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A15103 An ansvveare vnto certaine crabbed questions pretending a reall presence of Christ in the Sacramente: latelie propounded by some secret papist, to the great troubling of the consciences of the simple, together with a discouerie of the Jesuiticall opinion of justification, guilefully vttered by Sherwyne at the time of his execution. Gathered and set foorth by Peter Whyte, very necessary & profitable for this dangerous time. White, Peter, Vicar of Eaton Socon. 1582 (1582) STC 25401; ESTC S114005 62,353 289

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they whose sinnes are forgiuen and therefore not by workes If any works might be i●ined with faith to iustification then the workes of the Law Rom. 1.4 G●l●● 3.4 Ph●●● 1. ●om 3 4. G●l●● 3. ● But iustificamur fide sine operibus Legis We are iustified by faith without the woorkes of the Lawe therefore without all other whatsoeuer If euer any was or might bee iustifyed with the helpe of workes before God then Abraham but Abraham was not therefore none other can be Also Rom. 2. Rom. 4. 1. Pet. 3. the faithful are iustifyed as theire father Abrahā was iustifyed but Abraham was iustifyed before God by faith without workes by faith therefore without workes are all the faithfull iustifyed And thus the godly learned did alwaies thinke of our iustification Iustificati sunt gratis saith S. Ambrose quia nihil operantes Ambros super Rom. cap. 4. neque vicem reddentes sola fide iustificati sunt dono Dei They are iustifyed freelye because they worke nothing nor geue anye thing in exchange but are iustified by faith onely through the gifte of God Againe Ambros● ibid●● Ob●de●● Sic decretum dieit a Deo vt cessant Lege solam fidem gratia Dei posceret ad salutem So saith the Apostle it is decreed that the law geuing place the grace of God might require only faith to saluation Hoc ipsum monet exemplo prophetae vt sine labore aliqua obseruatione sola fide iustificantur apud ipsum This self same thing doth hee admonish by the Prophets example that without labour and any obseruation or ceremonie they may be iustifyed through onely faith before God Ambros super Rom. cap. 9 And in another place Sola fides inquit posita est ad salutem onely faith saith the Apostle is set downe to saluation Ambros super Rom. ● Manifesto beati sunt c. They are appara●●tlye blessed saith the Apostle vnto whom without any labor or worke their sinnes be conered and their sinnes remitted No workes of r●pentaunce required of them but Faith onely And Hilarius Sola Fides iustificat Cano. 9 Faith only iustifyeth Origen also prooueth by the example of the thiefe Of Mary Magdalene Origen in Rom● cap. 4. And of the Publicane And by many other reasons that onely Faith doth iustifie The same doth Athanasius Basil homil de fid● Athen. in Galat. cap. 3. Basill Chrisostome and other of their time euidently prooue whome because I woulde bee shorte here I doe omitte That this iustifying Fayth in Adam Noe Abraham Pi● de sule iustificatione fol. 85. or any other of Gods Elect respected or doth respect the Creation of the worlde the making of the Arke the multiplying of the posterity or any other promis whatsoeuer as the papists imagin it doth but onely y● promise of christ made vnto Adam Gen. 3 and stil renued vnto his Posteritie shal euidently appeare The righteousnes no doubt of God which is good before god commeth by the faith of Iesus Christ vnto al and vpon al that doe beleeue Rom. 3. Iustificantur autem gratis eius gratia per redemptionē factam per Iesum Christum quem proposuit Deus placamen per fidem in sanguine suo For they are iustifyed freely by his grace throgh the redemption that is in Christ Iesu whom god hath made our pacification through faith in his bloud according as it was promised vnto Adam Et semen mulieris ipsum conteret caput serpentis ●en 3. Apocalip 12. The seede of the woman namely Christ shall breake the serpentes head And vnto Abraham G●n 12.17 〈◊〉 3. Act. 3. In semine tuo benedicentur omnes gentes non dicitur in seminibus sed devno qui est Christus In thy seede shal all nations be blessed He saide not in sedes as of many Mat. 3. but of one which is Christ Hic est filius meus dilectus in quo mihi complacuit This is my beloued sonne in whō I am well pleased Thus we see we are iustified in no other promises but onely in the promise of Iesu Christ that in the promise of his death and resurrection and therto the holy ghost referreth our faith Coloss 1.2 Heb. Rom. 4. as ye plainly see He dyed for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification We are regenerated into the hope of life 1. Pet. 1. per resur rectionem Iesu Christi ex mortuis by the Resurrection of Iesus Christ from death Coloss 1. For it pleased the father that in him should all fulnes dwell and by him to reconcile all thinges vnto himselfe 2. Cor. 5 c. Neque sub coelo aliud datur nomen hominibus in quo opor tet nos saluos fieri Neither is there any other name