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A70857 Christos angasmos, or, Christ our sanctification faithfully explained, fully confirmed, and practically applied ... being the substance of several lectures or meditations / by Tho. Pichard ... Pichard, Thomas.; Pritchard, Thomas, M.A. 1667 (1667) Wing P3524; ESTC R10560 136,857 229

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doth upon right Principles 1 John 2.20 Omat bonum fit ex integrā Causa by a right Rule and to a right End Civil men live plausibly but know not the ground nor end of their Actions Faith in God through Jesus Christ is not the Principle the word of God is not the Rule the Glory of God is not the End of their Actings They neither live to God nor for God not according to his Will revealed in his VVord nor for the honour and glory of his Name Ephes 1.17 18. The Spirit of Wisdome and Revelation hath not enlightned their understanding to see into the mysterie of his Will they do not act out of faith in Christ and pure love to God in what they do 2. Jesus Christ is little prized by civil men Note 2 they are satisfied with their own but do not hunger and thirst after Christs Righteousness The Law is more natural to men than the Gospel men naturally are more for doing than than for believing Therefore legal straines and moral M xims suit more with them than Gospel Doctrines and promises that breed Faith Men naturally desire to be under a Covenant of works because ignorant of the glory of the Covenant of Grace Meer civil men see not the merit of Christs blood they apprehend not the sweetness of his fellowship nor the efficacy of his Spirit but go on smoothly without rub and difficulty whereas to a true Christian Jesus Christ is All in All the Author Heb. 12.2 and maintainer of his life the Alpha and Omega of his happinesse the man doth not live so much as Christ lives in him and every day Gal. 2.20 he seeth an indispensible need of Christ and what abundant cause he hath to bless God for Christ who is made to him wisdome righteousness sanctification and redemption 3. Usually some reigning lust keeps company Note 3 with Civility Civility is but a freer slavery one way or other Satan holds them captive by one fetter of sin or other they are entangled I have observed commonly this sin is Covetousness The young man in the Gospel was a civil honest man a fair Dealer in the world and had kept all those sayings from his youth as to the letter of them but his possessions were a snare unto him at the narrow Bridge of self-denial Matth. 19.22 Christ and his soul parted There is some sweet morsel rolled under the Tongue some delicate Dalilah lying in the Bosome some reigning sin kept with greater allowance from Conscience Commonly this Viper is worldly-mindedness Note 4 4. Civil men take more care about their actions than about their lusts wrath pride concupiscence vain worldly unclean thoughts and affections are digested because the conversation seems to be smooth and fair these crawling Vermine swarm without controul Civilility is all for an outward carriage it minds not the frame of the heart nor the right tempering of the affections But holy Paul complaines of the law in his members and of the motions of lust within him which fall not under the cognizance of the light of Nature Rom. 7.7 23 24 25. the first risings of sin the least rebellion of Nature forbidden in the Tenth Commandment a true Saint is sensible of and deeply humbled for 1 King 6.8 But the affairs of the inward man the workings of the heart are not minded by meer civil men but the eyes of sound Christians like the windows of the Temple are broad inwards they look much within they mourn over the sins of their hearts as well as over the sins of their lives 2. Formality or pretended grace The Apostle speaks of true holiness Ephes 4.24 in opposition to that which is feigned and counterfeit Ye may discover it also by these four Marks 1. False grace is acted from forreign considerations Mark 1 The Hypocrites principles of motion are without him as popular applause carnal respects by-ends just as Puppets that want the natural motion of life within them and are artificially moved by an outward force He may be forma assistens to him but not forma informans in him The Spirit of God may assist an hypocrite in some duties but he is not in him as an informing quickning renewing principle But true Grace in the heart of the sanctified is like a living Fountain naturally bubling up and working towards God and heaven out of his belly shall flow forth Joh. 7.37.38 Rivers of living Waters True Grace hath an inward propensity a natural tendency to comply with the will of God The Law of God is written in his heart he delighteth in the Law in the inner-man Rom. 7.22 This is the peculiar Character of a Saint which no Formalist or hypocrite in the world can do 2. False grace is shy of Gods sight and Mark 2 presence Hypocrites neither can Hypocrita cupit videri justus Hypocrita in verbis sanctus in corde vanus intus Nero foris Cato c. nor do appeal to God for their sincerity nor do they live as in the eye of his Omniscience and Omnipresence but their chiefest care is to blind the world to seem and not to be just he converseth more with men than with God Yet the godly can appeal to God for their sincerity though they tremble at their defects and impurity like Peter John 20.17 He appeals to Christs Omnisciency Lord thou knowest all things and thou knowest that I love thee So holy Job expostulates the case thus Let me be weighed in an even ballance that God may know mine integrity Job 31.6 He could appeal to God the un-erring Rule of Righteousness in this matter he knew his integrity would hold weight And at another time he hath this self-abasing expression Mine eye seeth thee therefore I abhor my self in dust and ashes Job 42.5.6 As he could hold fast his integrity so he could also loath and abhor himself in dust and ashes at the sight of Gods glorious Majesty and purity and in the sense of his own defects and failings Mark 3 3. False grace grows not better and better but rather worse and worse pretences wither rather than thrive an hypocrite goes backward rather than forward every day Jer. 7.24 The Lord by the Prophet complains th●re that his people hearkned not nor enclined their ear but walked in the counsels and in the imaginations of their evil hearts and went backward and not forward False grace like bad salt grows worse and worse til it be cast out into the Dunghil but true grace from a grain groweth unto a Tree from a morning glympse to a perfect Noon Prov. 4.18 The path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect Day from smoaking flaxe it is blown up to fragrant flame Nicodemus that came to Christ at first by night for fear of the Jews afterwards openly declareth for him and bestowed much cost upon the dead body of our Lord. John 19.39 Grace gets
