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A91637 A Remonstrance or narrative by way of complaint to the Kings most excellent Majesty, and the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament in behalf of Robert Oxwicke and company, owners of the ship Endeavour, and of Richard Baker and company, proprietors of the said ships lading ... against Giles de la Roach and company, all subjects to the French king, wherein is faithfully described their horrid act of piracy at sea, committed the 21th of November 1655, English style, against the said English, by the said de la Roach and other French-men ... contrary to the articles of peace concluded the 3d of November 1655 ... 1660 (1660) Wing R1025A; ESTC R42559 10,559 7

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by the English the testimony of the said wittnesses doth clearly and authentically prove nor is it to be omitted that these French-men also confessed that they were ordered by their Imployers for to have gone for Lixboa to have taken in Wines for their Provissions for which purpose they carried Credits but being impeded by contrary winds they resolved to go for the Canaries in expectation to be supplyed thereabouts it being the season of the Year when Wines were usually Shipt off from thence To this may be added that neither the said de la Roach nor any of his company or imployers did ever afterwards as by law they ought ●o have done bring the Master of the Endeavour to the French Admiralty or 〈…〉 of the Comp●●y or in 〈…〉 vall and judication cause any examination to b● taken of the 〈◊〉 ●●glish so Piratically surprised 〈…〉 any thing to be Judicially done about 〈…〉 their 〈…〉 o direct and prescribe upon pain of loss and Corp●●●● punishment 〈…〉 it is 〈…〉 they acted like most Notorious Pirates both a parte ante by attempting this Vyolent assault after that the Peace was Concluded and without Commission as by their own Confession and like Notorious Pirates a parte in by the seizure Plundering and Barbarous usage of the English and like Notorious Pirates a parte post by not bringing it to any Court of Justice for a legal Triall and Judication as the Law of all Nations received requires and also as by the said Articles of Peace they ought to have done The Peace between England and the French King was Concluded and Published the 3d of November 1655. New Stile as appears by the date of the very Articles of that Peace and this Piracy was Committed the 21th of November English Stile The proofes of all which together with a true transcript and exemplication of the testimony and deposition of the aforesaid Witnesses were by special order and from the high Court of Admiralty on behalf of the said English so robbed and despoyled transmitted to Paris where by order of the Kings Councel they were there translated into French in the Year 1656. In September 1656. and in June 1657. Oliver late Projector wrote and sent speciall letters to the French King and to Cardinal Mazarine pressing for Justice to be speedily administred in this deplorable case the like letters were writ and sent by Thurloe to the English Agent Lock-hart pressing him also to use all possible means by urgent intercession for the same according to the Articles of Peace between England and France whereby it was Capitulated and agreed that in all such Cases Justice should be effectually administred within three Moneths Whereupon the said Agent Lockhart interposed when our said Proofes and Petitions were presented in the Councel in France yet they would not admit them till they had given advice thereof to the Marshall de Mill Ree and received his Answer thereto At last after some Moneths fruitless attendance we were permitted to proceed in the Course of Justice and they made a Decree that the said Marshall de Mill Ree should Appear by such a certain time set and limitted notwithstanding which neither he in his own Person nor any other for him Appeared whereupon we obtained a second Decree from the French King and his Councel dated 27 January 165● That the said Marshall should yet have two moneths time more to make his appearance for his defence before Judgment should be given and on the 20th of F●bruary following we caused the said Decrees to our great expence and hazard to be signified and notified to the said Marshall de Mill Ree And on the 8th of May following it was certified us by the Notarie of the Councel that neither he nor any for him had appeared but stood out in contempt to both the said Decrees of the King and his Councell in France Whereupon the said Agent Lockhart again most urgently prest for a hearing and for sentence which according to Justice and their own Laws they ought to have given But it was the