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A13971 The true Catholique formed according to the truth of the Scriptures, and the shape of the ancient fathers, and best sort of the latter Catholiques, which seeme to fauour the Church of Rome : the contents vvhereof are to be seene in the page following. Trigge, Francis, 1547?-1606. 1602 (1602) STC 24282; ESTC S536 568,047 636

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which are of the circumcision but vnto them also that walke in the steppes of the faith of our father Abraham This to be iustified more which saint Iohn speakes of is no doubt to walke in the steppes of the faith of Abraham And this no doubt also is that which saint Peter meaneth when hee concludes his epistle thus Growe in grace 2. Peter 3.18 and in the knowledge of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ That is grow in your faith and knowledge of the Gospell For this is life eternall saieth our Sauiour to knowe thee to bee the onely true God Ioh. 17.3 and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ Gagneius should haue considered all these places and not grounded his second iustification of workes vpon that one onlie place Whereas also that same 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Let him be righteous still maie signifie rather a perseuerance then an increase But to let Gagneius go with his mystes and cauilles against the trueth and to returne to saint Austen againe As hee quite takes all our iustification from all workes whatsoeuer either ceremoniall or morall so he yéelds this to that our first iustification that it makes vs partakers of the glory of God Lib. spir lit cap. 9. and doe wee thinke then that hee euer thought of anie second Thus hee writes By grace the wicked man is iustified freely that is hauing no merites of his works going before For otherwise grace were not grace because therefore it is giuen not because that we haue doon good works but that we may do them that is not because we haue fulfilled the law but that we might fulfill it For he said I came not to destroie the law but to fulfill it Of whome it is saide We haue seene his glorie the glorie as it were of the onelie begotten Sonne of the Father full of grace and trueth This is the glory whereof it is said All haue sinned and are destitute of the glory of God And this is the grace whereof by and by he saieth Being iustified freely by his grace So that by saint Austens iudgment this grace which we receiue in our first iustification is that grace of God which before our iustification all men were depriued of And will Gagneius saie then that our iustification is imperfect Naie herein also saint Austen agrees with saint Paul who speaking of that first iustification saieth 1. Iohn 15. We being iustified by faith are at peace with God and is it imperfect then no imperfect thing can please God Ephes 2.16 He is light and in him is no darknes at all Naie in another place hee saieth that Iesus Christ hath slaine hatred betweene God and vs and that we haue an entrance now to the father by one spirit no doubt which we receiue in our Baptismes and at our first iustification 19. And that now we are no more strangers or forreiners but citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of God And is this our first iustification as yet imperfect Naie saint Iohn saieth 1. Iohn 1.3 That we haue seene and heard we declare vnto you that you also maie haue fellowship with vs and that our fellowship may be also with the Father and with his Sonne Iesus Christ Do wée beleeue this O happie newes by faith wee are made fellowes with the apostles naie euen with God himselfe and is then our first iustification imperfect and these things Saint Iohn writes to vs that our ioy may be full Who will not reioice that heareth this newes Other Papists make another cauill at our iustification Stella writes thus Of these words of Christ that error of the Lutherans is conuinced Stella in cap. 6 Luc. who dare affirm that faith cannot be without charity but one may truely as it is manifest out of this text of the Gospell heare the vvordes of God and beleeue them and yet not bee in grace But here Stella addes this of his owne and beleeue them that is more then is in the text The text saieth One maie heare the words of God and not do them not be in grace But surelie he that heares them beleeues them will do them also no doubt and therefore such a one is in grace S. Austen also verie excellentlie condemnes the Papists in this their doctrine De fide operib cap. 23 The Lord saith in the Gospell The houre shall come wherein all they that are in the graues shall he are his voice and they shall go which haue doone well into the resurrection of life and they which haue doone euill into the resurrection of iudgment Neither is it said that they which haue beleeued or that they which haue not beleeued but thus they which haue doone wel and that they which haue doon euil for a good life cannot be separated from faith which works thorough loue yea verily that same is a good life it selfe A true liuelie faith and a good life by saint Austens iudgement are vnseparable And againe saint Austen declares his iudgment concering our iustification and she vse of good workes verie manifestlie thus When as the Apostle saith Aug. de fide operib cap. 14. that he supposeth that a man is iustified by faith without the works of the law hee meanes not that when as wee haue receiued and professed the faith that the works of righteousnes should be despised but that euery one may know that he may be iustified through faith although no works of the law haue gone before For they follow a man that is now iustified they do not go before him which is to be iustified This is saint Austens plaine iudgement that workes are fruites of our iustification not rootes they are neither precedent nor concurrent causes but effects following Ibidem And after hee addes the causes why saint Peter Iohn and Iames and Iude wrote their Epistles and expoundes their meanings whereas they seeme to make much for good workes Because this opinion saieth he was then sproong vp that is that works were despised the other apostolique Epistles of Peter Iohn Iames and Iude against this opinion bend al their force so that they very vehemently affirme that faith without workes profiteth nothing As also Saint Paul himselfe cals not faith euery faith wherewith we beleeue in God but that healthfull and euangelicall faith whose workes proceede from charitie and faith saieth he which vvorketh thorow loue Therefore he affirmes that that faith which some men thinke is sufficient to saluation to be of so small force that he saith If so be that I had all faith so that I could moue mountaines out of their places and yet had no charity I am nothing But where this faithfull charitie works there is a good life c. So that by saint Austens iudgement that vaine and barren faith which some men in those dayes imagined of their owne braines and despised all good workes doe both saint Iames and saint Iohn and the
how is he all cleane which is commanded as yet to wash his feete Yea how can he be all cleane which is baptized when as the Scripture in euerie place affirmeth that no man is without sinne It is most true that no man is without sinne and yet notwithstanding it is also true that he is all cleane that is purified by faith For he because he is grafted into the body of Christ by faith doth participate and possesse the holinesse and puritie of Christ And therefore Paul said to them that beleeue ye are washed ye are sanctified by the name of our Lord Iesus Christ And againe there is no condemnation to those that are in Iesus Christ Therefore they which are grafted into Christ are called holy for the faith name and bloud of Christ although in the meane time in themselues they are nothing els but sinners and haue in them much sinne as yet but no condemnation because they are accounted iust with God through faith in Christ Hereof it is that Paul speakes of himselfe with my minde I serue the lawe of God but with my flesh the lawe of sinne Ferus here plainly teacheth that mans righteousnesse is by imputation of the righteousnesse of Christ and not by any inherent righteousnesse in himselfe And againe speaking vpon Stephens death he giues these notable lessons vpon these words Fer. in cap. 7. Act. Lord Iesu receiue my spirit He railes not nor curseth not but with great modestie cals vpon God To him alone he cōmits his soule Here I would haue thee also learn the best manner of dying First he is carefull not for his body but for his soule the wicked doe contrarie Secondly hee cals vpon God distrusting in himselfe and of his owne merites but the wicked trust in their owne merites and therefore they builde vpon the sande Thirdly he confesseth his faith briefly but most perfectly calling him Lorde who is able and Iesus who is also willing to saue These three things are especially to be marked for they are verie necessarie to a blessed and happy death For they are blessed which die in the Lord. I would to God all true Catholiques which minde to die wel would learne these thrée lessons of Saint Stephen out of Ferus First to haue more care of their soules then of their bodies It makes no matter what maner of death they die or what cost be bestowed vpon their funerals let them do good and bestow their goods themselues 3. Cor. 5.20 while they are in the bodie Secondly that at the houres of their deathes yea and all their life long also if then in that extremitie they would call vpon none other but as Saint Stephen doth here vpon Iesus Christ Thirdly that they would condemne themselues as vnprofitable seruants before the maiestie of God and not trust in their owne merites as Ferus here teacheth them And here if Saint Stephen trusted not in his Martyrdome being so notable a worke neither was it laid vp in the treasurie of the Church to helpe the saluation of others much lesse the works of anie other as Poligranes teacheth And lastly that they would confesse the Lord Iesus euen this shorte faith these two wordes as Saint Stephen did For as Saint Paul saith God will make his account and gather it into a short sum Rom. 9.28 with righteousnes for the Lord wil make a short count vpon the earth God will make now a short account with his faithfull seruants Psal 143.2.12 with them that beleeue in Iesus Christ they shall not be called to so strickt account of euerie idle word as the Infidels shall Psal 32.1 Matth. 12.36 Luke 9 26. 1. Cor. 15.35 Reuelat. 1.18 Matth. 11 28 they shall be blessed because their sinnes shall be couered and because Iesus Christ at that great day of account shal not be ashamed of them That they would confesse I saie but euen with S. Steuen these two words Lord Iesu That he is a Lord of death of hell and of the Diuell and therefore is able to saue them and that he is Iesus who cals all that are heauie laden with the burthen of their sins vnto him And therefore be thou neuer so blinde Marke 10.49 euen as blinde as Bartimeus thou maiest boldly come vnto him as he did when as he called him and thou shalt not onely receiue thy sight but also be saued as he was Who neuer repelled anie from him not halte not lame not leapers not possessed Mat. 28. Iohn 11.44 naie who raised euen dead men vp againe and therefore is willing to saue They which acknowledge but these two things from a liuely faith néede no more This is the summe of Christian religion thus Stephen died and in this Religion Againe the same Ferus speaking of the word of God faith That is rightly called the word of grace because it preacheth grace In cap. 14. Act. and comes to vs of the grace of God and it condemnes merites And againe Of this Chapter as well the preachers of faith In cap. 15. Act. as the Preachers of workes make their bragges and therefore it is most diligently to be marked of all men the question was whether the lawe was necess●rie for them which were conuerted to Christ or whether faith in Christ sufficed The same question is now also amongst vs whether faith or workes doe iustifie It is not called in question whether good workes are to be done or no for all are forced to confesse that that good workes must be done but whether they iustifie or not The Apostles conclude that faith iustifieth and not workes nor the lawe And why doth faith iustifie because it leanes vpon the grace and mercy of God vpon the promises of God vpon the merites of Christ Why doth not the law iustifie because no man euer kept it Why doe not workes iustifie because they are vnperfect All our righteousnesse is like a defiled cloth This is the summe of the Apostles councell saith Ferus what can be spoken more plainly then this Here are questions proposed and answeres shaped to them and the conclusion is that faith onely iustifies because it relies wholie and onely of the mercie and promises of God and that works no not of the best men cannot iustifie because they are imperfect I wish that all they which crie out Generall councels Generall councels and will beleeue nothing but that which generall councels doe teach would marke diligently the conclusion of this first Generall and Apostolicall councell in this great and waightie matter euen in the saluation of their soules and that they would condemne all other generall councels which doe not agree with this both in matter and forme They direct their decrées from that generall thus Act 15.28 It seemes good to the holy Ghost and vnto vs Not it séemes good to Peter to vs which should haue béene the title if Peter had béene the head of the Church but
flies onelie to Iesus Christ and his satisfaction He saies he knowes none other thing in the world that can paie his debts but his bloud and so must all true Catholiques saie with him That same conclusion and definitiue sentence of Saint Augustine concerning our iustification is worth the marking against all Popish mystes and cauilles which he writes in his booke De spiritu Lit. Cap. 13.14 These things saith he being considered and handled according to the habilitie which God hath giuen vs we gather that a man is not iustified by keeping the commandements of a good life but by faith in Iesus Christ that is not by the lawe of workes but by the lawe of faith not by the letter but by the spirit And although the Apostle when as he would correct and reforme those which tooke pleasure in circumcision called circumcision by the name of the lawe and other such ceremonies of the lawe all which now as shadowes of that which was to come the Christians refuse holding that which was figuratiuely promised by those shadowes yet he wil haue the law to be vnderstood whereby he saith that no man is iustified not onlie in those mysteries which had figuratiue promises but also in those workes which whosoeuer shall doe liues iustlie Saint Augustine here plainely teacheth that not onelie by the workes of the Ceremoniall law we are not iustified as some Papists séeme to expound that place of Saint Paul but not also by the workes of the morall lawe And so Gagneius goes about to expound Saint Paul in his exposition vpon Saint Paul to the Romaines Out of the former Chapter saith he whereas S. Paul saide We thinke that a man is iustified by faith without the workes of the Lawe and out of the Text of this present Chapter wherin he shewes that faith was imputed to Abraham not in circumcision but whenas he was vncircumcised before his circumcision it is euident that it is meant in this place that Abraham was not iustified of the workes of the lawe and after he was iustified of workes that is those workes hee spake on before meaning Circumcision And in his exposition vpon the Epistle to the Galathians he alleadgeth the Gréeke Scholiast to confirme this his assertion Nature her selfe taught those things which were necessarie in the lawe saith the Scholiast as thou shalt not commit adulterie Gag in 2. cap. ad Gal. thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steale but those things which concerne the Sabboth circumcision and leprosies and sacrifices and sprincklings those are the proper workes of the lawe And of these saith the Apostle that of the workes of the lawe no flesh shall be iustified But if there be any such opinion in the Scholiast here we may sée that S. Austen is of a contrarie opinion And Gagneius himselfe as should séeme mislikes this opinion for in his preface vpon the Epistle to the Romans he writes thus But if any man will vrge when as verie often in this Epistle and also in other his Epistles that Paul saith that we are iustified by faith without workes that not onely the workes of the lawe are excluded but also all other things els whatsoeuer I will not greatly say against him if he wil patiently endure to heare that iustification is taken in the scripture two waies First to be iustified is of one that is wicked to be made iust the which thing is doone in a moment and without any merites of our works yea and without any works of ours going before it And here marke that I say going before it for together with that iustification must needs come the mouing of free-will repenting of her former life and beleeuing in Iesus beeing of God drawne and stirred vp to that motion And of this Iustification Paul speakes as often as he saith that men are iustified and saued without works Here he seemes to saie plainelie that our first iustification is without anie workes that it saues vs and yet after he saieth that it is but a saluation imperfect and begun in vs when as a man ariseth from infidelity and sinne to grace which he deserues by no work but yet it is not doon without a good work and mouing of the will which freely is powred into it of God Here hee seemes to be contrarie to saint Paul when as hee saith that without the works of the law we are iustified and he will haue euen in our first iustification one concurrent Secondly he seemes to disagree from the councell of Trent which teacheth that our free-will beeing stirred vp agrees willinglie and iointlie workes with grace but hee saieth it must be drawne and this argues a violence and thinges extorted and not voluntarie 2. Cor. 9.5 haue no reward with God as saint Paul plainlie teacheth But after hee makes a second iustification and to this iustification hee saieth Good workes are required And hee alleadgeth that one place for proofe hereof out of the Reuelation He that is iustified let him as yet be iustified But he might as well haue considered how that as in that one place the holie Ghost exhorts all them that are iustified that they bee iustified still so it teacheth all Christians to praie for the increase of faith Roman 1.16 And againe Saint Paul saieth I am not ashamed of the Gospell of Christ for it is the power of God to saluation to all that beleeue it to the Iewe first and then to the Gentile Here is the first iustification but it followes The righteousnesse of God is reuealed in it from faith to faith as it is written The iust shall liue by faith And here is also the second iustification if hee will needes haue a second From faith to faith The iustified man is more iustified from faith to faith as his faith increaseth so his righteousnes And hereof it is said here that the iust man liues by faith not onelie the first moment of his iustification but all his life long And Saint Peter saith 1. Pet. 1.5 That through faith we are kept by the power of God euen vnto saluation Faith not onelie liftes vs vp from hell as the papists teach but it preserues vs euen to euerlasting life It is our first and our last iustification Christ is α and ω the beginning and the ending as Saint Iohn in his Reuelation teacheth But the papists by this their distinction would make him be but Alpha onelie And here of we are saide Reuelat. 7.8 Mat. to haue faith like a graine of Mustardseed And some are saide to haue a great faith and some the greatest faith of all as our Sauiour witnesseth of the Centurion I haue not found so great faith no not in Israel Luke 7.9 Rom. 4.11.12 And againe saint Paul saieth That Abraham receiued circumcision as a seale of righteousnesse of the faith which he had when as he was vncircumcised that he might be a father of the circumcision not vnto them onelie
