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A14185 Lectures upon the vvhole Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians, deliuered in St. Peters Church in Oxford: by the reuerend and faithfull seruant of Christ Henry Airay ... and now published for the vse of Gods Church by C.P. ... Airay, Henry, 1560?-1616. 1618 (1618) STC 245; ESTC S100494 890,650 1,118

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that they were to continue for euer yet that is so to be vnderstood as that the terme of their continuance was Christ his comming in the flesh for they being onely shadowes of good things to come when Christ which was the bodie figured by those shadowes came they had an end and were abolished as the Apostle shewes at large in the Epistle to the Hebrues And albeit there were not wanting both of the Iewes and of the Ebionits and Cerinthians that in the Apostles time ioyned circumcision with Christ Act. 15.1.28 and vrged it as necessarie to saluation yet we see that the Apostles thought it not meete to burden the Gentiles with circumcision or with the law nay the Apostle plainely telleth the Galathians Gal. 5.2 that if they be circumcised Christ shall profit them nothing 4. and againe that whosoeuer are iustified by the law they are fallen from grace In both which places the Apostle shewes that to ioyne with Christ circumcision or the law as things necessarie to saluation is not onely vnprofitable but also hurtfull Yea now that Christ Iesus is come in the flesh in him neither circumcision auaileth any thing Gal. nor vncircumcision but onely a new creature regenerated by faith which worketh by loue Yea but here the question happily will be asked touching circumcision why it was abolished seeing it was a seale of the righteousnesse of faith Rom. 4.11 as the Apostle witnesseth If it had beene a seale of the righteousnesse of the law it might very well haue beene thought that when the claime of righteousnesse by the law ceased then the seale thereof should likewise be abolished But being the seale of the righteousnes of faith it may seeme that the righteousnesse of faith remayning the seale thereof should not be abolished I answer 1. out of the Apostle that he doth not simply say that circumcision was a seale of the righteousnesse of faith but of the righteousnesse of the faith which Abraham had when he was vncircumcised Now what was the righteousnesse of his faith Surely other then that which is now our righteousnesse of faith For vnto vs it is accounted for righteousnesse that we beleeue in Iesus Christ already come in the flesh and this is our righteousnesse of faith But vnto him it was accounted for righteousnesse that hee beleeued in the promised seede which should afterwards come in the flesh and this was his righteousnesse of faith Right therefore it was that when the promised seede which he beleeued came in the flesh the seale of this righteousnesse of his faith should be abolished euen as the seales also of the righteousnesse of our faith shall be abolished at his second comming vnto iudgement when all things shall be accomplished and we shall see him face to face euen as he is Againe vnto the very question it selfe why circumcision was abolished I answer that it was most needfull Gal. 5.3 because euery man that is circumcised is bound as saith the Apostle to keepe the whole law Wherevpon else where the Apostle calls circumcision a bondage Gal. in which bondage they were kept vntill faith came But when the fulnes of time was come God sent forth his Sonne made of a woman made vnder the law that he might redeeme all which were vnder the law and he tooke all the ceremonies and rites that were against vs out of the way and fastned them on his crosse Thus then yee see the abolishing as of all the ceremonies rites sacrifices of the law so of carnall circumcision after that faith came that is after that we began to beleeue in Christ Iesus manifested in the flesh I know not whether I speake so plainely of these things as that ye do conceiue me neither know I how to speake more plainely Consider how they arise from the place we now handle and they will be so much the more easie to be vnderstood If now yee aske me whether circumcision be quite and vtterly now abolished so that nothing thereof remaineth I answer that the ceremonie of the circumcision of the flesh is vtterly abolished so that nothing of the ceremonie now remaineth But that which was morally signified thereby to ●it regeneration and the circumcision of the heart from all euill and wicked affections that is that which when the ceremonie was in vse was most accepted and that still remaineth and this is that which I should now secondly haue obserued from these words if the time had giuen leaue LECTVRE LI. PHILIP 3. Vers 3. For we are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit and reioyce in Christ Iesus and haue no confidence in the flesh IF now againe yee aske mee whether Circumcision be quite and vtterly so abolished as that nothing thereof remaineth I answer that the circumcision of the flesh is quite and vtterly abolished so that since faith came that is since we began to beleeue in Christ manifested in the flesh iustified in the spirit and receiued vp into glory nothing at all of that ceremonie remaineth But euen then when the ceremonie was in vse both this and likewise all other ceremonies of the law had besides the ceremonie a morall vse and signification vnto that people of the Iewes which was farre and incomparably more accepted with God then was the ceremonie it selfe whatsoeuer it was This we may plainely see and perceiue by those manifold increpations so often vsed in the writings of the Prophets when obseruing the ceremonie commanded the Iewes neglected that morall vse thereof which they should especially haue regarded Esay 1.11 I am full saith the Lord of the burnt offering of rammes and of the fat of fed beasts and I desire not the bloud of bullockes nor of lambes nor of goates Bring no mo oblations in vaine 13. incense is an abomination to me c. Againe Amos 5.21 in another place he saith I hate and abhorre your feast daies and I will not smell in your solemne assemblies though yee offer me burnt offerings and meat offerings I will not accept them neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts Amos 5.22 What then Did not the Lord desire the bloud of bullockes nor of lambes nor of goates Did he not regard burnt offerings peace offerings and meat offerings Were the sabboths and new moones and feast daies such things as in which he tooke no pleasure at all No doubt but the Lord had commanded all these things whereof the Prophets here speake in his law giuen by the hand of Moses as might easily be proued out of the bookes of Numbers and Leuiticus And this was it that the hypocriticall Iewes stood vpon with the Prophets saying that they kept the law of God duely because they obserued the outward ceremonies sacrifices commanded in the law But this was that that the Lord by his Prophets reproued in them that they neglected that morall vse of those things which they
of the spirit of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned Where by the naturall man hee meaneth the man whose heart and vnderstanding the Lord hath not yet lightened by his holy spirit who as yet is not brought vnto the true knowledge of Christ and of him he saith that he neither doth nor can perceiue the things of the spirit of God nay more then that that the things of Gods spirit are meere foolishnesse vnto him Yea so it fareth ordinarily with the naturall man that he putteth darknesse for light and light for darkenesse bitter for sweete and sweete for sowre And if any be more carefull of his waies then the rest so that he can say with the Pharisie I am not as other men extortioners vniust adulterers I fast twi●● in the weeke I giue tythes of all that euer I possesse if he be ciuilly honest mercifull and liberall if hee be iust towards others sober in himselfe and so precisely carefull of his waies as that he be vnrebukable before men hereon hee sets his rest and stands vpon it that these things are such an aduantage vnto him as that God should doe him great wrong ●f hee should not saue him for these things But tell him that all these and all the like things are but as a staffe of reede on which if hee leane it will breake into shiuers and hurt him tell him that Christ Iesus is the onely rocke of saluation vnto all them that put their trust in him that there is no other name giuen vnder heauen whereby we can be saued but onely by the name of Christ Iesus and that if he wil be saued he must repose all confidence in him and renounce all confidence in his workes or in any thing without Christ whatsoeuer hereat he will stand amased and with Festus he will say to him that shall tell him thus thou art besides thy selfe much learning doth make thee madde Thus it fareth with vs all before such time as we be renued in the spirit of our mindes either wee take pleasure in vnrighteousnesse or else we repose too much confidence in our supposed righteousnesse and for the wisedome of God we all count it meere foolishnesse and madnesse But so soone as the Lord vouchsafeth by his spirit to circumcise vs with the true circumcision of Christ so soone as the Lord giues vs a new heart and puts a new spirit within vs then we beginne to abandon the delights in the flesh and to sauour the things of the spirit then the case beginnes to be altered and wee to bee quite of another iudgement For then our eyes which were before dimme and shut vp being opened and cleared and the foggie mists of blindnesse darknesse and ignorance which couered our vnderstandings being expelled then wee begin to condemne our former waies then wee beginne to count the things losse which before seemed a vantage vnto vs and then we beginne to hearken vnto the things that belong vnto our peace So that whereas before we had confidence in the flesh now we renounce all confidence in the flesh and reioice only in Christ Iesus whereas before wee pleased our selues much in things which we willed and did now we see that in vs i. in our flesh dwelleth no good thing but that God onely worketh in vs both the will and the deed euen of his good pleasure whereas before wee counted the wisedome of God foolishnesse now we see that our owne wisedome is foolishnesse and that onely the wisedome of God is true wisedome For when the Lord hath put his spirit within vs then we walk in his statutes and keepe his iudgements and doe them Eze. 36.27 but before we doe not Deut. 30.6 3. when he hath circumcised our hearts thee we loue the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soule before wee doe not and as our Apostle here saith when we are circumcised with the true circumcision that is when we are regenerated by God his holy spirit then we reioyce in Christ Iesus and haue no confidence in the flesh but before we haue confidence in the flesh and reioyce not in Christ Iesus A great change and a good change because from the worse vnto the better Let this then teach vs to bend the knees of our soules vnto the Lord our God for the grace of his holy spirit that the bright beames of his spirit shining into our hearts all mists of blindnesse darknesse and ignorance may be expelled thence and wee brought both vnto the perfect knowledge and obedience of Christ Iesus For if he guide vs wee wander not if he instruct vs wee erre not if he command the light of the glorious Gospell to shine vnto vs then is our darknesse turned into light But otherwise our foolish hearts are full of darknesse otherwise wee erre and wander out of the right way wherein wee should walke and lay hold on errour in stead of truth and embrace follie in stead of wisdome for it is the spirit alone that leadeth vs into all truth Ioh. 16.13 1 Cor. 12.3 and directeth vs vnto all wisdome and but by the spirit no man can say that Iesus is the Lord. Let vs therefore alwayes pray for the light of Gods spirit that it shining in our hearts our darknesse may be turned into light our feet may be guided into the way of peace and our eies may be opened to see the mysteries of Gods will and the wondrous things of his Law Secondly in that the Apostle after that he began to know Christ counted those things no vantage but losse which before he knew Christ seemed vantage vnto him I obserue that such workes as wee doe before wee be iustified by faith in Christ Iesus seeme they neuer so good yet they are no vantage vnto vs either vnto iustification or vnto saluation For what were the things that seemed vantage vnto the Apostle before he knew Christ Was not one of them and whereof he made speciall account his vnrebukeable walking in all the commandements and ordinances of the Law his workes done according to the Law The verse immediately before sheweth that hee counted that one of his chiefe prerogatiues And yet he counted these workes done according to the Law before he beleeued no vantage at all vnto him for his iustification or saluation by Christ Iesus Now if the Apostle so iudged of his workes done according to the Law before hee beleeued this may be a sure proofe vnto vs that such workes as are done before grace and faith in Christ Iesus seeme they neuer so good yet they are no vantage vnto vs either vnto our iustification or vnto our saluation Well they may haue a shew and semblance of vantage vnto vs but indeed they are no vantage vnto vs either to prepare vs to the grace of iustification or to moue the Lord to shew mercy on vs and saue vs for without faith it
so to iudge for this Could hee not be found in Christ in that day vnlesse he should iudge all things to be dung No hee could not for to be found in Christ is to be found not hauing his owne righteousnesse which is of the Law but that which is through the faith of Christ c. If therefore hee would bee found in Christ hee must put off all confidence in his owne righteousnesse and iudge it to be dung and reioyce onely i● the righteousnesse of Christ Iesus Thus ye see the reason an● the meaning of the Apostles speech in generall Now to open these words yet a little more particularly ye● see the Apostle here speakes of two sorts of righteousnesse th● one his owne the other Christs His owne righteousnesse he calleth that righteousnesse which is of the Law that i whic● ariseth from the obseruation of the commandments and ordinances of the Law euen from the performance of those things which God in his holy Law requireth Christs righteousnesse hee calleth that righteousnesse which is through th● faith of Christ that is that righteousnesse which being properly inherent in Christ is imputed vnto him through faith in him euen the righteousnesse which is of God through faith that is that righteousnesse which God doth impute vnto him because he beleeueth in him and in him whom he hath sent Christ Iesus His owne righteousnesse which is commonly called mans inherent righteousnesse yee see he describeth by the Law that is by the obseruation of those things which God requireth in his Law not only ceremoniall or iudiciall but morall also for so he said before that hee was vnrebukeable before men touching the righteousnesse which is in the Law that is which the whole Law required Christs righteousnesse which is commonly called mans imputed righteousnesse yee see he describeth by faith which is the instrument whereby wee take hold of this righteousnesse by Christ in whom alone this righteousnesse is inherent and by God who of his owne mercy imputeth Christ his righteousnesse vnto vs through faith This righteousnesse hee saith is through the faith of Christ therefore not ours but as by faith in Christ wee take hold of it through the faith of Christ therefore not by the works of the Law through the fait● 〈◊〉 Christ therefore not inherent in vs. Againe this righteousnesse hee saith is of God through faith therefore not of the law through workes of God through faith therefore the gift of God vnto him that beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly of God through faith therefore not inherent in vs but onely imputed vnto vs. Againe he saith not of this that it is his as he said of the other but of this he saith that it is through the faith of Christ euen of God through faith therefore it is anothers righteousnesse the righteousnesse of Christ by his perfect obedience vnto the Law euen vnto death which being onely inherent in him God in mercy imputeth vnto vs through faith in Christ Iesus whereby wee lay hold on that righteousnesse which he hath fulfilled in vs and for vs. Now then when the Apostle signifieth that hee would be found in that day not hauing his owne righteousnesse but Christs his meaning is not that he would be found in that day without all holinesse or righteousnesse of his owne but hee would bee found not hauing his owne righteousnesse as to be iudged by his owne righteousnes he would not be iudged by his owne righteousnesse but he would be clothed with Christs righteousnesse to be iudged by it The summe then of all in briefe is this It is as if the Apostle had thus said I doe now iudge all things euen all my works whatsoeuer to be dung that I may winne Christ by faith to be partaker of his righteousnesse and that I may be found in that last and great day when enquitie shall be made into euery mans workes not in Moses b●t in Christ that is that I may be found not hauing mine o●ne righteousnesse which is by the obseruation of the commandements and ordinances of the Law a● to be iudged of the Lord by that righteousnesse but that I may be found in that righteousnesse which is in●eed onely inherent in Christ and which God doth impute vnto mee through faith in Christ Iesus that my sinnes being couered by his righteousnesse I may be iudged by it This I take to be the Apostles meaning in these words Now let vs see what obseruations may hence be gathered for our vse Not hauing c. Where first I note the antithesis and opposition that is betweene the righteousnesse of worke● by the Law and the righteousnesse of Christ through faith which two the Apostle doth so carefully and diligently seuer the one from the other as that thereby hee plainly shewes that there can be no confusion or mixture of the one with the other The like opposition betwixt these two sorts of righteousnesse and like seperation of the one from the other our Apostle hath in his epistle to the Romans Where shewing the cause of the ruine of the Iewes Rom. 10.3 he saith that they being ignorant of the righteousnesse of God and going about to stablish their owne righteousnesse submitted not themselues vnto the righteousnesse of God And afterwards he describeth out of Moses the righteousnesse which is of the Law thus that the man which doth these things shall liue thereby and then he sheweth what the righteousnesse of faith is Gal. 2.16 So likewise in his epistle to the Galathians Know saith the Apostle that a man is not iustified by the workes of the Law but by the faith of Iesus Christ 5.4.5 And againe Whosoeuer are iustified by the Law yee are fallen from grace For we through the spirit wait for the hope of righteousnesse through saith Many such like places moe might be produced where these two sorts of righteousnesse are so opposed the one vnto the other and so distinguished and seuered the one from the other as that thence it is most plaine that there is no communion or fellowship of the one with the other Whence I obserue that if iustification be by the righteousnesse of workes then is it not by the righteousnesse of faith and if it be by the righteousnesse of faith then is it not by the righteousnesse of workes Thus also our Apostle vpon the same ground reasoneth in his epistle to the Romans Rom. for hauing in the third chapter plainly distinguished righteousnesse by the workes of the Law and righteousnesse of God by the faith of Iesus Christ and opposed reioycing in the one vnto reioycing in the other in the next chapter hee taketh vp the example of Abraham the father of the faithfull and prouing that Abraham was iustified by faith and not by workes he beginneth his disputation thus If Abraham saith he were iustified by workes he hath wherein to reioyce but not with God hee hath wherein to reioyce to wit
with men but not with God Which is in effect as if he should haue said If Abraham were iustified by workes then was he not iustified by faith Againe that place in the eleuenth chapter to the Romans is plaine to this purpose where it is said If it be of grace Rom. 11.6 it is no more of workes or else were grace no more grace but if it be of workes it is no more grace or else were worke no more worke For albeit the Apostles speech there be of the election of the Iewes and not of the matter of iustification yet the Apostles reason being drawne from the nature of grace and workes it holdeth as well in the one as in the other euen generally for speake of election speake of iustification speake of saluation or the like still it holdeth If it be of grace it is no more of workes or el●e were grace no more grace but if it be of workes c. For if it be of grace whether it be righteousnesse or saluation or whatsoeuer it be it is giuen freely but if it be of workes then is i● giuen not by fauour or freely but by debt the nature of grace and the nature of worke inforcing either of them so much The reason why if our righteousnesse be of workes it is not of faith and if it be of faith it is not of workes is because the one of these excludes the other Gal. 5.4 for as the Apostle saith Whosoeuer are iustified by the Law yee are fallen from grace As if he● should haue said Iustification by the Law excludes iustification by grace Rom. 3 27. And againe the Apostle saith that our reioycing is excluded by the Law of faith As if he should haue said wee are iustified by faith and that excludes all our reioycing in any righteousnesse by our workes So that yee see plainly that if our iustification be by the righteousnesse of workes then is it not by the righteousnesse of faith and if it be by the righteousnesse of faith then is it not by the righteousnesse of works This may serue to instruct and to arme vs against their damnable errour that tell vs that we are iustified and accounted righteous before God partly by faith in Christ Iesus and partly by our good workes done here in the body For if they may be thus mixt as they tell vs the one with the other if our righteousnesse before God may be both by faith and by workes then why doth the Apostle so oppose the one against the other why doth hee alwayes so carefully seuer the one from the other why would hee be found in that day not hauing his owne righteousnesse but onely the righteousnesse which is through the faith of Christ why may not righteousnesse be counted both by fauour and by debt why may not righteousnesse be before God both by grace and by workes why should our reioicing be excluded by the law of faith For what else are all these things but so many inuincible arguments that wee cannot be iustified before God both by faith and by workes Shifts I know they haue whereby they deceiue themselues and many other vnstable soules whom they leade into the same pernicious errours with themselues But let vs hearken what the spirit saith neither let vs couple together the things which the spirit hath sundred If the spirit haue told vs that the wages is not counted both by fauour and by debt that righteousnesse is not both by grace and by workes let it suffice vs that the spirit hath said so and only let vs seeke ●hether it be by grace or by workes that we are counted righteous before God Secondly I note that the Apostle would be found in that last and great day not hauing his owne righteousnesse which is of the Law that is not hauing that righteousnesse which is his by the performance of those things which the Law required as his cloke to be couered withall when hee shall stand in the iudgement and in the congregation of the righteous For that the Apostle expoundeth to be the righteousnesse of the Law which is by performance of the workes of the Law according as it is said Rom. 10.5 Rom. 3.27 The man that doth these things shall liue thereby Whereupon it is also called the Law of workes the Law which commandeth those workes by the obseruation whereof a man is called righteous The Apostle would bee found not hauing this righteousnesse which is by the workes of the Law What then would he be found in that day without any good workes without all holinesse of life without all righteousnesse by the Law Was it his desire to be found a sinner in that day Did hee thinke it would be better for him if he should be found vnrighteous then if he should be found righteous in that day No such matter Nay when he was now ready to be offered vp vpon the sacrifice and seruice of their faith whom he had wonne vnto the faith when the time of his departing out of the body was at hand hee reioyced that hee had fought a good fight that hee had finished his course that he had kept the faith And when hee laboured in the worke of his ministerie more abundantly then all the rest he had respect vnto his reioycing in the day of Christ that he had not runne in vaine nor laboured in vaine He knew that the sentence in that day would passe thus Ma●t c. Come yee blessed of my Father inherit yee the kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the world for I was an hungred and yee gaue me meat c. And againe Depart from mee yee cursed into euerlasting fire c. He knew that his watchings his fastings his stripes his imprisonments his perils his labours his care of all the Churches should not be in vaine in the Lord. He desired therefore no doubt to be found in that day filled with the fruits of righteousnesse and abounding in euery good worke hee desired no doubt in that day to heare that voice Mat. 25.21 It is well done good seruant and faithfull thou hast beene faithfull in little I will make thee ruler ●uer much enter into thy masters ioy How then would he be found not hauing his owne righteousnesse which is of the law 1. for righteousnesse by the ceremoniall law he cared not at all for that he iudged that simply to be but losse to be but dung 2. for righteousnes by the morall law by the obseruation of the duties commanded in the first and second table touching the loue of God and of his neighbour he iudged that also to be dung in respect of any merit if hee should bee iudged by it He would therefore be found in that day not hauing his owne righteousnes which is of the Law euen of the law morall as to be iudged of the Lord by it by the merit of it He would haue righteousnes and holinesse
through the faith of Christ c. he would be clothed in that day with Christ his righteousnesse imputed vnto him by God through faith that he might be iudged by it and receiue his reward according to the merit of it This righteousnesse is sometimes called the righteousnesse of faith because by faith in Christ we are made partakers of this righteousnes sometime the righteousnesse of God because it is the meere gift of God who doth impute it vnto vs through faith in Christ sometimes the righteousnesse of Christ because it is his and onely inherent in him Hee would be found in that day hauing this righteousnesse Hence then I obserue that the righteousnesse whereby wee are accounted righteous before God is the righteousnesse of Christ or of faith or of God which soeuer ye will make it This also the Apostle hath euery where Rom. 3.24.25 We are iustified freely by grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus whom God hath set forth to be a reconciliation through faith in his bloud Againe Gal. know that a man is not iustified by the workes of the Law but by the faith of Iesus Christ Againe that no man is iustified saith the Apostle by the Law Eph. 2.8.9 it is euident for the iust shall liue by faith And againe by grace are ye saued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God not of workes lest any man should boast himselfe Yea euery where almost the holy Ghost witnesseth that we are accounted righteous before God not for our owne workes or deserts but onely by grace through faith for the merit and obedience of our Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus This then is our righteousnes before God that God through faith in Christ Iesus imputeth not our sins vnto vs but imputeth Christ his righteousnesse vnto vs reckoning the righteousnesse of his obedience vnto the Law vnto vs as if wee had fulfilled the righteousnesse of the Law in our flesh and for the merits of his sufferings wiping all our sinnes out of his sight remembrance So that Christ his righteousnesse alone is our righteousnesse before God which because God doth impute vnto vs freely by his grace through faith therefore the Apostle saith it is God that iustifieth God then iustifieth his grace onely moueth him not any of our workes Christ and his righteousnes is the righteousnesse whereby we are iustified faith is the instrument whereby onely wee are made partakers of his righteousnesse I know that there are dogges which barke against this truth affirming that the righteousnesse whereby we are iustified is not only imputed vnto vs but inherent in vs. But this one place may serue to descrie this their madnesse It is of God imputed by him vnto vs therefore not inherent in vs. It is through faith therefore not inherent in vs. It is through the faith of Christ therefore really inherent onely in Christ It is not our owne but onely by faith in Christ therefore not really inherent in vs. If they vrge the Apostle Iames his authoritie to proue that the righteousnesse whereby we are iustified is inherent in vs because he saith that a man is iustified by workes we answere that the Apostle there speaketh not of that righteousnesse whereby man is made righteous before God but only sheweth that by a mans workes hee is knowne and declared to be iustified by faith so that the Apostle maketh not workes in that place the causes but onely the fruites and effects of iustification If they reply that it is a sufficient proofe that we are iustified by workes because we are iustified by faith which is a worke we answer that iustification is attributed to faith because of Christ and his righteousnesse which it receiueth not because it is a worke of ours For as it is a worke of ours so it is not without some doubting but is imperfect as also our knowledge and loue are and so iustification is not attributed vnto it but onely as it taketh hold vpon Christ Iesus and his righteousnesse which is our perfect righteousnesse Whatsoeuer therefore they say l●t vs know that the righteousnesse whereby we are accounted righteous before God is only inherent in Christ Iesus and is not ours but only by imputation inasmuch as God doth impute it vnto v● through faith in Christ Iesus Let this teach vs to beware of such Deceiuers as tell vs that we are not iustified before God by Christ his righteousnesse alone but by workes also Rom. 8.1 And seeing it is Christ his righteousnesse alone whereby we are made righteous before God let vs reioyce in Christ Iesus alone and let vs iudge all our best workes whatsoeuer to be dung that we may be found in that day not hauing our owne righteousnesse c. Why should it be thought iniurious vnto man to giue all the glory of our righteousnesse or saluation vnto Christ Iesus Why should it not rather be thought iniurious vnto Christ Iesus to giue any part of our righteousnes or saluation vnto mans works or merits Too much cannot be taken from man neither can too much be giuen vnto Christ for he is all in all vnto vs our wisedome and righteousnesse our sanctification and redemption he is the reconciliation for our sinnes by him and through him and for him we haue all that we haue and vnder heauen there is no name giuen whereby wee may be saued but onely by the name of Christ Iesus Let vs therefore giue vnto him that which is due vnto him let not man rob him of his honour Let vs follow after peace and holinesse and righteousnes and euery good worke and let vs know that thi● labour shall not be in vaine vnto vs in the Lord. But let vs know that it is God alone that iustifieth vs by grace th●ough faith not imputing our sinnes but Christ his righteousnesse vnto vs and so making his righteousnesse ours as our sinnes were made his to wit by imputation only To knit vp the last obseruation in a word will you know how to be found in Christ in that day A matter worthy your knowledge For there shall be no condemnation vnto them that then shall be found in him If then wee will be found in Christ in that day we must bee found righteous to be iudged by it And thus farre the matter goeth hard with vs all being all of vs full of vnrighteousnesse and vngodlinesse What is then the righteousnes wherein we must be found to be iudged by it in that day Not our owne for that would sinke vs deep but the righteousnesse of Christ Iesus How shall we be found it this righteousnesse in that day If wee renounce all confidence in our owne righteousnesse as losse and dung and trust perfectly on the grace of God that is brought vnto vs by the reuelation of Iesus Christ Let this then be our comfort that we shall not be iudged in that day by our owne righteousnes but
