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A39466 An exact abridgment of all statutes in force and use from the beginning of Magna Carta until 1641 / by Edm. Wingate of Grayes-Inne, Esq. ; with a continuation, under their proper titles, of all acts in force and use, untill the year 1666, and alphabetically digested under apt titles ; whereto is annexed four tables directing to the several matters and clauses throughout the said statutes.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.; Manby, Thomas, of Lincolns-Inn. 1666 (1666) Wing E906; ESTC R33346 579,794 810

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forfeit the cloth so made IV. Such an Alien shall here in England sell his wares in gross and not by retail in pain to forfeit the value of the wares otherwise sold and being an Handicraftsman and inhabiting a great house or chamber shall not take any Apprentice or servant to work with him unless it be his son or daughter or else a Subject born in pain to forfeit for every Apprentice or servant otherwise taken 20 li. V. The forfeitures of this Act are to be divided between the King and the prosecutor VI. Stat. 14 H. 8.2 No Stranger Artificer Denizon or not Denizon shall take any Apprentice but such as is born under the King's obeisance in pain to forfeit 10 l. for every Apprentice otherwise taken to be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor No Alien shall keep above two Journey-men except they be born under the King's obeisance upon the like pain to be divided as aforesaid VII All Strangers Denizons or not Denizons dwelling within two miles of London shall be under the reformation of the Wardens of Handicrafts within that City and of one substantial Stranger being an housholder of the same Craft to be chosen by the same Wardens VIII The said Wardens and that one Stranger shall assign a proper mark for Strangers wares without taking any thing for the same IX The said Wardens and Stranger shall have power to search view and reform the wares of Aliens made within the said precinct X. Smiths Joyners and Coopers being Aliens shall put such marks to their wares before they sell or use them as the said Wardens shall appoint without taking any thing therefore in pain to forfeit the double value thereof to be divided between the King and the prosecutor XI If upon such search the Wardens and Stranger shall finde any wares to be deceitfully made they shall be forfeit viz. the one half to the King and the other half to the finder and shall be recovered by action of Detinue XII Wardens and Masters of Fellowships of Handicrafts in other Corporations and Bailiffs and other head-Officers in Towns lacking Wardens have like power to reform strangers and strangers are bound to yield obedience unto them upon the like pains as aforesaid XIII Here if a stranger be wronged upon complaint to the Chancellor and Treasurer of England or to the Justices of Assise he shall have redress XIV This Act shall not extend to strangers dwelling in Oxford Cambridge or St. Martins le grand London XV. If the Wardens with a stranger or the Officers of Corporations or other Towns refuse to mark a stranger's wares being required so to doe in such case it shall be lawful for such stranger to sell his wares this Act notwithstanding XVI This Act shall onely extend to Joyners Pouch-makers Coopers and Black-smiths and to no other Crafts XVII Any of the King's Subjects having lands worth 100 l. per annum may retain any stranger that is a Joyner or Glasier to work for him this Act notwithstanding XVIII Stat. 21 H. 16. A Decree made in the Star-Chamber the 20 of February 20 H. 8. concerning Artificers strangers was confirmed The substance of which Decree hereafter followeth XIX A stranger Artificer shall not keep in his house at one time above two strangers servants howbeit a subject Artificer may retain as many strangers as he pleaseth to be his servants or Apprentices XX. Strangers Artificers may take as many English-men to be their servants or Apprentices as they can get XXI Strangers Artificers shall be contributary with English Artificers and in case they refuse they shall not onely lose the benefit of this Decree but likewise be prohibited to exercise their Craft in pain of incurring the forfeiture of the abovesaid Statute XXII Strangers Artificers shall upon lawful warning go with the Wardens and other Governours of the same Company to make search which if they refuse and that proved before the Chancellor of England or Mayor of London or in other places before the chief Officers they shall no longer exercise their profession in England in pain of the forfeitures aforesaid XXIII Strangers Artificers shall upon lawful notice make oath to be true to the King and obedient to his Laws and to make due search with others and not to discover to any beforehand the intention of search and being sworn shall pay for their Commission as the Subjects of England do XXIV No strangers but Denizons shall keep house or shop in pain of incurring the penalties of the aforesaid Statutes XXV Strangers shall not assemble but in the Common Halls of their Mysteries upon the penalties aforesaid XXVI This Decree and Act for so much as concerns Cordwainers shall extend as well to such as work old stuff as those that work new XXVII This Decree and Act shall not extend to strangers Denizons or not Denizons dwelling in Oxford Cambridge or St. Martins le grand London XXVIII Stat. 22 H. 8.8 Aliens born made Denizons shall pay all such customes and other duties as they did before they were made Denizons XXIX A Table of Customes Tolls and Duties shall be set up in every City Borough and Town in pain that every City not doing the same shall forfeit 5 l. and every Town Corporate 40 s. for every moneth the same shall fail to be set up at Pente●ost next to be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor XXX This Act shall not prejudice the Merchants of the Stilyard London XXXI Provided that the Tables of Scavage to be set up in London shall be approved by the Chancellor and Treasurer of England the President of the King's Council the Lord Privie-Seal the Lord Steward of the King's house and the two chief Justices or four of them and shall be by them subscribed XXXII Stat. 22 H. 8.13 No stranger being a common Baker Brewer Surgeon or Scrivener shall be accounted a Handicrafts-man within the penal Statutes made against strangers Artificers XXXIII Stat. 32 H. 8.16 All strangers made Denizons shall be obedient to the Statutes of 1 R. 3.9 14 H. 8.2 and 21 H. 8.16 And in all Letters Patents of Denization hereafter to be made a Proviso for that purpose shall be inserted save onely when the King shall please to grant special Liberties and then those Liberties shall be plainly exprest both in Bills signed by his Majesty and also in the Letters Patents XXXIV No Alien Artificer Denizon or not Denizon in Oxford Cambridge or St. Martins le Grand London shall keep above two strangers servants at one time in pain to incur the penalty of 14 H. 8.2 XXXV Every Alien not Denizon within the King's Dominions shall be bound to observe the Laws of this Kingdom XXXVI No Subject or Stranger using no handicraft shall retain above four servants strangers in pain to forfeit for every servant kept above that number 10 l. XXXVII The abovesaid forfeitures shall be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor XXXVIII This Act shall not be prejudicial to a
De Tallagio non concedendo Tempore E. 1. cap. 4. All persons shall have their laws liberties and free customs as largely as they have used to have them when they had them best And if any Statutes or Customs have been made or brought in by us or our Predecessors or if any article contained in this Charter be found contrary thereunto they shall be void VIII Stat. 1 E. 3. Stat. 2.4 All Cities Burroughs and franchised Towns shall injoy all their franchises customs and usages as they ought and were wont to do IX Stat. 14 E. 3. Stat. 1. cap. 1. Holy Church shall have her liberties in quietness The great Charter and that of the Forest shall be holden in all points and the City of London and all other Cities and Burroughs shall injoy all their Franchises and Customs which they have reasonably had and used in times past X. Stat. 25 E. 3. Stat. 3.1 All priviledges and franchises heretofore granted to the Clergy are confirmed and shall be holden in all points XI Stat. 6 R. 2. Stat. 1.1 The Church of England shall have all her liberties whole and unhurt and the same shall fully injoy and use XII Stat. 7 R. 2.1 Holy Church shall injoy all their liberties and franchises as she had them in the time of the King's Progenitors The like is granted in 2 R. 2.1 3 R. 2.1 5 R. 2.2.1 12 R. 2.1 1 H. 4.1 XIII Stat. 2 H. 4.1 The Church shall have her rights and liberties All Lords spiritual and temporal Cities Burroughs and Towns enfranchised shall injoy their liberties and franchises which they have lawfully used or have had by the grant of the King's predecessors Kings of England Vide 9 H. 4.1 13 H. 4.1 3 H. 5.1 and 2 H. 6.1 which are in effect the same save that they except such Franchises as are repealed or repealable by the common-Common-Law XIV Stat. 27 H. 8.24 None but the King shall have power to pardon treason or felony or such as are accessary to or outlawed for the same notwithstanding any Grant Usage Prescription Act or other thing to the contrary XV. None shall make Justices in Eyre of Assize Peace or Gaol-delivery but only the King and that by his Letters patents under the great Seal and notwithstanding any grant c. XVI All Writs Indictments and Processes in every County Palatine or other liberty shall be made in the King's name Teste the owner of such County Palatine or liberty and here in every such writ and indictment of any offence against the Peace it shall be supposed to be done against the King's Peace and not against the peace of any other person notwithstanding any Grant c. XVII Provided that Justices of Assize Gaol-delivery and Peace in the County Palatine of Lancaster shall be so made under the King 's usual seal of Lancaster notwithstanding any Act. XVIII Provided also that Corporations which have power to have Justices of Peace and Gaol-delivery may have them still notwithstanding this Act. XIX Stewards Bailiffs and other Ministers of Liberties shall attend the Justices of Assize Gaol-delivery and Peace and make due execution of Processes to them directed within their liberties and the Bailiffs there or their Deputies shall also attend and assist the Sheriff at the Gaol-delivery for execution of prisoners XX. Provided that the last clause shall not be prejudicial to any Stewards or Bailiffs of Corporations which are not compellable to attend or appear out of their Corporations XXI The King shall have the fines issues amerciaments and forfeitures which shall be set upon or lost by Stewards Bailiffs or other Ministers of Liberties notwithstanding any grant c. And amerciament for insufficient returns made by such Stewards or Bailiffs shall be set upon their heads and not upon the Sheriffs XXII Purveyors may take provision within liberties notwithstanding any grant c. Provided such purveyors observe the Statutes made for them in that behalf XXIII The King's officers may keep their Courts within the Verge and his Clerk of the Market onely shall execute his Office there notwithstanding any Liberty but London XXIV All Statutes made against Sheriffs Under-Sheriffs Bailiffs or other Ministers for any misdemeanour concerning their Offices shall extend to Stewards Bailiffs and other Ministers of Liberties XXV Stewards and Bailiffs of Liberties and their Deputies and Clerks may execute their office above a year notwithstanding this last clause XXVI All such Justices to be made as is aforesaid rehearsed in this Act shall have power to hold their Sessions of Peace and to deliver the Gaols within their liberties and to execute all other things within the same in as ample manner as other Justices of Peace and Gaol-delivery do in any Shire notwithstanding any Act Grant c. XXVII The new Justices now to be made by the King within Liberties shall sit where such Justices have commonly used to sit before and none within the said Liberties shall be compellable to appear before any other Justices of the same Liberties XXVIII Sir Thomas Englefield now Justice of Chester annd Flint shall not be prejudiced by this Act. XXIX This Act shall not be prejudicial to Corporations but they shall injoy such liberties fines issues amerciaments and forfeitures as they did before the making thereof XXX The Bishop of Ely and his Steward for the time being shall be Justice of Peace within the same Isle notwithstanding this Act so also shall the Bishop of Durrham and his Chanceller in that County Palatine and the Bishop of York and his Chancellor of Hexam within that Precinct XXXI Stat. 32 H. 8.20 The same franchises that the late owners of Religious houses had within three moneths before their dissolutions shall be revived and be actually in the King and in the survey of the Court of Augmentations and the Stewards Bailiffs and Ministers thereof shall account there as other Officers accountants of the King in that Court have done XXXII The Franchises of the late Religious houses which have come to the King's hands by attainder shall be in the order of the Court of general Surveyors and the Stewards Bailiffs and other Ministers thereof shall account there as other officers accountants of the King in that Court have done XXXIII The said Stewards and other Officers shall be attendant and obedient in all other the King's Courts as the officers of the said late owners were and no Sheriff or other forein officers shall intromit into their Liberties in any other manner then they lawfully might have done before the said Franchises came into the King's possession XXXIV Every person may use all such liberties as he hath by the King's grant or otherwise notwithstanding this Act also the offices fees annuities and profits of all persons out of any of the lands of the said Religious houses are saved XXXV Fines may be levied in the Court of Augmentations of lands within that Survey to the King's use without fee and the Justices of the Common Pleas
day to him limited II. Stat. 10 H. 6. Statutum per se The Justices Serjeants and the King's Attorney shall be paid their wages by the Treasurer of England at Easter and Michaelmas by even portions without any other suit But this Statute is not in the Printed Book of Statutes Justices of Gaol-delivery I. Stat. de finibus levatis cap. 3. 27 E. 1. Justices of Assize presently after the Assizes taken shall deliver the Gaols but if one of them be a Clerk the other that is Lay Associating unto him one of the most discreet Knights of the County shall deliver the Gaols II. The Justices shall then also inquire whether Sheriffs or any other have let out by plevin any prisoners not pleviable or have offended in any thing against the Stat. of West 2.15 13 E. 1. and shall punish them according to the form of the said Statute III. Stat. 2 E. 3.2 Justices of Gaol-delivery and Oyer and Terminer procured by great men shall not be made against the form of the Statute 27 E. 1.3 and Assizes Attaints and Certifications shall be hereafter taken before Justices commonly Assigned being good and lawful men and having knowledge in the law and before none other according to the Statute of West 2. 29 E. 1. which see in Oyer and Terminer 1. IV. Stat. 4 E. 3.2 Good and discreet persons shall be Assigned in all Shires of England to take Assizes Juries and Certifications and to deliver the Gaols three times in the year at least V. There shall also be Assigned good and lawful men in every County to keep the Peace and such as shall be indicted or taken by them and are not bailable by Law shall not be let to main-prise by the Sheriff or any other Minister nor otherwise delivered then at the Common-Law VI. Justices of Gaol-delivery shall have power to deliver the Gaols of those that stand indicted before the keepers of the Peace which keepers shall send those Indictments before the Justices of Gaol-delivery who shall have power to inquire of and punish Sheriffs Gaolers and others which do any thing against this Act. VII Stat. 17 R. 2.10 In every Commission of Peace two men of law of the same County shall be Assigned to go and proceed to the deliverance of Thieves and Felons ☞ Justices of Peace I. Stat. 1 E. 3. Stat. 2.16 The King will that in every County Good men and lawful which be no maintainers of evil or Barrettors in the Countrey shall be Assigned to keep the Peace II. Stat. 4 E. 3. Stat. 1. cap. 2. Two or three of the best of reputation in the Counties shall be assigned Keepers of the Peace by the King's Commission who together with other wise and learned in the Law shall have power to hear and determine Felonies and trespasses done in the same Counties and to inflict punishment according to Law and reason III. Stat. 34 E. 3.1 There shall be Assigned in every County for the keeping of the peace one Lord and 3 or 4 of the most worthy of the County with some learned in the Law who shall have power to arrest and chastise Rioters Barrettors and other Offenders and also to imprison and punish them according to Law and by discretion and good advisement also to bind people of evil fame to the good behaviour and to hear and determine felonies and trespasses done in the same County according to Law IV. Writs of Oyer and Terminer shall be granted according to the Statutes thereof made and the Justices thereof shall be named by the Court and not by the party V. All general inquiries heretofore granted within any Seigniories or the mischiefes done thereby shall from henceforth cease and be repealed VI. The Fines imposed by Justices of Peace for trespasses shall be reasonable and just VII Stat. 36 E. 3.12 In the Commissions of Justices of Peace and labourers express mention shall be made that they shall keep their Sessions 4 times in the year viz. one within the Utas or Octabis of Epiphany the second within the second week of Lent the third betwixt the feasts of Pentecost and S. John Baptist and the fourth within eight days of S. Michael VIII Stat. Canterb. Cap. 10. 