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law_n commandment_n lust_n sin_n 4,348 5 5.8570 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14608 [Summarie and short meditations touching sundry poynts of Christian religion] [gathered by T.VV. and now published for the education and profit of Gods saints]. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1610 (1610) STC 24919.5; ESTC S4955 21,971 56

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the fruites of our lips will fall downe as water spilt on the earth The first petition is Hallowed be thy name wherein wee pray for the knowledge and reuerence of God so to be in our hearts that all our thoughts words and deedes may in all godlinesse onely so shine before men that God our heauenly Father may thereby be glorified And on the other side wee pray against ignorance and contempt of God and of all these meanes whereby hee hath made himselfe knowne vnto vs as his word workes c. Also wee pray against all loose life and vngodly behauiour whatsoeuer The second petition is Thy kingdom come wherein we pray for the effectuall feeling and working of Gods blessed spirit and all his gifts in vs as righteousnes peace comfort c also for the sincere preaching reuerent hearing and right receiuing of Gods holy word and discipline We pray for Magistrates and Common-wealths and for the Church of Christ wheresoeuer dispersed and we pray for the glorious appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ either particularly to visite euery one of vs or generally to iudge the quicke and the dead with wonderfull glorie and maiestie in that great and last day On the other side we pray against all the illusions suggestions and assaults either of Sathan or of our owne corruption wee pray against the bondage of sinne the kingdome of Antichrist and the contempt and forgetfulnes of Gods either particular or general iudgement The third petition is Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen wherein wee p●●y for wisedome will power and grace that we may yeeld our selues our soules and our bodies with euery part and member both of the inward and outward man and that all other things also together with vs may bee made conformable here vpon earth vnto the obedience of Gods will declared by his word as his Angels which bee his heauenly creatures studie nothing but to please him without any motion to the contrarie On the other side wee pray against presumption wilfulnes ignorance rebellion muttering grudging or repining against his good will and pleasure together with all such inordinate and fleshly desires resting in vs as are contrarie to his blessed will and ordinance The fourth petition is Giue vs this day our daily bread wherein wee pray for meate drink apparel health wealth libertie peace good order and all other good things whatsoeuer that God knoweth to bee meete for vs in this world to sustaine keep and defend our bodies and li●es by On the other side wee pray against hunger nakednesse scarsitie pestilence ●icknes pouertie bondage warres disorder and all manner of euils whatsoeuer tending to the hurt of our bodies and liues And let vs marke the words with which we vtter this petition We rather say giue than pay because wee cannot require bodily things much lesse spirituall things for any desert that is in vs but for Gods ●ree and gratious goodnesse onely And wee say Giue vs rather than me to teach vs that in charitable loue wee are bound both to pray and labour for others and not of selfe-loue onely for our selues as worldlings doe And wee require rather this day daily bread than euery day daintie fare because wee should learne rather to stay our selues vpon and to content our ●elues with Gods continual prouidence ●inistring vnto vs alwaies sufficient for ●resent necessitie than to incomber our ●●lues with worldly care and carking to ●et by indirect meanes or to keepe any ●●perfluitie The fift petition is 〈…〉 trespasses as we forgiue 〈…〉 against 〈◊〉 wherein wee pray 〈…〉 feeling of Gods 〈◊〉 pur●ha●ed ●●to vs by Christ an●●is obedience only to put away all our sinnes● we p●●y also for peace and ioy of conscience 〈◊〉 for vnfained loue and bro●herly r●co●●ciliation amongst men which is an assured pledge of the fre●●ardon and full ●orgiuenes of all our iniquities before God On the other side wee pray against wrath vengeance despaire and many strong illusions that may bee and are raised vp in vs vnto condemnation in sinne also against hatred and hard hartednes towards men The sixt petition is And leade v● not into temptation but deliue● vs