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A58640 The laws and acts of the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign Charles the Second ... holden at Edinburgh the first of January, 1661 by a noble Lord, John, Earl of Middleton ... with the special advice and consent of the estates of Parliament / extracted and collected from the records of Parliament by Sir Archibald Primerose.; Laws, etc. Scotland.; Primrose, Archibald, Sir, 1616-1679. 1661 (1661) Wing S1271; ESTC R30550 109,236 124

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who is to administer an Oath De fideli administratione to the remanent Commissioners at their first meeting and take the same himself and to appoint their own Collectors and other Officers except the Clerk who is to be named by the Clerk of Register and to modifie necessar Fees for the saids Collectors Clerks and other Officers and to sub-divide themselves for the more speedy and equal ordering of the said Excise With power also to them to establish Offices of Excise at which Offices the whole Brewers are hereby required to make their Entries at least once every moneth of their weekly brewing and by Miller Maltman Oath of party Witnesses or any other lawfull manner of way to disprove the Entries given in and to impose Fines upon the persons whose Entries shall be so disproven not exceeding the double of the value of the Malt conceal'd and to discern and determine in all cases and debates relating to the said Excise within their respective divisions and for that effect to use all lawfull manner of probation as said is And ordains generall Letters to be direct gratis upon the saids Commissioners their Decreets at the instance of the respective Collectors or otherwayes with power to the saids Commissioners to poynd and distreinȝie upon their own Decreets quarter upon the Deficients or imprison their persons till payment be made of the sums due by them as well principal as expences and which expences the saids Commissioners are hereby impowred to modifie And it is hereby Declared That there shall be no necessity to apprize the Goods of the Deficients at the Mercat Cross but that it shall be lawfull to apprize the same at the nearest Paroch Church And sicklike it is hereby Statute and Ordained That the Commissioners of the respective Shires and Burghs shall be and are oblieged to pay in their respective proportions of the said Shires and Burghs to such as are or shall be appointed by His Majesty to receive the same at four terms in the year viz. Whitsunday Lambmesse Mertimesse and Candlemesse by equall proportions beginning the first terms payment at Lambmess next for the three moneths of May June and July immediatly preceeding the same And which Commissioners are by these presents impowered to put in execution the whole forementioned Orders and Instructions for raising and inbringing of the said Excise for their relief As also the Kings Majesty with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament gives power to the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council to nominate and appoint Commissioners of Excise in the respective Shires and Burghs upon the death or inability of any of the Commissioners above-named XV. Act Rescinding and Annulling the pretended Parliaments in the year 1640 1641 c. THe Estates of Parliament considering that the Peace and Happiness of this Kingdom and of His Majesties good Subjects therein doth depend upon the Safety of His Majesties Person and the Maintenance of His Royal Authority Power and Greatness And that all the miseries confusions and disorders which this Kingdom hath groaned under these twenty three years have issued from and been the necessary and natural products of these neglects contempts and invasions which in and from the beginning of these troubles were upon the specious but false pretexts of Reformation the common cloak of all Rebellions offered unto the Sacred Person and Royal Authority of the Kings Majesty and His Royal Father of blessed memory And notwithstanding that by the sacred Right inherent to the Imperial Crown which His Majesty holds immediately from GOD Almighty alone and by the ancient constitution and fundamental Laws of the Kingdom the power of convocating and keeping Assemblies of the Subjects the power of Calling Holding Proroguing and Dissolving of Parliaments and making of Laws the power of entering into Bonds Covenants Leagues and Treaties the power of raising Armes keeping of Strengths and Forts are Essential parts and Inseparable priviledges of the Royal Authority and Prerogative of the Kings of this Kingdom Yet such hath been the madness and delusion of these times that even Religion it self which holds the Right of Kings to be Sacred and Inviolable hath been pretended unto for warrand of all these injurious Violations and Incroachments so publickly done and owned upon and against His Majesties just Power Authority and Government By making and keeping of unlawfull Meetings and Convocations of the people By entering into Covenants Treaties and Leagues By seizing upon and possessing themselves of His Majesties Castles Forts and Strengths of the Kingdom and by Holding of pretended Parliaments making of Laws and raising of Armes for the maintaining of the same And that not only without warrand but contrary to His Majesties express Commands And although the late Kings Majesty out of His meer grace and respects to this His native Kingdom and the peace and quiet of His people and for preventing the consequences which such a bad example and practice might occasion to the disturbance of the peace of His other Kingdoms was pleased in the year one thousand six hundred and fourty one to come into this Country and by His own presence at their pretended Parliaments and otherwayes to comply with and give way to many things neerly concerning the undoubted Interest and Prerogative of the Crown expecting that such unparallel'd Condiscentions should have made His Subjects ashamed of their former miscariages and the very thoughts thereof to be hatefull to them and their posterity for ever Yet such was the prevalency of the spirit of Rebellion that raged in many for the time that not content of that peace and happiness which even above their desires was secured to them nor of those many Grants of honour and profit by which His Majesty endeavoured to endear the most desperate of them to their duty and obedience they then when His Majesty had not left unto them any pretence or shadow of any new desire to be proposed either concerning themselves or the Kingdom did most unworthily engage to subvert His Majesties Government and the publick peace of the Kingdom of England For which purpose having joyned in a League with some there they for the better prosecution of the same did assume unto themselves the Royal Power kept and held Parliaments at their pleasure by the pretended Authority of which they laid new exactions upon the people which in one moneth did far exceed what ever by the Kings Authority had been raised in a whole year levied Armes sent out Edicts requiring obedience unto their unlawfull demands and with all manner of violence pursued such as out of duty to His Majesties Authority opposed them by fines confinements imprisonment banishment death and forfeiture of their posterity and with their Army thus raised invaded His Majesties Kingdom of England and joyned with such as were in Armes against His Majesty there And thus maintaining their usurped power and violently executing the same against all Law Conscience Honour and Humanity have made themselves instruments of much
THE LAWS and ACTS OF THE FIRST PARLIAMENT Of our most High and Dread SOVERAIGN CHARLES THE SECOND By the grace of GOD King of Scotland England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith Holden at Edinburgh the First of January 1661. By a Noble Lord John Earl of Middleton Lord Cleremont and Fettercairn His MAJESTIES Commissioner for holding of this Parliament by vertue of a COMMISSION under His MAJESTIES Great Seal of this Kingdom With the special Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament Extracted and Collected from the Records of Parliament by Sir ARCHIBALD PRIMEROSE of Chester Knight and Barronet Clerk to His MAJESTIES Council Registers and Rolls EDINBURGH Printed by Evan Tyler Printer to the Kings most Excellent MAjESTY Anno Dom. 1661 CVM PRIVILEGIO CHARLES the 2d BY THE GRACE OF GOD KING OF SCOTLAND ENGLAND FRANCE IRELAND Defender of the faith ●●uch not my Anoynted GOD SAVE THE KING FEAR GOD HONOVR THE KING HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE C R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE NEMO ME IMPVNE LACESSET The LAWS and ACTS made in the first PARLIAMENT of our most High and Dread Soveraign CHARLES the Second by the grace of GOD King of Scotland England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith Began at Edinburgh the first day of January 1661. I. ACT concerning the President and Oath of Parliament FOrasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty GOD to compassionat the troubles and confusions of this Kingdom by returning the Kings most excellent MAjESTY to the exercise of that Royal Government under which and its excellent constitution this Kingdom hath for many ages injoyed so much happiness peace and plenty And it being upon good and important considerations an inviolable practice in this Government before these troubles that the person nominate by His MAjESTY to be His Chancellor within this Kingdom did of right and as due to his place preside in all Meetings of Parliament and other publick Judicatories of the Kingdom where he was present for the time And His MAjESTY now considering the great advantages do accress to the publick good of His Subjects by the due observance of such ancient and well grounded Customs and Constitutions and the prejudices that do accompany a change thereof Therefore His MAjESTY with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament doth Declare That the present Lord Chancellor and such as hereafter shall be nominate by His MAjESTY or His Royal Successors to succeed in that place and in case of their absence such as shall be nominate by His MAJESTY are by vertue and right of the said office and such nomination respective to preside in all meetings of His MAJESTIES Parliaments or other publick Judicatories of the kingdom where they shall happen to be present and that they are now and in all time coming to injoy this priviledge And in discharge of this trust they are at the first down-sitting of every Parliament to administer to all the Members thereof the Oath of Alleagiance whereof the tenor follows I for testification of my faithfull obedience to my most gracious and redoubted Soveraign CHARLES King of Great Brittain France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. Affirm testifie and declare by this my solemn Oath That I acknowledge my said Soveraign only Supream Governour of this Kingdom over all Persons and in all Causes and that no Forraign Prince Power or State nor person Civil or Ecclesiastick hath any Jurisdiction Power or Superiority over the same And therefore I do utterly renounce and forsake all Forraign Jurisdictions Powers and Authorities and shall at my utmost power defend assist and maintain His MAJESTIES Jurisdiction foresaid against all deadly and never decline His MAJESTIES Power nor Jurisdiction as I shall answer to GOD. With this addition And I shall faithfully give my Advice and Vote in every thing shall be propounded in Parliament as I shall answer to GOD. Likeas His MAJESTY with advice foresaid doth hereby Rescind and Annull all Acts Statutes or Practices as to the President or Oath of Parliament which are prejudicial unto or inconsistent with this present Act and Declare the same to be void and null in all time coming II. Act and Acknowledgement of His MAjESTIES Prerogative in the choice of His Officers of State Councellors and Judges THe Estates of Parliament considering the great obligations that do ly upon them from the Law of GOD the Laws of Nations the municipal Laws of the Land and their Oaths of Alleagiance to maintain and defend the Soveraign Power and Authority of the Kings MAJESTY and the sad consequences that do accompany any incroachments upon or diminutions thereof Do therefore from their sense of humble duty Declare That it is an inherent priviledge of the Crown and an undoubted part of the Royal Prerogative of the Kings of this Kingdom to have the sole choice and appointment of the Officers of Estate and Privy Councellors and the nomination of the Lords of Session as in former times preceeding the year 1637. And that the Kings Sacred MAJESTY and His Heirs and Successors are for ever by vertue of that Royal Power which they hold from GOD Almighty over this Kingdom to injoy and have the full exercise of that Right And therefore the Kings MAJESTY with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament doth hereby Rescind and Annull all Acts Statutes or Practices to the contrair and Declare them to have been undutifull and disloyal invasions upon the Royal Prerogative and to be void and null in all time coming III. Act asserting His Majesties Royal Prerogative in the calling and dissolving of Parliaments and making of Laws THe Estates of Parliament now conveened by His MAJESTIES special Authority considering that the Quietness Stability and Happiness of the people do depend upon the Safety of the Kings MAJESTIES Sacred Person and the maintenance of His Soveraign Authority Princely Power and Prerogative Royal. And conceiving themselves oblieged in conscience and in discharge of their duties to Almighty GOD to the Kings MAJESTY and to their Native Country to make a due acknowledgement thereof at this time Do therefore unanimously Declare That they will with their lives and fortunes maintain and defend the same And they do hereby acknowledge that the power of Calling Holding Proroguing and Dissolving of Parliaments and all Conventions and Meetings of the Estates doth solely reside in the Kings MAJESTY His Heirs and Successors And that as no Parliament can be lawfully keeped without the special warrand and presence of the Kings MAJESTY or His Commissioner so no Acts Sentences or Statutes to be past in any Parliament can be binding upon the people or have the Authority and force of Laws without the special Authority and Approbation of the Kings MAJESTY or His Commissioner interponed thereto at the making thereof And therefore the Kings MAJESTY with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament doth hereby Rescind and Annull all Laws Acts Statutes or Practices that have
