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A27792 The booke of Psalmes, Englished both in prose and metre with annotations, opening the words and sentences, by conference with other Scriptures / by Henry Ainsworth. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1644 (1644) Wing B2405; ESTC R18858 423,236 610

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mercy ceased to perpetuitie is his word onded to generation and generation verse 10 Hath God forgotten to be gracious hath he shut-up in anger his tender-mercies Selah verse 11 And I said doth this make me-sick the change of the right-hand of the most-high verse 12 I will record the actions of Jah surely I will remember thy miracle from antiquitie verse 13 And I will meditate of all thy work and will discourse of thy practises verse 14 O God thy way is in the sanctuarie who is so great a God as God verse 15 Thou art the God that doest a marveilous-work thou hast made-known thy strength among the peoples verse 16 Thou hast redeemed thy people with arme the sonns of Jaakob and of Joseph Selah verse 17 The waters saw thee O God the waters saw thee they trembled also the deeps were stirred verse 18 The clouds streamed-down waters the skies gave-out a voice also thine arrowes walked-about verse 19 The voice of thy thunder was in the round-aier Lightnings illuminated the world the earth was stirred and quaked verse 20 Thy way was in the sea and thy paths in the many waters and thy footsteps were not knowen verse 21 Thou didst lead thy people like a flock by the hand of Mo'es and Aharon PSAL. LXXVII This may be sung also as the 8. Psalm verse 2 MY voice to God was and I loud-cried my voice to God and he gave-ear to mee verse 3 I sought the Lord in day of my mis'rie my hand by night retcht-out and not ceased my soul refused comforted to bee verse 4 I minded God and made tumultuous-cries and I with meditation-did pray and overwhelm'd my spirit was Selah verse 5 Thou heldest fast the watches of mine eyes I was amazed and could nothing say verse 6 Dayes of antiquitie I thought upon the yeers of ancient-eternitie verse 7 I minded in the night my melodie I with my heart had meditation my spirit also searched-diligently verse 8 Ah will the Lord forever cast-away and add no more to accept favourably verse 9 Is his mercy ceased perpetually is his word ended to each age for aye verse 10 Hath God forgott for to deal-graciously Hath he in wrath his mercies shutt Selah verse 11 And is this it that makes me sick sayd I the change of the right hand of the most-high verse 12 I will record the actions of Jah will sure thy marvels mind from anciencie verse 13 Of all thy work I will eke meditate and of thy practises discourse will I. verse 14 O God thy way is in the sanctuary Who is as God so great a Potentate verse 15 Thou art the God that workest wondrously Thou mad'st thy strength 'mong peoples known to be verse 16 Thou didst with arm thy folk redeem-away the sonns of Ia'kob and Joseph Selah verse 17 O God the waters did thee see thee see the waters did tremble-with-pain did they Also the deeps tumult'ous stirred were verse 18 Clouds streamed waters skies a voice gave-out thine arrowes also they did walk-about verse 19 Uoice of thy thunder was in th'aery-sphere lightnings the World illumined throughout The earth was stirr'd and tremblingly-quaked verse 20 In sea thy way in waters mighty-flown thy path was and thy footsteps were not known verse 21 Thy people like a flock thou forth didst lead by hand of Moses and of Aharon PSALM LXXVIII This may be sung also as the 37. Psalm verse 1 GIve-ear my people unto my doctrine to sayings of my mouth your ear incline verse 2 Open my mouth in parables will I will utter hidd things of antiquitie verse 3 The things which we have heard and have them known and our forefathers unto us have shown verse 4 We will not from their children hide-away to th'after