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A06652 The actes of Christe and of Antichriste concernyng bothe their life and doctrine: diligently gathered and now taken out of his workes, by Thomas Becon. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1577 (1577) STC 1711; ESTC S116649 51,783 140

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them euer to weare a shauen crowne 21 Christ instituted in his holy testament two Misteries or Sacramentes that is to say Baptisme and the Lords Supper whiche he added to his worde as Signes and Seales of his good wil vnto vs that thei might be the same to the eye that the worde is to the eare and so ioyned together thorowe the operation of the holy ghoste bryng saluation too the faithfull beleuers Antichrist not content with so small a number hath added fiue moe so that now they be seuen in number which are more openly knowen than they neede here to be rehearsed 22 Christe as concernyng the outward Ministerie ordained the Sacramente of Baptisme to consiste of the worlde and of the water Antichriste not content with so slender furniture hath added many thinges as the Exorcismes or Coniurations of the deuill out of the childe salte spittle crossing halowyng of the Fonte candleburnyng with diuerse other toyes 23 Christ at the institution of the sacrament of his bodie and bloud vsed only the worde bread and wine Antichrist mingleth Wine and water together in his ministration and miserably handleth the words of the institution 24 Christe appointed his holie Supper to bee a Sacrament that is to saie an holie signe of his bodie and bloud Antichriste saieth plainely that the Lordes Supper is not onely a Sacramente and holie signe of Christes bodie and bloud but it is also the thyng it self that is Christes naturall body and bloud with as good reason as though a manne should saie that the Iuiebushe whiche hangeth before the Tauerne is not onely a signe that there is Wine to sell but also that it is the Wine it self Notwithstandyng whosoeuer denieth thys hys Doctrine muste needes bee counted an Heretike and iudged to bee burned at a stake 25 Christe makyng the breade and wine Sacramentes and holie signes of his bodie and bloud altered not the substaunces of that holie breade and holie wine but thei remained in their olde nature substaunce and propertie as tofore Antichriste teacheth in his dotyng and Deuilishe Decree that after the woordes of consecration This is my bodie This is my blood there remaineth no substaunce of breade and wine but the substaunce of breade is tourned miraculously by the vertue of cōsecratyng wordes into the substaunce of Christes naturall bodie and the substaunce of the wine into the substaunce of Christes naturall bloud the accidentes of breade and wine onely remainyng without their proper substaunces O prodigious and monsterous doctrine 26 Christ ordained his holy Supper to be a remembraunce of the sacrifice which he offred on the alter of the Crosse for the redemption of the worlde that when wee behold the Sacramental bread and wine broken and shed we should call to remembraunce that Christes body was broken and his bloud shead for the remission of our sinnes as he hymselfe saieth Dooe this in remembraunce of mee Item the Apostle So ofte as ye shall eate of thys Bread or drinke of this Cup ye shall remembre the Lordes death till he come Antichrist teacheth that it is not only a remembraunce of the Sacrifice but also the Sacrifice it self of the same dignity might and power 27 Christ ordained that all that bee partakers of his holy Supper shoulde not onely eate of the Mistery of his body but also drinke of the mistery of his bloud Antichrist taketh away f●om the Communion of the Laity yea and of the Spiritualty also except they Masse it themselues and make Gods body the Cup of the mistery of Christes bloud contrary to the commaundement of Christe and contrarie too the practise of the Primatiue Churhe 28 Christe bicause he would take awaie his naturall bodye from the yearth and place it vntill the day of iudgement in the glorious kingdome of his heauenly Father ordained the Sacrament of thankesgiuyng to be a memoriall of the same Antichrist teacheth plainly that whersoeuer the consecrate hoaste is though it be in infinite places there is also the body of Christe euen the ●●ry same body of Christe that was borne of Mary the Uirgin hanged on the altare of the Crosse. He saieth moreouer that the sacred hoast beyng whole is but the body of Christe and