fro● euill wherein we pray for Christian patience strength and continuance against all temptation and suggestions whatsoeuer to sinne also for contemp● of the world mortifying of the 〈◊〉 and quickning of Gods holie Spirit Confession of sinnes Foure witnesses that we are sinners 1. Our owne conscience 2. God himself 3. Gods iu●●●●ments 4. Gods vvo●● vvhich chargeth vs vvit●● 1. Adams fall● 2. Originall s●●● 3. T●e fruites of originall sin● ● good 〈◊〉 to bring 〈◊〉 the fee 〈◊〉 of Gods 〈◊〉 ements 〈◊〉 comparing 〈◊〉 ans filthi●●●●e and Gods ●●●●t●ousnesse The grie●●usnesse of sin ●●mmitted 3. The multitude of transgressions 4. Gods he●● iudgement vvhich ar● executed 1. Vpon the creatures 2. Vpon men this life● and are either invvard or out●vvard 〈…〉 ●●ternall con●●●nation ●n being f●lt ●●liefe must be ●ught ● Angels 2. Dead Saints 3. Men vnregenerate 4. Men regenerate 5. Goods and riches 6. Counterfeite holines 7. VVill worshippings canno● appease the cons●i●nce vvounded with the feeling of Gods iudgements and sin Christ alone must be our refuge VVe haue Gods ovvne testimonie for it And Christs owne vvord Christs names full of doctrine and comfort Iesus Christ. 1. Christs kingdome 2. Christs priesthood 3. Christs Prophecie Christs person Christ God 3. Christ man 4. Christ God and man our on●ly Sauiour Christ alone takes away sin 1. Christ is our vvisedome 2. Christ is our righteousnes 3. Christ is our holinesse 4. Christ is our redemption 5. Christ is all in all Faith and know●ed●e must g●e together Notable ●ff●cts of true fa●th 1. Faith vvorketh peace in our cons●i●nces 2. Faith clenseth our heart 3. Faith ouercommeth the vvorld the flesh and the diu●ll Faith is the fre● gi●t of God Faith f●amed in vs two manner of vvaies Spirit of adoption Spirit a comforter Spirit of truth Spirit of sanctification Spirit together vvith the powers and effects thereof Gods vvord generally the gro●nd of fai●h But most specially the Gospel 1. Gospell what it is 2. The message of peace 3. The vvord of grace 4. The vvord of truth 5. The vvord of life 6. A mysterie or secret How the vvord must be receiued and for what cause Prophets Christ Iesus Apostles Euan●gelists Pastors● Doctors and Ministers wha● manner of men they ought to be ●he ends of the holy Ministery Ministers and Ministery must be much made of 1. The doctrin● preached painteth out Christ● death and passion 2. It sealeth to vs our saluation 3. It vvorketh our regeneration How the word is milke ●ow and when ●he vvord is ●rong meate Gods goodnes Mans frailtie The tvvo Sacram●nts aides ●o our faith 1. Baptisme se●●leth our ingra●●ting into the Church 2. Our regeneration 3. Remission of sinnes 4. Our adoption 5. Our spiritu●ll vnitie 6. Our mortification and sanctification in Christs death and resurrection 7. Our resurrection 1. The supper pledgeth our eternall life 2. Christs death and passion 3. Our spirituall nourishment in and by him 4. The vnion betvvixt Christ and his church 5. The vnitie amongst the members of the Church Examination before the Supper Tvvo parts of it ●aith and r●pentance tovvards God and sincere loue towards men Faith vvhat it is Repentance what it is Loue and what it comprehendeth True faith is not fruitlesse 1. Naturall corruption 2. Other mens manners 3. And the fashions of this world no rules to ●rame our liues by 4. But Gods wor● onely Two tables ten commaundements VVe must flie ●rom euill and doe good 1. Act of sinne 2. Consent to the same 3. Yea lust or motion must be auoided 1. Gods law is obserued or broken after tvvo sorts Outvvard breach Inward and outward obedience Things forbidden by the first commaundement By the second By the third By the fourth By the fifth By the sixth By the seuenth By the eighth By the ninth By the tenth Vnlavvfull vvishes Things commaunded by the first precept By the second By the third Three ends of an oath By the fourth By the fifth By the sixth By the seuenth By the eight By the ninth By the tenth Our vvant of abilitie is supplied by earnest prayer to God Spurs to prayer specially foure 1. Gods commandement 2. Gods promises 3. The assured pledge of the ●pirit 4. Our ovvne vvants Seuen poynts to be marked before we pray 1. Our wretchednesse 2. Gods greatnesse 〈…〉 od will an●●ods great power mu●t not be sundered in prayer 3. That God onely must be called vpon 4. I● the name of his ●onne Christ onely 5. Good things onely must ●e asked 6. And that to good ends only 7. Mouth and heart must be ioyned together Outvvard behauiour in prayer must plainely preach reuerence of Gods maiestie Men may not be tied of necessitie to th●t or any forme of praier or to any sort of gesture therein The preface to the Lords prayer expounded 1. Earnest in prayer 2. Vnfained loue 3. Gods prouidence and our obedience 4. Gods povver The first petition vvhat we pray for VVhat vve pray against The second petition vvhat vve pray for VVhat vve pray against The third petition vvhat we pray for VVhat vve ●ray against The fourth petition vvhat vve pray for VVhat vve pray against 1. Merits ouerthrovvne 2. Selfe-loue euill 3. Gods prouidence our only stay 〈…〉 pray for VVhat vve pray against The sixth petition vv● at vve p●ay for
