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A70858 Christos dikaiosynē, or, Jesus Christ given of God the Father for our justification explained, confirmed, and applyed (very briefly) in one sermon to the satisfaction of some judicious hearers, for whose sake chiefly and at whose earnest request, it is made publick. Pichard, Thomas.; Pritchard, Thomas, M.A. 1667 (1667) Wing P3525; ESTC R14899 19,708 36

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of God by the revelation of the Spirit is revealed from Faith to Faith Rom. 1.17 Thus much for the principal efficient cause 2. The instrumental or ministring causes are the Word of God and Faith The Gospel is manus Dei offerentis 1. The ministry of the Word is the instrumental cause on Gods part faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word Rom. 10.17 and in Gal. 3.2 the Gospel is called the hearing of Faith God in his Word by his Ministers doth as it were beseech sinners to be reconciled to him 2 Cor. 5.19 20. The Word of God is the vehiculum spiritus the Charriot of the Spirit wherein he rides the Word is the Wardrope Isa 61.10 Matth. 14.44 wherein this glorious Robe of Righteousness is laid up 't is the goodly Field wherein this heavenly treasure is to be found 2. The second instrumental cause is Faith Faith is manus accipientis Faith is the hand of the Soul whereby we receive Christ and apply his righteousnesse * Non 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. Primo per se ut qualitas propriè aut motus actio vel vel passio aut opus aliquod bonum eximii precii quasi ipsa sit justitia aut ejus pars aut etiam justitiae loco ex censu estimatione Dei sed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 secundario secundum aliud nempe ut modus medium instrumentum ceu oculus manus qua Christi ejusque participes reddimur adeoque relativè ad objectum Iesum ipsius justitiam promissiones gratiae Synop. Pur. Theol. p. 442. John 1.12 Faith justifies Rom. 5.1 But how doth faith justifie Faith justifies as one expresseth it vi legis latae as it is our evangelical righteousness or our keeping the Gospel Law Faith pretends to no merit nor vertue of its own but professedly avows its dependance upon the merit of Christs satisfaction as our legal righteousness on which it layeth hold its excellency ariseth from Gods Sanction who made choyce of this act of Believing to the honour of Justification because it layes the creature low and so highly exalteth Christ The Act of believing is as the Silver Gods Authority in the Gospel-Sanction is as the Kings Image stampt upon it which gives it all its value as to justification without this stamp it could never have been currant Faith doth not justifie as an habit act work or quality as the Papists say but as an instrument or hand to receive Christ and his righteousness * Undè fides imputatur ad justitiam ut Paulus loquitur Rom 4 5. Non quatenus est qualitas nobis inhaerens nec quatenus est opus multo minùs quatenus est meritum sed metonymiâ adjuncti correlativè intellectâ per vocem fidei justitia Christi quâm fides apprehendit ut patet ex eodem cap. 4. v. 11 13. And again nec quatenus est cultus Dei radi● omnium aliorum bonorum operum sed quatenus nos Christo conglutina un●m cum illo facti partic pati●ne justitiae ejus f●uamur Polan p. 456 Faith is an empty and a naked thing without its Object Faith puts on this Robe of Glory and wraps the Soul in it but 't is this glorious Robe Christs righteousness that justifies 'T is very certain that the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 credere cannot doth not justifie as Socinus and Arminius teach it doth 'T is true 't s said Rom. 4.5 Faith is imputed for righteousnesse and is accepted of God through Christ for the performance of the whole Law but this is to be understood metonimically and relatively in respect of Christ the object of faith who is the end and perfection of the Law to them that believe by fulfilling the righteousness of the Law for them Faith invites a Soul to Christ brings it into Union with his Person and so into communion of his righteousness And then for works what shall we say of them The Apostle is peremptory and absolute in his Conclusion Rom. 3.28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the Law So also Gal. 2.16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but by the faith of Jesus Christ c. that is by the works which Christ hath done in our stead by the obedience of Christ which we apply to our selves by Faith alone saith Polanus * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 scripserit Paulus pro 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sicut etiam accipitur Matth. 12.4 1 Cor 7.17 Beza in loc sed tantum per fidem Iesu Christi hoc est per opera quae Christus loco nostro fecit per obedientiam Christi quam solâ fide noble applicamus Polan Faith justifies a sinner before God and works justifie Faith and demonstrate to the world and to our own consciences that our faith is not dead and barren but Jam. 2.4 Living because fruitful faith as working doth not justifie but found justifying faith is a working faith 2. VVe come to consider the essential material cause of our justification that very thing which is our righteousness which God imputeth to us and accepteth on our behalf To this I answer 1. Negatively 1. Negatively what it is not 1. It cannot be our own righteousness inherent in us because inchoate and imperfect Justitiam qua-coram Tribunali Dei Consistimus perfectam omnibus numeris partibus gradibus esse necesse est Quid enim ex se agere poterat ut semel amissam justitiam recuperaret home servus peccati vinctus Diaboli assignata est proinde aliena qui caruit suâ Bernard and the righteousness of justification must be most absolute perfect by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified 1 no meer man Rom. 3.20 We may therefore cry out with Bernard what is man that is a servant of sin a Bondslave of the Devil able of himself to do for the recovery of righteousness once lost there is therefore the righteousness of another assigned to him who hath lost his own 2. Nor secondly is it the righteousness of Christ meerly and solely as man considered though that was pure and spotless yet it was not infinite and meritorious for Christ taking upon him an humane nature was bound to keep the the Law being made of a woman he was also made under the Law under the Covenant of Works Gal. 4.3 4. the obedience of Christ meerly as man had been no work of supererogation as to us it would have served to justify himself but without the personal Union there would have been no redundancy or over-flowing of merit in it to justify those millions of guilty miscreants Non propter scipsum sed propter nostram salutem ●b demolitionem mortis Condemnationem Christus Advenit Athanas Orat Tertia contra Arrian who through the infinite grace of the Father by the blood of the