the same hoaste beyng broken in an hundred peeces euery parcell thereof although neuer so little is but the body of Christe euen as he hanged on the Crosse. O doctrine more than twise monstrous 29 Christe in his holy woorde teacheth that the Sacramentall Bread and wine should bee eaten and dronken in the remembraunce of his body breakyng and bloudshedyng Antichrist commaundeth that the Sacrament should be heaued and lifted vp aboue the priestes head that it may be worshipped of the people hanged vp in the Pixe caried about in solemne Procession in pompes and vayne pastymes 30 Christ teacheth that the next waye to heauen is to repent vs of our former life and to beleue the Gospell Antichrist saieth that the rediest waie vnto saluation is to bye his Pardons to put on a Grayfryers Coule to purchase certaine Masses of Scala celi to truste in the praiers and intercessions of sainctes to bye the Suffrages of the Churche to prouide to bee partaker of the Monkes praiers watchinges fastinges vowes deuotions c. 31 Christ declareth in his heauenly doctrine that there is no satisfaction too God the father for our synnes but onely his helthfull and most precious death Antichrist saieth that the woorkes of penaunce do satisfy the diuine iustice and appeace his wrath kindled against vs for synne 32 Christ declareth in his doctrine that when we haue offended our heauenly Father and gone astraye from the pathes of his holy commaundementes we shoulde conuert and tourne vnto hym and make our hūble confession vnto hym and craue forgiuenesse of our synnes at his hande for his sonne Christ Iesus sake Antichrist sendeth vs vnto his Priestes commaunding vs to publish and confesse our synnes vnto hym and take penaunce and absolution at his hande with this faithe that so doyng we are forgiuen and deliuered from all synne 33 Christ saith that whosoeuer beleueth on hym although he were dead yet shall hee liue ascribyng oure iustification and righteous makyng to faithe alone Antichrist teacheth that not by faithe alone but by faith hope charity and workes together we are iustified when notwithstandyng the Apostle saieth that we are iustified by faithe without the workes of the lawe And the greatest parte of the auncient writers ascribe iustification to faith alone without workes 34 Christ by the Apostle saith that faith worketh by loue signifiyng here by that faith is the mother of charitie and that charitie issueth and floweth out of faithe as the small riuers out of the great and mayne fountaines Antichrist saith that faith is wrought by Charitie and
was giuen by the inspiration of the holy ghost so did the same spiritie infuse it aboundauntly into the heartes of the Apostles and likewise doth at this present with the faithfull and of the same spirite hath this holy Scripture his endurance and true interpretation Antichrist is not ashamed too bragge that hee is Lorde ouer the Scripture to alowe or disalowe it For of me saith he it taketh his full authoritie And for a token of this the Scripture of Christe is laied vnder his fete when he is at Masse 57 Christe commaunded by his Apostle sainct Paule that a bishop should be apte to teache and that hee ought to bee well learned that he may be able by his wholsome doctrine both to exhort and to ouercome all theym that resiste and be against the faith Antichrist will neither teache nor dispute with any man in the holy scripture for the maintainaunce of the Christen faith but onely for to augment his owne kingdom and to stablish his owne lawes And if any dispute with him they shall be cast first into prison where he and his ministers haue deuised and inuented proper engins too wryng their fingers so sore that the bloud shall braste out of their fingers endes Moreouer he will peine them and scourge them and with infinite other tormentes punishe theim to make theim forsake the trueth and afterwarde make them sweare on a booke that they shall tell no man of it Thus cruelly doth Antichrist entreate man for the truthes sake againste all iustice And if he can not subdue them to his will then either he murdereth theim priuely in Prison or els hee committeth them vnto the seculer power as vnto his Hangmen or Butchers to be burned And thus is the disputation ended and Antichrist hath gotten the victorie Sed viuit dominus qui custodit veritatem in seculum seculi facit iudicium iniuriam patientibus 58 Christe cursed the Figge tree vppon whiche he found no fruite and forthwith the Figge tree wethered and neuer bare