or to bribe by favour into a base compliance with them against the honour of their God and the conscience of their Duty The Aegyptians were wont to paint their Judges without hands and eyes without hands they must not take bribes without eyes in judgment they must not be partial Thus a godly man that hath made God his portion is hand-lelss and eye-less he is hand-less the world doth not shall not bribe him he is eye-less he beholds none of the worlds Terrors so as to daunt him Thus a sanctified or regenerate person in the strength of Christ overcomes the world 6. A regenerate or sanctified person hath the honour of Sonship Sanctification layes the foundation of our Adoption when we are born again we are born Gods Children we bear the Image of Christ by grace as we have have borne the Image of Adam by nature when we are converted ipso facto we are adopted Regeneration is the root or stock from which and on which this Peer-less and never fading flower Adoption grows When a sinner becomes a Saint at that very moment a childe of wrath is made a son of God a member of the first is made a member of the second Adam a relative change is contemporary with a real Behold ye Saints this priviledge with admiration Behold What manner of love is this 1 Joh. 3.1 that we should be called the sons of God c. When Christ had converted the Paralytick he cals him Son Mat. 9 2. When Christ had converted the Menstruous woman which appears by her faith in touching him and drawing in vertue from him he cals her daughter Mark 5.34 daughter be of good chear c. The new creature hath both the white stone and the new name the white stone of Absolution the new name of Adoption There be some Honours a man can never attain to unless he be born of Nobles or descended of the blood of Princes Fortuitum est nas●i a principibus I cannot teach you to be Princes in this sense 't is a rare thing to be born of Princes but sure I am unless ye be born again not of bloods or of the will of ma● but by the will and of the Spirit of God 1 John 13.3 John 3. ye shall not see the Kingdome of God much less become the s●ns of God or Kings and Priests to God Rev. 1 6. and least of all live and reign as Princes and Peers of state in Glory Now every sanctified soul to his great Comfort may draw up this Syllogisme He that hath the disposition and the Affections and doth the work of a childe of God is a childe of God But I have the disposition and the Affections and do the work of a childe of God Therefore I am a child of God If ye are right in the Assumption ye are thrice happy in the Conclusion 7th Eff ct of Sanctification Holinesse brings the soul to its right frame and Temper Psalm 23.3 He restoreth my soul c. Sanctification is the souls restauration not only to joy and comfort but also to its former soundness health and vigour which was impaired by the fall The health of the Bodie consists in the right and sound constitution of of it when all the members are in their due positure and all the humours in their right temperature then the body is in health so the health of the soul consists in the rectification or right Constitution of all the faculties So Dr. Sybs By the fall they all suffered deordination disorder deformity confusion by Regeneration they are set in joint again renewed rightly ordered and re-inclined to their proper and right objects Grace coming into the soul like Physick taken down into the body works out the peccant humours 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 heals the soul of its old distempers cleanseth it of its former filthiness and superfluity of naughtinesse repairs nature by restoring to it the divine Nature and so makes the soul hail and healthful in Gods service for indeed none but the vessel of Honour which is sanctified is meet for the Masters use Sin is the souls sickness what sickness is to the body that sin is to the soul Sin is compared to the worst of sicknesses to the plague of the heart the noysome pestilence the running Leprosie A sick person cannot walk nor work with comfort nor rellish the sweetness of meat and drink nor enjoy himself in any of his enjoyments Wherefore health is counted the greatest temporal blessing far greater than wealth honour beauty c. Now sin being a spiritual distemper like a disease Physicians call a Corruption of the whole substance of animals vitals Corruptio totius substantiae naturals an unholy sinner cannot walk in Heavens way nor work the works of God nor savour the things of the Spirit nor rellish the sweetness of Communion with God nor the pleasures of Piety his spirit is corrupted this internal Palate and appetite are vitiated the whole man is quite out of frame and order he loves like a Swine to rowt in the dung and filth and cannot delight in God nor in his holy Law Things that are in themselves most excellent the great and glorious Mysteries of the Gospel he looks upon as things contemptible and vile but sin in in its lusts and acts viler than the vilest filth he lives in as his Element and counts his greatest pleasure and Glory Phil. 3.11 19. he glories in his shame O Lord how sadly is man fallen But in sanctification the man is quite altered the minde is informed the will is reformed the affections are rightly ordered the conscience is purged the Inner-man is recovered to its right temper yea the members of the body which before were weapons of unrighteousness are now made sub-servient to the Spirits Dictates And the whole man body soul and spirit being sanctified Membra sunt Arma is now made ready for every good work to which before sanctification it was altogether reprobate Beloved Friends are your souls thus well and healthy are they recovered to their right temper are ye sound in the faith are ye sincere at heart is the habitual frame of your hearts right with God and for God or not deal impartially with your own souls 'T is true a man that is generally lively and healthy may now and then by accident get colds and surfets have fits of weakness and for some time labour under some infirmities but a strong Constitution will rub along wear off and cast out the disease at last so an holy a spiritually healthy man through humane frailty and strong temptation may for a time decay in grace yea languish very much hee may get cold his love to God his zeal for God may chil and cool his faith may weaken his hope may almost fail his patience may tire c. And through the immoderate cares of this li●e and inordinate affection to the Creature he may get a
