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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14282 Ten introductions how to read, and in reading, how to vnderstand; and in vnderstanding, how to beare in mind all the bookes, chapters, and verses, contained in the holie Bible. With an answer for lawyers. Physitions. Ministers. Vaughan, Edward, preacher at St. Mary Woolnoth. 1594 (1594) STC 24599; ESTC S119031 61,414 222

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by S Luke at Rome and dedicated to one Theophilus This booke is an abridgment or a chronicle of all famous worthy acts of Christ of his disciples and Apostles herein is annexed the sermons of the Apostles touching faith maners the open persecution of the truth the victorie thereof in the end The Argument of the Romanes THe Romanes were Iews and Gentiles embracing Christ in Rome among whom were many false teachers which moued S. Paule to write this Epistle by his secretarie Tertius exhorting them to take heed therof and to encrease in the knowledge of Christ The dignitie of works of faith of grace and iustification of the law and the vse thereof from Corinth Acts 20. Rom. 16. some few daies before he went to Ierusalem The Argument of the first to the Corinthians THe Corinthians had their originall of Corinthus who built that citie in it was the temple dedicated to the Goddesse Venus There was that great notorius whore Lais spoken of ouer all the world and there was many other abhominatiōs yet in this city God had his church S. Paule staied there almost three yeares but when he departed into Siria manie false teachers entred in who taught that whoredome riot drunkennesse c. was lawfull they denied marriage and the resurrection vpon which occasion S. Paule wrote this Epistle to withdraw them from all those euils Act. 19. 1 Cor. 16. and with exhortations to remaine in the doctrine which he had taught From Ephesus 4 The Argument of the second to the Corinthians HEre he excuseth his long absence by diuerse troubles which hindered him he willeth to excōmunicate him that was taken in adulterie he cleareth himselfe of all blame towards them Acts 20. he sheweth a difference betwixt one spirite and another the agreement of the old testament with the new From Philippi 6 The Argument of the Gallathians THe Gallathians were a people of Asia after S. Paules departure thence many false teachers entred in and taught That the ceremonies of the law were to be kept and they taught euill things against the Apostles thereby to deface their doctrine which moued him to write vnto them discharging himselfe for the credit of his calling and confirming of his doctrine with the ouerthrow of the contrarie From Rome 13 The Argument of the Ephesians THis citie of Ephesus was famous by the sea side of Ionius where was a temple dedicated to the false Goddesse Diana S. Paule at his first comming staied little there but at the second time he continued three yeares perceauing that God had many soules there to be saued euen among witches sorcerers c. whereby the mercie of God appeared more aboundantly at his departure he left among them elders and Timothie as their Bishop This Argument agreeth neerly with the Romanes and Gallathians Sent from Rome 11. The Argument of the Philippians PHilip Macedon was the originall of the citie they had domesticall troubles and many lost for the trueths sake and therefore he exhorteth them to patience and watchfulnesse Sent from Rome 8. The Argument of the Colossians THe Colossians were a people of that great citie Collossa S. Paule was neuer with them they were taught by Epaphras Onesimus Tychichus S. Paule heard that they were troubled with the Iewes about ceremonies and with the gentils about subtill questions and wordes of philosophie wherefore he wrote vnto them to confirme them in that they had learned concerning Christ and to confute the contrarie Sent from Roome 9 The Argument of the first to the Thessalonians THessalonica was a famous citie of Macedonia whence the people had their names he was among them but three Sabaoths by reason of the Iews He sent Timothie vnto them by whom he vnderstood of their conscience and that they should consider well of the resurrection Acts 17 He sent it from Athens The Argument of the second to the Thessalonians HE excuseth his long absence shewing them the manner of the resurrection and the comming of Christ he dehorteth from curious questions Sent from Athens 2 The Argument of the first to Timothie HIs father was a Graecian his mother a Iew which was the cause he was not circūcised