12 R. 2. In every Commission there shall be but 6 Justices Assigned who shall keep their Sessions every quarter at least in pain to be punished at the discretion of the King's Council IX Every Justice of Peace shall have for his wages 4 s. a day and the Clark of the Peace 2 s. for so long time as the Sessions shall last to be paid by the Sheriffs out of the fines and amerciaments arising at the same Sessions whereunto Lords of Franchises shall be also contributary after the rate of their part of such fines and amerciaments X. No Steward of any Lord shall be Assigned in any commission of Peace neither shall any Association be made to the Justices of Peace after the first commission XI Judges and Serjeants at Law shall not be bound to attend the Sessions but when they can conveniently intend it XII Stat. 13 R. 2. Stat. 1.7 Notwithstanding the Statute of 12. R. 2.10 which prohibits the Stewards of Lords to be Justices of the Peace the most sufficient Knights Esquires and Gentlemen of the Law shall be put in Commission and sworn to put in Execution without favour all Statutes which concern their Office XIII Stat. 14 R. 2.11 There shall be 8 Justices of Peace Assigned in every County XIV Double Estreats of the fines and amerciaments arising at the Sessions shall be made containing the names of all the Justices there present and the number of days they sit and one of them delivered to the Sheriff out of which he is to answer to the Justices their wages by indenture according to which the Sheriff shall be again allowed the wages in the Exchequer upon his account but no Duke Earl Baron or Barronet although he be Justice of Peace and holds Sessions with the other 8 shall have any wages allowed him Quaere whether it ought not to be Baneret for so it is in the first addition of Rastal which I have XV. 2 H. 5. Stat. 1.4 Justices of Peace in every Shire named of the Quorum shall be Resiant within the same Shire except Lords Judges Serjeants at Law and the King's Attorney and shall keep their Sessions 4 times in the year viz. in the first week after Michaelmas Epiphany Easter and the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr viz. Becket being the seventh of July and oftener if need require XVI Stat. 2. H. 5. Stat. 2.1 Justices of Peace shall be made of the most sufficient persons dwelling in the same Counties by the advice of the Chancellor and the King's Council without taking others dwelling in forein Counties to execute that office except Lords Justices of Assize and the King 's chief Steward of the Dutchy-Lands in the North and South parts XVII Stat. 18 H. 6.11 Justices of Peace of Middlesex
Coroner shall do his office and inrol it And what cannot be determined by the Steward before the Kings departure shall be remitted to the Common Law so that Exigents Outlawries and Presentments shall be made thereupon in Eyre by the Coroner of the County as in case of other Felonies done out of the Verge ● Howbeit they shall not omit by reason hereof to make attachments freshly upon the Felonies done IV. Stat. 5. E. 3.2 Pars inde and 10 E. 3. Stat. 2.2 Inquests before the Steward and Marshal of the Kings house shall be taken by men of the Countrey thereabouts and not by men of the Kings house except it be contracts covenants or trespasses when both parties are of the same house and in the house V. Stat. 9. R. 2.5 Priests and others of the Holy Church taken in the Marshalsey shall pay such fees as Lay-people pay and no more VI. Stat. 13. R. 2. Stat. 1.3 The jurisdiction of the Steward and Marshal of the Kings house shall extend no further then 12 miles from the Kings lodging VII Stat. 4. H. 2.23 The fees of the Marshal of the Kings house shall be as in times past and no more viz. for him that cometh in by Capias 4 d. and if he be bailed 3 d. more of the defendant in trespass that findeth bail to answer the suit 2 d. for every commitment by judgment 4 d. o● every one delivered of Felony and of a Felon bailed by the Court 4 d. And if the Marshal or his Officers take more they shall lose their Offices and pay treble damages to the party grieved and that the party grieved have his suit before the Steward of the same Court VIII Here a server of bills shall take no more then 1 d. for every mile distant from the Court to the place where he doth his office but when he serves a v●nire facias or a distringas he shall have the double If such an Officer takes more he shall be imprisoned make a Fine to the King at the discretion of the Steward and be from thenceforth fore-judged the Court. IX Stat. 15. H. 6.1 In a suit commenced before the Steward and Marshal of the Kings house the defendant shall not be estopped to plead that the Plaintiff or he are not of the Kings house but his averment thereof shall be received notwithstanding any record of the same Court to be produced to the contrary Marshes Fens c. I. Stat. 4. Jac. 8. An Act for winning from Inundation the drowned grounds and Marshes of Lesnes and Fants in Kent by the 10. of October 1609. See the Statute II. Stat. 4. Jac. 13. Another for draining the Fens and low grounds in the Isle of Ely containing about 6000. Acres compassed about with banks called the Ring of Waldersey and Coldham See also the Statute III. Stat. 7. Jac. 20. A mean to recover a great quantity of ground lately surrounded in Norfolk and Suffolk by the Sea and to prevent the like for the future See the Statute IV. Stat. 15. Car. 2. cap. 17. An Act for setling the draining the great level of the Fens called Bedford Level See the Act at large V. Stat. 16. 17. Car. 2. cap. 11. An Act for draining of the Fen called Deeping Fen and other Fens therein mentioned See the Act at large Masons I. Stat. 3. H. 6.1 It shall be felony to plot confederacies amongst Masons and such as assemble upon such confederacies shall suffer Imprisonment and make fine and ransome at the Kings will ☞ Matrimony and Marriage I. Stat. 32. H. 8.38 Pars inde All Marriages shall be adjudged lawful that are not prohibited by Gods Law II. Stat. 23. E. 6.21 All Laws Canons Constitutions and Ordinances which prohibit marriage to spiritual persons who by Gods Law may marry and all pain and forfeitures therein contained shall be void III. Provided that this Act shall not give liberty to marry without asking in the Church and other Ceremonies appointed by the Book of Common Prayer IV. Degrees and divorces heretofore made are saved V. Stat. 5. E. 6.12 The Marriage of Priests and other spiritual persons shall be lawful and their Children legitimate and inheritable likewise they to be tenants by the Curtesy and their Wives nowable VI. Stat. 1. Jac. 11. A Bigamus shall suffer death as a felon unless he or she have had no notice that the husband or wife was living within seven years before or the marriage be severed by divorce VII This felony shall cause no corruption of blood or loss of dower or inheritance VIII Stat. 12. Car. 2. ca. 33. All Marriages had and solemnized in any of the Kings Dominions since the 1. of May 1642. before any Justice of Peace of England or other his Dominions and so pronounced and declared or had and solemnized according to Act or Ordinance of Parliament or any Convention having that style shall be adjudged good and valid in Law as if the same had been solemnized according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England Mesne I. Stat. Westm 2.9 13. E. 1. The tenant distrained by the Chief Lord may have a writ of Mesne in the County where he is distreined against the Mesne who having land in that County and not appearing till the Grand distress day shall be given in the Grand distress so as two Counties may be holden before the return wherein the Sheriff shall proclaim that he come to answer the tenant at the day at which day if he come not he loseth his service and then the tenant shall answer to the Chief Lord such services as he ought to have done to the Mesne II. The Chief Lord shall not distrein the tenant so long as he offers him the services due and if the Lord exact more then the Mesne ought to do the tenant may have such remedy as the Mesne might have had III. Upon a return that the Mesne hath nothing to be summoned by an attachment shall go out and then upon a Nihil returned the G●a●d distress with Proclamation as before IV. The Mesne having no l●nd in that County but in another upon such a return by the Sheriff the party shall have a Writ judicial to summon the Mesne in that County where it is testified that he hath lands and both there and in the other County shall proceed to the Grand distress Proclamation and Judgment as before V. The Mesne comming into the Court and acknowledging or being adjudged to acquit the Tenant and not doing it the Tenant shall thereupon have a judicial writ of acquittal whereupon if the Mesne come in and the Tenant can aver that a Mesne hath not acquitted him he shall be satisfied his damages be quit of the Mesne and hold of the chief Lord And here also if the Mesne come not at the first distress then another distress shall go out Proclamation shall be made and Judgment had as before VI. This Statute extendeth only where there is but one Mesne
Justices to the Churchwardens or Overseers of the poor if not paid within ten dayes V. All Deanes Canons Prebendaries Masters Fellows of Colledges c. Parsons Vicars Lecturers Schoolmasters c. enjoyned to take and subscribe the Declaration following J. A. B. do declare that it is not lawful upon any pretence whatsoever to take Arms against the King and that I do abhor that trayterous position of taking Arms by his Authority against his Person or against those that are Commissioned by him And that I will conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England as it is now by Law established And I do declare that I do hold there lies no obligation upon me or any other person from the Oath commonly called the Solemn League and Covenant to endeavour any change or alteration of Government either in Church or State And that the same was in it self an unlawful Oath and imposed upon the Subjects of this Realm against the known Laws and liberties of the Kingdom The same shall be subscribed by the Heads of Colledges c. in the Universities before the Vicechancellor or his Deputy And before the Archbishop or Ordinary of the Diocess by every other person upon pain of forfeiture and loss of their places as if dead VI. Schoolmasters or Tutors that shall teach any youth in any private house without licence from the Archbishop or Ordinary of the Diocess shall for the first offence suffer 3 months imprisonment for every second or other 3 months imprisonment and forfeit 5 l. VII Every Parson Vicar Curate and Lecturer after subscription made shall procure a Certificate under the hand and seal of the Archbishop Bishop or Ordinary of the Diocess and publickly read the same together with the said Declaration upon some Lords day within 3 months then next following in his Parish Church where he is to officiate in the presence of the Congregation there assembled in the time of Divine Service upon pain of being deprived ipso facto and his place void as if dead VIII After the 25th of March 1662. the words following part of the Declaration shall be omitted viz. And I do declare that I do hold there lies no obligation on me or any other person from the Oath commonly called the Solemn League and Covenant to endeavour any change or alteration of Government either in Church or State and that the same was in it self an unlawful Oath and imposed upon the Subjects of this Realm against the known Laws and liberties of this Kingdom and none shall thenceforth subscribe or read the same IX No person not ordained according to the form of Episcopal Ordination shall hold any Benefice with cure or Ecclesiastical promotion nor be capable of any such benefice nor administer the Sacrament not being ordained a Priest according to the form of the foresaid Book upon pain to forfeit for every offence 100 l. one moyety to the King the other moyety to the party that will sue for the same X. Provided the penalties in this Act extend not to Aliens of foreign reformed Churches allowed by the King XI Provided no title of laps accrue by any avoidance or deprivation by this Act but after 6 months after notice given by the Ordinary to the Patron or such sentence of deprivation openly read in the Parish Church becoming void by this Act. XII No other Form of Common Prayer shall be used in any Church Chappel or publick place Colledge or Hall of the Universities And all Governors and Heads of Colledges in the Universities shall within a month after admission to his place openly in the Church Chappel or publick place of the Colledge in the presence of the Fellows and Scholars of the same subscribe the 39 Articles of Religion mentioned in the Stat. 13 El. Ca. 12. and declare his approbation of the said Book of Common Prayer And all the said Governours or Heads shall read the morning Prayer according to the said Book once every quarter publickly in their Church Chappels or other publick place upon pain of suspension for 6 months from their place and if he shall not subscribe to the said Articles and Book within the said 6 months then the place to be void Provided the said Book may be used in Latine in Colledges XIII None shall preach or read as a Lecturer without Licence of the Archbishop or Bishop of the Diocess And all Lecturers shall declare their consent to the 39 Articles aforesaid and shall openly read the Common Prayers and declare their approbation thereof and shall read the same the first Lecture-day of every month and after reading declare their approbation thereof upon pain to be disabled to preach or read any Lecture until he shall conform XIV Provided it shall suffice that Lecturers in Cathedral Churches only declare their assent to the said Book XV. If any person so disabled shall preach any Lecture or Sermon the person so offending shall suffer 3 months imprisonment in the common Goal And any two Justices of the Peace and the Mayor or other chief Officer of any City or Town Corporate upon Certificate from the Ordinary of the place made to him or them of the offence committed shall commit the person offending to the Goal accordingly XVI The Common Prayer shall be read before every Sermon or Lecture and the Lecturer that shall preach shall be present at the same Provided this Clause extend not to Sermons or Lectures preached as publick University Sermons XVII The several Laws and Statutes formerly made for uniformity of Prayer and now in force shall be put in ure for punishment of offences against the Book established by this Act 1 El. Ca. 2. 23 El. Ca. 1. Proviso the names of the King and Queen be fitted in the Prayers Letanies and Collects according to the present occasion XVIII The Books of Common Prayer shall be provided by every Parish Chapelry Cathedral Church Colledge and Hall upon penalty of 3 l. a month for lack thereof for every month after St. Bartholmews day 1662. XIX Provisoe that the Bishops of Hereford St. Davids St. Asaph Bangor and Landoff do take care for translating the said Book into the Welsh Tongue for Printing and providing the same in every Parish there XX. True Copies of the said Book of Common Prayer shall be exemplified under the great Seal of England and kept in the several Courts of Westminster and Tower of London to be produced and shewed forth in Court as need shall be XXI Provided this Act be not prejudicial to the Kings Professor of Law in the University of Oxford concerning the Prebend of Shipton in the Cathedral Church of Sarum united to the said Professors place by King James XXII Proviso whereas the clause in the 36th Article mentions the Book established by K. E. 6. It shall extend to the Book of Common-prayer established by this Act. See the precedent Laws of this matter Title Crown and Title Service and Sacraments XXIII Stat. 15. Car. 2. Ca. 6. Stat.
