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A08779 Christs confession and complaint concering his kingdom and seruants; conuincing Iewes of obstinacie, Romish Catholickes of conspiracie, seducers of sedition, Arminians of apostacie, and diuers others of coldnes, schisme, treachery & hypocrisie. By J.P. I. P., fl. 1629. 1629 (1629) STC 19069; ESTC S102324 96,442 116

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naturall power is the cause of Predestination and soe in effect of redemption of vocation iustification glorification all which theire grosse errours beeing also followed and mantained by the Arminians of our times as the * Pelagius rediuiuus Parallelismus With the second Parallel Parallel proueth doe take the Kingdom honour and power from the Word of God from grace which should raigne Rom. 5.21 and giue it to nature and the foreseene works thereof yea all the honour and power of election conuersion and saluation from God and his free grace and Power in Christ and giue it to nature and the works thereof Thus while they presume to make to God a minde word out of theire owne noe maruaile if they to theese errours adde others as presumptuous against the perseuerance of the Saints and certainty of saluation For how should they beleeue perseuerance that giue so much and euen perseuerance it selfe where it is to fraile nature Men that are called into the grace of Christ Gal. 1.6 Men that stand by grace Rom. 5.2 and that are * Rom. 6.14 Gal. 5.4 Reu. 9.1 Isai 14.13.14 not vnder the Law but vnder grace will easely beleeue that they that thus highly exalt nature are fallen from grace Euen as the Starre is saide to fall from heauen who would exalt his throne aboue the Starres and be like the most high that would be vniuersall Bishop vsurpe Christs place and take the Kingdom the power and the glorie from the Father and his Word and giue it to himselfe and his traditions and errours of free will merrits satisfactions c. And how then should they but fall away and doubt of the certainty of saluation who build vpon such rotten foundations of theire owne the Saints may be more certaine for theire perseuerance and assurance is built vpon a surer Word and not on such Pelagian and Popish dreames nouelties which indeed are doctrines of this World and Antichristian not the Word of that Kingdom which is not of this World Ioh. 8.44 but errours comming from the Father of lies doctrines of deuils and so meere Idols cleane contrarie ye see and opposit to the whole purpose and scoape of Gods truth and new couenant of grace reuealed in the Gospel as might be shewed more at large if many others had not alreadie donne it The Pelagians therefore and Demipelagians Papists Arminians and others of that stampe who thus bringe doctrines contrarie to the Word of grace Act. 13.8.10 as with Elimas the sorcerer they turne away Princes and Magistrates from the faith and are therein children of the deuill and enemies of all righteousnes peruerting the right waies of God soe doe they not lesse then set vp Idols other words to rule mens soules and to be reuerenced beleeued followed and consequently draw the iudgments of God on that Kingdom or nation whereinto they intrude thē and are therein noe better then seditious preachers in Christs Kingdom mouers of rebellion and apostacie against Christ if not traitors to those Princes also whome they perswade to receiue them to the extreme danger and hazard of theire Kingdoms as Bishop Carlton also proueth pag. 214. against the Appealer because God almightie that is euer iust must needes doe to them if they doe not repent and amend as he did to those Emperours and Kings that suffered theese and the like errours in Saint Augustines dayes when the Gothes and Vandals ouerran all and as before that he had donne to Salomon and others in like case 1. King 12.27.28 and namely to Ieroboam who when he and his councell in polecie to preserue his owne Kingdom brought in some new doctrine and worship set vp Idols stretched out his hand against the prophet Chap. 13.33.34 Chap. 16.2.3 made preists of the lowest of the people and ordained high places the text saith This thinge became sinne vnto the howse of Ieroboam euen to cut it off and to destroy it from of the face of the earth Soe was it with Baasha and others And seing the Apostle saith let noe mā deceiue you with vaine words for because of theese things commeth the wrath of God Ephes 5.6 so must it needes be in the Christian Church with them that maintaine or suffer errou●s for therfore Christs saith to the Church of Thyatira which suffered the woman Iezabel to teach and to seduce his sernants Behold I will cast her into a bed and them that commit adultry with her into greate tribulation except they repent of theire deedes And I will kill her children