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B12171 The voluntarie conuersion and seuerall recantations, of foure great learned men, professed fryers in sundry monasteries of Fraunce, from the errours of idolatrie and poperie, to the true religion established in the Reformed Church. 1. Master Iohn Le Vager, a priest in the Romane Church, conuerted at Mauns, Ianuary 6. 2. Master Iohn Forent, a fryer Carmelite, in the Court of Morthemard, conuerted in the Reformed Church of Poictiers, Iune, 9. 3. Master Denis Boucher, a Franciscane fryer, in the couent of Noisy, neere Paris, conuerted in the Reformed Church of Paris, Iuly. 6. 4. Master Daniell Dusert, Franciscan fryer at Mello, conuerted in the Church of Mello, December, 22. All conuerted this last yeare, 1603. as their seuerall discourses following at large doe testifie, vnder their owne hands. Truely translated, out of the French printed copies. 1604 (1604) STC 5650; ESTC S114587 31,204 52

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2. Iohn 2. 12. 13. 14. names sake Againe I write vnto you Fathers c. Also I write vnto you young men c. And then I write vnto you babes Doe they not likewise teach that it is not lawfull to reade the holy Scriptures as also not to pray or cal vpon the name of God but in the Latine tongue and make a very strict obseruation thereof And is not this contrarie to the spirit of God speaking thus by his blessed Apostle I had rather in the church to speake fiue words with mine vnderstanding that I might also 2. Cor. 14. 19. instruct others then ten thousand words in a strange language In the Church of Rome they also teach that some others beside Iesus Christ haue beene exempted from sinne but doe they not lye in so saying when the Apostle speaks thus Wherfore as by one man sinne entred into the world and by sin death Rom. 5. 12. and so death went ouer all men forasmuch as all men haue sinned Beside this they maintaine that man hath free will as easily to saue himselfe as to perish contrary to the instruction of saint Iohn Baptist saying A man can receiue nothing except it bee giuen him from heauen And the Apostle also saith It is GOD Iohn 3. 27. Phil. 2. 13. which worketh in you both the will and the deede euen of his own good pleasure Moreouer they erre greatly teaching that our workes are meritorious to saluation before God against that which the Prophet Esay saith All our righteousnesse is like the filthy Esa 64. 6. clouts of a menstruous woman And against that also which Damel saith Wee doe not O Lord present our supplications before thee for our owne righteousnesse but for thy great tender mercies Dan. 9. 18. Do not they likewise maintaine that wee are iustified and saued by the workes of the Lawe and not by faith and the mercie of God onely Contrarie to the Apostles wordes By Ephes 2. 8. 9. grace are yee saued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God Not of workes least any man should boast himselfe Contrarie also to this to Timothie That God hath saued vs and called vs with an holy calling not according to our works 2. Tim. 1. 9. hut according to his owne purpose and grace which was giuen to vs through Christ Iesus before the world was Contrary likewise Rom. 3. 28. to this to the Romanes Therefore we conclude that a man is iustified by faith without the workes of the Lawe Is it not common speach also as well in their writings as also in their preachings that we ought to stand doubtful of our saluation Contrarie to Saint Paule to the Hebrewes saying Let Heb. 4 16. vs goe boldly to the throne of grace that we may receiue mercie and finde grace to helpe in time of neede Contrarie also to his writing to the Romanes where he saith For I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor Principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor Rom. 8. 38. 39. depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. And contrarie also to his writing to the Corinthians That God hath sealed vs 2. Cor. 1. 22. and hath giuen the earnest of his spirit in our hearts Doe they not defend and manifestly against the worde of God thas we haue other Mediatours and Aduocates then Iesus Christ to wit both hee-Saints and she-Saints Contrarie to Saint Paule writing thus For there is one God and one Mediatour betweene God and man which is the man Christ Iesus 2. Tim. 2. 5. Contrarie likewise to the Euangelist Saint Iohn in two seueral places of his Gospell Whatsoeuer yee shall aske the father in my Iohn 14. 13. Iohn 16. 23. name he will giue it vnto you Thus falling from errour to errour they ordaine appoint that we must call vpon those Saints and declare to them our miseries and necessities which no man can do but meerely in vaine because both he-Saints and she-Saints can take no acknowledgement of our wants according to the saying of the Prophet Esay Abraham is ignorant of vs and Iacob knowes vs Esa 63. 16. not thou O Lord art our Father and our Redeemer thy name is for euer How doe they labour likewise to perswade the world concerning the necessity of prayers for the dead or those faithfull soules which they say are enclosed in Purgatorie directly contrary to our Lord and Sauiours owne words as the Euangelist sets downe VVhosoeuer beleeueth in the Sonne shall not Iohn 3. 