of ●od in him Here then is an exceeding great comfort for euery faithfull Christian soule Christ hath fulfilled the law for vs and his ●bedience vnto the law is now made our righteousnes so that ●ow there is no condemnation vnto them that are in Christ ●esus Whatsoeuer the law required of vs all that he hath ●ulfilled in his owne person that so the righteousnes of the ●aw which was impossible for vs to performe might be im●uted vnto vs and we deliuered from the bondage of the ●aw He made himselfe subiect vnto the law that by fulfilling ●f the law for vs he might free vs from all feare of condemna●ion by the law Doth then the law present before thine eyes 〈◊〉 curse and condemnation if thou doest not continue in all ●hings that are written in the booke of the law to doe them ●nd doth thine owne conscience tell thee that in many things ●hou hast offended and many waies thou hast transgressed ●he law of thy God Be not troubled nor feare Cast thy ●urthen vpon Christ Iesus He hath fulfilled the law not for himselfe but for thee that his obedience might be imputed for righteousnesse vnto thee Againe knowest thou that nothing that is vnpure or vncleane hath at any time entred into Gods sight and wouldest thou be presented pure and vnblameable before him in that day Here is the garment of thy elder brother Christ Iesus in this his obedience thou shalt appeare righteous before thy God in that day Thine owne obedience thine owne works thine owne righteousnes seeme it neuer so great and goodly must vanish as a morning cloud in that day for euen thy best righteousnesse is but as the menstruous cloathes of a woman as the Prophet speaketh The cloke where withall thy nakednes must becouered is the righteousnesse of Christ Iesus which righteousnesse is made thine owne if thou by a true and liuely faith lay hold on him where he sitteth at the right hand of the Father in the highest places What greater comfort can there be vnto thine afflicted soule then this both to be deliuered from the curse of the law for not keeping it and to be presented pure before thy God a that day And all this comfort thou maiest haue by this obedience of Christ Iesus And as this obedience of Christ Iesus vnto his Fathers wi●● to fulfill the law for vs may iustly minister this comfort vnto vs so may it further teach vs to yeeld all obedience vnto the will of our heauenly Father For howsoeuer we be freed from the condemnation of the law because Christ hath fulfilled the law for vs yet are we not freed from the performance of our obedience vnto the morall law of God but euen by th●● example of our Sauiour Christ we are more straitly tied therevnto 1 Joh. 2.6 For he that saith he remaineth in Christ ought euen so to walke as he hath walked in all humilitie and in all obedience to his heauenly Fathers will He that saith he knoweth God and keepeth not his commandments 4. is a liar and the truth is not in hi●● but he that keepeth his word in him is the loue of God perfect indeed and hereby we know that we are in him and that we loue him if ●e keepe his commandements 5. As therefore Christ walked in the law and performed all obedience vnto his Fathers will so remember thou to walke with thy God and to keepe his commandements with thine whole heart Beware that thou dissemble not beware that thou present not thy selfe in the assembly of Gods saints to heare his word or to receiue his holy sacrament either for fashions sake or for feare of the law onely to saue thy purse for so thou purchasest vnto thy selfe a fearefull iudgement Beware how thou dalliest with thy God for he seeth not as man seeth Well thou maiest dissemble with man but he searcheth the heart and the reynes and he knoweth all thy thoughts long before they be conceiued by thee Let thy heart be sound with thy God and his commandements let them be in thy heart to doe them And so much of Christ his obedience It followeth And became obedient euen vnto the death His death being likewise a part of his voluntarie obedience vnto his Fathers will for both in fulfilling the law and in suffering death for vs he shewed his obedience vnto his Father and wrought the works of our redemption Here then is the third doctrine touching Christ which I proposed to be obserued which is touching his death vnder which name I vnderstand not onely the separation of his soule from his bodie but all the paines and agonies which he suffered both in soule and bodie For as it was written of him He bare our infirmities Esay 53.4 and caried our sinnes he was wounded for our transgressions he was broken for our iniquities he made his soule an offering for sin the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes we are healed as thus I say it was written of him so thus he suffered and was obedient vnto the death Will you then see what manner of death Christ suffered He suffered not onely a bodily death and such paines as follow the dissolution of nature but he suffered likewise in his soule the wrath of God for the sinnes of the world lying so heauy vpon him that it wounded his flesh and his spirit also as the scripture speaketh euen to death For if he had suffered no more but in bodie then he ouercame no more but a bodily death and then were our state most miserable but our sinnes hauing deserued not the bodily death onely but euen death both of body and soule by the death which he suffered he ouercame death and the power of it both in our bodies and in our soules Whence was it that when his death approched he began to be in sorrow and heauinesse Whence was it that he said vnto his Disciples my soule is very heauy euen vnto the death Whence was it that so often he fell on his face and praied that if it were possible that cup might passe from him Whence was it that an Angell appeared from heauen vnto him to comfort strengthen him Whence was it that as he praied his sweat was like drops of bloud trickling downe to the ground Was not this and all this euen from the paines which he felt in his soule by reason of the wrath of God against sinne Can we thinke that all this came to our Sauiour Christ for feare of a bodily death Haue his seruants that receiue of his fulnesse so despised this death of the body that either they wisht for it to be with Christ or reioyced in the middest of it before the persecutor and did our Sauiour himselfe so feare and tremble at the remembrance of it Did the Apostles sing in prison and reioyce when they were whipt and scourged Did Paul glory in the tribulations which he suffered and did our
couetousnesse 2 Pet. 2.14 3. through couetousnesse making marchandise of mens soules Such a one was Balaam of whom the Apostle Peter saith in the same chapter that he loued the wages of vnrighteousnes Such were those of whom Esay speaketh Esa 56.11 that they were greedie dogges which could neuer haue enough Such were these among the Philippians whose God as the Apostle saith was their bellie Marke then who now at this day they are that through couetousnesse would make marchandise of your soules Who are they now that set on sale the forgiuenesse of your sinnes and the kingdome of heauen for money Who are they now that vnder colour of long praiers deuoure widowes houses that for such or such lands such or such summes of money such or such releefe vnto such or such places will promise you to say so many praiers for so many dayes or yeeres for you or for your friends Who are they now that make gaine god●inesse and doe all that they doe in deede and an truth for the maintenance of their state and of their bellies Erasmus when hee was asked by Fred●ricke Duke of SAXONIE his iudgement of Luther said that there were two great faults of his one that hee medled with the Popes Crowne another that hee medled with the Monkes bellie Erasmus his meaning was that those two things they were most of all carefull for and therefore could not endure the medling with them Doe not such like dogges serue their bellies and through couetousnesse make marchandise of you Whosoeuer they be that doe so they haue a marke of false teachers Marke them therefore and take heed of them Beware of dogges of barking and greedie dogges My next two notes I gather from that that these false teachers are called euill workers A third note therefore of false teachers it is so to teach the necessitie of workes vnto saluation as to make them ioynt workers with Christ of our saluation as if our saluation were not by Christ alone but by the workes of the Law also True it is that we must walke in those good workes which God hath ordained vs to walke in ●p● 2.10 or else wee cannot be saued but ye● by grace are wee saued through faith 8.9 not of workes lest any man should boast himselfe To teach therefore that our workes are any part of that righteousnesse whereby we are iustified or saued is a note of false teachers Which thing also our Apostle witnesseth in another place Gal. 5.4 where he saith that such make the grace of God of none effect Such were those that had bewitched the Galatians whose doctrine in his epistle vnto them he doth at large confute and sheweth that wee are iustified onely by grace through faith in Iesus Christ and not by the workes of the Law Such also were those that were crept in amongst these Philippians whom in this chapter he confuteth shewing that Christ alone is our righteousnesse and that wee haue no righteousnesse of our owne at all by any workes of the Law Marke then who now at this day they are that teach mans righteousnesse or saluation to be of his workes Who are they now that tell you that we are made righteous before God not by faith alone in Christ his bloud but by workes also Who are they now that tell you that not by Christ his merits alone but by the merit of our owne workes also wee gaine heauen and that not to our selues alone but to others also Who a●e ●hey now that tell you that together with Christ good workes must be ioyned as workers together with him of our iust●fication and saluation Whosoeuer they be that doe so they haue a marke of false teachers Marke them therefore and take heed of them Beware of them they are euill workes making those workes which as they are done according to the Law are good workes by this peruerse doctrine euill workes A fourth note of false teachers it is like vnto vnfaithfull workmen in the Lord his vineyard to teach for doctrines mens precepts and traditions of men For this false teachers take of euill and vnfaithfull workers in the Lord his vineyard that either in stead of the word or at least together with the pure seede of the word they sow mens precepts and traditions of men Our Sauiour noteth it in the enuious man that he sowed tares among the wheat Mat. 13.28 Mar 7 7. and it is notable in all his brood Such were those Scribes and Pharises that we reade of in the Gospell of whom it is said that they taught for doctrines the commandements of men Whereupon our Sauiour told them that they worshipped him in vaine Marke then who now at this day doe thus resemble vnfaithfull workmen in the Lord his vineyard Who are they now that teach you to doe a great number of things for the doing whereof there is no rule at all in the Scriptures Who are they now that fill your eares with traditions of the Apostles as they say and traditions of the Church as they say making them euen of equall authoritie with the writings of the Apostles Who are they now that teach you to beleeue otherwise then yee are warranted by the Scriptures the rule of faith Who are they now that mingle with the pure seede of Gods word the chaffe of mans braine and giue equall authoritie to the written word and to vnwritten traditions Doe not such shew themselues to be of the brood of the enuious man Whosoeuer they be that doe so they haue a marke of false teachers Marke them therefore and take heed of them Beware of them they are euill workers working vnfaithfully in the Lord his vineyard Now from this also that these false teachers among the Philippians were called the concision arise two notes whereby to discerne false teachers A fift note therefore of false teachers it is like vnto these of the concision to cause diuision and offences contrary to the doctrine of the Gospell of Iesus Christ and to cut themselues from the vnitie of the Church for this they take of the concision that as they cut themselues from the vnitie of the Church and caused diuision in the Church by vrging the circumcision of the flesh which the Church had done with so commonly false teachers rent the vnitie of the Church and cause diuisions by teaching other doctrine then the spirit of God hath taught the Church to receiue This note of false teachers our Apostle also giues elsewhere where hee saith Marke them diligently which cause diuisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which yee haue learned Rom. 16.17 and auoid them Such were those false Apostles and teachers which troubled the Church of Corinth after Paul had planted it who by their ambition brought in such factions and schismes and dissensions into the Church 1 Cor. 1.11 that the house of Cloe a vertuous and zealous woman aduertised the Apostle thereof Marke then who now at this
for righteousnesse and saluation let vs runne vnto our Christ 1 Cor. 1.30 for he is made of God vnto vs wisedome and righteousnesse sanctification and redemption Let vs be ready to doe good and to distribute and to procure things honest both before God and men and let vs assure our selues that a cuppe of cold water giuen in Christ his name shall not lose his reward But let no man say in his heart or thinke with himselfe that it is for his righteousnesse and the merit of his workes For if he so iustifie himselfe the Lord shall condemne him and iudge him wicked To cease to doe euill to learne to doe well to seeke iudgement to relieue the oppressed to iudge the fatherlesse to defend the widow to fast to watch to pray to be iust mercifull and liberall to feed the hungrie with our morsells to cloth the naked with our fleece to comfort the sicke and to helpe the troubled in their distresse are all good workes odours that smell sweete sacrifices acceptable and pleasant vnto God Let our faith worke by such loue and let our knowledge bee filled with such fruits of righteousnesse Such workes God accepteth well at our hands though he doe not accept vs for our workes but onely in his well-beloued sonne Christ Iesus In a word let vs alwaies bee occupied in doing that which is good but let vs not repose any confidence of our saluation at all in any good that we doe The last thing which I obserue is the reason why the Apostle counted all outward things whatsoeuer but losse and dung which was for Christ his sake for the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus that he might winne Christ and that he might be found in him c. Here was his vantage here was his gaine here was his merit and for the gaining of this pearle he would willingly sell or loose all that euer he had But I must deferre to speake of this point at this time O Lord our God graunt vnto vs we humbly beseech thee the grace of thy holy spirit that the bright beames thereof shining into our hearts all mysts of blindnesse darknesse and ignorance may be expelled thence and we enabled to see the mysteries of thy will and the wondrous things of thy law Humble vs ô Lord in our selues we humbly beseech thee that we seeing and knowing our owne vnworthinesse and vnrighteousnesse may sue from our selues vnto thee and in thee may finde rest vnto our soules Encrease ô Lord our knowledge in thee and our obedience vnto thee that our knowledge being filled with the fruits of righteousnesse and our faith working by loue wee may be knowne truely to belong vnto thee LECTVRE LIV. PHILIP 3. Vers 9. And that I may be found in him that is not hauing mine owne righteousnesse which is of the Law but that which is through c. IT remaineth now that wee see what it was that the Apostle counted vantage vnto him for which hee counted all things else in the world but losse and dung It was the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus his Lord that he counted vantage vnto him for which hee counted all things else but losse and dung For the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus that hee might winne him and that he might be found in him hee thought all things losse and iudged all things to bee dung Where 1. let vs see what is meant by the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus 2. How all things else are to be iudged losse for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ Iesus 3. What the excellencie and vantage is of the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus Touching the 1. we must vnderstand that there is a threefold knowledge of Christ One by the law in the old Testament another by the Gospell in the new Testament and a third in heauen when we shall see him face to face In the law Christ was figured by the heauenly Manna by the Rocke in the wildernesse by the brasen Serpent by the paschall lambe by the rites and ceremonies and sacrifices of the law Of his comming Iacob spake in the blessing of Iudah Gen. 49.10 and Balaam likewise in his prophecie of the great prosperitie that should come vnto Israel Num. 24.17 Of his incarnation and birth of a virgin Esay prophecied Esay 7.14 Of his conception by the holy Ghost Daniel is thought to haue prophecied Dan. 9.24 Of the place of his birth Micah prophecied Micah 5.2 Of his kingdome and gouernment Esay prophecied Esay 9.6.7 Of his preaching and office as he was a Prophet Esay also prophecied Esay Of his infirmities and sorowes and of his oblation and sacrifice of himselfe as hee was our Priest Esay likewise prophecied Es 53. Yea so full fraught with arguments touching Christ were both the books of Moses and the writings of the Prophets especially of Esay that in this respect it may be well said as I thinke Gal 3.24 that the Law was a schoole-master to bring vs vnto Christ So that ye see Christ might be knowne by the Law in the old Testament But this knowledge of Christ is compared by the Apostle Peter vnto a light or candle that shineth in a darke place 2 Pet. 1.19 An obscure knowledge it is and such as in comparison of the knowledge of Christ by the Gospell is as darknesse in comparison of light The second knowledge then of Christ is by the Gospell of Christ in the new Testament where we see plainely that fulfilled which before was prophecied of Christ Iesus There wee know not his person onely that he is the euerlasting sonne of the Father that he is both God and man that he is very God of very God begotten before all worlds that he is very man of the substance of his mother borne in the world perfect God and perfect man subsisting of a reasonable soule and humane flesh but there also we know that he came from the bosome of his father for vs that he made himselfe of no reputation and tooke on him the forme of a seruant for vs that in infirmities and sorowes and sufferings and affections and passions of the minde and in all things he was like vnto vs sin only excepted that he might be mercifull vnto vs that hee humbled himselfe and became obedient vnto the death euen the death of the Crosse for vs that he ouercame the powers of death and rose againe and ascended into heauen for vs that he hath paied the price for our sinnes and freed vs from the bondage of sinne death and the Deuill that he as our Priest liueth for euer and sitteth at the right hand of his father to make continuall intercession for vs that he as our King continually protecteth and preserueth vs that hee as our Prophet by his word the word of our saluation teacheth vs that in him we are accepted and beloued that for him Gods blessings are showred downe vpon vs that he is made of God vnto vs wisedome
or proude or forgetfull of our Christian duties neither let penury and want make vs murmure or faint or cast vs downe through heauinesse Let vs walke constantly in both in both let vs be content and in both walke in those holy waies which God hath ordained vs to walke in If we can once take out this lesson it will bring with it such a Christian perfection that we shall not be to seeke almost in any point of Christianitie Let vs therefore apply it and as we grow either in wealth or in want let vs thinke on it that daily more and more we may know to be abased and to abound and that daily more and more we may be instructed euerie where and in all things both to be full and to be hungrie to abound and to haue want LECTVRE XC PHILIP 4. Verse 13. I am able to do all things through the helpe of Christ which strengtheneth me 14. Notwithstanding ye haue well done that ye did c. I Am able to do all things c. We haue heard what things the Apostle assumed to himselfe and they were great things as that he had learned to be content with his estate whatsoeuer it were that he knew both to be abased and to abound that euery where and in all things he was instructed both to be full and to be hungrie both to abound and to haue want Now lest he should seeme to boast too much of himselfe or to giue others occasion of boasting themselues he giueth the whole glorie of all that he is able to do in all the things that he speaketh of vnto Christ that enableth him thereunto For the better vnderstanding of which words first it will be needfull to cleare them from that sence whereunto some wrest them For thorow the malice of Satan no doubt either blinding the eyes of our Aduersaries that they should not see the truth or hardening their hearts that they should peruert the waies of truth these words which by our Apostle are added lest he should seeme to boast too much of himselfe are wrested by our aduersaries vnto the greatest boast of mans perfection that can be these words wherein our Apostle giueth all glorie vnto Christ are drawne by our Aduersaries vnto the glory of man and his perfect obedience For to proue that man in this life is able perfectly to fulfill the Law of God they alledge this place as making to that purpose where it is said I am able So that they giue this meaning of these words I am able not onely to be abased and to abound c. but generally I am able to do all things euen all things that the Law requireth through the helpe of Christ which strengtheneth me is if he helpe and strengthen me by his grace that what abilitie I want in my selfe may be supplied by him And hereupon they conclude that man regenerate is able by the grace of Christ working together with him and strengthening him perfectly to fulfill the whole Law of God Whereby how much they peruert the meaning of the Apostle in this place we shall easily perceiue if we looke but a little into the doctrine which hence they deliuer For who is he that is able to loue the Lord his God with all his heart with all his soule with all his minde and his neighbour as himselfe And yet this the Law requireth Deut. 6.5 saying Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart with all thy soule and with all thy might and Leuit. 19.15 Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Againe who is he that is able to continue in all things that are written in the Booke of the Law to do them Deut. 27.26 And yet the Law saith Cursed is euerie man that continueth not in all things that are written in the booke of the Law to do them Againe who is he that doth good and sinneth not Iames 3.2 1. Iohn 1.8 In many things saith Iames we offend all And Iohn If we say that we haue no sin we deceiue our selues and the truth is not in vs. And sinne we know is the transgression of the Law 3 4. so that whosoeuer sinneth transgresseth also the Law We know in part 1. Cor. 13.9 saith the Apostle we prophesie in part Now as is our knowledge so is our faith our loue our obedience For so long as we are clothed with the earthly house of this tabernacle as our knowledge is vnperfect so our faith our loue and our obedience are vnperfect Yea in the very best of vs there is alwayes a rebellion betweene the flesh and the spirit and the better we are the sharper oftentimes will the combate be Who is he then that is able in this life perfectly to fulfill the Law of God Vnto Christ Iesus God gaue the Spirit without measure and he was able perfectly to fulfill the whole Law of God and did fulfill it for vs that the righteousnesse of the Law might be fulfilled in vs and we might be made the righteousnesse of God in him But vnto vs I meane euen vnto the most regenerate and sanctified man the Spirit is giuen onely by measure so that the flesh and the lusts thereof are not altogether mortified and vtterly tamed thereby but oftentimes prickes they haue in the flesh and messengers of Sathan to buffet them How farre off then are the best from perfectly fulfilling the whole law of God Some indeed are said in the Scriptures to haue walked in all the commandements and ordinances of the Lord without reproofe as Zacharie and Elizabeth and others to haue sought the Lord with their whole heart as those godly Kings Dauid Asa Iosiah c. But we must vnderstand that as Ieroboam and others are said not to haue followed the Lord with their whole heart because they made worshipped other gods so those godly kings are said to haue sought the Lord with their whole heart because they haue the honor which was due vnto God to him alone and that Zacharie and Elizabeth were onelie in comparison of others said to haue walked holily vnblamably before men For if their waies should haue bin examined before the Lord then that of the Prophet should haue bene found true In thy sight O Lord Psal 143.2 shall no flesh liuing be iustified and well might that of Eliphaz vnto Iob haue bin said of them What is man that he should be cleane Iob 15.14 and he that is borne of woman that he should be iust Behold 15. he found no stedfastnesse in his Saints yea the heauens are not cleane in his sight how much more is man abhominable and filthie 16. which drinketh iniquitie like water In a word not any of the sonnes of men that euer were since the fall of man or are were or are able to fulfill the law of God but onely vnperfectly and not in any sort perfectly otherwise then by imputation Christ his perfect obedience
