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A13155 An abridgement or suruey of poperie conteining a compendious declaration of the grounds, doctrines, beginnings, proceedings, impieties, falsities, contradictions, absurdities, fooleries, and other manifold abuses of that religion, which the Pope and his complices doe now mainteine, and vvherewith they haue corrupted and deformed the true Christian faith, opposed vnto Matthew Kellisons Suruey of the new religion, as he calleth it, and all his malicious inuectiues and lies, by Matthevv Sutcliffe. Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629. 1606 (1606) STC 23448; ESTC S117929 224,206 342

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draue Gregory the 7. out of his seate and appointed another in his place Henry the 5. his sonne tooke Paschalis prisoner and made him sweare to certeine articles he broke them afterward I confesse but that is rather an argument of the Popes perfidiousnesse then a proofe against the Emperours authoritie neither did the Emperors succeeding for many yeares cease to defend their right against the Popes encrochments and vsurpation vntill such time as the Popes by force of armes and rebellion of subiects had preuailed against them and when they could not by force resist yet did they often publish their complaints as appeareth by the message of Maximilian the first to the Pope by certeine memorials of Charles the fift concerning wrongs offered by the Pope by the greenances collected by the princes of Germany presented to Adrian the 6. by the apologies of the Bohemians English French and other nations Philip the French king writing to Boniface the 8. vsed these wordes Sciat tua maxima fatuitas nos in temporalibus nulli subesse I do thy great foolery saith he writing to him to wit that for temporall matters we are subiect to none the same king did also handle the Popes nuncioes according to their deseruing Henry the 2. as Matthew Paris testifieth forbad the paiment of Peter pence and such as appealed to the court of Rome he cōmitted to prison appellantes ad curiam Rom. mandauit custodiae afterward writing to the bishop of Colein he threatueth to impugne the Pope and to thrust out of his kingdom all his fauourers Papam omnes suos saith he manifestè impugnabimus quicunque in terra mea inuentus fuerit qui Papae posthac adhaerere voluerit expelletur è regno happie had he beene if he had alwaies persisted in this purpose the kings of England afterward by their lawes against prouisions restrained the Popes authoritie and in the end that famous and worthy Prince King Henrie the eight did vtterly exclude the Pope and his Agents from all iurisdiction within his kingdome Furthermore albeit some princes were so sencelesse that they felt not the wrongs offered them by the Pope yet did such as loued the honour of their country neuer cease to complaine thereof Alan Chartier sheweth that Priests in the eies of the people were become most vile and that the hearts of men were alienated from the Popes obedience corda hominum ab obedientia scilicet Papae alienata Iulian the cardinall writing to Eugenius the fourth sheweth it was to be feared lest the laitie should fall vpon the clergy ne irruerent in ecclesiasticos laici The Germans in the end of their grieuances say that they neither would suffer nor could indure the wrongs offered them by the Pope Dixerunt Germani Principes saith he that reported their grieuances se onera Papae nec perferre velle nec tolerare posse Nicholas de Clemangis sheweth that both Princes and others murmured against the Popes exactions Charles the French king inueying against Benet the 13. signifieth that God would displace the Popes out of their seates for oppressing and spoiling Christs sheepe facti sunt greges mei in rapinam c. propterea cessare eos faciam vt non pascant vlterius gregem meum these words Charles applied against the Pope the English being excommunicated in king Iohns time called the Popes agents marcidos ribaldos that is rotten rascals and signified that they would not indure their tyranny Petrus de Ferrarijs in form resp rei conuenti bewaileth the miserie of Christian princes that indured so many wrongs at the Popes hands and made themselues his slaues and yet prouided no remedy for it heu miseri imperatores principes seculares saith he qui haec alia sustinetis vos seruos Pontificum facitis mundum per eos infinitie modis vsurpari videtis nec de remedio cogitatis Christian Princes and Kings therefore haue alwaies abhorred the Popes tyranny refused his religion and the more christian they haue shewed themselues the more resistāce they haue made both against his corruptions in doctrine and his vsurpations and abuses in gouernment Vlrichus Vttenus in his preface to Laurentius Vallaes treatise against the counterfet donation of Constantine doth thus exclaime against the Popes as enemies and spoilers of all Christians annon fuerunt Christianorum hostes illi pontifices qui omnium ad se opes attraxerunt onmibus liberis seruitutem moliti sunt qui imper to reges pe● unia ci●es de●l aliabant were not the Popes enemies of Christians which drew vnto themselues the wealth of all and endeuoured to oppresse all free men which spoiled kings of their gouernement and the subiects of their monie CHAP. XIIII That the auncient Britans and English were not first conuerted to Popish religion LEt that abide in you saith S. Iohn 1. epist 2. which you haue heard from the beginning so likewise we say let vs abide in that faith and let that faith abide in vs that was first preached by the Apostles schollers and successors in this Iland and let vs not be caried away by the poleshorne crew of the Pope to beleeue popish nouelties and fables that the auncient Christians of this land whether Britans English or Scots were not conuerted to popish religion that is now predominant in the kingdome of antichrist we haue three most euident demonstrations to assure vs. Frst those doctrines and grounds of Popery which before I haue mentioned will neuer be proued to haue beene taught by the first planters of Christian religion in this land and very absurd it were to suppose them to haue beene the authors of those heresies impieties and blasphemies which are so rife in Popery If S. Peter or S. Paul or any of their schollers did plant religion heere we must not thinke that they taught one thing and wrote another or that the schollers preached otherwise then they had learned from their masters If Ioseph of Arimathaea did first conuert the Britans and Fugatius and Damianus confirme them in the faith or if Austen the Monke and his fellowes did first conuert the Saxons or English yet can it not bee shewed that any one of these did teach that the traditions of the church of Rome and holy scriptures were with equall affection to be receiued or that the doctrine of Popish holy water paschall lambes tosaries images and such like traditions is the word of God or that Christs true body is torne with teeth and receiued downe into the belly and may be eaten of dogges and hogges or that Christians are iustified by extreme vnction or eating saltfish and redherrings vpon fridaies and fasting daies or that incense is to be burnt to images or the Sacrament adored for God and caried about in procession or the rest of the points of Popery before mentioned either therfore let Parsons shew vs that the seueral points of Popery before touched were taught by S. Peter the Apostle and Eleutherus and Gregory
But to let these workes passe wherin the papistes please thēselues more then God or good men we wil declare that no sect of heretikes euer did cōmit more heinous offences or offended more commonly in matters by themselues not denied to be sinnes then the principall of the Popish sect the forme of confession commonly prescribed to Romish penitents by the ordinall is this Confiteor quia peccaui nimis in superbia inani gloria in extollentia tam oculorum quam vestium omnium actuum mcorum in inuidia in odio in auaritia tam honoris quam pecuniae in ira in tristitia in acedia in ventris ingluuie in luxuria Sodomitica c. so they confesse themselues guiltie of all their 7. deadly sinnes and adde Sodomie and many other villanies Of their publike stewes in Spaine Italy and Rome it selfe and of the concubinage of Masse-priests we haue spoken before Boccace in his second nouell sheweth that the Pope Cardinales Prelates and other citizens of Rome did liue dishonestly and offend not only in naturall but also in Sodomiticall luxury non solo nella naturale maanchora nella Sodomitica Hulderichus of Augusta in his epistle to Pope Nicolas declareth how the Popish clergy refusing mariage committed incest and abominable Sodomiticall villanies both with men and beasts Sub falsa continentiae specie placere volentes grauiora vides cōmittere masculorum ac pecudum amplexus non reformidane Petrarch in his 106. sonnet doth call Rome a slaue of lecherie and gluttony and drunkennesse and saith that luxuriousnesse is come to extremitie in her De vin serua di letti e di vuiande In cui lussuria fa l'vltima proua In his nineteenth epistle he chargeth the court of Rome not onely with incontinency and vnbrideled lustes but also with all perfidiousnesse impieties and villanies Quicquid vsquam persidiae doli quicquid inclementiae superbiaeque quicquid impudicitiae effrenatae libidinis audisti aut legisti quicquid denique impietatis morum pessimorum