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A19602 The estate of the Church with the discourse of times, from the apostles vntill this present: also of the liues of all the emperours, popes of Rome, and Turkes: as also of the Kings of Fraunce, England, Scotland, Spaine, Portugall, Denmarke, &c. With all the memorable accidents of their times. Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike, Gentleman.; L'estat de l'eglise. English. Hainault, Jean de.; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Patrick, Simon, d. 1613. 1602 (1602) STC 6036; ESTC S109073 532,147 761

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Sarrasins It was hee which enriched the Crosse with precious stones the which the Deacons vsed to carrie before the Popes The yeare of Christ 849. Leo Emperour of Constantinople was slaine in his Pallace hee beeing in his Chappell by a conspiracie of his Nobles and especially of Count Michael who after obtained the Empire nine yeares Naucler Chron Sigeb A Sinode at Rome of 64. or after some 47. Bishops was assembled by Leo wherein a great Cardinall was condemned and deposed because he had left his Parish fiue yeares and for other crimes Notwithstanding after this the same Pope ordained that a Bishop ought not to be condemned vnlesse hee were euicted by 72. witnesses A great mutation hapned in France by the Normanes Frisons Brittaines and others which wasted it Adulphus after the Chronicle of Eusebius or Ethelwolphus or Alidulphus or Adolphus after some the first Christian King of England went to Rome on Pilgrimage with his sonne Alfredus Nauclerus And graunted to the Pope Leo of each house in his Countrey a certaine peece of Siluer for tribute payable to the Popes of Rome euerie yeare in the honour of Saint Peter which custome was long time after kept This Tribute was called S. Peters pence or guilt and so was all England made subiect to the Popes seate Functius The body of S. Helena mother of Constantine the great from Rome was transpoted into France Chron. Sig. and Fasc Temp. In Almaine vpon the coast of Rhene a great famine came and after that a great earth quake whereby S. Albons Church at Magunce fell An Aduertisement As for the Popes on the Romane seate from Phocas the Emperour hitherto they haue still multiplyed newe traditions ceremonies buildings pleasures pompes and warres they haue deuised and practised murthers alterations and chaunges of Kingdomes in such sort as finally the Church vnder their gouernmenment became altogether the whore whereof is spoken in the Apocalips and the better to discouer the thing the Lord hath manifested the truth thereof to all the world in this Pope that followeth Iohn the 8. who being a woman and an whore hath shewed in her body the true portraict of the great spiritual whoredome of the Romane Popes which after still more and more is manifested Iohn 8. of that name tooke the name of an English man because of a certaine English Moonke of the Abbey of Fulden which he loued singularly as for his office hee was a Pope but for his Sexe hee was a woman This woman beeing an Almaine by Nation borne at Magunce and first called Gilberte feigned her selfe to be a man hauing taken on her mans apparell went to Athens with her amorous Louer the Monke In which place she profited excellenty in all kinde of Sciences and after the Monkes death came to Rome still dissembling shee was a woman But because she was of a very sharpe spirit and had a notable grace well and promptly to speake in disputations and publike Lectures so that many maruelled at her knowledge euerie one was so affectioned towards her and so well shee gained the hearts of all that after the death of Leo she was chosen Pope Into which office being brought shee bestowed holy orders as they call them after the maner of other Popes shee made Priests and Deacons she ordained Bishops and Abbots she sung Masses shee consecrated Temples and Aultars shee administred the Sacraments shee presented her feete to kisse and did all other things which the Popes of Rome vsed to do and yet her Actes were then of verie litle or no valew Whilest this woman was thus in the Papall office the Emperour Lotharie now olde tooke the habit of a Monke and Lewis the second of that name beeing come to Rome tooke the Scepter and Imperiall Crowne at her hands with S. Peters blessing In dooing whereof this whore of Babilon shewed her selfe to haue that power that she made Kings subiect vnto her In her time Ethelwolphus king of England gaue cowardly the tenth part of his Kingdome to the Cleargie and Monkes as Horeden saith and his sonne Ethelbaldus espoused Iudith his mother in lawe his fathers widow now dead But whilest this Pope was in his estate she was got with child by a Chaplaine of hers a Cardinal who knew well of what Sexe she was And as she went on Procession solemnly to the Church of Lateran she brought forth this child gotten in whoredome betwixt the Collosse and the Church of S. Clement in the middest of Rome in the publike streete in the presence of all the people of Rome and died in the same place as she deliuered her childe the yeare of our Lord 857. Because of such a fault as to bring forth a childe in a common streete shee was depriued of all honor accustomably done to Popes and buried without any Papall Pompe Heere thou mayest see Reader how the Romane Church cannot erre after they haue caused a Masse of the holy Ghost to bee sung This Act alone certainly doth so euidently shewe that it is the seate of the great whore and the mother of all whoredomes that there is no Apelles whatsoeuer that can better paint her in her colours But to the end that Popes and annointed Fathers may seeme to detest such a sinne they turne from that streete as from a place which they much suspect because of the euil luck Functius makes no doubt so say that this was permitted of God that this woman should be created Pope and withall that she should be an harlot publikely prooued because in these times she made kings subiects vnto her as Ethelwolphus and Alfredus were in England that they might acknowledge Antichrist for their king For God in this Papesse harlot would manifest to the world this whore of Babilon whereof the holy Ghost hath foretold to the ende the faithfull I might take heed of her But to the end those good Fathers should no more fall into such an inconueniency they haue ordained that a Deacon should handle their priuie parts in an holied Chaire to the ende hee may be knowne whether he be a man or no. But now whilest they be Cardinals and before they be chosen Popes they engender so many bastards that none can doubt if they be males neither is there any more need of so holy a ceremonie Lotharie now old hauing diuided his kingdome to his children and made himselfe a Monke as is said died the yeare 855. Lewis second of that name the sonne of Lotharie vnto whom his father had assigned whilest hee liued the Kingdome of Italie and the Empire was a kinde man and one that feared God Hee raigned nineteene yeares and died the yeare 874. Benet Pope third of that name a Romane ruled at Rome about three yeares This man when he was chosen Pope receiued the office weeping taking God to witnesse that he was not meet for such a charge Hee was three dayes in fasting and prayer desiring the Lord to giue him
neither only abandoned and destituted him of his succours and helpe but vnder colour of the Church and the publike good assaulted him by armes besieged him by circumvention tooke him traiterously despoyled him of his Imperiall dignitie and made him die a poore miserable man in great captiuitie and heauinesse And all this he did saith Rodolphe Galterus not by the commaundement of any barbarous tyrant not at the instigation of some Phalaris but by the Councell of the holy Father of Rome Reioyce saith he you Caligula Nero and you all which haue bene renowned for crueltie for you haue now found one that shall take away the memorie of your name so cruell because he goes much before you that is to say the Pope of Rome who commaunds the sonne to drawe his sword against the Father Henry then the fourth was dispoyled of his Imperiall dignitie and finally his sonne Henry the fift by treason tooke him prisoner the fiftie yeare of his Empire as hee went vnto an assembly held at Magunce he died after he had bene miserably handled in the Citie of Liege Anno. 1108. after the Chron. of Euseb or 1116. after others But the enmitie of this Papall Monster was not yet appeased by this death for in an inraged manner hee did exercise his crueltie against him after his death commaunding by Letters that his body shuld be vnburied cast out of the church and transported from Liege to Spire and to be depriued by the space of fiue yeares of Sepulchre Behold how this proud Antichrist obeyeth Magistrates ordeined of God! But see what God did in the meane time At Spire blood ranne out of Loaues of bread as Vrspergensis faith in his Cronographie The yeare of the Lorde 1106. hee made an assembly of many Princes and Bishops at Guardascall in Lombardie with whom he handled matters appertaining to the Faith that is to say cōcerning the Popes kitchin as of homages of fealties of oaths that Bishops had before made vnto Laie persons He despoiled also the Arch-bishop of Rauenna of his lands applying them vnto his owne profit And this Pope not content with such crueltie caused the body of Guibert Archbishop of the said