a zeale of the law that the Iewes submitted not themselues vnto the righteousnesse of God but their zeale was not according to knowledge Rom. 10.2 as the Apostle sheweth where hee saith I beare them record that they haue the zeale of God but not according to knowledge So in our loue we may doe good vnto those and shew kindnesse vnto those to whom wee ought not if our loue bee not grounded on knowledge and in all iudgement And this was it which the Apostle taxed in the Galathians Gal. 4.18 where hee said It is a good thing alwaies to loue earnestly in a good thing That they loued and loued earnestly he misliked it not nay It is a good thing saith he to loue earnestly But that their loue was not in knowledge and iudgment that he misliked They encreased in loue towards thē that seduced them and abated their loue towards him that had taught them the truth This he misliked and therefore tolde them that it was a good thing to loue earnestly alwaies in a good thing We must loue but wee must know that the thing we loue is good that the person whome we loue is good And therefore our loue must abound in knowledge and in iudgement This then serueth to condemne our great carelesnesse in making choise on whome wee set our loue and vnto whom we doe good and performe duties of loue Our loue should abound in knowledge out of Gods word whom to loue and in iudgement to performe the duties of loue to whome wee ought But commonly wee care not where we cast our loue but as he fits our humor so commonly wee cast our loue vpon him If hee will bowze and drinke with vs if he will game and play with vs if he will curse and sweare with vs if he will play the good fellow and runne to the diuell with vs then wee will loue him and what wee can wee will doe for him Neither can it bee that they should bestowe their loues better who themselues are no better Nay where better graces are yet is there no better choyce of our loue We commonly looke rather how he sutes our affections and likings whom we would loue and fancie then how he is beautified with the graces of Gods spirit how well he is grounded and stablished in the faith And howsoeuer he be scarce sound in the faith yet if he sute our affectiōs likings we grow to more entire loue w th him then with others more to beloued If this beloued haue beene a fault in any of vs let vs learne hereafter to reforme it and let our loue abound more and more in knowledge and in iudgement Let vs know out of the word whom we ought to loue and vnto whome wee ought to doe good and let vs loue them and do good vnto them Let neither our knowledge bee without loue nor our iudgement without loue neither let our loue be without knowledge or iudgement Let vs abound more and more in loue and in knowledge and in iudgement and let our loue abound more and more in knowledge and in all iudgement LECTVRE XI PHILIP 1. Verse 10. That yee may discerne things that differ one from another that yee may bee pure and without offence vntill the day of Christ NOw hauing spoken of the Apostles praying for the Philippians and of the things for which his prayer vnto God for them was namely for their encrease in loue in knowledge and in iudgement that their loue might abound more and more in knowledge and in iudgement it remaineth now that we speake of the ends wherefore the Apostle prayed for the Philippians encrease in these graces set downe in these words That yee may discerne c. That yee may discerne c. The first end wherefore the Apostle prayed for the Philippians that they might abound more and more in knowledge and in all iudgement was that they might discerne things that differ one from another that is by their knowledge out of the word and by their iudgement out of their owne experience they might discerne betweene good and euill vertue and vice false and true Apostles corrupt and vncorrupt doctrine and so might follow the good and fly the bad The same phrase of speech that is heere vsed is also vsed in the Epistle to the Romanes though not so translated in our English Bibles there Rom. 2.18 as here Behold saith the Apostle there thou art called a Iewe and restest in the law and gloriest in God and knowest his will and allowest the things that are excellent Thus it is there translated and read as also some translate the phrase here in this place reading thus That ye may allow the things that are excellent But in that place to the Romanes the reading in the Margent is better then the reading in the Text and is all one with the reading here vsed in this place of our Apostle howbeit the matter is not great whether reading we admit both comming much to one for whether wee reade thus That yee may discerne things that differ the meaning is that vpon triall they might allow the things that are excellent or thus That ye may allow the things that are excellent the meaning is that vpon the discerning of things that differ they may allow the things that are excellent But I follow the reading as in this place we haue it The first thing then which heere I note is the end wherefore the Apostle prayed for the Philippians that they might abound in knowledge and in all iudgement and it was that they might trie and discerne things that differed right from wrong truth from error religion from superstition c. that being able to put a difference betweene them they might allow and follow that which were good that which they ought Whence I obserue the end wherefore all Christians ought to labour for encrease in knowledge and in all iudgement and that is that they may discerne things that differ good from euill right from wrong truth from error religion from superstition c. that so they may be pure and without offence vntill the day of Christ c. For therefore are we to follow after knowledge that we may know what is good and what is euill what is truth and what is error and may be able to trie the spirits and to put a difference between things that differ one from another and therefore are we to labour after a sound iudgement through a feeling experience in our owne soules of the truth of those things which wee are taught out of the word that hauing our wits exercised to discerne both good and euil we may be pure and without offence c. This place of our Apostle is proofe pregnant enough to this purpose where yee see that the Apostle in his loue toward the Philippians praied for them that they might abound in knowledge and in all iudgement to this end that they might discerne c. And wherefore is
it that now we the Ministers of Christ and disposers of Gods secrets doe preach vnto you the Gospell of your saluation and labor amongst you that yee may be rich in all knowledge and in all iudgement Is it not to this end that ye may be taught in the waies of God that yee may be able to try the spirits which is the spirit of truth and which is the spirit of error that yee may be able to put a difference betweene good and euill that yee may be pure in doctrine in life and in manners that yee may be without offence vntill the day of Christ Yes beloued therefore we labour amongst you and admonish you therefore wee shew you the whole counsell of God therefore as much as we can we helpe forward your knowledge therefore wee call vpon you to obserue in your owne experience the truth of those things which yee know out of the word yea therfore as the Apostle we pray that your loue may abound in knowledge and in all iudgement that in this dotage of the world wherein there are so many spirits of error so many that walke not as they ought because they erre in their hearts yee may be able to try the spirits whether they be of God that yee be not deceiued by them that yee may be able to put a difference betweene things that differ one from another that ye may flie the corruptions which are in the world and be pure that ye may hold a right course and be without offence that ye may denie vngodlinesse and worldly lusts and be filled with the fruits of righteousnes c. And if for these ends we thus doe then for these ends also yee ought euen all of you all that heare vs to labour for increase in knowledge and in all iudgement Reading hearing meditating praying euery holy course ye ought to vse that ye may increase and abound in knowledge and in all iudgment to this end that in such ignorance ye may be able to discerne things that differ that in such corruption ye may be pure that in such declination ye may be without offence vnti l the day of Christ and that in such wallowing in vnrighteousnes ye may be filled with the fruits c. Very iustly then are they hence to be reproued that in seeking after knowledge euen out of the scriptures propose rather any other end which they should not then these which they should For of those that doe vouchsafe to search the scriptures many there are whose end is to peruert the scriptures thence to build the fancies of their owne braine and to beguile vnstable soules Such are they that seeing the chaste spouse of Christ to leane vpon the scriptures do by their corruptions of the text their corrupt glosses vpon the text their false conclusions from the text labour to ouerthrow the truth and to build their owne errors Others there are whose end in seeking knowledge out of the scriptures is onely a vaine ostentation that men may thinke and speake of them as great Rabbins good expounders of the law and very skilfull in the scriptures Such are they of whose knowledge the Apostle speaketh when hee saith that knowledge puffeth vp for as they regarded nothing in seeking after knowledge but a vaine ostentation 1 Cor. 8.1 so hauing atteined vnto knowledge they swell and looke so bigg as if all knowledge were shut vp in their breasts Others there are whose end is to informe their owne vnderstanding that they may not be ignorant in the law of their God but may know the storie of the Bible the course and meaning of the scriptures Such are they that delight themselues onely with the knowledge of the mysteries of God but shew not any fruits of their knowledge in a sober honest and godly life Indeede men generally in seeking knowledge out of the scriptures ayme rather at euery other end then at that whereat they should But wee beloued may not be like vnto them Here yee see wherefore we should labour to abound more and more in knowledge and in all iudgement Whatsoeuer others doe let this be our direction what we are to doe And though the smallest number by farre make the bent of their increase in knowledge the informing of their vnderstandings and the reforming of their liues yet let vs set in with this little number and let this end stirre vp our desires to increase in knowledge Let vs labour and let vs pray that we may abound more and more in knowledge and in all iudgement euen therefore that we may discerne c. Let vs know that our increase in knowledge is nothing if it be not for these ends and let the desire of these ends increase our thirsting after knowledge My next note is from the things themselues wherefore the Apostle praied that they might abound more and more in knowledge and in all iudgement Whereof the first was that they might discerne things that differed one from another that being able to see the difference of things concerning either doctrine life or manners they might in each flie that which were euill and follow that which were good Whence I obserue an imployment necessarie and behouefull for all Christians namely that hauing their wits exercised through long custome they may discerne good and euill that seeing the difference betweene things in all kinde of things they may chuse the good and refuse the bad 1 Thess 5.21 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Try all things saith the Apostle and keepe that which is good The word there vsed is the same with this in this place of our Apostle and it signifieth to try to sifte to examine and that which is here spoken vnto the Thessalonians is spoken in them vnto all the faithfull children of God What is then the meaning of the Apostle in these words This yee must know that then there were as still there are pestilent and deceiuing spirits which trouble the Church and corrupt or discredit the doctrine of the Gospell And this also yee must know that then there were as still there are some which because of such men wilfully reiect the doctrine of the Gospell and others which foolishly beleeue euery spirit that speaketh in the name of Christ The Apostle therfore willeth them and in them vs neither wilfully to reiect euery thing because of some wicked men nor yet foolishly to admit euery thing that is spoken in the name of Christ but to try and sift and examine all things by the rule of the word And what then when by tryall we see and discerne things that differ one from another he willeth vs to keepe that which is good for that is the end wherefore we are to try things So that hence we see that it is an imployment very behouefull for vs all that we may be able to discerne things that differ one from another that seeing the difference of things wee may imbrace that which is good auoide the
skill what is pure what not either in doctrine life or manners and then knowing that let vs care and studie to be pure and sincere and without all leauen of corruption either in doctrine life or manners The third thing wherefore the Apostle prayed that the Philippians might abound more and more in knowledge and in all iudgement was that they might be without offence .1 that they might not stumble at any thing but hold on in a constant course without stumbling or slipping ba●ke or standing at a stay vntill the day of Christ when their constant perseuerance should be rewarded For the Apostles desire was 1. that they might be able to discerne things that differed what were corrupt and bad and what were pure and good 2. That being able to discerne and try all things they might keep that which were good and might be pure from all leauen of corruption 3. That being pure from all leauen of corruption they might keepe a constant course in their puritie without stumbling or shrinking backe or standing at a stay and for these causes he praied that they might abound more and more in knowledg● c. Whence I obserue a third imployment very behouefull for all Christians namely that being in a good course they hold on without stumbling or standing or shrinking being pure and cleare from all leauen of corruption they keep themselues so vntill the day of Christ Are yee so foolish saith the Apostle to the Galathians that after yee haue begun in the spirit Gal. 3.3 yee would now be made perfit by the flesh The Galathians had embraced the Gospell and obeyed the truth but now through certaine false Apostles they had fallen from the pure doctrine of Christ and admitted some corruptions of that doctrine And therefore the Apostle reproues them sharply and tells them that it is no course for a Christian to begin in the spirit and to end in the flesh but hauing begun in the spirit by embracing the pure doctrine of Iesus Christ they should end in the spirit and hold fast that pure doctrine which they had embraced euen vntill the day of Christ So that hauing obeyed the truth we are not to yeeld to any corruptions of the truth or to let our hold slip but to hold fast the same vnto the end It is for the dogge to returne to his owne vomit and for the sowe that was washed to returne to her wallowing in the mire but the man that hauing put his hand to the plough looketh backe Luk. 9.62 he is not apt to the kingdome of God Being in a good way wee must with our Apostle still endeuour to that which is before and follow hard toward the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus But I haue lately spoken to this purpose and therefore now the time being past I will not farther trouble you Onely with the Apostle I pray that your loue may abound more and more in knowledge and in all iudgement c. LECTVRE XII PHILIP I. Verse 11. Filled with the fruits of righteousnes which are by Iesus Christ vnto the glory and praise of God IT remaineth now that we come vnto the fourth and last end here mentioned wherefore the Apostle praied that the Philippians might abound more and more in knowledge and in all iudgement and that was that they might be fruitfull in all good works set downe in these words Filled with the fruits In which words I note 1. the measure of good works which the Apostle wisheth to be in the Philippians which is pressed downe and shaken together euen that they may be filled with the fruits of righteousnesse 2. The definition of good works in that they are called the fruits of righteousnesse 3. The fountaine whence or author from whom good works if indeed they be good works are and that is Iesus Christ 4. The end whereunto good works if indeed they be good works doe tend and that is vnto the glory and praise of God So that besides the maine point which is the Apostles desire that the Philippians might be full of good works here hence wee may know all the causes of good works The materiall cause or matter and substance of good works is hereby known that they are called the fruits of righteousnesse for this sheweth that the very matter and substance of good works is those good actions which as good fruit grow and spring out of the righteousnes of God in vs. The formall cause or reason which causeth our works to be good works is hereby likewise knowne that they are called the fruits of righteousnesse for this sheweth that the reason why our works are good works is because of their conformitie vnto the law of God because they are done in righteousnes according to the righteous law of God The efficient cause or author from whom good works are is hereby knowne that it is said that they are by Iesus Christ for this sheweth that Iesus Christ worketh in vs whatsoeuer works are good agreeable to the righteous law of God The finall cause or end of good works wherunto they are to be referred wherfore they are to be done is hereby knowne that it is said that they are by Iesus Christ vnto the glory and praise of God for this sheweth that the end wherefore we are to abound in euery good worke is the glory and praise of God that his name thereby may be glorified These are the things which these words seeme vnto me to conteine Now let vs see what obseruations we may gather hence for our farther vse and instruction The first thing then which here I note is the rich grace wherewith our Apostle would haue the Philippians to abound in good works for he praied that they might abound more and more in knowledge and in all iudgement as for other ends before spoken of so for this that they might be filled with the fruits of righteousnes that they might abound in euery good worke My obseruation hence is that we are not onely to doe the things that are good and to worke the works of righteousnes but we are to abound in euery good worke to be filled with the fruits of righteousnes To doe good and to haue our fruit in holines and righteousnes is a thing much vrged and often commanded by the Holy Ghost in the scriptures and it is so cleare a case that it cannot be denied or shifted but that we are to do the things that are good to worke the works of righteousnes Yet so cūning are we to deceiue our selues that if at sometimes we haue done some things well we thinke we haue obeyed the voice of the Lord herein though we come far short of being filled w th the fruits of righteousnes The Holy Ghost therfore to meet with our foolish wisdom and to cleare the point plainely sheweth in many places of the scripture that as wee are to shew forth good works so we are to
fruitfull in all good works to haue our whole conuersation holy to shew forth the fruits of the spirit in our whole spirit soule and bodie throughout our whole life this we cannot brooke and this is a thing wherein the Preacher may well striue with vs but wherein he shall not preuaile with vs. For here it is with vs as it was with the yong man in the Gospell who soothed vp himselfe as if hee had beene as good a man as liued till it was said vnto him Math. 9. If thou wilt be perfit goe sell that thou hast and giue it to the poore and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen but then he hung downe the head and went away sorrowfull so we many of vs while it is said doe that which is good let your conuersation be honest haue your fruit in holinesse we comfort our selues as hauing obserued these things but when it is said abound in euery good worke be yee filled throughout your whole man and throughout your whole life with the fruits of righteousnesse then we hang downe the head and all the exhortations in the world will not preuaile thus farre with vs. That the Lord shall open his hand and fill vs with plenteousnesse in all good things we can brooke it very well but where is he that is filled with the fruits of righteousnesse to the glory and praise of his name Some one Tabitha it may be may be full of good works but with the rest it is well if they be not as bad as the worst Let vs beloued now that we know what we should be striue vnto that which should be Let vs as we should be be trees of righteousnes filled with the fruits of righteousnesse As as we are purged by Christ Iesus to be a peculiar people vnto him zealous of good works so let vs abound in euery good worke Let vs not onely flie that is euill and doe that is good but as men sanctified throughout in spirit soule and bodie let our whole life and conuersation be such as becommeth the Gospell of Christ Iesus The more fruit we beare the better trees we are the more by our fruits we glorifie God the Father the more sure we are that we are branches of the true vine Christ Iesus Let vs therefore giue all diligence vse all holy meanes and pray that we may abound more and more in the knowledge of Gods will that we may discerne things that differ that we may be pure and without offence vntill the day of Christ filled with the fruits of righteousnesse and being fruitfull in all good works The next thing which here I note is that the Apostle calleth good works the fruits of righteousnes For it is as if he had said filled with good works which are the fruits of righteousnes therefore called the fruits of righteousnes because they spring from righteousnes as the fruit from the tree The obseruation then hence is that good works are the fruits of righteousnes Righteousnes that is the tree and good works they are the fruit of the tree so that as first must be the tree and then the fruit so first we must be righteous euen by the righteousnes of God in vs before we can doe the works that are good Now what is our righteousnes before God Our Apostle telleth vs in the third chapter of this epistle vers 9. euen that righteousnesse which is through the faith of Christ for as Abraham beleeued God it was imputed to him for righteousnes so our faith in Christ Iesus who is made of God vnto vs wisdome and righteousnes and sanctification and redemption is accounted vnto vs for righteousnes before God First then we must beleeue in Christ Iesus whom God hath set forth to be a reconciliation through faith in his bloud before we can doe any works acceptable vnto God and being iustified by faith in Christ then are our works good and acceptable vnto God And to this our Apostle giueth testimonie where he saith Vnto the pure all things are pure Tit. 1.15 but vnto them that are defiled and vnbeleeuing is nothing pure but euen their mindes and consciences are defiled In which words by pure he meaneth them whose hearts are purified by faith in Christ Iesus as the antithesis in the next clause sheweth where he expresseth whom he meaneth by impure men euen vnbeleuing men Hence then it is plaine that when once our hearts are purified by faith in Christ Iesus not onely the things which by the law are counted vncleane are cleane and pure vnto vs but our works also are good and holy but till our hearts be purified by faith in Christ Iesus neither any of the things which by the law are counted pure are pure vnto vs neither is any worke of ours good but how good soeuer it be in shew yet it is indeed abominable before God To the like purpose is that of the Apostle Heb. 1● 6 where he saith that without faith it is impossible to please God where the Apostle shewing the dignitie and excellencie of faith amongst other things commendeth it for this that by it as Henoch did we please God but without faith saith he it is vnpossible that any worke of ours whatsoeuer should please God So that our works if they be good they are the fruits of righteousnes euen of the righteousnes which is of God through the faith of Iesus Christ otherwise if they spring not from that roote they are not good Here then first learne to beware of them that tell you that our good workes are that righteousnesse whereby we are iustified before God Yee see the Apostle tel eth you that they are the fruites of righteousnesse Aswell therefore may they tell you that the fruite of tree is the tree as that our good workes are our righteousnesse before God Let God bee true and euery man a lier If hee haue said that they are the fruites of righteousnesse then assure we our selues that they are spirits of error that tell vs that they are our righteousnesse Secondly hence learne to beware of them that tell you that men not begotten in the faith of Christ Iesus are able to doe the things that are good and pleasing vnto God for either you must not belieue the holy Apostle or rather the holy Ghost speaking by the mouth of the Apostle or else you must know that they onely do the things that are good and pleasing vnto God that are iustified by faith in Christ Iesus for this the holy Apostle hath said That good workes are the fruites of righteousnesse Either then our good workes must spring and proceed from the righteousnes of God by faith in Christ Iesus in vs or else they are not good so that they onely that are iustified by faith in CHRIST IESVS doe the things that are good And therefore they that tell you otherwise they are led by the same spirit of error tha● they are who tell you that by our workes
other places of his Epistles he teaches vs a quite contrary doctrine By grace saith the Apostle are yee saued through faith and that not of your selues Eph. 2.8.9 it is the gift of God not of workes lest any man should boast himselfe In which place see I beseech you how the Apostle setteth downe the grounds of our saluation Grace there is the first ground of our saluation It is God that iustifieth ● saueth vs saluation is his gift as the Apostle here saith ●ut why doth God saue vs Surely in respect of our selues we ●●e saued freely by his grace according to his mercy In re●pect of Christ indeed we are saued by the merits of his death ● passion He hath brought vs with a great price euen with the ●rice of his own precious bloud which he shed for the remissi●n of our sins But we our selues haue no part in this paiment ● respect of our selues we are freely through the exceeding ●ches of his fauour and grace towards vs saued Faith that is he next occurent in our saluation Rom. 8.3 by grace we are saued through ●aith For faith is that hand whereby we take hold on saluation ●eached vnto vs by grace Here then yee see how saluation is ●oth giuen taken giuen by God taken by vs. It is giuen ●y God by grace it is taken by vs by faith What then haue ●e no part in the purchase of our saluation No surely faith whereby we are saued and saluation it selfe they are the gift of God What haue our works no interest in the meriting of our saluation No by grace we are saued through faith not any way of our selues nor of our works Why lest any man should boast himselfe For as the same Apostle reasoneth Rom. 4.2 if Abraham were iustified by works he hath wherein to reioyce but not with God Why not with God because to him that worketh 4. or meriteth by his works the wages is not counted by fauour but by debt And ●herefore in another place thus he reasoneth if of grace 11.6 then ●ot of works else were no more grace but if of works then no ●ore of grace or else were worke no more worke So that when the Apostle here saith that by grace we are saued it is euen thereby plaine that we are not saued by our works yet he putteth downe both saying that we are saued by grace not of workes Againe in his Epistle to Tatus Tit. 3.5 God saith he our Sauiour hath saued vs not by the workes of righteousnes which we had done but according to his mercy c. Where againe you see the author of our saluation is God our Sauiour the cause which moueth God to saue vs his mercy not our good works I might here likewise produce the whole disputation of our Apostle in his Epistles to the Romanes and to the Galathians where at large he disputeth the question and plainely resolueth that we are iustified and saued freely by grace through faith in Christ his bloud and not by our works wrought according to the as But I purpose not any large discourse vpon this point By the which already hath beene said yee see how the Apostle is other of his Epistles teacheth cleane another doctrine th●● saluation by works For he teacheth that we are saued freely by grace through faith not of our selues not of works 〈◊〉 out the works of the law How then is the Apostle contrary to himselfe Doth ●e here did vs worke our saluation as if by our works we might merit our saluation and elsewhere tell vs that our saluation a not of works but of grace God forbid that we should so s●● or thinke The spirit whereby the Apostle spake both here and elsewhere is alwaies one and the same and is not changed He is the spirit of truth and directed the Apostle his tongue and pen into all truth so that he is not any where contrary to himselfe but here as elsewhere deliuereth the same truth Looke we then a litle into the words and into the meaning of the words in this place of the Apostle Here then we are to note 1. that it is not simply said worke your saluation bu● worke out or finish or make an end of your owne saluation For the word here vsed doth properly signifie not simply to work● but to worke out to finish to make an end of a thing So it is vsed by the Apostle where he saith Take vnto you the whole armor of God Eph. 6.13 that yee may be able to resist in the euill day and hauing ●●nished all things stand fast Againe when it is said worke 〈◊〉 or finish or make an end of your owne saluation by saluation is not meant as often else where that price of our high calling that crowne of immortalitie which at the end of our race is la●● vp for him that ouercommeth and continueth vnto the end but by saluation is meant the whole course of a godly life which leadeth vnto saluation So that when he saith Make an end of your saluation he doth exhort vs thus much in effect that as we haue entred the race of righteousnes which leadeth vnto saluation so we would runne on in the same race vnto the end and fully finish our course in doing such good workes as God hath ordeined that wee should walke in them The thing then which hence is to bee noted from our Apostle touching good works is not the merit of our saluati●● by our works but that good works are the way which God ●●th ordeined vs to walke in and in doing whereof he would ●ue vs to finish the whole course of our life And this we do ●ost gladly teach euery where and beat vpon in all our Ser●ons and in all our exhortations Onely we are carefull to ●●ch you the truth touching good works namely that they ●e not the causes of but the way which leadeth vnto saluati●● Saluation it is the gift of God giuen vs by Iesus Christ ●●rough faith in his name So our Sauiour himselfe telleth vs ●●ing My sheepe heare my voice Job and I giue vnto them eternall ●e For as it is another place God gaue him power ouer all ●sh that he should giue eternall life to all them that beleeue in him ●●luation then is the gift of God giuen by Christ through ●●th in him it is not any way caused or merited by our works ●t good works are the way which God hath ordeined vs to ●●ke in vnto saluation And this is plainely proued out of ●e places before alledged for the Apostle in the place to the ●phesians hauing set that downe that we are saued by grace ●●rough faith not of workes Eph. immediatly after he telleth vs that ● are the Lord his workmanship created vnto good works which ●●d hath ordeined that we should walke in them Likewise in the ●ace to Titus hauing set that downe that God hath