sparsim habet aut habuit orbis terrae totum istic cumulatim videas aceruatimque reperias Vguetinus in his visions doth diuers times exclaime against the sodomiticall abominations of the friers Iterum atque iterum saith the collector de scelere sodomitico verbum intulit speaking against Priests he said they gaue themselues to follow harlots and luxuriousnesse and supposed gaine to be godlinesse neither may we thinke the Masse-priests haue now changed manners as may appeare by Iohn Casaes sonnets and a leud booke entitled Cicalamento del Grappa both of them approuing the sinnes of Sodome and iustifying the citie of Gomorrha in respect of Rome in the visitation of the abbeies of England in king Henry the 8. his daies such abominations were discouered as of modest men cannot handsomely be reported Huntington lib. 5. and Cestrensis report how Anselme in one synod forbad priests marriage but in the next made lawes against Sodomites and there condemned eight abbots beside inferior monkes priests and friers At Gant as appeareth by recordes foure Franciseans and one Augustinian frier were burnt for Sodomy since these late troubles the manners of the Italians are knowne to those that haue trauailed that countrey and therefore I need not to speake much of them Luitprandue lib. 6. c. 6. saith that the Popes palace in his time was become a brothell house Lateranense palatium olim sanctorum hospitium nunc est prostibulum meretricum Gregory the 12. as Theod. à Niem tract 6. vnion c. 34. reporteth chargeth two and twenty monasteries with impietie and fi lt by life pene omnis religio obseruantia dicti ordinis ac dei timor abscessit libido ac corruptio carnis inter ipsos mares moniales necnon alia multa mala excessus vitia quae pudor est effari per singula sucereuerunt Cardinals saith 1 4. Brig 49. Brigit in her reuelations giue themselues without restreint to all pride coueteousnesse and delights of the flesh and againe now the stewes are in more esteeme then the true church of God Catherine of Siend c. 125. saith religious men should resemble Angels but are woorse then diuels Breidenbach in the historie of his peregrinations speaketh generally of the men of his time and saith recessit lex à sacerdotibus c. that is the law is departed from priests iustice from princes counsell from elders good dealing from the people loue from parents reuerence from subiects charitie from prelats religion from monkes and so he goeth on not sparing any Walter Mapes that liued in the daies of Henry the second testifieth that the clergy did study wickednesse and impiety and calleth them heires of Lucifer and blinde guides Robert bishop of Aquila in his sermons mentioned by Sixtus Senensis Biblioth lib. 3. turning himselfe to his countrey of Italy vttreth these words with great vehemency ô Italia plange ô Italia time ô Italia caue c. that is O Italy lament ô Italy feare ô Italy beware lest for thy obstinacie the wrath of God doe not waxe cruell against thee thou art euery day more and more hardened perseuering in thy sinnes and maliciousnesse euery where men set vp bankes of vsury all places are desiled with most foule vices of the flesh and most shamefull sodomy pride in pompous shewes hath now possessed cities and the country blasphemies against God periuries lies iniustice violence oppression of the poore and such like vices doe superabound and all this is spoken of the Popes countrey I need not tell saith Platina in Marcellino how excessiue the couetousnesse of priests is and of those especially that are in principall places nor how great their lust ambition pompe pride sloth ignorance of themselues and of Christian doctrine is growne how corrupt their religion is and rather dissembled then true and how corrupt their manners are in prophane men whom they call secular to be detested seeing they offend so openly and publikely as if they sought praise thereby in Gregory the 4. he hath these words in omnem luxum libidinem se effundit ecclesiasticus ordo writing of Iohn the 13. he saith he was a man contaminated from his youth with all filthinesse and dishonesty in the life of Gregory the 6. speaking of three Popes he calleth them three most foule monsters Wernerus infasciculo temporum bewaileth the state of the church as if holy men were failed truth perished frō the sons of men speaking of the times about a thousand yeares after Christ he saith Christian faith began to faile and that then men began to giue themselues to soothsaying and witch-craft Apud plerosque religionis nostrae primores saith Picus Mirandula in orat ad Leonem 10. ad quorum exemplum componi atque formari pl●bs ignara debuisset aut nullus aut certe exiguus dei cultus nulla bene viuendi ratio atque institutio nullus pudor nulla modestia he saith that in the principall of the
not to be held with heretikes they endeuored lately to persuade the emperor Charles the fift likewise to breake with Luther Paul the 3. in his bull against King Henry the 8. did pronounce them accursed that would not breake oathes and couenauts made with him or with his subiects Eugenius the 4. was the cause that Ladislaus King of Poland did breake with the Turke the like practises haue diuers Popes vsed to cause subiects to rebell against Princes Innocentius the 3. moued the English contrary to their oaths to rebell against King Iohn and the like course did Paul the third take against King Henry the eight and Pius the sist against Queene Elizabeth of blessed memory the late traytors were diuers of them tied by speciall oathes to King lames but with gun-ponder they meant to blow away oaths and honestie Finally it may truly be said of the Pope and his complices that they take themselues no further bound by their oathes then their profit requireth so one said also in expresse termes of them multis annis iam peractis nulla sides est in pactis for many yeares they haue regarded no compactes and by this stratagem they haue preuailed against the Emperors and other Princes and setting the Christian world vpon a flame haue warmed themselues by the fire We read also that diuers leagues and treaties of peace by the wicked perswasions of Popes and their adherents and agents haue beene violated The Spaniarde and English in time past enterteined peace one with another but Pius the fifth by his agents set the one nation against the other by the practises of Popes and their agents we find that the freuch King Charles the 9. broke the articles of peace both with his subiects and other Princes and caused many thousand innocents to be murdred and massacred throughout his kingdome anno 1572. Philip the 2. King of Spaine had not broken the priuiledges of the low countries nor the articles of the pacification at Gant anno 1576. but that he was moned thereunto by the continuall perswasions of the Pope nay Paul the third doubted not to curse all those that would not breake with king Henry the 8. vpon his excommunication Furthermore by the lawes of nations warres are either publickely proclaimed or after refusall of restitution of goods wrongfully taken by some heraulds or others denounced but the Pope contrary to all lawes caused the Spaniardes anno 1588. to come against England before any warre was denounced the same course also did Paul the 3. hold in his warres against the Germans neither doe the papists end euour any thing more then to take Christians on sleepe and so to steale vpon them and to cut their throates and this appeared lately most clearely in the cruell conspiraracy of the ponder men and vndermining papists Great respect is alwaies had to ambassadors and agents sent to treat of war or peace And this is * C. in●gentium dist 1. confirmed by the lawes of al nations but Popes haue oftentimes euill entreated the Emperors ambassadors Gregorius 7. nuntios Henrici Imperatoris carceri mandauit as we reade in Orthuinus Gratius in certaine epistles set downe together with the Emperors life another Pope killed Frederic the 2. his ambasladors that brought newes of his good successe in Palestine the Marques of Montigni and earle of Bergues in the beginning of the troubles of the Low countrey being sent into Spaine to mediate some good conditions with the king were imprisoned and done to death and now they are esteemed simple that wil trust the Popes vassals or treat with them without hostages Finally by the lawes of nations kings haue soueraigne power ouer their subiects and neither can subiects abandon their Princes nor oppugne them nor may kings oppresse their subiects or suffer them to be massacred by the adherents of antichrist or others but by the doctrine of papistes all Kings are subiect to the Pope as they teach in the chap. vnam sanctam extr de maiorit obed and diuers other places the same also is prooued for that diuers Popes take vpon them to take away Princes crownes the Popes do dispense with the oathes of Princes made to their subiects and with the oathes of subiects made to their Princes of which many calamities doe proceede Papa cum Achaiae principem saith Pachymeres lib. hist 1. c. vlt. iureiurando quod Paleologo dederat soluisset contmentium bellorum causam praebuit the Pope absoluing the Prince of Achaia from his oath giuen to Paleologus was cause of diuers troubles one following vpon the necke of another and the like inconueniences haue followed vpon the like presumption of Popes in taking vpon them to controll kings and to stirre their subiects against them but what