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A39228 Indian dialogues for their instruction in that great service of Christ, in calling home their country-men to the knowledge of God, and of themselves, and of Iesus Christ. Eliot, John, 1604-1690. 1671 (1671) Wing E513; ESTC R40409 79,586 82

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they fall in company with such as know the worth of their Jewel they will be content to let them see it and take a full view of it Pen. Your discourse doth the more inflame my desire to know what this matter is that is so precious in your eyes and so doubtful to finde esteem with me I confess I am foolish but I hope you shall finde me one that would be wise and love the company of the wise and willing to learn of others that wisdome which I want and therefore though I desire not to know other mens secrets yet if this other matter you intimate be such as I may know my desire is raised high to know it Wab. Your words are good and wise and give me hopes that what I have further to say unto you will finde acceptance with you according to my desire I will therefore open to you the truth of the matter I am a praying Indian I have left our old Indian Customs Laws Fashions Lusts Pauwauings and whatever else is contrary to the right knowledge of the true God and of Jesus Christ our Redeemer It repenteth me of all my fore-past life the lusts vanities pleasures and carnal delights that were formerly very sweet and delightful to me are now bitter as gall unto me I hate and loath them All the works of darkness in which I was wont to take pleasure I do now forsake and abandon I am come into the light I now see things as they are indeed and nor as they seemed to be in the dark I now know the VVord of God which sheweth me the way of eternal Life I now know God who made all the world against whom mankinde are turned rebels and sinners I know the Law of God which I have broken and by my sins I have deserved eternal damnation in the world that is to come I now know Jesus Christ who hath died for us to procure a pardon for us and to open a door and way to eternal life and salvation for us Into this way I have entred herein I walk and I have promised to God that I will live and walk in this way all the dayes of my life And not onely so but my desire is to perswade all others into the same way which I have entred because I do certainly and experimentally know that my former wayes were darkness sin and led unto hell and damnation and this way whereinto I am now entred is a way of light life holiness peace and eternal salvation therefore do I earnestly perswade all that I meet with to be wise and turn from the wayes of darkness and come into this way of light and glory And this is the thing which I did mean when I said that there is another thing wherein I wish that we may be alike I do therefore exhort and intreat you that you would do as I have done forsake your old wayes of sin of which you have cause to be ashamed and turn unto God call on God be numbred among the praying Indians Pen. Oh I am surprized I am amazed you have ravished my Soul you have brought a light into my Soul I wonder at m● self where have I been what have I done I am like one raise● out of a dark pit you have brought me forth into the Sunshine I begin to see about me if I look back and down into the pi● where I have been all my dayes I wonder at my self what a dea● dark thing I have been when I look upon you I see you like a● Angel of light I have heard of this business of praying to God some have spoken ill of it some have spoken favour●bly I coul● not tell what it was but now by your discourse I begin to se● what an excellent thing it is it changes men and advances the● into a condition above other men You have dealt with me like a● the Fishers do by the fish you laid a Bait for me to make me de●sire it and bite at it but I saw not your hook until you ha● catch'd my Soul and now I am catch'd I see it was not for m● hurt but for my great good The light which I do already see is beautiful and desireable thing and therefore I pray you go on a●● tell me more of this new way Wab. The two first things you are to consider of now you a●● come into the light and your heart willing to attend unto th● great work of praying to God are these 1. To know God 2. Our selves Of God know his Greatness Goodness VVisdome and Powe●● He hath made all things in this great world all things above ●● are his works he made the Heavens the Sun Moon Stars Cloud● c. and all things below the Seas the Earth and all things th●● are in them he made Man and gave him dominion over all ●● works in this world and a Law of Life under the penalty damnation and all this God did in six days so great is God above man The Law which he gave to man is holy just and good but man by the temptation of evil Angels who by their sin became to be Devils I say man broke the Law which God gave him and sinned against God turned Rebel against God and served the Devil and in this rebellion all the children of men go on to this day Gods Law is in Ten Commandments wherein he requireth of man to know and worship God fear his Name and keep his Sabbaths and other Laws forbid Lust Murther Stealing and all other evils Moreover God hath annexed unto his Law a great Promise Do and live