doth not say the words I haue spoken a little before but the wordes I doe speake are spirit and life and therefore are my flesh For euen as that which containeth a mans spirit and life is his flesh euen so saith our Sauiour that which containeth my spirit and life is also my flesh So that by this short sentence he exhorteth all men to the reading of his word Wouldest thou be partaker of Christs life and spirit then eate his flesh that is read his word muse and meditate therein day and night And no doubt beleeue the saying of thy Sauiour his wordes he hath spoken shall be spirit and life vnto thee Thus we may sée how Ferus doctrine most manifestly agrées with the doctrine of our Sauiour Manie for want of eating of this flesh which feede their bodies daintily with the flesh of fishes and foules at this daie haue faint and pined soules nay dead soules void of the life and spirit of Iesus Christ In Mat. cap. 7. Ferus also of the certaintie of our saluation and of the sufficiencie of the Scriptures writes thus What saith he do men so greatly desire as securitie How much would the Emperor of Rome giue that he might be safe from his enemies How much would euery iust man reioice if he were certaine of his estate if he knewe that he should neuer fall how greatly would euery sinner reioyce if safetie were assured him against death hell But all these things doe Christs words onely performe This saith Ferus But the Romane Correctors in their copie do command to put out onely They are loth that so much should bee attributed to the Scriptures Of the sanctification also of the sabboth In cap. Mat. 22 Ferus hath this notable lesson The chiefest worke of the sabboth saith he is to cease from thine owne workes and to giue place that God may worke his in thee that is faith charitie patience longanimitie chastitie The second worke is that we apply our selues to doe good workes and to meditate in the Law of God to heare the word of God to pray in spirit and truth Especially therefore the word of God is to be heard without which there is no hallowing of it know that this is commanded thee of God that thou heare his word and keepe it and of this he will require an account of thee in the day of iudgement Neither is it enough for thee to heare it once or twise vnlesse thou heare it often The Diuell is euer assaulting thee and thou must euer by the word of God resist him by which alone he is ouercome Againe thou must meditate of the word of God or els thou hearest in vaine And two things especially are to be meditated out of the word of God that is to say our sinnes and Gods goodnesse And by these two as in Iacobs ladder sometime we must descend into our selues and sometime ascend vnto God Thus farre Ferus If this be true how hallowed they the Lords sabboth in the daies of our forefathers when Gods word was neuer or seldome preached to them If this be true that we should meditate on this Law of God then must we know it And here the Romane addition to Ferus detractes from the word of God againe that dignitie which Ferus giues to it By which alone saith he the Diuell is conquered but they blot out alone Of voluntarie religion Ferus writes thus Then In cap. 4. Ioh. their worshippings had not the warrant of the word of God and how can then they be certaine or sure to please God for they onely followed their owne reason and the examples of the fathers For thus they reasoned with themselues If an earthly or fleshly calfe pleased God offered at Ierusalem how much more shall a calfe of gold seeing it is more precious lasteth longer Also if it were lawfull for our holy fathers to worship God in this mountaine why is not the same lawfull for vs But in the worship of God neither mans reason neither the examples of the fathers but Gods word are to be followed Thou shalt not doe saieth he that which seemeth good in thine owne eies but that I command Here Ferus sets downe the only true and certaine ground of Gods true worshippe that is the word and commandement of God Here the reason of man or the examples of the fathers are denied to bee sure grounds of Gods worshippe and yet the Papistes doe builde their faith on these Dom. 1. Sexag Of the Scriptures also Philippus de Dies writes thus The matters which faith teacheth are so excellent that no mans wit be it neuer so sharpe and subtile can attaine vnto them for if it could then it were no faith And therefore to obtaine this faith we must heare the word of God as the Apostle exaggerates saying howe shall they beleeue in him which they haue not heard And after he concludes saying Faith is by hearing and hearing by the word of God And so it appeareth how to the obtaining of faith it is necessarie to heare the word of God Behold how God which is the fruit which we hope for is not obtained without charitie and charitie is not obtained without faith and faith is not obtained without the preaching of the word of God And therefore for the verie great agreement and likenesse that it hath the Lorde called his worde seed What other doctrine doe we teach at this day here in England of the necessitie of hearing and knowing the worde of God In 3. cap. ad Col. Theodore also vpon that place of the Apostle to the Colossians Let the word of God dwell plentiously among you writes thus The olde law also commanded the daily meditation and studie of Gods word Thou shalt meditate in them saith the Lawe sitting at home in thy house rising vp also and lying vpon thy bed and going in thy iourney This thing the Apostle commandeth that we should also carrie about with vs the doctrine of the Lord and that we should praise him and that we should sanctifie him with our tongues with spirituall songs That phrase also in your hearts is as much to say As not in your mouthes onely That same note which the Hebrew text yéelds in that same Psalme we vse daily to repeat is worth marking Psal 95. v. 7. In the Hebrew it is thus Because he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and sheepe of his hands If to day you will heare his voice Here is the full point in the Hebrew text and here endes the verse and not where the common translation appoints it to ende So that then we are his people and shéepe of his pasture Here are great priuiledges such as none could be wished greater such as euerie man would desire to be partaker of But as euery one desires to be partaker of these priuiledges and blessings so let him as well marke the infallible and most plaine
THE TRVE CATHOLIQVE FORMED ACCORDING TO THE TRVTH OF THE SCRIPTVRES and the shape of the ancient Fathers and best sort of the latter Catholiques which seeme to fauour the Church of Rome The Contents vvhereof are to be seene in the Page following Exod. 12.35.36 And the children of Israel did according to the saying of Moses and they asked of the Egyptians iewels of siluer and iewels of gold and rayment And the Lord gaue the people fauour in the sight of the Egyptians and they graunted their requests so they spoyled the Egyptians Cyprian lib. 2. Epist 3. And because now his second comming drawes neere his bountifulnesse and the great account that he makes of vs doth lighten our hearts vvith the light of truth euery day more and more Ambros de Abrah pat lib 2. cap. 9. We reade of a fire kindled at the sunne-setting which should lighten the euening of the world and should shine in the darknes and should reueale things which were hidden AT LONDON Printed by PETER SHORT dwelling at the signe of the Starre on Bredstreet hill 1602. THE CONTENTS OF this Booke 1 A Preface to the Reader 2 The true Catholikes Alphabet or A B C. 3 His Pater-noster or Lords prayer 4 His Catechisme or briefe summe of Religion wherein the Papists opinion concerning Antichrist is refuted and the true meanes of the calling of the Iewes is declared 5 His house or the notes and marks of the true Church drawne out of the Scriptures 6 Certaine godly Prayers which dayly he may vse 7 The liues maners of the ancient Christians drawne out of the Scriptures and Fathers To the Christian Reader I Offer vnto thee good Christian Reader in this Treatise the summe of our Religion And if forraine things delight thee as now adayes they do all men most commonly I do offer vnto thee I say our Religion proceeding out of the mouthes of the verie enemies thereof For as the people cried and said in Darius his dayes 1. Esd 4.41 Truth is the greatest and strongest thing of all others Euen so this sentence shall stand true for euer And here thou shalt see that performed in deed which Dauid did but prefigurate that Goliah his head is stricken off with his owne sword 1. Sam. 17.51 And surely if the bodie and the shadow bee relatiues as the Philosophers teach and that euerie shadow hath a bodie then truly Dan in the law may be also a figure of Antichrist in the Gospel Gen. 49.17 2. The. 2.2 and the Madianites of the Papists Dan as his name imports in Hebrew is a Iudge He will vsurpe the office of a Iudge amongst his brethren And euen so doth the Pope this spirituall Dan Leuit. 13.3 Matt. 8.4 He will be a Iudge also by vsurpation he will not iudge only betweene leprosie and leprosie that is betwixt notorious sinnes as the law commanded but he will iudge euerie light disease which the law commands not Hee will not bee iudge onely of those knowne sins which goe before to iudgement 1. Tim. 5.22.24 which Saint Paul bids Timothie that he should take heede of but also of those which follow after He will know the secrets of mens hearts of which Saint Paul saith Iudge nothing before the time 1. Cor. 4.5 vntill the Lord come who will lighten things that are hid in darkenesse and make the counsels of the hearts manifest and then shall euerie one haue praise of God And is not this to be Dan Is not this to be a Iudge Madian signifies iudging And as hee is Dan so also his armie and souldiers are Madianites they come of Dan that is their name For they take their name of him as the Papists do of the Pope and they shal perish also as did the Madianites Of whose ouerthrow thus we reade Iudg. 7.22 When the three hundreth blewe with trumpets the Lord set euery mans sword vpon his neighbour and vpon all the host which fled to Beth-hashittah Tsererah to the borders of Abel-Meholah vnto Tabbah Here first is the small number of the Lords armie the small number of the professours of the Gospell in comparison of the Madianites of Papists Friers Here are also the Lords weapons the trumpets of the Gospell against Madian and their destruction by one of them drawing swords against another Here is to make perfect this victorie and to conquer also Sathan the father of Dan the breaking of pitchers that is the mortification of the flesh Rom. 6.19 Col. 3.5 Matth. 16.24 and of the lusts thereof which Saint Paul so often teacheth and the denying of our selues and the following of him with our crosse on our backes which our Sauiour also commands And they fled to Beth-hashittah Tsererah and to the border of Abel Meholah vnto Tabbah Here is that verified which our Sauiour saith of the eternitie of the Scriptures That heauen and earth shall perish Mat. 5.18 2. Tim. 3.16 Rom. 15.4 but not one io●te or tittle of the word of God shall perish And that Saint Paul writes of the excellencie of them That all the whole Scriptures are giuen by inspiration from God And againe That whatsoeuer is written is written for our learning And againe Nowe all these things came vnto them for examples 1. Cor. 10.11 and were written to admonish vs vpon whom the ends of the world are come Euerie verse and word in them doe edifie and are of force nay they edifie and teach vs And in this one point they surpasse almost all other writings The lawes of Iustinian manie of them are not conuenient for our age nor Galens prescriptions of medicines for our bodies 1. Pet. 1.25 but the word of the Lord is the same for euer The Madianites fled to Beth-hashittah Tsererah as to their castle of refuge and that is in our language to the afflicted house now readie to fall on their heads And do not euen now the Papists so Ierem. 7.4 Do they not crie as the Iewes did The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord So now they The Church of Rome the Church of Rome Is not the continuance thereof so manie yeares and the great glorie of it their Refuge Is not this one of their chiefest arguments But what is Rome Is it not Beth-hashittah Tserarah that is 2. Thes 2.8 that afflicted house now readie to fall on their heads It consumes daily by the Spirit of God as Saint Paul prophesieth that it should do and euerie day is it in declining And ere it belong in one day Reu. 18.8 that is sodainly as Saint Iohn prophesieth shall her plagues come vpon her death and sorrow and famine and she shall be burnt with fire For it is the mightie Lord euen God himself that iudgeth her And she shall fall into that miserable sorow and destruction which here also followeth euen to the very border or lippe as it is in the Hebrew of Abel Meholah
nature flies euer aloft and makes her nest in high places so if man had continued in that first estate he had euer beene occupied in the contemplation of high and heauenly things and had had his delight and dwelling in these But after that hee became also euen subiect to that curse of the old Serpent which was that he should go vpon his belly and eate earth all the dayes of his life by and by he made an exchange of heauen for earth and became altogether earth hee loues now earth he eates earth he talkes of earth on earth he hath his treasure laid vp and he takes so deepe roote now on earth that with no chaines or mattockes now he can be pulled from thence And how great this necessity is of continuall praying no man can vnderstand but he that knowes the great pouertie which man fell into through sinne which is so great as with no words it can sufficiently be expressed It is written that the eyes of our first parents were opened Gen. 3.7 and that they knew themselues to be naked by which words the miserable spoiling and extreame nakednesse and pouerty into which mankind through sinne was throwne headlong may easily be gathered For man was robbed of all grace of originall righteousnesse and of all those free gifts which he had receiued of God But if he hauing lost those free gifts yet if he had remained safe and sound in the gifts of nature it had beene a great comfort vnto him but in these also he was so corrupted and weakned that from the sole of the foot to the crowne of the head there was no sound part found in him So that of man may truly be verified that saying of the Prophet And he hath put on cursing like a garment and it hath entred as water into his bowelles and as Oyle into his bones It had been enough to haue said that man had put on cursing and that he was cladde with it from top to toe for that had beene a great miserie but least any man should thinke that onely his outward parts were accursed hee beeing hole and sound within the Propet addeth that it entred also like water into his inward parts that he might declare that nothing in him neither within nor without was safe and free from that curse Furthermore because water doth not pierce so greatly into anything least any should think that some thing perchance lay hid in man which was not subiect to that curse the Prophet addeth And as Oyle into his bones Oyle of all liquours pierceth the most The curse therefore as Oile entred into his bones which are the more secret and hid parts of man This curse reacheth euen to the very marrow that is to the inward and most secret parts of the soule or to that chiefe spirituall part thereof which we call the mind which is a kinne as we say to the Angelles and was made according to the image of God which as it is a spirit naturally loues spiritual things and hates those thinges which are of the flesh But it also being defiled and tainted through sinne doeth also now encline to fleshly thinges Therefore when as in man there are three principall parts his bodie his soule and his spirite they are all infected weakned and corrupted through sinne The curse as a garment couereth the flesh with all hir senses and like water it enters into the soule and into all her affections and like Oyle it pierceth into the inward parts of the spirit and into all her powers Wherefore our vnderstanding is blinde our will weake our freedome feeble our memory corrupted and forgetting hir creator seeing man therefore is throughout corrupted destroied and as it were become flesh how can he keepe the law of God which is altogether spirituall We know saith the Apostle that the law is spirituall but I am carnall solde vnder sinne What proportion is