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A29086 The victory of truth for the peace of the Church to the king of Great Britain to invite him to embrace the Roman-Catholick faith / by Monsieur de la Militiere, counsellour in ordinary to the King of France ; with an answer thereunto, written by the right reverend John Bramhall, D.D. and Lord Bishop of London-Derry. La Milletière, Théophile Brachet, sieur de, ca. 1596-1665.; Bramhall, John, 1594-1663. 1653 (1653) Wing B4097A; ESTC R34379 76,867 210

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Episcopacy for Monarchies sake than Monarchy for Episcopacies What end had the Nuncio's Faction in Ireland against Episcopacy whose mutinous courses apparently lost that Kingdome When the Kings consent to the Abolition of Episcopacy in Scotland was extorted from him by the Presbyterian faction which probably the prime Authors do rue sufficiently by this time were those Presbyterian Scots any thing more favourable to Monarchy To come to England the chief Scene of this bloody Tragedy If that party in Parliament had at first proposed any such thing as the Ab●…ition either of Monarchy or Episcopacy undoubtedly they had ruined their whole design untill daily tumults and uncontrollable uproars had chased away the greater and sounder part of both Houses Their first Protestation was solemnly made to God both for King and Church as they were by Law established Would you know then what it was that Conjur'd up the storm among us It was some feigned jealousies and fears which the first broachers themselves knew well enough to be fables dispersed cunningly among the People That the King purposed to subvert the Fundamental Lawes of the Kingdome and to reduce the free English Subject to a condition of absolute slavery under an Arbitrary Government For which massy weight of malitious untruth they had no supporters but a few Bull-rushes Secondly that he meant to apostate from the Protestant Religion to Popery and to that end had raised the Irish Rebellion by secret encouragements and Commissions For which monstrous calumny they had no other foundation except the solemn Religious Order of Divine Service in his own Chapel and Cathedral Churches than some unseasonable disputes about an Altar or a Table and the permission of the Popes Agent to make a short stay in England more for reason of State than of R●…ligion And some sensless fictions of some Irish Rebels who having a Patent under the Great Seal of Ireland for their Lands to colour their barbarous murthers shewed it to the poor simple people as a Commission from the King to leavy Forces And lastly some impious pious frauds of some of your own party whose private whispers and printed insinuations did give hopes that the Church of England was coming about to shake hands with the Roman in the points controverted Which was meerly devised to gull some silly Creatures whom they found apt to be catched with chaff for which they had no more pretext of truth than you have for your groundless intimations in this unwelcome dedication These suspitions being compounded with Covetousness Ambition Envy Emulation desire of Revenge and discontent were the sourse of all our Calamities Thus much you your self confess in ●…ffect that this supposition that the King and Bishops had an intention to re-establish the Roman Catholique Religion was the venome which the Puritan Faction insused into the hearts of the people to fill them with hatred against a King worthy of love And the Parliament judged it a favourable occasion for their design to advance themselves to Sovereign Authority Be Judge your self how much they are accessary to our sufferings who either were or are the Authors or fomenters of these damnable slanders There was yet one cause more of this cruel persecution which I cannot conceal from you because it concerns some of your old acquaintance There was a Bishop in the world losers must have leave to talk whose privy Purse and subtil Counsels did help to kindle that unnatural war in his Majesties three Kingdomes Our Cardinal Wolsey complained before his death That he had served his King better than his God But certainly this practise in your friend was neither Good service to his God to be the author of the effusion of so much innocent blood nor yet to his King to let the world see such a dangerous president It is high time for a man to look to himself when his next neighbours house is all on a flame As hitherto I have followed your steps though not altogether in your own method or rather your own confusion So I shall observe the same course for the future Your discourse is so full of Meanders and windings turnings and returnings you congregate He●…erogeneous matter and segregate that which is Homogeneous as if you had made your Dedication by starts and snatches and never digested your who'●… discourse On the contrary where I meet with any thing it shall be my desire to dispach it out of my hands with whatsoever pertains unto it once for all I hope you expect not that I shou'd amuse my self at your Rheto●…cal flowers and elegant expressions they agree well enough with the work you were about The Pipe plays sweetly whilst the Fowler is catching his prey Trappings are not to be condemned if the things themselves are good and useful but I prefer one Pomegranat-Tree loaden with good fruit before a whole row of Cypresses that serve onely for shew Be sure of this that where any thing in your Epistle reflects upon the Church of England I shall not