with a just Punishment Sin and die eternally namely that all the breakers of this Law and sinners against him shall be punished in hell fire with eternal torments And this is the condition of all mankinde and it is our estate that by our sins against God we have deserved to die and then to be cast away down into hell fire to be tormented among the Devils who tempted us to sin and whom we have served in our life time now together with them we must be tormented for ever Pen. Oh you have now killed me again By the first light you shewed me I thought you had made me alive and I joyed in the light but I understood it not Now your light is become a sword it hath pierced through my heart by it I now see I am a dead man Alas I have been a sinner all my dayes I am guilty of more sins then I have lived dayes many sins in a day have I committed Night and day have I offended God and broke his Law I have served the Devil and not God I have done nothing that God commandeth I have only served the Devil and committed sin therefore I have deserved to be damned in hell and to be tormented among the Devils for ever whom in this life I have served with so much delight And now poor miserable I what shall I do
undertaken and promised to serve God and therefore I cannot now go back again and serve the Devil I have found that Jesus Christ is a good Master and I come to perswade you to come and be his Servant Far be it from me that now I am come among you I should forsake my Master and serve the Devil or that I should so far grieve my Master as to go unto those Games which his Soul hateth And whereas you say that many of my friends are there the more is my grief I desire that I were able to pull you all out of that deep pit and filthy puddle which to perform I should utterly be disabled if I should go in my self and so be d●filed with the same filth which I perswade them to forsake and cast away Kinsm Let us go unto my house that you may take there some refreshment of food after your weary journey and there we shall have liberty to discourse fully of these matters And while we are in the way let me ask you of the estate and welfare of our friends and kindred at Natik doth your praying to God exempt you from Sicknesses Poverty Nakedness will praying to God fill you with food gladness and garments Pium. Our friends at Natik were when I left them in good state of health peace and comfort for which we give God thanks who is the Father of all mercies Touching your question Whether praying to God doth exempt us from Sicknesses Poverty and fills us with food and garments I answer If praying to God did bring with it outward plenty and worldly prosperity then all carnal people would pray to God not because they love God or praying to God but because they love themselves and love food clothing and worldly pleasures but the benefits of praying are spiritual and heavenly it teaches us to know God and the evil of sin it teacheth us to repent of sin and seek for pardon and it teacheth us to forsake sin for ever and if we are loth to part with sin God will chastise us with Sicknesses Poverty and other worldly crosses to call us to repentance and therefore many times we fare worse in the world then wicked men do that thereby we might be weaned from the world and brought and taught to love and long for heaven And yet I further tell you that Religion doth teach the right way to be rich and prosperons in this world and many English especially have learned that way For Religion teacheth us to be diligent in labour six dayes and on the seventh day to rest and keep it an holy Sabbath and God hath promised that the diligent hand shall make rich and when we walk with God in godliness and obedience ●e will give us the blessing of this life so far as is best for us he will withhold no good thing from us if any thing be withheld from us or taken away from us it is because it is not good for us Our Father better knoweth what is good for us then we our selves know Kinsm If your praying to God do indeed teach you the true way of being rich as you say how then cometh it to pass that you are so poor still for you have prayed to God these twenty years and more and I do not see that you have increased in riches ver● much you are still poor where be your Riches where be you● flocks and herds of Cattel where be your Clothes what grea● Houses have you built where be your fields of Corn Barns an● Orchards Alas you are not like the English and therefore ● doubt upon this point it is not as you say that praying to Go● teacheth you the right way to be rich Pium. This is one of the least the last the lowest of those things that our Religion teacheth us There be two sorts of riches Earthly riches of which onely you speak and Heavenly riches which Gods Word calleth true riches These Earthly riches are but temporary and shall soon perish but the true riches are heavenly and eternal they last for ever And we have spent these twenty Years in seeking chiefly after heavenly riches for so God commandeth us in his Word Seek first the Kingdome of Heaven as for these earthly riches they shall be added to you so much as you need And the Word of God commandeth us to be content if we have food and clothes Now we have food and clothes more then we were wont to have before we prayed to God and we have