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A30035 The pilgrim's progress, from Quakerism to Christianity containing, a farther discovery of the dangerous growth of Quakerism, not only in points of doctrine, but also in their politicks, respecting their government, and opposite to it, together with their fund or common bank to support the same : with a remedy proposed for this malady, and the cure of Quakerism : to which is added an appendix, discovering a most damnable plot, contriv'd and carrying on by New-Rome, by an united confederacy, against the reformed religion and professors thereof, as will appear from the designs of their silent meetings, their monthly, quarterly, second-day, six-week, and yearly meeting, all which are particularly herein treated on / by ... Fr. Bugg. Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724? 1700 (1700) Wing B5383; ESTC R20744 232,865 530

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1 Ed. 6. c. 2. 37 Hen. 8. c. 17. 8 Eliz. c. 1. 1 K. W. Q. M. N. 307. And such Meetings let the Pretence be never so seemingly good are interpreted to be Regnum in Regno viz. not only independent but opposite to the Civil Government and should the Bishops and Clergy so meet with never so real a Purpose to promote real Piety and Christianity of which the Quakers is but a Counterfeit they thereby would as the Learned in the Law say run themselves into a Praemunire Neither do or are any People in England so bold so to Meet in Contempt of the Laws of the Land expresly against the King's Prerogative the Rights of Parliaments and the Liberty and Property of the Subject the Quakers only excepted whose Principles are Extrajudicial and Antimagistratical and of how dangerous a Consequence Time will best demonstrate for hitherto they have not been able to do Hurt as to the Government But see one of their own Books before they got to this Height in Oliver Cromwell's Days intituled The West answering to the North c. by G. Fox and others of them p. 80. viz. Any Party of Men under a Government to make Laws not being Authorized so to do for the Binding of others and thereunto require Obedience is the setting up of themselves above the Law and treading it under their Feet and rendring of them whom they so Bind their Slaves and Vassals and so is TREASON Object IV. As for what is Collected which they call a Fund is not for Stipends for our Teachers we have no Mercenary Teachers nor among us Attendants on both Houses of Parliament c. Answ This is all false in Fact 1. I do affirm and offer to prove it That their Teachers have Stipends and great Sums of Money out of the Money collected if I do not let but my Superiors give me the Opportunity I will engage to forfeit my Life yea as clearly as Daniel proved to the King the Fraud of Bell's Priests And also will shew the private Entrance or Passage which the Quakers Mercenary Teachers go in and out to this Fund or Bank or Common Stock or Collection let it have a Name of the Quakers own giving if that will please them without strewing Ashes If I do not do this let me suffer if I do and that I also shew that the Charges Attending the Parliament come out thereof then let this Fund Stock or Bank together with their Yearly Meeting and all other their Monthly Quarterly Six-Week and Second-Day's Meetings which are not designed for Worship but for Government be supprest and let them be content with their Meetings on Sundays for Publick Worship with their Doors open as other Dissenters have Now if they be but as Confident as Bell's Priests were let them try the Experiment I am ready to engage them when the Government shall call me to it and by no other Methods than is usual oft-times with the Members of the House of Commons to use when they would find out a hidden Secret which they fear tends to subvert the Government Object V. G. Whitehead in Excuse of the Quakers recording their Sufferings as only to have have recourse to and not designed to render the Government odious to Posterity Answ I answer this is such a fallacious Evasion that it serves only to shew their Hypocrisie Read but The Picture of Quakerism drawn to the Life c. p. 102 to 106. and The Pilgrim's Progress c. first Edition p. 167. where five Quotations are at large taken out of their Prints written by W. Penn R. Barkley and others of Note amongst the Quakers and they afford a Demonstration and Proof sufficient and which they never yet gainsaid by Answer thereunto Object VI. G. W. pag. 69. of his Truth and Innocency Vindicated c. says Let their Books and ours be compared to clear our Innocency from their Adversaries gross Calumnies Perversions Misrepresentations c. Answ Content with all their Hearts But tho' I am no Prophet nor the Son of a Prophet yet I dare venture to say that Geo. will not be so willing to put their Cause upon this Issue as the Priests of Bell and the Dragon were to put their Fraud to the Test No theirs was a sufficient Example to their Followers in Deceit and Falshood And I marvel G. W. should have the Face to propose a Thing which they have these Fifteen Years to my knowledge always refused and when any one proposes it they fly off and cry out Persecution Persecution For he knew both many of his own Books as well as Fox's Burrough's and their Chieftains are well fraught with Errors Blasphemy Seditious and Bloody Treasonable Principles And that they stood in as much need of an Act of Oblivion as any People upon English Ground and with which all their Crimes might for all me have been buried had they not revived them and told us over and over That their Principles are now no other than what they were in the Beginning Thus having answer'd these Objections I shall add no more on this Head only referr to my former Book intituled The Picture of Quakerism Part 2. pag. 121 to 128. for more of this Nature which probably may be of good Use if the Poor Man's Counsel be taken Eccles 9.14,15,16 Read the Ninth Chapter of Joshua at your leisure And now to conclude with a Word of Encouragement to such who are concern'd in the Discovery of Quakerism Do you not remember the Day I am sure I do how the Quaker-Teachers went into Churches and disturb'd the Established Ministers But now none must disturb them if they do the Officer is call'd for and the Offender prosecuted Witness Geo. Keith did but desire to go into the Quakers Meeting at Bristol this present August and they refused his going in tho' he promised not to disturb them but threatned him with executing the Law against him as in his printed Relation appears more at large This is a certain Sign of what they would do in other Cases had they Power I say do you not remember how they challenged the Publick Ministers to dispute to answer their Queries c. It would make a Volume to handle this Matter throughly But behold here is a Change with them you may challenge them long enough but cannot get them out of their Holes they see and know they are discover'd this makes them Timorous and as the Scriptures say Fearfulness surprize the Hypocrites They see this that and the other Book come out against them which they cannot answer nor are they able to defend themselves and now they call out for a Cessation of Arms and are for an Amicable Conversation yea for Peace and Quietness and 't is Seditious to challenge them and remind them of their Errors this is against Magna Charta say they Geo. Keith hath three times called them out and challenged them but they dare not appear but like self-condemn'd Apostates lye mute
