by the faith in the Sonne of God Hence they conclude If we be dead to the law and are Christs who now liueth in vs then is not our life nowe schooled and ruled by the direction of the lawe but by Christ only But seeing the Apostle himselfe saith Rom. 3.31 That the lawe is not made voide but established by faith this phrase to die vnto the law dooth not signifie to bee exempted from the obedience of the Lawe but to bee freed from condemnation and from the prouokement of sin which the Lawe worketh in the vnregenerate whereas we beeing engraffed into Christ enioy in him both a full satisfaction for our sinnes for which the Lawe condemned vs and the spirit of regeneration bending inclining our heartes not to an hatred of the Lawe wherewith they first did burne but to the studie and desire of obedience and righteousnesse Therefore he addeth Rom. 7.4 That yee should bee vnto another who is raised vp from the dead that wee should bring forth fruite vnto God Againe wee are deliuered from the Law beeing dead vnto it wherein we were holden that we should serue in newnesse of spirit and not in the oldnesse of the letter In the other place Gal. 2. this is the Apostles meaning J through the Law to wit which accuseth sinnes and terrifieth the consciences of men am dead to the Lawe that is cease to seeke for righteousnesse in the Lawe and begin to seeke for it in Christ For this is it which he addeth J am crucified with Christ namely by the participation of Christs merit and the mortification of sinne that J might liue to God according to the will of God expressed in the Lawe For he liueth to God who obeieth God and honoreth him through his obedience But this the doctrine of the Lawe doth not woorke in nature nowe corrupted except wee passe from the Lawe to Christ by faith that hee maie liue in vs and wee in him that is that he may be effectual in vs through the working of his holy spirit first by suggesting speaking cōfort in our hearts of the remission of our sins then by making vs like vnto himselfe by regeneration that the Law may no longer condemne vs and cause wrath but wee may dilight in the law of God concerning the inner man Rom. 7. So then are wee deliuered from the Lawe and die to the Law so Christ liueth in vs that wee beginne to delight in the Law and to order our life according to the prescript thereof For Christ doth not restore any other righteousnesse or any other image of God in vs by his spirite than which was created by our nature darkened and ecclipsed by sinne and described in the law neither is there another spirite author of Gods lawe and worker of our conformity with God in our nature vncorrupted and restored They alleadge also that which is said Ier. 31.31 I wil make a new couenant with the house of Israel not according to the couenaunt that I made with their Fathers Heere they saie That God promiseth not to renue the old couenaunt which is the Law but to make a new which is the gospell Wherefore not the Law but the gospel onelie is to be taught in the church of Christ But it is manifest that the new couenant is not diuerse from the ould as touching the substantiall but onely as touching the accidental partes or conditions and circumstances thereof For although the old shadowes and darke types are taken awaie and a most cleare Doctrine of the prophecie and figures fulfilled by Christ hath succeeded the grace of the holy ghost is shed more plentifully on men in the new Testament than in the old yet notwithstanding there was one and the same manner and waie both of obtaining saluation and of gods spirituall worship in times past that now is Vnto this beare witnesse the wordes themselues of the Prophet Ier I will write in their hearts my Lawe hee saith not another Lawe but the same which in times past I gaue them I wil be their God and they shal be my people J wil forgiue their iniquitie and wil remember their sinnes no more For these conditions of the couenaunt are found as well in the ould as in the new The difference only is that these are not the proper benefits of the Lawe but of the gospel which two parts of the old and new Testament the Prophet here opposeth one to the other calling the lawe the oulde couenaunt and the Gospel the new couenant as beeing the principal part of the couenant and therefore he ascribeth these blessings vnto the newe couenaunt because thereon depended whatsoeuer grace of God befel vnto the olde church and therein are those things more fully manifested exhibited by Christ which were also promised graunted in the old for Christ If then God will write the Law which was first written in tables of stone in the hearts of men in his new couenaunt he doth not abolish but establish the Law by the preaching of the Gospel whereby the harts of men are regenerated that they may begin to obey the Law and therefore hee deliuering heere a difference betweene the Law the Gospel doth so substitute the new couenant vnto the old as that he saith that that part of