miss it first or last though it be but a loose unjoynted pe●…ce and so perhaps hitherto untouched Amongst other things which you lay to our charge you glance at the least twelve times at our supposed Schism But from first to last never attempt to prove it as if you took it for granted I have shaped a Coat for a Schismatick and had presented it to you in this Answer but considering that the matter is of moment and merits as much to be seriously and solidly weighed as your naked Crimination without all pretext of proof deserves to be sleighted lest it might seem here as an impertinent digression to take up too much place in this short Discourse I have added it at the Conclusion of this Answer in a short Tract by it self that you may peruse it if you please You fall heavily in this Discourse upon the Presbyterians Brownists and Independents if they intend to return you any answer they may send it by a messenger of their own As for my part I am not their Proctor I have received no Fee from them And if I should undertake to plead their Cause upon my own head by our old English Law you might call me to an accompt for unlawful maintenance Onely give me leave as a by-stander to wonder why you are so cholerique against them for certainly they have done you more service in England than ever you could have done for your selves And I wonder no less why you call our Reformation a Calvinistical Reformation brought into England by Bucer and Peter Martyr a blind Reformation yea the intire ruin of the Faith of the very form of the Church and of the civil Government of the Common-wealth instituted by God Though you confess again in our favour that if our first Reformers had been interrogated whether they meant any such thing they would have purged themselves and avouched their Innocence with their hands upon the new Gospel The
gifts of Enemies are no gifts If such as these are all your courtesies you may be pleased to take them again Our first Reformers might safely swear upon any Gospel old or new that they meant no such thing And we may as securely swear upon all the books of God old or new that there is no such thing But why our Gospel should be younger or newer than Sixtus Quintus his Gospel or Clemens Octavus his Gospel passeth my understanding and yours also Comparisons are odious therefore I will not say that the true English Protestant standing to his own grounds is the best subject in the world But I do say that he is as good a subject as any in the wortd and our principles as Innocent and as auxiliary to civil Government as the maxims of any Church under Heaven And more than yours where the clashing of two Supreme Authorities and the exemption of your numerous Clergy from the Coercive power of the Prince and some other novelties which I forbear to mention do alway threaten a storm Tell me Sir if you can what Church in Europe hath declared more fully or more favourably for Monarchy than the poor Church of England That the most high and sacred Order of Kings is of Divine Right being the Ordinance of God himself founded in the prime Laws of Nature and clearly established by express Texts both of the old and new Testament Moreover that this power is extended over all their Subjects Ecclesiastical and Civil That to s●…t up any Independent coactive power above them either Papal or popular either directly or indirectly is to undermine their great royal Office and cunningly to overthrow that most Sacred Ordinance which god himself hath established That for their subjects to bear Arms against them Offensive or defensive upon any pretence whatsoever is to resist the powers which are ordained of God And why do you call our Reformation Calvinistical contrary to your own Conscience contrary to your own confession That in our Reformation we reteined the antient Order of Episcopacy as Instituted by divin●… authority and a Liturgy and Ceremonies whereby we preserved the face or Image of the Catholick Church And that for this very caus●… the disciplinarians of Geneva and the Presbyterians did conceive an implacable hatred against the King for the Churches sake and out of their aversion to it Did they hate their own Reformation so implacably If these things be to be reconciled reddat mihi minam Diogenes He that looks more in disputation to the Advantage of his party than to the Truth of his grounds had need of a strong memory We reteined not onely Episcopacy Liturgy and Ceremonies but all things else that were conformable to the Discipline and publick service of the Primitive Church rightly understood No Sir we cannot pin our faith upon the sleeve of any particular man as one used to say We love no nismes neither Calvinism nor Lutheranism nor Jonsenianism but onely one that we derive from Antioch that is Christianism We honour Learning and Piety in our fellow servants but we desire to wear no other badge or Cognizance than that we received from our own Master at our Baptism Bucer was as fit to be Calvins Master as his Scholar So long as Calvin continued with him in Germany he was for Episcopacy Liturgy and Ceremonies and for assurance thereof subscribed the Augustane Confession and his late learned Successor and assertor in Geneva Monsieur Deodate with sundry others of that Communion were not averse from them Or why do you call Reformation blind It was not blindness but too much affectation of knowledge and too much peeping into controverted and new fangled Questions that hath endamaged our Religion It is you that teach the Colliers Creed not we