there betweene a spirituall law and a carnall man What fitnesse can a beast haue which is altogether flesh that he may liue according to the rule of the law which is altogether spirituall If therefore man through sin be become like vnto a beast altogether now enclined to the flesh what fitnes can hee haue to keepe the law which is altogether spirituall which is the law of Angels and altogether heauenly Yea he is so vnapt and vnfit to keepe the lawe that hee cannot doe any worke or speake any worde that pleaseth God vnles from heauen speciall grace be giuen him By these things it is manifest that on the one side if you consider the bodie of man that neither in the Sea nor in the aire nor on the earth you can find any creature standing in so great neede as man doth and subiect to so many miseries and calamities as he is againe on the other side if you respect his soule you shall find hir so weake and miserable that she is scant able to open hir mouth worthily to call vpon the name of Iesus By these things we may see where and in what state man was in the beginning created of God and into what miseries through sinne he is now fallen that his ingratitude and proude disobedience against his Creator deserued such a medicine God created him in great prosperity honour and blessednes and thereof hee tooke an occasion of waxing proude wherefore by good right he is left so miserable naked and voide of all goodnes that through his pouerty he might become humble and through his neede diligent and that the remedy of this need which is prayer might the more delight him Thus farre Granatensis In which words he saieth somwhat more then Andradius and the councell of Trent that man is not onelie as it were asléepe through sinne but that euen the curse of God is entred into his bones and that it hath like Oile euen pierced quite thorough him If this be true then man néedes a new Oile to be giuen him before he can doe anie good and this curse must be taken out of his bones and out of his marrow and sinewes before he be able to doe anie worke that pleaseth God Nay he is vnapt and vnfit now to that which is good saith Granatensis he must not onely haue his yron fetters taken from him as Andradius affirmeth but that he maie go straight forward he must haue new féete giuen him his olde féete will not serue the turne and the refore the Samaritan set the wounded man vpon his owne beast for his owne legs would not beare him He is become a beast and therefore he néedes not only loosing from the cribbe to doe God seruice as Andradius seemes to affirme but there must also a change and a Metamorphosis bee made hee must now of a beast be made a man for our God will not bee serued with beasts but with men And such a feeble fréedome Granatensis giues to man to make him humble they which teach contrarie doe make him proud
to haue reuenged the griefe of his brotherly pity The purpose of a godly mind lookes for no reward but so hir reward hath the conscience of a good worke and the effecting and bringing to passe of a good deed Base minds are pricked forward with promises and are encouraged with the hope of wages but the good soule which takes vpon hir the battell without the obligation of Gods answere reapes to hir self double fruit of praise that she may lay vp in treasure both the grace of most valiant courage and also of most perfect deuotion Thus must all Abrahams Children doe all their workes euen venture their liues not respecting wages but of a free heart with their father Abraham And of God Ambrose after writes thus And also the iustice of God is herein cōmended who rewards godly minds not by the necessity of his promise but through the consideration of his equity thinking it worthy that they which warre without any reward of man should haue a reward laid vp in store in his goodnes for whose sake they haue ventured their soules c. Gods mercie is aboue his promises naie his mercie is aboue all his works Hée will most assuredlie reward all his Againe Ambrose speaking of the vse of the law writes thus But also the law yeelds me this commodity that we are not iustified of the works of the law Amb. de Iacob beat vit ca. 6 therefore I haue no cause why I should glory in my works I haue no cause why I should boast of my selfe and therefore I will glory in Christ I will not reioice in that I am iust but I will reioice in that I am redeemed I will not reioice that I am void of sinne but because that my sinnes are forgiuen mee I wil not reioyce because I haue doon God any seruice or that any other hath doone any thing for me but because Christ is become my Aduocate with the Father because Christs bloud is shedde for me My fault is now become to me the wages of my redemption by the meanes thereof I obtaine Christ For my sake Christ tasted death my fault profited me more then my innocency my innocency made me arrogant my fault made me humble Here thou maist see wherein the law profited thee c. Granatensis of workes and merites writes thus The second steppe to humility is if a man know that that which he hath from God if so bee that hee haue any thing hee hath not obtained it by his owne strength but by the meere grace and mercy of God Gran. de perfect amor dei cap. 16. that he hath receiued it There are found some that beeing well grounded on the first step confesse that all which they haue comes from God yet notwithstanding they nourish in their breasts a secret perswasion that they haue gotten all that they haue to themselues by their owne labour and merites or deserts when as it is most certaine that the merites themselues as well as that which is obtained by the merites to be the graces of God vvhen as we cannot haue a thought or one good desire that is not of God Furthermore also our works haue not the value and merite they haue of themselues but of the grace of God by which they are doone For euen as the value of any coine is not of the substance of the coine but especially of the Image and inscription that it hath so the merit of our workes doeth not so much proceede of the substance of the worke as of the grace of God which giues value to them And therfore as often as by them any grace is giuen vnto vs euen one grace is giuen for another euen as if a friend should giue thee a hundreth pieces of gold and for them afterwards should giue thee a horse Here were both a selling and a giuing gaine and grace Grace because thy friend gaue thee gaine because vvith the mony that he gaue thee thou boughtest the horse of him The Prophet doth couertly teach vs both these when hee saith Come and buy without money and without any exchange Wine and Milke That is meat and drinke both for the beginners and for those that are perfect In which words when as he biddes vs buy he declares our industry but when as he excludes Siluer and all exchange he shewes grace All this therefore declares that man hath nothing in himselfe whereof he may glory thinking that which he hath comes of himselfe yea rather he ought to thinke that he hath of himselfe infinite sinnes for which he deserues so many hels And that all things else whatsoeuer they are come from aboue from the Father of light and are bestowed on vs of grace when as merite it selfe is grace Thus far Granatensis who plainlie affirmes that all our merites are grace And surelie our wages that the best of vs is to looke for if wee bee worthie of anie is like the wages they receiued that came into the Vineyard at the eleuenth houre of the daie a wages also of grace and not of desert or merit But Granatensis goeth forward To this the fourth steppe is to be added for it is not sufficient that a man acknowledge himselfe poore and destitute of all good things but also it is necessary that he acknowledge how truly hee abounds with many euilles that is how greatly he loues himselfe and his owne will and stands in his owne conceit how liuely are all his euill affections and how perfect are all his wicked motions how inconstant he is in good purposes how lauish in his tongue howe carelesse in keeping of his heart what a louer he is of his owne profit and of the desires of his owne pleasures To know these things is the best knowledge in the world and also most profitable For other knowledges as the Apostle sayeth puffe vs vp but this onely makes vs humble And it is also true that to the obtaining of this knowledge our owne exercise onely sufficeth not but wee stand need also of the light of heauen that the mist of our owne selfe-loue do not blindfold vs which is a very blind iudge And for this cause euery Christian ought to aske of God this light and that as earnestly as Saint Frances did who very often in his prayers repeated these words O my God that I may know thee and that I may knowe me Neither is it sufficient for him that he account himselfe such a poore and grieuous sinner but let him imagine that he is the greatest sinner in the world and the most vile of al sinners And this is a degree higher then the former for as a certain doctor saith It shal hurt thee nothing to cast downe thy selfe at the feet of all men but it may hurt thee if thou preferre thy selfe before any one c. Thus Granatensis would haue euerie Christian humble himselfe And is not this the verie doctrine our Church teacheth Granatensis also of our sinnes and the satisfaction
shall neuer be confounded deliuer me in thy righteousnesse Thu● farre Ferus Here is the true Catholiques righteousnesse by Ferus his iudgement that is Christes merites and righteousnesse communicated and imputed to him And after hee writes thus Fiftly he enioyeth heauen by inheritance No man ascended into heauen but he that came downe from heauen For by good right heauen is due to him for hee is the naturall Sonne of God And therefore he saith All thine O Father are mine And Dau●d saith The heauen of heauens are the Lords and the earth hath he giuen to the children of men Whome therefore he shall take into part of this inheritance with him he shall enter into heauen We obtaine this by no right but onely of grace and because he hath mercifully promised it vnto vs. For our works what kind soeuer they are doe not deserue such a reward of equality or worthinesse but in as much as God mercifully accepts them And therefore Paul saith The sufferings of this life are not worthy the glory to come And the same saith againe That the weight of that glory to come aboue all measure exceedes all that we suffer in this life And of them he concludes and saith By grace ye are saued not of works least any one should bragge Again of faith and good works he writes thus Fer. in cap. 4. Act. They are builders which with holesome doctrine doe erect and mainetaine the house of God But as all men cannot tell how to build so nor how to preach He that will be a builder must know what is to be placed beneath and what aboue also hee must take care that his building be not only beautifull but also firme and strong They which teach faith without works build their wal with vntempered morter for the righteousnesse of the law cannot stand against the iudgment of God and therefore it must needes fall They which teach faith without works they laie truly a foundation but they build nothing on it therefore they refuse this stone which teach to trust in work● which teach righteousnesse to come by works as the Pharisies ●d Thus farre Ferus And do not the papists so now And a little after vpon these words There is no other n●●e God hath appointed no other meanes to the world by which men must be saued then the name power and merite of Christ Our name is sinne lying vanity curse death but the name of Christ is that he is the Sonne of God holy iust the Authour of life Also his name is righteousnesse wisedome sanctification and redemption c. He that calles vpon this name that is hee which trusts by Christ and his onely righteousnesse and merites to be saued he truly obtaines saluation hee that goes about to be saued by any other thing beguiles himselfe No man comes to the father but by me saith Christ And S. Paul saith By him we haue accesse to the Father Therefore he which by his owne righteousnesse onely striues to go to God and to his goods shall neuer come to them So Israel following the law of righteousnesse attained not to the law of righteousnesse because he sought it of works onely and not of faith VVee must doe good works but we must not trust in that righteousnesse Good men may pray for vs but they cannot saue vs. Therefore when all is doon we must put all our trust in Christ and we must cleaue to him with hearty loue And after In this name the fathers of the old Tastament were saued For although the Sacraments by reason of the time do differ yet one and the selfe same faith agreeth Also Austen saith To the old iust men something was hidden when as notwithstanding they should be saued by the same faith which at their times should be reuealed whereof the Apostle saith Hauing the same Spirit of faith and therefore it is written I beleeued and therefore I spake And we beleeue and therefore we also speake He would not haue said the same vnlesse they had had the same Spirit of faith But as they when as that Sacrament was hidden beleeued that Christ should be incarnate and we beleeue that he is incarnate his comming to iudgement is looked for both of them and of vs. Thus far Ferus Where hee teacheth plainely that all true Catholiques must trust in Christ and in his merites they must doe good workes but they must not trust in them they may one pray for another but one cannot saue another they must let that alone for euer as Dauid teacheth in the Psalmes And that the old fathers and we were saued by the same faith Psal 49.7 And after that no man can fulfill the lawe hee writes thus vp●n these words There was a murmur of the Grecians Marke here hat the saints want not their imperfections they are Christians and Saints by faith but sinners in themselues Fer. in cap. 5. Act. Although GOD hath giuen them grace yet he hath left in them their nature still both that we should know our selues then also that we should haue an occasion of practising charity Euery Christian hath in himselfe that he would should be borne withall of others and he sees in others which he himselfe must beare withall And hereof Saint Paul saith Beare ye one anothers burthen c. Againe of vaine confidence he writes thus Hypocrisie neglecting the righteousnesse of faith Fer. in cap. 6. Act. and as Christ sayth the greater things of the law trusts in the outward works of the law They account righteousnesse to be placed in the externall obseruation of ceremonies places and times none therefore more bragge of Temples and Sacrifices then that kind of men So Christ 16. of Luke inueies against them saying Woe be to you which iustifie your selues And of the manner of our saluation hee writes thus In cap. 7. Act. vpon these wordes The glory of God appeared to our Fat●er Abraham Behold the beginning of our saluation sayeth hee is of God and not of our selues No man comes to me vnlesse my F●●her draw him sayth Christ Our saluation beginnes from he●uen for vnlesse God first doe beginne we doe euer remaine in our sinnes And that he beginnes with his word it is a signe tha● our saluation is begunne of faith For the word of God cannot ●therwise be receiued then by faith faith especially is necessary He that comes to God must beleeue For to be able to please God w●●hout faith it is impossible Also that besides this voice of God ●o merites of his are written therefore it is doone that we may k●ow that our saluation is of Gods grace and mercy For our saluat●●n comes not to vs of works or merites but of the mercy of God according to that You are called of grace and not of works T●us farre Ferus Where hee plainely attributes not onely th● beginning of our saluation to the frée mercy and grace of Go● but also the end thereof which other Papistes