or Decalogue is to bee vnderstoode according to the interpretation of the Scripture that is according to the exposition and declaration of the Prophets Christ his Apostles and not according to the sense and iudgement of man only or Philosophy We must ioine together the explication scattered euery where thoroughout the Scriptures and not stick onely vpon those short commandementes Neither doth Morall Philosophie suffice for interpretation thereof because it conteineth but a little part of the Lawe and this is one difference betweene Philosophie and the doctrine of the gospel which is deliuered in the church 2 The Decalog requireth in al the commaundementes obedience both external internal perfect not in parts onlie but also in degrees that is that we obey God not onely in al the duties prescribed but in the degrees also of those duties Cursed be he that abideth not in al. 3 The first commandement must be included and vnderstoode in al the rest that is the obedience of the first commandement must be the motiue and final cause of our obedience towardes the rest of the commaundementes otherwise it is not the worship of God but hypocrisie whatsoeuer we doe For we must doe al thinges which are deliuered and prescribed in the other commaundementes euen for the loue we beare to God and for the desire we haue to woorship him For except wee so doe them we doe them not according to the sentence and prescript of the Law neither doe we please God therein Wherefore the first commaundement of the Decalogue must sinne before and giue light as it were vnto all the other commaundementes both of the second and the first table bee included in them This rule is deliuered by the Apostle 1. Corinth 10.31 Whether therefore yee eate or drink or whatsoeuer yee doe doe al to the glorie of God By these two former rules many things are made more cleare and manifest namely That no man in this life perfourmeth entire and perfect obedience vnto the Lawe that the vertues of the vnregenerate are sins in the sight of God because they are neither ioined with inward obedience nor come from the obedience of the first commaundement neither are referred vnto it seeing they do not know the true God and therefore they are but a shadow of obedience and are hypocrisie which God most seuerely condemneth Isai 29.13 Because this people come neere vnto me with their mouth and honour me with their lips but haue remoued their heart far from me J wil again doe a marueilous work in this people Roman 14. Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Moreouer by the these rules it is manifest that true obedience cannot be begunne but by faith through the knowledge of the Mediatour and the gift of the holie Ghost Acts. 15. Purifieng their harts by faith Galat 2. In that that I nowe liue in the flesh I liue by faith in the Sonne of God For God is not truely knowen or loued without faith in Christ Joh. 5. He that honoureth not the Sonne honoureth not the Father which hath sent him Againe by these rules it is declared that our obedience in this life seeing it is but begunne onelie cannot please God but through for the satisfaction of Christ imputed vnto vs. Eph. 1. He hath freelie made vs accepted in his beloued Lastly by them it is manifest that in true conuersion obedience is begunne according to al the commaundementes For who truly loueth god he submitteth himselfe without exception to al his commandements 1. Joh. 3.9 He that is born of God sinneth not 4 That wee maie iudge aright of the meaning of euerie commaundement or Law we must aboue al thinges consider the drift or end thereof For the end of the Law sheweth the meaning thereof and by the end we shall iudge aright and easilie of the meanes This rule also is of force in humane Lawes But we are to vnderstand it of the next and neerest end of the Law For not those thinges which are necessarie to the attaining of such endes as are remoued and a far off but those which are necessary to the attaining of the neerest and subordinate ends are to be comprised in the sentence and prescript of one Law which except it be obserued the sentence and substance of al or many Laws wil be brought al into one The furthest end and therefore the end of the whole Law is the worshippe of god It requireth therefore the whole obedience of the Law The end of the second table is the preseruation of the society of mankinde this requireth al the duties of the second table The end of the fift commaundement is the preseruation of ciuill order it compriseth therefore the duties of superiors towards inferiors and of inferiors towards superiours because without these ciuil order cannot be preserued 5 The same vertue is often in a diuerse respect commaunded in diuerse commandementes that is the same vertue is required for the performing of obedience vnto many commandementes This wee are to know least we in vaine trouble and vex our selues in distinguishing and placing the vertues As fortitude is a vertue both of the sixt and fift commaundement because it is required in a Magistrate who is to take vpon him the defence of others 6 The Lawe-giuer dooth in an affirmative commaundement comprehend the negatiue and contrariwise in a negatiue hee comprehendeth the affirmatiue that is in the commanding of vertues the forbidding of the contrary vices is conteined and so contrariwise 7 We must take heede that we restraine not the commandementes too much and take them too streitlie For they are so to be taken and vnderstoode as that in the generall all the specials be conteined and in the chiefe special the next allied specials and in the effect the causes and in one of the correlatiues the other also So when chastity is commaunded temperancy is also commaunded without which this effect is not When subiection which is the one relatiue is commaunded Magistracie also which is his correlatiue is commanded 8 The obedience or commaundementes of the second table yeeld vnto the obedience or commandements of the first table Obiection But the second commandement is like vnto the first Ans Jt is like 1. as concerning the kind of Moral worship 2. As concerning the kinde of punishment to wit euerlasting punishment whereunto they are subiect who breake the second as well as they who break the first 1. Ioh. 3. Lastly they are like as concerning their coherence and connexion because neither can bee kept without other For God is not loued except our neighbour be loued neither is our neighbour trulie loued except God be loued 1. Joh. 4. Hence also aunswere may be made to this obiection The second table must yeelde vnto the first Therefore ceremonies which are duties of the first table must be preferred before the duties of loue and charitie towardes our neighbour For the second table yeeldeth vnto the first in moral duties not in ceremonial
