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A01115 An abridgement of the booke of acts and monumentes of the Church: written by that Reuerend Father, Maister Iohn Fox: and now abridged by Timothe Bright, Doctour of Phisicke, for such as either through want of leysure, or abilitie haue not the vse of so necessary an history; Actes and monuments. Abridgments. Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Bright, Timothie, 1550-1615. 1589 (1589) STC 11229; ESTC S102503 593,281 862

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and raigne of these 4. king of Northumberland king Iua raigned in West saxe who succéeding Cadwallader the last king of the Britains begā his raign ann 689. and raigned with great valiantnes ouer the West Saxons the terme of 37. yéeres About the 16. yere of the raign of this Iua or Iue Etheldred king of Mercia after he had raigned there 30. yéeres was made a monke after an abbot of Bardney About the 18. yéere of the raigne of Iua King Iua made a monke and after an abbot died the learned worthy bish Aldelmus Aldelmus first abbot of Malmesburie afterward B of Schirburne He was next vnto Bede in learning and vertue he wrote diuers Epistles and Poems The sea of Schirburn was afterward vnited to the sea of Winton Moreouer about the 25. yéere of Iua died S. Iohn of Beuerley then Bishop of Yorke Iohn of Beuerley and was buried at the porche of the minster of Beuerley In the time of this foresaide Iua The right obseruing of Easter now first receiued of Picts and Brittaines beganne the right obseruing of Easter day to be kept of the Picts and Brittains in the obseruing of which day thrée things are chiefly necessarie 1. The full moone of the moneth of March 2. The Dominicall letter 3. The equinoctial daies It tooke place through the busie trauel of Theodorus Cuthlacus but namely of Egbert whom they termed the holie monke and of Colefride abbot of Serwin in Northumberland who wrote to Narranus or Naivnus the king of the Pictes about the same who also wrote amōg other things of the shauē crowns Shauen crownes of priests saying it was as necessarie for their vowe for restraint of their lustes as it is for anye Christian man to blesse him against spirites when they come vppon him The letter is very ridiculous notwithstanding being read before king Naiton he rose from among his noble men and gaue thanks to God for the aduise of shauing knéeling on the ground The K. thanketh God for the priests shauen crownes and caused it to bee obserued among his people defacing the errors that had bin vsed the space of 404. yéeres Now when king Iua had ruled the West Saxōs 37. yéers he was perswaded by Ethelburga his wife to go to Rome there to be made a mōk Which hauing lōg time before persuaded not preuailing she caused the faire palace of the king where they had bin the day before The deuise of Ethelburga the Queene to be filled full of dung hogges vile beasts to be laid in the chiefe chambers in their own chamber a sow to be laid with her yong pigges and bringing the king thither againe within a while therevpon declared vnto him the vanity of this life and perswaded him to be a monke Wherevpon shortly after he resigned his kingdome to Ethelardus his nephewe and in great deuotion went to Rome after he had raigned seuen thirty yeres after whose departing Ethelburga his wife went vnto Barking The Q becommeth an Abbesse seuen miles from London where in the Nunry of Barking before founded of Erkenwald she continued ended the rest of her life when shee had continued Abbas of the place a certaine time This Iua was the first king that graunted a penny for euery fire house through his dominion to be paid vnto the Court of Rome which after was called Rome scotte or Peter pence and long after was paid in manie places of England Peter-pence Iua was the first of Saxon kings that set foorth lawes to his countrie to the number of 80. and odde Next vnto Osoricus king of Northumberland followed Celulfus Celulfus a learned king Diuers learned men flourish Bedaes Anglorum historia whō he had adopted brother to Kenred This Celulfus as hée was learned so in his time diuers learned men flourished in England among whom was Beda who vnto the same king Celulfus offered his historie intituled Anglorum historia not onely to be ratified but also to bee amended by his learning and knowledge Beda Beda was an Englishman a Priest and of the Monasterie of Peter and Paul at Wire and was borne in the same Territorie About the xix yere of his age he was made a Deacon and the xxx a Priest From which time til the age of lix he occupied himselfe in wryting Treatises and interpreting of Scriptures which rose to the number of xxxvij Volumes which he digested into xxviij Bookes This Beda for the same of his learning was sent for by Pope Sergius who wrote vnto Chelfride the Abbot of Wire to send him vnto him He liued in trauel of studie till the age of lxij yeres At length drawing to his ende being sick vij wéekes together besides other occupyinges of his minde and studies which he did not intermitte Beda translated the gospel of Iohn into English he translated the Gospel of Saint Iohn into English So he died pronouncing very many comfortable wordes to those that stoode round about him vpon Ascension day in the same yere that Nothelinus was restored to the Archbishoprick of Canterburie This Celulfus king of Northumberlande before mentioned after he had reigned viij yeres was made a Monke in the Abbey of Farne otherwise called Lincolne or holy Iland Where by his meanes licence was geuen vnto the monks of that house only to drink wine or ale which before The K. made a Monke by the institution of Aidanus before mētioned drank nothing but milke and water After whom succeeded Egbert his cosin brother to Egbert the same time Bishop of York which brought againe thether the Pall that his Predecessors had forgone since the time of Paulinus who left that Sea and fled to Rochester The said Egbert also erected a noble Librarie in Yorke whose example I would other Bishops now would follow A noble Librarie in Yorke by a Bishop About the beginning of Egberts reigne was Cutbert Archb. of Canterburie who conuented a great Synode of Bishops and Prelates in the yere of our Lorde 747. in the moneth of September néere to the place called Clonesho in the which Synode assembled these articles were enacted First that Bishops should be more diligent in looking to their office admonishing the people of their faults 2. That they should liue in a peaceable mind one with another 3. That euerie Bishop once in a yere should goe about all the Parishes of his Dioces 4. That the Bishops should admonish their Abbots and Monkes to liue regularly and that Prelates should not oppresse their inferiors but loue them 5. That they should teach the Monasteries which the Secular men had inuaded and could not be taken from them to liue regularlie 6. That none should be admitted to orders before his life were examined 7. That in Monasteries the reading of holy Scriptures should be more frequented 8. That Priestes should be no disposers of secular busines 9. That they should take
his father Ethelgora was made a Nunne the other two were maried the one in Merceland the other to the Earle of Flaunders He raigned 29. yéeres six moneths he departed this life v. Kal. Nouemb. lieth buried at Winchester an 901. Wheresoeuer he was or whether soeuer he went he bare in his bosome or pocket a litle booke cōtaining the Psalmes of Dauid Dauids psalms alwaies with the king and certaine other prayers of his owne collecting wherevpon he was continually either reading or praying whensoeuer he had leasure therevnto Pleymundus schoolemaister to Alfred succéeded Etheredus in the Bishopricke of Canterburie and gouerned that sea 34. yéeres After him succéeded Athelmus and sat 12. yéeres after him came Vlfelmus and sat 13. yéeres him followed Odo a Dane borne and gouerned 20. yéeres After the death of Pope Stephen the fifth was much broyle in the election of the Bishops of Rome one contending against another in so much that in the space of nine yéeres there were nine Popes of the which first was Formosus who succéeded Stephen being made pope against the minde of certaine in Rome that would rather Sergius then Deacon of the Church of Rome should bée Pope not withstanding Mars and mony preuayled on Formosus part by the aid of king Arnulphus who came to Rome and beheaded Formosus aduersaries whom the Pope in recompence blessed crowned Emp. This Formosus had once sworne neuer to reiterate or take to him againe ecclesiasticall order but was absolued againe of Pope Martin who sat foure or fiue yéeres after whom in 9. yéeres there were nine Popes In nine yeeres nine Popes After him succeded Boniface the 6 who continued 25. daies then came Stephen the 6. who abrogated all the decrées of Formosus and taking vp his body after it was buried Pope Stephen rageth against the dead bodie of Formosus cut two fingers of his right hand and commaunded them to bée cast into Tiber and then buried the bodie in a Laye mans sepulchre He raigned one yéere and him succéeded Rhemanus sate 3. months repealing the decrées of his predecessor against Formosus next whom came Theodorus the 2. who like wise taking part with Formosus raigned but 20. daies then sate Pope Iohn who fought against the Romans and to confirme the cause of Formosus more surely did hold a synode at Rauenna of 72. Bishops with the French king Endo and his Archbishops present at the same where all the decrées of Formosus were confirmed and those of Stephen the 6. burned This Pope liued not Pope full twoo yéeres after whom succéeded Benedictus the fourth who kept the chaire thrée yéeres after whom Leo the fift was Pope who within 40. daies of his papacie was with strong hand taken and cast in prison by one Christopher his owne housholde Chaplaine whom he had long time nourished in his house which Christopher being Pope about the space of seuen moneths was also horsed from his seate by Sergius as hée had done to the other before who after hée had thrown downe Christopher shore him monke into a monasterie and occupied the sea seuen yéeres This Sergius a rude man Sergius baebarous cruelty against Formosus now dead and buried and vnlearned very proude and cruell had before time beene put backe from the Popedome by Formosus aboue mentioned by reason whereof to reuenge himselfe of Formosus againe béeing nowe in his papacie caused his bodie to bée taken vp and afterward setting it in the Papall sea as in his Pontificalibus first disgraded him then commaunded his head to bée smitten off with the other thrée fingers which were left which done he caused his body to be throwne into Tiber deposing also all such as had béene inuested by Formosus By this Pope Sergius first came vp the bearing of candles on Candlemas day Candles on Candlemas day for the purifying of the blessed virgin After Sergius entred Pope Anastasius who after he had sate 2. yéers folowed pope Lando the father as some think of pope Iohn which Iohn is said to haue beene Paramour of Theodora a famous harlot of Rome A pope set vp of Theodora a famous harlot set vp by the same harlot either against Lando or after Lando his father to succéede in his roome There is a story writer called Liuthprandus who writing de imperatoribus lib. 2. cap. 13. maketh mention of this Theodora and Iohn the eleuenth and saith that this Theodora had a daughter named Marozia which had by Pope Sergius aboue mentioned a sonne who afterwarde was pope Iohn the 12. The same Marozia afterward married with the marques Guido of Tuscia through whose means and his friends at Rome she brought to passe that this pope Iohn the eleuenth was smothered with a pillow laid to his mouth Pope smothered after he had raigned 13. yéeres and so Iohn the 12. her sonne raigned in his stéed but because the cleargie and people of Rome did not agree to the election therefore was Pope Leo the 6. set vp in his roome Thus pope Iohn the sonne of Sergius and Marozia being reiected raigned pope Leo 7. moneths after him pope Stephen 2. yéeres who being poisoned Pope poisoned then was pope Iohn the 12. aboue rehearsed set vp againe where hee raigned néere the space of 5. yeeres After Iohn the twelfth followed pope Stephen thrée yeeres Leo thrée yéeres and foure moneths Stephen the eight thrée yéeres foure moneths Martine 3. yéers 6. moneths After him Agapetus eight yéeres and sixe moneths about whose time or a little before beganne the order of monks called Ordo Cluniacensis The Monkes Cluniacenses It may appeare in those times that the authoritye of bestowing bishoprikes in England and also in prescribing lawes to Churchmen was in the hands of the kings of the land and not onely in the handes of the Pope as it is manifest by King Alfredus lawes If any one lie with an other mans wife c. If any that hath taken orders steale c. After Alfred succéeded his sonne Edward called the elder giuing also testimonie of the same Who with Pleymundus archbishop of Canterbury and with other Bishops in a Synod assembled elected seuen Bishops in seuen Metropolitane churches whose names were 1. Freidstane 2. Adelstane 3. Werstane 4. Addlelin 5. Edulphus 6. Dernegus 7. Kenulphus In which election the kings authority alone séemed then sufficient The kings authority in electing of bishops sufficient This Edward raigned 24. yéers his daughters he set to spinning The K. daughters set to spinning and to the néedle his sonnes he set to the studie of learning to the end that they being Philosophers first might bee made more expert to gouerne the common wealth The king maketh his sonnes first Philosophers and then Gouernours Ethelstane succéeded his father in the kingdome and being base born of Egwin before the king was married to her and fearing his next brother Edwine being rightly borne caused