first of September following 1657. ere the Court could be prevailed with to hear the Cause And then their Sentence was only this viz. That they viz. the Court should write to their French King to beseech his Majesty that he would write to the Marshall de Mill Ree The sixth of October following the Master of Request was sent by order of the Councell of France into Brittany to recover our Montes of the Marshall de Mill Ree whence returning the second of January 1657 8. re infecta Offered the said Agent Lockhart for our use the sum of 8000 Pistols by way of Composition Thus having been at vast expence and charge in prosecution of this business in France and all our Endeavours through the interest and petency of the said Marshall rendered Elusorie and to no purpose no Justice to be there had notwithstanding the sadness and equity of our Case we were necessitated to have recourse again to the usurping Powers then in England and solicited them for Letters of Marque against the French by way of Compensation and satisfaction for this wrong according to the said Articles of Peace and the Law of Nations Whereupon order being given the ●5 of March 1658. to the high Court of Admiralty to Examine and peruse our Proofes Papers and Proceedings in this Case and to report their opinion upon the whole matter They did upon long and serious debate and deliberation of all the Circumstances in Fact at last Report and unanimously certifie that we ought to have from the said French full Restitution for the said Ship and Lading for the Principle and Dammages 16587 lb Ster●●ng The said report saying That it was a Tort and fowl spoyle done and committed contrary to the said Trea●y of Peace ●h● Law of Nations and Common Right When they had notice in France that we were Soliciting in England for Letters of Marque against them and ●hat the Court of Admiralty were ordered to Report the State of the case and how Barbarously and Cruelly they had used the English Then we received advice from Paris of certain other strange and illegall proceedings there which to omitt would be a favour they have forfeited and to the end that the World may know of such their un-nationall illegalities we have thought i● Consonant to the 〈…〉 at ●●●lish it in ●●●●ssimis verbis 〈…〉 〈…〉 wed Advice 〈…〉 From our Corres●●●●●nts there residing for this affair in th●se words viz. There is a Decree against you h 〈…〉 nd Mounsieur Petit our Ambassadors Agent desired to have it out but they will not give it th●●…aster of Request hath been made against you yet he saith he is not satisfied in it And by another of the 26th of the same moneth in these words viz. It is true that they have Condemned your Ship as Prize but how the Condemnation is I know not for they will not give it out by which you may perceive their
A REMONSTRANCE OR NARRATIVE By way of Complaint To the KINGS most Exellent Majesty and to the Lords and Commons Asembled in PARLIAMENT In behalf of Robert Oxwicke and Company Owners of the Ship Endeavour and of Richard Baker and Company Proprietors of the said Ships Lading The vall●w of both being 16587 lb. sterling against Giles de la Roach and Company all Subjects to the FRENCH KING Wherein is faithfully ●●●cribed their horrid Act of PIRACY AT SEA Committed the 21th of November 1655. English style against the said English by the said de la Roach and other FRENCH-MEN Together with their BARBAROUS USAGE and MAKING AWAY of many of the English Mariners with the RELATION of their denyal of Justice and notwithstand●ng all Lawfull endeavours used to obtain the same the English can get no satisfaction to this Day Contrary to the ARTICLES of PEACE concluded the 3 d of November 1655. New style as also against Common Right and the Law of Nations the Obstruction of Trade and the utter Ruine of many of his Majesties Loyall Subjects June 12 th Anno 1660. LONDON Printed by Joseph Moxon in St. Michaels Church-yard on Corn-hill 1660. BEtween the Ilands of Palma and Teneriffe this Piratick Tragedy had its beginning as appears by the Depositions of those Wittnesses in the Margent which remain upon Record in the Register of the high Court of Admiralty of England They being first Legally Sworn and examined after due intimation thereof first given to the French Ambassador and publique notice thereof by way of General monition First hung on the Royall Exchange in London according to Law and the accustomed practice in such Cases These said Wittnesses thus duely Sworn and examined do depose and fully prove as followeth 1. That the said Ship the Endeavour did belong in property and actuall possession to Robert Oxwicke and Company Marchants of London and by them built in the River of Thames 2. That the said Ship was laden in