Tile before the first of March and shall likewise be tryed and severed from stones malne marle and chalk II. A plain Tile shall contain in length ten inches and an half in breadth six inches and a quarter and in thickness half an inch half a quarter at least A roof or cross-tile in length thirteen inches and in thickness as before with convenient deepness accordingly a gutter and a corner-tile in length ten inches and an half with convenient thickness breadth and deepness III. If any shall sell Tile otherwise made he shall forfeit to the buyer the double value thereof to be recovered by Action of debt and besides shall make fine and ransom at the Kings will IV. Justices of Peace shall hear and determine these defaults and effences as well at the suit of the King as of the party grieved and shall not set less fine upon an offender against this Act then after the rate of 5 s. for every thousand of plain Tile 6 s. 8 d. for every hundred of roof-tile and 2 s. for every hundred of corner or gutter-tile V. The said Justices have also authority to appoint searchers of Tile who shall diligently execute that office in pain to forfeit to the King for every default 10 s. and shall have of every Tile-maker for such search after the rate of 1 d. for every thousand of plain Tile ob for every hundred of roof-tile and qu. for every hundred of corner and gutter-tile and shall make presentment of all defaults found at the next Sessions which shall be as effectual in Law as a presentment of twelve men VI. None shall put any Tile to sale before such search be made in pain to forfeit the same and the Justices of Peace have also power to hear and determine in the defaults of the said searchers Tindale Ridesdale and Examshire I. Stat. 2 H. 5.5 If any person of Tindale or Examshire commit any murder treason manslaughter or robbery or consent thereunto out of the said Franchises Process shall be made against him until he be outlawed and after outlawry returned the Justices before whom it is so returned shall make certificate thereof to the Ministers of the said Franchises who shall take such Felons and seize their lands and tenements into the hands of the Lords of the same Franchises as forfeit but their lands and tenements out of those Franchises shall be seized to the use of the King and other Lords having Franchise there as forfeit saving to the King the forfeitures of such offenders which to him belong in right of his Crown II. Stat. 9 H. 5.7 The Statute of 2 H. 5.5 made against offenders in Tindale and Examshire shall be extended against the like offenders in Ridesdale III. Stat. 11 H. 7.9 The North and South-Tindale and all the lands within the same shall be guildable and parcel of the County of Northumberland and no Franchise shall be there but all the Kings Writs and Officers shall be there obeyed IV. None shall demise any lards for years life or at will there but the Lessor shall before find two sureties having at least 40 s. per annum within the County of Northumberland to be bound by Recognisance in 20 l. to the King to make answer within 8 days warning to all such offences as aforesaid And the Lessor shall forfeit 40 s. for every acre otherwise let to the King and Justices and such Lease shall be void The Justices of Peace also shall inquire of such Recognisances forfeited See the Statute at large ☞ Tithes * I. Stat. pro Clero 7. 18. E. 3. No Scire facias shall be awarded to warn a Clerk to answer for his Tithes before any secular Judge saving to him his right II. Stat. 1. R. 2.14 Where in an Action of goods carried away the Defendant maketh his title for Tithes due to his Church in such case the Plaintiffs general averment shall not be taken without shewing specially how the same were his lay-chattel III. Stat. 5. H 4.11 The Farmers of Aliens shall pay Tithes to the Parsons and Vicars of the Parishes where the lands in farm do lie notwithstanding they be seised into the Kings hands or any prohibition made to the contrary ☞ IV. Stat. 27. H. 8.20 If the Judge of an Ecclesiastical Court make complaint to two Justices of Peace 1. qu. of any contumacie or misdemeanour committed by a Defendant in any suit there depending for Tithes the said Justices shall commit such Defendant to prison there to remain till he shall find sufficient surety to be bound before them by Recognisance or otherwise to give due obedience to the Process Proceedings Decrees and Sentences of the said Court V. This Act shall not extend to any Citizen of London neither shall it restrain any person from having their defence and remedy according to the Ecclesiastical Laws and the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom VI. This Act shall not have longer force then that the King and such 32 persons as he shall appoint shall have established the Ecclesiastical Laws for the Church of England after which time Tithes shall be paid according to those Laws and not otherwise * VII Stat. 28 H. 8.11 The year in which the first-fruits shall be paid to the King shall begin immediately after the avoidance or vacation of the Benefice and the Tithes and other profits of any such Benefice arising during the time of the vacation shall belong to the Presentee or his Executors towards payment of the first-fruits which if any Archbishop Bishop or other hinder him to have he shall forfeit the treble value thereof to be divided betwixt the King and such incumbent Howbeit such Archbishop Bishop Ordinary or other officer shall be allowed the charge of the Cure and of inning Tithes and other profits VIII Here also the incumbent before his death may make and declare his will of the grain sown by him upon the Glebe-lands IX But the successor upon a months warning shall have the Parsonage-house and the Glebe not sowen X. If the fruits of such Spiritual Promotion received be not sufficient to pay the Curate the next incumbent shall do it within 14. days after his induction ☞ XI Stat. 32 H. 8.7 All persons shall duly set forth and pay all Tithes and Offerings according to the custom of the places where they grow due XII If Tithes or Offerings be not so set out and paid the party grieved may convent him that so detains them before the Ecclesiastical Judge who hath power to hear and determine the matter in question ordinarily or summarily according to the Ecclesiastical Laws and to give sentence thereupon accordingly XIII Here if any of the parties appeal the Judge upon such appeal shall adjudge to the other party reasonable costs and compel the Appellant to satisfie them by Process and censures Ecclesiastical taking surety of the other party to whom the costs shall be adjudged to restore the costs in case the principal cause passe against him
be thereupon awarded for the levying of them for the Kings use to the Sheriff of every County who shall account before such Auditors as shall be thereto assigned which Auditors shall make due allowance unto the Sheriffs upon their accompts for the fees of the Justices and Clerks of the Peace as is used in England CI. The President Council and Justices of Wales or three of them at least whereof the President to be one shall yearly nominate three able persons in every of the said twelve Shires to be Sheriffs thereof and shall certify their names to the Lords of the Privy Council Crast Animarum to the end the King may appoint one of them in every of the said Shires to be Sheriff for that year like as is used in England And thereupon the said Sheriff shall have their Pattents under the Great Seal of England and shall make oath and acknowledg recognizances before the President and Justices or one of them by a Dedimus for the due execution of their Offices and for their just accompt before the Kings Auditors assigned for Wales CII The said Sheriffs have power to use their Offices as Sheriffs of England do shall be observant to all lawful commands and Precepts of the President Council Justices of Wales Justices of Peace Escheators and Coroners and every of them in all things appertaining to their Offices shall yearly accompt to the Auditor or Auditors assigned by the King for VVales and shall each of them have yearly for his fee 5 l. CIII All Officers and other persons in VVales shall be obedient attendant and assisting to the President Council and Justices of Wales and shall obey the Kings commands and process from any of them directed and all lawfull and reasonable precepts of them and every of them and also shall be obedient to all Justices of Peace Sheriffs and Escheators within their several limits in all things appertaining to their duties and offices CIV Also Escheators shall be named in every of the said Counties by the Treasurer of England with the advice of the President Council or three of them whereof the President to be one which Escheators shall make oaths and acknowledg Recognizances before the President or one of the Justices by a Dedimus for the due execution of their Offices and for their true account before the Kings Auditor or Auditors to be assigned for that purpose which oath and recognizance shall be agreeable to those used for Escheators in England CV Such Escheators shall yearly have their Pattents under the Great Seal and shall exercise their Offices as Escheators in England and shall be bound to all Laws and Statutes of England But they need not have above 5 l. per annum free-hold and shall accompt yearly before such Auditor or Auditors as the King shall assign for Wales CVI. There shall be also two Coroners elected for each of the said 12 Shires by the Writ De Coronatore Eligendo awarded out of the Chancery of England which Coroners shall exercise their Offices and have like fees as in England Only the Writ de Cor. elig for the County of Flint shall be directed out of the Exchequer of Chester ☞ CVII The Justices of Peace or two of them 1. Qu. shall appoint in every hundred within their limits two substantial Gentlemen or Yeomen to be chief Constables of the Hundred where they dwell who shall preserve the Peace and use their Offices and be bound in all things as High-Constables in England CVIII The Sheriff shall have a Goal in a place of the Castle of the Shire-town or such other convenient place as by the President Council and Justices or three of them whereof the President to be one shall be appointed any Patent or Grant notwithstanding The Sheriff also shall make Bail●ffs of the Hundred who shall attend upon the Justices at their Courts and Sessions CIX Sheriffs shall keep their Counties Monthly and their Hundred-Courts for pleas under 40 s. and shall take for entring of plaints process pleas and judgments there as is used in England and not above Also all tryals in such Courts or before Stewards in Court Barons shall be by Wager of Law or verdict of six men at the election of the party Plaintiff or Defendant that pleads the plea. CX Sheriffs shall hold their Turns yearly after Easter and Michaelmas as is used in England CXI The King shall have all Fines Issues Amerciaments and Forfeitures lost in the said Courts and Turnes to his own use and the Sheriff shall account for the same accordingly having been first affered by the Justices of Assize of that Circuit before they be levied And the Sheriff shall not levy them before they be so affered in pain to forfeit to the King 40 s. Also the Sheriff upon every Judgment in his County or Hundred Court may award a Capias ad satisfaciendum or a Fieri facias at the election of the Plaintiff CXII Certain fees which the Sheriff is to have for the return and execution of divers writs For which see the Statute at large CXIII Every Sheriff within this limit may put suspitious persons under common main-prise according to the Statute of 37 H. 8.26 which see before binding them with two sufficient Sureties by recognizance to appear before the Justices at the next great Sessions and shall then also certify the names of the parties so bound without concealment CXIV The Sheriffs fee for taking such common main-prise is 2 d. but he shall take no fee for the return of any writ of execution unless he return the same executed CXV The fees of Sheriffs Escheators and Coroners and their Ministers Prothonotaries and their Clerks and other Ministers of Justice in Wales shall be rated augmented and diminished by the President Council and Justices or three of them whereof the President to be one from time to time at their discretions CXVI None for murder or felony shall be put to his fine but suffer according to the Laws of England except it please the King to pardon him And if the Justices see cause of pity or other consideration they may reprieve the prisoner till they have advertised the King of the matter CXVII The Statute of the 26 H. 8.6 which see before is confirmed notwithstanding this Act and from henceforth shall be put in execution CXVIII Abertannad heretofore reputed parcel of the County of Merioneth shall now be annexed to Salop and be reputed parcel of the Hundred of Oswestry CXIX If any forreign plea or voucher be pleaded or made before any of the Justices of Wales tryable in any other County in Wales in this case the said Justice shall send the Kings Writ with a transcript of the Record unto the Justice of the County where the matter is tryable commanding him to proceed to the tryal thereof according to Law which tryal being had he shall remand it with the whole record unto the Justice that sent it who thereupon shall proceed to Judgment as
thereupon XX. The savings in this Act and in that of 32 H. 8.1 of custody wardship relief and primer seisin to the King and of custody and wardship to other Lords shall be expounded thus That the King shall have for his full third part such mannors lands and tenements as shall descend as well in fee-tail as in fee-simple to the heir of the person that made such Will or disposition as aforesaid and that the will or gift of the two parts shall be good in Law albeit the will or gift be made of all the fee-simple lands or the more part thereof Howbeit if the King have not a full third part left him he shall take out of the two parts so much as shall make it up to be severed by commission as aforesaid and such advantage also is given to other Lords for their third parts and the like shall both the King and they do in case their third parts or any parcel of them be evicted from them or determined XXI A Pardon of alienation must be sued by those to whom lands are devised for which they shall pay a third part of the value of the lands holden in chief and this Act shall be sufficient warrant for the Lord Chancellor to grant such pardons under the Great Seal without further suit to be made to the King for the same XXII Wills or Testaments of mannors lands c. made by femes covert Infants Idiots or persons of non sane memory shall not be good in Law XXIII If any person or persons shall by will or act executed make any estate for years life or lives with one remainder over in see or with divers remainders over for term of life years or in tail with a remainder over in fee-simple or any other estates conditions mesnalties tenures or conveyances by fraud and covin to the intent to defraud the King of his Prerogative primer seisin livery relief wardship marriages or rights or any other Lords of their wardships reliefs heriots or other profits and such estates or other conveyances be found by office to be so made by covin fraud or deceit In this case the King shall enjoy his Prerogatives and profits aforesaid according to this and the said former Act notwithstanding such estates or conveyances until such office be annulled by traverse or otherwise Also other Lords shall have their remedy in such cases for their wardships by writ of right of ward and shall distrain and make avowry or conusance by themselves or their Bailiffs for their reliefs heriots and other profits as if no such estate had been made Howbeit the right and title of the donees feoffees lessees and devisees thereof against the devisors and his heirs after the interest of the King and other Lords determined are saved XXIV Provided that every person from whom the King or other Lord shall take any mannors lands c. for their third part or to make it up may have relief in Chancery against every person who shall be intituled by any such will or gift to the other two parts to have such contribution for the same as the Lord Chancellor or Keeper shall think convenient VVines I. The Statute of Glocester 15.6 E. 1. The Mayor and Bailiffs now Sheriffs of London before the coming of the Barons which should be at their rising after Candlemas term as appears by the 14. Chapter of this Statute shall inquire of Wine sold against the Assize and shall present it before them at their coming and then they shall be amerced whereas they were wont to tarry until the coming of the Justices Obsolete * II. Stat. 4. E. 3.12 None shall sell Wines but at a reasonable price according to the price at the Ports from whence they come and the expence of their carriage to the places where they are sold Tryal shall be made of such Wines twice a year viz. at Easter and Michaelmas and Officers if need require by the Lords of Towns and their Bailiffs and likewise by Mayors and Bailiffs and all corrupt Wines shall be poured out and the vessel broken Also the Chancellor Treasurer Justices of the Benches and Justices of Assize shall have power to inquire of Mayors Bailiffs and Ministers of Towns that do not observe this Ordinance and to punish them as reason requires * III. Stat. 27. E. 3. Stat. 1. cap. 5. No English Merchant shall forestal Gascoign Wines nor buy them of any Gascoign or other to pay in England for any greater price then they are commonly sold at in Gascoign because of Prest peril of the Sea and by any other colour in pain of life and member and to forfeit their Wines Goods and Chattels to the King and their lands to the chief Lords But here the felony and forfeiture of laws are repealed by 37 E. 3.16 Ob. IV. Cap. 6. Gascoign Merchants and other strangers may bring their Wines to what Port of England they please so as the Kings Butler may make purveyance for Wines of Aliens making payment for them within 40 days Ob. V. Cap. 7. No English Merchant shall buy Wines in Gascoign before the Vintage Nor then but at Burdeaux and Bayon upon the pain mentioned in the 5th Chapter Put that as to the s● lo●y and forseiture of Lands is repealed by 37 E. 3.16 as aforesaid Obsolete * VI. Stat. 37. E. 3.16 The felony and forfeiture of lands inflicted by 27 E. 3.5 7. are repealed and inquiry shall be yearly made within the Kings dominions in Gascoigne of Couchers of England who lie there to buy Wines Obsolete VII Stat. 38. E. 3.10 A confirmation of the Statutes made for wines Obsolete VIII Stat. 38. E. 3.11 All Merchants Denizens that be not Artificers may go into Gascoign to fetch wines and Aliens may bring wines into this Realm IX Stat. 43 E. 3.2 English Irish and Welsh-men being not Artificers may fetch wine in Gascoigne so as they find sureties to buy 100 Tun of their own goods and to bring the same into England Ireland or Wales X. Stat. 6. R. 2. Stat. 1.7 Sweet wines shall be sold in England at the price that Gascoign and Rhenish wines are sold for and not above in pain to forfeit the same XI Stat. 23 H. 6.18 No new impositions shall be laid upon them that buy wines in Gascoign and Guienne by any of the Kings Officers in those parts in pain of 20 l. and treble damages Obsolete * XII Stat 28. H. 8.14 The Lord Chancellor Treasurer President of the Council Privy Seal and the two chief Justices or five four or three of them have power at their discretions to set the prices of all kinds of wines viz. of the But Tun Pipe Hogshead Puncheon Tierce Barrel or Runlet when they shall be sold in grosse so as they cause the prices so set to be written and openly proclaimed in Chancery in the Term-time or else in the City Burrough or town where any such wines are sold in grosse XIII None shall sell wine
27 H. 8.13 33 H. 8.19 Page 162. ad 164 Church shall be free Magna Charta c. 1. Page 253 Copyhold part of Hounslow-heath made Page 288 Copyhold Land to be let and improved 37 H. 8.2 ibid. Cloth linnen clothes their length and goodness 28 H. 8.4 1 El. 12. Page 336 Colledges Chanteries free Chappels c. given to the King 37 H. 8.4 1 E. 6.14 Page 375. ad 382 Chirurgion who shall be and their priviledges 3 H. 8.11 5 H. 8.6 32 H. 8.42 34 35 H. 8.8 Page 421. ad 424 Consultation what and where allowed Stat. de Consultatione 24 E. 1. Page 445 Cry Hue and Cry how and where it shall be followed and the punishment for neglect of it Stat. Winchest cap. 1. 13 E. 1. Art super Cart. 17. 17 R. 2.6 27 Eliz. 13. Page 488. ad 491 Conduct safe conducts by whom to be granted and to what persons 15 H. 6.3 18 H. 6.8 20 H. 6.1 Page 495 D. DIsmes accountants therefore not chargeable at other mens Suits in the Exchequer 1 R. 3.14 p. 3 Dower admeasurement of Dower where it lies and how West 2. c. 7. 13 E. 1. Page 7 Admeasurement of Dower Writ therein to whom allowable West 2. cap. 7. 13 E. 1. ibid. Disseisin Assise of Novel-disseisin where to be taken and by whom Magna Charta c. 12. 9 H. 3. Page 7 Where an Assise of Novel-Disseisin will lye West 1. c. 24. 3 E. 1. ib. c. 36.48 West 2. c. 35. 13 E. 1. ibid. 46. de conjunct feoffat 34 E. 1. Ebor. 34 E. 2.1 7 R. 2.10 1 H. 4.8 4 H. 4.8 6 H. 6.2 11 H. 6.2 21 H. 8.3 Page 27. ad 30 Dayes in Bank what they be and how they answer one to another in a single Writ a Writ of Dower De anno Bissextili 21 H. 3. 51 H. 3. Page 137. ad 140 What day shall be given in a Darreign presentment Quare Impedit or attachment Marlb 12. 52 H. 3. and what in a real action 32 H. 8.21 5 E. 3. Page 140 Damages and Costs who shall recover and where and in what cases and how much Gloucest 1. 6 E. 1. Glost 14. 6 E. 1. 3 H. 7.10 19 H. 7.20 23 H. 8.15 24 H. 8.8 43 El. 6. 4 Jac. 21 Jac. 16. Page 141 142 Darrein presentment before whom to be taken Mag. Carta 13. 9 H. 3. Page 142 Debt how a man may be sued for debt by whom and in what time either by the King or a private person 1 R. 2.12 2 R. 2. Parl. 2 3. 3 Jac. 15. 7 Jac. 12. p. 142 143 144 Debt forreigner may not be distrained for debt West 2. 13 E. 1. Page 143 Debt to the King how to be paid or levied and in what time Magna Charta 8. 9 H. 3. 18. West 1. 19 E. 3.1 Artic. sup Chart. 12. 28 E. 1. 13 El. 4. 14.7 14.7 27.3 7 Jac. 15. Page 144 145 146 Debt due by book in what time it must be sued 7 Jac. 12. Page 144 Declaration must be full 36 E. 3.15 Page 147 Decies tantum by whom forfeitable and for what 38 E. 3.12 Page 147 Demurrer after demureer joyned and entred the Judges must give judgment according to Law 27 El. 5. Page 147 148 Dilapidations the remedy against Ecclesiastical persons for the same 13 El. 10. Money recovered for Dilapidations to be laid out in building within two years 14 El. 11. Page 148 Deceit the punishment thereof West 29. 3 E. 1. ibid. A Writ of Deceit where maintainable 2 E. 3.17 ibid. Discontinuance no suits shall be discontinued either by the Kings death or otherwise 11 H. 6.6 1 E. 6.7 Page 149 Dispensations which shall be void and why 28 H. 6.16 Page 150 Distresses Cattel impounded may be fed without disturbance who may distrain for what and upon what and where de districtione Scaccarii 51 H. 3. Marlb 1. 52 H. 3. Marlb 2. Marlb 3.4 15. West 1. 2. 16 17 E. 1. West 2.36 37. 13 E. 1. Artic. Cleri 9. 9 E. 2. 1 2 P. M. 12. Page 150 151 152 Dover the Constables of Dover Castle their power Artic. super Cartas 7. 28 E. 1. Page 152 Dower where a woman shall have Dower and where not and what to recover in a Writ of Dower Merton 1. 20 H. 3. West 1 48. West 2 4. 1 E. 6.12 5 E. 6.12 Page 152 153 Duresse Obligations forced by Duresse shall be void 1 R. 2.13 Page 182 Durham Fines levied in the County Palatine of Durham shall be good 1 M. Parl. 2.3 5 Eliz. 27. ibid. Writs thither must be directed to the Bishop 31 El. 9. ib. Dayes holy dayes appointed 5.6 E. 3.3 Flesh forbidden on Friday 2 3 E. 6.19 all unlawful pastimes forbidden on the Lords Day 1 Car. 1. 3 Car. 1. Page 280 E. EMbassies to be recorded in the Exchequer 5 R. 2.10 pag. 51 England the Crown and Empery thereof entailed 14 E. 3. 7 H. 4.2 35 H. 8.1 1 El. 1. 1.3 5.1 p. 110 111 112 The Subjects and Inhabitants thereof must take the Oath of Supremacy 5 El. 1. Page 112 113 Embracery what and the punishment thereof 38 E. 3.12 34 E. 3.8 Page 147 Eccles Jurisdiction who may exercise it 37 H. 8.19 Page 182 Egyptians the punishment of lewd people so calling themselves 22 H. 6.10 1.2 P. M. 4. 5 El. 20. Page 183 Election None may disturb free election West 1. cap. 5. Art Cleri c. 14. nor take reward electing 31 Eliz. 6. Page 183 184 English-men sworn Subjects to a foreign Prince shall be as aliens 14 15 H. 8.4 Page 185 England and Scotland to be united 1 Jac. 2. Laws of hostility repealed 4 Jac. 1. Felonies of English in Scotland where triable 4 Jac. 1. Pacification between them 16 17 Car. 17.18 Page 185 186 187 Entry Writ of Entry what and what recoverable by it Gloucest 7. 6 E. 1. Entry Sur disseisin en le Post Marlb 29. 52 H. 3. Page 187 Error where a Writ of Error will lye 5 E. 3.2 in fine 10 E. 3. Stat. 2.3 31 E. 3. Stat. 1.12 32 El. 3. 27 El. 8. 31 El. 1. 16 Car. 2. cap. 2. Page 187. ad 190 Escape What is escape of a felon and who to inquire thereof West 1 3. 3 Ed. 1. 31 E. 3. Stat. 1.14 1 R. 3.3 Page 190 Exchange where to be kept 9 E. 3.7 ibid. None may exchange silver for gold or gold for silver to take profit thereof 25 E. 3. Stat. 5.15.5 6 E. 6.19 Page 190 191 Exchequer All Bayliffs Sheriffs and others shall account in the Exchequer the time when and the manner how Scaccarii 51 H. 3. Stat. de Rutland 10 E. 1. 1 R. 2.5 5 R. 2. Stat. 1.11 12 13 14 15 16 c. Page 191 ad 195 Issues lost therein when discharged 1 Jac. 26. Page 195 196 Fees due there for homage Page 197 Escheators by whom to be chosen their office duty and fees 14 E. 3.8 34 E. 3. Stat. 1.13 14.