or mean vnder heauen geuen vnto men wherein we must be saued Now what shall we thinke of these Papistes Act. 4. P●ghi de side e● iusti sol 88. that tell vs Intelligis in iustificationis nostrae negotio vt nihil plus euergiae tribuat Fidei promissae iustificationis in Christo quàm fidei alterius cuiuscunque rei proditae aut promi●la● a Deo Thou vnderstandest therfore saith Pigh ius that in the matter of Iustifycation she Apostle may attribute no more vnto the faith of Iustification promised in Christ then vnto the faith of any other promise whatsoeuer foreshewed or promised by God Do they good reader make any other thing of Christ and the promises in him then of Legall transitorie Nay doe they not in effect say that whichis reported to be dissolutely vttered of Pope Leo 10. vnto Bēbo his cardinall In v●ta P●n● Quantum nobis ac nostro cetui profuerit ea de Christo fabula satis est seculis omnibus notum L●o esteemed the gospel of Christ but a fable of small profite They shou●ll it among other Legall and temporall promises These men account the scriptures of the gospel as a nose of waxe Pig Hos●●epres verbo but the holy Ghost accountes thereof as of the mightie power of God to saluation as of the word of life the immortal seed of our regeneratiō as of a two edged sword H●● ● M●t. 8. that deuideth the marow and the sinewes in respect whereof they account al other things as drosse These felowes therfore though they coūterfette the resemblance of the Lambe Apoc. 4.9.13 yet in deede they come out of the bottomles pit speake with the mouth of the Dragon and are led by the spirit of error ● Tim. 4. speaking great lyes in hipocrisie ● Tim. 3 but the Lorde will not suffer them to preuaile any longer But vnto vs that beleue the Apostle teacheth this faith to be of the promises of Christ his death and therefore he calleth the gospel not the word of creation of the flood of the goinge out of Charran of posterity or of any such thinge but hee
calleth it the worde of the cros 2. Cor. 1.2 That the promise of Christ is the obiect to our faith in iustification and not any other promises whatsoeuer which promises and our faith are correlatiues that this promise is absolute without conditiō may by that which is already sayde plainly appeare Wherunto for better helpe of the vnlearned I will adde somewhat more Nether are these promises in christ conditionall as were the legall promises but absolute and free and therin they differ from the promises of the law For saith the apostle promissiones dei in chri sto sunt etiā 2. Cor. 1 Ephes 2 Rom. 3.4 Galas 3 4. 1. Co●r●n 1. Apoc. 4.5 the promises of god in Christ are absolute and firm They are absolute in christ that no man should brag but onelye in god through Christ and that all reioycing of man shoulde be taken away that God onelye might haue the praise Now good Reader where both in the olde and new tēstament there are found conditionall promises they bee of two sortes the first seeme to be and are so in deede and trueth The other vnto the vnskilfull seeme to bee but are not so in deede Such as be conditionall are these Leuit. 18. Galat. 3. Qui fecerit ea viuet in ijs He that fulfilleth them shal liue by them Hoc fac viues This doe Luke 10. and thou shalt liue And such other doe belong vnto the Law Mat. 6. and are not any way to be drawen vnto the gospell Those that seeme to be are not as if you remit other men their trespasses your heauenly Father will remitte you youre trespasses Ezech. ●8 c. And if a Sinner doth repent him of his wickednes c. And many other such phrases belonginge vnto the gospell be no conditionall promises but speeches borrowed from vs exhorting vs vnto our duetie shewing foorth plainlye vnto vs the fruites of our iustificatiō which without al doubt we shall bring foorth when we are iustifyed For we are not iustifyed to be idle barren Luk. 1 Ephes 2. Tit. 2 2. Tim. 4. Mat. 6. 2. Pet. 1. and fruitles but to bring forth such fruites as the Lord hath ordeined for vs to walke in For a good tree cannot bringe foorth bad fruit By these and such like wee must make tryall of our selues whither we be in the faith whē we see one eat or drinke a great deale we say he was hungry or thirstie because we see him eat so much or so greedely So doe we say that one is whote because we see him sweate yet do we not say that his eatinge or drinking is the cōditional cause of his hunger or thirst nor yet the sweat the cause of his heat But contrarie we say hunger thirst and heate are the causes of eating drinking and sweate euen so Ezec. 18. Mat. 6. the turninge from iniquitie the remitting of trespasses are not the causes of the for geuenes of our sinnes but the fruites thereof and trial of our state And this would the papistes see if they were not blinded by the spirite of error 1. Tim. 4 Ephe. 2. that ruleth the children of vnbeliefe That after iustification this faith bringeth foorth such workes as are agreeable vnto the law of God appeareth in these words Ephe. 2. Titus 2. Luk. 1. Mat. 6. Conditi sumus in Christo Iesu ad opera bona We are created or renued in Christ Iesu vnto good workes which God hath prepared for vs to walke in Hebr. 9 Et purificaret sibi ipsi populum peculiarem studiosū bonorū operū Hee hath purged vs vnto himself a peculiar people studious of good workes Thus although in the work of our in stification workes be not conioyned with Faith yet are they not seperated from faith Rom. 3 Galat. 