place of Rauenna to be taken vp who had bin chosen Pope by the Emperour Henry the 4. in the time of Gregore 7. sixe yeares after he was laide in the Sepulchre Now as for Henry the 4. he was an excellent Emperor meete for an Empire of a noble race and an incomparable spirit O that other Princes had possessed such hearts and had not attributed so much vnto that Romane harlot He was affable and benigne towards all liberall to wards the poore It is said that during his life hee fought with Ensigne displaied threescore and two times After many Histories Henry the fift of that name sonne of Henry the fourth and of Berthe Marquesse of Italie was chosen at Magunce by the Gouernours and chiefe of the Empire and raigned twentie yeares Chron. Palm Lewis le Gros otherwise called the good Lewis 39. King of Fraunce raigned 28. yeares and was crowned at Orleance and annointed by the Archbishop of Sens. It is said of him that he often disguised himselfe in the habit of a poore man or of a woman or seruant the better to knowe the truth of some secret matters of his kingdome He was founder of the Abbey of S. Victor in Paris The yeare of Christ one thousand one hundreth and eleuen Henry the fift went to Rome to appease seditions stirred since Gregorie the seuenth and continued in Victor Vrbane and Paschal the second The Emperour and other Princes would vse the authoritie right priuiledges of auncient Emperours For Charlemaigne and others which had obteined the Empire since three hundreth yeares and more vnder threescore and three Popes bestowed Bishopprickes Abbaies and other Benefices Against this authoritie and custome the Pope following by Sinodall decrees mainteined that Ecclesiasticall Benefices ought not to be giuen by Laie-persons and excommunicated as Simoniackes as well such as receiued them as them that gaue them This Emperour then being at Rome after he had kissed the feete of the holy Father prayed him to confirme and to like of such as had ordeined Bishops But as he refused to confirme them he was taken by the Emperour and imprisoned and came not out vntill hee had confirmed them all and yeelded him the right of Inuesture giuen vnto Charlemaigne and therevpon making Letters and Seales and also confirmed the said Emperour Yet after the Pope had said Masse was in his Chaire saith Masseus behold the souldiers came suddenly in crying Yeeld vnto Caesar that which is Caesars and assailed as well him as all the Cleargie carrying them all out from thence and spoyled them without leauing them any thing then put they them in prison in the Mountaine of Soracte Finally after debates and discentions were appeased and the Emperour Henry crowned Paschal renewed the priuiledge of Inuesture of Bishops and pronounced before all the assembly that whosoeuer made of no force the saide priuiledge was excommunicated There was also sung Gloria in exelsis because the peace was made betwixt the Emperour and the Pope But so soone as the Emperour was returned into Almaigne this periured Traitor reuoked all hee had promised with solemne oathes affirming that he accorded with the Emperour not of his good wil but by force and constraint After this hee condemned that priuiledge and excommunicated the Emperour and stirred maruellous Tragedies which incontinently were published throughout all the wide world Hee assembled a Councell at Troyes in Champaigne in Fraunce wherein againe hee forbadde marriage vnto the Priestes of Fraunce as Hildebrand had before forbidden the Priests of Almaigne euen to the chasing of some Prelates out of their Seates because they were marryed Desiring to encrease the Papall authoritie hee renewed the quarrell of giuing Bishopprickes which had caused great calamities throughout the Regions of Europe Ancelme an Arch-bishop of Englande and a Monke augmented the Impudencies of this Pope by such Sophisticke perswasions as he had before done them of Vrbaine For he was their Councellor at Rome and their Vicar in England This Ancelme tirannously depriued Henry the first of that name King of England of the right that Kings haue to prouide officers vsed by the Kings of Israel Dauid Salomon Iosaphat Ezechias Iosias others likewise against the saying of Iesus Christ The Kings of Nations haue rule ouer them c. But so it is not with you He also perpetually condemned the lawfull marriage of Priests in England as hath bene said against the holy lawes as well of the olde as of the new Testament and the manifest examples of the Primitiue Church to the and by the suggestion of Sathan the Cleargie might serue there in all Sodomie to the Dragon called the diuell and to Antichrist his Vicar Bertol Duke of Zeringuen and of Souabe founded the Citie of
porke was who answered that his Phisitian appointed that none should be serued Then cryed he in this manner Bring me my porke flesh Al di spetto di Dio that is to say in despight of God This now is a common ieast and ordinarie amongst rakehells and rascalls ruffians and bawdes through Italie as Also many other speeches as infamous and dishonest Blasphemies vsed in Italie authorised by the Popes word Hauing one day seene a Peacocke at his dinner which he had not touched keepe said he this cold Peacocke for my supper spread the table in the Garden for I will then haue company As then he sat supper he saw other hot Peacockes serued vpon the table and not seeing his colde Peacocke which hee commaunded to be kept being exceedingly vexed he disgorged an execrable blasphemie against God At which certaine Cardinals that sate with him at the table said Let not your holines be so chollericke for so small a matter Wherevnto Iulius answered If God would bee so angry for an Apple as to cast our first Father Adam out of Paradice wherefore should it not bee lawfull for mee that am his Vicar to be angry for a Peacocke seeing a Peacocke is of much more valewe then an Apple As hee was about to create Cardinall Peter Betan Bishop of Fano of the order of the Iacobins certaine of the Cardinalls resisted him and amongst other things alleadged that he was infected with the heresie of the Lutherans Vnto whom Iulius answered Although it be so should it not be wisely done by putting a redde hat on his head to purge him of that euill and so retaine him one of ours with such a bond then to suffer him to flie from vs and ioyne with our enemies that we haue in Almaine as Vergerius did The 10. of September Affrike a Towne of Affrike was taken by the Emperours Armie vnder the conduction of the Viceroy of Sicilie Dracut Lord of the Towne withdrew towards the Turke his maister and the warre began againe more sharpe betwixt the Emperour and the Turke A sedition in Ausbourge because of certain Spaniards which in the moneth of August made mockes in the Church at the Sermon A woman also of the said Towne mocked a Priest which in his Surplice walked through the Towne with his hoste The Emperour had put the said woman to death had it not bene that Mary the Gouernour of the lowe Country entreated for her and saued her Maurice and Albert his cosin the Elector of Brandebourg and Henry of Brunswic tooke Armes against them of Magdebourge Nicholas Pernot sieur de Granuelle dyed at Ausbourg about the end of August to the Emperours great griefe Anthony Pernot his sonne Bishop of Arras succeeded in his estate About the beginning of Nouember Virich Prince of Wittemberge deceased from this world and his sonne Christopher was his successour Stephen Bishop of Winchester was dispossessed of his Bishopprick in England and put in prison because he would not submit himselfe vnto the Kings Edicts and lawes touching Religion The last of February Bucer dyed at Canterbury and was very honourably buried with a great number of Epitaphes made by learned men lamenting his death The Councell of Trent was deferred by the Pope from the first of May vntill the first of September In Saxonie diuers prodigious things were seene as three Sunnes and three Moones now pale and bleake or blew now red as blood The king of France caused to be published a very cruell Edict against the Lutherans confirming yea passing all his former Edicts and left nothing behinde that appertained to extreame crueltie On all sides the Papists assembled at Trent on the Councell day likewise from Almaine resorted the Electors Ecclesiasticall The Cardinall of Cressentia was President in the Popes place The Emperour and the King Ferdinand sent thither also their Embassadors But the King of France by his Embassadour disavowed the Councell for generall reputing it but a particular congregation to the profit of some His protestation was held for none without vouchsafing to record it Le sieur d' Brisac tooke in Piedmont and about Turin a certaine number of Townes and amongst others Cheri and Saint Damian The Turks Army after hauing assayed the Fort of Malta and rushed vpon Tripoly in Affrické and tooke it The Emperour accused the King of Fraunce to bee the Authour of this losse An Edict published by the King of Paris whereby it was forbidden to transport any siluer out of the kingdome to Rome because of the warre betwixt the King and the Pope There came a writing from the Emperors Court whereby was declared the cause and originall of the warre of Parma and wherefore hee receiued Plaisance into his protection The fact of Duke Octauius is condemned and detested The French to the contrary shewe also by writing the daunger wherein Octauius was at Parma the