that are baptised into Christ haue put on Christ euen to this end that so they might become sonnes yea heires of God and fellow heires with our Sauiour himselfe It teacheth vs also that we should indeuour to keepe the vnitie of the Spirit in the bond of peace hauing the same loue being of one accord and of one iudgement no man seeking his owne but euery man one anothers wealth seeing that we are one bodie in Christ and euerie one one anothers members as we are all by one sacrament of baptisme coupled vnto one head which is Christ and ioyned together too in one ●ody which is his Church It representeth vnto vs also thus much that we being baptised into Christs death shall by the power thereof die vnto sinne and that by the vertue of his rising againe we should walke in newnes of life Lastly that wee shall be raysed vp at the last day out of the dust of the earth and meete the Lord in the ayre and dwell with him for euer and euer The Lords supper sealeth vnto our consciences that Christ is that liuing bread which came downe from heauen of which whosoeuer truely eateth shall liue for euer because he doth not nourish vs to death for that is contrarie to his nature nor for a time because he liueth for euer and cannot die and such are the effects that flowe from him but vnto euerlasting life Also it setteth out vnto vs Christs death and passion with the benefits we reape therby and namely the remission and forgiuenes of our sinnes because as he neuer did any thing in vaine so much lesse died fruitlessely but that hee might purchase for vs eternal peace with God through the worke of our reconciliation with him Further it preacheth vnto vs that Iesus Christ himselfe God and man with all his spirituall and heauenly treasures is fully and wholie giuen vs by the Father that in him and through him taken hold of by faith we may bee fully nourished in the inward and outward man to the hope of euerlasting life It doth also confirme vnto vs the mystical vnion which is betwixt Christ and his Church hee dwelling in our hearts by faith and we thereby made members of his bodie of his flesh and of his bones Lastly it teacheth vs what vnitie and loue ought to be amongst vs because that thereby wee that are many are one bread and one bodie in as much as wee are all partakers of one bread To the worthy receiuing of this sacrament there is necessarilie required an earnest examination and true tryall of our selues which chiefely consisteth as I take it in effectuall stedfast faith and hartie repentance towards God and vnfained loue towards men Faith is a certaine perswasion and stedfast assurance which euery true christian man ought to haue that God the Father loueth him for Iesus Christ his Sonnes sake hee by the meanes of that faith particularly applying vnto himselfe all Gods promises specially those that concerne forgiuenes of sinnes and eternall saluation made vnto vs in the same his sonne Iesus Christ in whom all his promises are yea and amen Repentance is an earnest hatred of all manner of sinne inward outward past present or to come all proceeding from a right and reuerent feare of Gods eternall Maiestie which worketh so farre in vs that it maketh vs to forsake our selues and to striue to the mortification of our corruption to the ende wee may wholy giue ouer our selues to bee altogether gouerned by the holy Spirit of God in the seruice of his Maiestie Loue containeth in it not onely a sound affection to our brethren and friends but also the vnfained reconciliation of our selues vnto those whom wee haue offended and a readie forgiuing of others the offences they haue cōmitted against vs euen as willingly gladly freely as we would the Lord should forgiue vs for his Christs sake That faith that is outwardly wrought in vs by Gods word and confirmed by the partaking of the holy Sacraments is not an idle vaine or dead faith but stedfast vnfained and working by loue yeelding foorth the fruites of blessed obedience not according to the darknesse and