3. For although faith alone doth iustifie yet is it not otherwise alone but alwaies fruitefull by good workes It is one thing to be alone and destitute of good works which faith neuer is and another thing to iuslify alone which faith alwaies doth and by this faith Ephes 4 1. Tim. 1 althogh it be not singular vnto any but general vnto the whole church of God yet is euery faithfull man speciaily iustifyed thereby specially liueth One mans faith doth not iustifie another but euery mā is iustified by his own Faith Iustus fide sua viuet Rom. 1 〈◊〉 2 Galat. 3 Hebr 10 The iust shall liue by his owne faith and not by another mans For he cānot be sure of the stedfastnes of other mens therefore cannot be saued by their general faith Heb. 1● Galat 3 Phlip 2 Hebr. 11 1. Pet. 1 Rom. 5.8 This faith notwithstanding the iangling of the sorbonistes is vnto euerie man that beleeueth his speciall hand and instrument wherewith he apprehendeth Christ certainlye without wauering and therby liueth It is therefore called of saint Paul a sure confidence of thinges hoped for and the certaintie of things not seene and thus oftētimes in the seriptures Fides Spes and Fiducia which cōteyneth both be confounded or put one for another Where the councel of Trident Andradius with the Iesuitical brood of the last locusis Apoc. 9. would with a distinction of a first second righteousnes beguile vs and lead vs from the beholding that only righteousnes of al Gods children in Christ which commeth no other wayes but by the forgeuenes of sinnes through the only faith of Christ They are by the places already alleaged Rom. 3 Galat. 3 manifestly euidently conuinced yet for the further satisfying of the reader I wil briefly ad something more These men in their first iustificatiō as they cal it or the first grace as the schole mē terme it deny remissiō of sin to be our iustificatiō but say that it is such a sanctification of the soule as therby we are both cal led iust are so in deed so that by an iufused righteousnesse which they tearme Charitatem inherentem infused into that faith of ●urs found in our selues before we were iustified stirred vp by the grace of god first mouing vs thus they stil speake like the dragon Apoc. 13. not like the lamb who by the holy prophets aposties cōtinually say the remissiō of sinnes by the only faith of christ without workes is our iustification from time to time before God Psalm 32.51 Rom. 4 Col. ● For God hath set foorth Christ to be the continual pacifying of his Displesure through faith in his blud to declare hys righteousnes by the forgiuenes of sinnes And in the Euangelistes where sin is declared to be the cause of our infirmities and the deuils power in man so the remission of sinnes is the curing and healinge of all those infirmities and the ful delyuerance from the power and tirānie of the deuill whereby wee may euidently see that as sinne seperateth vs from hod Mat. 9 Mar. 2 Luk. 5
plaine testimouies of Scriptures according to the true analogie and meaninge of the same And first touching their three fold righteousnes or iustice before god the Scripture knoweth no such diuision The Scriptures lay foorth vnto vs two kindes of righteousnes before God one that is of the law of God which lawe first ingrauen in man his heart before his fall after written in Tables of stone by the finger of God and opened at large by the holy Ghost in the bookes of Moises the Prophetes and Psalmes and most cleerelie in the bookes of the newe Testament conteineth in it the absolute and perfect righteousnes that whosoeuer fulfilleth the same shall liue therein and be iudged righteous before God and this law being the perfecte image of Gods iustice and the absolute rule of mans life receiueth no qualification Deut. 30. Luke 1.10 Leuit. 18. Rom. 3.8 Galat. 3. Iob. 15 Iohn 1. Mat. 15. Rom. 7.8 Galat. 