18. be condemned And in the first Chapter of the same Gospell Verily verily I say vnto you he that heareth my word and beleeueth Iohn 5. 24. in him that sent mee hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death vnto life Continually they preach that there is another kinde of Purgatorie then that which is contained in the bloud onely of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ Quite contrarie to the blessed Apostle writing thus If we acknowledge our sinnes hee is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and to cleanse vs from all vnrighteousnese And as it followeth in the 1. Iohn 1. 9. second Chapter of the same Epistle We haue an Aduocat with the Father to wit Iesus Christ the Iust And hee is the propitiation 1. Iohn 2. 1. 2. for our sinnes and not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world Why then it is most false that there is a third place beside Paradise and hel where the soules of the faithfull departing from this world are to be tormented before they can be brought to heauen Contrarie to the Prophet Esay who saith The iust man dying enters into peace and rest Esa 57. 1. 2. And in the wisdome of Salomon it is written The soules of the righteous are in the hand of God no torment shall touch them Sapi. 3. 1. Also saint Iohn the diuine saith in the Apocalipse Blessed are Apoc. 14. 13. the dead which hereafter die in the Lord. Euen so saith the Spirit for they rest from their labours and their workes follow them In like manner they teach that to obtaine remission of our sinnes we must make an account of them and number all our sinnes in auricular confession by which hellish cordes they strangle the conscience binding it to impossible things Acding to the saying of the Prophet Dauid That his sinnes surmounted Psalm 40. 12. in number the haires of his head Again he saith Who can vnderstand all his faults cleanse me O Lord from my secret Psalm 19. 12. faults Yet not thus contented they teach beside that by the greatnesse of our bodies punishments and contritions we may gain remission of our sins life euerlasting Against that which S.
a Sacrament The Church of Rome of this foode for the soule would make foode for the bodie teaching that this was not spoken of the bread which Christ held in his hands when he pronounced those words This is my body for the bread was then no more bread but fantastically forge certaine accidents without substance of indiuidua vaga and say that that is the true bodie of Christ which descended into the bowels of the C. tribus gradibus de consec Dist 2. earth et per aqualiculos in secessū And that Rats Mice dogs may eate the bodie of Christ as they teach in their Cautelae Missae and S. Thomas and other Scholasticks beside a thousand other blasphemies They say also that this proposition that the bread is the bodie of Christ is hereticall and S. Augustine Part. 3. de Eucharist Quaest 79. Art 3. Gerson contra floretis 4. Iohn 651. by consequent an hereticke who saith That the bread is the bodie of Iesus Christ in the sacrament And by consequent also Christ himselfe should be an heretique too who saith in Saint Iohn The bread that I will giue you is my flesh Thus make they God imperfect in power because it is impossible that two bodies shoulde bee in one selfe same place as they say I will rehearse vnto yee how the saide Church of Rome hath gotten together all the auncient heresies as that of Montanus Euseb Hist Eccl. 8. Ca. 18. who forbad mariage and made lawe for fasting That of Pelagius who taught that we may doe diuerse meritorious works The heresie of the Euchites or Messalians who vnder the colour of praying to God and liuing in contemplation liued in idle slothfulnesse without doing any thing deuouring widowes Luk. 20. 47. houses vnder pretext of long praying according as Christ reproued the hypocriticall Scribes Of whome S. Augustine writeth August de opere Monach. that they pray so long as it is incredible to them that heare them recount them And they say that it is not lawfull for Monks to labour for their owne sustenance but commend their idlenesse and repute them thereby to be preseruers and keepers of the Gospell And Theodoret speaking of them saith that Failing Theod. heretic Fabul at prayers they sleepe the greater part of the day and so are allowed to doe the Authour whereof was one Simeon Abbeus The said Church of Rome doth teach vs a purgatorie with the Paganes And giue vs Aqua lustralis which they tearme Purgatory Holy water which was the inuention of Numa Pompilius the Holy water Idolater They bring in the Pagan and Iewishe pompes in magnificent habits as Stones Luminaries and Processions I conceale the rest for breuitie sake onely I say that as the Church of Rome hath willingly changed the ordinances of God and of his Sacraments euen so as willingly hath she gotten an other head and husband then Iesus Christ to wit the Pope who calleth the said Church of Rome his Spouse and Cap. quoniam de immuni in 60. C sunt quidem dicentes caus 2. 