corruption of our owne will lusts and affections for they euermore rebell against God Neither according to mens manners and examples because they are no sufficient warrants for our conuersation nor yet after the customes and fashions of this present euill world for we are forbidden to fashion our selues thereby but according to that good perfect and acceptable will of God set foorth and commaunded vnto vs in his law which is and must be alwaies a light vnto our feete and a lanterne vnto our paths and is indeed the onely true sufficient a●d right rule of all righteousnesse and well doing This large volume of Gods will plentifully and plainly reuealed in the Canonicall Scriptures of the old and new Testament God the Father hath in great mercie for our weaknesse sake abridged into two tables containing ten Commandements Wherein wee are specially to marke these two things First that it is the minde of the Law-giuer in commanding good things to forbid the contrarie euils and in forbidding euill things to commaund the contrarie good the Almightie therein meeting with mans corruption and the frowardnes of his heart who supposeth that if hee doe no euill though he lead an idle and vnprofitable life from goodnesse thinketh notwithstanding that hee hath performed his dutie Secondly that the Lord by his law mindeth to teach vs to bridle and subdue not onely the act of sinne as the Pharisies imagined nor the consent to the same in our hearts and affections alone as the Sorbonists and Popish schoole Diuines dreame a● this day but also the least lust and motion that may prick vs thereto or rise vp in our minde against the same We must know further that this law of God is obserued and broken inwardly and outwardly for the inward breaking or obseruing thereof because ●o man knoweth what is within man but ●he spirit of God and the spirit of man him●elfe euery man must be left vnto him●elfe and yet all are bound both by the ●ertue of Gods holy Commandement ●nd also by that excellent profession ●●ter which they are named not onely ●eeply to enter into the consideration of themselues but also to know that they walke in his presence before whose eyes all things are naked and plaine Touching the outward breaking o● obseruing thereof wee must know that the breach of it is then done when any thing forbidden by that law is committed or any thing commanded by that law is left vndone and on the other side that obedience is then yeelded when any thing commanded by that law is performed or any thing forbidden by that law is left vnaccomplished For good reason is it whatsoeuer mans witte can cunningly dispute or
euill both against themselues and others If to them in whom regeneration is begun yea and it may be also much aduanced and who are in the word indeed called the Saints of God they accuse themselues of wonderfull euils and manifold imperfections saying from a free heart that all their righteousnes are● as filthie and stained clouts and againe the good they sho●ld doe that they doe not the euill that they should not doe that doe they and therefore are not so much as willing to take such an office vppon them though wee would a thousand times giue it them If we would giue al that we haue vnto the Lord for a ransome for our own s●ns or others yea if wee would giue our first borne for our transgressions and the fruits of our bodies for the sinne of our soules as many idolators haue done heretofore it will not auaile vs for it is nothing nay as a polluted thing in his fight and besides it hath no power to purge away sinne or to purifie conscience If wee would cleaue to outward and feigned holinesse as the Pharisees haue done and the hypocrites of all ages do wee must make this account of it that though it bee neuer so glittering and glorious in mās sight which is not able to discerne of spiritual colors or things yet it is abbomination before God to whom and before whom both wee our selues and all our actions must stand and fall If we stand vpon the perswasion or practise of superstitious and idolatries deuised by man we must needs fall for besides that they are so many corruptions and defilings of Religion and seruice that we performe vnto God which is and ought to bee pure and simple as himselfe God himselfe also reiecteth them as things vile and displeasing in his blessed presence Whither shall we then goe to Christ onely we must needes come and why to him First because in him dwelleth the fulnes of all goodnes yea chefulnes of the godhead bodily and God hath giuen him to vs to the end that beleeuing in him wee should not perish