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A08833 The benefite of Christs death, or the glorious riches of Gods free grace which euery true beleeuer receiues by Iesus Christ, and him crucified. First compiled and printed in the Italian tongue: and afterwards translated and printed in the French tongue: and out of French into English, by A.G.; Beneficio di Christo. English Benedetto, da Mantova, fl. 1534-1541.; Flaminio, Marco Antonio, 1498-1550.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606, attributed name.; Paleario, Aonio, 1503-1570, attributed name. 1633 (1633) STC 19117; ESTC S107303 48,174 106

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THE BENEFITE OF Christs Death or the glorious Riches of Gods free Grace which euery true beleeuer receiues by Iesus Christ and him crucified First compiled and printed in the Italian tongue And afterwards translated and printed in the French tongue And out of French into English By A. G. 1 Cor. 2. 2. For I determined not to know any thing among you saue Iesus Christ and him crucified Phil. 3. 8. Yea doubtlesse I count all things but losse for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ Iesus The third Edition LONDON Printed by I. L. for Andrew Hebb dwelling at the signe of the Bell in Pauls Church-yard 1633. To the Reader THou hast here deliuered to thee good Reader a little Treatise first written in the Italian tongue and printed at Venice after that translated into the French language and printed at Lyons and now translated and printed for thee to reade in the English tongue Enquire not of the Author hee is vnknowne and to know him would doe thee but little good Reade the booke deuoutly regard the matter of it attentiuely it may doe thee much good in these euill dayes This may be counted among the greatest euils with which this age is infected that they which are called Christians are miserably diuided about Christ And yet in truth as the Apostle saith vnto vs there is but one God which is the Father of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Iesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him To discourse on this diuision and the cause thereof would be to some pleasing to some it would be displeasing For what one truth can please minds so diuersly diuided would God it could please all to become one in that one Christ whose name we all doe carry In this little booke is that benefit which commeth by Christ crucified to the Christians truly and comfortably handled which benefit if all Christians did truely vnderstand and faithfully embrace this diuision would vanish away and in Christ the Christians should become one To this end reade this booke and much good in Christ may it doe to all them which doe reade it Amen The Contents of this BOOKE CHAP. I. Of Originall sinne and mans wretchednesse CHAP. II. How the Law was giuen by God to the end that we knowing our sinne and not hauing any hope of ability to make our selues righteous by our owne workes should haue recourse to Gods mercy and vnto the Righteousnesse of Faith CHAP. III. How the forgiuenesse of our sinnes Iustification and Saluation depend onely on Iesus Christ CHAP. IIII. Of the effects of liuely faith and of the vnion of mans soule with Christ CHAP. V. In what wise the Christian is cloathed with Iesus Christ CHAP. VI. Certaine remedies against distrust Of the benefit that Christians receiue by Iesus Christ crucified CHAP. I. Of Originall sinne and of mans wretchednesse THe holy Scripture saith that God created man after his owne Image and likenesse making him as in respect of his body impassible and as touching his Soule righteous true good mercifull and holy But after that he being ouercome with desire of knowledge had eaten of the Apple that God had forbidden him he lost the said Image and likenesse of God and became like the bruite beasts and like the diuell who had abused him For as touching his Soule he became vnrighteous vntrue cruell pittilesse and the enemy of God and as touching his body he became passible and subiect to a thousand inconueniences and diseases and not onely like but also inferiour to brute beasts And euen as if our forefathers had obeyed God they should haue left vs their righteousnesse and holinesse as an heritage euen so by being disobedient vnto God they haue left vs the Inheritance of vnrighteousnesse wickednesse and Gods displeasure in such sort as it is vnpossible for vs through our owne strength to loue God or to frame our selues vnto his holy will Nay we be enemies vnto him as to one that must punish our sinnes because he is a iust Iudge and therefore can we not any more trust wholly to his holy mercy To be short our whole nature was corrupted by Adams sinne And like as erst it had superiority aboue all creatures so became it an vnderling to all the bondslaue of Satan sinne and death and condemned to the miseries of hell Also he lost his iudgement altogether and began to say that good was euill and euill good esteeming false things to be true and true things to be false Which thing the Prophet considering saith that all men are lyers and that there is not one that doth good because the diuell like a stout man of Armes ruleth his owne palace that is to wit the world whereof he became the prince and lord There is no tongue that can expresse the thousandth part of our misery in that we being created by Gods owne hand haue lost the said Image of God and are become like the diuell and too like to him in nature and condition willing whatsoeuer he willeth and likewise refusing whatsoeuer he misliketh By reason whereof being giuen vp for a prey to that wicked spirit there is no sinne so grieuous which euery one of vs would not be ready to doe if the Grace of God stay vs not And this our depriuation of righteousnesse and this forward inclination to all vnrighteousnesse and nanghtinesse is called originall sinne the which we bring with vs from out of our mothers wombe so as we be borne the children of wrath and it hath had his first spring from our first fathers and is the cause and fountaine of all the sinnes and iniquities that we commit wherefrom if we will be deliuered and returne againe to our first innocency to recouer the Image of God first of all it standeth vs on hand to know our owne wretchednesse For like as no man will euer seeke to the Physicion except he know himselfe to be diseased or acknowledge the excellency of the Physicion and how much he is bound vnto him except he know his owne disease to be pestilent and deadly euen so no man acknowledgeth Iesus Christ the onely Physicion of our soules except he first know his owne soule to be diseased neither can he perceiue the excellency of him nor how much he is bound vnto him except he first enter into the knowledge of his owne outragious sinnes and of the incurable infirmity which we haue receiued through the infection of our first fathers CHAP. II. How the Law was giuen by God to the end that we knowing our sinne and hauing not any hope of ability to make our selues righteous by our owne works should haue recourse to Gods mercy and vnto the righteousnesse of faith OVR God therefore minding of his infinite goodnesse and mercy to send his onely Sonne to set free the wretched children of Adam and knowing that first of all it behooued him to make them vnderstand their owne misery chose