Canutus died wherefore that land fell to Canutus who anon after sailed thither and tooke the possession and returned into England married Emma late wife of Egelred and by her had a sonne called Herdeknight or Hardiknoutus He assembled a parlement at Oxford wherin was agréed that English men and Danes should hold the lawes made by king Edgar King Edgars lawes as most good reasonable Thus the Danes being in England beganne by little and litle to bée christened and Canutus went to Rome and so returning againe to England gouerned the land 20. yéers leauing behind him two sonnes Harold Hardiknoutus which Hardiknoutus was made K of Denmarke in his fathers time Harold for his swiftnes called Harefoot son to Canutus by Eligna his first wife began his raign ouer Englād an 1039 He banished his stepmother Emma took her goods iewels from her He raigned but 4. yéeres the kingdome fell to Hardeknoutus king of Denmarke his brother who when he had raigned 2. yéeres Hardeknoutus dieth being merry at Lambith sodainly was stricken dumme and fel down to the ground and within 8. daies after died without issue of his body and was the last that raigned of the blood of the Danes The last K. of the Danes For the Earles and Barons agréed that none of that blood should after bée king for the despite and hurt the Danes had done to the English nation and sent into Normandy for the 2. brethren Alfred Edward sonnes of king Egelred entending to make Alfred king of England but Earle Godwin a Westsaxon who had married the daughter of Hardeknoutus thought to slay the two brethren comming into England to make Harold his sonne king which sonne he had by the daughter of Hardeknoutus the Dane King The messengers that went for the brethren founde but Alfred the elder for Edward the younger was gone into Hungary to speake with his cousin the outlaw which was Edward Ironsides sonne So the traitor Godwin met with Alfride the Normans attending vpon him and when they came to Guilde doune he commanded his men to slea all that were of Alfrides company and after that to take Alfred and to leade him to the yle of Ely where they should put out both his eies which they did Alfred cruelly murthered that done they opened his body and tooke out his bowels set a stake into the ground and fastned an end of his bowels thereto and with néedles of yron they pricked his tender body thereby causing him to go about the stake till al his bowels were drawne out After this treason the wicbed Duke fled into Denmark and lost al his lands in England and kept him there 4. yéeres and more The stories record that this Canutus folowing much the superstition of Achelnotus Archb. of Canterbury went on Pilgrimage to Rome and there founded an Hospitall for English Pilgrims hée gaue the Pope pretious giftes and burdened the land with a yéerely tribute called Romeshotte Romeshot He shrined the body of Bernius and gaue greate landes to the Cathedrall Church of Winchester he builded Saints Benets in Northfolke which was before an heremitage Also S. Edmundsburie S. Edmundsburie turned from priestes to monkes which king Ethelstane ordeined before for a colledge of priests he turned to an abbey of Monkes of S. Benets order This king Canutus beyng prouoked to go to Winchester by Egelnothus Archbishop of Canterburie resigned his regall crowne to the rood A Rood crowned king of England and made the roode king ouer the land He ordained lawes of his owne touching matters ecclesiasticall although at the beginning hée vsed Edgars lawes as touching paying for opening the earth at funerals he forbad also all faires and markets vpon Sundayes and all secular actions but vpon vrgent necessitie A good law against adultery He ordained to receaue the communion thrise a yéere That married woman that had committed adultery should haue her eares and nose cut off Also that no widow should marrie within xij moneths after the death of her husband else to lose her ioynture c. Thus ended the Danish kings which Danes had vexed and wasted the land the time of 255. yéeres The land vexed by the Danes 255. yeeres Next vnto Canutus the second or Hardiknoute succéeded Edward the younger sonne of Egelred and Emma who was long banished in Normandy He came ouer with a few Normans and was crowned at Winchester anno 943. by Edesius thē Archbishop of Canterburie and not long after he married Goditha or Editha daughter of Earle Godwin with whom he neither dealt fleshly nor yet put her from his bed He gouerned the land with great wisdome peace xxiiij yeres In the time of this K. came William Duke of Normandie with a goodly companie to sée K. Edward to whom it is said Edw. promised if he died without issue to leaue the Crowne In this K. reigne liued Marianus Scotus M. Scotus the storie wryter About the 13. yéere of this kings raigne he sent Aldred bishop of Worceter to the Emperour Henricus the fourth praying him that he would send to the king of Hungarie that his coosin Edward sonne of Edmund Ironside might come into England for so much as he entended to make him king after him who was called Edward outlaw This was fulfilled and he came into England with his wife Agatha and with his children Edgar Adeling Margaret and Christina but the yéere after his returne he died at London was buried at Westminster or as Iornalensis saith at Paules church in London After whose decease the king receiued Edgar Adeling his sonne as his owne child thinking to make him his heire but fearing the mutabilitie of the Englishmen and the pride and malice of Harold the sonne of Godwin directed Embassadours to William Duke of Normandy William Duke of Normandy appointed heire of the crowne his kinseman assigning him to bée lawfull heire after him After the death of Godwin his son Harold grew in great fauour with the king He sayled into Flaunders and in the course of his sayling he was driuen by force of weather into the prouince of Pomilitie where he was taken prisoner and sent to William Duke of Normandie to whom he was made to sweare that he in time following should marry his daughter and that after the death of King Edward Harold sweareth to Duke William he should kéepe the land of England to his behoofe according to the minde and will of Edward after some Writers and so to liue in honor next to him in the Realme Thus he returned home and shewed to the king what he had done Wherewith he was very wel contented Leofricuss Earle of Chester and of Mercia who was also very faithfull to king Edward with his wife Godina builded the Abbey of Couentrée The Abbey of Couentrie and endued the same with great lands and riches King Edward after hee had reigned thrée and twentie yeares and seuen
monethes died K. Edw. dieth and was buried in the Monasterie of Westminster which he had greatly augmented and repayred Diuers lawes were before in diuers Countryes of this land vsed as the Law first of Danwallo Molunicius with the lawes of Mercia called Mercinelega then the lawes of West-saxon kings as of Iue Offa Alfrede c. which was called Westsaxonilega The thirde were the lawes of Canutus and of Danes called Danelega Of al these lawes K. Edward compiled one vniuersal and common law K. Edwarde beginneth the cōmon law for all the people through his land which were called King Edwards Lawes so iust and seruing the publike weale of all Estates that the people did long after rebell against their heads to haue the same lawes againe being takē frō them but could not obteine them For though Duke William did sweare to the maintenance of them yet he forsware himselfe and abrogating them brought in much worse more obscure yet was he compelled through the clamor of the people to take some of Edwards Lawes The law at this day Duke W. contrarie to his oath ouerthroweth the lawes but omitted the most part contrarie to his oath at his coronation placing the most of his own lawes in his owne Language to serue his purpose and so they remaine to this day Harold the second sonne of Earle Godwin tooke on him through force and might to succéede Edward notwithstanding his oath to Duke William of Normandie an 1066. wherof he hearing sent Embassadors admonishing him of couenants which Harold refused to performe Whereupō D. William prepared to inuade and sent to Rome to Pope Alexāder touching his title and voiage into England The Pope confirmeth the same and sent vnto him a Banner willing him to beare it in the shippe wherein hee him selfe should sayle So he tooke shipping at the hauen of saint Valeria and landed at Hastings in Sussex From whence he sent a monke to Harold and offered him thrée conditions Conditions of peace offered by D. Wil. to Harold 1 Either to render vnto him possession of the land and so to take it againe of him vnder tribute raigning vnder him 2 Or els to stand to the Popes arbitrement betwéen them 3 Or els to defend his quarrell in his owne person against the Duke without any further bloudshed All which conditions he refused and ioyning battayll with the Normans was shotte into the left eye with an arrowe and died after he had reigned ix moneths and so was he the last that reigned of the Saxons Which reckoning from Hengistus first reigne in Kent was the space of 591. yeres And if it be reckoned from the yeres of the West-saxons Saxons ende after 591. or 560. yeres then it endured the space of 565. yeres Now after Elfegus whom the Danes stoned at Gréenwich Liningus succéeded in the Sea of Canterburie Archb of Canterburie and after him Egelnothus then Robertus a Norman after whō Stigandus as they say inuaded the Sea by Simonie being both Archbishop of Canterburie bishop of Winchester and Abbotte of another place Where hee continued a long space till Duke William cast him into prison there kept him placing in his roome Lanfrancus a Lombard borne About the yere of our Lord one thousand lacking one or two Siluester the second succéeded after Gregorie the fift in the Sea of Rome This Siluester was a Sorcerer and compacted with the deuill to be made Pope He sate four yeres one moneth and eight dayes Siiuester couenanteth with the deuil for the popedome He vpon a certaine time demaunded of the deuill an answere how long he should enioy the Popedome to whō hée answered againe vntill thou say masse at Ierusalem thou shalt liue At length the fourth yere of his Popedome saying Masse in the Lent time at the temple of the holy crosse being then called Ierusalem there he knew the time was come that he must die whereupon being stroken with repentance he confessed his fault before the people desiring them to cut his bodie in péeces which he before had vowed to the deuil Siluester is deceiued by the deuil and so being hewē in péeces they would lay it on a cart and burie it there where the horses would stay of their owne accord So the horses stayed at the church of Lateran there he was buried wheras commonly by the ratling of his bones within the tombe The ratling of Syluesters bones is portended the death of Popes as the common report goeth Iohannes Stellas After Siluester succéeded Iohannes 19. by whom was brought in the feast of Alsoules The feast of Alsoules as Volaterane saith Anno 1004. Through the meanes of one Odilo abbot of Cluniake to be celebrated next to the feast of Alsaints Not long after came Iohannes 20. and Sergius the 4. after whom succéeded Benedictus the eight then Iohn 21. who beyng promoted by arte Magicke through Theophilact his Nephew Gratianus Brazutus and other sorcerors brought in first the fast of the éeuen of S. Iohn Baptist and and S. Laurence after him Benedictus the 9. by magick also who resisting the Emperour Henricus the 3. son to Conradus The Popedom solde and placing in his roome Petrus the king of Hungary with this verse Petra dedit Romam Petra dedit c Petro tibi Papa coronam after for feare of Henricus preuailing in battell hee was faine to sel his seate to his successour Gratianus called Gregorius 6. for 1500. pounds At which time were thrée Popes together in Rome one raging against another Benedictus 9. Siluester 3. Gregorius 6. Three Popes together For the which cause Henricus surnamed Niger the Emperour comming to Rome displaced these 3. monsters at one time placing for them Clemens the 2. and therevpon enacted that no Pope thencefoorth should be chosen without confirmation of the Emperour No P. without the Emperor The Romans also made an oath to the Emperor that they would not intermeddle in the election of the Bishoppes further then the Emperors assent should agree withall But within ix moneths after they forgat their oth and poysoned the B. Which fact some impute to Steuen his successor called Damasus the second some to Brazutus who as histories record wtin xiij yeres poisoned 6. popes One poysoneth sixe popes Clemēs the secōd Damasus 2 Leo 9 Victor 2 Steph. 9 Nicolaꝰ 2. Damasus entred neither by consent of the people nor election of the Emperor but by plain inuasiō and wtin 23. daies being poisoned An. 1049. much contention was at Rome about the papall sea so that the Romanes by consent of the Cardinals desired the Emperour to giue them a Bishop which he did one named Bruno an Almaigne and Bishop of Collen afterward named Leo the ninth who comming from the Emperour to Rome in his Pontificalibus was met of the Abbot of Cluniake and Hildebrande a monke that al to rated him because he would take his authoritie of the Emperour