in a generall Act of Indempnity to be past by His Majesty in this Parliament And forasmuch as the Ordinar Courts of Justice did sit and act by Warrand of these Meetings the Kings MAjESTY for the good and ease of the people doth with advice foresaid Declare That none of the Acts Decreets or Sentences given by these who sat as Lords of Session or as inferiour Judges within this Kingdom these years nor no Execution following thereupon are for want of lawfull Authority to be questioned Whereanent His MAjESTY with advice foresaid by these presents dispenses And also His MAjESTY considering that by a pretended Act and Commission from the said pretended Meetings or Parliaments Augmentations were granted to Ministers Kirks were divided new Kirks were erected and Lands from one Paroch to another dis-joyned and annexed and divers other particulars decerned in relation to the Plantation of Kirks which Commissions one or more though they had no lawfull Authority but in themselves were and are null Yet His MAjESTY being desirous to give all due encouragements to the Ministers of the Gospel doth with advice and consent foresaid Declare That all Acts Decreets and Sentences pronounced and given forth by the saids Commissioners and all Executions thereupon are and shall stand valid in time coming except such as upon the complaint of any party shall be found to have been unjustly or exorbitantly pronounced and decerned The determination whereof is hereby referred by His MAjESTY with advice and consent foresaid to the Commission for Plantation of Kirks to be established by His Majesty in this present Parliament that they after hearing of parties and consideration of particulars may take such course for altering annulling or allowing of what was done by vertue of the saids Commissions in the years one thousand six hundred and fourty nine and one thousand six hundred and fifty as they shall think just conform to the standing Laws and Acts of Parliament preceeding the year one thousand six hundred and fourty nine and Ordains process upon supplication to be summarly granted parties alwayes being cited and that without any reduction As also with power to the saids Commissioners to be appointed upon the dependence of the saids complaints and process to discharge execution upon the foresaids Decreets in whole or in part as they shall find just ay and while the matter may be determined by them And forasmuch as by a pretended Commission for the Exchequer divers Infeftments Gifts and others were past in the foresaids years one thousand six hundred and fourty nine and one thousand six hundred and fifty His Majesty with advice foresaid Declares That all such Gifts Infeftments and others are and shall be valid excepting alwayes new Gifts and Dispositions of Lands and others granted and past to His Highness prejudice and such other Gifts as upon the complaints of parties shall by His Majesties Treasurer and Commissioners of Exchequer be found to have been unjustly granted or past in prejudice of prior Gifts under His Majesties Hand though not past in Exchequer And whereas by a pretended Act of the foresaid pretended Parliament entituled Act abolishing the Patronages of Kirks all Patronages and Presentations of Kirks whether belonging to the King or any Laick Patron Presbyteries or others were discharged and all Acts Gifts and Rights granted thereanent Rescinded And yet neverthelesse it was thereby declared That the taking away of the Patronages should not prejudge the Patrons Rights to the Teinds nor weaken his Infeftment wherein the same is contained And that the Teithes of the Kirks whereof the Presentations were abolished should belong hereritably to the Patrons and be inserted in their Rights and Infeftments in place of their Patronage with power to the Patrone to dispone upon the saids Teinds in manner and with the exception contained in the said Act. And notwithstanding that the foresaid Act and whole Parliament be declared null yet nevertheless His Majesty with advice foresaid doth by these presents Declare That it shall be lawfull to Laick Patrons or Heretors to agree with the beneficed persons for Tacks or Rights of Teinds belonging to the said beneficed person according to the Laws of the Kingdom with this provision that the saids Tacks shall be no wayes prejudicial to the Stipend and Maintenance of the Ministers and persons to be presented according as the same hath been already modified or shall be modified in time coming and that notwithstanding of any Acts or Statutes made in the contrair All which Acts His Majesty with consent foresaid by these presents Discharges And in like manner His Majesty with advice foresaid Declares That as to such persons who are presently in possession of Kirks pertaining to the saids Laick Patronages the saids persons and Ministers shall during their service claime no right nor possession to the Teinds of their saids Kirks and Parochins other then they had formerly before the making of this Act they having alwayes a sufficient maintenance allowed and granted to them according to the Laws of the Kingdom X. Act condemning the Transactions concerning the Kings Majesty whilst He was at Newcastle in the years 1646. and 1647. THe Estates of Parliament considering the many sad and dangerous consequences that do accompany the neglect and contempt of lawfull Authority and that among the other Judgements wherewith it pleaseth Almighty GOD to visit such who resist the Powers and oppose the Commands of those intrusted by Him as His Vicegerents for the Government of His People they are ofttimes left to their own counsels to do that which highly provokes GOD to wrath renders themselves justly odious to the world and hatefull to their posterity Whereof there is too doolfull an experiment in an Act of the printed Records of Parliament of the sixteenth of January one thousand six hundred and fourty seven entituled Declaration of the Kingdom of Scotland concerning the Kings Majesties Person Which being now taken into consideration The Estates of Parliament do find and Declare That it was carried on and concluded by a prevalent party against the judgement of many of His Majesties Loyal Subjects And that it is a most sinfull disloyal and unworthy Act contrary to the will and commandment of GOD contary to all Laws Divine and Humane contary to the Duty and Alleagiance of Subjects contrary to all the rules of Justice Honour Gratitude and Humanity and highly reflecting on the honour of this ancient Kingdom and the reputation of His Majesties good Subjects therein And therefore the Kings Majesty with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament doth hereby Annull and Condemn the same for ever And Ordains it to be expunged out of all Records and never to be remembred again but with due abhorrence and detestation And the Estates of Parliament conceiving themselves obliged in conscience to make the truth of this business and the manner of the carrying of it known to the World for the just vindication of this Kingdom and His Majesties dutifull and loyal Subjects
loss shame and dishonour to their native Countrey and have justly forfeited and favour they might have pretended to from His Majesties former concessions And forasmuch as now it hath pleased Almighty GOD by the power of His own right hand so miraculously to restore the Kings Majesty to the Government of His Kingdoms and to the exercise of His Royal Power and Soveraignty over the same The Estates of Parliament do conceive themselves oblieged in discharge of their duty and conscience to GOD and the Kings Majesty to imploy all their power and interest for vindicating His Majesties Authority from all these violent invasions that have been made upon it and so far as is possible to remove out of the way every thing that may retain any remembrance of these things which have been so injurious to His Majesty and His Authority so prejudicial and dishonourable to the Kingdom and destructive to all just and true interests within the same And considering that besides the unlawfulness of the publict Actings during these troubles most of the Acts in all and every of the Meetings of these pretended Parliaments do highly incroach upon and are destructive of that Soveraign Power Authority Prerogative and Right of Government which by the Law of GOD and the ancient Laws and Constitutions of this Kingdom doth reside in and belong unto the Kings Majesty and do reflect much upon the honour loyalty and reputation of this Kingdom or are expired and serve only as testimonion of dissloyalty and repraoch upon the Kingdom and are unfit to be any longer upon Record Therefore the Kings Majesty and Estates of Parliament do hereby Rescind and Annull the pretended Parliaments kept in the years one thousand six hundred and fourty one thousand six hundred and fourty one one thousand six hundred and fourty four one thousand six hundred and fourty five one thousand six hundred and fourty six one thousand six hundred and fourty seven and one thousand six hundred and fourty eight and all Acts and Deeds past and done in them and Declares the same to be henceforth void and null And His Majesty being unwilling to take any advantage of the failings of His Subjects during those unhappy times is resolved not to retain any remembrance thereof but that the same shall be held in everlasting oblivion and that all difference and animofities being forgotten His good Subjects may in a happy union under His Royal Government enjoy that happiness and peace which His Majesty intends and really wisheth unto them as unto Himself Doth therefore by advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament grant His full Assurance and Indempnity to all persons that acted in or by vertue of the said pretended Parliaments and other Meetings flowing from the same to be unquestioned in their Lives or Fortunes for any Deed or Deeds done by them in their said usurpation or by vertue of any pretended Authority derived therefrom excepting alwayes such as shall be excepted in a general Act of Indempnity to be past by His Majesty in this Parliament And it is hereby Declared That all Acts Rights and Securities past in any of the pretended Meetings above-written or by vertue thereof in favours of any particular persons for their civil and private interests shall stand good and valid unto them untill the same be taken into further consideration and be determined in this or the next Session of this Parliament XVI Act concerning Religion and Church Government OUr Soveraign Lord being truly sensible of the mercies of Almighty GOD towards Him in His preservation in the times of greatest trouble and danger and in His miraculous Restitution to His just Right and Government of His Kingdoms And being desirous to improve these Mercies to the glory of GOD and honour of His great Name Doth with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament Declare That it is His full and firm resolution to maintain the true reformed Protestant Religion in it's purity of Doctrine and Worship as it was established within this Kingdom during the Reigns of His Royal Father and Grand-father of blessed memory And that His Majesty will be carefull to promote the power of Godlinesse to encourage the exercises of Religion both publict and private and to suppresse all prophanesse and disorderly walking And for that end will give all due countenance and protection to the Ministers of the Gospel they containing themselves within the Bounds and Limits of their Ministerial Calling and behaving themselves with that submission and obedience to His Majesties Authority and Commands that is suitable to the Allegiance and Duty of good Subjects And as to the Government of the Church His Majesty will make it His care to setle and secure the same in such a frame as shall be most agreeable to the word of GOD most suitable to Monarchicall Government and most complying with the publict peace and quiet of the Kingdom And in the mean time His Majesty with advice and consent foresaid Doth allow the present Administration by Sessions Presbyteries and Synods they keeping within bounds and behaving themselves as said is and that notwithstanding of the preceeding Act rescissory of all pretended Parliaments since the year one thousand six hundred and thirty eight XVII Act for a Solemn Anniversary Thanksgiving for His Majesties Restauration to the Royal Government of His Kingdoms THe Estates of Parliament of the Kingdom of Scotland taking to their consideration the sad Condition Slavery and Bondage this ancient Kingdom hath groaned under during these twenty three years Troubles In which under the specious pretences of Reformation a publick Rebellion hath been by the treachery of some and mis-perswasion of others violently carried on against Sacred Authority to the ruine and destruction so far as was possible of Religion the Kings Majesty and His Royal Government the Laws Liberties and Property of the People and all the publick and private Interests of the Kingdom So that Religion it self which holds the right of Kings to be Sacred hath been prostitute for the warrand of all these treasonable invasions made upon the Royal Authority and disloyal limitations put upon the Alleagiance of the Subjects And hath it not also been pretended unto for the warrand of all those vile and bloody Murthers which in high contempt of Almighty GOD and of His Majesties Authority and Laws were under colour of Justice committed upon His Majesties good Subjects meerly for the discharge of their Duty to GOD and Loyalty to the King Hath not that Royal Government under whose Protection this Nation hath to the envy of the World been so famous for many ages been of late trode under foot and new Governments and Governours established and kept up without His Majesties Authority and against His expresse Commands Hath not Law which is the Birth-right and Inheritance of the Subject and the Security of their lives and fortunes been laid in the dust and new and unjust Edicts and Orders past and published for subjecting both life and fortune