righteousnesse and euerlasting life are come by Iesus Christ and by him death is slaine whereof Saint Paul maketh a very godly discourse which I purpose to set downe here following Wherefore saith he like as by one man sinne entred into the world and death by sinne euen so death went ouer all men forasmuch as all men haue sinned For vntill the Law sinne was in the world but sinne was not regarded as long as there was no Law Neuerthelesse death reigned from Adam vnto Moses euen ouer them also that sinned not after the like manner of the transgression of Adam who was a figure of him that was to come But yet the gift is not so as is the offence for if through the offence of one many be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man Iesus Christ hath abounded vnto many Neither is the gift so as that which entred in by one that sinned For the fault came of one offence vnto condemnation but the gift is of many offences to iustification For if by the offence of one death reigned through one much more shall they which receiue the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousnesse reigne in life through one that is Iesus Christ Likewise then as by the offence of one that fault came on all men to condemnation so by the righteousnesse of one the benefit abounded toward all men to the iustification of life For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be also made righteous Moreouer the Law entred thereupon that the offence should abound neuerthelesse where sinne abounded there grace abounded much more that as sinne had reigned vnto death so might grace also reigne by righteousnesse vnto eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord. By these words of St. Paul we manifestly perceiue the thing to be true which we haue said heretofore that is to wit that the Law was giuen to make sinne knowne which sin we doe also know not to be of greater force then Christs righteousnesse where-through we be iustified before God For euen as Iesus Christ is stronger then Adam was so is his righteousnesse more mightie then the sinne of Adam And if the sinne of Adam was sufficient inough to make all men sinners and children of wrath without any misdeed of our owne much more shall Christs righteousnesse be of greater force to make vs all righteous and the children of grace without any of our owne good works which cannot be good vnlesse that before we doe them wee our selues be made good as Augustine also affirmeth Hereby a man may know in what errour they be who by reason of some great offence despaire of Gods good will imagining that he is not willing to forgiue couer and pardon all sinne hauing already punished and chastised all our sinnes and iniquities in his owne onely begotten and dearely beloued Sonne and consequently granted a generall pardon to all mankinde which euery body enioyeth that beleeueth the Gospell that is to say which beleeueth the happy tydings that the Apostles haue published through the whole world saying We beseech you for Iesus Christs sake Be ye reconciled vnto God for he that neuer knew sinne was made a sacrifice for our sinne that we might become righteous in him The Prophet Esay foreseeing this great goodnesse of God writeth these heauenly words which doe so well paint out the passion of our Lord Iesus Christ and the cause thereof as it is not to be found better described euen in the writings of the Apostles Who saith he will beleeue our report and to whom is the arme of the Lord reuealed But he shall grow vp before him as a branch and as a root out of a dry ground he hath neither forme nor beautie when we shall see him there shall be no forme that wee should desire him Hee is despised and reiected of men he is a man full of sorrowes and hath experience of infirmities we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and wee esteemed him not Surely he hath borne our infirmities and carried our sorrowes yet we did iudge him as plagued and smitten of God and humbled but he was wounded for our transgressions he was broken for our iniquities The chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes we are healed All wee like sheepe haue gone astray we haue turned euery one to his owne way and the Lord hath laid vpon him the iniquity of vs all he was oppressed and hee was afflicted yet did hee not open his mouth He is brought as a sheep to the slaughter and as a sheepe before the shearer is dumme so hee openeth not his mouth O great vnkindnesse O thing abominable that wee which professe our selues Christians and heare that the Sonne of God hath taken all our sins vpon him and washed them out with his precious blood suffering himselfe to be fastened to the Crosse for our sakes should neuerthelesse make as though we would iustifie our selues and purchase forgiuenesse of our sins by our owne works as who would say that the deserts righteousnesse and bloodshed of Iesus Christ were not enough to doe it vnlesse we came to put to our workes and righteousnesse which are altogether defiled and spotted with self-loue selfe-liking selfe-profit and a thousand other vanities for which we haue neede to craue pardon at Gods hand rather than reward Neither doe we thinke of the threatnings which S. Paul vseth to the Galatians who hauing beene deceiued by false Preachers beleeued not that the Iustification by Faith was sufficient of it selfe but went about still to be made righteous by the Law Vnto whom Saint Paul saith Iesus Christ shall nothing profit you that iustifie your selues by the Law for you be falne from Grace because that wee through the Spirit of faith waite for the hope of righteousnesse Now if the seeking of righteousnesse and forgiuenesse of sinnes by the keeping of the Law which God gaue vpon Mount Sinai with so great glory and maiesty be the denying of Christ and of his Grace what shall wee say to those that will needes iustifie themselues afore God by their owne lawes and obseruances I would wish that such folkes should a little compare the one with the other and afterward giue Iudgement themselues God mindeth not to doe that honour not to giue that glory to his owne Law and yet they will haue him to giue it to mens lawes and ordinances But that honour is giuen onely to his onely begotten Sonne who alone by the sacrifice of his death and passion hath made full amends for all our sinnes past present and to come as S. Paul and S. Iohn declare Wherefore as often as wee apply this satisfaction of Iesus Christ vnto our soules by faith out of all doubt we obtaine forgiuenesse of our sinnes and become good and righteous before God through his righteousnesse