contented our selves therewith and have bent our mindes more to look after heavenly riches and in those things we have increased more then in earthly riches Kinsm I pray tell me what are those heavenly riches of which you speak so highly and upon which you do bestow your chief care and pains and so much prefer before earthly riches which we account so much of and think to be the best things attainable in this world Pium. The true riches which we spend our time to seek after are 1. The knowledge of the great God who hath made this vast World and governeth the same by his Wisdome and Power and who hath made Man and governeth us by his holy Laws and Commandments 2. The knowledge of our selves to be miserable sinners and do daily o●fend and sin against God provoking his wrath against us to pu●●●● 〈◊〉 for our transgressions against his holy Laws and Commandments 3. The knowledge of Jesus Christ the Redeemer of the world who hath in unspeakable love took a course to deliver us from the wrath of God for whereas we have by our sins deserved Death Damn●tion Christ became a Man and died for us and thereby hath pacified the Justice and Wrath of God and opened a way of Salvation for us obtaining a Pardon for us and offering grace unto us whereby we may be saved and be brought to eternal glory and ●appines● 4. The knowledge of the grace of God in Jesus Christ whereby he bringeth us to repent of our sins to convert and turn from all our evil wayes and to believe in the Lord Jesus and to walk with God in the wayes of holiness and righteousness before him 5. The knowledge of the Means of grace the Ordinances of God whereby we walk with God in wayes of Civil Government in wayes of Justice and good Order And in the Ordinances of Worshipping God in the sanctifying of the Sabbaths and walking in the Communion of Saints by the Word of God and Prayer and Singing of Psalms 6. In the knowledge of the estate of all men after death how the godly men that penitently believe in Christ go to Heaven when they die and the wicked that refuse to repent and believe they go to Hell and there abide till the Day of Judgement at which day or time when it cometh all men shall rise again and be judged according to their deeds in this life and then shall the godly go with Christ to eternal Glory
minde Wab. Our bodies are the product of the seed of man and that is made out of the food we eat and our food grows out of the earth so that our bodies are made of refined earth and therefore at death turn to earth again out of which it was made and so God speaketh Dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return But the Soul is not so it is a Spirit of a purer nature then earthly things and it is immediately created by God and therefore dieth not Besides we are assured by many infallible proofs out of the Word of God and by evidence of good Reason that the Soul is immortal which point we are taught in our Catechism And not onely so but God hath taught us that at the end of the world the body shall be raised again out of the dust and the Soul and body joyned together again and then the person shall be judged by Jesus Christ according to their deeds done in the flesh those that live and die in their sins shall be turned into hell to be tormented by and with the Devils but they that turn to God and believe in Jesus Christ shall be judged to go with Christ to heaven and be ever with him in eternal glory Therefore this consideration doth more sharpen my request and intreaties of you how shall I endure to see this body of yours which I so respect and love and that Soul of yours also to go away unto eternal torments And I pray you consider what a wound and torment i● will then be to remember I was exhorted and intreated to turn to God and live mercy in Christ was offered me but I refused it and therefore deservedly do you lose what you refused and deservedly you suffer that torment you did choose rather then to trouble your self with this business of praying to God and believing in Jesus Christ. Nish These are great and deep things that I understand not you young men have your blood warm and your wits fresh and ripe you can reade and understand these things I am old and cold and dry and half dead already I have not strength enough left to be whetted up to such a new edge let me alone to die in quiet why should I take upon me such a disquiet to my minde and disturbance to my self and to my people I have two Sons young and active men I am very willing that they should take up this new way perswade them to it if you will but as for me I am too old for such an undertaking Wab. You do well to permit your sons to enter into a way of wisdome and pray unto God but I would propose two requests unto you 1. To do well for your 〈◊〉 as well as for your Sons for your soul is as prece●o●s as 〈…〉 And 2. the most effe●tu●l means to pe●swad● y●ur S●●s unto this way of wisdome is for you to s●t them an 〈◊〉 i● you ●●ould choose this way then it is like that th●y would follow your ex●mpl● but if you refuse it your self ●here i● the les●●ope ●●at they will c●oose it for it is a way hard to the f●e●● and requires muc● subduing of lusts which will rather be done in your d●crepi● Age then by them in their flourishing youth Nish I a● weary and need some food and it is like so do you after