age telling the lauds of JAH His pow'r eke and his marvels which he did verse 5 How he in Ja'kob witnesse stablished and put a law in Isr'el which he bade our fathers to their sonns known to be made verse 6 That th'after age sonns to be born might know might rise up and unto their sonns forth show verse 7 And they their constant-hope in God might set his precepts keep and not Gods acts forget verse 8 And that they might not be as their fathers a race that was rebellious and perverse a race that setled not their heart aright also with God not faithfull was their sp'rit verse 9 Ephrajims sonns shooting with bow armed they in the day of battell back-turned verse 10 Gods covenant they did not keep in-use and in his law to walk they did refuse verse 11 They also were forgetfull of his facts and which he had thē shew'd his wōdrous-acts verse 12 Before their fathers he had marvels done in land of Aegypt in the field of Tsoan verse 13 He cleft the sea and made them thorow goe made waters as an heap to stand also verse 14 And with a cloud by day conducted them and all the night with firie lightsom-beam verse 15 The Rocks within the wildernes he clave and as out of the great deeps drink he gave verse 16 And streams out of the rock he forth did send and waters he like rivers made descend verse 17 And they yet added for to sin ' gainst him in desert to provoke the most supreme verse 18 And in their heart tempted the God of-might requiring meat for their souls appetite verse 19 And speaking against God said Is God able to furnish in the wildernes a table verse 20 Loe rock he smote and waters out-gushed and stream out flow'd can also he give bread flesh for his people can he ready-dresse verse 21 Jehovah heard and angry was for this and against Ja'kob kindled was a fire ' gainst Isr'el also came-up wrathfull-ire verse 22 Because in God they firm-beleef had none and trusted not in his salvation verse 23 Though from above the skies command did hee the doors of heav'n he also op'ned free verse 24 And raind upon them Manna for to eat and gave unto them of the heavens wheat verse 25 Each-man did eat the bread of the Mightie he sent them meat unto satietie The second part verse 26 An east-wind in the heav'ns he forth did move south-wind by his strength he forward-drove verse 27 And flesh upon them as the dust he rain'd and feth'red fowl as the seas gravel-sand verse 28 And he within his camp them down did fell even round about places where he did dwell verse 29 And they did eat and veh'mently were filld and their desire he unto them did yeeld verse 30 Estranged they were not from their desire their meat yet in their mouth was verse 31 Whē Gods ire came up against them and their fatt men slew and choise-yong-men of Israel down-threw verse 32 For all this yet with-sin-themselves-they-blot and for his wondrous-works beleeved not verse 33 And he their daies in vanitie did spend and did their yeeres with hasty-terrour end verse 34 When he them slew they sought him-carefully and
turnd-again and sought for God early verse 35 And called-to-mind that God their Rock should bee and the most-high God their redeemer-free verse 36 But with their mouth they ' lluerd him flattringly and with their tongue they unto him did lie verse 37 For their heart had with him no setlednes nor in his cov'nant shewd they faithfulnes verse 38 Yet he having compassionate-pitty in mercy-covered iniquitie and ' stroid them not but oft turnd-back his ire and did not all his wrathfull-heat up stire verse 39 For that they flesh were he to mind did call a wind that goes turneth not-at-all verse 40 How oft provok't they him to bitternes in desert greivd him in the wildernes verse 41 For they did turn-again and God tempted and Isr'ls Holy-one they limited verse 42 They called not to mind his hand the day when from the foe he them redeem'd away verse 43 When he his signes in Aegipt-land had shown and his