giuen of God by grace in Christ Iesus are no way of our selues To take a little view thereof ●e Lord by Ioel exhorteth or commandeth saying Ioel 2.12 Turne vnto mee with all your heart with fasting weeping and mour●● and yet Ieremy sheweth plainly that conuersion vnto the ●●d is wholly the gift of the Lord when hee thus praieth ●uert thou mee and I shall be conuerted Ier. 31.18 for thou art the Lord God Likewise our Sauiour Christ exhorteth Mat. 11.28 Come vnto all yee that are weary and laden and I will ease you and yet sheweth plainly that to come vnto him is wholly from Father when he thus saith No man can come vnto mee Ioh. 6.44 ex●● the Father which hath sent mee draw him In another place exhorteth saying Take heed and beware of couetousnesse Luk. 12.15 to doe thus is wholly from the Lord as the Prophet shewby that his praier vnto the Lord Ps 119.36 Incline mine heart vnto thy ●●●nies and not to couetousnesse Generally the Prophet ex●eth to flie from euill and to doe the thing that is good 37.27 Iames telleth vs that to doe good is wholly from the ●d saying Euery good and perfect gift is from aboue Iam. 1.17 and com●●h downe from the Father of lights c. The like is to be said ●eproofes Ma● 16.14 Christ reproued the eleuen of their vnbeleefe hardnesse of heart and yet the Prophet sheweth that it is Lord that taketh away the stonie heart out of our body EZ 36.26 giueth vs an heart of flesh and the Apostle that faith is gift of the Lord. The like is to be said of all precepts pro●●e● threatnings reproofes admonitions exhortations and like in holy Scripture The Lord vseth them all as meanes to worke his owne will in vs and giueth vnto vs whatsoeuer he requireth of vs He setteth downe lawes and statutes 〈◊〉 as if it were in our owne power to keepe them but that 〈◊〉 may know what to aske of him and with the Prophet to 〈◊〉 O be gratious vnto thy seruant that I may liue and keepe thy 〈◊〉 He promiseth good things to those that will obey him not 〈◊〉 if it lay in vs to obey him if our selues would but that b●● may worke such a will in vs by his promises He admonish●● and exhorteth vs not as if we were able of our selues to w●● or do the things but that so we may looke into our own ●e●nesse and turne vnto him and he may heale vs. You see 〈◊〉 how vaine their whole reason drawne from admonitions exhortations and the like in generall is for that neither 〈◊〉 argue any power in vs of our selues to doe good neither a●● they needlesse and vaine because they are the meanes wh●● by the Lord worketh in vs both to will and to doe that whi●● we are commanded and exhorted Now to the reason de●● in particular from this exhortation in briefe I answer that a●beit the Apostle exhort vs to worke out our owne saluation yet it doth not follow that it is at all in our power so to do Fo● as it followeth in our Apostle it is God which worketh in 〈◊〉 both to will and to doe euen of his good pleasure The Apostle therefore exhorteth vs to make an end of our owne saluation not for that we are able to doe so but to teach ●●flie vnto him who worketh in vs both the will and the de●● euen of his good pleasure Now let vs make this vse of that which hath beene spok●● for the resoluing of this doubt It is not in our owne pow●● we see to flie the euill we are forbidden to doe the good 〈◊〉 are commanded or to embrace the vertuous and godly 〈◊〉 whereunto we are exhorted but wholy from grace on●ly from the Lord. So often then as wee heare or read any p●●cepts or lawes in the booke of God let vs therein ackno●ledge our duties and seeing it is not in our power to keep them let vs flie vnto our God and pray to him Lord g●●● me grace to do that thou commandest and then comma●● mee what thou wilt So often as we heare or read any pr●mises or threatnings let vs therein acknowledge our o●● frowardnesse and seeing it is not in vs to bend at promises threatnings vnlesse he touch vs with his holy spirit let vs 〈◊〉 vnto our God and praie vnto him Lord take from mee ● hard and stony heart and giue me for it a soft and fleshie ●●rt that thy promises and thy threatenings may worke in 〈◊〉 obedience to thy will So often likewise as wee heare or ●●de of admonitions or exhortations let vs therein acknow●●●ge our owne infermities and seeing we cannot of our selues 〈◊〉 or do the thing whereunto wee are exhorted let vs flie to our God and pray vnto him Lord frame my will accor●●●g to thy blessed will that I may doe what thy will is And conclude this point seeing we cannot run this rase where●o the Apostle exhorteth vs but God must worke in vs both 〈◊〉 will and the deede let vs flie vnto our God and pray vn him Lord sanctifie mee with thy holy spirit that by thy ●ce guiding mee I may walke in those good workes which ●●u hast ordained mee to walke in vnto my liues end LECTVRE XXXIV PHILIP 2. ●ers 12.13 With feare and trembling For it is God which worketh in you both the will and the deede euen of his good pleasure WIth feare and trembling From these words some there are that gather that vncomfortable doctrine of the vncertaintie of our saluation Rhem. in loc affirming it to be pride and presumption to dare to be so bold as to be assured of our saluation and cleane contrary to the teaching the Apostle in this place So that the meaning of the A●●stle by their iudgements in this place is this that we should worke our saluation that yet wee should alwaies doubt of ●●r saluation But how farre this is wide of the Apostles meaning may easily appeare by those manifold Scriptures whe●● by the certainety or our saluation is affirmed and consequ●●●ly this vncomfortable doctrine of the doubting of our sal●●tion is vtterly ouerthrowne I am sure Iob. 19 25.26.27 saith Iob that m●●●deemer liueth and he shall stand the last vpon earth and though after my shinne wormes destroy this body yet shall I see God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 flesh whom I my selfe shall see and mine eies shall behold and 〈◊〉 other for mee Lord how this holy man so assureth himselfe of his saluation that he beates vpon it as if hee could ●●satisfie himselfe with any words but fills his mouth with●● ioycing hereat amidst all his afflictions Rom. 8.38 I am sure saith ●● my Redeemer liueth I shall see God in my flesh I my selfe shall 〈◊〉 him mine eies shall behold him none other for mee but I my 〈◊〉 shall behold him He doth as fully assure himselfe of his saluation as if he were already in full
are afflicted but the wicked many ●●nes flourish more than the iust and the hand of God many ●nes lieth heauier vpon the iust then vpon the wicked but ●aketh nothing against assurance of saluation by faith which ●neth not vpon any outward things but onely vpon the ●●omise of God in his word Yea but Saint Paul say they ●●rst not assure himselfe that he was iustified as appeareth by ●●at he saith I know nothing by my selfe 1 Cor. 4.4 yet am I not thereby iusti●●d and therefore no man may assure himselfe of his saluati●● But they might see Rom. 8.33 1. that the Apostle there speaketh ●t of any vncertainety of his iustification whereof else where assureth himselfe but by expresse negatiue plainely denieth at he was iustified by the cleanesse of his conscience that he ●oweth nothing by himselfe 2. That he speaketh there of ●s ministerie and seruice therein and acknowledgeth that ●ough his conscience accuse him not of any crime therein ●r he is not thereby iustified Which maketh against iustifi●●tion by any thing in a mans selfe though done in as great ●●rfection as mortall man can doe it but not at all against iu●●fication or assurance of saluation by faith Yea but when ●e saith worke your saluation with feare and trembling Phil. 2.12 he speak ●h against the vaine presumption of Heretikes say the Rhe●●sts on that place that makes men secure of their predesti●●tion and saluation and willeth the Philippians to worke ●●eir saluation with feare and trembling Pro. 28.14 according to that ●her scripture blessed is the man that alwaies is fearefull Wher●nto the answere is 1. that both the Apostle here and Salo●on in that other Scripture and the same Apostle againe when ●e saith be not high minded but feare and Peter when he saith Rom. 11 20 1 Pet. 1.17 ●sse the time of your dwelling here in feare and the Spirit of God generally when he speaketh to like purpose speaketh other against vaine presumption in our strength without doe acknowledgment of our owne frailty and due depending vpon the Lord or against carelesse securitie of our saluation without due regard of Gods threats and iudgments and without inward grace and feare of God issuing into a godly life and conuersation but not against faithfull boldnes and confidence not against assurance of our saluation by faith grounded vpon the promises of God in Christ Iesus 2. That there is a twofold feare a seruile feare and a fili●● feare a feare opposite vnto faith and a feare attending vpon faith a doubting and distrusting feare and a carefull and louing feare a feare of discouraging diffidence and a feare o● awefull reuerence a feare from the law to be punished and a feare from grace to offend and deserue punishment a feare begotten by the spirit of bondage and a feare begotten by the spirit of adoption a feare whereof S. Iohn saith there is 〈◊〉 feare in loue 1 Ioh. 4.18 2 Co. 7.11 Pro. 28.14 but perfect loue casteth out feare and a feare when of S. Paul saith that godly sorrow causeth feare and Salomon that blessed is the man that feareth alway Now from that feare the Holy Ghost euery where dehorteth saying Feare not for I am with thee Esay be not afraid for I am thy God and againe feare not Mat. 8.26 for I haue redeemed thee c. and againe why are yee feare full O yee of litle faith But vnto this feare he euery where exhorteth Psal 2.11 saying Serue the Lord in feare and reioyce vnto h●● in trembling or with reuerence and againe feare him which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell Luk. 12.5 yea I say vnto you 1 Pet. 2.17 Apoc. 14.7 him feare and againe Feare God honor the King and againe Feare God and giue glory to him generally where ●e exhorteth vnto feare it is to this feare So that when the Apostle exhorteth to worke our saluation with feare and trembling ●e exhorteth vnto this feare euen to feare the iudgements and threatnings of God which the faithfull alwaies doe because faith beleeueth them and to feare to trust in our selues which euery faithfull man also doth because faith it selfe importeth trust in God and as the Apostles reason also sheweth we should because it is God which worketh in vs both the will and the deede euen of his good pleasure and so to feare as the Prophet doth when he saith serue the Lord in feare and reioyce to 〈◊〉 with reuerence the words are as in the Apostle cum timore tremore but neither here nor any where doth the Holy ●host exhort vnto that seruile and doubting and distrusting ●●re as to stand in feare of our saluation Yea but seeing the ●●rd of God doth no where speake namely and particularly 〈◊〉 or of any of vs therefore by faith which is to be grounded on the word of God we cannot assure our selues of our ●●●uation Whereunto first we answer that though the word God speake no where immediatly by name and personally any of vs yet what it saith to beleeuers generally it saith to ●●ery beleeuer and what to sinners generally it saith to euery ●ner and euery man is to conceiue it as particularly spoken himselfe and to beleeue the same word preached by the ●inister of the Gospell as if Christ himselfe did perso●ly speake vnto him So that when as the word saith ●ecept yee repent yee shall perish Luc. 13.3 hee that beleeueth this ●rd beleeueth also touching himselfe that except he repent shall perish so when the word saith that whosoeuer belee●●h in Christ shall not perish but haue euerlasting life Joh 3.15 as hence ●●ul said to the Iaylor Beleeue thou in the Lord Iesus Act. 16.31 and thou ●t be saued so euery Minister of the Gospell may say to ●omas such a one Iohn such a one and Iames such a one c ●eeue thou in the Lord Iesus and thou shalt be saued and ●ery beleeuer which beleeueth this word may by faith ●ounded on the word particularly assure himselfe of his sal●ion because he beleeueth inasmuch as otherwise the word ●e not true whosoeuer beleeueth shall be saued Secondly we ●e them whence their Priests seeing the word doth no ●ere speake namely and particularly to any of them haue ●horitie to remit the sinnes of their poenitentiaries They ●●l tell vs though vntruly as they practise it that they haue of them particularly authoritie from Christ his word where saith whosoeuer sinnes yee remit they are remitted vnto them Joh. 20.23 ●d their poenitentiaries must beleeue it Thus they will take ●●ue to themselues though they will not giue vs leaue from ●enerall to inferre a particular But if their seduced ones ●st beleeue that though their Priests be not there named yet thence they haue all of them particularly authoritie to f●● giue sins much more may euery man that beleeueth though he be not named where Christ saith
he hath chosen and adopted before the foundation of the world and his decree is beyond all degrees of comparison more vnalterable and vnchangeable than are the lawes of the Medes and Persians Yet such are the mercies of our God towards vs that howsoeuer wee can helpe nothing vnto our election or vnto our adoption into the sonnes of God yet may wee know whether we be elected whether we be the sonnes of God and besides we may giue proofe thereof vnto others And hereunto it is that wee ought to giue all diligence and to bend our selues and our whole studies that it may appeare both vnto our selues and vnto others that we are the sonnes of God A studie whereunto the comfort which thence may arise may be a sufficient inducement vnto any For wherein should wee rather labour than in that wherein wee may take the greatest comfort Or wherein can we take so great comfor as in this that wee know that we are and that it doth appeare vnto others that wee are the sonnes of God Herein alone is sound ioy and comfort and without this what can there be else but restlesnesse of thoughts and disquietnesse of minde Yea but you will aske mee how this may appeare either vnto our selues or others that wee are the sonnes of God I answer out of the Apostles euen by walking without rebuke in the middest of a naughtie and crooked nation by the fruits of the spirit shewing themselues in the holinesse of our conuersation Rom. 8.14 For as many as are lead by the spirit of God they are the sonnes of God Now who are they that are lead by the spirit of God Euen they that by the power of the spirit of sanctification mortifie the deeds of the body as there the Apostle sheweth and bring forth the fruits of the spirit So then they which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit flying from sinne as from a Serpent and being zealous of good workes they haue an infallible testimonie that they are the sonnes of God and heires of eternall life Hereby then wee our selues know that wee are the sonnes of God euen by the fruits of the spirit which hee hath giuen vs. And therefore Peter in the place before alleadged Giue diligence to make your calling and election sure immediately addeth For if yee doe these things that is if yee bring forth those fruits mentioned before ye shall neuer fall Where the Apostles plainly sheweth that the way to confirme our election vnto our selues is by the fruits of the spirit which he hath giuen vs. Hereby likewise wee make it apparant vnto others that wee are the sonnes of God if wee walke in those good workes which God hath ordained vs to walke in And therefore our Sauiour Christ exhorteth vs saying Let your light so shine before men Mat. 5.16 that they may see your good workes and glorifie your Father which is in heauen euen him whose sonnes they shall know you to bee by those good workes which they shall see you doe So that as the end wherefore wee were predestinate to bee adopted into the sonnes of God through Iesus Christ was that wee should be holy and without blame before God in loue so the meanes whereby wee are declared both to our selues and others to be the sonnes of God is our holy conuersation and walking without rebuke in the middest of a naughtie and crooked nation When therefore I say that we ought to giue all diligence that we may appeare to be the sonnes of God the meaning is that we ought to be holy in conuersation and without blame in the middest of a naughtie and crooked nation that so it may appeare that wee are the sonnes of God Yea but here againe it will be said where is he that is holy in all manner of conuersation And who is he that walketh without rebuke amongst the sonnes of men And therefore how can it appeare by the note of our sanctification that we are the sonnes of God I answer that howsoeuer our sanctification here in this life be so vnperfit that we cannot be holy in all manner of conuersation or walke without rebuke amongst the sonnes of men yet if we striue and labour if we studie and endeuour to be holy without blame and to walke as the sonnes of God amongst the sonnes of men hereby it doth and may appeare that we are the sonnes of God If we hate the sinnes of vnfaithfulnes and let no such cleane vnto vs if we suffer not sinne to reigne in our mortall bodies but striue to subdue the flesh vnto the spirit if we flie the corruptions which are in the world through lusts and studie to liue soberly and righteously and godly in this present world if wee long and thirst after those things that belong vnto our peace and can in the needfull time of trouble come vnto our God and cry Abba Father hereby it doth and may appeare that we are the sonnes of God The godly strife against sinne and carefull desire of walking in the waies of God without rebuke they are the sure and vndoubted stampes of the spirit of our adoption into the sonnes of God and the certaine fruits of that spirit whereby we are sealed vntill the redemption of the possession purchased vnto the praise of his glory If thou desire further proofe of these things looke into the holy scriptures and they shall instruct thee sufficiently herein Mat. 5.6 Blessed saith our Sauiour Christ are they that hunger and thirst after righteousnesse Where our Sauiour sheweth that not they alone which are righteous but they also which hunger and thirst after righteousnes are blessed and consequently the sonnes of God So we read that Abrahams willingnes to offer vp his onely begotten sonne Isaac for a burnt offering vnto the Lord Gen. 22.12 was accepted with God for as sure a proofe of his faith and obedience as if he had offered him vp indeede Insomuch that in regard of his willingnes thereunto the Apostles plainely say that he did offer vp Isaac when he was t●ied Heb. 1● 17 Iam. 2.21 So litle difference the Holy Ghost putteth betweene the will and the deede when the will is inclined vnto that which is good 1 Chro. 28.2 The like may be said of Dauids willingnesse and desire to build a Temple vnto the Lord. He builded it not yet his purpose and desire to haue builded it was accepted with God And generally this is true that the will and desire is accepted with God as the deede so that the will and desi●e and indeuour to walke in the waies of God without rebuke doe plainely s●ew vs to be the sonnes of God and are accepted with God as if we walked holy and without blame The like is to be said of striuing against sinne that euen the very striuing against sinne doth plainely shew vs to be the sonnes of God For proofe whereof what neede any other than that example of the
not them vnto Christ Certainly of this I am perswaded that the moe soules they gaine vnto Christ the more glorious shall be their crowne of reioycing And therefore the Apostles glory no doubt shall be exceeding glorious by whose labours so many Churches were planted so many soules were brought vnto the faith Yet his glory in that day doth not wholy depend vpon the saluation of them that heare him The vsing of his talent faithfully shall be accounted vnto him as gaining with it Neither is his running and his labouring in vaine in respect of himselfe but onely in respect of them whose hearts the Lord doth not open that they should heare and beleeue and be saued as it is plaine out of Esay where Christ in his members thus complaineth I haue laboured in vaine I haue spent my strength in vaine Esay 49.4 and for nothing but my iudgement is with the Lord my worke with my God though Israel be not gathered 5. yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord and my God shall be my strength By which words it is out of all doubt cleared that howsoeuer the Ministers labour be often in vaine howsoeuer his strength be often spent in vaine in respect of them that heare him because thereby their hearts are not mollified and they brought vnto the obedience of the faith yet for themselues their iudgement is with the Lord and their worke with their God Though they that heare them be of such vncircumcised hearts and eares that they cannot be gained vnto Christ yet shall they be glorious in the eyes of the Lord and their God shall be their strength To the like purpose is that in Ezechiel where the Lord instructing the Minister and watchman of the house of Israel in his dutie he saith EZec. Sonne of man I haue made thee a watchman c. if thou warne the wicked and he turne not from his wickednesse nor from his wicked way he shall die in his iniquitie but thou hast deliuered thy soule c. What is then the Ministers dutie To warne the wicked and his dutie is to turne from the wickednesse of his waies If the Minister warne his labour is not in vaine in the Lord he deliuereth his owne soule but if the wicked being warned turne not from the wickednesse of his waies he dieth in his iniquitie so that his Minister in respect of him hath runne in vaine and laboured in vaine because he hath not reclaimed him from the wickednesse of his wayes Here then is a notable aduertisement for them that are hearers of the word to take heede that their watchman which is set ouer them spend not his strength in vaine and for nothing amongst them The Minister yee heare he runnes he labours he sweates he is still playing his prizes still trying his maisteries still plowing vp the fallow ground of your hearts in euery season yea in season and out of season sowing the immortall seede of the word alwaies on his watch tower in cold and in heate giuing warning of euery enemie which he doth descry Happily yee haue another conceit of the Ministers labour at least many haue that it is no such continuall labour that there is no such care or paines therein as is pretended Well whatsoeuer account yee make of the labour therein he spends his strength and oftentimes his bloud It is for you to looke vnto it that he spend not his strength in vaine If he teach you the waies of the Lord and yee receiue not instruction if he reproue such sinnes as breake out amongst you and ye hate to be reformed if hee call to fasting weeping and mourning and ye fall to eating drinking and dauncing if he exhort you to study to bee blamelesse and pure and the sonnes of God in the middest of a naughty and crooked nation and to shine amongst them as lights holding forth the word of life and ye giue your members seruants to vncleanesse and to iniquity to commit iniquity in a word if he out of the word either teach or improue or correct or instruct in righteousnesse ye refuse to hearken to the voice of the charmer charme he neuer so wisely what else doth hee in respect of you but runne in vaine and labour in vaine And if he spend his strength in vaine amongst you his worke is with his God but your bloud is vpon your owne head yee die in your sinnes but his soule is deliuered The minister his desire is to reioyce in the day of Christ but wherein in your saluation If in that day he shall not reioyce in your saluation what do ye thinke will be your portion His desire is not to runne in vaine nor to labour in vaine but it is in respect of you that he may gaine you vnto Christ For hee knoweth that his labour is not in vaine in the Lord. Hearken therefore and obey and harden not your hearts as in the prouocation and as in the day of tentation in the wildernesse If thou hearken thou shalt be the crowne of his reioycing and the crowne of his reioycing is in thy saluation And in any case take heed that thou iudge not amisse of him that is set ouer thee in the Lord to admonish thee of thy w●●es For whatsoeuer it is wherein he either teacheth or improueth or correcteth or instructeth thee it is that hee may reioyce in the day of Christ that he hath not runne in vaine nor laboured in vaine And this much of this later reason to enforce the former exhortations Yea and though I be offered c. The Apostle as yee haue heard vrged the Philippians that they would walke in all obedience with God and in all meeknesse with their brethren euen the rather for his sake that he might reioyce ouer them in the day of Christ Now the better to enforce this reason drawne from himselfe in these words hee assureth them that such is his longing after their saluation that if by his death they might be confirmed and strengthened in the faith hee would most willingly and ioyfully giue his life for them and if he shall do so he would not haue them to be sory but to be glad and reioyce thereat The manner of speech here vsed is drawne from the sacrifices of the old law wherein the Priests were commanded after their comming into the land of Canaan Num. 15 7 alwaies to poure out a drinke offering vpon the sacrifice that was offered The Apostle therefore alluding hereunto saith that if his soule should now bee poured out as a drinke offering vpon that spirituall sacrifice of their faith which by his ministery and Apostleship they had embraced for their farther confirmation and strengthening therein he would be glad and reioyce with them for that their faith by his death were strengthened Here then we may obserue how zealous the Pastor ought to be of the saluation of his flocke he ought with Saint Paul in this
it is a matter of no small difficulty If we crie peace peace all is well if we sew cushions vnder their elbowes and speake faire and smoothing words if we suffer them to take their fill of pleasure and to wallow in their wickednesse and either say nought vnto them or runne with them happily wee may please men but doubtlesse we shall not please God Againe if we crie aloude and lift vp our voices like trumpets and tell the house of Iacob their sinnes and the house of Israel their transgressions if we rouse them out of that dead sleepe of sinne whereinto they are fallen and lay the axe to the roote of sinne to cut it vp by the rootes if we poure vineger into such wounds as fin hath made in their soules and denounce the sharp threatnings of the law against them happily wee may approue our selues vnto the Lord but doubtlesse we shall not approue our selues vnto men Nay what almost can we say or doe whereby wee shall be able to approue our selues both before the Lord and before men What then are we to striue vnto an impossibility Not so neither but this being out of doubt that wee ought to approue our selues before the Lord whose Ministers we are and whose name wee beare before our people wee ought likewise so faithfully and carefully to walke in our calling before men as that vnto their consciences wee may giue certaine proofes that we are the seruants of Iesus Christ We cannot alwaies so approue our selues vnto men as that what we say or doe shall please them neither doe we or ought we to striue thereunto but we may and ought so to worke the work of our ministery and to doe the duties of our calling as that they ought to approue vs and may know that we are the seruants of Iesus Christ howsoeuer wee come vnto them whether as the Apostle saith with a rodde or in loue 1 Cor. 4.21 and in the spirit of meeknesse For whether wee come with a rodde or in loue and in the spirit of meeknesse whether we improue or correct or instruct or exhort or rebuke our care and endeauour therein is to approue our selues vnto him whose Ministers wee are and that wee may bee found faithfull among you Now as we ought thus to approue our selues vnto you and by our faithfull walking in our calling to giue such proofe of our selues vnto you that ye may know that indeede wee serue the Lord in the Gospell so againe ought yee to take heede of approuing any who giues not plaine proofe that he serues the Lord in the Gospell They whom ye must approue must bee such as seeke not yours but you such as first seeke that which is the Lord Iesus Christs and then that which is their owne such as ye know by your owne proofe that they serue their Lord Iesus Christ in preaching of his Gospell and not themselues or any else whomsoeuer For from their lips ye shall receiue knowledge and instruction and by their mouth ye shall be taught in the waies of the Lord and in the workes of his commandements For they seruing the Lord Iesus from their hearts purely out of the abundance of their hearts endite good matters and their tongue is as the penne of a ready writer Now whether all of this congregation approue such and none but such your selues can better tell then behoueth me to iudge But not to dissemble my feare I am in feare as the Apostle saith of some of you that you more approue of such as serue that man of sinne in seducing you by traditions then of such as serue the Lord in the preaching of the Gospell The Apostle ye know maketh mention of some bad ones it is easie to gesse who at this day doe most resemble them 2 Tim 3.6 which creep into houses and lead captiue simple women laden with sins and led with diuers lusts c. And our Sauiour likwise maketh mention of such as compasse sea and land to make one of their profession Mat. 23.15 and when hee is made they make him twofold more the childe of hell then they themselues are I feare least some of them haue beguiled some of you and seduced your foolish hearts that ye should not hearken and obey the holy word of life which onely is able to make you wise vnto saluation through the faith which is in Christ Iesus For how else commeth it to passe that some doe so seldome present themselues in the holy place where they might heare the things that belong vnto their peace And how else commeth it to passe that some when the Preacher beginnes make an end of their deuotion and leauing the house of God go to their owne houses Haue they any exception against vs Doe we teach for doctrines mens precepts Doe wee handle the word deceitfully Do we keepe backe any of Gods counsell Nay in all these things as in the whole worke of our ministerie we study to approue our selues both before the Lord and before men An exception they haue but almost they know not what The truth is they are not able to trie the spirits whether they are of God And therefore they approue them which prophecie lies vnto them out of their owne braine But ye beloued learne to know and approue him who giues plaine proofe that he serues the Lord in the Gospell in the sincere and faithfull preaching thereof Yea but ye will say vnto mee wee would gladly approue them that serue the Lord in the Gospell But how shall wee know who serue the Lord in the Gospell For they that are wholy deuoted vnto the seruice of that man of sinne and prophecy lies out of their owne braine will say that they serue the Lord in the Gospel aswell as they will which sincerely preach the Gospell of Christ Iesus vnto the confusion of that man of sinne Note therefore that the Apostle in this place doth not simply say of Timothy that he serued the Lord in the Gospell but that he serued with him in the Gospell Wherin he giueth him this testimonie that hee did sincerely teach Christ Iesus preaching no other Gospell then that which the Apostle himselfe preached but walking in the same steppes with him vnto the building of the spirituall temple of Christ Iesus euen as he had him for example Will yee then know who they are that serue the Lord in the Gospell Euen they that serue the Lord in the Gospell with Paul they that preach no other Gospell then Paul preached they which ground the doctrines which they teach not vpon mens precepts but vpon the sure foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Trie therefore who they are that walke as they haue the Apostle for example see who they are that after his example testifie the kingdome of God and preach vnto the people concerning Christ Iesus out of the law of Moses and out of the Prophets Act. It is registred ye know vnto the