And therefore after that S. Paul hath said that as touching the righteousnesse of the law he had liued vnblameable he addeth And yet whatsoeuer I haue gained by it I haue accounted it in all respects to bee but losse for the loue of Christ And specially I esteeme all things to be losse for the excellent knowledge of Iesus Christ my Lord for whom I haue counted all things to be losse and deeme them but as dung so I may win Christ and be found in him not hauing mine owne righteousnesse which is of the law but the righteousnes which is by the faith of Iesus Christ which righteousnesse is giuen of God I meane the righteousnesse of faith that I may come to the knowledge of Iesus Christ O most notable words which all Christians ought to haue ingrauen in their hearts praying God to make them to taste it perfectly Loe how S. Paul sheweth plainely that whosoeuer knoweth Christ aright esteemeth all the works of the law to be hurtfull forsomuch as they make vs to swarue from our trust in Iesus Christ to whom euery man ought to impute his saluation and to trust only vnto him alone And to inforce this sentence the more he addeth further that he esteemeth all things but as dung so hee may gaine Christ and be found incorporated in him declaring thereby that whosoeuer trusteth in his owne works and pretendeth to iustifie himselfe by them getteth not Iesus Christ neither is ingrafted into him And forasmuch as the whole mystery of our faith consisteth in the truth hereof to the end we might the better vnderstand what he meant to say he addeth and repeateth oftentimes that he had nothing to doe with all the outward iustification and all the righteousnesse that is grounded vpon the keeping of the law but that he would clothe himselfe with the righteousnesse which God giueth by faith to all them that beleeue that all our sins are fully chastised and punished in Iesus Christ and that Iesus Christ as S. Paul saith is made our wisedome righteousnesse holinesse and redemption to the end as it is written that he which will glory should glory in the Lord and not in his own works Very true it is that in the holy Scriptures there are some texts to be found which being misunderstood seeme to gainesay this holy doctrine of S. Pauls and to attribute iustification and remission of sinnes vnto workes and to charity But those authorities haue already beene well expounded by some who haue shewed plainely that such as haue vnderstood them in the sense aforesaid vnderstood them not aright Wherefore my deare-beloued brethren let vs not follow the fond opinion of the bewitched Galatians but rather let vs follow the truth which St. Paul teacheth vs and let vs giue the whole glory of our iustification vnto Gods mercy and to the merits of his Sonne who by his owne bloodshed hath set vs free from the Soueraignty of the Law and from the tyranny of sinne and death and hath brought vs into the Kingdom of God to giue vs life and endlesse felicity I say yet further that he hath deliuered vs from the dominion of the law insomuch as he hath giuen vs his holy Spirit who teacheth vs all truth and that he hath satisfied the Law to the full and giuen the same satisfaction vnto all his members that is to wit to all true Christians so as they may safely appeare at Gods Throne because they be cloathed with the righteousnesse of his Christ and by him deliuered from the curse of the Law Then can not the law any more accuse vs or condemne vs nor mooue our affections or appetites nor increase sinne in vs. And therefore S. Paul saith that the obligation which was against vs is cancelled by Iesus Christ and discharged vpon the tree of the Crosse insomuch as he hath set vs free from the subiection of the Law and consequently from the tyranny of sinne and death which can no more hold vs oppressed because it is ouercome by Iesus Christ in his resurrection and so consequently by vs which are his members in such manner that wee may say with Saint Paul and with the Prophet Osee Death is quite vanquished and destroyed O death where is thy sting O Hell where is thy victory The sting of Death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the Law But God be praised who hath granted vs victory by our Lord Iesus Christ Hee is the blessed Seede that hath crushed the head of the venemous Serpent that is to wit of the diuell insomuch that all those which beleeue in Iesus Christ reposing their whole trust in his grace doe ouercome sinne death the Diuell and hell as Christ hath done He is that blessed Seede of Abraham in the which God hath promised blessednesse to all Nations It behooued euery particular person to fight with the said horrible Serpent and to deliuer himselfe from that curse But that enterprize was so great that all the force of the whole World knit together was not able to goe thorow with it Wherefore our God the Father of mercy being mooued with compassion of our miseries hath giuen vs his onely begotten Sonne who hath deliuered vs from the venime of the Serpent and is himselfe become our Blessednesse and Righteousnesse conditionally that we accept the same renouncing all our owne outward iustifications Then my deare brethren let vs imbrace the righteousnesse of our Lord Iesus Christ and let vs make it ours by meanes of faith let vs assure our selues that we bee righteous not for our owne workes but through the merits of Iesus Christ and let vs liue merrily and assured that the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ hath vtterly done away all our vnrighteousnesse and made vs good righteous and holy before God who beholding vs ingrafted into his Sonne by faith esteemeth vs not now any more as the children of Adam but as his owne children and hath made vs heires of all his riches with his owne begotten Sonne CHAP. IIII. Of the effects of liuely faith and of the vnion of mans Soule with Iesus Christ THis holy faith worketh after such a sort in vs that he which beleeueth that Iesus Christ hath taken all his sinnes vpon him becommeth like vnto Christ and ouercommeth sinne the diuell death and hell And the reason thereof is this namely that the Church that is to wit euery faithfull soule is Christs wife and Christ is her husband For we know how the law of marriage is that of two they become one selfe-same thing being two in one flesh and that the goods substance of either of them become common to them both by means wherof the husband saith that the dowry of the wife is his and likewise the wife saith that her husbands house and all his riches are hers and of a truth so they are for otherwise they should not be one flesh as the Scripture saith After the same manner hath God married