5. quaest 1. et ibi glossa guides her according to his owne fantasie giuing her new Lawes and saith hee hath power so to doe in C. Sunt quidam dicentes And the glosse approued and allowed by the saide Church saith That he may dispense against God and against his holy Gospell In the doing of which hee declares himselfe to bee hee of whome saint Paule speakes to the Thessalonians That hee exalteth himselfe against all that is called God 2. Thes 2. 4 For is not this to exalt himselfe against all that is called God boldly to dare to change his Lawes and his Gospell to adde thereto or diminish thence as hee saith hee hath power to doe In C. Ideo ss erat Also hee saith that hee is C. ideo ss erat God C. satis euidenter Dist 96. And so hee makes himselfe to bee by the adoration done vnto him and kissing of his Pantofle Wee may likewise beholde his Monkes Capuchines and Iesuites to bee daily sent abroade from him as his Apostles and Prophets to preach his newe Gospelles and that newe Article of Faith the extrauagant deuise of BONIFACE the eight Vnam sanctam Ecclesiam Vnam sanctam Ecclesiam And that it followes on necessitie of saluation to submit and Vnam sanctam Ecclesiam obey the Pope in all things holding and obseruing his ordinances as heauenly C. sic omnes Dist 19. And say that his discipline C. Sic omnes Dist 19. C. Sors non est caus 26. Quaest 3. C. Honoratus Dist 74. is more perfect then the Gospell practised and preached by the Apostles C. sors non est caus 26. Q. 3. Also to compell his vnderlings to the obseruation of his lawes which hee prizeth more then the word of God as it is to bee seene in C. honoratus Dist 74. And for the transgression of his lawes and commandements to be burned aliue as we haue seene many for eating flesh on a day by him forbidden but for blaspheming the name of God or whordome there needs no more but a little holy water one Pater noster and one Aue Maria to wash away the guilt of that offence Now by the cariage of himselfe in this manner hee cannot be Apostolique as he vaunts of himselfe nor yet the successour of Saint Peter for doubtlesse he sits not in Saint Peters chaire that neither holdeth nor confesseth the doctrine preached by Saint Peter and the other Apostles who neuer were Law-makers in the Church of God For there is but one Law-giuer which is God But there haue beene Ambassadors and interpreters Iames. 4. 12. as Saint Paule instructeth vs saying That we may be esteemed as the ministers of Christ dispensers of the secrets of God 1. Cor. 4. 1. 2. And Iesus Christ himselfe sending his Apostles forthe to preach said vnto them Goe and teach all nations baptizing Mat. 28. 19. 30 them in the name of the Father and the Sonne and the holie Ghost teaching them to obserue all things whatsoeuer I commaunded you He gaue them then no power to make newe lawes as the Pope licenseth his men to doe I am not willing to extend this discourse any further because I knowe it hath alreadie beene amply entreated on by verie learned men of these times but will conclude that since he is not obedient to the Gospell but puts in place thereof other doctrines and Gospels that he can bee no other but euen hee of whome saint Paule foretolde in his Epistle to the Thessalonians and as hee is described by saint Iohn in his Apocalipse And so consequently his Church wherof he tearms himselfe to be the spouse and head is not that Church out of which there is no saluation and whereto are made such gratious promises but rather it is the true Babylon out of which we are commanded to depart if wee will not partake in her
other great kings Princes and Infidel Potentates against God his Church and sacred trueth wherein neuerthelesse hee hath in the end showne himselfe most magnificently victorious euen ouer all his enemies protecting and defending all those that put their trust in him Which also was the blessed aduertisment and assured consolation that sometimes our Lord Iesus Christ gaue to his Apostles when hee sent them forth to preach his word saying I send yee forth as sheepe and lambes among Wolues Yee Luk. 10. shall haue manie enemies that shall put yee to much paine and trauaile in the world But bee yee of good courage for I haue ouercome the world And further assurance of victorie hee gaue Luk. 21. them by meanes of a mouth filled with wisdome which none should be able to resist or speake against Vndoubtedly then it is a most extreame folly for men to thrust themselues forward or to enterprise any thing whatsoeuer against his wisdom because he is euermore too strong for them and he will maintaine his right against all power whatsoeuer In this respect my worthy iudicious Masters because now daies it seemes that the Church of Rome is mightily aduanced by the multitude of her supposts and false Pastors who in stead of the true heauenly foode present nothing else but venemous hearbes and false doctrines therewith to feede the soules of men Although I say it appears that this Synagogue of Sathan do daily beare vp saile God sparing and delaying his iudgements against her Yet notwithstanding at length hee will let loose the arrowes of his indignation and fierce anger