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A03691 An ansvveare made by Rob. Bishoppe of VVynchester, to a booke entituled, The declaration of suche scruples, and staies of conscience, touchinge the Othe of the Supremacy, as M. Iohn Fekenham, by vvrytinge did deliuer vnto the L. Bishop of VVinchester vvith his resolutions made thereunto. Horne, Robert, 1519?-1580.; Feckenham, John de, 1518?-1585. 1566 (1566) STC 13818; ESTC S104234 173,274 272

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although you were in y e Tower in his time y t was not for any doubt you made of his Supremacie for that you still agnised but for other pointes of Religion touching the ministracion of the Sacramentes wherunto you also agréed at the last promised to professe preache the same in open auditory whersoeuer you should be appointed Wherupon a right woorshipfull gentleman procured your deliueraunce foorth of the Tower and so were you at liberty neuer mencioninge any doubt in this matter but agnising the Princes Supremacie in causes Ecclesiasticall Wherefore I may saulfly say that the ignoraunce and wante of knowledge whiche you pretende in your Minor Proposicion is not of simplicitie and therfore must néedes be of wilfulnes or malice or mixte of bothe The way and meane wherby to haue this ignoraunce remooued you assigne with this issue that when I prooue vnto you by any of the fower meanes y ● any Emperour or Empresse King or Queene may take vppon them any suche gouernment in Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall causes then you wil yéelde take vpon you the knowledge therof be ready to testifie y e same by booke Othe Truely I haue often and many times prooued this same that you require by the selfe same meanes in such sort vnto you that you had nothinge to say to the contrary And yet neuerthelesse you continue stil in your wilfull and malicious ignorance whiche causeth me to feare that this sentence of the holy ghost wilbe verified in you In maleuolam animam non introibit sapientia Yet I will ones againe prooue after your desire euen as it were by puttinge you in remembraunce of those thinges whiche by occasions in conference I often and many times reported vnto you wherof I knowe you are not simply ignoraunt You require a proufe hereof that an Emperour or Emperesse Kinge or Quéene may claime or take vppon them any suche gouernment meanynge as the Quéenes maiestie our Soueraigne doth now chalendge and take vppon her in Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall causes For aunsweare I say they ought to take vppon them suche gouernement therefore they maye lawfully doo it The former parte is founde trewe by the whole discourse of the holy Scriptures bothe of the Olde and newe Testament by the testimony of the Doctours in Christes Churche by the generall Counsailes and by the practise of Christes Catholique Churche thorough out all Christendome The holy Scriptures describinge the condicions and propreties required in a Kinge amongest other doth commaunde that he haue by him the booke of the Lawe and doo diligently occupy him selfe in readinge thereof to the ende he maye thereby learne to feare the Lorde his God that is to haue the feare of God planted within him selfe in his owne harte to keepe all the woordes and to accomplishe in déede all the ordinaunces or as the olde translation hath it all the ceremonies by God commaunded that is to gouerne in suche sorte That he cause by his Princely authoritie his subiectes also to become Israelites To witte menne that see knowe and vnderstande the will of God Redressinge the peruersenes of suche as swerue from Goddes ordinaunces or caeremonies Whereuppon it is that God dothe commaunde the Magistrate that he make diligent examination of the Doctrine taught by any and that he doo sharpely punish bothe the teachers of false and superstitious Religion with the folowers and also remooue quite out of the waye all maner of euill The beste and most godly Princes that euer gouerned Goddes people did perceiue and rightly vnderstande this to be Goddes will that they ought to haue an especiall regarde and care for the orderinge and settinge foorth of Goddes true Religion and therefore vsed great diligence with feruent zeale to perfour●● and accōplishe the same Moses was the supreme gouernour ouer Goddes people was not the chiefe Priest or Bishop for that was Aaron whose authoritie zeale and care in appointinge and orderinge Religion amongest Goddes people prescribinge to al the people yea to Aaron and the Leuites what and after what sorte they shoulde execute their functions correctinge and chasteninge the transgressours is manifestly set foorth in his booke called the Pentateuche After the death of Moses the people as yet not entred and settled in the promised Lande the chardge of chiefe gouernment ouer Goddes people both in causes Temporall and Ecclesiasticall was committed to Iosue and not to Eleazar for to him belonged onely the ministration of the thinges belonginge to the Priestly office And to Iosue the Prince belonged the ouer sight both ouer the Priests and people to gouerne guide order appoint and direct eche estate in all thinges that apperteined to eche of their callinges Of the one yée séeme to haue no doubt at all the other is as plaine For at the appointment of Iosue the Priestes remooued the Arke of couenaunt and placed the same He did interprete vnto the people the spirituall meaninge of the twelue stones whiche they had taken by Goddes commaundement foorth of Iordan to be as Sacramentes or Signes He circūcised the children of Israell at the second time of the great and solempne Circumcision He calleth the Priestes commaundeth some of them to take vp the Lordes Arke other seuen of them to blowe seuen trompettes before the Arke appointeth to them the order of procéedinge He builded an aultar vnto the Lorde God of Israel accordinge to y e Lawe of God he sacrificed theron burnt sacrifices and burnt offringes He wrote there vpon the stones the Deuteronomy of Moses He redde all the blessinges and cursinges as they are set foorth in the booke of the Lawe And he redde all what so euer Moses had commaunded before al the cōgregation of Israel c. Last of al Iosue to shewe that causes of Religion did specially belonge to his charge and care maketh a long and a vehement oration vnto the Israelites wherin he exhorteth them to cleaue vnto the Lorde with a sure faithe a constant hope and a perfect loue obeiynge and seruinge him with suche seruice as he hath appointed in his Lawe And doth zelously and with great threates disswade them from all kynde of Idolatry and false Religion Dauid whom God appointed to be the pastour that is the king ouer Israel to feede his people did vnderstāde that to this pastoral office of a kyng did belong of dutie not only a charge to prouide that the people might be gouerned with iustice and liue in ciuill honestie peace and tranquilite publique and priuate but also to haue a special regarde and care to see them sed with true doctrine and to be fostered vp in the Religion appointed by God him selfe in his Lawe And therfore immediatly after he was with some quietnes setled in his royal seate the first thing that he began to refourme and restore to the right order as a thing y e apperteined especially to his princely charge and care
the Kinge of the misorder of Thurstan whome the Kinge had made Abbot of Glastonbury by whose iudgement the Abbot was chaunged and tourned to his owne Abbay in Normandy but the Monkes scattered aboute by the Kinges hest After this the kinge bestowed many Bishoprikes on his Chaplaines as London Norwiche Chester Couentry c. And ruled both the Temporalty and the Spirytualty at his owne will saithe Polychronicon He tooke noman fro the Pope in his lande he meaneth that the Kinge woulde suffer no Legate to enter into the lande from the Pope but he came and pleased him he suffered no Councell made in his owne countrey without his owne leaue Also he woulde nothinge suffer in suche a councell but as he woulde assent So that in geuinge or translatinge of Spiritual promocions in geuing his assent to councels and suffring nothing to passe without his cōsent in hearing and determining Ecclesiasticall causes in restreining the Popes libertie without his speciall licence and in ruling the s●iritualtie at his owne wil king William sheweth plaine that he tooke him selfe for the supreame gouernour within this Realme in all maner of causes so well Ecclesiasticall as Temporall In like maner did his sonne William Rufus who made Anselme Bishoppe of Yorke and afterwardes translated him to Cantorbury But within a while strief and contention fell betweene him and Anselme for Anselme might not call his Synodes nor correct the Bisshops but as the king would the king also challenged the inuestiture of Bishoppes This king also forbad the paiyng of any money or tribute to Rome as saith Polychronicon The like inhibitiō made Henry the first and gaue Ecclesiasticall promocions as his auncestours had doone wherefore Anselme fel out with the king and would not consecrate suche Prelates as he beynge a Lay man had made but the Archebishop of Yorke did consecrate them and therefore Anselme fledde the Realme In an other councell at London the Spiritual condescended that the kinges officers should punishe Priestes for whoordome The cause of this decree as it seemeth was that a Cardinall named Ioannes Cremensis that came to redresse the matter after he had enueighed against the vice was him selfe the same nyght taken tardy In the whiche councell also saith Polydore the king prouided many thinges to bee enacted whiche shoulde greatly helpe to leade a Godly and blessed life After this the kinge called an other counsell at Sarisbury Sommoning thither so well the chief of the Clergie as the people and swore them vnto him and vnto William his sonne Whereupon Polydorus taketh occasiō to speake of the order of our Parliament though it haue a French name yet in deede to be a councell of the Clergy and the Laitie whereof the Prince hath a ful ratifiyng or enfringing voyce And not only saith he this king did make Bisshoppes and Abbottes whiche he calleth holy rites Lawes of Religion and Church ceremonies as other likewyse cal it Ecclesiasticall busines but the Princes of euery nation began euery where to claime this right vnto them selues of naming and denouncing of Bisshoppes the whiche to this daie they holde fast with toothe and nayle Also Martinus here noteth Vntill this time and from thence euen till our daies the king of Hungary maketh and inuestureth according to his pleasure Bisshops and other Ecclesiastical persones within his Dominions And here sithen I am entred into the noting of the practises of other countries in this behalfe I might not onely note the doinges about this time of Frederike king of Sicill and Iames the king of Spain his brother in reformation of Religion in their Dominions as appeareth in their Epistles writen by Arnoldus de noua Villa but also make a digression to the state of other partes in Christendom as of the Churches of Grece of Armenia of Moscouia c. that acknowledged not any but onely their Princes to be their supreme gouernours in all thinges next to Christe as