Abraham beleeued God and it was reckoned to him for righteousnes And therfore he saith a little before We beleeue that a man is iustified by faith without the deeds of the Law And in another place he saith So then in that time shall the remnant be saued according to the election of grace and if they be saued by grace then is it not by workes for then were grace no grace And to the Galatiaus he saith It is a manifest matter that no man becommeth righteous before God by the Law because the righteous liueth by faith And the Law consisteth not in beliefe but he that performeth the things that the Law commandeth shall liue by that performance And further he saith that a man cannot become righteous by the deeds of the Law but onely by beleeuing in Iesus Christ Againe a little after he saith that if a man can become righteous by the Law Iesus Christ dyed in vaine Moreouer to the Romanes making comparison betweene the righteousnesse of the Law and the righteousnesse of the Gospel he saith that the one consisteth in the doing of workes and the other in beleeuing For if thou confesse our Lord Iesus Christ with thy mouth and beleeue in thy heart that God hath raised him vp from death thou shalt be saued For the beliefe of the heart maketh a man righteous and the confession of the mouth maketh him safe Loe how this good teacher Saint Paul sheweth euidently that faith maketh a man righteous without any workes And not only Saint Paul but also the holy Doctors that came after him haue confirmed and allowed this most holy truth of Iustification by faith among whom Saint Augustine is the chiefe who in his booke of faith and workes and in his booke of the Spirit and the Letter and in his booke of fourescore and three questions and in his booke which he did write to Boniface and in his Treatise vpon the xxxj Psalme and in many other places defendeth this article shewing that we become righteous by faith without any helpe of good workes howbeit that good workes are the effects of righteousnesse and not the cause of it And he sheweth that the words of Saint Iames being soundly vnderstood are nothing contrary to this article Which thing Origen doth also affirme in his fourth booke vpon the Epistle to the Romans saying that Saint Pauls meaning is that faith onely is sufficient to make men righteous insomuch that a man becommeth righteous onely by beleeuing although he haue not done any good worke at all For so it is that the thiefe became righteous without the workes of the Law forasmuch as the Lord sought not what good workes he had done in time past nor waited vntill he had done any after he had beleeued but hauing accepted him for righteous vpon his onely confession tooke him for his companion euen when he should enter into Paradise Likewise that so renowmed a woman in the Gospel of S. Luke while she was at the feete of Iesus Christ heard it said vnto her Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee And a little after he saith vnto her Thy faith hath saued thee goe thy way in peace Afterward Origen saith In many places of the Gospel a man may see how our Lord Iesus Christ hath spoken in such wise as he sheweth that faith is the cause of the saluation of the beleeuers Then is a man made righteous by faith and the workes of the Law further him nothing at all On the contrary where faith is not which faith maketh the beleeuer righteous although a man doe the workes which the Law commandeth yet notwithstanding forasmuch as they be not builded vpon the foundation of faith albeit that to outward appearance they seeme good yet can they not iustifie him that doth them because he wanteth faith which is the marke of them that are become righteous before God And who is he that can boast himselfe to be righteous when he heareth God say by his Prophet Esay that all our righteousnesse is as a defiled cloth of a menstruous woman Then can we not iustly glory in our selues but in the onely faith of the crosse of Iesus Christ Saint Basil in his Homily of humility saith that the Christian ought to hold himselfe for righteous through beliefe in Iesus Christ and his words are these The Apostle saith that he which glorieth should glory in the Lord in that God hath made Iesus Christ to be our wisedome righteousnesse holinesse and redemption to the end that he which would glory should glory in the Lord because that the perfect and sound glorying is to glory in the Lord. For in so doing a man presumeth not vpon his owne righteousnesse but acknowledgeth his want of the true righteousnes that he is made righteous onely by beleeuing in Iesus Christ And S. Paul gloryeth of the despising of his owne righteousnesse and of his seeking of Christs righteousnesse by faith which commeth of God Saint Hilary in his ninth Canon vpon the exposition of St. Matthew saith these words The Scribes considering Iesus Christ but onely as man were troubled that a man should forgiue sins and pardon that thing which the Law could not doe because that onely faith iustifieth Saint Ambrose in expounding these words of Saint Paul Vnto him that beleeueth in him which iustifieth the vngodly his faith is accounted for righteousnesse according to the purpose of Gods Grace like as David also saith That the man is blessed whom God accounteth righteous without workes writeth thus Saint Paul saith that vnto him which beleeueth in Iesus Christ that is to wit to the Gentile his faith is imputed for righteousnesse as it was vnto Abraham In what wise then thinke the Iewes to become righteous by the workes of the Law and yet to be righteous as Abraham was seeing that Abraham became not righteous by the deeds of the Law but onely by faith Then is not the Law needfull forasmuch as the sinner becommeth righteous before God through only faith according to Gods gracious purpose as David saith The Apostle confirmeth that which he hath said by the Prophets example saying Blessed is the man whom God accepteth for righteous without workes whereby David meaneth that those men are very happy whom GOD hath determined to accept for righteous before him by onely faith without any paines-taking or obseruation of the Law on their behalfe Thus sheweth he the blessednesse of the time wherein Christ was borne insomuch as the Lord himselfe saith Many righteous men and Prophets haue coueted to see the things that you see and to heare the things that you heare and haue not heard them The selfe-same thing saith St. Ambrose in expounding the first Chapter of the first Epistle to the Corinthians affirming openly that whosoeuer beleeueth in Iesus Christ is become righteous without workes and without any desert and receiueth forgiuenasse of his sinnes by faith alone