his passive righteousness every where active 1. His active Righteousnesse was every where passive because all of it was done in the form of a Servant Christs obedience is an active Passion and a passive Action ibid. in our nature he obeyed the Law in his very incarnation he was passive for therein he suffered an e●clipse of the glory of his God-head 2. His Passive Righteousness was every where active because what he suffered was not by constraint or against his will it was his own voluntary act and deed all along he eyed his Fathers Glory and the good of mankind Ah! take that instance the Greatest of his sufferings his very dying was the product both of the freeness of his love and of the majesty of his power John 10.17 18. Revel 1.5 Read those melting Texts and chew the Cud upon them But to return The Law hath two branches 1. The Commination or the Curse 2. The Precept or Commandment so there are two parts of justification 1. Absolution from the Curse of the Law this is done by Christs sufferings the Prince of Life dyed the Lord of Glory became a Curse for us 2. Acceptation as righteous in Christ this is done by the imputation of Christs perfect righteousness to us Rom. 8 3 4. Rom. 5.17 18. both habitual and actual Thus Jesus Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to every one that believeth for to them that believe in him he hath fulfilled all righteousness but I must confess by reason of the most strict Connexion between these two viz. imputation of righteousness and remission of sins the one doth comprehend or conclude the other Propter arctissimam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 una alteram Complectitur 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quamvis justificatio 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in peccatorum remissione Constituatur Synop. Pur. Theol. p. 436. justificatio peccatoris est remissio peccatorum siguratè nimirum metonimicè loquendo quia remissio peccatorum est causa sormalis justificationis peccatoris c. Syntag. Polan p. 445. as Rom. 4.22 and justifi-fication 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is oftentimes placed in the remission of sins as Psalm 32.1 Rom. 4.7 We are justified by Christs obedience both active and passive but I confess chiefly by the latter The Scripture in many places seems to lay the stress principally or at least synechdochically upon the Blood the Death the Crosse of Christ Ephes 1.7 Heb. 9.12 14. Rom. 5.10 Ephes 2.13 Col. 2.13 14. Revel 1.5 6. Rom. 5.8 9. Cum multis aliis c. Before I proceed to the fifth General propounded to be spoken to I think it not unnecessary to enquire Forma dat esse what is the form of Christs satisfaction which renders it satisfactory to God and justificatory to man I answer The infinite merit of what he did and suffered which infinite Merit stands 1. In the dignity of his Person the fulness of the God-head dwelt in him bodily Col. 2.9 14. Now for the work of a servant to be don by the Lord of all renders his active and for him to suffer as a Malefactor between Malefactors who was God blessed for evermore Renders his passive righteousness infinitely meritorious Acts 20 28. 1 Joh. 1.7 No wonder the blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin for it is the blood of God by the figure called by the Ancients 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Communication of properties the blood of the Man Christ Jesus is called the blood of God And this is the reason why the righteousness of one redounds to all the Elect for the justification of life Rom. 5.18 19. The doings and sufferings of this Glorious Person the Lord our righteousnesse though for a few years were infinitely 〈◊〉 more value than all that all the creatures in Heaven or Earth could have done or suffered to eternity Heb. 1.6 the very Man Christ Jesus is above all the Angels for he is the Man Gods fellow an high Word Zech. 13.7 And this infinite worthiness of the Redeemers Person ye have excellently described as the irradiating and infinitely exalting all he did and suffered Consult these Texts Heb. 1.1 2 3. Phil. 2.6 7 8 9 10. 2. The righteousness of Jesus Christ is of infinite merit and a meer supererogation of an infinitely Glorious Person 1. His active Righteousness stood in his obedience to the Ceremonial and Moral Law 1. His obedience to the ceremonial Law was a meer supererogation What for the substance to comply with the shadows for the Anti-type to do homage to its own Types besides he submitted to those Ordinances the end and institution whereof supposeth Guilt what fore-skin of iniquity had he to be cut off by Circumcision what filth to be wash't away in Baptism Luke 1.21.22 Luk. 3.21 yet he was circumcised and baptized and his Mother offered for her purification 2. His obedience to the moral Laws Although it must be granted as man it was his duty yet it was not his duty to become man Gal. 4.4 his incarnation was a work of supererogation the Law did never command that the eternal Son of the living God should take upon him the form of a Servant keep the Law suffer and die This cond scention of his was wholly free and arbitrary what but his own infinite love could move the eternal Word to pitch his Tent in our Nature What else could move the Lord of the World to become a servant the Antient of Dayes to become a Childe or the Son of God to be the Son of Mary And as his Active so also his passive righteousnesse was a meet supererogation What had divine Justice to do with the holy Childe Jesus Had it not been for his own eternal compact with the Father he was a sinlesse Person the Lamb of God without spot he suffered not for himself Dan. 9.26 he that knew no sin was made sin for us i. e. a sacrifice for our sins that we might be made the righteousness of God in him 2 Cor. 5.21 3. The stamp of Gods Appointment highly dignifies as to us Christs righteousness and renders it acceptable to God and meritorious for our benefit The Assignment and appointment of God the Father sets a great value on it God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing to men their trespasses a Cor. 5.19 the reconciliation or justification of a sinner is as much the Fathers as the Sons Act. Christ frequently declares in the Gospel of John John 6. that he came into the world to do the will of him that sent him Christ received his mission and Commission from the Father for our justification Mark that notable place Heb. 10.6 7 9 10. In burnt-offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure the Lord did not delight in the blood of Bulls Goats or Calves those bruitish sacrifices vers 7. then said I the words of Christ Lo I come in the Volume of the Book it is