works-wonderfull in field of Tsoan verse 44 And turnd their rivers into bloudy-gore also their streams that drink they could no more verse 45 He sent a mixed-swarm which ate them up and frogs among them which did them corrupt verse 46 And gave their fruit to Caterpillars spoil and to the Locust their laborious-toil verse 47 Their vine-trees with the scattring-hail he kild and with the blasting-hail their fig-trees-wild verse 48 Their cattell to the hail he gave-up-fast also their flocks unto the lightnings-blast verse 49 He sent on them his angers ardentnes fierce-wrath and indignation and distresse by sending-forth the Messengers of ill verse 50 He weigh'd a path out to his angry-will their soul he from the death did not reprive and to the pest their beasts he up-did-give verse 51 And all the first-born he in Aegypt smites in tents of Cham the chiefest of their mights The third part verse 52 He made his folk as sheep forth-for to presse and as a flock led them in wildernes verse 53 And led them safely and they did not dread and those their enemies he sea cov'red verse 54 And to his holy border he them train'd this mountain which his right-hand had obtain'd verse 55 And from their faces cast-out heathens all and made them in line of possession fall And he did cause the tribes of Israel within their tabernacles for to dwell verse 56 Yet tempted they and bitterly-grieved high God and to his hests they took no heed verse 57 But turned-back and faithlesnes did show like to their fathers turn'd as warping bow verse 58 And stirrd his anger by their places high and by their idols stirrd his jealousie verse 59 God heard this and he was exceeding-wroth and Israel he veh'mently did loath verse 60 The dwelling-place of Shilo left he then the tent that he had placed among men verse 61 And gave his strength into captivitie into distressers hand eke his glorie verse 62 And to the sword his folk he gave-up-fast and with his heritage his wrath surpast verse 63 Their choise-yong men the fire devouring ate their Virgins none with song-did-celebrate verse 64 Their sacrificers by the sword did fall their widowes also did not weep at-all verse 65 The Lord then as one out of sleep did wake as strong-man after wine that showt-doth-make verse 66 And did behind smite his distressing foes gave them eternal shame-opprobrious verse 67 And he the tent of Joseph did refuse and tribe of Ephrajim he did not chuse verse 68 But tribe of Judah he by choise-approv'd the mountayn Sion which he dearly-lov'd verse 69 And like high-places built his sanctuarie like th' earth which he founded t'eternitie verse 70 And of his servant David choise-did-make and from the folds of sheep he did him take verse 71 From th'ewes with young he brought him his people Ja'kob to feed and his own Israel verse 72 And them he with his hearts perfection fedd and by discretions of his hands them ledd PSALM LXXVIII 1 An instructing psalm of Asaph GIve ear my people to my law incline your ear to the words of my mouth verse 2 I will open my mouth in a parable I will utter hidd-things of antiquitie verse 3 Which we have heard and have knowen them and our fathers have told us verse 4 We will not hide from their sonns to the generation after telling the prayses of Iehovah his power also and his marvells which he hath done verse 5 How he stablished a testimonie in Jaakob and put a law in Israel which he commanded our fathers to make them known to their sonns verse 6 That the generation after sonns that should be born might know might rise up and tell their sonns verse 7 And they might put their constant-hope in God and not forget the acts of God and might keep his commandements verse 8 And not be as their fathers a generation perverse and rebellious a generation that prepared-not aright their heart and whose spirit was not faithfull with God verse 9 The sonns of Aephrajim armed shooting with bow turned-back