iust cause that the King had to succour it and that wrongfully the Emperour had taken the Towne of Plaisance The Duke of Somerset is againe imprisoned in October by the meanes of the Duke of Northumberland vnto whome came the gouernment of the Realme after him The eleuenth Session of the Councell of Trent was in October where was confirmed the locall presence transubstantiation and all that euer was inuented for the Deification of that faire morsell of bread George de Martinuse of Dalmatia commonly called the Monke a man of great authoritie in Hungarie was made Cardinal who was after slaine the 18. of December in his own house by certaine Italians vnder colour that he dealt with the Turke suspitiously although before he had so wrought with the wife of the deceased Vaiuoda that she gaue ouer the gouernment of Transiluania to the King Ferdinand In Nouember the Duke Maurice agreed altogether with them of Magdebourge The ende of her euils and calamities was the entry of a great warre yea of all ill luck vnto the Emperour For Maurice hauing practised with Kings and Princes straungers determined with himselfe by force to deliuer the Lantgraue his Father in lawe which notwithstanding hee deferred a certaine time because first he thought it good to prooue all by loue The Duke of Somerset the vncle of King Edward was beheaded at London at the instance of the Duke of Northumberland Maurice by a writing dedicated vnto the states of the Empire greatly complaineth of the discord of Religion amongst them Item of the captiuitie of Lantgraue a prisoner by treason to the great dishonour of the Emperour Albert of Brandebourge complaineth also of the miserable seruitude of Almaine and hauing expressed the causes thereof he declareth that he and his companions do iudge the Ecclesiasticall people to be the chiefe authours of all the abouesaid euils And Maurice and Albert allyed and ioyned themselues together at Rotebourge Ausbourge besieged by them is taken The Fathers of the Councel at Trent being at discord the Imperialists against the Romanists after they vnderstood
King of the Vandales persecuteth the Christians and dieth of vermine 472 Hospitalls 164 Hospitall of the holy Ghost builded at Rome 474 Hospitaliers called the knights of S. Iohn of Porsale 321 H. K. of Nauarre 643 Heluetians 658 Huguenots 667 H. the 3. K. of France 669 H. 4. King of France crowned 686 He is absolued of the Pope 691 Hussites do reiect all humane traditions 221. Are assaulted by Sigismond Emperour and the Pope 691 Hypona besieged by the Vandales 346 I IAcobius founded vpon Pope Honorius his dreame 351 Iacobius of Berne 494 Idolatrie finds the Pope a defender thereof 209 Idolatry of them of Gaunt 228 Idolatrie of Chaplets 362 Iohn Baptist preacheth 4 Iohn Apostle and Euangelist dyeth 27 Iohn of Antioche heretike and a Iew compiled the Alicoran 190 Iohn king of England subiected his Crowne to the Pope 227 Ignatius cast to beasts 31 Innocent the first 146 Iohn the 1. Pope 167.2.169 Iohn surnamed Teutonicus opposeth himself against the Popes demaunding of tenthes in Almaine 421 Iohn Duke of Britaine slain with a wall 262 Iohn 22. an heretike 392 Iohn de Roquetaillade martyred 421 Iohn Colunban and Frances Vincent the first Iesuites 417 Iohn Wickliffe 443 Iohn Gerson 443 Iohn Hus commendeth the doctrine of Wickliffe to the people 426 Iohn Hus and Hierome of Prage go to the Councel and are burned 442. Their death Ibid. Iohn 24. saluted of an Owle is much troubled 440. Hee flyeth from the Councell of Constance Iohn Paleoleauge Emp. of Constantinople 400 Iohn Guttenberge inuentor of Printing 455 Iohn Pusters Called Gurman and Peter Sheffert sell their printing Ibid. Iohn Huniades escapes from the battaile 372. Dyeth Ibid. Iohn Iustinian of Geneua beheaded 391 Iohn an English man burnt 479 Iohn Fissers author of the repentants order 364 Iohn Picus Prince of Miradula 297 Iohan of Orleance a maide burnt 448 Ierome died 149 Ierome Sauanaroll burned 229 Iulius Max. Emperor slaine 54 Iust. of faith 147 Iulius Philipp Emperour 57 Ierusalem diuided into 2. Sects 4 Is in sedition 6. Left of the Christians is besieged 22. Horrible famine 23 Ierusalem taken 23 Ierusalem changeth the name 34 Ierusalem taken by Cosroes king of the Persians 121 Ierusalem taken by the Mahometists 282 Ierusalem taken by the Christians 299 Ierusalem raced euē to the foundations 92 Images broken 57. Taken out of Churches 29. Restored Ibid. Taken away and burnt forbidden to honor them vpon paine of death 54. Throwne downe by Sabin K. of Bulgaria Ibid. Images and paintings abolished in Churches 223 Images set vp by Hyren 223. Impugned by Charlemaine Ibid. Imbert Dauphin of Viēna makes himselfe a Iacobin 426 Indians brought to the Romane Church promise to keepe the Sacrament of confirmatiō 439 Indulgences do penetrate euen to such as are in purgatory 498 Inuention to pray for the dead 122 Inuestatures agreed to Henry reuoked 239 Inuestatures resigned to Pope Calixtus 25 Ionathes high Priest slaine by Ioseph 49 Ioseph the Historiographer 26 Iouinian a Christian Emper. 122 Iesuites originall 417 Ireneus is slaine 50 Isaach Exarch ratifieth the election of Stephen 123 Italy and Burgoine subiected to Arnulphe 100 Italy the sea of seditions 224 Italy in great factions 427 Italy gouerned by three Cardinalls hauing the power of Senators 361 Italy afflicted by the Turkes 373 Iubile first 299 Iubile remitted to fiftie yeares 412 Celebrated at Rome Ibid. Iubile of 25. yeares to 25 yeares Iubile celebrated by Alexander the 6. 371 Iohn de Austria 623 Iohannes Basilides 649 Iames king of Scots besieged and taken 660 Innocent 9. 678 His death Ibid. Irish rebellion 630 Iewes and Leonards punished for poysoning waters 406 Iewes crucifie a Christian chude 466 Iulian Medices slaine in hearing Masse 396 Iustin Emperour 166 Iustin the Pelagian dieth out of his wits 225 Iustinian seduced by Antsenius to depart from his error Ibid. Iustinian compileth the Romane lawes 171 Dieth of phrenzie Iustinian Emperor breaketh his faith giuen to the Sarasins 222 Sent inta exile Ibid. Kisseth the Popes feet 230. His head is cut off Iul. an Emp. 100. His death 122 K KIngdome of Cyprus 473. Of Aragon made a pray by the Pope King of Bulgaria dooth receiue the faith 251 King of the Romans Emp. diuers names but of one substance 460 King Phillip 2. 635 King of Nauarre excommunicated 657 King Phillip displeased with the Pope 670 He dieth 708 King of Er● excōmunicated 668 King of France conuerted 683 L LAntgraues 366 Lambert Bishop of Liege rebuketh Pepin for adultery 274 Lewis 184 Laudo Pope 264 Lansrancus the first author of Transubstantiation 285 Laurence Deacon of Rome suffereth Martyrdome 68 Laurentius Valla 245 Laurence de Medices excommunicated 333 Legends of Saints forged 182 Leger Bishop martyred 320 Leo Emperour burneth Images 257 Leo Emp. of Constantinople slain in his Pallace 343 Leontius and Tiberius Emperors beheaded 376 Letanies the great instituted 154 Leuites 5 Libertie to preach the Gospell in France 215 Liberius the Arrian canonized 256 Lombards raigned in Italy 262 Lombards haue the Empire conuerted to the faith 279 They occupie the Exarchate Linus 20. His death 25 Libraries 95 Licinius Emperour 81 Longin Gracian the first Exarch in Italy 176 Lotharius dieth a Monke 277 Lewis Debonaire giueth power to the Romane Cleargie to elect the Pope 345 Lewis sonne of king Phillip first came to Artois 301 Lewis S. marketh blasphemers with an hotte Iron 299 Lewis Emperour declared heretike by the Pope 297 Crowned by 2. Senators of Rome Ibid. Giueth a reason of his faith 390 Lewis Archbishop brake his neck in a daunce 154 Lewis Duke of Orleance murdered at Paris 453 Leo the 10. Pope 153 Lucian the Apostate 30 Lucius king of England receiued the faith 44 Lucius B. of Rome martired 564 Lucrece daughter wife daughter in law to the Pope 484 Luitprandus king of Lombards besiegeth Rome 297 Leopold D. of Austriche takes the King of England prisoner 322 Lupus Bishop of Troy approueth Letanies 167 Luquois entreateth the libertie of their common-wealth 312 Liuonia or Lisland conuerted to the faith 362 Lēt attributed to Telesephorus 35 First Lent in England 194 Lotharius Emperour 233 Liberius Emperour 113 Luther 106. Excommunicated 504 Lewis Beltram Friar 671 M MAhomet an Arabian a false Prophet 189. Adored after his death 221 Mahomets Alcaron 190 His Paradise lawes and ceremonies Ibid. Mahomet and the Pope conferred together 192 Mahometists take Ierusalem 282 Maister of the Synagogue 52 Mancinellus 486 Manes heretike broiled aliue 99 Manichees books burnt at Ro. 27 Manicheus againe condemned are cast out of Rome 151 Mantell episcopall 253 Marke preacheth in Egypt 15 Marke the Euangelist dyeth 19 Marcelline offereth a graine of incense to Idolls 203 Marcian heretike 40 Marcion heretike 38 Margarite Queene of Nauarre condemned to perpetual prison for fornication 375 Marriage publike 30 Mariage forbidden to Priests 91 Mary the mother of our Lord dyeth 15 Martian Emperor slaine 149 Martine Empresse hath her tongue cut out 216 Marcell Bishop