Invasion from France to Subvert our Religion Laws and Liberty We whose Names are hereunto Subscribed do heartily sincerely and solemnly profess testifie and declare That His present Majesty King William is Rightful and Lawful † † This was a bitter Pill to the Quakers Second-Day Meeting King of these Realms And we do mutually promise and engage to stand by and assist each other to the utmost of our Power in the Support and Defence of His Majesty's most Sacred Person and Government against the late King James and all his Adherents * * Oh! this grated on our new Saints And in case His Majesty come to any violent or untimely Death which God forbid We do further freely and unanimously oblige our selves to Vnite Associate and Stand by each other in revenging the same upon his Enemies and their Adherents and in Supporting and Defending the Succession of the Crown c. This Act of Parliament put the Quakers to a great Consternation and what to do they could not tell they having at the same time spent much Money Time and Pains in procuring an Act of Parliament that their Affirmation should be taken instead of an Oath and it had gone thro' the House of Commons and was under Consideration of the House of Lords For think they if we do nothing our Act will not pass Well at their Second-Day Meeting Mar. 23d 1695 6. their Teachers Assembled together and no doubt great Consultings there were and particularly about those Words Lawful and Rightful King * For the French King had not yet owned him King Of Great Britain also whether they should join ●ith the Protestants in their Uniting and Associating to stand by each other in revenging his Blood in case he had come to a violent or untimely Death c. Well these two Points were largely debated and possibly might hold many Hours However it pass'd in the Negative but yet lest their Bill for their Affirmation to be taken in Lieu of an Oath should not pass they agreed thus far namely to get a Paper printed not mentioning what Meeting it was framed at not Signed with any of their Names to it nor the Name of King William once mentioned and if this Paper think they will but pass it will not do us much Hurt in case our Old Friend come again for none of our Names are to the Paper nor at what Meeting it was contrived nay nor so much as the Name of what King we mean and in regard we have obtained the Repute of an innocent well-meaning People it may do well enough So away they went trudging to the House of Lords and presented divers of them A Copy thereof is as followeth viz. The Ancient Testimony and Principle of the People call'd Quakers renewed with Respect to the King and Government and touching the present Association We the said People do solemnly and sincerely declare That it hath been our Judgment and Principle from the first Day We were called to profess the Light of Christ Jesus manifested in our Consciences unto this Day That the setting Up and putting Down Kings and Governments is God's peculiar Prerogative for Causes best known to himself and that it is not our Work or Business to have any Hand or Contrivance therein nor to be Busie bodies in Matters above our Station much less to Plot and Contrive the Ruin or Overturn of any of them but to Pray for the King and for the Safety of our Nation and Good of all Men that we may live a Peaceable and Quiet Life in all Godliness and Honesty under the Government which God is pleased to set over us And according to this Our Ancient and Innocent Principle we often have given forth our Testimony and now do against all Plotting Conspiracies and Contriving Insurrections against the King or the Government and against all Treacherous Barbarous and Murtherous Designs whatsoever as Works of the Devil and Darkness And we sincerely bless God and are heartily thankful to the King and Government for the Liberty and Priviledges we enjoy under them by Law esteeming it our Duty to be True and Faithful to them And whereas we the said People are required to Sign the said Association We sincerely declare That our refusing so to do is not out of any Disaffection to the King or Government nor in Opposition to his being declared Rightful and Lawful King of these Realms but purely because we cannot for Conscience-sake Fight Kill or Revenge either for our selves or any Man else And We believe that the timely Discovery and Prevention of the late Barbarous Design and Mischievous Plot against the King and Government and the sad Effects it might have had is an Eminent Mercy from Almighty God for which we and the whole Nation have great Cause to be humbly thankful to him and to pray for the Continuance of his Mercies to Them and Us. From a Meeting of the said People in London the 23d of the First Month called March 1695 6. Thus endeth their March Ancient Testimony 1696. Thus Reader I have given you a Copy verbatim of the Quakers Paper presented to the House of Peers and I being then in London wrote a Reply thereunto March 27. 1696. and presented it to the Lord's House who immediately rejected the Quakers Paper notwithstanding all its fine and innocent Words telling the Quakers they must be plain and tell them what King they mean Secondly Whether they believed he was both Rightful and Lawful King Thirdly That they must Sign their Paper Now these three things grated sorely on their tender Consciences for they went home sadly angry with Francis Bugg for being instrumental in the Discovery of their deep Hypocrisie for had that Paper pass'd that no Body Signed no King's Name to it if the late King had returned they had been Fish whole still and as Loyal Subjects as ever they were before Thus Reader to prevent their Cavil that I take but a Piece of their Sentences and wrong the Sense I have recited their whole Testimony Verbatim But before I proceed to give you their April Ancient Testimony let me give the Reason at least one probable Reason why it was rejected and would not pass the House of Lords so as to effect their Design as also what Communication I guess they had about it c. For I being at London the 24th of the same Month I went to the House of Lords where I had one of the recited Testimonies given me I went to my Lodging and perceiving their Prevailing thro' their Pretences of seeming Sincerity and Innocency c. I wrote a Paper by way of Reply and the 27th of March I gave away about an Hundred to the Lords who accepted of them and presently one of the Peers came out and call'd Geo. Whitehead and told him That their Paper would not do for they had not so much as mention'd what King they mean'd nor yet declar'd him Rightful and Lawful King of these