in the day of battell verse 10 They kept not the covenant of God and in his law they refused to walk verse 11 And forgate his actions and his marveilous works which he had shewed them verse 12 Before their fathers he had done a miracle in the land of Aegypt the field of Tsoan verse 13 He cleft the sea and made them passe through and made the waters to stand as an heap verse 14 And led them with a cloud by day and all the night with a light of fire verse 15 He clave the Rocks in the wildernes and gave drink as out of the great deeps verse 16 And brought forth streams out of the rock and made waters descend like rivers verse 17 And they added yet to sin against him to provoke-bitterly the most-high in the drie-desert verse 18 And tempted God in their heart asking meat for their soule verse 19 And they spake against God they said Can God furnish a table in the wildernes verse 20 Loe he smote the Rock and waters gushed-out and streames overflowed can he also give bread or can he prepare flesh for his people verse 21 Therefore Jehovah heard and was exceeding-angry and fire was kindled against Iaakob and also anger came up against Israel verse 22 Because they beleeved not in God and trusted not his salvation verse 23 Though he had commanded the skies from above and opened the dores of heavens verse 24 And rained upon them Manna to eat and the wheat of heavens he gave to them verse 25 Man did eat the Bread of the mighties he sent them meat to satietie verse 26 He made an East wind to passe-forth in the heavens and brought on a South wind by his strength verse 27 And rained flesh upon them as dust and sethered sowl as the sand of the seas verse 28 And made it fall in the midds of his camp round-about his dwelling-places verse 29 And they did eat and were filled vehemently and their desire he
faith and earnestnes in their prayers Vers 9. remoredst a Vine that is a Church the common wealth of Israel as it is written the Vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel and the men of Iudah are his pleasant plant Isa 5.7 Ier. 2.21 And removing or translating is the word so often used in Num. 3 3. where all the journeyes of Israel are rehearsed the heathens the seven nations of Canaan See Psal 78.55 Vers 10. preparedst or madest ready so this word is translated in Greek Mat. 3.3 from Isa 40.3 and Mat. 11.10 from Mal. 3.1 where the word way is expressed and here also the Greek saith thou madest-way properly it signifieth to take away all impediments that the plain way may appear rootedst in that is madest to take deep root Vers 11. Cedars of God that is the great and goodly Cedars as Psal 36.7 or Cedars planted of God as Psal 104.16 Vers 12. the river Euphrates see the notes on Psal 72.8 Vers 13. the hedges the fenses whereupon the spoil of it foloweth as Isa 5.5 So after Psal 89.41.42 Vers 14. bore beastly tiranus like swine as the Assyrians Babylonians c. which wasted the land of Canaan 2 King 17.6 and 25.1.2 c. store-of-beasts as Psal 50.11 So the law theatned I will send wild beasts upun you which shall spoil you c. Levit. 26.22 But here beasts are wicked people Vers 16. the stock or vine yard the base or place which beareth up the vine branches and the son or branch understand againe visit him or look upon him By the son may be meant Christ as the Chaldee paraphrast plainly saith the King Messias called in verse 18. the son of man and so here also in the Greek version who is the true Vine his Father the husbandman his disciples the branches Ioh. 15.1.5 who taketh part with the afflictions of his people was himself called out of Aegypt Mat. 2.15 and when his servants are vexed it is done unto him Act. 9.4 Otherwise by the son may be understood a yong vine or branch as elswhere boughes are called daughter Gen. 49.22 And so by the son be meant Israel as Exod. 4.22 the Lords plant Isa 5.7 Vers 18. man of thy right hand whom thou lovest honourest