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A07719 A short analysis of a part of the second chapter of S. Iames, from the 14. verse to the end of the same With a briefe confutation of the Rhemists annotations therevpon written. By Iohn Morgan. 1588 Morgan, John, fl. 1588. 1588 (1588) STC 18103; ESTC S107508 19,383 50

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12. Now haue I tried that thou fearest God whē as thou hast not withdrawen from me it 〈◊〉 only begotten sonne as if he should say by this déede was Abraham iustified because he testified that he did truly beléeue in God and by that meanes as the Apostle faith the Scripture was fulfilled and all did perceiue it for to be true that he did beléeue in God and that this was imputed to him for righteousnesse Rhemists Annotat. Iames 2. vers 24. Not by faith only This proposition or speach is directly opposite or contradictorie to that which the Heretikes hold For the Apostle saith man is iustified by good works and not by faith only but the Heretikes say man is not iustified by good works but by faith only neither can they pretend that there is the like contradiction or contrarietie betwixt S. Iames speach and S. Paules For though S. Paule say man is iustified by faith yet he neuer saith by faith only nor euer meaneth by that faith which is alone but alwayes by that faith which worketh by charitie Gal. 5. as he there expoundeth himselfe Though concerning works also there is a difference betwixt the first iustification whereof S. Paule specially speaketh and the second iustification whereof of S. Iames doth more specially treate of which thing else-where there is ynough said see Annot. Rom. 2. ver 13. The Fathers indeede sometimes vse this exclusiue Sola only but in far other sense then the Protestants for some of thē thereby exclude only the works of Moses law against the Iewes some the works of nature and morall vertues without the grace or knowledge of Christ against the Gentiles some the necessitie of externall good works where the parties lack time and means to do thē as in the case of the penitēt theef some the false opinions sects and religions contrary to the Catholike faith against heretiks and miscreants some exclude reason sense arguing in matters of faith misterie against such as will beleeue nothing but that they see or vnderstand some the merits of works done in sinne before the first iustification some the arrogant Pharisaicall vaunting of mans owne proper works and iustice against such as referre not their actiōs and good deeds to Gods grace To these purposes the holy Doctors say sometimes that only faith saueth and serueth but neuer as the Protestants would haue it to exclude frō iustification and saluation the cooperation of mans free will dispositiōs preparations of our hearts by praiers penance and sacraments the vertues of hope charity the purpose of well-working and of the obseruation of Gods cōmaundements much lesse the works and merits of the childrē of God proceeding of grace and charitie after they be iustified and are now in his fauour which are not only dispositions and preparations to iustice but the meritorious cause of greater iustice and saluation Aunswere YOu would faine make vs opposite or contradictorie to S. Iames but neuer shall you bring it to passe till you haue made S. Iames contrary to S. Paule the principall shew of your reasoning consisteth heerein for though S. Paule as you say do affirme that a man is iustified by faith yet he neuer saith by faith only If we can proue that by necessary illation this word only is implied in the Apostles words then either you shal be compelled to confesse S. Paul to be cōtradictory to S. Iames or else to accord with S. Augustine or rather with S. Iames himself by his own discourse opening his own words Now to proue that S. Paul did mean faith only I pray you to cōsider these reasons out of that Apostle himself Paul doth couple nothing with faith in this busines therfore he teacheth that faith alone is sufficient For if it haue nothing coupled with it in iustifying of vs then it is manifest that faith alone doth iustifie vs for whatsoeuer may séeme any thing at all to iustifie vs that altogether is remoued frō faith in iustification for what might a man think to be ioyned with faith in this cause I deeme he will say works therfore if works be disioined it remaineth and that necessarie that we are iustified by faith alone Heere therefore Paule speaking in his owne words Rom. 3.28 we gather that a man is iustified 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 without the works of the law And againe he which worketh not but beléeueth him which iustifieth the vngodly his faith is imputed for righteousnes Rom. 4. ver 5. Againe therefore by the works of the law shal no flesh be iustified in his sight Rom. 3. ver 20. Againe euen as Dauid doth pronounce that man to be blessed to whome God doth impute righteousnes without works Rom. 4. ver 6. And in another Epistle more clerely knowing that a man is not iustified by the works of the law 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but by the faith of Iesus Christ what could be said that more could confirme our sentēce or meaning for if not by that works of the law but by faith we are iustified then that must needs folow that we are iustified by faith alone Héereunto may be