fruite after Antichrist hath cursed and enterdited Landes and Realmes and yet did not the people dye but they prospered well and the earth brought forth her fruite and encrease no lesse then before yea much more aboundauntly thankes be vnto God that this saiyng may bee founde true Maledicent illi tu autem benedices They shall curse but thou shalt blesse 59 Christ calleth hymselfe the good shepheard saiyng I am the good shepheard The good shepeheard geueth hys life for his sheepe Antichrist saieth that he is a good sheepeheard and yet he pollet and pilleth hee sheareth and scrapeth the sheepe so neare that he leaueth not one locke of wolle on their backes And thinke ye not that hee is in al pointes the selfe same shepeheard of whom Zacharias prophecied whiche saieth in the persone of God Behold ▪ I will raise vp a Shepheard in the Lande whiche shall yot seeke after the thinges that be lost nor care for such as go astray He shall not heale the wounded He shall not nourishe the thyng that is whole but he shall eate the fleshe of suche as be fatte and teare their clawes in peeces c. Hee shall nourishe hymselfe and not the shepe And this Prophete criyng out on hym saieth O thou shepheard and Idoll forsakyng the flocke As though hee shoulde say thou bearest the name of a shepheard but thou arte an Idoll and counterfaite Thou art called a Shephearde but thou art a plaine murderer Thou arte named a feeder but thou art a destroyer Is it to bee thought that this Shephearde will giue his life for his Shepe 60 Christ chargeth Peter three tymes to keepe well and nourishe his Shepe Antichrist chargeth his Officers to keepe well his money And as for the Shepe he hymself taketh paines to shere theim and to keepe theim lowe with iufinite exactions 61 Christ gaue a commaundement that a manne should forsake his wife or putte her awaie for no cause but onely for adulterie Antichrist if he bee well monied will make diuorces for what soeuer cause a manne will haue hym yea and for money he will ioyne theim together whom the Lawe of GOD by no meanes suffereth to marrie 62 Christe beside the twelue Disciples sent forthe to Preache seuentie and twoo other Disciples whiche freely promised heauen to theim that would beleue in the name of Christe Antichriste sendeth out his Preachers and Pardoners whiche teache the people to beleue his power and to truste to his Pardons for their saluation addyng that thei can not otherwise bee assoiled nor come to heauen And all for money 63 Christe tooke awaie from his Disciples all temporall iurisdictiō and worldly power saiyng vnto them The kynges and Princes of the Gentiles haue rule power ouer them but ye shal not so haue Antichriste lifteth vp hym self aboue al power and saieth Emperours Kynges and Lordes bee my Subiectes This is daiely read in his Bulles wherein he cōmaundeth the Nobilitie like as a Master doeth commaunde his seruaunt 64 Christ gaue commaundement to his Disciples saiyng Looke whiche emong you will bee greatest let hym bee the lowest of all Antichrist saieth The Emperour must sweare vnto me as vnto his Lorde that he will bee my subiect and exalt and worship me with honour as his owne Lawe testifieth 65 Christe in all places of the holie Scripture reiecteth and casteth awaye mennes Traditions and Decrees Thei worshipp me in vaine saieth he teachyng doctrines that are the commaundementes of menne Antichriste magnifieth the Traditions and Decrees of his Canon Lawe and saieth that thei ought to bee kept as duely as if GOD hymself had commaunded them Or as if sainct Peter had preached them hym self 66 Christe wishyng no man to erre no manne to bee deceiued no manne to perishe or to bee damned called hym self in his Sermons the waie the truthe and the life I am saith he the waie the truth and the life Beleue in me and folowe me in my learning and rule you by the scripture For that shall bee your Iudge Antichrist saieth ye shall in all thinges followe the Churche of Rome meanyng thereby hym self and his Cardinalles as appeareth in his owne Lawe And as for the Scripture saith he it standeth in my power and aucthoritie For I maie make of it whatsoeuer pleaseth me 67 Christe loued them that were his ennemies blessed theim that cursed and did good to them that hated hym Antichrist can not finde in his harte to loue and blesse his ennemies nor to dooe good to his aduersaries but suche as in any point be against hym he curseth with the great cursse and will not absolue them till thei haue made perfect submission and paied greate sommes of money 68 Christe commaunded his Disciples that thei should not resiste euill but if a manne strike them vpon the one cheeke that thei