from his cursed lawes 5 Against vowes of perpetual chastitie 6 That priests ought to preach the Gospell fréelie 7 That Innocentius 3. with 600. bishops and 1000. other prelats which set down in a councel transub and reall presence were fooles blockheads heretikes c. in so doing and therefore no man ought to obey their constitutions except they be grounded vpon the Scriptures or vpon some reason which can not be impugned Besides these Richard Lauingam collected other articles out of the bookes of Puruey as against the chapter of penaunce and committing of sinnes Omnis vtriusque sexus Item that Innocētius the third was the head of Antichrist against the Sacrament of Orders And if there were no Pope yet all the bishops might gouerne the Church by common consent as once they did before Once they did before c. such worldly pride crept in among the Bishops c. As touching the authoritie of the keyes no man ought to estéeme Sathan whom men call the Pope and his vniust censures more then the hissing of a serpent or the blast of Lucifer Concerning the Sacrament of matrimony that gossipry ought to be no let The P. curse the blast of Lucifer That no vow ought to be made but in such things as a man may and ought lawfully to performe Touching the possessions of the Church he declareth that the king and the Lords and commons may without any charge at all kéepe 15. garrisons find 15000. souldiers hauing sufficient lands and reuenues to liue vppon out of the temporalties gotten into the hands of the Cleargy How the temporalties of the cleargy shoulde be bestowed fayned religious men which neither do that which belongeth to the office of Curats to do nor yet to secular lords And moreouer the king may haue 20000 pound to come fréely euerie yere to his cofers and aboue also may finde and sustaine fiftéen Colledges more and 15000. Priestes and Clarkes with sufficient liuing and an hundred hospitals for the sick and euery house to haue one hundred markes in landes and all this to be taken out of the tēporalties of the clergy wtout any charge to the realme c. That the law of Siluester the P. which is declared in 2. q. 5. ca. praesul cap. Nullam is contrarie to the law of Christ and either Testament And that those decretals of accusations cap. quando qual which do prohibit any clarks to be brought before a secular iudge to receiue iudgement doo containe blasphemy heresie and error and brings great gaines to Antichrists cofers That punishment of adultery belongeth to secular persons and furthermore hée maketh an exhortation to the Princes to iudge the Church of Rome which hée calleth the great and cursed strumpet of whom S. Iohn writeth Apocalips 17. Touching the lawes determinations of the popes church the Christians ought to repeale such of them as are against the word of God and that the Canon lawes are full of heresies This was written of him anno 1396. which séemeth to be before his recanttatiō at Saltwood before Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury Nowe all this time the schisme continued betwixt the popes and so endured til the Councell of Constance which was in whole the space of 29. yéeres the original whereof began at Vrbanus the fift who dying ann 1389. next folowed Boniface 9. Boniface 9. impudent in selling of pardōo who sate 14. yéeres he in selling his pardons was so impudent that hee brought the keies of S. Peter as saith Platina in contempt After him succéeded Innocentius 7 and sate two yéeres who béeing dead the Cardinals consulted together and séeing the inconuenience that grew of the schisme minded to prouide some remedie for the same and tooke order being assembled in their conclaue for the election of a new Pope and promised among themselues with a solemn vow made to God Marie the blessed virgin to Peter and Paul and all the companie of holy Saints that if any of them within the Colledge or without the same should be called to that high place of the Apostolicall preheminence he should effectuallie renounce the iurisdiction and title of his Popedome if or whensoeuer Order against the schisme the contrarie Pope for the time being woulde in like manner renounce his place and title and his Cardinals in like manner condiscended to the cardinals of Rome So that these two Colledges of Cardinals agréeing together that one chiefe B. might be chosen and taken out of thē both to be made the true pope Prouided moreouer that none should séeke absolution or releasement from the said vow and bond once passed among them Vnto all which things euery one subscribed with his hand and so they procéeded and chose Gregory 12. who in the same day of his election Pope Gregory the 12. in the presence of all the Cardinals confirmed the vow subscribing the same with his hand in forme as followeth And I Gregory this day being the last of Nouember anno 1407. chosen and elected Bishop of Rome doo vow promise and confirme all the premises c. This being doone shortly after he was crowned being of the age of 80. yéeres Pope Gregory 12. periured but the holy Father periured himselfe and therefore diuerse did forsake him and sent to Kings and Princes of other lands for their assistance to appease the Schisme and amongst the rest Cardinall Bituriensis was sent to the King of England who publishing diuers conclusions which remaine in the registers of Thomas Arundel disputeth that the pope ought to be subiect to the Lawes and Counsels by whose motion the King directeth his letters vnto Gregory the Pope Anno 1409. perswading him to performe his oth and to giue ouer for the quiet of the Church and the quieting of the Schisme vnder pretence whereof hée shewed that 200000. 200000. Christians slaine in a popish quarrell Christians had béene slaine and that of late thirtie thousand thorough the dissention about the Bishopricke of Leodium betwéene two set vp the one by the authoritie of the one Pope and the other by the authoritie of the other and further moued him to giue ouer as the naturall mother did her sonne before Salomon The king writeth to the Pope rather then it should be parted deuided according as the harlot would it should be He wrote also to the colledge of Cardinals requiring them that if according to their desire and request Gregory would at the Councell of Pise giue ouer his Popedome they would take order for the state of the Church This being done an 1409. the yéere next folowing 1410. The Cardinals of both popes Gregorius and Benedictus by common aduise assembled at Pise and chose a new pope Alexander the 5. Pope Alexander 5. Three popes together But to this election neither Pope Gregorius nor Benedictus did agrée whereby there were thrée Popes together in the Romish Church This Pope scarcesly had warmed his triple crowne
Stealing aboue xii d. ead Monkery commeth into Enland eadem Oswaldus a great patron of monkerie eadem Saint Edmonds-bury 109 Dunstane suspendeth the K. for adulterie eadem Priests displaced monks placed 111 New Monks differ from old eadem K. Edgar mainteined learning 112 48. monast foūded by Edg. The K. enioined penance by Dunstan eadem Saboth frō saterday 9. of the clock til munday 113 Strife betweene priestes and Monks ead A monstrous euil pope 114 P. restored by harlots ead P. killed in adulterie ead Pope geueth his election to the Emperor 115 Pope put in prison ead Cruel reuēge of the P. ead Christning of belles ead Pope strangled ead Popes eyes put out he famished in prison 116 The popes dead body drawn through the streetes ead popes eies put out ead Crueltie ead A councel at Rome 117 7 Electors of the empire ead The strange reign of a K. ea Peace bought of the Danes for money ead Sea of Durham began 118 Danegelt ead Danes slaine ead Turkillus a Dane ead Vexation of the Danes ead Treason of a Deacon ead Monks tithed by the Danes 119 Elphegus stoned by the Danes eadem The K. chased by the Danes ead Fasting praier ead The crown of Englande offered to S. Edm. shrine 120 A false Iudge deposed ead Edmund slaine ead Promise wel performed 121 Reward of traytors ead King Edgars lawes ead Hardeknoutus dieth 122 The last K. of the Danes ead Alfred cruelly murdred ead Romescot ead S. Edmonds burie turned frō priests to monkes 123 A Roode crowned king of England ead A good law against adulterie ead The land vexed by the Danes 255. yeres ead M. Scotus ead Duke of Normandy made heire of the Crowne 124 Harold sweareth to duke W. ead Abbey of Couentrie ead King Edward dieth ead K.E. begā the cōmō law 125 The law at this day ead D. Wil. contrary to his oath ouerthroweth lawes ead Conditions of peace offered to Harold ead Saxons rule endeth 126 Archb. of Cant. ead Siluest agreeth with the deuill for the popedome ead The deuil deceiued Sil. ead Ratling of Silu. bones 127 Feast of all Souls ead The popedome sold ead Petra dedit c ead 3 popes at one time ead No P. without the Emp. ead One P. poysoneth 6 ead Hildebrand 128 Councel at Versellis ead Councel at Laterane ead Priests may not marry ead The pope and archbishop fal out at Masse eadem Brazutus the poisoner ead The terrible sentence of excommunication 130 The pope elected onely by the Cardinall eadem Berengarius recanteth ead Transubstantiation hatched eadem Toctius threatneth the P. ea Two popes fight eadem Hildebrand pummeled the pope 131 The pope stinted at twentie pence the day eadem Hildebrand encrocheth the treasure of the church ead William Conqueror 133 Crueltie of the cōqueror ea Englishman a name of reproch eadem England fiue times ouerrun eadem Normans placed eadem Stigandus archbishop deposed eadem Lanfranke Archb. of Canterbury 134 Contentiō for primacie ead Two palles geuē to Lanfrank eadem Yorke subiect to Cāterb ea Bishops seates altered from townes to citties 135 Ecclesiasticall decrees ead Priests against monks ead Lanfranke dieth for sorrow eadem P. Hildebrād a sorcerer ead Hildebrand cōtemneth the Emperour 136 Both the swords eadem Pope cannot erre eadem Presbiteresse eadem Councell against mariage of priests eadem Decree against marriage resisted eadem A schisme eadem Hildebrād a villanous pope eadem None chosen pope vnder 3. daies after his predecessors buriall 137 The pope excommunicateth the Emperour ead The P. practiseth to kill the Emp. at praier eadem Hildebrand asked counsell of the host and casteth it into the fire because it would not answer ead The Emperour goeth barefoote to the Pope ead A popish interpretatiō of simonie 138 A terrible pope eadem The Emper. forced to yeeld to the Pope eadem The Emper. brought vnder the Popes foote eadem The Emperour yeeldeth his crowne to the Pope ead Hard conditions eadem Henricus 4. deposed 140 Petra dedit Petro eadem Rodolph chosen Emp. ead Rodolph woūded to death eadem Crimes against the P. 141 Hildebrand deposed dieth in banishment ead Williā cōqueror dieth ead The Cōqueror giuē to make peace in his land 142 Great slaughter of Englishmen eadem The first B. of Salisbury ead Secundū vsum Sarum ead The vse of Gregory ead The Abbot killeth his mōks eadem A bishop eatē with mise 143 Rats tower eadem William Rufus eadem Lanfranke dieth eadem Nothing of the king but for mony eadem Victor 3. Pope eadem Victor poysoned in his chalice 144 Charterhouse monkes ead Vrbanus pope eadem Two popes at once ead White monkes eadem Viage against the Saracens eadem Peter the heremite 145 Ierusalem wonne from the Saracens eadem Prohibition of goyng to Rome eadem Canonicall houres eadem Lawful for subiects to break their oath of allegeance eadem The citie of Canterbury geuen to the archb ead Anselme the Archbishop against the king eadem Vrbane and Clement popes at strife 146 The king faine to relent to the archbishop eadem A Councell eadem Archb. of Cāterb called the pope of England ead 29. Articles of controuersie betweene the Churche of Rome and the Greeke Church 147 The Latines holden for excommunicates eadem The Romanes euery yeare solemnly excōmunicated of the Greekes eadem The Pope excommunicated the Greekes 148 The pope commandeth the king of England ead The king slaine pag. 149 Kings of Wales cease eadem King Beauclarke eadē King Edwards lawes restored eadem Little saint Bartholomewes founded by means of a minstrell eadem Priests sequestred from their wiues eadem Anselme restored ead Priestes woulde not forsake their wiues 150 Anselm insolent against the king ead For the price of his head eadem A proud pope ead The king reconciled to Anselme 151 Priests pay money to the K. for their wiues ead Anselme yeelded to in all poynts eadem Pope Paschalis 152 The popes ornaments eadē Popes seuen folde power eadem That Antichrist was borne edem Married priests condemned for Nicholaitans ead The Emperour deposed by the pope eadem Let God see and iudge ead The pope setteth the Emperours sonne against his father 153 The Emperour craueth to be a prebend but could not obtaine it ead The Emperour dieth for sorow ead No Emperour to haue to doe with the election of the pope ead The Emperour like to bee slaine at Rome ead The pope faine to agree to the Emperour ead The pope breaketh couenant 154 The Germanes rebell ead The Emperour giueth ouer to the pope ead Bernardine monks ead Gelasius ead Gregory 8. ead Calixtus ead The Emperor faine to yeeld ead A shameful vsage of the pope ead Imber dayes 155 Premonstratensis ead Canterbury fiue yeeres voyd to the Kinges vse eadem Ely made a bishopricke eadem A councel of 434. prelates eadem The pope excommunicateth the Emperour 156 The king of England sueth to the pope eadem Submit to Canterbury eadē