your travel and here is Meat set before us therefore I pray ea● and you are welcome Wab. I pray you let us eat like praying Indians God hath taught us that alwayes when we eat we should pray and give thanks to God Nish I pray do so it pleaseth me well though I cannot do so my self for I am ignorant of the wayes of praying to God Waban prayeth for a blessing and then they eat and after meat doth the same again Pen. Aged Sachem now that you and we are refreshed and strengthned ●y this food I will declare unto you strange News to which I intreat your attendance a little while and all the people here present I am like a man that was looking for a shell and found a Pearl of inestimable value whereby he became very rich and renowned I had a small occasion to come and visit you gra●● Sachem and by the way I met with this good man a messenger o● God by whose discourse my blinde eyes are opened my dead heart is made alive my lame legs are inabled to walk in the way to heaven where I shall enjoy an eternal Ki●●dome Many miracles ●ave been wrought upon me by the power of Gods Word spoken to me by this man and that I may stir up your heart and the hearts of the people here present to give diligent heed to what he saith I will d●cl●re unto you what passed between us I was a● you are I lived as you live I did as you do and as the rest of ou● Countrymen and Neighbours do I followed the sports pleasures vanities and courses that other men and you to this day walk in● But I was not aware how blinde and dead and vile and wicked I was in the sight of God nor was I aw●re that I was running o● in a pleasant delightful way which led m● down to hell and eternal damnation But when I met this man he discoursed with me about these things he opened unto me by the Word of God the great Majesty of God his Holiness Justice and Goodness how God h●● made thi● great world and all things in it both things above an● things below how ●e made man an eminent Creature gave him dominion over all the creatures here below gave him an holy ju●● and good Law in Ten Commandments under the order of a Covenant of Works and if he kept and obeyed this Law he should live in glory and happiness for ever but if he did break this Law and sin against God that great Majesty of heaven then he should be answerably and justly pun●●hed with eternal torments in hell fire with the Devil and his Angels for evermore and this L●w was for himself and all his posterity in whose stead he sto●d as a publick person Now he informed me that Ada● the first man sinned by the temptation of evil Angels which rebelled against God and tu●ned Devils by their temptation Adam ●inned and turned rebel against God and served believed and obey●d the Devil and therefore by the Law of God he was judged and condemned and all his posterity All this I found to be true in ●y own experience for I went on in the same rebellion breaking the holy Law of God every day both in thought word and deed obeying the Devil and his temptations serving the lusts of my flesh and fil●hy mi●de I walked in the broad easie pleasant way t●at leadeth to destruction so that I have deserved to be damned a thousand thousand times and the greatness of the Majesty of God against whom I sinned did breed terrour in my soul my just condemnation
Here be two sorts of wayes wherein men walk 2. Here be two sorts of men that walk in these two wayes The first way is described by four things 1. There is a strait little narrow gate to enter in at 2. It is a narrow way very rough ●ard and difficult to walk in 3. Here is the end of this way whether it leadeth viz. to heaven happiness glory and eternal life 4. Here be the Numbers that get into and walk in this way t● get to heaven Very few The second way is described by four things 1. The gate of entrance is broad and wide 2. The way it self is pleasant easie full of delights of the flesh and of worldly pleasures 3. Here is the end of this way it leads to Hell to torments and to eternal damnation 4. Here be the Numbers that walk in this way Very many most men in the world will choose to walk in this way and at last go to Hell torments 2. The first sort of persons are good men and women who 1. With much difficulty get into this way 2. They patiently endure all difficulties in it 3. They go to heaven and glory at last 4. The number of them they are but a few The second sort of persons are wicked people and these 1. Easily get into this way 2. They take pleasure in it and will not be perswaded to leave it and get into the hard way 3. The end of them all is they go to hell torments 4. The number of them A great many most men are found in this way All these particulars he openeth and insisteth upon and concludeth with an Exhortation 1. To come out of this broad easie way by considering the end of it whither it leadeth 2. To get into the hard way of praying to God and patiently continue in it considering the end it leads unto even Heaven and Glory Sont What Book is that you reade in and why do you call it The Word of God Pium. This is the Book of Gods Law which he hath taught holy men his Prophets and Apostles to write and give unto us to call us out of the broad way of sin and death and to call us into the narrow way of Repentance Faith in Christ Jesus and eternal life Sont It may be the English-men made