need we to seeke for examples in ancient histories when the calamities hapning in France by occasion of the league against the King and in England and Ireland by the Popes insolent excommunications and dispensations in this case are so fresh in memorie is it not then maruell that so many nations should embrace the doctrine of Popery that is so repugnant to the lawes of nations and rights both of Princes and subiects founded on the lawes of nations CHAP. XXXV That Popery dissolueth the bondes of kinred and alliance and ciuilitie THere is no bond straiter then that which is betwixt parents and their children and naturally men are enclined to loue their kinsmen and allies but this false religion which is professed by Papists and founded vpon the Pope dissolueth all bandes of alliance and kindred and setteth the children against the parents and the parents against the children Paschale the 2. and his adherents as Helmoldus testifieth armed the sonne against the father Paschalis Pontifices Germani saith he silium Henricum contra patrem armarunt vicerunt likewise Gregory the 9. made Henry the sonne head of a strong league against Frederic the 2. his father as is testified by Auentinus in annal Boiorum Henricum Caesarem saith he missis legatis aduersus patrem conspirationis valentissimae principem facit the same man speaking of Innocentius the 3. assirmeth that he set coosen against coosen brother against brother and sonne against the father Spectante atque concitante Romano sacerdote saith he Philippus Otho cognatas acies inter so committunt frater aduersus fratrem silius aduersus parentem consligere cogitur Marius Belga lib. de schism c. 4. sheweth how certaine Popish prelates set the sonnes of Ludouicus Pius against the father that Gregory the 4. consented vnto it contrariwise Pius the 5. as we reade in his life written by Hierome Catena testifieth how Philip the 2. of Spayne consented to the death of his sonne Charles suspected not to fauor popish religion non pepereit filio suo proprio saith he abusing the words of holy Scripture sed dedit eum pro nobis he spared not his owne sonne but gaue him for vs. In the histories written concerning the persecutions of the
deposing Princes nay to assirme that this great authority is prositable for Princes Ghineard a Iebusite was hanged in Paris anno 1594. for writing and mainteining diuers seditious positions concerning the Popes authority in disposing the crowne of France and translating the same from the family of Bourbon Parsons in his warne-word p. 2. f. 127. alloweth the deposing of Henry the 3. of France neither would he haue desired that the Bull of Pius the sift against Queene Elizabeth might be suspended against the Papists but that he imagined that she was iustly deposed the same man in his seditious booke of titles lib. 1. c. 1. endeuoreth to proue that the succession in kingdomes by necrenesse of blood is by positiue lawes of the common-welth and may vpon iust causes be altered by the same in his third chapter he pretendeth that not only vnworthy claimers may be put backe but also that kings in possession may be chastised and deposed his drist in the fourth chapter is to shew that the people sometimes may lawfully proceed against princes is it not then strange that the factious schollers of this seditious teacher are still harbored in the bowels of this state William Rainolde a rinegat English-man in a certeine treatise set out vnder the name of William Rosse and titled de iusta reip Christianae supra reges impios haereticos authoritate c. doth in expresse termes defend the wicked league of the French rebels against the King and giue the people power to depose their kings the same man in the 2. chapter of that booke assirmeth impudently that the right of all the Kings and kingdomes of Europe is laid vpon this foundation that common-welthes or the people may depose their kings I us omnium Europae regum regnorum saith he hoc fundamento nititur quod resp possint suos reges deponere In all Europe therefore it will be hard to find more arrant traitors then himselfe and his complices Bellarmine lib. 5. de pontif Rom. c. 6. saith it is not lawfull for Christians to tolerat a king that is an insidell or an heretike if he goe about to draw his subiects to his heresie or infidelity non licet Christianis tolerare regem infidelem aut haereticum si ille pertrahere conetur subdit os ad suam haeresim aut infidelitatem a hard sentence against his Maiesty if Papists had power to iudge him Emanuel Sain his booke called aphorismi confessariorum holdeth these aphorismes in verbo princeps viz. that a prince may be deposed by the common-welth for tyranny and also if he doe not his duty or where there is iust cause and that another may be chosen by the greatest part of the people in the word tyrannus he affirmeth that a tyrant may be deposed by the people although they be sworne to bee obedient vnto him if being admonished he will not amend now to the Popish faction all are tyrants that will not admit their Popish superstition though otherwise they bee neuer so mild and gentle and so it appeareth they accompt of our gratious king whom of late they haue sought trecherously to murder If then we admitte this common doctrine of Papists of the Popes authoritie in deposing Kings and giuing them Law we diminish the authority of Kings and make them subiects to the Pope which is a matter abominable to be either taught or beleeued we doe also indanger not only the state of all Kings but also of their kingdomes for how can any King stand against the violence of the Pope if he haue authority to depose Kings by this vsurped authority Gregory the 7. wrought Henry the Emperor and his subiects many troubles Paschall the 2. made the sonne to rise against the father and the subiects against their Princes and in the end caused the en peror to be taken prisoner and to resigne his Empire the same man also as he subdued the father so quarreled he with the sonne and caused his subiects to take armes against him Innocent the 2. by force of armes thought to vanquish Roger King of Sicilia and in a pitched field had preuailed against him if the sonne had not succoured his father Roger. Adrian the 4. and Alexander the 3. did so farre preuaile against Fridericke the first that he held the stirrop to the first and was troden vpon by the second Celestin the 3. proudly demeaned himselfe against Henry the 6. casting the crowne from his head with his foote as he kneeled before him as we reade in Rogor Houeden Innocent the 3. brought the Emperors Philip and Otho to destructiō by his furious persequution the same man caused King Iohn of England to surrender his crowne and was the cause of the losse of Normandy to the English Neither did he alone offer wrong to Iohn King of England for before his time king Henry the second had receiued a great scorne of the Pope in the cause of Thomas Becket Gregory the 9. and Innocent the 4. with great fury set vpon Friderike the 2. and emploied Christians that had made vowes to fight against the Saracens to the ruine of the Emperor Iohn the 22. Benet the 12. and Clement the 6. with implacable hatred prosequuted Lewes of Bauier and that for no other cause then for that he tooke on him as Emperor without the Popes allowance and for the same cause Harold encurred the Popes displeasure not submitting himselfe to receiue his crowne of the Popes faction Boniface the eight while he sought to subdue Philip of France and the houle of Colonna in Italy troubled both Spaine and Italy the Popes of late time haue caused all the stirres in Germany Italy France Flanders England and Scotland the leaguers of France were confirmed in their rebellion by the Pope and droue King Henry the third out of his pallace and killed him by a Dominican Frier as he beseeged Paris and long withstood the king now reigning Vpon the excommunication of Paul the third the papists of England rebelled against King Henry the eight in his bul of excommunication recorded by Sanders he commanded his subiects to resist him and to throw him out of his kingdome principibus viris ac ducibus Angliae saith he caeteraeque nobilitati praecipit vt vi armis se Henrico opponant illumque è regni sinibus eijcere nitantur by the Popes excommunications the rebellion was raised in the North of England by the Erles of Westmerland and Norththumberland and diuers tumults in Ireland against Queene Elizabeth nay albeit our King be not denounced excommunicat yet did the gun-pouder Papists seeke to blow him vp with the principall men of England neither had the Spaniards anno 1588. any better ground to inuade England then the Popes commandement and warrant Seeing then the Pope taketh vpon him a superiority ouer all Kings seeketh to depose all such as will not conforme themselues to his will it is much to be wondred that Christian princes that doe embrace his doctrine