but haue e●erlasting life How shal we know that By the Lords own word and voice from heauen who hath said and therefore we may nay we ought to beleeue it that he is his welbeloued sonne in whom he is well pleased Secondly because our Sauiour himselfe so graciouslie calleth vs saying Come vnto me all ye that trauaile be wearie and are heauy laden and I will ease you But when we come we shall find nothing in him Yes verilie for through him apprehended and appropriated to our selues by faith we shall find eternall peace to Godward and life and immortalitie brought vnto the beleeuers In this our Christ let vs for our comfort instructiō cōsider first the names and titles giuen him which are not bare or idle or expresse graces in and for himselfe onely but are full of fruit and efficacy and that for vs and our good specially for spirituall comfort here and eternall saluation in the life to come He is called Iesus that is to say Sauiour because he alone and no other doth and shall saue all his people from their sinnes He is called Christ that is annointed and sealed by his father to be our King Priest and Prophet By his kingdome establishing his double gouernment one inward in the hearts of his children by his holy spirit and the other outward in the Church by the scepter of his word and his owne discipline By his Priesthood offering himselfe vp once for all as a full and sufficient sacrifice for all the sinnes of his people And his Prophecy he being become the only law-giuer to his Church so as the godlie now are not to hearken to anie ●oice doctrine or spirit but to him a●one and those that speake according ●o his truth Secondly let vs consider his person which consisteth of these two natures ●he Godhead and the Manhood As he is God● he hath power in him●elfe to doe whatsoeuer pleaseth him both in heauen and earth and all deepe places yea to ouercome all our enemies specially spirituall which are so manie and mightie as none can encounter with much lesse vanquish but God onely alone belongeth mercie and forgiuenesse of sinnes ● as the scripture saith And as he is man hee is both sufficiently able and also very willing to endure and suffer for vs whatsoeuer was for our sinnes to be laid vpon him yea and also willing to haue compassion on th●● that are ignorant and that are out of the way ●●●ng made man like vnto vs in euery respect sinne only excepted and therfore being both compassed with infirmity and tempted himselfe is the better able to pitie and succour them that are infirme or tempted So that God manifested in the flesh iustified i● the spirit seene of Angels preached vnto the Gentiles beleeued on in the world and receiued vp into glorie is hee that wee must cleaue to alone for the peace and comfort of our consciences and the saluation of our soules because there is none vnder heauen giuen vnto vs whereby wee must bee saued but onely the same of Iesus Thirdly let vs earnestly behold what ●ingular effects he worketh in his children what wonderful graces he free●y bestoweth vpon thē He is the Lambe of God that alone taketh away the sinnes of the world he is he alone in whom it hath ●leased God to reconcile the world vnto himselfe he is he that is made of God vnto vs wisdome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption Wisedome because he is the eternall wisedome of the Father from before all beginnings and because comming out of the bosome of the Father he hath declared vnto vs all the councels of God concerning our instruction and comfort and that in far greater both plenty and plainnes specially plainnes than the Fathers before his comming had Righteousnes for these respects first ●ecause he hath fu●●y satisfied the iustice of God being wou●ded for our transgressio●s and broken for our iniquities carrying also the chastisement of our peace vppon him and healing vs with his stripes bearing vpon his backe and shoulders the course of the law due to vs for our sins and ouercōming the same in redeeming vs from it and secondly because that through his obedience and fulfilling of the law wee haue iustification imputed vnto vs before God and i●●choated in our selues and before men in the world and so obtaine at the last the blessing of the law which is eternall life Sanctification or holines because it pleased God the Father in the riches of mercie to send his owne Sonne in the similitude of sinfull flesh and for sinne cond●mned sinne in the flesh and not onely to impute vnto vs his holines and to cloath vs with the same but also through the mightie working of his holie Spirit to frame vs to walke in