shall be void X. Stat. 1 H. 4.4 The Parliament holden in Ann. 11 R. 2. shall be holden and kept according to the purport thereof as a thing done to the great honour and common profit of the Realm XI Stat. 1 E. 4.1 An Act was made whereby was confirmed all Judicial Acts Exemplifications Concords Recoveries Process in Court c. made in the times of H. 4. H. 5. and H. 6. and all grants and letters Patents of divers things mentioned in the said Act made by any of the said three kings See the Statute at large XII The confirmation of divers particular Statutes See under their proper titles ☞ Conjuration Enchantment and Witchcraft * I. Stat. 1. Jac. 12. If any shall be convicted to have used any invocation or conjuration of any evil Spirit or to have consulted covenanted with entertained imployed fed or rewarded any such Spirit or taken up any dead person or the skin bone or other part thereof to have used in Witchcraft Sorcery charm or inchantment or to have used any of the said Arts to kill consume and lame any person they together with their accessaries before the facts shall suffer as felons without benefit of Clergie II. If any shall be convicted to have by Witchcraft Sorcery Charm or Inchantment undertaken to tell where any treasure or goods lost or stollen may be found or are become or to provoke any to unlawfull love or to destroy or hurt any cattel goods or person albeit the same be not effected they shall for the first offence suffer one year's imprisonment without bail once every quarter of that year-stand six hours upon the pillory in some open Fair or Market and there make open confession of the offence committed and for the second offence shall suffer as felons without benefit of Clergie III. But in these cases shall be no loss of dower or disherison of heir And a Peer being an offender shall be tried by his Peers ☞ Conspiracie I. Artic. sup Charta 10. 28 E. 1. Against Conspirators false Informers and imbraceors of inquests the King hath provided a Writ in the Chancery and the Justices of either Bench and Justices of Assize shall upon every plaint thereof award inquests thereupon without Writ II. Stat. 33 E. 1. Conspirators are such as bind themselves by oath or other alliance falsly and maliciously to indict and falsly to move and maintain pleas and such as cause children within age to appeal men of felony and retain men to maintain their malicious enterprizes And this extendeth as well to the takers as givers and also Stewards and Bailiffs who by their power maintain debates that concern not their Lords but other parties III. Stat. 7 H. 5. Whereas divers have been indicted for treasons and felonies supposed to be committed in places there being none such to be found every Justice having power to hear and determine such offences by the oath of twelve men whereof each shall have Free-hold within the County of the yearly value of 5 l. besides all reprises shall before Exigent inquire of Office whether there be indeed any such places or no And if there be no such place or places in the County where such appeals or indictments are made they and the process thereupon shall be void and the Indictors shall be punished by imprisonment fine and ransome at the discretion of the said Justices and if any Exigent be awarded before inquisition it shall be also void This Act to continue in force untill the next Parliament IV. Stat. 9 H. 5.1 The Stat. of 7 H. 5. shall continue in force untill the next Parliament after the King's return from beyond Sea V. Stat. 18 H. 6.12 The Statute of 9 H. 5.1 made perpetual because H. 5. dying beyond Sea some were of opinion it was expired Constable and Marshal I. Stat. 8 R. 2.5 The Constable and Marshall shall not have conusance of Pleas or suits which ought to be discussed at the Common Law II. Stat. 13 R. 2. Stat. 1.2 The Constable of England hath cognisance of things concerning Arms and Wars which cannot be discussed by the Common Law III. In this Court the Plaintiff shall plainly declare his matter in his Petition before the Defendant be sent for IV. When a Plea is commenced before the Constable and Marshall which may be tried at the Common Law the party grieved shall have a privy Seal to cause the Constable and Marshall to cease untill it may be decided by the King's Councel whether it may be tried there or at the Common Law Contra formam Collationis I. West 2.41 13 E. 1. If lands given to Abbies Priories Hospitals or other Religious Houses or to maintain a Chantery a light or Alms be alienated the King shall seize it and the purchaser shall lose both the land and his money II. If the house were founded by a Subject he shall recover the land by a Writ which see in the Statute at large III. If it were given to maintain a Chanterie a light or Alms and not aliened but the duty withdrawn two years together the donor or his heir shall recover it by Cessavit Conventicles 1. Stat. 16 Car. 2. cap. 4. The Stat. of 35 El. cap. 1. declared to be in force and further remedies against the dangerous practices of seditious Sectaries and other meetings in Conventicles under colour of exercise of Religion and the Act at large being upon continuance for 3 years after the end of this Parliament and to the end of the next session of Parliament after the said 3 years and no longer Conusance I. Stat. 9 H. 4.5 Where in Assizes and Pleas of land or rent within Franchises and ancient Demesne against certain persons the names of the Mayors Bailiffs or Communalties in Franchises and of the Lords or Bailiffs in ancient Demesne are therein also by collusion inserted supposing them also to be disseisors or tenants of the land and with purpose to exclude them from the conusance of the matter in Plea which by reason of their Franchises and Liberties ought to be discussed before them in such Assizes and Writs the Justices shall upon request first inquire by the same Assize whether they be indeed disseisors or tenants or whether their names be inserted by fraud as aforesaid II. If it shall be found by fraud the Assizes or Writs shall abate and the Plaintiff shall be grievously amercied notwithstanding there be others named therein who are in truth disseisors or tenants III. Stat. 8. H. 6.26 In Assizes or personal actions if the Defendant make default by collusion with purpose that Mayors Bailiffs or other Communalties or Lords and Bailiffs should lose their jurisdictions the Justices shall upon request inquire thereof by Assizes or inquests where both the Plaintiffs and the owners of such Franchises and Liberties may have their challenges And if collusion be found the Writs shall abate and the Plaintiff shall be amercied Copiholds I. Stat. 7 Jac. 21. Compositions made by Decrees in the Exchequer
Commissioners of both Houses of Parliament named in this Statute to treat with certain Commissioners of Scotland concerning the settlement of an union and peace between the Kingdoms of England and Scotland II. Stat. 4 Jac. 1. Laws of hostility and the dependancies thereof between the two Nations are repealed but this Act in that point is not to take effect until the like be acted in Scotland III. None shall be troubled for any wrong done before the death of Queen Eliz. by the laws of the Borders IV. Felonies committed by English-men in Scotland shall be tried in Cumberland Westmerland or Northumberland before Commissioners and Jurors of England and here the felon shall be admitted to have his witnesses examined upon oath and the prosecutor and his witnesses shall by any Justice of Peace of any of those Counties be bound by recognizance to prosecute and give evidence the prosecutor first tendring such witnesses their reasonable charges V. Here also the accessary shall be so tried albeit the principal be not convicted or attainted and neither principal nor accessary shall be allowed Clergy or peremtory challenge above five and the Indictment shall be good notwithstanding the words Contra pacem Coronam dignitatem nostras be omitted VI. No Sheriff or other Minister shall return any Juror upon such trial but such as have freehold worth 5 l. per annum in the County where the trial is had in pain of 40 l. for every Juror otherwise returned to be divided betwixt the King and him that will sue for it VII Here the offender shall not forfeit any lands nor have his bloud corrupted neither shall his wife lose her dower but he shall forfeit all his goods chattels and credits VIII The like act being intended to be made in Scotland when the like offence is committed in England by a Scotch-man afterwards fled into Scotland Justices of Oyer and Terminer Gaol-delivery and Peace of England have power to binde over by recognizance both the prosecutor and witnesses they being tendred their charges as before to appear in Scotland upon the trial which recognizance upon failer being certified into the Exchequer-chamber shall by decree there be made a debt to the King IX Scotch-men coming into England to prosecute or give evidence against an Offender in Scotland shall be free from arrests for any offence or cause whatsoever except treason and murther so long as they are in England for that purpose X. The offence shall be alledged in the indictment to be done in the place where indeed it was done XI He that is once tried in Scotland shall not be again called in question for the same offence but his former trial shall be a good plea for him unless by certificate from Scotland some other cause may be discovered XII No English man shall be sent out of England to be tried in Scotland But this is altered by the Statute following XIII The Jurors or the greater part of them may allow or reject any of the witnesses of either party as they shall in their discretions finde cause XIV Here the trial of a Peer shall be by his Peers XV. Stat. 7 Jac. 1. If an English-man shall commit felony in Scotland and then fly into England the Justices of Assize or one of them the Justices of Gaol-delivery in their Gaol-delivery or four of them or the Justices of Peace in Sessions or four of them may send the Offendor into Scotland to be tried Howbeit this Act shall not take effect until another of the like nature vice versa be made in Scotland XVI Stat. 16. 17 Car. 17. An Act for the confirmation of the Treaty of Pacification between the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland See the Statute at large XVII Stat. 16. 17 Car. 18. An Act for securing by publick faith the remainder of the friendly assistance and relief promised to our brethren of Scotland See the Statute at large Engleschire I. Stat. 14 E. 3. Stat. 1. cap. 4. Presentment of Engleschire is clearly abolished Entry and Writs of Entry I. Marlb 29. 52 H. 3. When so many alienations have been made that the Writ of Entry cannot be made in the usual form the Plaintiff shall have a Writ to recover his Seisin without mention of the degrees And this is called a Writ of Entry sur disseisin en le Post II. Glocest 7. 6 E. 1. If a woman alien her dower in fee or for life the heir or other person to whom the land ought to revert after her death shall immediately recover it by a Writ of Entry Entry lawful I. Stat. 32 H. 8.33 Where a disseisor dieth seized of lands that discent shall not take away the entry of the disseisee or his heir unless the disseisor had peaceable possession thereof five years next after such disseisin committed Errour I. Stat. 5 E. 3.2 in fine 10 E. 3. Stat. 2.3 Where Errour is made before the King's Steward and Marshal the Plaintiff may be Writ remove the Record into the King's Bench and may there have it redressed II. Stat. 31 E. 3. Stat. 1.12 The Lord Chancellor and Treasurer calling to them such of the Justices and other sage persons as they shall think fit as also the Barrons of the Exchequer to give the reasons of their judgments may examine erroneous judgments given in the Exchequer and if any errour be found may correct the Rolls to the end the Exchequer may proceed to execution III. Stat. 32 El. 3. Fines and Recoveries and all matters concerning them now extant and in being may be inrolled which inrolment shall be of as great validity as the same so extant and remaining in being IV. No Fine Proclamation or Recovery shall be reversable for false Latine rasure interlining mis-entring mis-returning not returning or any other matter of form and not of substance V. This Act shall not bar any from a Writ of errour upon any fine or recovery heretofore had and pursued within five years after this Parliament or which before the first of June 1582. was exemplified under the great Seal nor a feme covert Infant non compos mentis one in prison or beyond Sea so that they or their heirs pursue such writ within seven years after such imperfection restraint or absence removed and if any of them happen to die hanging the suit their heir may undertake it within one year after the said seven years and if the heir be under age then within one year after his full age VI. The day and year of the acknowledgment of a fine and of the warrant of Attorney for the suffering of a recovery shall be certified together with the concord or warrant and none shall be inforced so to certifie but within one year after such acknowledgment made or warnt given VII No Officer shall receive any writ of covenant or entry without the day so certified in pain of 5 l. VIII No Attornment upon any fine in a Quid juris clamat Quem redditum reddit or
the one and the other shall incur the pains ordained by the former Statutes VI. Stat. 14 R. 2.8 None shall be molested for not gauging of Renish wines nor incur any forfeiture for the same otherwise then hath been used of old time * VII Stat. 18 H. 6.17 All Tuns Pipes Tertians and Hogs-heads of Wine and Oyl to be sold within the Realm shall be lawfully gauged by the King 's Gauger or his deputy before they be sold in pain to forfeit to the King the Wine Oyl and Honey otherwise sold or the value thereof VIII If any sell any such vessel wanting the due measure he shall abate so much of the price as it wants of measure in pain to forfeit to the King the value of such Wine Oyl or Honey otherwise sold IX The Informer who will discover such forfeitures to the Lord Treasurer or Barons of the Exchequer shall receive half thereof for his labor * X. Stat. 23 H. 6.16 The Gauge-peny shall not be paid to the Gauger or any other in his name before he or his Deputies have gauged the Wines and then he may take it and no more XI He or his deputy shall upon request be ready to do their office and this Act is to be observed throughout the Realm upon the pain comprized in the Statute of 27 E. 3.8 * XII Stat. 31 E. 8. No Brewer shall sell or put to sale in London the suburbs or within 2 miles compass of the Suburbs any Beer or Ale in Buts Pipes Punchions Hogs-heads Tiercies or such other uessel brought from beyond Sea and never lawfully gauged within this Realm before the same be lawfully gauged and the true content thereof set down thereupon by the Gallon appointed for Beer and Ale according to the Standard by the Master and Wardens of the Coopers of the City of London or their Deputies neither shall any Brewer sell or put to sale any Beer or Ale in such vessel elsewhere in England or Wales before the same be lawfully gauged and the true content thereof set thereupon by such as by the Statute of the 23 H. 8.4 which see in Coopers are to have the Gauging of Barrels Kilderkins and Firkins elsewhere in England and Wales in pain to forfeit every such vessel and also the Beer and Ale therein to him that will seize the same and besides 10 s. for every such vessel all which forfeitures are to be divided betwixt the Queen and the prosecutor XIII The fees of the Gauger shall be for every But or Pipe a penny for every Punchion Hogs-head of Tierce an half-penny and for every other vessel after the like rate XIV This Act shall extend to Denizons as well as to strangers and the Gauger may retain the vessel until he be paid his fee. XV. The Master and Wardens of the Coopers in London or their Deputies or Deputy within 48 hours after request to them made shall come to any person in London or the Precinct aforesaid and shall gauge and mark his vessel in pain of forfeiting to him that makes such request 20 s. to be recovered by action of debt c. XVI This Act shall not extend to punish the Brewer that shall fill vessels which are imported and after they are so filled are immediately to be exported to be sent elsewhere out of this Realm Gigmills I. Stat. 5 6 E. 6.22 None shall use any Gigmill for the working of any wollen Cloth in pain to forfeit for every Cloth so used 5 l. to be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor ☞ Gold silver and Gold-smiths * I. Artic. sup Cart. Cap. 20. 28 E. 1. None shall make or cause to be made any Vessel Jewel or other thing of Gold or Silver except it be of good and true alloy viz. gold of a certain touch and silver of the sterling alloy or better and none shall work worse silver then money II. No vessel of silver shall depart out of the worker's hand until it be assayed by the Wardens of the craft and marked with the Leopards head neither any work worse gold then of the touch of Paris and the said Wardens shall go from Shop to Shop to assay gold whether it have the right touch and if any other be found it shall be forfeit to the King III. None shall make rings crosses or locks nor set any stone in gold unless it be natural And Gravers of stones and seals shall give to each their weight of Silver and Gold as near as they can IV. The Jewels of base Gold which they have they shall utter as soon as they can and if they buy any such work hereafter they may buy it to work upon but must not sell it V. The Gold-smiths of all other places in England shal be governed by this law and one shall come from each Town to London to be assertained of their touch VI. If any Gold-smith offend against this Law he shall suffer imprisonment and be ransomed at the King's will VII This Act shall not impeach the King's prerogative VIII Stat. 27 E. 3.14 All Merchants Denizons and strangers may import plate of Silver and billets of Gold and all other Gold and Silver to the Kings Bullion or his Exchanges taking their Gold or Silver equal to the value And any man take forreign coin without impeachment yet he may refuse it if he please IX No coin shall be currant in the King's Dominions but his own neither shall any export Gold sterling or other money save onely that which is new except Merchants strangers who importing money will imploy the same within this Realm in which case they may export without impeachment so much as they import or so much thereof as shall not be so imployed Howbeit lawful search thereof ought to be made in the Port where they arive and the money so imported must be put in writing by the searchers to the end they may not export more then they import but here no Officer by colour of such search shall unduly vex the Merchant stranger X. All false money shall be forfeited to the King * XI Stat. 7. E. 37. Every Gold-smith shall make his work of Silver lawfully of the Alloy of good sterling and shall have a proper mark by himself made known to such as shall be assigned by the King to survey his work or alloy XII The Gold-smith shall not set his mark thereunto until the surveyors have made their essay as shall be ordained by the King and his Council And when the essay is made the surveyors shall set to the King's mark and after the Gold-smith his mark XIII No Gold-smith shall take for vessel white and full for the weight of a pound viz. of the price of two marks of Paris weight but 18 pence as they do at Paris XIV If the Gold-smith be found in default he shall forfeit his false metal to the King * XV. Stat. 5 H. 4.13 None shall gild any Rings or other things made of Copper or Lattin save