doe not see in what danger they stand either to be disgraced or dispossessed of their crownes disgrace it is to acknowledge any in earth their superiour and an euident danger to fall out with the Pope where the subiects are affected to Popery CHAP. XXXVII That Kings professing Popish religion are either no Kings or but halfe Kings BVt were not Kings in danger to lose their crownes and Kingdomes liuing vnder the Pope yet haue they no reason to take vpon themselues as free Kings and Princes or to beleeue that they can enioy all the right that belongeth to lawfull Kings and Princes For first no King can freely dispose of matters belonging to his gouernement that acknoledgeth any man to be his superior as for example Herode and other Kings that ruled vnder the Romans who could proceed no further then pleased the Emperors and people of Rome if then the King of Spaine or France or other nations do acknowledge the Pope to be his iudge and superior he may not refuse his iudgement or resist his authority Secondly we find that Kings before Christs comming in the flesh gaue lawes both to the chiefe priests and to all their people and not the chiefe priest either to the Kings of Israel and Iudah or to the people as may appeare by the lawes of Moyses Iosue Dauid Salomon Hezekia Iosiah we do also read that Constantine other Christian Kings vntill the times of Charles the great and long after gaue lawes to the Bishops of Rome and other clergy-men as may be euidently proued by the lawes yet extant Cod. de sum trinit sid cath de episc Cleric de episcop audient de haereticis and in diuers other titles and books but where any bishop of Rome all this time made any law to bind either kings or their subiects we find not vnlesse we list to admit counterfet decretales for currant lawes which no man of any vndestanding will doe nor any modest Papist can require wherefore taking vpon them authority to make lawes to binde both Kings and their subiects the Popes plainly declare that Kings lining vnder the confusion of Antichrists tyranny are no kings Thirdly Bellarmme lib. 1. de pontif Rom. c. 7. determineth that temperall Princes are no gouernors of the Church and generally both the Pope and his complices teach that kings haue no power either to make ecclesiasticall lawes or to reforme abuses of doctrine or to settle matters ecclesiasticall finally the Papists of England in their glosing petitions to his Maiesty wherein they pray his fauour yet will allow him no authority saue only in temporall and ciuill causes doth it not then manifestly appeare that Papists take from kings halfe their authority and giue the same to forreiners and publike enemies Fourthly in temporall matters which they are content to leaue to the disposition of Kings they restraine them in such sort that they wil not haue them either to rest in peace when the Pope commandeth them to make warres or to make warres further then the Pope permitteth Bomface the eight in c. vam sanctam extr de maiorit obed sheweth how princes are to vse their swords ad nutum patientiam sacerdotis that is at the Popes beck as long as he listeth to suffer it Fiftly the Pope shareth halfe the kings reuenues claiming tenths first fruits subsidies and other rights out of ecclesiasticall liuings he doth also claime the disposition of diuers ecclesiastical liuings in diuers cases and right to confirme bishops and getteth great summes of money for pardons licences and other rescripts and faculties Sixtly if a king need a dispensation against an ecclesiasticall law or an absolution from an offence he is sent to Rome to obteine it if be can and oftentimes such faculties and absolutions cost full deare King Henry the 8. spent great summes of money to be diuorced from his brothers wife and yet failed of his purpose Fredericke the 2. could not be absolued from his excommunication by Gregory the 9. but it cost him 125. M. ounces of gold as Nauclere and Iuan de Pineda a Spaniard doe signifie Iohn the king of England to obteine absolution was forced to resigne his crowne Seuenthly Alex. inder the fourth in the chapter quia nonnulli de immunit eccles in 6. exempteth the possessions and goods of clergie men from tolle and custome Finally Bomface the 8. in the chapter clericis de immunitat eccles m 6. doth excommunicate both kings and others that impose taxes and subsidies vpon the clergy and this is the common doctrine of the Popes agents Bellarmine de exemptione clericorum c. 1. setteth downe these propositions that clerkes in ecclesiasticall causes are free from the command of secular Princes by the law of God and againe that clerkes are not to be iudged of secular iudges albeit they transgresse temporall lawes and lastly that Princes in respect of clerkes are not soueraigne Princes Emanuel Sa in his Aphorismes for confessaries first printed and alledged by him that wrote the Franke discourse hath these wordes clerici rebellio in regem non est crimen laesaemaiestatis quia non est subditus regi the rebellion of a clerke against the king is no treason because he is not the kings subiect nay of late both the masse-priests and their firie followers haue thought it meritorious to rebell against the king And consonant to this doctrine is the practise of papists for in matters of contention betwixt the Pope and their kings they take part with the Pope and rebell against their kings as the rebellions of the Germaines and French in time past of the English and Irish against king Henry the 8. and Queene Elizabeth of the leaguers of France against king Henry the 3. and 4. doe manifestly declare When the Pope doth giue law to Princes they take themselues bound to execute it and vpon euery excommunication rise in armes against them and seeke to depose them In ecclesiasticall causes they runne for direction to the Pope and care not a straw for the ecclesiasticall lawes of their kings When the Pope commandeth a Prince to execute his bulles they are ready to follow the warres if he command them to surcease they forsake their kings in the midst of his conquests If the Pope leuy tenthes or subsidies vpon the clergy or Monkes or Friers they willingly beare all burthens and to him they runne for dispensations and all faculties Kings also seeke to the Pope in their owne cases for dispensations and absolutions where the Popes law saith they are necessarie Finally both the possessions and persons of clergy men are the Popes to dispose as may appeare for that he layeth what charge he listeth on their possessions and sometimes alienateth them to mainteine his warres and findeth their persons prest to doe him seruice If then kings beare themselues as inferiors to the Pope and receiue lawes at his hands and are excluded from all disposition and rule in ecclesiasticall causes and
and ceremonies or else they would haue their heads broken Against Queene Elizabeth our late dread soueraigne vpon the roring of the Popes bull the Northren rebels anno 1569. fell into armes both leaders and followers were the Popes deare children this was also the motiue of all the troubles and insurrections in Ireland His Maiestie also that now raigneth hath not found any so troublesome disloyall and trecherous as his subiects popishly affected the Erle of Goury had brought too much popish leuaine out of Italy to be a good subiect Watson and Clarke that conspired the destruction of the king and state were Masse-priests Brooke Marcham and Copley their adherents were Masse-louers Faux and the late powdermen were zealous Papists Henry the 3. of France was oppugned by no other then the popish leaguers the duke of Guise and his house were therein principall agents and all the rest were affected and deuoted to the Popes seruice the Dominican friar that most shamefully murdred his liege souereigne Lord was the Popes vassall and set on by the Iebusites the same faction stood in armes against king Henry the 4. now reigning and not being able to resist by force by treason sought to destroy him Iohn Chastel a scholler of the Iebusites and Ghineard a Iebusite were therefore executed so also was Peter Barriere that incited by Iebusites and Masse-priestes came with a ful resolution to take away his Soueraignes life Parsons Campian and other Masse-priests and Iebusites were sent into England by the Pope for no other cause then to make a side for the execution of the Popes bull as appeareth by the Popes faculty granted to Campian and Parsons Neither were Parry Sauage Ocollen Yorke Lopez Squire and others that haue beene executed for attempting either by the sword or by poison to take away the late Queenes life set on by others then the Pope and his bloody faction God grant that his roiall Maiesty may escape their trecherous plots whose heads no doubt are as busie plotting against him as they euer were against his predecessor and that he neede not to doubt of it they declared the same euidently in the treacherous plot of Brooke Watson Clerke executed for the same at Winchester but most cleerely was the same resolued by the practise of Catesby Percy and Fauxe and their intended rebellion and fiery treason It may be the Pope and his faction will deny that they are the authors of these stirres rebellions and treasons but the Popes bulles their owne hand-writings their confessions their euident acts of treason the deposition of witnesses and the defences made by diuers Papists who mainteine these rebellions and treasons shall alwaies plainly conuince them Sanders in his booke de visibili Monarchia doth mainteine the rebellion in the North against Queene Elizabeth and both he and Bristow and others doe number those rebels among Popish martyres Thomas Becket that stirred vp forraine enemies against his prince and country and stood against his Prince is worshipped by the popish faction for a great saint Iames Clement that killed Henry the third of France was highly praised by Sixtus Quintus in his consistory and al the seditious masse-priests that came into England to stirre