raiment and things necessarie Fidelitie is placed in the fift commaundement as it is an obedience shewed in doing our dutie The extremes hereof are Vnfaithfulnes not respecting or heeding any harmes and dammages neither diligently performing the dueties of his calling and vocation Likewise Rechlesnes and Slothfulnes which onely taketh part and fruition of publique commodities but it selfe conferreth nothing to the common societie of men 4 Liberalitie which is a vertue giuing to them that want according to the rule of vpright reason that is which imparteth vnto others his owne goods not by any due bond or obligation but according to the lawe of God and nature or for godlinesse charitie sake with a liberal hart according to his owne ability the necessity of others as well knowing where when to whom howe much hee may giue obseruing a mediocritie meane betweene base niggardlinesse and riotous prodigality The Extremes hereof in the defect are Illiberalitie Couetousnesse Basenesse Couetousnesse is a desire of encreasing our substance by right wrong a restraint of iust lawfull giuing In the Excesse Ouerlashing Prodigalitie which giueth beyond reason and without need with a reioycing in such excessiue largis Of this vice it is said Sicke art thou who takest delight in lauishing 5 Hospitalitie which is one kind of liberalitie namelie liberalitie and bountfulnesse towardes trauailers and strangers especially towardes those that are exiles for the profession of the gospell entertaining them with all duties of hospitalitie and Christian charitie The Extremes are Inhospitalitie and prodigality towardes strangers 6 Parsimonie which is a vertue eschewing shunning riot all vnnecessary expences or giftes keeping those things which are his owne well gotten profitably employing them to his owne vse and theirs that belong vnto him neither spending more than he seeth to be needefull This vertue is referred to this commandment because if in this commandment Liberalitie be commanded the contrarie thereof then is also here forbidden namely Ouerlashing whereunto is opposed Sparingnesse Parsimonie Liberalitie hath Parsimonie accompanying it they both are two meanes betweene the same extremes that is between Couetousnes Prodigality because Liberality without Parsimonie degenerateth into Prodigalitie Parsimonie without Liberalitie degenerateth into Couetousnesse Basenesse And therefore hee is not liberall who is not sparing neither is he sparing who is not liberall Liberalitie enlargeth our giuing according to ruled reason Parsimonie restraineth the same according to ruled reason spareth so much as is requisite for necessary vses So then these two vertues are exercised in the same matter betweene the same extremes therefore the same vices which are contrary to Liberality are repugnaunt also to Parsimony 7 Frugality which is an oecumenicall or household vertue disposing of things wel gotten honestly wisely profitably for matters profitable and necessary or defraying charges vpon such things euer as are necessary fruitfull This vertue is of neere affinity with parsimony Frugalitie or thriftinesse consisteth and dependeth on ruled reason The extremes are the same both of frugality of parsimony to wit Prodigality and couetousnes or niggardlinesse Certaine obiections against the former distinction of Rightes and Possessions 1 IN the Apostles time all things were common Therefore now also al goods ought to be common Answere There is a dissimilitude and a far different reason in these examples For they were induced vpon good causes why they should thē bring in communitie of goods 2. It was then to be feared least if they did not sel their possessions they should be violently depriued of them 3. They did it not being enforced thereto by anie Law but freelie For their parting with their goods in common was voluntary none was compelled vnto it And therefore Peter saith to Ananias whiles it remained appertained it not vnto thee And after it was sold was it not in thine owne power 4. This custome was of force onely at that time 5. This community of goods was not in all churches because in Macedony collection was made of almes which were sent to Ierusalem 2 Natural thinges are vnchaungeable Community of goods is natural Therefore community of goods is vnchaungeable and therefore is now also to be obserued Answer Natural things are vnchāgeable in respect of the Moral law but not in respect of natural profit and vtility 3 Christ saith vnto the young man Jf thou wilt bee perfect sel al and giue it to the power Answere The examples haue a diuerse reason because this was a speciall calling of a Disciple belonging to an Apostle-ship Againe Christ would thereby signifie how far off hee was from the perfection of the Law whereof he gloried 4 All thinges are Christes therefore all thinges are Christians Aunswere Al things are Christians or ours as concerning the right to the thing but not as cōcerning the right in the thing All things are due vnto vs but we may not lay hands of any thing before the time 5 Al things betweene frindes are common Aunswere All thinges betweene frinds are common as touching the vse of them and as touching the duties and parts of honesty and commoditie or as touching necessarie vse being leuiled by the rule of reason For wee are to aske thinges of our frindes which wee would haue them aske of vs. But al thinges among frindes are not common as concerning the possession and right because vnto euery one belongeth a