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B00888 The Christian manuell, or of the life and maners of true Christians. A treatise, wherein is plentifully declared, how needefull it is for the seruaunts of God to manifest and declare to the world: their faith by their deedes, their words by their works, and their profession by their conuersation. VVritten by Ihon VVoolton minister of the Gospel, in the Cathedral church of Excetor. Woolton, John, 1535?-1594. 1576 (1576) STC 25976; Interim Tract Supplement Guide G.1999[2] 81,916 210

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death I quoth he begot the not to serue Catilinae but thy countrey Euen so God hath regenerated vs from sinne not that we should henceforth come in to the same agayne but that we should dye to synne and lyue to righteousnesse Let vs then in euery of our vocations reioyce in that fayth whiche worketh through loue let our faith as S. Iames saythe Be made perfect with works For as the bodie without the spyrite is dead euē so faith without works is dead In that he would haue vs to make perfyt our fayth by workes he meaneth as Saynt Augustine and Aquias expound it that we should declare our selues to the world to be Iustified by our works and by the fruits to testifye abrode that we haue a liuely fayth For although we are iustified before God fréely without works eyther going before or comming after through and for the meryts of Iesus Christ only our mediatour which we apprehend by fayth yet the immutable wyll of our God is that all iustifyed men should walke in a newe obedyence doing those workes that are acceptable to God beutifying their profession wyth a vertuous conuersation But because in these latter dayes charity waxeth colde and iniquity euery where aboundeth those preachers and wryters cannot choose but lightlye please God and good men that presse the world to weare their badges and to shewe forth as it were their pasport in this theyr peregrination in eschewing vyce and following vertue albeit neyther merit nor Iustification nor saluation came thereby For as Saint Paule writeth these are the dayes which are perelous and men loue them selues Hauing a shewe of godlynes but haue denyed the power thereof wherefore to the ende that the effectuall causes may be knowen which may styrre men to pittye vertue and innocencye of lyfe I haue thought good to comprehend in this Treaty the duetyes of euery vocation and callyng and as vertues which as ornaments precious stones do bewtefye and garnyshe the same But before I come pertyculerly to euerye estate and condition I iudge it most conuenyent to put downe in fewe words the causes and commodyties of good workes so mouch the rather For that I sayd before that works do not deserue neyther meryt Iustifycation nor saluation whereby my readers may happely be discorraged from that wherevnto I bende all my studdy to moue and inflame them or at the least to leaue occasion to the Papistes to crye out with open mouthes that our doctryne is a doctryne of lycencyousnes and liberty What wée teache and thinke of good works those Homelies written in our Englishe tounge of Saluation Faith and workes by that lyght and Martyr of Christes churche Cranmer Archebyshoppe of Canturburie doo playne testifye and declare which are buylt vpon so sure a foundation that no Sycophant can deface them nor Sophyster confute them whyle the worlde shall endure vnto whome I remytte the Reader desyrous of an absolute dyscourse in this matter As for the reprochfull spéeches of the Papistes who crye out and saye that the Position Onelie faith iustifyeth is impious blasphemous and new neuer vsed of any Euangelist Apostle or Doctour of Christes churche and verye pernicious because it excludeth good workes and mynistreth occasion to lycense and lybertye all this I saye I myght aunswere in one worde as Cicero sayde Pro Cluentio magunm et impudens mendacum They are impudent sclaunders and vntruthes For my purpose at this tyme is rather to instructe then to conuince yet I wyll shortly put downe what all godlye men thinke in this matter And fyrst where as many take offence with this proposition which wée preache and teache That men are iustified by faith onelie in Christe It is because they doo not vnderstande our doctrine in that behalfe For we meane nothing lesse then to reiecte or take awaye good workes and honest actions but wée onelye exclude confidence and trust in mennes workes which haue no place at all in iustyfication And that dignitie is ascrybed to fayth because it is as it were an instrument to apprehende Christe and is much lyke a Coundyte pype whereby as by a meane the water of lyfe that is iustice in Christe is conueyghed and communycated vnto vs by whose merytes we haue remyssion and forgeuenesse of synnes and are adopted and made the chyldren of god Fayth by her owne dignytie and worthynesse doeth not demeryte Iustice and righteousnesse but receyueth and embraceth the same offered vnto vs in the gospell So that in the free mercie of GOD and merytes of Christ who in sheedding of his precious blood hath made satysfaction for the sinnes of the whole worlde wée ought to repose all our trust and confidence But our aduersaryes obiecte saying if you doo not exclude the promyses why doo you saye that fayth onelie iustifyeth and they adde Let fayth iustifye in Gods name so that you saye not fayth onelie iustifyeth Wherevnto wée aunswere That wée speake after the vsuall manner without deuyse of newe tearmes and Phrases following the aucthorytye of the brightest lyght that haue since Christes tyme shyned in the Church For the words of Christ our Master and of his Apostles carye the same with great efficacye and force in sence albeit in forme of wordes and stampe of letter they haue it not Christ him selfe speaking to the sinfull woman sayth Thy faith hath saued thee go in peace And to Iayrius the rular of the Synagogue Feare not beleeue onely and she shal be