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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09838 Against sacrilege three sermons / preached by Maister Robert Pont ... Pont, Robert, 1524-1606. 1599 (1599) STC 20100; ESTC S4419 43,712 129

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AGAINST Sacrilege Three sermons Preached by Maister ROBERT PONT an Aged Pastqur in the Kirk of God Augustine Let God heare if they be 〈◊〉 Angelles heare if they 〈◊〉 EDINBVRGH PRINTED BY RObert Walde graue Prenter to the Kings Majestie 1599. Cum Priuilegio Regio TO HIS SOVERAINE THE KINGS MAIESTIE SIR I would think it an vnworthie thing to presente your Highnesse with such a meane Pamphlet as this taken out of my 〈◊〉 Ser mones vnlesse the argument thereof craued a powerfull Protector and patrone For besides it speaketh the truth ●…ly without coloured Rethoricke of wordes the matter therein entreated is odious in the eyes eares of many who find themselues tuitched as guilty of Sacrilege Herefore I could se●…ke no other retreate but vnder your highnes wings who besides ye would gladly heare the trueth simply spoken haue also your parte in this turne For your Highnesse is no lesse interest then the Kirk in the wrongfull abusing of the Kirk-rents And as to me the Lord knoweth how far it is from my heart to procure willingly the hatred of any person great or smal Yet in respect of the charge I beare and that it is very vncomely for my gray-haires my one foote being alreadie in the graue to play the hypocrite or flatterers parte But to discharge a good conscience in this and all other behalfes belonging vnto my calling Herefore reposing vppon your Maiesties good minde and countenance against all calumniators of mee for this my plaine dealing and humbly submitting this and all other my laboures to your hienesse censure and correction in any thing I shalbe found to haue failed or spoken amisse I humbly take my leaue Beseeching the Lorde of Heauen to further and aduance all your Hienesse good and godly intentions to thereformation of all abuses within your Land Your Hienesse subject with obedience and Prayer ROBERT PONT AGAINST SACRILEGE The first Sermon Rom. 2. 22. Thou that detestest Idols doest thou commit Sacrilege IT Is of truthe that a certaine Poet sai 〈◊〉 when fooles es●…hew one vice they 〈◊〉 an other So may it be seene by the discourse that the Apostle maketh in the second part of this Chapter Wee haue heard of before how he begouth to inuey against the hypocrisie of the Iewes who albeit they had the law of God and gloryed therein yet were they as greate transgressoures as the Gentiles who had but the law of Nature written obscurely in their harts and so were highlier to be accused then the other To prooue this he bringeth in the euident examples of their liues being polluted with most grosse sinnes contrarie the doctrine of the law which they taught vnto others namely of adulterie thieft c. And as to thieft not being content to accuse them in general he laieth to their charge in the wordes now to be intreated the most hainous kinde thereof commonlie called Sacrilege And with that sharply he discoueres their hypocrisie where as they would appeare outwardly to keepe some poyntes of the lawe in the meane time transgressing against as great heads of the same For they professed themselues To abhorre Idols and Idole seruice and yet fostred a great Idole in their hearts by committing Sacrilege thereby robbing God of his due honour and thinges belonging to the maintenance of his true seruice And so albeit they worshipped not Idols outwardly yet they offended in the like kinde of sinne and thereby profaned Gods holy name which was blasphemed amongst the Gentiles by their occasion as will hereafter follow And this they did in deede in the daies of PAVLL not onelie by stealing of God his honour from him by preferring their owne traditions aboue his holy commandements and by casting off his due reuerence and feare which is an high kinde of Sacrilege but also by their wicked and detestable auarice which is a kinde of Idolatrie also they abused Gods true worshipping esteeming more of the golde of the Temple nor of the Temple it selfe And as our Sauiour reprocheth them preferring the gift of the Altar aboue the Altar and offring thereon yea this Idole of sacrilegious auarice was so highlie honored amongst them that the verie office of the chiefe Priestes was bought and sould for money And with this there lacked not amongst them such Sacrilegious impietie as is rebuked by the Prophet MALACHIE in defrauding the Lorde and his Ministerie of his teindes and dewe offrings appoynted for the intertainment of his seruice So the Apostle concludeth most justly the Iewes aswell as the Gentiles to be vnder the wrath of God and that they cannot be justified by the workes of the lawe more then the Gentiles and therefore must needes seeke to the justification of faith in Christ. Now before we proceede further in the matter of justification because mention is here made especially of sacrilege seeing the same was neuer more abundant at any time then in this corrupt age and namelie in this Realme notwithstanding the cleare light of the Gospell shining amongst vs I thinke it both expedient necessarie to make some large discourse thereupon as a common place most meete to be teached in our daies For it is marvaile to consider and hard to be beleued of the godly in other cuntries seeing the doctrine of saluation is daily so cleerely beaten in the eares of all estates of this land with what impudent faces all sortes of men and namely they of the greater ranke being intangled in this crime advowe their doings and stande for no admonitions to their accompte to acknowledge let bee to amende that filthy fault whereby the holie worde of God is slandered in their persones and they giue ouer-good occasion to Papistes to raile against the word of truth who cry out and affirme that many Princes Noble-men Earles and Barronnes for that cause haue casten off the yoke of the Romane Kirk that they may the more freely invade and