and powerfully helpest So Jaakob called the son whom he loved Ben●amin that is the Son of the right hand Gen. 35.18 Hereby also is meant Christ called the son of Gods love Col. 1.13 and the Church his body translated into his kingdom Annotations Psalm LXXXI Vers 1. GIttith see the note on Psalm 8.1 Vers 3. Take up to weet in your mouthes or lift up your voice with psalm or song So in Isa 42.2 to lift up is meant the voice give that is bring the timbrell c. of these instruments see Psal 68.26 and 33.2 Vers 4. Blow the trumpet or the Cornet whereof see Psal 98.6 this was done both to proclaim the solemnitie unto men and to be a memoriall for them before God Levit. 23.4 Num. 10.10 for in their publik worship the Israelites used trompets with other musicall instruments 2 Chorn. 5.12.13 and 29.27 the new-moon when as a solemn feast with speciall worship was appointed of God Num. 28.11.14 and at these times as on the Sabbaths they used to assemble to worship and hear Gods word 2 King 4.23 Ezek. 46.3 Isa 66.23 these feasts were a shadow of things to come but the body is in Christ Colos 2.16.17 the appointed-time or the solemnitie solemn feast which was thrice in the yere 1. at the Passover 2. at Pentecost and 3. at the feast of Tabernacles Deut. 16.16 of which last some understand this festivity Ceseli as having the name of covering in boothes others of the covering that is the change of the moon when it is hid by the sun feast or daunce see Psal 42.5 This may be meant of all feasts or in speciall of the feast of blowing trompets in the first day of the seventh moneth Lev. 23.24 or of the passover as after verse 6. Vers 5. a judgment that is a rite or ordinance made by God and a dutie to be performed to him So judgment is for dutie Deut. 18.3 Vers 6. in Ioseph among the posterity of Joseph and the other tribes of Israel Ioseph is named as principall having the birthright 1 Chron. 5.1.2 So Psal 80.2 from the land so the Greek turneth it the Hebrew ghnal being here for meghnal the same that men from as 2 Chron. 33.8 with 2 King 21.8 Zach. 4.3 At their going out of Aegypt the feast of the Passover was appointed Exod. 12. after in the wildernes the other feasts Levit. 23. or we may read it against the land viz. to destroy it and the first born Exod. 11 4.5 I heard a language Hebr. a lip used for the speech or language as Gen. 11 1. Vers 7. from the burden that is burdens wherewith they were vexed in Aegypt making bricks building cities c. Exod. 1.11 and basket or pot such vessels as wherein they caried straw morter brick c. Vers 8 Thou caledst Israel having left Aegypt Pharaoh with his host pursued them and they were sore afraid and cried to the Lord Exod. 14.10.15 secret place of thunder out of the black clowd wherewith God guided and protected Israel but with thunder rain c. dismayed the Aegyptians Exod. See also Psal 77.18.19 of Meribah that is of Strife so named because Israel there strove with Moses and almost stoned him Exod. 17.1 2 3.4.-7 There God proved them to know what was in their heart whether they would keep his commandements or no Deut. 8.2 Exod. 15.25 and there they proved God Psal 95.9 Vers 9. testify or protest take to witnesse namely the heavens and earth c. as Deut. 31.28 and 32.1.46 and 30 19. and deeply charge thee Compare herewith Exod. 19.3 4 5. c. and 20.22 23. Ier. 11.7 8. Vers 11. open wide that is speak and ask freely This sentence our Saviour openeth thus If ye abide in me and my words abide in you ask what ye will and it shal be done to you Ioh. 15.7 and the Apostle thus whatsoever we ask of God we receive of him because we keep his commandements c. 1 Ioh. 3.22 Vers 12. not wel-affected had no will or good inclination which they shewed presently after the giving of the law by making themselves Gods of gold and by their continuall rebellions afterward Exod. 32 1 -31 Vers 13. perverse-intendement or stubborn-opinion writhing and obstinate intention which they looked after in their erroneous heart This word is taken from Deut. 29.19 and after often objected to them by Jeremie Ier. 3.17 and 7.24 and 9.14 and 11.8 And this is noted for a judgment of God when he suffreth people to walk in their own wayes Act. 14.16 Vers 16. falsly-denied or seighnedly-submitted see Psal 18 45. and 66 3. their time if this be referred to the enemies it is meant their