and comprehensive I take to be this What is Justification Answ Justification is a most merciful and righteous Action of God as Judge whereby Definition of justification imputing the righteousness of Christ to a believing sinner he absolveth him from his sins and accepteth of him as righteous in Christ and as an heir of eternal life to the praise and glory of his own mercy and justice All which at leastwise for the most part is comprehended in Rom. 3.23 24 25 26. I do not intend at this time to prosecute the parts of this Definition at large but only speak to two things in transi●u 1. The justification of a sinner is an Act of God as Lord Law-giver and Judge Opera Trinitatis ad extra sun● indivisa Rom. 8 33. it is God that justifieth the whole Trinity Father Son and Spirit Jam. 4.12 There is one Law-giver who is able to save and to destroy none but the offended Majesty can pardon mans offences 'T is the injured Deity that saith I even I am he that blotteth out thy Transgressions for mine own sake and will not remember thy sins Isa 43.25 O glorious and gracious Word Hee that will by no meanes clear the guilty having received satisfaction in his Son by the imputation of his Sons righteousness justifies the ungodly acquits them from the guilt of sin Rom. 4.5 and accepts them as righteous in his sight 2. The righteousness of justification quatenus justification works not a real inherent change in us which is done in sanctification but makes a relative change without us and upon us as it is a judicial act of God an act of God as Law-giver and Judge in opposition to Condemnation Justification makes a relative change or mutation in respect of a mans estate or condition a guilty person is p●onounced righteous the sinful Debtor is discharged an Enemy is now reconciled a miserable captive is redeemed a childe of wrath is made a Son of God and an unworthy worm an heir of Glory These are relative mutations though they that are justified are also together sanctified in order of Time these acts of grace are wrought together but in order of Nature justification is the Antecedent and sanctification is the Cons●quent and mark it where justification changeth a mans Relation to God and Eternity there sanctification changeth a mans disposition and renews the soul with inward holiness both are the sacred effluxes from Christs righteousness the first is wrought by the righteousness of Christ imputed the other by the righteousness of Christ imparted one by Christs personal righteousness the other by way of influence Christ is both caput eminentiae caput influentiae and infusion from Christ as Head Wee ought to take great heed least we confound justification with sanctification as Bellarmine and the Papists do 4. In the fourth place we come to shew the essential parts of our justification and these are two 1. Absolution from sin 2. Acceptation as righteous in Christ Both which the Lord granteth by the plenary and perfect satisfaction made to his Law and justice by Jesus Christ both our Surety and Mediatour by which he satisfied the Law in both parts 1. He satisfied the Law in respect of the penalty by his Passion or passive righteousness undergoing the Curse for us Gal. 3.13 2. He satisfied the Law in respect of the Precept by his perfect active righteousnesse habitual and actual but neither of these can be severed any where from the other Rom 3.4 And these which God hath so indissolvably joined let no man put assunder each hath its proper interest in and respective contribution toward the satisfying the injured honour of Gods Law for the honour of Gods Law is the equity of both its parts its Command and its threatning Christs active righteousness the obedience of the Great God-man hath honoured the equity of the first viz. repaired the honour of Gods Commandments broken by sinful man And his passive righteousness in like manner honours the equity of the Threatning Christ himself dies to justifie that the sinner is worthy of Death and by offering up himself as a sacrifice on the Crosse he proclaims to all the world that sin is exceeding sinful and that God is exceeding jealous Again Consider See Wallebius his Body of Divinity with the Notes of Mr. Rosse p. 109. Christs active Righteousness was every where passive the distinction of active and passive is needless an● his passive righteousness every where active 1. His active Righteousnesse was every where passive because all of it was done in the form of a Servant Christs obedience is an active Passion and a passive Action ibid. in our nature he obeyed the Law in his very incarnation he was passive for therein he suffered an ●clipse of the glory of his God-head 2. His Passive Righteousness was every where active because what he suffered was not by constraini or against his will it was his own voluntary act and deed all along he eyed his Fathers Glory and the good of mankind Ah! take that instance the Greatest of his sufferings his very dying was the product both of the freeness of his love and of the majesty of his power John 10.17 18. Revel 1.5 Read those melting Texts and chew the Cud upon them But to return The Law hath two branches 1. The Commination or the Curse 2. The Precept or Commandment so there are two parts of justification 1. Absolution from the Curse of the Law this is done by Christs sufferings the Prince of Life dyed the Lord of Glory became a Curse for us 2. Acceptation as righteous in Christ this is done by the imputation of Christs perfect righteousness to us Rom. 8 3 4 Rom. 5. ●7 18. both habitual and actual Thus Jesus Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to every one that believeth for to them that believe in him he hath fulfilled all righteousness but I must confess by reason of the most strict Connexion between these two viz. imputation of righteousness and remission of sins the one doth comprehend or conclude the other Propter arctissimam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 una alteram Complectitur 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quamvis justificatio 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in peccatorum remissione Constituatur Synop. Pur. Theol. p. 436. justificatio peccatoris est remissio peccatorum figuratè nimirum metonimicè loquendo quia remissio peccatorum est causa formalis justificationis peccatoris c. Syntag. Polan p. 445. as Rom. 4.22 and justifi-fication 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is oftentimes placed in the remission of sins as Psalm 32.1 Rom. 4.7 We are justified by Christs obedience both active and passive but I confess chiefly by the latter The Scripture in many places seems to lay the stress principally or at least synechdochically upon the Blood the Death the Crosse of Christ Ephes 1.7 Heb. 9.12 14. Rom. 5.10 Ephes 2.13 Col. 2.13 14. Revel