made whole And to the blinde man Receyue thy sight thy faith hath saued thee And Saint Paule Where is the reioysing it is excluded by what lawe of workes Naye but by the lawe of Fayth Therefore we conclude that a man is iustified by Fayth without the vvorkes of the Lawe And againe wée know that a man is not iustifyed by the vvorkes of the Lawe but by the Faith of Iesus Christ And againe by Grace are ye saued through Faith and that not of your selues it is the gyft of God not of vvorkes least any man should boast Besides this that phrase is vsuall and common in the works of auncient wryters For we finde in Origene He saith vnto the vvoman by no vvorkes of the lawe but by faith onely thy sinnes are forgiuen thee And Saint Hierome God iustifyeth vs by faith onely And Saint Ambrose All ceremonies are taken awaie and we are iustified by faith onely And againe Grace is so geuen in Christ Iesus that whosoeuer beleeueth in him shoulde be saued without workes receiuing remission of sinnes by faith onelie And Theodoretus Neither haue we gotten these heauenly blessinges by our owne merites but by faith onely And Giselbertus VVhat should we coniecture of their saluation that dyed before the eyghteenth daye we must beleeue that they were saued by faith only And Saint Barnarde I confesse my selfe eyther to vnderstand a right or
wandereth in Ignoraunce and darknesse and can do no true and sinceere vertue but happelye nowe and then some vayne maske and shewe of vertue and thus much of the works of Paynyms and Infydels Thirdly and lastly those good works are to be consydered which are done of those who from the bottome of theyr harts embrace true holynesse and righteousnesse And it were requisite if a man woulde prosecute euery thing exactly dyligently to consider the signifycation of the word VVorkes but because that matter in Englysh would rather séeme to be vaine ostentation then serue to edification I wyl omit the same for this tyme and wyth some description open the meaning or signification of good workes Good workes are actions which are don of men regenerat by the ayde of Gods spirit through fayth according to the rule of Gods worde hauing their respectes as chéefe vses and endes to wyt The honor and glory of God the ornament and honestie of our lyues and the profite and commodity of our neighboures I wil open euery part of this discription largelye after I haue shewed howe earnestly almighty God in his word requireth of his seruants good works which are established and not reiectted by fayth Fyrst therefore al sincéere and faythfull professors of the gospell ought most certainly to perswade them selues that they are adopted fréely by God and alreadie iustifyed through Christ by faith and regenerate and sanctifyed by Gods spyrite that they might in worde and deede expresse and somewhat resemble the nature and disposition of their heauenly Father and therewithall declared vnto the worlde by theyr workes that they are the sonnes of god For that cause I haue againe againe repeted before that a Christian faith ought to be garnished with al kind of good works And therfore as the Apostle S. Paul after that propositiō VVe gather therfore that a man is iustified by faith without the workes of the Lawe In the waye of questioning sayth VVe make the Lawe therefore in vaine through faith He answereth by by God forbid Naie we establishe the Lawe Euen so I presently affirme that we do not now a daies dissolue good workes by the doctrine of faith Iustifiynge but we rather establishe the same For without faith there can be no good works and faith cannot be vnfruitfull or ydle in those that are iustified Moreouer almighty God him selfe requyreth of his seruants the good works of a true fayth and greeuously accuseth cōdemneth by the Prophets Apostles those that are neglygent and slouthfull Moyses sayth in the Lawe And nowe Israell what doth the Lorde thy God require of thee but that thou should feare thy God and walke in his waies and loue him and serue the Lord thy God with al thy hart and with al thy soule and keepe the commaundementes of the Lord and his ceremonies which I commaund thee that it maie bee well with thee What should I speake of that that the Law of God is geuen from heauen that it may shew vnto them theyr infirmitie and offences their natural corruption and iust condemnation and so leadeth vs as it were by the hande from trust and confidence in our selues to depende vppon Christ And yet that is but one scope or vse of the Law which was geuen to the ende that it might be a rule of mans life exhybiting a perfyte dyscipline to those that are iustifyed by fayth So sayth the Prophete in the booke of Psalmes Blessed is that man whome thou O Lorde instructest in thy lawe And againe Hee hath geuen a testimony vnto Iacob and a lawe vnto Israell that the posteritye maie knowe and put their trust in God and not forget the workes of God but keepe his commaundements The Prophetes euery where teache a true fayth in God his sonne Christe and also call for good workes of the true worshyppers of god Blessed is he sayth Ieremie that trusteth in the Lorde hee shall be like a tree planted by the waters whiche sendeth his moysture vnto the rootes and he shall not feare when sommer commeth And his leafe shall bee greene and he shall not be in daunger in the tyme of drought neyther shall he ceasse to bring forth fruicte Which worde he translated no doubte out of the first Psalme And in Esai the Prophet mencion is made of a Vineyarde that was planted to bring forth fruicte And Iohn Baptist the foreronner of the Lord appoynted dyscipline and order of lyfe to those that asked of him what they shoulde doo and amongst other thinges he spake thus to the Pharisees and Saduces Yee generacion of vipers who hath taught you to flye from the vengeaunce to come bring forth the fruites of repentaunce And Zacharie his father songe and sayde before That vve being vvithout feare and delyuered out of