it and tell you that they are the words of God Pium. This Book was written long before the English-men prayed to God and English-men have learned all their wisdome out of this Book and now they have Translated it for us and if we attend unto it it will teach us wisdome as it hath taught them Kinsm You speak much of Jesus Christ and his pardoning our sins and saving our Souls who is this Jesus Christ Pium. God is One in Three the Father Son and Holy Ghost Jesus Christ is God the Son who became a Man and when we deserved to die for our sins he came and died for us and God hath promised that all that believe in Christ shall be pardoned of all their sins and be glorified in heaven Touching this Point I will teach in the Afternoon The Afternnon Exercise Pium. GOD requires we should give him a whole day therefore it is not enough to worship God half a day We are again come together to worship God and we shall do the same this Afternoon as we did in the Forenoon Let us pray After Prayer he taketh this Text Mat. 1.21 22 23. This Text teacheth three things touching Jesus Christ 1. His wonderful Birth A Virgin conceived Of which see Luke 1.26 to 39. 2. Two Names Iesus Emmanuel 3. What Christ did for us and doth signified by his Name Iesus He taketh away our sins And this he doth two wayes 1. He taketh away our sins out of Gods sight by dying in our stead and so meriting a pardon for all our sins 2. He taketh away our sins out of our own hearts by working Repentance in us and Faith in his Name giving us his Spirit and sanctifying of us by his Grace and leading us in all holiness of life and conversation The third part of this Text is how Jesus Christ is enabled to do these great things for us This signified by his second Name God with us Christ was God and Man in one Person and that maketh his death of infinite value with God to obtain a pardon for all our sins And this maketh him of infinite power to overcome our hearts and turn them unto God These things are deep wisdome therefore pray unto God and he will give you wisdome to understand them Iam. 1.5 Kinsm I am amazed to hear these deep things I am now more discouraged about praying to God Alas we cannot Pray nor Reade how shall we keep a Sabbath and whall s●all we do Pium. I will speak unto the Church at Natik and we will send a wise man to teach you to keep Sabbaths among you and all that I shall perswade you unto is to come together on the Sabbaths as you have done this day and hear the Word of God and then God will teach you Kinsm Oh that it might be so I should gladly attend unto the Word Sont I say the same All. We like it well Kinsm I pray let it not be delayed Pium. Lo here is a manifest token of Gods presence according to his promise for who but God could bow all your hearts to hear the Word of God especially considering how averse you were at first Now let us pray and praise and give thanks to the God of Heaven for his mercy endureth for ever DIALOG II. About calling home poor INDIANS Waban was sent forth upon the Service of Christ unto sundry places where passed such like discourses and acts Waban Penoowot Waban HO well met friend how far travel you this way Pen. I am going to Napmuk a Town where Nishohkou is Sachem with him I have some business which occasioneth my going thither Wab. Ha! you and I are both alike in sundry things I wish we might be both alike in one thing more The things wherein we are alike are these We are b●th tall men We are m●t in the same way We are going to the same place Our business is unto the same person the Sachem of the place Pen. Ha ha he I acknowledge wh●t you say but I pray what is that wherein you desire we might agree for I do not understand that you have yet named that and I the more desire to know that b●cause you do seem to put more weight upon that then upon all the rest which you have named Wab. You judge ri●ht touching my opinion of that thing which I have not mentioned but I doubt that you will not be of my minde if I should speak it and for that reason I did conceal it Wise men will cover a●d hide their Jewels and not expose them to every bodies sight for they know some will lightly esteem them because they know not their worth but if
to fly and cry to the God of his salvation and this is an act of faith So Psal. 35.15 But mine adversaries they rejoyced they g●thered themselves together yea the abjects gathered themselves together against me and I knew it not they did tear me and ceased not With hypocritical mockers in feasts they gnashed upon me with their eeeth that is some broke jests upon him at their Taverns and Tiplings and others scorned him c. all these were outward afflictions but they drove David to fly and cry to God ver 17. Lord how long wilt thou look on rescue my soul c. and this is an act of faith So it was with Iob in his affliction Iob 30.8 9 10. the basest of the people made songs and jests upon him but mark what end God made with Iob. So Iames speaks Iam. 5.12 Therefore whatever your griefs be turn them into prayers and cry to God for relief and then your grief hath a sanctified end and you will at last learn to say after David in that high strained string of Faith and Experience It is good for me that I was afflicted that I might learn thy statutes Psal. 119.71 And ver 67 of that Psalm Before I was