distinct possession and right of his own goods This possessiō of goods or distinction of rights is enacted as we haue said by this commandmēt because if we may not steale wee must then possesse our owne and that for these causes 1. To maintaine our selues 2. To yeelde something for the mainteinance of the ministerie 3. For the mainteinaunce of the common wealth 4. For the mainteinaunce of our frindes THE NINTH COMMANDEMENT THOV shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour The drift or end of this commaundement is the ordinaunce and maintenunce of the truth among men Neither is in this commandment only bearing of false witnes forbidden but all those thinges which are of neere affinity therewith the generall whereof is lying Thou shalt not beare false witnesse of thy neighbor or against thy neighbour In this negatiue commandement is comprehended an affirmatiue which is Beare therefore true witnes of or for thy neighbour that is bee true desirous of learning knowing the truth The name of Truth here is taken for truenes or truth-speaking that is for the agreement or correspondence of our knowledge or speech with the thing whereof our speech is True we terme the speech it selfe agreeing with the thing The vertues of this ninth commaundement together with their vices THE chiefe principal vertue which is here commanded is truth 1. Truth or truenes is a vertue whereby we loue true opinions speeches and seeke after them receiue them and gladly professe and defend them according as both our duty and
beleeuing yeelding to those that teach or shew better things that vpon certaine reason framing his will ready to assent vnto true or probable reasons to leaue those thinges which before he held embraced The same are the extremes of Docilitie which are of constācie wherunto also this Docilitie is necessarie For Constancie without Docilitie degenerateth into Pertinacie and Docilitie without Constancie degenerateth into Leuitie Now al these vertues which haue beene numbered agree and are linked verie well one with another For Trueth must bee tempered with Fairenesse of minde and Simplicitie perceiued and knowen by Docilitie preserued and maintained by Constancie And so these former vertues are required to the being of truth Now the three vertues following are required to the profitable beeing of the trueth in the world 6 Taciturnitie or silentnesse which is a vertue withholding in silence thinges secret vnnecessarie to bee spoken where when as far as is needful auoiding ouer-much babling talkatiuenes Or it is such a maner of professing the truth whereby secret thinges whether true or false are kept close speeches vnnecessarie vnprofitable are auoided especially vntimely pernicious speeches such as giue offence The extremes hereof in the defect are Pratling foolish prating and treacherie Pratling is not to be able to keepe close any thing Foolish Prating or futilitie follie of speech is to speake vnseasonably immoderatelie foolishly In the excesse Haughtinesse Peeuishnesse dissembling of the trueth where are necessarie or probable causes Peeuishnesse or morositie is an ouer-much silentnesse burying of the truth where gods glorie the safety of our neighbour or our owne or others cause or the loue of our friendes requireth vs to speake Silentnesse without affability becommeth Morositie or peeuishnesse and Affabilitie without Silentnesse becommeth pratling and foolish prating babling out thinges hurtfull vnnecessarie vaine or secret 7 Affability or readines of speaking which is a vertu gladly with signification of good wil hearing answering speaking where need is vpon a necessarie probable cause or it is a vertue easilie entertaining the mutual talkes of others giuing signification of the good wil in conferences speech gestures Or Gentlenes facility affabilitie consist in giuing care making answere vnto others with some signification of good wil. The same are the extremes of Affabilitie which are of Taciturnitie or Silentnesse likewise leuitie Assentation or affectated labored affabilitie 8 Vrbanitie or pleasantnesse which is a vertue of speaking the trueth with a certain grace elegancie to teach comfort exhilarate nip or touch or it is a certain sauce of trueth speech to wit the trueth figuratiuely vttered either to mooue or delight others without bitternesses keeping the circumstances of place time persons The Extremes are 1 Scurrilitie and Dicacitie Scurrilitie is obscene homly iesting especially in serious matters Scurra that is a scurrulous person is so called from the Greeke worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth dung because he speaketh filthinesse dung Dicacitie or scoffing is a vice of i●sting bitterly of deriding bourding and exagitating others but especially such as are miserable 2 Stoliditie or Foolishnesse Sottishnesse or vnsauorinesse Foolishinesse is an vntimely affectation of vrbanitie Sottishnesse is an absurd vnsauorie affectation of vrbanitie Now Vrbanitie is an especial gift of the wit but may notwithstanding bee gotten by experience in matters 3 Backbyting which spreadeth false slaunders of others constereth doubtfull speeches in the worse part with a desire of reuenge an endeuor to hurt or to raise enuie THE TENTH COMMANDEMENT THOV shalt not couet thy neighbours house nor his wife nor his seruant nor his maid nor his Oxe nor his Asse not any thing that is his The scope and ende of this commandement is a rightnesse and inward obedience of all our Affections towardes God and our neighbour which must also be obserued in the other cōmandements Neither yet is this commandement superfluous because it is added to the former commandments to be a declaration of them that vniuersall because this is spoken of the whole in generall and