the handes of our enemies might serue him in holynes and righteousnes all the daies of our lyfe Our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ in that his Sermon made vnto his Disciples in the Moūtaine exhorteth them in them all the faithfull to good works but especiallye in the ende concluding with these wordes Not euerie one that sayth vnto mee Lorde Lorde shall enter into the kingdom of heauen but he that doth the vvyll of my Father vvho is in heauen And immediatly after he subioyneth two Parables of one that buylt his house vpon a fyrme Rock and of him that layd his foundation vpon the sande The hearers and doers of the worde of God are lyke vnto them the hearers only resembled vnto the others And when a woman cryed out saying Blessed is the vvombe that bare thee and the paps that gaue thee sucke Our sauiour answered But blessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe it And euen the lyke answere he gaue vnto the Iewes bosting that they were Abrahams sonnes If ye vvere Abrahams children ye vvould doo the vvorkes of Abraham you are of your father the Deuyll and fulfyll the desires of your father And againe I am the true vine and my Father is the husbandman hee cutteth off euerie braunche that doth not bring foorth fruite in mee and euerie one that bringeth forth fruite he purgeth that he maye bring forth fruite more plentifully In lyke manner the holy Apostles commending the doctrine of theyr Maister to all Nations doo most earnestlye call for good workes As obedient chyldren not fashioning your selues vnto the former lustes of your ignoraunce But as he vvhich called you is holy euen so be yee holie also in all manner of conuersation And if so bee that yee call on the Father vvhich vvithout respecte of personne iudgeth according to euerie mannes vvorke see that yee passe the tyme of your dwelling heere in his feare For asmuch as you knowe howe that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as syluer and golde from your vaine conuersation which ye receiued by the tradition of your Fathers But
aunswering sent him vnto the law wherof this is the summe Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God with all thy hart with all thy soule and with al thy minde This is the first and great commandement The seconde is lyke vnto this thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe for in these two commaundements consist the whole lawe and the Prophetes I repeated once or twyse before that the tenne commaundementes are the most certaine most absolute platforme of good workes Which thing that it maye more euydently appeare I wyll by a briefe enumeration as it were in a table noate and poynt out the same Vnto the fyrst commaundement wée maye referre the feare of God fayth loue and assured hope in aduersitye togeather with patience and constancie The second commaūdement containeth all true worshypping of God and the auoyding of al superstition and Idolatry The third commaūdement comprehendeth the reuerence of Gods name together with inuocation confession of the same And the fowrth commaundement calleth for the preaching of Gods word publique prayers and for external worshypping and seruing of God allowing also séemely and moderate ceremonies and especially such as maye tende to edifying in the church of god Vnto the fyfth we may referre pittie towarde our Parents countrey kynsfolkes lawful obedience vnto the Magistrate and all superiours and the offices in cyuile life The sirte commaundeth iustyce and iudgement the defending of the fatherlesse widdowes and the delyueraunce of those that be oppressed benefycencie innocencie The seuenth comprehendeth faith and trouth betwéene maryed persons and dueties of matrymonie honest and godly education of chyldren the loue of chastitie and sobrietie Wée maye referre vnto the eyghth iustice in contracts and bargaynes munifycencie lyberalytie and hospytalyty Vnto the nynth we may referre the loue studye of trouth throughout all our lyfe fayth in worde and déede learned honesty and profitable communication And vnder the tenth are conteyned good and godlye affections togeather with all holy and honest cogitations And this is a verye briefe and compendious fourme rule of good workes Which if you woulde haue more contract and short you maye consider the spéeche of Christ deuyding the same into two generall parts Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy hart and with all thy soule and with all thy strength and thy neighbour as thy selfe And whatsoeuer you would that men should do vnto you euen so do you vnto them Wherein this is principally to be obserued that the dyuine lawe the sum or effect whereof is the loue of God and our neighbour doth not requyre of those that be iustified onely externall workes and dyscipline but also the interiour and spyrituall motions of the hart consonant to the holy wyll of almighty God as our sauiour Christe him selfe beareth wytnesse saying You shall be perfect euen as your heauenlie father is perfect For praue and corrupt affections and cogytations of the inner man are rebuked and infourmed by the lawe of god And therewithall externall dyscipline is plāted in so muche that by the rule of the tenne commaundementes all men and all orders and vocations of men are informed and instructed in theyr duety in all tymes and places All estates sexes and ages as Princes Prelates Husbandes Wyues Maisters seruauntes fathers chyldren men women bonde and free are dyrected and guyded by the lawe of the tenne commaundementes The last parte of the discription of good workes remayneth touching theyr ende For I sayd that all the good works of the regenerate ought to respecte the glory of God the ornament of our liues the commodity of our euen Christian The faithfull doo not good workes to be iustifyed thereby or to obtaine remyssion of theyr sinnes or to procure vnto them selues and others eternall lyfe they doo them not to be séene of menne But rather that