3. Psalm 19. Mat. 5. nor in no parte doth condiscend vnto our infirmitie but requireth an absolute and perfect obediēce and a conformitie vnto the same for that it findeth this in none Christ onlie excepted it condēneth all absolutelie shuttinge them vnder sin vnto condemnation and iustifyeth none eyther in whole or in parte Heauen and earth shall perish but not so muche as a title of this law shall diminish For as God cannot be altered so the Law which is the rule of his iustice and the true image of himselfe can in no part be temperod unto our infirmitie if it can then let some of the Sorbonical Iesuites or Iesuiticall Sorbonistes lay it down by the testimonie of the Scripturrs Et erit mihi magnus Apollo The other righteousnes before God is in Christ only Quē proposuit Deus propitiatorem per fidem whome God hath made our propitiation through faith Nmo 3. Eum qui non nouerat peccatum pro nobis peceatum fecit vt nos iustitia Dei efficeremur in ipso Him that knew no sin 2. Cor. 5. did God make a sacrifice for sin for vs that we might be made the righteousnes of God in Christ 1. Cor. and God hath made him vnto vs wisdome righteousnes and sāctification and redemption Secondarilie therfore where they attribute this rihhteousnes only vnto Christ as the worker and offerer thereof keepe thapplication thereof vnto thēselues they take from God the best part of his office and are found lyars against God For Christ doth not ouely worke it for vs in all thinges belonging vnto himselfe but the Father doth also bestow it vpon vs inuesting vs by a liuely faith into the righteousnes of his sonne otherwise wee should gaine no more by Christ then we doe by the Law For the Lawe both conteyneth and offereth perfect righteousnes vnto vs Rom. 7.9 but it worketh it not and that for no lack that is in it selfe but is in vs For thus wee should make God and Christ in the worke of our redemption no better then a Phisition and much worse then a kinde Nurse or louinge Mother A skilfull Phisition doth in deede prouide necessary medicine for the patient but the receite thereof he leaueth vnto himselfe A good Nurse or mother will not only prouide meat for the childe but they also in what they can bring the childe to the receiuing thereof Ierim 23.32 But now the Father and the Son by the holy Ghost worke together in this woorke of our iustification Ezec. 11.16 Esay 44.45 Iohn Mat. 16. Pater meus vsque adhuc operatur ego operor The Father worketh as yet and I also worke no man commeth vnto mee excepte my Father draw him And of his greate loue towardes vs he hath geuen his Sonne to die for vs so doeth hee geue vs the meanes whereby wee doe receiue him with his benefites which saint Paule doth euidently declare His wordes are these Ephes 2. Deus qui diues est in misericordia c. God that is rich in mercy through his great loue wherewith he loued vs and whē we were dead through sin he hath also quickned vs together through christ by whose grace ye are saued for by grace are yee saued through faith that not of your selues It is the gif●e of God not of workes least any man shoulde glory Iohn 6. For wee are his worke-manship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which God hath prepared for vs to walke in Here is the greate riches of Gods loue and his grace the efficient cause of iustification Mat. 3. Christ the merite respect Esay 53. Faith the meane and instrument betweene Christ and vs and withall the gift of god from which instrumēt or meanes our desertes and al works whatsoeuer are excluded in the apprehension of this iustification Tittus 2. and worke ordeyned of god doe follow our iustificatiō to be our exercises Loe good Reader what may or can bee sayde plainer In this worde of iustification is there nothing foūd of oures The whole worke is Gods we are no agentes herein but workmanship wrought of God only so that the whole worke belongeth vnto God nothing therin vnto our selues Therefore these Sorboniticall Iesuites are herin many wais found liers against god and his trueth Thirdly this faith whereby we apprehend our iustification in Christ is neyther of our selues or any habit of our minds reason or will nor yet formed by workes whereby together with workes we should be iustifyed but is the free gifte of God depending vpon our election geuen vs in Christ Iesu at the hearinge of the worde through the working of the holy ghost and doth only or alone without workes iustifie vs in Christ and bringeth forth such works as the worde requyreth being the fruites of our iustification to the glorie of God the profite of our brethren and witnessing our iustification both inwardlye in our conscience and outwardly before men shal euidently appeare First that faith is the worke and gifte of God in vs appeareth by the wordes of our Sauiour Christ Iosm 6. Mat. 16 Ephe. 6. Hoc est opus Dei vt credatis in illum quem misit ille This is the worke of God that ye beleue in him whom he hath sent Nemo venit ad me Philip. 1 nisi fuerit ei datum a patre meo No man commeth to me except it shal be geuen him of my father And S. Paul saith Iohes 2. Gratia saluati estis per Fidem hoc non ex vobis dei enim donum est Ye are saued by grace through faith and that not of youre selues for this faith is the gifte of God And againe Rom. 12. Sicut Deus vnicuique dimisit mensuram Fidei Euen as God hath deuided vnto euerie one the measure of faith And Augustine vpō the sixt of Iohn saith August super Iohan. cap. 6. trast 17. Credere datur nobis quid enim habes quod non accepisti