do not with th●r iustificatione prima and secunda their first and last iustificatio● whereof they say the first is fréely of grace without workes or merites but not the second And after vpon these wordes By his name all that beleeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes Super. Act. 10. By his name sayeth hee not by our works and merites All which beleeue therefore faith iustifieth And a little af●er They beganne to speake with diuers tongues no otherwise then the Iewes did in the 2 Acts. So in the first and great calling of the Gentiles it behooued them without a●l helpe of the lawe to be made equall to the Iewes that it might now be most certaine that righteousnesse is now onely of the grace and election of God and of no works And in another place of merites hee writes thus But what are those so great merites of a sinner Fer. Ser. 7. de prodigo filio that God should entertaine him so honorably The answere is there is no mention made here of any merite but the mercy of God is commended vnto vs. It was in the prodigall Sonnes mind to doe many thinges to submit himselfe and to leaue nothing vnattempted that hee might winne his fathers fauour againe but before he euer spake a word yea before hee came at his father before hee saw his father when as now he was a g●eat way from his fathers house his father had now set al his anger as●de and could no longer refraine himselfe but that hee must needes goe and meet him He taried not till he came into the ●ouse he de●anded not of him what his request was he might easily ●oniectur● what moued him and what was the cause of his returne n●ither ●aried he till he had asked pardon of his offence but by and by he fe● vpon his necke By which what other thing is declared vnto vs t●n that it is of meere grace and mercy that we are restored of God i●o the place of sonnes from which wee were fallen For which ca● Christ hath vsed very stately and those not a few words by which his may very forcibly be conuinced For we must needes ascribe or iustification and the forgiuenesse of our sinnes to the grace of God By grace ye are saued sayeth Saint Paul and that not of yo●● selues it is the gift of GOD not of works least any man should ragge And such like doctrine did Ieremy the Prophet sing A●●o it is the Lords mercie that we are not ●onsumed And although also our work● must concurre both sorrow proceeding from the bottome of our he●●t and also a pure and perfect wil and an earnest desire of rising aga●ne a plaine and not counterfeit confession of the mouth and to co●clude the zealousnesse of our prayers notwithstanding neither ou● sorrow nor confession nor prayers nor all the externall rites of repentance can take vs out of our sinnes no not if so be that we should euen consume our selues with the sorrowes of repentance and employ our labour in confessing our sinnes euen till we waxed mad●e thereby we should as the common prouerbe is loose both al our ●●bour and cost to the obtaining of the remission of our sinnes vnlesse God had promised vs that he would freely forgiue vs vnlesse by Christs benefit and merite our saluation had beene procured vnlesse he had bestowed on vs his repentance and merites c. Our sinnes are fréelie pardoned by Iesus Christ sayeth Ferus and all our sorrowes and repentance are not satisfactions but signes and fruites of our repentance They are dueties to our sauiour not prices or raunsomes for our sinnes Philippus de Dies of the imperfection of all Christians works Phi. Dies conc 1. de Phil. Iac. writes thus No man commeth to the Father but by me that is by following me or else by me that is by my works The most ancient caruers of Images were woont before they shewed their Images openly to behold them very diligently and to examine very attentiuely if there were any faults in them and if they found no faultes in them then to place them in some low place that all men might behold the excellency of them But if there were some imperfections in them which they who nearely and narrowly beheld them might easily espy then they were woont to place them aloft on some high pillar that being beholden a farre off their faults and imperfections might not be discerned Of all our works yea euen of our iust works saith Esay As a defiled cloth of a woman is all our righteousnesse For they are vnworthy that they may be gratefull or accepted of the maiesty of God Wherefore it is necessary that we follow the policy of these artificers and that we place them on the high Pillar Iesus Christ our Sauiour that through his merites they may be of some valew and merit with God the father And againe speaking of the place of Esay Idem Conc. 3. in fest Micha To whom shall I haue regard but to the poore and contrite in Spirit c. Hee writes thus He calleth here the poore the humble man For he is indeed an humble man who acknowledgeth his pouerty and nakednesse who knoweth that he hath nothing of himselfe but sinne who what good thing soeuer he hath what benefit either of nature or fortune he doubteth not but that he receiueth it from God who trusts not in his owne iudgement wisedome counsell nor in his owne strength but puts all his trust and confidence in God and as a most poore beggar euer craues the crums that falleth from his most bountifull table Ferus also of good workes writes thus Therefore In cap. 3. Mat. Iohn preached in the Wildernesse as though he should say neither your riches nor your sacrifices can get you true righteousnesse but only the grace of Christ For if righteousnesse had comen by the lawe then had Christ died in vaine The same must we doe we must forsake al things and make haste into the Wildernesse that is to acknowledge that all These wordes take awaie all trust who will trust in a thing that is vncertaine that the world makes account of is temporall nor can deliuer thee from the wrath of God therefore trust in no such thing no nor in thy onely good works For thou canst not tel whether they be such before the eyes of God yea howe good soeuer they seeme yet they are imperfect neither doe they proceed from such feruency as they ought Therefore thou maiest not trust in them the which thing also Christ himselfe doth teach When we haue doone all things we are vnprofitable seruaunts Therefore when as thou hast nothing neither within thee nor without thee that may assure thy conscience flie vnto the grace of God and say I haue lift vp my soule vnto thee In thee haue I put my trust c. We maie note here he will not haue vs put our trust in any works neither
of that were for the most part corporall but the commandements of this are spirituall the commandements of that were temporall but of this are eternall that was the law of seruants this of children that was giuen by the hand of man though a holy man this by the hand of the word it selfe of the eternall father and wisedome of God By the excellencie of the law-giuer appeares the excellencie of the law The best wine of the feast was reserued for that Lord whose duety and office it was to turne the cold water of the law into the precious wine of the Gospell c. This studie of the lawe of God and especially of the Gospell of Iesus Christ should be the chiefe studie of all christians by Granatensis iudgement and it is of verie manie their least and last studie Naie the church of Rome hath hidden them from her children as a sharp knife least they should cut their fingers therewith But shee should not haue done so by Granatensis his iudgment In 6. cap. Luc. Stella vpon these wordes And they came to heare him writes thus As the soule of Christ was the instrument of the Deity to worke miracles in the bodies of men so the wordes of Christ were the instrument of the same Deitie to worke miracles in their soules And as it was a wonderfull thing that Christs hand should giue sight to the blinde and should cleanse the Lepour so it was farre more wonderfull that his very word should giue life to dead soules For the words of Christ did not only stirre vp the mindes of his hearers neither did only perswade them as other preachers are wont to doe but they had also such a vertue and power that they seemed euen to compel the hearers that they should doe that which he preached Therefore the words of Christ gaue grace also without the which the minde cannot once moue her selfe to that which is righteous before God And a little after He that is of God heareth Gods word therefore you heare them not because you are not of God Euery one is glad to heare the noble actes of his country-men If any bee a Frenchman hee delights to heare any man tell the noble actes of Frenchmen but if one in the presence of a Frenchman should tell of the noble acts of the Hungarians he would make no account thereof he would giue no eare So by nature euery one delights to heare of the famous actes of his kinred and of his auncestors because hee comes of them But if men chance to talke of those thinges which belong not to his he makes no account of them but he goeth away So they truely which are Gods children delight to heare those things which are of God but they which are not of God but haue the Diuell to their father as obstinate children they delight not to heare Gods word And therefore the Lord said vnto them Therefore you heare not because you are not of God Whose are they then You saith he are of your father the Diuell and therefore you delight to heare his wordes and communication as murmurings blasphemies filthie and dishonest words One of the chiefest signes whereby it may be knowne whether one be predestinate or no is this whether he delite to heare the word of God and sermons For if he delite and take pleasure to heare the word of God surely it is a great argument that he is elected and of the householde and family of God O what a great company is there which are weary of hearing sermons and haue not tasted or sipped of the words of life So there is a great company of them that goe to hell They will haue leasure enough to read prophane filthy bookes wherin is nothing handled but of the world and the flesh but they cannot abide a holy and deuout booke in their handes no not halfe an hower yea if a sermon last aboue halfe an hower how will they goe home murmuring and grudging That now that saying of Paul may be verified of our miserable and vnhappie time There shall come a time when they shall not endure holsome doctrine but they shall heap to themselues teachers according to their owne lusts hauing itching eares and shall turne alwaie their eares from the trueth and shall be giuen to delight in fables Oh that all Christians would acknowledge this mightie power of Gods word which Stella héere teacheth It is as forcible and mighty euen now to heale soules as Christs hand when as hee was here was of force to heale bodies And that if they would apply it often to their soules it would heale all their infirmities Secondly that they would delight to heare Sermons It is the chiefest signe to knowe whether one be predestinate or no and who would not gladly be assured hereof In 6. Luc. And after speaking of the ground of Gods Lawe he writes thus Wherein O good Christ is thy law founded Not in power For thou hast compelled no man to receiue thy faith neither hast thou forced any to embrace thy law Neither is it grounded on naturall reason for although it be not against naturall reason but doth presuppose it yet it is aboue it for it surpasseth all the bounds of reason and goes beyond all the wit of man be he neuer so quicke witted and subtill In what thing therfore is this law grounded Surely onely in his Authoritie for only because Christ hath spoken this therefore we must beleeue it His word must be our only and sufficient warrant in all our actions 2. lib. de Abraham Pat. ca. 5. S. Ambrose verie excellentlie writes of the daily reading of the scripture And that thou maiest know that it is good that the beginning and the ende should agree together good Iesus him selfe hath saide I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ende Therefore let our minde be euer with him let it neuer depart from his Temple and from his word let it euer bee occupied in reading the Scriptures in Meditations in Prayers that the worde of him who is in deede may euer worke in vs and that daily we either going to the Church or giuing our selues to prayers at home we may beginne with him and ende with him So the whole day of our life and the whole race of the daie shall beginne in him and ende in him For euen as in the beginning of our life to beleeue in God and to follow him is our saluation so perseuerance to the ende is necessarie And it is the best care that a soule can haue that marking wel the word of God it do nothing against reason wherewith it may be made sadde that euer knowing well what shee doeth shee maie keepe the ioy of a good conscience Here Saint Ambrose puts downe the whole course of a Christians life dailie to studie the Scriptures and to direct all his actions according vnto them De Iacob beat vita 2. lib. cap. 2. And againe he
and proud persons which will examine all things at their owne pleasures without the faith of the Church may plucke in their combes he addeth hast thou seene these things Who denie the sufficiency of the scripture but the Church of Rome who will teach all things with the finger of reason but that synagogue As their doctrines of the supremacy fréewill reall presence inuocation of saints do plainly declare Ierome of the scriptures writes thus to Eustochium In praef Esai Thou compellest me O Christian virgine Eustochium to passe ouer now to the Prophet Esay and to performe that to thee which I promised to thy mother Paula while she liued Therefore I pay both to thee and by thee to her that which I doe owe obeying the commaundements of Christ who saith search the scriptures And againe seeke and ye shall finde least I should heare with the Iewes you erre not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God For if according to the Apostle Paul Christ be the vertue of God and the wisedome of God and he which knowes not the scriptures is ignorant both of the vertue of God and of his wisedome the ignorance of the scripture is the ignorance of Christ Eustochium a virgine was so in loue with the scriptures that she compelled Ierome to write his commentaries vpon the Prophet Esay And shall not our women studie know and loue them The ignorance of the scriptures is the ignorance of Christ as Ierome heere plainely auoucheth how can it be then the mother of deuotion as the Papistes affirme In cap. 16. Io. Of the sufficiencie of the scriptures Ferus writes thus I haue as yet many things to say vnto you That which he said before seemes contrarie to this Whatsoeuer I haue heard of my father I haue declared vnto you But they are not contrarie For first that which he saies I haue declared vnto you he takes the preterperfect tense for the future tense for the certaintie of this doctrine which is a familiar thing in the writing of the prophets As when as Esay saith He was wounded for our iniquities which notwithstanding chanced long after Compare this doctrine with the Rhemists doctrine Then Christ also in trueth hath reuealed all things vnto vs necessarie for our saluation because hee hath preached the Gospell which is the fountaine of all trueth For whatsoeuer the spirit hereafter hath reuealed to the Church proceeded our of this fountaine So that trueth which the holy Ghost reuealed in the first councell of the Apostles that is that circumcision and other legall ceremonies were not necessarie to saluation came not from any where else then from the gospell where Christ plainely shewes that we haue saluation through faith in him and not of the workes of the law So that trueth that the sonne is consubstantiall to his father which appeared in the Nicene Councell against Arrius issued out of the gospel for although that word Homousion or consubstantial be not found in the Gospell yet there are found there other wordes of as great force as I my father are one Héere we may note first that that place I haue many things to say vnto you by Ferus a papists iudgement makes nothing for traditions or vnwritten verities Secondly that the holy Ghost reuealeth to the Church no new or straunge doctrine but that which is contained in the scriptures whereas other papistes affirme that the holy Ghost doth reueale doctrines to the Church besides the scriptures which are as firmely to be beleeued as those which are contained in the scriptures Lastly that that same doctrine of Christes equalitie with God his father Ferus acknowledgeth to be gathered out of the scriptures And after vpon the same wordes he writes thus I haue as yet many things to say to you The Apostles had forgotten many things and many things they did not vnderstand aright many things also Christ had spoken obscurely the which might be drawen into a wrong sense the which after chanced in the heretikes Therefore the holy Ghost was necessarie for them which might bring into their memories those things they had forgotten and should lighten those things they vnderstood not and should giue the true meaning of all obscure sayings Therefore this word may be referred to the whole gospell as though he shoul say although I haue taught you many things yet you neede further instructions for the causes now mentioned He shall speake all things which he shall heare that is which truely are and indeed stand fast and haue authoritie in the scriptures deuising nothing of his owne peruerting or misconstruing nothing heere we may learne what is to be preached taught in the Church or else we shall heare that I speake not to them and yet they prophecied Héere we may plainely sée what doctrine Ferus would haue taught and preached in the Church onely the scriptures and such as the holy Ghost doth drawe out of them In cap. 14. Ioh. not any vnwritten verities or traditions of the Church or inuentions of man And in another place he writes thus of Christ I am the way of life the trueth of doctrine and the life of saluation all men desire the way the trueth and the life These are not any where found certaine or sure sauing in Christ In cap. 2. Mat. And of the excellency of the scriptures he writes thus As in the latter daies the word of God came clad with flesh into the world and it was one thing that was seene and another that was vnderstood the sight of the flesh in him was apparant to all men but the knowledge of his diuinitie was giuen but to a few and to his elect so the word of God and the spirit is couered with the vaile of the letter The letter is looked vpon as the flesh and the spirit lying hid within is perceiued like the deitie And as the sheepheards being taught of the Angels knew Christ in his ragges and simple swathling clothes who otherwise would neuer haue beleeued that that childe was Christ although they had seene him a thousand times his clothes were so base of no great cost So the letter of the Scripture is plaine and it seemes often to speake of matters of no waight Therefore vnlesse we be lightened from aboue it doth not seeme that we should finde Christ in them Ferus here doth not make the Scriptures a bare or dead letter as some other Papistes doe but a liuing letter vnder which being read and studied Gods spirit lieth hid euen as vnder Christs flesh his diuinitie Oh wonderfull force and maiestie then of Gods words Oh that all Papists would confesse thus much and beléeue it It would make them reade the scriptures And herein Ferus agrées with the doctrine Ioh. 6.63 euen of our Sauiour himselfe who saith That the wordes which I speake are spirit and life which saying of his is to be referred to all the Scriptures of the Gospell For he