God might be gloryfied amongst men that they might shewe theyr obedience in walking worthy of theyr vocation to the comfort and profit of their brethren The Lorde and sauiour Christ sayth thus in the gospell Let your light so shine before men that they seeing your good workes maie glorifie your Father who is in heauen He speaketh signifycantly That they may see your good works and glorifie your heauenlie father not that they maye worshippe and gloryfie you For touching those that do theyr workes that they maye be séene of men our sauiour speaketh in the same gospell Take heede that you do not your almes before men that you maye be seene of them For if you doo so you haue no rewarde with your heauenlie father In the which he teacheth vs excellently that to doo good workes in secréete is to doo them with a minde voyde of vaineglory séeking only to please god And as God is gloryfied in good workes so is he dishonored with euyll workes as Saint Paul alleageth out of the Prophete The name of God is euyll spoken of through you amongst the Gentyles Moreouer the godlye are alwayes thankful to God for his benefyts which thing is plainly declared in that worthy example of the Samaritane● who as soone as he sawe that he had recouered health returned immedyatly and falling down at the Lordes féete with a lowde voyce gloryfyed god Which thing all those also doo that are purged with Christes blood and shewe them selues gratefull in worde and deede to so bountyfull a Lorde and sauiour And Christe him selfe declareth howe odyous ingratefull menne are vnto him in that spéeche of his vnto the Samaritane VVere there not tenne cleansed and where bee those nyne There are none founde that returned to glorifye GOD but onelie this straunger And Saint Paul Doo you not knowe that to vvhome you geue your selues seruauntes to obeye his seruauntes you are vvhome you obeye eyther of sinne to death or of obedience to Iustyce The faythfull therefore being nowe made the seruauntes of Iesus Christe applye them selues to obedyence doo ryghteousnesse departe from iniquitye and Sathan from whose tyranny they are delyuered by the obedience of Christ Besydes these thinges the godlye doo good workes to confyrme theyr fayth and to assure and certyfye theyr consciences of theyr Election ●ndeuour my brethren sayeth Sayncte Peter to make your vocation and election certayne And Saincte Paule counsayleth his scholler Tymothie to styre vp and as it were to kyndle the gyfte of GOD in him for as fyre increaseth and burneth whotter by the adding of woodde euen so is pyttye and fayth augmented and confyrmed by the exercyse of good woorkes GOD hath not called vs vnto vncleannes but to holynes neyther into darknesse but out of darknesse into the holye lyght wherevnto those wordes of the Apostle séeme to serue VVe ceasse not to praie for you that you woulde walke worthie of the Lorde that you maie please him in all thinges fructifying in all good workes increasing in the knowledge of GOD confirmed with
¶ THE CHRISTIAN Manuell or of the life and maners of true Christians A Treatise wherein is plentifully declared how needefull it is for the seruaunts of God to manifest and declare to the world their faith by their deedes their words by their works and their profession by their conuersation VVritten by Ihon VVoolton Minister of the Gospel in the Cathedral church of EXCETOR Imprinted at London by I. C. for Thomas Sturruppe dwelling in Paules Church yarde at the singe of the George 1576. To the r●●●te worshipfull Sir VVilliam Cordell Knight Maister of the Rolles Iohn VVoolton wissheth prosperus suecesse in al worldly affaires and in the life to come ioy and immortall felicitie AMongest those seauen wise Men of Greece there was one that commēded to his hearers this Posie Follow God Which sentence he willed them to haue continually before their eyes to the end that they might be stirred vp with an earnest desire to know loue and serue God who is the last and perfect ende of true wisdome For whereas there be two principall partes of trew wisdome after the opinion of Philosophers the firste that a man shoulde know himselfe the second that he should know God wherein true felicitie is as it were a marke or goale proposed and offered vnto vs the wise man had good cause and great reason in that pithie clause to commende the last and perfect ende of true wisdome vnto his Schollers and disciples The precept therefore is most commendable profitable but when he came to the actiō and execution of this immitat●●● the wise man swarued very much from that scope mark which hīself had purposed He could not by his wisdome attaine to the knowledge of God neither finde out the right way neither yet had he any guide to lede him out of that deep darknes in the which he was more then drowned wherby it came to passe that he wandered miserably somtime on the left hand and somtime on the right hande from God whom he willed his disciples to follow For the wisdome of this world is so weake and infirme that it cannot bring man vnto the soūtaine of goodnes felicitie euen whose fruicion is his righte and perfect blessednes VVhich thing is found true both by experience in all worldly wise men also by the testemonie of Saint Paule who speketh out of Gods mouth I will destroye the wisdome of the wise will cast away the vnderstanding of the prudēt Although thē the wise man gaue a good precept yet no man came to blessednes therby which thing should haue commen to passe if hee had bene hable to point out the way vnto his followers This true wisdome the Churche of God onely hath and knoweth VVhereof the same apostle speaketh after this manner For after that in the wisdome of God the world through their wisdome knewe not God it pleased God through folishnesse of preaching to saue them that beleeue That is to saye because that men in the frame and woorkemanship of the world wherin the singuler wisdome of God is ingraued and open to the eies of