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A12705 A sermon preached at Cheanies the 14. of September, 1585, at the buriall of the right honorable the earle of Bedforde, By Thomas Sparke Doctor of Divinitie Sparke, Thomas, 1548-1616. 1594 (1594) STC 23023; ESTC S114843 60,544 120

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and that therefore wee shal bee saued for his sake onely and not for our workes at all Let vs now therefore heare what the Scripture sayth to the determination of this question That saying of Christ to his Luke 17.10 is directly contrary to their position where hee sayth when ye haue doone all those thinges that are commanded you say wee are vnprofitable seruantes wee haue doone that which was our duetie to doe For heereby not in way of curtesie as some of them haue sayde but in sadnesse we are taught that if wee kept the whole lawe in euery pointe which neuer man did but Christ that yet we are to account our selues so farre from hauing merited any thing thereby at Gods handes that we are to thinke we haue but payde him that which we ought him and therefore merited no more at his handes than an olde ill better may say he hath merited at his creditours handes when he payeth him but his hare owne How much more stronglye then doeth this place bynde vs from hauing that conceite of our woorkes when wee haue doone them that thereby we are iustified and merite heauen Seeing that the very best woorkers of vs al when wee haue doone what we canne yet finde our selues scarce able where wee owe God golde to paye him leade where wee owe him thousandes to pay him hundredes yea to aunswere him one of a thousande Iob. 9.3 in so much that the righteousnesse of the righteous is but as a steyned cloath Isa 64.6 And therefore Paul though hee wrote the Epistle to the Phillippians a litle before his death when hee was full of sufferinges for CHRIST and of all kinde of good woorkes yet he in the 3. Chapter therof protesteth not onelye in the preter tense that hee counted all his pharisaicall righteousnesse before his conuersion but all then in the present tense but doung that hee might winne Christ and might be founde in him not haning his owne righteousnesse which is of the Lawe but that which is through the faith of Christ euen the righteousnesse which is of GOD through fayth verse 8.9 Wherefore hee boldlye concludeth Titus 3.5 thus Not by the woorkes of righteousnesse which no doubt are woorkes doone in fayth for otherwyse they were not to be called woorkes of righteousnesse but rather woorkes of vnrighteousnesse which wee haue doone but according to his mercy he saued vs. Now to make it cleare that by this righteousnesse of GOD whereby Paule through faith in Christ woulde bee righteous before GOD is ment not an inherent righteousnesse in mans owne selfe Paul opposeth it to that righteousnesse in himselfe And besides Romanes they are seuered in that the one is called the righteousnesse of God the other mans owne righteousnesse But most cleare is that Romains 1.17 where hee affirmeth that that righteousnesse which is called the righteousnesse of GOD is reuealed by the Gospell from faith to faith For it is written The iust shall liue by fayth Whereby it is most euident that this inherent righteousnes which they would haue to make thē righteous by is reuealed by the morall law And therefore you shall finde that Paul Rom. 10.5.6 7.8.9 distinguisheth the righteousnes of the lawe from the righteousnes that commeth by faith And Rom. 3.21 that hee in plaine tearmes thus determineth this matter Now is the righteousnes of God made manifest without the law hauing witnesse of the Law and the Prophetes to witte the righteousnesse of God by the faith of Iesus Christ vnto all and vppon all that beleeue Which coulde not bee if the righteousnes of God were the good workes that are in men for we come to the knowledge of thē by the Lawe This is called the righteousnesse of God in an excellencye because the righteousnesse of Christ is the righteousnesse of one that is God and is indeede a righteousnesse absolute before God for the which he cannot but account them righteous to whom it is imputed by fayth In an inferiour sort the godlynesse in Gods children maye be called a righteousnesse of God because it is wrought in them by his spirite but yet as appeareth by these places it is not that righteousnesse whereby we may dare perswade one selues that wee are made righteous before hym but onely a fruite proceeding from that applyed first vnto vs and then