in Answer to my Modest Defence where you say p. 7. But sure we are and always ready to make it appear that neither are our Books Blasphemous nor our Principles Pernicious Again p. 11. We are ready to undertake the Proof of every Doctrine we hold by and from the Scriptures this is False in Fact and a Notorious Lie in the Face of the Government First In that you knew I had presented to the Parliament the Reprint of an entire Book of yours stiled Ishmael c. which is both pernicious to the Fundamentals of Christianity and horridly Blasphemous Secondly In refusing to prove any one Doctrine you held at West Dereham Thirdly In refusing to meet Geo. Keith upon any of his Invitations Again p. 10. We sincerely own all that is written in the Scriptures concerning Christ respecting his Conception Birth Life Miracles Doctrines Death Burial Resurrection Ascension Mediation and Future Coming to Judgment when in reality you own not one of those Articles rightly nor as all Orthodox Christians own them as G. Keith's 4th Narrative has from your Books made evidently to appear Again p. 6. ibid. That we assume Rules of Discipline in Church Matters they are for our selves only Powers in Matters of Religion for and among our selves only Nor say they do we see how those Acts could be truly called Acts of Toleration to Dissenters if they did not tolerate each sort of Dissenters to assume Rules of Discipline Power in Matters of Religion and Forms of Church Government for and amongst themselves c. Again p. 11. And if it relate to Religious Performances as it seems to do by the next words i. e. having their Monthly Quarterly and Yearly Meetings c. From whence it is plain that these Monthly Quarterly and Yearly Meetings then when it suit their turn they own to be Religious Meetings and as such tolerated by the Act of Toleration and without allowing them the Act could not be called An Act of Toleration Yet to shew that Liars had need to have good Memories they in Contradiction to themselves when pinched from another Quarter for keeping their Doors Lock'd Barr'd or Guarded to prevent Inspection they in their Just Censure c. p. 26. confess saying These Meetings are not intended for Worship what then What For Government and to assume Rules of Discipline and Forms of Church Government which is more than the Establish'd Church can legally do without His Majesties Licence and therefore worse and more dangerous their Doors being kept Lock'd or Guarded and expresly against the very Act of Toleration in which is this Clause viz. Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Assembly of Persons Dissenting from the Church of England shall be had in any place for Religious Worship and such only the Act tolerates with Doors Lock'd Barr'd or Bolted during any time of such meeting together all and every such Person or Persons that shall come to and be at such Meeting shall not receive any Benefit from this Law but be liable to all the Pains and Penalties of all the aforesaid Laws recited in this Act for such their Meeting notwithstanding his taking the Oaths and his making and subscribing the Declaration And likewise as the Learned in the Law say Such Meetings with Doors Lock'd c. to assume Rules of Discipline and Forms of Church Government are expresly against the Rights of Parliaments the King's Prerogative and Liberty of the Subject and these Statutes following viz. 28 H. 8. c. 19 21. 27 H. 8. c. 15. 37 H. 8. c. 17. 3 Ed. 6. c. 10 11. 1 Eliz. c. 12. 5 Eliz. c. 1. 1 Ed. 6. c. 2. 8 Eliz. c. 1. 1 K. W. Q. M. Magna Charta c. 29. Pet. Right and that such as so meet run themselves into a Premunire But the Quakers being a united Confederacy a Body Politick Incorporated and having a Fund or Common Bank to support and propagate their Principles they are too powerful for any single Person and thereupon the Government is prayed to take it into their Consideration And that these Meetings are not within the Act of Toleration but obnoxious to the Laws and of a dangerous Consequence I have more fully shewn in my Pilgrim's Progress from Quakerism to Christianity c. 2d Edit in Octavo wherein I have more largely set forth their Monthly Quarterly Second-day Six-week and Yearly Meetings shewing they are not only for Government as themselves now confess but a Government Imperium in Imperio But one thing I cannot but observe in these Meek Harmless Quakers viz. in their representing the Justices Grand Juries and Burgesses of Norfolk and Suffolk as a Bloody-minded sort of Tyrants and that to the Right Honourable and Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons Assembled in Parliament then no wonder they treat me at that disdainful rate they do and the Reverend Clergy for my sake but as hitherto Thanks be to God the Protestant Magistrates and the Episcopal Clergy have been a Bulwark against Popery so I trust they will against the prevalency of Quakerism and the danger of them which seems to threaten both them and the Nation A just Censure c. p. 12. And consider say they whether it was decent in the Aldermen and Burgesses of Bury c. thus to Impeach the Wisdom and Conduct of the Government P. 13. That all those high Charges in the Petition exhibited against us are grounded but upon their own groundless Jealousies they how mannerly say they let others judge offer the Parliament Hobson 's Choice cut our Throats or knock out our Brains And would they have the Honourable the House of Commons undertake this Inhumane piece of Butchery to defile their Hands in the Innocent Blood of so many Thousands of harmless People to Enact such a Barbarous Tragedy only to remove the groundless Fears of a few Jealous-headed Aldermen Justices Grand Juries c. of Bury c. P. 15. God forbid they should swim into it i. e. a peaceful Life and the Enjoyment of their Religion through a Sea of Innocent Blood c. But why is all this Why 'T is only that they prayed the House of Commons to take these things into their Consideration and that the Principles and Practices of the Quakers might be Examined and their Errors Censured and Suppressed whether by obliging them to Retract their Errors or if not to order their Books to be Burnt by the Common Hangman or any other Method as to their great Wisdom shall appear to deserve c. and for this Noble Act this Generous and Christian Undertaking with that Modesty which highly became them to be thus Censured by the Quakers to Impeach the Wisdom of the Parliament to excite them to a Barbarous Tragedy to cut their Throats that they may swim through a Sea of Blood is not only a False Pernicious and Scandalous Representation of the Petitioners and their Right of Petitioning but it is Imperious in