furder it is also added to be as a rule leuill according to which wee must take and measure the inwarde obedience of all the other commaundements For in this commaundement is commanded originall iustice or righteousnesse towardes God our neighbour which is the true knowledge of God in our mind a power inclination desire in our will heart in all our parts to obay God his knowen will and to performe vnto our neighbour for gods sake al duties required to regard maintaine his safety welfare Vnto orinall iustice originall sinne or concupiscence is repugnaunt which is an inordinate appetite or a corrupt inclination pronenesse in the minde will heart contrarie to God and desiring those thinges that God forbiddeth in his Law which ensued vpon the fall of our first parents and was from thē deriued to all their posteritie so deprauing and corrupting their whole nature that all by reason of this corruption are become obnoxious to the euerlasting wrath of God neither are able to doe ought that is pleasing to God except pardon be graunted for the sonne of God the Mediator and our nature be renued by the holy Ghost Of originall iustice towardes our neighbour there are two extremes 1. In the defect Original sinne towardes our neighbour which is a desire and wishing of those thinges which hurt our neighbour 2. In the excesse Jnordinate loue of our neighbour when for his sake we neglect God We are heere to obserue that not onelie corrupt inclinations are sinnes but also the thinking of euil is sinne to wit as the thinking of euill ioined with a desire of doing it Now that concupiscence is euil and sinne albeit it be borne with vs there is no doubt For we are not to iudge according to nature but according to the lawe whether a thing bee sinne or no be it or be it not borne with vs. The Pelagians denied concupiscence to be sin But Paul saith the contrarie Roman 7.7 J had not knowen concupiscence or lust except the law had said Thou shalt not lust Their obiections are these 1 Obiect Natural things are not sins Concupiscence is a natural thing Therefore it is no sin Ans There is a fallacy of the accident in the Minor For concupiscence was not before the fal but ensued after the fal Againe this word Naturall hath a diuers construction For in the Maior it signifieth a good thing created of God in nature to wit mans appetite before the fall which was not contrarie to the Lawe In the Minor it signifieth a thing which wee haue not of nature but which we purchased vnto vs after the fall Replie An affection or appetite euen in nature now corrupted to desire good things and eschue hurtfull things is not sin But such is
repentance Obiection 4. Paul obtained remission neither yet did he forgiue al of them their trespasser because he saith 2. Tim. 4.14 Alexander the Copper-smith hath done me much euil the Lord rewarde him according to his woorkes Therefore it is not necessarie that we shoulde forgiue Answere There is a threefold remission or forgiuing 1. Of reuenge This belongeth to all men because all men ought to remit and forgiue reuenge Hereof speaketh this petition and this Paul did forgiue Alexander 2. Of punishment This as all can not inflict so neither can all remit but neither they also vnto whom yet the same otherwise is committed ought alwaies to remit this but onely for certaine causes For God will haue the execution of his iustice and Lawe But Paul forgaue Alexander the punishment also as much as concerned himselfe yet hee will notwithstanding haue him punished of God but with a condition that is if hee persist in sinne 3. Of iudgement This is not alwaies remitted because it is written Mat. 10.16 Bee yee simple as Doues and wise as Serpents that is let vs not call him good who is euil or contrarily Wherefore we are also to reteine a true iudgement concerning others For God who forbiddeth lying will not haue vs to iudge of knaues that they are honest men but hee will haue vs to discerne the good from the bad THE SIXT PETITION AND leade vs not into temptation But deliuer vs from euill Here some make one some two petitions but we are not to striue so that nothing of the doctrine be taken away but that this be made plaine Now they are rather two partes of one petition Leade vs not into temptation is a petition of deliuerie from future euil Deliuer vs from euil is a petition of deliuerie frō present euil The special questions 1 What temptation is THERE are two causes of temptations The one is from God the other from the Diuel and the flesh The temptation wherby God tempteth vs is a tryal of our faith godlines and obedience by the Crosse and other encumbrances which are opposed to euery one that our faith patience and constancie may be manifested and made knowen both to our selues and others So God is said to haue tempted Abraham Ioseph Job Dauid The temptation whereby the Diuel and our flesh and the wicked also tempt vs is euerie soliciting to sinne which soliciting it selfe also is sinne So the Diuel tempted Iob that hee might seduce and withdrawe him from God whom hee had before loued and serued albeit the matter fell out otherwise than the Diuel would haue it Here is vnderstood by the name of temptation that temptation of God that is the trial of our faith godlines and patience which God worketh by whatsoeuer lets or hinderances of our saluation as by all euils by the Diuel the flesh our lusts the world afflictions calamities the crosse that our faith constancie and hope may bee made knowen vnto our selues others Obiection But God tempteth no man Aunswere God tempteth no man that is by soliciting him to sinne or euil but hee tempteth by proouing and trying vs. The Diuels the woorld our flesh tempt vs that is solicite vs to euils and withdrawe vs from God But God as he tempteth