with death c. Thus therefore must it needes fall out with those Churches and states that suffer the Bomish superstition and lawes or other heresies to be taught in theire dominions much more if they maintaine them and soe cōmit fornication with that whore or any other hereticall teachers And this as I saide haue those Emperors Kings and Princes found that haue either receiued whether in polecie or otherwise the errours of Heriticks or the Antichristian doctrine of Rome as for suffering of heresies was instanced in some Emperours and might be in many others Now for poperie it would be to longe to recite the examples of Gods iudgments that fell vpon those Emperours Kings and Princes or on theire issue and Kingdoms in Germanie England France Spaine and other parts who subiected themselues o● theire people and Kingdoms to the Popes Supremacie and to his superstitions lawes rites and errours or temporised with him in some of them therefore omitting the most obserue only theese few The Easterne Emperours Iudgments that fell on temporisors in religion Iustinian and after him Phocas in polecie the better to recouer and keepe Italie did the Popes much honour and greatly furthered theire supremacie who soone after by Gods iust iudgment in requitall setting themselues against the Emperours theire successors in the cause of Images made the greatest part of Italie reuolt from the Emperours obedience After this the Emperour Constantine 7. and his mother Irene to get the Popes fouour and thereby to recouer some parts of the western Empire or keepe those they had from reuolting summon a second councell at Nice and there with stronge hand they get the worshipping of Images established which temporising God soe cursed that within twelue yeares after God suffered the more full reu●lt and the Pope to crowne Charles the greate Emperour of the W●st The Emperours of Greece had longe held warre with the Turkes at last leauing to trust in God and relying on humane polecie to get the Popes fauour and by his meanes the aide of Christian Princes the Emperour Iohn Paleologus brings the Easterne Bishops to reconcile in all differences the Greeke Church to the Lat● Concil Flo● anno 1439. and there in the councell of Florence he gets them besides other articles to agree that the soules of the faithfull that haue not yet satisfied for their sinnes goe to purgatorie that the Pope of Rome
rapins murders alterations The Popes of Rome themselues after they began to keepe the people in ignorance and to make the Word of God of none effect with theire traditions Anastatius in Vigilio haue no● beene free from theire outrages and insolercies as wee may see in the liues of V●g●lius Leo the third * Zonar to 3. pag 79. Iohn the fourtenth Gregory the fift many others and indeede seeing they would not let them know the things ●hat belonged to theire peace how could it be otherwise Whereas here in England vnder the Gospell Gods Word makes the heaters luffer and be peaceable notwithstanding all those greiuances whereof the commons haue of late yeares complained soe much in Parliaments and now this last summer in theire remonstrance of diuers leuies and other things against theire priueleidges the lawes liberties and religion established of the increase of poperie the freinds that Papist Arminians haue had in court and the carriage of many things at home and abroade by the late Duke and his faction to the greate los●e and dishonour of this Kingdom and aduantage of the aduersaries yet blessed be God and to the honour of his Word preached it may be spoken noe man euer saw a sword drawen to remedie theese things but the commons and diuers of the Lords haue still sought redresse by humble petition and not as in time of poperie or as the Iesuits hoped and practised who loue to fish in troubled streames The Duke and others of his partie that for the most part defeated preuented the howse with whisperings and were soe greate freinds to Arminiaisme and poperie knew that the Gospell awed Protestants and kept them from armes reuenge and that they could not haue escaped with soe many iniuries donne to any other religion whatsoeuer soe vnkinde in the meane while were theese detractours to that religion by which cheifely vnder God they haue held theire liues honours without the least violence offered by such as groaned vnder thē And whereas of late there hath beene some vnrulines in Sallours and Souldiers If men consider that the remonstrance declareth the increase of poperie and Arminiaisme the fauour that those of theese religions haue found of courtiers as wel of Bishops as others that Schollars finde the latter the way to preferment that orthodoxe preachers though conformable in rites formerly commaunded are not preferred but rather molested opposed lectures bookes