men dyd not know God It pleased God of his free and infinit goodnesse to deliuer vnto the worlde his wisdome before time vnknowne euen the gospell of his sonne Jesus Christe whereby he purposed to saue al beleeuers that thei might ther by through Grace atteine to the perfect end of their condicion whiche by reason of their corrupt nature through original sinne they could of them selues neuer come vnto Of this light spake the prophet Dauid saying In thy light shal we see light and Christe himselfe more plainly I am the light of the world he that followeth me shal not in any wise vvalke in darknesse but shall haue the light of life In which sentence our sauior Christ calleth his seruants frō the immitation of all others and vvilleth them to set him before their eies as a perfect patterne and absolute example for them to follovv The ancient writers and best expositors haue vvell obserued that in the holy scripture Christ is proposed and set out as an example rule to follow two maner of waies First they teach vs that he is the author giuer of remission of sins iustice life and eternall saluation to all beleeuers VVhich thing is so proper and peculier vnto him that no part or porcion therof may be in any respect imparted vnto others vvithout manifest sacralege and blasphemie Secondly they discribe him as an exquisyte tipe and rule of a godly and christian life framed after Gods moste holy lavv vvhich as he taught vvith mouth and voice so did he fulfil the same in his owne life and proposed him selfe as an example to al those that would be accoumpted and be in deede Christians whereof we haue a plaine testimonie in the gospell of Saint Iohn I haue geuen you an example saith Christ that you shoulde doe as I haue done vnto you This our heauenly Maister was much vnlike those whom Saint Paule describeth to haue a fourme of godlinesse but denie the power therof and againe Thou knowest Gods will and allowest thinges that be excellent and hast the fourme of knowledge and of the trueth of the law thou therfore which teachest another teachest not thy selfe and makinge thy boast of the lawe through breaking of the law dishonorest God. But Christe saide and did taught and followed to th end that all his schollers might learne to performe in worke that vvhich they professe in vvord The Apostles of Chrste also the best expositors of their masters will as they alwaies teache men to beleeue and trust in him being the fountaine and welspringe of iustice and life so doe they euery vvhere vrge them with earnest exhortations to follow his life and conuersation Saint Paule sayeth That he hath not caled vs to vnclenenes filthynes of life but to holines Neither was he made to beleeuers wisdom and iustice only but also sāctification and redemtion For as by his wisdom and iustice he hath expelled darknes naturaly bred in mans brest and hath kindled the true light of the knowledge of himselfe and his father and forgeuing our sinnes doth adorne vs with his ovvne iustice wherwith we being couered and clothed please God his Father euen so doth hee giue vnto vs the holy gost vvho doth regenerat and renew our mindes whereby they doe conceiue holy desires and affections vvhich at the laste are plentifull and fruitfull in bringing foorth good woorks A godly life is alvvaies conioyned with a liuely faith in sutch sorte that these two cannot be seperate one from another no more then light can be deuided frō the sun or heat from the burning fire For Christ as the apostle saith gaue himself for vs to purg vs a peculier people to himselfe reasons of good woorks and to redeeme vs from all iniquititie And if Philosophers giue rules precepts of maners not
sober and watche because your aduersarie the Deuil walketh vp down like a roaring Lyon seeking whome he maie deuowre The fornycatour and adulterour or he that is spotted with any lyke cryme heareth That neither fornicatours nor adulterers neither softlings shall haue the inheritaunce of the kingdome of God. And againe For you knowe this no whoremonger nor vncleane person nor couetous man nor he that is a worshipper of Images shall haue any inherytaunce in the kingdome of God and Christ And Marriage is honourable amongst all men and the bed vndefiled but as for fornycatours and adulterers God wyll iudge them Those that neglect the workes of charitie heare Depart from mee you cursed into eternall fyre which is prepared for the Deuil and for his Angels For I was hungerie and you fedde mee not I was thyrstie and you refreshed mee not I was a straunger and you lodged mee not I was naked and you cloathed mee not I was sicke and you visited mee not To be short we repeate and vrge earnestlye that of the holy Apostle VVee shall all appeare before the Tribunall seate of Christ that euerie one maie receiue as he hath done in his bodie either good or euill Moreouer we admonishe and call vppon euery vocation for the fruites and vertues appertayning to theyr estate The Prince and Magistrate heareth You carie nor the sworde in vaine for the Magistrate is Gods mynister to punishe the euyll and to cheerishe the good And Princes are not a terrour to those that doo well but to those that doo euyll The subiecte heareth There is no power but it is of God whosoeuer therefore resisteth power resisteth Gods ordynaunce and wee ought not to obeye for feare onelye but also for conscience And againe Paie trybute to whome trybute belongeth The Husbande heareth You Husbandes loue your wyues and bee not bytter vnto them and so men ought to loue their wyues as theyr owne boddies The Wyfe heareth You VVyues be subiecte to your husbandes as vnto the Lorde because the Man is the vvomans headde and as the Churche is subiecte to Christ so ought vviues to bee subiect to their husbandes in all thinges The Parentes heareth Prouoke not your Chyldren to wrath but bringe them vppe in the dyscipline of the Lord. Chyldren heare Obeye your Parents in the Lorde The Seruauntes heare Obeye those