testifiyng thereof Further howe could it be sayde truely that life euerlastyng is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the free gift of God Ro. 6.23 if it come at all by meryte To imagyne that it may come of grace and also of workes it is flat agaynst Paul Rom. 11.6 where he sayth If it be of grace it is no more of works or else were grace no more grace but if it be of works it is no more grace or else were work no more woorke In which woordes he de●ermineth saluation to come by merite of workes and by grace to bee so contrarye the one to the other as if it come the one way it cannot come at al by ●he other It cannot bee sayde to the shifting off of this place with any reason that here by works are meant workes onely done before faith for he speaketh generally heere of woorkes without distinction And therefore very well saide August contra Pelag. Caelest lib. 2. cap. 24. Gods grace shal be grace no way vnlesse it be free euery way and the drift of the Epistle to the Galath is flatly and directly against such as would be saued partly by grace through faith in Christ and partly by their workes following faith For they were neuer taught by the false Apostles neithee did they then holde iustification by workes done before faith or by workes alone And yet Paul speaking to the purpose to confute them saith If righteousnes come by the lawe Christ died in vaine Gal. 2.21 Chap. 5.4 ye are albolished frō Christ whosoeuer are iustified by the lawe ye are fallen from grace Vpon which ground said Augustine in his preface vppon the 31. Psal If thou wilt haue nothing to doe with grace boast thy merits and Chrysostome 3. ad Gal. saith thus ●hey saide accursed is hee that leaneth onely to faith Paul sheweth that hee that so doeth is blessed And Ambrose also vpon the same warrant 1. Cor. 1. affirmeth that it is appointed of GOD that he that beleeueth in Christ shal be saued without woorkes onele by faith freely receiuing remission of his sinnes And least they should cauill and say as they are not ashamed to doe that by workes of the lawe are vnderstoode onely workes done before faith by the direction of the Lawe without the infusion of the speciall grace of GOD through Christ marke how notably to preuent that popish shift chap. 2.15.16 he saieth Wee that are Iewes by nature and not sinners of the Gentiles know that a man is not iustified by the workes of the Lawe but by the faith of Iesus Christ Euen we I say haue beleeued in Iesus Christ that we
might be iustified by the faith of Christ and not by the woorkes of the lawe because that by the workes of the Lawe no fleshe shal be iustified In which words he excludeth from the office of iustifying not onely the workes of vnbeleeuers but also of them that beleeue saying that he and such as he was which beleeued in Christ did so beleeue not that they might bee enabled thorowe their owne woorkes to iustifie vp themselues but the plaine contradictorie that is that they beleeued in him that they might still bee iustified by their faith in him and not by their woorkes which were woorkes done after their faith though he calleth them the workes of the Lawe because therein they were prescribed Againe where haue they any grounde for this pointe of diuinitie that CHRIST merited that their workes or the woorkes of any shoulde bee meritorious Doe they not see that this were in effect to say that CHRIST communicateth his owne glorious office of beeing a Sauiour to those workes and so remaineth not a full and a perfect Sauiour in him-selfe and by himselfe Whereas we reade flatly to the contrary Isai 43.11 where hee sayth vnto vs thus I euen I am the Lorde and beside me there is no sauiour To conclude therefore this point if the righteousnesse that GOD hath prouided for vs in CHRIST were not the righteousnesse that should make vs righteous why is it that wee reade that the faithfull shall say Isai 45.24 In the Lorde haue I righteousnesse and strength and that his name shall be our righteousnesse Ierem. 