time of distresse as Psal 10 1. and 31 16. So time is used Ier. 27 7. Isa 13 22. if to Gods people it meaneth their continued setled state Vers 17. fed him that is his people verse 14. fat of wheat the principal or flowr of corn so Deut. 32.14 Psal 147.14 out of the rock out of which God had made his people suck honey and oil Deut. 32 13. Spiritually the Rock is Christ 1 Cor. 10 4. the honey is the gracious words that flow from him sweetnes to the soul and health to the bones Prov. 16 24. Psal 19 11. Song 4 11. Annotations Psalm LXXXII Vers 1. THe assembly of God that is the assise or session of Magistrates whose office is the ordinance of God Rom. 13.1 2. Deut. 16.18 and who are to execute not the judgements of man but of the Lord who is with them in the cause and judgement 2 Chron. 19 6. Deut. 1 17. in midds of the Gods that is among the judges or Magistrates verse 6. who in the law are also called Exod. 22.8 9 28. because the word of God was given to them Ioh. 10.34.35 Vers 2. How long c. Thus God by his Prophet judgeth and reproveth the Gods or ●udges for unrighteous judgment accept the faces respect the persons lift up admire honour or favour the faces a thing forbidden both concerning rich and poor Deut. 1 17. and 16 19. Levit. 19 15. Prov. 18 5. Lam. 2 1 -9 Vers 3. Iudge ye that is defend deliver see Psal 43 1. Isa 1 17. justifie that is do justice as 2 Sam. 15 4. and acquitt or absolve him his cause being right Deut. 25 1. Ier. 22 3 Vers 5. They know not The judges are ignorant of their duty Mic. 3 1. Ier. 10 21. Prov. 29.7 they will walk on that is continue wilfully ignorant and sinfull in perverting justice Mic. 3 9. To walk in darknes is to live in sin 1 Ioh. 1.6 Eph. 4.17.18 and 5 8. moved shal be to weet therefore moved or though moved be all the foundations though all lawes and orders be violated all estates disturbed and strongest helps come to ruine Isa 24.18 19. Vers 6. sonns of the most high the Chaldee paraphraseth as the Angels of the high God And Magistrates should be as Angels for wisdom 2 Sam. 14 20. Vers 7. as earthly-men as Adam that is as any other mortall man so after as one of the Princes that is of the other princes of the world for this Psalme was spoken to the Magistrates of Israel for whatsoever the law saith it saith it to them that are under the law Rom. 3 19. Vers 8. inherit that is have soveraignty and dominion So this word meaneth Lev. 25.45 46. Ier. 49.2 And Christ is called heir that is Lord of all Hebr. 1 2. Annotations Psal LXXXIII Vers 2. KEep not silence c. Hebr. let not silence or stilnes be to thee that is sit not still but stirr up thy self to help and avenge us on our enemies So silence is used for sitting still Iudg. 18.9 V. 3. lift up the head insolently and boldly vaunting themselves and warring against us So Iudg. 8.28 on the contrary Gods people shall lift up their heads that is be of good comfort and courage when their redemption draweth neer Luke 21 28. Vers 4. thine hidden ones that is as the Greek explaineth it thy saints which are hidden of God in his tabernacle in the day of evill from the strife of tongues Psalm 27 5. and 31 21. whose life is hidd with Christ in God Colos 3 3. Vers 5. from being or that they be no more a nation Moab and others consult thus against Israel after the like is against Moab and effected Ier. 48 2. Vers 6. in heart together this noteth their earnestnes craftines joint consent in evill Vers 7. The tents that is armies with their Kings and captaines Iudg. 7.13 14. 