doe being taught by him that seeing the Ministers of the Gospell doe labour and watch for our soules as they that must giue account vnto God for them therefore wee should giue vnto them that portion which is due vnto them for their maintenance and this wee should doe with all cheerefulnesse as vnto the Lord. Now how this dutie towards them is euery where almost neglected they that liue abroad see and know too well for so it is that euery little is now too much for the Minister if he may haue some reasonable portion of that whole which is due vnto him it is thought that he is very well vsed if any thing of his due may be concealed and kept from him it is thought to be very well saued and better so saued then ill spent for so commonly they account of that which they giue vnto the Minister albeit it be not theirs but his which they giue Farre otherwise then it was in the times of greatest ignorance and blindest superstition for then they thought they could not giue enough vnto their Massing Priest and now they thinke they cannot pull enough away from the teaching Minister then they thought euery peny better bestowed then other vpon their Confessor now they thinke euery peny worse bestowed then other vpon their Pastor But it is no new thing to see blinde deuotion sometimes to carry men further then doth sound and sincere religion How ready were the people of Israel to plucke off the golden earings from their eares to giue them vnto Aaron to make a molten calfe withall Exod. 32.3 Iudg. 17.10 How liberall was Micah vnto the Leuite to get him to stay with him to be vnto him a father and a Priest And so it falleth out very often that in time of darknesse and ignorance men are more enflamed towards the Church and Pastors thereof with a blinde zeale then with a true zeale in the cleere light of the Gospell Well let vs know that wee are to giue vnto them that labour amongst vs and watch ouer our soules that which is due vnto them whether it be of maintenance for their liuelihood or of reuerence vnto their persons And for conclusion of this point let that one place of the Apostle serue for both these purposes where hee saith that those Elders especially which labour in the word doctrine are worthy of double honour 1 Tim. 5.17 which is as diuers doe expound it of maintenance for their life and of reuerence vnto their persons They are Gods labourers both labouring for God and ●o bring vs vnto God let vs therefore carry our selues towards them as toward● Gods Vice gerents vpon earth giuing vnto them with all cheerefulnes that which is due vnto them as vnto the Lord. And let this suffice touching this that Paul calleth Epaphroditus his companion in labour Againe hee calleth him his fellow-souldier What then Paul or Epaphroditus were they souldiers Went they forth to battell Were not the Leuites and are not the Ministers of the Gospell of Christ Iesus exempted from seruice in warre Is the Minister to labour like an husbandman and besides also to fight as a souldier Yea certainly Paul and Epaphroditus were fellow-souldiers neither are any of the Ministers of Christ exempted from warre but fight they must and souldiers they must be But neither are their weapons carnall wherewithall they must fight neither are the enemies against which they must fight so much flesh and bloud as spirituall wickednesses and the princes of the darknesse of this world They are souldiers to fight with the sword of the spirit against euery high thing that exalteth it selfe against the knowledge of God and to bring into captiuitie euery thought to the obedience of Christ In this then that the Apostle calleth Epaphroditus his fellow-souldier wee are put in minde as of the state of all Christians in generall so of the Ministers of the Gospell in particular namely that the life of all Christians in generall and of the Ministers of the Gospell in particular is nothing else but a continuall warfare wherein wee must still play the souldiers and still fight We looke for a Citie where there shall be no more death no more sorrow no more crying no more paine neither any enemies to fight withall where wee shall triumph ouer euery enemie that hath exalted himselfe against vs and where wee shall raigne and euer bee with the Lord in the kingdome of Christ Iesus for euer and euer But whiles wee are members of the militant Church here vpon earth no man better or worse rich or poore may promise rest vnto himselfe but all must stand vpon their guard and all must alwayes be in a readinesse to fight Iob 7.1 Whereupon Iob calleth the life of man a warfare because together with his life his warfare shall only haue an end And our Sauiour telleth vs that the day hath enough with his owne griefe that is Matt. 6.34 neuer a day of a mans life which brings not griefe enough with it vpon it owne backe Now the enemies which wee haue to fight withall are the world without vs the flesh within vs and the deuill seeking continually like a roaring Lion to deuoure vs none of all which want either will or skill or might to ouerthrow vs vnlesse wee hold fast the reioycing of our hope vnto the end The flesh hath so many sugred baits and deceitfull delights to allure men vnto the enticements thereof that sometimes Dauids and Salomons and men after Gods owne heart cannot auoid the snares thereof but are entangled therewith The world likewise hath so many wayes to deceiue as that euen the Disciples of Christ Iesus cannot auoid it but be deceiued thereby And the deuill so furiously rageth as that the Sonne of God Christ Iesus himselfe cannot auoid his manifold tentations These are those enemies which we haue all of vs to fight withall and these wee shall haue to fight withall so long as wee liue in this flesh and whatsoeuer batterie any of these or all these can lay against our soules wee shall be sure of it whiles wee liue in this world Rom. 7.23 for the flesh euermore rebelleth against the spirit and euer striueth to leade vs captiue vnto the law of sinne which is in our members The world likewise knoweth not the Lord but the amitie of the world is the enmitie of God Ioh. 17.25 Iam. 1 4 Ioh. 2.15 1 Pet. 5 8. and if any man loue the world the loue of the Father is not in him The deuill likewise seeketh continually like a roaring Lion whom he may deuoure Nothing to ridde any of vs from the assaults of all these till death and therefore all of vs must bee souldiers and fight against all these as in our baptisme all of vs haue promised so long as wee carry about with vs our earthly house of this Tabernacle And as this is the state of all Christians in generall to liue in
dwelleth the loue of God in him As if the Apostle should haue said Whatsoeuer shew this man makes the loue of God dwels not in him neither he loueth God nor God loueth him Men and brethren what should more stirre you vp vnto this holy worke of releeuing of Gods poore Saints a thing so needfull now to be vrged and pressed what I say should more stirre you vp vnto it then this which hath already beene said It is a worke of Christ which Christ commandeth which hee loueth and liketh which Christ highly rewardeth and vnmercifulnesse to the poore he hateth and detesteth As euery man therefore wisheth in his heart so let him giue vnto the poore Saints not grudgingly or of necessitie for God loueth a cheerefull giuer 2 Cor. 9.7 If it be a worke of Christ it well beseemeth thee if thou be a Christian if he haue commanded it it stands thee vpon to obey it if he loue and like it thou hast great cause to moue thee to it if for his mercies sake he reward it thou hast great reason to be occupied in it and if he so hate the neglect of it it behoueth thee not to be negligent in it As therefore euery man hath receiued of the Lord so let him be ready to giue according to that he hath Hee that hath mercy on the poore Pro. 19.17 lendeth vnto the Lord and the Lord will recompence him that which hee hath giuen And blessed is hee saith Dauid Psal 41.1 that considereth the poore and needie the Lord shall deliuer him in the time of trouble Consider what I say and the Lord giue you a ●ight vnderstanding in all things and fill your hearts full of all knowledge that yee may abound in euery good vnto the glory of God the Father to whom with the Sonne and the holy Ghost c. Laus omnis soli Deo THE THIRD CHAPTER LECTVRE XLVIII PHILIP 3. Vers 1.2 Moreouer my brethren reioyce in the Lord. It grieueth me not to write the same things vnto you and for you it is a sure c. THe holy Apostle hauing in the first chapter of this Epistle first signified his good minde towards the Philippians by retaining them in perfect memorie by his longing after them all from the very heart roote in Iesus Christ and by his praying for them and hauing afterward exhorted them that they should not shrinke for his imprisonment because thereby the Gospell was confirmed and not diminished In the second Chapter as we haue heard he first exhorted them vnto humility that putting apart all contention and vaine glory they would haue euen the same minde that was in Christ Iesus who being God humbled himselfe to be man and became obedient to the death euen the death of the Crosse and was therefore highly exalted c. 2. Hauing grounded certaine exhortations vpon that example of Christ his humilitie and obedience as 1. That they would runne forward in that race of righteousnesse wherein God had freely placed them through Iesus Christ making an end of their saluation with feare and trembling and then that they would doe all things with their neighbours without murmuring and reasonings that they might be blamelesse and pure and the sonnes of God c. The Apostle I say hauing grounded these exhortations vpon that example of Christ his humilitie and obedience 2. For their comfort and confirmation against certaine false Apostles crept in amongst them hee both promised to send Timothy shortly vnto them and likewise that himselfe would shortly after that come vnto them and besides sent their Minister Epaphroditus presently vnto them Now in this 3. Chapter the Apostle instructeth the Philippians in the things wherein the false Apostles laboured to seduce them and so armeth the Philippians against them till his comming vnto them by confuting that false doctrine which they deliuered The doctrine which the false Apostles deliuered was that not Christ alone and faith in his name but circumcision also and the workes of the law were necessarie vnto iustification and saluation Which doctrine the Apostle doth at large confute in the Epistle to the Galathians because they had suffered themselues to be seduced and bewitched by it But here because the Philippians had manfully withstood it and giuen it no place amongst them the Apostle very briefly confuteth it and proueth that our righteousnesse is onely by Christ and faith in his name not at all by the works of the Law The principall parts of this Chap●er are three 1. He exhorteth them to beware of false Teachers verse 2. and instructeth them in that truth which the false Apostles gainesay vers 3. 2. The Apostle proposeth himselfe as an imbracer of that truth touching mans righteousnesse which they were to embrace à vers 4. ad 15. Lastly hee exhorteth them to embrace and hold fast the same truth with him and to walke as they haue him for an ensample from vers 15. to the end of the Chapter Now before he come to the handling of any of these principall parts 1. He setteth downe this exhortation reioyce in the Lord as a conclusion of that which went before as a ground of that which followeth 2. He excuseth h●mselfe for writing now the same things by epistle which before he had taught them by word of mouth That the exhortation is set downe partly by way of conclusion of that which he had spoken before may appeare by the entrance vnto it in that he saith Moreouer c. For it is as if the Apostle had thus said hitherto ye haue been full of heauines partly for my bonds and imprisonment Phil. 1.12.14 partly for Epaphroditus your minister his sicknes Now for my bonds they ●s I haue told you haue turned rather to the furthering of the Gospell inasmuch as many of the brethren in the Lord are boldned through my bonds to speake the word and now so it is that I am in good hope shortly to be deliuered from my bonds and to come vnto you Again for Epaphroditus God hath had mercy vpon him and now he is returned vnto you in good and perfect health What therefore now remaineth my brethren but that ye be glad and reioyce in the Lord in the Lord I say whom before I haue described vnto you in that Lord who being in the forme of God thought it no robberie to be equall with God yet made himselfe of no reputation and tooke on him the forme of a seruant c. Reioyce for that there is no other cause but that ye should reioyce but reioice in the Lord who became man for you died for your sinnes rose againe for your iustification setteth at the right hand of God to make request for you vnto whom euery knee in that day shall bowe and confesse that he is the Lord reioyce in him Againe it is partly set downe as a ground of that which followeth as if the Apostle should thus haue said I haue already as in a glasse
warne the Philippians of false teachers euen that the more carefull they saw the Apostle to giue them warning of false teachers they might be so much the more warie of them As then it ought not to grieue vs to speake the same things often vnto you so let it not bee wearisome vnto you to heare the same things often of vs. You see the Apostle saith it is a sure thing and a good thing for you and yee heare the reasons why it is good for you Let this suffice to moderate that ouer great nicenesse and daintinesse that is in some and that such an ouer-itching humor that is in some after varietie that they cannot at all away with it to heare the same things often When the things are of necessarie moment and behoofe for you let it not be tedious vnto to you to heare of them againe and againe and when things are so carefully and so often suggested vnto you aboue all things take heede that yee harken vnto the things so suggested lest that come vpon you which is mentioned in the place of Esay before alledged that is lest when there hath beene precept vpon precept precept vpon precept line vnto line line vnto line there a litle and there a litle and yet yee would not heare afterwards it come to passe by the iust iudgement of God that there be precept vpon precept precept vpon precept line vnto line line vnto line there a litle and there a litle but then hearing you shall heare and not vnderstand and seeing yee shall see and not perceiue For it is a iust thing with God that if yee will not heare when the booke of God is so wide opened vnto you and the same things so often gone ouer and ouer afterwards the word be vnto you as the words of a booke that is sealed vp that is altogether vnprofitable or else that it bee quite taken from you and giuen vnto them that will hearken and obey Let it therefore neither grieue them that speake to speake the same things often when they are good and profitable neither let it seeme tedious and wearisome vnto you that heare to heare the same things often when they are such and aboue all things hearken vnto such things so often suggested lest the things so often spoken vnto you turne vnto your farther iudgement Now let vs see what it was that the Apostle thought it not amisse for himselfe so often to speake of and a sure thing for them so often to heare of it was the taking heede of false teachers such as would seeke to seduce them from that truth of Christ Iesus which he had taught them And this is the exhortation or admonition which now followeth after this excuse of the Apostle for himselfe Beware of dogges c. This is the first principall part which we obserued in this chapter which in briefe is an exhortation or admonition to beware of false teachers and especially the Apostle giueth his caueat of those false Apostles which were then crept in amongst them as the article vsed in the originall doth shew who taught that not Christ alone and faith in his name but circumcision also and the workes of the law were necessarie to iustification and saluation These false teachers who taught this erroneous and false doctrine the Apostle here noteth by the name of doggs of false teachers and of the concision He calleth them dogs in respect of certaine bad qualities wherein they did resemble dogs 1. In respect of their snarling and barking because as dogs they barked at him and snarled at his doctrine and that as much without reason as the dogge that barks not vpon reason but vpon custome 1 Sa. 16.9 And so we see Abishai called Shimei a dogge in respect of his causeles barking against Dauid 2. In respect of their greedinesse because as dogs they minded onely their bellies making as afterward he saith their belly their God And so we see the Prophet called blinde watchmen and dumbe dogges Esay 56.11 greedy dogges which could neuer haue enough 3. In respect of their absurdnesse because as the dogge returneth to his vomit so they of Iewes being made Christians returned againe vnto their olde Iudaisme not teaching Christ purely but making a mixture of Iudaisme and Christianitie Againe he calleth them euill workers 1. in respect of the workes which they vrged because by preaching the necessitie of workes vnto saluation and ioyning them with Christ as workers together with him of our saluation they made those workes which in themselues were not euill euill workes For those workes which as they are done according to the law are good by this addition of necessitie that not Christ alone but they also are necessarie as causes vnto saluation are made euill workes 2. In respect of the euill minde wherewith they vrged these workes because they vrged them in hatred of him and to crosse that which he had taught touching the sole sufficiencie of Christ his righteousnesse vnto saluation 3. In respect of their vnfaithfull working in the Lord his vineyard because together with good seede they did sow tares in the Lord his field ioyning with Christ the workes of the law in the worke of our saluation Lastly he calleth them the concision 1. by allusion vnto circumcision which they vrged as necessarie to saluation Act. 15.1 saying as it is in the Actes Except yee be circumcised after the manner of Moses ye cannot be saued 2. Because by vrging circumcision they did indeed cut the seamlesse coate of Christ and rent the vnitie of the Church which had now receiued the circumcision of Christ through baptisme and had left off that ceremonie of the law 3. Because by vrging circumcision they shewed themselues to be onely cut in the fore-skinnes of their flesh but not to be circumcised in the heart by putting off the sinnefull body of the flesh through the circumcision of Christ Thus the Apostle vpon these causes and respects noteth those false Teachers which were crept in amongst the Philippians and of these hee warneth them againe and againe euen three times to beware Now touching the obseruations hence to be gathered here 1. I note that the Apostle speaketh vnto the Philippians in generall that they should beware of false Teachers Whence I obserue that not Clergie men alone as they call them but euen all the faithfull children of God may and ought to trie and iudge by the Scriptures whether their Teachers Preachers doctrine be true and so to reiect whatsoeuer they finde not proued by the Scriptures or agreeable to the Scriptures For how should the Philippians beware of false Teachers they should examine and trie their doctrine and receiue that which was agreeable to that which he had taught them and reiect that which was not agreeable thereunto So wee read it registred to the perpetuall commendation of the men of Berea Act. 17.11 that they searched the Scriptures to trie whether those things
vnto him hee counted of all those outward things in respect of any confidence or reioycing in them not onely as vnprofitable but as hurtfull In these two verses therefore 1. the Apostle in generall shewes that howsoeuer sometimes hee had made great reckoning of his vnrebukable walking in the Law of God and of those outward things wherein the Iewes gloried yet after that hee came to the knowledge of Christ Iesus hee changed his minde so farre that he counted them then not onely vnprofitable but also hurtfull for Christ his sake and this hee doth vers 7.2 shewing his resolute continuance in the same minde which first he had when he came to the knowledge of Christ Iesus he doth principally amplifie and more specially explicate that which he had said before in the latter part of the 7. verse and this he doth verse 8. The first ye see is a comparison betweene the Apostle his iudgement before his knowledge of Christ and after his knowledge of Christ for the same thing● which seemed a vantage vnto him before he knew Christ afterwards hee counted losse for Christ his sake The second is principally an amplification or more speciall explication of the latter part of the comparison where in he goeth ouer and ouer the same termes there vsed but sometimes with some diuersitie for the farther and better openig of them For where as verse 7. hee had said the same I counted losse for Christ his sake verse 8. hee repeateth the same to the same purpose thrise but with some amplification and likewise with some alteration in the forme and phrase of speach as 1. thus I thinke all things losse for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ Iesus my Lord againe thus for Christ I haue counted all things losse lastly thus I doe iudge all things to be dung that I may winne Christ So that ye see the eight verse is especially an amplification or more speciall explication of the later part of the comparison in verse seauen Now from this generall diuision and explication of these words let vs descend vnto a more particular examination of the meaning of them 1. Therefore where the Apostle saith in the comparison but the things c. by the things which seemed vantage vnto him he meaneth all the things before reckoned but especially his righteousnesse by the law these as hee saith seemed vnto him when to wit before he knew Christ what seemed they vnto him vantage i. againe so meritoriously profitable as wherein he might repose the confidence of his saluation Againe when he saith the same I counted losse hee meaneth that after he began to know Christ hee counted those same things not onely vnprofitable but also hurtfull for Christ his sake i. as the Apostle in the next verse expounds it for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ Iesus or for the winning of Christ because confidence in those things were hinderances hereof So that it is as if the Apostle had thus said My circumcision my kinred my tribe my ancient descent from Abraham the Hebrue my profession my zeale my righteousnesse in the law were great things and things which were in my iudgement before I knew Christ so meritoriously profitable as that I thought I might repose the confidence of my saluation in them But the things euen these great things that were in my iudgement to me before I knew Christ adua●●age i. so meritoriously profitable as that I thought I might repose the confidence of my saluation in them the same things I counted after that once I began to know Christ losse i. not only no aduantage but disaduantage and hurtfull for Christ his sake i. for the attaining vnto the perfit knowledge of Christ Iesus because confidence in those things is an hinderance vnto the knowledge and winning of Christ Iesus And did I when first I began to know Christ count those things not only vnprofitable but hurtfull which before my conuersion seemed vnto me so profitable as that I might repose the confidence of my saluation in them And doe not I so still yes doubtlesse I am not at all altered in my iudgement but the more that I grow in the knowledge of Christ Iesus my Lord the more that I know not his person alone but the infinite treasures of wisedome righteousnesse and saluation that are hid in him the more doe I thinke not onely all those things wherein I had confidence before I belieued but absolutely all things euen all my workes since I belieued to be but losse and hinderances to the attaining of the perfit knowledge of Christ Iesus for whom i. for knowing of whom to my comfort and to repose my whole confidence in him I haue counted all things losse as being drawne by confidence in them from confidence in Christ Iesus yea and more then so I doe iudge not onely all things wherein I reioyced before I belieued but euen all my workes whatsoeuer and whensoeuer done to bee dung euen starke naught and worse then naught to this end that I may winne Christ i. that I may be more more neere ioyned vnto him the cloake of whose righteousnesse I know to be the more neare at hand to couer me the more naked that I am in my selfe in my owne iudgement Not to trouble you longer with the opening of these words in briefe the Apostle here teacheth the Philippians by his owne example not to repose any confidence of their saluation in any their works done either before or after their iustification but onely in Christ Iesus The reason is because all workes done either before or after iustification are in comparison of Christ and of any confidence to be reposed in them but losse and dung And let thi● suffice to bee spoken touching the meaning of these words Now let vs see what obseruations we may gather hence for our farther vse and instruction 1. In that the Apostle saith the things that were vantage vnto me c. I note the great diuersitie of Pauls iudgement before his conuersion and after his conuersion vnto Christ for the things that seemed vantage vnto him before his conuersion vnto Christ the same things after his conuersion hee counted losse vnto him for Christ his sake Whence I obserue the great alteration and change which the spirit of God worketh in the heart and vnderstanding of him whom he vouchsa●eth to bring to the knowledge of God in Christ Iesus For vntill such time as the day-spring from on high doe visit vs and the day-starre of the sunne of righteousnesse arise in our hearts such blindnesse darknesse and ignorance possesse our vnderstandings as that we neither doe nor can perceiue the things of the spirit of God but both wee thinke and speake good of euill and euill of Good and iudge that to be vantage which is losse and that to be losse which is vantage This is plaine by that of the Apostle where he saith 1 Cor. 2.14 that the naturall man perceiueth not the things