Howsoever you pretend to prove that our Reformation was the ruin of the Church and Common-wealth wee expect you should endeavour to prove it You cannot so far mistake your self as to conceive your authority to be the same with us that Pythagoras had among his Scholars to have his Dictates received for Oracles without proof what did I say that you pretend to prove it That 's too low an expression you promi●…e us a demonstration of it so lively and evident that no reason shall be able to contradict it Are you not afraid that too much expectation should prejudice your discourse by diminishing our applause Quid tanto dignum feret hi●… proneissor hia●…u Do you think of nothing now but Triumphs Lively and evident demonstration not to be contradicted by reason is like the Phenix much talked of but seldom seen Most men when they see a man strip up his sleeves and make too large promises of fair dealing do suspect jugling No man proclameth in the Market that he hath rotten wares to sell And therefore we must be careful notwithstanding your great promises to keep well Epicharmus his Jewel Remember to distrust By your permission your glistering demonstration is a very counterfeit not so valuable as a Bristol Diamond when it comes to be examined by the wheel Sometimes nothing is more necessary than Reformation Never was house so well builded that now and then needed not reparation Never Garden so well planted but must sometimes be weeded Never any order so well instituted but in long tract of time there will be a bending and declining from its Primitive perfection and a necessi●…y of reducing it to its first principles Are your Houses of Religion which are Reformed therefore the less Religious Why then did all the Princes and Common-wealths in Europe Yea the Fathers themselves in the Council of Trent cry out so often so earnestly for a Reformation yet were forced to content themselves with a vain shadow for the substance as Ixion embraced a Cloud for Juno or Children are often stilled with an empty bottle But Reformation is not agreable to all persons Judas loved not an Audit because he kept the Bag. Dull Lethargick people had rather sleep to death than to be awaked and mad phrenetick Bigots are apt to beat the Chirurgion that would bind up their wounds but none are so a verse from Reformation as the Court of Rome where the very name is more formidable than Hannibal at the Gates yea than all the five terrible things No mervail they are afraid to have their Oranges squeesed to their hands if they were infallible as they pretend there was no need of a Reformation we wish they were but we see they are not On the other side it cannot be denyed that Reformation when it is unseasonable or inordinate or excessive may do more hurt than good when Reformers want just Authority or due information or have sinister ends or where the remedy may be of worse consequence than the abuse or where men run out of one extreme into another therefore it is a rule in prudence Not to remove an ill custom when it is well setled unless it
give others leave to ●…tile them the Heads of the Church within their Dominions But no man can be so simple as to conceive that they ●…ntended a spiritual headship to infuse ●…he life and motion of grace into the ●…earts of the faithful such an head is Christ alone No nor yet an Ecclesia●…ical headship We did never believe ●…hat our Kings in their own persons ●…ould exercise any act pertaining either ●…o the power of Order or Juri●…ction Nothing can give that to another which it hath not it self They meant one●…y a Civil or Political Head as Saul is called the Head of the Tribes of Israel to see that pub●…ick peace be pres●…rved to see that all Subjects as well Ecc●…esiastiques as others do their duties in their several places to see that all things be managed for that great and Architectonical end that is the weal and benefit of the whole body politique both for soul and body If you will not trust me Hear our Church it self When we attribute the Sovereign Government of the Church to the King we do not give him any power ●…o administer the W●…rd or Sacraments but onely that Prerogative which God in hol●… Scripture hath alwaies allowed to Godly Princes to see that all States and Orders of their Sub●…ects Ecclesiastical and Civil do their duties and to punish those who are delinquent with the civil Sword Here is no power ascribed no punishment inflicted but meerly political and this is approved and justisied by S. Clara both by reason and by the examples of the Parliament of Paris Yet by vertue of this Political power he is the Keeper of both Tables the preserver of true Piety towards God as we●…l as right Justice towards men And is obliged to take care of the souls as well as the skins and carkasses of his Subjects This power though not this name the Christian Emperours of old assumed unto themselves to Convocate Synods to preside in Synods to confirm Synods to establish Ecclesiastical Lawes to receive Appeals to nominate Bishops to eject Bishops to suppress Heresies to compose Ecclesiastical differences in Councils out of Councils by themselves by their delegates All which is as clear in the Historie of the Church as if it were written with a beam of the Sun This power though not this name the Antient Kings of Engla●…d ever exercised not onely before the Reformation but before the Norman Conquest as appears by the Acts of their great Councils by their Statutes and Articles of the Clergy by so many Lawes of provision against