mā doubts but that he is good merciful iust We know also assuredly that they which obey the will of this most holy God to be crowned with most excellent rewardes in that heauenly kingdome and againe that those which offende him impudently with sins offences shall be thrown with great shame reproch into that miserable darke dungeon of hel If now God had not giuen vs his law wherin he had declared to vs as well those things which were to be eschewed as those things which were to be embraced sorrowfull surely and most sorrowfull heauie had beene the life of man For although we had knowen that we had bin created to euerlasting felicitie yet we should haue bene vtterly ignorant how we should haue obtained it Therefore that great God and parent of all things hath bestowed vpon vs a singular and most excellent benefit when he did proclaime his law by which all Christians may plainely vnderstand what was necessarie to obtaine euerlasting life and what was also required to eschewe that darke dungeon of hell So the notable Psalmist speaking to God saith Because of thy law I haue endured thee patiently If thou hadst not giuen mee thy law I could neuer haue endured this life So the same Psalmist saith againe Thy word is a lanterne to my feet a light to my pathes That benefit was no small benefit by which God bound all men to him when as he gaue them his lawe to the square and leuell whereof they should frame and apply all their actions c. What can be said more in the commendation of Gods word then this It makes knowne to vs Gods pleasure and will It is a rule and square to frame all our actions by It is Gods lanterne to direct our steppes in the darke night of this world and what neede we then anie other Is not this sufficient And after he writes thus Wilt thou know how excellent and of what great force the law of God is consider with thy selfe but a little this one thing that God himselfe did not disdaine to submit himselfe vnto it and to obey it O then a most excellent and princely lawe and shall not man submit himselfe vnto it and obey it Nay shall anie man say that he is aboue it and hath power to dispense with it Ibid. as the Pope now doth Of mans will the same Stella also verie excellently writes thus The beginning of our miserie and vndoing was the pride of our first parent when as he refused to keepe that commaundement which he ought to haue kept He had rather doe his owne will then Gods will Therefore when God came to redeeme vs it was necessarie that he should come humble to cure our pride and obedient to cure our disobedience which disobedience was the fountaine and cause of all our euils There is nothing burnes in hell but mans owne will the which man had rather fulfill then the will of God So the Lord God himselfe witnesseth Of olde times thou hast broken the yoke and burst my bonds and hast said I will not serue the Lord but will walke after mine owne deuises From the smallest to the greatest all will fulfill their owne willes euery one is ruled by his owne iudgement doth that which seemeth good to himself Thus farre Stella Where we may learne that we must not doe our owne willes Mat. 16.24 Psal 119.115 Io. 15.15 we must denie our selues as our Sauiour teacheth in the gospell and that especially in Gods seruice we must do the will of God And his will is reuealed to vs in his word To the same effect the same Stella writes thus againe in the same Chapter In these fewe wordes saith hee the Euangelist saith thrise According to the law of God first According to the law of Moses Secondly As it is written in the law of the Lord And thirdly As it is said in the law of the Lord. Wherein the Euangelist would signifie vnto vs how studious our thoughtes ought to be and our wordes and workes howe greatly they ought to be conformable to the law of God Because Christ whatsoeuer he did he did it according to the law of God The which thing Dauid also declared in the Psalme saying What loue haue I vnto thy law O Lord All the day long is my studie in it If this be true what degenerate Christians be they which thinke they ought not to know the law of God which all their life neuer care for it These follow not Dauids steps nor the holy steps of Iesus Christ And after let vs also wōder at Iesus Christ beleeuing those things stedfastly not which appeare outwardly but which the holy scriptures the Catholike saith do testifie according to that whē thou entrest into the house of God stand fast draw neere that thou maist heare for we cannot see the maiestie of God with our eies neither comprehend it with all our witte but with our faith and hearing only without any more search or enquirie Beware of that He that searcheth the Maiestie of God shall be confounded of his glory So many Iewes Philosophers and Heathens were confounded erred and were deceiued who because they would not captiuate their vnderstanding into the obedience of Christ and according to their knowledge worship him fell into many errors and heresies For euen as in Isaake now being olde all his senses were deceiued when he blessed his sonne Iacob besides his hearing so about the vnderstanding of our Sauiour Christ all mans senses are deceiued besides hearing The voyce saith hee is the voyce of Iacob In this thing onely he said trueth but he was deceiued in that he said thy handes are the handes of Esau So thou O faithfull Christian when thou hearest Simeon confessing Iesus Christ to be the light and saluation of the world and Anna confessing that he is the King of Israell and that the redeemer which was so greatly looked for is comed beleeue that these things are true for Isaackes hearing was not deceiued c. I would to God the Papistes would obserue this rule in their worship of God their inuocation of Saints their Latine prayers their images haue no warrant in the worde of God where heare they that these are commanded That which hee saith after of hearing the Church and the Martyres is true if they shall speake that which they haue heard from God for they maie not speake of their owne heads Gal 1.8 Againe of the excellencie of the Scriptures he writes thus The word was vpon Iohn he saith because it descended vpon him For Esay saith Euen as the showers and snow doe descend from heauen c. so shall the word be that proceedeth out of my mouth For that word vpon signifieth an excellencie because the word of God doth not ascend vp into the hart of man but the word doth descend to the heart and the heart ascendeth vnto the word So holy Dauid cals all his Psalmes by
the Hebrewe article Lamed which is the signe of the Datiue case as though they were giuen to Dauid from aboue and not Dauids Psalmes with the signe of the Genitiue case as though they were of his owne making or inuention So saint Paul saith 2. Tim. 3.16 The whole Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God And saint Peter saith Pet. 2. ep 3.15 Iames 1.5 As our beloued brother Paul according to the wisedome giuen to him wrote to you And saint Iames saith If any man lacke wisedome let him aske of God c. Hereof is the maiestie of the holy scriptures and worde of God it descendes from aboue all mens hearts must climbe vp to it no man nor Church is aboue it so that we maie iustly saie thereof as Dauid said Psal 138.2 Thou hast magnified thy name and thy word aboue all things Osor lib. 3. de Sapientia Of the authoritie of the scriptures Osorius writes thus If thou be afraide to walke in darkenesse and desirest to be filled with the light of saluation doe not search for those causes and reasons of things thou canst neuer attaine vnto but onely giue credit to the heauenly testimonies and be content that thou maiest be sure that those thinges which thou beleeuest are confirmed by Gods ●●ne word and sentence This is the rocke of all Christians ●●at they knowe that those things which they doe beleeue are ratified by Gods owne word The words of all the Angels in heauen nor of all the men and Churches in the world without this word could not quiet and assure our consciences Therefore we beleeue and are assured because we know God hath spoken it and whatsoeuer hee hath spoken we doubt not of though he haue but once spoken it as Balam did Num. 22.11.20 after Gods answere he went to aske him the second time Againe of the excellent commoditie which is reaped by studying the scriptures he writes thus And that we may begin Lib. 5. de Sap. from hence it is euident by Gods owne mouth that true wisedome consists in true obedience and kéeping of the law of God For thus it is written This shall be your wisedome and vnderstanding before all people that they hearing these commandements may say Behold a wise and an vnderstanding people As though hee should say let others loue the studies of the Mathematiques let them search out with all their endeuours the hidden secretes of nature and if they thinke good let them measure out the heauens and let them endeuour to bring to light that which is shut vp in the bowels of the earth let them bragge of their wisedome and vaunt of their wits let them walke with the titles of great learned men and let them intrude themselues euerie where as correctors and amenders of common wealths But you keepe firmely with you one kinde of wisedome onely that is to say study you in the Lawe of God day and night let that neuer slippe out of your mindes Other studies can neither saue you nor aduance you nor deliuer you out of perils nor to conclude can bring you any fruit or commoditie in aduersities Nay it may so fall out that that same false opinion of wisedome may oftentimes bring you into the danger of your life and maye throw you headlong into euerlasting destruction For he is not called blessed which is skilfull in the artes which mans braine hath deuised but he that studies earnestly in the law of God day and night And after he concludes thus This Oration plainely declares that all wisedome is contained in the studying of the law of God If this be true why then are not all men in the Popes kingdome exhorted and pricked forward to this blessednesse why are some kept backe from it and forbidden it If all wisedome bee contained therein what state haue they béene in which neuer knew it And Ferus herin also agrées with Osorius Fer in c 9. act As vnreasonable beasts are guided and holden in with a bridle so to man is giuen reason and to Christians the word of God by which they may be gouerned He accounts Christians lacking the knowledge of the word of God like bruit b●astes without a bridle or like men without reason And againe The word of God is that sharpe and piercing sword wherewith the Diuell is repelled and put to flight He therefore that will liue without care danger let him take into his hands this sword Thus saith Ferus but the Pope saith not so he will not haue euerie one meddle with this sword In cap. 20. act And againe These are the weapons wherewith the enemies haue hurt the Church that is to say peruerse doctrine and all doctrine is peruerse wicked that agrees not with the rule and square of Gods worde Ibidem And a little after vpon these words And to the word of his grace He addes this as though he should say If any thing as yet bee wanting let it be taken out of the word of God For Gods word is a Lanterne vnto our feete Aboue all other things chiefly in all aduersities the power and authoritie of God and the word of truth doe comfort vs and doe defend vs against all inuasions of heretiques the Diuell and the world He doth not say as some Papists doe nowe saie that the wants of the Church must be supplied by traditions but by the Scriptures It is able to supplie all wants And againe vpon these words Saying none other things then those Fer. in act 24. which Moses and the Prophets did saie should come The doctrine of Christians must bee agreeable to the Scriptures And if Paul were not ashamed to preach the Scriptures how much lesse we And after speaking of Pauls Nauigation Let vs vse all fit meanes saith he but especially let vs trust in God In Act. 27. If we cannot escape the danger of our body yet let vs haue a care that our soule may be safe And marke here that the longer we are on this sea meaning the world wee doe saile the more dangerously Againe There is neuer more dangerous fayling then where there is famine of the word of God If we would then not suffer shipwrack Col. 3.16 let vs haue the anchor in our houses as Saint Paul counsels vs. And a little after As these men in so great dangers had nothing els to comfort them but the words of Paul so also now the word of God only comforts vs which God giues vs abundantly But wo be to our vnthankfulnesse which despise it The houre shall come when we shall desire to heare the word of God and it shall not be granted vs. Wo to him that despiseth it for he shall be despised Let all Recusants marke this Marke diligently also saith he that Paul spake but thrise in the shippe first he warned them that they should not saile secondly he comforted them And here thirdly he forewarneth against imminent
Christian against Antichrist These things haue I written vnto you 1. Ep. 2.26 as concerning those that deceiue you and the annointing yee haue receiued of him abideth in you so that no man needeth to teach you any thing no not Elias nor Enoch We may note here how that he armeth the faithfull onely with the Scripture and the holie spirit against Antichrist and that they neede no other armour And againe I write vnto you children Verse 14. that you haue knowne the father I write vnto you fathers that you haue knowne him that was from the beginning I write vnto you young men that you are strong and the word of God dwelleth in you The worde of God is the knowledge and light of olde men against Sathan and his sonne Antichrist and the strength also of young men to wrastle and encounter with them both and with this they being strengthened they are able to ouercome them Saint Paul also speaking of Antichrist and of his members which by and by after his departure should succéed in the church saieth thus Act. 20 24. I knowe this that after my departure shall grieuous Wolues enter in amongst you not sparing the flocke and from amongst your selues shall men arise speaking peruerse things to drawe away the Disciples after them Therefore watch ye remembring how by the space of three yeeres night and day I haue not ceased to warne euerie one of you And now brethren I commend you to God and to the word of his grace which is able to build you further then I haue as yet builded you and to giue you an inheritance amongst all those which shall be sanctified Here Saint Paul teacheth that Wolues shall succéede in the Church and no doubt these were the members of Antichrist Against these as a faithfull Pastor he commits his shéepe to God and to the word of God which is able to build them further naie to preserue them safe and sound from all errors and dangers in the wildernesse of this worlde and to bring them euen to heauen if so be that they shall follow onely the direction of it And here also we maie learne an excellent commendation of the worde of God it is a bottomelesse pitte no man can euer come to the depth thereof so that of it that saying of Saint Austen is verified So great is the depth of the holy Scriptures that I should euerie day profit in the study of them Aug. ep 3. if from mine infancie till I were a verie olde man I should learne them hauing neuer so much leisure studying neuer so earnestly and hauing neuer so good a wit they are still able to build further This testimonie Saint Paul and Saint Austen yéelde to the worde of God and what néedes Maister Bellarmine then to adde the comming of Elias and Enoch as necessarie to preserue the elect in the faith as though the worde of God were not sufficient Our Sauiour himselfe in the Gospell teacheth the same doctrine and that it is dangerous to beléeue anie rising againe frō the dead whosoeuer they are in points of saluation Luk. 16.31 They haue Moses the prophets saith Abraham the father of the faithful if they will not beleeue them neither wil they beleeue if anie arise from the dead againe no if it were Enoch and Elias This lesson Abraham by our sauiours testimonie hath taught all his children and yet by Maister Bellarmine his iudgement the faithfull must looke for Elias and Enoch to come to preserue them in the faith Esay also opposeth the word of God against all doctrines of dead men whatsoeuer Esay 8.20 Should not a people enquire of their God From the liuing to the dead will you seeke To the lawe and to the testimonie Psal 119.105 The lawe and the testimonie must be a light to our feet our counsellers in all controuersies and doubts as also they were Dauids Chrysostome vpon Matthew writes thus of Antichrist and of the onely way to bewray him Then that is Chrys Ho. 49. in ca. 24. Mat. when Antichrists kingdome shall come they which are in Iewrie let them flie vnto the hilles These things are to be vnderstood spiritually thus Then when you shall see the abomination of desolation sitting in the holy place that is when you shall see a wicked heresie which is the host of Antichrist standing in the holy places of the Church at that time they which are in Iewrie let them flie to the hilles that is they which are Christians let them get them to the Scriptures For as the true Iewe is a Christian as the Apostle saith not he which is a Iew openly but he which is a Iew in secret so christendome is true Iewrie whose name signifies confession or thanksgiuing and the hilles are the writings of the Prophets and Apostles of which hilles it is said Thou wonderfully giuest light from the eternall hilles And againe of the Church he saith the foundations are vpon the holy hilles And why doth he command all christians at this time to get them to the scriptures Because at that time since that heresy hath taken place in the Church there can be no other proofe or triall of true christianitie nor any other help for christians which thē would know which is the true faith but the holy Scriptures Before by many meanes it might be shewed which was the church of Christ and which was the heathenish Synagogue But now they which will know which is the true Church can know it by no meanes else but onely by the Scriptures And after Therefore the Lord knowing what a great confusion of all things should be in the latter daies therefore he commaunds that Christians which would be sure to know the true faith should flie to nothing else but to the Scriptures Here we maie first learne what Antichrist is not a Deuill incarnate as the Papists imagine but a wicked heresie which shall take possession in the Church nay in the beginning of that Homily he saith That when as all heresies are as it were the host of Antichrist yet especially that which shall take vpon it the face and roume of the Church Quae obtinuit ecclesiae locum stetit in loco sancto ita vt videatur quasi verbum veritatis stetisse cum non sit verbum veritatis sed abominatio desolationis id est exercitus Antichrists qui multorum animas reddidit desolatas à Deo which hath borne the shew of the Church so that it seemed to haue continued in the holy place as the word of truth when as it is not the word of truth but the abhomination of desolation that is the host of Antichrist which shall make many mens soules destitute of God And dare anie man then venture his saluation vpon the bare name and shewe of the Church He saith here plainlie that Antichrists heresie shall haue the roume and shewe of the Church Therefore it is dangerous onely to relie vpon