is found vnrighteous and altogether vncleane Vnto these two righteousnesses whereof the one is in God him selfe the other absolute in his lawe doe they refer all the places of scripture condemning mans works and righteousnes And do further acknowledge that man is vtterly vnable to fulfill the lawe in this perfection Then do they imagine an other righteousnes before God according to the rule of Gods iustice tempered and framed to our infirmities to be the rule of our life By this neither bicause no man fulfilleth euery part thereof is any man iustified they confesse Then after this diuisiō they proceede vnto others wherein they would seme to mislike the Scholemens corruptiō in this matter of Iustification for being pressed with the manyfest light of the word in this poynt so farre as they can not denye vs to be iustified only through Christ yet hauing their harts hardned Exod. 7.8 they do with Iames and Iamores withstande the truth seeking still by showe of newe words strange termes to couer the vgly opinion of the schole●●en concerning iusrification and to se● a newe colour thereon for it is the very foundation of all popery and popisl● abominations Therfore with all d●igence do they garnish it as the three vncleane spirites proceding out of the Dragons the beaste● and false prophets mouth Apoc. 16. will giue thē vtterance Some of them as Albertus Pighius ●ighius de iust ●ickaus coutra ●utherum Conc. Trid. ses 6 ●a de inerem custi Can. 9 10.11.12. ●narau in Conc. ●rid Ekchius and others of their time deuide Iustification into two paries whereof the first they wholly attributs vnto Christ the seconde they appoint vnto them selues as the disposers thereof Others of them as the Couneel of Trident Alphonsus the Censure of Colen Andradius with this last broode of the Iebusiticall locustes by a distinction make two iustifications which they call primam secundam the first and the second But before I enter the description of this second diuision for breuitie sake and to auoyde tedious repetitions I will diseouer the first whereof as it is saide they make two parts one belonging vnto Christ as the onely worker thereof the other belonging vnto them selues as the disposers of the thing already wroughte and offered vnto them by Christ Concerning the first part that belonging vnto Christe Conc. Trid scs● 6. they say that by his death and bloudsheding we are redeemed from the captiuitie of the diuel and eternall death and reconciled vnto God and beeing voide of al righteousnes in our selues in him and through his righteousnes onely we are iustified that he only may be our iustification redemption and sanctification before God and this without anye deserte of ours Albert. Pigh de fide iustificas And therefore in this parte belonging vnto Christe Vnicum nobis salutis nostrae solidum est fundamentum ●ighiusibidem He is the onely sure groundworke of our saluation In the respect of this part of our redemption Ibide 〈◊〉 saluation quatenus ex Deo Christo as Pighius and other she Papists cōtesse in so much as it is of God and Christe Shērwin confesseth ther was nothing of him or in him but sinne and that he onely trusted to be saued by the death and bloudsheding of Christ But now touching the application hereof which is she second parte Sherwin and the rest chalenge vnto them selues so leaue Christ but one parte of our iustification and in this point standeth the confrouersie betwene them and vs concerning our iustification and with Sing subtiltle they beguile them selues and others Therefore that this subtilty may plainely appeare vnto the very ignorāt here foloweth Pighias his owne wordes concerning this matter Hactenus de redemptionis ac salutis nostrae in Christo nobis redditae misterio c. Vt existimo satis applicatum est nunc de eodē quarenus ex nobis pendet c. Hitherto hath it as I thinke bin sufficiently entreated of the mysterie of our redemption as it is geuen vnto vs in Christe and now will we handle it in that which depedeth vpon our selues And this parte they terme the disposing cause of our saluation P●●bius de fide 〈◊〉 which they say standeth vpō two branches namely faith and workes in those which be of yeres of discretiō But in children they say that the 〈…〉 of ●●ptisme is the disposing cause and therefore they wickedly denie saluation vnto children departing before baptisme I●●●●● de sacra●●●●● fol. 200. Their fayth they diuide into two sorts that is in fidem acquisitam infusam Acquisitam they define to be an habite of the minde whereby we certenly without wauering assent vnto those things which are from God eyther in his worde or by tradition reuealed vnto the Church for our saluation And they call suche a faith the Catholike faith whiche is of our selues say they and stādeth of the assent of our will and reason and so is it a perfecte faith depending greatly vpon mans freewill And these two partes are diuers things and are distinguished yea somtime seperated from workes from fiducia which foloweth faith that worketh by loue and yet neuerthelesse is Catholike Conc. Trid. ses 6. Canon 6. ● and perfect but yet informis and so soone as workes are thereto ioyned they cal it formatam and so iustifieth For so long