should offer hym the other also Antichriste will suffer nothyng yea he teacheth that he maie auenge and driue awaie force with force 69 Christe by open voice from Heauen was pronounced of God the Father to bee his dearely beloued Soonne and so many as purpose to bee saued and to bee made enheritours of eternall life are cōmaunded to heare hym Antichriste giueth straight commaundemente that vnder paine of euerlastyng damnation we heare hym obeye and obserue his Decrees and Lawes 70 Christe laied lighte burdeines and swete yokes vpon his Disciples neckes Antichrist saieth intollerable burthēs and moste greeuous yokes vpon mennes shoulders and notwithstandyng he saith If any commaundemente or burthen bee so heauie that it can not bee sustained and borne yet shall ye obeye me In this behalfe Antichrist is like the olde Hypocrites emong the Iewes of whom our Sauiour Christe speaketh on this maner Thei binde together heauie burthens and greeuous to bee borne and laie them on mennes shoulders But thei theim selues will not heaue at theim with one of their fingers Againe woe vnto you ye Lawiers For ye lade menne with burthens whiche thei bee not able to beare and ye your selues touche not the packes with one of your fingers 71 Christe paied Tribute to Cesar and gaue commaundemente to all his that thei should giue to the Temporall Magistrate whatsoeuer is due vnto hym as the Apostle saieth Giue to euery manne his duetie Tribute to whom Tribute belongeth Custome to whom Custome is due c. Antichriste despiseth bothe this example and doctrine of Christe and excommunicateth all them that aske any Tolle or Tribute either of hym or of his For he hath made theim all free by his Lawe from all suche charges and paimentes 77 Christe when he liued in this worlde was beneficiall liberall and plentifull in doyng the workes of mercie to the poore and exhorted other to doe the like euer commendyng mercie aboue Offerynges and Sacrifices Antichrist hath no pleasure at all in the woorkes of mercie neither careth he for the poore But his desire is that menne should giue their money for Pardons for Masses for Dirges c. and bestow their gooddes vpon Images gildyng Tabernacles pointyng chaūtries building c. so that he will no mercie but all offerynges And he that saieth It is better to giue our charitie to the poore as Christ saieth is counted halfe an Heretike because he goeth about to marre Antichristes market 73 Christe the Mirrour of meekenesse and example of humilitie charged his disciples that thei should not desire to bee called masters nor yet fathers on yearth Antichriste will not onely bee called the Lorde and Maister of all Christendome but also the moste holie Father in yearth Goddes Uicar in yearth Peters Successour in yearth and Heade of the Churche in yearth c. 74 Christe disdained not to goe vnto the Mariage when he was called and sanctified the same with the firste fruites of his miracles Antichrist despiseth mariage and commaundeth his Shauelynges by no meanes to bee at theim as a kinde of life vnperfecte and vnworthie their high perfection and pure state of their vocation or callyng 75 Chirste refuseth not to goe whersoeuer he was desired so he might doe good to other Antichriste is so delicate and fine and vnpacient of labour that he refuseth to goe any where excepte it bee to profite and to doe good to hym self 76 Christ thought no scorne suche was his good will toward all men euen with his hande to touche the Leper when he healed hym Antichriste disdaineth once to looke vpon the poore so farre it is of that he will handle and touche the miserable diseased and lothsome people with his holie handes His delight is to haue to dooe with the greate God Mammon and with the nise nimphes of Ladie Uenus court 77 Christe had greate pleasure and singuler delight to be emong thē that were sicke and diseased Antichrist hath al his delight and pleasure to bee emong the minions of the worlde and the lustie galauntes Dicers Carders Minstrelles Gameplaiers and all suche as maie prouoke hym vnto pleasure mirthe and ioye 78 Christe kept companie with sinners whores and Publicanes to the ende that he might allure theim from wickednesse vnto Godlinesse saiyng Thei that are whole haue no neede of a Phisition but thei that are sicke For I am not come to call the righteous but synners to repentaunce