professe himselfe a schoolmaister of good dealing and integritie condemning all euill actions whereof he himselfe is the author and principall actor That thing which he greatliest desireth he will make a shew as that he could in no wise abide it and that thing which he abhors and detests he will seeme greatly to long for and desire that he may more easily take vs at his pleasure This is another point of his cunning by vrging thy iustice to make the mind sorrowfull and to perswade desperation and againe by shewing thy mercie and clemencie to make the mind presumptuous and slothfull Againe of the consideration of euerie ones dignitie to make them proude and arrogant Againe he will procure hatred against thy law that is euen against thine owne selfe as though thou wast an enemie to the lawful desires of the flesh It were to be wished that these sleights of sathan were knowne to all Christians It would make coniurers take héed how they trusted Sathan It would make simple christians also take heed how they beléeued any apparition of spirits or vaine fables although it had a smocke or some sauour of truth or vertue For this is one of sathans sleights as here we may learne to season his lies sometimes with some shew of vertue and goodnes that he may beguile simple soules and draw them on and so cause them to beleeue lies But here all those that are wise in Iesus Christ must know that all is not gold that glistereth And no doubt this was the root of that golden Legend which the Papistes make so great account of and wherein are manie fables tending to vertue and religion but they are but sathans lies burnished ouer with a shew of truth and vertue As Ludouicus Viues here teacheth all Christians that sathan can do cunningly 2 Cor. 2.11 And saint Paul also saith We are not ignorant of his sleights or deuises Of Apparitions and Reuelations Granatensis writes thus Gra. de Deu. lib. 1. cap. 53. If we ought not saith he to seeke for spiritual comforts delights that we may wholy giue our selues vnto them and delight in them much lesse are reuelations visions inspirations and such like to be desired for they truly are the beginnings of diuellish illusions neither let any man fear that herein he is disobedient to God if he shut all his gates against these For God knoweth if he mind to reueale any thing to man to finde an entrie to come in at and to open the gates so that men need not doubt but know assuredly that God is there So he dealt with Samuel being yet a child whenas he called once and twise and the third time and he told him all things which he would that he should know so plainly that there now was no cause of doubting left nor the Prophet now should doubt of his embassage Granatensis here suspects reuelations and he plainly affirms that they are the verie beginnings of sathans illusions Therefore true Christians must not easily giue credit to such but examine them alwaies by Gods word If he agrée not with that it is sathan which appeares though he appeare like an Angell of light 14. Of Inuocation THe common receiued opinion of the Papistes is that we may inuocate the saints in heauen Poligranes a papist writes thus Polig de com sanctorum If they forsake Christ their aduocate and mediator in heauen which call vpon saints then much more they forsake him which do require the praiers of saints on earth The which thing Christ hath not onely forbidden but commanded He makes no difference betwéene inuocation and a request men may request one another to do anie thing but to call vpon anie man is idolatrie and forbidden by Gods word But I would not haue them ignorant saith he that it is one thing to be a mediator of saluation another of intercession onely Christ is the mediator of saluation but there may be more of intercession c. As though Christ had said onely for your saluation if you begin it in my name you shall obtaine it and not generally of all things Whatsoeuer you shall aske the father in my name he will giue it you If he be a Mediator then he is a mediator of all things There is no exception in his most bountifull large promise made to vs. But after as should seeme not being bold to giue inuocation to saints he partly reclaimes his former sentence so saith he After some sort mans name may be called vpon For Iacob s●ith to the sons of Ioseph Let my name be called vpon them c. That is I account them as my children though they were borne in Egypt Doth this place proue that they should in their prayers call vpon Iacob but rather that they should of men be accounted the children of Iacob It makes nothing for inuocation or prayer Other papistes more sound haue defined prayer farre otherwise Granatensis defines prayer thus That prayer rightly made is nothing else then a drawing neere of man to God De orat lib. 2. cap. 5. and an vnion of both their spirits If this definition be true then the praiers we do make to saints are no prayers Stella in 5. Luc. And Stella defines prayer thus Prayer is a climing or flying vp of the soul that liues in this world to God And it is as it were a suit which we offer to our God and to our King Our God as he is a most mightie so he is a most mercifull and bountiful prince He will haue all suits to be made to himselfe alone Psal 68.19 He himselfe will bestow all his benefits to make vs praise him alone Praised be the Lord euen the God of our saluation which ladeth vs daily with benefits saith Dauid And Vocabularium Scholasticum defines inuocation to be calling of a thing into it selfe by effects and diuine worship But Stella teacheth That the diuell cannot take any thing from our vnderstanding or will because the operation of the diuell cannot directly reach vnto the substance of our soule Stella in 8. ca. Luc. no nor any Angell can do that because it is only God which can enter into our soule is truly in it which also can worke in it So that then God is only to be inuocated who can enter into our soule and not any Saint or Angell Leu. 10.1 First of all that terrible example of Gods iudgement vpon Nadab and Abihu Aarons sonnes should terrifie all Christians They offering incense to the Lord with a good intent no doubt with strange fire not with that which came downe from heauen thorow their own blind deuotion breaking and transgressing Gods most holy commaundement were sodainly of God consumed with fire sent from heauen And are not our praiers now incense sacrifices of God Psal 141.2 Heb. 13.15 as both Dauid saint Paul do plainly teach and dare we presume to offer them to his maiesty otherwise
both priuate and common deuotions ought to be in a toong knowne and vnderstood of the common people But M. Bellarmine in this weightie matter of praier which is as it were the verie key of heauen and the onlie means for the poore sinner to refresh and comfort his soule is quite contrarie to himselfe For in one place he writes thus That he is not worthy of the thing he asketh which doth not acknowledge that he standeth need of the thing he requireth And therefore we must be poore and miserable wretches in our owne eies if so bee that we will obtaine mercie and grace And againe he deuides praier thus There is one kinde of prayer saith he only mentall Another both mentall and vocall Neither ought there be added the third member vocall onely for that is not onely profitable to please God but rather to prouoke Gods anger according to that saying This people honoureth me with their lippes Esay 29. Mat. 15. but their hearts are farre from me Here he plainly affirmes that onely vocall praiers such as are all praiers not vnderstood obtaine nothing at Gods hands but rather prouoke his anger If this be true then their masses which manie of their priests scant well vnderstood and their other Latine praiers which commonlie the people made without vnderstanding pleased not but rather displeased God And againe he writes thus Lib. 1. cap. 9. de oper bonis in particular Esay 29. Mat. 15. Ierem. 48. The fift condition of prayer is deuotion And deuotion here is called a desire of praying attentiuely carefully diligently and feruently for the Lord reprooues the people that praie only with their lips And he is pronounced accursed that doth the worke of the Lord negligently This condition as also the former do spring of faith For he which attentiuely with a strong faith considers how great the maiestie of God is and how great is our vilenesse how great the matter is which we require at Gods hands it is not almost possible but that he should come to pray humbly reuerently and feruently Thus farre M. Bellarmine Where he makes the consideration and knowledge of the thing we begge at Gods hands a meanes to make Christians deuout in their praiers But they which praie in Latine lacke this consideration therefore their praiers cannot bee made but without deuotion So that here M. Bellarmine séems to require knowledge in praier that their praiers maie be deuout and please God But in other places he goes about to prooue that praiers not vnderstood maie please God And he alleadgeth arguments to confirme the same The priest saith he in the olde law prayed for the people in the Tabernacle and the people tarried without and neither vnderstood nor knewe what he prayed First here the priest was a shadow of Christ who alone entred into the tabernacle and the people might not enter in with him and therefore could not vnderstand his praiers but his praiers were such as if they had bin present they might haue vnderstood And therefore this makes nothing for their Latine seruice where priest and people are both present togither Secondly he alleadgeth that the Church praies for infidels and wicked men which would not that she should pray for them and yet no doubt her prayers doe them good But here the Church doth vnderstand her prayers The question is not whether he that reapeth good by a prayer should vnderstand it or not But whether he that makes anie praier either for himselfe or for anie other ought to praie with vnderstanding and to know the praier he makes Surely he that praies for another or for himselfe and knowes not what he praies shall neither do himselfe nor the other anie good As they which in times past said de profundis for them which were dead did no doubt not profit them naie if they had vnderstood what they had saide they would neuer haue said it for the dead which was made of one liuing for himsefe neither are the dead so much as once named therein Thirdly he alleadgeth some sayings of the fathers as of Origen and Chrysostome That as charmers by words not vnderstood doe driue Serpents out of their holes so the word of God being read and yet not thorowly vnderstood is of much more force against the Diuell But these fathers speake not of the Scriptures read in a strange language of the people that they should be of anie force but onely of some darke and obscure places which being read and passed ouer although not thorowlie vnderstood with some other plainer places might yet profit the soule and daunt the enemy as did the Eunuches reading of the Prophet Esay who no doubt vnderstood the words hee read as they doe not of their Latine praiers although he vnderstood not the meaning of the wordes For he coulde saie Of whom speaketh the Prophet of himselfe or of another But these places make nothing for praier which speake of reading the Scripture Lastly he alleadgeth Austen That one praying the prayers which heretikes haue made not knowing them to be heretikes prayers may reape good by them But this is nothing to the purpose So the praier be good and praied with vnderstanding and a liuely faith it makes no matter who made it Basill verie excellently of the common prayers vsed in the Church in his time writes thus Hexam hom 4. If so be that God account the sea good and beautifull and commendable how much more is not that wise decree of the Church more glorious in which a mixt noise of men women and children as it were of the water beating against the shoare of their praiers rebounds vnto God with the depth of peace and tranquilitie and preserues it firme and vnmooueable all those wicked spirits being put to flight which were not able with their hereticall doctrines so much as once to mooue her He calles these common praiers consilium the wisdome or policie of the Church The olde enemy of our saluation Sathan hath banished this pollicie out of the church Of all other this most preuailes against him Let the true Church vse it againe and iudge who she is which vseth it not But it is worthie our consideration how other Papists haue condemned praiers in generall being made without our vnderstanding Viuiennus a Papist concerning this matter Lib. 3. de offic boni patrisfam cap. 25. writes thus Therefore if any man saith he seeke the meanes how he may obtaine the grace of God let him giue himselfe to prayers which are the weapons by which all the power of the Diuell is ouerthrowne Therefore the wicked spirits sometimes when we pray cast stumbling blocks in our waies that either being slothfull we may be wearie of praying or being terrified we may quite giue it ouer or being carried away with vaine thoughts we may pronounce negligently those words which we should pronounce with great discretion being like to drunken men who oftentimes talke many things neither doe
lambs for so Gedithaik the Hebrew word signifies nigh vnto the tents of those sheepheards Here is that heauenly Oracle first she must know for her selfe Habac. 2.4 Heb. 8.10 The iust man must liue by his own faith And this is now the new couenant that all shall know me saith the Lord from the smallest to the greatest They which lacke this knowledge no doubt are without the couenant And this is life eternall saith our Sauiour that they know thee to be the onely true God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ Io. 17.3 They which know not thus much shall neuer haue eternall life But how now shall we attaine this true knowledge and be sure not to go astray in so manie by waies as now are in the world The answere is plaine and easie Follow the tract of those sheepe Hatsoon saith the spouse as it is in the Hebrew that is of the first Christians not of euerie common shéepe as the Papists would haue vs. The shéepe will make a tract or way by which it may appeare which way they haue gone Euen so let vs follow the steppes of the ancient Christians Let vs beléeue to be saued as they beleeued let vs liue as they liued and then surely we shall rest with Iesus Christ For as saint Paul saith The Corinthians wanted nothing 1. Cor. 1.7 but were euen now readie to looke for the comming of our Lord Iesus to iudgement What things then they had not as necessarie to their saluation what néed we thē And S. Peter saith testifieth that that was the true grace of God wherein the Christiās stood in his daies 1. Pet. 5.12 And shall we beleeue to please God now by any other new deuises And this is that which saint Paul teacheth the Corinthians For this cause haue I sent vnto you Timothie 1. Cor. 4 17. which is my beloued sonne and faithfull in the Lord which shall put you in remembrance of my waies in Christ Saint Paul would haue the Corinthians follow his tract follow his waies And againe in the same Epistle Be ye followers of me 1. Cor. 11.1 euen as I am of Christ And againe to the Philippians Brethren be yee followers of me and looke on them which walk so Phil. 3.17 as ye haue vs for an example And to Timothie he writes thus 2. Ti. 3.10 Thou hast fully knowne my doctrine manner of liuing purpose faith long suffering loue patience c. And to the Hebrewes Remember them that haue the ouersight of you Heb. 13.7 which haue declared to you the word of God whose faith follow considering what hath been the end of their conuersation No doubt these are those shéepe which the bridegroome here counselleth his spouse to follow And feed thy younglings Vers 2. Here all Catholickes must learne another principall marke of Gods Church that is to instruct their young children in the law of the Lord as Dauid teacheth them also Wherewith shall a young man redresse his waie euen by taking heed thereunto according to thy word Psal 119.9 1. Ioh. 2.14 And saint Iohn also in his Epistle I write to you babes that you haue knowne the father Euen young infants must know God the Father and then Iesus Christ the Sonne also who makes God to be our louing father Luk. 2 14. and then the holy Ghost by whom this loue of God is shed into our hearts And saint Paul writes of Timothie Rom. 5.5 2. Ti. 3.15 that he knew the scriptures of a child And shall we not beléeue all these and instruct our children in the lawe of the Lord By the Tents of those shepheards that is of the Apostles whō Christ made pastors of his Church not of euery common shepheard nor also of anie one of those shepheards no not of Peter Ephe. 4.11 God hath giuen Apostles Prophets and Euangelistes to the building of his Church and no one Apostle Embrace therefore all the Apostles writings and féede on them and not on Peters onely embrace and follow all the Apostolical Churches as the fathers did and not the Romane Church onely And here I cannot but giue a lift at that great rocke which being deriued from that rocke whereof our Sauiour Christ speaketh in the 16. of Matthew the Papists oppose for the defence of their Church that because hel gates haue neuer preuailed against her Mat. 16.18 as they haue done against others because that now only of the Apostolical Churches she remaines therefore that she is the true Church But I answere that if by hell gates be vnderstood Heresies as some of the Fathers haue expounded them Epiphan in ancorato August de symbolo ad Catechum lib. 1. ca. 6 Bellarm. de Ro. Pont. lib. 4. ca. 3 D. Reinolds against Hart. ca. 7. deuis 8. and as Master Bellarmine seemes to affirme neither haue heresies preuailed against anie of the other Apostolike Churches For Artius though he assaulted the Church of Alexandria and Nestorius the Church of Constantinople yet they preuailed not but had the repulse in the end Nay in the Church of Rome there haue bin Bishops that haue béene heretiks as hath beene of late verie learnedly proued Neither hath hell gates at this day that is heresies preuailed against those Churches of the East which now the Turk possesseth but rather his sword power And that partly for their own sins partly for the sin of the Pope as may appeare by that prophecy of Zachary Zach. 11.17 O Idol sheepheard which leauest the flocke the sword shal be vpon his arme and vpon his right eie His arme shall be cleane dried vp and his right eye shall be vtterly darkened Which prophecie I haue handled else where in a Treatise of the Epistle of saint Iude. Har. euang ca. 66. But if by the gates of hell be meant the kingdome of the diuell as Iansenius doth expound them surely then also the gates of hell haue preuailed against the Church of Rome as well as against other Churches For from what monstrous sinnes hath she béene frée as appeareth by their owne histories But the true meaning of this promise Read Platina that hell gates shall not preuaile against the Church of Christ and against that faith which Peter professed is that although Sathan assault it with all his power and might with sinne heresies persecutions c. yet it shall neuer be quite ouerthrowne Mat. 24.2 as is now that stately Temple of Ierusalem which though it were builded on an earthly hill hath not now one stone left on another but shall remaine euer vnto the worlds ind Nay euen the reliques of those other Apostolicall Churches professing Christianitie remaine yet vnder the Turkes tyrannie so that Rome cannot brag that she alone remaines God shall haue at the least two witnesses to confirme his truth for euer Reuel 11.3 So that whereas the bridegroome bids his spouse to