as it is informis that is without works it iustifieth not although it be both catholike and perfect which perfection as they say may be in sinners Now their catholike faith ioyned with workes which they call a formed faith they call their preparatiues 〈◊〉 oure saluation and these preparatiues they terine the disposing cause of our saluation wherby we receiue the holy ghost ether in hearing the worde or without the word by the sacraments Pighius de side iustitia and wheresoeuer these disposing causes are present ther the holy ghost is neuer absent and where they be not there is the holy Ghost absent And thus say they doth God impute our saluation vnto our workes in respect of that part depending vpon our selues Thus iustification Cone Trid ses 6. cap. 6. Tal Tilmus esacra lib. 4. which is temission of sinnes reuouation and sanctification folowe the preparing and disposing causes by a voluntarye receuling of grace For say they we are iustified by faith and charilie together as the disposing cause of our iustification or as the necessarye meanes to obteine grace of iustification but rather by charitie then by faith because charitie goeth before our iustification as a necessary cause to obteine at Gods hand in Christ the grace of iustification and adoption of his children And further they affirme that God doth first require our owne workes vnto whiche he proiniseth that his grace shall not be wanting For although Christ be made the full parfeet and sufficient cause of our iustification in so muche as in
him is yet is he effectual vnto none but vnto such as through these preparations and workes receiue him being with that condition offered vnto them For all the promises of our saluation are euerywhere conditional and not absolute Pighius de sile iusti fol. 17. And further they say that in the matter of iustification there is no more attributed vnto the faith whiche respecteth the promise of God touching Christ his death passion and resurrection then vnto that faith which respecteth any other promise of God what soeuer Thus muche of their faith which they call acquisitam Nowe their faith infused is not of our will Iohan. Damas lib. 4. cap. 11. nor the habite of our minde c. but the gifte of God for the benefite of the Church in working miracles and is nu●bred among the giftes of the holy ghost Abacuk 2. Rom. 1. Pighuis de fide 〈◊〉 at Conctl Tridens sessio 6. But that faith whereby the iust man liueth by the whiche onely euery one of Gods children layeth holde of their iustification in Christ they vtterly reiect calling it speciall hereticall and wicked First the substaunce of the matter aswel to the scholemen as to the later Papistes and Iesuits is one but the termes or wordes of Arte as I maye cal them are somtimes diuers and proper vnto some one of their opinions and some common vnto them all They all agree both the scholemen and the rest that Christ hath sufficiently of him self wrought our iustification and offereth the same vnto vs conditionallye Pighius de iustifi Eckius contra Lutherum Concil Trident. de increm iusticu Canon Andrad in Trie Cone sententi●●● li. 3. distinci 19. Gabriel Biel 〈◊〉 sent l. 3. dist 32● knocking at the doore of our conseience by the holy Ghost to moue vs to receiue it and this knocking the scholemen call gratiam primam gratiam preuenientem and gratiam operantem the first grace the preuenting grace and the grace working alone where the holy Ghoste moueth and stirreth our will and indeuours Albertus Pighius and others called it iustification belonging to Christ offered vnto vs. The Councell of Trident Andradius and the Iesuites Pantheologia in sent Thome called it the first iustification which is wrought as they saye by the infused righteousnes of Christ which they call Charitie in hering or cleauinge to vs. Then those workes which the Scholemen call Merita congrui workes of congruence Pighius the Councel of Trident and the Iesuits call workes of preparation and the disposing cause of our iustification Then those which the scholemen did terme works of condigne Pighius and those of his tune terme the answering of the condition of our saluation The Councell of Trident Andradius the censure of Colen the rest of the Iesuites call the second iustice or iustification which stādeth as they say not in the free remissiō of sume but in satisfying and further deseruing and meriting of eternall life as was saide before Therefore sayth Gabriel Biel Iusentens lib. 4. Anima gratia informata per actum à voluntate simul elicitum de cōdigno promeretur vitam aeternam The soule infourmed by grace doth through worke drawn out of the voluntarie wil and grace together deserue euerlastinge life The discouerie of the second Diuision WHere the censure of Colon Andradius Opinio Iesuiterium de infuse iust●tia● Consura Colon Andrad in Conc. Trid s●s 6. other such deuide iustification into the first and second iustice or righteousues they say the first iustice is that inheringe and abiding iustice wherwith the