Abraham in whose seede hee promised to blesse all Nations and accepted his off-spring for his peculiar people vnto whom after their departure out of Egypt and deliuerance from the bondage of Pharao he by the meanes of Moyses gaue the Law which forbiddeth all lusting and commandeth vs to loue GOD with all our heart with all our soule and with all our strength in such wise as our whole trust be reposed in him and we ready to leaue our life for his sake to suffer all torments in our members and to be bereft of all our goods dignities and honours for the loue of our God choosing to dye rather then to doe any thing that may dislike him be it neuer so little and doing all things in that behalfe with a merry heart and with all forwardnesse and cheerefulnesse Moreouer the Law commandeth vs to loue our neighbour as our selfe meaning by the Neighbour all manner of men as well friends as foes and it willeth vs to doe to euery man as we would be done vnto and to loue other mens cases as our owne And so by looking in this holy Law as in a cleere looking glasse man doth out of hand espy his owne great imperfection and vnablenesse to obey Gods Commandements and to render him the honour and loue which he ought to yeeld to his Maker The first office of the Law then is to make sinne knowne as Saint Paul affirmeth And in another place he saith I had not knowne what sinne is but by the Law The second office of the Law is to make sinne increase forasmuch as we being quite gone from the obeying of God and become bond-slaues to the diuell being full of wicked workes and inordinate affections cannot abide that God should forbid vs to lust which increaseth so much the more as it is the more prohibited by reason whereof Saint Paul saith that sinne was dead but the Law came and raised it vp againe and so it became out of measure great The third office of the Law is to shew the wrath and iudgement of God who threatneth death and euerlasting punishment to such as keepe not the Law throughout in all points For the holy Scripture saith Cursed is hee that performeth not throughly all the things that are written in the booke of the Law And therefore Saint Paul saith That the Law is a ministery and that it bringeth forth wrath The Law then hauing discouered sinne and increased it and shewed forth the wrath and indignation of God who threatneth death executeth his fourth office which is to put a man in feare who thereupon falleth into sorrowfulnesse and would faine satisfie the Law but forasmuch as hee seeth cleerely that he is not able he waxeth angry against God and would with all his heart that there were no God because he feareth to be sore chastised and punished by him according as Saint Paul saith That the wisedome of the flesh is the enemy of God Because it neither is nor can be subiect to the Law of God The fifth office of the Law which is the principall end and the most excellent and necessary office of it is to constraine a man to goe vnto Iesus Christ in like wise as the Hebrewes being dismayed were constrained to appeale vnto Moses saying Let not the Lord speake vnto vs lest we dye but speake thou vnto vs and we will obey thee in all things And the Lord answered Verily they haue spoken exceeding well Yea they were not praised for any other thing then for their desiring of a Mediator betwixt God and them which was Moses who represented Iesus Christ that should be the Aduocate and Mediator betweene God and man In respect whereof God said vnto Moses I will raise vp a Prophet among their brethren like vnto thee and I will put my Word in his mouth and he shall speake vnto them all the things that I shall command him and I will punish all those that will not obey my Word which he shall speake in my name CHAP. III. How the forgiuenesse of our sinnaes our iustification and our saluation depend vpon Iesus Christ VVHen as our God then had sent the said great Prophet which he had promised vs who is his only Sonne to the end that he should set vs free from the curse of the Law and reconcile vs vnto our God that he should make our will fit for good workes healing our free-will and repairing in vs the foresaid Image of God which we had lost through the fault of our first parents forasmuch as we know that vnder heauen there is none other name giuen vnto men whereby we may be saued but the name of Iesus Christ Let vs runne vnto him with the feet of liuely faith and cast our selues betweene his armes sith he allureth vs so graciously crying Come vnto me all you that labour and are heauy laden and I will refresh you What comfort or what ioy in this life can be comparable to this his saying there when as a man feeling himselfe oppressed with the intolerable waight of his sinnes vnderstandeth so sweet and amiable words of the Sonne of God who promiseth so graciously to refresh and rid him of his great paines But all the matter lyeth in acknowledging our owne weakenesse and misery in good earnest For he shall neuer know what is sweet who hath not tasted of the sowre And therefore Iesus Christ saith If any man thirst let him come to me and drinke as if he had meant to say If a man know not himselfe to be a sinner nor thirst after righteousnesse he cannot taste of the sweetnesse of Iesus Christ how sweet it is to talke of him to thinke of him and to follow his most holy life But when we once throughly know our owne infirmitie by meanes of the Law let vs hearken to Saint Iohn Baptist who pointeth vs to the Soueraigne Physician with his finger saying Behold the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world For hee it is that deliuereth vs from the heauy yoke of the Law abrogating and disanulling the curses sharpe threatnings of the same healing all our infirmities reforming our free-will returning vs to our ancient innocency and repayring in vs the Image of our God insomuch that according to Saint Pauls saying like as by Adam wee bee all dead so by Iesus Christ wee are all quickened And it is not to be beleeued that the sin of Adam which wee haue by inheritance from him should be of more force then the righteousnesse of Christ that which also we inherit by faith It seemeth that man hath great cause to complaine that without any reason why he is conceiued and borne in sinne and in the wickednesse of his parents by meanes of whom death reigneth ouer all men But now is all our sorrow taken away inasmuch as by a like meane without any occasion giuen on our behalfe