Gulielmi Mariae Regis Reginae Angliae Scotiae Franciae Hiberniae primo May 24. 1698. this Act passed the Royal Assent N o 308. Provided always that nothing herein contained shall be construed to exempt any of the Persons aforesaid from paying of Tythes or other Parochial Duties or any other Duties to the Church or Minister nor from any Prosecution in any Ecclesiastical Court or elsewhere for the same Well after much struggling between the Foxonian Quakers that hold it Antichristian to pay Tythes tho' voluntarily paid yea a compleat Denial of Christ to be come in the Flesh quoting 1 John 4.3 yea downright Ranterism on the one Hand and the Storian Quakers who held it lawful to pay if the Supream Power gave it them nay not only the Tenth Part but even the Fifth Part if the Party thinks his Minister want it I say great Strugglings and Writings and Disputings were on both Parts about this so nice a Point and so necessary to be decided Wherefore at a Yearly Meeting held at London June 1693. and by the Authority of the same it was thus amongst other things Enacted And therefore that all due and godly Care be taken against the grand Oppression and Antichristian Yoke of Tythes that our Christian Testimony born (r) Soft Words and hard Names mixt and greatly suffered for be faithfully maintained against them in all Respects and against Steeple-House-rates That Friends at all their Monthly and Quarterly Meetings be reminded to call for the Record of the Sufferings of Friends to see that they be duly gathered truly entered and kept and accordingly sent up to London as hath been often advised both of what Tythes c. are pretended to be due and for how long a time and the time when taken and by and for whom and what Goods are taken and the Value thereof as well those not exceeding as those exceeding the Sums or Quantities demanded it being a Suffering for both for Truth-sake they being in these Particulars found defective and imperfect in divers Counties which is an Obstruction to the general Record of Friend's Suffering And THEREFORE the Monthly and Quarterly Meetings are advised to take more Care for the future that all Friends Safferings for Truth-sake may be brought up to London as FULL and COMPLEAT in ALL Respects as POSSIBLE may be Thus Reader you see That this Act of Parliament being brought to the Quakers Light the Higher Power it is condemned as a GRAND Oppression and an ANTICHRISTIAN YOKE of Bondage suitable to the Doctrine of Fox Journal p. 400 to 478. R. Pye The Antient Test p. 2. T. Ellwood and Barclay The Anarchy of the Ranters c. p. 42. Ellwood 's Antidote p. 78 139. But still there is another Clause in the said Act of Parliament above-recited which they take as little Notice of as that of Tythes viz. Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Assembly of Persons dissenting from the Church of England shall be had in any Place for Religious Worship with the Doors lock'd barr'd or bolted during any time of such Meeting together all and every such Person or Persons that shall come to and be at such Meeting shall not receive any Benefit from this Law but be liable to all the Pains and Penalties of all the aforesaid Laws recited in this Act for such their Meeting notwithstanding his taking the Oaths and his making and subscribing the Declaration aforesaid Another Instance I may recite to shew the Presumption of the Quakers in their Yearly Convocations viz. In the xxii of K. Charles II. there was an Act of Parliament made Entituled An Act to prevent and suppress Seditious Conventicles In which it was said Be it Enacted c. That if any Person of the Age of Sixteen Years and upward being a Subject of this Realm at any time after the Tenth Day of May next shall be present at any Assembly Conventicle or Meeting under Colour and Pretence of any Exercise of Religion in other manner than according to the Liturgy and Practice of the Church of England c. at which there shall be Five Persons or more Assembled together over and besides those of the same Family c. shall suffer those and those respective Fines c. Now tho' it be well known that the Exercise of the Quakers Religion is not only otherwise than according to the Liturgy but directly contrary to it yet all must be Persecution that limit them As first the Liturgy teach the Practice of the Ten Commandments the Lord's Prayer and Apostles Creed which the Quakers have not the least Shadow of either in their Meetings or in their Families the Church Liturgy teach the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Prayer together with Confession of Sin which the Quakers reject as Idolatrous and Superstitious See the Picture of Quakerism p. 94 to 100. Well no sooner did this Act take place and some did forbear meeting in this Riotous manner but their Preachers came thro' the Nation and gave out their Epistles or Mandates commanding rather than exhorting the People to meet in great Numbers in spite of Law and Law-makers I receiv'd many Letters to that Purpose one whereof I may recite to shew how presumptuous they were in Summoning the King's Subjects to meet and transgress this Law which allow'd a moderate Tolleration considering how Retrograde their Religion runs to all Instituted Religion For there might Four meet besides those of the same Family and 't is probable that many Families have 12 or 15 in a Family Here then might have been Satisfaction to such as only mean to meet for their more private Edifying eitheir by Reading or Expounding some Portion of the Holy Scriptures and which is practised by the users of the Church Liturgy but alas this was too mean too low and contemptible for these proud Boasters to submit to The Letter is as followeth viz. This for Joshua Bangs † † Poor Joshua felt the weight of their Entertainment as well as Ben. Antrobus and many others Dear Friend BY this thou may'st know that God willing Jonathan Johnson and I do intend to be at Milden-Hall Meeting the next First-Day and shall be glad Friends GENERALLY may know thereof that we may have a good LARGE MEETING I mean Friends that are afar off in the Country R. S. The like I had from John Hubbard and others to appoint Meetings for Geo. Whitehead and others tho' often therein precaution'd not to mention the Names of the Speakers no they must go like di●guiz'd Ahabs and the poor silly Sheep must suffer for them and their own Transgressions too insomuch as that in the Loss of 13500 l. by Fines and Distresses our Teachers never lost 50 l. where they were Strangers and they had more Wit than to Preach at home where they were known Well but as these Letters as well as their common Practice was bottom'd upon an Edict made at a Yearly Meeting