especially also to note that most aunciēt part of Christendome southwarde in Aethyopia conteining 62. kingdomes vnder y e ruling of him whom we misname Presbyter Ioannes as who saye he were a Prieste and head Bishoppe ouer those Christian Realmes hauinge suche a power with them as the Popes vsurpation hath challenged here in Europe to be an head or vniuersall Priest and kinge If we may beleue Sabellicus who sayth that he hath bothe often talked with the marchauntes that haue their traffique there and hath also diuerse tymes enquired the matter by an interpretour of the inhabitauntes there borne they all saie that his name is neither Presbyter Ioannes nor Pretto Ianes but saye they his name is Gyā that is mightie and they marueile greatly what the Italians meane to call him by the name of Priesthoode But this they saie that all the suites or requestes euen of their greate Bisshoppes are brought before the kinge him selfe and that all their benefices or Spirituall promotions be obteined at his handes So that there beynge as Sabellicus telleth further an exceadinge great nomber of chiefe Prelates or Metropolitanes and vnder euery one Prelate at the least twenty Bishoppes all their sutes and causes Ecclesiasticall beyng brought vnto him and he the maker of all these Prelates Bishoppes and other Ecclesiasticall persones he is called ouer them all Clergie or Laye in all causes Ecclesiasticall or temporall Cyā the mightie that is the supreme Ruler and Gouernour and euen so hath continued sithen those partes were first Christened as they saye of Thomas Dydimus the Apostle vntill our time But this by the waye nowe from them to retourne to our owne countrey In England also king Stephan reserued to him self the inuestitures of the Prelates as likewise after him did Henry the seconde that made Thomas Becket Archebisshoppe of Cantorburie who thereat was sworne to the kinge and to his Lawes and to his Sonne In the ninth yeere of his reigne this kinge called a Parliament at Northampton where he entended reformation of many priuileges that the Clergie had and amongest these was one that although one of the Clergie had committed felonie murder or treason yea● might not the kinge put him to death as he did the Laye menne The whiche thinge with many other the kinge thoughte to redresse in the saide Parliament Thomas Becket resisted him but he mighte not praeuayle againste the kinge For well neere all the Bisshoppes of Englande were against him In the 17 ▪ ●ere of his reigne the king made a iourney into Ireland wherewith great trauaile he subdued the Iris he and after with the helpe of the Primate of Ar●●ch he refourmed the manners of the people and dwellers in that countrey and that in three thinges especially ●irst in rulinge and orderinge of the Churche by the Curates and howe they shoulde order their diuine Seruice and minister the Sacrament of matrimonie as it was in Englande and other Christian Regions The seconde was howe
that the Laye people shoulde behaue them selues towardes their Curates and in what wise they shoulde paie and offer to God their tithes The thirde was for making of their testamentes In Germany succeded vnto Frederike Henry and next vnto him Philip both of them inuesturing Bishops and suffering no Legates from Rome to come into Apulia nor Sicilia according to the aforesaide composition Next to whom succeded Otto surnamed of the Clergie the defendour of Iustice for where as the manner of Princes was saith Abbas Vrspurgens cheerfully and readily to geue benefices or Churches to those that did first aske them he woulde no● so doo but he gaue all the benefices that fell as well Ecclesiasticall as Secular to those with whom he was acquainted c. This Emperour came into Italy claimed and recouered al the right of the Empire that the Pope vsurped vnder the name of S. Peters patrimony and called a Synode at Norinberge about this matter and touching the Popes authoritie In England as Henry his father had doon before him so folowed king Richard in geuing Ecclesiastical promotions in calling councel● ordering other Ecclesiasticall matters yea euē in his absence being in Syria by one that represented his persone therin the B. of Ely who called and made a councel at westminster as the kings procuratour and the Popes Legate and spake by the kinges power But in this matter kyng Iohn did more thē any of his predecessours which purchased him muche hatred with the Pope and his Monkes In this while the Frenche kinge helde a Councell at Cenomannia in Turon And after him Kinge Lewes did celebrate a solemne coūcell at Paris whereat was praesent the Popes Legates In whiche time was Frederike the. 2. Emperour out of doubt saith Auentinus an other Charles the great and without all controuersie most pr●fitable for the Christian common wealth whiche not onely helde the priuileges aforesaide in Apulia and Sicilia but in all his dominions and about this mater tamed diuer Popes called and kepte diuerse Councelles aswel by his Sonnes as by him selfe ordeined certaine Ecclesiasticall lawes againste diuerse Heretiques condemninge their heresies and appointing how they should be ordered ordeininge likewise many priuileges for Ecclesiasticall personnes In whiche time Henry the. 3. Kinge of Englande helde a solemne Councell in the whiche bothe by the sentence of the Kinge and of the Princes not a fewe priuileges were taken away from the order of priesthoode at what time the Popes Legate required a tribute of all the Cleargy but it was denied him Robert Grosthed whome yée call S. Robert wrote vnto the Pope a sharpe Episile bicause he greeued the Churche of Englande with ●askes and paymentes against reason of whiche when he sawe no redresse he with other Prelates of the lande complained vnto the Kinge of the wass of the goodes and patrimonie of the Churche by the Popes neare kinseman and other alient Bisshoppes whome the Kinge auoyded out of the Realme To whome also the Emperour Frederike wrote that it was a shame for him to suffer any longer his Realme to be oppressed with the Popes tiranny Lewes the Frenche kynge called S. Lewes who as Antoninus saith was so instructed euen from his infancie in all the wisedome of diuine and good orders that there was not founde his like ▪ that kept the lawe of the high God c. made a lawe againste th●●e that blasphemed the name of the 〈◊〉 adioyninge a penaltie of a whoteyron to be printed in the transgressours forehead Also in the yeere of the Lorde 1228. He made a Lawe againste the Popes fraudes concerninge the preuentions and reseruations of the reuenues and dignities Ecclesiasticall complayninge that the Pope had pulled from him the collations of all Spirituall promotions ordeininge that from hence foorth the election of Bisshoppes Prelates and all other what so euer shoulde be free forcible and effectuall to the electours patrones and collatours of them Also the same yeere he set foorth an other Lawe againste Simonie complaininge of the bioyng and sellinge of Ecclesiasticall dignities He made also certaine godly Lawes againste whoredome and Fornication Laste of all in the yéere of the Lorde 1268. he set foorth the Lawe commonly called Pragmatica Sanctio wherein amongest other Ecclesiasticall matters againste the Popes pollinges he saithe thus Item in no case we will that exactions or greuous burdens of money beinge laide on the Churche of our Kingedome by the Courte of Rome whereby our kingedome is miserably impouerished be leuied or gathered nor any hereafter to be layde excepte onely for a reasonable godly and moste vrgent cause of necessitie that can not be auoided and that the same be doone by our expresse biddinge and commaundement of our owne accorde Conradus Conradinus and Manfredus still kepte the priuilege of the foresaide Ecclesiasticall matters in Sicilia and Apulia Shortly after this time Charles the Kinge of Sicilia and Apulia had all or most of the dooing in the election and makinge of diuerse Popes as of Martyn 4. Celestyn 5. Bonyface 8. c. Edwarde the firste Kinge of Englande aboute this time made the Statute of Northampton So that after that time noman shoulde geue neither sell nor bequeath neither chaunge neither bye title assigne landes tenementes neither rentes to no man of Religion without the Kinges leaue whiche acte sence that time hath beene more straightly enacted and diuised with many addicions thereunto augmented or annexed The whiche Lawe saithe Polydore he made bicause he was Religionis studiosissimus c. moste studiouse of Religion and moste sharpe enemie to the insolency of the Priesies At this time Philip le Beau the Frenche Kinge beganne his reigne brought vp in the studie of diuinitie vnder Aegidius the Romaine diuine by whose admonitions and also of other diuines the Kinge beinge instructed in his duety aboue al other thinges endeuoured him selfe aboute the reformation of Religion and orderinge of Ecclesiasticall matters Whereuppon lookinge to the state of the Cleargy he deposed a certaine Bishoppe for Heresie and gaue his Bishoprike to an other and besides claymed the inuestiture of all other Bishoppes in his dominions and callinge Councelles at home in his owne Realme woulde suffer none of his Cleargy to goo to the Popes Councelles He caused the Popes Bulles to be burned He commaunded the Popes Legates to auoyde his realme He commaunded that no money shoulde be caried out of the Realme to the Pope He sette foorth a Lawe that no man should goo to Rome out of his kingedome He called a Councell at Paris and caused to be gathered thither all the Prelates and Barons of Fraunce to iustifie his dooinges He shewed vnto them why he tooke vppon him to call a Councell He enueighed againste the Pope for Heresie Symonie Homicide Pride Ambition c. and that of righte he ought therefore to be deposed He demaundeth of the
