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A09695 A learned and profitable treatise of mans iustification Two bookes. Opposed to the sophismes of Robert Bellarmine, Iesuite. By Iohn Piscator, professor of diuinitie in the famous schools of Nassouia Sigena.; Learned and profitable treatise of mans justification. Piscator, Johannes, 1546-1625. 1599 (1599) STC 19963; ESTC S102907 52,379 138

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And the cause of Zacheus saluation is shewed in the words immediatly following for he sayth To day is saluation come to this house for that he also is the sonne of Abraham to wit infisting in the steps of Abrahams faith as Paul interpreteth this sonne-ship Rom. 4.12 For as touching the flesh many were Abrahams sonnes to whome notwithstanding saluation came not And king Ezechias which example Bellarmine addeth although he shewed his good works with a sincere hart yet he thought not that he was by them iust before the iudgement seate of God like as Paule sayd I know nothing by my selfe but I am not hereby iustified CHAP. VII The confirmation of the fourth part FOurthly that man is iustified by faith in as much as by faith he layeth hold on and applieth to himselfe Christes satisfaction may be perceiued by these sayings Rom. 3.24.25 They are iustified by the redemption made in Christ whome God hath set forth to be a reconciliation through faith in his bloud And chap. 4.24.25 It shal be imputed to vs to wit faith for iustice which beleeue in him that raised vp our Lord Iesus from the dead which was deliuered to death for our faults and raised vp for our iustification And chap. 10.6.7 The iustice which is of faith saith thus Say not in thy hart who shall go vp into heauen this is to bring Christ from aboue Or who shall go downe into the deepe this is to bring Christ againe from the dead Gal. 2.20 I liue by faith of the sonne of God who loued me and gaue himselfe for me c. Rom. 4.5 To him that worketh not but beleeneth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is imputed for iustice Where it is manifest that by the name faith by a metonymie of the adioynt is to be vnderstood any thing which is by faith imputed to a man for iustice For to speake properly that which is in a man is not said to be imputed to him but that which is without a man And faith is in a man but Christs satisfaction which faith apprehendeth is without a man whereby it cometh to passe that it is imputed vnto man by faith that is to say is accounted his so as man is esteemed in this place as if he had performed the satisfaction for himselfe CHAP. VIII The confirmation and clearing of the fift part FIftly that man is iustified by faith only that is for the onely satisfaction of Christ apprehended by faith and not partly by faith that is for Christs satisfaction imputed and partly by works that is for inherent iustice may be gathered by the sayings following which teach that a man is iustified without workes Rom. 3.27 Where is then the reioycing It is excluded By what law of workes no but by the law of faith And by and by verse 28. We conclude therfore that a man is iustified by faith without the workes of the law And Chap. 4.2 If Abraham our father were iustified by workes he hath wherein to reioyce but not with God Gal. 2.16 Knowing that man is not iustified by the workes of the law but by the faith of Iesus Christ we also haue beleeued in Iesus Christ that wee might bee iustified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the law Eph. 2.8.9 By grace ye are saued through faith not of workes Tit. 3.5 Not of iust workes which we had done but of his owne mercie he saued vs c. Phil. 3.9 That I may be foūd in him not hauing my own iustice which is of the lawe but that which is by faith of Christ Vnto those sayings wherein works are opposed to faith I. Booke of Iustification Chap. 19. Bellarmine excepteth first in generall or in commune that by works which are opposed to faith excluded from Iustification are vnderstood works which go before faith which are done by the only strength of free-will not all absolutely And this he saith may be proued frō Rom. 4. where we read saith he to him that worketh wages is imputed as by debt not as by grace In which place the Apostle openeth himselfe saith he what shuld be vnderstood by workes which are opposed to faith and saith that he calleth them works to which that which is giuen is wages not grace And such be not any but those that are done by the onely strength of freewill For that which is giuen to the works that be done of grace such as is the very act of faith and those that follow thereupon is not simply wages but also grace yea more grace then wages Thus saith Bellarmine I answere It is false that Pault should here say he calleth them works to which that which is giuen is wages not grace that is which are done by the onely strength of freewill For that he speaketh of works in generall whether they be done by the strength of freewill or by grace appeareth by this that he intreateth there of Abrahams workes those which he had done of grace and faith as that he was obedient to Gods commandement and trusting vpon his promise left his countrie of Chaldea and went into a land which God was to shew him also that he refused not to offer his onely sonne Isaak at Gods commandement for these are those workes wherein he might reioyce and boast with men And from these works doth