the meanes of Constantia hee himselfe then perswaded touching Arrius namely that hee thought no otherwise then the Councell did Constantine then sent Letters to call againe Arrius who came to Constantinople with Euzoius a Deacon who also had bene deposed by Alexander They by the Emperours commaundement gaue in a disguised and couert confession the beginning whereof was We beleeue in God the Father almightie and in our Lord Iesus Christe his sonne begotten of the Father before all worlds God and Word by which all things were created as wel in heauen as in earth who came downe and tooke humane flesh and suffered death was raised againe and ascended into heauen should come againe to iudge the quick the dead c. The rest is in Sozomen lib. 2. chap. 27. After Constantine had seene this confession he asked them if with a good hart they thought as they spake Arrius affirmed yea Constantine mistrusting his owne iudgement sent Arrius with his adherents to an assembly of Bishops which then was at Ierusalem commanding them diligently to examine the cōfession of Arrius that is if he had reuoked his error if Alexander did him wrong or no. The Sinode of Ierusalem aduertised of the Emperors will sent Letters to the Bishops of Egypt Thebaid and Libia exhorting them that according to the witnesse of the Emperour Arrius might be receiued into the Communion The Arrians strengthened with these witnesses came againe into Alexandria and thrusting themselues into company Athanasius who then hadde the charge of Alexandria would not admit them Arrius returned to Constantinople to make his complaints against Athanasius there likewise hee sought to bring himselfe by force into that Church but Alexander who had the gouernment thereof opposed himself against him saying that the author of such an heresie and a perturber of so many Churches ought not to bee receiued This came to a great contention the Eusebians threatning they would cause Alexander to bee banished Certaine dayes following the Arrians concluded to introduce Arrius by force into the Church But Alexander placing his force in the Armour of pietie entred ouer night into the Temple accompanied with two of his household and with teares passed all the night in Orisons and prayers to the Lord that hee would not suffer that rauishing wolfe lately couered with a Lambes skinne to thrust into his flocke Some say that he added these words in his prayer O Lord if it be thy will and that by thy iust iudgement which is inuestigable this wolfe be admitted into thy Church deliuer mee thy poore seruant from this present life The next morning of this determination Arrius enuironed with a great multitude of Eusebians was ledde to be brought into the Temple as in a triumph but when they were come to the place called the Market place of Constantinople Arrius was suddenly taken with a feare and an astonishment within him which caused a paine in his belly so that leauing the company he was constrained to goe into a secret place to purge his belly the company which should accompany him to the Temple attended him in the meane while but seeing him tarry long some went to the easing place and found Arrius dead vpon the siege his entrails being come out at his fundament This was the end of Arrius which greatly feared his companions who to couer so foule and infamous a death said he was suddenly suffocated and choked with a disease of the stomacke Others that he was poisoned Some said that too great ioy had stifled him yet none could say but this was a iust iudgment of God vpon him Athanasius Lib. I. against the Arrians and the Epist to Serapion Sedulius a Christian Poet reciteth it in his Verses Siluester called the dayes otherwise then before for the day of the Sunne le Dimanche the other dayes Feries and Samedi for the day of Saturne Antonie being in Egypt in the wildernesse Constantine writ vnto him to pray to God for him and for his children Victorinus of Affrike an Orator was also of this time and Donatus of whom came the Donatist heretickes against which S. Augustine writeth The constitutions attributed to Siluester touching the consecrattion and vse of creame to marke such as were baptized and annoynt such as were nigh death and such other inuentions are in the booke of Councels whereof Luitprandus Platina and Sabellicus make mention in their bookes and speak of them after their owne iudgement Councells in diuers places After the Councell of Nice Siluester at the commaundement of Constantine made assemble a Sinode at Rome of 277. Bishops wherin there was condemned Arrius Photinus Sabellius with one Calixtus as the booke of Councels shewes And againe by a Sinode following the decrees of the Councell of Nice were confirmed and the solemnitie of Easter established to be obserued on the Sunday from the 14. of the Moone vntill the 21. The multitude of Councels and Sinodes multiplied traditions vpon traditions and brought in great errours and the good and holy constitutions of Nice were soone after by such meanes contradicted 1. At Neocesaria in Pontus Polemoniake betwixt Paphlagonia and Armenia was instituted that none should be a priest before the age of 30. yeares 2. At Elebert in Spaine Bishops Priests Deacons and Subdeacons were commaunded to abstaine from theyr wiues and not to haue children otherwise that they should bee deposed That there should be no Images in the Temples of Christians If any broke an Image and were murdered because it is not written in the Gospell neither is there read that it hath bene done by any of the Apostles it pleased the Councell that such a one be not admitted nor receiued into the number of Martyrs 3. At Rome it was ordained for Churchmen that none should accuse them nor draw them into lawe 4. At Arles the first counsell was giuen to young people by no meanes to marry againe if by chance for adulterie they bee seperated from their wiues 5. At Gangia in Paphalagonia they excommunicated and anathematized such as condemned them that eate flesh so that it were not offered vnto Idols c. Item they excommunicated such as iudged a married Priest ought not to excercise his ministerie because of his marriage and likewise such as abstained from their ministerie At this time vnder the shadowe of chastitie and virginitie men began to despise marriage as appeareth by the first ninth tenth fourteenth and fifteenth Chapter of the said Councell where all such as blame marriage and leaue their children or the wife her husband or the husband his wife to liue in continencie are excommunicated 6. At Arles the second was ordained the contrary that none should be admitted into the Ecclesiasticall estate vnlesse he promised to renounce the bonds of marriage The Iberians were conuerted to the faith they are of Asia vnder the climate of Pontus namely the King the Queene the Nobilitie and al the people by the preaching of
Gothes then entered into Italie by the disloyaltie of Rufin which as it is said fell vpon his owne head by the iust iudgement of God Stillico a Vandall by Nation hoping to lift vp Euchere his sonne to bee an Emperour raised vp the Sueuians Vandales and Alenems and other people to the number of 200000. conducted by theyr King Redegastus or Radagastus who afterward was discomfited in the straite of Appenin After Radagastus a new Armie of Gothes came into Italie hauing for their Captaine Alricus or Alaricus who was sollicited by the Emperour Honorius to leaue the Countrey of Italie and to discend into Fraunce which then was so occupied with French Burgonians and other Nations that Honorius dispaired to hold it But as Alaricus prepared his departure Stillico thought to haue surprised him on the sudden beeing vpon Easter day there being a truce betwixt them not yet expired Alaricus the next morning came against Stillico and to be reuenged besieged the Towne of Rome Honorius being at Rauenna The treason of Stillico being disclosed hee caused him to bee beheaded so receiued hee the reward of his infidelitie Then was there found no Captaine for the warre to leuie the siege before Rome wherefore the Towne was taken by Alaricus after it had endured long time the siege This was about the fifteenth yeare of the Empire of Honorius and of the Lords Natiuitie 412. and from the foundation of Rome 1164. Alaricus neither burnt nor wasted Rome but gaue commaundement that they should be spared which fled vnto the Temples of the Christians He died soone after Adolphus succeeded him and came to Rome but by the meanes of Placidia the sister of Honorius he spared Rome and tooke his way towards Gaul and Spaine and so the Gothes left Italie and occupied Spaine which Alaricus before had inuaded and got the domination thererof In so much that the kings of Spaine that came after discended of them Diminution or the Romane Empire From henceforward the fourth Monarchie receiued such calamities that in place to rule and haue straunge people in subiection it selfe was made a seruant vnto barbarous Nations The Towne of Rome the seate of the said Monarchie in lesse then 139. yeares was foure times taken by the Gothes Vandales and other barbarous people The first is that alreadie recited by Alaricus The 2. by Gensericas the Vandall vnder Martinian the yeare 456. The 3. by Totila King of the Gothes which was the most grieuous oppression that euer Rome endured For it was taken and burnt the yeare 21. of Iustinian and from the foundation of Rome 1300. and of Christ 548. The 4. it was sacked three yeares after the other namely the yeare of Christ 551. as shall be seene in this Historie The Pope Siricius added the Anthems to the Psalmes He made a Lawe that orders that is to say the ceremonies and obseruations which they vse in the consecration of their church-Church-people should be celebrated and giuen by certaine spaces of time