Also he affirmeth the same thing in an Epistle which he writeth to Irenaeus saying Let no man boast of his owne workes for no man becommeth righteous by his owne workes but he that hath righteousnesse hath it of free gift forsomuch as he is made righteous by Iesus Christ Then is it faith that deliuereth by Christs blood for happy is he whose sinne is forgiuen and pardoned And S. Bernard in his threescore and seuenteenth Sermon vpon the Ballet of Ballets confirmeth the same saying that our owne merits beare no sway at all in making vs righteous which thing must be attributed wholly vnto grace which maketh vs righteous freely and likewise dischargeth vs from the bondage of sinne And he addeth that Iesus Christ marrieth the soule and coupleth it vnto himselfe by faith without that any desert of our workes ought or can come betweene But because I will not be too long I will make an end of mine allegations when I haue vttered one very notable and good saying of Saint Ambrose in his booke intituled of Iacob concerning the blessed life The said holy man saith that like as Iacoh hauing not on his own behalfe deserued the birth-right shrowded himselfe vnder the apparell of his brother and clothed himselfe with his garment which yeelded a very sweet sent and in that wise presented himselfe to his father to receiue the blessing vnder another mans person to his owne behoofe euen so is it requisit for vs to clothe our selues with the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ by faith and to shrowd ourselues vnder the diuine purenesse of our eldest brother if we will be receiued for righteous afore God And certainely this is true For if we appeare before God vnclothed of the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ out of all doubt we shall be iudged worthy of euerlasting damnation But contrariwise if God see vs apparelled with the righteousnesse of his Sonne Christ then will he surely take vs for righteous and holy and worthy of eternall life And verily it is a great rashnesse in such as pretend to attaine to righteousnesse by the keeping of Gods Commandements which are all comprehended in louing God with all our heart with all our soule and with all our strength and our neighbour as our selfe But who is so arrogant or so mad as to presume that he is able to performe those Commandements to the full Or who seeth not that Gods Law requireth perfect loue and condemneth all vnperfectnesse Let euery man consider well his owne workes which partly shall seeme good vnto him and he shall find that they ought rather to be called transgressions of that most holy Law according also as they be altogether vncleane and vnperfit so that he must be faine to vtter this saying of Dauids Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant O Lord for no man liuing shall be found righteous in thy sight And Salomon saith Who is he that may say My heart is cleane And Iob cryeth out What man is he that can be vndefiled and what man borne of woman can shew himselfe righteous Behold he found no stedfastnesse among his Saints yea the heauens are not cleane in his sight How much more abominable and filthy is man who drinketh iniquity as it were water And Saint Iohn saith If we say we be without sinne wee deceiue our selnes And specially our Sauiour Iesus Christ teacheth vs to say as often as we pray Forgiue vs all our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. And hereby may well be gathered the folly of those that make marchandise of their workes presuming to saue by them not onely themselues but also their neighbours as though our Lord Iesus Christ had not said vnto them When ye haue done all that euer is commanded you say ye We be vnprofitable seruants we haue done but as we ought to doe Ye see that although we had performed Gods Law to the full yet neuerthelesse we should esteeme and call our selues vnprofitable seruants Now then seeing that men are so farre off from this full performance who is he that dareth be so bold as to glorifie himselfe that he hath added so great an ouerplus of deseruings aboue the full measure as he may haue to deale abroad vnto others But to returne to our purpose I would that the proud sinner which beareth himselfe in hand that he maketh himselfe righteous before God by doing some works which are allowable to the world would consider that all the workes which proceed out of an vncleane and foule heart are also vncleane and filthy and consequently cannot be acceptable vnto God nor haue any power to make the party righteous Therefore we must first of all cleanse the heart if we mind that our workes should please God The cleansing of the heart proceedeth of faith as the holy Ghost affirmeth by the mouth of St. Peter Then must we not say that the vnrighteous person and the sinner becommeth righteous good and acceptable vnto God by his owne workes but we must of necessity conclude that faith cleanseth our hearts and maketh vs good righteous and acceptable before God and furthermore causeth our workes to please him notwithstanding that they be altogether vnprofitable and vnperfit For inasmuch as we be become the children of God through faith he considereth our workes not as a seuere and rigorous Iudge but as a most mercifull Father hauing pitty of our frailenesse and regarding vs as the members of his eldest sonne whose perfection and righteousnesse doth supply all our vncleannesse and imperfection which are not layed to our charge forsomuch as they be couered vnder the purenesse and innocency of Iesus Christ and come not to iudgement before God And hereupon it commeth to passe that all our workes which proceed of true faith notwithstanding that they be wholly sinfull and corrupt of themselues shall neuerthelesse be praised and allowed by Iesus Christ in the generall iudgement because they be the fruits and testimonies of our faith whereby we be saued For insomuch as we haue loued the brethren of Iesus Christ we shall shew euidently that we haue also beene faithfull and brethren of Christ and therefore by faith we shall be put in full possession of the euerlasting Kingdome which our Soueraigne Lord God hath prepared for vs before the creating of the world not for our merits sake but through his mercy whereby he hath chosen vs and called vs to the Grace of his Gospell and made vs righteous to the intent to glorifie vs euerlastingly with his onely begotten Son Iesus Christ who is the holinesse and righteousnesse of vs but not of them which will not confesse that faith is sufficient of it selfe to make a man righteous and acceptable to the Lord God who through his Fatherly goodnesse and louing kindnesse offereth and giueth vs Iesus Christ with his righteousnes without any desert of our owne workes What thing can worke or cause a