Pault derogate Iustification before God by this argument which is taken from the generall for that to him that worketh wages is giuen as by debt and is not imputed that is not giuen of grace but to Abraham iustice was imputed And whereas Bellarmine faith that which is giuen to workes which be done of grace is partly wages parly grace therein hee feigneth that things immediately aduerse may stand togither and that against the Apostles manifest sentence both in this place where he opposeth grace to debt and by consequence to wages as that cannot stand togither and also Chap. 11.6 where he saith If by grace to wit there be a reseruation of certaine Iewes that are iustified it is not now of workes that is deserts of workes otherwise were no more grace But if of workes then not now of grace otherwise workes were no more workes But Bellarmine hauing first set downe that generall answere Bellarmines exception against that place Ro. 3 27. maketh answere afterward vnto euery of those sayings And first vnto that place Rom. 3.27 he answereth that the reioycing of the Iewes is excluded by the law of of faith not by the law of deeds because man is iustified of grace which first of all inspireth faith then by faith leadeth vnto mercie and good works and is not iustified by the law of deeds that is by the only knowledge of the law strength of free will I answer Although Gods grace wherby a man is iustified leadeth him by faith vnto good works yet is not in that respect man said to be justified by faith as Bellarmine insinuateth because of
faith he doth good workes but he is said to be iustified by faith because by faith he leyeth holde on Christs satisfaction for which only he is iustified Moreouer it is false that the Apostle vnderstandeth those workes only which are done according to Gods law by the strength of free will For it is plain by Abrahams exāple which he presently addeth to this sentence by a prolepsis in the beginning of the chapter following that he speaketh of those workes that are done of grace and faith Against this answere Bellarmine excepteth that the Apostle saith not where is the reioycing but where is the reioycing that is where is the reioycing wherewith thou reioycest in thy selfe and not in the Lord And of workes done of faith and thereby of grace seeing faith is of grace none can reioyce but in the Lord. Which reioycing is not forbidden seeing the same Apostle saith Hee that reioyceth let him reioyce in the Lord. I answere That Pronowne thy is not in the Greeke Neuerthelesse by the very matter it appeareth that it must be vnderstood Then that there is no need the Pronowne should be so expounded as Bellarmine doth for reioycing is rightly said to be his that reioiceth whether he reioyce in himself or in an other Lastly that which is chiefly to be marked the Apostle speaketh of reioycing wherewith any may truly reioyce that he is iust by inherent iustice bred of perfect obseruation of the cōmandements of the law whether he performe this obseruation of naturall strength or of Gods singular grace And such reioycing no man hath because all haue transgressed the law and they which begin to obserue it by Gods singular grace yet can they not in this life obserue it perfectly so as for that obseruation they can be counted iust of God In the meane while it is true that it is lawfull for the godly to reioyce in the Lord but so farre forth as they reioyce not falsly and they should falsly reioyce if they should say that they can by Gods grace perfectly fulfill the law so as by fulfilling thereof they may be iust before God The second place from Rom. 3.28 Wee gather that a man is iustified by faith without the workes of the law Bellarmine passeth ouer in silence and answereth nothing to it in speciall But in the second place he answereth vnto that saying Rom. 4.2 of Abraham and withall vnto the rest of the places before recited He saith therefore Exception against the other places before recited that Abraham was iustified by faith not by workes that went before faith And the same he answereth vnto the places following Gal. 2. Eph. 2. Tit. 3. for in all those places are excluded onely workes done before faith I answere The Apostle derogateth Iustification not onely from those works which are done before faith but also from those which are done after faith For he speaketh of Abrahams workes which are mentioned in scripture for to shew his vprightnesse as that he obeyed God going out of his owne countrey and offering his sonne But the workes which Abraham did before faith are mentioned in the scripture not as such whereof hee might reioyce but as such whereof hee might worthily be ashamed namely that he serued strange gods Iosh 24.2 Also in Gal. 2. hee speaketh in generall of the workes of the law wherein the Iewes exercised themselues among whom were many regenerate and endued with faith of Christ as cannot be denied although they knew not that that Iesus of Nazareth was the Christ and that iustice should be imputed to them that beleeue in him Besides in this saying Gal. 2. is to be noted the want of that expounding particle tout'ésti 1. that is which being obserued it will be euident that heere are contained exclusiue particles equiualent to that exclusiue particle onely For it is as if he should say Knowing that a man is not iustified by the workes of the law that is but by the faith of Iesus Christ c. And these are equiualent Not to