possesse at their pleasure the Kirk goods Doubtles they who giue occasion to so greate a slander shall render a very seuere count vnto God and the very Heathen that haue decored and in ignorance bestowed largely vpon their Idole seruice shall stand vp to condemne the sacrilegeous impietie of these men in the latter day Then to enter in the deduction of this matter I minde first as the Lord wil assist mee to declare how diuerslie the name of Sacrilege is taken by writers and how many kindes thereof there be Then to take the proper definition of Sacrilege and applie it to the purpose and matter whereupon I am to intreate And to these whome I account to be sacrilegious amongst vs which shalbe the subject of this present Sermon In the nexte place or Sermon I am purposed to answere meete the objections that such men as we call Sacrilegious may vse and commonly vse for their excuse And thirdly in the laste sermon to declare what punishment the law of God and also the lawes of men haue appoynted for Sacrilegious persons with
they see them contending one against another And can the King thinke ye bee in a good case when the estate of the Kirke which was the first in Parliament is so wracked No for if he euer haue warre or other great enterprises ado as it is likely he is shortly to haue he shall lack that to speake worldly which was his principall reliefe and ayde to wit the Thesaurie of the kirk to advance such weightie affaires For as to thē vpon whom the same is vnworthely bestowed I meane the Kirk-lands and rents they shall fayle him in his greatest neede For it is not his weale nor standing that they haue sought but their owne particular with insatiable greede And now when they haue done the Lord shall so blowe vpon it that they or their aires shalbe no better of it but rather because it is procured with Gods curse it shall wrack the rest of their patrimonie and aunciente houses as experience hath prouen in some of them And as to the Kings Hienesse seeing that his estate euen from his Coronation hes bene so annexed and joyned with the estate of the Kirke and reformed Religion that it hath wel appeared hitherto by experience that the standing of the one hath made the other also to stande it is justly to be feared the Lord auerte it that the ruine and decay of Religion in this Realme if God of his just judgement suffer it may bring exceeding great daunger to his person and royal authoritie yea to the whole common-wealth And the authors of these new erectiōs of the kirk lands inheritable titles to them selues and priuate vses shal be a chiefe cause thereof and that by with-drawing the blessing of God from the Lande and procuring his wrath against the same The Lord remeid these appearing euilles by time Now returning to our Text concluding with the Apostle in the verses following as he most justly rebukes the Iewes who gloryed in the law of God and yet by breaking of the Law by their Sacrilege and other odious crimes dishonored his holy Majestie declaring thereby the light regard they had to that Religion which they outwardly professed so it may be justly layd to the charge of this vnthankfull generation that our outward glorie in his religion shal turne to the vtter confusion of many in this Lande For if it be as it is most true that they who honour GOD hee shall honoure them and they who contemne his worshippe shall bee brought to ignominie and shame Howe can our feined profession worke otherwaies when the Doctrine of Christ his Evangell whereof men wil so babble in their idle talking is so profaned and abused in their daily life and conversation So that the name of that good God who hath so meruelously and mercifully in-lightned this nation aboue others with the knowledge of his vndoubted trueth by our licentious liuing being trod vnderfoot his name is euill spoken of by our occasion amongst the Papistes and other enemies of the trueth as it was amongst the Gentiles by occasion of the euil liues of the Iewes in their captiuitie as the Prophet EZECHIEL here cited by our Apostle doth testifie of them And is it not a most vnworthie thinge that they who haue receiued glorie and honour from God as our vnthankfull Nation haue in granting vs so great light denyed to other mightie Kingdomes of the earth to render againe such gracelesse payment as so to dishonour his holy name The Lord graunt that at least so many as are appoynted for his heauenly kingdome may speedily repent with ZACCHEVS the reste at least be not inferiour to IVDAS who restored that which hee had most sacrilegiously taken in betraying his Maister the Lord Iesus our Saviour To whome with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all honour and prayse for euer FINIS Mal. 3. Iosu. 7. 1. Sam. ●… Malach 3. Act. 5. Act. ●… L. ●…iquis in hoc genus sacrilegij C. de Episcopis clericis L. Qui diuine C. de 〈◊〉 Sacrilegij C. de sepulchro 〈◊〉 L. 1. Leuit. 2●… Zach. 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 17. Q. 4. Quisqui●… 2 King 4. ●… Mac. 3. Ioh. 12. Citatu●… qu. 2. aurum Ex. lib. de off 12. Q. 2. Aurum ex lib de offi●… ●…2 Q. 2. ●…loria Delegih●… lib. 1●… 2. King 18. Esai 1. Psal. 50. Exod. 22. ●…d ad 〈◊〉 peeulatus l. 1. l. 4. C. de Sepul 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 l. ●… Mal. ●… ●…d de vs●… et 〈◊〉 ●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 L. le gatu●… Levit. 〈◊〉 C. de donationibus l si quis argentum § Sin autem Deut. 7. Deut. 13. ●… Cor. 10. ●…osua 6. 7. I●…g 6. 1. King 21 ●… Cassamus L. deceruimu●… C. de Sacro s. Eccleijs Authent 〈◊〉 non ali●… 〈◊〉 Ecclesiasti ●…oll 2. Gen. 14. Gen. 28. ●…erit 27. Num. 18 Concil Matisc. 2 Can. 5. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 li. 9. f. 192. Concil Carthag 5 cap. 6. Contrad●… ●…d leg 〈◊〉 l p●…ecia Deut. 7. Mal. 3. Iosua ●… Act. 5. Carthag council 4 c 95. Council Ag●…then c. 3. alibi Li●… ●… de ●…ogibus L. Sacrileg●… L. Sacrilegij d●… Leg. Iulian 〈◊〉 latu●… L. peculatus ●…d e●…d tit ●… S●…m 1. 3. Dan. 1. Dan. 4. Dan ●… ●… Mac. ●… ●… Mac. 12. Exod. 36. Num. 7. Psal. 12●… 2. Sam 7. 1. Ch●…o 22 2. Chro. 29 Mal. 3. Ezech. 36