2 King 7.7 10. Ier. 6 3. Hab. 3 7. Aedom the Aedomites or Idumeanes which were the sonns of Esau named Aedom the brother of Israel see the note on Psal 60.10 the Ismaelites children of Ismael the son of Abraham who was with the bond-woman Hazar his mother cast out of his fathers house for persecuting his brother Isaak in whose evill wayes his children here walk Gen. 16.1 15. and 21.9 10.14 Gal. 4.22 29 30. Moab the Moabites the posterity of Lot see Psal 60 10. the Hagarens the Chaldee paraphrast calleth them Hungarians They were the posterity of Ietur Maphish and other like children of Ismael son of Hagar of whom came twelve princes of their nations Gen. 25.12 15 16. some of which were called by their fathers name Ismaelites as before some by their granmothers name Hagarens and dwelt in Arabia eastward from Gilead neer to the Israelites 1 Chorn. 5.10 19. The word Hagarims signifieth fugitives or strangers as the Greek turneth them paroikous 1 Chron. 5 10. they were after called Saracens which in the Arabik tongue is theeves Vers 8. Gebal that is the Gebalites or Gibleans that dwelt in the Province or Citie Gebal or Gabala in Phoenicia neer Sidon whence Solomon had Masons or stone-hewers 1 King 5.18 Ezek. 27.9 Ammon the Ammonites that came of Lot as did the Moabites Gen. 19 37 38. These nations which were neerest allied unto Israel and whom God would not suffer the Israelites to molest when they came out of Aegypt Deut. 2.4 5 9 19. combine here together against Israel to cast them out of Gods inheritance so evil did they reward them as K. Jehoshaphat complained 2 Chron. 20.10 11 12. Amalek the Amalekites which were of Eliphaz the son of Esau the brother of Israel Gen. 36.12 16. they dwelt in the south country neer Canaan Num. 13 30. were the first that fought against Israel Exod. 17 8. c. for which God would have had their remembrance put out from under heaven Deut. 25.17 18.19 and K. Saul was sent to performe it but did it not fully 1 Sam. 15.2 3 9. and 28.18 and was himself slain by an Amalekite 2 Sam. the Philistines or Palestina see th note on Psal 60.10 Tyrus the Tyrians which remembred not the brotherly covenant that had been between them and Israel Amos 1.9 Sec the note on Psal 45 13. Vers 9. Asshur the Assyrians the posterity of Shem the son of Noah Gen. 10 22. This nation was the rod of Gods wrath against Israel who in the end captived ten tribes Isa 10.5 6. 2 King 15 29. and 18 9.11.13 c. an arm that is an help as the Greek saith and a strength to Lots sonns the Moabites and Ammonites Thus were here ten peoples confoederates against God and his people Vers 10. as to Midian the Midianites the posteritie of Abraham by his concubine Keturah 1 Chron. 1 32. who being turned Idolaters drew Israel to sin in the wildernes for which Moses revenged the Israelites of them by the slaughter of all their males and their five Kings and a
meaneth Psalm 12 8. Girding what it meaneth Psalm 76 11. Giving for putting setting c. Psalm 4 8 and 8 2. Giving for granting suffring Psalm 16 10. Gladnes gladsomnes outward as joy is inward Psalm 2 11. Glorious-majestie Psalm 8 2. Glory or Honour whereof it is named Psalm 3 4. and 85.10 Glory for the tongue Psalm 16 9. Glorying or praising ones self Psalm 34.3 God Elohim what it meaneth Psal 3 3. God El Psalm 5 5. Gods for Angels Psalm 8 6. and 97 7. Gods for Magistrates Psalm 82 1.6 Gods name added to things for excellencie Psalm 36 7. The living God Psalm 42 3. Gospel or Euangelie whereof it is named Psalm 40 10. Gracious-saint what it meaneth Psa 4.4 H. Halelujah Psalm 104 35. and 135 1. Harp Psalm 33 2. Heavens what they are Psalm 8 9. Hell what it meaneth Psalm 16.10 Heritage Heir Inheritance what they mean Psalm 2 8. Hiding the face what it signifieth Ps 13.2 High refuge what it is Psalm 9 10. Hopefully-wait Psalm 31 25. Horn for power glorie Ps 18 3. 