to the Christians and giue them peace of whom came the victorie and preseruation to him and all his people In the yere 175. succéeded the former Lucius Antoninus Commodus Commodus sonne to Verus who raigned xiij yeares In whose time as some thinke by the fauour of Martia Martia the Emperors Concubine who fauoured the Christians persecution slaked By which meanes many noble personages of Rome embraced the Gospel Among whō was one Apollonius Apollonius who being maliciously accused by Seuerus his seruant notwithstanding the false accusation of his Accuser being detected and he for that crime hauing his legs broken was neuerthelesse driuen to make confession of his faith and for the same also beheaded by an auncient Law that no Christian ought to be released without recantation This Emperor on his birth day with the people of Rome assembled together made sacrifice to Hercules and Iupiter causing it to be cried through out the citie that Hercules was the patrone of the citie At which time there were in the citie Vincentius Vincentius Eusebius Eusebius c. Peregrinus Potentianus learned men and instructors of the people who conuerting the Gentils in diuerse places and hearing hereof preached and perswaded against the same and conuerted one Iulius Iulius a Senator with others to the faith Whereof Commodus hearing caused them all to be first tormented then to be pressed to death with leaden waights sauing that Iulius was beaten to death with cuggels at the commandement of Vitellus the Maister of the Souldiers Peregrinus Peregrinus had béene sent before of Xistus B. of Rome into the parts of Fraunce to supply the roome of a teacher where the horrible persecutiōs had made wast Who hauing there established the Churches returned home againe to Rome and finished his daies with martyrdome Xistus Xistus or Sixtus was the sixt bishop of Rome after Peter and gouerned that ministery ten yéeres To Sixtus succéeded Telesphorus Telesphorus and was bishop there eleuen yéeres and died in the first yéere of Antoninus Pius beyng martyred the yéere 138. After him succéeded Hyginus Hyginus and died a martyr anno 142. After him followed Pius Pius c. After him succéeded Anicetus Soter Eleutherius about the yéere 180. About this time of Commodus among others were martyred Serapion Serapion B. of Antioch Egesippus Egesippus a writer of the ecclesiasticall History from Christes passion to his time Also Miltiades Miltiades who wrote his Apologie for Christian religion as did Melito Aristides and Quadratus before About the same time wrote Heraclitus Heraclitus who first began to write Annotations and Enarrations vpon the New Testament and Epistles of the Apostles Also Theophilus Theophilus bishop of Cesarea Dionisius Dionisius bishop of Corinth a man famously learned who wrote diuerse Epistles to diuerse churches and among other exhorteth Penitus Penitus a bishop that he would lay no yoke of chastitie on any necessitie vpon his brethren but that he would consider the infirmitie of other and beare with it About the daies of Cōmodus wrote also Clemens Alexandrinus Clemens Alexandrinus a man of singular learning In that time liued also Pantenus who was the first in Alexandria that professed to reade in open schoole of whom is thought first to rise the order of Vniuersities in christendome He was sent to preach to the Indians by Demetrius bishop of Alexandria Now in this tranquillitie of the Church grew contention among themselues for Easter day Contention among the christians for Easter day which had bin stirred before of Polycarpus Anicetus For they of the West church pretending the tradition of Paule and Peter but in déede being of Hermes and Pius kept the Sunday after the 14. day of the first moneth The Church of Asia following the ordinance of Iohn the Apostle obserued an other The fifth Persecution AFter the death of Commodus raigned Pertinax Pertinax but few moneths after whō succéeded Seuerus Seuerus vnder whom was raised the fifth persecution He raigned 18. yéeres and in the first ten was very fauourable afterward through false accusations and suggestions he caused to be proclaimed that no Christian should be suffered wherevpon an infinite number were slaine this was about the yéere 205. the crimes obiected were rebellion against the Emperour Sacrilege murthering of Infants incestuous pollutions eating raw flesh libidinous cōmixture worshipping the head of an asse which is thought to haue béene raised by the Iewes also for worshipping of the Sunne which rose because eyther they vsed dayly to sing vnto the Lord or bycause they vsed to pray toward the East But the speciall matter agaynst them was that they would not woorshippe Idoles The Presidents and chiefe vnder the Emperour of this persecution were Hilarius Hillarius c. Vigellius Claudius Hermianus ruler of Cappadocia Celicius Capella Vespronius Demetrius mentioned of Cyprian and Aquila Iudge of Alexandria The places where these persecutions raged were Africa Alexandria Cappadocia and Carthage The number infinite of which the first was Leonides Leonides the father of Origen who although he were but of the age of seuentéen yéers greatly desired to haue suffered with his father had not his mother priuily in the night stollen away his garments and his shirt and so for shame he was constrained to tarrie at home yet he wrote to his father Take héede to your selfe that you turne not your thought and purpose for our sakes Origen Origen was so toward in knowledge of the scriptures and all kinde of vertue that his father would diuers times vncouer his brest being asléepe and kisse it giuing thankes to God that had made him so happie a Father of so happie a sonne After the death of his father all the goodes béeyng confiscate to the Emperour hée susteined himselfe his mother and sixe brethren by kéeping a schoole till at length he applied himselfe altogether to the scripture and profited in the tongues Hebrew Gréeke which he conferred with other translations as that of the 70. found out also other translations which we call the common translations of Aquila of Symmachus and Theodocian with which he ioyned also foure other He wrote to the number of vij thousand bookes O rgens book the copies whereof he vsed to sell for three pence a peece and a little more to sustaine his liuing He had diuers Schollers as Plutarchus Plutarchus Serenus Serenus c. his Brother which dyed both martyrs Serenus was burned Heraclitus and Heron were beheadded Also another Serenus which was beheaded Rhais and Potamiena who was tormented with pitch powred vppon her and martyred with her mother Marcella and died in the fire Shée was put to death by one Basilides Basilides a Captaine of the armie who shewed her some kindnesse in repressing the rage of the multitude wherefore she thanked him and saide she would pray for him
the time of Licinius till Iohn Wickliffe was bound vp Sathan bound vp til Wicliffe Constantine deferred baptisme till his old age because he determined a iourney into Persia and thought in Iordan to haue béene baptized He entered into the Empire Anno 311. and raigned 30. yéeres as Letus saith 32. lacking two moneths Constantine borne in England Helena daughter of king Coilus Constantines mother He was borne in Brytaine His mothers name was Helena daughter of king Coilus He greatly trauelled for the peace of Christians and before hée had conquered Licinius wrote to his subiects inhabiting the East in their fauour He set also peace among the Bishops in the Church who were at dissention and made prouision for ministers and teachers of the people and caused all to be restored vnto the Christians that had béene taken from them in the persecutions Constantine a father of the Church writing to Syluius his chiefe Captaine to that end and commaunded him that in Affrica where he had to doo and where Cecilianus was bishop that Clarkes and ministers should be freed from all manner publike duties burthens He was greatly studious in taking vp causes among the bishops and wrote to that end to diuers as to Miltiades bishop of Rome to Crescēs bishop of Siracusa to Cecilianus bishop of Carthage also to Eusebius for the edifying of new Churches And after he had gathered the Nicene Councell Nicene councell for the vnitie of the Church he writeth to Alexander and Arrius to the same entent He prescribed a certaine prayer for euery one of his souldiers in stead of a brief Catechisme caused them to learne the same Constantine teacheth his souldiers a prayer which is this Wée acknowledge thée onely to be our God we confesse thée onely to be our king we call vpon thée our onely helper by thée we obtaine our victories by thée we vanquish our enemies to thée we attribute whatsoeuer commodities we presently enioy and by thée we hope for good things to come vnto thée we direct all our suits and peticions most humbly beséeching thée to kéepe Constantine our Emperour and his noble children to continew in long life and to giue them victory ouer all their enimies through Christ our Lord. Amen He graunted great immunities to the ministers that they might appeale from the ciuil iudge to their bishop Appeale granted by Constantine whose sētence was of as great value in such cases as if the Emperour himselfe had pronounced it He prouided also maintenance for liberall artes and sciences for the professors Prouision for learning their wiues and children and gaue thē great immunities He wrote also to Eusebius the B. of Nicomedia to procure 50. volumes of parchment wel boūd and cause to be written out of the scripture therein in a legeable hand The scriptures written for the vse of the church such things as were profitable for the instruction of the Church and allowed him two ministers for the businesse Finally he was a father to the Church and enforced himselfe euery way to set forth the Gospel and euery good thing and endeuoured to suppresse the contrary Constantine baptised a little before his death He was baptised at Nicomedia of Eusebius Bishoppe of Nicomedia in the 31. yéere of his raigne a little before his death The end of the ten persecutions The rest of this history concerneth chiefly the affaires of the Church of England and Scotland The rest of this history concerneth chiefly England and Scotland England receiued the Gospel in Tyberius time GIldas affirmeth that Britain receiued the Gospel in the time of Tiberius the Emperor vnder whom Christ suffred and that Ioseph of Arimathea after the dispersiō of the Iews was sent of Philip the apostle out of France into Britain ann 63. And here remained al his time and laid the foundation of the Gospel Easter kept in England after the maner of the East church The Gospel came into Enland from the Cast and not from Rome In the time of Bede almost a thousand yeeres after Christ as he testifieth Easter was kept after the manner of the East Church in the full moone what day of the wéeke soeuer it fell and not on the sunday as we doe now Wherby it may appeare that the preaching of the Gospell came into this land from the East and not from Rome About the yéere 180. King Lucius sonne of Coilus king of Britains which now are called English men hearing of the miracles done by Christians in diuers places K. Lucius the first Christian K. of England Fugatius and Damianus at that time wrote to Eleutherius B. of Rome to receiue of him the Christian