be iustified but by faith and to be iustified by faith onely Besides although Eph. 2. and Tit. 3. hee taketh away iustification from workes done before faith yet by this hee dooth not ascribe it to workes done after faith Against this answere Bellarmine excepteth that the Apostle when hee saith Abraham was iustified by faith not by workes doth not reiect the workes done by faith but affirmeth them not to bee don without faith for if they had bin such they had neuer iustified him therefore he excludeth saith he the workes which Abraham could haue done not of faith But what is to mingle darknesse with the cleare light if this be not The Apostle openly denieth that Abrahā was iustified with God by works speaketh of works don by faith as we haue now twise shewed and yet Bellarmine dareth to say that the Apostle reiecteth not to wit from Abrahams iustificatiō works done of faith Then what meaneth Bellarmine when he saith the Apostle affirmeth that Abrahās works were not done without faith for if they had bin such they had neuer iustified him But where doth the Apostle affirme this And doth not now Bellarmine cōtradict himselfe which affirmeth here that the Apostle speaketh of Abrahams works done of faith when yet before hee said in al those places speech was of works done before faith Also dooth hee not straightway in the words following again cōtradict himselfe when he saith that the Apostle excludeth works which Abrahā could haue done not of faith Besides Bellarmine saith that the Apostle speaketh with conditiō namely thus If Abrahā 〈◊〉 iustified by works not proceding frō the grace of faith surely he had reioycing but not with god And because it is manifest inough saith he that Abraham had reioycing also with god therupon the Apostle gathereth that he was not iustified by works without faith but by faith wherof good workes truly proceed I answere Bellarmine peruerteth the meaning of the Apostles words in feigning vnto him such a syllogisme ye openly contradicteth the Apostles words For the Apostle denieth that Abraham had reioycing with God but Bellarmine affirmeth it And that Bellarmines syllogisme is feigned appeareth by coherence of sencences For when the Apostle had recited the obiection of the Iewes drawne from Abrahams example as if hee had obtained the praise of iustice by woorkes hee answereth by distinction graunting that Abraham got that praise with men but not with God Then if in this place there were an hypotheticall or connex syllogisme it shoulde bee such as this If Abraham were iustified by workes he hath wherof to reioyce with God But he hath not whereof to reioyce with God Therefore hee was not iustified by workes The assumption of which syllogisme plainely contradicteth the assumption of Bellarmines syllogisme and the conclusion is diuerse from the conclusion of Bellarmines syllogisme because it speaketh of workes in generall when Bellarmines speaketh onely of works done without faith Vnto the last
place Exception against the place Phil. 3.9 from Phil. 3. Bellarmine answereth that those workes are called the iustice of the law which are done through knowledge of the law by the onely strength of nature I answere By that which the Apostle signifieth that hee trusted not in the iustice of workes which hee had done by the onely strength of nature it cannot firmely be gathered that he trusted in the justice of workes which hee had done of faith Yea he openly signifieth that hee trusted in the onely iustice of faith And this is the iustice which is imputed to man by faith as he teacheth Rom. 4.5.6 and not the iustice of workes done of faith inherent in a man And in an other place speaking of this inherent iustice he saith I know nothing by my selfe but I am not hereby iustified CHAP. IX The confirmation and clearing of the sixt part HItherto of the fifth part of the sentence proposed now followeth of the sixt that man is iustified by the grace or free loue of God in as much as God hath of fauour to man ordained Christ for a Mediator or satisfactor according to these sayings Act 15.11 By the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ wee beleeue that we shall be saued euen as they Rom. 3.24 Are iustified freely by his grace by the redemptiō made in Iesus Christ Rom. 4.16 Therefore the inheritance is of faith that it may be by grace Rom. 5.15 If by the fal of that one many are dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man Iesus Christ hath abounded vnto many And verse 17. they which receiue the abundance of grace and the gift of iustice shall raigne in life through one that is Iesus Christ. And vers 21. So grace might reigne by iustice vnto-eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Rom. 11.5 Euen so at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace Gal. 2.21 I do not abrogate the grace of God For if iustice be by the law then Christ died in vaine Gal. 5.4 Yee are abolished from Grist whosoeuer are iustified by the Law ye are fallen from grace Eph. Who hath predestinate vs to be adopted throgh Iesus Christ vnto himselfe according to the good pleasure of his wilt to the praise of the glorie of his grace wherewith he hath made vs accepted in his beloued by whom wee haue redemption through his bloud c. Eph. 2.8 By grace ye are saued c. Tit. 3.7 That wee beeing iustified by his grace should bee made heires according to the hope of eternall life In all these speeches the word Grace signifieth