been or upon any pretext whatsoever may be or seem contrair to or inconsistent with His MAJESTIES just Power and Prerogative above-mentioned and Declares the same to have been unlawfull and to be void and null in all time coming And to the end that this Act and Acknowledgement which the Estates of Parliament from the sense of their humble duty and certain knowledge have hereby made may receive the more exact obedience in time coming It is by His MAJESTY with advice foresaid Statute and Ordained that the punctual observance thereof be specially regarded by all His MAJESTIES Subjects and that none of them upon any pretext whatsoever offer to call in question impugne or do any deed to the contrair hereof under the pain of Treason IIII. Act asserting His Majesties Royal Prerogative in the making of Leagues and the conventions of the Subjects THe Estates of Parliament considering that the maintenance of His MAjESTIES Authority and Royal Prerogative in and concerning the making of Leagues and the conventions of the Subjects is not only a necessary duty of the people but of singular advantage to their happiness and peace And that their Predecessors wisely foreseing the good and benefit thereof and the prejudices and miseries that inevitably did accompany the neglect of the same did therefore by many several Acts and Laws assert the Kings Prerogative and Authority therein and particularly by the hundred and thirty one Act of the eight Parliament of King James the sixth it is Statute and Ordained That none of his Highness Subjects of whatsoever quality state or function presume to convocat conveen or assemble themselves for holding of Councils Conventions or Assemblies to treat consult and determine in any matter of State Civil or Ecclesiastick except in the ordinary Judgements without His MAJESTIES special command or express licence had and obtained thereto under the pains made against such as unlawfully convocats the Kings Leidges And by the twelfth Act of the tenth Parliament holden the tenth of December one thousand five hundred and eighty five It is by His MAJESTY with advice of His three Estates Statute and Ordained that no Leagues nor Bonds be made among His Subjects of any degree upon whatsoever colour or pretence without His Highness or His Successors privitie and consent had and obtained thereunto under the pain to be holden and execute as movers of Sedition to the breach of the Peace And now finding that the due observance of these Laws might have contribute much to the preventing of these confusions and troubles which in these late times have almost ruined both the Kings MAJESTY and all His loyal Subjects Therefore His MAJESTY with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament doth revive renew ratifie and approve these Acts above-mentioned and Ordain the same to be punctually obeyed in all time coming conform to the tenor thereof and under the pains therein contained And Declares that any explanation or glosse that during these late troubles hath been put upon these Acts as that they are not to be extended against any Leagues Councils Conventions Assemblies or Meetings made holden or kept by the Subjects for preservation of the Kings MAJESTY the Religion Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom or for the publick good either of Kirk or Kingdom are false and disloyal and contrair to the true and genuine meaning of these Acts And therefore His MAJESTY with advice foresaid doth Discharge and for ever Annull the same and all Acts and Practices that have been in pursuance thereof V. Act asserting His Majesties Royal Prerogative in the Militia and in making Peace and War c. THe Estates of Parliament considering the great happiness that this Kingdom hath for many ages enjoyed under the princely Government of their Royal Kings who by the special blessing of Almighty GOD have reigned over them in so long and an unparallel'd series of Royal descents and the obligation thereby lying upon them in conscience honour and gratitude to owne and assert the Royal Prerogatives of the Imperial Crown of this Kingdom which the Kings MAJESTY holds from GOD Almighty alone An to vindicat the same from these invasions which by the malice or specious pretexts of ill affected persons and the confusions and disorders of the late times have been made upon it Do therefore Declare That the power of Armes and making of Peace and War or Treaties and Leagues with Forraign Princes or Estates doth properly reside in the Kings MAJESTY His Heirs and Successors and that it was and is their undoubted Right and theirs alone to have the power of raising in Armes the Subjects of this Kingdom and of the commanding ordering and disbanding or otherwise disposing thereof and of all Strengths Forts or Garrisons within the same as they shall think fit the Subjects alwayes being free of the Provisions and Maintenance of these Forts and Armies unless the same be concluded in Parliament or Convention of Estates Likeas the Kings MAJESTY with advice and consent foresaid doth hereby Declare That it is and shall be high Treason to the Subjects of this Kingdom or any number of them more or less upon any ground or pretext whatsoever to rise or continue in Armes to maintain any Forts Strengths or Garrisons to make Peace or War or to make any Treaties or Leagues with Forraign Princes or Estates or among themselves without His MAJESTIES special Authority and Approbation first interponed thereto And doth discharge all His MAJESTIES Subjects to offer upon any pretext whatsoever to attempt the doing of any of these things hereafter under the said pain of Treason And in further detestation of such unlawfull and unwarratnable practices the Kings MAJESTY with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament doth hereby Rescind and Annull all Acts Statutes Ordinances or Deeds past or done in any Parliaments Conventions or other Meetings whatsoever or any otherwise in so far as they are or may be contrair to or inconsistent with this present Act and Declares the same dispensing with the generality and holding all the particulars as verbatim herein inserted to be void and of no force nor effect in time coming VI. Act annulling the pretended Convention of Estates kept in the year 1643. FOrasmuch as the power of calling of Parliaments or Conventions of the Estates of this Kingdom hath alwayes been and is an undoubted priviledge of the Crown and doth soly reside in the Kings MAJESTY And that notwithstanding thereof among the many other invasions which during these late times have been made upon the Royal Prerogative a pretended Meeting and Convention of the Estates was called and kept at Edinburgh in June one thousand six hundred fourty three without any warrand from the Kings MAjESTY And the Estates of Parliament now conveened by His MAjESTIES speciall Authority having taken into their consideration the indiction reasons and grounds of the calling of the said Convention do find that the said pretended Convention of Estates notwithstanding of all the specious
pretexts made for the same did meet and conveen without any lawfull Warrand or Authority And therefore the Kings MAjESTY with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament doth Declare the same with all that was done therein void and null and Rescinds and Annuls all Acts or Deeds whatsomever ratifying and approving the same VII Act concerning the League and Covenant and discharging the renewing thereof without His MAjESTIES warrand and approbation FOrasmuch as the power of Armes and entering into and making of Leagues and Bonds is an undoubted priviledge of the Crown and a proper part of the Royal Prerogative of the Kings of this Kingdom and that in recognisance of His MAjESTIES just Right the Estates of Parliament of this His most ancient Kingdom of Scotland have Declared it high Treason to the Subjects thereof of whatsoever number less or more upon any pretext whatsoever to rise or continue in Armes or to enter into Leagues and Bonds with Forraigners or among themselves without His MAjESTIES special Warrand and Approbation had and obtained thereto and have Rescinded and Annulled all Acts of Parliament Conventions of Estates or other Deeds whatsoever contrary to or inconsistent with the same And whereas during these troubles there have occurred diverse things in the making and pursuance of Leagues and Bonds which may be occasion of jealousie in and betwixt His MAjESTIES Dominions of Scotland England and Ireland Therefore and for preventing of all scruples mistakes or jealousies that may hereafter arise upon these grounds The King's MAjESTY with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament Doth hereby Declare That there is no Obligation upon this Kingdom by Covenant Treaties or otherwise to endeavour by Armes a Reformation of Religion in the Kingdom of England or to meddle with the publick Government and Administration of that Kingdom And the King's MAjESTY with advice and consent foresaid doth Declare That the League and Covenant and all Treaties following thereupon and Acts or Deeds that do or may relate thereto are not obligatory nor do infer any obligation upon this Kingdom or the Subjects thereof to meddle or interpose by Armes or any seditious way in any thing concerning the Religion and Government of the Churches of England and Ireland or in what may concern the Administration of His MAjESTIES Government there And further His MAjESTY with advice and consent of His Estates doth hereby Discharge and Inhibite all His MAjESTIES Subjects within this Kingdom that none of them presume upon any pretext of any Authority whatsoever to require the renewing or swearing of the said League and Covenant or of any other Covenants or publick Oaths concerning the Government of the Church or Kingdom without His MAjESTIES special Warrand and Approbation And that none of His MAjESTIES Subjects offer to renew and swear the same without His MAjESTIES Warrand as said is as they will be answerable at their highest peril VIII Act against Papists Priests and Jesuits OUr Soveraign Lord considering that the publick contempt of and disobedience to lawful Authority though covered with the most specious pretexts is alwayes accompanied with great confusions and provocations to the dishonour of GOD and ruine of the People And that thereby occasion is offered to wicked and ill affected persons of all sorts upon one pretence or other to subvert Religion and pervert the Duty and Allegiance of the Subjects Whereof there be too sad evidence by the increase of Popery and the number of Jesuits Priests and Papists which have of late and do now abound in this Kingdom in far greater numbers then ever they did under the Government of His MAjESTIES Royal Father and Grand-Father of blessed memory And His MAjESTY being desirous to trace these His Royal Ancestors in a due and vigorous prosecution of these many excellent Laws made by them against the Saying of Mess and the stay and resset of Jesuits Seminary and Mess Priests and Trafficking Papists within this Kingdom Doth therefore with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament command and charge all and sundry Jesuits Priests and Trafficking Papists that none of them presume hereafter to Say Mess within this Kingdom And that within a moneth after the publication hereof they remove forth of the Kingdom under the pain of death And sicklike His MAjESTY with advice and consent foresaid doth command charge and inhibite all His MAjESTIES Subjects of what quality or degree soever that none of them presume to hear Mess resset supply entertain furnish meat or drink nor keep intelligence nor correspondence with any Priests Jesuits or Trafficking Papists under the pains contained in the Laws and Acts of Parliament made in that behalf And to the end that this Act may receive the more exact obedience and prosecution His MAjESTY with advice and consent foresaid doth hereby command all Sheriffs of Shires and their Deputes all Magistrates of Burghs and other publick Ministers of the Laws to make exact enquiry and search in their several bounds and jurisdictions and to apprehend all such Jesuits Priests and Trafficking Papists as they shall finde within the same after the last day of March next to come and to commit them to the next sure Prison there to remain till they receive due punishment according to the Laws And also that with all possible diligence they send in to the Parliament or in case of their not Sitting to His MAjESTIES Privy-Council the List of such persons within their bounds as are known or suspected to be Papists that course may be taken with them conform to the Laws of the Kingdom And hereof the Sheriffs and Magistrates and their Deputes are to take special notice as they will be answerable at their highest peril Likeas His MAjESTY considering how dangerous it is that Children be educat by persons popishly affected do therefore conform to former Acts of Parliament appoint that children under popish Parents Tutors or Curators shall be taken from them and committed to the education of some well affected and religious friend at the sight and by order of His MAjESTIES Privy-Council And Ordains publication hereof to be made at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh and other places needfull IX Act approving the Engagement 1648. and annulling the pretended Parliaments and Committees kept thereafter FOrasmuch as in the year one thousand six hundred fourty and eight the Estates of Parliament of this Kingdom and His MAjESTIES good Subjects therein from the sense of their duty to Almighty GOD and the King's MAjESTY did chearfully undertake and concur in an Engagement for relief of His late MAJESTY of glorious memory from His imprisonment and for His restitution to the Royal Government of His Kingdoms And the Estates of Parliament now conveened by His MAjESTIES special Authority taking that Engagement to their consideration do find it to have been an Honourable Just Necessary and Seasonable Discharge of that indispensible Duty whereunto this Kingdom and the Subjects thereof are by the Law of God by the Law of Nature and