faith who sent him therevpon certain preachers Fugatius or by some Faganus and Damianus or Dimianus which conuerted first the king and the people of Britain and baptized them and subuerted the temples and monuments of idolatrie And the 28 Flamines they turned to bishops and thrée Achflamines to thrée Archbishops hauing their seates in thrée head cities London Yorke and Glamorgantia by Wales This king also sent to him for the Romane lawes to frame his people therafter who answered that the lawes of God was to be his direction for lawes and not the Romanes that might be reproued the other being without exception Thus was the Christian faith confirmed in this lande by the meanes of Eleutherius Eleutherius and therein it continued two hundred and sixtéene yeres till the comming of the Pagane Saxons King Lucius raigned 77. yeres and died without issue the yere of our Lord 201. the xiiij yere after his baptisme some say the iiij and some the tenth and was buried at Glocester By reason that the king died without issue the Lande was spoyled and the Romanes inuaded and became sometimes masters When they raigned Gentilisme was aduaunced and when the Britaines the Gospell Albeit no persecution touched the Britaines that is read of Almost all Christianitie destroyed in England before the last persecution of Dioclesian and Maximinianus Herculeus At which time all Christianitie was almost in the whole land destroyed Now the Britanes being greatly distressed and brought to miserie the Archbishop of London called Gnetelinus procured helpe out of lesse Britanie and brought ouer Constantinus the kings brother by whose meanes the state of Religion and Common-wealth was in some quiet all the time of Constantine and the Archbishop till Vortiger cruellie caused his Prince to be slaine and inuaded the Crown Gnetelinus Archb. of London And fearing the other two brethren of Constantine his Prince Aurelius and Vter in litle Britaine he caused aide to be sent for to the Saxons being then Infidels and married him selfe also with Rowen an Infidel the daughter of Hengist Which Hengist depriued him and his people and droue the Britaines out of their Countrey after that the Saxons had slaine of their Nobles two hundred thrée score and eleuen some say foure
custody and stinted at xx d. a day The P. stinted at xx pence a day Hildebrand in the meane time encroching to himselfe the treasure of the Church Hildebrand encrocheth the Church treasure The names and order of the Archbishops of Canterburie from the time of king Egbert to William the Conquerour 18 ETheredus 18. 19. Pleimundus 29.20 Athelmus 12. 21. Vlfelmus 13.22 Odo 20. 23. Elfius or Elfinus 1. 24. Dunstane 20. Polydorus maketh Dunstane the 23.25 Ethelgarus 1.26 Elfricus 11.27 Siricius 5.28 Elphegus 6. 29. Liuingus 7. 30. Egelnodus 17.31 Edsius 11. 32. Robertus 2.33 Stigandus 17.34 Lanfrancus 19. The Printer to the Reader NOte gentle Reade that whereas by means our written copie had not obserued the same we vnawares haue omitted certaine distinctions that wee purposed to haue made betweene each of the 3. parts or bookes of this former volume abridged according as in the first volume of acts monuments at large is distinguished thou shalt vnderstand that the first of those former bookes conteyneth the 300. yeres next after Christ vntil Lucius his daies The 2. booke beginneth pag. 68. and conteineth the next 300. yeeres viz. from Lucius to king Egbert The 3. must be reckoned from pag. 85. containing the next 300. yeeres viz. to the time of William the Conqueror which here followeth The fourth booke ANno 1067. William Conqueror was crowned king W. Conqueror by the handes of Aldredus Bishop of Yorke for so much as Stigandus Archbishop of Canterburie was thē absent on Christmas day William exercised great crueltie Crueltie of the Conqueror vpon the English Nation and abrogated Edwards lawes and established his own for his profite He placed his people in all offices Spirituall and Tēporall And such was the reproch of English men An Englishmā a name of reproch that it was a name of shame And thus now the fift time the land was by diuers Nations afflicted First by the Romans in the time of Iulius Cesar Then by Scots and Pictes After England fiue times ouerrun by Saxons and then by Danes which continued from the reign of Ethelwolfe 230. yeres till K. Edward And fiftly by the Normans In the fourth yere of K. William betwéene Easter and Whitsontide was helde a Councell at Winchester of the Cleargie of England In which were present two Cardinals sent from pope Alexander the second Peter and Iohn In that Councell the king being present were deposed many Prelates of the English Nation without any euidēt cause that the kings Normans might be placed Normans placed Srigandus Archbishop deposed Among whom Stigandus the Archbishop was put downe for thrée causes The first for that he had wrongfullie holden the bishoprick while Robert the Archbishop was liuing The second for that he receiued the Pall of Benedict who was deposed The third for that he occupied the Pall without lawfull authoritie of the Court of Rome So Stigandus was deposed and kept in Winchester as a prisoner during his life At the same time was preferred to the Archbishoprick of York Thomas a Norman and Chanon of Bayon at which time also Lanfrancus Abbot of Cadomonencie a Lombard and Italian borne was sent for and made Archbishoppe of Canterburie Lanfrāk archbishop of Canterburie Contention of primacie Betwixt him and the Archb. of Yorke there grew great contention for the oath of obedience But in the end through the king Thomas was contented to subscribe obedience to the other After the Archb. went to Rome for their Palles with Remigius B. of Dorcester wtout which no Archb. nor B. could be confirmed And to Lanf Alexāder for the estimatiō of his learning gaue ij palles 2. palles geuen to Lanfrank one of honor the other of loue he obteined also for the other ij their cōfirmation Now againe began the controuersie of Primacie to be renued before the P. who sent thē home to end the matter to haue it determined So returned they to Englād an 1070 and the 6. yere of this W. the matter was brought befor the K. clergie at Windsor where after much debating on both sides Th. gaue ouer condiscending that the first of his prouince should beginne at Humber Whereupon it was decréed that Yorke for that time should be subiect to Cant. York subiect to Cant. in matters appertaining to the Church So that wheresoeuer within England Canterburie would hold his Councel the Bishops of Yorke should resort thether with their bishops and be obedient to his decrées Canonicall Prouided moreouer that when the Archb. of Canterburie should decease Yorke should depart to Douer there to consecrate with other the B. that should be elect and if Yorke should decease his successor should resort to Canterburie or els where the Bishop of Cant. should appoint there to receiue his cōsecratiō making his profession there with an oath of canonical obedience In the daies of this Lanfrancus Archb. of Canterburie anno 1076. diuers bishops seates were altered from townships to great cities Bishops seates altered from from townes to great cities as of Sealesey to Chichester out of Cornwall to Exceter from Welles to Bath from Shireburne to Salisburie from Dorcester to Lincolne frō Lichfield to Chester Which bishoprike of Chester Robert then B. reduced from Chester to Couentrie Likely it is also that the sea of the archbishop was translated from Douer to Canterbury or that Canterbury in old time had the name of Dorobernia as doth by diuerse testimonies appéere In the 9. yéere of this kings raigne by the procurement of Lanfrancus was a councel holden at London where among other things it was first enacted Ecclesiasticall decrees that the Archb. of Yorke shold sit on the right hand the B. of Lōdon on the left or in the absence of Yorke London on the right hand Winchester on the left hand of the archbishop in councell 2. That bishops should translate their seas from villages to cities 3. That monkes should haue nothing in proper and if they had died vncōfessed they should not be buried in churchyard 4. That no Clarke or Monke of another Dioces should be admitted to orders or retained without letters cōmendatorie 5. That none should speake in the Councell except Bishops Abbots without the leaue of the Archmetropolitane 6. That none should marie within the seuenth degree with anie of his owne kindred or of his wiues departed 8. That no sorcerie should be vsed in the Church 9. That none of the clergy should be present at the iudgement of anie mans death or dismembring neither should be anie fautor of the said iudicants In the daies of this Lanfrancus Waltelmus B. of Wintō had placed about fortie Canons in sted of Monks so that the part of Priests was taken againe against Monkes Priests yet against Monks But it held not Lanfrancus opposing himselfe against the same He wrote a booke against Berengarius called Opus scintillarū His owne church of
William of York Hée was poysoned in his chalis Archb. poysoned in his chalice by his Chaplains In the xvi yere of the reigne of this king Theobaldus Archbishoppe of Canterburie and Legate to the Pope held a Councell at London wherein was concluded appellations from Councels to the Pope found out by Henry Bishop of Winchester In the time of King Steeuen died Gracianus a Monke of Bononia who compiled the booke called The Popes decrées also his brother Petrus Lombardus Petrus Lombardus Bishop of Paris Maister of Sentences wrote his foure bookes of Sentences These two were the greatest doers in finding out that the similitude onely of bread and wine remained in the sacramentes Some write that Petrus Comestor Petrus Comestor the writer of the Scholasticall history was the third brother In this time also liued Hildegard the Nunne and prophetisse Hildegard the nunne and prophetisse in Almaigne By this K. was builded the abbey of Feuersham where his sonne and he were buried He builded the monasterie of Finerneys and of Fomitance Much about the same time came vp the order of the Gilbertines Gilbertines by one Gilbert sonne to Iacoline a knight of Lincolnshire Theobald Priests no rulers in worldly matters the Archb. of Canterb. among other matters decréed that priests should not be rulers of worldly matters and that they should teach the Lords praier Créed in english Mattheus Parisiensis writeth how Stephen K. of England reserued to himselfe the bestowing of spiritual liuings and inuesting of prelats ann 1133. At which time also Lotharius the Emperour began to doe the like had not Bernardus giuen him contrary councel Then came into the Church the manner of cursing with booke bell and candle Booke bel and candle deuised in the Councell at London holden by William B. of Winchester vnder P. Celestinus who succéeded after Innocentius an 1142. Also Lotharius who succéeded after Innocentius an 1142. Also Lotharius succéeded in the Empire Conradus the nenew of Henricus 5. an 1138. Who onely among the Emperors is founde not to haue receaued the Crowne at the popes hand In the dayes of this Emperour who reigned fiftéene yeares were diuers Popes as Celestinus 2. Lucius 2. Eugenius 3. Betwixt P. Lucius Lucius and the Romanes was great strife for the Romanes would haue recouered their auncient libertie in choosing their consuls and Pope Lucius in the fight was well beaten and liued not long after Pope Eugenius Eugenius after him followed the same course An. 1145. and compelled them to abolish their consuls and to take such Senators as he should assigne Then followed Anastasius Anastasius the 4. And after him Adrianus the 4. an Englishman Adrianus pope an Englishmā by his name called Breake speare belonging once to S. Albons He likewise kept great stur preuailed against the Romanes for the former causes and thundered against Fredericus the Emperour Hildegardis a Nunne and as many iudged euen the papistes themselues a Prophetisse liued anno 1146. and prophecied against the whole rowte of Romish prelats and of the fal of that Church especially against the senior Friers and such other bellies of the same In a certain place she hath these wordes And now is the law neglected among the spirituall people Hildegard prophecieth against the kingdome of the Pope which neglect to teach and to doe good things The maister likewise and the Prelates doe sleepe despising iustice and laying it aside c. And in another place Then shall the crowne of Apostolicall honour be deuided because there shal be no religion among the Apostolicall order and for that cause shall they despise the dignitie of that name shall set ouer them other men and other Archbishops In so much that the Apostolike sea of that time by the diminution of his honor shall haue scarce Rome and a fewe other Countreyes thereabout vnder his dominion And these things shall come to passe partly by incursiō of warres and partly by a common Councell Iustice flourish when the Pope is ouerthrowen and