owne peuish cauillatiōs This report is false that I shuld affirme y e Queenes Maiesties meaning in that othe to be far otherwise then the expresse wordes are as lye Verbatim This my constant Assertion that hir Highnesse minde meaninge is to take so muche and no more of Spiritual aucthoritie and power vpon hir than Kinge Henry and Kinge Edwarde enioyed and did iustly claime you vntruely feygne to be your obiection And that I shoulde affirme of most certaine and sure knowledge hir Maiesties minde or the very right sence of the Othe to be otherwise than it is plainely set foorth is a malicious sclaunder whereof I will fetche no better proofe then the testimonie of your owne mouthe Ye confesse that the interpretation folowinge was penned and written by me to declare the very righte sence and meaninge of the othe wherein ye haue acquited me and condemned your selfe of a manifest vntruthe For the right sence and meaning declared in the interpretation that I made and you haue set foorth doth plainely shewe the cleane contrary if you marke it well to all that you haue here set foorth in my name vnder the title of my resolucions to your scruples Furthermore in the Preface to your forenamed pointes ye haue declared by woorde and wrytinge that I did require you presently to sweare by othe to acknowledge her highnes to be the onely supreame gouernour in all Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall thinges or causes If this be true that you haue said it is manifest by your owne confession that I declared her Maiesties meaninge in that Othe to be none otherwise than the expresse wordes are as they lye verbatim For when I showe her meaninge to be that ye should acknowledge in her highnes the only supreamacie I doo declare plainely that she meaneth to exclude all other men from hauinge any supreamacie for this exclusiue only can not haue any other sense or meaning And whan I adde this supreamacie to be in all spirituall causes or thinges I shewe an vniuersall comprehension to be meant without exception For if ye excepte or take away any thing it is not all And you your selfe tooke my m●aning to be thus For ye chalenge me in your seconde chiefe point and call for profe hereof at my hand whiche ye woulde not doo if it were not mine assertion meaning For why should I be driuē to proue that which I affirme not or meant not Besides these in your whole trauaile folowing ye labour to improue this as you say mine assercion to wit that all Spirituall iurisdiction dependeth vpon the positiue Lawe of Princes If this bee mine assercion as ye affirme it is and therefore bende all your force to improoue it ye witnes with me against your selfe that I declared her Maiesties meaning was to take neither more nor lesse authoritie and iurrsdiction vnto her selfe than kynge Henry and kinge Edwarde had for they had no more than all And if her Maiestie take any lesse she hath not al. Touchinge therefore these false feined and sclaunderous resolucions as they are by you moste vntruly forged euen so whether this bee likely that in a yeres space welnigh I would not in all our daily conference make one reason or argument out of the Scriptures or other authoritie in the maintenaunce of mine assercion and to resolue you in the same I referre to the iudgement of all the Papistes in the Realme that knowe both me and you Againe though ye doo denie that I so did therefore do report none there bee many both worshipfull and of good credit yea and some of your owne déer friendes also that are witnesses of our talke can tell what reasons I haue made vnto you bothe out of the Scriptures and other authorities and proofes out of the Churche histories suche as ye coulde not auoide but were forced to yelde vnto And whether I should so doo or not I might referre me vnto the testimonie of your owne mouthe both than and sithen spoken to diuerse that can witnesse y e same that ye affirmed this although vntruly that you neuer found any that so muche ouerpressed you as I did whiche your saiyng although most vntrue yet it showeth that somewhat I said to confirme mine assertion and to confute yours M. Fekenham Hereunto I did make this obiectiō folovving These vvorde of the first part of the othe I. A. B. doo vtterly testifie and declare in my cōscience that the Q. highnes is the only supreme gouernour of this Realme as vvel in al Spiritual or Ecclesiastical thinges or causes as Temporal ▪ Besides the particulers expressed in your L. interpretation made thereof they doo by expresse vvordes of the acte geue vnto the Queenes highnes all maner of iurisdictiōs priuileges and preheminēces in any vvise touching and concerning any concerning any Spiritual or Ecclesiasticali iurisdiction vvithin the Realme vvith an expresse debarre and flat denial made of al Spiritual iurisdictiō vnto the Bishops thereof to be exercised ouer their flockes and cures vvithout her highnes Speciall commission to be graunted thervnto They hauing by the expresse vvorde of God cōmission of Spiritual gouernment ouer them commission to lose and bind their sinnes Commission to shut and opon the gates of heauē to them Commission to geue vnto them the holy ghost by the impositiō of their hādes And thei hauing by the expresse vvord of God such a daungerous cure and charge ouer their soules that God hath threatned to require the bloud of suche as shall perishe at their handes Notvvithstanding these and many such other like commissions graunted vnto them for the more better discharge of their cures and that by the mouth of God they may not exercise any iurisdiction ouer them they may not visit them they may not reforme them they may not order nor correct them vvithout a further cōmission from the Q. highnes Surely my good L. these thinges are so straunge vnto me and so contrary to all that I haue rede that I am not hable to satisfie my conscience therein Youre L. aunsvver vvas that for as muche as all Spirituall iurisdiction and authoritie to make Lavves and to iudge the people in courtes Ecclesiasticall to visit them to reforme them to order and correct them doth depende onely vppon the positiue Lavves of Kinges and Princes and not vpon the Lavve of God Therfore neither did the Apostles of Christe neither the Bishoppes and their successours may exercise any iurisdiction vpon the people of God iudge thē visite them refourme order and correct them vvithout authority and commission of the King and Prince The B. of Wynchester It is very true that after yée had quarelled muche in sondry thinges touchyng woordes and termes expressed in the Act of Parliament and in the interpretation of the Othe Yée did neuerthelesse finally agrée in the whole matter thereof finding onely doubt in one pointe of mine assertion namely touchyng iurisdiction Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall all whiche you affirmedcon trary
had no Christiā Prince or Magistrate Constantinus as I haue saide was not the first Christian king But he was the very first Emperour as your owne writers doo witnesse that gaue Bishoppes authoritie to iudge and exercise iurisdictiō ouer their Clergie and that gaue to the Bishop of Rome power and authoritie ouer other Bishoppes as Iudges haue the king ouer them and that gaue to him power and iurisdiction ouer all other Churches if that Donacon be not forged whiche Gratian citeth And Petrus Bertrandus a Bishop a Cardinal and one of your best learned in the Canon and Ciuill lawes in his treatise De origine iurisdictionum affirmeth that Theodosius and Carolus Magnus did graunte vnto the Churche all iudgementes For the proufe whereof he auoucheth diuerse decrées and addeth That such graūtes were afterwardes abrogated M. Fekenham At the first councel holden at Hierusalem for the reformation of the controuersy that vvas than at Antioche touchinge Circumcisiō and the obseruation of Moses Lavve decree vvas made there by the Apostles and Priestes vnto the beleuers at Antioche that they shoulde absteine from these fovvre chiefe and necessary thinges viz ab immolatis simulachrorum à sanguine suffocato à fornicatione à quib custodientes vos bene agetis The vvhiche first councell vvas there assembled by the Apostles of Christ The Decrees and Lavves vvere made there by them The controuersy at Antioche vvas by them reformed ordered and corrected vvithout all commission of any temporal Magistrate King or Prince The B. of Wynchester God be thanked that S. Luke maketh to vs a sufficient report of this councell who maketh no mencion of any Priest there present as you vntruely report onles ye will thinke he meant the order of Priestes whan he named the faction of the Pharisées Whether the Apostles called this councell or not or that the Congregation being assembled together in their ordinary sort for praier preaching and breaking of bread Paulus and Barnabas with the others sent to Hierusalem did declare the cause of their message before the whole Churche which is more likely I will not determine bicause S. Luke maketh no mention thereof But if it be true that ye affirme that the Apostles called or assembled this Councell Then was it not the authoritie or Acte of one Apostle alone Besides this if the Apostles called this councell they called they Layte so wel as the Clergie to the councell yea as may séeme probable mo of the Laytie than of the Clergie The decrées were not made by the Apostles alone as you falsely feyne For S. Luke saith the decrée was made by the Apostles Elders and the whole Congregation The Apostles I graunt as was moste conuenient with the Elders had the debating arguing and discussing of the question in cōtrouersie They declared out of the holy Scriptures what was the truthe And I doubt not but they declared to the Church what they thought most conueniēt to be determined But the determination and decrée was by the common consent both of the Apostles Elders and people Therfore this controuersy was reformed ordered and corrected not by the authoritie of the Apostles alone without the Elders neither they togeaher did it without the assent of the Churche and so this allegation maketh no deale for your purpose but rather cleane against it M. Fekenham The Apostles also hearinge at Hierusalem that Samaria had reciued the vvoorde of God they did sende Peter and Iohn to visite them to confirme them in faythe and that they might receiue the holy ghost by the imposition of their hands Paule and Barnabas did agree betvvixt them selues to visite al those Cities and bretheren vvhiche they had conuerted to the faithe The vvoordes of the Scripture are these Dixit ad Barnabam Paulus reuertentes visitemus fratres per vniuersas Ciuitates in quibus praedicauimus verbum Domini quomodo se habeant In the vvhiche visitation the Apostle Paule Electo Sila per ambulabat Siriam Cil●●iam confirmans Ecclesias praecipiens custodire praecepta Apostolorum seniorum By the vvhiche vvoordes it right vvell appeareth hovve the Apostles and Priestes at Hierusalem ouer and besides the Ghospell vvhiche they taught they did make certeine Decrees Lavves and ordinaunces the vvhiche the Apostle Paule in his visitation gaue commaundement to the Syrians and Silicians to obserue and keepe VVhat Lavves and orders did the Apostle make and appoint vnto the Corinthiās that men should neither praie nor preache in the Churche vvith their heades couered VVhat reformation and order did he make and appoint vnto them for the more honourable receiuing of the Sacrament and that partly by vvriting and partly by vvoorde of mouthe saying Caetera cum Venero disponam and in his seconde Epistle to the Thessalonians he saith Fratres state tenete traditiones quas didicistis siue per fermonem siue per Epistolam nostram VVhat orders and Decrees did the Apostle Paule make touching praiyng and preaching vnto the people in tongues vnknovven and that al vvomen should keepe silence in the Churche and Congregation These and many suche other like Lavves orders and Decrees vvere made for the reformation of the people in the Churche of Christ by Christes Apostles by Bishops and priestes as the successours of them and that vvithout all commission of any Temporal Magistrate Emperour King or Prince Constantinus being the first Christian Emperour like as I haue saide The B. of Wynchester Your whole drifte in this parte is to proue that Bishoppes and Priestes may visite geue the holy Ghoste by the imposition of their handes and make lawes orders and decrees to their flockes and cures Your proufe consisteth in the example of the Apostles and this is your argument The Apostles visited gaue the holy Ghost and made Lawes orders and decrees vnto their flockes and cures Ergo Bishoppes and Priestes haue authoritie and may make Lawes visit geue the holy ghost to their flockes and cures The insufficiency of this consequent doth easely appeare to those that doo consider the state and condicion of the Apostleship and compare therwith the office of a Bishop or Priest The Apostles did might and could doo many thinges that Bishoppes and Priestes neither may nor can doo The matter is more plaine than that needeth any proufe But as the sequele faileth in forme so let vs consider the matter wherupon ye grounde the sequele that your friendes may see what foule shiftes ye are driuen to make for the maintenaunce of an vniust claime That the Apostles did visite their cures and flockes you proue by two places of the Actes in the first place ye feine the Scriptures to saie that it sayeth not for in the eight of the Actes there is no mencion made of any visitation the other place speaketh only of a Scripturely visitation and nothing at al of your Forinsecall or Canon Lawe visitation The Canon Lawes visitatiō is to be exercised by a great nomber of such persons