against her blasphemies so that shee shall no way be able to endure the weight of his displeasure but shall altogither remaine confounded and ruined Whereas on the contrary part hee will defend preserue and encrease day by day his little flock as we may perceiue that many being guided and conducted by his holy spirit haue forsaken the accursed foulde of Popery to ranck themselues amongst the members of his true Church And heere my masters I present my selfe before you as one of them who although I was one of the least members of that great Popish bodie yet did I not desist from persecuting to my vttermost the true Church of our Sauiour and the verity of his Gospell which I impugned by diuerse heresies which I learned in the infectious Cloysters of sundry Monasteries publickly preaching and pronouncing them vnderstanding and corrupting most vilely the holy Scriptures arming and seruing mine owne turne with infinite other subornations only to contradict the trueth withall I did intirely oppose my selfe against that goodly and bright splendour shining most gloriously in the word of God And to speake truely I made a spare of nothing which I imagined might serue for mine owne conseruation in the estate of lying But yet at length when God made me to know that it was ouer-hard for me to kick against the prick and that I had wilfully shut vp mine eyes before only because I would not looke on the bright Sunne of iustice which vouchsafeth to illuminate all the world God then I say in mercie looking vpon mee did let mee plainely perceiue that I deserued no lesse chastisement then the veriest wretch in the whole worlde And to the end I may make a more particular declaration of his grace bestowed vpon mee receiuing Heb. 8. and likewise deliuering to you a sound subiect of him to render all praise and thankes with mee to him therefore as also on the other side that mine example of entring now amongst you may the more resoluedly confirmeyee in the trueth I wil speak and deliuer vnto yee in very fewe words the grounds of those causes which moued and incited mee to forsake Antichristes Gal. 3. part of Rome to followe the trueth of God and ioyne my selfe to the bodie of his Church First of all the word of God teacheth vs that Iesus Christ is our soueraigne Prophet King and Priest and that at one time onely he offered vp himselfe a sacrifice to God for vs who were vtterly lost the children of wrath sinne and death That by one oblation onely hee hath sanctified vs bought vs from the curse of the Lawe euen when hee made himselfe a curse for vs. Now the Church of Rome confesseth that albeit Iesus Christ did die for vs yet his death is not profitable to vs except wee doe some good workes to apply vnto our selues matter of merit thereby As if hee had not offered vp himselfe to his Father but rather is to be offered vp by the Sacrifices and Doctours of the Lawe And that his oblation is not meritorious only except the same be daily reiterated in the Masse which they say is propitiatorie to God both for the liuing and the dead That Christ hath not throughly deliuered vs from the curse of the Lawe but that to bee saued we ought in our selues to accomplish the Lawe Wherein they contradict manifestly the sacred Scriptures and namely that place taught by saint Paule in the second Chapter of his Epistle to Ephes 2. and other places the Ephesians The holy Scriptures also doe enstruct vs that Iesus Christ is the alone Mediatour betweene God and man as also the only 1. Tim. 2. 1. Iohn 2. Iohn 10. Phil. 2. Colos 1. Aduocate and intercessour That hee is the good Sheepheard that God hath subiected all things vnto him and made him the head of his Church The Pope opposing himselfe against all these commaunds that prayers must be made to he Saints and shee Saints as mediatours betweene God and men and in regard that they haue beene men they haue the more communication with our nature and are more enclined to compassion of our miseries then Iesus Christ And yet notwithstanding it is hee that saith Come vnto mee all yee that are heauie laden and I will ease you Beside Whatsoeuer you demaunde Math. 11. Iohn 14. of the Father in my name you shall obtaine it The Pope auoucheth that although Iesus Christ bee the heade of the Church yet saith hee that he himselfe is the ministeriall head thereof in earth and that all things are as wel subiected to him as vnto Christ That all whatsoeuer hee doth or saith ought to be helde and reputed as comming euen from God himselfe That in things which concerne Religion he cannot erre yet notwithstanding many Popes haue bin found to be heretikes witnesse Liberius Marcellinus and others Hee saith also that his commaundements ought to bee executed equally with them belonging to God In breefe hee would make the world beleeue that the Church of GOD is a monster with two heades before which equally all knees ought to bowe and bend God did likewise expresly forbid his people and so consequently to all men to make any grauen Image of any thing Exod. 20. whatsoeuer to vse any seruice thereto or fal downe before it The Pope on the contrarie part hee will haue Churches to