am as sure that I haue obtained it and that I haue his fauour as I am sure that hee which hath made the promises and couenants cannot lye nor deceiue and through this stedfast faith I become righteous by Christs righteousnesse where through I am saued and my conscience quieted Hath he not giuen his most innocent body into the hands of sinners for our sinnes Hath hee not shed his blood to wash away my iniquities Why then doest thou vexe thy selfe O my soule put thy trust in the Lord who beareth thee so great loue that to deliuer thee from eternall death it hath pleased him that his only Sonne should suffer death and passion who hath taken vpon himselfe our pouertie to giue vs his riches laid our weakenesse vpon himselfe to stablish vs in his strength become mortall to make vs immortall come downe vnto the earth to aduance vs vp to heauen and become the Sonne of man with vs to make vs the children of God with himselfe Who is he then that shall accuse vs God is he that iustifieth vs and who shall condemne vs Iesus Christ is dead for vs yea and risen againe for vs and he sitteth at the right hand of God making Intercession for vs. Wherefore say with Dauid Why art thou heauy O my soule and why doest thou trouble mee doest thou see nothing but the Law sinne wrath heauinesse death hell and the diuell Is there not now to be seene Grace remission of sinnes Righteousnesse Consolation Ioy Peace Life Heauen Christ and God Trouble mee no more then O my soule for what is the Law what is sinne what is death and the diuell in comparison of these things Therefore trust in God who hath not spared his owne deare Sonne but giuen him to the death of the crosse for thy sinnes and hath giuen thee victory through him This is the sweet doctrine of the Gospell which I desire that all Christians could receiue with Thanksgiuing and an assured faith for then would Christ be nothing but Ioy and sweetnesse to them then would they take heart in the victory of Christs death who indeed was made a curse for vs subiect to wrath putting vpon him our person and laid our sinnes vpon his owne shoulders and he hath made with vs this happy change that is to say hee tooke vpon him our sinfull person and gaue vnto vs his innocent and victorious person wherewith wee being now cloathed are free from the curse of the Law And therefore may euery poore sinner say with an assured confidence Thou Christ art my sinne and my curse or rather I am thy sinne and thy curse and contrariwise thou art my Righteousnesse my Blessing and my Life my Grace of God and my Heauen And thus if wee by faith doe behold this brazen Serpent Christ hanging vpon the Crosse wee shall see the Law sinne death the diuell and hell killed by his death and so may with the Apostle Paul sing that ioying heart Dittie Thankes be to God who hath giuen vs victory through our Lord Iesus Christ And so with these Thankesgiuings with these or such other like thoughts must wee receiue the Sacrament of the body and blood of our Lord Iesus Christ After this manner is all fearefulnesse driuen out of the soule of the Christian and charitie is increased faith strengthened the conscience quieted and the tongue neuer ceaseth to praise God and to yeeld him infinite thanks for so great a benefit This is the vertue efficacie and only trust of our soule This is the Rocke whereupon if the conscience bee builded it feareth neither tempest nor the gates of hell nor Gods wrath nor the Law nor sinne nor death nor the diuels nor any other thing And forasmuch as the substance of the Lords Supper and Table consisteth in this diuine Sacrament When the Christian is at it he must hold his eyes fastened continually vpon the passion of our gracious Sauiour beholding him on the one side vpon the crosse loden with all our sinnes and GOD on the other side punishing chastising and whipping his owne onely begotten and deare beloued Sonne in stead of vs. O happy is that man that shutteth his eyes from all other sights and will neither heare nor see any other thing then Iesus Christ crucified in whom are laid vp and bestowed all the treasures of Gods wisedome and diuine knowledge Blessed say I is he that feedeth his minde with so heauenly a food and maketh himselfe drunken in the loue of God with so sweet and singular a liquor But before I make an end of this matter I will first aduertise the Christian that Saint Austin hath ordinarily beene wont to terme this holy Sacrament the bond of charitie and the mystery of vnitie And hee saith that whosoeuer receiueth the mystery of vnitie and regardeth not the bond of peace receiueth not the Sacrament to his owne behoofe but as a witnesse against himselfe Therefore wee must vnderstand that the Lord hath ordained this holy Sacrament not only to make vs sure of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes but also to inflame vs to peace vnitie and brotherly charitie For in this Sacrament the Lord doth after such a manner make vs partakers of his body as hee becommeth all one thing with vs and wee with him By reason whereof forasmuch as hee hath but one body whereof hee maketh vs partakers it is meet that we also should by such partaking become all one body together among our selues And this vnion is represented by the bread of the Sacrament which as it is made of many graines mingled and kneaded together in such wise as one of them cannot bee discerned from another So also must we bee ioyned together after such a sort and so vnited together into one agreement of minde as no diuision may creepe in And this doth Saint Paul shew vs when he saith Is not the cup of blessing which wee blesse the communion of the blood of Iesus Christ is not the bread that wee breake the communion of the body of Iesus Christ whereas we be many yet are wee but one bread and one body forsomuch as we be all partakers of one bread By these things we vnderstand that when we receiue his most holy communion wee must consider that wee are all of vs ingrafted into Christ and are all become members of one selfe-same body that is to wit of Iesus Christ in such wise as we cannot offend defame or despise any of our brethren but we must therewithall offend defame and despise our said head Iesus Christ neither can we be at variance with any of our brethren but in like wise we must be at oddes with him Also we cannot loue him except wee loue him in our brethren Looke how much care we haue of our owne body so much must we haue of our Christian brethren who are the members of our body And like as no part of our body feeleth any griefe which spreadeth not it selfe into