no man and yet is said to haue tempted Abraham Iob Dauid that is to haue tried their faith and consta●●ie by afflictions the crosse so by the same he trieth our faith hope patience loue inuocation constancy whether we wil or no worship serue him also in afflictions Hereby we easily vnderstand seeing temptation is attributed vnto the Diuel to the corrupt lusts and inclinations of men in what sense God maie bee saide to tempt or not to tempt men For Satan tempteth both offering occasions of sinning without and instigating within to sinne thereby to drawe men headlong into destruction and to reproch God Corrupt inclinations tempt because they bend and are prone to actions by god forbidden But god tempteth not to destroy vs nor to cause vs to sin but to trie exercise vs when either hee sendeth calamity vpon vs or permitteth the Diuel or men or our flesh to prouoke inuite vs to sin hiding for a while his grace efficacy in preseruing ruling vs that our faith constācy may be made more known apparant not verily vnto god himself as who frō euerlasting knoweth what how much it is and how much also hereafter it shall bee by his fauour and blessing but vnto our selues and others that so also a trust full persuasion of gods presence protection may be confirmed in vs by the examples of our deliueraunce and in others a desire of folowing our example may be kindled through the beholding of our perseuerance and that in al of vs maie be raised and stirred vp true gratitude and thankefulnes towards god who deliuereth his out of temptations So Gen. 22. God tempteth Abraham commaunding him to sacrifice his sonne Jsaack Exod. 15. He is said to haue tempted the people with want of water Exod. 16. Hee commandeth Manna to be gathered as much as was sufficient for euery daie that hee might tempt or prooue the people whether they woulde walk according to his Lawe or no. Deutr. 13. Hee is said to tempt the people by false Prophetes that he might know whether they loued him with al their heart and with al their soule 2. Chron. 32. Jn the embassage of the Princes of Babel god left Hezechia to tempt or try him and to know al that was in his heart Wherefore this praier which christ taught vs Lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euil speaketh not simply of al trial manifestation of our faith and godlinesse vnto which also Dauid offereth himselfe of his owne accord Psal 26. saying Proue me O Lord and trie me examine my reines and mine heart And Saint Iames speaketh not of our triall but of our incitement to sinne cap. 1.13 Let no man saie when hee is tempted J am tempted of God for God cannot be tempted with euil neither tempteth he anie man But euery man is tempted when he is drawn awaie by his owne concupiscense and is entised Then when lust hath conceiued it bringeth foorth sinne and sinne when it is finished bringeth forth death It is also hereby manifest how god punisheth the wicked or chastiseth or tempteth the godlie by euil spirites neither yet is hee the cause or partaker of those sinnes which the diuels commit For that by the wicked the wicked are punished or the good chastised or exercised it is the righteous and holy work of Gods diuine will but that the wicked execute the iudgement of God by sinning that commeth not so to passe by any fault of god himself but through the proper corruptiō of the wicked and such as themselues haue purchased god neither willing nor allowing nor working nor furthering their sinne but in his most iust iudgement only permitting it when exequuting
nothing vnto his words least he reproue thee and thou bee found a liar And 1. Timoth. 1. Commaund some that they teach none other doctrine 2 The ciuill ordinances of men which are determinations and prescriptions of circumstances necessarie and profitable to the keeping of the morall commandements of the second Table Such are the positiue Lawes of magistrats parents masters of al who bear rule ouer others in the ciuil state The obedience of these Lawes as touching the generall is the worshippe of God because the generall thereof is morall and commaunded by God himselfe namely obedience towards magistrates and others which beare rule in the common-wealth But as concerning the special of the action or as touching the circumstances it is no diuine worship because those woorkes are diuine woorshippe which must necessarilie be doone in respect of Gods commaundement although no commandement or respect of any creature were adioined but these except they were commanded by the magistrates might be done or omitted without any offence against god but yet notwithstanding such ciuil ordinances of magistrates and other gouernours binde the consciences of men that is we must necessarily perfourme them neither are they neglected without the displeasing of God and therefore by reason of these commandements of Magistrates we are bound also to performe the works enioined vs by these commandements euen although wee could omit them without giuing any offence if wee meane to reteine our obedience pure and sound So to carrie weapons or not to carry weapons to pay a lesser or greater tribute or subsidie is not in it selfe the worship of God but the obedience which is in these and the like matters due to bee rendered vnto the Magistrate is Gods worshippe Therefore if the Magistrate neither command nor forbid either it is free to be either but if he command any one thing he sinneth whosoeuer doth the contrarie although he coulde keepe it neuer so close neither offend any man thereby The reason is because the generall namelie obedience towardes the Magistrate which is gods worshippe is violated Wherefore these specials and particulars are by an accident made the worship of god to wit by the commaundement of the