added that he writeth we are iustified freely and by the gift of God for by grace saith the Apostle ye are saued by faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God least any man should boast Ephes 2. vers 8.9 And in another place they are iustified freely through his grace Gratis eius gratia Rom. 3. vers 24. It these things do not satisfie you then I pray you answere me this argument If we be not iustified by the works of the law if to him which worketh not but iustifieth the vngodly his faith is imputed for righteousnesse If by the works of the law no man is iustified If righteousnesse be imputed without workes if freely if of grace if by the gift of God to conclude if we are not iustified but by faith Then we are iustified by faith alone The Antecedent is true therefore the consequent we graunt though faith only iustifie yet is not faith alone But as a Queene accompanied with her maides of Honor is only Queene and yet not alone hauing her traine wayting vpon her and as the eye in the bodie seeth only and yet not alone without the rest of the members so although faith only iustifie yet she is not alone but hath hope charitie patience attending vpō her as hand-maids to do the will of her God Concerning your first second iustification S. Paule neuer knew any such distinction for Galat. 2. after his cōuersion vers 20. And the life which I now liue in the flesh I liue by the faith of the sonne of God who hath loued me giuen him-selfe for me As this iustification by faith was first so the Apostle maketh it the latter resting only in that not seeking any second It is well the light of truth hath so far-foorth shined vnto you that you could find in the Fathers this Exclusiue sola
31. Psalme he warneth all men that this deduction vpon S. Paules speach Abraham was iustified by faith therfore works be not necessarie to saluation is the right way to hell and damnation And lastly which is in it selfe verie plaine that we may see this Apostle did purposely thus commend vnto vs the necessitie of good works and the inanity and insufficiencie of only faith to correct the error of such as misconstrued S. Paules words for the same The sayd holie Doctor lib. 83. q. 9. 76. noteth that of purpose he tooke the verie same example of Abraham whome S. Paule sayd to be iustified by faith and declareth that he was iustified by good workes specifying the good worke for which he was iustified and blessed of God to wit his obedience and immolation of his only Sonne But how S. Paule saith that Abraham was iustified by faith see the Annotations vppon that place Rom. 4. verse 1. Aunswere YOur note out of S. Augustine is not worth the noting for any thing that our doctrine can be thereby touched for S. Augustine in that place writeth against the wicked opinion of those who mistaking S. Paules words of iustification by faith without works do by an euill securitie neglect to liue well not seeking by true faith the helpe of God to the ouercomming of their owne euill concupiscences but do despise the works of righteousnes and by a dead faith do promise to them-selues euerlasting life these be S. Augustines expresse words in that place truly translated which you haue most vntruly and malitiously alleaged against vs and against the heresie as you tearme it of iustification by faith only and did vtterly cast away all care of good works godly life as they did against whome S. Augustine did write whereas we by faith onely iustifying vs meane not to exclude the doing but the merits of our good works As for the Heretikes which did mistake the Scriptures and out of the wholsome words of S. Paule did like Spiders sucke poysonfull iuyce the same being turned into their owne infected nature we accurse them to the pit of hell And as for Libertines which turne the grace of God into wantonnesse we say with S. Augustine How farre therefore are they deceiued which promise them-selues life by a dead faith The vanitie and insufficiencie of onely faith as Iames this blessed Apostle meaneth we all graunt For as Augustine saieth De Grat. liber Arbitr cap. 7. Men not vnderstanding that which the Apostle faieth wee déeme a man to bee iustified by faith without the workes of the law they thought he sayd that faith was ynough for a man albeit he liue ill and haue no good workes In the same place by you cited lib. 83. quaest 76. he giueth righteousnes to faith he taketh away the same from workes Therefore whereas the Scripture in Iames saieth Abraham was iustified by his workes he sheweth thereby that he was indued not with a vaine and imaginarie but with a true and sound faith and righteousnesse and that by his deedes he was declared truely to haue been a righteous man we giue vnto workes as much as by the Scripture we haue learned ought to be yeelded We do not of our workes frame a new Christ vnto our selues that we should hope by their merites to be made righteous and to obteyne by them the heauenly life These workes this righteousnesse this heauen wee willingly leaue to you and your fellowes who seeke to bee iustified If you had well marked S. Augustine in his proface vpon Psal 31. Iames sayth he in his Epistle agaynst them which would do no good workes presuming of only faith commended the workes of Abraham himselfe And because the Iesuites referre vs to Rom. cap. 4. vers 1. I will set downe their words Vers 1. Abraham The