betwixt one an other Ambrose Bishop of Millaine was his familiar and writ vnto him some Epistles which are amongst his workes One in the number 49. and the other in the number 54. wherein hee calles him his Father He died about the yeare 399. hauing occupied that seate 15. yeares after Socrat. lib. 7. chap. 9. and Sozom. lib. 8. chap. 25. Anastasius the first of that name borne at Rome succeeded him and gouerned about three yeares Hee ordained that euery one should heare the Gospell standing and not sitting Hee cast out of the Ministerie such as wanted or were maimed in any of theyr members or subiect to any disease Hee ordained that none beyond the Seas should bee admitted to any Ecclesiasticall estate without hauing a Testimoniall sealed with fiue Bishops This was because of the Manechies which came from Affrike to corrupt Churches Chrysostome borne at Antioch disciple of Libanius the Sophister and an Auditor of Andragatius a Philosopher forsooke the estate of an Aduocate and followed Euagrius with two other his companiōs Theodorus and Maximus which after were Bishops after they had well profited in holy scriptures in the Monasteries For then Monasteries were publike Schooles and Abbots or Priors which gouerned them did publikely teach the holy scriptures Innocent the first of that name borne at Albe preferred the seate at Rome before all others and ordained that it should not be subiect to any other He commaunded the faithfull to fast on the Saterday to the ende that that day they might with Mary Magdalen mourne for Iesus Christ being in his graue He ordained that the Pax should be giuen at Masse and that a Temple which once had beene consecrated should be so no more Hee made certaine lawes concerning the Iewes Painims and Monkes and made the Sacrament of Vnction of such as were sicke Chrysostome was often sicke of a disease of the stomacke therfore he abstained from eating in company He was hardie and liberall in reprehension and aboue all in his publike Sermons and therefore was he hated of the Cleargie He resisted Gaiuas an Arrian who begged of the Emperour a Temple in Constantinople for his people See the Tripart Hist Chap. 6. Lib. 10. Constantinople was diuinely aided against Gaiuas who sending souldiers in the night to burne the Emperours Pallace a great multitude of armed men were seene come against them three nights which made them desist and leaue off their enterprise Chrysostome was sent in ambassage towards the said Gaiuas who had wasted all the countrey of Thrace who met the said Chrysostome and commaunded his owne children to kisse his knees and he himselfe kissed his hand Certaine Monkes Egipt Antropomorphites maintained that God had a body whereabouts came many contentions amongst the Bishops Insomuch that the Arrians and Catholiques in the night slew one an other There was an earthquake in Constantinople The siluer Image of Eudoxia was placed nigh to the Temple of S. Saphie and playes celebrated in her honour Chrysostome crieth out against it and in a Sermon vnder the name of Herodias taxeth Eudoxia whereof beeing angry she suborned people to sley Chrysostome but the people guarded him both day and night he was afterward exiled into Pontus The Church of Constantinople so increased by the Chrysostonites that many of them were put to diuers torments After his exile there happened at Constantinople in September a great haile and foure dayes after died Eudoxia See the forealleadged booke Chap. 15.16 20. The Pernitious errour of Pelagius In the time of Innocent Pope of Rome there was in the Countrey of England one called Pelagius who began to teach that we are not iustified by Gods mercie for Iesus Christes sake without Merite but that through our owne workes and naturall vertues we acquire true and perfect righteousnesse before God Against this Pelagius many good Doctors of this time writ but aboue all Augustine hath shewed that by faith onely we are Iustified
be alwaies ready to suffer to present themselues vnto all perils and dangers for the defence of Christian Religion euen to shead their bloud C. Masseus O craft and childish mockerie He cited the Emperor personally to appeare And because he appeared not he excommunicated him and depriued him of his Empire although he sent thither his Embassadors Immunities of Monkes He gaue great Immunities and priuiledges to Monkes not onely to Mendicants but to all others and made likewise the rule of the sisters of S. Claire After this Councell he sent to the Electors to proceed to a new election Frederic on his side writ Letters to the King of France by which he shewed the wrong that the Pope did him See Naucler The Electors at the Popes commandement elected Henry Lantgraue of Turinge who hauing laid siege before Vlme was strooken with an Arrowe and soone after died of a Flux of the belley Naucler O deiection of Christian Princes that will suffer themselues to be so fondly carried away by a foolish feare of excommunication This Pope hauing not onely absolued from the oath of fidelitie the Emperors subiects but also excommunicated all Lords and Princes which fauoured and obeyed him so mooued and angred the Emperour that he depriued 40. Bishops of their dignities sacked the houses which appertained vnto the Popes parents and caused to be put to death vpon a Gibbet many notable persons which had consented to the Popes conspiration Note how many troubles and mischiefes comes in the world by Popes After the death of Henry Guilliam Count of Holland was chosen but soone after was slaine of the Frisons In the said Councell of Lyon was the Croisado published whereof S. Lewis was made chiefe But yet the holy Land was not recouered For things went alwaies from euill to worse S. Lewis in that voyage beyond the Sea was prisoner Frederic gaue to Manfroy his bastard sonne the Kingdome of Sicilie but the Pope Vrbaine tooke it from him by reason he was contrary vnto him and gaue it to the brother of S. Lewis Charles Count of Aniou In this time raigned Odo Chauncelor of Paris Hugo Cardinalis Iacopin Vincent the Historiographer Alexander de Hales an English man Alexander de Villa dei a Frier who made the doctrine The yeare of Christ 1250. Frederic founded a Towne in Italie and called it Victoria It was after taken by the Popes souldiers and by his Legate and raced vnto the foundations Then Frederic returned into Pouille where soone after he died of sicknesse of the age of 57. yeares Some say he was traiterously slaine by his sonne Manfroy Conrade King of Germanie was crowned in his father Frederic his time vnderstanding then of his death he went into Italie and from thence into Pouille where hee became sicke His bastard brother Manfroy to raigne peaceably gaue the Phisitian a summe of siluer to poyson his medicines whereof he died but first he made his Testament and instituted Corradin his sonne heire of his kingdomes and countries and was honourably buried The Pope assembled souldiers to goe against Manfroy and thinking shortly to obtaine his kingdome died at Naples sooner then he thought and was buried in the Church of Saint Laurence Naucler S. Lewis returned from beyond the Sea The Colledge of Sarbone was now instituted and founded at Paris by Robert brother of S. Lewis Alexander Pope 4. of that name of Campaigne ruled at Rome 7. yeares The Pope canonized S. Claire The Hermittes of the order of Saint Augustine were by this Pope drawne from their Hermitages in woods vnto good Townes commaunding them to preach and heare Confessions and gaue vnto the said order priuiledges exemptions and indulgences He excommunicated Manfroy the bastard and after made warre vpon him but the Pope was ouercome and his Legate imprisoned at Naples The Archbishop of Rauenna was created Legate Apostolike hee preached the Croisado against Ecclinus promising eternall life to such as would goe to warre against the Popes enemies So did Gregorie the 9. against Frederic the 2. The yeare of Christ 1256. William Count of Holland fell into a poole and his horse not being able to get vp was slaine by the Frisons After the death of Henry Lantgraue of Hesse and of William Count of Holland the Electors disagreed Some elected Alphonsus King of Castile Others Richard Count of Cornwall the King of England his brother and that by the Popes Instigation Naucler There was a schisme in the Empire 23. yeares after Naucler or 28. after others and all by the occasion of Popes and this schisme endured from the yeare 1245. vntill the yeare 1273. which was the first yeare of the Empire of Rodolphe The first League of the Switzes The alliance of Leagues and Cantons in the Countrey of Switze beganne now They droue out of their Country many Noble men which were tirants and committed vniust actions vpon them So did they defend the poore the Orphanes and widowes whereby they became renowmed through all the world saith Fasci temp In this time S. Lewis king of France as soone as he was returned made many goodly Lawes and ordinances to hold his people in iustice Bayliffes Prouosts and Sargeants in theyr duties that they might not be raueners or eaters of the people vnder the paine to be put from their offices He droue from his Court Morrisdauncers and Ieasters forbidding Officers to take gaine or to take Benefices for theyr children Hee ordained that the blasphemers should haue the hotte Iron set in their browes He went into Affrike tooke Carthage and besieged Tunes The plague fell in his Campe where he died of a Fluxe of the belley hauing raigned 44. yeares His body was carried to bee buried at S. Denis See Emil Lib. 7. An opposition against the Sects of Mendicants or begging Friars Guilliam de S. Amour Doctor of Paris Chanon of Benuais flourished in this time In his Sermons as himselfe witnesseth he especially enuied against the hipocrisie of Prelates saying that that vice was of all most dangerous wherewith all the Church was infected He opposed himselfe against Monkes and aboue all against Mendicants accusing them that they troubled Churches and brought out the witnesses of the scriptures which make mention of Antichrist and his supporters And applying them to the time present proued by 39. signes that begging Friars were false Prophets He expounded that place of the Gospell If thou wilt be perfect goe and sell all that thou possessest c. Vpon which place the Mendicants founded their order And he gaue to know in full disputation that the place was not meant of actuall pollicie as Sophisters speake but of habituall pouertie that is to say that Iesus Christ demaundeth of vs not that we should forsake and cast off that which we haue but that we be readie when the confession of the name of God and the glory of Iesus Christ requireth it to abandon and forsake not onely that which we possesse