the Pharisies where he telleth them that the Publicans and harlots shall goe before them into the kingdome of God Matt. 21 31. The meaning is not that the wicked and lewd life of the Publicans and harlots did more commend them vnto God then did the religious and strict life of the Pharisies but thereby our Sauiour giueth them to vnderstand that because of their conceit and confidence in their owne righteousnesse they were further from the kingdome of God then were the greatest sinners that were so that there was more hope of the greatest sinners that were that they would sooner come to repentance and sooner come vnto him then would they that had confidence in their owne workes and in their owne righteousnesse The more confidence then that we haue in our owne workes and in our owne righteousnesse the more strangers wee are from Christ and his righteousnesse If wee cleaue wholly to our workes as thinking to be iustified or saued by them wee are wholly separated from Christ Iesus and haue no part in that saluation which is by grace through faith in his name or if wee clea●● in part vnto our workes then doe wee diminish the glory of Christ Iesus Nay I say more if wee cleaue in part vnto our workes wee haue no part in Christ or in saluation by him Which I take it is plaine by that of our Apostle verse 3. of this chapter where hee saith Wee reioyce in Christ Iesus a●● haue no confidence in the flesh as if he should haue said If we● should haue confidence in the flesh then should wee not reioice in Christ Iesus The conclusion then must needs bee that all our workes by reposing confidence in them how good soeuer they seeme to be are indeed losse and hurtfull vnto vs. For what more hurtfull then to withhold vs from comming vnto Christ vnto these of the Apostle let mee adde a 3. respect wherein also euen all our workes generally are but losse and dung which is in respect of the quality of our works in themselues For if our best workes should be weighed in the ballance of the sanctuarie they would be found too light if they should be examined after the strict rule of Gods iustice they would make vs lift vp our voices with Dauid and say Psa 143.2 enter not into iudgement with thy seruant ô Lord for in thy sight shall no man liuing be iustified Iob. 14.4 For who can bring a cleane thing out of filthinesse there is not one that can do it How good therefore how righteous and holy soeuer we be yet must we know that all our righteousnesse is but as filthy clouts out of the Prophet Es 64.6 Whether therefore we compare our workes and our righteousnesse by workes with the knowledge of Christ and the righteousnesse which we haue by faith in his name or whether we respect the reposing of any part of our confidence in them or whether we respect our workes in themselues if they should be examined by the Law of God we see that they are no vantage but losse and as the Apostle tearmeth them dung Which doctrine how true and likewise how necessary it is the Apostle his insisting and beating vpon it doth euidently shew For ye see that the three seuerall repetitions hereof taketh vp this whole verse almost What then doe we condemne good workes doe we make this account of them that so we may banish them out of the country So some tell you but most vntruely For in all places wee exhort all men that they abound in euery good worke and we giue all encouragement thereunto Wee tell you that good workes are the way which God hath ordained that we should walke in vnto heauen and that without holinesse of life no man shall see the Lord wee tell you that God commandeth them that God rewardeth them that God is well pleased with them and that they are truely good workes though they be not perfectly good workes yea wee tell you that they are accounted vnto vs as perfectly good because whatsoeuer imperfection is in them is for Christ his sake couered and not imputed vnto vs. Thus wee haue learned and therefore thus we tell you Also we tell you that yee are not to repose any confidence of your saluation in them but all in Christ Iesus that they are to bee counted but losse and dung in comparison of the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus and of his righteousnesse that our workes be they neuer so good doe not make vs righteous before God that wee are saued not of workes but by grace through faith in Christ Iesus and that none of all our workes can abide the seueritie of Gods iudgement much lesse merit any grace at Gods hands Thus also we haue learned and therfore thus also we tell you And doe we condemne good workes because wee teach you the truth touching good workes We desire and we pray that ye may abound in all knowledge and in euery good worke but we are iealous that ye should not grow to an ouerwening conceit of them Good workes must be done but we must not trust to be iustified or saued by them because that honour onely belongeth vnto God Let this teach vs to renounce all confidence in our owne workes and in our owne righteousnesse whatsoeuer and to beware of them that tell vs that our workes are meritorious and worthy of heauen For if wee flatter our selues with a proud and pharisaicall conceit of our owne righteousnesse by our workes Luc. 18.14 we shall depart home iustified as the Pharisie W● must therefore come vnto Christ as the Publican confessing our owne vnrighteousnesse and acknowledging our owne nakednesse in our selues if we will be cloathed with the long white robe of his righteousnesse For hee filleth the hung●e with good thing● but sendeth away the rich emptie Hee came not to cal or to clothe the righteous in their own conce●● but he iustifieth the wicked and clotheth the naked For hee respecteth the humble and lowly but for the proud he beholdeth them a farre off Let vs therfore humble our selues in our selues and only reioyce in Christ Iesus If we do any thing that is good it is not of our selues but onely from grace and if we receiue a reward for any good that we doe it is not for the merit of the worke but of the mercie of the Lord for we must still hold that rule of our Sauiour that when wee haue done all that we can yet must we say Luc. 17.10 we are vnprofitable seruants we haue done that which was our dutie to doe Now vnprofitable seruants what merit they Or they which onely doe their duty what merit they Surely other merit of any works we know none but of death If therefore we will bee made righteous before God let vs renounce all merit of grace by our owne workes all confidence in our owne righceousnes Let vs abound in euery good worke but
of God then the greatest sinners that are because there is more hope of the greatest sinners that are that they will sooner come to Christ and sooner to repentance than those that haue such a conceit of their works and such a confidence in their owne righteousnesse by the workes of the law Such an enemy vnto Christ is confidence in any outward thing without Christ It staies vs from comming vnto Christ from the knowledge of Christ and from confidence in Christ Iesus for if we secure our selues and rest our selues in our selues we come not vnto Christ comming not vnto him we know him not knowing him not we repose not the confidence of our saluation in him In respect therefore of any confidence to be reposed in them we must iudge them losse and dunge This qualitie of confidence in them of trust to be made righteous by them is that that the Apostle disputes against and that that we must quite renounce Touching all outward things therefore without Christ whatsoeuer I say vnto you set not your hearts vpon them secure not your selues in them set not your affections vpon them repose no confidence in them Wealth honour strength wisdome knowledge righteousnesse and holinesse are the good gifts and blessings of the Lord inioy them thankfully and vse them to the honor glory of our God but be not puffed vp with any conceit of merit or confidence in these things For ho●soeuer they might happily seeme sometimes vantage vnt● you yet if yee become to the true knowledge of Christ Iesu● ye must iudge them to be losse dunge in respect of any confidence to be reposed in them Abound then in euery goo● worke to the glory of almighty God but repose no confidenc● of your saluation at all in any good that yee doe but onely in Christ Iesus 2. They are to be iudged losse and dunge in comparison of the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus For such is the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus that to gaine that we should sell all that euer we haue nay if we loose all that euer we haue we should not care if we gaine that The man yee know that is tossed and turmoyled with the troublesome stormes of the seas when it comes to that that either he must wracke and neuer come vnto the hauen or else he must disburden his ship of hir lading he quickly makes his choice and casts all into the sea and counts all but losse in comparison of his life So we see in Pauls dangerous voyage towards Rome when he and they that were with him were tossed with an exceeding tempest Act. 27.18.19 they lightned the ship and cast out with their owne hands the tackling of the ship choosing rather to lose all their wares and all that was in the ship then to lose their liues So wee in comparison of this excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus whom to know is life euerlasting must account of nothing that we haue in the world but in ech comparison of all other things with this we must count them all but losse in comparison of this yea we must make this account that it is better for vs vtterly to be despoiled and depriued of all things then of this one thing the knowledge of Christ Iesus Nay we must goe farther then the mariner or merchant for he casteth out his wares because he had rather liue though poorely then perish with his wares in the waters but he is so farre from contemning his wares or his wealth that when he comes vnto the hauen he sorrowes for his wealth perished in the waters But wee must contemne all other things and count them not onely as losse but as dung and most vile and abiect in comparison of the excellent knowledge of Christ and when wee haue lost all things if ●ee haue this excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus wee ●ust still so reioyce herein as that wee make no other ●count of all other things than trash and naught Albe● therefore it bee not alwaies needfull quite and vtterly to ●spossesse our selues of all outward things that we may come ●o the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus yet must we be ●us affected both towards the one and the other as that we ●oth more care for this than for all things else and con●emne and count all things else but dunge in comparison ●f this Which account that we may the rather make let vs in the ●hird place see what the excellencie and the vantage is of the ●nowledge of Christ Iesus Pro. 31.29 Many daughters haue done vertu●●y saith Salomon describing the conditions of a vertuous ●nd godly woman but thou surmountest them all So I say of ●nowledge many knowledges of many things are most ex●ellent and of rare commendation and to be sought after more than the most precious things else whatsoeuer but the knowledge of Christ Iesus farre excelleth and farre surmoun●eth them all This our Sauiour Christ plainely witnesseth where he saith vnto his Disciples Verily I say vnto you Mat. 13.17 that ma●y Prophets and righteous men haue desired to see those things which yee see and haue not seene them and to heare those things which yee heare and haue not heard them The Prophets and other holy men of God had seene long before in the spirit and by faith those things which the Disciples then saw for it is said that Abraham saw Christ his day and reioyced Joh. 8.56 he saw it a farre of with the eyes of faith and reioyced But our Sauiour farre preferreth the sight and hearing of him which now his Disciples had after his comming in the flesh before that which the Prophets and other holy men of God had of him before his comming in the flesh Which plainely sheweth that the knowledge of Christ Iesus by the light of the glorious Gospell farre excelleth that knowledge in the old Testament and much more all knowledge else whatsoeuer Much to the same purpose is that testimonie of our Sauiour touching Iohn Baptist where he maketh him the greatest of them that went before him Mat. 11.11 but the least in the kingdome of heauen to 〈◊〉 greater then hee was Whereas the meaning is that th● preaching of Iohn Baptist was much better and clearer tha● the preaching of the Prophets because he pointed at th● lambe of God now ready to be offered vp as a sacrifice forth● sins of the whole world and yet the preaching message o● euery Minister in the new Testament is better and clearer the● the preaching and message of Iohn Baptist because that by their message and ministerie the knowledge of Iesus Christ 〈◊〉 better and more clearely opened Yea and that which ye● more commendeth the excellencie of the knowledge o● Christ Iesus is that the Angels themselues desire to behold this mysterie of mans redemption and saluation by Christ Iesus which yet they see not but we see into by the knowledge of Christ Iesus reuealed in his glorious Gospell What
ye had neede to looke vnto it for the sicknesse is vnto death euen vnto the second death Haue ye surfeited of it and had too much of it quaisie stomackes and quickly surcharged Soone we haue too much of that whereof we can neuer haue enough When our Sauiour had told the woman of Samaria that whosoeuer should drinke of the water that he gaue him should neuer be more a thirst sir saith she giue me of the water that I may not thirst nor come hither to draw Joh. 4.14.15 Beloued we haue told you that the word which we bring vnto you is the word of life the word of your Saluation the word of your reconciliation and yet what slacknesse and negligence is there in comming to the hearing of this word few there are that come to beg this heauenly Manna few that come to take it when we reach it out vnto them Beloued againe we tell you that the knowledge of Christ Iesus wherein our hearts desire is to instruct you is your enterance into the possession of eternall life and Saluation it is as much as your life Saluation is worth will you liue the life of God in this life and for euer in the life to come come then and learne to know Christ Iesus come and learne to know what great things he hath done for you and what duetie againe he doth require of you If you be rich in this knowledge ye are rich indeed if ye be instructed in this knowledge ye are learned indeed if ye be mightie in this knowledge ye are mightie indeed If ye haue this ye want nothing if ye want this ye haue nothing O ye that will be rich and wealthy seeke after these riches ye that will be wise and learned seeke after this learning ye that will be great and mightie seeke to be mightie in this knowledge Whatsoeuer other wealth and riches ye haue whatsoeuer other wisedome or learning whatsoeuer other might or power all things are but losse and dung in comparison of the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus know him and know all things know not him and know nothing As therefore ye loue your saluation in Christ Iesus so labour to come vnto and to grow vp in the knowledge of Christ Iesus To know him is life eternall not to know him is death eternall Why will ye die when by the power of him ye may liue If yee know not ye shall die but know and liue One word of that which is added Of Christ Iesus my Lord. What doth the Apostle meane to call Iesus Christ his Lord Was he his Lord alone Was he not their Lord also to whom he wrote Why doth he not say of Iesus Christ our Lord If hee had liued now and spoken thus hee should haue had many such questions as these and he should haue beene sure of many sharpe censures for thus appropriating this title of Iesus Christ the Lord vnto himselfe But thus he spake in the vehemencie of his affection And if hee had now liued would hee haue spoken otherwise No though he had beene called Puritan for his paines I obserue it the rather to note what a strange humour wee are now growne vnto for if any man shall now say Forsake mee not O Lord my God Be mercifull vnto mee O Lord my God I thanke my God for his mercies I thinke all things losse for the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus my Lord is hee not nicked in the head by and by and noted for such a man Yea now it is almost come to passe that let a man be religious deuout in praier reuerent in hearing the word carefull to meditate thereon afterwards one that feareth an oath one that cannot patiently heare corrupt communication one that will not runne into the same excesse with others a Puritan I warrant him A pitifull case that a man speaking as the holy Ghost speaketh and doing as all men are commanded to doe should be branded with an odde and odious name I wish that we would all of vs both frame our speeches as the Holy Ghost hath taught vs and our actions as the Holy Ghost hath commanded vs more than we doe If any shall seeme vnto himselfe pure and holy the Lord shall iudge him wicked and impure But let euery one of vs study to be pure holy in all our words and in all our workes and let euery one of vs labour by all meanes to haue this testimonie sealed vnto our soules that Iesus Christ is our Lord. O Lord our God we humbly thanke thee for that knowledge of thy Son which thou hast already vouchsafed vnto vs. Vouchsafe we beseech thee to encrease in vs this knowledge daily more and more Open our dime eies we beseech thee that we may daily more and more see the excellencie and the vantage of this knowledge that so we may daily more and more grow vp in all loue thereof Purge vs we beseech thee of all such affections as may be any hinderances hereunto that so growing vp daily more and more in thee at length we may reigne with thee in the kingdome of thy sonne Christ Iesus for euer LECTVRE LV. PHILIP 3. Verse 9. And that I may be found in him i. not hauing mine owne righteousnesse which is of the Law but that which is through the faith of Christ c. NOw the Apostle goeth on beating still vpon the same reason why he counteth all his workes whatsoeuer and whensoeuer done and all outward things whatsoeuer to be but losse and dung I doe iudge them saith he to be dung euen contemptible and loathsome being so farre from being loth to lose them as that I despise and loath them why that I may winne Christ that is that I may haue the fruition and the possession of Christ in this life by faith and that I may be found in him in that last and great day how found in him to wit not hauing mine owne righteousnesse not clothed with mine owne righteousnesse which is of the Law that is by the obseruation and workes of the Law but being clothed with that righteousnesse which is not through workes but through the faith of Christ euen the righteousnesse which is of God through faith that is which God doth impute vnto mee through faith in Christ Iesus So that yee see the Apostle still runs vpon Christ Christ Christ for Christ for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ that he may winne Christ that he may be found in Christ he thinkes all his workes all things absolutely to be losse and iudgeth them to be dung I iudge them to be dung Here he plainly renounceth all confidence in all things without Christ whatsoeuer and plainly disclaimeth all vantage all merit all righteousnesse by his workes That I may winne Christ Here is the cause why he disclaimes all righteousnesse by his workes because otherwise he could not winne Christ for he doth it that he may winne Christ and may be found in him
This also is a part of the cause why hee disclaimes all righteousnesse by his workes because otherwise he could not be found in Christ in that day Why not What is it to be found in Christ The Apostle shewes that to be found in Christ is to bee found not clothed with his owne righteousnesse which is by the workes of the Law but clothed with that righteousnesse which is Christs and only ours through faith in Christ euen that righteousnesse which God doth impute vnto vs through faith in his name So that he that will be found in Christ in that day must disclaime his owne righteousnesse and renounce it as dung and rottennesse and must cleaue onely vnto the righteousnesse of Christ Iesus which God doth impute vnto him through faith in him The summe then of that which the Apostle tels the Philippians in these words is that hee now at this present in the state wherein hee now stands doth iudge all things euen his very best present workes to be so farre from any part of his righteousnesse as that he iudgeth them to bee dung euen vile and contemptible so that hee doth disclaime all righteousnesse by them that he may winne Christ that is that he may be more and more neerely incorporated into him and possessed of his righteousnesse by faith and that hee may be found in that last and great day not in Moses but in Christ that is not hauing his owne righteousnesse which is of the Law as his garment to stand before the Lord withall but hauing that righteousnesse to be clothed with which is indeed Christs and his through the faith of Christ euen that righteousnesse which God doth impute vnto him through faith in Christ his name This I say I take to be the summe of that which the Apostle tels the Philippians in these words So that yee see here is first a disclaiming of his owne righteousnesse by workes in that he iudgeth them to be dung 2. A reason why hee so iudgeth them and so disclaimes them that he may winne Christ and may be found in him thirdly an explication what it is to be found in Christ by a distinction of righteousnesse into his owne and Christs where hee saith not hauing mine owne c. Now let vs see what obseruations may hence be gathered First it is not vnworthy our noting that the Apostle goeth ouer and ouer these points so often as if he could neuer satisfie himselfe with disclaiming all righteousnesse by any works and proclaiming Christ alone to be all his righteousnesse In the former verse hee disclaimeth all his workes done before his conuersion as no vantage but losse vnto him and maketh Christ all his vantage either for righteousnesse or saluation In this verse three seuerall times he disclaimeth all his workes generally whether done before or after his conuersion as touching any righteousnesse by them and againe so many times auoucheth in effect Christ Iesus alone to bee all his righteousnesse Whence I obserue both the difficultie and the necessitie of enforcing these points A difficult and hard matter it is when we haue done any thing well when we haue walked faithfully in our calling when we haue releiued the oppressed iudged the father-lesse defended the widow when wee haue humbled our selues in praier chastened our selues with fasting absteined from the delights of the world or pleasures of the flesh c. a difficult and hard matter I say it is herein not to please our selues not somewhat to be puffed vp with these things not to haue some conceit of merit and righteousnesse by these things A difficult matter to perswade vs that these things are no vantage vnto vs vnto iustification or saluation A difficult matter to perswade vs that these things are but losse and dung things vile and contemptible And yet necessarie it is that we be thus perswaded of these and the like things as touching any confidence of our righteousnesse or saluation by them and that we count Christ alone all our righteousnesse and the horne of our saluation And therefore the Apostle knowing both the difficultie and yet the necessitie of perswading this beateth vpon it twise thrise often that he did thus and thus and therefore the Philippians should doe so This should teach vs with great diligence to obserue and marke the things that are so much and so often beaten vpon as things which either we are dull to comprehend or vnwilling to yeeld vnto and yet things which are as most certaine for their truth so most necessarie for their vse for albeit all the things in the whole booke of God be of such importance as that they are most worthie of our due meditation and diligent obseruation as able to make vs wise vnto saluation yet when things are so much vrged and so often beaten vpon we are to thinke that it is not without great cause that they are so pressed and therefore that they are with greater attention and heedfulnesse to be marked by vs. As therefore we are with all diligence to obserue whatsoeuer is written because all things are written for our learning so let vs with all diligence obserue the things so often vrged It may be that they are so often vrged because of our dulnesse to comprehend them it may be because of our vnwillingnesse to yeeld vnto them it may be because of the vnfeined assent that we should yeeld vnto the truth of them it may be because of the necessarie vse that there is of them Surely they are not so much vrged without great and vrgent cause And so for these points heere beaten vpon let vs assure our selues both that it is most true that our works are no part of our righteousnesse but Christ our whole righteousnesse and that it necessarily behooueth vs to be throughly perswaded thereof How good soeuer therefore our workes seeme vnto vs and how difficult soeuer it be to perswade vs that our very best workes are to be iudged but losse and dung yet seeing the Apostle so often tels vs that he iudged so of his best workes let there be the same minde in vs that was in him and let vs iudge so to 2. In that the Apostle saith and doe iudge them to be dunge I note the Apostles present iudgement of his present workes He now at this present in the state wherein he now stands doth iudge all things euen his very best present workes to bee so farre from being any part of his righteousnesse as that hee iudgeth them to be dung euen vile and contemptible so full of pollution and vncleanesse as that there is no reckoning to be made of them in respect of any righteousnesse by them but rather they are to be contemned as vncleanesse Whence I obserue that our very best workes such as are wrought after our knowledge of Christ Iesus and faith in his name are no part of that righteousnesse whereby we are accounted righteous before God Great difference I know there is betweene
promise sake who both worketh in vs and crowneth his one workes in vs. Fourthly where they aske what iust iudge will vouchsafe to giue a crowne vnto dung we answere none will doe it But the most righteous iudge the Lord of heauen and earth because he is righteous and keepeth promise for euer giueth a crowne vnto our good workes not as they are dung not as they are poisoned tempered with that qualitie of confidence in them but as they are the worke of his spirit in vs. 5. Where they aske what thanks we owe vnto God for creating vs vnto good workes if they be nothing else but dung we answer that it is their shamefull abusing of the world to say that we iudge thē to be nothing else but dung In respect of that qualitie we say that they are to be iudged losse dung but in respect of their substance we say that they are good and that we are to glorifie God by walking in such good works as he hath ordeined vs to walke in Lastly where they say that if the good workes of the faithfull be but losse and dung then are not good workes to be done or liked but to be disliked neglected we say the same But who are they that say that the good workes of the faithfull are nothing else but losse and dung Because we do not inuest them into the glory of Christ Iesus because wee doe not make them any part of our righteousnesse before God because we stand not vpon any merit of saluation by them doe we therefore say that they are nothing else but losse and dung Thus indeed they beare the world in hand and thus they lead captiue many poore and ignorant soules into many grieuous and noisome errors But marke men and brethren what it is that we say we say that good works in respect of the substance of the action are good works a sweet smelling odor a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing vnto God and such as God hath ordeined vs to walke in vnto life and saluation only in respect of any merit or confidence of righteousnesse or saluation we say they are to be iudged but losse and dung See then and iudge betweene vs and them whether we say simply that they are but losse and dung These are they that with fained words make marchandize of your soules whose iudgement long agone is not farre of and whose damnation sleepeth not By this iudge of the rest and as they deserue in this so let them be credited in the rest By the circumstance of the place ye see the necessarie collection of the Doctrine deliuered and how the gaine-sayers doe falsifie the meaning of the Apostle Let this then serue to instruct vs in the true vse of good workes They are the way which God hath ordained that we should walke in to the glory of his name and to the saluation of our owne soules as both that exhortation of our Sauiour proueth where it is said Matt. 5.16 let your light so shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your father which is in heauen and likewise that saying of the Apostle where he saith that we are the workeman-ship of God created vnto good workes ●ph 2.10 which he hath ordained that we should walke in them But they are no part of that righteousnesse whereby we are made righteous before God 1 Cor. 1.30 1 Ioh. 1.7 For Christ alone it is that is made of God vnto vs wisedome and righteousnesse sanctification and redemption it is the blood of Christ Iesus that clenseth vs from all sinne Esa 64 6. Our very best workes and all our righteousnesse as the Prophet witnesseth is but as filthie clouts and touching them when we haue done all that we can we must say as our Sauiour willeth vs we are vnprofitable seruants Luk. 17.10 we haue done that which was our dutie to doe Heb. 12.14 Let vs therefore walke before the Lord in holinesse and in righteousnesse all the daies of our life For without holinesse of life no man shall see the Lord. But let no man be puft vp with any conceit of his owne righteousnesse by his holinesse for if he iustifie himselfe his owne mouth shall condemne him Iob 9 20. and if he say that he is perfect the Lord shall iudge him wicked Our good workes are the fruits of our faith and the effects of our iustification by faith declaring and testifying that we are iustified before God Let vs therefore abound in euery good worke that we may haue the testimonie of our faith and of our iustification sealed vp vnto our soules But let vs not so please our selues in all the good that we do as that we count our selues righteous thereby Jam for in many things we sinne all and he that faileth in one point of the law he is guiltie of all If we will be righteous before God we must lay away all Pharisaicall conceit of our owne righteousnesse by workes and in stead thereof we must take vp the praier of the poore Publican Luk 18.13 and crie O God be mercifull vnto me a sinner And of this let vs assure our selues that the more holy and the better that any man is the more readily he confesseth his sins vnto the Lord and acknowledgeth his vnrighteousnes in his sight It is most damnable pride that makes vs rush into part with Christ and to part stakes with him Let vs therefore with the Apostle make Christ all our righteousnesse and account our owne righteousnes which is by works to be but losse dung and no vantage at all either vnto iustification or saluation Thirdly in that the Appostle saith that he iudgeth them to be dung that he may winne Christ I note the reason why he iudgeth all things to be dung which is that he might win Christ as if he should say that vnlesse he iudged all things to be dung hee could not winne Christ hee could not be throughly engraffed into Christ to be partaker of his righteousnesse Whence I obserue that either we must disclaime all righteousnesse by any workes of our owne or else we cannot be pertakers of the righteousnesse of Christ Iesus either we must iudge our owne workes whatsoeuer to be losse and dung or else we cannot winne Christ This also the Apostle sheweth in another place where he saith that vnto him that worketh not Rom. 4.5 but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is counted for his righteousnesse to him that worketh not .i. to him that dependeth not on his workes to him that standeth not vpon the merits of his workes to him that make not his workes his righteousnesse to him his faith is counted for righteousnesse But to him that worketh the wages is not counted by fauour but by debt to him that worketh that is to him that dependeth on his workes that standeth vpon the merit of his workes and thinkes to be