the Bishop of Romes conferring Ecclesiastical dignities and benefices upon Foreiners by so many sharp oppositions against the exactions and usurpations of the Court of Rome by so many Lawes concerning the Patronage of Bishopricks and Investitures of Bishops by so many examples of Church-men punished by the Civil Magistrate Of all which Jewels the Roman Court had undoubted●…y robbed the Crown if the Peers and Prelates of the Kingdome had not come into ●…he rescue By the Antient Lawes of England it is death or at lest a forfeiture of all his goods for any man to publish the Popes Bull without the Kings Licence The Popes Legate without the Kings leave could not enter into the Realm If an Ordinary did refuse to accept a resignation the King might supply his defect If any Ecclesiastical Court did exceed the bounds of its just power either in the nature of the cause or manner of proceeding the Kings Prohibition had place So in effect the Kings of England were alwaies the Political heads of the Church within their own Dominions So the Kings of France are at this day But who told you that ever King Charles did call himself the Head of the Church thereby to merit such an heavy Judgement He did not nor yet King James his Father nor Queen Elizabeth before them both who took Order in her first Parliament to have it lest out ●…f her Title They thought that name did sound ill and that it intrenched too far upon the right of their Saviour Therefore they declined it and were called onely Supreme Governours in all Causes over all persons Ecclesiastical and Civil which is a Title de jure inseparable from the Crown of all Sovereign Princes Where it is wanting de facto if any place be so unhappy to want it the King is but half a King and the Commonwealth a Serpent with two Heads Thus you see you are doubly and both wa●…es miserably mistaken First King Charles did never stile himself Head of the Church nor could with patience endure to hear that Title Secondly a Political Headship is not injurious to the Unity or Authority of the Church The Kings of Is●…ael and Judah the Christian Emperours the Eng●…ish Kings before the Reformation yea even before the Conquest and other Sovereign Princes of the Roman Communion have owned it signa●…ly But it seems you have been to●…d or have read this in the virulent writings of Sand●…rs or Parsons or have heard of a ludicrous scoffing proposition of a M●…rriage between the two Heads of the two Churches Six●…us Quintus and Queen Elizabeth for the re-uniting forsooth of Christendome All the satisfaction I sh●…uld enjoyn you is to perswade the Bishop of R●…me if Gregory the Great were living you could not fail of speeding to imitate the piety and humility of our Princes that is to content himself with his Patriarchical dignity and primacy of Order Princip●…m unit at is and to quit that much more presumptuous and if a Popes word may pass for current Antichristian term of the Head of the Catholick Church If the Pope be the Head of the Catholique Church then the Catholique Church is the Popes Body which would be but an harsh expression to Christian ears then the Catholick Church should have no Head when there is no Pope two or three Heads when there are two or three Popes an unsound Head when there is an heretical Pope a broken Head when the Pope is censured or deposed and no Head when the See is vacant If the Church must have one Universal Visible Ecclesiastical Head a general Council may best pretend to that Title Neither are you more successful in your other Reason why the Parliament persecuted the King Because he maintained Episcopacy both out of Conscience and Interest which they sought to abolish For though it be easily admitted that some seditious and heterodox persons had an evil eye both against Monarchy and Episcopacy from the very beginning of these troubles either out of a fiery zeal or vain affectation of Novelty like those who having the green-sickness prefer chalk and meal in a corner before wholsome meat at their Fathers table or out of a greedy and covetous desire of gathering some sticks for themselves upon the fall of those great Okes yet certainly they who were the contrivers and principal actors in this business did more malign
but by fire and faggots by strange new-devised tortures we shall quickly find that the Court of Rome hath died it self red in Christian blood and equalled the most Tyrannical persecutions of the Heathen Emperours The other Maxim whereupon you say that our Reformation was grounded was this T●…at the onely way to reform the Faith an●… Liturgie and Government of the Church was to conform them to the dictates of holy Scripture of the sense whereof every private Christian ought to be the Judge by the light of the Spirit excluding Tradition and the publi●…k Judgement of the Church You adde That we cannot prove Episcopacy by Scripture without the Help of Tradition And if we do admit of Tradition we must acknowledge the Papacy for the Government of the Catholick Church as founded in the Primacy of St. Peter Your second supposed ground is no truer than the former we are as far from Anarchy as from Tyranme As we would not have humane Authority like Medusa's head to transform reasonable men into sensless stones So we do not put the reigns of Government into the hands of each or any private person to reform according to their phantasies And that we may not deal like blunderers or deceitful persons to wrap up or involve our selves on purpose in confused Generalities I will set down