for righteous and layeth not thy sinne to thy charge because of Christs merits which are giuen vnto thee and become thine by faith Therefore following the counsell of Saint Bernard Beleeue thou not onely the forgiuenesse of sinnes in generall but also apply the same beliefe to thine owne particular person by beleeuing without any doubt that all thy mis-doings are pardoned thee through Iesus Christ And in so doing thou shalt giue the glory vnto God by confessing him to be mercifull and true and shalt become righteous and holy before God forsomuch as by the same confession the holinesse and righteousnesse of Iesus Christ shall be communicated vnto thee But to returne to our purpose of Predestination I say that by the things aboue mentioned a man may euidently perceiue that the how it happeneth that when they bee diseased they say not also I will haue neither Physician nor physicke for looke what God had determined vpon mee cannot but come to passe why eate they why drinke they why till they the ground why plant they Vines and why be they so diligent in doing all things conuenient for to sustaine the body why say they not also that all these turmoilings policies and trauels of ours are superfluous forasmuch as it is not possible but that whatsoeuer God hath fore-seene and determined concerning our life and death must needs come to passe And therefore if Gods prouidence make them not negligent and idle in things pertaining to the body why should it make them more slouthfull and negligent in that which concerneth the Christian perfection which without all comparison is farre nobler then the body But forasmuch as we see that neither Iesus Christ nor Saint Paul for any doubt of offending the reprobates haue forborne to preach the truth which is necessary to the edifying of the chosen for the loue of whom the euerlasting Sonne of God became man and was put to death vpon the Crosse wee also in like wise ought not to forbeare the preaching of Predestination to the true Christians forasmuch as we haue seene that it importeth great edification Now are wee come to the end of our purpose wherein our chiefe intent hath beene according to our small power to magnifie the wonderfull benefit which the Christian man hath receiued by Iesus Christ crucified and to shew that faith of her selfe alone iustifyeth that is to wit that God receiueth and holdeth them for righteous which beleeue stedfastly that Christ hath made full amends for their sinnes howbeit that as light can not be separated from fire which of it selfe burneth and deuoureth all things euen so good workes can not be separated from faith which alone by it selfe iustifieth And this holy doctrine which exalteth Iesus Christ and represseth and abateth the pride of man hath and alwayes shall be reiected and fought against by such Christians as haue Iewish mindes But happy is hee who following the example of Saint Paul spoyleth himselfe of his owne righteousnesse and would haue none other righteousnesse then that which is of Iesus Christ wherewith if he be cloathed and apparelled hee may most assuredly appeare before God and shall receiue his blessing and the heritage of heauen and earth with his only Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord to whom be all honour praise and glory from this time forth for euermore Amen Christ is the end of the Law 1 Cor. 8. 6 The state of man before after that he had sinned Psal 114. Psal 14. Originall sinne A very good comparison Who is our neighbour The first office or duty of the Law Rom. 3. and 7. The second office of the Law The third office of the Law Deut. 27. 2 Cor. 3. The 4th office of the Law Rom. 4. The fifth office of the Law Exod. 20. Coloss 3. Acts 4. Matth. 11. Iohn 7. Iohn 8. Gal. 3. 1 Cor. 15. Psal 50. Rom. 5. The greatnes of sinne ought not to cause despaire 1 Cor. 5. Gal. 5. An excellent comparison of the vnability of our owne workes Hebr. 7. Iohn 12. Philip. 3. 1 Cor. 18. How man is deliuered and set free from the curse of the Law Gal. 3. Rom. 8. Col. 2. 1 Cor. 15. Gen. 8. How wee receiue the likenesse of God A very good similitude expressing the manner how our sins are taken away by Christ Matth. 28. Phil. 2. Ephes 5. Iohn 3. How the faithfull mans soule is assured of his being married vnto Christ Acts 5. Matth. 2. 2 Cor. 3. Iohn 6. Iohn 3. Iohn 11. 1 Ioh. 12. 1 Iohn 4. Heb. 2. A very goodly similitude fit for the expressing of the free forgiuenesse of sinnes for Iesus Christs sake 1 Cor. 1. Heb. 4. Heb. 10. Heb. 8. Rom. 4. Gen. 15. Rom. 2. Gal. 3. Abac. 2. Gal. 3. Rom. 10. S. Augustine Origen * Mary Magdalen Luke 6. Faith is the mark of those that are iustified Esay 64. S. Basil S. Hilary S. Ambr. Rom. 4. Psal 31. S. Bernard Gen. 17. A very good cōparison how we be clothed with the righteousnes of Iesus Christ No man can boast of the performance of Gods Law Psal 143. Prou. 20. Iob 15. 1 Iohn 2. Matth. 6. Luke 17. Acts 15. How the workes of the faithful thogh they bee vnperfect please God Math. 25. In what manner faith iustifieth Ephes 3. Mat. 12. Rom. 6. Saint Paul calleth them Saints whom we call Christians He that beleeueth cannot bee without good works Marke 2. Iames 2. Apoc. 3. A liuely comparison What S. James meant concerning workes Iames 2. A heauenly comparison Ioh. 17. Rom. 4. 2 Cor. 6. 1 Pet. 2. Gal. 3. Heb. 2. Gal. 6. Luke 2. Rom. 8. Iesus Christ the true example of Christians 2 Pet. 2. Ephes 4. Rom. 15. Phil. 2. Luke 9. Iohn 15. Phil. 3. 2 Cor. 12. 2 Cor. 4. Gal. 6. Rom. 5. After what sort patience ingendreth triall Rom 8. 2 Cor. 2. Marke 9. Foure remedies against the temptations of distrust Prayer Matth. 9. 1 Thes 5. True Prayer Baptisme 2 Pet. 3. Mark 16. Gal. 3. Rom. 4. Psal 36. The Supper of the Lord. Luke 22. Mar. 16. Gal. 3. Heb 9. I renaeus lib. 1. Iohn 6. 1 Cor. 11. What is meant by not making a differēce of the Lords Body He that receiueth this Sacrament protesteth himselfe to trust in none other thing then the bloud of Christ Very cōfortable counsell Rom. 4. Rom. 8. Why the holy Sacramēt of thankesgiuing was ordained Christian peace and vnion are betokened by the bread and wine He that offendeth one of his Christian brethren offendeth Christ himselfe A preparation to the receuing of the holy Sacrament He that receiueth the Sacrament bindeth himselfe to all the duties of charitie The true end for which the holy Sacrament is ordained The 4th remedy against distrust Eph. 5. Luke 10. Psal 36. Rom. 8. He that receiueth the Gospell is sure that he is predestinated The effect proceeding of the knowledge of predestination Rom. 8. 1 Iohn 3. Eph. 1. Heb. 3. Heb. 10. Afflictions are no signes of reprobation Prou. 5. A true marke to know Gods children by Eph. 2. Wherefore the Apostle calleth the holy Ghost the Spirit of promise Gal. 3. Rom. 8. Rom. 8. A truemarke of predestination 2 Cor. 2. Rom. 8. 1. Cor. 12. He that gloryeth not that hee hath the holy Ghost is no true Christian Iohn 14. Eccless 6. 1 Cor. 4. A man may know that he is in Gods fauour By the chances of this life no man can iudge whether a man bee in Gods fauour or displeasure Rom. 3. 5. Phil. 3. 2 Tim. 4. Rom. 8. Phil. 1. The two sorts of feare childly slauish 2 Tim. 1. Rom. 14. Eph. 6. Phil. 4. 1 Pet. 1. The slauish feare threateneth the wicked and the childly feare encourageth the chosen The effects of childly feare Eph. 4. The Christian may warrant himselfe the forgiuenesse of his sins S. Hilary Iames 1. S. August S. Bernard Each one must beleeue particularly that his sinnes are released and forgiuen him freely