the fauour of God wherewith he accepteth his elect 2. Booke of iustification Chap. 3. Against this Bellarmine excepteth that iustifying grace is not onely the fauour of God but a gift inherent in the minde as may bee vnderstood saith he by the diuerse attributes and names thereof For it is called the gift which wee receiue Rom. 5.17 receiuing the abundance of the grace and gift Also it is said to be giuen by Christ Grace and truth is made by Iesus Christ. Ioh. 1. Now it is not rightly said that the good wil of God the Father is made by Christ Also it is said to be giuen of Christ by measure To euery one of vs is giuen grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ Eph 4. But the good will of God is not giuen by measure neither of Christ Also it is compared to the being which is giuen by creation For therof we are said to be Created in Christ Eph. 2. a new creature Gal. 5. But that whereby we are said to be creatures is inward and inherent Finally it is compared to the light 2. Cor. 6. What part hath iustice with iniquitie What fellowship hath light with darknesse Eph. 5. Ye were sometimes darknesse but now are light in the Lord. 1. Ioh. 2. He that saith he is in the light and hateth his brother is in darknesse But certes light maketh not a lucide body except it be inherent neither suffereth darkenesse with it Besides the grace by which the Apostle sayth wee are iustified is called also loue shead in our hearts by the holy Ghost Rom. 5. Also by iustifying grace wee are saide to liue Rom. 8. the spirit liueth for iustification But wee cannot bee rightly saide to liue by the outward fauour of God when nothing is more inward then life is I answere Rom. 5.17 the grace and the gift of iustice are openly distinguished therefore the gift is not there called the grace as Bellarmine saith Then there is there no speech of inherent iustice as Bellarmine would but of the iustice which God giueth of the grace or fauour hee imputeth for the Apostle speaketh of the same iustice that before Rom. 4.6 where he said iustice was imputed Ioh. 1. The name of Grace signifieth the benefite of redemption by a metonymie of the cause efficient but thereof it followeth not that it is taken after the same maner in the sayings rehearsed As neither from the saying Eph. 4. where the name Grace signifieth some spirituall gift profitable for the edifying of the Church Neither yet by the other speeches Eph. 2. Gal. 5.2 Cor. 6. where the name of Grace is not found neither is the speech of iustification but of regeneration And in that saying Rom. 5. Loue is shead c is not meant the loue which is inherent in vs and wherewith wee loue God but wherewith God loued vs as is plaine by comparing it with the 8. verse where it is said God commendeth his loue towards vs c. Finally Rom. 8.10 hee speaketh not of iustification but of sanctification neither is there the name Iustification as Bellarmine falsly alleageth but the name of Iustice whereby is there meant a iust and holy life as may appeare by the whole context and scope of that place and not that iustice whereby a man standeth before the iudgement seate of GOD the disputation of which matter the Apostle finished in the end of the sift Chapter CHAP. X. The confirmation of the seuenth part THere remaineth the seuenth part of the sentence propounded to wit that man is iustified by the iustice of God whereby he accepteth Christs satisfaction for the elect Of this Paule testifieth Rom. 3.25.26 Where he saith Whom to wit Christ God hath set forth to be are conciliation through faith in his bloud to declare his iustice by the forgiuenesse of the sinnes that are past through the patience of God to shew at this time his iustice that he might be iust and a iustifier of him which is of the faith of Iesus By which words the Apostle teacheth that God declareth his iustice in as much as he forgiueth sinnes to them for whom Christ hath satisfied namely the beleeuers For it is the part of iustice to be content if satisfaction bee made for the debt by a suretie and not to
in that Chapter of renuing of nature but afterward in the Chapter following And the meaning of the place alleaged by comparing it vnto the former with which it agreeth may be perceiued to be this As Adams sinne reigned in his posterite vnto death because being imputed vnto thē it brought death that so the grace of God whereby he imputeth iustice to them that beleeue for Christs satisfaction reigneth in them vnto life eternall because iustice being imputed to them bringeth life eternall The third place is Rom. 6. Neither exhibit your members as weapons of iniquitie to sinne but exhibit your selues to God as liuing from the dead and your members weapons of iustice to God I answere This place speaketh not of Iustification the dispute whereof the Apostle ended in the 5. Chapter but treateth of sanctification Wherefore it maketh nothing to the matter The 4. place is Rom. 8. The spirit liueth for Iustification or as it is in the Greek the spirit of life for iustice Bellarmine addeth Iustification or iustice which maketh to liue and by this to worke cannot be for giuenesse of sinnes onely but some inward and inherent thing I answere Againe he bringeth a false exposition for neither speaketh he here of Iustification but of sanctification as is manifest by the things before and after And the meaning of the place is that the spirit of God dwelling in them that beleeue