against theese aduersaries prohibited or hindred thē they will cōfesse that this vnrulines of Saylours others comes rather from hence that the preaching of Gods Truth which restraineth all sorts of people is not so much countenanced now as formerlie but insteade thereof contrarie doctrines finde the fauour The true knowledge and worship of God beeing failed in the dayes of Salomon Rehoboam then the people began to waxe stoute to mutinie and reuolt The preaching manifestation and knowledge of Gods Word are the * Psal 2.3 cords and bands of Christ which hould restraine men so that theese things when they are countenanced preuent such mutinies and sau● Magistrates much labour in gouernment The knowledge of Christ who is our wisdom maketh † Soli qui ejus doctrina imbuti sunt prudentes dicendi sunt Bern. de ordi vit Psal 18. Psal 66.7 Psal 76.10.12 men wise They are easely ruled by a few whome God ruleth It is God that subdueth the people vnder me saith Dauid and it is hard to gouerne them by many and wise whom the Lord doth not gouerne restraine who ruleth by his power for euer euen the rebellious who restraineth wrath stilleth the raging of the Sea and the madnes of the people * Psal 127.1 Except the Lord build the howse they labour in vaine that are builders of it Except the Lord keepe the Citie the watchman waketh but in vaine For if they heare not Moses and the Prophets nor Christ and his Apostles neither will they be perswaded though one rose from the dead Heb. 4. For the Word of God is mightie in operation c. † 2. Co. 10.5 Rom. 1. Bringing into captinitie euery thought to the obedience of Christ and consequently to the higher powers to whom he hath commaunded euery Soule to be subiect as to the powers ordained of God And that in euery ordinance that doth not resist ●he Word or the manifestation thereof Act. 4.19 but if they doe then whether it be right to hearken vnto you more then vnto God iudge ye If any say that preaching and writing aboute Predestination Free will perseuerance and the like cause discord and trouble I answer there may be a time when men may be to buisie and curious in disputing and writing on such points that is when in them the Church is at rest in the Truth But if Pelagians haue peruerted the truth in those points and infected people with the poisen of theire doctrines then it is noe time to forbid preaching or writing against them 1. Because Pelagian Arminian Prelates may presse such decrees with all power to suppresse Orthodoxe labours in that kinde and sparing theire owne mens works at pleasure may preuaile thereby and this were not to worke a right peace and vnion 2. Because the Truth of God must be vindicated least as a worthy Bishop inferred Bishop Carlton Examinat of the appeale pag. 126. the infection should spread further the greah mysteries of our salvation should be shakē by giueing libertie to theese beginings a more generall apostacie should follow that as much in other points as in theese 3. Luk. 19.41 And principally because Christ with teares sayde to Ierusalem of the mysteries he taught that they were the things that belonged to her peace wishes that she had therefore knowne and receiued thē because he knew they would worke peace and that when they were hid from her eyes sedition and ruin must needes follow and soe they did as ye may see in the Acts Iosephus and others Act. 21.29.30 Besides as the faithfull Bishop proueth they are the Appealers doctrines B. Carlton in Exam. p. 214. if not confuted that endanger the State though he say they are not ap●ae natae to breede dangers like a desperate man that sets a howse on fire and sayes there is noe danger The ignorance of Gods Word and Truth therein contained soe deepely concer uing Gods glory is able not only to breede danger but to cause destructions of Curches and States The Prophet complaineth that the people of the Iewes were destroud and led into Captiuity for want of knowledge Then the want of knowledge of God and of the holy doctrines of Gods Word is a thinge aptanata to throuw States and Kingdoms into destruction And the true knowledge thereof is a thinge apta nata to keepe States and people from destruction To preuent such ruins and the cause of them apostacie from God he saith I desired the