call him The Lord our righteousnes Psal 4. ● And thus also Dauid cals him heare me O God that art my righteousnes And this also then is another true marke of the true Church to call account Iesus Christ their righteousnes And if this be his name it must not be giuen to anie other he must haue his name alone himselfe They denie him his name that attribute their righteousnes to an thing else in this world what soeuer And this name haue al Gods saints alwaies attributed vnto him Gen. 18.27 I haue begun to speake vnto my Lord saith Abraham which am but dust and ashes thus basely he thought of himselfe what glorie what beautie is in dust and ashes And O Lord saith Iacob I am not worthie of the least of all thy mercies Gen. 32.10 and of all the truth which thou hast shewed vnto thy seruant As though hee should say I can challenge nothing no not the least grace which thou hast bestowed vpon me And Iob saith Iob. 9.2 How should a man compared to God be iustified If he would dispute with him he could not aunswere one thing for a thousand And to Iob agréeth Dauid Innumerable troubles saith hée are comed about me my sinnes haue taken such holde vpon me that I am not able to looke vp Psal 40.12 Yea they are moe in number then the haires of my head and my heart hath failed me Euen Dauid himselfe thus manie in number accounted his sinnes Act. 13.22 being a man according to Gods owne heart And who dare then account his sinnes fewer And our Sauiour likewise teacheth all his when as they haue done all that is commaunded them if they were able to doe it Luk. 17.10 as there is none able euen then to say and to account themselues in deed vnprofitable seruants Much more then when they shall not be able to doe perfectly euen the least of that which is commaunded them Nay if the Apostles themselues shall say they haue no sinne 1. Io. 1.8 they were lyers Much more then anie other Christians whatsoeuer All true Christians account their works doe they neuer so manie and so excellent but duties not deserts as saint Paul teacheth them For the loue of Christ now saith he pincheth vs or constraineth vs to doe all things 2. Cor. 5.14 For we thus iudge that if one be dead for all then were all dead And he died for al that they which liue should not henceforth liue vnto themselues but vnto him that died for them and rose againe Here is the ende and cause of all good works They are but duties which we are bound to doe for Iesus Christs sake that died for vs if so be we could do euen a thousand times more thē we can doe Mat. 5.16 They are light they are not fire Let your light so shine before men saith our Sauiour that men seeing your good works Luke 12.44 may glorifie your heauenly father But he deserueth the praise of this light that kindled the fire And that is he which said I am come to send fire vpon the earth and what will I now but that it burne Io. 2.18 The light is his that oweth the fire our works are not ours they are but the light of faith The Apostle Paul cals them fruits of righteousnes Phil. 1.11 they are not causes thereof They procéed from it When we are iustified then we bring forth good workes Heb. 11.6 2. Cor. 3.5 Before we can doe nothing that is good no not so much as thinke a good thought He that owes the trée may iustly challenge these fruits Ephes 1.13 After saith saint Paul that the Ephesians beléeued which is their new life and iustification they were also sealed with the holy spirit of promise which is the earnest of their inheritance vntill the redemption of the possession purchased vnto the praise of his glorie God bestowes all his gifts vpon vs our faith whereby we liue and are iustified the holy spirit whereby we are sealed and assured that we are Gods children whereby we are sanctified and enriched with all good works yea and preserued euen till the day we shall obtaine that glorious kingdome of heauen purchased for vs by Iesus Christ for this onely ende that we should be to the praise of his glorie A Christian must in all things and for all things all his life long glorifie God This is the marke he must shoote at the thing he must doe daily And for this cause God bestowes his benefits yea euen all the good works he doth daily vpon him Gal. 1.23 So the Saints magnified God in Paul being now conuerted So in the Psalme all the saints protest Not vnto vs O Lord not vnto vs Psal 1 15 1. but vnto thy name giue the glorie And in the Prophet Esay 26.12 Thou hast wrought all our works in vs. We chalenge nothing our selues but onely glorifie thée that by vs vile earth blunt tooles vnfit instrumēts thou wouldest vouchsafe of thy aboundant mercie wisedome and power to worke such excellent things So that this is another marke of the true Church to attribute and ascribe all her righteousnes to the Lord Iesus Christ Another euident marke of the true Church to be cunning in the Scriptures to haue Gods law in her heart Heb 8.8 And this is that which saint Paul alleadgeth out of Ieremie that out of the mouth of two witnesses Deut. 19.15 this truth might be confirmed to vs That he that should now doubt thereof might iustly be condemned Behold the daies wil come saith the Lord when I shall make with the house of Israel with the house of Iudah a new testament Not like the testament I made with their fathers in the day I tooke them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt For they continued not in my testament and I regarded them not saith the Lord. For this is the testament that I will make with the house of Israel after these daies saith the Lord I wil put my lawes in their minds in their harts I wil write them and I will be their God and they shall be my people And they shall not teach euerie man his neighbour saying know the Lord For all shal know me from the greatest of them to the least of thē Here we may note a notable yea and a principal marke of the true Church God cals this his new testament or couenant Why then they that haue not had this or haue it not are not within the couenāt of God are none of his heirs are not partakers of his testament But what is this couenant They shal haue Gods law written in their heart they shall al know God frō the greatest of thē to the smallest Psal They shall now be all cunning in Gods word that thereby as Dauid saith the verie simple shal get vnderstanding that they shall
heresie now discourage anie of Gods children So did they reuile and hate the verie names of the true prophets of God Luk. 6.22 as our Sauiour witnesseth So at this day the Papists goe about by all means possible to defame and discredite the persons of the professours of the Gospell But as Saint Paul passed not for the name of Heretike no more let vs. Beleeuing all that is written in the Law and the Prophets Here is another marke of the true Church here is a ground of a true Christians conscience concerning his faith and religion To beleeue all that is written in the lawe and the Prophets This was Saint Paules ground he beléeued no more and according to that he worshippeth God and he cares not let them cal him what they wil. Whosoeuer lacks this ground shall be caried about with euery blast of vaine doctrine Ephe. 4.14 like children To confirme and strengthen vs in our faith God hath put in his Church Apostles and Euangelists Ephes 2.20 and Wee are built vpon the foundations of the Prophets and Apostles Iesus Christ himselfe being the chiefe corner stone The like marks of the true Church Saint Paule setteth downe in the Epistle to the Romans as arrowes out of the same quiuer of our Sauiour to confound the enemies that would craftily créepe into Gods house Rom. 1.9 2. Pet. 2.1 God is my witnesse saith he whom I serue in my spirit in the Gospell of his Sonne Here also is the platforme of the true Church and a patterne of a true Christian God is only my witnesse saith Saint Paul not anie Saint or Angell The true Church must here with Saint Paul attribute this knowledge and searching of hearts to God alone and not to anie Saint or Angell else whatsoeuer Act. 1.24 15.8 Secondly she must serue this God onely and none els for to whom this knowledge belongeth to him also diuine seruice and Latria as they call it belongs Thirdly Whom I serue in my spirit saith Saint Paule not with anie outward or externall things or ceremonies like a Iew but with my heart as Iesus Christ now hath taught all men to worship the Father Fourthly in the Gospell of his Sonne here he describes the maner how the true Church of God must worship him Our seruice of God must be according to the Gospell of his Son And hereunto Dauid also agréeth in the Psalme There is no speech nor language Psal 19.3 where their voices are not heard speaking of the preaching of Gods word And he addeth Kauam as it is in the Hebrew that is their line their leuell their square is gone through all the earth and their words vnto the ends of the world To teach vs that Gods word is a line leuell square to rule limit and square the faiths of all nations by But to conclude Let vs marke what Saint Paule also writes concerning this matter to the Thessalonians and how he describes the Church and Gods house there From you the word of God was spread 1. Thes 1.10 not only in Macedonia and Achaia but your faith towards God came into euerie place So that we neede say nothing thereof for they shew and declare what an entrance we had vnto you how you turned vnto the Lord from idols to serue the liuing and true God and to looke for his sonne from heauen whom he raised from the dead euen Iesus who deliuereth vs from the anger to come Here are most manifestly set downe the markes of the true Church and the Catholike faith which was in Saint Paules dayes preached through the whole world To turne from Idols and to serue the true and liuing God And here first that blind distinction of Dulia and Latria which the Papists make to cloak the worshipping of creatures is quite ouerthrowne not onely Latria but as by this place appeareth Dulia is due vnto God Secondly we must serue the true and liuing God These two Adiuncts take away all worshipping of false gods and also of Images We must worship no false nor dead thing whatsoeuer we worship it must be liuing and true And therefore we must worship no Images which are dead stockes nay wee must worship nothing but God alone Those Images which the Prophet Dauid describeth Psal 115. what are they els but Papists Images That Psalme followeth the 114. Psal which containeth Israels going out of Egypt it may séeme to describe the spirituall Egypt Thirdly we must now euery day waite and looke for the comming of his Sonne Iesus Christ from heauen We must not thinke that he will not come yet as the Papists teach by their doctrine of Antichrist Fourthly wee must constantly beléeue that Iesus hath not onely deliuered vs by his passion from the guilt of sinne but from the punishment also thereof and anger to come And lastly if the Papists will thereof conclude that the Church of Rome is the mother Church of all the worlde Rom. 1.8 because Saint Paule saith that their faith was published throughout all the world Then the Church of Thessalonica must be her elder sister 1. Thess 1.8 because her faith also was spread through all the worlde and that before hers as should seeme For Saint Paul mentions in his Epistle to the Romans when hee giues this testimony to the Roman Church Rom. 15.26 1. Thess 1.8 the fruits of Macedonia and Achaia which was planted by the Church of Thessalonica And in a word to make an end of this matter let all men marke that plaine lesson which Dauid teacheth them in the Psalme Kings of the earth and all people Psal 148.11 Princes and all Iudges of the world young men and maides old men and children let them praise the name of the Lord. For his name onely is to bee exalted and his praise is aboue the heauens and the earth All Gods seruants must praise his name and they must praise it alone and they which praise anie thing else do not rightlie vnderstand as yet the maiestie of God his praise is aboue heauen earth that is all heauen and earth is not able to expresse the greatnesse of his praise And here is the reason Because he exalts the horne of his people he aduanceth to honor and makes mightie and strong which is a praise for all his saints euen for the children of Israel Gnam kerovo a people that drawes néere vnto him as it is in the Hebrew Would you haue God exalt your horne would you be his people then you must praise him alone then you must draw neere to him and not fly from him to any other The which God giue all grace to do for Iesus Christs sake to whom be praise for euer Amen Certaine Prayers fit for euerie true Catholique dayly to vse both for himselfe and his family taken out of the scriptures Granatensis and others Matt. 7 7. Aske and it shal be giuen you seeke and ye shall find knocke and
their children and families that so all Gods promises and blessings maie come vpon them The Tyger is reported of all wild beasts to be most swift Solinus cap. 17 so that they which take her whelpes from her haue ships readie and so taking ship she cannot pursue them nor ouertake them which otherwise could not escape from her But when she perceiues that one of her whelpes is stolne from her and that she cannot recouer it againe it is written of her that vpon the sea shore for verie griefe she will throw her selfe downe headlong into the sea punishing her owne slownesse with such a voluntarie destruction O the louing nature of this wild beast to her whelpes And shall not Christians shew the like loue to their children If they bee wicked and giuen to anie sinne not théeues as those Tygers whelps but the diuell hath stolne awaie and possessed them and shal not this grieue them especiallie when they see it with their eies Let all Christians be more kind to their children then Tygers Let them teach them the feare of Lord as Dauid teacheth Come ye children hearken vnto me Psal 34.11 I will teach you the feare of the Lord. And then shal not that enemie steale thē from them The vessell will euer haue a tast of that liquor with which it is first seasoned Let the first liquor that enters into their childrens hearts be the feare of God and then they will neuer forget it So no doubt Abraham although he had but one son of Sarah yet he pampered him not as should séeme but instructed him in the law of God For when he went to be sacrificed hee could say Father here is the wood Gen. 22 7. but where is the lambe for the burnt offering euen being so young he knew what a sacrifice meant no doubt his father had taught him So ought all Christians after his example to instruct their children in the principles of Christian religion So likewise Abraham also no doubt catechized and instructed his familie hauing in his familie a greate number as appeareth by that rescue of Lot Who brought forth 318. that were borne and brought vp in his house Gen 14.14 and with them pursued those kings which had taken Lot prisoner When as God after commaunded him to circumcise himselfe and all his familie that were males it is said Gen. 17.23 that Abraham circumcised them all the selfe same day No doubt they had béene well instructed before both in their duties and obedience towards God and also their maister or els all of them so willinglie and so readilie would not haue yéelded to such a painefull thing as circumcision was So Dauid being a king had care of his familie and seruants to teach all Noblemen and Gentlemen the like care of their families Socrates common by-word is often proued true That most commonly in great mens houses either some great good Eras Apoph or some great euill is hatched And first concerning the choise of his seruants Psal 101.6 Dauid writeth thus Mine eyes shall be vnto the faithfull of the land that they may dwell with me and hee that walketh in a perfect way he shall serue me And then for the kéeping and correcting his seruants he writes thus There shall no deceitfull person dwell within my house He that telleth lies shall not tarie in my sight No doubt he did reproue both deceitfull and lying seruants 2. King 5.25 and which were like to Gehezi and also other sins in his seruants And if they would not be reformed he would not keepe them anie longer I would to God all Noblemen and Gentlemen would doe the like then we should haue a flourishing Church and common wealth then so much sinne would not be committed as is commonly A Gentlemans or a Noblemans seruant will presume to sinne because of the authoritie of his maister or because his maister hee knowes neuer mindes what he doth and sometime will not sticke to tell a lie to féed his maisters humour Such presumptuous lying and flattering seruants king Dauid would not kéepe in his house Such a care also no doubt of his familie had that good ruler whose sonne Christ healed It is written of him that after his sonne was healed Ioh. 4.52 53. that he beleeued and all his houshold No doubt the good maister had a care to instruct all his familie in that faith and waie of saluation which he beléeued himselfe So Cornelius also hath this commendation giuen him Act. 10.2 There was a certaine man in Caesarea called Cornelius a Captaine of the band called the Italian band a deuout man one that feared God with all his houshold which gaue much almes to the people prayed God continually Here is a notable patterne set downe of a good housholder for all Christians to follow Hee feared God and all his houshould he gaue much almes to the people and prayed God continually He is not commended for the building or furniture of his house but for his deuotion for his care of his familie for his almesdéedes and for his daylie prayers O that we had manie such housekéepers these vertues should make them more famous Ier. 22.14.15 then building statelie towers and high walles and large windowes This is to execute iudgement and to do righteousnesse as Ieremie teacheth that Iehoiakim that proud king of Iuda in him all other maner of men So that good Emperour Constantine made his pallace as it were a Church in catechising his family himselfe Euseb de vita Const lib. 4. and both commanding them to pray and also teaching them how to pray as Eusebius in his life recordeth Nay he tolde the bishops dining at a certaine time with him you will say quoth he that I am a Bishop and so I am indeed but I within and you abroad And in his coine to declare what account he made of prayer he caused himself to be pictured with his eyes looking vnto heauen as it were euer crauing or requesting something of God And these were the common monie or coine that they vsed through all the Roman Empire during his raigne And likewise he was pictured at the entrance into his pallace kneeling on his knees as some suter and his eyes lifted vp to heauen This Eusebius reporteth of him O noble and Christian Emperour that was thus zealous of Gods seruice both himselfe and also which caused his family and subiects thus to serue God likewise How since his dayes Christians are degenerated all men maie sée Now they are accounted precise that so instruct and gouerne their families But this in his dayes was not precisenesse but Christianitie And that all Christians ought to instruct their families Chrysostome writes thus verie excellentlie Chrysost ho. 78. in Matt. And surely if thou longest greatly to be with Christ then do his will and his will is especially that thou shouldest studie to profite thy neighbour Wilt thou haue me