23.6 33.16 And that the Messias shall bring with him an euerlasting righteousnesse Dan. 9.24 Who seeth not that it is seeing God hath appointed that we shoulde be so iustified as that the whole glorie may bee his and none ours which cannot be if it come by any woorkes at all done by vs Rom. 3.27 4.4 to make vs conclude with Paul that he is made of God vnto vs wisedome righteousnes sanctification and redēption that he that reioyceth may reioice in him 1. Cor. 1.30.31 If yet they wil say that this cānot be that we shoulde bee termed or accounted righteous by a righteousnesse that is not in our selues but in Christ I aske them why they holde so They must answere because it is a principle in Philosophie that the accident must bee in the subiect whereof it hath denomination To whom fiest I answere that it is not in vaine that Saint Paul hath giuen vs this warning be w●●e least there be any that spoile you through vaine Philosophie Colos 2.8 Secondly I say that howsoeuer this be a sounde principle in Philosophie yet it is false in diuinitie which I prooue thus Christ was one in whom there was no sin Isai 53.8 and yet we read that the Lorde laide vpon him the iniquities of vs all verse 6. In so much that he was wounded for our transgressions and broken for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was laide vpon him and with his stripes we are healed ver 5. Whereby I see that our vnrighteousnesse was imputed vnto him though there were no vnrighteousnesse at all inherent in him Where-uppon it must needes followe that as well may his righteousnesse bee imputed vnto vs which beleeue that of our selues are vnrighteous Yea no doubt of it that change hath GOD made with vs in him to impute vnto him our vnrighteousnesse that his righteousnesse might bee imputed vnto vs. For we reade that hee was made sinne for vs which knewe no sinne that we should be made the righteousnesse of GOD in him 2. Cor. 5.12 By Iohn therefore hee willeth the Laodiceans Apoc. 3. to come to him to buy of him but freely Isai 55. 1. long white garmentes to couer their nakednes vers 18. That is to haue at his hands by faith perfect righteousnesse whereby they may bee made righteous And what peeuishnes is this to deny the imputation of Christes righteousnesse to the beleeuer in him and to holde that the righteousnesse of Saints may bee imputed vnto him that buyeth a pardon which they all holde And how can it bee otherwise but that his righteousnesse shoulde bee the righteousnes of all thē that beleeue in him For it being as it is an infinite and absolute righteousnesse and they that beleeue in him thereby being as you haue heard in him and one with him how can it be I say any otherwise but that those thinges that bee in him should so farre bee communicated vnto them as is meet and necessarie for them Whereupon it commeth that we reade Apoc. 3.21 he saith that he will grant to them that ouercome to sitte with him in his throne as he ouercomining sitteth with the father in his But to passe from this point to the last particular branch of their faith wherein they plainely confesse that their faith breedeth not in them assuraunce and confidence of their saluation but such a hope onely as may be ioyned with doubtfulnesse whether it shal be so in the ende or no. I will easily grant them that as long as they builde beside the onely foundation Christ as they doe vpon the satisfactions and merites of man it cannot be otherwise Nay I say further that forasmuch as there is no couenant betwixt God and man of any saluation but onely in Christ Iesus the promised seede for all the promises runne in the singular number In one which is Christ Gal. 3.16 and they are all yea amen in him 2. Cor. 1.20 it is horrible presumption so farre off it is from being humility for thē once to hope or to call in question whether they may or shal be saued seeking for any part thereof for any thing that is not be For it is to looke after some fort to bee saued after a meere fancy and deuise of man full of robberie and blasphemy against Iesus Christ which howe absurd it is let any man iudge And as long as their owne consciences enforce them to confesse that they haue no better faith than this let them be assured that though they we are their tongues to the stumpes and their knees till there grow bornes on thrm in praying to GOD for their saluation they shall neuer be heard For it is written Iam. 1.6.7 Let him aske in faith wauer not for he that wauereth is like the waue of the Sea tost and caried awaie neither let that man thinke that he shall receaue any thing of the Lord. And whereas an assured confidence of saluation in Christ is counted of them presumption I say they may be ashamed but once to thinke so For vnto the right beleeuer God hath first giuen his generall promise that such a one whatsoeuer hee be shall not perish but haue eternall life Iohn 3.16 And this woorde is in writing in the place before named and else where very often in GODS booke and in the vse of the Sacramentes it is particularly applyed to euery one that so beleeueth Roman 4.