and rule spiritually this Temple beeing indeed a figure of the Chu●ch where in he should rule which came to passe not when Antichr●st came to sit in the Temple of God as God whereof in the s●quel but when Iesus Christ who is the Word came and decla●ed himselfe in the Temple and thereby signified his owne gouernment in his Church which is there where the Wo●d ruleth this was accomplished suddenly after the preaching of his forrunner Iohn Baptist Luk. 3.4 who came ye see as it is written in the booke of Esayas the Prophet saying The voice of him that crieth in the wildernesse prepare ye the way of the Lord make straight in the desart a high way for our God Euery valley shall be exalted Isa 40.3 4 5. and euery Mountai●e and hill made low and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough places plaine the Scriptures should be so clearely expounded And the glory viz the Word of the Lord shall be reuealed and all flesh shall see it together And a litle after vers 9. Say vnto the cities of Iudah behold youre God Behold the Lord God will come with stronge hand And his Arme viz. the Word which is his Sonne shall rule for him For that wee might be sure that this Kingdom belonged to Iesus Christ Iohn preached I baptize with water Ioh. 1. but there standeth one amonge you mightier then I whose shooes lachet I am not worthy to vnloose this was Christ who could not haue vnde●stood by Scriptures what manner of King the Messiah should be no● haue preached and wrought myracles so according to the Prophesies of him if he had beene a deceiuer and had not b●ene the Christ the Sonne of God but he was approued to be the Ch●ist For when Iesus was baptized of Iohn in Io●dan M●k 1.10 ● and came out of the water Iohn saw the Heauens opened and the Spirit like a doue descending vpon him And the●e came a voice from Heauen saying Ioh. 1.33.34 Thouart my welbeloued Sonne i● whome I am well pleased Which comming to pa●●e as God foretold Iohn he saith I saw and bare record th●t this is the S●nne of God and consequently that his is the promised Kingdom of the M●ssiah Which was soone manifested for after Iohn was put in prison by Herod Mark 1.14 Luk. 4.43 Iesus came into Galilee preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God That is the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God A●d so he saith I must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities also Therefore he calleth his doctrine the Word of the Kingdom saying Mat. 13.19 When any one heareth the Word of the Kingdom and vnderstandeth it not So he saith Euery Scribe which is instructed vnto the Kingdom of God is like vnto a man that is an howseholder which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new old New that is the tre●sures of the Gospel and Old that is the testimonies of the Prophets which foretold and prefigured this grace that comes to vs Luk. 16 16. Luk 17.20 Since that time the Kingdom of God is preached and euery man presseth vnto it And when he was demanded of the Pharises when the Kingdom of God should come he answered them saide The Kingdom of God commeth not with obseruation Neither shall they say loe here or loe there for behold the Kingdom of God is within you That is they shall not say it is in this nation or in that in this citie or in that haueing the seate thereof here or there for the Word is within you Rom. 10.8 in your mouth and in your heart illuminating ruling some of your Soules therefore the Kingdom of God is within you And indeed God who by voices from Heauen by miracles app●oued him had promised foretold that so it should be for Behold the dayes come Ier. 31.31 saith the Lord that I will make a new Co●enant with the ho●se of Israel not according to the former when I brought them out of ●gypt which my co●enant they brake but this shall be the couenant that I will make with the howse of Israel I will put my law in theire inward parts ●ndw●i●e it in theire hearts And they shall all know me for I will forgiue theire iniquitie c. and in another place I will giue them a new heart with many the like promises Loe he would write the law in theire hearts the word should rule there and enlighten them with the * Isa 54.13 c. 53.3 c. promised knowledge of God and his remission and saluation in the death and doctrine of Christ Isa 53. and soe his Kingdom should be in theire hearts and soules within them Tit. 2.11.12 Ioh. 8.32 Character of a Christ pag. 329. c. as Christ saith that is when the grace of God bringing saluation was preached and the same taught mē to denie vngodlinesse worldly lusts The Truth knowne maketh men free from seruing sinne euen as Ioseph was taught by the fauour of his maister to denie the vngodlie lust of his mistris and escape away for soe men escape the p●llutions of the world through the knowledge of Christ as did Zacheus Luk. to 28. soe he saith there The Sonne of Man is come to s●eke and saue that wh●●h is lost And as they heard theese things he added and spake a parable because they thought that the Kingdom of God should immediately appeare A certaine noble man went into a far countrie to receiue for himselfe a Kingdom And he called vnto him his tenne seruants and deliuered vnto the tenne pounds and saide vnto thē Occupie till I come c. This noble man was Christ who before his ascention deliuerd the Word of truth