Feild and others of his Stamp that I believe the very boldest of the Jesuits never exceeded them But having in my Book New Rome Unmask'd c. p. 57 to 64. shewed the evil Tendency of this their Doctrine and Practice I refer to that but since that G. W. in his Sober Expostulation p. 108. is driving on the same Trade Of which possibly more hereafter But come Thomas the chiefest Business in this Chapter is to prove That the Quakers have a Common Purse that they have a Common Fund or Bank that your Teachers are supply'd thereout that you Clerks as Hirelings are paid their Yearly Salaries and Stipends c. This and more you have confess'd which Hundreds of your Teachers have deny'd and sometimes gained the Good-will of Magistrates and their own Quiet thereby Witness Anne Docwra who telling the Magistrates they had none they were quiet after c. But I would not have the World so mistaken of thee neither as to call thee TOM TELL-TROTH no this I presume was done in a Passion even whilst the Smart and Anguish of W. Rogers's Scourge was upon thee for I dare to say TOM TELL-TROTH would be a nick-name for any Quaker-Teacher and when I view thy Poem p. 26 to 29. I hope thou may'st find in this Book an Answer to it where thou callest upon W. Rogers to name the Men I have done it if that will please thee where thou pretendest to forbear John Story yet like Joab smite at his Name which when living was precious to many and now dead is not forgotten I am well satisfied that he was a Man of a tender Spirit and had more Christianity and Charity than all the Mercenary Sixty-six Judges I remember that at the Bull and Mouth Meeting Anno 1677. W. Penn came past Eight or Ten Persons sitting on the same Bench with me to ask me to set my Hand to their Epistle of Condemnation But glad am I that I was made sensible of their evil Intent for Thomas there was thy self John Moone Ezekiel VVolley Sam. Cater and many of you concerned in that Paper as wicked a Generation of Men as void of Charity or any thing that is truly Christian as the Newgate-Birds And what a sad thing is it that such dissembling Hypocrites and wicked Impostors should claim to themselves the Name of the one only true Church of Christ And so I shall adjourn this Head until I come to the Chapter where the Cage is where I shall make good my Charge and name Particulars as thou hast desired only as a Word of Use and Application I shall recite a few Verses wrote by Anne Docwra Anno 1684. which as I printed at the end of VV. Rogers's Scourge the Original Manuscript is still by me except a Word or two which in the Correcting the Press for her I might alter to make her Verses run smooth viz. After so many strange Mishaps In Pursuit of John Story with all thy Traps I pity most thy † G. Fox last Relapse Thy VVeakness shews thy Day is done The Night o'erspreads thy Setting Sun Cabalistick Art is out of Date Thy Mysterious Allegories came too late To say the Truth it is thy Fate None can avoid what God decrees Thou' rt like a Drone amongst the Bees Thy Strength declines thy Power decay And thou ly'st hid this Trying Day To save thy self is no new way Remember now the time that 's past And how thou 'st lost thy Crown at last Thou did'st escape thy Enemies Pains With States-men's Arts and Preachers Gains But Dalilah's Wiles has crack'd thy Brains A Female Power surpriz'd thy Strength Thy Honour 's laid i' th' Dust at length Such Women as did Associate To help to Govern thy new State Whose Ambient Acts time will relate These Women they did claim a Right To wash the Ethiopian white To keep things sweet and clean say they But foul things came so in their way They work'd in vain both Night and Day Profession wipes off no such Blots The Leopard does not change his Spots To compass Sea and Land thou went To Proselite thy Will was bent So raised Storms of Discontent Thus God does blast what Man devise To infatuate the Worldly-wise This Stubble thou hast built upon Is for the Fire the time comes on To try the Work that thou hast done The secret Hand of Providence Protecteth only Innocence These Verses she wrote concerning G. Fox and tho' she being but a Woman is turned to her old Vomit i. e. Foxonian Quakers yet I hope when W. Rogers John Raunce and others who had a Hand in W. Rogers's Poem do see and behold the base Abuse of Tho. Ellwood c. in his Rogero Mastix c. will see Cause to keep at an equal distance from such a deceitful Tribe who were as cruel to that meek Man John Story as Doeg the Edomite was to the Priests of the Lord of whom David said Psal 140.2,3 Which imagine Mischiefs in their Heart continually are they gathered together for War they have sharpned their Tongues like a Serpent Adders Poyson is under their Lips CHAP. X. Treateth of the Quakers Six-Week Meeting in London and the Pernicious Consequences thereof First THIS Six-Week Meeting of theirs is chiefly to consult about and defend their own Members throughout the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales from the Penalties of certain Laws which they fore-know that they shall Transgress or that hereafter they may Transgress thro' their being faithful to the Laws and Commands of G. Fox and the Government of the Quaker-Church Secondly This Meeting of theirs is one of their most Ancient Meetings for Government and is made up of chosen Men amongst them expert in the Laws and Customs of the Nation well skill'd in the Courts of London and Westminster and other His Majesty's Courts of Record and such as understand the way and manner of Soliciting the Parliament and to support them in all these things they have the Common Bank to assist them which as I have observed is like Blood to their Veins and Sinews to their Bones Thirdly That I may not seem to impose my single Judgment that there is such a Meeting that the Quakers thereto belonging are thus Exercised as well as Authorized see their Anniversary Epistle This Meeting being acquainted that Endeavours have been used for Relief of Friends in relation to Oaths pursuant to the last Yearly Meeting 's Advice in that Case and being sensible of the great Care of the Six Week Meeting for Sufferings still leave it to the said Meeting for Sufferings to continue their Care and Endeavours in that Case c. And also it is agreed That each Quarterly-Meeting take Care to advise the Correspondents for the Counties and any others concerned to write only to your Correspondents in London about their Sufferings and not to other Persons lest their Suffering-Case be delay'd c. The Epistle to the Monthly and Quarterly Meetings of Friends in