forfeited is saved XXXV The Act shall not extend to any Sheriff or Minister of a Corporation so that they return like issues as before are limited XXXVI Stat. 4 5 P.M. 7. A Tales de circumstantibus may upon request for the King or Queen by any authorized thereunto or assigned by the Court or upon request by the Prosecutor or his Attorney and by the command of the Justices of Assize of Nisi prius be granted in a suit commenced upon a penal Statute XXXVII The Stat. of 35 H. 8.6 shall be interpreted to give like advantages to the king Queen and prosecutor as it doth there to the Plaintiff as if such suits for the King had been there particularly mentioned XXXVIII Stat. 5 El. 25. Tales de circumstantibus shall be grantable in the 12 Counties of Wales and the Counties Palatine of Chester Lancaster and Durham being of the same effect with the Statute of 35 H. 8.6 See the Statute at large XXXIX Stat. 14 El. 9. In case the Plaintiff or Defendant forbear or refuse to pray a Tales it shall be granted by the Justices of Nisi prius in England or those of Oyer or Assize in Wales Chester Lancaster and Durham at the prayer of the Defendant or Tenant and that as well in suits upon penal Laws as upon other trials XL. Stat. 27 El. 6. The ability of Jurors returned upon trials ordained by the Statutes of 2 H. 5. Stat. 2. cap. 3. and 35 H. 8.6 to be 40 s. per annum is increased to 4 l. per annum upon the like pain of 20 s. to be forfeited by the Sheriff or other Officer for every Juror otherwise returned and in that respect the writs shall be Quorum quilibet habet quatuor libras c. XLI Here the issues to be returned shall be as followeth viz. upon the first writ 10 s. upon the second 20 s. upon the third 30 s. and the double of 30 s. afterwards until a full Jury be sworn or the process otherwise cease in pain that the Sheriff or other Officer shall forfeit 5 l. for every Juror returned with less issues set upon him XLII Upon issues lost by a failer of lawful summons the Sheriff or other Officer shall forfeit the double issues XLIII The Sheriff or other Officer that takes a bribe and agrees to take it directly or indirectly for the sparing of a Juror shall forfeit 5 l. to be divided betwixt the Queen and the prosecutor XLIV Upon any trial two Hundreders shall be hereafter deemed sufficient notwithstanding any challenge hereafter to be made against the same XLV All lawful challenges shall be admitted notwithstanding this Act neither shall it extend to Juries in Corporations or Wales XLVI Stat. 16 17 Car. 2. cap. 3. All Jurors other then strangers upon trials Per medietatem linguae returnable for trial of issues in the King's Bench Common Pleas or Exchequer Justices of Assize or Nisi prius Oyer and Terminer Gaol-delivery or General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace after the 25 of April 1665 in any County of England shall have in their own name or in trust for them within the same County 20 l. per annum at least in their own or their wives right ultra Reprisas of Freehold lands or ancient Demesne or rents in Fee Fee-Tail or for life And in every County of Wales every such Jurors shall have 8 l. per annum as aforesaid And if any be returned otherwise it shall be a good cause of challenge and the party discharged upon his own allegation and oath thereof XLVII No Jury man's issues for default shall be saved but by special order of the Judges for good cause proved before the Judge where the issue is to be tried XLVIII The writs of ven fac to be made out accordingly and the Sheriff or other persons to make out pannels shall not return any persons but such as aforesaid upon pain for every person returned not having such estate the summe of 5 l. to the King his heirs and successors XLIX And for discovering such persons and estates every Sheriff shall on the first day of every Sessions after Easter yearly deliver to the Justices of the Peace then fitting the names of all such persons as are to be returned for Jury men to be by the said Justices or greater part of them approved for Jury men for the year then next ensuing and the said Justices may adde such others as are omitted by the Sheriff to serve of Juries for the said year And the Sheriff to incurre no penalty for returning any persons added by the Justices in case his estate be of less value then aforesaid L. No Sheriff or other shall return any person unless duly summoned by the space of six days at least before their days of apparance And have left with or for such persons in writing the names of all the parties in the causes in which they are to serve as Jurors nor shall take any reward to excuse the apparance of any Juror upon pain to forfeit 10 l. for every offence Saving to Cities and Towns Corporate their ancient usage in returning Jurors of such estate as hath been accustomed LI. Writs of ven fac ' Hab. Corpora or distringas in the County Palatine of Lancaster shall be sued out like as is used in other Counties in England returnable at the then next Assizes and like issues returned upon Jurors and to be Estreated as above provided LII And the Sheriff of the said County of Lancaster for the time being shall cause 12 lawful men so qualifyed as before appointed by this Act out of every of the six hundreds there to be duly summoned ten days before every Assizes to appear the first day of every Assizes there to attend all the said Assizes as Jurors in such causes between party and party upon pain to forfeit 10 l. to the use of the poor of the Town where such party offending doth inhabit to be levied as other issues of Jurors be levied LIII This Act to continue 3 years and to the end of the next Sesison of Parliament and no longer ☞ Justice and right and Justices I. Stat. 2 E. 3.8 No command shall be made under the great or little seal to disturb or delay common right and the Justices shall proceed to do right notwithstanding such commands II. Stat. 18 E. 3. Stat. 3.1 The oath to be given to Justices when they take their places to this effect viz. to serve the King in their Offices warn him of any damage do Justice take no bribe give no councel where he is a party maintain no suit nor deny right though by command from the King to procure the King's profit and to be answerable to the King in body lands and goods if found in default III. Stat. 20 E. 3.1 The King's Justices shall do right to all without respect of persons notwithstanding the King's letters or commands to the contrary wherewith if any be they shall acquaint
Officer there or unto the Lord Treasurer Chancellor under-Treasurer or one of the Barons of the Exchequer or unto the Attorney-general he shall forfeit 100 l. LXXIV Customers Controllers and Searchers have power to make Deputies in Ports Creeks and Roads and both they and their Deputies shall duly and faithfully execnte their offices in pain of a 100 l. and to lose their places LXXV Such custom shall be paid for sweet Wines as hath formerly been paid for Malmseys LXXVI This Act shall not infringe the liberties granted to the Isle of Anglesey and the Counties of Flint and Carnarvan so as they pay the due Customs and Subsidies and lade and discharge within the times and hours above mentioned LXXVII Stat. 43 El. 12. The Lord Chancellor or Keeper shall award a standing Commission to be renewed yearly or as often as to him shall seem meet for the hearing and determining of all such causes arising and policies of assurances as shall be entred in the office of Assurance in London LXXVIII This Commission shall be directed to the Judge of the Admiralty the Recorder of London two Doctors of the Civil Law 2 common Lawyers and 8 grave and discreet Merchants or to any 5 of them which Commissioners or the greater part of them shall have power to hear and examine order and decree all such causes in a brief and summary course as to their discretion shall seem meet without formality of pleadings or proceedings LXXIX The Commissioners have also power to summon the parties examine witnesses upon oath and commit to prison such as contemn or disobey their orders or decrees they shall meet and sit once a week at least in the office of Assurances or some other convenient publick place for the execution of the said Commission And no fees at all shall be there exacted by any person whatsoever LXXX If any be grieved by their sentence or decree he may exhibit his bill in Chancery for the re-examination thereof so as he first satisfie the sentence so awarded or deposit with the Commissioners the summ awarded and then albeit he be imprisoned he may be inlarged and here the Lord Chancellor or Keeper hath power to reverse or affirm every such sentence or decree and in case it be affirmed to award the party assured double cost LXXXI No Commissioner shall meddle in the execution of this Commission in any cause wherein himself is party Assurer or Assured not until he hath taken his corporal oath before the Mayor and Court of Aldermen to proceed uprightly and indifferently between party and party onely the Judg of the Admiralty and Recorder are excused from such oath LXXXII Stat. 3 Jac. 6. All the Kings subjects shall have free trade into and from Spain Portugal and France notwithstanding the late grant of an Incorporation to prohibit the same or any other Act or thing whatsoever to the contrary LXXXIII Provided that this Act shall not give liberty for any person to go beyond Sea who by Law is restrained from going without licence LXXXIV Stat. 3 Jac. 9. No merchant or other shall dress or cause to be dressed in his house or by any workman being no Skinner appointed by him for that purpose any black Cony-skins of this Realm nor transport any such or pack them to be transported before they be tawed and duly wrought by such as are Artizan Skinners or Tawers under them in pain to forfeit them or the value thereof LXXXV No Merchant shall buy or contract for any Cony-skins or Lambs-skins under the number of 1000 black Cony-skins 3000 grey Cony-skins and 2000 Lambs-skins at one and the same time to be so bought and delivered intirely together and not by parcels except they be bought of the Artizan-skinners neither shall the Merchant sell them again in less parcels then as aforesaid unless to the said Artizan-skinners in pain to forfeit the same or the value thereof LXXXVI None shall retain any Servant Journey-man or Apprentice to work in the trade of a Skinner unless he himself hath served 7 years as an Apprentice in the same trade in pain to forfeit the double value of his ware so wrought LXXXVII The forfeitures aforesaid are to be divided betwixt the King and the seisor or prosecutor LXXXVIII Stat. 4 Jac. 9. The general Statute of 3 Jac. 6. neither doth nor shall dissolve or impeach the Charter of Incorporation granted by Queen El. to certain Merchants of Exeter and their successors LXXXIX Stat. 14 Car. 2. ca. 23. Upon some defects in the Statute 43 Eliz. ca. 12. recited It is enacted That the Lord Chancellor or Keeper of the Great-Seal shall yearly issue out one standing Commission authorising Commissioners or any 3 of them whereof a Doctor of the Civil-Law or a Barrister at Common-law of 5 years standing to be always one to make a Court of Pollicies of Assurance and act as any 5 before might have done XC The said Commissioners or any 3 of them impowred to summon parties and witnesses and upon Contempts or delay in the witnesses upon first summons and tender of reasonable charges and in the parties upon second summons to imprison offendors or give costs every Commissioner having taken the oath before the Lord Mayor of London to proceed uprightly in execution of the said Commission XCI Commissions may issue out of the Court of Admiralty for examining witnesses beyond Sea or in remote place by direction of the said Commissioners or any 3 of them And decrees may be made against the body and goods and against the Executors c. and execution accordingly and assess costs of suit as to them shall seem just XCII Any of the Commissioners may administer an oath to any witness legally summoned so as the adverse party have timely notice to the end witnesses be truly examined XCIII Provided Execution in no case be against body and goods for the same debt XCIV Provided An Appeal may be to the Chancery as in the said former Act. Marshalsey I. Artic. super Cart. 3. 28. E. 1. The Stewards and Marshals of the Kings house shall not hold plea of freehold debt covenant or contract but only trespass done in the house or Verge or of contracts and covenants when both parties are of the house and the plea of trespass shall be determined before the Kings departure from the Verge where the trespass was committed and therefore the plea thereof shall be speedy de die in diem and if the plea cannot be determined in time the Plaintiff shall in such case have recourse to the Common Law II. The Steward shall from henceforth take no conusance of debt or other things but of the people of the same house nor shall hold plea by obligation made at the distress of the said Stewards or Marshals And if any thing be done contrary to this Act it shall be holden void III. In case of death within the Verge where the Coroner is to make view the Coroner of the County together with the Kings
unless his Ancestors have done it before the said voyage III. Such as be at a suit-fine shall be free from suit paying their Fine IV. The Parcenor having the eldest part shall do suit for his or her fellows and the rest shall be contributary V. Also one Joynt-tenant or Tenant in common shall do the suit and if there be no mean to acquit him the rest shall contribute VI. If a Lord distrain for suit not due the parties upon complaint shall have an attachment against the Lord to appear in the Kings Court at a short day when one only Essoin shall be allowed and the distress shall be delivered to the Plaintiff and there remain untill the Plea be determined VII If the Lord appear not at the day the Sheriff shall have command to distrain him by his goods and to have his body before the Justices at another day when if he appear not the Plaintiff shall go without day and the distress shall remain with him untill the Lord have recovered and in the mean time no more distresses shall be made saving to Lords their right to recover their suits when they will sue for them But here if the Lord be convict he shall allow the Plaintiff damages VIII Like Justice shall be done to Lords against Tenants that withdraw their Suits as to limiting of days and awarding of distresses and damages also if they recover but Lords shall not recover seisin of such Suits against their Tenants by default as they were wont to do And as concerning suits withdrawn before the time above-mentioned let the Common Law run as it was wont to do Swans I. Stat. 22 E. 4.6 None but the Kings Son shall have any mask or game of Swans of his own or to his use except he have Lands and Tenements of Freehold worth five Marks per annum besides reprises in pain to have them seised by any having lands of that value to be divided betwixt the King and the Seisor ☞ Swearing and Cursing * ☞ I. Stat. 21 Jac. 20. If any shall swear or curse within the hearing of a Justice of Peace or shall be convicted thereof by his own confession or the evidence of two witnesses upon oath before the same Justice he shall forfeit 12 d. to the use of the poor where the offence shall be committed to be levied by the Constable Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor there upon warrant from such Justice by distress and sale of goods and in default of distress if the offender be above 12 years old he shall upon warrant as aforesaid be set in the stocks 3 hours but if under then shall he be whipped by the Constable or by the Parent or Master in the Constables presence II. Here if the Officer be sued for the due execution of his Office he may plead the general issue and yet give special matter in evidence III This offence shall be complained of and proved as aforesaid within 20 days after it is committed And this Act shall be read in the Church twice in the year upon Sunday after Evening-Prayer Tail I. West 2.1 13 E. 1. WHere Lands are given to a man and the heirs of his body or to husband and wife and the heirs of their two bodies upon condition That if such man or such husband and wife die without issue that then the land should revert to the Donor or where land is given in frank-marriage and such a condition is conceived to be annexed or implied In all such cases heretofore the Feoffees after issue had had power to Alien and to dis-inherit the issue contrary to the mind of the Donors Wherefore now it is ordained That the Will of the giver according to the form in the Deed of Gift manifestly expressed shall be from henceforth observed so that they to whom the land was given under such condition shall have no power to alien the land so given but it shall remain to their issue after their death or shall revert to the giver or his heirs if issue fail neither shall the second husband of any such woman from henceforth have any thing of the land so given upon condition after the death of his wife by the Law of England nor the issue of such second husband and wife shall succeed in the inheritance but immediately after the death of the husband and wife unto whom the land was given it shall return unto the issue of the giver or his heirs as aforesaid II. Hereupon a new Writ of Formedon in descender is granted in this form Praecipe A. quod juste c. reddat E. Manerinm de F. cum suis pertinentiis quod C. dedit tali viro tali mulieri haeredibus de ipsis viro muliere exeuntibus or thus Quod C. dedit tali viro i● liberum maritagium cum tali muliere quod post mortem praedictorum viri mulieris praedicto B. filio corum viri mulieris descendere debeat per formam donationis praedictae ut dicit c. vel Quod C. dedit tali haeredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus quod post mortem illius talis praedicto B. filio praedicti talis descendere d beat per formam c. III. This Act shall extend to gifts hereafter to be made and not to gifts heretofore made and a Fine hereafter to be levied upon such lands shall be void in Law Neither shall the heir or reversioner albeit they be of full age in England or out of prison need to make their claim But this Law concerning a Fine is in some sort altered by 32 H. 8.36 which see in Fines Taxes Tenths Fifteens Benevolences Ship-money I Stat. 25 E. 1. Certain Taxes then before taken shall not be taken in custome but by the common assent of the Realm except antient Aids and Taxes II. Stat. De Tallagio non concedendo cap. 1. Temp. E. 1. No tallage or aid by us or our heirs shall be levied without the will and assent of the Archbishops Bishops Earls Barons Knights Burgesses and other free Commons of our Realm III. Stat. 1 E. 3. Stat. 2. cap. 6. Whereas after Taxes rated levied and paid into the Exchequer Commissions of review issued out by colour whereof the Justices thereto assigned took Fines of the Taxers and others it is ordained That from henceforth the people shall be taxed after the old manner and not otherwise IV. Stat. 11 R. 2.9 No imposition or charge shall be put upon Wooll Leather or Woolfels other than the Custom and Subsidy granted to the King in this present Parliament and if any be the same shall be annulled saving always unto the King his ancient right V. Stat. 9 H. 4.7 Goods shall be chargeable towards the payment of Tenths or Fifteenths in the place where they were at the time the same were granted howbeit none shall be twice charged for his goods VI. Stat. 1 R. 3.2 The Subjects of this Realm shall not be hereafter charged by any