Apostle disputing in this Chapter as before against them that thought they might bee iustified by their works done without the grace of Christ and faith in him proposeth Abraham for an example and proueth that he had no iustice nor estimation of iustice before God by any workes done before he had faith and Gods grace Aunswere TO the intent your cauilling may the more appeare you say in this place the Apostle disputeth agaynst them that thought they might be iustified by their workes done without the grace of Christ But the Apostle in the Epistle to the Galathians auoucheth in the 5. Chap. agaynst them which ioyned the workes of the law with the faith of Christ In 4. vers You are made voyde of Christ whosoeuer are iustified by the law and ye are fallen from grace And the Apostle vsing the testimonie of the Prophet Abacuk 2. Chapter vers 4. Rom. 1. vers 17. and Galathians 3. vers 11. to proue that wee are not iustified by the workes of the law not after faith for so he frameth the argument to the Galat. That no man is iustified by the law with God it is manifest because the iust shall liue by faith but the law is not of faith and so doth Chrysostome interpret Paule in Galat. 3. Ostendit quod fides iustificet testimonio Prophetae Abacuk Rhemists Roman 4. vers 2. By workes If Abraham did any commendable workes before he beleeued Christ as many Philosophers did men might count him iust therefore But in Gods sight who accepteth nothing without faith in him of that proceedeth not from his grace he should neuer haue had the estimation of a iust man Therefore God in the Scripture reputing him as a iust man giueth the cause thereof saying Abraham beleeued God and it was reputed to him for iustice Aunswere ALL your shiftes cannot elude so playne Scripture Maledicta glossa quae corrumpit textum S. Paule is fittest to expound his owne meaning Galat. 3. vers 8. But the Scripture foreseeing that God would iustifie the Gentiles by faith preached the Gospell vnto Abraham before saying in thee shall all the Nations be blessed vers 9. Therfore they which are of faith are blessed with faithfull Abraham Abraham beleeued God it was imputed to him for iustice Ergo his faith alone did saue him neither his workes before nor after Rhemists Annotat. Rom. 4. vers 4. To him that worketh That is to say he that presumeth of his owne works as done of himselfe without faith Gods helpe and grace and saying that grace or iustification were giuen to him for his workes this man doth chalenge his iustification as debt Aunswere WHo do presume of their owne workes but they which say by their works proceeding of grace they do deserue or merit heauen and that say their works can bee none other but the valure desert price worth and merite of the ioyes of heauen as in your Annotat 1. Cor. 3. vers 8. you haue set downe who do chalenge their iustification as debt but the Popish Diuines whose generall doctrine of their Schooles these late yeeres hath been Euerlasting life is a reward due for our merites euerlasting life
only For otherwise Origen would haue conuinced your folie in Epist Rom. cap. 3. lib. 3. Vbi est gloriatio tua Exclusa est Dicit sufficere solius fidei iustificationem Likewise Hesychius in Leuiticum lib. 4. The grace of God is giuen only of fauour and is receiued and embraced by only faith Chrysostom vpon the Epistle Galat. cap. 3. Illi dicebant qui sola fide nititur execrabilis est c. The false Apostles sayd whosoeuer stayeth himselfe by only faith is accursed Contrariwise S. Paule that whosoeuer stayeth himself by only faith is blessed These with others are witnesses of our sound and Catholike doctrine of our iustification by faith only as these Fathers are playne in this poynt so contrarie to their manifest wordes you would forge an other sense The false Apostles among the Galathians did not shut out grace nor Christ but as Chrysostome before alleadged testifieth that the Apostle S. Paule iudged them to be blessed which stayed vpon faith only I allow not your instance of the theefe whom you make emptie of good workes whose faith in that most short time was vnspeakablie effectuall in making it selfe manifest by good workes for he reproued the blasphemies and wickednesse of the other theefe he detested his former offences with an assured and altogether a marueilous faith in the very ignominie of the Crosse all the rest of the Disciples holding their peace he acknowledgeth Christ to be an euerlasting king and calleth vpon him as a Sauiour but the acknowledging of sin the inuocation of God the Father in Christ and giuing of thanks are most excellent works of the first Table Likewise in-the Pharisie what can you reproue wherein your selues are not to be reprehended he vaunted of his works you boast of your merites he bragged of his kéeping of some parte of the lawe you glorie in your workes of supererogation that you fulfill all the measure of obedience due to God with an ouer plus of righteousnesse he ascribed all this to the grace of God you arrogate part to your freewill As in this your glose you talke of the cooperation of your fréewill Your preparations whereas S. Paule 2. Cor. 3. vers 5. saieth that wee are meete it is of God Philip. 