we see as in a glass darkly Now the dust is in our eyes much blindness and darkness in the eyes of the most enlightned our understandings are partly light and partly darkness our wills are partly flesh and partly spirit we find do we not a contrary Principle working a contrary Law rebelling that when we would do good evil is present with us Rom. 7.21 There is a Law in the members Rom. 7.23 and a Law of the mind There is a double Enemy carrying on a double interest in one soul there is a Jacob and an Esau strugling and striving for Mastery in one heart there remains the being of sin concupiscence evil lusting and motions many sins of ignorance negligence and of invincible infirmity in the Saints for whilest they abide in earthly they abide in sinful Tabernacles The bitter moans groans complaints tears together with the sad lapses of the Saints do sadly evidence the truth of this 1 Kin. 8.46 Jam. 3.2 1 Ioh. 1.8 Eccl. 7.20 As a child as soon as born is a true man though not a perfect man he hath all the parts of a man not the strength and stature besides the ample testification of many Scriptures The Saints that are sanctified in Christ Jesus are in a sense perfect and in a sense imperfect they are perfect as to perfection of parts every part and faculty of soul and body is sanctified and yet they are in a sense imperfect i. e. as to perfection of degrees thus the word perfect is differently to be understood Phil. 3.12.15 In the 12th ver it notes the fullest measure or highest Achme of perfection attainable by a Christian In the 15th ver it notes sincerity o● integrity which is a Christians Evangelical perfection God according to the tenour of the New Covenant accepting his person in Christ as perfect viz. in and through Christs perfect righteousness and intercession and thereupon a believers gracious desires and endeavours for performances his will for the deed and his sincerity for perfection Perfection of degrees being too great a priviledge for a Militant estate is reserved as one of the peculiar Flowers or Jewels of the Triumphant Crown for the Saints to wear in their Fathers Kingdome 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A precious jewel which nothing can defile or dull its shining so is the state above wherefore among the singular distinguishing Epithetes given by the Spirit of God to our inheritance this is one an inheritance undefiled 1 Pet. 1.4 By our Justification now we have peace with God Rom. 5.1 all our sins past and present are actually pardoned and this favour received is a pledge of assurance that for the future by applying our selves to Christ we shall receive remission of daily sins and that at the last day we shall be for ever free from all accusations and condemnation Our Justification is perfect now though the most solemn pronunciation of it in a magnificent manner is the work of the great day but our Sanctification is inchoate imperfect and progressive here by the supplies of the Spirit of Grace there must be a going on from faith to faith from strength to strength but it shall be most compleat and perfect at Christs appearing the Picture of Christ will be gloriously drawn even to the life then We know Phil. 1.6 that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is 2. The righteousness of justification is equally perfect and equally imputed to all believers my meaning is all believers are alike justified one as well and as much as another the weak as much as the strong the new-born Babes so much as the old Fathers the feeblest Lambs as much as the Hee-goats of the Flock he that hath the least as well as he that hath the greatest measure of the Spirit Gemmam amplectitur Gigas puerulus licet Gigas fortiùs eam amplectitur quàm puerulus tamen manet gemma aequè preciosa Luther A Giant holdeth a jewel and so doth a Child the jewel is the same though the Giant holdeth it with a stronger hand So here the righteousness of justification is the same though the faith of believers is not the same some being weak and others strong in faith As to inherent righteousness there is much difference but as to imputed righteousness all the Saints are equal none have purer linnen than the rest A believer of the lowest form in Christs School of the meanest stature or growth in Christ of the weakest and dullest capacity in the mysteries of the Kingdome of Christ So M. Burroughs on the Beatitudes Matth. 5. is in point of justification equal with Abraham Isaac and Jacob Moses Samuel and David equal with all the most glorious Patriarchs Prophets Martyrs and eminent Saints that are Thou if a believer art as much acquitted from sin and as much accepted as righteous in the sight of God and as undoubted an Heir of and hast as true a title to the Inheritance of heaven as the most famous Saints that are But there is a great deal of difference among the Sain s themselves as to sanctification some Saints are children some are strong men 1 Cor. 15.41 some are fathers one star excelleth another star in glory There are stellae primae secundae magnitudinis c. Some Saints are more sluggish and dull of hearing more dull and dark in understanding others are more acute and quick some are younglings weaklings and have need of milk viz. the principles of the Oracles of God others are strong men and have need of meat can dive into and digest the deepest mysteries revealed in the Gospel Heb. 5.12 13 14. God having given them senses exercised to discern both good and evil Some are more dead to duty and in duty others are more vigorous more fervent in spirit and lively some walk more humbly with God more holily before God more exactly and venerably before the world than others do Some do much fully and stain their garments others comparatively walk in white and keep their garments clean and also keep themselves unspotted from the world Jam. 1. ult Thus great is the difference between Saint and Saint in sanctification Cant. 5.10 My beloved is white and ruddy white in the glory of his Deity ruddy in the preciousness of his Humanity and white in the beauty of his purity and ruddy in the blood of his Oblation Owens Communion p. 52 53. as great is the difference between man and man in growth and stature but in justification the infant of daies and man of grey hairs the shrub and the Cedar the smaller and greater stars the Saints of all dimensions and denominations of all ages and statures are equally perfect and shine equally bright and glorious because the glory of that righteousness is not inherent in them as the light is inherent in the body of the Sun but this robe of righteousness so 't is called Isai