was Goddes Religion Seruice whiche had been decayed and neglected longe before in the tyme of king Saul For the better perfourmaunce whereof as the supreame gouernour ouer all the estates bothe of the Laytie and of the Clergie in all maner of causes after consultation had with his chief Counsailours he calleth the Priestes and Leuites and commaūdeth appointeth and directeth them in al maner of things causes apperteining to their ecclesiasticall functions offices He prepareth a seemely place for the Arke in his own Citie He goeth with great solēpnitie to fetche the Arke of the lord He commaundeth Sadoc Abiathar the priestes and the chief among the Leuites to sanctifie them selues with their brethren than to cary the Arke vpon their shoulders vnto the place appointed He comptrolleth them that the Arke was not caried before on their shoulders according to the Lawe and therfore layeth to their charge the breach that was made by the death of Vsa He commaundeth also the chief of the Leuites to appointe among their brethren Musicians to playe on dyuers kyndes of instrumentes and to make melodie with ioyfulnes He sacrificeth burnt and peace offringes He blessed the people in the name of the Lorde He appointeth certeine of the Leuites to minister cōtinually before the Arke of the Lord to reherse his great benefites to the honour prayse of the lord God of Israel And for that present tyme he made a Psalme of Gods prayse and appointed Asaph his brethren to prayse God therwith He ordeyned the Priestes Leuites singers and Porters and in som he appointed ordered all th officers offices required to be in the house of the Lord for the setting forth of his seruice Religion Salomon deposed Abiathar the highe Priest and placed Sadoc in his rowme And he builded the Temple placed the Arke in the place appointed for the same Hallowed or dedicated the Temple offred sacrifices blessed the people directed the Priestes Leuites and other churche officers in their functions according to the order before taken by his father Dauid And neither the Priestes nor Leuites ▪ swerued in any thing perteining to their office from that that the king commaunded them Iosephat hath no small commendation in the Scriptures for that he so studiously vsed his princely authoritie in the reformation of Religion and maters apperteining therunto He remoued at the first beginning of his reigne all maner of false Religion and what so euer might be cause of offence to the faithfull He sent forth through his kyngdome Visitours both of his Princes and also of the Priestes Leuites with the booke of the Lawe of the Lorde to the ende they should instruct teache the people refourme all maner abuses in ecclesiastical causes according to that booke After a whyle he made a progresse in his own persone throughout al his countrey and by his preachers reduced and brought againe his people from supersticion false Religion vnto the Lorde the God of their fathers He appointed in euery towne throughout his kingdome as it were Iustices of the peace suche as feared the Lord and abhorred false Religion to decide controuersies in ciuill causes and in like sort he appointed and ordeined the high Priestes with other Priestes Leuites and of the chief rulers among the Israelites to be at Hierusalem to decide and iudge cōtrouersies of great weight that shuld arise about matters of Religion and the Lawe He did commaunde and prescribe vnto the chief Priestes and Leuites what fo●●me and order they shoulde obserue in the ecclesiasticall causes and controuersies of Religion that were not so difficult and weightie And when any token of Goddes displeasure appeared either by warres orother calamitie he gaue order to his subiectes for cōmon praier and enioyned to them publiqu● faste with earnest preaching of repentaunce and sekinge after the wyll of the Lorde to obey and folowe the same Ezechias the kyng of Iuda hath this testimony of the holy Ghost that the like gouernour had not been neither should bee after hym amongest the kynges of Iuda For he cleaued vnto the Lorde and swerued not from the preceptes whiche the Lorde gaue by Moses And to expresse that the office rule and gouernement of a godly kyng consisteth and is occupied accordyng to Gods ordinaunce and precept first of all in matters of Religion and causes Ecclesiastical the holy ghost doth commende this kyng for his diligent care in refourming Religion He toke quite away saith the holy ghost al maner of Idolatry superstition and false Religion yea euen in the first yere of his reigne and the first moneth he opened the doores of Goddes house He calleth as it were to a Synode the Priestes and Leuites be maketh vnto them a long and pithy oration declaringe the horrible disorders and abuses that hath been in Religion the causes and what euils folowed to the whole Realme thervpon He declareth his full determination to restore and refourme Religion according to Gods will He commaundeth them therfore that they laiyng aside all errours ignoraunce and negligence do the partes of faithfull ministers The Priestes Leuites assembled togither did sanctifie them selues and did purge the house of the Lorde from al vncleanes of false Religion at the commaundement of the king concerning thinges of the Lorde That done they came vnto the kyng and made to hym an accompt and report what they had done The kyng assembleth the chiefe Rulers of the Citie goeth to the Temple he commaundeth the Priestes and Leuites to make oblation and sacrifice for whole Israel He appointeth the Leuites after their order in the house of the Lorde to their musicall instrumentes and of the Priestes to play on Shalmes according as Dauid had disposed the order by the counsell of the Prophetes He and the Princes commaundeth the Leuites to prayse the Lorde with that Psalme that Dauid made for the lyke purpose He appointed a very solempne keaping and ministring of the Passeouer whervnto he exhorteth all the Israelites and to tourne from their Idolatry and false Religion vnto the Lorde God of Israel He made solempne prayer for the people The kyng with comfortable wordes encouraged the Leuites that were zelous and had a ryght iudgement of the Lord to offre sacrifices of thankes geuing and to prayse the Lorde the God of their fathers and assigned the Priestes and Leuites to mynister and geue thankes accordyng to their offices in their courses and tournes And for the better continuance of Gods true Religion he caused a sufficient and liberall prouision to bee made from the people for the Priestes and Leuites that they myght wholly cheerfully and constantly serue the Lorde in their vocations These doynges of the kyng Ezechias touchynge matters of Religion and the reformation thereof sayth the holy ghost was his acceptable seruice of the Lorde dutifull both to God and his people Iosias had the like care for Religion
as it were almost weried forhayed with the great persecutions of Goddes enemies and maruelously shaken with the controuersies and contentions amongest them selues euen as a nource Father in his owne bosome he procured that they should be fedde with the swéete milke of Goddes woorde Yea he him selfe with his publique proclamations did exhorte and allure his subiectes to the Christian Faith As Gusebius doth reporte in many places writinge the life of Constantine He caused the Idolatrous religion to be suppressed and vtterly banisshed and the true knowledge and Religion of Christe to be brought in and planted amonge his people He made many holsome lawes and godly constitutions wherewith be restrained the people with threates forbiddinge them the Sacrificinge to Idolles to seeke after the Deuelish and superstitious sothsaiynges to set vp Images that they should not make any priuie Sacrifices and to be briefe he refourmed all manner of abuses about Gods seruice and prouided that the Churche shoulde be fedde with Goddes woorde Yea his diligent care in furtheringe and settinge foorth the true knowledge of Christe wherewith he fedde the people was so watcheful that Eusebius doth affirme him to be appointed of God as it were the common or Vneuersall Bisshop And so Constantine tooke him selfe to be and therefore saide to the Bishoppes assembled together with him at a feast that God had appointed him to be a Bissoppe But of this moste honorable Bishop nourshinge father more shalbe saide hereafter as of other also suche like Our sauiour Christ meante not to forbidde or destroy touchinge the rule seruice and chardge of Princes in Churche causes that whiche was figured in the Lawe or prophecied by the Prophetes For he came to fulfill or accomplis he the Lawe and the Prophetes by remoouinge the shadowe and Figure and establishing the Body and Substance to be séene to appeare cléerely without any miste or darke couer yea as the power and authoritie of Princes was appointed in the Lawe and Prophetes as it is prooued to stretche it selfe not onely to ciuill causes but also to the ouer sight maintenaunce settinge foorth and furtherance of Religion and matters Ecclesiasticall Euen so Christe our Sauiour confirmed this their authoritie commaunding all men to attribute and geue vnto Caesar that which belongeth to him admonishinge notwithstandinge all Princes people that Caesars authoritie is not infinite or without limites for suche authoritie belongeth onely to the Kinge of all Kinges but bounded and circumscribed within the boundes assigned in Goddes woorde and so will I my woordes to be vnderstanded when so euer I speake of the power of Princes And this to be Christes order and meaninge that the Kinges of the nations should be the supreme gouernours ouer their people not onely in Temporall but also in Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall causes the blessed Apostles Peter and Paule doo plainely declare The supremacy of Princes they set foorth when they cōmaunde euery soule that is euery man whether he be as Chrysostome saith an Apostle Euangelist Prophete Priest Monke or of what so euer callinge he be to be subiect obey the higher powers as Kinges and their Lieutenauntes or gouernours vnder them And thei declare that this supreme gouernment is occupied and exercised in or about the praysinge furthering and aduauncinge of vertue or vertuous