the woorkes of such accompanie them as dye in the Lorde For the true faith purifieth the hearte Actes 15.9 and it is of that nature that it worketh by loue Galat. 5.6 And therefore as though a man haue neuer so charitable and curteous woordes yet if hee haue no deedes aunswering thereunto his charitye is vaine Iam. 2.15 16 ●0● 〈◊〉 if it haue no woorkes is deade in it selfe and cannot not saue a man verse 17. c. Howbeit this I say and thus I teach with Iames not that I woulde haue you to thinke that faith saueth or iustifieth any for the worthines of these works that followe it and accompanye it For so far off am I and wee all ought to bee from that that we may not once imagine that fayth it selfe saueth or iustifieth any for the worthinesse of it selfe but onely for and through the worthines of Christ the obiect thereof whom it apprehendeth and applieth withall his merites to her owner and so thereby hee is iustified But this I say and constantly afferme that that fayth that iustifieth a man indeede is two wayes liuely and effectuall namely in heauen before GOD about her obiect Christ first in apprehending and applying lit to the iustification of the owner and then in earth amongst men in puryf●yng her subiect that is the person in whome it is to bring foorth fruites beseeming a iustified person So that alwayes hee that hath the iustifiyng faith hath therewith the sanctifying spirite whereby hee is able according to Saint Peters counsaile to ioyne vertue to his faith 2. Peter 1.5 and according to Saint Iames request to shewe his faith by his woorkes Chapter 2.18 for the ●ounde and right fayth in Iesus 〈…〉 into the hearte of the owner by the operation of the spirite such abundance of loue to wardes GOD for and in consideration of his infinite loue and goodnesse found out and apprehended thereby that it replenisheth the hearte wherein it is withall thankefulnesse and duetifulnesse towardes him in obeying his commaundementes with all his power chearefully and willingly in somuch that as it is impossible to seperate fire and heat sunne and light so is it to finde a iustiflyng fayth without good woorkes And therefore though wee take the office of iustifiyng from good woorkes generally without distinction and leaue it soly and wholy to faith as Paul doeth Romanes 3.28 where he sayeth Therefore wee conclude that a manne is iustified by faith without the woorkes of the lawe yet wee say and holde also with Sainte Iames that a man is iustified of woorkes and not of faith onelye Iames 2.24 For though by warrant from Paul wee holde that onlye faith iustifieth before GOD because the woorkes of the Iawe that is woorkes commaunded by the Lawe which if any other thing might bee ioyned with faith in this office are most woorthy are shut out quite from intermedling therein yet wee holde also that this fayth which is sola that is alone in doing this office yet is not solitaria that is alone in her owner when she doth performe it Faith therefore alone with Paul iustifieth before God and workes proceeding from faith iustifie that is declare who is iustified with Iames. For that appeareth to be his sense by his saying She we me thy faith out of thy woorkes Neither is his phrase straunge in saying that works doe iustifie which doe but declare who is iustified For we say cōmonly white haires make in olde man and yet our meaning onely is that they declare him to be an olde man And for further proofe yet of this point that it is not a faith in the sippes but in the heart not a woroy but a worthy faith that knitteth vs vnto Christ wee are to call to our remembraunce that Christ expresly Iohn 15.5 saith He that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth foorth much fruit And that as Saint Paul saith there is no condemnation to those that bee in Christ to he addeth which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit Rom. 8.1 yea that he saith that they that are Christes haue crucified the flesh with the lustes thereof Galat. 