rebellion are by little and litle put into the catalogue of Martyrs as dying for Popish religion or rather for practising treason Neither doe these acts of rebellion and treason proceed from sodeine motions but rather from the lawes rules of Popery for first they hold that the Pope is aboue the King and hath power to depose him and to giue away his kingdome if then the Pope doe depose the king and giue away his Kingdome all his Popish subiects must forsake him Secondly they teach that if the Pope doe commande the subiects to take armes against the King that they are bound to rebell against him and to lay hands vpon him if they can vpon paine of damnation and this is meritorious in the opinion of the Pope if then rebels be good subiects then these fellowes may be reputed good subiects Thirdly Cardinall Como in his letters written to Parry in the Popes name sheweth that it is meritorious to kill a king excommunicat and so was both he and Iames Clement perswaded by the Iebusites and Masse-priests and may a man trow you beleeue them to be good subiects that thinke it lawfull to kill their leege-Lords vpon the Popes warrant Lastly they hold that euery king that is by the Pope excommunicat and declared a tyrant ipso facto is deposed and may be slaine by any man for so Emanuell Sa the Iebusite doth determine in his aphorismes some say further that an hereticall king ipso facto loseth his kingdome and those that are not so forward affirme notwithstanding that the Pope may assoile subiects from their obedience and dispense with oathes but all such deserue the title of rebels and traitors and those kings stand in great danger that trust such trustlesse and pretended subiects But it may be said that all Papists in England are not of this opinion I grant it may be so de facto but if they be true Papists and truly deuoted to their holy father then must they obey the Popes bulles and acknowledge his doctrine and this the Masse-priests and Iebusites that lurke in diuers places of England attending their pray both know and practise for as traitors they teach conditionall obedience vntill the Popes further pleasure be knowen they interteine intelligence with forraine enemies they receiue their authority from the Pope they depend vpon him and not vpon the king they are gouerned by the Popes lawes and not by the kings lawes Finally the 5. of Nouember last the Iebusites Masse-priests and their adherents of the popish faction in England determined to destroy the King and state and to make a generall insurrection and massacre throughout the whole kingdome and had done their vttermost if God had not preuented their malicious dessines and purposes They may also alledge in excuse of papists that to kings that be of their owne religion they are most obedient and deuoutly affected but first this obedience and deuotion is conditionall and temporary that is if and so long as the Pope commandeth not the contrary For if the Pope excommunicate the King of Spaine called by them the Catholike King hee is in no better termes then others The Emperors that were excommunicat by the Pope within these 3. or 4. hundred yeares were of the Popes religion yet did it not auaile them Henry the third of France was superstitiously addicted to Popery yet was he murdred by a Dominican Frier and Henry the fourth being reconciled to the Pope and scornefully whipped in the person of his ambassador scaped not the blow of Iohn Chastel Secondly kings professing Popish religion are not obeied in ecclesiasticall matters For as Bellarmine teacheth they are no gouernours of the Church others say they haue no power to make lawes concerning ecclesiasticall causes so it appeareth they lose
vs iustice wisedome sanctification and redemption and that Abraham beleeuing it was imputed to him for righteousnesse the Prophet Isaias cap. 53. sheweth that by his stripes wee are healed 9 They say that wee are iustified by the law and by the works there of but the Apostle Gal. 3. saith it is manifest that no man is iustified by the law before God and Rom. 4. he sheweth that Abraham was not iustified by the workes of the law doth it not then manifestly appeare that these false Apostles of Antichrist teach doctrine contrary to the Apostle and are not the children of Abraham or partakers of his faith 10 Thomas Aquinas 2.2 q. 4. art 3. teacheth that Christians are not bound to confesse their faith at all times and this his followers diligently practise that by their wicked teachers are taught to aequiuocate and dissemble their faith and profession but true Christians are alwaies boldly to professe their faith and to yeeld a reason of the same for this is the doctrine of the Apostle S. Peter whom wee are rather to credit than these false Apostles 11 For a lay man to dispute of matters of faith they count it mortall sinne especially knowing that the Pope hath forbid the same vnder paine of excommunication as Nauarrus teacheth enchirid c. 11. but this sheweth that Papists do rather seeke to suppresse the faith then to teach matters of faith the same also appeareth for that they commend ignorance and Thomas Aquinas 2.2 q. 2. art 6. saith that all are not bound to haue explicit faith Linwood in his glosse vpon the constitution beginning ignorantia de summa Trinit holdeth that it is sufficient for lay men and simple people to beleeue the articles of the Creede implicitely or to beleeue as the Catholicke Church beleeueth and this is the faith that Hosius commended in the colliar but it sheweth that our aduersaries seeke to intertaine the people in ignorance of matters of faith while the masse-priests sport and intertaine themselues with all delights and liuing idly reape the fruits of poore mens labours 12 Thomas Aquinas p. 3. q. 7. art 3. denieth that Christ hath faith which is as much as if hee should make Christ the authour of our faith a Pagan and an Infidell further the same ouerthroweth the Popish definition of faith for either Christ did not firmely beleeue Gods word or else he had faith now to say that is plaine blasphemy neither is that defence materiall that Christ knew all things by reason of the hypostaticall vnion of two natures in one person for that did not ouerthrow his humane nature nor hinder him for hauing faith without all imperfection Finally they teach that the Pope onely is to order and to publish the Creed for that is the doctrine of Thomas Aquinas 2. 2. q. 1. art 10. and the rest no question beleeue it but it is sufficient to ouerthrow not onely the Nicene and Constantinopolitan confession but also the Apostles Creede and faith of Christ for whatsoeuer face our aduersaries doe set on matters they shal neuer shew that these anciēt Creeds did either depend vpon the authority of the Pope or were by him ordered published or confirmed nay many Popes we read of which for any thing we can vnderstand did not beleeue the Apostles Creed vpon this weake foundation of infidel Popes the miserable Papists do build their wind-shaken faith wee doe not therefore maruell if they relie more vpon workes then this faith and if they trust rather to be iustified by good works than the Popes erroneous faith but if they would consider what true faith is and how the same applieth Christ vnto vs and vniteth vs vnto him then would they abandon the errors of Popery of which wee haue giuen a tast in this article of iustification by faith in Christ CHAP. V. What Papists doe meane by the Gospell THe preaching of the Gospell to Christians is the gladsome declaration of Gods fauour offred to vs through Christ Iesus and therefore the Angell Luc. 2. speaking of the Sauiour of the world declared that he brought them tidings of great ioy that should be to all people but the Papists by their new and strange doctrine do so confound the law and the gospell as if they sought to depriue Christians of this ioy and meant to alter the title of Christs most ioifull Gospell for first as if Christ had not beene a Sauiour or a Redeemer but a lawgiuer that was to propound a new law wherewith Christians were to bee newly charged they call the Gospell the new law but neither is the law of Moses contained in the two tables abolished nor was it Christs intention to surcharge his people with new lawes and new bonds but to free them from the curse of the law and to redeeme them as for the orders concerning sacraments we may not repute them to be properly lawes but meanes and directions for the right applying of Gods graces vnto Christians further the new law that God speaketh of was written in mens harts as wee read Hierem. 31. and Heb. 8. but the lawes of the new Testament which the Papists speake of are partly written in scriptures and partly in decretales the Papists therefore making Christ a new lawgiuer doe ouerthrow his couenant of grace Secondly this new Law or Testament as they say is the loue of God shed into our hartes for so doth Bellarmine teach lib. 1. de verb. dei c. 3. but grant this and then the new testament doth not include remission of sinnes for loue is one thing and remission of sinnes another but that the new testament doth include remission of sinnes first our Sauior doth signifie where he calleth the cup of thankesgiuing the cup of the new testament for remission of sinnes and Chrysostome in 2. Cor. 3. and Theodoret Oecumenius and Theophylact vpon the same place directly affirme Thirdly Thomas Aquinas 1.2 q. 107. art 4. saith that the preceptes of the new law or of the Gospel as touching the inward workes of vertue are more grieuous then the precepts of the law of Moyses quantum ad opera virtutum saith he in actibus interioribus c. praeceptanouae legis sunt grauiora this is directly contrary to the words of our Sauiour Math 11. my yoke saith he is easie and my burden light furthermore the same maketh the Gospell not to be a doctrine of Christian liberty and redemption but of bondage and greeuance Fourthly the censurers of Collein fol. 204. say that this is the proper doctrine of the Gospell if thou wilt enter into life keep the commandements and with them in effect doth Bellarmine lib. 1. de verb. dei c. 3. consent where he saith that the new testament is nothing but Charity shed into our harts by the holy Ghost but this confoundeth the law and the Gospell for no man can deny but that Charity is required by the law further the same is contrary to the doctrine of the Apostles the law saith