vnregenerated man is first infused receuing the habite or qualitie of infused charitie and this righteousnes they say is not the remission of sinnes onelye but sauctificatiō of the inwarde man wherby he is both called iust and is so in deede and this righteousnes they call charitie abiding or inhering to the inwarde man And when the Scripture saith that faith is reckned vnto vs for righteousnes it meaneth nothing els say they but that the qualitie of righteousnes is infused into vs for God vouchsafeth the faith that hee findeth in vs worthy to be infused with righteousnes that inhereth or abideth wherby men are iustifyed The second iustification they say is the exercise of the infused charitie bringing foorth good workes wherby the second iustice both is and ought to bee had And this righteousnesse doth merite more then the first infused righteousnes for it deserueth euerlastinge life as a due rewarde thereof and this not by faith alone as at the first but by faith and workes together which deserue remission of sinnes and satisfie Gods iustice for the same c. This seconde iustice the Schoolemen terme meritum ex condigno merite of condigne In the appearance of the diuersity of these opinions which in trueth is nothing in substāce but a shew of wordes change of termes we must good Reader for the auoyding of subtile laberinthes obserue what is common vnto them all aswell Scholemen as the rest what is proper or peculiar vnto each of them by themselues wherin they differ or agree among thē selues or with the Scholemen whose grosenesse they worlde seeme to mislike So shall wee without tedious repetitiō both vnderstand their meaning and with breuitie discouer and conuince their falshode The termes or words of art proper to the Iesuites the councell of Trident Andradius and others of that race Iustitia prima Iustitia secunda Charitas infusa inherens The first Iustice the second Iustice Charitie infused cleauing to vs termes proper to the Scholemen meritum congrui meritum condigni merite of congruence and merit of condigne Termes common vnto all the Papistes as Gratia prima gratia secunda gratia preueniens gratia subsequens gratia operans gratia cooperans iusti tia infu sa inherens fides informis fides formata fides accuisita fides infusa The first grace the secōd grace the preuenting grace the following grace the grace working by it selfe the grace workinge with our wil or indeuour iustice infused and cleauing to vs faith vnshapen and formed faith faith gotten of our selues and faith infused faith generall and faith speciall Thus because they woulde seeme to say something and to be doctors of the Lawe they leade both themselues others into an endles laborinth ofiangling words and vain termes knowing not what they speak neither whereof they affirme but these Sophismes haue the Sorbanists first inuented and your clamarous Iesuites now follow that by shew of wordes and termes without sence they may seeme to auoide such con●●●siōs as the true sence of the seriptures for the confusing of their papisticall opinions doth recessarilie enforce vpon them Now it remayneth therfore gentle Reader that I shortlie and brieflie confuse these Sorbonicall and Iesuiticall sophismes and that not by words termes as their manner is to delude their hearers but by euident and
Mardocheus serued Ammon and his posterity Finally as the Lord commaundeth the strumpet of Babilon to be serued ●poc 18. So shall they with peace and safetie raigne to the glory of God and comfort of his Church which they can neuer possibly doe so long as these Antichristian members doe abuse their clememcie and mercy as hetherto they to their great imboldening haue done Therefore of them Olim quod Vulpes oegroto cauto Leoni Respondet referam qua me vestigia terrent omnia te aduorsum spectantia nulla retrorsum As the wilie Fox aunswered the sicke Lion Well I say the steps of all men that trusteth thē maketh me afraid we see many noble personages destroyed by thē from their holy Caue returneth none in their felowship is nought but bloud and destruction We still therefore crie with the holy Ghost Tollite Vulpeculas Demoliuntur enim vineam Domini Out with the very Cubbs for they destroy the Lordes vineyard Fourthly as it were an other Hyrostratus by burning Diana her Temple or an other Curtius for a yeres pleasure with great pride and oftentation to leape desperatly into the Gulfe to win a vaine reporte or same emong the foolish people or as it were an other desperate Monke newe returned from hell shreuen and houseled to poyson King Iohn a most Noble and valiant Prince to the end he might through so vile and wicked a fact be accoūted amōg the popes Canonized saints doe these wicked and desperate Hipocrites attempt with losse both of body and soule to murther christiā princes godly magistrats to be Regestred in the Popes Martyrologe to haue Graines Beades Medalles blessed plenary pardons giuen in their names These Hypocrites herein follow the steps of the desperate Iewes