5.24 and that with with olde thinges are past away and all thinges are become newe 2. Cor. 5.17 Either therefore neuer pretende that thou hast a sound are a right faith or else set thy life and conuersation be such as God may be glorified in iustifiing such an one Dauid coulde say seeing Christ but a far off in respect of that purgation and clen sing that hee hoped for by him Psa 51.7 Purge me with hysope and I shall bee cleane washe mee and I shall be whiter than snow And therfore said Iohn very flacly 1. epist 1.6.7 If we say wee haue fellowshippe with him and walke in darckenesse wee lie and doe not truely but if wee walke in the light as hee is in the light we haue fellowshippe one with another and the bloode of Iesus Christ cleanseth vs from al our sinnes Wherefore let vs assure our selues either that wee are not purged at all by Christes death or washed by his bloode or else chat we are cleane and white For no doubte of it where God for his sake pardoneth sinne there he purgeth it and where he couereth it there he cureth it and therefore to all that beleeue in him the spirite is promised Iohn 7.38 to bee in that measure that it shal be as riuers of water of life flowing ouer the bankes for the force it shall haue in all such effectually to wash them to soften them to make them fruitfull and to quench in them the flames and heate of sinne Vnlesse therefore wee finde the spirite in vs to haue this operation wee are without warrant in our selues to prooue that we haue a sound and right faith in Christ By this then you mate see dearely beloued in Iesus Christ seeing this is the generall doctrine of vs all that professe the Gospel with knowledge how much we are wrōged by our aduersaries the papists who this not withstāding charge our doctrine to be a doctrin of liberty and licentiousnesse For heereby euidently you may see wee shut out all those from the number of them that dye in the Lorde which be carnal and worldly minded men whatsoeuer they say and al carnal and prophane Gospellers which turne the grace of God into wantonnesse what faire shew soeuer they can make of faith in wordes And therefore here is no comfort at all for any that yet remaine in their sins hauing thē raigning in their mortall bodyes for Epicures Libertines or for any leude lycentious wretch whatsoeuer he be For such doe not liue in the Lord and therefore are not slkely to dye in the Lord. For commonly qualis vita finis ita such life such death in the iust iudgment of God it so falleth out For he that lyuing and in health wil not remember God it is but right that God shoulde forget him sicke and dying
as God in the temple of God shewing himselfe that he is God 2. Thess 2.4 Of which qualities the two first are notoriously seen in popery in forbidding the mariage of ministers and in the commāding as a holy and meritorious thing abstinence from flesh And as for the rest who can consider howe the Popes haue brought kinges and princes vnder to do them most base seruice and what otherwise they haue taken vpon them do stil to make lawes besides and often contrary to the woorde written to binde consciences yet vnder paine of damnation to obey how they cal thēselues heads of the vniuersall Church which is Christs speciall and peculiar title Colos 1. Ephes 1. howe they take vpon them to forgiue sinnes and to conferre vpon beggarly creatures by the halowing of them power to put away sinnes but he must be enforced to cōfesse that al the other qualities are seene and found notoriously in the rase of Popes for a long time Lastly as it is prophecied that by the spirit of Gods mouth 2. Thess 2.8 Antichrist shall consume and after the sound of the Gospell againe that Babylon shall fall Apoc. 14.8 so the Lordes name be praised for it we haue seene by experience papacie fallen into a great consumption and the popes credit and autority very well fallen also in the consciences of men by the preaching of the Gospell againe in these latter daies And to our comfort we may learne out of the 2. to the Thes 2.8 that his consūption is so deadly that he shal neuer recouer it vntill he be quite abolished by the brightnes of Christs comming If he therfore win a litl● in one place both he and his may learne by this to make their account that they shall loose more in another In steade therefore of hoping againe for their golden day let them seat n● for the fall of Babylon which is irreuocable to take vppe weeping and wailing and to cry alas alas for the great citie as it is prophecied that Antichristes friendes shall doe at his fall Apoc. 18.19 Thus you see or at the least may see both that Babylon is Rome and also that Antichristianity is Popery Wherefore the second part of my