consent of the Spirituall and Secular persons Then shall Iustice flourish so that in those dayes men shall honestly applie themselues to the ancient customes and discipline of auncient men and shal obserue them as men in times past haue done c. Shee prophecied also of the Friers In those dayes shall rise a senselesse people proud gréedie without faith and subtill which shall eate the sinnes of the people holding a certain order of foolish deuotion vnder the fained cloke of beggery c. But this order shall be accursed of all wise men and faithfull Christians they shall cease from all labour and giue themselues ouer to idlenesse choosing rather to liue by flattery and begging hauing familiaritie with women teaching them how to deceiue their husbandes by their flattery and deceitfull wordes and to robbe for them for they will take all these stolen euill gotten goods and say giue it vnto vs we will pray for you so that they beyng curious to hide other mens faults do vtterly forget their owne And alas they will receiue all things of rouers pickers spoilers théeues sacrilegious persons vsurers adulterers heretikes schismatikes apostataes whores and bawdes of noblemen periurers merchants false iudges souldiers tyrants princes of such as liue contrary to the law and of many peruerse and wicked men following the perswasion of the Diuell the swéetnesse of sinne a delicate and transitorie life and fulnes euen vnto eternall damnation c. Henry the 2. sonne of Ieffrey Plantagenet and of Mawd the Empresse and daughter of king Henry the first raigned after Stephen and continued 35. yéeres Within a yéere or twaine after the entry of his raigne he made Thomas Becket Thomas Becket Lord Chauncellor of England About the yéere of our Lord 1158. Gerhardus and Dulcinus Nauarrensis did earnestly preach agaynst the Church of Rome mainteyning Gerhardus against the church of Rome that prayer is not more holie in one place then in another that the Pope is Antichrist Pope Antichrist that the Clergie and Prelates of Rome were reiect and the very whore of Babilon Whore of Babilon prefigured in the Apocalips c. These two Anno one thousand one hundred and fiftie eight brought with them thirtie into England who by the king and prelates were burned in the forehead and so sent out of the realme And after as Illyricus writeth were put to death by the Pope Put to death by the Pope The Emperour Fredericus successor to Conradus marched vp to Italy to subdue there certaine rebels The Pope hearing thereof came to méet him with his Cardinals at Sutrium the Emperour seing the Bishop alighted of his horse to receyue him The Emp. holdeth the popes stirrop on the wrong side holding the stirrop on the left side whereat the Pope shewed himselfe somewhat agréeued but the next day with holding the right stirrop
yéeres ago this people is said to come out of the coūtry of Piedmount to inhabit in Prouence in certaine villages destroyed by warres and other desert places wherein they vsed such labour and diligence that they had aboundance of corne wine oyle almondes with other fruits They had of long time refused the Bishoppe of Romes authoritie and obserued euer a more perfect kind of doctrine then others deliuered vnto them from the Father to the sonne euer since the yéere 1200. In the yéere 1530. vnderstanding that the Gospel was preached in certaine townes of Germany and Switzerland they sent thither two learned men that is Georgius Maurellus Georgius Maurellus borne in Delph and Petrus Latomus P. Latomus a Burgundian to conferre with the learned ministers in the doctrine of the Gospell Which done as they returned through Burgundie Petrus Latomus was taken at Dyion and cast into prison Maurellus escaped and returned to Merindoll with bookes and letters which he brought with him from the churches of Germanie Whereby they being instructed sent for the moste auncient brethren and chéefest in knowledge in all Calabria and Apulia to consult with them touching the reformation of the Church Whereby the Bishops were so mooued that they raged greatly against them Among other there was one Iohn de Roma a Monk who was most cruell A cruel monk and among other his cruelties he vsed to examine them thus he filled bootes with boyling greace and put the bootes vpon their legges tying them backeward to a forme with their legges hanging downe ouer a small fire and so examined them thus he tormented very many and in the end most cruelly put them to death The first whom hée thus tormented were Michellotus Serra Michellotus Serra and William Melius Wil. Melius The vengeance of God with a number mo But Gods vengeance fell heauily vpon him for first he was condemned for this crueltie by the high court of parlement of Prouence and auoiding that sentence by flying to Auinion he was stroken with such a horrible disease that no man durst come nigh him aliue or dead He did so horribly stinke whē he was dead there was none would come néere him to burie him but a yoong nouice newly come to his order caught hold with an hooke vpon his stinking carrion and drew him into a hole which was made for him harde by While he was in tormēts and anguish he cried out oftentimes in great rage oh Despaire who will deliuer me who will kill me and rid me out of these intollerable paines which I know I suffer for the euils oppressions I haue doone to the poore men c. After the death of this monster the B. of Aix by his officiall Perionet continued the persecution by the hands of the ordinary iudge called Meiranus a cruell tyrant who without forme of law such as the iudge had pronoūced to be heretikes he put to death with most cruell torments In the time of Bartholmew Cassanus presidēt of the parlement of Aix a most cruell tyrant they of Merindoll in the person of 10. were cited personally to appéere before the kings atturney But they hearing that the court had determined to burne them without order of law durst not appéere at the day appointed A cruell sentence against the people of Merindoll for which cause the court awarded a most cruell sentence against Merindoll condemned all the inhabitants to be burnt both men and women sparing none no not the little children and infants the towne to be rased and their houses beaten downe to the ground also the trées to be cut downe as well Oliue as other and nothing to be left to the end it should neuer be inhabited but remaine as a wildernesse This sentence against the Merindolians The harlot of the B. of Aix laboureth against Merindoll the concubine of the Bishop of Aix laboured greatly to haue executed especially because as the Bishop of Aix told her they held that all Bishops pastors and priests ought eyther to be married or gelded for which she said she hated them to the very death and would employ goods and fréends to worke their destruction The Archbishop of Arles the Bishop of Aix diuers Abbots and Priors consulted how to execute the arrest with all spéede and by the aduice of the Bishop of Aix they went to Auinion there with other Prelates to intreat of the matter in which assembly they made a generall composition confirmed with an oth that euery mā should endeuor himselfe that the arrest of Merindoll should be executed with al expedition euery man offering to furnish out men of warre according to his ability the charge wherof was giuen to the B. of Aix After this councell holden the next day they banketted at the house of the Bishop of Rieux to which banket all the fairest women of Auinion were called to solace these good Prelates after they had dined they fell to dauncing dicing and such other pastimes which béeyng ended they walked abroade to solace themselues till supper as they passed the stréete euery one leading his minion vppon his arme they saw a man which sold bawdy pictures and ballades all which the Bishops bought vp being as many as a mule could well carrie and if any sentence were obscure in the rime the Bishops did expound it with great delight and laughter In the same place walking along they found one that sold certaine bibles in French Latine which when the prelats perceiued they greatly raged against the man who answered thē is not the bible as good as these goodly pictures which you haue bought for these gētlewomen He had scarse spokē these words when the B. of Aix said I renoūce my part of paradise if this mā be not a Lutheran so he was laid hold on and on the next morow after brought before the iudges The martyr burned with 2. bibles about his necke in presence of the Bishops condemned immediatly to bée burned with two bibles hanging about his necke the one before the other behind This sentence was executed the same day and thervpon proclamatiō made against al books in the french tongue intreating of the scriptures vnder pain of death to all them that would not bring them in After this the B. of Aix goeth to the president Cassaneus and laboureth him to put the arrest in execution who being perswaded therto the drum was sounded vp through out al Prouence the captains were prepared with their ensignes displaied and a great number of footmen and horsmen begā to set forward marched out of the towne of Aix in order of battel wel horsed and furnished against Merindoll to execute the arrest The inhabitants of Merindol hearing therof commended themselues and their cause to God by prayers The manner of of Gods children in affliction making themselues ready to the slaughter In this while the Lord of Alence a man wise and learned
Christes sake and Iohn Chapman in whose house they were who al were carried to the Bishops house but Hewet they sent to Lollardes Towre and kepte Chapman and Tibauld asunder watched with two priestes seruauntes The next day Bishoppe Stokesley came from Fulham and committed Chapman to the stockes and shutte vp Tibauld in a close chamber but by Gods prouidence hee was deliuered out of prison albeit hée coulde not enioy house nor lande because of the Bishoppes iniunction but was fayne to sell all that hee had in Essex Chapman after fiue wéekes imprisonment whereof three hée sate in the stockes by much suite made to the L. Audley who was then Chancellour was deliuered but Andrew Hewet after long and cruell imprisonment was condemned to the fire with Frith after that he had giuen testimony to the trueth Anno 1531. The fiftéenth of Ianuarie Thomas Benet a Schoolemaister of fiftie yéeres of age borne in Cambridge was deliuered vnto Sir Thomas Dennis knight to be burned in Exceter He hid himselfe sixe yeres in Deuonshire but kindeled with zeale he resolued to aduenture his life for the testimonie of Iesus and in the moneth of October he did set vppon the Cathedrall church doore of Exceter scrolles in which were written The Pope is Antichrist and wée ought to worshippe God onelie and no Sayntes the Authour of which billes coulde not bée founde At the last the priestes fell to curse with booke bell and candle the Authour of the same Bennet béeing by who fell into a laughter within himselfe for a great space and coulde not forbeare Whereby some saie hee was bewrayed and taken other that his enemies beeing vncertaine whether it were he or not suffered him to depart home And not beeing able to digest the lyes which were preached sent his boye with other scrolles as before hee had done who béeyng examined confessed whose boye hee was and so Bennet was knowen and taken and committed to warde and béeing called to examination before the heads and cannons of the Citie confessed the fact and after muche disputing with the Friers especially one Gregorie Basset who had lien in prison at Bristow for the trueth and reuolted béeyng threatened hée shoulde haue his handes burned off with a panne of coales which was brought readie at his examination Thomas Bennet martyr hée was condemned to death and burned At whose burning Iohn Barnehouse Esquier béeing present tooke a fyrre bush vpon a pyke beyng sette on fire and thrust it vnto his face because hée woulde not saie Sancta Maria ora pro nobis But he answered Pater ignosce eis and so fire being put to him patiently he ended his life By reason of the rigorous proclamation aboue specified procured by the Bishops great persecution ensued so that a great number were troubled and either burned or constrained to abiure Thomas Cornwell or Austy Anno 1530. for not kéeping his fagot vpon his shoulder after his abiuration was condemned to perpetual prison in the house of S. Bartholomew from whence he afterward fled and escaped Anno 1530. Thomas Philips made his appeale from the B. to the king and would no otherwise abiure then generally all heresies for which the B. did excommunicate him and denounced him contumax and what after became of him it is vncertaine A litle before this time William Tracie William Tracie a woorshipfull Gentleman of Glocestershyre and then dwelling at Toddington made in his will that hée would haue no funerall pompe at his buriall neyther passed hée vppon Masse and saide hée trusted in GOD onelie and hoped by him to bée saued and not by anie Saynt