the 46. He had before succeeded Iean his mother in the kingdome of Nauarre Enguerrand de Marigni Count de Longueuille great Generall of the Kings reuenewes being accused to haue robbed the King was hanged and his Image throwne downe the Pallace stayres This king raigned almost two yeares and died in the wood of Vincennes and was buried at S. Denis Iohn Pope 23. of that name French by Nation sonne of Arnold d'Ossa before called Iames de Cahors Cardinall Bishop du Port after the space of two yeares during which time as hath bene touched the seate was emptie for the difference happening amongst the 23. Cardinalls was declared Pope at Lions departing therfore frō thence with his Court and comming to Auignon he created 8. Cardinals of the number of which were Cahors the younger his Nephew and sisters sonne and Iohn de Gayete of the house of Vrsins He deliuered into the hands of the Iudge Hugh Gerard Bishop of Cahors after hauing taken from him his Pontificall ornaments hee was disgraced and giuen to the tormentors who put him to death most cruelly Iohn le Maire Phillip le Long 47. King of France and of Nauarre brother of Lewis Hutin the former King succeeded in the Kingdome the yeare 1316. This was by meanes of the lawe Salike He was called Long because he was tall slender During his raigne he could neuer get either of the Church or of the people tributes Impostes or borrowe that which he damaunded Some say that during his raigne the Leapers poysoned the water pits at the suggestion and perswasion of the Iewes whereof followed a great pestilence but the Iewes and Leapers were greatly punished The King determined to make that in all his kingdome there should be but one maner of waight measure and money but he could not bring to effect that which was his will for he died soone after He raigned fiue yeares without hauing any warre and was buried at S. Denis See Emil. lib. 8. and Gogin lib. 7. This Pope Iohn caused to be published the constitutions of the Councell of Vienne called Clementius and sent them into the Vniuersitie of Boulogne vnder a faire leaded Bull commanding they should bee vsed in all Schooles Vniuersities and iudgements from thence forward The Sea of Hist Birger king of Denmarke hauing inuited his two bretheren to dinner with him tooke them and with Irons laid them in prison where they died The same A Prouost of Paris called Henry Carpenel for a false iudgement that he had giuen was hanged on a gibet This Pope Iohn condemned the constitution of Pope Nicholas which was of the order of the Friars Minors and began Exijt qui seminat and forbad vpon paine of excommunication that none should glosse or dispute vpon it See the Decree 6. in the title 12. de verborum signifi Charles le Bel brother of Phillip le Long and sonne of Phille Bel king of France and Nauarre 48. raigned 7. yeares Iohn 23. made a Constitution which beginneth Ad conditorem Canonum against the Friars Minors See the Extrauagants of this Iohn 23. in the title 4. de verborum signifi This Pope Iohn canonized S. Thomas Bishop of Erford and S. Thomas d' Acquine Chron. Euseb Loys Duke of Bauiere and Frederic Duke of Austrich with his brother gaue battaile the one against the other where were slain as wel on the one part as of the other foure thousand horse men Lewis obtained the victorie Frederic was prisoner with his brother Henry Naucler Leopold his other brother came late to the succours See the Chron. of the Emperorus This Pope receiued into the safegard and protection of S. Peter the Carmes exempting them from all subiection of ordinary Iudges to the end they might be subiect onely to S. Peter as his well beloued children and mooued many of them to Episcopall dignitie As Guy de Parpinan Iohn Claran. both of Catalogue and some other Nations For before he was Pope he had a maruellous vision or rather diuellish illusion as he witnesseth in his Bull namely that as the Cardinalls were in a great debate the Virgin Marie deliuered them and made him Pope yet vpon this condition that he should exempt from the paines of purgatorie his good bretheren This Iohn here taught certaine errors and amongst others that soules so soone as they were dispoiled of the body should not see God before the last iudgement For as Masseus witnesseth his father had so taught him being seduced and abused by the visions of a certaine Irish man called Tundalus He sent to Paris two Monkes the one a Iacobin and the other a Friar who preached the same heresie but Thomas Walleis a Iacobin an English man resisted the Pope but he thrust him into prison Thus also did Durand de S. Porcin William Caleth and others He corrected at his pleasure the orders of Churches and changed them and distributed into a certain number the Colledges of the Scribes which for certaine prices writ such Letters as by him would be dispatched He made many constitutions which were called Ioanninies condemned Iohn de Pouilly a Theologian because he taught that men must not cōfesse thēselues to begging Friars yet he constrained the Monkesses or Nuns called Beguines to marry and to detest painting He held also for certain articles of the faith that Iesus Christ gaue not to his Apostles any other rule to liue wel but that he gaue to other Christians That the Apostles neuer vowed the vow of pouertie and that vowes serue for nothing to perfection This Pope writ to the Grecians at large that there was but one Church alone whereof he was chiefe and the Vicar of Iesus Christ The Grecians answered him in fewe words We beleeue surely that thy power is very great ouer thy subiects We cannot endure thy extreame pride nor satisfie thy couetousnesse The diuell be with thee for God is with vs. By which breuitie of words they shewed what was the Popes maner of life and estate Iohn de Mandeuile rehearseth it in his 6. booke This Pope declared Lewis de Bauiere to the Church a rebell schismatike and heretike because that after he was chosen by the Princes he tooke the gouernment of the Empire without any oath to the Pope of subiection Hiero. Marius saith thus Iohn pursued with a sharpe hatred Lewis de Bauiere partly because being chosen king of the Romanes by the Princes hee disdained the name and title of Emperour at the Popes hands as Clement the 5. had ordained it partly also because he maintained and defended against him certaine Monkes which hee had condemned as heretikes and therefore Iohn held the said Lewis for an heretike Lewis comming into Italie placed in all the Imperiall Townes Vicegerents as reason required and after came to Millaine and because he desired to appease the Popes rage hee sent Embassadors vnto him euen to Auignon where he resided who demaunded that according to the