the ancient Christians Christians differ not from other men neither in countrey nor speech Iust epist ad Diog. nor in ciuill gouernement They dwell in no cities by themselues neither vse they anie language that differs from the common speech of other men neither haue they a kinde of life which is famous for any singular or odde thing in it neither doe they go about to learne any thing deuised of curious heads neither are they patrons of any mans opinion as many are but inhabiting partly in the cities of the Grecians and partly of the Barbarians as euerie mans lot hath befallen him following the maners of the people with whom they dwell in their apparell and liuing and other things which concerning this present life they set before our eyes a wonderfull state of their common wealth They dwel in their owne countries but as it were strangers They haue all things common with other men as citizens and they distribute all things away as it were some trauelling into another countrie Euery strange region is their countrie And all their countries are to them as strange regions and dominions They marie wiues as other men do and beget children but they make not their children away as the heathen do They haue a common table but not polluted with excesse They are in the flesh and yet they liue not according to the flesh They liue here vpon earth but they haue their conuersation in heauen They obey lawes which are made nay in their maner of liuing they farre exceede and go beyond the lawes They loue all men and all men persecute them They are not knowne what they are and yet they are condemned to death They are murdered and yet they are multiplied They are poore yet they make many rich They want al things and yet they abound in all things They are dishonoured and in their ignominie their glorie shines They are slandered and yet all men beare record of their innocency They are reuiled and they giue good speeches againe They are iniured and they honour their persecutors And when as they liue like good men they are punished as though they were wicked And when as they are punished they reioyce as though then they were reuiued The Iewes make warre against them as against strangers the Grecians persecute them they which hate them cannot tell wherfore they hate them And that I may in one word say all That which the soule is in the bodie that are Christians in the world The soule dwelleth in the bodie but it is not of the body So Christians dwell in the world but they are none of the world The inuisible soule is placed in the visible bodie as in a garrison so Christians are knowne while they liue in the world but their diuine worship of God is inuisible The flesh hates the soule and makes war against it because it cannot enioy her pleasures And the world also hates Christians they resist their pleasures The soule loues the flesh which hates her and loueth her members So also Christians loue them which hate them The soule is inclosed within the bodie but it preserueth the body so also Christians are kept in the world as in a prison but they preserue the world The immortall soule dwelleth in a mortall tabernacle and Christians inhabite amongst those things which are corruptible as strangers looking for the immortality of heauen The soule the worse it is fed is the better so Christians whiles they are daily punished are increased c. By this it appeareth how zealous in the seruice of God how homely and simple in their apparel what contemners of the world Christians were in the beginning Who condemne by their examples the Atheists and lukewarme Christians in religion the curious and couetous worldlings of our age who are as it were wedded to this world and take their delights and pleasures therein who will haue all things as they saie in print both their houses and apparell and whatsoeuer they haue else Surely this is not to contemne the world as they did These former vsed the world onelie for the present necessitie they tooke no pleasure therein as manie doe and with great costs labour to obtaine at this daie Athenagoras also a verie ancient Christian in his Apologie for the Christians Athenagor Apol. pro Christianis speaketh thus to the Emperours When as all men through your great clemencie and benignitie haue their right and cities according to their dignities enioy their freedomes nay the whole world by the meanes of your prouidence and wisedome enioyes most firme and sure peace onely of vs who are called Christians you haue no care For you suffer vs who haue committed no euill yea who aboue other as it shall bee declared in the progresse of this Defence haue behaued ourselues most religiously and obediently both towards God and your Empire to bee vexed spoiled banished manie bringing false accusations against our verie names Wherefore we were bold at this time manifestly to declare our cause vnto you And you shall perceiue by this our discourse that against all right and reason we are thus punished Wherefore we beseech you that you will haue also some care of vs that wee now at the last may cease to bee murthered of those our accusers We passe not for the losse of goods nor for the glorie and credite of our good names or for any such like or greater things wherein men may hurt or iniurie vs. For although these things be made great account of amongst the common people wee are wont to despise them For we haue learned that if we be stricken or beaten to abstaine from striking againe or if any inuade or take violently away our goods not to goe to law with them but also to those that haue giuen vs one blow to turne the other cheeke and to them that will take away our coate to offer our cloake also And seeing wee make thus small account of our liues and bodies they seeke for our riches and they babble out huge heapes of crimes against vs which neuer once so much as came into our minds to thinke but which might rather be laid to their charge and to such like as they are But if any shall bee able to conuict vs not onely of any great but of anie small offence we doe not onely desire that punishment may bee remitted vs but wee are readie to endure what punishment soeuer But if so be that we be accused onely for our name because we are called Christians for euen vnto this day all those vncertaine rumours and reports which are spred abroad on vs are lies neither is any Christian conuicted of anie hainous offence it is your parts O most wise and curteous Princes by your lawes to deliuer vs from this iniurie that as in all the world both euerie priuate man and all men in euerie towne by your bountifulnesse do enioy common peace quietnesse so we may haue cause also
caried very earnestly by the broad way to the pleasures of the flesh riches of this world being accustomed to obey no body being desirous of reuēge ambitious c. These stumbling blockes as much as in him lyeth euerie good Christian must endeuour to take out of the waie We must not onlie commend praise vertue with our mouthes but also embrace the meanes by the which we maie attaine the same which are contempt of the world heartie earnest prayer fasting such like That holinesse of life which flourished amongst all sorts of men in the Primitiue Church appeares not in our daies because we vse not those means of fasting and prayer which they vsed If we would vse the like tillage to the grounds of our hearts which they then vsed without all doubt we should haue the same fruits of righteousnesse Can euen the best land bring forth good corne without tillage Sow to your selues in righteousnes saith the Prophet and reap after the measure of mercie Break vp your fallow ground Hos 10.12 Fasting no doubt is this spirituall ploughing and braking vp of our fallow ground mercie is that spirituall sowing which the Prophet here speaks of They which will haue the land of their hearts beare good corne plentifullie and be fruitfull in all good workes let them vse these meanes let them vse this husbandrie Manie amongst vs at this daie are like the Iewes which relie onlie on the word of God and search out therein manie high points Rom. 2.17 those things which differ are most excellent but those works of charity to their neighbors of contempt of the world of mercie to the poore of watching in prayer of fasting which so manifestlie almost euerie where it commends to vs commands they practise not And is this to professe Gods word This is plainlie to doe as the Iewes did to brag of it and not to follow it The which if we do Rom. 2.23 it shall no more profite vs then it did thē For they were as S. Paul there saith catechized instructed in the law euen as well as we are and knew the will of God And here I would to God all Christians would marke what Basill writeth concerning another Christian exercise which is watching in prayer which point also I haue handled before out of the Scriptures But as concerning that matter that we are accused of Basil epist 63. that is for the singing of Psalmes by which thing they chiefly terrifie the simpler sort which slaunder vs yet this I haue to answer that the customes which now are vsed are correspondent and agreeable to all the Churches of God The people rising in the night go to the house of prayer making a confession to God in labours and vexation of mind and continuall teares at length rising from prayer they are appointed to sing Psalmes and being deuided into two parts they sing one part answering another after that they strengthē thēselues with exercising meditation of the word of God they prepare to their hearts thereby attention and hauing reiected all vaine cares soundnes constantnesse Then one of them hath this office committed to him to begin the Psalme al the rest sing after him and so they passe ouer the night with varietie of singing of Psalmes prayers being entermingled at the breake of the day they altogether as being one man with one mouth with one hart offer to God a psalme of confession and they professe repentance euerie man with his own words If you flie frō vs for these things you must also fly frō Egypt you must also fly from both Libyas from the Thebans Palestines Arabians Phoenicians Syrians they that dwell by Euphrates that I may say all in one word all those with whō watchings prayers cōmon singing of Psalmes are of great account Here is plainlie set downe the forme of common prayers vsed in the Primitiue Church They rose to praier before daie they made a general confession as we do all together of their sinnes but with teares which we leaue out They read the Scriptures with them strengthened their faith They sang Psalmes all together sometimes and other somtimes prayed Thus they spent their nights and this was the common practise of all the Churches in those daies but now we cannot abide either to wéepe or to watch in prayer Let vs follow their holie footsteps which agree with the Scriptures as before hath béene declared They which beare the names of Christians are not true Christians indéed are like to counterfeit coin which although it haue as it were the Princes image stamp vpō it yet is none of his but is forged of some rebel or enemie so these although they haue the outward stamp of the sacraments are not pure gold within but drosse They are not gold but copper Gold is a soft thing pliable and comfortable restoratiue as Phisitians saie but copper is stiffe hard hurtfull to man These lacke the true gold of faith Their faith worketh not by charitie they are not mercifull Gal. 5.6 2. Tim. 3.3 they are not comfortable to their brethren Their beleefe is a counterfeit beléefe it is of copper they are not louing kind they deale hardlie with their brethren They speak Gnathok as it is in the Hebrew Psal 93 4 which signifies anie thing that is old old things are commonly stiffe stubborne that is stubbornly roughly to their brethren Luke 16.24 they cōfort them not they kill their hearts And though such Hypocrits can saie to Abraham with that same rich man father Abrahā to our Sauior Christ with many Christians at the day of iudgment Lord Lord open vnto vs we haue eaten at thy table Luke 13.26 we haue receiued thy Sacraments we haue heard thee preach not seldome but often euen euerie Sabboth plentifully euen in our streetes Yet the Lord at his comming for all these externall religious works of inuocation of his name alone and receiuing his sacraments and of hearing him preach shall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shall punish to the example of all others such counterfeit Christians which haue wrought iniquitie and he shall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Matt. 25.32 Luk. 12.46 cut them in the middle because they haue but halfe serued him their part shal be with hypocrits For that seruant which knew his masters will prepared not himself not did according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes But he that knew it not yet did commit things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes For vnto whomsoeuer much is giuen of him shall bee much required and to whom men much commit the more of him will they aske O terrible sentence The hypocriticall Christian is in worse case then the infidell and Pagan For he not knowing Gods will and yet sinning shall be punished but with a few stripes but the other which knew his masters will and yet offended shall be punished with many stripes And wo be to him that shall be punished with manie stripes at Gods hand who is not able 〈◊〉 ●ndure one There is a parable in th●●●spel of a father and two sons and he came and said to the elder Son go worke to day in my vineyard And he answered and said I will not Matt. 21.28 yet afterward he repented himselfe and went Then came he to the second said likewise And he answered and said I wil Sir or as it is in the Gréek I Lord I will worke in thy vineyard He made a great shew of willingnesse but he went not What thinke ye saith our Sauiour Euen in mans reason the former is preferred and this yonger with his great shewes is condemned This parable was thē verified among the Iewes of the bragging and learned Pharisies and repenting and ignorant sinners and I pray God it be not verified likewise in our daies of some vaine protestants puft vp with knowledge and of some ignorant and repenting Papists That same parable also of the virgins was neuer more trulie verified then now Matt. 25.11 it is to be feared manie that be virgins and hate the spirituall fornication of the whoore of Babylon haue lampes of faith Reuel 17.5 yet for want of the oyle of mercie and light of good works shall be excluded though they knocke and praie saying Matt. 5.16 Lord Lord open vnto vs. Let your light so shine before men saith our Sauior that men may see your good workes and glorifie your father which is in heauen This lesson is generall to all Christs disciples Our workes should be séene Manie Christians worldly stately works at this daie are séene but their good works are not séene Reuel 14.13 Blessed are they that die in the Lord saith the Spirit they rest frō their labors their works follow thē Many do such works now as cannot follow them but remaine behind them But such works shall not profite them Phil. 2.15 That yee saith Saint Paul to the Philippians may be blamelesse and pure and the sonnes of God without rebuke in the midst of a naughtie and crooked generation amongst whō ye shine as lights in the world Such should all Christians bee They should be blamelesse But now one shall hardly heare anie one spoken of but that he shall bee blamed for some thing They should be lights giuing good examples in the midst of a crooked generation but now almost all men giue euill example to their brethren Eph. 4. Luke 15.8 Exod. 19.5 Rom. 4 11 24 Matth. 25.1 Phil. 2.15 Luke 12.37 2. Tim. 1.17 The Lord Iesus giue all Christians grace to walke worthy of their callings of that most honourable name wherewith they are called that they may be the Lords tr●●ne his iewels that they may be Abrahams sons and wise ●ins that they may be blamelesse and as shining torches in the ●dst of this wicked world and froward generation That Iesus Christ at his comming may acknowledge them for his obedient and watchfull seruants for his glorious names sake to whom with the Father and the holy Ghost one God immortall inuisible and only wise be al praise honor and glory power and saluation both now and for euer Amen FINIS