and are iustified by faith quickneth them as concerning study of iustice or good workes so that now they cease to giue themselues to sinne and contrariwise doo studie for iustice and good workes The 5. place is Gal. 3. If there had bene a law giuen that could haue giuen life surely iustice had bene by the law Here the Apostle sheweth openly saith Bellarmine that Iustice whereupon Iustification is called is something that giueth life to the soule and constituteth it in motion and action But I see not by what syllogisme Bellarmine gathereth this cōsequence from the Apostles words The meaning of the Apostle is If the law could giue life to man vnto whom it was giuē that is could giue him strength perfectly to fulfill or keep it then should mans iustice arise of the law that is man should be iust and counted of God for iust for the law by him obserued But by what force wil you conclude frō hence that iustification consisteth in that iustice which constituteth the soule in action that is in inherent iustice Yea the contrary may rather be frō hence concluded namely that iustification consisteth not in that iustice for that iustice which is required vnto iustification namely perfect obseruation of the law falleth not vnto man in this life The sixt place is 6. Place Ephes 4. Be renued in the spirit of your minde and put on the new man which according to God is created in iustice and holinesse of truth Where the Apostle calleth renuing iustice and holinesse I answere This place also maketh nothing to the matter seeing it speaketh not of iustification but of sanctification neither of the iustice of faith but of the iustice of workes which although it be not perfect and euery way absolute in the regenerate so as to answer in euery part to the law of God yet is it true and sincere and not feigned Three reasons To these arguments Bellarmine addeth three reasons which he calleth naturall which also we will consider The first reason is 1. Iustification without doubt is a certaine motion from sinne vnto iustice and hath it name from the thing whereunto it leadeth as all other the like motiōs inlightning warning c. True iustification therefore cannot be vnderstood except some iustice be gottē besides forgiuenesse of sinnes euen as it can 〈◊〉 either be true inlightning nor true warming if when darknesse is driuen away or cold expelled there follow no light and no heate in the subiect the body I answere Iustification it is in deed a kind of motion from sinne to iustice but not such as Bellarmine feigneth to wit such as inlightning and warning be For it is not the motion of expelling sinne and infusing iustice for this motion in scripture is not called Iustification but Regeneratiō Renouation Sanctification But it is the motion of forgiuing or remitting sinne and imputing iustice Now forgiuenesse of sinne and imputing of iustice differ onely in name indeed they are the same as appeareth by the Apostles words Rom. 4.6.7 as we haue declared elswhere And what other thing it is to driue out darknesse but to bring in light also what els to expell cold but to put in warmth Vnaptly therfore doth Bellarmine feigne that darkenesse may be driuen away and cold expelled although there follow no light nor heate in the subiect body The second reason 2. Iustification saith Bellarmine is not therefore onely giuen vs of God that we may escape the paines of hell but also that we may get the rewards of heauenly life But surely onely forgiuenesse of sinnes deliuereth from paine doth not giue glorie Which thing we see daily in ciuil iudgements For they that are quitted by the iudge are deliuered from death but they get not new rewards for this alone that they are iudged not to haue bene or not to be guiltie I deny the assumption For remission of sinnes doth not onely deliuer from paine to wit eternall death but also bringeth glorie or eternall life The reason of which thing is this that remission of sinnes wherein mans iustification consisteth is remission of all sinnes and therefore not onely of sinnes of committing but also of sinnes of omitting whereby it commeth that he to whome God forgiueth sinnes is so accounted of as if he had not only committed nothing which God hath forbidden in his law but also omitted nothing of that which he hath commanded and therefore as if he had perfectly fulfilled the law of God Now where the perfect fulfilling of the law is there also is life according to that The man that doeth these thinges shall liue in them Moreouer the example of ciuil iudgement which Bellarmine bringeth proueth not his assumption because that absolution is vnlike to the absolution of God For this is vniuersall to wit from all sinnes against the law of God but that is particular or special to wit frō some certaine crime or crimes against the politick lawes Notwithstanding the ciuil Iudge giueth vnto him whome he hath quitted from certaine crimes those rewards which hee hath promised to the innocent namely preseruation in life and defence although hee giue him no new and singular rewards which hee hath promised onely to certaine vertuous exploits And so God giueth eternall life as a reward to those vnto whome he hath promised it to wit vnto those that keepe his law such as he accounteth all those whose sinnes he hath forgiuen The third reason Iustification of enemies maketh friends children 〈◊〉 citizens with Saints of the houshold of God heyres of his kingdome Onely for