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A43716 Patro-scholastiko-dikaiƍsis, or, A justification of the fathers and the schoolmen shewing, that they are not self-condemned for denying the positivity of sin. Being an answer to so much of Mr. Tho. Pierce's book, called Autokatakrisis, as doth relate to the foresaid opinion. By Hen: Hickman, fellow of Magdalene Colledge, Oxon. Hickman, Henry, d. 1692. 1659 (1659) Wing H1911A; ESTC R217506 59,554 166

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words Dr. Crakanthorpe thought meet to use against him Mr. Barlee hath already told Mr. Pierce I shall onely adde the Book was dedicated to King Charles and hath this title put to it Defensio Ecclesiae Anglicanae of which Church Mr. P. professeth himself a dutifull and obedient son and that Dr. Abbot saith of that Treatise that it was the most accurate peece of controversie that was written since the Reformation Next let us hear the most learned and peaceable Dr. Sanderson con 2. ad Clerum p. 29 30. Sundry of the Doctors of our Church teach truly and agreeably to Scriptures the effectual concurrence of Gods will and power with subordinate agents in every and therefore even in sinfull actions Gods free election of those whom he purposeth to save of his own grace without any motives in or from themselves the immutability of Gods love and grace towards the Saints Elect and their certaine perseverance therein to salvation the justification of sinners by the imputed righteousnesse of Christ apprehended and applied unto them by a lively faith without the works of the Law These are sound and true and if rightly understood comfortable and right profitable doctrines and yet they of the Church of Rome have the forehead I will not say to slander my Text alloweth more to blaspheme God and his Truth and the Ministers thereof for teaching them Bellarm. Gretser Maldonate and the Jesuites but none more than our own English Fugitives Bristow Stapleton Parsons Kellison and all the rabble of that crew freely spend their mouthes in barking against us as if we made God the author of sinne as if we would have men sin and be damned by a fatal necessitie sinne whether they will or no be damned whether they deserve it or no as if we opened a gap to all licentiousnesse and prophanesse let them believe it is no matter how they live heaven is their own cock sure as if we cried down Good Works and condemned Charity Slanders loud and false yet easily blown away with one single word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 these imputations upon us and our doctrine are unjust but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 let them that misreport us know that without repentance their damnation will be just Dr. Field B. 3. p. 117. The next Heresie which they say we are fallen into is the Heresie of Florinus who taught that God is the author and cause of sinne This saith Bellarm. Calvin Luth. Martyr have defended in their writings of this sinfull and wicked and lying report we are sure God is not the author but the devil pag. 140. Cal. Then is not worse than the Manichees in making God the author of those evils which the Manichees attribute to an evil beginning as Bellarm. is pleased to pronounce of him but is farther from that hellish conceit than Bellarm. is from hell it selfe if he repent not of these hellish slanders Dr. Ward prae de pecca orig p. 148. Prodiit non ita pridem clanculum liber quem author intitulavit amor dei erga genus humanum qui acriter contendit ex concessis sublap satis evidenter inferri omnium peccatorum hominum reproborum deum esse verum principalem authorem Audax assertum vel verius impudens calumnia I might mention more but I forbeare and doe earnestly desire those Episcopall Divines who close with us in the points of present contest that they would bethink themselves and consider what favour they must expect from these Arminian Ardelio's no more than what Polyphemus promised Ulysses to be last devoured If they cannot fall down and worship the Idols which these men have set up they must expect to be thrown into the fierie furnace nay they are tormented in it already in Augustines sense who calls the mouth of an angry adversary by that name for mark his word ch 2. p. 61. Whatever dishonours have been done unto the Protestant name by those of the Kirk or Consistory or their adherents here in England yet the dutifull sons of the Church of England have ever been free from any part of that guilt This doth expunge Bishop Hall Bishop Morton Bishop Brownerig whom we as they deserve call Fathers out of the number of the dutifull Sonnes of the Church of England Nay he sticketh not in the Preface to the Reader p. 6. to place them among the very unsound and unruly members of this Church Let me take the boldness to beseech them who are of any authority in that party as they love the truth than which nothing ought to be more precious as they tender the wellfare and safety of poor soules for whom Christ dyed that they would either plainly say that they have all this while been mistaken and through ignorance Preached and Printed Blasphemy or else brand this false accuser with the letter K which when the I aw I allude to was made was the first letter of the word Calumniator 3. I have spent more time in reading the Authors Pro Con about these points than ever I intend to doe being of opinion that the greatest Scholars will never be able fully to satisfie their own or other mens Reasons about them Nor should this seem any wonder to us who cannot be ignorant how many points there be in Natural Philosophy in which a man plungeth himself into inextricable difficulties whether he affirm or deny them With what confidence have I heard one young Sophister maintain that continuum fit ex indivisibilibus and another that continuum non fit ex indivisibilibus both thought themselves in the right but men of mature judgements standing by could easily see that neither the one nor the other could free his Assertion from the common Objections brought against it I thank God I have not the least temptation to doubt concerning the Trinity of the Persons nor the Hypostatical Union of the two Natures yet I never thought my self able to vindicate those mysteries from all the subtile Arguments and niceties of unbelieving sophisters The like I think concerning the Doctrine of Gods Decrees and the manner of the Spirits working Grace in the hearts of the Elect these are matters so very mysterious and my understanding so dark that I can scarce hope ever in this world to be freed from all scruples about them Would you therefore know why I hold Absolute Eternal Personal Election Efficacious determining Grace and the certain infallible perseverance of all Believers Truly because I finde these opinions most agreeable to Scripture to the communis sensus fidelium the instinct and impulse of the new creature in all ages and because I finde they doe most tend to the debasing of sinfull man and to the exaltation of Christ my Saviour and that free Grace of his by which I hope to be acquitted at the last day To this end I will relate two Historicall passages with which J have been much taken the one from Father Paul who hath filled the Christian world with his