Parliament of this Kingdom by their several Acts of the eleventh and twenty fifth of January last have from the sense of their humble duty and in recognisance of His Majesties just Right Declared That it is an inherent Priviledge of the Crown and an undoubted part of the Royal Prerogative of the Kings of this Kingdom to have the sole choice and appointment of the Officers of Estate Privy-Councellors and Lords of Session That the power of calling holding and dissolving of Parliaments and all Conventions and Meetings of the Estates doth soly reside in the Kings Majesty His Heirs and Successors and that as no Parliament can be lawfully kept without the special warrand and presence of the Kings Majesty or His Commissioner So no Acts nor Statutes to be past in any Parliament can be binding on the people or have the Authority and force of Laws without the special approbation of His Majesty or His Commissioner interponed thereto at the making thereof That the power of Armes making of Peace and War and making of Treaties and Leagues with Forreign Princes or States or at home by the Subjects among themselves doth properly reside in the Kings Majesty His Heirs and Successors and is their undoubted Right and their's alone And that it is high Treason in the Subjects of this Kingdom or any number of them upon whatsoever ground to rise or continue in Armes to maintain any Forts Garisons or Strengths to make Peace or War or to make any Treaties or Leagues with Forreigners or among themselves without His Majesties Authority first interponed thereto That it is unlawfull to the Subjects of whatsoever quality or function to convocat conveen or assemble themselves for holding of Councils Conventions and Assemblies to Treat Consult and Determin in any matters of State Civil or Ecclesiastick except in the ordinary Judgements or to make Leagues or Bonds upon whatsoever colour or pretence without His Majesties special consent and approbation had thereunto That the League and Covenant and all Treaties following thereupon and Acts or Deeds that do or may relate thereunto are not obligatory nor do infer any Obligation upon this Kingdom or the Subjects thereof to meddle or interpose by Armes or any seditious way in any thing concerning the Religion and Government of the Churches in England and Ireland or in what may concern the Administration of His Majesties Government there And that none of His Majesties Subjects should presume upon any pretext of any Authority whatsoever to require the renewing or swearing of the said League and Covenant or of any other Covenants or publick Oaths concerning the Government of the Church or Kingdom And that none offer to renew or swear the same without His Majesties special warrand and approbation c. I do conform to the Acts of Parliament aforesaid Declare That I do with all humble duty acknowledge His Majesties Royal Prerogative Right and Power in all the particulars and in the manner aforementioned and that I do heartily give my consent thereto by these presents Subscribed by me at XII Act concerning the Judicial proceedings in the time of the late Vsurpers FOrasmuch since the year of GOD one thousand six hundred and fifty one the late Usurpers did take upon them to establish Judicatories superior and inferior within this Nation as Judges for Administration of Justice in place of the Judicatory of the Session formerly established by Law Commissioners for the Admirality Sheriffs of Shires Commissars Justices of Peace and other inferiour Courts In which Courts the people did in name of the Usurpers or under the notion of the Keepers of the Liberties prosecute and defend their several Causes and Interests these many years past And His Majesty considering that the matters agitate pursued and concluded were for the most part things of course belonging to the ordinary Judicatories formerly established in this Kingdom and being unwilling that the people should be put to any further trouble where Matters have been acted and Cases determined according to Law Therefore His Majesty with consent of the Estates of Parliament Declares That all and whatsoever Acts Interloquiters Decreets and Sentences made pronounced and given forth by the saids Courts superiour and inferiour with all execution thereupon and all execution by Horning Inhibition Caption Comprising Poynding and others to have been and to be valid and stand in full force notwithstanding of the unlawfulness of the Authority by which these Courts were held and the execution used But because the Judges or Commissioners for Administration of Justice did sometimes proceed in an arbitrary way contrair to Law and Justice and at other times many of them being strangers and ignorant of the Law did proceed unwarrantably and unjustly betwixt parties Therefore His Majesty with consent foresaid doth Declare That whatsoever person or persons hath any just reason to quarrel their Acts Interloquiters Decreets and Sentences they are hereby warranded and allowed to do the same without any Reduction or Suspension within the space of one year next after the down-sitting of the Session And if parties complainers be Minors within the space of year and day next after they shall attain the age of twenty one years compleat Parties alwayes being lawfully cited thereto And if any person or persons be charged under the pain of Horning Suspension shall be granted to them upon Caution or if they be not able to find Caution super cautione Juratoria And if it shall be found that the Complainer doth without any just ground unnecessarly vex the party complained upon in that case the Lords of the Session are hereby authorized to determine the parties damage and charges to be paid by the unjust Complainer Likeas all Decreets before the saids pretended Commissioners for Administration of Justice whether given in absence or parties compearand are hereby allowed to be brought in question revised and recognosced in manner foresaid And whereas there be many Processes as yet depending undecided upon Summons and Letters raised in the saids Usurpers names the same Processes shall be all wakned in His Majesties Name and be put to a final close by the Lords of Session as if they had been intended from the beginning in His Majesties Name and Authority And whereas any Acts or Decreets have been made or given forth in the Admiral Courts or any other inferiour Courts the same may be brought in question before the Lords of Session in the same forme and manner as was formerly established by the Law and Practick of this Kingdom And forasmuch as the said Usurpers did from time to time nominate and appoint Commissioners of Exchequer having the same power to passe all sorts of Writs Signators and others and to discusse Processes and Suspensions in the same manner as His Majesties Treasurer and Commissioners appointed by His Majesty had power to do Therefore His Majesty with advice and consent foresaid for the good and case of His people under the provisions underwritten doth Declare all and whatsoever Writs
their deservings that others may hear and fear and not do the like XXI Act against the crime of Blasphemy OUr Soveraign Lord and the Estates of Parliament considering that hither to there hath been no Law in this Kingdom against the horrible crime of Blasphemy Therefore His Majesty with advice of His saids Estates Doth hereby Statute and Orda●n That whosoever hereafter not being distracted in his wits shall rail upon or curse GOD or any of the Persons of the blessed Trinity shall be processed before th● chief Justice and being found guilty shall be punished with Death Likeas His Majesty with advice foresaid Findes Statutes and Ordains That whosoever hereafter shall deny GOD or any of the Persons of the blessed Trinity and obstinately continue therein shall be processed and being found guilty that they be punished with Death As also His Majesty with advice and consent foresaid Declares That all persons who have committed the foresaid Crimes since the seventeenth of February one thousand six hundred and fourty nine shall be proceeded against according to this Act and Ratifies all by-gone Decreets and judicial Proceedings against any person committer of the said Crimes since the foresaid date which have been pronounced and done against the saids Committers according to this present Act. And Declares That the pronouncers and executors of the saids Sentences shall never be questioned therefore in any manner of way but are and shall be hereby secured no less then if this Act had been of the foresaid date XXII ACT concerning the several degrees of Casual Homicide OUr Soveraign Lord with advice and consent of the Estates of this present Parliament for removing of all question and doubt that may arise hereafter in Criminal pursutes for Slaughter Statutes and Ordains That the cases of Homicide after-following viz. Casual Homicide Homicide in lawfull defence and Homicide committed upon Theeves and Robbers breaking houses in the night or in case of Homicide the time of masterfull Depredation or in the pursute of denounced or declared Rebels for capital Crimes or of such who assist and defend the Rebels and masterfull Depredators by Armes and by force oppose the pursute and apprehending of them which shall happen to fall out in time coming nor any of them shall not be punished by death And that notwithstanding of any Laws or Acts of Parliament or any Practick made heretofore or observed in punishing of Slaughter but that the Manslayer in any of the cases aforesaid be assoillied from any Criminal pursute pursued against him for his life for the said Slaughter before any Judge Criminal within this Kingdom Providing alwayes that in the case of Homicide casual and of Homicide in defence notwithstanding that the slayer is by this Act free from Capital punishment Yet it shall be leisum to the Criminal Judge with the advice of the Council to fine him in his means to the use of the defuncts wife and bairnes or nearest of kin or to imprison him And His Majesty with advice foresaid Declares That all decision given conform to this Act since the thirteenth of February one thousand six hundred and fourty nine years shall be as sufficient to secure all parties interessed as if this present Act had been of that date And that all cases to be decided by any Judges of this Kingdom in relation to casual Homicide or Homicide in defence committed at any time heretofore shall be decided as is above expressed XXIII Act Ratifying the Priviledges of the Colledge of Justice OUr Soveraign Lord considering that nothing is more necessary and of more universal concernment then the Administration of Justice and in order thereto that the Judges Advocats Clerks and other Members of the Supream Judicatory should be faithfull able and qualified persons and for their encouragement to serve the Countrey in their respective stations and places and to undergo the great toil trouble and expence of time and otherwayes for inabling them for and during their service therein It hath been the wisedom and practice of all Princes and Nations and in special of His Majesties Royal Progenitors to grant to them diverse Liberties and Priviledges as is evident by many Acts of Parliament and Statutes concerning the Priviledges and Immunities of the Colledge of Justice and members thereof Granted Renewed and Ratified from time to time Therefore His Majesty with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament Ratifies and Approves all and whatsoever Liberties Priviledges and Immunities given and granted by His Majesties Royal Predecessors to and in favour of the said Colledge of Justice and of the Senators Advocats Clerks Writers to the Signet and remanent Members of the same or whereof they have been in use and possession in any time by-gone together with all Laws Acts of Parliament Statutes and Constitutions made and conceived in their favours Holding and Declaring this present Ratification to be as sufficient as if all the foresaids Priviledges Freedoms and Immunities Acts Statutes and Grants of and concerning the same were in special and at length exprest herein And His Majesty with advice and consent foresaid Ordains and Declares That the whole Priviledges Liberties and Immunities foresaid granted and belonging to the ordinary Lords and Senators of the Colledge of Justice shall be extended belong and appertain to and enjoyed by the Advocats Clerks Writers to the Signer and remanent Members of the said Colledge of Justice in all time coming notwithstanding of whatsoever Act Custome or Practice to the contrare XXIV Act concerning Appear and Heirs their payment of their Predecessors and their own Debts OUr Soveraign Lord with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament taking into consideration that Appearand Heirs immediately after their Predecessors death do frequently dispone their Estate in whole or in part in prejudice of their Predecessors lawfull Creditors before their death come to their knowledge or before they can do lawfull diligence against the saids Appearand Heirs and which Dispositions the saids Appearand Heirs do often make before they be served Heirs and Infeft Or otherwayes by collusion they suffer their Predecessors Estates to be comprised or adjudged from them for payment of their own proper Debts real or simulate without respect to their Predecessors Creditors And His Majesty considering how just it is that every mans own Estate should be first liable to his own Debt before the Debts contracted by the Appearand Heirs Therefore His Majesty with consent foresaid Declares That the Creditors of the defunct shall be preferred to the Creditors of the Appearand Heir in time coming as to the defuncts estate Providing alwayes that the defuncts Creditors do diligence against the Appearand Heir and the real Estate belonging to the defunct within the space of three years after the defuncts death And because it were most unreasonable that the Appearand Heir when he is served and retoured Heir and infeft respective should for the full space of three years be bound up from making Rights and Alienations of his