actions and contrary wise in correctinge stayinge and repressinge all manner of vice or vicious actions which are the propre obiect or mattier hereof Thus doth Basilius take the meaninge of the Apostles sayinge This seemeth to me to be the office of a Prince to ayde vertue and to impugne vice Neither S. Paule neither the best learned amongest the auncient Fathers did restreine this power of Princes onely to vertues and vices bidden or forbidden in the seconde table of Goddes commaundementes wherein are conteined the dueties one man oweth to an other But also did plainely declare them selues to meane that the authoritie of Princes ought to stretche it selfe to the maintenaunce praise and furtherance of the vertues of the first Table and the suppression of the contrary wherein onely consisteth the true Religion and spirituall Seruice that is due from man to God S. Paule in his epistle to Timothe teacheth the Ephesians that Kinges and rulers are constituted of God for these twoo purposes that their people may liue a peaceable life thorough their gouernment and ministery both in godlines which is as S. Augustine interpreteth it the true and chiefe or propre worship of God and also in honesty or séemelines in whiche twoo woordes godlines and honestie he conteined what so euer is commaunded either in the firste or seconde Table S. Augustine also sheweth this to be his minde when describing the true vertues which shall cause princes to be blessed nowe in Hope and afterwarde in déede addeth this as one especiall condicion required by reason of their chardge and callinge If that saithe he they make theyr power whiche they haue a seruaunt vnto Goddes Maiestie to enlardge moste wide his woorship Seruice or Religion To this purpose also serue all those testimonies which I haue cited before out of S. Augustine against the Donatistes who in his booke De. 12. abusionum gradibus teacheth that a Prince or ruler must labour to be had in awe of his subiectes for his seueritie against the transgressours of Gods Lawe Not meaninge onely the transgressours of the seconde table in Temporal matters But also against the offendours of the first table in Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall causes or matters Whiche his meaning he declareth playnely in an other place where he auoucheth the saying of S. Paule The Prince beareth not the Sworde in vaine to proue therewith against Petilian the Donatiste that the power or authoritie of Prynces whiche the Apostle speaketh of in that sentēce is gyuen vnto them to make sharp Lawes to further true Religion and so suppresse Heresies and Schismes and therfore in the same place he calleth the catholique Churche that hath suche Princes to gouerne to this effecte A Churche made strong whole or fas●ened together with catholique Princes meanyng that the church is weake rent and parted in sonder where catholique Gouernours are not to maynteine the vnitie thereof in Churche matters by their authoritie and power Gaudentius the Donatist founde him selfe agreeued that Emperours should entremedle and vse their power in matters of Religion affirmyng that this was to restreyne men of that freedome that God had set men in That this was a great iniury to God if he meaning his Religion should be defended by men And that this was nothing els but to esteeme God to be one that is not able to reuenge the iniuries doon against him selfe S. Augustine doth answere and refute his obiections with the authoritie of S. Paules saiyng to the Romaynes Let euery soule be subiect to the higher powers c. For he is Goddes mynister to take vengeance on him
godly considerations he wrote his letters to the Bishops of euery city declaring both these causes willing them to sende him their aduise what was best to be doon from whome he receiued answere that the Chalcedon councel is to bee mainteined euen vnto death whereupon the Emperour writeth to Stila his Lieutenant of Alexandrea that he shuld mainteine the Chalcedon councell Stila did as the Emperour commaunded he expelled Timotheus Hellurus and placed another in his roume named Timotheus Sale facialius or Albus who liued quietly all the reigne of Leo and Zeno the Emperous till Basilicus gat the Empire who restored Timotheus the Heretique But when Zeno recouered the Empire this Timotheus poysoned him selfe in whose place the Heretiques chose one Peter Mogge After that Zeno the Emperour knew of the crafty dealing of y e heretiques he wrote to his Lieutenaunt Anthemius that he should depriue Peter Mogge and restore Timotheus to the Byshoprike and further that he should punishe those that were the authors to enstall Peter Mogge Anthemius receyuinge the Emperours mandate did depose Peter Mogge as one that was but a counterfayte made Bishop contrary to the Lawes of the catholique Churche and restored Timotheus Salefacialius who beinge restored sent certayne of his Clergie to the Emperour to render him thankes After this Timotheus Ioannes de Talaida was chosen wherof when Acatius Bishop of Constantinople hearde he being offended with Iohn for that he had not sent vnto him synodical letters to signifie of his electiō as y e maner was he ioyned him selfe with the fautours of Peter Mogge accused Iohn vnto the Emperour as one not sounde in Religion nor fit for the Byshoprike Peter Mogge espying this oportuniti edissembleth an vnitie and reconciliation and by his friendes wynneth Acatius who breaketh the matter to the Emperour and perswadeth him to depose Ioannes de Talaida and to restore Peter Mogge so that the same Peter would first receiue and professe the Henoticon that is the confession of the vnitie in faith whiche the Prince had set foorth wherof this is the effect Zeno the Emperour to al Bishops and people throughout Alexandry and Aegipt Lybia and Pentepolis For so much as we knowe that the right and true faith alone is the beginning cōtinuance strength and inuincible shylde of oure Empyre vve labour night and day in praier study and with Lawes to encrease the Catholique and Apostolique Churche by that faith All people next after God shall bowe downe their neckes vnder our power Seing therfore that the pure faith doth on this wise preserue vs and the Romain cōmon wealth many godly fathers haue hūbly beseched vs to cause an vnitie to be had in the holy Churche that the members displaced and seperated through the malice of the enemy may be coupled and knit together And after this declaringe his faith to agree with the Nicen councel and those that condemned Nestorius and Eutyches he saith vve curse those that thinke the contrary After whiche curse declaring al the articles of his faith he concludeth with an earnest exhortatiō vnto the vnitie of faith The Emperour saith Liberatus supposing that Ioannes de Talaida had not ment rightly of y e Chalcedun coūcel but had doon al things fainedly wrote his letters by the perswasion of Acatius to Pergamius Appolonius his Lieutenantes to depose Iohn and enstall Peter Mogge Iohn being thus thrust out repaired to the B. of Antioche with whose letters of cōmendacion he went to Simplicius Bishop of Rome and desired him to write in his behalfe vnto Acatius Bishoppe of Constantinople who did so and with in a while after died This Pope Simplicius consideringe the great contentions that were accustomably about the election of Popes did prouide by decrée that no Pope shoulde hereafter be chosen without the authoritie of the Prince which decrée although it be not extant yet it is manifest inough by the Epistle of kinge Odoacer put into the Actes of the thirde Synode that Simmachus the Pope did kéepe at Rome wherin the Kinge doth not onely auouche the decree of Simplicius but also addeth Wee maruaile that without vs any thinge was attempted seynge that whiles our Prieste meaninge the Bishop of Rome Simplicius was on liue nothinge ought to haue beene taken in hande without vs Nexte after Simplicius was Foelix 3. chosen who after his confirmacion sent many letters aswell to the Emperour as to Acatius Bishop of Constantinople aboute the matter betwixt Iohn and Peter but when he coulde not preuaile in his suite he made Iohn Bishop of Nola in Campania One of the letters that Pope Foelix wrote vnto Zenon the Emperour about this matter is put into the fifth Synode of Constantinople wherin the Pope after the salutation doth most humbly beseche the Emperour to take his hūble suite in good parte He sheweth that the holy Churche maketh this suite that he will vouchesaulfe to mainteine the vnitie of the Churche that he will destroy Heresies that breaketh the bonde of vnitie that he will expell Peter Mogge bothe out of the Citie and also from Churche regiment that he would not suffer Peter being deposed to be admitted to the Cōmunion of the Churche but that by his honorable letters he would banishe him out of the boundes of Antioche And saith this Bishoppe of Rome Foelix vnto the Emperour In his place appoint you one that shall bewtifie the Priesthood by his woorkes Anastasius the Emperour deposed Macedoniue Bishoppe of Constantinople as one that falsified the Ghospels as Liberatus saithe About the election of Symachus Platina mentioneth what great diuision and sedition arose in so much y t the parties were faine to agrée to haue a councell holden for the determination of the matter And there was a councell appointed at Rauenna saith Sabellicus to the ende that the controuersie might be decided accordinge to righte before the Kinge Theodoriche before whome the matter was so discussed that at the last this Pope Symachus was cōfirmed Neuerthelesse this fyre was not thus so quite quenched but that fower yéeres after it blased out sorer againe VVhereat the Kinge saith Platina beinge displeased sent Peter the Bishop of Altine to Rome to enioy the sea and both the other to be deposed Whereupon an other Synode was called of 120. Bishoppes wherein saith Sabellicus the Pope him selfe defended his owne cause so stoutely and cunningly and confuted saith Platina all the obiections laide against him that by the verdict of them all he was acquited and all the faulte laide to Laurence and Peter But to the intent it may the better appeare what was the Kinges authoritie about these matters marke the fourth Romaine Synode holden in the time of this Symachus about the same matter of his whiche although it be mangled and confusedly set foorth in the Booke of generall Councelles bicause as it may séeme that they woulde not haue the whole trueth of this dissention appeare yet will it