Teneriffe with 313 Pipes of Canarie Wines by Evan Pugh and others Factors and Agents for Richard Baker and Company Marchants of London and for their sole and proper accompt and the said Ship was by them freighted of the aforesaid Owners in London to go for Teneriffe and from thence to return for London 3. That the said Ship being there so laden for the accompt aforesaid did therewith set Sayle from Teneriffe and as she was Sayling in her direct and peaceable Course for the Port of London were mett withall by four French Ships under the Command of Giles de la Roach who in an hostile manner assaulted them and violently seized surprized and took the said Ship Endeavour with all her lading on the 21th of November 1655. English Stile 4. That after they had the said Ship and her lading in their possession then they put the English Master and Mariners under close restraint using them most inhumanly and barbarously 5. That there being 3 other ●●●●●sh Ships 〈…〉 or in View at the time when the French seized on the Ship Endeavour and 〈…〉 g w 〈…〉 the said Fren●● 〈…〉 medling they were de 〈…〉 f 〈…〉 of the said 〈…〉 ●ndeavou● 〈…〉 Mari 〈…〉 surprized the Ship Endeavour and her 〈◊〉 and suffered the other English Ships to escape unmolested The said de la Roach and other the French Commanders answered that they had no Commission for what they had already done in taking the Endeavour nor against any English Ships and although they had mett with divers other English Ships yet they had not medled with any of them nor would they have seized on the Ship Endeavour had not her lading consisted in Wines which was so necessary for their Voyage for Madagascar or the Red Sea 6. That the said de la Roach and others of the French did say that they had stayed severall daies in Rochel in expectation to have had letters of Marque against the English but could obtain none because that the Peace was concluded between France and England and said that their Owners and Imployers viz. the Marshall de Mill Ree in France was Rich and able enough and that he ought to pay and make satisfaction to the English for the said Ship and her lading Thus as before themselves confessed this spoyle to be an Act of Pyracy having no Commission so now they do as plainly acknowledge that satisfaction ought to be made and that by the Marshall de Mill Ree 7. That the said de la Roach and Company did neaver-the-less most ravenously plunder the said English Mariners taking away all the goods they had in the said Ship to the utter ruine of themselves their Wives and Children at home and to fill up the measure of their detestable proceedings by leaving no one circumstance of the worst of Pirates unatempted they refused more like infidels then like Subjects to the Christian King to set the now distressed English on any Christian shoar least they might get to England and so the truth might come to light For when these miserable English implored the said de la Roach and other the French Commanders the favour of being landed on some of the Canarie Ilands that being also contrary to common ●umanity denyed and when afterwards on their knees with infinite of tears they beseeched the like favour of being put on the Ilands of Cape de Verde answer was again made them most churlishly and peremtorily that they should not be set on any Christian shoar because they should not return for England as they said to tell tales 8. That after this in order to destroy the said English and to deprive them of their lives and to do it without appearance of direct Murther as these merciless French supposed having beaten stript and most barbarously used the said English they landed the Master and thirteen more of the English on the Guinea shoar amongst the Barbarous Negroes leaving them no other sustenance then one hundred weight of Bisket dust and one Pipe of Wine least otherwise their expected Ruine by death might not be lingering enough where they remained fifteen weeks in most eminent hazard and continual Jeopardy of their lives exposed to nakedness famine and to the fury of the Barbarians till by a most miraculous providence they were rescued from death by an unexpected and unusuall opportunity of transportation in that place in a Flemish Vessel To the Glory of God and the perpetual shame of these inhumane French-men 9. That having so landed the said English Master and 13 more of the English two of the English Mariners being part of many more of the English which the said de la Roach and the French did carry away in their French Ships did afterwards in another place in Guinea cast themselves by night into the Sea through a Port-hole and so most strangely escaped and afterwards by as wonderfull a providence these two arived also in England 10. Thus much besides the sum of 16587 lb. for the loss hereby sustained