several Opposers Well I was not yet willing to give over this Meeting but I offer'd him to lay aside these Men and the Advantages I had thereby and to have a Publick Meeting with him provided he would first engage under his Hand to retract and condemn what I proved Erroneous Blasphemous and Idolatrous in the Quakers Books but this he also refused As at large in my Book Quakerism Withering c. pag. 5 6 7 8. Which to me is a sufficient Evidence that he is Self-condemn'd and Conscious to himself of the Quakers Manifest and Apparent Errors which he is not able to Vindicate as in an hundred Instances I might mention but I will only name one in this place viz. W. Rogers having wrote That the Quakers looked upon George Fox to be in that Place amongst the Children of Light in this our Day as Moses was amongst the Children of Israel in his Day to set forth the Methods of Church-Government c. The Christian Quaker Distin Part 1. p. 9 Part 4. p. 3. To this Geo. Whitehead replied saying And for Geo. Fox to be in this our Day in that VERY Place amongst the Children of Light as Moses was amongst the Children of Israel in his Day this Comparison we own not c. Now there was no Body said that he was in the VERY Place upon the VERY Spot of Ground on which Moses stood at Mount Sinai No but that George Fox was with respect to his Power and Authority to give forth Laws Statutes and Ordinances in the same Place that is endued with the like Authority And in this Sence G. W. did not deny but only that he might quibble it off as his manner has been and thereby blind the People for which he has a sore Cup to drink Read Burrough's Works pag. 515. and G. W.'s Serious Search pag. 51 52 53. and Third Part of the Quakers Quibbles p. 33 to 44. 85 to 95. and Dan. Leed's Voice of a Trumpet pag. 4 to 40. He that deceives willingly and of set purpose as I am certain has been his Custom What shall we say to such a one but must leave him to God the Righteous Judge G. Fox Jun. speaking in the Person of the Quakers Light viz. You have in your Imaginations put me afar off and will not own me the Light and Life in you I the Light will overturn Kingdoms Nations and gathered Churches which will not own me the Light in them I will make you know that I the Light which lighteth every Man that comes into the World am the true Eternal God c. This Whitehead vindicates The Light and Life of Christ within c. p. 11. Yea if we may consider what Titles G. Fox puts upon himself as Dan. Leeds says News of a Trumpet sounded c. pag. 109 110. Professing Equality with God A brief Relation c. p. 2 3. Gr. Myst pag. 67. 127. Saul's Errand pag. 6 7 8. News coming up c. p. 1. Quakers Challenge c. p. 6. And G. Whitehead and W. Penn's Vindication of those Divine Attributes given to G. Fox in their Books A Serious Search p. 58. Judas and the Jews c. p. 44. Judgment fixed c. p. 19 20. Innocency against Envy c. p. 18. The Accuser of our Brethren c. pag. 40 41. together with Fox's being set up a Worker of Miracles too I say says D. L. should the Jews give equal Credit to the things contained in their Books with the History of St. Luke how shall they know who is the Messiah G. Fox or JESUS of Nazareth especially since W. Penn denies that outward Person to be the Son of God which suffer'd at Jerusalem who was called JESUS of Nazareth See his Ser. Apol. c. pag. 146. Good Christian Reader says D. Leeds yea and Fr. Bugg consider the Event and Effects of these things be we intreat you otherwise minded than G. Whitehead is who says he neither consults Events nor fears Effects in what he writes See his Judgment Fixed c. Introd Thus then does it appear not only by what is here quoted but by what is taken from the Quakers Books in this and other of my Books in D. Leed's Books in G. Keith's Books in Th. Crisp's Books and others that Quakerism is a Plot against Christianity and strikes at its Root and Branch I cannot but foresee that my old Friends will be half angry with me for mentioning W. Penn's Plotting to Subvert the Government But this I can tell them honestly that since the Danger of that is over and His Majesty has out of his Gracious Favour pardon'd them I should not speak a Word of it did I not see that he and his Brethren are in a most Damnable Plot against the Christian Religion of which I gave Notice in The Pict of Quak. p. 72 to 102. But since that Alarm did not sound loud enough I have already and shall yet sound a little louder so that all Ears may tingle and Hearts may lament when they see the Honour of our Christian Religion defam'd and the Holy Profession thereof invaded by these Impostors But why should they be angry W. Penn has given me a Challenge to it saying This open Challenge I make That if amongst the many Plots that have been spoken of and several have been hang'd for that there has been one known Quaker found amongst them I confess that the Magistrate is excusable in his Discreet Jealousie over Us c. But then if one Instance of a Quaker-Traytor is sufficient to justifie the Discreet Jealousie of the Magistrates over the Quakers as William Penn truly says then to make up a Pair I may give a second Instance namely John Yates a Quaker who liv'd at Hull a Master of a Ship who for carrying Lead into France in the time of the late War had his Estate seiz'd but himself fled from his Dwelling and was forced to hide as his Partner did or else in all probability he might have been Hang'd for tho' they cannot Fight as they say yet they can carry Lead to make Bullets for the French to kill the English with All which shews that the Magistrates Discreet Jealousie over the Quakers is excusable by W. Penn's Allowance and truly I am of that Opinion too and not only in that Case but in their most Horrible Plot against Christianity which tends directly to subvert the Faith in the Crucified Jesus and therewith the Foundation of Christianity and I pray God to give the Magistracy a due Sence hereof and then to inspire them with an Holy Zeal to find out a Remedy For I do say that to me it does plainly appear and to as many as of late have been conversant in their Writings and who have observed the Tendency of them together with the whole Frame and Model of their Church-Government that Quakerism is a most Formidable Plot and a United Confederacy both against the Christian Religion the Professors thereof together with the