precious life to spill his precious blood for you Gal. 2.20 Christ by the merit of his blood the price of your Sanctification hath impetrated and obtained of the Father the holy Spirit with all the gifts and graces of the same for your sanctification and salvation see John 16.7 13. John 14.16 17. 3. Consider the infinite power and efficacy of the Spirit The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead called the Spirit of Holiness Rom. 1.4 quickens the Saints to a new life and dwelleth in them Rom. 8.11 This new life of holiness which is in Christ Jesus is by the Spirit of life imparted to you Rom. 8.2 For the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus Rom. 8. 2 hath made me free from the law of sin and death Holiness in us is the fruit of Christs Purchase the product of his merit the sprinkling of his Unction a parcel of his Fulness and a measure of his Spirit we have as great need of his Spirit to sanctifie us as of his blood to justifie us yea the Eternal Spirit was indispensibly needful to sanctifie and dignifie the blessed Sacrifice of Christs Humane Nature upon the Cross or else I must profess my Ignorance of that Text Heb. 9.14 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Supe eminens magnitudo virtutis ejus So Montanus 'T is not only the power but the exceeding greatness of the Spirits power to raise up a person morally dead to an estate of newness of life 't is a work proportionate to that power God wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the Heavenly places Eph. 1.19 20. Notwithstanding the Fathers E●ection and the Sons Redemption yet without the Spirits Efficacy we had all at this day lain rotting ●ike stinking Carrion in the Grave of sin and death Gods Mercy Christs Merit and the ●pirits efficacy It is very observable that all the three Persons challenge an equal share in the working of holiness in the creature it being such a part of Gods G●orie Mr. Burroughs Saints Treasury p. 16. must have their distinct glory The Father is said to sanctifie the Son to Sanctifie the Spirit to sanctifie but with their distinct Idioms or Characters our sanctification is from the Father in the Son and by the Spirit the Inchoation is from the Father he is the prime ●●i●inal the Dispensation is by the Son he is the way of Communication the Application and Consummation is by the Spirit he receives of the Father and the Son and shows it unto us that is he works grace or holiness in us Thus all the persons work jointly and yet distinctly the love of the Father makes way for the Mediatorship of the Son and the Mediatorship of the Son for the Office of the Spirit The Sanctification of the Spir t is as necessary as the blood of Jesus you may see 1 Pet. 1.2 how all the persons have their distinct operations Communion with the Spirit is as sweet and choice a priviledge as the Grace of our Lord Jesus or the Love of God the Father 2 Cor. 13.14 Thus sanctifie the Name of God give Glory to the Father Son and Spirit to the Triuni Deo the three one God three in Persons one in Essence and Nature for your Sanctification I● Jesus Christ be made of God Sanctification Use 2 to us the Procuring Meritorious and Moral cause of our Sanctification then primarily and principally let your thoughts ascend to God the Father as the supreme original of your Sanctification let not your thoughts stop or stay till they center in him 'T is the Father who of his own will hath begotten us by the Word of Truth Jam. 1.18 't is God the Father of our Lord Jesus who of his aboundant Mercy hath begotten us again c. 1 Pet. 1.3 Therefore we ought to bless and exalt his aboundant Mercy as the Apostle doth 'T is the Father the Heavenly Husbandman that purgeth the Branches John 15.1 2. that they might bring forth fruit As we ought to believe in Christ the Mediatour so in God as the first Fountain and Authour of Grace and as the ultimate end of our happiness 1. As the Fountain of all Grace John 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave c. Ephes 2.4 5. God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us when we were dead in sins Ephes 2.4 5. Rom. 4.24 hath quickened us together with Christ We must believe in him that raised our Lord Jesus from the dead He that believeth in me So Dr. M ●ton Expounds it in his Commentary on Jude believeth not in me but in him that sent me there not is not negative but corrective not only in me but his thoughts must ascend to the Father also who manifests himself in me for God was in Christ reconciling the World to himself c. 2 Cor. 5.19 2. You must believe in God as the ultimate end of your happiness Christ suffered for sins 1 Pet. 3.18 the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God When the Mediatour brings the Soul into peace with God by Justification and into the likeness and fellowship of God by Sanctification he hath attained the utmost end of his Mediatourship and the Soul hath attained its chiefest good and utmost happiness therefore is it said that the Saints by Christ do believe in God 1 Pet. 1.21 c. I would not wittingly or willingly speak a word for a world to detract any thing from the honour of my blessed Saviour or from the glory of the sacred Comforter but to rectifie your understandings and to heighten your apprehensions of the Fathers love because many Christians carry all things in the Name of Christ and of the Spirit being more apprehensive of the Sons love and of the Spirit 's grace than of the Fathers aboundant mercy Give me therefore leave to subjoin these four weighty Reasons Reas 1. Because all grace begins with the Father he is the first in order of Being and the first in order of Working the Fountain of the Trinity as we may conceive 't is the Father that floweth out to us in Christ by the Spirit he is the Father of lights Jam. 1.17 And the Text tells ye we are of God in Christ Jesus 't is true Christ as the second Person is coequal with the Father in power and glory but Christ as Mediatour must be considered as the Fathers Servant Isa 42.1 as his elect or chosen Instrument Reas 2. Glorifie the Father for whatsoever good Christ hath done for you or in you all is done with respect to the Fathers love and grant 2 Tim. 1.9 Joh. 17.2 God hath saved us according to his own Purpose and Grace given us in Christ Jesus God gave Christ power over all Flesh that he should give eternal life to those God had given him Righteousness Holiness Heaven