custome of his predecessors he would graunt him kindely and with a good and free will the ornaments of the Empire The Pope not onely refused to doo it but pushed backe his Embassadors with great shame and ignominie cyted the said Emperour peremptorily as they speake that he should come vnto Auignon and submit himselfe to the ordinances of the Church The Emperour knowing the tirannie that raigned in the Church knowing also that he had receiued of God the Imperiall maiestie sought on his side nothing wherein he might violate it And therefore to Popes hee would not subiect himselfe as if he were their seruant by meanes whereof he refused to come into Auignon yet because still hee greatly desired to nourish peace he sent againe messengers to make the same request The Pope persisted in his opinion and in token of the hatred he bore to the Emperour he excommunicated the Vicountes vnto whome then the Emperour had giuen the gouernment of the seignorie of Millane The Emperour seeing the Popes heart obdurate calling to him many Princes and Lords of Italie came to Rome where he was honorably receiued of all the people and required that according to custome some would deliuer him the ornaments of the Empire The greatest Lords of Rome together with all the people sent Embassadors into Fraunce to the Pope beseeching him that he would visit the Towne and graunt to the King of Romanes the Imperiall ornaments which if he refused to do they protested to obserue the auncient lawe and to vse the rights of the Romane people Iohn after he had heard the Embassadors draue them back from him shamelesly with rude words and threats which the Romane people seeing determined to graunt to Lewis that which he demaunded and so by the commaundement of all the Cleargie and people he was crowned with his wife by Stephen and Nicholas Senators in the presence of all the Nobles which cryed Lewis Augustus Emperour of the Romanes But what did Lewis hitherto wich was not the part of a good Emperour yet Iohn vnderstanding this accused him as one guiltie of diuine treason and an heretike and published against him certaine very rigorous proces and deiected him out of the dignitie of the Empire and put him out of his kingdome as an heretike rebel against the Romane Church thundring out against him a very cruell pronunciation In this time were certaine Theologians and Lawyers which said that Christ and the Apostles had nothing proper and that the Emperour was no way subiect to the Pope in that which concerneth the temporaltie Of this number were Michael Oecenus and William Ockam Friars Marcille of Padoue and Iohn de Landum Lawyers with certaine others The Emperour Lewis was so fortified by this that he hardly opposed himselfe against all the Popes enterprises publishing in all parts of the Empire an appellation such as followeth We Lewis King of the Romaines propose against Iohn which saith he is Pope that he dooth ill execute the testament of Iesus Christ touching peace which he disturbeth in all Christendome and remembers not that all the honor he now hath was graunted by S. Constantine to Siluester when hee was yet hid He is vnthankfull towards the Romane Empire whereof he hath receiued all that great magnificence which he now abuseth c. As then Lewis the greatest Lords of Rome knew well the vniust deeds of Iohn as also the people frō the least to the greatest who tooke in ill part that their Embassadors which they sent was so ill handled and all with one accord agreed to bring into the Church the auncient custome obserued in electing the Pope namely that being chosen by the people hee should be confirmed of the Emperour And therefore one called Peter Carbaria or Corberia a Friar was created Pope and named Nicholas the fift and as for Iohn he was declared an hereticke and a tyrant of the Church and not a Pastor but a perturber of the peace of Christians All which things the Emperour and the Princes Assistant at the Councell held at Rome submitted to the iudgement of the Catholicke Church This saith Marius This done the Emperour returned into Almaigne and the Pope Nicholas remained in Italie but finally Boniface Counte of Pise deliuered him into Pope Iohns hands and hee dyed being straightly detained and in great miserie See the Suppl Chron. Iohn de Lisle some Iordain a renowmed man in Fraunce was hanged at Montfaucon at Paris for pilleries rauishments Emilius denieth that hee was Father in lawe vnto Iohn Pope as some say King Charles le Bel was the first that permitted the Pope to leuie Tenths in France and he did it to haue part with him But the Pope did it to warre vppon the Emperour Lewis whom he had declared an enemie of the Church Chron. Reg. Fran. The Venetians by their Captaine and Duke called Franciscus Dandalus tooke from the Patriarke of Aquilia their neighbour two Cities that is Polle and Valentia which are in Gorice Benet Pope 12. of that name ruled in Auignon 7. yeares three moneths after Naucler Iames de Furnerio borne at Tholouse of poore parents a Monke of the order of Cisteaux Priest Cardinall and Doctor in Theologie This Pope saith Marius was no more modest or louing to the Emperour Lewis then Iohn his predecessor had beene For he renewed the excommunications and dispoyled him of all royall honor and of the Duchie of Baniere by his sentence This good Prince Lewis assembled at Francford all the Electors Dukes Bishops Counts and all such as were thought cunning as well in humane sciences as diuine and in the presence of all by publike and solemne proclamation hee gaue new authoritie to the auncient Lawes and confirmed them and freely shewed that it onely appertained to the Electors of the Empire and not vnto others to chuse the King of the Romanes So that he which hath the greatest number of Princes voyces he is truly reputed chosen be hee King or Emperour For in substance they be one same thing although their names be diuers which Emperour may exercise and administer the affaires of the Empire without any confirmation of the Romane seate Who also ought to be sacred by the Pope after it shall bee signified by the Princes that hee is Legitimately chosen But if the Pope refuse hee may he proclaimed Emperour Augustus by any Catholicke Bishop whatsoeuer as hath bene long time vsed seeing especially all such vnctions are onely certaine ceremonies inuented by Popes which giue onely the name and not the thing in token of the vnion which ought to be betwixt the Church and the Romane Empire For the Emperour makes not an oath of fidelitie to Popes but for the defence of the faith And seeing it is so how can such an oath giue him any superioritie in things which concerne the Temporaltie Moreouer the Emperor also shewed that it is a false thing to say
all should haue bene consumed by fire The next morning which was Sunday there was found so many dead bodies stinking that in all hast of necessitie a great ditch was made to burie them by Cartfulls Of wounded there were found more then an hundreth and fiftie A woman great with child was found stiffled who being opened the childe receiued baptisme A damzel casting her selfe out of a bed to open a windowe in the streete called Blochstranssem the tempest so cut off her necke that the head hung at the remaining skinne a very sad and horrible spectacle In a corner of a street where is the Pallace Bernard a Tauerner called Croes beeing discended into a Seller to drawe Beere for his ghuests of which one company were playing at Cardes the house in a moment was throwne on the earth and the gamesters ouerwhelmed wth their Cardes in their hands none of that house remained safe but the Host by meanes of the vaulted Caue or Seller into which he was discended Three or foure dayes after this accident there were many found in Caues and Sellers which were dead of hunger others stiffled others lay in traunses and swounds with feare and incredible stench of the thunder There was a man and a woman found that were carried away and hanged betwixt the braunches of a Tree The Towne which before was adorned with exquisite buildings was now altogether disfigured and as it were rent in peeces The Suburbes of Neckerfpful was almost all ruinated The Pallace of Bergues and that of Madame Margarite and the Emperours were cleane ouerthrowne The house of Lombards they are they which lend siluer to vsurie from top to bottome was ruinated The Hosterie of the Postmaister was destroyed and the stable with the horses were all carried away One part of the Monasterie of the Augustines and of the Temples and Churches of the Towne were broosed and broken downe And if the storme had not broken his forces in the ouerthrowe of the house of the Count d'Hostrat there had beene no likelihood that any house in the Towne or thereabouts had remained whole There were found many hewen stones throwne by the Tempest sixe hundreth paces off to the great damage of the places where they fell The glasse windowes through all the streetes were broken The fall of Tyles and the cry of persons was horrible and fearefull Thus the Lord sometimes makes men feele his terrible and fearfull power In Iune the Emperour sent the Cardinall of Trent to Rome to conclude that cōfederacie with the Pope who had now deliuered siluer to the Captaines of warre for the warre in Almaine On the other side the Duke of Saxe and the Lantgraue leuied people in all haste The Emperor being demanded the causes of the warre he answered it was onely meant against rebells culpable of treason He sent Embassadors to the Swisses praying them to remaine stil in their auncient amity And that hee onely determined to chastice certaine mutinous people The Protestants purposed in August to besiege Seiusbourge so meaning to fight against the Emperor but as they passed leisurely ten thousand footmē of Italie came to the Emperors succours the last of August and 500. horsmen whose Captaine was Octauius Farnese the Popes sonne in lawe The Count de Bure who had leuied people in the lowe Countries passed Phine in the moneth of August nigh Mets and in September ioyned himselfe to the Emperour Great troupes of the Popes friends of all estates ranne vnto the Councell of Trent In the number of which amongst others were two notable Archbishops the one of Vspale in the Countrey of the Gothes called Olaus the great and the other of Armacane in Ireland They were poore Archbishops which had litle but winde and smoake of Archbishops and were entertained of the Pope at fifteene crownes a moneth and therefore thought hee good they should be at this Councell vnder those titles and to take place amongst others that the world might beleeue that there were yet found in farre Countries as Gothia and Ireland people which reuerence his name and submit themselues to his obedience Herman Archbishop of Colongne by the counsell and aduice of his Estates and of his