without the authoritie of the Emperours as in all the former generall councels And so at the ende the whole councell put vp a supplication to the Emperour for the ratifiyng of all their doynges The which when the Emperour had heard openly recited and redde vnto them they forthwith alowed signed and sealed Gregorius 3. sent into Fraunce for succour to Charles Martell yelding surrendring vp vnto him that whiche the Pope had so longe sought by all subtile and mischieuous meanes to spoile the Emperour the Princes of This same Gregory the third saith Martinus Poenitentiarius VVhan Rome was besieged by the king of Lombardy sent by Shippe vnto Charles Martell Pipines father the keyes of saint Peters confession beseching him to deliuer the Churche of Rome from the Lombardes By the keies of S. Peters confession he meaneth all the preheminence dignitie and iurisdiction that the Popes claime to them selues more and besides that whiche all other Churche ministers haue ouer and aboue all maner persons Ecclesiasticall or Temporall as geuen of Christe onely to S. Peter for his confession and so from him to the Popes of Rome by lineal successiō Seing that this Pope who was passingly well learned both in diuine and prophane learning and no lesse godly stoute and constant if you wil beleue Platina yeldeth and committeth all this iurisdiction and clayme that he hath ouer all persones Ecclesiasticall and Temporall so well in thinges or causes Ecclesiasticall as Temporall vnto Charles Martel a Lay Prince great maister of Fraūce it appeareth that Princes may Lawfully haue the rule gouernement and charge in Churche matters The heires and successours of this Charles Martell did keepe these keyes from rusting They exercised the same iurisdiction gouernement in Ecclesiastical causes y t the Emperours and kinges had doon from the time of Constantine the great vntill their time which was almost 400. yeres For Carolomanus sonne to kyng Pepin and nephew to Charles Martell no lesse Princelike than Christianly exercised this his Supreme authoritie in Ecclesiasticall causes and made notable reformation of the Ecclesiasticall state He sommoned a councell of his Clergie bothe Bishoppes and Priestes 742. yere from the incarnation of Christe wherein also he him selfe sate with many of his nobles and counsailours He sheweth the cause why he called this Synode That they should geue aduise saith he howe the Lawe of God and the Churche religion meaning the order and discipline may be restored againe whiche in the time of my praedecessours being broken in sonder fell cleane away Also by what meanes the Christian people may attaine to the saluation of their soules and peris he not being deceiued by false priestes He declareth what ordinaunces and decrees were made by his authoritie in that Synode VVe did ordeine Bisshoppes through the Cities saith he by the councell of the Priestes and my nobles and did constitute Bonifacius to be the Archebissop ouer them VVe haue also decreed a Synode to be called together euery yere that the decrees of the Canons and the Lawes of the Churche may be repaired in our presence and the Christian Religion amended c. That the money whereof the Churches haue been defrauded be restored VVe haue degraded the false Priestes Deacons and Clerkes being adulterers and fornicatours and haue driuen them to penaunce We haue vtterly forbidden all maner hunting and haukinge to the Clergie We decree also that euery priest dwelling in y e diocesse be subiect vnto his own bishop that always in Lent he make an accompt shew to the bishop the maner order of his ministery touching baptisme the catholique faith praiers the order of Masses And whāsoeuer the Bishop shal go his circuite to confirme the people the priest shalve ready to receiue him with a collection helpe of the people That y e priest seke for new chrysme always on Maundy thursday at the Bishops hand that y e Bishop may be a witnes of his chast life of his faith and doctrine We decree further that no vnknowen Bishop or Priest be admitted into the church ministery before he be allowed by the Synode He maketh many suche like for the reformation of y ● Clergy in what sort they shalbe punished if thei cōmit whordome likewise against sorcery wytchcraft diuinacions incantations all kinde of prophane superstitiōs If there were no more exāples of any church history but this of Caroloman it woulde suffice to make playne that to the Princes authoritie apperteineth to make Lawes and to the Clergy to geue him counsaile out of Gods worde howe to frame the discipline to the edifiyng of Goddes Churche About this time was one Bonifacius not Pope but as they call him the great Apostle of the Germaines the like for all the worlde to our Apostle here in Englande Augustinus Anglorum Apostolus Either of them might be called the Popes Apostles whose great champions they were And euen suche Ecclesiasticall matters as our Apostle treateth of hath this Apostle in his Epistles to the Pope as this He asketh his holines when fatte bakon should be eaten The Pope aunswereth when it is well smoke dried or resty and then sodden Likewise he asketh whether we shall eate Dawes Crowes Hares and wilde Horses The Pope biddeth him to beware of them in any wise Also he asketh him howe if Horses haue the fallinge sicknesse what we shall doo to them The Pope aunswereth hurle them into a ditche He asketh what we shall doo with Beastes bitten with a madde dogge the Pope biddeth him kepe them close or hurle them into a pitte He asketh if one Nonne may was he an others feete as men may the Pope aunswereth yea on Goddes name Also he asketh howe many Crosses and where aboutes in his body a man shoulde make them These and a great many suche like are the Popes and his Apostles Ecclesiasticall matters But leauyng these tryfles note that in those Ecclesiasticall matt●●s whyche he dyd to any purpose the lay Princes had the entermedling as appeareth by the Pope Zacharias Epistle to this Boniface It is no marueile though this kinge Charloman as also Charles the great and other noble Princes after their time established by their authoritie in Synodes many superstitions and idolatrous obseruances as of Masses Chrysmes and suche like abuses beinge moued with the zeale that all Princes ought to haue But wanting the pure knowledge that good and faithful Bishops should haue instructed them withall seinge suche blynde bussardes as this Boniface had the teachinge of them who like blynde guydes ledde them in the bottomles pit of all supersticions and false Religion Adrianus the first Pope beinge muche vexed through his owne furious pryde by Desiderius kynge of Lombardy sendeth to Carolus Magnus and requireth him of his ayde against the Lombardes promysing to make him therfore Emperour of Rome Charles commeth vanquisheth Desiderius and so passeth into Rome whom the Pope receiued with great honour geuing to him in
honesty Certaine of Rome came to Charles to accuse this Pope Charles putteth of the examinacion of the matter till an other time promisinge that he woulde within a while come to Rome himselfe whiche he did after he had finished his warres He was honorably receiued of the Pope The eight day after his cominge into Rome he commaunded all the people and the Cleargy to be called togeather into S. Peters churche appointing to here and examine the Pope touchynge that he was accused of in the open assembly When the Cleargie and the people were assembled the Kinge examineth them of the Popes life and conuersacion and the whole company beinge willed to saie their mindes answeare that the manner hath béene that the Popes shoulde be iudged of no man but of them selues Charles beinge mooued with so sore gréeuous an answeare gaue ouer further examinacion Leo the Pope saith Piatina who did earnestly desire that kinde of iudgement to geue sentence he meaneth in his owne cause wente vp into the pulpit and holdinge the Ghospels in his handes affirmed by his Othe y t he was guiltes of all those matters wherewith he was chardged Whereunto Sabellicus addeth the Popes owne testimonie of him selfe was so waighty as if it had beene geuen on him by other so muche auaileth a mans owne good reporte made of himselfe in due season for wante of good neighbours This matter if it were as the Popes flatterers write thus subtily compassed although Martinus saith flatly that he was driuen to purge him selfe of certaine crimes laide to his chardge yet not withstanding the kinge toke vpon him both to examine the matter to determine therein and as appeareth tooke their answeare no lesse insufficient than gréeuous although he winked at it bicause he looked for a greatter pleasure to be shewed him againe in consecratinge him Emperour promised longe before whiche this Pope perfourmed and solemply with great acclamations of the people crowned him Emperour of Rome For saithe Platina The Pope did this to shewe some thankefulnes againe to him who had well deserued of the Churche Ansegisus Abbas gathereth together the decrées that this Charles and his sonne Lodouicus had made in their times for the reformation of the Church causes Amongst other these The Canonicall Scriptures onely to be redde in the Churches For the office of Bisshops in diligēt preaching and that onely out of the holy Scriptures that the communion shoulde be receiued three times in the yeere The abrogatinge and taking away a great number of holy daies besides sondaies and that childrē before ripe yeeres should not be thrust into religious houses And that no man shoulde be professed a Monke except licence were first asked and obteined of the King He decreed also and straightly cōmaunded that Mōkes being Priestes should studie diligently should write rightly shoulde teache children in their Abbayes and in Bisshops houses That Priestes should eschue couetousnes glotony ale houses or tauernes seculer or prophane busines familiaritie of women vnder paine of depriuation or degradation He prouided to haue and placed fit pastours for the Bishoprikes and cures to feede the people He ordeined learned Scholemaisters for the youth and made deuout abbottes to rule those that were enclosed in Cloisters saith Nauclerus As it is saide of kinge Dauid y t he set in order the Priestes Leuites singers porters ordered all the offices officers required to be in the house of the Lorde for the settyng foorth of his seruice and Religion Euen so this noble Charles lefte no officer belonginge to Goddes Churche no not so much as the singer porter or Sexten vnapointed taught his office duety as Nauclerus telleth Besides the authoritie of this noble Prince in gouerning directing al Church matters his zeale care therfore in such sort as the knowledge of y t superstitious time would suffer is plainely shewed in an Iniunction that he gaue to al estates both of the Layty Cleargie to this effect I Charles by the grace of God Kinge and gouernour of the Kingdome of Fraūce a deuout and humble maintainour and ayder of the Churche To al estates both of the Layty and the Cleargy wishe saluatiō in Christ Considering the exceeding goodnes of God towardes vs and our people I thinke it very necessary wee rendre thankes vnto him not onely in harte and woorde but also in continuall exercise and practise of well doing to his glory to the ende that he who hath hitherto bestowed so great honour vpon this kingdome may vouchesaulfe to preserue vs and our people with his protectiō VVherfore it hath seemed good for vs to mooue you ô yee pastours of Christes Churches leaders of his flocke and the bright lightes of the worlde that yee will trauaile with vigilant care and diligent admonition to guide Goddes people thorough the pastures of eternall life c. Bringinge the stray sheepe into the foulde least the wolfe deuoure them c. Therfore they are with earnest zeale to be admonished and exhorted yea to be cōpelled to keepe them selues in a sure faith and reasonable continuaūce within and vnder the rules of the Fathers In the which woorke and trauaile know yee right wel that our industrie shall woorke with you For whiche cause also wee haue addressed our messengers vnto you who with you by our authoritie shall amende and correct those thinges that are to be amended And therefore also haue wee added such Canonicall constitutions as seemed to vs most necessarie Let no man iudge this to be praesumptiō in vs that we take vppon vs to amende that is amisse to cut of that is superfluous For wee reade in the bookes of Kinges howe the holy Kinge Iosias trauailed goynge the circuytes of his kingedome or visitinge correctinge and admonishinge his people to reduce the whole kingedome vnto the true Religion and Seruice of God I speake not this as to make my selfe equall to him in holines but for that wee ought alwaies to follow the exāples of the holy kinges and so much as we can we are bounde of necessitie to bring the people to follow vertuous life to the praise and glory of our Lorde Iesus Christ c. And anon after amongst the rules that he prescribeth vnto them this followeth First of al that all the Bisshoppes and Priestes reade diligently the Catholique Faith and preache the same to all the people For this is the first precept of God the Lorde in his Lawe Heare ô Israel c. It belongeth to your offices ô yee pastours and guydes of Goddes Churches to sende forth thorough your Diocesses Priestes to preache vnto the people and to see that they preache rightly and honestly That yee doo not suffer newe thinges not Canonycall of their owne minde forged and not after the holy Scriptures to be preached vnto the people Yea you your owne selues preache profitable honest and true thinges whiche doo leade vnto eternall life And