that are your Maisters according to the fleshe vvith feare and tremblinge vvith symplycitie of your hartes as it vvere to Christe And Maisters heare You Maisters vse your seruaunts with curtesie and gentlenesse knowing that you haue a Maister in heauen The Preacher readeth Feede the flocke of Christe as muche as in you lyeth not takynge care thereof by coaction but vvyllynglye not desyrous of fylthie lucre but vvith a readye minde The Publycane heareth Requyre no more then that vvhiche is appoynted for you The Souldyour heareth Stryke no manne neyther speake euyll of any man but bee content vvith your stypendes These and many sutche textes of the same sorte wée repeate and inculcate moste earnestlye and with all our dilligence exhort the people to vertue and godlynesse whiche doo playnelye proue and argue that wée are free from those crymes which our aduersaryes moste vntruelye chardge vs with all There are some kynde of workes in déede that wée wryghte and speake againste because they can not bée accoumpted amongst the number of good workes and to the ende our dealinges herein may be more euident It shal not be from my purpose to dystinguyshe betwéene the diuerse orders of men bringing foorth good works and betwéene workes them selues whereby the processe of my matter wyll be more facill and easy and touching the persons workinge they maye bee reduced to thrée sortes Of the firste kynde are Myscreantes and vnbeléeuers not receyued in to Christs Church with any sacraments In whome the dignitye of naturall reason is not so dymly obscured but that most commonlye with great indeuour they conuert thinges externall honest and detest things dyshonest preferring with graue iudgement vertue to vyce as is most conuenyent Whereof the Apostle speaketh saying that the Gentils by nature doo those things whiche apperteyne vnto the lawe Wherefore albeit the workes of Heathen men are not to be compared wyth the good workes of faythfull men ingraffed in the Church of Christ yet for many causes and pryncipally for that without all controuersie all good gyfts and indewments euen in the Paynymes are Gods good gyfts they haue the tyttle and name of good workes in some respectes geuen vnto them Of the seconde sorte those are whoo haue receyued the Sacraments and are written as it wéere in the Regester booke of the Churche of God amongst whome there is also some dyfference for some are verye Atheysts and with theyr abhominable lyfe denye him in their déedes whome they confesse with theyr mouth and are in name onelye Christyans others are Hyppocrites making a shewe of good workes and couerynge the wyckednesse of theyr hartes wyth outwarde glosses not respecting Gods honor and glorye but that them selues maye bée séene and gloryfyed of men And fynally others doo good woorkes wyth a pure and syncéere harte procéedinge of fayth and feare of God hauing theyr eyes fyxed vppon Gods glorye and the profyte of theyr neighbour and in these the spyrite of God whiche they haue already receyued in Iustifycation and regeneration is fruitefull and effectuall Now let vs viewe these mennes workes that are in the fellowshippe and Communion of Christes church for of the workes of Infidels and Gentyles I wyl speake somewhat afterwarde Fyrst the Atheistes who thinke in theyr harte that there is no God doo loose the raygnes of lybertye to all fylthye luste and beastlye pleasure contempne all honest and godlye actions and with the Sicophants plainly grant VVee knowe no other God but our bellyes vnto vvhome vvee vvvll offer sacryfices Oxen Sheepe and all other delycious thinges Of the whiche Epecurysme the holye Prophete Dauid complayneth The foolyshe boddie hath sayde in his harte there is no God And afterwarde accuseth and bewayleth the pyttyfull corruption of humayne nature carying about daylye eyther ygnoraunce not knowing GOD or securytie neglectyng GOD or dystruste runnynge awaye from God of these mennes workes I shall not néede to speake any thing in this my exhortations to good workes séeing they bende them selues only to worke wickednesse Hyppochrites albeit nowe and then they shewe somme workes of mercye and pytie and obserue the commaundementes accordinge to the outwarde letter yet most commonly their whole studdye is occupyed about supersticious ceremonyes rytes and externall exercyses wherein they thinke that a Christyan mannes lyfe doeth chieflye consyst Of the which sorte are to goe in Pylgrimage barefooted hanging Iewelles vppon stockes and stones offering of incense and waxe Candles inuocation of Saintes and many other lyke toyes conioyned eyther with great impietye and Idolatrye or with great lyghtnesse
with the precious blood of Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled and without spot And in his latter Epistle after the rehearsall of certayne vertues he addeth For if these thinges be among you and be plenteous they wyl make you that ye neither shall be idle nor vnfruictefull in the knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ But hee that lacketh these thinges is blinde and can not see farre of and hath forgotten that hee was purged from his olde sinnes VVherefore brethren geue the more dilligence for to make your calling and election sure for if ye do such thinges ye shall neuer fall Saint Paule in lyke manner wryting to the Thessalonians sayeth VVee beseeche you brethren and exhorte you by the Lord Iesus that ye increase more and more as ye haue receiued of vs how you ought to walke and please god For you knowe what commaundements wee gaue you by the Lord Iesus For this is the wyll of God your holinesse that yee shoulde abstaine from fornication That euerie one of you shoulde knowe howe to possesse his vessell in holinesse and honour c. And in his Epistle to Timothie This sure foundation of God endureth hauing this signe the Lorde knoweth who are his and let euerie man that calleth vpon the name of the Lorde depart from iniquitie If a man therefore