meer will surrendred and gaue ouer his estate of a Prince and his Electorship and withall remitted vnto the people the oath of fidelitie wherby they were bound vnto him Adolp Schauembourge is chosen in his place who straight chaunged Religion through all the Countrey of Colongne At Genes a sedition rose vp The Count Fliscan was Captaine of them who fell into the sea and was drowned whereby the furie of the seditious was much lessened Yet the Lord Ioanuin d' Aure was there cut in peeces The Emperour laid the cause vpon the Farneses and amongst others vpon Peter Lewis Duke of Plaisance Henry king of England dyed about the end of Ianuarie hauing instituted Edward his sonne of the age of nine yeares and after him he substituted Mary his daughter by his first wife and after her Elizabeth by his second wife Vnder this young King Edward the doctrine of the Pope was driuen out of England and the Gospell put in the place by the authoritie of the Duke of Sommerset his Tutor and Vncle by the mothers side and of Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterburie The Councell of Trent diuided some of the venerable Fathers retired to Bolongne because a Phisitian who was in the Popes wages told them that the aire of Trent was not wholesome The other Bishops which were vnder the Emperors obedience remained at Trent A sedition at Naples of the Bourgesses against the Spaniards because that Peter de Tolledo Viceroy sought to bring in the Spanish Inquisition concerning Religion The last of March Francis king of France after hee had raigned 32. yeares died at Ramboillet Henry 2. of that name his son succeeded him in this yeare and the same day he was borne that is to say the last of March. Anne de Montmourancie now hauing bene absent from the Court sixe yearers was againe called Such as before were in honour and credit some were laid in prison others were deposed or lost their credit and honour Peter Martir a Florentine professor of Theologie is called from Strasbourge into England and Bernardin Ochinus a man renowmed in Ilalie for his eloquence Anne the onely daughter of Vladislaus the last king of Hungarie and Boheme the wife of Ferdinand king of the Romanes a fertile mother for children died about this time The 24. of Aprill the Emperor vsing extreame diligence and subtiltie passed the Riuer of Abis and suddenly tooke the Duke of Saxonie who hauing but a weake Armie was discomfited and be himselfe after he had fought all the day wounded in the left cheeke was taken and carried away prisoner The seuenth of May the Emperor condemned him to be beheaded yet at the earnest intercession of the Elector of Brandebourge he yeelded him his life and in the place thereof
of Flaunders the 18. of Ianuary he made a solemne entry into Antwerpe In the moneth of February Henry Duke of Brunswic espowsed the sister of Sigismond king of Pologne The 26. of the same moneth died at Aitsem Frederick Count Palatin Elector now very old and there succeeded him Otto Henry his brothers sonne who long time before had receiued the Gospell and for that cause was in daunger to haue lost all his goods Shortly after he had receiued his peoples oath of fidelitie he made an Edict that no person shuld sing any Masse or exercise any other ceremonies any where in his countries Mary Queen of Englād did what she could that church goods and lands might be restored because Pope greatly vrged her thervnto But many Princes great Lords held them therfore it could not be done During this Parliament many Innectiue and biting bookes were dispersed in London amongst which some were sufficient to haue stirred the common people to sedition against the Spaniards and to haue with drawne the Queenes loue frō King Phillip Search was made for the authors of these libels but it was not possible to finde them out Before the Assembly was departed affaires dispatched the Bishop of Winchester the Chauncelor died of a dropsie Thomas Heth Archbishop of Yorke who had sometimes bene in Almaine with him before of Canterbury and once had knowledge of the true Religion was come into his place About the fift of Nouember died the wife of Duke Iohn Frederic of Saxonie the Lantgraues daughter The Duke of Venice Francisco Venerio was deposed from his estate for ill dealing in the charge of victualls and hauing much more regard vnto his particular profit then to the publike weale About the end of February of this yeare the Mo●r●a●●e called Dupetit S. Bernard on the valley side of Aouste which is in the subiection of the Duke of Sauoy was seene couered with red snowe and certaine white snowe fell but the whitenesse vanished away and the rednesse remained This was notoriously knowne and seene and the red snowe touched by many inhabitants of the said Countrey These prodiges and maruels admonish vs to beseech the Lord to turne away the tribulations and calamities which the poore world ceaseth not to draw vpon it selfe by his rebellion A frost of three weekes was so sharp in December that Seine was frozen wherevpon followed great mischiefes Oziander with his new doctrine of Iustification had long time stirred trobles in Pruse but after as it were al learned people had condemned him by their writings the Duke of Pruse Albert declared by a publike writing that therein hee would follow the doctrine of the confession of Ausbourge and so enioyned the Ministers of the Churches to teach accordingly and gaue them full licence And to the end the thing might be so fully and surely accorded that the wound might no more renew and be worse Iohn Albert Duke de Megelbourge the Duke of Pruse his sonne in lawe a Prince very well instructed in Letters went into the said Countrey of Prusia and by the meanes of certaine learned people whose labour he vsed hee did so much with Iohn Functius which was hee that chiefly maintained the opinion of Ozeander that publikely he confessed his fault and withall protested that he would neuer teach but according to the tenor of the confession of Ausbourge Others did the like So the Theologians were receiued into fauour and the estate of the Church pacified The 4. day of March began to appeare a Comet which was seene by the space of 12 dayes There is a litle Towne in Auls●i● three leagues from Strasbourge called Oberene in that Towne a certaine Gardiner the tenth of Aprill in the absence of his wife was the murderer of his owne children of a girle of the age of 7. yeares of a boy of the age of 4. yeares and of an other yet in the cradle not past sixe moneths old The 10. of may the Duke d' Arscot who was a prisoner in the wood de Vincennes nigh Paris escape and came safe into his Countrey The Bauarois sollicited their Prince Albert to haue libertie of their religion as well as they of Austrich and almost at one time the Prince seeing that Ferdinand his father in law had permitted to his people the same thing was content to doo the like And because there was then some question for siluer he suffered his subiects for a time to receiue the Lords Supper whole and to eate flesh on dayes prohibited when necessitie driues them therevnto Yet he made great protestations that he would not diuide himselfe from the religion of his Auncestors and that this should onely be till by publike authoritie it were otherwise ordained About this time certaine great Lords of Transiluania reuolted from Ferdinand There became also great mutinies in England where diuers Nobles were imprisoned others beheaded and some saued themselues in other Countries As for such as died for the truth of the Gospell we haue amply deducted their estate and extracted their confessions in our bookes of Martyrs Albert de Bauieres began the Imperiall iourney at Ratisbone in the name of king Ferdinand who then was busied in holding the estates in Boheme● and Austrich The Emperor hauing attend 〈…〉 of Septembe● and from 〈◊〉 Countries accompanied 〈…〉 ●●●ior Dowary of France and Mary Que●●● of Hungary 〈…〉 cauing al the rule of the lowe Countries to king Phillip his sonne and the administration of Almaine vnto his brother King Ferdinand Dauid George who after called himselfe Iohn de Bruck borne at Delphes in Holland a very pernitious seducer author and Prince of the vilest Sect that euer was making himselfe king and immortall Christ died this yeare 1556. the 24. day of August his wife being dead a litle before He retired with his family which was very great into Basill the yeare 1544. making himselfe a fugitiue from his owne countrey for the cause of the Gospell He bought houses in the Towne and a Castle nigh the Towne called Binningen with possessions of a great reuenew It was easie for this man being very cautelous and subtill and hauing his eyes looking on all sides to gaine the hearts of many and to procure outward reputation who was greatly sustained and augmented by that he had great summes of money and very pretious moueables daily brought him from base Almaine and Flaunders There hapned certaine prodigious signes before his death One of his houses he had two in Basill was burned with fire of lightning and the other which he had sumptuously builded in the Medowes was also consumed by fire and all his pretious moueables which were therin soone after the chamber floores of his house where he made his residence fell downe suddenly yet they say nothing hapned vnto him more intollerable to beare before his death then this that one of authoritie in base Almaine came to the Towne of Basill and