vnto his seruants and since giueth of the same Word to others by his Spirit and so will till his second cōming theese ten seruants are his ministers and other his seruants the pounds or talen●s were seuerall portions of the Word of grace of the mysteries of God d●uers * Rom. 12.3 1. Cor. 12.11 measures of the knowledge and faith of Christ wherein they ought to increase and to shew the fruite thereof in a holy life also to vse theire skill to bringe others to the knowledge and obedience of Christ which is to giue him his owne with vantage for they are Stewards of the mysteries of God 1. Cor 4 1. and it is required in Stewards that a man be found faithfull Deliuering nothing for doctrine but that which was * Chap. 11.23 receiued of the Lord by his Apostles and Prophets neither hiding his talent of doctrine nor teaching for doctrines commaundements and opinions of men things not commaunded in the Word For as when amonge the Romans there was difference aboute meates the Apostle saide The Kingdom of God is not meate and dr●●ke that is Rom. 14 17. the Word of God doth not commaund and teach theese
things which are held abonte them But righteousnesse and peace c. Soe may it be saide for other traditions and preceps of men the Kingdom of God is not the single life of Romish Preists theire obserued fasts and feasts inuocation of Saints the Popes succession in Peters chai●e as head of the Church priuate masses drawing Soules out of purgatorie and the like which as themselues confesse are not commaunded in the Word but righteousnes peace and all such things as are taught in the Gospell Ministers must be faithfull Stewards and dispensers thereof by preaching and others that haue the gift by perswading exhorting writing and the like As euery man hath receiued the gift 1. Pet. 4.10 euen so should he minister the same vnto another as good steward of the manifold grace of God He that had one talent dit not so others did The Citizens in the parable that hated him and saide wee will not haue this man to raigne ouer vs were such as opposed the Wo●d or any part or portion thereof deliuered in t●●ents h●ting the light manifested by them which is to despise and re●ect him the Word that commeth to rule theire hearts to enlighten them and raigne there of whome therefore he saith Those mine e●emies that would not that I should raigne ouer them bringe hither c. All which proofes of Gods Kingdom duely considered doe manifest that the Pope and church of Rome doe grosely deceiue and are deceiued The Pope can not be Christs Vicar nor the Church of Rome his Kingdom who oppose the Word of grace reuealed in teaching for doctrines those precepts traditions of men aboue mentioued and diuers other strange doctrines of free will ignorance force of theire traditions merrits worshipping of Images with many the like not commaunded but forbidden and confuted in the Word and yet bea●e the World in hand that the Pope is Christs vica●generall head of the church that the church of Rome is the true church of Chr●st and so that Rome is the seate of Christs Kingdom that Gods Kingdom is there when yet God by the Apostles saith 2. Ioh 9. 1. Tim. 6.3 He that abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God If any man teach otherwise and consent not to the wholesome words euen to the words of our Lord Iesus Christ and to the doctrine which is according to godlinesse he is proud knowing nothing the man of sinne and his ministers proud aboue all other hereticks and ye see Gods Kingdom is there only where though men so n●ime sinne of infirmitie yet as is requi●ed the Word of God is consented to receiued in all things not reiected in any thinge it teaches From all which wee may reason thus Christ is the Word reuealed in Scriptures and that Word alo●e must rule in all matters of faith and saluation Whosoeuer therefore shall not consent to that Word in all matters of faith and saluation but shall of his owne pretended authoritie set vp for doctrines any that are not taught in the Word or that are new or contrarie therevnto he is rebellious and an vsurping Autichrist and he that doth it in most points and so as none other doth he is the grand Antichrist But the Pope doth n●t consent to that Word in all matters of faith and saluation but of his owne pretended authority sets vp for Doctrines many others that are not taught in the Word and that are new and contrarie therevnto therefore he is rebellious and an vsurping Antichrist yea the grand Antichrist because he doth it in more points then euer any did and so as none euer did as in those perticulars aboue mentioned diuers others which wee shall haue occasion to p●oue in the sequell here it needes not because also many haue sufficiently donne it Now from this proposition and conclusion followes another They that