Predecessors Estate and yet it being as unreasonable that he should dispone thereupon immediately or shortly after his Predecessors death in prejudice of his Predecessors Creditors he having year and day to advise whether he will enter Heir or not Therefore it is hereby Declared That no Right or Disposition made by the said Appearand Heir in so far as may prejudge his Predecessors Creditors shall be valid unless it be made and granted a full year after the defuncts death XXV Act for Denouncing of Excommunicate Persons OUr Soveraign Lord with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament considering the insolency of excommunicate Papists and others who slight the dreadfull Sentence of Excommunication to the dishonour of GOD and obduring of their own hearts Doth therefore Ratifie and Approve all Acts of Partiament and Acts of Privy Council standing before the year one thousand six hundred and fourty against Excommunicate Persons And Statutes and Ordains That in time coming fourty dayes being past after the said Sentence of Excommunication Letters be direct at the instance of His Majesties Advocate for denouncing all Excommunicate persons His Majesties Rebels and putting them to the Horn and that by Warrand of the Lords of Privy Council or Session which denounciation being used by vertue of the saids Letters at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh and Peir of Lieth is hereby Declared to be sufficient against them and for using of Caption thereupon and taking of the Escheat and Liferent of the Rebels conform to the standing Laws of this Kingdom Providing alwayes that before the passing of any such Letters of denounciation the whole Process and Sentence of Excommunication be exhibite and produced before the Lords of Session in Session-time to the end that they may consider the legality of the processe and grounds whereupon the Sentence proceeded and that accordingly they may give forth the saids Letters of denounciation as they shall think just and reasonable XXVI Act appointing the Pursuer of the Thief to have the Goods stolen from him restored OUr Soveraign Lord understanding that when Theives are taken and execute for theft or declared Fugitives their whole estate and the goods stolen also doth fall to His Majesty and to Lords of Regalities and other Justitiars pretending right to the saids stolen goods For remeed whereof His Majesty with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament Statutes and Ordains That any person having goods or gear stolen from him and having pursued the stealer thereof shall have his own goods again where ever the same can be apprehended and where the stolen goods cannot be had the Pursuer of the Theif shall have the just value of the goods and gear stolen from him out of the readiest of the Thiefs goods with the expences waired out by the Pursuer he alwayes pursuing the Thief usque ad sententiam Reserving alwayes to the Sheriff or other Magistrates and taker of the Thief the expences waired out by them in the taking and putting the Thief to execution XXVII Act for the Pardon of Penal Statutes OUr Soveraign Lord considering that the precise and rigorous exaction of the Pain Arbitrary and Pecunial adjected to Penal Statutes heretofore made would prove a burden to His Majesties Leiges heavy and unsupportable if by His Majesties grace and favour they should not be eased and liberate of the same In consideration whereof His Majesty being willing to give ease and relief to His Subjects of the foresaid burden Hath therefore been graciously pleased with consent of His Estates of Parliament to Discharge freely Pardon and Remit and by these presents Discharges freely Pardons and Remits all Contraveeners of any of the saids Penal Statutes for all Deeds done by them contrair to the tenor of the same Statutes in time by-gone except only the Statutes concerning the unlawfull taking of Usury Transporting of Silver and Gold and Slaying of Red and Black Fishes which are no wayes discharged by this present Act nor comprehended under the same XXVIII Act discharging the Quots of Testaments OUr Soveraign Lord with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament for many weighty considerations moving His Majesty Statutes and Ordains That no Quots of Testaments confirmed since the sixteenth of November one thousand six hundred and fourty one and to be confirmed in time coming shall be exacted from any of His Majesties Leiges by Commissars Commissar-Clerks Fiscals and others whom it effeirs but prejudice alwayes of the ordinary Fies due to them as accords XXIX ACT for Poynding upon Sheriffs and Commissars Decreets OUr Soveraign Lord and the Estates of Parliament considering That albeit by Act of Parliament of the date the ninth of July one thousand six hundred and six years Letters of Horning are Ordained to be directed by deliverance of the Lords of Session upon Sheriffs Commissars and other inferiour Judicatories their Decreets upon the simple charge therein mentioned Yet the Act bears no warrand for Letters of Poynding to be granted by the deliverance foresaid upon these Decreets whereby the Parties interessed obtainers of the Decreets are ofttimes prejudged of their payment when these Parties against whom these Decreets are obtained do flit or remove out of the Shire or Jurisdiction of the Judge before whom the saids Decreets are given Therefore His Majesty with advice of the saids Estates Ratifies the Act of Parliament above-mentioned in the whole heads and points thereof And for remedy of the prejudice foresaid Ordains Letters of Poynding to be direct by deliverance of the Lords of Session at the instance of the Parties interessed upon the saids Sheriffs Commissars and other inferiour Judges their Decreets contained in the foresaid Act. Sicklike and in the same manner as Letters of Horning are appointed by the said Act to pass upon the same Decreets that thereby the Parties may have real execution as well as personal upon their Decreets foresaids Likeas His Majesty with advice and consent foresaid Declares That all execution of Poynding legally used upon the saids Decreets since the twelfth of June one thousand six hundred and fourty nine years shall be valid and sufficient and the Parties Messengers and others Executors and users thereof shall never be questioned nor any Process sustained against them therefore either Civilly or Criminally before any Judge whatsomever But prejudice alwayes to Parties against whom Poynding have been used upon reduceable or unwarrantable Sentences to pursue repetition as accords of the Law XXX Act anent the Fewers and Vassals of Kirk-lands OUr Soveraign Lord with advice and consent of the Estates of this present Parliament considering That whereas by the general Surrender of Kirk-lands and Erections made by the Superiors and Titulars thereof in favours of His Majesties dearest Father of ever blessed memory It is specially provided that the saids Superiors and Titulars notwithstanding their Surrender foresaid shall have right to the Few-fermes and Duties of the Vassals and Fewers of the said Kirk-lands and Erections till the Kings Majesty make paiment to
them of the prices of the saids Few-fermes and Duties modified by the Lords and others of the Commission for Surrenders and Teinds And sicklike the Fewers and Vassals of the saids Kirk-lands and Erections are oblieged by their new Infeftments under the great Seal to pay the saids Few-fermes and Duties to the Kings Majesty and His Successors and so against reason may appear to be lyable to double payment thereof It is therefore Statute and Ordained by His Majesty with consent foresaid That the saids Fewers and Vassals of Kirk-lands and Erections their Heirs and Successors shall be oblieged to make thankfull payment of the saids Few-fermes and Duties contained in their Infeftments and whereof the said Superiors and Titulars have been in possession preceeding that Surrender foresaid to the saids Superiors and Titulars their Heirs and Successors ay and while they get paiment of the prices modified by the saids Lords and others of the Commission foresaid according to the Act of Parliament one thousand six hundred and thirty three years And that Letters of Horning and Poynding shall be granted to that effect without prejudice alwayes to His Majesty and His Successors of the superiority of the saids Fewars and Vassals surrendred in manner foresaid and without prejudice to them of their Infeftments taken to be holden of His Majesty and His Successors Likeas it is Declared That the saids Fewers and Vassals of Kirk-lands and Erections have been in bona fide in paiment of the saids Few-fermes and Duties to the said Superiors and Titulars of all times bygone according to the provisions contained in the said general Surrender It is alwayes provided that this Act shall not be prejudicial to an Act past by this Parliament in favours of the Earl of Lauderdail of the Lordship of Musleburgh of the date the ninth day of April last XXXI Act concerning the Registration of Comprisings OUr Soveraign Lord with consent of the Estates of Parliament considering that the Registration of Comprisings was only established by an Act of Secret Council and never authorized by any Law or Act of Parliament and that the Registration thereof did put the Lieges to unnecessar charges neither adding to the validity of the Comprisings nor to the benefit of the Comprisers Hath therefore discharged and by these presents discharges all Registration of Comprisings with all Gifts Acts of Council and other Warrands and Custome whatsomever granted and observed at any time heretofore thereanent and by their presents Ratifies and Approves the Custome observed these many years past whereby in place of the said Registration a short Record of all Comprisings of Lands Teinds and others and of the Comprisers names and designations the Defenders names the Debts for which the Comprising is deduced the Messengers and Clerks names the date of the Executions the Witnesses names thereto and of the Superiors of whom the comprised Lands are holden hath been made in a Book by the Clerk of Register and his Deputs at the allowing of the saids Comprisings for which Allowance and Recording there is only fourty shillings Scots to be paid and which Custome is very usefull and necessar for information of the Lieges And therefore His Majesty with advice and consent foresaid Ratifies and Approves the foresaid Custome and Ordains all Comprisings formerly deduced and not allowed and recorded in manner above-written to be brought in to the Clerk of Register and his Deputs within threescore dayes after the publication hereof and all Comprisings to be led and deduced hereafter to be brought in to the said Clerk of Register and his Deputs within threescore dayes after the date thereof With certification that if they be not allowed and recorded within the said space any other Comprising though posterior in date yet if it be allowed and recorded before the prior Comprising the same shall have preference according to the date of the Allowance and Record but prejudice alwayes to any further diligence by Infeftments or charges against the Superior according to the priority or posteriority thereof pro ut de jure XXXII Act concerning Heritable and Moveable Bonds OUr Soveraign Lord with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament for many just and reasonable causes moving Him Statutes and Ordains That all Contracts and Obligations for Sums of money payable to Parties at any time made and dated since the sixteenth day of November one thousand six hundred and fourty one or to be made in time coming containing clauses for paiment of Annualrent and Profit are and shall be holden and interpret to be Moveable Bonds except in these cases following viz. That they bear an expresse obliegment to infeft or that they be conceived in favours of Heirs and Assignes secluding Executors in either of which cases Ordains the Sums to be Heritable and to pertain to the Heir otherwayes to be confirmed by the Executor and to appertain to the nearest of Kin and to the Defuncts Executors and Legators according to the Law and practict of Moveables Declaring alwayes that all such Bonds quoad fiscum shall remain in the same condition as they were before the said sixteenth of November one thousand six hundred and fourty one not to fall under the compasse of single Escheat nor shall any part thereof pertain to the Relict jure relictae where the Bonds are made to the Husband nor to the Husband jure mariti where the Bonds are made to the Wife unless the Relict or Husband have otherwayes right and interest thereto Declaring neverthelesse that this provision shall no wayes prejudge Wife nor Husband and their Executors of their respective Titles and Interests to the by-gone Annualrents of the saids Bands resting before either of their deaths XXXIII Act for the right Packing of Salmond OUr Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament understanding that the Salmond-fishings are one of the principal benefits whereby Trade is maintained and Money brought into the Kingdom And that through the evil ordering thereof both in the insufficiency of the Barrels and also in the disloyal packing of the same not only is the Merchants estate damnified thereby but also the Nation is dishonoured abroad and disappointed of what should return thereby Therefore Our said Soveraign Lord with advice and consent of the saids Estates Ratifies and Approves all and sundry Acts of Parliament Laws and Constitutions of this Realm made anent Salmond-fishing and the sufficiency of the Barrels and loyal packing thereof with this addition That the whole Coupers within this Kingdom make the said Salmond Barrels of good and sufficient new Knappel for which they shall be answerable without Worm-holes and White-wood and of sufficient tightnesse for containing the pickle and sufficient tightnesse for enduring all kinde of stresse in the handling and that the Barrels contain no lesse then ten gallons of the Stirling pint conform to an Act of His Majesties Council of the date at Halyrood-house the fifteenth day of July one thousand six hundred and nineteen years which His Majesty with