argument is proued which was this But who so dyeth in the popishe faith dieth bearing the marke of the beast both in forhead and hand and therefore now againe I may conclude therfore so far off is it that he that dieth a papist dieth a christian or in Christ that most certainty he dieth a limme of Antichrist and that consequently all Papistes dying Papistes in this peeuish and Antichristian faith before deseribed confuted are shut out from this number that my text speaketh of 〈…〉 thus also in this short comparison of the prophecies concerning the kingdome of 〈…〉 you se● once againe their glory 〈◊〉 to their shame For you know they bragge that their Church must bee the true church because they 〈◊〉 alleage an●iqui●● vniuersality vnity visibility whereas al these as you haue he●r● are 〈…〉 christianity For 〈…〉 it wa●●●ginning in Pa●●● times for vi●●●●●●ity and 〈◊〉 ●ll ●●tions shal be drunke the 〈◊〉 for the 〈◊〉 you haue heard how glittering ●●sible 〈◊〉 the whore of Babylon shal be Let them 〈◊〉 therefore dazel our eies or deceiue vs by any such false marks to cause vs to ●●●e the poore litle persecuted flock of Christ to 〈◊〉 our selues with their garish synagogue 〈◊〉 thus you haue heard what faith wil not 〈◊〉 our 〈…〉 vs vnto Christ that so we may when it pleaseth the Lorde ●e in him euen wher by you may also see 〈◊〉 I doubt not but you do what maner of faith it must be that wil serue Howbeit for your more full satisfying cōcerning that point What faith it is that will vnite vs in deede to Christ vnderstand that that faith the Lorde by the ministery of his word and Sacramente● through the inward working of his spirit neuer yet 〈◊〉 ●ought in any ●●●euer will vnles that first by his law he ●er● one that was 〈…〉 onely to see and know his sinnes and the punishments therefore due 〈◊〉 him but also to a true sorowe for the f●me and an vnfe●●ed loathing therof and conse●●ntly to an earnest hūger and this 〈◊〉 to be deli●ered ●herefrom ●or Christ was not sent to cōfort 〈◊〉 by the Gospell that were not first ●●comforted by the law to 〈◊〉 vp any by the one that were not first thr● 〈◊〉 down by the other or to heale ●●y by the one who the other before had not made euen sieke in the foule for the g●iefe of sinne And therefore it is writen that he wa●sent to bind vp the broken ha●● 〈◊〉 to appoint vnto them that mourne in Sion to giue vnto thē beautie for a shes the o●●e of ioy for mourning the garment of gladnes for the spirit of heau●nes Isai 6.13 And such saith Dauid Psa 5 1● as are of a contrite and a broken hart are ●cc●p table vnto him and he will not despise them and to him euen to him that is poore and of a contritespirit he saith he will looke Isai 66. ● And therefore Isai 55.1 and Iohn 7.37 he ●●●leth only the thirsty vnto him and Mat. ●● 28 the weary and heauy loaden promising comfort to such Which property of our God it seemeth yt he blessed virgin had wel obserued therfore she singeth L●k● 1.53 He hath filled the ●●●gry with good thinges ●●●le ●●ch he ●●ath se●t e●ty away They therfore y● by fayth would find Christ 〈◊〉 ●e raised vp must first go to schole with the law ●●lea to therby effectually the former sess●●● f●● the law is our sch●●e●●●ster to bring vs to C●hrist 〈…〉 4. that so they finding out the depth and grieu●usnes of their spirituall sicknes may seek a sit ●●●●ciēt ●layster s●lue to heal 〈◊〉 it Vnto with estate whē the lord hath brought his knowing that light after darknes helth after sicknes felicity after tast of misery wil be y● more ●●le●̄● more th●̄kfully receiued thē effectually becauseth thē so to pr●fice by the doctrine of the gospel that first therby they attain to a sound and right knowledge of Iesus Christ what hee is in persō what he is in office In person that he is the 2 person in Trinity very God and very man also and yet that he is but one person cōsisting of these 2 natures In office king priest prophet the only messias means to be saued by Which saliatiō therby also they learne he hath dearly fully merited in by his owne abas●mēt in that he ●●●āe mā liued died was buried and descēded into ●el therby likewise they learn that by his ●duācemēt that is by his resurrectiō ascension ●nd si●●ing on y● right hād of his father he is now able to bestowe and apply the same faluation by himself so merited to al that be his Whereupon they take decasiō st●●fastly