world Be ye holy in all manner of conversations as he is holy 1 Pet. 1.15 Mat. 5.16 〈◊〉 demum est vera religio imitari Deum quem Colis Lactan. Let your light so shine before men that they seeing your good-works c. That is true Religion when we imitate God whom we worship 'T is impossible God should set his love upon a person altogether unlike himself similitude is the ground of Fellowship can two walk together except they are agreed for what communion hath light with darkness or Christ with Belial Surely none at all 3. Why doth the Lord many times correct his people but that they might be holy this is the sweet fruit that grows upon the sowre tree of affliction this is all the fruit to take away their sin Isa 27.9 and more expresly Heb. 12.10 To make them partakers of his Holiness We are Threshed that our husks may fly off Winnowed that we may be purged Tried in the Furnace that our Graces may be brightned and our dross our lusts consumed God never afflicts his people but for their profit Though we may not yet God many times seeth we have great need of affliction 1 Pet. 1.6 because we have need of sanctification many times the Saints get such deep spots in their Consciences and stains in their Garments that nothing but the Salt and Vinegar of afflition will rub them out God had rather see his people in a suffering than in a sinful state he had rather hear them cry than see them filthy and better a thousandfold to be preserved in Brine than to rot in Honey 2. Sanctification is absolutely needful for the honour of God the Son least his members should be deformed and polluted head and members must be proportionate like to one another Dan. 2.31 32 33 it were monstruous that Christ should have such a strange body as Nebuchadnezars Image which he saw in his Dream the head of Gold the arms and breasts of Silver the thighs of Brasse the feet of Iron and Clay so strange and odd it is that Christ should have such a mis-shapen Body altogether unlike himself 't is not for Christs honour to be the head either of a monstrous or ulcerous body by how much we retain of sin by so much we dishonour our Redeemer and put him to shame therefore all Christs aim is to make us holy Christ pitched on Sanctification as the fittest blessing to bestow upon us to make us holy and so to make us in and with himself honourable Every distinct society must have some distinct honour now Christ hath set apart his Church as a distinct society to himself He bestows not on her worldly pomp or splendour other societies have enough of that but he beautifies her with holiness the best Ornament For holiness becometh thine House O Lord for ever Psal 93.5 This is a farre greater gift than any outward greatness for moral excellencies do far transcend civil or natural Rom. 10.12 Eph. 2.4 Rom. 11.33 Exod. 24.6 God is said to be rich in Mercy plentious in Redemption aboundant in Goodness and Truth infinite in Power unsearchable in Counsel but he is glorious in Holiness Exod. 15.11 Gods Goodness is his Treasure but his Holiness is his Glory Again Christ in giving us Sanctification did not onely respect its Excellency but also our want of it Christ came into the world to repair and make up the ruines of the Fall in the Fall we lost not onely Gods Love but also Gods Image therefore that the Plaister might be as broad as the sore he died not onely to reconcile us but also to sanctifie us that he might sanctifie the people with his own blood he suffered without the Gate Heb. 13.12 Exod. 30.17 18 19 20 21 His blood was not only 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Price but also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Laver wherein to wash us and make us clean as under the Law there was both a Laver and an Altar to shew that we must bee sanctified as well as justified Christ came into the world not only to abolish the guilt of sin The Son of God appeared 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ut dissolvat opera Diaboli Si hodie quoque in Helvetiis Thermae Taberien ses c. valetudinarios ●eflituunt id quidem divinae tribuendam est b●nignitati nam nullae res Terrenae vim in se habent saluta●em homin ●us nisi effi●aces r●d dantur per po ea●iam omnipotentis B●ling in Joh. 5.4 Numb 35 6 25. which makes against our Interest Peace and Comfort but also to destroy the power of sin and cleanse us of the filth of sin which makes against Christs Glory Christ dyed that the Gospel and all the precious Ordinances and Promises of the same might be under a blessing and conduce to the advancement of holiness Ephes 5.26 That he might Sanctifie us by the washing of water through the Word Christ hath procured a Treasure of Grace to be conveyed to the Church by the spiritual use of Ord●nances John 17.19 I Sanctifie my self for their sakes saith Christ that they might be Sanctified through the Truth That prophane Wretch Celsus decries Christianity as though it were a Nursery of wickedness and a Seminary of all looseness such abom●nable thoughts he had of the Doctrine of Free-Grace Origen wise y answers him The Gospel is not an Invitation of a Thief to debauch men but the Invitation of a Physitian to cure men of their enormities 'T is an Hospital to heal them of their Diseases a Fountain to cleanse them of their Filthiness When ever ye come to hear the Wo d or to the use of any Ordinance expect then to re●p th fruits of Christs purchase look upon the Ordinances as sprinkled by Christs blood as influenced by Christs Spirit When ye come to this Pool of Bethesda there wait and wait earnestly for the Angels stirring of the waters as the impotent folk did John 5.2 3 4. the Angel of the Covenant Christ in his Prophetical Office must stir in these waters of the Sanctuary manifest his Power and Presence in them and stir in thy heart also Open thy immortal Gates move and melt thy bowels for thee if ever they are effectual 'T is very observable that under the Law all the Cities of Refuge were Cities of Levites and Schools of Instruction And there the Man-Slayer must stay till the death of the High-Priest So in like manner if yee flie from the Pa●s●er of Blood the Law and Wrath of God to Jesus Christ for Refuse for Reconciliation for Justification as your High-Priest you must come to Christ also for teaching as your Prophet ye must learn the Trade of holiness in Christs School as well as look for reconciliation by Christs Crosse To conclude Your Head is holy so must the members be or else ye exceedingly dishonour your Head and disgrace his Glorie 3. 'T is for the honour of God the holy Spirit the Father