advice foresaid Discharges all Regraters and Forestallers of Mercats of Wool and that no Merchant nor person whatsoever buy and keep up Wool to a dearth but that they bring the same to be sold in open Mercats under the pains contained in the Acts of Parliament made against Regraters and Forstallers And in regard there is much deceit by wrapping up of Wool in the Fleece by putting Stones Sand and other insufficient stuff in the same It is hereby Declared that all such Wool shall be confiscat the one half to His Majesties use and the other half to the use of those who shall apprehend discover and pursue the same Likeas His Majesty for the further incouragement of the saids Manufacturies Doth with advice foresaid Discharge all Quarterings or Levying of Souldiers upon Manufacturies or the Masters thereof and that no person whatsoever entise resset or entertain any of the Servants or Apprentices of the Manufacturies without consent of their Master under the pains contained in the Acts of Parliament against Coal-hughers Salters and their Ressetters And for the further improving of the saids Manufacturies His Majesty with consent foresaid Doth hereby Impower the Masters Erectors or Entertainers of Manufacturies to meet by themselves for making of Ordinances for the good and advancement of their Trade for the right ordering of their Servants and for the sufficiency of their Stuffs Cloath and others and choose one of the most expert of their number for visiting of their work that a Mark or Seal may be put upon it distinguishing what is sufficient and what not And because many things may occur hereafter which may be necessary for advancement of Manufacturies Therefore His Majesty with consent foresaid Doth Impower the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council or Exchequer or such as shall be appointed by His Majesty during this present Parliament or thereafter to consider such Overtures as shall be offered for the good of Manufacturies and to make such Orders and grant such further Liberties and Priviledges to them as they shall think just It is alwayes Declared that it shall be free and Lawfull to His Majesties Treasurer and Commissioners of Exchequer as they shall find cause to grant licence for exporting of Wool and Skins any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding XLI Act for Planting and Inclosing of Ground OUr Soveraign Lord considering how many laudable Laws have been made by His Majesties Royal Progenitors for Parking and Inclosing of Ground and Planting of Wood and for preserving of the same and finding the great prejudice hath followed upon the not due observance of so notable and necessar Laws And how expedient fit and necessar it will be for the good of this His Majesties ancient Kingdom especially for Shipping and Building that Timber be Planted and how advantagious it is for the increase of Corns and Cattell and the sowing of Lint and Hemp for Manufacturies that Parking and Inclosings be made Doth therefore with consent and advice of His Estates of Parliament Revive the ninth Act of the fourth Parliament of King James the first of blessed memory Entituled An Act for Planting of Woods Forrests and Orchards and all other Acts made for that effect by His Majesty or any other His Royal Predecessors and Ordains the same to be put to execution in time coming conform to the Tenor thereof in all points with this addition Likeas His Majesty with advice of His saids Estates of Parliament Doth hereby Statute and Ordain that every Heritor Liferenter and Wodsetter according to the qualifications under-written within his said ancient Kingdom of Scotland worth one thousand pounds of yearly valued Rent shall inclose four Aikers of Land yearly at least and Plant the same about with Trees of Oak Elme Ash Plain Sauch or other Timber at three yards distance And that all other Heritors of greater or lesse Rent nor the said sum of one thousand pounds money foresaid do Plant Inclose and Ditch yearly moe or fewer Aikers according to their respective Rents for the space of ten years next ensuing and that of such Lands as the Heritors shall think most fit for Planting and capable for Inclosing to be also Planted Ditched or Inclosed in manner foresaid and that the saids Heritors begin to Plant Ditch and Inclose the said ground at the feast of Michaelmesse next to come and uphold the same in time coming And for the further incouragement of the saids Heritors Wodsetters and Liferenters to go about the ready observance of the said Act liberty and power is granted to them at the sight of the Sheriffs Stewarts Lords of Regalities Barrons and Justices of Peace in their respective bounds to cast about the High wayes to their conveniency providing they do not remove them above two hundred ells upon their whole ground Excepting alwayes herefrom Burrough and incorporate Aikers which are no wayes to be Parked or Inclosed unlesse the Heritors thereof shall think it meet and expedient And where there are Liferenters upon Lands It is hereby Declared that the same shall be done upon the equal charges and expences of the Liferenter and Heritor And in case of Proper Wodsets It is also hereby specially Declared that the same shall be done by the Wodsetter and the charges thereof is and shall be added to the reversion and no wayes redeemable while they make paiment thereof as well as of the sums for which the Lands are Wodset And for the better incouragement of Heritors and for preserving of the said Planting and Inclosures It is Statute and Ordained that whosoever shall cut or break any of the saids Trees not being the Heritors themselves shall pay unto the Heritors or persons wronged twenty pounds for every Tree or if he be not able to pay the said twenty pounds it shall be in the power of the party thereby wronged to make him work six weeks giving him meat and drink allanerly And further it is Ordained that whosoever shall break down the Hedges or Dikes of the saids Parks or Inclosures or be found within the same being a stranger shall be holden and repute a breaker down thereof and pay five pounds for every fault or if he be not able to pay the said five pounds to work ten dayes to the owner of the saids grounds for meat and drink as said is And for the greater incouragement of all persons who shall be vertuously inclined to Ditch Inclose or Plant their ground in manner foresaid His Majesty with consent above specified hath Declared and by their presents Declares such parts and portions of their said ground as shall be so Inclosed and Planted to be free of all manner of Land-stents Taxations or Impositions of whatsoever nature or Quarterings of Horse in the saids Inclosures for the space of nineteen years next after the date hereof and that at the proportioning of the saids burthens the same Inclosures shall be exempted and made free thereof accordingly And also for the better preserving of the saids
Inclosures and of the Trees and Planting to be set about the same It is Statute and Ordained that ilk Heritor Tennant and Cottar keep their Cattell and Goods out of their neighbours Inclosures at all times that their Trees Planting and Ditching be no wise damnified or prejudged under the penalty of five pounds for ilk contravention toties quoties to be paid to the Party damnified And further Statutes and Ordains That where Inclosures fall to be upon the border of any persons Inheritance the next adjacent Heritor shall be at equal pains and charges in Building Ditching and Planting that Dike which parteth their Inheritance And Recommends to all Lords Sheriffs and Baylies of Regalities Stewarts of Stewartries and Justices of Peace Baylies of Burroughs and other Judges whatsoever to see this Act put in execution and to grant processe at the instance of the Parties damnified and prejudged and to see them repaired after the form and tenor of this Act above-written in all points XLII Act Establishing Companies and Societies for making Linnen-cloath Stuffs c. OUr Soveraign Lord considering that all the laudable Laws and Statutes made by His Majesties Ancestors anent Manufacturies for enriching of His Majesties ancient Kingdom putting of Poor children Idle persons and Vagabonds to work for the maintenance and relief of the Countrey of the burthen of such unprofitable persons have been hitherto rendred ineffectual And that many good spirits having aimed at the publick good have for want of sufficient stocks counsell and assistance been crushed by such undertakings Do conceive it necessar to Creat and Erect Companies and Societies for Manufacturies that what was above the capacity of single persons may be carried on by the joynt assistance counsel and means of many And therefore His Majesty with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament Doth Establish particular Societies and Companies in the persons of such as shall enter themselves in the saids Societies within any Shire or Burgh one or moe of this Kingdom and after their decease in the persons of their Successors it being alwayes Declared hereby that not any of them shall be represented but by one person allanerly or any other who shall list and enter themselves therein betwixt and the _____ day of _____ as the first modern Societies and Companies for making of Linnen-cloath Worstead Stockings Searges Baises Sayes Cottons Sempeternums Castilians Perpetuanaes and all other Woollen Stuffs and Cloath and for their incouragement and the good of this His Highnesse Kingdom His Majesty with advice and consent foresaid Prohibits and Discharges any of His Majesties Lieges to carry and transport into Spain Portugal Biscay Russia France or any place beyond Seas any Linnen-cloath Bases Sayes Cottons Sempiternums Castilians Perpetuanaes or any other Woollen Stuffs or Cloaths except they be free and of one of the Societies aforesaid And it is hereby Declared that all Materials imported for the use of the saids Manufacturies and that all the saids Stuffs or Cloaths exported by the said Company shall be free of all Customs Excise or any other Imposition whatsoever for the space of nineteen years after the _____ day of _____ all other Merchants not free in one or other of the saids Companies paying the usuall Customs Excise or any other Impositions for any of the saids Commodities Exported by them As also His Majesty with advice foresaid for the good and incouragement of these who shall enter themselves in the saids Companies Doth discharge the saids Companies respective where ever the same shall be erected to receive any within the same except these who shall contribute and bring in to make up a Stock to the saids Manufacturies the sum of five hundred merks Scots and doth grant liberty to the saids Members of the saids Societies respective to choose and elect a certain number of their own Incorporation and Society to be a Council for making of Laws for their better regulating and ordering of the said Company and Manufactury and things belonging thereto providing alwayes that no person elected have less of Stock in the said Company or Society nor one thousand merks Scots money And that this Pious Charitable and Profitable Design may be no longer frustrate nor poor Children Vagabonds or Idle persons continue to be burdensome to their Countrey It is Statute and Ordained that there be in each Paroch one or moe persons provided and appointed upon the charges and expences of the Heritors thereof for instructing of the poor Children Vagabonds and other Idlers to fine and mix Wool spin Worstead and knit Stockins And for the more speedy perfecting of the laudable Design and Policy so much aimed at by His Majesties Royal Predecessors and now prosecute by His Majesty in His prudence and condescending care for the meanest of His Subjects It is Statute and Ordained that with _____ moneths after the dissolving of this present Parliament the Commissioners of Shires do conveen the whole Heritors within their respective Shires for electing of some of the Heritors within each Paroch to see this present Act made effectual and persons appointed for instructing of the Children and others foresaid to fine and mix Wool knit Stockins and spin Worstead and to see a maintenance setled in every Paroch upon the saids Instructers And within the space of _____ next after the said first meeting that they convocat the persons elected within the several Paroches of the respective Shires to take an account of them and of their care and diligence in the matters aforesaid and in case they shall be found to have failed that the saids Commissioners now attending this present Parliament do see this present Act put in execution after the time aforesaid in all the saids Paroches where the saids persons elected shall be found to have been deficient and Ordains Magistrates of Burghs to be carefull that the same be made effectual within their Burghs and Liberties And in case all or any of the saids Commissioners or Magistrates aforesaid do fail herein after the foresaid time His Majesty with advice and consent of the Estates aforesaid Doth commit the care hereof to the Lords of His Majesties Secret Council that the Laws may be no longer frustrate nor the Kingdom burdened with Idle persons Vagabonds or poor Children And that Manufacturies may be promoved and for the incourageing of skilfull Artizans to come from abroad for training up the persons foresaids and working for the use of the saids Companies It is hereby Declared that all such as shall be brought home and imployed for the saids Companies shall be free to set up and work in Burghs and Landwart where the Companies shall think fit without paying any thing whatsoever to any person or persons under whatsoever colour or pretext for their Freedom and shall be free of Taxes and publick Burdens or Exactions during their lifetime notwithstanding of any Law Statute Priviledge or Indulgence made or granted in the contrair by His Majesty or any of His Predecessors in favours