doe not consent to the Word in all matters of faith and saluation but receiue for Doctrines those new and contrarie precepts of the Pope which he of his owne pretended authori●ie sets vp they are conspiring rebels and giue him the Kingdom he power and the glory of commaunding and beeing obeyed in such things But the Papists doe not consent to the Word in all matters of faith and saluation but receiue for Doctrines those new and contrarie precepts of the Pope which he of his owne pretended authori●●e sets vp therefore they are conspiring Rebels and giue him the Kingdom the Power and the glo●●e of commaund●ng and beeing obeyed in such things Both theese are so manifestly true that all that are of any reasonable vnderstanding must needes perceiue and confesse as much vnlesse because they haue not receiued the Loue of the Truth nor continued in the Word they can not know the Truth but are by God giuen ouer to belee●e lies or because they teaching or rece●●ing for doctrines precepts of men the wisdom of theire w●se men i● hid and they in Gods iust iudgment are giuen ouer ●o such blindnes that they can not see things see euident that is to say Rom. 10.11 Psa 66.7 that they are rebellious and conspiring vsurpers a disobedient and gainesaying people * Psal 33.6 Heb. 1.3 Rom 1.16 1. Cor. 1.18 Heb. 1.3 2. Pe● 3.7 see Character of a Christian pag. 47. For God ruleth by his power for euer that is by the Word which is his power whereby he hath made gouernned and vpheld all things and Christ is that Word the power of God and the wisdom of God 1. Cor. 1.24 therefore when he had saide he ruleth by his power for euer his eyes behold the nations who obey it and who not he addeth let not the rebellions exalt themselues viz. against it or aboue it in any point as psa 107.11 they rebelled against the words of God that is against the power by which he ruleth against Christ But in the Pope of Romes Kingdom the Word is not consented to ●n all things as is requ●●ed 〈◊〉 Tim. 6.3 But reiected and opposed he * Idē pag. 249. 293. and they are rebellious and exalt themselues against the word in many greate ma●ters of saith and saluation which it teacheth and so aboue all that is called God so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God as God shewing himselfe that he is God viz. most maister in theese things one whose Word is the supreame law must be beleeued and obeied which the Turke doth not he giues not foorth his words for lawes binding the conscience in matters of faith and saluation as the Pope doth and soe taketh the Kingdom the power and glorie from God and his Word to himselfe and his errours therefore Gods Kingdom is not in the Romish church the Pope is an vsurper and Papists that defend or follow his lawes and doctrines against the Word are rebellious conspirators giueing to the Pope Christs gouernment the Kingdom the power and the glorie choosing rather to be ruled by him
and consequently to take away both our place and nation Our place that is where our God is somwhat worshipped in sacrifices c. This is somwhat and better this then none at all if wee goe any further to suffer a deale of preaching of a new law and Kingdom that is further from the heathen religion and soe wee may anger them more and loose all seeing in policie to please them wee should rather come neerer them at least in things indifferent Therefore also when Paul preached at Thessalonica Act. 17.5 The Iewes which beleeued not moued with enuie gathered a Company and set all the citie on an vprore and drew out Iason and certaine brethren vnto the rulers of the citie crying Theese that haue turned the World vpside downe are come hither also and theese all doe contrary to the decrees of Cesar saying that there is another King one Iesus Whence wee may see that though they knew that Iesus had longe before left this life yet they wilfully infer that his followers contest to haue him to be another Kinge besides or against Caesar Iewes say that preaching disturbeth Caesars Kingdom and that this Kingdom in the preaching of the Word turned the World vpside downe and soe disturbed dishonoured and endangered Caesars Kingdom And this the high Preist and Elders say of saint Paul We haue found this man a pestilent fellow Act. 24.5 And mo●eth sedition and a mouer of sedition amonge all the Iewes throughout the World and a ringleader c. That is by preaching Iesus Christ and obedience due to him as if they saide this doctrine maketh them stuborne and seditious against C●sar and his ministers This or the like hath beene and euer was the wilfull assertion of all enemies of the truth whether Infidels or Papists and other hereticks and prophane scoffers of preaching and hearing but against this out Sauiour saith my Kingdom is not of this World and consequently hurteth not