Holy Scriptures and Ordinances of Baptism and Supper instituted by Christ Jesus also his Death and Sufferings and that in order to exalt their own Laws and Ordinances set up amongst them by their second Moses whom they said was raised up to be amongst them in the same place that Moses was amongst the Israelites tho' not in the very same Place respecting Mount Sinai where Moses's Feet stood as above observ'd But that I may not impose upon my Reader I will yet give some other or more Instances than I have given Tho' I think I have given sufficient Reasons already Read W. Penn's Apol. c. p. 150. where he saith We have a Red Catalogue that shall stand recorded against our Presbyterian and Independant Persecutors that their Names and Natures too may stink to Posterity c. Read also the Books referr'd to viz. Judas and the Jews c. p. 41. A Rejoynder c. p. 410. The Anarchy of Ranters c. p. 42. A Ser. Apol. p. 150. The Picture of Quakerism c. pag. 102 103. has them at large Reader This is the fourth Warning we have had from the Quakers themselves of this Plot which they are laying and which they are preparing for future Ages against the Christian Name and Reputation of the English Magistrate And that the Quakers Plot is against the value of the Death of Christ the Exemplary Suffering of the Apostles and Martyrs read Burrough's Works p. 273. where they say That the Sufferings of the People of God call'd Quakers in this Age is a greater Suffering and more Unjust than in the Days of Christ or his Apostles or in any time since Here you see that the Ten Persecutions the Bloody Massacres and Queen Mary's Reign are all less than the Sufferings of the Quakers in seven Years time Oh Monstrous Oh Horrible What was done to Christ and the Apostles was chiefly done by a Law and in great part by the due Execution of a Law And hereby it appears the Suffering to be more Unjust because what the Persecutors of old time did to the People of God they did by a Law and by the due Execution of a Law Now Reader consider what these new Prophets say and if thou art a Christian I do solemnly appeal to thee whether this Doctrine of the Quakers hath not a Tendency to cause the Names of the Martyrs to stink in regard it implies they were Criminals and suffer'd under the Emperors by a Law and the due Execution of their Law for it could not be a just or due Execution unless the Law were Just Do they not hereby what in them lies acquit the hard-hearted Jews the Barbarous Emperors and Bloody Papists of their Bloody Cruelties and Implicitly Charge both Christ and his Apostles and Martyrs with the Breach of some Just Laws for which their Penalties say they were duly Executed And if so is not this a Damnable Plot Not to name other Blasphemies which lye Couched under this Doctrine as also the Quakers Pride and Arrogance thus to exalt their Sufferings from 1650 to 1657. to be greater than the Sufferings of Christ his Apostles and Martyrs And this Plot is still carrying on with Vigour not only against the Presbyterians Independants and Baptists to make their Names and Natures stink in the Nostrils of future Generations when the surviving Quakers bring out their Books of Sufferings alias Martyrdom But behold this Book of theirs with the said great Sufferings greater than that of Christ and all his Martyrs since was reprinted Anno 1672. and Witnessed to by the Approbation of Geo. Fox Geo. Whitehead Josiah Coale Francis Howgill and their Hireling Ellis Hooks For what one writ the other avouch they speak all one Thing are of one Mind so that when they have gathered up all their Sufferings in the Reign of K. Ch. II. K. J. II. and K. William III. for they are still collecting all their Sufferings compleat and full as in Pag. 84. herein no doubt but they will make them to exceed all the Sufferings of the Patriarchs and Prophets from the Blood of Righteous Abel to the Days of Christ and from thence to the end of the Chapter ad infinitum O rare This will be according to their Ancient Testimony in G. Whitehead's Sermon insomuch that this Hellish and Damnable Plot is against the Patriarchs Prophets Christ and his Apostles Saints and Martyrs in all Ages and Generations And this is the main Business of their whole Body in their Convocations both in their Monthly Quarterly Six Week Second Day and Yearly Meetings which ought to be taken Care of at least Inspected tho' they have their Liberty of Meeting in those Houses Licensed to Preach and Pray for at those Meetings there are so many Spectators that they cannot do that Hurt and Damage to the Christian Religion they do in these Private Lockt and Barr'd-up Private Conventicles Thus then it appears that this Plot is carrying on against King Lords and Commons against Judges Councellors and Lawyers against the Reverend Bishops Clergy and all Protestant Ministers against Sheriffs Constables and Headboroughs and indeed against the whole Race of Mankind that profess Faith in Jesus Christ And therefore how doth it concern all Christians that have any Love to and Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ that have any Respect to our Martyr'd Ancestors who suffer'd in the Flames for our Holy Religion to take Care of the Growth of Quakerism as they will answer the Neglect of it at the Great and Notable Day of the Lord. Objection I. By this time some may be ready to object saying Francis Does not thy Zeal exceed thy Judgment What wouldst thou have Fire come down from Heaven and consume them as Elias did 2 Kings 1.10 Luke 9.54 Wouldst thou have the Government fall upon them and destroy them Answer No by no means I would not be understood so for this I solemnly declare in the Fear of God as I hope for Mercy at the Great Day of Account when both they and I shall appear before his Great Tribunal I do desire neither I would not have a Hair of their Head hurt Besides if I did desire the Growth of Quakerism that is the ready way to increase them for they glory in nothing more than to be thought great Sufferers No let them have Liberty in their Licensed Meeting-Houses to Preach Pray and Exercise their Talent equal with others if the Government think fit And as this is all that other Dissenters desire or expect so if they had not a further Design this would content them being that which answers the Substance of all their Petitions and Addresses to the Parliament from one Reign to another together with not being compell'd to go to any other Worship And they having both granted I think 't is all that is necessary to answer the Ends of all their frequent and endless Solicitations And nothing of this do I desire them to be debarr'd of Object II. But then