the same before the Lords of His Majesties Exchequer And further it is Statute and Ordained by His Majesty with advice and consent foresaid that all Goods or Commodities whatsoever produced or shipped as is above exprest which from and after the said day and thenceforward shall be Imported into this Kingdom or any Islands thereto belonging in any Ships or Vessels that shall not truly and only belong to the Natives and Inhabitants thereof except in English or Irish Vessels Providing alwayes that Scots Vessels injoy the like benefit of Trade within the Kingdoms and Dominions of England and Ireland and no otherwayes shall be lyable to double Custom and pay accordingly whether the saids Goods pertain to Natives or Aliens And further it is Statute and Ordained that from and after the said day and thence forward all Goods and Commodities whatsoever belonging to Aliens Exported or Imported in whatsoever Ships or Vessels whether Forraign or Scotish shall be lyable to double Custom and pay accordingly And it is further Statute and Ordained that from and after the said day and thence forward all Goods or Commodities whatsoever Exported in any other Ships or Vessels then such as do truly and only belong to the Natives and Inhabitants of this Kingdom shall be lyable to double Custom and pay accordingly whether the saids Goods appertain to Natives or Aliens And it is further Enacted and Ordained by His Majesty with advice and consent foresaid that at and after the said day and thence forward all Ships and Vessels belonging to this Kingdom shall be Navigated only by Scots-men dwelling in Scotland at least the Master and three fourth parts of the same being such under the pain of being esteemed Forraign Vessels and paying double Custom for all the Goods and Commodities Imported or Exported within the same And for preventing of all fraud which may be used in the buying of Forraign Ships It is Statute and Ordained by His Majesty with consent foresaid that from and after the said day no Ship whatsoever shall be deemed or passe as a Ship belonging to Scotland or injoy the benefit of such a Ship or Vessel untill such time that he or thy claiming the same to be theirs shall make appear to the chief Officer or Officers of the Customs at Lieth he or they residing in any place betwixt Berwick and Stirling on the South-side of Forth and to the chief Officer or Officers at Burntisland he or they residing in any place betwixt Stirling and Fife-ness upon the North-side of Forth and in case of their abode in more remote places to the Officer or Officers of the Port next to the place of his or their abode that they or he are not Strangers and shall have taken an Oath before such Officer or Officers who are hereby authorized to administer the same that such Ship or Vessel was bona fide and without fraud bought by him or them for a valuable consideration expressing the Sum Time Place and Persons from whom it was bought and who are his Partners if he any have All which Partners shall be lyable to take the said Oath before the chief Officer or Officers of the Customs rospective as said is and that no Forraigner directly nor indirectly hath any part interest or share therein and that upon such Oaths he or they shall receive a Certificat under the Hand or Seal of the said chief Officer or Officers of the Port next the abode of the persons so making Oath whereby such a Ship may for the future passe and be deemed as a Ship belonging to the said Port and injoy the priviledge of such a Ship or Vessel and the said Officer or Officers shall keep a Register of all such Certificats as he or they shall so give and return a Duplicat thereof to the chief Officers of the Customs at Lieth for such as shall be granted in all the other Ports of this Kingdom together with the names of the person or persons from whom such Ships were bought and the sum of money which was paid for the same as also the names of all such persons as are Partners if any such be And it is further Enacted by His Majesty with consent foresaid that if any Officer of the Customs shall from and after the said day allow to any Forraign Ship or Vessel the priviledges due to a Scots Ship till such Certificat be by them produced or such Proof and Oath taken before them or such as they shall appoint to receive the same and to examine whether the Master and three fourth parts of the Mariners at least be Natives and Inhabitants within this Kingdom that for the first offence such Officer or Officers shall be put out of their Offices or Places And it is further Statute and Ordained that no Merchants belonging to this Kingdom shall imploy any Alien or person not born within this Nation or naturalized or made a free Denizen thereof from and after the said day as Factor in any place beyond Seas for the use and account of the Merchants of this Kingdom under pain of a pecuniary Mulct to be paid by him or them that shall imploy him which sum shall be imposed at the discretion of the Council of Trade the one half thereof to His Majesty and Successors and the other half to him or them that shall inform and pursue for the same It is alwayes hereby provided that this Act nor any Clause therein contained extend not to or be meaned to restrain or prohibit the Importation of any of the Commodities of Asia Africa or America as also of the Commodities of Musco and Italy from such Ports and Places and in such Ships and Vessels as may be gotten most conveniently untill such time as the Merchants of this Kingdom have actual Trade to these respective places and that the same be prohibited by Act of Parliament Privy Council or Council of Trade It is hereby Declared That it shall be lawfull to import any sort of Corns in time of dearth from any place or places in any Ship or Vessel whatsoever without being lyable to Confiscation double Custom or any other Penalty contained in this present Act the dearth and necessity of Import being alwayes cognosced and declared by a publick Act of the Privy Council or Council of Trade XLV ACT discharing the Exportation of Skins Hides c. THe Kings Majesty considering how necessar it is that all former Laws for improving of Native Commodities be Revived and understanding that the Deacons and remanent Trades-men of the Skinners have upon their own charges brought from Forraign places Perfumers Makers and Preparers of Leather by whose pains and Art the Kingdom may be furnished with Gloves at easier Rates and be able to furnish other Nations abroad with Made-work Doth therefore with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament Ratifie and Approve the hundred seventy eight Act of the thirteenth Parliament of King James the sixth of blessed memory discharging the Exportation of Skins
delivered to any whom the Senators of the Colledge of Justice shall appoint to receive the same and whose discharge upon the receipt thereof in whole or in part shall accordingly be a sufficient exoneration to the Shires and Burghs and all others whom it effeirs And the saids moneths of November and May respective being past Ordains Letters of Horning and Poynding and all other Execution necessar tobe directed at his or their instances against the Shires or Burghs of the Kingdom and their Collectors And twenty dayes being expired after either of the saids moneths respective Ordains Quartering to be upon deficient Shires and Burghs and that all who command the Forces within the Kingdom give orders and be assisting hereunto accordingly LI. Act concerning Arrestments OUr Soveraign Lord considering the great charges that Creditors are put to by Comprising of Sums owing to their Debitors by vertue of Heritable Bonds Contracts and other Writs bearing paiment of Annualrents which in respect of the Obliegment for Annualrent were not in former times Arrestable Therefore the Kings Majesty with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament Finds and Declares that all Sums of money which are addebted by Bonds Contracts and other personal Obliegments whereupon no Infeftments have followed are and shall be Arrestable at the instance of any Creditor not-withstanding that the Bonds Contracts and other Obliegements bear paiment of Annualrents And the Kings Majesty with advice and consent foresaid Declares that this shall no wayes change the nature of the saids Sums nor prejudge the Heir nor any other person their rights to the same as being Heritable which are hereby Declared to remain in their own nature unchanged by this Act pro ut de jure except that only the same are Arrestable And it is hereby expresly provided that all Arrestments and Executions thereof since the twenty ninth day of July one thousand six hundred an fourty four years used conform to the tenor of this Act shall be as valid and sufficient as if this present Act had been of the said date But prejudice alwayes to the Creditors to Comprise the saids Heritable Sums if they shall choose rather to Comprise then to Arrest LII Act concerning the disposal of Vacant Stipends FOrasmuch as by divers Acts it is found that Stipends and Benefices of Vacant Kirks or which thereafter should vaik by Decease Deposition Suspension Transportation of Ministers Dis-union of Kirks or any other way should during the vacancy thereof be imployed on pious uses and the Kings Majesty considering that during these troubles many Learned and Religious persons in the Ministry and Universities for their expressions of duty and loyalty to His Majesty or not concurring in the confusions of the time have been Deposed or Suspended from their Charge and Ministry and have been otherwayes put under great sufferings and they and their Families redacted to extream misery and want And conceiving it to be an Act of great Piety and Justice to have regard to the sufferings of those honest and faithfull Ministers and others and in some measure to provide for them and repair their losses Therefore His Majesty with advice of His Estates of Parliament Ordains all Stipends or Benefices of Kirks that are vacant and not already disposed of or which shall vaik by Decease Deposition Suspension Transportation or any otherwayes to be imployed for the supply and maintenance and towards the reparation of the sufferings and losses of the persons aforesaids and of the Wives and Bairnes of such of them as are dead and that in such manner and wayes as after tryal of their merits and sufferings and the causes and grounds thereof shall be thought fit by the Lords of His Majesties Privy-Council to whom His Majesty with advice and consent foresaid commits the care of this business And doth hereby impower and require them to use all diligence that the Favour and Justice hereby intended by His Majesty to these suffering Persons and their Families may be made effectual and that notwithstanding of any thing contained in any of the saids Acts to the contrair It is alwayes provided that this Act is without prejudice of any Benefit which by the Law and Custom of this Kingdom falls to the Relict Bairns or Executors of a Minister after his decease and that this Act is to endure for the space of seven years and longer as His Majesty shall think fit LIII Act ratifying the Act of Parliament 1633. anent the Annexation of His Majesties Property c. OUr Soveraign Lord with advice and consent of the Estates of this present Parliament Ratifies and Approves and for His Highnesse and His Successors perpetually Confirmes the tenth Act of the first Parliament of His Majesties Royal Father of blessed memory King Charles the first holden at Edinburgh in Anno one thousand six hundred and thirty three Intituled An Act anent the Annexation of His Majesties Property in the whole Heads and Clauses thereof especially that Clause of the same whereby His Majesty and the Estates of Parliament then conveened did Declare the right and title of Superiority of all and sundry Lands Barronies Milnes Woods Fishings Towers Fortalices Mannor-places and pertinents thereof pertaining to whatsoever Abbacies Priories Prioresses Preceptories and whatsoever other Benefices of whatsoever Estate Degree Title Name or Designation the same were of Erected in temporal Lordships Barronies or Livings before or after the general Act of Annexation of Kirk-lands made in the month of July one thousand five hundred eighty and seven together with the whole Few-mails Few-fermes and other Rents and Duties of the saids Superiorities to be annexed and to remain with the Crown for ever upon the reservation of the Lords and Titulars of Erection therein specified Likeas thereby His Majesty and Estates foresaid Found and Declared that all Titulars of Erection without exception should hold their property and proper Lands of the Kings Majesty and His Successors in Few-ferm for paiment of the Few-ferm-duties contained in the Infeftments granted to them before the said Act of Annexation and no otherwayes And that all Rights and Deeds made and granted to whatsoever person or persons preceeding the date of the foresaid Act which might prejudge His Majesty and His Successors in the peaceable injoying of the said Superiorities and Few-ferm-duties should be null and of no avail by way of action exception or reply And further His Majesty with advice and consent foresaids of new Declares the foresaid Superiorities of all and whatsoever Kirk-lands Milnes Woods Fishings and whole pertinents of the same pertaining of before to whatsoever Chapters Priors Prioresses Preceptors and whatsoever other Benefices of whatsoever other Estates Degree Title or Designation they be of whereof the Presentation belonged to His Majesty and His Highnesse Predecessors erected in temporal Lordships Barronies and Livings to pertain to His Majesty and His Highnesse Crown therewith to remain in all time coming And also Declares all and whatsoever Grants Rights or Infeftments of