left in the bryars and lest himselfe should be fain to shew a reason of his Doctrine doth keep himself out of the way still and dares not once shew his face If he be able to maintain his Doctrine against my Book let him come forth and play the man I am ready at all times to yeeld to the truth and unto the sincere teachers thereof And doth this Gentleman deserve to be saluted a Confessor A second Aethiopian whom he seekes to make white is the English Tilenus he 's stiled the excellent and this is said of him If he be alive to undertake his own cause against Mr. Baxter the world will find 't will be but impar congressus Yea he seems to complain that he hath not the happiness to know him in the least degree But what is there in this scribler that may deserve such Elogies First he casts the highest scorn upon the Tryers making them to ask such questions of those that come before them as in all probabilitie it never came into their thoughts to ask which is such a piece of Impudence as no one hath ventured to imitate him in but that Ishmael of Coleman-street whose hand being against all men hath provoked all men even the common Pamphleter to lift up a hand against himself Secondly This poor fellow makes himself an adversary out of his own fancy and driving him before him from one end of the Book to the other shootes all his arrows at this man of ugly clouts of his own framing as if it were that venerable Synod of Dort And does he not deserve to be call'd excellent and to bee preferred to Mr. Baxter But as to my party and Masters I have some satisfactory things to return in way of Answer First I have the thousand witnesses to attestate that the desires of my soul are to receive a Disciple in the name of a Disciple a Prophet in the name of a Prophet not as concurring with me in any opinion concerning the Mint and Cummin of Church Discipline My cordiall affections to those Episcopal Divines whose endeavours are to promote that in which all confess the power of Godlyness to consist are as well known as I my selfe am And I challenge all the world to produce that eare that ever heard me speak the least syllable that might tend to inodiate the person or to vilifie the parts and pains of any one Prelatist because such 2. Though that little I have read of Mr. Calvins Institutions which is not above the fourth part makes me fully of Salmasius his mind who said in Epistola Verini he had rather be the Author of that Book then of all that ever were made by Grotius yet so unhappy is Mr. P. in ghessing at my Masters and the Books in which I converse that I can safely professe as a precise and measured truth when I sent that letter to Mr. B. I had read more in Doctor Tailor and Doctor Hammond then I had in all those Authors mentioned in his Title-page upon whom he pretends to make occasionall reflections And if Presbytery be a crime I must needs say that I have learn't it from Episcopall men 1. Is this Presbytery to say that a Presbyter and a Bishop differ in degree onely and not in order that I learne from the late right Reverend the Primate of Ireland from Doctor Holland Regius Professor who so determined in Publicis Comitiis in direct contradiction to Dr. Laud. 2. Is this Presbytery to hold that an ordination by Presbyters is valid That I learne from Bishop Andrews who ordained a Scotchman Bishop never made Priest but by Presbyters which he would not have done had ordination by Presbyters seemed unto him a nullity I learn it from Bishop Downam in his consecration Sermon Pag. 43. Who saith that the contrary opinion is proper to Papists from Doctor Forbs who in his Irenicum largly proves it Indeed among the Episcopall Divines I scarce know any contrary unto me in this except those who drew the scheme of their opinions after that Bishop Laud was Lord of the house And I think it no uncharitablenesse to say that some of later times in making their Judgements had very great respect unto the Stars that were culminant 3. Is this Presbytery to assert the sole power of Jurisdiction was not in the Bishops that they had no warrant to delegate their power unto a Lay Chancellour This I learn from the judicious Lord Verulam who saith that the first was a thing almost without example in good Government and therefore not unlikely to have crept in in the degenerate and corrupt times As to the 2. the deputation of their authority I see no perfect and sure ground for that neither being somewhat different from the examples rules of Government we see in all Laws in the World offices of confidence and skill cannot be put over nor exercised by deputies In his works printed 1657. p. 239. 240. 4. Is this Presbytery to aver that after a great abuse of the Episcopall power the civil Magistrate might take it away root and branch and commit the whole Government of the Church unto Presbyters at least for a season This I learn from the learned Grotius at whose name Mr. P. is wont to rise up in an extasie of Admiration de Imperio Sum. potest chap. 11. Nay if this be Presbytery to maintain the greater antiquity and primitivenesse of Presbytery then Espiscopacy for that I need not consult David Blondell the Lord George Digby a great stickler for our English prelacy so inform's mee in his letter to Sr. K. D. Pag. 119. The Presbytery of Scotland in point of Government hath a greater resemblance then either yours or ours to the first age of Christs Church 5. Is this Presbytery and Calvinisme to assert an absolute decree of election and reprobation and to manifest the greatest indignation against those who giue it out unto the World that those opinions either take away the liberty of the will or make God the Author of sinne this also I learn from Episcopall divines of the first magnitude Reader peruse their words and then tell me whether I mistake their meaning Dr. Abbot calls Bishop for aspersing the forementioned tenent as if it made God the Author of sin Elymas and his fellow Wright on the same score foul mouth'd dogge and a filthy swine who wallowing in the muck dirt of Popish Ignorance hath his eyes so daubed up therewith that he seeth not his own way Answer to the Preface All this in a book dedicated to King James who in requital of his paines bestowed on him the Bishoprick of Salisbury Yea the forementioned Writer in his Defence against Mr. Higgons saith That if Luther have any where in that lewd and impious manner calumniated the Church of Rome he will not deny but that Mr. Higgons should have cause to stile him a foule mouth'd dog When the Apostate Spalatensis objected this against the same Doctrine what