This Gentleman dyed and his sonne his executour brought the Will to the Bishoppe of Canterburie to prooue which hée shewed to the Conuocation and then most cruelly they iudged that he shoulde bée taken out of the ground and bée burnt as an heretike Anno 1532. Wherof the King hearing the Chancelour was fayne to fine thrée hundreth pounds to haue his pardon of the king Anno 1531. Henry Tomson taylor notwithstanding he submitted himselfe to the Bishop yet therewith sentence condemned him to perpetuall prison His cause was the denying of the host to be God The same yéere was Thomas Patmore parson of Hadham in Hartfordshire a godly man and painefull teacher persecuted by Richard FitzIames bishop of London who was desirous to preferre another to the good mans benefice and so hardly was he dealt withall that in the end he submitted himselfe and abiured and was notwithstanding committed to perpetuall prison Howbeit one of his brethren made such suite vnto the king by the meanes of the Quéene that after thrée yéeres imprisonment hée was both released out of prison and also of the King obteyned a Commission vnto the Lord Audley then Lord Chancellour and to Cranmer Archbishoppe of Canterbury and to Cromwel then Secretarie with others to enquire of the vniust dealinges of the Bishoppe and his Chauncellour agaynst Patmore but what was the ende thereof it is vncertaine Anno 1531. Christopher a Dutch man of Antwerp was put in prison at Westminster for selling new Testaments in English and there died The same yer a boy of Colchester or of Norfolk for deliuering a buget of bookes to Richard Bayfield was layed in the prison of Master Moore Chauncellour and there dyed From the yere 1533. during the time of Quéene Anne During the time of Queen Anne no great persecution no great persecution nor abiuration was in the Church of England sauing that x. Anabaptistes were put to death in sundrie places of the Realme And anno 1535. tenne other repented and were saued whereof two were pardoned after sentence geuen which was contrary to the popes law After the Cleargie had with great crueltie vexed Christs flock anno 1534. 1534. Commons against the Cleargie a parlament was called by the king about the 15. daye of Ianuarie in which the Commons renued their old gréefes complaining against the Prelates and Ordinaries for calling men before them ex officio Answere to which requestes the king at that present did delay After the Cardinal had béene cast into a premunire anno 1530 about the yéere 1532 the king made a restraint that nothing should be purchased from Rome Nothing to be purchased from Rome and procéeded further against all the Prelates for supporting the Cardinall by reason whereof they also were entangled with premunire For the releasement whereof they offered the king 118840. poundes which was accepted with much adoe In this submission the king was called of the Cleargie Supreame head Supreme head The motion of the Commons to the king touching their gréeuances from the Cleargy in the prorogation of the parlament tooke good successe Wherein the king prouided remedies and enacted in the same Parlament that no man should be troubled for speaking any thing against the vsurped power of the Bishop of Rome or his lawes not grounded on the law of God The vsurped power of the Pope
put downe in England In this Parlament also the decrées and prouinciall constitutions were committed to be examined of 32. persons chosen by the king out of the higher and lower house and at their discretions to be abrogated or to stande in strength Also it was decréed that the Cleargie of this Realme submitting themselues to the king should and did promise in verbo Sacerdotij neuer to assemble their Conuocations without the kings writte No Conuocations without the kings writ nor to enact or to execute such constitutions without his Royall assent Moreouer that no person should appeale prouoke or sue to the Court of Rome vnder paine of prouisures prouisure or premunire Item that no Annuales and first fruites of Bishops and Archbishops should be paid to Rome for any Bulles Bréeues Palles c. Item that the king should nominate the person to be elected into any Ecclesiasticall dignitie and so the Prior and Couent Deanrie Chapter of those Cathedrall Churches where the Seate was vacant by the vertue of the kings letters missiues shoulde within 12. dayes choose that person nominated by the king c. Moreouer it was decréed against all intollerable exactions of the Bishop of Rome in pensions Peterpence procurations fruites c. And finally in this Parlament it was consulted concerning the lawfull succession of the Crowne in ratifying it to the heires of the kings body and Q. Anne In which Parlament also the degrées of marriage were plainly set out according to the word of God Not long after the king required an oath of the Spiritualty to be made vnto him abolished that which they were woont to make to the Pope In which only they acknowledged the king to be Supreme head Which oath Sir Thomas Moore misliking was enforced to resigne vp his Chauncellorship The oath of the Cleargie to the Pope abolished Moore resignth the Chauncellourship and to deliuer vp the great Seale of England into the K. hands After whom succéeded Sir Th. Awdley knight who fauourably inclined to the doctrine of the Gospell Not long after the king procéeded to marrie the Ladie Anne Bulleine who was a speciall fauourer of the gospell The K. renoūceth the Pope and so was diuorced both from the Lady Dowager and the Pope together The Princesse Dowager after the diuorce procured from the Pope an interdictment of the king and the whole Realme Anno 1533. 1533. Lady Elizabeth borne Quéene Anne was crowned and not long after her coronation the 7 of September she was brought a bed and deliuered of a faire Ladie named at the Font Elizabeth the Archbishop of Caunterburie being Godfather and the olde Dutches of Norfolke and the olde Marchionesse of Dorcet widowes Godmothers After this the Monkes and Friers and other euill disposed persons feigned that God had reueyled to a Nunne Elizabeth Barton whom they called the holy maid of Kent The holy maid of Kent that if the king procéeded in that diuorce he should not be K. of this Realme one moneth after and in the reputation of God not one day nor houre This dissimulation was found out by the diligence of the Archbishoppe of Caunterburie the Lord Cromwell and Master Hugh Latimer and she condemned and put to death with certaine of her counsell in the moneth of Aprill anno 1533. as Henrie Golde Bacheler of diuinitie Richard Master Parson of Aldington Edwarde Bocking Monke of Caunterburie Iohn Dearing Monke of Caunterburie Hugh Ritch Frier Warden of the Graye friers of Caunterburie Richarde Risbie attaint of treason by acte of Parlament and so put to death Others of the same conspiracie as Fisher bishop of Rochester Thomas Golde Thomas Laurence Edward Thwates Iohn Adeson and Thomas Abell being conuicte and attainted of mesprision were condemned to prison and forfeyted their goods and possessions to the king This yere 1533. one Pauier or Pauie Towneclarke of the Citie of London a notorious enemy of Gods trueth and a verie busie fellow about the burning of Rich. Bayneham hanged himselfe Gods iudgement he saide rather than he woulde sée the scripture in English to be read of the people he would cutte his owne throate but hee made his choise rather of an halter About this time also died Doctor Foxforde Chauncellour to the B. of London a common butcher of Gods saints who was the condemner of all those which were put to death troubled or abiured vnder Stokesley throughout all the Dioces of London He died sitting in his chaire sodainlie his belly being burst his guttes falling out before him About the same time also died Wil. Warham Archbishop of Canterburie whom succeeded Th. Cranmer Tho. Cranmer Archbishop of Canterburie This yere at Dunkirke in Flaunders a writte of Excommunication was set vp against the king for the diuorce which beeing knowen vnto the king hee caused to be discharged a great sort of the princesse Dowagers seruaunts and they that remained still were sworne to serue her as a Princesse onely and not as Quéene and because she refused to be serued of such she remained with a very few liuing after this sort the space of two yéeres An. 1534. Vpon the iij. of February the parliament was assembled againe wherein was made an act of succession whereto euery person should be sworne Preaching against the popes supremacie During this parlament time euery Sunday preached at Paules crosse a bishop which declared the pope not to be head of the Church Iohn Fisher bishop of Rochester sir Thomas Moore and Doctor Nicholas Wilson parson of S. Thomas Apostles in London refused the oath to the Act of succession made then wherfore they were sent to the Tower In the end the Doctor was content to dissemble the matter and so escaped but the other two remained obstinate The third of Nouember this parliament was again assembled in which the Pope and Cardinals with his pardons and indulgences were wholly abolished The Popes pardons wholly abolished to the abolishing whereof and to the ratifying of the kings title of supreme head Stephen Gardiner gaue his othe so did Iohn Stokesley B. of London likewise Edward Lee Archbishop of Yorke Cuthbert B. of Duresme and all the rest of the Bishops in like sort to this title agréed also the sentence of the Vniuersitie of Cambridge Also Ed. Bonner then Archdeacon of Leicester Gardiners booke de obedientia with Bonners notes was of the same iudgemēt and prefixed his preface to Steuen Winchesters booke de obedientia of the same argument To this also agreed the whole Cleargie of the Church of England and subscribed with the handes of the Bishoppes and other learned men to the number of 46. doctors of diuinitie and of both lawes Anno 1535. Fisher the Bishop of Rochester and Sir Thomas Moore were executed for refusing the oath of supremacie which all the other Bishoppes and Cleargie yéelded vnto one was executed the xxij of Iune the other the vj. of Iulie The ruine of Religious houses
returneth to the yéere before 1553. vpon Friday the iiij of August Doctor Day was deliuered out of the Fléete The v. day Boner was deliuered out of the Marshalsea and one M. Edward Vnderhil cōmitted to Newgate Also the same day at night Doctor Cockes was committed to the Marshalsea And the same day Doctor Tonstall and Stephen Gardiner were deliuered out of the Tower and Gardiner receiued to the Quéenes priuie Counsell and made Lord Chancellor The xvj day of August M. Bradford M. Beacon and M. Veron were committed to the Tower Bradford Beacon and Veron to the Tower with whom also M. Sampson should haue béene cōmitted but was not found being diligently sought for at M. Elsenges house in Fléet-stréet where M. Bradford was taken Vpon the xix of August a letter was sent vnto sir Henry Tyrrell Anthony Browne and Edmund Brown Esquires praying them to commit to warde all such as shoulde contemne the Quéenes order of religion and did kéepe themselues from Church Vpon Sunday the xx of August Doctor Watson Winchesters Chaplaine preached at Paules and two hundred of the garde were there with their Halbards least the people should make a sturre against the preacher The xxj of August the Quéene set foorth a proclamation signifying that shée could not any longer hide the religion which she from her infancie had professed inhibiting in the same proclamation printing and preaching Vpon Sunday the xxvij of August the B. of Canterbury Sir Thomas Smith and the Deane of Paules were cited to to appeare the wéeke following before the Quéenes Commissioners in the Bishops consistory in Paules In the meane time it was falsly noysed abroad that the Archbishop to currie fauour with the Quéene should promisse to say Dirge Masse after the old custome for king Edward that he had already said masse at Canterbury A false rumor of the Archb. To stop these rumors the 7. of Sept. the Archb. set forth a letter which was also printed in purgation of himself The 13. of September Hugh Latimer was committed to the Tower The next day after that the Archb. was committed to the tower The first day of October which was the day of her coronation the Quéene gaue general pardon out of which were excepted all the prisoners in the Tower and in the Fléete and 62. more of which number maister Whitchurch and maister Grafton were two Vpon the 4. of October the Archbishop of Yorke was committed to the Tower The fift of October the Bishop of Lincolne Hereford and Westchester were discharged from the Parlement and Conuocation The 15. of October Laurence Saunders preacher at alhallowes in Bredstréete in the morning declared the abhominablenes of the masse about noone the same day hée was sent for by the Bishop of London and from thence committed to the Marshalsea The 26. of October the Vicechauncellour of Cambridge displaced D. Madew of the maistership of Clarehal because he was married and placed maister Swinborne The 28. of October the Papistes in the Kinges Colledge in Cambridge Kings Colledge Papists very forward not tarrying the making of any law had their seruice againe in the Latine tongue contrary to the law then in force About the last of December a priest at Canterbury said masse on the one day and the next day after he came into the pulpit and desired the people to forgiue him for he saide hée had betraied Christ and there made a long Sermon against the masse Vpon Saterday being the 13. of Ianuary D. Crome was committed to the Fléet and one maister Addington to the Tower The 20. of Ianuarie the court of first fruits and tenths were dissolued The 26. of Ianuary Iustice Halles was committed to the marshalsea and maister Rogers to Newgate About the 24. 