the Night aboard of a Vessell that lay at the mouth of the River and so got for England Neither can we omitt the setting down also the Declaration upon Oath of John Stone chief-mate of the English Ship Adventure whereof Joseph Tayler was Commander That as they were Sayling from the East India to London in the moneth of April 1656. they mett with one of the four Ships belonging to the Marshall de Mill R●e And after they had haled them and told them that they were of Rochel and that there was Peace between France and England and that both were joyned in a War against Spain and desired the English to come aboard their French Ship which the English refusing to do the French shot at the English and after two daies fight were left by them seeing that none of thei●●… Ships appeared having before lost company By the fight the English had above a 1000 lb. dammage THE PREMISES CONSIDERED It is most Evident and Notorious that the said Ship and Lading in property and in right belong only to Subjects of his Most Exellent Majesty that they being in the quiet and peaceable possession thereof were Despoyled Robbed and Piratically dispossessed thereof in an Hostile manner though in a time of Peace by the said de la Roach and Company all Subjects of the French King That those Ravenous Captors have by their own confession concluded themselves under the horrid guilt of Piracies not only by acknowledging they had no Commission for what they did but also by declaring their knowledge of the Peace then concluded between England and France whence their guilty Consciences could not be tongue-tyed from confessing that the Marshall de Mill Ree their Principal Owner and Imployer ought to make satisfaction to the English That not contented with the spoyle and depradation they had Committed on the goods and interest of the Innocent English they afterwards proceeded to extend and exercise their Diabolismes and Infernall Cruelties on their Persons also and having what adventures they had they kept them under close restraint and treating them most inhumanly and barbarously not suffering them to Land on any Christian shoar though begd on their knees with floods of Teares and having thus farr proceeded in their Cruelties against the said distressed English they do then stripp them of their wearing Apparell and insteed thereof give them many and many a stripe beating and most doggedly affronting them with all manner of additional aggravations of misery In the next place they Landed the English Master with 13 more of his Mariners on the Coast of Guinea among the Barbarous Negroes exposing them to Nakedness and Famine by leaving with them just no more sustenance then what might serve to multiply the terrors of Death by antedating the fear of death and others of the said distressed English did afterwards cast themselves through the Port-hole of the Ship into the more mercifull Ocean to avoid their Barbarous usage aboard of their French Ships And thus having exposed so many of the English to the mercy of the Barbarians leaving them only stripes for Rayment and Teares for Food they now proceed in their mischevious malice against the residue of the English Mariners of the said Ship Endeavour and had resolved to have sent them to Arabia there to have sold them for Slaves had not the Almighty by contrary Winds counter-manded their hellish designe and so in mercy gave a check to their unlimitted resolves which slavery though they providently escaped yet afterwards all of them save one which was as a reserve of Providence on purpose to bear witness of the Truth by these unparalled Barbarismes perished some in Irons starved to death as the Chief-mate of the Endeavour and others famished through the extremity of those wants and Barbarous usages dyed by those intollerable hardships of those inhumane French-men who not satisfied with so stately a Ship as the Endeavour was nor with so rich a Lading as she had nor with the more precious blood of so many English as Sayled in her did yet after all this upon their surprizal of another English Ship cast no less then 18. of her English Mariners into the Sea plundered her Lading and so fired the Ship and many moneths after attempted to have taken also the Ship coming from the East India aforesaid Having treated of the matter of Fact wee beseech your Majesty to take a short review of the proceedings of the French in order to satisfaction for though the loss which the English sustained amounted to no less then 16587 lb. besides the Lives of so many English Subjects and that the said de la Roach nor any of the French ever bring the said Ship and Lading to any Tribunal for