purge him selfe from these thinges hee shal be a vessel sanctified to honor applied to the vse of the Lorde and prepared to all good workes But speaking of the hyppocrits he sayth thus They professe that they know God but in their deedes they deny him being abominable disobediēt and reprobate to al good works The blessed Apostle and Euangelyste sayth thus If we saie we haue fellowship with him and walke in darknesse wee lye and doo not the trueth And if wee walke in the light as he is in the light wee haue mutuall fellowship with him And S. Iames Be you doers of the word and not hearers onely deceyuing your selues For if a man heare the worde and expresse not the same in his deedes he is lyke a man that beholdeth his face in a glasse For beholding him selfe he goeth his waye and forgetteth his similitude Iudas also the brother of Iames Apostle of Christ is very angry with those that abuse the grace of our God to wātonnes and sayth That such haue already manifestlie denyed God and his sonne Christ This doctrine of good workes I haue specifyed and collected out of the holy Prophetes and Apostles Least some myght report of vs that we are very copious in the doctrine of Iustification by faith But bare and barren in the other part of Christiā doctrine cōcerning good workes principally least Sicophantes myght cauell that we are despysers and enemyes to good workes The Apostles of Christ the Lord and namely S. Paule the doctour of the Gentyles and vessell of election haue notablye set out Gods grace And very often inculcate that men are iustified before God by faith not by the law by grace not by works and yet notwithstāding they vrge most ernestly the works of faith Ye were somtime darknesse but now are you light in the Lord vvalke as children of light For the fruite of the spirite is in all goodnes righteousnes and truth approuing that vvhich is acceptable vnto the lord And haue no fellowship vvith the vnfruitfull vvorks of darknes but rather rebuke thē And as the preaching of Gods grace is nowe a dayes obiected vnto vs as a reproch euen so was it in the tyme of Paul the Apostle when many obiected sayd that the Apostles taught men to do euyl the good might come thereof There were moreouer Hippocrits false gospellers who abused the preaching of grace faith Christian lyberty to satisfy their carnall lustes yet the Apostles continued most constātly and earnestly in teaching that doctrine neyther dyd they inhybite the doctrine of iustifycation because the some men had no regarde of good workes But they sharply rebuked such and admonished the faythfull to beware of such peruerse lybertie In consideration whereof S. Peter is thought to haue vttered these words And suppose that the long suffering of the Lord is saluation euen as our dearelie beloued brother Paule also according vnto the wisedome geuen vnto him hath written vnto you speaking of suche thinges amongst which are many things harde to vnderstande which they that are vnlearned and vnstable peruert as they doo also the other scriptures vnto their owne destruction Ye therefore beloued seeing ye be warned aforehand beware least ye also being ledde awaie with the error of the wicked fall from your owne stedfastnesse And the same Apostle in another place For so it is the wyll of God that with well doing ye maie stoppe the ignoraunce of foolishe men As free and not as hauing the libertie for a cloake of naughtinesse but euen as the seruauntes of God. Herevnto agréeth the saying of Saint Paule Brethren ye haue bene called into libertie onelie let not libertie bee an occasion vnto the flesh but by loue serue one another And almost the lyke was vttered before of our Sauiour Christe Verelie verelie I saie vnto you that whosoeuer committeth sinne is the seruaunt of sinne And the seruaunt abideth not in the house for euer but the sonne abydeth for euer If the sonne therefore shall make you free then shall you bee free in deede Wherefore Chrystians who are made free in true Christian liberty are delyuered from the Deuyll synne condemnation that synne may not rule in their mortall bodies albeit the dregges and remnaunts of naturall corruption remayne in them neyther are they subiect to the sentence of eternall death albeit they deny corporally and to be short that they may not serue synne and Dyuell but Grace and Christ And hauing spoken thus much of the necessity of good workes It consequently followeth that I returning to the definition of good workes shoulde shewe what workes are allowed or disalowed in Christes Church And fyrst we do not deryue the same out of the decr●es of men but acknowledge God to be the fountayne and aucthour of the same For all men by nature are lyers corrupt and synfull and howe can that which is euill bring forth good therefore from God onely who alone is good all good workes do spring The blessed Apostle Saint Iames sayth Euerye good gift and any persyt gyft is from aboue descending from the Father of lights Saint Peter also writeth to the same ende The God of all grace who hath called you to his eternall glory through Iesus Christ strengh then and confirme you And Saint Paule It is God that worketh in you both the wyll and the deede Our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ sayth He that abydeth in mee and I in him the same shall bring foorth much frute And in another place Hee that doth truth commeth vnto the light