our sense distinctly When you understand it I hope you will repent of your rash censuring of us of whom you had so little knowledge Three things offer themselves to be considered First concerning the Rule of Scripture Secondly the proper Expounders thereof and Thirdly the manner of Exposition Concerning Scripture we believe That it was impossible for humane reason without the help of divine Revelation to find out those supernatural truths which are necessary to Salvation 2. That to supply this defect of natural reason God out of his abundant goodness hath given us the holy Scriptures which have not their authority from the writing which is humane but from the Revelation which is divine from the Holy Ghost Thirdly that this being the purpose of the Holy Ghost it is blasphemy to say he would not or could not attain unto it And that therefore the holy Scriptures do comprehend all necessary supernatural truths So much is confessed by Bellarmine that All things which are necessary to be believed and to be done by all Christians were preached to all by the Apostles and were all written Fourthly that the Scripture is more properly to be called a Rule of supernatural truths than a Judge or if it be sometimes called a Judge it is no otherwise than the Law is called a Judge of civil Controversies between man and man that is the rule of judging what is right and what is wrong That which sheweth what is strait sheweth likewise what is crooked Secondly concerning the proper Expounders of Scripture we do believe that the Gospel doth not consist in the words but in the sense non in superficie sed in medullâ And therefore that though this infallible Rule be given for the common benefit of all yet every one is not an able or fit Artist to make application of this Rule in all particular cases To preserve the common right and yet prevent particular abuses we distinguish Judgement into three kinds Judgement of Discretion Judgement of Direction and Judgement of Jurisdiction As in the former Instance of the Law the ignorance whereof exc●…seth no man every Subject hath Judgement of Discretion to apply it particularly to the preservation of himself his estate and interest The Advocates and those who are skilful in the Law have moreover a Judgement of Direction to advise others of less knowledge and experience But those who are Constituted by the Sovereign power to determine emergent difficulties and differences and to distribute and administer Justice to the whole body of a Province or Kingdome have moreover a Judgement of Jurisdiction which is not onely discretionary or directive but authoritative to impose an Obligation of obedience unto those who are under their charge If these last shall transgress the rule of the Law they are not accountable to their Inferiours but to him or them that have the Sovereign power of Legislative Judicature Ejus est legem interpretari cujus est condere To apply this to the case in question concerning the exposition of the holy Scripture Every Christian keeping himself within the bounds of due obedience and submission to his lawful Superiours hath a Judgement of Discretion Prove all things hold fast that which is good He may apply the Rule of holy Scripture for his own private instruction comfort ●…dification and direction and for the framing of his life and belief aceordingly The Pastors of the Church who are placed over Gods people as watchmen and guides have more than this a judgement of Direction to expound and interpret the holy Scriptures to others and out of them to instruct the ignorant to reduce them who wander out of the right way to confute errours to foretell dangers and to draw sinners to repentance The chief Pastors to whose care the Regiment of the Church is committed in a more special manner have yet an higher degree of judgement a Judgement of Jurisdiction to prescribe to enjoyn to constitute to reform to censure to condemn to bind to loose judicially authoritatively in their respective charges If their Key shall erre either their Key of Knowledge or their Key of Jurisdiction they are accountable to their respective Superiours and in the last place to a general Council which under Christ upon Earth is the highest Judge of Controversies Thus we have seen what is the Rule of Faith and by whom and how far respectively this rule is to be applied Thirdly for the manner of expounding holy Scriptures for there may be a privacy in this also and more dangerous than the privacy of the person many things are necessary to the right interpretation of the Law to unde●…stand the reason of it the precedents the terms the forms the reports and an ability to compare Law with Law He that wants all these Qualifications altogether is no interpreter of Law He that wants but some of them or wants the perfection of them by how much the greater is his defect by so much the less valuable is his exposition And if he shall out of private fancy or blind presumption arrogate to himself without these requisite means or above his capacity and proportion of Knowledge a power of expounding Law he is a mad-man So many things are required to render a man capable to expound the holy Scriptures some more necessarily some less some absolutely some respectively As First to know the right Analogy of Faith to which all interpretations of Scripture must be of necessity conformed Secondly to know the practice and tradition of the Church and the received expositions of former Interpreters in the successive ages which gives a great light to