some may say What other Way is there to put a Stop to the Growth of Quakerism if they have this Liberty Such an Expedient would be requisite if such an one were to be found Answ I have once offer'd my Thoughts in this Case and shall now enlarge thereon For as I then said so I still believe that the main Requisite to work a Cure is to know the Disease which when found out an ordinary Practitioner may prescribe a Remedy sooner than an able Physician who knows not the Disease Besides this I have heard that when a Bill for the well-Tanning of Leather was brought into the House of Parliament one of the Honourable House of Lords being willing to inform himself into the Nature of that Affair he apply'd himself to a Cobler discourses with him about this that and the other Default in Leather and what VVays might be found to remedy the Abuses thereof for the Publick Good The Cobler tells his Honour what he knew by many Years Experience and told his Lordship how it might with Ease be remedied insomuch that when the said Bill came under Debate in the House his Lordship was so well skill'd not only in the Means to be used but in the Terms of Art that his Lordship spake like some experienced Tanner who by his Discourse gave Light to the whole House Now whether this was so or no I will not determine but 't is not improbable since the wisest of Men may sometimes improve by such weak Helps as in other Cases 't is frequent such a Virtue is Humility And thereupon in answer to the Objection I shall say thus much I. Let G. Whitehead and some others of the Quakers chief Leaders and Fr. Bugg c. be summoned by Authority to appear And whereas G. Whitehead c. has given in a Sheet to the Parliament Anno 1693. suggesting that Fran. Bugg c. has wronged the Quakers in Charge Citation and Observation and if G. W. can make it appear so for our Law judges no Man before it hears him let Fran. Bugg c. be made an Example Again on the other Hand if it appear that Fran. Bugg c. has not wronged the Quakers nor falsly charged them either in Book or Page and that those Points of Doctrine objected against the Quakers by F. B. c. be found to strike at the Foundation of the Christian Religion and to subvert the Faith then let the Quakers be oblig'd to renounce them and condemn those Books which so teach This yea this would strike Quakerism to the Heart This is the thing feared by G. W. c. when they cry out Fran. Bugg would stir up Persecution and give it a Mortal VVound and preserve the Quakers too and the Books being condemn'd to be burnt as it would remove the Scandal brought upon the Christian Religion so would it be a Means to rescue their VVives and Children from the Jaws of Quakerism that Fatal Mischief to Mankind and preserve others from falling into it For now many of them think their Teachers write and speak from the Eternal Spirit whose so speaking is of greater Authority than the Bible Truth defending the Quakers c. pag. 7. And that 't is as lawful to burn the Bible as their Books Papers and Queries Truth 's Defence c. p. 2.104 Then would those who are now Tinctured with the Leaven of Quakerism vomit it up and forsake their Errors This I take to be one proper Remedy and possibly might effect the Cure If not II. If the Quakers would Apologize That now they Believe otherwise than they did formerly then as a Proof of their Sincerity and Conversion let them having first condemn'd their Books as aforesaid set out certain Articles of their Faith in Plain Clear and Positive Words agreeable to Scripture since of late they have so much pretended to be Orthodox therein and at the Close of them condemn all their other Books which teach the contrary particularly by Name III. The next thing requisite to make a firm and lasting Cure to them their Heirs and Successors is to admit each Congregation of Quakers to have their Teacher or two if one will not do And likewise that thse Teachers may attend only their own Flock and not to range all the World over at most not above Five or Ten Miles to Hold-forth lest this Putrified Sore break out again and the last end be worse than their beginning And as this thus granted is what other Professors Dissenters from the Church of England are content with so will it answer all the just Ends of that Liberty of Conscience so much by them sollicited for and so graciously already granted by the Government IV. Let them not be permitted to hold Yearly Convocations with Doors Lockt Barr'd or Guarded by Men on Purpose to prevent Inspection in order to make Laws against the Laws of the Land and with respect to their Subjects to repeal such Laws as suite not their Design which shews that they are a Government within the Government Whose Laws thus made they keep private even from many of their own People For as this Practice no Dissenters Quakers only excepted do desire and indeed without His Majesty's Licence more than the Bishops of the Established Church can Legally do so would it be a Means to work a perfect Cure of this so much to be lamented Gangrene of Quakerism V. Lastly That they may not be permitted to Teach School Publickly for thereby they corrupt the Youth and lay a Foundation for the next Age for the Seeds of Quakerism to spring and put forth again for they teach G. Fox's Journal which contains such Doctrine as tends to undermine the Christian Religion Object III. G. W. in his late Book Truth and Innocency c. p. 41. objects Our Adversaries would make as if we promoted Regnum in Regno not only independent but opposite to the Civil Government which none of our Meetings are being to promote real Practice of Piety Christianity and true Religion among us as a People and to prevent the contrary We know of no such Supream Assemblies among us as gives Laws and makes Orders for the Government of our People suppressing Books c. Answ This is all fallacious he knows they do and I can prove it And not only make Laws for their People but make Laws or Orders contrary to the Laws of the Land And as for his Pretence that at these Meetings they do not promote Regnum in Regno since their Meetings are to promote real Piety c. 1. When the Bishops and Clergy meet do they not promote the real Practice of Piety as much as the Quakers pretend to Yet if they should meet as do the Quakers without Licence from His Majesty it would as Lawyers say be against these Statutes 28 Hen. 8. c. 19 21. 27 Hen. 8. c. 15. 3 Ed. 6. c. 10 11. 1 Eliz. c. 12. Magna Charta c. 29. Pet. of R. 5 Eliz. c. 1.