2. vers 13. For it is God that worketh in you both the wil and the déed according to his frée good wil. 1. Cor. 12. ver 3 No man can say the Lord Iesus but by the spirit of God If the Pharisie were now aliue he would shake you by the hands as his youger brethren you Iesuites hearing you thus to rufflle not onely in your dispositions and preparations to iustice but much more if the sound of the meritorious cause of your greater iustice and saluation by the Trumpet of your Annotations might come to his eares Vers 25. Rahab This Apostle alleadgeth the good workes of Rahab by which she was iustified and S. Paule 11. Hebrewes sayth she was iustified by faith which are not contrarie one to the other for both is true that she was saued by faith as one sayth and that she was saued by her workes as the other saith But it were vntruely sayd that she was saued either by only faith as the Heretikes say or by only good works as no Catholik mā euer sayd But because some Iewes Gentil Philosophers did affirme they that they should be saued by the works of Moses law These by their moral works Therefore S. Paule to the Romans disputed specially agaynst both prouing that no workes done without or before the faith of Christ can serue to iustification or saluation Aunswere YOur marginall note is the abridgement of your whole Annotation S. Paule nameth faith and S. Iames workes causes of iustification but neither the one faith only nor the other workes only I aunswer S. Paule named faith as the instrumentall cause of our iustification but the efficient cause he nameth the grace of GOD as he restifieth Ephes 2. vers 8. for you are saued by grace through faith and not of your selues it is the gift of God And S. Iames maketh workes as the effects of iustification S. Paule disputed not only agaynst vnbeleeuing Iewes and Gentill Philosophers but agaynst beleeuing Iewes that beleeued in Christ and ioyned with grace the Ceremonies of the law yea and the moral workes of righteousnesse to whom the Apostle sayth Galat. 5. vers 4. Ye are made voyde of Christ whosoeuer are iustified by the law and ye are fallen from grace Rhemists Annotation vers 26. Faith without workes is dead S. Iames as the Protestants fayne sayth that faith without good works is no faith and that therefore it iustifieth not because it is no faith For he sayth that it is dead without workes as the bodie is dead without the soule and therefore being dead hath no actiuitie or efficacie to iustifie or saue But it is a great difference to say that the bodie is dead and to say it is no bodie euen so it is the like difference to say that faith without workes is dead and to say that faith without workes is no faith And if a dead body be notwithstanding a true bodie then according to S. James comparison here a dead faith is notwithstanding a true faith but yet not auaileable to iustification because it is dead that is because it is onely faith without good workes And therefore it is a great impudencie in Heretikes and a hard shift to say that the faith of which the Apostle disputeth all this while is no true or properly called faith at al it is the same faith that S. Paul defined and commended in all the 11. Chapter to the Hebrewes and the same which is called the Catholike faith and the same which being formed and made aliue by charitie iustifieth Mary true it is that it is not that speciall faith which the Heretikes fayne onely to iustifie to wit when a man doth firmly beleeue as an Article of his faith that himselfe shall bee saued This speciall faith it is not whereof the Apostle here speaketh for neither he nor S. Paule nor any other sacred writer in all the holy Scriptures euer speake or knewe of any such forged faith Aunswere YOu would fayne build an argument vpon a similitude but you know such similitudes do rather illustrate then prooue a matter and such argumēts do either limpe yea rather halt downe right then runne roundly on al fower Howsoeuer you please your selues in comparing faith vnto the bodie and good workes to the louse yet the wise and learned haue rather likenet true faith to the soule and good works to the bodie for as the bodie hath no life of it selfe but only of the soule euen so works haue no life of themselues but only of faith But a dead faith with you is a true faith so is a fire without heate a true and a reall fire of such a faith S. Iames sayth in this Chapter vers 19. Daemones credunt contremiscunt The
toward iustification saluation cōdemning them as vncleane sinfull pharisaical which is directly agaynst these other Scripture and plaine blaspheming of Christ and his grace by whose spirit cooperation we do them 13. Shall be iustified Of all other Articles deceitfully hādled by Heretikes they vse most guile in this of iustification specially by the equiuocation of certaine words which is proper to all contentious wranglers and namely in this word Iustifie Which because they finde sometime to signifie the acquiting of a guiltie man of some crime whereof hee is in deede guiltie and for which hee ought to bee condemned as by mans iudgement either of ignorance or of purpose often a very malefactor is deemed or declared and pronounced innocent They falsly make it to signifie in this place and the like wheresoeuer man is sayd to bee iustified of GOD for his workes or otherwise as though it were saied that God iustifieth man that is to say imputeth to him the iustifice of Christ though he be not indeed iust or of fauour reputeth him as iust when indeed he is wicked impious and vniust