Antichriste delighteth to accompanie the Princes and Rulers of this worlde that he maie enlarge and encrease sainct Peters patrimonie and enriche Mother holie Churche whiche beginneth now to waxe old and hath greate neede of helpe As touchyng them that are runne astraie from God he knoweth none other waie vnto saluation but to exhort them to buy his Pardons Masses c. 79 Christe in his Sermons had no respect of persones but rebuked al degrees a like that were rebukeable Antichrist preacheth neuer prateth oft great and noble personages he flattereth although neuer so wicked and vngodlie namely when he hopeth and looketh for gaine As touchyng the poore and miserable he thundereth at them with the sentence of the greate curse 80 Christe when his Disciples Iames and Ihon would haue had fire come doun from heauen as in the daies of Elias vppon the Samaritanes for their ingratitude and vnthankfulnesse and so to haue destroied them rebuked them and saied ye wote not what maner spirit ye are of For the Sonne of manne is not come to destroie mennes liues but to saue them Antichriste when any although neuer so little displeasure is doen against hym so fumeth and fometh so braieth and brauleth so roareth and rageth that straight waies out of his firie place he casteth out his moste greeuous thunderbolte of that terrible great excommunication If that will doe no good then prouoketh he princes vnto warres out of hand and to murther for his sake many thousande of innocent soules neuer ceasyng from his furious madnesse and madde furie vntill he be auenged to the vttermoste forgettyng this commaundement of GOD vengeaunce is myne and I will reward saieth the Lorde 81 Christ alwaie defended his disciples against the Scribes and Phariseis with the aucthorities of Gods worde Antichriste defendeth his adherentes with bannyng and cursing with Sweard and Speare with Bowes and Arowes with Gonne and Pollaxe and suche like martiall armoures 82 Christ tooke paciently the opprobrious wordes that were spoken against his owne persone but the railyng blasphemies vttered of the blasphemous enemies of the truthe againste the glory of GOD he could by no meanes abyde but mightely defended it Antichriste regardeth not the blasphemies spoken or written against the glory of God the manifest truth of his blessed worde but if any thing be spoken against hym and his deuilishe decrees then rageth he like a mad man and neuer ceaseth vntill he be reuenged except
also that charitie is the Parent or Mother of faith so that in the matter of iustification charitie goeth before faithe Is not this that Antichriste that shoulde tourne the rootes of Trees upwarde 35 Christe saieth either make the Tree good and his fruit good also or els make the Tree nought and his fruite nought also meanyng that the Tree shoulde bee 〈◊〉 good and thā bring forth good fruit The fruite maketh not the Tree good but the Tree doth make the fruite good although we can not know that the Tree is good but by his fruites For we can iudge nothyng but by his outwarde operation yet God seeth the quickenesse that is in the roote whiche in the tyme that GOD hath appointed hym shall bryng forth his fruite and approueth the Tree to be good although it seemeth dead vnto vs The Tree is faithe whiche is the mother of al good workes and euer worketh by charitie whensoeuer occasion is offered And for this cause is a faithfull man in the Psalmes compared to a Tree planted by the riuers syde which yeldeth and bringeth forth her fruite in her time 36 Christe comaundeth that the poore should bee bidde too dinner and that wee should geue to the needy and so laye vp treasure for our selues in heauen Antichrist sommoneth and citeth them bee they neuer so poore not regardyng their lette and aduersitie but he curseth them if they come not at the time appointed and if they come they go away sorier and sicker both in Soule and Purse then they came 37 Christe teacheth that wee should not sweare at al but that we should vse in our communication to affirme yea and to deny naye For whatsoeuer is more commeth of euill Antichrist saieth if any man will receaue any Office vnder vs hee shall bee sworne before that he will be true faithfull and iuste vnto vs If any manne also haue any thyng to doe in his Courtes he must first of all sweare by God and by the holy Gospell that this or that is true againe that hee shall truely and faithfully aunswere to all suche thynges as shall be required of hym 38 Christ commaunded his Disciples