ancient fathers downe to hell and place Abrahams bosome there as appeareth by the doctrine of Francis a victoria art 1. de sacrament in com but this argueth first that God worketh diuersly by the sacraments of the law and gospell and is changeable in his operation which is absurd and next that Christ is not one yesterday and to day as the Apostle teacheth and thirdly placeth the father of all faithfull people in hell damning all that beleeued in Christ before his comming to hell and fourthly denieth that their sins were remitted that beleeued in Christ before his comming and lastly ascribeth more to sacraments deuised by men such as is extreme vnction and other Popish sacraments than to circumcision and the Paschal lambe and other sacrifices and sacraments instituted by God 2. The master of the sentences dist 1. lib. 4. holdeth that all that died before circumcision vnder the law were damned but others contradict their master 3. The synode of Trent pronounceth them anathema which shall say that there are either more or fewer sacraments of the new law than seuen to wit baptisme confirmation the eucharist penance extreme vnction order and matrimony but this curse falleth first vpon the old Latin interpreter that Apocalyps 17. calleth the mystery of the great whore sacramentum mulieris the same also falleth vpon Saint Augustine and most of the ancient fathers that neuer knew nor acknowledged more than two sacraments properly and truly so caled to wit baptisine and the Lords supper de latere dormientis prosluxerunt sanguis aqua quae sunt nostrae redemptionis sacramenta that is out of Christs side sleeping on the crosse flowed water and bloud which are the sacraments of our redemption as saith Augustine in gloss in 4. ad Ephes super Psal 40. Iustin in his 2. apologie Ambrose de sacramentis Tertullian Dionysius called Areopagita Chrysostom Cyril Gregory Cyprian Rahanus Paschasius whersoeuer they talke of the number of the sacraments of our redemption mention only baptisme and the eucharist and where they speake in general 〈◊〉 of holy mysteries mention diuers more and others than the seuen popish sacraments beside that it is absurd to thinke that mariage and Priesthood and penance were of one nature vnder the law and of another vnder the gospel 4 The same synode doth curse them also that shall say that all the aboue named 7. Sacraments were not instituted by Iesus Christ where it is apparent that mariage was instituted in paradise and priesthood vnder the law it is certein also that the fathers before Christ did rise by repentance from their fals furthermore what man among the Papists is able to shew where the determinat words and the externall signes and rites of popish sacraments were instituted by Christ if then Canisius in his catechisme c. de sacramentis teach truely that Sacraments haue certaine determinat words and set rites then is it certaine that neither Popish confirmation nor Popish orders nor Popish penance nor matrimony nor extreme vnction was instituted by Christ and therefore Francis à victoria de Sacramentis in cō deriueth the determination concerning seuen sacraments from the Florentine councell vnder Eugenius the 4. hoc determinatum est saith he speaking of seuen sacramēts in concilio Florentino sub Eugenio 4. and there indeed we finde first that the matter of Popish confirmation is chrisme made of oile and balme and the forme set downe in these words signo te signo crucis confirmo te Chrismate c. and yet now the Papists haue left off balme the matter of extreme vnction is oile and that for a strange medecine the Priests put in the eies and other organs of sences the forme of extreme vnction is this per istam sanctam vnctionem suam pijssimam misericordiā indulgeat tibi dominus c. The matter of priesthood is the Chalice and the host and the forme take power to offer Sacrifice in the church for liuing and dead and so foorth but no man will affirme that Christ instituted the forme and matter of these Sacraments vnlesse he be either starke mad or mad-like desperate in matrimony they are neither able to afrigne certaine forme nor certaine matter 5. All Papists hold that the Sacramentes of the new law both conteine grace and conferre grace ex opere operato that is by the worke wrought as may appeare by the canons of the seuenth session of Trent by the common proctors of the Popes cause Sacramentum confert gratiam ex opere operato saith Nauarrus in his enchiridion and Bellarmine lib. 1. de sacrament c. 14. saith they iustifie and this is the common opinion of all but first it is absurd to attribute as much to matrimonie confirmation and extreme vnction as to baptisme and the lords supper secondly it is absurd to make Priests forsweare matrimony seeing it contemeth grace and worketh it as they say for of this grace the Masse-priests haue extreame neede thirdly if grace bee nothing else but charitie or a habit not distinct from it it will be a hard matter to shew how charity may be conteined in oile or the rites of matrimony or externall signes fourthly no Papist can shew that such as receiue their popish confirmation or order or extreme vnction or are maried are more iust then they were before finally God worketh by Sacraments that which he promiseth but we doe not read that euer he promised iustification or grace to maried folkes or to such as are greased in order or extreme vnction the master of the sentences lib. 4. dist 2. § 1. saith that some Sacraments giue remedies against sinnes and helpefull grace others only giue a remedy as wedlocke alia in remedium tantùm sunt sayth he vt coniugium 6. Bellarmine lib. 1. de sacramentis and Canisius in the Catechisme teach that sacraments are externall signes and yet the inward contrition of penitent sinners and the consent of the parties maried appeareth not externally further this being granted it will follow that the body and blood of Christ in the eucharist are no sacrament because they appeare not to the eyes nor can be discerned with other senses so the Papists whatsoeuer they bragge of their masse giue no sacrament to their followers but onely bare accidents shewes and shadowes 7. In the seuenth session of the conuenticle of Trent they curse such as shall say that the receiued and approued rites of the Catholicke church may be contemned omitted or changed but this curse falleth vpon their owne pates for themselues haue omitted loue feasts frequented at the time of the Communion the old rite of Christians then kissing one another and the vse of milke and hony in baptisme of which Tertullian speaketh lib. de coron milit and of milke and wine mentioned by Hierome in Isaiae c. 55. and the formes of dipping in baptisme 8. Thomas Aquinas 3. p. q. 64. art 8. sayth that the intention of the minister is required in the
for Christ vsed them not neither are they Hebrew but Latine seuenthly in Hierusalem it was neuer beleeued that Christ either did eat vp himselfe or offer himselfe to his father at his last supper or that he offered himselfe twise or that there was any priest after the order of Melchisedech but Christ for the Apostle to the Hebrewes teacheth contrarie finally we neuer read that the Christians in Hierusalem beleeued that some Masses were wet some dry some in the honor of Angels some in the honour of Saints some in the honor of confessors some good for pigges others for horses some for quicke some for dead or that all those trickes and skips are commendable which the Masse-priests vse at the altar or that Christ ordeined either the consecration of Churches with the alphabet in Greeke or that Priests were to vse those ceremonies which now are frequented in the church of Rome in the celebration of the Masse That the Pope came not from Hierusalem it appeareth first for that among al the ministers of the church described Eph. 4. and 1. Cor. 12. there is no Pope nor monarch of the church expressed we read of Apostles Prophets Euangelists Pastors and others but the Pope is quite forgotten which is most vnlikely especially considering that he is by the Papists supposed to be the head and foundation of the church secondly the name is rather Latine then Hebrew or Syriake for some deriue it from papè because the Pope is the wonderment of the world some from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 some from the 2. syllables of pater patrum Thirdly at Hierissalem neuer was there any termed by the name of Christs vicars general or that wore a triple crowne and had a gard of