iustified by them his wages is not counted by fauour but by debt and is not iustified by grace through faith Who then are iustified by faith euen they that disclaime righteousnesse by workes And who are they that are not iustified by grace through faith euen they that stand vpon their righteousnesse by their workes Wilt thou be pertaker of Christ his righteousnesse by faith thou must disclaime all righteousnesse by thy workes Wilt thou stand vpon thy righteousnesse by thy works thou canst not be pertaker of the righteousnesse of Christ by faith For there is no communion or fellowship betwixt them but as the Apostle saith of the election of the Iewes so I say of our iustification by the righteousnesse of Christ Iesus if we be pertakers of Christ his righteousnesse if we be iustified by grace Rom. 11.6 then not of workes or else were grace no more grace but if of workes it is no more grace or else were worke no more worke Wee must therefore disclaime all righteousnesse by workes if we will lay any claime vnto righteousnesse by Christ we must iudge all our workes to be losse and dung if we will winne Christ Let this then teach vs to beat downe euery thought and euery imagination of our hearts that exalteth it selfe against God and to bring into captiuitie euery thought vnto the obedience of Christ Let vs not thinke of the best workes that we doe aboue that is meet neither let vs beare our selues vpon them aboue that wee ought Let vs be filled with the fruits of righteousnesse but let vs not thinke them any part of our righ●eousnesse before God If wee will be righteous before God we must be clothed with Christ his righteousnesse We cannot lay any claime vnto Christ his righteousnesse vnlesse we will disclaime our owne righteousnesse Let vs therefore humble our selues before God let vs acknowledge our selues to be sinners and the best things that wee doe to be so full of pollutions and imperfections that they cannot possibly abide the triall of Gods iudgement And seeing wee cannot winne Christ and be partakers of his righteousnesse vnlesse we iudge all things without him to be but losse and dung let vs with the Apostle iudge them to be dung that wee may win Christ let vs disclaime all righteousnesse by them that wee may bee clad with the righteousnesse of Christ So shall our vnrighteousnesse be hid and our sinnes couered and whatsoeuer imperfection is in vs it shall not be imputed vnto vs. Fourthly in that he addeth and may be found in him I note that another branch of his reason why hee iudgeth all things and so all his workes to be dung is that he might be found in Christ that is that when God shall come to iudge both the quicke and the dead and enquirie shall be made what euery man hath done in his body hee may be found in Christ not in Moses not in the flesh not in any thing but in Christ Whence I obserue that either wee must renounce all confidence in our owne righteousnesse and iudge euen our very best workes in that respect to be but losse and dung or else w● shall not be found in Christ in that last and great day For that which our Sauiour Christ spake in the dayes of his flesh vnto his Disciples then present with him hath now also his vse to this our purpose Mat. 16.24 If any man saith hee will follow mee let him forsake himselfe and take vp his crosse and follow mee Let him forsake himselfe Luk 14.33 that is let him forsake all that hee hath as Luke expoundeth it all outward prerogatiues touching the flesh In which place he signifieth that he that would bee his disciple must put off all carnall affections and renounce all carnall confidence and so reioyce in him alone as that no crosse nor any thing shall take his reioycing from him And euen so he that will be found in Christ in that day he must so reioice in Christ alone as that he haue confidence in nothing else but iudge them all to be losse and dung Otherwise as well might he be Christ his disciple which did not forsake all as hee may bee found in Christ in that day which doth no● iudge all his workes to be losse and dung in respect of any righteousnesse by them Let this also be another motiue vnto vs to disclaime all righteousnesse by our workes for as there is no righteousnesse by faith vnto him that claimeth righteousnesse by his workes as before wee heard so is there no saluation in that day vnto him that reposeth any confidence of his righteousnesse in his workes There is no condemnation saith the Apostle Rom. 8.1 to them that are in Christ Iesus Which as it is true in this life that they that are ingrafted into him by faith are freed from the Law of sinne and of death and so of condemnation so is it true that they that shall bee found in Christ Iesus in that day shall bee freed from the sentence of condemnation That therefore we may bee found in him and so freed from condemnation in ●hat day let vs with the Apostle iudge euen our best workes ●o be but losse and dung and disclaime all righteousnesse by our workes And surely this hath so preuailed with many great maintainers of iustification by workes that when death hath ●ummoned their iudgement and appearance they haue dis●laimed all their owne works and all righteousnesse by them ●nd with heart and voice desired to be found in Christ in that ●ay I should now shew how wee may bee found in Christ in ●hat day O Lord our God open our eyes wee beseech thee that we ●ay daily more and more see and behold those infinite trea●ures of righteousnesse and saluation which are laid vp for vs in ●hy Sonne Christ Iesus As thou hast vouchsafed to make him ●nto vs righteousnesse and saluation so giue vs an heart to ac●nowledge him our whole righteousnesse and the horne of ●ur saluation that disclaiming all righteousnesse by any works ●f our owne wee may daily more and more grow vp in thy ●onne and in that last and great day may be found in him LECTVRE LVI PHILIP 3. Verse 9. Not hauing mine owne righteousnesse which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ euen the righteosnesse c. NOw the Apostle goeth forward and hauing made this one branch of his reason why hee iudged all his workes generally to be dung that hee might hee found in Christ in that day now hee explicateth that phrase and manner of speech and shewes what it is to be found in Christ in that day which is to be found not hauing his owne righteousnesse which is of the Law but that which is through the faith of Christ c. Why then doth the Apostle iudge all things to be dung He doth so that he may be found in Christ in that day Yea but what needed him
instruction Not as though c. Here you see that the Apostle acknowledgeth that as yet hee had not attained to the full knowledge of Christ to a thorow-feeling of the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection in himselfe to a perfect fellowship of Christ his afflictions He laboured to attaine to the resurrection of the dead in glory by communicating with Christ in his afflictions by dying vnto sinne and liuing vnto God through the power of Christ his death and resurrection by knowing Christ with a feeling knowledge of him in his owne soule But hee saith that he hath not yet perfectly attained vnto these thing● whereby he might attaine vnto the resurrection of the dead And he amplifieth it by this particle Now saying that now be had not attained vnto these things now that hee had shaken off all impediments and hinderances vnto perfection in these things now that he had renounced all confidence in his owne workes and in all things without Christ now that he laboured to attaine to the knowledge of Christ in his owne soule to the knowledge of the vertue of Christ his resurrection to the knowledge of the fellowship of Christ his afflictions in himselfe if by any meanes he might attaine to the resurrection of the dead yet not as yet he had attained to the full knowledge of Christ in himselfe to a thorow-feeling of the vertue of Christ his resurrection in himselfe to a perfect fellowship of Christ his afflictions My obseruation hence is that all the faithfull children of God how plentifully soeuer endowed with the knowledge of Christ the hatred of sinne the loue of righteousnesse the fellowship of Christ his afflictions yet only know Christ in this life in part onely die vnto sinne and liue vnto God and are partakers of Christ his afflictions in part not one that perfectly knoweth Christ that perfectly feeleth the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection in himselfe that is perfectly partaker of Christ his afflictions For is it not a good reason Paul that holy Apostle of Christ Iesus that chosen vessell of God to beare Christ his name before the Gentiles and Kings and the children of Israel aged Paul that had begotten many in the faith and knowledge of Christ Iesus that had now long borne in his body the dying of Christ Iesus that had his conuersation in heauen that had suffered more then all the rest he I say knew Christ and the vertue of his resurrection and the fellowship of his afflictions onely in part not perfectly therefore none of all the faithfull children of God in this life either knowes Christ or dies to sinne or liues to God or is conformed by afflictions and sufferings vnto Christ his death perfectly but only in part Yes surely the reason holds most strongly Pauls prerogatiues being not any way inferiour to any of the best and most faithfull children of God Now the reason why in this life our knowledge our loue our faith our death vnto sinne our life vnto God our whole obedience all our righteousnesse all our holinesse is in part only why these things in this life are not perfect in any of the children of God the reason I say is because our regeneration and sanctification in this life are not perfect wee are not perfectly renewed in the spirit of our mindes God giueth vnto vs the spirit by measure Joh. 3 34. Rom. 12.3 for vnto Christ alone hath God giuen the spirit without measure but vnto euery one of vs hee hath giuen the spirit by measure Hee is made of God vnto vs wisdome and righteousnesse and sanctification in him dwelleth all the fulnesse of these things plentifully and of his fulnesse we all receiue not fulnesse of his fulnesse but of his fulnesse of the spirit and all spirituall graces wee receiue as it were the first fruits of the spirit and of all spirituall graces wherewith then only wee shall be filled when mortalitie shall put on immortalitie and when corruption shall put on incorruption Which the Apostle also witnesseth where hee saith 1 Cor. 13.12 that now wee see through a glasse darkly but then shall wee see face to face now wee know in part but then shall wee know euen as wee are knowne no● in this life in part and imperfectly and then onely when wee shall see Christ face to face shall we know him perfectly For when that which is perfect is come then shall that which is in part be abolished but not before Neither is it only so in our knowledge but in our faith in our loue euen in our whole obedience Paul himselfe while he liues shall haue messenger of Satan to buffet him hee shall haue prickes in the flesh and hee shall feele a law in his members rebelling against the law of his minde and leading him captiue vnto the law of sinne which is in his members Here then first is notably confuted that imaginarie perfection which some dreame that the children of God may haue in this life This holy Apostle attained not vnto the perfection either of the knowledge of Christ or of obedience vnto his will what perfection then can there be in any of Gods children in this life They say that no man indeede can attaine to that absolute perfection either of that knowledge or of that righteousnesse which shall be in heauen but that they may attaine vnto such perfection as is required in this life As if either God might not require of vs in this life such perfection as he gaue vnto vs in our creation or as if where such remnants of sinne and ignorance are as sticke fast vnto vs there could be such perfection Gal. 3.22 For I demand hath God concluded all vnder sinne The Apostle Paul saith so and Iohn likewise saith 1 Ioh. 1.8 that if wee say wee haue no sinne wee deceiue our selues and the truth is not in vs. What perfection then where there is such transgression Againe did not God create vs after his owne image in righteousnesse and true holinesse without sinne or ignorance or any such thing It is cleere and cannot be denied And what was our perfection then Now that ignorance hath blinded vs and sinne hath defiled vs haue we such perfection now Or may not God require such perfection of vs now in this life How did wee lose it Was it 〈◊〉 by our owne default And may not then God require it of v● True it is he cannot haue it of vs because we haue lost it B● because wee haue lost it should wee not haue it Yes surely wee haue lost it but wee should haue it and therefore he may require it of vs wee should haue it but wee haue lost it therefore is the punishment due vnto vs for it True it is wee are often exhorted to be perfect but those exhortations onely shew vnto vs what perfection should be in vs not what perfection is in vs. Yea the whole Law is a perfect rule not of
mercies towards vs. It was not then the sinnes ●hich he had done which he forgat but he forgat euen all the ●od things that he had done lest by taking too great plea●●re in the remembrance of them hee should not follow so ●●rd towards the marke as he ought Yea but if hee forgat all ●e good things that he had done how doth hee so often re●ember them in diuers his epistles I haue saith he Rom 15.17 whereof may reioyce in Christ Iesus in those things which pertaine to God ●nd then hee speakes of the obedience of the Gentiles by his ●inisterie and of his diligence in preaching where Christ had ●ot beene named c. And againe 1 Cor. 15.10 His grace saith he in mee ●s not in vaine but I laboured more abundantly then they all ●nd in his latter epistle he shewed himselfe so little forgetfull 〈◊〉 them 2 Cor. 11. that he makes a large bedrowle of such things as hee ●●d suffered for Christ his sake True indeed he forgat them ●ot when the remembrance of them did make for the glory ●f Christ Iesus or the necessary defence o● his ministerie and ●postleship but he forgat them in respect of any such vse as ●e false teachers taught to make of such things Hee was not ●●oud of them he challenged no perfection by them he repo●●d no confidence in them he did not thinke of any merit by ●●em but in these respects he quite forgat them lest by such ●●membrance of them he should be hindered in the race that ●e was running Thus then yee how see how the Apostle running 〈◊〉 his race did forget that which was behinde And hence I obserue that in the Christian race which wee ●e to runne wee are not to looke backe on the pleasures of ●e flesh or the things of the world or any good that we haue ●one to repose any confidence therein but wee are quite to ●orget euery thing which any way may hinder vs in our race ●owards the marke that is set before vs. For as our Sauiour ●●ith No man that putteth his hand to the plough and looketh ●●cke is apt to the kingdome of God Remember Lots wife shee ●●rned backe and was turned into a pillar of salt Remember the ●hildren of Israel Num. 1 they turned backe in their hearts after the ●esh-pots of Egypt and they were ouerthrowne in the wilder●esse Are yee so foolish saith the Apostle to the Galatians G●● that ●fter yee haue begunne in the spirit yee would now be made perf ct by the flesh 2 Pet. 2.20 21. It had beene better saith Peter not to haue knowne the way of righteousnesse then after wee haue knowne it to turn● away from the holy commandement The reason is giuen by the same Apostle For if after wee haue escaped from the filthinesse of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and of the Sauiour Iesus Christ wee be yet againe tangled therein and ouercome the latter end is worse then the beginning Being then in the race of the spirit we may not looke backe vnto the flesh and hauing tasted of the good word of God we may not turne away from the holy commandement lest a worse thing come vnto vs. Now then will yee know who they are that looke backe and turne aside out of the right way wherein they should walke Surely all they that set their affections on the things which are on the earth and not on the things which are aboue for hauing giuen our names vnto God in our Baptisme we haue renounced the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life the things of the world the deuill and all his workes If then wee shall suffer our selues to be snared with any of these wee looke backe yea if wee loue father or mother if wee loue wife or children more then Christ wee looke backe ye● 〈◊〉 wee repose any confidence in any good that we haue done or in any crosse that wee haue suffered wee looke backe wee doe not forget that which is behinde for so saith our Sauiour He that loueth father or mother Matt. 10.37 sonne or daughter more then mee i● not worthy of mee Not worthy of him Why Because when he should looke forward vnto Christ hee lookes backe vnto these Rom 9.32 And the Apostle saith that Israel attained not vnto the Law of righteousnesse because they sought it not by faith but as it were by the workes of the Law that is because they looked not straight forward with the eyes of faith vnto Iesus the author and finisher of our faith but looked backe vpon the merits of their workes to be made righteous thereby They reposed the confidence of their righteousnesse in the workes of the Law and therein looked backe vnto the Law when they should haue looked forward by faith vnto Christ So that if wee repose any confidence in our workes like ill runners wee look● backe What shall wee say then vnto those merit-mongers that looke to gaine heauen by the merit of their workes They ●●ke pleasure in such workes as they haue done they are as ●uch in loue with them as euer Samson was with Delilah Iudg. 16. they 〈◊〉 their life in the lappe of their workes and reioyce in them in the crowne of their life Iudge then how they runne in ●e Christian race whether they haue forgotten all behinde ●em whether they looke not backe vnto that which is be●●nde You will easily iudge and ye will easily see that because ●ey sleepe on the knees of their workes as of their Delilah ●●d lay their life in the lappe of their workes they are very ●●e to be betraied into the hands of their cruell enemies the ●euill and his Angels and to haue farre lesse comfort of their ●e then euer had Samson What shall we say likewise vnto those that with Demas em●●ace this present world and incline their hearts vnto coue●●usnesse which is idolatrie Vnto those that liue at ease in ●●on and eat and drinke and fill themselues with pleasures ●retching themselues vpon their beds rising vp to play sing●●g to the sound of the Viole inuenting to themselues instru●ents of musicke and in a word so liuing as if they thought ●●at either now they must take their pleasure or else they ●ust neuer haue it Are not all these badde runners Haue ●hese forgotten that which is behinde Doe they not looke ●acke The point is easily answered it is a cleere case Yea ●any bad runners there are in the Christian race euen so ma●y as there are lookers backe vnto honour wealth pleasure ●rofit ease fauour and whatsoeuer the world esteemeth of As for vs men and brethren let vs so runne that wee may ob●aine and therefore let vs cast away euery thing that presseth ●owne and the sinne that hangeth so fast on let vs abandon ●uery thing which may hinder vs in our race let vs not looke ●acke vnto honours riches pleasures profits
many which made merchandize of the word of God many which were disobedient and vaine talkers and deceiuers o● mindes How often doth Iohn complaine of many Antichrists many false Prophets Nay in what age hath not the litle flocke of Christ liued in the middest of a naughty and crooked nation beset with a world of wickednesse and wicked men Where Christ hath his Church there the Deuil● hath more then a chappell euen 500 synagogues his instruments to worke his will so farre as they can So that if wee follow the most we shall commonly follow the worst A good hold then haue they of it that make this to be one of the notes of their Church Christ calls his Church a litle flocke and Esay calls it a litle remnant and Ieremie a small ●eede But well may shee stand on her multitude that hath made all nations drunken with the wine of the wrath of her fornications and so let her doe till the smoke of her burning ascend But why or whence is it that we in our ordinarie life stand so much vpon the multitude What more common amongst vs then to say that we will doe as the most doe we will not single our selues from the rest c Nay is not that profane and wicked speech often heard amongst vs that it is good going with companie though it be to the Deuill But beloued our God hath taught vs another lesson Exod. 23.2 Thou shalt not saith he follow a multitude to doe euill neither agree in a controuersie to decline after many to ouerthrow the truth And our Apostle here tells vs that many walke that are the enemies of the crosse of Christ but we may not walke after them but after him and such as he is For we are not to looke how many doe walke thus and thus but who walke as they should not how many walke in this or that way but what the way is wherein they doe walke And though all the rest bow the knee to Baal yet we may not though all the nations of the earth fall downe before the beast and worship yet may not we What if in an election of an officer and magistrate the rest or farre the greater part consent vpon an vnfit man yet may not I. O but I shall make my selfe odious if I single out my selfe from the rest and preuaile neuer a whit Yea but good Prophet Michaiah stood vpon no such points 1 Reg. 22. but that though hee should by standing single against 400 false prophets become odious vnto Ahab the King and all the Prophets and not preuaile yet he spake the truth Here I haue a good example I must walke as I haue him for an ensample And so generally let vs not looke how many doe thus or how we may preuaile if we single our selues but let vs doe as we ought whatsoeuer come of it and howsoeuer all do otherwise Et hoc sciamus fortiorem esse qui pro nobis est quam qui contra nos sunt omnes And this let vs know that he is stronger who is for vs then all they who are against vs. LECTVRE LXIX PHILIP 3. Verse 18.19 That they are the enemies of the crosse of Christ whose end is damnation whose God is their belly c. THus farre we haue already proceeded in this first reason of the Apostles which he vsed to moue the Philippians to follow him and such as he was for many walke of whom I haue told you often and now tell you weeping c. Now follow the fiue notes whereby the Apostle describeth these many walkers of whom he had told them often and now told them weeping The first note whereby he describeth them is that they are the enemies of the crosse of Christ Which branch of his reason might well stand for a sufficient reason with the Philippians to moue them not to walke after these but to follow him and to walke so as they had him for an ensample Now the Apostle calleth them the enemies of the crosse of Christ in two respects 1. Because by vrging the necessitie of circumcision and the workes of the law vnto righteousnesse and saluation they made the crosse of Christ to be of none effect and abolished the worke of our redemption by the bloud of Christ Iesus 2. Because they would not suffer persecution for the crosse of Christ and therefore applied themselues to the humor of the Iewes and preached vnto them circumcision and the law For thus both in doctrine detracting from the merits of Christ his crosse and redemption by his bloud and likewise in life following after carnall securitie and auoyding persecution for Christ crucified they shewed themselues to be enemies vnto the crosse of Christ Hence then I obserue who they be that be the enemies of the crosse of Christ namely they that in their doctrine detract from the merits of Christ his crosse and the worke of our redemption by the bloud of Christ Iesus finished vpon the crosse and they likewise that in their life follow after carnall delicacie and flie persecution for the crosse of Christ for Christ crucified euen both these sorts of men are enemies vnto the crosse of Christ For touching the first sort of men must not they needs be counted the enemies of the crosse of Christ that in their doctrine make the crosse of Christ to be of none effect And doe not they in their doctrine make the crosse of Christ to be of none effect that teach righteousnes redemption or saluation to be any otherwise then by the onely merits of Christ his crosse and faith in his bloud The Apostle saith if righteousnesse be by the Law that is Gal. 2.21 if we may be made righteous by any worke which we can doe according to the law by the feare of God the loue of God the loue of our neighbour or any thing commanded in the morall law of God then Christ died without a cause and in vaine For to this end as the Apostle sheweth Rom. 8.3.4 God sent his Sonne in the similitude of sinfull flesh and for sinne condemned sinne in the flesh that the righteousnesse of the Law might be fulfilled in vs. Where the meaning is that therefore Christ was sent to fulfill all righteousnesse in our flesh and to die for vs because we were vnable to fulfill the law to be made righteous by it or to saue our soules from death For if we had beene able to purchase righteousnes by our owne workes or to saue our soules from death then what needed Christ to haue come in the flesh or to haue died for vs It had beene in vaine and vnprofitable They then that teach righteousnesse to be by the law or any thing that we can doe they make the death of Christ and his resurrection his victorie his kingdome his glory himselfe vnprofitable and of none effect and so are enemies of the crosse of Christ So againe the Apostle saith yee are abolished from