to knowe his Lawe and badde the Iewes searche the Scriptures And Moses exhorted the Israelites to teache the Lawe of God to their young children and that they should haue it bounde as a signe in their handes that it might be euer before their eyes he caused them also to write it on the postes and doores of their houses Antichrist saith it is not meete for the lewde people to knowe the Misteries of Gods woorde but to beleue as Mother holy churche teacheth them without any further inquisition yea he maketh it Heresie and Treason againste Kynges and Princes to knowe Christe or his Lawes He hath digged Cesternes of his owne traditions and hath stopped vp the pure fountaynes of Christes doctrine He can not abyde that the Laity should reade the Scripture least they should perceaue his iuglyng neither can hee suffer that the Scriptures should bee painted either in publique Temples or in priuate houses The blinder the people be the warmer is his Kitchin. 39 Christe taught his disciples on this wise if thy brother trespasse against thee goe and tell hym his faulte betwene hym and thee alone If he heare thee thou hast wonne thy brother But if he heare thee not then take yet with thee one or twoo that in the mouthe of twoo or three witnesses euery matter maie bee stablished If he heare not them tell it vnto the congregation If he heare not the congregation let hym be vnto thee as an Heathen man and as a Publicane Antichriste vseth an other kynde of doctrine For if any offende and displease hym he will straight waies suche is his burnyng charitie caste them into prison there to remaine in hard and cold yrons to make theim to reuoke the truthe contrary to the truthe and contrary to their owne conscience and so at the laste too graunte to his will. But if he bee strong through the Spirite of GOD without whom no man is able to stande in suche a case and will not forsake the truthe then after long and many moste greuous tormentes secretely ministered to those constant and faithfull Martyrs of Christ at the laste he bryngeth foorthe accuseth iudgeth condemneth and in fine deliuereth to the temporall officers as to their Butchers and hangmen to bee burnte at a stake vnto ashes As for that charitable reconciliation that our Sauiour Christ gaue in commaundemente vnto as many as take vpon them to bee his Ministers he vtterly refuseth and will none of it 40 Christe saieth If thou wilte bee perfecte goe and sell all that thou haste and giue it to the poore and thou shalte haue treasure in heauen Antichriste saieth If thou wilte bee perfecte giue me thy money and I will giue thee a Pardon by the vertue whereof thou shalte bee absolued a paena culpa and make thee as cleane as that daie thou were borne Yea I will for thy money giue thee the keyes of heauen gates so that thou shalt enter in without any stop 41 Christ saieth Ye are my freendes if ye do those thinges that I cōmande you Antichriste saieth Ye shall dooe as I commaunde you For I haue power and authoritie to make lawes and after them shall ye liue 42 Christ saieth When ye haue doen al thynges that I haue cōmaunded you yet saie that ye are vnprofitable seruauntes Antichrist saieth Doe those thinges that I commaunde you and take a sure cōscience vnto you that ye are righteous in the sight of God haue deserued heauen yea if you doe all that I commaunde you ye shall not onely haue good workes enough wherewith to saue your selues but also to saue other And these woorkes are called Opera supererogationis As for myself though I doe neuer so wickedly so that through my wicked and leude behauiour I bryng many thousandes with me into damnation yet maie no man rebuke me but call me the mooste holieste Father 43 Christe saieth Whosoeuer breaketh one of the leaste of my commaundementes he shal be called the least in the kyngdome of heauen Antichriste roareth out and saieth What haue I to doe with Christes lawe I am subiecte to no lawes but all lawes are obedient to me and to my power By this meanes Antichrist doeth but seldom right but is alwaie against the right yea and against his owne lawe also as often as menne bryng him money For that loueth he aboue all thynges 44 Christe saieth Blessed are the peace-makers for thei shall bee called the sonnes of God. Antichriste saieth Blessed are they that fight and goe together by the eares for the defence of sainct Peters patrimonie for thei shall bee called the children of our Mother holie Churche 45 Christe saieth Woe bee to you that laugh now for ye shall