to mine assertion to be committed by Christe to Bishops priestes as proprely apperteyning to their office and calling without further commission or authoritie from Princes or any other power The distinction that I made of Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction I wil first repete and than put mine answeare to your argumentes Spiritual Iurisdiction is deuided into twoo sortes the one is called Cohibityue the other not Cohibityue That whiche is called not Cohibityue is that iurisdiction or power that is exercised and woorketh in the inwarde and secrete courte of conscience that is the preachinge of the Ghospell mynistration of the Sacramentes and the absoluinge and reteininge of sinnes by the woorde of God in the publique mynistery This therfore they call not Cohibityue bicause in the Court of conscience no man is bound or lowsed vnwillingly or against his will To exercise this kinde of Iurisdiction neither kinges nor ciuill Magistrates neither any other persone may challendge or take vppon him onlesse he be lawfully called thereunto Iurisdiction Cohibitiue hath twoo partes the one consisteth in the exercise of excommunication and circumstaunces thereunto required by Christes institution the whiche power or Iurisdiction belongeth to the Churche onely and not to the Prince Bishoppe or Priest for noman hath authoritie to excommunicate but onely the Churche and those who receiue authoritie there vnto by commission from the Churche The other kinde of Cohibitiue Jurisdiction is a power or authoritie that consisteth and is exercised in foro causarum in the courte of causes and apperteineth ad externum publicum forum to the externall and publike Courte and is defined to be saith Antonius an authoritie or power to declare the Law geue sentence and to iudge in all controuersies pertayninge to the Courte what is euery mans right and in summe to doo those thinges that iustice dooth require accordinge to the Lawes Ioannes Quintinus defineth Iurisdiction to the same effect but openeth the nature thereof more plainely sayinge Iurisdiction is an office and authoritie to declare the Lawe that is to admynister iustice and equity● and to gouerne the people with right and Lawes VVhan I name an office saith he I meane that iurisdiction hath in it selfe a necessity to declare the Lawe for office is that whiche euery man is bounde to doo to declare the lawe is to exercise iudgementes whereuppon commeth iurisdiction he meaneth that iurisdiction hath the name and is so called of exercisinge iudgementes iudgementes are exercised onely of them that haue iurisdiction that is power to iudge Iurisdiction consisteth onely in the contentions or debatinge of matters in Courte or iudgementes This authoritie to iudge dooth discende nowe from the Prince alone in whome onely is all power By vertue of this iurisdiction saith Antonius the Churche mynisters accordinge to their offices rightly enioyned vnto them may lawfully visit enquire of mens manners punishe the faulty send foorth apparitours or sommoners cyte the sturdy and stubborne represse their malepartnes call and sommon meete personnes to the Synode prouinciall or generall confirme the matters decreed in the Synode or Councell pardon faultes chaunge or mytigate the penaunce enioyned for confessed faultes condemne Heretiques and their writinges examine all mens writinges who so euer before they be set foorth or published and after due examination iudge whether they conteyne sounde or pestilent doctrine ordeine Decrees Lawes caeremonies and rytes constitute Bisshoppes and other Churche mynisters also depose degrade make them irreguler and vnhable to haue holy orders determine illegitimation in personnes for maryage bestowe Ecclesiasticall benefices and exact tythes and annates These and many other thinges may be lawfully doone by those that haue the power of this Cohibytiue Iurisdiction whiche is not saithe he properly signified by the name of the keyes for although it may be named in some respecte a Churche keye yet it differeth very muche from the keyes of the firste Courte that is of the Courte of Conscience For the vse of those keyes that are occupied in the Courte of conscience belongeth onely to the Euangelicall Priestes But this Iurisdiction may lawfully be exercised of those that are not mynisters of the woorde and Sacramentes and are not Priestes As the twoo former partes of Ecclesiastical iurisdiction haue their vertue power and institution of Christe immediatly euen so this third part whiche is saide to consiste in foro causarum with those thinges which may be vsed or exercised by vertue thereof dothe depende vppon the positiue Lawes of Christian Magistrates or where suche wanteth vppon the positiue rules and orders of that Churche where suche orders muste be practised and not immediatly vppon the Lawe of God You tooke vppon you to proue that this seconde kinde of Cohibityue Iurisdiction with the appurtenances thereof as I haue rehersed was appointed by the expresse woorde of God immediatly to Bishoppes and Priestes without further commission of Princes or other power whiche I denied Nowe let vs consider the force of your proufes and sée how they conclude your cause Firste yée say that the woordes of the first parte of the Othe doo by expresse woordes of the Acte geue vnto the Q. highnes all manner of iurisdictions priuileges and preheminences in any wise touchinge and concerninge any Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction within the realme with an expresse debarre and flat deniall made of al spirituall iurisdiction vnto the Bisshoppes thereof to be exercised ouer their flockes and cures without her highnes speciall commission to be graunted thereunto they hauinge by the expresse woorde of God commission of spirituall gouernement ouer them Your euill dealing with the woordes of the Acte and the Othe expresseth an vnkindely meaninge to the Prince and the state for that either the Acts or the Othe debarreth or denieth expressely or couertly y e Bishopes of this realme to exercise ouer their flockes and cures without her highnes speciall commission graunted therto any spirituall iurisdiction assigned to a Bishop by the woorde of God is altogether vntrue The Statute geueth or rather restoreth to the Prince Iurisdiction and authoritie to enquire after what sorte the Ecclesiasticall state and personnes behaue them selues in their cures and chardges to refourme and correct the disorders negligencies and enormities risinge amongest them to the hinderaunce of their office in their cures and chardges and in summe to order and prouide that they doo execute their office accordinge to their callinge in their cures chardges This is not to debarre or denie them the exercise of their office without a speciall licence Neither doo the expresse woordes of the Statute geue to the Prince all manner of iurisdictions in suche absolute wise as you reporte in any wise and any spirituall iurisdiction within the realme For these termes all manner in any wise and any spirituall iurisdiction whiche you enforce so muche are not founde in the gifte or restitucion of spirituall iurisdiction made by the acte vnto the Prince But in that parte where the acte geueth afterwarde
not vse this Forinsecall or courtly without the Princes commission M. Fekenham VVhereunto I do adioyne this obiection follovving First for the time of the olde lavve vvhiche as Paule saide vvas a very figure of the nevve Moses Aaron Eleazarus being Priestes they had by the expresse vvoorde of God this iurisdiction ouer the people of God as to sit in iudgement vppon them and that not onely in Ecclesiasticall but also in ▪ Politike and ciuill matters and causes they did visit them they did refourme them they did order correct and punish them so oft as cause required and vvithout all commission of any cyuill Magistrate gouernour King or Prince Besides that for the vvhole time of the old Lavve there vvas an expresse lavve made vvhereby all Cyuill magistrates and iudges vvere cōmaunded in all doubtfull matters to repayre to the Bishoppes and Priestes and to stay vppon their determinacions and iudgementes vvithout declinyng on the right hande or the left And if that any man should disobeye the determinacion once geuen of the Priest morietur homo ille like as appeareth Deut. 17. The B. of Wynchester This adiunct will not serue your turne for it is not possible to stretche it without burstinge to ioyne with that you must cōclude You beginne to ioyne your woorke togeather with a saying of S. Paule which he neuer said you should haue noted the place where S. Paule saithe that the olde Lawe was a very figure of the newe There is no suche saying S. Paule saith to the Hebrewes that the Lawe hath the shadowe of good thinges to come c. where he speaketh not generally of the whole Lawe but of the ceremoniall parte and sacrifices whiche were shadowes of Christe and his sacrifice and not of the Bishoppes Iurisdiction after Christ vnder the Law of the Ghospell Thus aptly also doo your allegations out of the olde Testament serue your purpose for one of the thrée to wit 29. of Exod. hath no woorde of this Iurisdiction onely it sheweth the manner of consecratinge the Priest and the ceremonies thereabout In the. 24. of Exod. it is saide that when Moses wente vp into the Mount he saide vnto the Elders Tary vs here vntill wee retourne vnto you Beholde Aaron and Hur are here with you if any man haue ought to doo let him come to them that is if any matter of controuersie arise in mine absence let Aaron Hur haue the hearinge and decidinge of it as I shoulde