that wickedly and wilfully cast away themselues to saue the tēple which God would destroy Iosephus de bello Iudeico We may not therfore be deceiued with this desperate hipocrisie of theirs For hereof we haue infinite examples as of the Circumcilians in S. Augustines time of Thomas Becket Thomas More Iohn Fisher Fekton and such like Tertul. August whose desperate deathes may not commend them vnto vs for Martyres For not the death but the cause maketh a Martyre Last of all as these Iesuits the last brood of Antichrist doe with like hipocrisie seeme to forme their speeches vnto the Phrases of the Scripture and to vse the sentences of the holy scriptures to couer hide from the simple the vgly and Monstrous face of filthy popery that thereby they might with lesse suspition cure againe in the heartes of the people the deadly wounde of the beast which otherwise to doe the Diuell well seeth is vtterly impossible Thus Alberius Pighius Eruius Andradius the late Courcell of Trident and thus the late executed Iesuites attempted to perfourme But among the residue Raph Sherwin one of the foure executed at Tiburne for treason on Friday the first of December playeth this pageant most guilefully to the deceauing of a greate number then and there present 1581. and purchased by his deepe desperate Hipocrisse a commendation aboue the rest as though there had bin wrought in him before his death some fast of Christ and true religion But all was subtiltie an hipocriticall hipocrisse to leade the people from the detestation of his popery to a liking or a more tollerable iudgement thereof If Raph Sherwin good reader had meat according to the good fourme of words by him then vttered then woulde hee vtterly haue cōdemned mans merites inuocation of Saintes with the residue of his popety to that point belonging contrary to the persō of Christe and free iustificatiō by his death This hee did not But contrariwise saieth he I die a good Catholique that is to wit an arrogant and an obstinate papist These last wordes of his gentle reader namely I die a Catholique doe well declare his meaning nothing to agree with his good forme of words by him first vttered Therefore one Master Edward Fleetewood a godly learned Preacher and I thought good by conference with Some of his fellowes yet remaining in the Tower to learne out by them his meaning in the good forme of wordes by him at his death vttred therby either to sift out the bottom of their Iesuitical practize or to giue occation vnto his fellows by his worses to repent and embrace the trueth and hauing cōferēce with Iames Bosgraue Iohn Hart Henrie Orton wee found their meaning in these good wordes vttered by Sherwin to be nothing lesse then to attribate our whole iustification wholly and onely vnto Christ as the good forme of his wordes did pretēd but partly vnto Christe partly vnto them selues as in the discouery more plainely will appeare which thing all papistes haue heretofore done Sherwin therefore meant not and the rest of the Iesuites intend not to retract any thing from the grossenes of Poperie but guilefully and subrilly to vpholde the whole The Lorde of his great mercy speedily treade downe Sathan vnder our feete for the better ouerthrowe of this wicked king dome the full restoring of the beautie of Christes Church and comfort of his deare Children So be it Faultes in the First booke For Elegantur Legantur For gloriant gloriantur fol. 23 For purputea purpure● For aurea aureo For tui in fol. 25 For presed se presens For so let let fol. 32 For the dayes of Abraham he did in the dayes of Abraham fol 40. For Nicholas the second Leo the ninth and Nicolas the second fol. 40. For he had they had For his theirs For whosoeuer who euer fol. 41. Faultes in the Second Booke For wherein the exact rule of the Law Read wherein the righteousnes of man is compared wyth the exact rule of the Law fol. 2. For applicatum Read explicatum fol. 5. For your clamorous Read our clamorous fol. 11. For tempored Read tempered fol. 12. For credamor Read credamus fol. 16. For cum creditis Read per cum creditis fol. 17. For qui Read cui fol. 33. For their Read the. For leud tent Read leud entent fol. 37 For penerall Read generall For then deuils Read then the deuils fol. 38. For hec loquitur Read hic loquitur fol. 38. Sherwins confession I Acknowledge that in me and of me there is nothing but sinne and abhomination and J trust onelie to be saued by the death and blood shedding of Iesus Christ The discouerie of this Confession FIrst for the better vnderstāding of their sudtilitie wee must remēber that of iustificatiō before God they make three differences The first wherein the righteousnes of man is compared with the righteousnes that is in God Albertus Pighius de fide iuscifi Concil Trident sess 6. And thus they confesse that no creature is righteous before God compared with his righteousnes The seconde wherein the exact rule of the lawe that is absolute perfect And mans righteousnes compared vnto this they confesse