use confidence or trust of any such person or persons or body politick shall be deemed and adjudged to be in him or them that have such use confidence or trust of any such quality manner form and condition as they had before in or to the use confidence or trust that was in them IX When divers persons are so seised to the use confidence or trust of any of themselves they amongst them that have such use or trust shall likewise have the seisin estate and possession in such quality manner and condition as they had the use or trust X. Howbeit the right title c. of all other except of the persons so seised to any use or trust is saved and all former right title c. is also saved to them XI Where any be seised to any use or intent that another shall have a yearly rent out of the same lands Cestuy que use of the rent shall be deemed in the possession thereof of like estate as he or she had that use and shall distrain for non-payment of the said rent and make Avowries Conusances and Justifications and use all other remedies therein as if the said rent had been actually granted to such Cestuy que use XII Where an estate is made in possession or use to husband and wife and his heirs or the heirs of their two bodies or of one of their bodies or to them for their lives or for the wives life for her Joynture in any of these cases she shall not have dower Howbeit upon a lawful eviction of that Joynture she shall be endowed according to the rate of her husbands land whereof she was dowable XIII Such a Joynture being made after Marriage the wife after her husbands death may refuse it and betake her to her dower unless such Joynture be made by Act of Parliament XIV Provided that this Act shall not extinguish release discharge or suspend any Statute Recognizance or other bond by the execution of any estate setled by force of this Act. XV. All Wills and Testaments heretofore made or hereafter to be made before the first of May 1536. shall be good in law in such manner as they were commonly taken and used within 40 years before the making of this Act. XVI The King shall not take advantage by occasion of the executing of any estate by Authority of this Act before the first of May 1536. viz. by having or demanding any primer seisi● livery Ouster le main fine for alienation relief or Herriot but after that time fines for alienations reliefs and herriots shall be paid to the King and also liveries and Ouster le mains shall be sued for uses trusts and confidences which shall be from thenceforth made and executed in possession by force of this Act neither shall any other Lord demand or take any fine relief or herriot by occasion of this Statute before the said first of May 1536. XVII This Act shall not be prejudicial to any person or persons born in Wales or the Marches thereof who have any estate to them executed by force of this Act in any lands in this Realm whereof any other person now stands seised to their use but such person or persons born there may lawfully have and keep all such lands by authority of this Act according to the tenor thereof ☞ Usury * I. Stat. 37 H. 8.9 None shall sell his wares or merchandize to any and within three months after buy the same again at a lesser price knowing them to be the same wares or buy any corrupt bargain of wares money or other thing or buy any Mortgage of land and take in gain for giving day of payment more then according to the rate of 10 l. per centum for one whole year in pain to forfeit the treble value of the profits of such lands mortgaged to be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor and besides shall suffer imprisonment and make fine at the Kings will II. Stat. 13 El. 8. All Bonds Contracts and Assurances upon Usury in lending or doing any thing contrary to the Statute of 37 H. 8.9 shall be void and all Brokers and Soliciters thereof shall be adjudged and used as Counsellors Attorneys or Advocates in any case of Praemunire III. He that takes no more then after the rate of 10 l. per centum or less shall only forfeit the interest to be recovered and imployed as the forfeitures of 37 H. 8.9 IV. Justices of Oyer and Terminer of Assize and of Peace in their Circuits and Sessions and Mayors Sheriffs and Bailiffs of Cities have power to hear and determine all offences committed against 37 H. 8.9 V. The Statute of 37 H. 8.9 shall be construed largely and strongly against the party offending by any way or device directly or indirectly VI. This Act shall not extend to any allowances or payments for the finding of Orphans according to the ancient rates of London or of any other City where order is taken for their custody and goods as in London VII The offender against the Statute of 37 H. 8.9 may also be punished by the Ecclesiastical Laws VIII Stat. 21 Jac. 17. None shall upon any contract directly or indirectly take for the loan of any money or other commodities above the rate of 8 l. per centum for one whole year in pain to forfeit the treble value of the money or other things lent IX No Scrivener Broker or Solicitor shall take or receive directly or indirectly for Brokage above the rate of 5 s. for the loan of 100 l. for one whole year nor above 12 d. for making a Bond in pain to forfeit 20 l. to be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor and also to to suffer six moneths imprisonment X. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 13. None shall upon a contract directly or indirectly take for the loan of any money wares merchandises or other Commodities above the rate of 6 l. per Cent. for loan of a 100 l. for a year and so proportionably upon pain to forfeit treble the value of the money or other things lent XI No Scrivener Broker or Solicitor shall take or receive for brocage above the rate of 5 s. for the loan of 100 l. for a year nor above 12 d. for making a bond upon pain of forfeiture of 20 l. to be divided between the King and the prosecutor and to suffer half a years imprisonment Wager of Law I. Magna Cart. 28. 9 H. 3. NO Bailiff shall put any man to his open Law or to an oath upon his own bare saying without faithful witnesses brought in for the same II. Stat. 38 E. 3.5 Any man may wage his Law by sufficient people of his condition against Londoners papers and the Creditor shall take surety otherwise if he please but shall not put the party to plead to the Enquest unless he will so do of his own accord III. Stat. 5 H. 4.8 In Actions of debt upon the arrearages of an account feigning to the
intent to put the Defendants from their law that the same was found before their Apprentices or servants as Auditors assigned therein it shall be in the Judges discretion upon examination of the Attorneys or whom else they please to receive the Defendants to their law or to try the same by Inquest ☞ Wales I. The second Volume of the Book of Old Statutes is a long Act made Anno 12 E. 5. entituled Statuta Walliae whereby it appeareth that Wales was then incorporated and united to England and there you shall also find many good Laws concerning the division of Wales into Counties Trials and Division of Actions together with divers forms of Writs and the proceeding thereupon much like to the Laws of England For all which see there that Act at large II. Stat. 28 ● 3.2 All Lords of the Marches of Wales shall be perpetually attending and annexed to the Crown of England as they and their Ancestors have been in times past and not to the Principality of Wales in whose hands soever the same shall come III. Stat. 9 H. 4.4 No Thief or Felon in Wales openly known shall be suffered to disclaim out of the Seigniory where the Felony was committed But such manner of disclaimer shall be from henceforth utterly put out and such Thieves shall be put to answer to Indictments and other accusations in the Seigniory where they are taken without being delivered by disclaiming or Letters of Marque IV. Stat. 2 H. 5. Stat. 2.5 If a Welsh-man that doth forcibly take and detain an English-man until he be ransomed will not upon process awarded against him by the Justices appear and answer the same untill he be outlawed the Justices shall certifie the same under their seals to the Officers of the Seigniories where such outlaw is who shall apprehend and do execution upon him according to the Law But this is now altered by 27 H. 8.26 which see after V. Stat. 26 H. 4.8 Forthwith upon the charge given to an Enquest in Wales or the Marches thereof upon any traverse against the King or trial of any recognizance broken or any forfeiture due to the King or upon trial of any murderer felon or accessary an officer or other person shall be deputed and sworn in open Court for the true keeping of the Jurors who without special order of the Court shall not suffer them to have any bread drink meat fire or light nor to speak to any person whatsoever nor speak to them himself before they are agreed upon their verdict unless it be only to ask them whether or no they are agreed and all this such● Keeper shall observe in pain to be imprisoned and fined at the discretion of the Court. VI. Here if the Jurors give any untrue verdict against the King contrary to good and pregnant evidence or otherwise misdemean themselves the Lord President and Council upon complaint thereof have power to convent them before the said Council and to punish them at their discretions VII ☞ Stat. 26 H. 8.6 All persons dwelling in VVales or the Marches thereof upon warning of any Court to be kept within their respective limits shall appear there in proper person to do their service in pain of such Fines forfeitures and amerciaments as shall be assessed upon them by the respective Courts where they owe such service to be levied by distress to the use of the King within his Lordships there and of other Lords marchers within theirs VIII If any Steward or other Officer there do feign any untrue surmise against any person that shall so appear as aforesaid and thereupon commit him to prison contrary to Law or the custom of that Lordship the Commissioners or Council upon complaint have power to send for such Steward or Officer and if upon good proof it be found that the party was so imprisoned without lawful cause they shall assess such Steward or Officer to pay him 6 s. 8 d. for every day of his imprisonment or more at their discretions as the damage shall deserve the Commissioners shall also fine him to the Kings use whether he appear or not and may compell him by imprisonment to pay such fines and penalties both to the King and the party grieved IX None in VVales or the Marches thereof coming to any Sessions or Court there shall bring or cause to be brought thither or to any other place within two miles thereof or to any Town Church Fair Market or other Congregation except upon a Hue and Cry or into the High-way affray of the Peace of the Kings People any Bill Low-Bow Cross-bow hand-gun Sword Staff Dagger Halbert Morespike Spear or any other Weapon Privy Coat or Armour in pain to forfelt the same unless it be by the command or license of the Justices a Steward or other Officer or of the Commissioners or Council there X. None without the Commissioners license in writing shall there or in the Counties thereto adjoyning require or levy any Commorth Bydal Tenants Ale or other collection or exact any money goods or other thing under colour of marriage or suffering of their children saying or finging their first Masses or Gospels of any Priests or Clerks or for the redemption of any murder or other felony or for any other cause whatsoever or shall make or procure to be made any games of running wrastling leaping or any other games the game of shooting only excepted in pain to suffer a years imprisonment and to be fined at the discretion of the Commissioners who shall by this Act have power to hear and determine the said offences Neither shall any cast any Arthell into any Court there by reason whereof it may be letted or discontinued at that time in pain to suffer a years imprisonment XI Courts in Wales and the Marches thereof shall be kept in the most sure and peaceable places of each Lordship Marcher where the Justice Steward or other Officer thereof shall appoint XII Justices of Peace and Goal-delivery in the Counties next adjoyning to VVales where the Kings Writ runneth may hear and determine the offences of counterfeiters washers clippers or diminishers of Coin and all felonies and their accessaries committed in VVales or the Marches thereof And acquittal or fine making for any of the said offences in any Lordship marcher shall be no barr for any person or persons indicted for the same within 2. years next after such offence committed XIII The said Justices of Peace and Goal-delivery have power to award all manner of Process as well of Outlawry as otherwise against every such offender and shall send to the Lord or Officer of the Lordship where the offender is resiant a Certificate under the seals of two of them at least of any such outlawry or attainder commanding him under the pain of 100 l. to be forfeited to the King to apprehend or cause to be apprehended the body of such offender and safely to keep him untill such convenient time before the next Goal-delivery of the
County where he was so outlawed as shall be thought fit for his conveyance thither and then he shall be conveyed from marcher to marcher by the Lords or Officers thereof to the said next Sessions of Goal-delivery of the County where he was so outlawed as aforesaid And here the Lords marchers and Officers aforesaid by whom he is so to be conveyed shall not be negligent herein in pain to forfeit each of them so making default 100 l. to be levied to the Kings use Also the said Lords or other Officers shall at the said Sessions make due return of such Certificate upon the like pain Howbeit here all traverses challenges exceptions advantages and all other Pleas upon any such outlawry are saved to the offender XIV Here an offender attainted of Felony as Principal or accessary upon surety found for the good behaviour may for one time only by the assent of the President and two Commissioners be discharged and admitted to a Fine to be levied for the King's use so as no appeal be then depending against him for such offences XV. Provided That this Act shall not extend to abridg the liberty of any Lord Marcher unless such offender be outlawed or attainted by force of this Act within two years after the offence committed XVI All Felonies and their accessaries committed in the County of Merioneth shall be inquired heard and determined in the Counties of Carnarvan or Anglesey before the Justice of North-Wales or his Deputy by Enquest of Carnarvan and Anglesey or otherwise at the discretion of such Justice or his Deputy XVII All Officers and their Deputies upon command of the Commissioners or Council shall bring send or deliver every offender in Felony to the Officer of the Lordship marcher or other place where the offence was committed upon the bounds of such Lordship or to the said Commissioner or Council as such Officers shall be commanded in pain of 40 l. which command shall be sent by a Serjeant at Arms or a Pursuivant then attendant upon the said Council XVIII ☞ Stat. 27 H. 8.7 All the Kings Subjects and friends may pass freely on horseback or on foot and with Cattel Wares or otherwise through all or any of the Forests in Wales without payment of any unlawful exactions or suffering any other damage whatsoever And no Forester or other shall commit any such offence in pain to be tryed for the same as Robbers before the Justices of Peace of the Shire adjoyning XIX Cattel which stray into any Forest there and are challenged within a year and a day by the right owner shall be re-delivered unto him upon demand and if the Forester or other officer or farmer there refuse to re-deliver them they shall forfeit to such owner double the value of such cattel and he may have an Action of Detinue for the recovery of them to be tryed in the County next adjoyning in which action like Process of outlawry shall be had as in an Action of Trespass at the Common Law XX. Stat. 27 H. 8.26 Wales shall be incorporated united and annexed to and with England and all persons born there shall enjoy all Liberties as other Subjects in England do also Lands shall descend there according to the English Laws and not after the form of any Welsh Laws or Customs XXI The Laws and Statutes of this Realm and none other shall be had and used and executed in Wales in like manner as in this Realm and as shall be farther