Christ whosoeuer are iustified by the law Gal. 5.4 yee are fallen from grace Where the meaning is that they are vtterly voide of Christ and not in the kingdome of grace they abolish righteousnesse redemption and saluation by Christ and haue no part in the death and resurrection of Christ that seeke to be made righteous or to purchase saluation by the works of the law Whereupon againe it followeth that they that teach righteousnesse or saluation to be by the law mak● Christ vnprofitable and abolish the merit of our redemptio● by his bloud and so in their doctrine are enemies vnto th● crosse of Christ Will yee then know who they are that are the enemies o● the crosse of Christ at this day that yee may not follow them or walke as they doe Marke then who they are that in thei● doctrine are iniurious to the crosse of Christ Who are they that teach that we are iustified by our owne works done according to the law and not by the alone righteousnesse of Christ Iesus which he finished vpon his crosse Who are they that teach that our sinnes are forgiuen by bulls and pardons and pilgrimages and not by the alone bloud of Christ Iesus Who are they that teach propitiatorie sacrifices for the quicke and the dead other then that one sacrifice of Christ Iesus once offered vpon the crosse whereby he hath obtained eternall redemption for vs Who are they that teach invocation vnto and intercession by Saints or Angels or any other then him that by his owne bloud hath entred in once vnto the holy place and is set at the right hand of God to make continuall intercession for vs Marke who they be that be such and see whether that they be not the enemies of the crosse of Christ whether any be so iniurious vnto the crosse of Christ as they be O but some will say that these whom I now note be the onely friends of the crosse of Christ For doe not they worship the crosse of Christ euen with holy worship Doe not they set it in their temples in the high waies and in euery place bow downe vnto it Doe not they adorne it with gold and siluer and all costly precious stones Doe not their great ones cause it in all celebritie and pompe to be caried before them Doe they not at all times when they come out of their houses when they come into the Churches when they addresse themselues almost vnto any thing signe themselues with the signe of the crosse in honor of the crosse of Christ True it is they whom I note doe thus and yet these be they that be the enemies of the crosse of Christ For to doe thus and with these foolish outward semblances and may-games to deceiue the world is not to glory in the crosse of Christ or to be a friend of the crosse of Christ but to teach Christ Iesus purely and sincerely to giue vnto Christ crucified the full and whole honor of our redemption iustification and saluation which they doe not this is to be a true friend of the crosse of Christ for this is to beleeue and know Christ crucified There was a time indeed when the crosse of Christ was most odious and opprobrious and when to preach or beleeue in Christ crucified was most ridiculous And if these crosse and grosse idolaters had liued then it may well be thought that they would haue beene crosse and grosse persecutors But now when we glory in nothing more than to know Christ and him crucified in such pompous sort and vaine gesticulations to celebrate the crosse and to detract from the merits of Christ crucified is to be iniurious vnto the crosse of Christ to be an enemie of the crosse of Christ Yea what else is such adoration and worship of the crosse as they vse but most grosse and impious idolatry Take heede therefore of such marke well who they be Many such there be but take heede and beware of them for they are the enemies c. Another sort of men likewise there are enemies vnto the crosse of Christ and those are such as in their life follow after carnall delicacies and flie persecution for the crosse of Christ for Christ crucified Of such the Apostle speaketh where he saith As many as desire to make a faire shew in the flesh Gal. 6.12 they constraine you to be circumcised only because they would not suffer persecution for the crosse of Christ In which place the Apostle sheweth the cause why the false teachers preached and vrged circumcision and the Law And this it was The Iewes still obiected both vnto our Sauiour Christ and vnto his Apostles that they taught things contrary to the Law and to the ordinances of Moses for so wee see it was in the accusation of our Sauiour before his arraignment that hee moued the people Luc. 23.5 teaching throughout all Iudea they meant strange doctrine beginning at Galile euen to this place It was likewise in the accusation of Stephen when he was stoned to death Act. 6.14 that hee preached that Iesus of Nazaret should change the ordinances which Moses gaue them And for this they were ready to kill Paul 21.28 that hee taught as they said all men euery where against the Law The false teachers therefore seeing that the Iewes stood vpon Moses and the Law and that they persecuted them that preached Christ sincerely euen to the death ioyned in their preaching of Christ circumcision and the Law vnto Christ that so applying themselues vnto the humour of the Iewes they might auoid persecution for the crosse of Christ or for preaching sincerely Christ crucified And these are they that the Apostle cals here the enemies of the crosse of Christ because to please the humour of the Iewes to liue at ease and pleasure and to auoid persecution they made marchandise of the word of God and preached Christ not sincerely but so as they might keepe themselues without gunshot of any danger Will yee then know what other enemies there bee of the crosse of Christ at this day that yee may beware also to walke as they doe Marke then who they are that to auoid the danger which often followeth vpon the preaching of Christ purely fit themselues vnto the humours of men and so preach that they may please or at least not displease Who are they that turne with euery winde and rather then they will hazard life goods or name will iumpe in religion iust with the King of what religion soeuer he be Who are they that to auoid it may be only supposed dangers doe betray the truth of Christ Iesus sparing to speake such things as they ought and speaking such things as they ought not Who are they whose care and labour it is a great deale more to speake safely as they thinke then to speake sincerely Many such carnall Gospellers there be of whom that of our Sauiour Christ is truly affirmed Mat. 12.30 He that is not
things which are on the earth and as here our Apostle saith we may not mind earthly things to set our studie and our delight thereon For if we doe then shall we be of those many which the Apostle here speaketh of and whom he would that we should not follow yea if wee minde earthly things wee shall fall into tentation and snares and into many foolish noysome lusts which drowne men in perdition and destruction Let vs not therefore follow the example of them which mind earthly things let vs not set our affections on the things which are on the earth let vs vse them and let vs labour to vse them to Gods glory but let vs not set our hearts vpon them nor suffer our selues to be entangled with them Let vs giue our hearts vnto our God let vs set our affections on things which are aboue and let our conuersation bee in heauen which is the next point to be handled LECTVRE LXXI PHILIP 3. Verse 20. But our conuersation is in heauen from whence also we looke for the Sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ FOr our conuersation This is the second reason which the Apostle vseth to moue the Philippians to follow him and such others as walke so as they haue him for an ensample For so it is deliuered in the originall as a reason for our conuersation c a reason I say not of that which immediatly went before but a reason of his exhortation in vers 17. where it is said brethren be yee followers of mee c. yet so that the reason is drawne from the antithesis of that which went immediatly before In these words then we haue the second reason of the Apostles former exhortation drawne from the antithesis of that which immediatly went before For as in the former reason he shewed that they were not to follow those false teachers which walked otherwise then they had him for an ensample both by their studie and by their end which was damnation so now he sheweth that they are to follow him and such others as walke so as they haue him for an ensample both by the cleane contrary course of studie which he and such as he is follow and by the contrary end which is glorification This then is the manner of the Apostles proceeding His exhortation is brethren be yee followers of me c. His reason is for our conuersation or our Citie whereof we are citizens is in heauen not in earth that we should minde earthly things or make our God our belly but in heauen from whence also we looke for the Sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ by whom we looke for another reward of our walking then that which the wicked haue euen the glorification of our vile bodies by that his powerfull working whereby he is able to subdue c. In this reason then I note these three principall points shewing themselues in a threefold profession which the Apostle maketh in the behalfe of himselfe and such others as walked as he did The first is a Christian profession of their present conuersation in these words for our conuersation c. The second is a Christian profession of their expectation of Christs second comming to saue them in these words from whence also c. The third is a Christian profession of their certaine hope of the glorification of their vile bodies by the powerfull working of Christ in these words who shall change our vile bodies c. Now touching their present conuersation the Apostle maketh this Christian profession our conuersation is in heauen which is as if the Apostle should haue said It is not so with vs as with those false teachers newly mentioned For they as men of this world minde earthly things and set their delight and affections thereon but we carry and behaue our selues in this life as citizens of the heauenly Ierusalem setting our affections on the things which are aboue For so the words in the originall are as if we should thus read 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 our Citie whereof we are citizens and whereunto we haue right is in heauen So that his meaning is that they carry and behaue themselues and so conuerse here in this life as citizens of the heauenly Ierusalem minding that and the things which beseeme that Touching the second point namely their expectation of Christ his second comming to saue them the Apostle maketh Christian profession when he saith from whence which is as if our Apostle should haue said a reason why our conuersation is in heauen is because from heauen we certainely looke and waite for the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ when he shall come as a swift iudge against all them that haue made their belly their God but as our Sauiour to giue vs an inheritance among them that are saued In the last verse the Apostle maketh a Christian profession of their certaine hope of their glorification whereof more particularly hereafter Now let vs see what obseruations we may gather hence for our owne vse and instruction The first thing which I note is the Apostles christian profession which he maketh in the behalfe of himselfe and such others as walked so as he did touching their present life and conuersation which is that they caried and behaued themselues in this life as citizens of heauen setting their affections on the things which are aboue Whereof the Apostle maketh profession to this end that hereby the Philippians might be induced to follow him and such as he was that seeing their conuersation to be such and so holy in comparison of others they might make their choice of following them and haue their conuersation such as they heard and law that theirs was Hence then I obserue what the life and conuersation of God children ought to be in this vale of misery and valley of teares we should carry and behaue our selues here as pilgrims here on earth and hauing our Citie in heauen as citizens of the heauenly Ierusalem fixing our faith hope and loue there setling our thoughts desires and affections there hauing our hearts mindes and wi●l● there and liuing vnder the lawes that are giuen and kept there This our Apostle sheweth in the first chapter of this Epistle where he exhorteth the Philippians Phil. 1 27. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saying Onely let your conuersation be as it becommeth the Gospell of Christ Where the Apostle vseth the word whence this word here vsed is deriued And the exhortation implying a dutie it is as much in effect a● if he had said that we ought so to walke as citizens of the Saints and of the kingdome of God holding on in that course which beseemeth the profession of the Gospell 1 Pet. 1.15 The like exhortation also the Apostle Peter maketh where he saith As he which hath called you is holy so be yee holy in all manner of conuersation because it is written be yee holy for I am holy Which exhortation likewise implying a
of Vines Who saith the Apostle planteth a vineyard and eateth not of the fruit thereof How much more should they that plant and worke in the Lord his vineyard eate of the fruits of their owne labours Thirdly by an argument taken from them that are occupied about cattell Who saith the Apostle feedeth a flocke and eateth not of the milke of the flocke How much more should they that feede the Lord his flocke with the sincere milke of the word be fed by them with temporall food Fourthly by an argument taken from the testimonie of Moses where he saith 9. Thou shalt not muzzell the mouth of the oxe that treadeth out the corne for that was the fashion in Palestina how much lesse should their mouth be muzled maintenance be denied them that labour in the Lord his husbandrie Fiftly by comparing spirituall things with temporall things 11. If saith he we haue sowen vnto you spirituall things is it a great thing if we reape your carnall things that is things necessarie for the maintenance of this life Sixtly by an argument taken from the allowance of the Priests of the old Law 13. Do ye not know saith the Apostle that they which minister about the holie things 14. eate of the things of the Temple and they which waite at the Altar are partakers of the Altar so also hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the Gospell should liue of the Gospell Thus ye see a large proofe of this point in that one place by many arguments Many other places there are pregnant also to this purpose Galat. 6.6 as when it is said Let him that is taught in the word m●ke him that hath taught him partaker of all his goods as also where it is said 1. Tim. 5.17 The Elders that rule well are worthy of double honour especially they which labour in the word and doctrine by which terme of double honour many do vnderstand reuerence and things necessarie for the maintenance of this life The point is so cleare that to doubt of it is to doubt of the truth of the Scriptures which in so many places giue so euident testimony thereunto Which may serue to admonish many of vs of a necessarie duty wherein we vse great slacknes Some of vs can be very well content neither to be taught in the word not to giue any maintenance to the Preachers of the word And these are men altogether senslesse without all feeling of God or godlines in whose hearts the day-starre of righteousnes hath not yet risen that they should know or thirst after the things that belong vnto their peace Others of vs could be better content a great deale to giue something to stay the Ministery of the word that so we might continue in our ignorance and sleepe in our sinnes then to haue the word preached vnto vs. And these are men not sicke but dead in sinne desperately wicked and vnto euery good worke reprobate Others of vs can be content to hearken to them that labour in the word and doctrine and that they should preach often but care not how little to heare of allowance toward their maintenance If they speake of the Ministers duty of the assiduitie and diligence which they ought to vse of the necessitie that lieth vpon them to preach the Gospel of the woe that is vnto them if they do not preach the Gospel we like them well and commend them much But if they speake of their owne maintenance of their allowance due on our parts vnto them what say we then Then forsooth they tell their owne tales they preach for themselues Math. 10.8 Nay we can dispute very wel against them out of the Scriptures in this point and tell them that freely they haue receiued and freely they must giue 2. Thess 3.8 and that Paul laboured with his owne hands because he would not be chargeable to them whom he taught But see how herein we deceiue our selues He that saith Freely ye haue receiued freely giue doth he not immediately after say that the workeman is worthie of his meate What then doth our blessed Sauiour crosse himselfe God forbid And yet either we must say so or else that the former words make nothing against the maintenance of Ministers especially the latter words being both so plaine in themselues and likewise alledged by the Apostle for the Ministers maintenance 1. Tim 5.18 For the meaning then of those words first I say that they are to be vnderstood of working miracles which gift as the Lord freely bestowed on his Apostles and Disciples for a time for the better gaining of men vnto the faith so he would haue them freely shewed forth vpon men that as Elizeus the Prophet could by no meanes be wrought to receiue any thing of Naaman the Syrian for healing his leprousie so whatsoeuer sickenesse they should heale whatsoeuer miracles they should worke they should not be wrought to take any thing for it Secondly if any man shall contend that the words are to be vnderstood of the Lords worke generally that as freely they haue receiued the grace so freely they do the worke then I expound the words by that of the Apostle Peter that they are to feede the flocke of God which dependeth on them 1. Pet. 5.2 caring for it not by constraint but willingly not for filthie lucre but of a readie minde Surely it is no way the meaning of those words that they that labour in that holy worke should be debarred of wages for their labour Neither doth the example of the Apostle labouring with his owne hands at all make against the maintenance of the Ministerie by the Church First he professeth that he wrought with his hands not for that he ought so to do for he proueth that they ought to haue ministred vnto him but that they might haue no exception against him Secondly the example of the Apostle herein is no way to presse vs for that he needed not as we to attend vnto reading but being immediately taught of God and furnished with all knowledge in the third heauen he was able at all times to teach the way of God perfectly though he wrought with labour and trauell night and day But we cannot intend manuarie matters and do the duties of our calling Our duty is to attend vnto reading to exhortation 1. Tim. 4.13 and to doctrine and the Church is to minister vnto vs necessary maintenance How cunningly therefore soeuer we thinke we can dispute against the maintenance of the Minister by the Church yet do we but deceiue our selues therein This is true generally that whatsoeuer we say or dispute we will giue as little to his maintenance as may be we will withhold from him as much as we can we thinke that wel gotten that is saued from them and we thinke euerie little too much that they haue Beloued I haue no cause but to perswade my selfe better things of many of you Onely
reuerence beseeming them is due which yet they want because there wanteth in themselues that grauitie which beseemeth their persons and wherby they should win reuerence vnto their persons For here in my iudgement is one very great cause of that want of reuerence which is euery where We complaine greatly and not without iust cause of great want of reuerence in the yonger sort towards their elders and their betters in their places but certainly here is one great cause of it we our selues euery man in his place walke not in that grauitie that beseemeth our persons we are not of that discreete and seemly cariage which should win reuerence vnto vs in our places but not considering our selues one way or other we bewray that vanitie that lightnes that foolishnesse and oftentimes that boyishnesse in our selues which causeth want of reuerence and bringeth contempt vnto our persons Well ye see our Apostle would haue vs to thinke on and to do whatsoeuer things are graue and decent and beseeming our persons in our places Let vs hearken vnto our Apostle and let vs euery man consider himselfe and do that which is graue and beseeming vs in our places Let vs auoide both in our apparell and in our gesture and in our talke and in our deeds whatsoeuer may bewray any kind of lightnesse in vs. So shall we do that which in this point we ought and so shall we recouer that reuerence which we haue lost Whatsoeuer things are iust This is the third generall head of that Christian dutie which the Apostle commendeth to the Philippians wherein he exhorteth them to think on and to do whatsoeuer things are iust that euery one may haue that which is right and none may be defrauded of that which is due vnto him For the Apostles speech here of iust things is meant I take it of things which may be iustly required of vs that such should be performed not of things which we may iustly require of others for such things we will exact fast enough though we be not exhorted thereunto Hence then I obserue this lesson for vs That whatsoeuer things may iustly be required of vs we are to think on them and to do them May the Lord iustly require a dutie of vs and may the Prince iustly require a dutie of vs Mat. 22.21 Giue vnto God those things which are Gods and giue vnto Caesar those things which are Caesars That obedience which is due vnto the Lord giue vnto him and that loyaltie which is due vnto the Prince giue vnto him May our neighbour require a dutie of vs The rule of our blessed Sauiour is generall Mat. 7.12 Whatsoeuer ye would that men should do vnto you euen so do ye to them And a most absolute and rare example thereof we haue in Iob in Chap. 31. from verse 16. to 22. whence it is most plaine that what could be iustly required of him by his neighbour he was not awanting in it Are we maisters what the seruants may iustly require of vs that we must thinke on and do as it is written Ye maisters Col. 4.1 do vnto your seruants that which is iust and equall knowing that ye haue also a maister in heauen Are we seruants what our maisters may iustly require of vs that must we think on and do as it is written Seruants 3.22 be obedient vnto them that are your maisters according to the flesh in all things not with eye-seruice as men-pleasers but in singlenesse of heart fearing God c. Are we husbands what our wiues may iustly require of vs that must we thinke on and do as it is written Husbands loue your wiues 19. and be not bitter vnto them Are we wiues what our husbands may iustly require of vs that must we thinke on and do as it is written 18. Wiues submit your selues vnto your husbands as it is comely in the Lord. Are we fathers Fathers prouoke not your children to anger 21.20 lest they be discouraged Are we children Children obey your parents in all things for that is welpleasing vnto the Lord. Which also tutors and schollers are to apply vnto themselues Do we owe any thing to any man Owe nothing to any man Rom 13.8 Exod. 22.25 but to loue one another Do we lend any money to any If thou lend money to my people saith the Lord that is to the poore with thee thou shalt not be as an vsurer to him ye shall not oppresse him with vsurie Are we Ecclesiasticall men or temporall men or militarie men or scholasticall men or publike men or priuate men Look what may be iustly required of vs by the lawes of the Church or of the Common weale or of armes or of schollers or of those cities and places where we dwell and liue that we are to think on and to do Generally what men soeuer we be what things soeuer may iustly be required of vs by the law of nature or of nations by the law of God or of man we are to think on them and to do them And that for these reasons first because the things are iust in themselues for otherwise they cannot iustly be required of vs but being iust in themselues we are to think on them and to do them Secondly because the things which may iustly be required of vs do indeed make vs debters vnto them that may require them of vs. For haue we counsell wisedome learning strength c We are debters vnto them that need these things and require them of vs. And hereupon the Apostle said Rom. 1.14 that he was debter both to the Grecians and to the Barbarians both to the wise men and to the vnwise a debter to bestow on them such spirituall gifts as he had receiued of the Lord. Thirdly because the things which are iustly required of vs may be for their good that require them For we are to do good vnto all Gal. 6.10 as the Apostle exhorteth saying Do good vnto all but especially vnto them that are of the houshold of faith Being then that thereby we may do good whatsoeuer things may iustly be required of vs we are to thinke on them and to do them This then should teach vs in any case to beware of defrauding any of any thing that is due vnto him 1. Thess 4.6 Let no man saith the Apostle oppresse or defraud his brother in any matter But do we not defraud the Lord defraud the Prince defraud our neighbours and brethren Yes surely And wherein do we defraud them In that we giue them not that which is due vnto them in that we do not thinke on and do whatsoeuer things they may iustly require of vs. For who is he that walketh in that obedience which the Lord most iustly requireth of him Our manifold rebellions against our God and our wilfull transgressions against his law are too too great euidence against vs. I cannot speake of many things wherein we sin all against
our God Giue me leaue to warne you at this time of o●e Ye know how earnestly the Lord requireth of vs the sanctifying of the Sabbath and how sharply he hath punished the breach of that commandement euen by death and desolation of kingdomes Yet how much do we profane it as throughout the whole yeare so especially at this time of the yere by bringing in our may-poles by hauing our ales by that most disorderly trunke-playing by rifling by bowling and diuers other kinds of gaming by our ill customes of riding going drinking dancing and many the like offensiue things on that day If we must needs haue these things some of which are heathenish and the rest no way necessary and little better yet let vs spare the Lord his day let vs consecrate that day and therein our selues vnto him We haue other sinnes too many though we do not adde this vnto them of profaning the Lord his day Let vs remember what the Lord in this iustly requireth of vs and let vs not defraud him of this due Againe how many villanous and traiterous wretches are there which giue not vnto their Prince that loyaltie which she most iustly requireth of them Those most bloudy treasons which her most vnnaturall subiects haue practised against her besides many others plotted by those faithlesse and cruell monsters of Rome and Spaine from all which the Lord by a most mighty hand hath deliuered her and let vs still pray vnto our good God that he will still keepe her safe vnder his wings and deliuer her those bloudie treasons I say shew how many haue defrauded her of that which is most due vnto her Come lower and what end shall we make How imperious are masters ouer their seruants and how vntrustie are seruants toward their masters How bitter are the husbands sometimes towards their wiues and how vndutifull are they againe towards their husbands How cockering are parents of their children and how stubborne are children towards their parents how negligent are tutors how dissolute are schollers how carelesse are they that owe to repay that they owe and how ready are they that lend to grate vpon them to whom they lend How many men in the Ministerie defraud their Churches of that which is due vnto them and how many of the rest defraud the Common-wealth of that which is due vnto it To speake all in one word how few of all sorts thinke on and do that which might iustly be required of them Well ye see the Apostle would haue vs to thinke on and to do whatsoeuer things may iustly be required of euery one of vs in our place Let vs therefore euery one of vs consider our selues in our place and let vs see what thing it is that may iustly be required of vs. Not one of vs all but we shall find many things which the Lord our God which our soueraigne Prince which our neighbours and brethren may iustly require of vs. Not one of vs all but we shall find many things which by the law of Nature by the law of Natiōs by the law of God by the law of man may iustly be required of vs. Let vs therefore euery one of vs thinke of these things and let vs all of vs in our place do whatsoeuer may iustly be required of vs. Let our care be not to defraud any God or man Prince or people neighbour or brother one or other of that which is due vnto him but whatsoeuer things are iust let vs thinke on them and do them So shall we do that which we ought and so shall the wrath of the Lord which is kindled against vs be turned away from vs. It followeth Whatsoeuer things are pure This is the fourth generall head of that Christian duty which the Apostle commendeth vnto the Philippians wherein he exhorteth them to thinke on and to do whatsoeuer things are pure that hauing their conuersation honest holie and harmelesse they might be blamelesse innocent and vndefiled by any filthinesse of sinne Whence I obserue this lesson for vs that whatsoeuer things are pure and cleane from all filthinesse of the flesh and of the spirit we are to thinke on them and to do them The Scribes and Pharisees thought on and obserued an outward puritie and cleannesse of the body for they would not eate till first they had washed their hands Marke 7.3 Which outward cleannesse of the body we do not mislike But that is not the thing intended Matth. 15.20 For as our blessed Sauiour teacheth To eate with vnwashen hands defileth not the man Our aduersaries imagine that they thinke well on this point a great many of them if they keepe themselues single and vnmarried though then they burne and wallow in all filthy lusts and pleasures But the holy Ghost hath taught vs that marriage is honourable Hebr. 13.4 and the bed vndefiled And therefore he hath said vnto all without exception of any 1. Cor. 7.2 To auoyde fornication let euerie man haue his wife and let euerie woman haue her husband That outward cleannesse then of the body in washing of the hands and the like nor this abstinence from marriage are the pure things which we are to thinke on and to do but farre other things We are to be pure in heart hauing our hearts purified by faith For by faith God purifieth our hearts Acts 15.9 Hebr. 9.14 We are to be pure in our consciences hauing our consciences purged from dead workes to serue the liuing God We are to be pure in our tongue and talke that our speech may be to the vse of edifying Ephes 4.29 and may minister grace vnto the hearers We are to be pure in our works and deeds that we may be blamelesse Philip. 2.15 and without rebuke for any thing that we do We are to be pure in our bodies that our bodies may be fit temples for the holy Ghost to dwel in For 1. Cor. 6.19 know ye not saith the Apostle that your bodie is the temple of the holy Ghost To speake all in one word we are to be pure in the whole man both in our vtter and in our inner man being cleansed from all filthinesse both of the flesh and of the spirit 2. Cor. 7.1 and growing vp vnto full holinesse in the feare of God This is that puritie which the Lord requireth at our hands euen to be pure in our flesh and in our spirit in our soule and in our bodie in our hearts and in our consciences in our words and in our deeds that so we may be blamelesse and without rebuke What then Am I come to teach you to be pure men and women Dare I take vpon me to perswade you vnto purity Yea euen so beloued As the Prophet saith so say I vnto you Wash you make you cleane Esay 1.16 1. Tim. 5.22 And as our Apostle saith vnto Timothie so say I vnto you Keepe your selues pure And with our Apostle here whatsoeuer