Which is a most blasphemous doctrine against God making him either ignorant who is iust and so to erre in his iudgement or not good that can loue and saue him whome he knoweth to be euil And a maruelous pitifull blindnes it is in the Churches aduersaries that they should thinke it more to Gods glory and more to the commendation of Christes iustice merits and mercy to call and count an ill man so continuing for iust then by his grace and mercy to make him of an ill one iust indeed and so truly to iustifie him or as the word doth heere signifie to esteeme and approue for iust indeede him that by his grace keepeth his lawe and commaundements for that the keepers or doers of the commaundements be iust and so reputed it is plaine by the correspondēce to the former words Not the hearers are iust but the doers whereupon S. Augustine de Sp. lit ca. 26. tom 3. hath these words whē it is said The doers of the law shal be iustified what other thing is said then The iust shall be iustified for the doers of the law verely are iustified for the doers of the law verely are iust Aunswere YOu erre not knowing the Scriptures for the Apostle in that Rom. 2. vers 13. applying that vniuersall accusation of man-kind doth seuerally apply the same both to Gentiles and Iowes and because the Iewes gloried in the law he vseth a preuention against them that the same law doth not excuse them but condemne them because not to heare the law but to kéepe the law doth iustifie We confesse a righteousnesse which hé that is in Gods grace dayly procéedeth in according to the Scripture 1. Iohn 3. vers 7. He which doth righteousnesse is righteous meaning that they are not iust which abstaine from vices but they whch do righteous things See also in another place Apoc. 22. vers 11. Qui iustus est iustificetur adhuc He which is iust let him be more iustified We are not ignorant that there is such a righteousnes but we deny vtterly that by this righteousnes we do obteine eternall life the which neither Moses nor Ioshua nor Dauid neither any other hath obtained but by faith imbracing Christ as the Apostle in the Epistle to the Hebrewes doth most manifestly declare For by the works of the law no flesh is iustified Galath 2. vers 16. Also in another place he saith Blessed is that man to whome righteousnes is imputed without works Rom. 4. vers 6. If we attribute nothing to the works done in sinne and infidelitie I hope we haue the Apostle partner with vs Rom. 14. vers 23. But whatsoeuer is not of faith is sin and Hebr. 11. vers 6. But it cannot be that any man can please him without faith if to ward iustification and saluation we say Christian mens works are nothing auaileable we haue S. Paule to hold with vs Gal. 2. vers 21. For if iustice be by the law then Christ died without cause Otherwise we say the works of the Godly to be the gift of God to please God and that a most ample and largere ward is promised and shall be performed vnto them Yet that they are not perfect as the law of God requireth neither void of all fault for that contagion of sin which hath corrupted our nature neither can be vtterly extirped in this life But the Lord doth so approue the Godly mens works as he doth entertaine the Godly themselues For although Gods children do labour with many diseases of sin notwithstanding God doth loue them for Christes sake so God doth allow our works albeit not altogether perfect he rewardeth them testifiech that they are acceptable vnto him But that any man should say that the works of the Saincts are nothing but vncleane sinfull pharisaicall we neuer said so for in the Saincts and regenerate there be most excellent gifts of the holy Ghost as faith hope loue patience humblenes meekenes peace ioy temperāce hatred of sin desire of righteousnes these such like God doth accept of in his children and of mercy doth crowne his good gifts in them Gregor Moralium lib. 9. cap. 14. Omnis humana iustitia iniustitia esse conuincitur si districtè iudicetur All mans righteousnes is conuinced to be vnrighteousnes if it be narrowly iudged In this article we vse no deceit neither guile and are no more wranglers then the holy Scriptures holy Fathers And the God himselfe of your Schoolemen Thomas in Galat. ● lect 4. Opera non sunt causa canaliquis sit iust●us apud Deum sed potius sunt executiones manifestationes Works are not the chuse why any mā is iust before God but rather the executions and manifestatiōn of iustice see Aug. de verb. Apost S●● 15. Hier. lib. 1. aduers Pelagian Bernard in Cantic Ser. 73. Si iniquitates obseruauerit If he shall marke the iniquities yea euen of the elect who sholbe able to abide it And againe Memorabor iustitiae 〈◊〉 solius ipsa enim est mea nempe fact us●es mihi tu iustitia a Deo I will make mention of thy righteousnes only for that it is mine to wit thowart made vnto me righteousnes 〈◊〉 God The Apostle Acts. 13. vers 39. he saith that we are iusected by Christ from all those things first which we could not be iustified by the law of Moses God doth not accompt him iust or impute righteousnes unto him that still continueth in his sins your blindnes is great that 's 〈…〉 y● cleere light of the scriptures Psal 〈…〉 thou shalt mark out iniquities 〈◊〉 Lord Lord who shal be able to abide the same Prophet coueteth the 〈◊〉 to be blessed to whō the Lord doth 〈…〉 without works Psalme 32. 〈…〉 Rom. 4. vers 6. FINIS