Switzars attending vpon him fourthly Saint Peter neuer tooke vpon him to depose kings or to translate kingdomes from one to another which the Pope now vsurpeth fifthly the Popes decretales and decrees which conteine the Popes office and authority and the marrow of his religion haue proceeded from Rome and not from Hierusalem sixthly we read that the law of God and not the Popes lawes came from Hierusalem finally the faith and doctrine of the Pope for the most part hath beene inuented and published since Hierusalem came to bee subiect to the Saracens and Turkes if then it came from the Turkie Hierusalem it must needes be rather Turkish then Christian the decretales are rather like the Alcoran then the new testament the force that the Pope vseth against Christians proceedeth rather from Mahomet then from S. Peter The pilgrimages to Rome are like the pilgrimages to Mecha lastly both Turkes and Papists worship Saints and pray for the dead alike To proceede a little further the Romish fine Sacraments added to the Sacrament of baptisme and the Lords supper had neuer allowance by the Apostles remaining at Hierusalem for albeit mariage Priesthood and repentance were alwaies practised by the people of God vnder the law yet were they not vsed as Sacraments neither in these matters did either the people of God vnder the law or the first Christians vse the Popish orders and formes or Sacraments now at Rome frequented in time past neither were Priests prohibited to marry nor were there any times limited for mariage nor was it deemed vnlawfull for gossips to marry In Hierusalem neuer was any such forme of ordering of Priests knowen as is vsed in popery where they say receiue power to offer sacrifice for quicke and dead Nor did the Christians of Hierusalem beleeue that there were seven orders and euery one a Sacrament and yet but one Sacrament in all or that Priests were to haue shauen crownes To thinke that the first Christians at Hierusalem confessed their sinnes euery yeere at the least in the Priests care is most absurd likewise to say that the forme of absolution that is now vsed was then knowen thirdly Christians then did neither lash themselues nor thinke to satisfie for sinnes by eating saltfish or going barefoote lastly they neither beleeued that Christians were to satisfie for their sinnes in purgatory nor that the Pope caried the keies of purgatory and could deliuer soules from thence by indulgences This forme of Confirmation signo te signo crucis confirmo te Chrismate salutis c. was by authority first established in the conuenticle of Florence vnder Eugenius the 4. a Venetian and not by any that came from Hierusalem he also ordered that oile and balme should be the matter of this Sacrament Bonauenture and Alexander Hales affirme that Confirmation was instituted at Melda popish confirmation is far degenerated from that Confirmation that was vsed in the primitiue church and which we retaine in England The forme also matter of extreme vnction was there appointed by Eugenius the doctrine of the character and effectes of extreme vnction are not to be found but in the frapling schoolemen Now he that should seeke for the originall of holy water and holy salt and holy candles at Hierusalem he should but seeke to draw water out of a flint and as well might he light a candle in the sea water in the Roman missal we find these words I exorcise or coniure thee thou creature of water and exorcizo te creatura salis and such like but Stapleton should shew these things out of some Hebrew or Syriake missal The eating of Paschal lambes I confesse was vsed at Hierusalem but not by Christians but by Iewes obseruing the ceremonies of Moyses his law The Romish missals breuiaries our ladies Psalters the rosaries and such like bookes and ceremonies came out of the closet of the Popes breast and not from Hierusalem as I thinke our aduersaries will confesse if they bee put to the question In Rome vpon good Friday they make agnus Dei of holy wax and holy chrisme and these they say do defend Christians from lightning and tempest hiagnia fulgure tempestate fideles credentes defendunt saith Durand rational diumor lib. 6. c. 79. but this ceremony came neuer from Hierusalem neither did the Christians there beleeue anie such doctrine When a church is consecrated the bishop sprinkleth the wals with holy water knocketh at the dore and saith attollite principes portas vestras then he maketh crosses on the pauement and describeth all the Greeke and Latin alphabet as Durand sheweth lib. 1. rat diuin c. 6. but if popery had come from Hierusalem it is more likely hee should describe the Hebrew alphabet such abuses of scripture and foolish ceremonies certes neuer came from the Christians of Hicrusalem but from the followers of Antichrist at Rome The conuenticle of Trent maketh the old Latin vulgar translation authenticall but if the same had hoped to proue the Romish religion by the practise of the Church of Hierusalem the same would neuer haue neglected the Hebrew text The Church of Hierusalem diligently obserued Gods commandement concerning the making and worshipping of granen images and the whole worship of God we may not
say as much and greatly complaineth of Roman Caursins and vsurers Are not then our moderne Papists simple to continue vnder the gouernment of Antichrist where they are pilled both aliue and dead and spoiled by diuers fraudes and brought to extreme pouerty through manifold oppressions and exactions CHAP. XLI That the Popish church hath no true Bishops nor Priests THe gouernment of the Popish church being so burdensome and dangerous cannot well be tolerated by rules of policy but if the same be against both scriptures and canons of the church then as repugnant both to religion and Christian policy it is to be abandoned of all Christian common-wealthes let vs then consider what allowance it may haue either of scriptures or ancient canons The Apostle Act. 20. saith that the holy ghost hath appointed Bishops to gouerne the Church of God in quo vos spiritus sanctus posuit Episcopos regere ecclesiam dei saith he speaking of the Bishops of Asia but the popish church hath no true Bishops and that is prooued first for that bishops cannot be orderned but by true Bishops but the prelats of the Romish church are ordeined by the Pope that is no Bishop the proposition is granted of the assumption the first part is not denied in the second part our aduersaties insist firmely and affirme the Pope to be a true bishop but how can he be a Bishop that neither preacheth nor can preach nor administreth the Sacraments nor succeedeth the Apostles in their Apostolicall office the Apostle 1. Tim. 3. sheweth that the office of a bishop consisteth in the worke and not in the title qui Episcopatum desiderat bonum opus desiderat Secondly antichrist can ordeine no true bishops but that the Pope is antichrist I haue declared in my fist booke de Pontif. Rom. and it is apparent in that he teacheth doctrine contrary to that which we haue receined from Christ Iesus and is plainly described in the Reuelation by the whoore of Babylon Apocalyps 17. and by the beast like a lambe rising out of the earth Apocalyps 13. which are figures of Antichrist Thirdly none but the successors of Christs apostles can ordaine true bishops but the Pope succeedeth Iulius Caesar rather then Simon Peter for Simon Peter fed Christs flocke he murdreth Christs lambes Fourthly neither heretikes nor simoniacall persons haue power to ordeine bishops as the master of the sentences lib. 4. dist 25. prooueth by the authoritie of Cyprian Innocent the first and Leo. and this is the practise of the Romish church at this day who refuseth to allow them for bishops that are ordred by such as they repute heretikes or schismatikes some determine otherwise but they repugne against the Romish churches practise Finally no woman can ordeine bishops but Pope Ioan was a woman and therefore all ordeined by her and their successors are no bishops by the confession of the aduersaries themselues Howsoeuer it is the Papists cannot assure themselues that they haue any bishops for no man is ordeined bishop vnlesse he that ordeined him had an intention to order him a bishop but of this intention no man can assure himselfe Furthermore the Popish synagogue hath no true priests for their priests are all ordred to sacrifice for quicke and dead The forme of priesthood say the Masse-priests assembled at Florence is this accipe potestatem offerendi sacrificium in ecclesia pro vinis mortuis and this is prooued also by their rituall bookes and by Bellarmines confession lib. deord c. 9. but such priests were neuer appointed by Christ or his Apostles neither is there any footestep of such an ordination to be found in ancient fathers Secondly no true priests can be ordeined by other then true bishops and the Apostles successors but such bishops the synagogue of Rome wanteth Lastly true priests and ministers of the Gospell are ordeined to preach Gods word truely and to administer the Sacraments sincerely but popish priests are not ordered to this end If then that cannot be the church that wanteth priests and bishops then are we not to looke for the true church among the papists but Hierome in dialog contr Lucifer denieth that to be the church that hath no priests and Cyprian lib. 4. epist 9. teacheth that the church is a people or flocke vnited to the bishop Againe if all the ordination of bishops