1. Cor. 1. Tit. 2. Christian philosophi● most perfite Gala. 2. 1. Thes 5. Profession approued by conuersacion Titus 1. Dezelo et liuore e● aliis locus Math. 7. In lib. de vita Chriana qui falso ascribitie August The small number of perfy●te Christians Math. 12. Mar. 3. Luke 8. The fruits of true Christians Chrysost in Hom. The care and study of Christians The repentance of Christians Math 7. et 25 Math. 25. Luke 19. et 21. The honor of the word Christian Iohn 8 Math. ● The foundation of Christian religion was lay de long before Christes incarnation Luk. 3. Chrystes treasures more plainly opened after his incamation Esa. 9. 1. Pet. 1. Esa. 66. Esa. 62. Act. 11 The name Christian geuen by God. Act. 17 Act. 26 1. Pet. 4 1. Pet. 4. This name was hatefull to the wicked Act. 24. The effecte or working of this name Eph. 5. 1. Pet. 2. 1. Psa 113. Psa 105 Isa. 65. A poo●e Christian is more honorable then an heathen Prince Hieron ad Furiam The name of a Christian maye not be blemished with wicked deedes Rom. 2. Esa. 52. Eze. 63. Christians alwayes of two sortes Eph. 2 Ro. 13 Gala. 3. 4 Eph. 4 Rom. 6 A difference betwene false and faythfull Christians Irenae●● lib. 5. The Turkes hate vs for some grose opinions In metaph Si●on Paulus in truth locorum com Denat eorum lib. 3. Auerrois in 12. Metaph. The recantacion of Beringarius in concilio vercell In decretis de consecrat distinct 2. ego Beringarius Glosator cecretorum The corrupt lyfe of Christians hath made some contempne their religion Ex Ferr. mont de republ lib. 4. The corrupte lyfe of the Papistes in Rome The ponishment of lyppe gospellers Math. 10. Luk. 10. A. Fuluius Gal. 5. Iac. 2. August de spir et lib. cap. 29. Aquinas in 2. cap Iacobi Men ought to shewe good workes as tokens of their faith 2. Tim. 3. The effect of this worke Cranmer his Homiles The doctryne of faith iustifiyng expounded Good works not reiected A similytude decl●ring howe fayth apprehendeth iustification The obiection of the aduersarie The profe of this doctrine out of the scripture Math. 9. Luk. 8. Luk. 18. Rom. 3 Gala. 2. Eph. 2. The consent of the Fathers Origen ●● 3. ad Rom. Hieron in Rom. 10. Ambr. in Rom. 8. Ibidem in 1. Cor. 1. Theod. li. 7 de sacri Giselbertus in lib. abter cap. 1. Bernardus Epist 77. De natura et gra cap. 1 In hom de fide et lege naturae Lib. ● de Iacob et vita beata cap. 2. August Enchir ad Lau. cap. 31. et eccle dog cap. 42. Eph. 2. 2 The. 2. Agayne an hipocritical fayth An answer to the obiection of the Papist touching libertye lyfe Admonishions vsed in Pulpits against all kinde of sinnes 1. Ioh. 3. Math. 5. 1 Cor. 6. Math. 6. Luk. 16 Luk. 12. 1. Tim. 3. 1. Tim. 6. Heb. 13. Luk. 18. Math. 23. Math. 12. Eph. 4. Colos 3. Luk. 6. Luk 22. Esa. 5. 1. Pet. 5. 1. Cor. 6. Heb. 13. Math. 25. Ro. 14. 2. Cor. 5. Ro. 13. Exhortations vsed in Pulpyts to inflame men to vertue Rom. 13. Eph. 5. Colos 3. Eph. 6. 1. Pet. 5. Luk. 13 A differēce of workes taken of the persons working Three sortes of men working Rom. 2. The seconde sort of men working Atheists Euripides Psa 14. Hippocrits and theyr workes Hippocrits delyghte chiefly in workes ceremonyall The iudgement of the vulgare touching workes ceremonyall Hippocrits puft vp in theyr owne co●●eyte Hippocrits sometyme doo morral works and after what sort Hagg. 2. Esa. 1. 58. Pro. 15. Mat. 6. 16 23. Hippocrits worse then Infydels Gregorie Workes of Infydels Bezeleel and Oliab could not buyld the Tabernacle before they were taught by God. Exo. 31. et 35 Rom. 8. 1. Cor. 3. Eph. 3. 2. Tim. 1. Lactan. li. 3. ca. 19. The great wisedome learning and vertues of the Heathen are the gyftes of God. God recompenseth morral vertues with temporall blessinges Lib. 4. contra Iul. The vertues of the Infidels be to no purpose in matters of saluation Defects in the vertues of Infidels and especially the ignorance of God. They knewe nothing of God as he reueled him self in his word True faith hope and prayer wanted in them Infydels ignoraunt of original sinne the cause o● mannes misery They knew nothing of mannes redemption end regeneration Ignorant of the resurrection Lib. 4. contia Iu● Prosper de vocatione gentium Reason and VVyll corrupt Infydelles in their actions neuer respect the last ende Howe the vertues of Infydelles are commendable and profytable in humane societie What Christians ought to respect in their actions Of the workes of Ievves Saracens and Turkes Ioh. A similitud Of the workes of faythfull Christians The definicion of good workes Good workes are established and not reiected by the doctrin of iustification by fayth God requyreth good workes of his seruants Deut. 10. Psa 94. Iere. 17. Esa. 5. Luk. 3. Math. 3. Iohn Baptist Luk. 1. Math. 5. 6. 7. Christ. Luk. 11. Ioh. 8. Ioh. 15. The Apostles call for good workes 1. Pet. 1. 2. Pet. 1. 1. Thes 4. 2. Tim. ● Tit. 1. 1. Ioh. 1. Iam. 1. Iud. 1. The preaching of grace reprochful to the wicked Rom. 3. 5. 2. Pet. 3. Peters iudgement touching Paules Epistles 1. Pet. 2. Gal. 5. Against the abuse of Christian libertie Ioh. 8. True Christian lybertie The origin of good workes Iam. 1. 1. Pet. 5. Phili. 2. Io. 15. Ioh. 3. Esa. 26. Good workes are of God and yet in som respect they are ca●●ed our owne workes How good workes are wrought Impedymentes of good workes A continuall battell God aydeth vs euerye moment 1. Iohn 5. Rom. 8. Helps and furtherantes to doo good workes Iohn 13. What manner of workes the godly doo Ephe. 2. Iohn 15. Math. 12. Luk. 10. The ten commandementes are an absolute rule of good workes Math. 12. The lawe requireth internel obedience Math. 5. The tenne commaundementes are a rule of lyfe and as it were a lodesmā to all sexes ● degrees The endes of good workes Math. 5. God is gloryfied by our good workes Math. 6. Rom. 2. Luk. 17. In doing good workes we are grateful to God. Rom. 6. Good workes confyrme our fayth in vs and assure vs of our election 2. Pet. 1. 2. Tim. 1. An apte symilytude Colos 1. Ephe. 5. Good workes serue for the profyt of our neighbour Phil. 2. For what cause good workes please God Rom. 8. God rewardeth the workes of faithfull men Deu. 12. Esa. 56. Rom. 12. Gen. 15. 1. Tim. 4. Rom. ● Heb. 10. In what respecte God rewardeth his seruauntes An apte similytude The sum or effect of the premysses Rom. 6. August in psal 31. et in psal 88. Good works not hyndered but furthered by this doctrine Ad valentium Epist 46 Psal. 78. Great difference betweene the faithfull and vnfaithfull The excellent knowledge of Christians An apte simylytude A similytude Hugo Man is most