Harmony between the divine Attributes righteousness and mercy do sweetly embrace and kiss each other the Glory of both shine forth most illustriously in and by the bloody passion of the Son of God Now the Acts of God the principal Efficient cause are to be distinguished according to the distinction of the three persons 1. The Father justifies as the primary Cause and Authour he gave his only begotten Son for our justification and salvation John 3.16 2. The Father justifies as Legislatour enacting by his Soveraign Authority that sweet Law of the New Covenant by vertue whereof every believing sinner is justified from the guilt of sin from which he could not be justified by the Law of Moses This Law of justification by Faith is Gods own act and Deed Acts 13.38.39 the great Instrumentum pacis betwen God and man the Tenour of the Gospel our Magna Charta runs that he that believeth shall be saved 3. The Father justifies as a Judge in absolving those that believe and in pronouncing them just in Christ and that in three respects 1 God j●stifies upon believing actually 1. God justifies a believing sinner upon his believing actually by Faith we are thus justified Rom. 5.1 Gal. 3.8 By believing he hath a Title good in Law an indefesible right to all the promises of the Covenant God then owns and approves of him as a person justified 2. Particularly at Death Heb. 12.23 2. At the moment of dissolution God justifies a Believer particularly as the Judge of all and the Judge of all the Earth passing a particular private Sentence of everlasting life upon every believing Soul 3. Eminently at the Day of Judgment 3. Eminently at the day of judgment God justifies at the last day by the man Christ Jesus Act. 17.31 when the Antient of Dayes shall take the Throne when the Son of Man appearing in power and great Glory shall in open Court before all the world by publick Sentence for ever acquit and discharge Believers at that solemn and Great Day Thus the Father justifies 2. Jesus Christ the Son justifies as the Mediatour and meritorious Cause of our justification and that in two respects 1. As our Surety he paid our Debt Christ is both 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Surety and a Mediatour 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 redemptionis precium and as our Redeemer he laid down the price of our Redemption Rom. 3.23 wee are justified freely by the Grace of God and yet through the redemption that is in Christ His blood was the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the price of our redemption Ephes 1.7 in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgivenesse of sins according to the riches of his Grace he is the Mediatour of reconciliation between God and Man 2. Christ justifies as our Advocate and Intercessor presenting our persons pleading our cause prevailing with his Father by the speakings of his blood that the vertue of his merits may be applied to us Rom. 8.34 It is God that justifies who shall condemn 't is Christ that died yea rather that is risen again who also maketh intercession for us there is a rather put upon the resurrection and ascention of Christ 1 John 2.2 we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous Thus Christ justifies 3. The Spirit justifies as the Applicatory Cause he doth reveal and apply to us the righteousness of Christ for our justification 1. The Spirit as the Spirit of Wisdome and Revelation reveals and discovers this Robe of Glory to us this Garment of Salvation Though the Father hath given the Son and the Son hath given himself for our righteousness yet 't is the Spirit that applyes this righteousness Revelation and Application is his peculiar Office 2. As the Spirit of Regeneration working in us the grace of Faith Directly which is one of the fruits of the Spirit whereby we receive and apprehend Christ the Lord our righteousness Causa Causae est etiam causa Causati unto our justification in the Court of Heaven the Spirit justifieth as he is the cause of the cause the Author of Faith that justifies 3. As a Spirit of Adoption by confirming our Faith Reflectively by working in us the assurance of our justification by sealing us up unto the day of Redemption the Spirit it self beareth witness with our spirits that we are the children of God Rom. 8.16 17. Thus the righteousness of God by the revelation of the Spirit is revealed from Faith to Faith Rom. 1.17 Thus much for the principal efficient cause 2. The instrumental or ministring causes are the Word of God and Faith 1. The ministry of the Word is the instrumental cause on Gods part The Gospel is manus Dei ●fferentis faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word Rom. 10.17 and in Gal. 3.2 the Gospel is called the hearing of Faith God in his Word by his Ministers doth as it were beseech sinners to be reconciled to him 2 Cor. 5.19 20. The Word of God is the vehiculum spiritus the Charriot of the Spirit wherein he rides the Word is the Wardrope Isa 61.10 Matth. 14.44 wherein this glorious Robe of Righteousness is laid up 't is the goodly Field wherein this heavenly treasure is to be found 2. The second instrumental cause is Faith Faith is manus accipientis Faith is the hand of the Soul whereby we receive Christ and apply his righteousnesse John 1.12 Faith justifies * Non 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. Primo per se ut qualitas propriè aut motus actio vel vel passio aut opus aliquod bonum eximii precii quasi ipsa sit justitia aut ejus pars aut etiam justitiae loco ex censu estimatione Dei sed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 secundario secundum aliud nempe ut modus medium instrumentum ceu oculus manus qua Christi ejusque participes reddimur adeoque relativè ad objectum Iesum ipsius justitiam promissiones gratiae Synop. Pur. Theol. p. 442. Rom. 5.1 But how doth faith justifie Faith justifies as one expresseth it vi legis latae as it is our evangelical righteousness or our keeping the Gospel Law Faith pretends to no merit nor vertue of its own but professedly avows its dependance upon the merit of Christs satisfaction as our legal righteousness on which it layeth hold its excellency ariseth from Gods Sanction who made choyce of this act of Believing to the honour of Justification because it layes the creature low and so highly exalteth Christ The Act of believing is as the Silver Gods Authority in the Gospel-Sanction is as the Kings Image stampt upon it which gives it all its value as to justification without this stamp it could never have been currant Faith doth not justifie as an habit act work or quality as the Papists say but as an instrument or hand