and priests in the Romish church dependeth vpon the Pope and the Pope be not mentioned either Ephes 4. or 1. Cor. 12. where all the ministers of the church giuen to the same by Christ are mentioned then doth the ordination of Roman priests and prelates take his beginning not from Christ but from Antichrist Lastly if the function of masse-priests doth consist in saying Masse and the Masse be prooued to be an humane inuention then is the Romish priesthood an humane inuention but otherwhere we haue sufficiently declared that the Masse was by little and little peeced togither and is a meere humane inuention nay an inuention contrarie to Christs institution of the Sacrament of the Eucharist CHAP. XLII That Popery cannot be mainteined without forgery and falshood THis point of it selfe alone would require a large discourse if we should prosecure particularly and distinctly whatsoeuer our aduersaries haue herein offended for whether we respect the diuers kinds of forgeries or the places of authors forged and falsified by them it were a great worke to comprehend them all we will therefore choose out some few examples out of many whereby all true Christians may haue cause sufficient to suspect them in the rest First then we charge them with falsity for that as much as in them lieth they haue gone about to suppresse Gods eternall word comprised in the old and new testament that this is falsitie it is apparent by the law qui testamentum ff ad legem corneliam de falsis for by that law they are condemned qui testamentū amouerint celauerint that is which shall amooue or conceile a testament but the Pope and his complices forbid expressely all translations of the new testament made by our doctors and only grant certaine translations made by themselues and that with hard conditions as is declared in the index of forbidden bookes reg 3. and 4. but publikely they will not haue scriptures red in vulgar tongues Secondly they burne the holy scriptures vnder pretense of false translations but the law formerly cited doth pronounce him a falsarie that shall abolish or cancell or burne a mans testament the words of the law are these si quis testamentum deleuerit that is if any shall cancell a testament Thirdly it is falsity to cancell or breake the seales of a testament as the practise of the law of this land declareth how then can the Popish synagogue of Rome excuse it selfe that depriueth the lords people of the cup which our sauiour Christ calleth the new testament in his blood is not this all one as if the same should breakē the seales of Gods testament
after their death being depriued of the communion of Christians and of buriall Alexander the 4. c. quicunque haereticos de haereticis in 6. excommunicateth and depriueth of Christian buriall all such as goe about to bury heretikes or their fauorers neither doe they admitte the repentance of such as are adiudged relapsed but deliuer them ouer to be burnt by their executioners as we may reade in the chapter super co de haereticis in 6. The spanish inquisition is yet more rigorous then the former laws of Popes for vpon any wicked or lewd fellowes accusation an honest man may be attached imprisoned tortured and if he acquite himselfe not the better either famished in prison or burnt most cruelly And by these lawes we finde that infinit Christians haue beene done to death in Spaine Italy France Flanders England Scotland Germany and other Christian countries Metera●● in his history of the troubles of the low countries reporteth that fiftie thousand persons were executed by the actes of iudges and inquisitors in the low countries during the reigne of Charles the fift In England during the times of Queene Mary they spared neither old nor yongue noble nor base learned nor vnlearned nor did they respect eithe sexe of women or the simplicitie of the common sort Pius quintus testifieth that Philip the 2. spared not his owne and onely sonne Charles being accused by the inquisitors in the daies of Gregory the 13. a gentleman of Valedolid in Spaine cut wood and set fire to burne two of his owne daughters condemned for the Gospell in that countrey called heresie and if king Henry the 8. had liued longer it is thought the Papists would haue perswaded him not to haue spared his Queene so cruel was the Popish faction in prosecuting the innocent nay if either Queene Mary had longer liued or Popery longer reigned in England this bloody crew had caused the daughter to disenterre her own father and to burne his bones as some haue reported Sometime without forme of law they murder infinit numbers of innocent persons for the least suspicion of doctrine contrary to the opinions of the church of Rome for this cause Innocent the 3. and his successors proclaimed open warre against the Albigians and Valdensians and ceased not vntill hee had destroied all that durst manifestly oppose themselues vnto their heresie and tyranny In Bohemia they had not the like successe their armies being often ouerthrowne by the poore people of the country which defended their liues against their cruelty but neuer did they cease to persecute that nation Paul the 3. sent great forces into Germany seeking by the armes of Charles the fift to reestablish his antichristian kingdome in that countrey the same Pope stirred vp rebels both in England and Ireland against Henry the 8. that had shaken off his heauie yoke Pius the fift in his Bull commanded Queene Elizabeths subiects to rebell against her and raised many troubles both in England and Ireland seeking to ouerthrow the state if he could the same man not preuailing by intestine sedition sought to set both French and Spanish vpon the English as we may reade in his life written by Hicrome Catena In the times of Gregorie the 13. that bloody massacre that for euer shall make Papistes insamous was committed in France Natalis Comes histor lib. 23. testifieth that sixtie thousand persons were massaacred at that time Circiter sexaginta hominum millia saith he varijs in locis per illud tempus trucidata suisse dicta sunt in Gallia and so extreme was their crueltie that like bloody wolues they neither spared sexe nor age nor qualitie vel puberes vel impuberes saith he trucidati sunt neque vllius sexits vel aetatis vel dignitatis habita est ratio Anno 1588. they brought vpon England great forces with fire and sworde seeking the vtter subuersion of this kingdome but the Lord from heauen blew vpon his enemies and dispersed them In France they conspired against the king and bound themselues by oath to exclude the house of Bourbon from the right of the crowne and to roote out all that should speake against the Pope his erroneous doctrine and for that cause raised great tumults and stirres as we may reade in the memorials of the league The like course for many yeeres haue they taken in the Low countries where the strength of Italy and Spaine hath beene consumed and a way made for the good successe of the common enemy of Christendome the Turke Finally the Popes and their emissaries the Iebusites doe delight in nothing more then in tumults warres seditions massacring and shedding of the blood of innocent Christians The massacre of Paris is painted in the Popes palace as a matter wherein he taketh chiefe delight The Iebusites albeit once banished out of France cease not to sound the alarme against such as are opposite to their faction Andreas Fabritius in praefat in harmon August confess set out 1576. speaking to the Emperor exhorteth him to gird his sowrd vpon his thigh and to subdue heretikes the most pernitious enemies of Christians accingatur gladio suo super femur potentissimus imperator haereticos christiani nominis pernitiosissimos hostes sub iugum mittat Pius Quintus as we may read in his life exhorted his Italian troups that went into France against them of the religion to kill all and to take none aliue Posseuinus also a cholerike Iebusite in a treatise entitled il soldato Christiano speaking vnto the same soldiers assirmeth that it is their duty to kill al professing our religion or otherwise that they shall betray their faith and lose all hope of saluation In England of late perceiuing themselues to be too weak to preuaile by plaine force certaine vndermining Papists set on and resolued by fiery Iebusites and murdrous Masse-priests conceiued such a treason as cānot be sampled by any former precedent nor found described in any old or new history their intention was at one instant with fire and gunpowder to consume the King the Queene the Prince the Prelates of the Church the Nobles Knights and Burgesses of the realme the Iudges and all that attended the honourable court of Parliament nay not content herewith they had a further practise to destroy the Kings roiall lignage to massacre all the professors of religion throughout the kingdome and to deliuer their country as a praie into the hands of Strangers The principall actors were Thomas Percy Catesby and Fauxe the principall counsellors Garnet Hall Baldwin and diuers other of the damned crew of Iebusites their aiders the damned crew of reconciled recusants Can we then thinke these men to belong to Christs flocke that vse this woluish cruelty longè diuersasunt carnisicina pietas saith Lactantius nec potest aut veritas cum vi aut institia cum crudelitate coniungi that is piety and butcherly cruelty are two diuers things and neither can truth with force nor iustice be coupled with crueltie Matthew