afflicted I we●t astray but now I have kept thy word And therefore what though your afflictions be outward afflictions seeing God is pleased mercifully to bless them unto your spiritual and eternal good But I further observe that sundry of your expressions do hold forth a spiritual sorrow for your sin and a fear of Gods wrath and an earnest desire to flee from and escape wrath to come I pray therefore express your self what sorrows and griefs you have of that kinde for although such sorrows do not deserve any thing at Gods hand yet they are of a more spiritual nature and spring from a deep reverence and fear of God and do more immediately and effectually drive the soul for refuge to Jesus Christ who onely delivereth the soul from the guilt and condemnation of sin Utter some drops of those soul-wounding terrours which afflict you in the sense of your sin guiltiness Penit. Still my soul admireth to see the great use is to be made of the word of God which doth engage my soul more and more to a more frequent use of the Scriptures Lord Jesus help me to perform it My fore-mentioned griefs about my outward condition are but the Porch of those troubles that Iodge in my distressed soul. When I look down into the dungeon of my heart and the dunghill of my life I am filled with an abhorrence of my self and wonderment at Gods patience to suffer such a wretch as I am to live I know much of the sins of others but I know more by my self then I know by any body else considering circumstantial aggravations I can truly say with Paul 1 Tim. 1.15 sinners of whom ● am chief If my Companions have mis-led me or my leaders have ca●sed me to erre it may aggravate their sin but be no excuse or apologie for mine I have done as evil as I could and had not God hampered me with outward affliction and trouble it is not to be said by man how vile I ●hould have been It is sometimes a quieting argument to my heart to be patient under ●y outward crosses because they be Mustard on the Worlds Nipples to keep me from surfetting upon the Creature If I look into the glass of Gods Law and behold the face of my life and of my soul as they are there represented I am afraid of my self I abhorre my self I am confounded Gods Sabbaths I have profaned Gods Word I have neglected Gods Grace I have despised and resisted I have broken the whole Law of God every Command have I violated for there be some acts of sin that I never did actually commit yet the habit of sin is in me and in inclination and desire I am guilty of it and for a foundation of this mountainous heap of guilt I am guilty of Adams fall the first the worst the root of all the sins of the sons of men My sinful habit and disposition by nature doth viciously incline me to sin against my desires purposes promises and resolutions When I strive and labour and cry and pray against my sins yet upon the opportunity and occasion offered my sin will return I am weak that is strong I am subdued and that prevaileth Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me When I consider the infinite Justice of God offended the infinite Wrath of God provoked the eternal Law of God violated and the eternal torments provided and prepared in hell for sinners and the insuperableness of my sin by any means I can use it will prevail over me it will keep me in bondage it will inslave me and I fear it finally will damn me In these considerations my soul is sunk and drowned If therefore there be any Balm for my sore any succour for my distressed soul shew me the way how I shall escape these everlasting burnings that are the just recompence of my transgressions Iohn The first endeavour of the heart of man is to pacifie Gods wrath with something of our own and first by mincing excusing and apologizing as they did Ier. 2.33 34 35 36 37. Why trimmest thou thy way to seek love thou teachest wayes and arts to sin cunningly and hence the blood of innocent souls is openly found in thy skirts yet thou sayest I am innocent and his anger shall be turned away But then divine Justice taketh the cause in hand Why gaddest thou about to seek so many shifts I will never leave thee till I have made thee ashamed of them all for none of them shall prosper to turn away divine wrath ●r to procure thee a pardon But I finde not your soul mincing or your ●in nor making excuses for your self The next course the heart of man will take is to purchase a pardon by giving to God some great sacrifice or by doing some great penance as it is expressed in Micah 6.6 7 8. Wherewith shall I come before the Lord and bowe my self before the high God shall I come before him with burnt offerings with calves of a year old Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams or with ten thousands of r●vers of oyl shall I give my first born for my transgression the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul He hath shewed thee O man what is good and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk hum●ly with thy God The inquiry is wherewith a sinner shall pacifie God he proffers great matters more then he can perform he bids low at first onely burnt-offerings and calves but when that will not be accepted he rises higher ●hewing what he would do if he had wherewith he bids thousands of rams ten thousand rivers of oyl if that will not do he offers the fruit of