Magistrate 3 The Ecclesiastical or Ceremonial ordinances of men which are determinations or prescriptions of circumstances necessarie or profitable for the keeping of the commaundementes of the first table For they belong either to the keeping and maintaining of order and comelines in Church-assemblies and in the Ecclesiastical administration of the ministerie or to externall exercises of godlines both publique and priuate or to auoide the giuing of offence vnto the weaker to bring them vnto the Church and knowledge of the truth Of which kind are the time place form course of sermons prayers readings in the Church likewise fastes the manner of proceeding in election of ministers in gathering and distributing almes and such like whereof god hath commaunded nothing in speciall The generall also of these Lawes as of the ciuil is moral if they be rightlie profitably made and therefore is it the worship of God as it is gods worship to heare the woord of god to pray vnto god as wel publiquely with the company of the faithfull as priuately to bestowe almes vpon our poore brethren to receiue the sacramentes But the Ceremonies themselues are not onelie no worship of God but neither doe they binde mens consciences neither is the obseruation of them necessarie except the omitting of them breede offence So it is no worship of god but a thing indifferent and not binding mens conscience to vse this or that forme of praier at this or that time at this or that houre in this or that place to heare the woorde of god to pray to receiue the sacraments Neither hath the Church onely this right and power to constitute or abrogate or alter by her owne authoritie these ordinances as she iudgeth it to be most expedient for her common edification but the consciences also of particular men reteine this libertie so that they may either omit these or doe otherwise without any offence against god if there arise no scandal or offence thereby among men that is if they doe it neither of contempt or neglect of the ministerie nor of wantonnes or ambition or of a desire of contention noueltie nor with the offending of weake ones The reason is because then lawes are rightlie obserued when they are obserued according to the mind and purpose of the law-giuer But the Church ought to will that such ordinances and statutes as are made concerning thinges indifferent bee obserued not in respect of her owne authoritie or commaundement but onely for the maintenance of order and comlinesse and for the auoiding of scandals and offences Wherefore as long as comlinesse or order is not violated neither offence giuen it leaueth euerie mans conscience free to himselfe For not in respect of the Churches or ministers commandement but in respect of the iust causes of commaunding thinges indifferent are necessarily sometimes to be done or to bee omitted and the conscience is hurt not by the neglect of any humane commaundement as in ciuill matters but by the neglect of the causes for which they are commaunded Hither belongeth the precept of Saint Paul 1. Cor. 10.27 Jf anie of them which beleeue not call you vnto a feast and if yee will goe whatsoeuer is set before you eate asking no question for conscience sake But if anie man saie vnto you this is sacrificed vnto Jdoles eate it not because of him that shewed it and for the conscience for the earth is the Lords and all that therein is And the conscience I saie not thine but of that other For why should my libertie be condemned of another mans conscience For if J thorough Gods benefite bee partaker why am I euill spoken of for that wherefore J giue thankes Likewise the Decree of the councell of the Apostles Acts. 15. Of thinges sacrificed to Jdols of bloude and that which was strangled Likewise the precept giuen concerning women to be couered 1. Cor. 11. Likewise the Lordes daie substituted by the Church in place of the Sabboth for the exercise of the ministerie c. Reply If the edictes of Magistrates binde mens consciences why then doe not the traditions of the Church bind them also Answere God gaue this power and authority of making ciuill lawes vnto the Magistrate and hath strengthened it with this band in that hee threatneth and denounceth his anger against them which breake these lawes but vnto the Church and to his Ministers hee hath not giuen any such authoritie but yet notwithstanding hee would haue these lawes and constitutions to bee obserued which the Ministers the Church of their own authoritie command not for any necessity that there is of obeying these lawes commaunded by the Church but according to the rule of charitie that is for a desire of auoiding offence This aunswere is deliuered in these
places of scripture Matth. 20.25 Yee knowe that the Lordes of the Gentiles haue domination ouer them and they that are great exercise authoritie ouer them But it shall not bee so among you but whosoeuer will bee great among you let him be your seruaunt 1. Pet. 5.3 Not as if ye were Lordes ouer Gods heritage but that yee maie be ensamples to the flocke Colos 2.16 Let no man condemne you in meate and drinke or in respect of an Holie-daie or of the newe Moone or of the Sabboth daies Gal. 5.1 Stand fast in the libertie wherewith Christ hath made vs free Neither are the causes obscure or harde to come by for which God made this difference namely that there might bee an euident difference betweene the ciuill Magistrate vnto whom it belongeth to beare rule ouer his subiects and to constrain by corporall force such as obeie not and the Ministers of the Church vnto whom no such rule and power is graunted but vnto them is committed the charge and office of teaching and instructing men concerning the will of GOD. Againe because by the breach of Ecclesiasticall lawes if it