in his infancie according to the law His mother Eunice and his grandmother Loida were godly wherein they brought him vp S. Paule his maister sent him on the Lords busines to diuerse places in the end he was left at Ephesus as their bishop to whom he wrote this Epistle about the choise of Pastours in the church At Laodicea 3 The Argument of the second to Timothie HE mourned greatly after S. Paule therefore Paule did write to cōfort him and withall to shew him how he was held in prison which was the cause that he came not to Ephesus according to his promise Sent from Rome 12 The Argument of Titus HE was a Graecian borne Paule was his maister who left him at Creete to constitute ministers in euerie parish and to refourme their manners Titus was a yong man therefore his maister wrote this Epistle that he should do nothing rashlie What kinde of Pastours should be allowed and what not From Nicapolis in Macedonia Acts 20. 5 The Argument of Philemon HE was Collocentia a rich man and a godly liberall man he had a seruant named Onesimus who departed from him by stealth when he heard S. Paule preach he beleeued in Iesus Christ and confessed his fault wherevpon S. Paule wrote this Epistle to his maister exhorting him to forgiue his seruant Sent from Rome 10 The Argument of the Hebrues THe truth is by the opinion of the most and best learned that S. Paule wrote this Epistle the Grecians did so allow of it and the same was confirmed in the councell of Nicen. Nicephorus saith that it was written in Hebrue by S. Paule and translated into Greeke by S. Luke who altered S. Pauls stile and method of writing Iraeneus who was Policarpus scholler said the same the trueth being receiued from S. Iohn who was Policarpus maister such was the obstinacie of the Iewes resisting the doctrine of Christ which gaue occasion to S. Paule to write exhorting them from the hardnes of their hearts Herein he magnifieth Christ aboue the prophets Moses and Aaron Leui and all other offices and officers who fulfilled the prophesies accomplshed the law and offred a farre more perfect sacrifice than they all Sent by Timothie from Italie The Argument of Iames. IN the tenth of Mathew mention is made of two Iames one the sonne of Zebedeus the other the sonne of Alpheus which Iames was the Author of this Epistle he is called Lebbeus and Thaddeus and he is called the brother of Iude Gal. 1 19. and the brother of our Lord. Here he instructeth al men to liue wel and to beleeue well he sets out the conuersation of those that are regenerated the excellencie of faith of works of patience c. The Argument of the first of Peter THis Peter
and sacrifice for them 2 Mach. 2 5. It is said that Ieremie hid the Arke of the Tabernacle in a caue and that Salomon sanctified the place 2 Mach. 8 9.10 which thing Salomon could not doe because it was no part of his office and he neuer did it the same prophet did euen then reproue the seekers after such places least there shold be any monument or relick of Idolatrie further the death of Antiochus is not agreed vpon for in 1 Mach. 6 5.6 16. it is said That he died with sorrow in the 2. Mach. 9 6.7 the maner of his death is reckoned to be far otherwise It is said that Iudas Machabeus was slaine in Demetrius armie 1 Mach. 9 18. but in the 2 Mach. 1 10.11 he writeth a letter after his death 36 yeares vnto Aristobolus 2 Mach. 1.10.11 he doubteth of his well doing Let the feare of God withdraw you from all vnreuerent handling and iudging hereof The fourth Introduction THe Argument or sum of all the Bible by books and chapters as they ly comprehendeth ten histories or generall matters chaining the scriptures to the saluation of one people in the seruice of God and to the destruction of an another wilfullie nelegcting and obstinatly gainsaying the same whereby you shall see as it were it one view what was most notably done and spoken in euerie age what difference and change there was and vpon what occasion you shall not light into any one booke or chapter but hereby you shal be able to say This or that matter belongeth to such a storie This is the effect of euery booke chapter Here this or that beginneth and there it endeth I haue set before the particular matter of euerie storie seuerally according to the age and continuance thereof which being once perfectly learned shall euer be remembred with the encrease of knowledge and with an admirable change in your selfe to your comfort and to Gods glorie Storie Bookes and Chapters Contents 1 From Gen. 1 To Gen. 7 The Flood 1656. years 2 Gen. 8 Gen. 12 The renouation of the creation 424. yea 