Justice in order to a Legall Judication insomuch that the English were for prevention of Famine to many Widdows and Fatherless Children at home as before had happened to their Husbands and Parents abroad necessitated to make their application to the Powers then usurping in England and having procured examinations to be taken upon oath of the whole matter of Fact in due form of Law did Transmitt them to Paris where they were Translated into French by the French Kings order whereupon the said usurping Powers in England sent their several speciall letters to the French King and Cardinal Mazarine instantly pressing for speedy Justice on the behalf of the English with like letters to their Agent Lockhart to Solicite most earnestly at the Court of France which he did accordingly though Ineff●●tually For notwithstanding all this such was the power prevalency and interest of the said Marshall de Mill R●e at the Court of France who slighting the Decrees of the Court made for his Appearance stood out in peremptory Contempt of the said Court and Appeared not At length after years attendance spent in Soliciting his business that unparralled order Evasion or Delusion was made by the Supream Court of France requesting that his Majesty would write to the Marshall de Mill Ree we had thus a Cypher Instead of Justice from the French and no more in point of satisfaction for the English And all this notwithstanding the said de la Roach had confessed that the said Marshall de Mill Ree ought to pay for the Ship and Lading yea and the Marshall himself had also said that he must pay 16000 lb. for the same And the Secratary of State did promise that the English should have full satisfaction within 15 daies And the Cardinal promsed both in Paris and again afterwards in St John de Luze that the English should be forthwith paid as by the aforesaid Agent Lockharts Certificates Now forasmuch as the oppressed English for the most sad and weighty reasons aforesaid were necessitated to have recourse to the Powers then usurping in England for letters of Marque and Reprizall against the French upon this their denyall of Justice according to the Articles of Peace and the Law of Nations the distressed Complaynants in behalf of themselves and a great number of poor Widdows and Fatherless Children so made and undone by the said French Humbly Imploring his Majesties Gracious Pardon for their enforced and necessitated address to the said usurping Powers do now as Loyall Subjects to his Most Sacred Majesty fly to his Royall Person and his Regall Authority as next under God the only Sanctuary of his distressed People and to his Majesties Two Houses of Parliament as the Supream Councel and Judicature of these his Majesties Dominiors for speedy Justice in this most deplorable Case against the French that they may be Required forthwith to render to the oppressed Complainants full and effectual satisfaction for the Principal with Interest together with all Costs and Dammages sustained by the said English by reason of the said spoyle and depredation unjustly Committed by the said French as also by reason of the said denyall of Justice subsequent to that spoyle whereby the French are strengthned the English weakned Pyrates countenanced Trade discouraged much English-Innocent Blood exhausted Free-Subjects of England by Forrayners Enslaved the Articles of Peace Violated and the Law of God of Nature and of Nations contemned and despised that so the great sufferings of these his Majesties oppressed Subjects may at last by a meet and equivalent reparation and satisfaction be Ballanced according to Justice and Equity And that in case they shall on his Majesties demand of Justice still as formerly deny it that then according to their own Articles of Peace and the Law of Nations his Sacred Majesty would be Graciously pleased to cause Letters of Marque or Reprizall upon this Specia●l Case to issue against the French or such other course to be taken as to his Majesty shall seem expedient for the relief and satisfaction of his Poor Distressed Suffering Subjects in a Cause so Just so Deplorable so Loudly Crying for Justice so Emphatically pleading for Pitty and Commiseration And the Complaynants your Majesties ever Loyal Subjects shall ever Pray that he by whom Kings Raign and Princes Rule would still preserve your Sacred Majesty as his Anointed ever under a Guard of Angels Bless you in your Government and in both your Houses of Parliament Enthrone you in the hearts and affections of all your Majesties Subjects in all your Dominions for many years here and in the presence of Angels and Glorified Spirits in the Kingdome of Heaven to all Eternity hereafter FINIS Bowers Harpley Tuskin Teat ●…n Jopp ●●…nphrie