bee done without giuing of offence the first table of the Decalogue for which they are to serue is not broken but by the breach of ciuil lawes albeit no offence be giuen thereby the second table is broken in as much as either some thing is taken frō the common wealth or some occasion is giuē of iniurying it Neither is this replie of force That vnto the greater and worthier office greater obedience is due And therefore the constitutions of the Ministers of the Church are no lesse necessarilie to bee kept than the lawes of the ciuil Magistrate For vnto the worthier greater obedience is due in those thinges which are properly belonging vnto his office Now the proper office of the ciuil Magistrate is to make lawes which are for the commaundement it selfe to bee obserued but the proper office of the ministerie of the Church is to sound foorth Gods commaundements And the proper office of the Church is to ordaine Ceremoniall decrees which must bee kept not for the commaundement of man but for auoiding of offences 4 Humane ordinances which are repugnant vnto the ordinances of God These God forbiddeth vs to obey whether the ciuil Magistrate commaunde them or the Church or the Ministers of the Church Acts. 5.29 We ought rather to obey God than Men. Matth. 15.3 Why transgresse yee the commaundement of god by your tradition Hauing now considered these foure kindes of ordinances deliuered by men it is easie to make aunswere vnto that first obiection God commaundeth vs to obey the commandementes of men He doth so first Such as bee good that is not repugnant vnto his woorde Secondly such as hee himselfe hath commaunded by men that worship maie be giuen him Thirdly Ciuil ordinances which depend on the authoritie of men not obeiing them for diuine worshippe but for conscience sake Fourthly Ecclesiasticall or Ceremonial ordinances obeying them but not respecting therein anie diuine worshippe or conscience neither of which they import but onelie the auoiding of offence 2 Obie What things the church commandeth by the instinct of the holie ghost those are diuine ordinances belonging to the worship of god But the church decreeth good and profitable constitutions being guided by the guiding of the holie ghost Therefore good constitutiōs decreed by the church appertaine to the worship of god Aunswere The general indeede of those commandements which the church prescribeth by the instinct of the holie Ghost appertaineth to the worship of God This general compriseth the diuine Lawes of God of not breaking charity and of auoiding offence of keeping order and comelinesse in the church And in respect of this general the constitutions which the church decreeth by the instinct and motion of the holy Ghost are also diuine or the constitutions of God as namely they are a part of these diuine Lawes the care and keeping whereof is commended vnto vs by god himselfe in his word But those good constitutions of the church are humane or the constitutions of men as they doe in speciall designe that which was in generall by these diuine Lawes signified rather than expounded Wherefore those ordinances are no worship of god which the church aduiseth decreeth receiueth or commaundeth for the countenaunce of mutual charity among vs and for the preseruation of order and comelinesse or for the auoiding of offences albeit in the choosing and constituting of these shee be directed by the instinct of the holy ghost For the holy ghost declareth both vnto the church both what is profitable for the auoiding of offences and also that those things which are commaunded for the auoiding of offences are neither the worship of god nor necessary to be obserued but in case of auoiding offence and therefore that the church reteineth her libertie of deliberating of them or of chaunging of them or of omitting them if there be no feare of offence This doth Saint Paul manifestly declare when as 1. Corinth 7. counselling them to single life which haue the gift of continency yet hee addeth further But I speak this by permission not by commandement Again This J speake for your owne commoditie not to tangle you in a snare but that yee followe that which is honest and that ye cleaue fast vnto the Lord without separation Here he affirmeth both both that hee wisheth them that are continent to leade a single life that so they may the more fitlie serue god and that also hee leaueth it free vnto them to marry and hee speaketh both by the instinct of the holie ghost 3 Obiection God is worshipped by those thinges which are done to Gods glory The things that the Church doth decree are don to Gods glorie Therefore these also are the worship of God Aunswere Those thinges that are done to the glory of god by themselues that is which are commaunded by god to this end as that by these workes wee should declare our obedience towardes him they are the worshippe of god but not those thinges which serue for the glorie of god but by an accident that is which serue sometimes for the perfourming of those thinges which are commanded by god vpon some accidental respectes and causes which if they do not concur god yet may be honored both of those that do thē and of those that doe them not so that they be done or left vndoone of faith which is assured and resolueth that the person is not reconciled vnto god and that the action or omitting of the action doth agree with the word of god 4 Obiection The examples of those who haue worshipped God without his direct commandement confirme that it is permitted to men to worship God with that worship which themselues ordaine Auns The example of Samuel sacrificing in Ramoth cannot at al establish Wil-worship For as touching the sacrifices they were the worship of god because they were commaunded by god and as