the tranquilitie of temporall Kingdoms but rather makes them floorish and excell in Iustice and honour as the experience of all ages hath openly shewen in the sight of all traducers of the Word preached And first that the same doth not make nations of a contrarie religion the more ready to inuade them Preaching of the Gospel doth not cause inua●ions or if it doe the more the true preaching of Gods Word is maintained by a Prince in any Kingdom the more doth God defend that Kinge and Kingdom from inuasion and ruin and to the honour thereof turne the destruction vpon his and theire inuaders and enemies Dauid was a greate louer and maintainer of the teaching of Gods Word also of prayer reading holy conference for theese haue theire due and how exceedingly did his Kingdom florish and he prosper and preuaile against the enemies thereof 2. Chro. 1●2 And Asa did that which was good and right in the eyes of the Lord He tooke away the Altars of the strange Gods and the high places and brake downe the Images And cōmanded Iudah to seeke the Lord to doe the law the commandemēt And the Kingdō was quiet before him Marke here quiet free frō sedition And whē Zerah the Ethiopian came out against him with a thousand thousand and three hundred charets Asa cried vnto the Lord and he smote the Ethiopians before Asa and Iudah So that the Prophet saide to them Chap. 15.2 Chap. 16.2.7 The Lord is with you while you be with him But if ye forsake him he will forsake you as this Asa found when after leauing to trust in God he sought to the Kinge of Syria and relied on him Chap. The Lord was with Iehoshaphat because he walked in the first waies of his Father Dauid sought not to Balaam but to the Lord and Walked in his comandements and tooke away the high places and sent diuers preists and others who tooke the booke of the law of the Lord with them Vers 5.10 and went aboute throughout all the cities of Iudah and taught the people Therefore the Lord stablished the Kingdom in his band and all Iudah brought to Iehoshaphat presents he had riches and honour in abundance And the feare of the Lord fell vpon all the Kingdoms of the lands that were round about Iudah so that they made no war against Iehoshaphat but some of the Philistines and Arabians brought him presents and he waxed exceeding greate behold here ye traducers the fruite of due preaching and teaching Hezekiah also did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord Chap. 31.20 21. Chap. 32. Chap. 34. wrought greate reformation amonge the Preists and people to seeke God wherefore he prospered and God deliuered him and his from the greate Host of Senacherib Iosiah also purged Iudah and Ierusalem from the high places renued the couenant betweene God and the people and caused the booke of the Law to be read and obserued Wherefore it was saide to him thou shalt be gathered to thy graue in peace and that euill should not come vpon the citie in his dayes The Emperour Constantine notwithstanding that in a manner all his Predecessors were Pagans most of them persecutors Maxentius and Licinius sharers with him in the Empire heathen Tirants persecutors and his enemies and though besides an infinitie companie of heathen people almost the whole Senate of Rome were of the heathen faction and so continued after him yet did he embrace the Christian Religion fight for it seeke to propogate it called a generall Councell to repres the Arrian heresie afther the councell caused the bookes of the Arrians to be burned and greatly loued and furthered the preaching of the Gospell and all the truest Professors thereof and how exceedingly did God defend him from his mightiest enemies and bringe them into his subiection In so much that some haue thought that that which is spoken in the Reuelation of a man child Reu. 12. which the Church should bringe foorth that should rule all Nations with a rod of yron was fulfilled in him But to come neerer our owne times Popish errour and superstition had greatly corrupted the Christian Religion and doctrine in many parts thereof whē God raised vp in France Waldo a meane mā who yet studdying the Scriptures discouered many of theire errours and abuses and had many followers who were mightely miracalously preserued for a longe time and though in the ende they were vanquished by the Beast that for a time should warre with the Saints ouercome them Reu. 13.7 yet because the Scriptures shew that the Beasts Kingdom must also goe to wrack God at last raised vp against it Luther a Meane Monke a priuate Doctor who notwithstanding that he his Protectour the Duke of Saxonie were exceedingly opposed and persecuted by the Pope the Emperour and other mightie aduersaries yet were they deliuered and wonderfully prospered and preuailed The like might be shewed of diuers other Princes of