to receive Christ and his righteousness * Undè fides impatatur ad justitiam ut Paulus loquitur Rom 4 5. Non q●atenus est qualitas nobis inhaerens nec quatenus est opus multo minùs quatenus est meritum sed metonymiâ adjuncti correlativè intellectâ per vocem sidei justitia Christi quâm fides apprehendit ut patet ex codem cap. 4. v. 11 13. And again nec qu●tenus est cullus Dei radir omnium aliorum bonorum o●erum sed quatenus nos Christo conglutina un ● cum illo f●cti pa●ti● p●●iane j●st tiae ejus f uamur Polan p. 456 Faith is an empty and a naked thing without its Object Faith puts on this Robe of Glory and wraps the Soul in it but 't is this glorious Robe Christs righteousness that justifies 'T is very certain that the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 credere cannot doth n●t justifie as Socinus and Arminius teach it d th 'T is true 't s said Rom. 4.5 Faith is imputed for righte●usnesse and is accepted of God through Christ for the performance of the whole Law but this is to be understood m●tonimically and rel●tively in respect of Christ the object of faith who is the end and perfection of the Law to them that believe by fulfilling the righteousness of the Law for them F●ith invites a Soul to Christ brings it into Union with his Person and so into communion of his righteousness And then for works what shall we say of them The Apostle is peremptory and absolute in his Conclusion Rom. 3.28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the Law So also Gal. 2.16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but by the faith of Jesus Christ c. that is by the works which Christ hath done in our stead by the obedience of Christ which we apply to our selves by Faith alone saith Polanus * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 scripserit Paulus pro 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sicut etia● accipitur Matth. 12.4 1 Cor 7.17 Beza in loc sed ta●●um per fidem Iesu Christi hoc e● per opera qua Christus loco nostro fecit per obedientiam Christi quam solâ side noble applicamus Polan Faith justifies a sinner before God and works justifie Faith and demonstrate to the world and to our own consciences that our faith is not dead and barren but Jam. 2.4 Living because fruitful saith as working doth not justifie but sound justifying faith is a working faith 2. VVe come to consider the essential material cause of our justification that very thing which is our righteousness which God imputeth to us and accepteth on our behalf To this I answer 1. Negatively 1. Negatively what it is not 1. It cannot be our own righteousness inherent in us because inchoate and imperfect Justitiam qua-coram Tribunali Dei Consistimus perfectam omnibus numeris partibus gradibus esse necesse est Quid enim ex se agere poterat ut semel amissam justitiam recuperaret home servus peccati vinctus Diaboli assignata est proinde aliena qui caruit suà Bernard and the righteousness of justification must be most absolute perfect by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified 1 no meer man Rom. 3.20 We may therefore cry out with Bernard what is man that is a servant of sin a Bondslave of the Devil able of himself to do for the recovery of righteousness once lost there is therefore the righteousness of another assigned to him who hath lost his own 2. Nor secondly is it the righteousness of Christ meerly and solely as man considered though that was pure and spotless yet it was not infinite and meritorious for Christ taking upon him an humane nature was bound to keep the the Law being made of a woman he was also made under the Law under the Covenant of Works Gal. 4.3 4 the obedience of Christ meerly as man had been no work of supererogation as to us it would have served to justify himself but without the personal Union there would have been no redundancy or over-flowing of merit in it to justify those millions of guilty miscreants Non propter seipsum sed propter nostram salutem ●b demolitionem mortis Condemnationem Christus Advenit Athanas Orat Tertia contra Arrian who through the infinite grace of the Father by the blood of the Son are justified Wherefore Christ came not for himself but for our salvation c. saith Athanasius Non est essentialis justitia Dei ut Andreas O●●ander contendebat cujus errorem refutavit Calvin Institut te●tio l●bro 2. It is not the Essential Righteousness of the God-head not that righteousness wherewith God is righteous 't is not the righteousness of Christ as God solely though it is called the righteousness of God 2 Cor. 5.21 Rom. 1.17 and so called because 't is the righteousness of him who is truly God as well as truly man in one person and 't is the righteousness which God appointeth and accepteth for our justication But it is not the Essential uncreated righteousness of God which being the Essence of God cannot be communicated to any creature much less can it become the accidental righteousness of any creature 2. Posi●●v●ly 2. Positively that which is our righteousness for justification It is the most Adequate and perfect obedience of Jesus Christ the Mediatour God-man to the whole Law of God Gonsisting in a most exact conformity of his whole humane Nature with all its actions and passions thereunto whereby Justitia Iesu Christi per quam justificamur coram Deo est perfectissima totius legis divinae obedientia consistens in exactissimâ totius naturae Humanae Christi omniumque Actionum passionum ejus internarum externarum conformitate cum tota lege Dei quam loco nostro pe fectissime impl●vit ut nobis a morte aeternâ liberationem jus vitae aeternae acquireret Syntag Polan p. 457. both actively and passively he fulfill'd the Law most perfectly For proof you may please to read Rom. 8.3 4. Gal. 4.3 4. Rom. 5.16 17 18 19. For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous vers 19. O Believers this Garment of Sun-beams wrought out for ye by the Sun of righteousness must needs be glorious if ye consider 1. That Christs humane Nature was never stained neither with original nor actual sin for by his divine Conception by the Holy Ghost he received of his Virgin Mother a pure un-deflowred Virgin Nature which all along he kept immaculate 2. The Humane nature in him is dignified with Union to the Divine to the second person in the Trinity in which it doth subsist as God descended to the lowest to become man so now man viz. the humane Nature ascendeth to