3 Gen. 12 Exod. 19 The election in Abram and his seed 430. yea 4 Exod. 12. Ios 1 Their going out of Aegypt to Canaan 40. yea 5 Ios 1 Iudg. 1. Their quiet possession in the same 7. yea 6 Iudg. 1 1. Samuel Of Saul their first king 450. yea 7 1. Sam. Nehem. Their captiuitie in Babylon 490. yea 8 Nehem. Their restoring to libertie 70. yea Ezra Hester 9 Danie Their perpetuall libertie in Christ 490. ye 10 Reuel The birth of Christ to the worlds end by the computation of Elias 2000. ye NOw you must learne what euerie storie doth generally containe what is the sum or whole drift of the holy Ghost in the same which I haue set downe by particulars You must marke where and in what booke or chapter the substance of euerie storie lieth and how it is dispearsed in the Bible most principally note two things to weet what good men was in euerie age or in euerie such storie and what wicked men The particulars of the first storie Fathers Gen. 5. Adam Signifieth Earthly Seth. Setled Enos Sorrowfull Kenan Godly repentance Mahalalel Praise God Jared The lowly Henoch The Sabaoth keeper Methuselah Long life Lamech Heart wounded Noah The Comforter These were the tenne holy fathers before the floud which the holy ghost reckoneth in whom the religion and seruice of God was grounded these published ouer the world that thē was all such effectuall matters tending to religion as was deliuered afterward to Moses in two tables of stone to be continued and enlarged by sacraments and sacrifices by ceremonies and such like ordinances euen vnto the death of Christ there was nothing done in the time of Moses which might not wel be deriued from the law and profession of these men if you compare them by their special instances by them you shal finde true religion maintained and the false detected moreouer by them hard places are made plaine And if you reckon how long euerie of them liued the whole doth perfectly measure the age of that world from Adam to the floud 1656. And for these special causes I haue laid downe briefly their stories ADam was a passing and a most perfect creature disagreeing from all other creatures both in the magnanimitie of his soule and in the excellencie of his bodie in soule he was like to God himselfe for wisdome for innocencie and clearenes in bodie he did beare the fourme and fashion of the goodliest male and female kinde that was to be in the world He comprehended by the light of Gods spirite that the seede of the woman should restore him and all beleeuers into the fauor of God and therefore he called his wife Heua that is to say Life and he called his sonne Seth that is to say Setled and persuaded in the faith of Christ In the commemoration of which seed Adam offered continuall sacrifice the which in the allowance thereof was ordinarilie consumed by fire as was the sacrifice of Abraham in the time of the law By this he may well be called a king a prophet a priest or sacrificer As the original whence he came being earth had relation to what he should returne so the place where he was created being mount Moriah had relation to that place where Christ the high sacrificer should be crucified to the ioy of the world as by many other particulars afterwards was made plaine to be Ierusalem Gen. 22 2. where Isaac was offered as a figure of Christ where Sem or Melchisedech dwelt being the king of peace and iustice 14 18. where Noahs arke rested Gen. 8. where Salomon was commanded to build the temple in the honour of his name 2 Cron. 3 1. When God had chastned the woman and cursed the serpent he said vnto Adam The seed of the woman shall bruse the serpents head Gen 3 15. He liued to instruct Mathuselah in this promise concerning Christ 243 yeares Gen. 5 25.10 11. the rather because Methuselah was appointed of God to liue long and manie yeares after of purpose to teach others That Adam fell the day of his creation all must hold that loue not grosse ignorance our Lord telleth that Satan stood not in the truth Now his falling could not be knowne to vs to iudge of that speech but by the storie of the serpent which Moses ioined with the creation and it were irreligious boldnesse to thrust a practise of life betwixt in another kinde Moreouer our Lord telleth that satan was a murtherer from the beginning speaking vnto Hebrues They now his enemies not onelie graunt but proue by the testimony vniuersall of all their learned that the sixt day the serpent deceiued Eue. If Adam fell not same the day of his creation what did he then on the next seuenth day how bestowed he the sabaoth if he were idle then he gaue an ill president