declare before them upon Oath that their Debts exceeds the value of four years Rent of their Estate pertaining to and possest by them which Declaration extracted under the hand of the Clerk of Register or his Deputies shall be a sufficient Security against Personall execution And for which Extract the Clerk Register and his Deputies shall have for their Fees the sum of thirty three shillings four pennies Scots and no more And it is Declared that all persons who shall not by themselves or their Tutors or Curators appear and declare within the time and in manner foresaid shall be excluded from the benefit of the foresaid forbearance and shall never be reponed or admitted thereafter upon any pretext whatsoever And the benefit of the foresaid forbearance being granted to the Debitors or any of their Cautioners upon the compearance and declaration foresaid shall only be personall for them and their Heirs and others representing them and shall not be extended to those who are bound with them and lyable to the saids Debts unlesse they also compear and declare that their own proper Debts and Cautionry for persons who have taken the benefit of this Act exceeds the value of four years Rent of their Estate and that within the time and in manner foresaid And for the more ease of the Debitors It is Ordained that in case within the time of the forbearance foresaid the Debitor shall offer to the Creditor a part of his Debt not being beneath or within the third part of the whole Sums due by him to the Creditor for the time the Creditor in that case shall be holden to accept of the said partiall paiment and in case of his refusall offer being made of a part of the said Sums not within the proportion foresaid in presence of a Notar and Witnesses the Debitor upon consignation of the same in the hands of the Clerk of the Bills shall be free of the Annualrent of that part of the said Sum that shall be consigned in all time coming after the consignation foresaid And whereas the legall reversion of Comprisings was formerly limited to seven years His Majesty for the reasons and with consent foresaid is graciously pleased to extend the same to ten years in all time coming and Statutes and Ordains that all Comprisings already deduced and whereof the legall reversion is not yet expired or which shall be deduced any time hereafter shall be redeemable within the space of ten years after the date of the same and all Comprisings deduced since January one thousand six hundred and fifty two years and whereof the legalls are expired and all Comprisings deduced before the said moneth of January one thousand six hundred and fifty two years and which were not expired before the said moneth of January one thousand six hundred and fifty two years shall be redeemable within the space of three years after Whitsunday now last by-past notwithstanding the legall reversions of the same be now expired And in case the Lands and others comprised exceed in yearly Rent and value the Annualrent of the Sums contained in the saids Comprisings and of the expence disbursed in obtaining Infestments thereupon and the Debitor shall desire the Creditor to possesse the Lands and others comprised it shall be lawfull to the Lords of Session likeas the saids Lords are hereby impowered and authorized upon a Supplication to be made to them by the Debitor and Citation of the Comprisers to appoint the Apprisers to possesse such of the saids Lands and others during the legall reversion as the saids Lords of Session shall think just and reasonable the saids Debitors alwayes giving possession to those who have right to the saids Comprisings and ratifying their possession already apprehended by them if any such possession they have of such of the saids Lands and others as the saids Lords of the Session shall appoint not being beneath in yearly Rent and value of the Annualrents above-mentioned or otherwayes giving to the Creditors whether they have possession or not sufficient security at the sight of the saids Lords for paiment of the saids Annualrents during the time foresaid the saids Lords of Session having alwayes power to determine whether in the cases foresaids the Debitor shall give Surety to the Creditor for his Annualrents or the Debitor not being able to give Surety the Creditor shall be oblieged to take possession of the Debitors Lands And if the Lords of Session shall appoint in the case foresaid the Creditor to be possest for his Annualrent then and in that case the Debitor shall be holden to deliver the Evidents of the saids Lands to the Creditor or transumps thereof providing alwayes that the Creditors right by vertue of the saids Comprisings be no wayes prejudged after the expiring of the same And that the whole Lands and others both such as shall be possessed by the Debitor and the remanent of of the Lands and others contained in the saids Comprisings shall pertain to the Creditor irredeemably And because oftentimes Creditors in regard they live at distance or upon other occasions are prejudged and preveened by the more timeous diligence of other Creditors so that before they can know the condition of the common Debitor his Estate is comprised and the posterior Comprisers have only right to the legal reversion which may and doth often prove ineffectual to them not being able to satisfie and redeem the prior Comprisings their means and money being in the hands of the common Debitor Therefore it is Statute and Ordained That all Comprisings deduced since the first day of January one thousand six hundred and fifty two years before the first effectual Comprising or after but within year and day of the same shall come in pari passu together as if one Comprising had been deduced and obtained for the whole respective Sums contained in the foresaids Comprisings And it is Declared that such Comprisings as are preferable to all others in respect of the first real Right and Infeftment following thereupon or the first exact diligence for obtaining the same are and shall be holden the first effectual Comprising though there be others in date before and anterior to the same and the foresaid benefit given and introduced hereby in favours of these whose Comprisings are led within the time and in manner foresaid is only granted and competent in the case of Comprisings led since the first day of January one thousand six hundred and fifty two years and to be led after the date of thir presents and for personal Debt only without prejudice alwayes of ground Annuals Annualrents due upon Infeftment and other real Debts and Debita fundi and of Comprisings therefore of Lands and others affected therewith which shall be effectual and preferable according to the Laws and Practick of this Kingdom now standing And it is also provided that the Creditors having right to the first Comprising except as is above excepted shall be satisfied by the posterior Comprisers
all the free Profits and Rents which he shall have or uplift out of the saids Lands shall be restricted to six per cent yearly of free money and the Wodsetter shall be countable to the Debitor or others having right from him for the superplus and that without prejudice of the Wodsetters real Right and Infeftment ay and while the Lands be redeemed and the principall Sum whereupon the same is redeemable shall be satisfied It is alwayes provided that where any Creditor hath had losse by his possession of the Wodset-lands and others since the date of his Wodset So that he hath not received as much free Rent as communibus annis hath extended to the Annualrent allowed by Law for the time all charges and burdens being deduced in that case it is provided that the Wodsetter shall be first satisfied of what he wants before he quit his possession of the said Wodset-lands or be holden to accept Security for his Annualrents And it is Declared that in the account of the Wodsetter's by-gone losse there shall be allowed what he hath disbursed upon reparation and building of Tennents houses Milnes and for the advantage of the ground and generally all other expence which the Wodsetter was put to and what losse he sustained in reference to the said Wodset-lands Rights and Securities thereof any manner of way and what he hath lost by Quarterings Cesse waste Land depauperated Tennents or by Tennents who were or are not able to pay unlesse the ground should be casten waste And because the Wodsetters probation of his saids losse may be difficile he not conceiving that there should be necessity for any such count or that there should be any alteration made in the right and possession of his proper Wodset Therefore His Majesty with advice foresaid doth allow the Lords of Session to take such reasonable probation as in equity they shall think fit And if there be any deficiency to take the Wodsetters Oath in supplement and where the Wodsetter is in natural possession of the Wodset-lands by dwelling thereon or labouring the same with his own Plough and Goods or otherwayes having the same plenished with his saids Goods in that case he shall not be holden to remove from his said possession but at the ordinary tearm of removing and that he be lawfully warned fourty dayes before and after sufficient Security shall be made to him in manner above specified before the said warning And His Majesty having granted so much favour benefit and indulgence to Debitors as the like cannot be shown to have been granted at any time in this Kingdom doth Declare Statute and Ordain That the Laws and Practick of the Kingdom concerning Debts and paiment thereof and diligence and execution for the same and concerning proper Wodsets where the Creditor-wodsetter hath the hazard of Fruits Tennents War and others shall be observed inviolably and be of full force vigor and effect in all time coming excepting so far as the same is altered innovat and repealed by this present Act. LXIII Act Salvo jure cujuslibet OUr Soveraign Lord taking to consideration that there be many Acts of Ratification and others past and made in this Session of Parliament in favours of particular persons without calling or hearing of such as may be thereby concerned and prejudged Therefore His Majesty with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament Statutes and Ordains That all such particular Acts and Acts of Ratification past in manner foresaid shall not prejudge any third party of their lawfull rights nor of their actions and defences competent thereupon before the making of the saids particular Acts and Acts of Ratifications and that the Lords of Session and all other judges within this Kingdom shall be oblieged to judge betwixt parties according to their several rights standing in their persons before the making of the saids Acts. All which are hereby exponed and declared to have been made Salvo jure cujuslibet LXIV Act of Adjournment THe Kings Majesty Declares this Parliament current and Adjourns the same to the twelfth day of March next to come Ordaining all Members of Parliament Noblemen Commissioners of Shires and Burghs and all others having interest to attend that day and that there be no new Elections in Shires or Burghs except upon the death of any of the present Commissioners A. Primerose Cls. Reg. A TABLE of the Printed ACTS 1. ACt concerning the President and Oath of Parliament Page 3. 2. Act and Acknowledgment of His Majesties Prerogative in the choice of His Officers of State Counsellors and Judges Page 4. 3. Act asserting His Majesties Royall Prerogative in the calling and dissolving of Parliaments and making of Laws Page 5. 4. Act asserting His Majesties Royall Prerogative in the making of Leagues and the Conventions of the Subjects Page 6. 5. Act asserting His Majesties Royall Prerogative in the Militia and in making Peace and War c. Page 7. 6. Act annulling the pretended Convention of Estates kept in the year 1643. Page 8. 7. Act concerning the League and Covenant and discharging the renewing thereof without His Majesties Warrand and Approbation ibid. 8. Act against Papists Priests and Jesuits Page 9. 9. Act approving the Engagement 1648. and annulling the pretended Parliaments and Committees kept thereafter Page 11. 10. Act condemning the Transactions concerning the Kings Majesty whilst He was at Newcastle in the years 1646 and 1647. Page 15. 11. Act for taking the Oath of Allegiance and asserting the Royall Prerogative Page 17. 12. Act concerning the Judiciall Proceedings in the time of the late Usurpers Page 19. 13. Act and Offer of Fourty thousand pounds Sterling to be paid to the Kings Majesty yearly during His life-time by this Kingdom Page 21 14. Act for raising the Annuity of Fourty thousand pounds Sterling granted to His Majesty Page 22. 15. Act Rescinding and Annulling the pretended Parliaments in the years 1640 1641 c. Page 37. 16. Act concerning Religion and Church-Government Page 40. 17. Act for a Solemn Anniversary Thanksgiving for His Majesties Restauration to the Royall Government of His Kingdoms Page 41. 18. Act for the due observation of the Sabbath-day Page 42. 19. Act against Swearing and excessive Drinking Page 43. 20. Act against Cursing and Beating of Parents Page 44. 21. Act against the crime of Blasphemy ibid. 22. Act concerning the severall degrees of casuall Homicide Page 45. 23. Act Ratifying the Priviledges of the Colledge of Justice ibid. 24. Act concerning appearand Heirs their paiment of their Predecessors and their own Debts Page 46. 25. Act for Denouncing of Excommunicate Persons Page 47. 26. Act appointing the Pursuer of the Thief to have the Goods stolen from him restored Page 48. 27. Act for the Pardon of Penall Statutes ibid. 28. Act discharging the Quots of Testaments Page 49 29. Act for Poynding upon Sheriffs and Commissars Decreets ibid. 30. Act anent the Fewers and Vassals of Kirk-lands Page 50. 31. Act concerning the Registration of Comprisings Page 51. 32. Act concerning Heretable and Moveable Bonds Page 52. 33. Act for the right Packing of Salmond ibid. 34. Act against Clandestine and unlawfull Marriages Page 53. 35. Act concerning the Election and Charges of the Commissioners from Shires to the Parliament Page 55. 36. Act anent Presentation of Ministers Page 56. 37. Act concerning the Bullion Page 57. 38. Commission and Instructions to the Justices of Peace and Constables Page 65. 39. Act for the Fishings and erecting of Companies for promoving of the same Page 79 40. Act for Erecting of Manufacturies Page 83. 41. Act for Planting and Inclosing of Ground Page 85. 42. Act establishing Companies and Societies for making Linnen-cloath Stuffs c. Page 87. 43. Act discharging the Exportation of Linnen-yarn and regulating the breadth of Linnen-cloath c. Page 89. 44. Act for incouraging of Shipping and Navigation Page 90. 45. Act discharging the Exportation of Skins Hides c. Page 93. 46. Act discharging the Exportation of Woollen-yarn Worstead broken Copper and Peuter c. Page 94. 47. Act discharging Trades-men to Import Made-work ibid. 48. Act for incouraging of Soap-works Page 95. 49. Act Reducing the Annuals to Six for the Hundred ibid. 50. Act and Offer of Twelve thousand pounds Sterling to the Lords of Session Page 96. 51. Act concerning Arrestments Page 97. 52. Act concerning the disposall of Vacant Stipends ibid. 53. Act Ratifying the Act of Parliament 1633. anent the Annexation of His Majesties Property Page 98. 54. Act in favours of Laick Patrons of Provestries Prebendaries Chaplanries and Altarages Page 100. 55. Act anent Cocquets and Entries of Ships Page 102. 56. Act anent Coal-hewers ibid. 57. Act discharging the Custom of two and an half of the hundred and the Impost of four pounds on the Tun. Page 103. 58 Act in favours of those who get their Ward-holding changed by the Kings Majesty Page 104. 59. Act anent the Exchequer Page 105. 60. Act concerning Docqueting of Signaturs Page 106. 61. Commission for Plantation of Kirks and Valuation of Teinds ibid. 62. Act for ordering the paiment of Debts betwixt Creditor and Debitor Page 111. 63. Act Salvo jure cujuslibet Page 118. 64. Act of Adjournment ibid. FINIS