25. of February such priestes within the dioces of London as were married were diuorced from their liuings and commanded to bring in their wiues within a fortnight that they might also be diuorced from them This the Bishop did of his owne power The 27. of February certain Gentlemen of Kent were sent downe to be executed among whom there were two of the Mantels the elder of which at his casting of the ladder brake the rope Then they would haue had him recant and receiue the sacrament of the altar and then they said he should haue the Quéenes pardon but he refused so to doe and chose rather to die Vpon the 18. day of March the Lady Elizabeth the Quéenes sister was brought to the Tower Ladie Elizabeth to the Tower In the moneth of May it was bruted that a disputation should be holden at Cambridge betwéene M. Bradford M. Saunders M Rogers and others of that side and the Doctors of both vniuersities on the other side like as had béene in Oxforde before This the godlye Preachers that were prisoners did accept so that the disputation might bee before the Queene or before the Counsell or before the Parlement houses or els if they might dispute by writing remembring the disorder at Oxford And they directed out of prison a declaration of their mindes by writing the seuenth day of May exhorting the people to submitte themselues with all patience and humilitie c. Anno 1554. Their names were Robert Menauen aliâs Robert Ferrar Rowlande Taylor Iohn Philpot Iohn Bradforde Iohn Wigorne and Gloce. Episcopus Iohn Hooper Edward Crome Iohn Rogers Laurence Saunders Edmunde Laurence I. P. T. M. Miles Couerdale agréeing also with them The xix of the same Moneth the Lady Elizabeth Sister to the Quéen was brought out of the Tower and committed to the custodie of sir I. Williams after Lord Williams of Thame who gently entreated her Lady Elizabeth sent to Woodstock and afterwarde she was had to Woodstocke and there committed to the kéeping of Sir Henrie Benefield who excéeded in harde dealing with her About the fifth of October and within a fortnight following there were about sixtye imprisoned in London for hauing and selling certain bookes which were sent ouer by Preachers that fledde beyond the Seas among whome was M. Brown a Goldsmith M. Sparke a Draper Randall Diuer a Stationer M. Beston a Marchant with many other The ninth of Nouember M. Barlowe late B. of Bathe and M. Cardmaker Barlowe and Cardmaker to the Fleete were brought before the Counsell in the Starrechamber and after communication commanded to the Fléete In this moneth or the moneth before Against writing of Scriptures on church walles Boner directeth his precepts against al writings of scripture on church walles About this time in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge and also of Oxforde many good wittes and learned men departed the Vniuersities because of the alteration of religion 24. places void together in S. Iohns colledge in Cambridge Of whō some of their owne accord gaue ouer some were thrust out of their Felowships some were miserably handled In so much that in Cambridge in the Colledge of saint Iohns there were 24. places voyde
stake 180 Diuers Letters Treatises ead Steuen Gardiner dieth ead Gods iudgement on Gardiner 181 Winchesters wordes at his death ead Iohn Webbe G. Roper G. Parker Martirs 181 Men of vpright mindes 183 Hastning of iudgement a pleasure to the martir 184 Sharpe aunswere to Boners message ead Philpots zeale against Morgan 186 Articles against Master Philpot 187 Boner condemneth Philpot 188 M. Philp. payeth his vowes in Smithfield ead 7. burned together in Smithfield 189 Thomas Whittle repenteth and is condemned ead Whittles letters ead Bartlet Greene ead Master Greene condemned 191 Master Greene at the Stake ead Tho. Brown ead Iohn Tudson ead Iohn Went ead Isabel Foster 192 Ione Lashford ead 5. martirs sing a psalm in the fire ead Cranmer Archb. of Canterburie 193 M. Cranmers aduice touching the disputatiō for the kings diuorce eadem Cranmer sent for to the K. 194 Embassage to Rome about the diuorce eadem None would kisse the popes foote but a great Spaniell of the Earle of Wiltshires eadem Cranmer goeth to the Emperour eadem Cranmer satisfieth Cornelius Agrippa eadem Cranmer made archbishop 195 King Edward godsonne to Cranmer eadem Bookes of Cranmer ead Cranmer not brought to against his conscience ead Cranmer would do no reuerence to the popes subdelegate 196 Periured persons for witnesses 197 The meaning of supreame head 198 The Archbishop condemned for not beyng at Rome when he was kept prisoner in England ead Boner derideth the Archbishop 199 The poore estate of the archbishop ead Cranmer setteth his hand to a recantation ead Q. Maryes speciall hate to Cranmer 200 Law of equality 201 The pitiful case of Cranmer eadem Cranmer bewaileth his recātation 202 Cranmer first burneth his hand wherewith he subscribed eadem Cranmer burned eadem The wicked can not discerne spirits eadem Why Cranmer desired life eadem Iohn Spicer William Coberley and Iohn Maundrell 203 Purgatorie the popes pinfold ead Six at one fire in Smithfield viz. Robert Drakes William Timmes Richard Spurge Thomas Spurge Iohn Cauell and George Ambrose 204 A short answere of Timmes 205 Commissioners into Norffolke and Suffolke 206 Iohn Harpoole and Ioane Beats eadem Iohn Hullier eadem Sixe martyrs at one fire in Colchester eadem Christopher Lister eadem Iohn Mace Iohn Spenser Iohn Hammon Simon Iayne Richard Nicholas 207 Hugh Lauercocke and Iohn appryce burned ead Lauercock comforteth his fellow eadem Thomas Drewry and Thomas Croker 208 Thomas Spicer Iohn Denny and Edmund Poole burned eadem The martyrs prayse God in the flame 209 Thomas Harland Iohn Oswald Th. Auington Tho. Read martyrs ead Also Iohn Milles Thomas Wood ead A merchants seruant at Leycester 210 Thirteene at one fire viz. Hēry Adlington L. Pernam H. Wye W. Halywell T. Bowyer G. Searls Edm. Hurst Lion Couch Rafe Iackson Iohn Deryfall Iohn Routh Elizabeth Pepper Agnes George eadem Subtlety of the Diuell ead Two women stand loose at the stake eadem Cardinall pardoneth certain condemned ead Roger Bernard 211 Adam Foster Robert Lawson ead A worthy answere of the martyr eadem Iohn Carlesse a worthy confessor 212 Iulius Palmer Iohn Guin Thomas Askin martyrs 213 Iulius Palmer expulsed the colledge in King Edward his time for Papistrie eadem Th. Thackhā a false dissembling hypocrite 214 The mother threateneth hir sonne Iulius Palmer fire faggot eadem Palmer at the stake 215 Palmer diuerse times in dāger of burning 216 For whom its easie to burne eadem The mother Katherine Couches and the two daughters Guillemme Gilbert Perotine Massey burned in Gernesey 217 Cruelty against the mother and hir daughters ead Maruellous cruelty eadem Thomas Dungate Iohn Forman and mother Dree burned 218 Thomas More ead Ioane Wast eadem Ione hir offer to the Iudges eadem Edward Sharpe 219 Foure at Mayfield in Sussex eadem A young man at Bristow eadem Iohn Horne a womā ead William Dangerfield ead Great cruelty 220 The wife encourageth hir husband eadem A shoomaker at Northampton ead Hooke eadem Fiue famished and ten burned at Canterbury 221 A witty and godly answere of Alice Potkins ead Put to death in the fourth yeere of Qu. Mary 84. persons eadem Sir Iohn Cheeke 222 The vniuersitie of Cābridge to be reformed 223 Inquisitors came to Cambridge eadem S. Maries and S. Michaels churches in Cambridge interdicted eadem Kings colledge refuseth the Inquisitors 224 Kings colledge neuer without an heretike ead Robert Brassey M. of Kings colledge ead Bucer Phagius digged out of their graues 225 Bucer Phagius corps burned 226 The holy cōmissioners depart from Cambridge ea Peter Martyrs wifes corps at Oxford 227 Iohn Philpot W. Waterer Steph. Kempe W. Haydhith T. Hudson Mathew Brodbridge Th. Stephēs Nich. Finall W. Lowicke W. Prowting burned ea Another bloudy cōmission 228 Cardinall Poole mercyfull ead Tho. Losebie H. Ramsey T. Tyroll M. Hyde Agnes Stanley 229 The valiant martyr eadem W. Morant King S. Gratewicke ead Vniust proceeding ead Faith surely grounded 230 Iohn Bradbridge W. Applebie Petronel Ed Allen K. his wife I. Mannings E. a blinde maide ead I. Fishcock N. VVhite N. Pardu B. Fynall widowe Bradbridge Wilsōs wife Bendens wife ead Husbande against the wife 231 Diet of the Martirs in prison ead 3. Farthinges a day the martirs allowance ead Alice Benden a cōstant martir ead God sendeth the spirite of comfort 232 The bishop wil neither meddle with patiēce nor charitie ead Tenne burned at one fire Richard Woodman G. Steuens R. Maynarde Alex Hoseman Thomasin a Wood Marg. Moris Denis Burgis Ashdons wife Groues wife ead Father against sonne 233 Boner droonk with Philpots bloud ead Quick dispatch 135 Simon Miller Eliza. Couper ead Elizabeth Couper repenteth her recantation 236 Wil. Mount Alice his wife Rose Allen ead A tragicall dialogue betwixt Tirrel Rose Allen 237 Tirannie ouercome with patience ead Iohn Thurstone and M. his wife ead W. Bongeor A. Siluerside T. Benold W. Purcas H. Ewring E. Folkes prisoners in Colchester 238 Sharp answere of the martir ead Eliz. Folkes ead Rose Allen condemned song for ioy 239 Notable speeche of the martir ead Geor. Eagles called Trudgouer 240 Richard Crashfield ead Frier and G. Eagles his sister 241 Ioyce Lewes ead Sathan troubleth the martir ead She drinketh to all that loue the gospel 242 Rafe Allerton Iames Austoo Margerie Austoo Richard Coth ead The couragious Martir eadem They feare the martyr in prison 143 Agnes Bongeor ead Margery Thurstone ead Iohn Knode ead The martyr refuseth pardon ead Iohn Noyes eadem Cecill Ormes 244 The constant martyr eadem Cecill Ormes at the stake eadem Sixteene martyrs in Sussex 145 Thomas Spurdance eadem Iohn Hollingdale 246 W. Sparrow eadem R. Gibson eadem Articles for articles ead Ioh. Rough ead M. Mearing eadem Maister Rough minister of the congregation at London 247 More reuerence to the pope then to the bread God ead Margery Mearings ready to suffer for Chrish 248 Cuthbert Simpson Hugh Fox Iohn Deuenish ead Cuthbert Simsō racked twise 249 Boner commendeth the patience of Cuthbert Simson eadem W. Nichol eadem W. Seaman eadem Tho. Carman Tho. Hudson ead W. Harris Rich. Day Christopher Gorge 251 A sharpe proclamation against godly books eadē Henry Pond Rayn Eastlād Robert Southam Mar. Richarby Ioh. Floyd Ioh. Holiday Roger Holland 252 A straight proclamation eadem R. Holland at the stake ead R. Milles S. Wight S. Carton I. Slade R. Denis VV. Pikes 253 Richard Yeoman 254 Thomas Benbridge eadem A notable conflict betwixt flesh the spirit of God 255 I. Cooke R. Myles A. Lane Iames Ashley eadem Alex. Gouch Alice Driuer ead Alice Driuer of an excellent spirit 256 Phil. Humfrey Iohn Dauid Henry Dauid 257 Priests wife eadem The wife persecuted of husband and children ead Christ the martyrs husband eadem A worthy martyr 258 Note eadem Iohn Sharpe Tho. Hall 259 Thomas Benion eadem Iohn Cornford Christopher Browne Iohn Herst Alice Snoth Kath. Knight ead The martyr excommunicateth the Papists eadem The husband accused by his wife 260 Balaams marke 261 Cruelty of Balaamites ead N. Burton burned in Siuell Aue Maria after the Romish fashion eadem Marke Burges W. Hooke 262 Iohn Dauies of twelue yeres old 263 The congregation in London eadem The ministers of that congregation eadem Those that fled from Ipswich for persecution 265 Ipswich a good towne ead The affliction of L. Eliz. 268 Lady Elizabeth falsly accused 269 An hundred Northren souldiers watch the Lady Elizabeth 270 The L. Eliz. had none other friendes but God 171 Lady Elizabeth prisoned in the Tower eadem The Lorde Chamberlayne hard to the Lady Elizabeth 272 Sir Henry Benefield eadem Lady Elizabeth to Woodstock 273 L. Elizabeth in great feare eadem Tanquam ouis eadem Sir Henry Benefield presumptuous and vnciuill 274 The Spaniards against murdering of Lady Elizabeth 275 L. Elizabeth deliuered out of prison eadem God deliuereth L. Elizab. 276 Elizabeth prisoner ead Gardiner dieth 278 Queene Mary dieth ead Popish prelates die thicke about the death of queene Mary 280 Iohn Whiteman a notable martyr 281 A conference for matters of religion 282 Three propositions to dispute of eadem The Papists flie from the agreement