declared by this Act. XXII Divers Lordships Marchers are united to English Counties others to Welsh Counties and the residue are divided into new particular Counties by themselves viz. Monmouth Breknoke Radnor Mountgomery and Denbigh XXIII The County of Monmouth shall consist of these Lordships Townships Parishes Commotes and Cantredes viz. Monmouth Chepstow Maberne Llannihangel Magor Goldecliff Newport Wenlong Ilanwerne Caerlion Uske Trelecke Tinterne Skinfreth Grousmount Wïtecastle Raglan Calicote Biston Abergavenny Penrose Greenfield Maghen and Hochuystade all which said places shall be hereafter guildable and reputed as parts and members of the County of Monmouth whereof Monmouth shall be reputed the Shire-town And the Sheriff of the County shall keep his County-court at Monmouth and Newport alternis vicibus XXIV All Actions for lands and other things may be laid and sued in the County of Monmouth and tried there by Assize or Nisi prius and Venire facias and all other process may be awarded thither by the Justices Also the Inhabitants there shall be obedient to the Kings Officers and Laws and the Sheriffs and Escheators of that County shall perform their duties and render account in the Eschequer as is used in or for any other County of England XXV The Lordships Towns c. to be reputed members of Breknoke-shire shall be Breknoke Creckehowel Tretoure Penkelly English Talgarth Welsh Talgarth Dians the Hay Glincbogh Broyulles Canterbely Lando Blainlilby Estrodew Buelthe and Iingros Also the Shire-town shall be Breknoke and the Shire-court shall be kept there XXVI The Lordships Towns c. of Radnorshire shall be New Radnor Elisherman Elvelles Bonghred Glosebury Glawdistre Mihelles Church Meleneth Blewagh Knighton Norton Preston Commorhader Rayder Gwethronyon and Stonage Here also New Radnor shall be the Shire-town and the County or Shire-court shall be holden at New Radnor and Rother Gwy in the same County alternis vicibus XXVII Those of Mountgomeryshire shall be Mountgomery Cedwenkery Cawryland Arustely Kiviliocke Doythur Powesland Clunestand Balesle Tempcester and Alcestre Whereof Mountgomery shall be the Shire-town and the County-court shall be holden there and at Maghenteth in the same County alternis vicibus XXVIII Those of Denbighshire shall be Denbyland Ruthin Saint Kiynllethowen Bromfield Yale Chirk Chickland Molesdale and Hopesdale The Shire town also shall be Denbigh and the County-court shall be holden at Denbigh and Wrexham in the said County alternis vicibus XXIX The King shall yearly appoint Sheriffs Escheators and other Officers accomptants for the Counties for Breknoke Radnor Mountgomery and Denbigh and shall have a Chancery and Exchequer at Breknoke where the said Officers of the Counties of Brekenoke and Radnor shall yearly accompt before such Auditors Chamberlain and Baron as the King shall appoint for that purpose There shall be also another Chancery and Exchequer at Denbigh where the said Officers of the Counties of Mountgomery and Denbigh shall also accompt before such Auditors Chamberlain and Baron as aforesaid XXX Justice shall be administred and executed in the Counties of Breknoke Radnor Mountgomery and Denbigh according to the Laws and Statutes of England and such other customs and laws now used in Wales as the King and his Council shall allow by such Justice or Justices as shall be thereunto appointed by the King and after such manner as Justice is administred in the Counties of North-wales XXXI In the marches of VVales there shall be made guildable and annexed to the County of Salop the Lordships Towns Parishes Commotes Hundreds and Cantredes of
Oswestrie VVhetington Masbr●ke Knoking Ellesmer Down and Cherbury Hundred Here also Oswestrie VVhetington Masbroke and Knoking shall be known by the name of the Hundred of Oswestrie and the Inhabitants thereof shall be attendant at Sessions Assizes and Goal-delivery as the Inhabitants of other hundreds within the said County of Salop use to do Also Ellesmer cum membris shall be united to the Hundred of Pimhill in Com. Salop and the Inhabitants thereof shall be attendant as aforesaid Likewise the Lordship of Down cum membris shall be united to the Hundred of Cherbury in Com. Salop and the Inhabitants thereof shall give their attendance as aforesaid Howbeit neither the said Hundreds of Cherbury or Oswestrie nor the Lordship of Ellesmer shall be hereby otherwise priviledged than as Hundreds annexed to the County of Salop as other Hundreds be within the said County XXXII In like manner the Lordships Towns Hundreds c. annexed to the County of Hereford are Ewyas Lacy Ewyas Harold Clifford Winsorton Yerdesley Huntington Whitney Wigmore Logharneis and Stepluton whereof Wigmore and Logha●neis with their members shall be called the Hundred of Wigmore and Ewyas Lacy cum membris the Hundred of Ewyas Lacy but Ewyas Harold shall be united to the Hundred of Webtree in Com. Hereford and Clifford Winforton Yerdlesley Whitney and Huntington shall be called the Hundred of Huntington Here also the Inhabitants shall be attendant at Sessions Assizes and Goal-delivery holden for the County of Hereford but these Lordships c. shall claim no priviledge but as Hundreds or members of Hundreds of the same County XXXIII Likewise the Lordships Towns and Parishes of Wollaston Tidman and Becheby and all Honours Lordships Castles Lands Tenements and Hereditaments lying between Chepstow-Bridge and Glocestershire shall be annexed to the County of Glocester as par● thereof and shall be parcel of the Hundred of Wesebury in that County Also the Inhabitants thereof shall be attendant as aforesaid and shall claim no priviledge but as Hundreders of the Hundred of Wesebery aforesaid XXXIV Gowerwilney Bishops town Landaffe Signithe supra Signithe subtus Miskin Ogmore Glencothney Tallagarn Ruchien Tallavan Lambelthion Lantwid Tyerial Avan Neth Landway and the Clays shall be Guildable and united to the County of Gl●morgan and justice shall be administred in Glamorganshire so united according to the Laws of England as in the three Counties of North-Wales and not according to the Welsh Laws XXXV Lanemthevery Abermeles Redwely Elkenning Cornwolthon Newcastle Emlin and Abergoyly shall be Guildable and annexed to the County of Caermarthen where also Justice shall be administred as aforesaid XXXVI Haverfo●d west Kilgara● Lansteffan Langherne alias Tellanghern Walwinscastle Dewis-land Lanny haddein Lanfrey Herberth Slebeche Rosmarket Castellan and Lland of Loure shall be Guildable and annexed to the County of Pembroke wherein Justice shall be administred as aforesaid XXXVII Tregarn Generglin Landwy and Urency shall be Guildable and united to the County of Cardigan and there also justice shall be administred as aforesaid XXXVIII Mountway shall be Guildable and annexed to the County of Merioneth in North-Vales as a commote or part thereof XXXIX All Justices Commissioners Sheriffs Coroners Escheators Stewards and their Lievetenants and all other Officers and Ministers of Law shall proclaim and keep Sessions Courts Hundreds Leets County-Courts and all other Courts in the English tongue and all oaths of Officers Juries and Enquests and all Affidavits Verdicts and Wagers of Law shall be given and done in the same tongue XL. None that use the Welsh language shall have or injoy any office or fees in any of the Kings Dominions but shall forfeit them unless he use the English XLI The Sheriffs of Monmouth Breknoke Radnor Mountgomery and Denbigh shall put every unruly person under common Mainprize as the Sheriffs of the three Counties of North-VVales use to do XLII The Sheriff of Monmouth shall certifie such recognizances common mainprize and surety of apparence at every quarter-Sessions of that County and the persons so bailed shall appear at the two Sessions holden at Easter and Michaelmas until they be released XLIII The Sheriffs of Breknoke Radnor Mountgomery and Denbigh shall certifie such recognizances c. before such Justice as the King shall appoint at every Sessions to be holden in the said Counties XLIV All persons under bail for appearance in the Counties of Breknoke Radnor Mountgomery Denbigh Glamorgan Caermarthen Pembroke and Cardigan either by the Sheriffs or Justices of those Counties shall appear before the said Justices at every Sessions as is used in the three Counties of North-VVales XLV The lay and temporal Lords Marchers shall have the moity of every such recognizance forfeited within their respective Precincts to be paid them by the Sheriff if he can levy them who is also to answer the other moity to the King in the Exchequer upon his account XLVI The Lord Chancellor shall forthwith after this Parliament direct a Commission under the great seal for the division of the Counties of Caermarthen Pembroke Cardigan Monmouth Brekenoke Radnor Mountgomery Glamorgan and Denbigh into convenient Hundreds to be returned into the Chancery and there to remain of Record which shall be of like force as an Act of Parliament XLVII Commissions also shall issue forth to inquire after the Welsh Laws and Customs and such of them as shall be thought fit by the King and Council to be continued shall stand and be in full force notwithstanding this Act. XLVIII Two Knights for the County and one Burgess for the Burrough of Monmouth shall be chosen to serve in Parliament XLIX Also one Knight shall be chosen for each County of Breknoke Radnor Mountgomery and Denbigh and for every other County in VVales and for every Burrough being a Shire-town except the Shire-town of Merioneth one Burgess L. The said Knights and Burgesses shall be elected and enjoy like priviledges and fees as Knights and Burgesses of England And the Knights fees shall be levied of the Commons of each County and those of the Burgesses as well of the Shire-towns whereof they be Burgesses as of all other ancient Burroughs within the said respective Counties LI. All Lords Marchers shall enjoy all such liberties mises and profits as they had or used to have at the first Entry into their lands in times past notwithstanding this Act. LII The Laws and Customs of the three Counties of Northwales and of the County Palatine of Lancaster are saved LIII This Act shall not extend to derogate any other Act heretofore made for the trial of treason murther or felony or accessaries thereunto committed in any Lordship Marcher in VVales or in any Court of England next adjacent thereunto LIV. Lands by the Custom partable amongst males shall so continue notwithstanding this Act. LV. The King hath power within three years to suspend or repeal this Act As also within 5 years to erect as many Courts of Record or others and to appoint as many Justices and other Officers in VVales as
he should think fit LVI Stat. 33 H. 13. Hope Asaph Hawarden Moldesale Mereford and Os●l●y shall be reputed to be within the County of Flint as part thereof and not in any other County Howbeit they shall pay their taxes with the Inhabitants of such Shire or Shires as hath been formerly accustomed LVII Also Hope Modesdale Mereford Oseley and Hawarden shall be called the Hundred of Modesdale in the County of Flint and Asaph shall be reputed parcel of the Hundred of Ruthland in the same County LVIII Stat. 34 35. H. 8.26 VVales shall be divided into twelve Counties whereof eight were ancient Counties viz. Glamorgan Caermarthen Pembroke Cardigan Flint Carnarvan Anglesey and Merioneth also four other were made by the Stat. of 27 H. 8.26 viz. Radnor Breknoke Mountgomery and Denbigh besides the County of Monmouth and divers Lordships united to the Counties of Salop Hereford and Glocester LIX The limitations of Hundreds lately made within the said Counties by Commission out of the Chancery and again returned thither shall stand in force except such of the same as have been since altered by any Act and shall be altered by this LX. There shall remain a President and Council in VVales and the Marches thereof with officers and incidents thereunto as hath been used which President and Council shall hear and determine such causes as shall be assigned to them by the King as heretofore hath also been used LXI Sessions shall be kept twice a year in the Counties of Glamorgan Breknoke Radnor Caermarthen Pembroke Cardigan Mountgomery Denbigh Carnarvan Flint Merioneth and Anglesey which Sessions shall be called the Kings great Sessions LXII The Justices of Chester shall hold Sessions twice a year in the Counties of Denbigh Flint and Mountgomery for his old Fee of 100 l. per Annum LXIII The Justices of North-VVales shall do the like in the Counties of Carnarvan Merioneth and Anglesey and shall have a Fee of 50 l. per annum LXIV A person learned in the Law to be appointed by the King shall be Justice in the Counties of Radnor Breknoke and Glamorgan and shall likewise hold Sessions twice a year and have for his Fee 50 l. per annum LXV Another such person to be appointed as aforesaid shall be Justice in the Counties of Caermarthen Pembroke and Cardigan and shall hold Sessions and have fee as aforesaid LXVI The said Justices shall have Commissions under the great Seal for their Offices to be executed by themselves or their Deputies LXVII These Justices may hold pleas for the Crown in as large manner as the Lord chief Justice or the other Justices of that Bench may do and also pleas of Assizes and all other pleas and actions real personal and mixt in as large manner as the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas or the other Justices of that Court may do LXVIII They shall also enquire hear and determine all criminall offences whatsoever committed within their several limits and administer common justice to all the Kings Subjects there according to the Laws Statutes and Customs of England and this present Ordinance LXIX The said Sessions shall each of them hold six days as hath been used in North-wales and notice thereof shall be given by Proclamation fifteen days at least before they keep the same LXX Dayes shall be given in all Pleas Plaints Process and adjournments from day to day and Sessions to Sessions at the discretion of the said Justices for the good and speedy administration of Justice LXXI The seal for the three Counties of North Wales viz. Merioneth Carnarvan and Anglesey shall remain in the custody of the Chamberlain of North-Wales The seal for Carmarthen Pembroke and Cardigan with the Chamberlain of South-Wales That for Breknoke Radnor and Glamorgan with the Steward and Chamberlain of Breknoke That for Denbigh and Mountgomery with the Steward and Chamberlain of Denbigh And that for Flint with the Chamberlain of Chester LXXII The said Stewards and Chamberlains shall with the Seals Seal all Original Writs and Process returnable before the Justices at the Sessions as aforesaid and shall answer the profits thereof to the King But none of them or any Chancellor shall by occasion of keeping such Seals compel any person inhabiting in any of the said 12 Shires to appear before themselves or their Deputies or hear or determine any pleas or causes whatsoever otherwise then as by this Ordinance is limited And such writs and process shall be returned before the said Justices as hath been used before the Justice of North-Wales LXXIII All that shall be Stewards Chamberlains or Chancellors within any of the said twelve Shires having Offices of Receipt Collection or account of any of the Kings Rents Revenues or profits there may direct process under the said Seal being in their charge within the limits of their Authorities against Bailiffs Reeves Farmers and other Ministers accomptant to appear before themselves for any such Rents Revenues Farms or Profit as hath been heretofore used But for nothing else nor to any other person LXXIV The Steward 's also may hold Leets Law-dayes or Court Barons of the Lordships whereof they are Stewards and also pleas by plaint under 40 s. in every such Court-Baron and have and enjoy all authorities and profits thereunto belonging notwithstanding any Law or Custome in Wales to the contrary Howbeit neither they nor Sheriffs shall have power to enquire of Felonies in any such Leet Law-day or Turn Neither shall they keep any Leet or Law-day but in such places where they were used to be kept before the Statute of 26 H. 8.6 So as the place be convenient for the keeping of such Courts LXXV Mayors Bailiffs and Head-Officers of Corporate towns in Wales may hold pleas and determine Actions so as they observe the Laws of England and not Welsh Laws or Customs They may also try issues by six men as in divers places hath been used notwithstanding this Act. LXXVI The King may within seven years dissolve Boroughs in Wales and erect others there by his Letters Pattents LXXVII Officers certain fees appearing in the Kings Letters Pattents shall continue but not their casual fees claimed by colour of their offices any Custome in Wales or this Act to the contrary notwithstanding LXXVIII Each Justice shall also have a judicial seal to seal all bills and judicial processes sued before them in the Sessions whereof the first shall remain with the Justice of Chester for Flint Denby and Mountgomery The second with the Justice of North Wales The third with the Justice of Glamorgan Breknoke and Radnor And the fourth with the Justice of Pembroke Caermarthen and Cardigan Also every such Justice shall accompt and answer to the King the profits of the seal in his custody as shall be hereafter declared And the Teste of every bill and process that passeth under such seal shall be under the name of the Justice that issueth it out as is used in the Common-Pleas in England LXXIX All Actions real