haue if I were present By this place Aaron had no authority geuen vnto him but for a time in the absence of Moses by commission from Moses the chiefe ruler and gouernour of Goddes people and that not alone but hauinge Hur one of the Elders an auncient and a wise man ioyned in commission with him This allegation maketh directly against your conclusion for it sheweth y t Aaron had this authority but by commission from Moses the Prince of the people In the thirde place Num. 27. where God shewed vnto Moses that Iosue shoulde gouerne the people after him it is saide that Iosue shoulde stande before Eleazar the Priest who shall aske Councell for him by the iudgement of Vrim before the Lord and at his woorde they shal goe out and in both he and the people of Israell that is whan Iosue standeth in doubte what to doo for the better gouernement of the people either in the time of peace or warre he shall vnderstande Goddes will therein by the high Priest to whome the Lorde will miraculously declare his will and pleasure by the light or shininge of the Vrim and Thumin and accordinge to Gods will shewed in the Vrim to the high Priest and by him to Iosue he muste direct and order his gooyng in and out Ergo say you The Bishoppes and Priestes now in the time of the Ghospell haue Iurisdiction by the expresse woorde of God to kéepe Courtes to cal Councels to make Lawes forinsecally to visit refourme order correct their flockes cures The most simple can iudge of this sequele After like sorte it is writen Deut. 17. That whan harde and doubtfull cases come before the iudges or inferiour Magistrates whiche cannot easely be tried or founde out by them than the inferiour Magistrates shall goo to the high Priest and to the chiefe iudge at Hierusalem for the time beinge who shall shewe what is to be doone whose sentence iudgement must not be disobeyed vnder the paine of death Doo you not aptly conclude thinke you that the Bishops in the time of the Ghospell ought to haue this Courtly iurisdiction bicause the high Priest and the Temporall iudge did determine doubtfull cases in y e time of the olde Testament for the Priest alone did not determine all causes as you séeme to alledge the texte M. Fekenham Seconde in the Nevve Testament like as our Sauiour Christe did committe and leaue the vvhole Spirituall gouernmente of his people and Churche vnto his Apostles and to the Bishoppes and Priestes and the successours of them So they did practise all Spirituall gouernement ouer them they did execute and geue iudgement in the Churche of Christe they did refourme order and correcte all disorder therein and that vvithout all commission ayde or authority of any Temporall Magistrate Kinge or Prince for the space of three hundreth yeeres in the prymatiue Churche of Christe vnto the time of Constantine he beynge the firste Christian Kinge and Emperour vvhiche did ioyne his svvoorde to the mayntenaunce of Goddes vvoorde The B. of Wynchester Like as the Apostles had in commission power from Christe our Sauiour to whom al power was geuen both in heauen and in earth so faithfully they executed the authoritie and charge cōmitted vnto them not seeking their owne honour by vsurpation but the glory of Christ by the abasing them seles euen vnto the death Their commission regestred by S. Mathew appeareth in these wordes Go and teache al the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the sonne and of the holy ghost teaching thē to kepe all thinges whiche I haue commaunded you Howe faithfully they exercised this authoritie according to the commissiō S Luke sheweth in his Chronicle called the Actes of the Apostles and setteth foorth one notable example hereof in Paules oration made to the Elders of Ephesus called to Miletum He taketh them to witnesse that he kept nothinge back from them that might be for their profit but shewed them all the councell of God It is much maruaill that Paul shewed al Gods councel vnto them yet made no mention of any Forinsecall iurisdiction as geuen them by the commission of Gods worde The godly Bishops that succeded the Apostles for many yeres after followed the doctrine and examples of the Apostles yet neuer exercising iurisdiction Forinsecal neither iudging reforming ordering or correctinge otherwise than by preaching publikely or priuately without especiall consent and commission of their Churches during the time thei
Touchinge the thirde parte of your proufe whereby yee conclude that Bishops and Priestes may make Lawes orders and decrees to their flockes and cures bicause the Apostles so did as you say Although I neede make none other answeare then to denie your argumēt which you can by no arte maineteyne the insufficiency whereof is manifest to those that haue but a little skyll eyther in Logike or Diuinitie Yet I will briefly consider the places whereupon you grounde this mishapen sequele that the vnskilfull may see how little they make for your purpose After that S. Paule had founded the Churche of Corinthe and had brought them to Christ through y e preachinge of the Ghospell there sprange vp amongest them in his absence many vices and offences contrary to the Doctrine he had taught and the Godly admonitions that he had geuen vnto them wherfore being aduertised therof he wrote his Epistle vnto that Church wherin he reproueth their faultes partely in generall and partely in speciall And in the ende of the tenth Chapiter concludeth with this general admonition that All thinges be done without offence and to the Glory of God In the. xi Chapiter he reproueth certeine faultes in speciall committed by them in their publique assemblies and Churche méetinges contrary to this generall admonition and contrary to that he had taught them in special touchinge their honest and comely behauiour in their publique prayer preaching communicating in Christes Sacramentes which of al other thinges ought chiefely to be so done as therby God may be glorified and al offences eschued To this ende S. Paule had taught the Corinthes that in these publique holy exercises it is most séemely that men prophery pray bare headed Contrarywise wemen not without their heades couered Many obserued this comelynesse in prayer and propheciynge as Paule had taught them Others contentiousely did withstande and gainesay the same as an order that Paule hadde deuised and brought in of his owne deuise besides Goddes woorde as you also ymagine that Paule made this order besides the Gospell of his own authoritie wherwith to bynde the Corinthes To answere both the contentious Philosophers than amongest the Corinthes and the superstitious Papistes nowe in lyke forte molestinge the Christians S. Paule proueth that this comlynes is grounded vppon Gods ordinance and not a Lawe newly deuised of his owne authoritie besides the Ghospell This is his proufe the man by Gods ordinaūce hath the superioritie and the woman must be in subiection God hath appointed for them bothe signes and tokens of this dominion and subiection He hath ordeined that man in token of superioritie shoulde haue his head vncouered as contrariwyse the woman in token of subiection to haue her head couered Therefore if man laye away that signe and token of dominion whiche God hath ordeined for him to vse and taketh vpon him the signe and badge of subiection he dishonoureth God his head and breaketh his ordinance And so the woman if shee leaue of the couerture of her head whiche God hath geuen to her to be worne as a token and badge of her subiection and taketh vpon her the signe of superioritie she dishonoureth her head and breketh Gods ordinaunce S. Paule addeth an other reason wereby he proueth that this this was no Lawe made by him to the Corinthes Nature saith he hath taught you this comely order If this were a Lawe and Decree of nature it was not S. Paules deuise besides Gods word S. Ambrose vpon this place saith that S. Paule spake these woordes according to Gods Lawe whiche forbiddeth saith he the man to weare his heare Chrysostome affirmeth this to be an ordinaunce of nature But saith he whan I speake of nature I meane of God who is the authour of nature So that it is manifest by S. Paules owne proufes in defence of that he had taught and by the witnesse of S. Ambrose and Chrysostome that the man to be bareheaded and the woman couered was not a Lawe order and decree made by S. Paule to the Corinthes as you vntruly fable but Gods ordinaunce made plaine set forth and taught by hym that all thinges might be done in the Churche in comely order to Gods glory Of like sorte was the reformation and order whereof you speake about the more woorthy receiuinge the Lordes Supper The Apostle maketh thereaboute no newe Lawe order or decree besides the Ghospel but reproueth the Corinthians for that they did not aboute the receipte thereof obserue the lawe of the Ghospell He blameth them in generall that their Churche assemblies were not to the encrease but rather to the decrease of vertue in them selues He reproueth them that in steade of brotherly loue vnitie and concorde there was Contempte Schisme and Dissention amongest them He rebuketh them for that they made that Supper Pryuate whiche the Lorde him selfe had made and instituted to be Cōmon He reprehendeth them for Drunkennesse and that with the contempte of the poore And he sharpely shaketh them vp for that they abuse the Churche contemninge the right vse thereof Is not this Christes Lawe that the people shoulde encrease in vertue Is not this Christꝭ cōmandement that y e Christians shoulde lyue in brotherly loue vnitie and concorde Is not this Christes Institution that his Supper shoulde be Common and not Pryuate Dooth not Christes lawe condemne Drunkerdes and contempte of the poore And is not this Goddes decree that his house shoulde not be prophaned or abused If these be Gods ordinances as you can not denie them to bee than are they not Paules lawes orders or decrees neyther by writynge or woorde of mouthe otherwise than that Paule was Goddes mouthe and scribe to vtter not his owne lawes besides the Ghospell but Goddes ordinaunces comprehended within his Ghospell So that whether beynge presente he taught them by woorde or being absente by wrytynge he neyther wryite nor spake other then he had receyued of the Lorde He promised say you to dispose other thinges at his comminge It is true but not other wise then he did these aboue mentioned He exhorteth say you the Thessalonians to abide in the traditions whiche they had learned by woorde or by writinge Yee say trueth but he dooth not thereby bynde them to this as to a lawe order or decree made by him besydes the Ghospell but he monisheth them as S. Ambrose expoundeth his meaninge To stande fast continue and perse●ere in the tradition of the Ghospell So that the traditions he speaketh of are not other then the Doctrine of the Ghospell I maruaile not that yee misreporte S. Paule saiynge that he made orders and decrees touchinge prayinge and preachinge vnto the people in tongues vnknowen that all wemen shoulde keepe silence in the church and congregation for it may seeme yee neuer readde the place but tooke it as you hearde it reported If you had readde the place yee mighte haue seene with your owne eyes that S. Paule speaketh no whitte of that matter in the. 13.