the cause shall require but if such plea or voucher be tryable in England the Justice of Wales before whom they are pleaded or made may proceed to tryal thereof in such County of Wales where they are so pleaded or made such forreign plea or voucher notwithstanding CXX All Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in VVales and in the Lordships and places annexed by the Statute of 27 H. 8.26 to the Counties of Salop Hereford Glocester or any other Shires shall be English tenure and not partable amongst heirs males according to the Custome of Gavelkind CXXI No Mortgages of lands c. made in any of the said Counties or places shall be hereafter allowed or admitted otherwise than after the course of the Common-Law and Statutes of England CXXII It shall be lawful for all persons to alien their Lands c. in VVales the County of Monmouth and other places annexed as aforesaid from them and their heirs to any person or persons in Fee-simple fee-tail for life or years according to the Laws of England notwithstanding any Welsh Law or Custome to the contrary CXXIII If any person having lands in VVales be bound in England by a Statute-Staple or Recognisance and pay not the debt accordingly in such cases upon certificate into the Chancery of England Processes shall be made to the Sheriffs of VVales out of the said Chancery for the due levying of the said debt as is used in England Howbeit for such Recognizances as are taken in the Kings Bench or Common Pleas of England Processes shall be pursued immediately from the Justices of the said Courts as in England also is used CXXIV All such Writs Bills Plaints Pleas Process Challenges and Trials shall be used throughout all the Shires aforesaid as are used in North VVales or as shall be devised by the President Council and Justices or three of them whereof the President to be one CXXV Where there shall be some Suits in Pleas personal which cannot be well tryed before the Justices in the great Sessions for shortness of time such issues may be tryed at the petty Sessions before the Deputy-Justices as is used in the three Counties of North VVales save only for such Suits as by the discretion of the said Justices shall be necessary to be tryed before themselves Howbeit there shall be no suit taken before any of the said Justices by Bill under the sum of 20 s. CXXVI No other Liberties Franchises or Customs shall be used or claimed in any Lordship which was anciently part of Wales whosoever be owner or owners thereof but only such as be given to the Lords thereof by force of the Statute of 27 H. 8.26 and not altered by this Act notwithstanding the Stat. of 32 H. 8.20 which see in Franchises CXXVII If any murther or felony be committed in Wales the party or parties grieved shall make no agreement with the offender or with any other in his behalf unless he first acquaint the President Council or Justices therewith in pain of imprisonment and grievous fine at the discretion of the President Council and Justices or two of them whereof the President to be one the like punishment also they shall incur that labour or procure such agreement although it never take effect CXXVIII If any person or they whose estate he hath have peaceable possession of Lands in Wales by the space of 5 years without interruption or lawful claim such person shall continue the same untill they be recovered from him by law or decree of the President or Council there CXXIX If in personal actions pursued before the Justices nine of the Jury be sworn and the residue make default or be tryed out in that case the Sheriff may return other names de circumstantibus until the Jury be full as is used in North VVales and elsewhere in such cases CXXX No sale of goods or cattel stollen in Wales and sold in any Fair or Market there shall alter the propriety thereof such sale notwithstanding CXXXI No person shall buy any quick cattel in VVales out of the Fair or Market unless he can produce credible witness of the person place and time he so bought the same in pain of such punishment and fine as shall be set by the President and Council or any of the Justices in his Circuit and to answer it at his further peril CXXXII If any goods or cattel be stollen in VVales the tract shall be followed from Town to Town and Lordship to Lordship according to the Laws and Customs heretofore used in Wales upon such penalty as hath been heretofore accustomed CXXXIII Any man being a Frecholder may pass upon a Jury in all causes both criminal and civil attaint only excepted saving to every man his lawful challenge according to the Laws of England Howbeit none shall pass in attaint unless he have Freehold of 40 s. per annum CXXXIV Tenants and resiants in Wales shall pay their Tallage at the change of their Lords in such places aad after such form as hath been accustomed in Wales CXXXV The Kings Subjects in VVales shall find at the Parliaments in England Knights for the Counties and Citizens and Burgesses for the Cities and Towns to be chosen by the Kings Writ according to the Statute of 27 H. 8.26 and shall also be chargeable to all Subsidies and other charges granted by the Commons of the said Parliaments and pay all other rents farms customs and duties to the King as hath been accustomed fines for redemption of Sessions only excepted which the King is pleased to remit CXXXVI Haverford-west shall find one Burgess for that Town whose charges shall be born by the Mayor Burgesses and Inhabitants of the said Town and by none other CXXXVII The King shall have all Felons goods goods of persons outlawed Waifs Estrays and all other forfeitures and escheats and shall be answered thereof by the Sheriffs saving the right of all others having lawful title thereto CXXXVIII Errours and Judgments before any of the Justices in their great Sessions in Pleas reall and mixt shall be redressed by Writ of Errour out of the Chancery of England returnable before the Justices of the Common Pleas as other Writs of Errour be in England but Errors in Pleas personal shall be reformed by Bill before the President and Council and if the Judgment be affirmed good in any of the said Writs or Bills then there to make execution and all other process thereupon as is used in the Kings Bench of England and that the Plaintiff in every such Writ or Bill pay for the same like Fees as is used in England CXXXIX No execution of any Judgment given in any base Court shall be stayed by reason of any Writ of false Judgment but execution may be had at all times before the reversal of such Judgment and if such Judgment shall after be reversed the Plaintiff shall be restored to what he hath lost by such Judgment CXL All process for urgent and weighty causes shall be
between Tine and Tees fees of Earls and Barons in the Marches where the Kings writ runs not and where such Archbishops Bishops Earls and Barons ought to have such Wards albeit they hold of the King in some other place XXXII Prerog Reg. 2. 17 E. 2. The King shall have the marriage of an heir being within age and in his Ward whether his lands have appertained to the Crown of ancient continuance or came by Escheat being in the Kings hands or by reason of another wardship without respect of priority or posteriority of feoffment albeit such heir held also of others XXXIII Prerog Reg. 6. 17 E. 2. If a Woman before her ancestors death that held of the King in chief be married before her age of consent the King shall have the ward of her body untill her age of consent and then it is at her election whether she will have him whom she first married or him whom the King will offer her XXXIV None that holds of the King in chief by Knight-service shall without the Kings licence alien so much of his lands that the residue is not sufficient to do his service Howbeit this is not to be understood of members and parcels of such lands XXXV Stat. 14 E. 3. Stat. 1.13 After the death of the Kings tenant in chief the Escheator shall cause to be seised into the Kings hands the lands as to their office appertains without doing waste in houses Woods Parks Ponds or other extortions which may tend to the damage of the heir and forthwith after the Diem clausit extremum delivered to him shall make return thereof by a good and true extent in the Chancery XXXVI After such return if the next friends of the heir to whom the inheritance cannot descend shall come and offer to take the said lands untill the heir be at age and to give for the same as much as another without fraud by accord of the Chancellor and Treasurer they shall have Commission to keep them upon good security untill his full age answering to the King the value thereof XXXVII Howbeit this Act shall not conclude the King from having an Action of waste against such Guardians and Farmers the Heir also may have like Action against them when he comes to age XXXVIII Stat. 39 H. 6.2 Women being of the age of 16 years at the time of the death of their Ancestors shall have livery of their lands descended to them XXXIX Stat. 4 H. 7.17 The Statute of Marlb 6. 52 H. 3. before 4. is confirmed XL. The Lord of Cestuy que use no Will of his Ancestor being declared in his life time shall have a Writ of right of Ward for the body and the land and the heir of Cestuy que use being at full age at the death of his ancestor shall pay relief the heir also of Cestuy-que use shall have like action of waste as if his ancestor had dyed seised and if the Lord be barred in his Writ of right of Ward the Defendant shall recover damages The Court of Wards Vide Courts Numb XXXIV VVares I. Stat. 5 El. 7. None shall bring or cause to be brought into this Realm from beyond Sea any girdles harness for girdles Rapiers Daggers Knives Hilts Pummels Lockets Chapes Dagger-blades Handles Scabbards or Sheaths for Knives Saddles Horsharness Stirrops Bits Gloves Points Leather laces or Pinnes being ready wrought beyond Sea to be sold bartered or exchanged in this Realm or Wales in pain to forfeit the same or the value thereof to be divided betwixt the Queen and the Prosecutor VVarranty I. The Statute of Bigamy 6. 4 E. 1. Indeeds conteining Dedi concessi tale tenementum without non-age or any clause of Warranty and to be holden of the donors and their heirs by a certain service in this case the donors and their heirs are bound to Warranty But where the deed is dedi concessi c. to be holden of the chief Lord of the fee or of other and not of the feoffors and their heirs reserving no service and without homage and the aforesaid clause here the feoffors Heirs shall not be bound to Warranty Howbeit the feoffor himself during his life by force of his own gift is bound to warrant II. The Statute of Glocester 3. 6 E. 1. Where tenant by the curtesy aliens his Wives land his son having no ossets by descent shall not be barred to recover the land by a Writ of Mortdancester of the seisin of his mother albeit his fathers deed mentioneth that he and his heirs shall be bound to warranty but in case any land descend to the heir of his fathers side he shall be barred for the value of the inheritance so descended III. Also if afterwards any inheritance descend to him by the same father the tenant shall recover against him of the seisin of his mother by a Judicial writ to be issued out of the Rolls of the Justices before whom the plea was pleaded to resummon his warranty as hath been heretofore used in cases where the warrantor pleads ●iens per descent from him by whose deed he is vouched IV. Likewise the issue of the son may recover by Writ of Cousinage Ayel and Besayel neither shall the heir of the Wife be barred of his action after the death of his father and mother by writ of Entry for land which his Father did alien in the time of his mother whereof no fine is levyed in the Kings Court. Warr. I. Stat. 1 E. 3.7 Whereas Commissioners have heretofore prepared men of Arms and conveyed them to the King of Scotland Gascoigne and elswhere at the charge of the Shires whereby the Commons have been much impoverished The King wills That it shall be done so no more II. Stat. 18 E. 3.7 Men of Arms Hoblers and Archers chosen to go in the Kings service out of England shall be at the Kings wages from the day that they depart out of the Countreys where they are levied till their return III. Stat. 25 E. 3. Stat. 5.8 None shall be constrained to find men of Arms Hoblers or Archers but by tenure of land or grant in Parliament IV. Stat. 4 H. 4.13 The Statutes of 1 E. 3.7 18 E. 3.7 and 25 E. 3. Stat. 5.8 shall be holden in all points yet so as Lords and all others that have lands in Wales or the Marches thereof or hold of the King by Escuage or other service shall in no wise be excused of their service and devoirs due to the King for their lands fees annuities pensions or other profits V. Stat. 11 H. 7.18 Every person in England and Wales having any office fee or annuity of the Kings grant shall personally attend upon him when he goes himself in person in the Wars unless he have the Kings licence or be letted upon some just cause well proved in pain to forfeit such office fee and annuity Howbeit this Act shall not extend to any spiritual person the Master of the Rolls or other
Officer or Clerk of the Chancery Justices of either Bench Barons of the Exchequer or other Officers or Clerks of the said places the Kings Attorney or Sollicitor Serjeants at Law any of the Kings Officers in Berwick or Carlisle or the Clerk of the Kings Council See also another Statute to the like effect for the fo●feiture of lands made 19 H. 7.1 VI. Stat. 16.17 Car.c. 2. An Act was made for the relief of the Kings Army and the Northern parts of this Kingdome otherwise called the Act of the Poll money or four Subsidies VII Cap. 3. Another Act was made for the reforming of some things mistaken in the Stat. of 16 Car.c. 2. And to make good the Acts of the Commissioners and other Officers by them authorized or appointed and to be then authorized or appointed VIII Cap. 4. Another Act was made for the levying of two intire Subsidies for the further relief of the Kings Army and the said Northern parts of the Kingdome IX Cap. 5. An Act was made for the levying of Mariners Sailers and others for the present guarding of the seas and necessary defence of the Realm X. Cap. 9. This Act was made for the speedy provision of money for disbanding the Armies and setling the peace of the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland XI Cap. 13. Another Act for the securing of such moneyes as are or shall be due to the Inhabitants of the County of York and the other adjoyning Counties wherein the Kings Army is or hath been billeted for the billet of the souldiers of the said Army as also to certain Officers of the same Army who do forbear part of their pay according to an Order in that behalf made in the Commons House of Parliament this present Session for such part of their pay as they shall so forbear VVaste I. Magna Charta 4.9 H. 3. No Waste shall be made by the Guardian in Wards lands and if the custody be committed to the Sheriff or any other that is accomptable to the King and they commit waste they shall make recompence and the wardship shall be committed to two discreet men of the fee who shall answer the issues of the land to the King or his Assignee II. The Committee of the Ward making such waste shall lose the custody and then likewise he shall be committed to two discreet men who shall be answerable to the King as aforesaid III. Magna Charta 5.9 H. 3. The Guardian of the Wards lands shall with the issues thereof uphold his Houses Parks Warrens Ponds Mills and other things pertaining to the said lands and shall deliver unto him at his full age lands stored with ploughs and other things at least as he received them IV. The like shall be observed in the custodies of all spiritual dignities which pertain to the King during their vacancy Howbeit such custodies ought not to be sold V. Marlbr 23.52 H. 3. Pars inde Farmers during their terms shall not make waste sale or exile of house woods men or any thing else which appertains to the tenements that they have in farm without special license had by writing of Covenant making mention that they may so do in pain that they being thereof convict shall yield full damage and be grievously punished by amerciament VI. The Statute of Glocester 5.6 E. 1. An Action of Waste is maintainable against tenant by the courtesy in dower for life or years and the party attainted thereof shall lose the thing wasted and recompence thrice so much as such waste is taxed at VII As for Waste done in the time of Wardship Magna Charta 4. 9 H. 3. before 1. shall be observed and moreover the Guardian shall recompence the heir for the waste done if the Wardship lost shall not amount to the value of the damages before the Heirs full age VIII West 2.14.13 E. 1. The processes in an action of waste shall be summons attachment and distress and if the defendant appear not upon the distress a writ of enquiry shall be directed to the Sheriff to inquire of the waste upon return whereof the Court shall proceed to Judgment according to the Statute of Glocester cap. 5. before IX West 2.22.13 E. 1. An action of waste shall be maintainable against one tenant in common against another of wood turfland fishing or the like and when the cause comes to Judgment the defendant shall choose either to take his part in a certain place to be set out by the Sheriff with a Jury or to grant to take nothing but as his pernors do and if he chuse to take his part in a place certain the place wasted shall be assigned for his part The writ in this case is Cum A. B. tenent Boscum pro indiviso B. fecit vastum c. X. The Statute of Waste 20 E. 1. An action of waste is maintainable by the heir for waste done in his ancestors time as well as for that done in his own time XI Artic. sup Chart. 18.28 E. 1. An action of waste is maintainable against Escheators and Sub-escheators for waste by them commitred in Wards lands XII Stat. 11 H. 6.5 An action of Waste is maintainable by the reversioner against tenant for life or years that first aliens his estate to a stranger and afterwards still receiving the profits thereof commits waste Howbeit this Statute shall not extend to such tonants as hold without impeachment of waste ☞ VVatches I. Stat. 5 H. 4.3 Watches shall be kept upon the Sea-costs as they were wont to be and in that case the Statute of Winchester shall be observed Which see in Robbery II. In every Commission of Peace hereafter to be made this article shall be inserted viz. That the Justices of Peace shall have power in their Sessions to inquire of Watches and to punish them who shall be found in default according to the tenor of the said Statute ☞ VVax * Stat. 11 H. 6.12 No Wax-chandler shall sell or put to sale any Candles or other wares made of Wax at a dearer rate then that he may have only 4 d. in every pound of wares above the common price of plain wax in pain to forfeit all such wares put to sale and the value of them sold and besides to make fine to the King II. Justices of Peace Mayors Bailiffs and Stewards of Franchises have power to examine and search concerning the breach of this Law and also to hear and determine the offences committed against it III. Stat. 23 El. 8. None in mingling or making of wax shall use or cause to be used any deceit by mixture and mingling the same with Rosin Tallow Turpentine or other deceitful thing to the intent to sell it or to put it to sale in pain to forfeit the same And if such deceitful wax happen to be sold before it be discovered the melter or procurer thereof shall forfeit for every pound thereof 2 s. to be divided betwixt the Queen and the party deceived if he will