75.5 11 Hosts or Sabaoth Gods title Psal 24 10. House whereof it is named Psalm 5 8. Hypocrites why so called Psalm 35 16. I. Iaakob what it meaneth Psalm 14 7. Iah the name of God Psalm 68 5. Iehovah the name of God and Christ opened Psalm 83 19. and 97 1. Iehovih or God Psalm 68.21 Ierusalem described Psalm 51 20. Incense what it signified Psal 141 2. Inheritance for land or people Psal 79.1 and 28 9. and 2.8 and 47.5 Iniquitie Psal 18.24 it is sometime put for punishment Psal 31.11 and 40.13 and 59 5. Israel what it meaneth Psalm 147 7. Iudging what it is Psalm 43.1 Iudging expressed by two words usually Psalm 7 9. Iudgements for lawes Psalm 19 10. for rites Psalm 81 5. Iustice for benefits Psalm 24 5. K. Knowing what it meaneth Psalm 1 6. Korach and his sonns who they were Psalm 42.1 Kissing what it signifieth Psalm 2.12 L. Land of Canaan Psalm 25.13 described Psalm 105.11 the land of desire Psalm 106 24. Law whereof it is named Psalm 19 8. Leading gentle guiding Psalm 23.2 Lebanon a mount Psalm 29 5. Life Psalm 7 6. and 30 6. Lifting up the soul Psalm 25.1 Light what it meaneth Psalm 27.1 and 97 11. and 112 4. Light of the face Psalm 4 7. and 31.17 Lightning of the eyes Psalm 13 4. Lightning the lamp Psam 18 29. Lions of sundry kinds have sundry names Psalm 7 3. and 57 5. Livjathan the whale Psalm 74 14. Lodge for continue Psalm 49.13 Lord Adonai what it meaneth Psal 2 4. Lot what it meaneth Psalm 16 5. M. Making diversly used Psalm 100 3. Man Ish of his excellencie so named Psalm 4 3. and 49 3. Sory man Enosh and earthly-Man Adam Ps 8 5. and strong Man geber Ps 18.26 Man of tongue what it meaneth Psalm 140.12 Man of bloods Psalm 5 7. Mansion or dwelling place Psalm 26.8 Master of the musick who he was Ps 4.1 Meditate is not onely to think but to speak Psalm 1 2. and 55.3 Mercie what it signifieth Psalm 136 1. Mercifully-cover Psalm 65.4 Michtam what it meaneth Psalm 16 1. Moab described Psalm 60 10. Molestation what it is Psalm 7 15. Morning what it meaneth Psalm 5.4 and 49 15. Moving implieth often evil Psam 15 5. Moving of the foot also is evil Psal 38.17 and 66 9. Mountains diversly used Psalm 121.1 N. Name how it is used Psalm 8 2. Neer or nigh what it meaneth Psal 141.14 Neginoth stringed instruments Psal 4.1 and 33 3. New song what it meaneth Psalm 33 3. Nose and anger have one name in Hebrue Psalm 10.4 O. Oblation what it was Psalm 20 4. Outspred-firmament what it is Psal 19.2 P. Painful-iniquitie why so called Psalm 5.6 Pallace what it is Psalm 5.8 Palestina Philistims Psalm 60.10 Palms and hands lifted up and spred in prayer Psalm 63 5. Palm-tree described Psalm 92.13 Parable diversly used Psalm 44.15 and 49.5 and 78.2 Part for inheritance Psalm 16 5. Peace what it signifieth Psal 29.11 of it Solomon was named Psal 72.7 Perpetuitie victorie of time Psalm 9.7 Pit of corruption see Corruption Ps 7 16 Pleading what it is Psalm 35 1. Prayer whereof it is named Psalm 4 2. Precepts why so called Psalm 19.9 Precious diversly used Psal 36.8 and 116.15 and 72.14 and 49.9 and 139.17 Priest what it signifieth Psalm 99.6 Prophet what it meaneth Psal 74.9 Psalm whereof it is named Ps 3.1 7.18 Psalterie Psalm 33.2 R. Rebel or turn rebellious whereof it is named Psalm 5.11 Rebuke for destruction Psalm 9.6 Redeemer whereof named Psalm 19 15. Reward Psalm 19.12 Rock the title of God often Psal 18.3.32 Rod of God what Psalm 23.4 S. Sabbath day of Rest Psalm 92.1 Sacrifice and sacrifice of justice what it is Psalm 4.6 of showting Psalm 27.6 Salvation and Saving largely used for help victorie deliverance c. Ps 12.2 and 98.1 and 118.15 Scornfull prowd Psalm 1.1 Seat somtime is a chaire somtime a dwelling Psalm 1.1 and 107.4 Secret or mysterie Psalm 25.14 Secret for Council Psal 64 3. and 89.8 Seed for children Psal 21.11 Seeking is for good or evil Psal 35.4 Selah what it signifieth Psal 3.3 Shadow Psalm 121.5 Shadow of death Psal 23.4 and 107 10. Showt joyfully Psalm 5.12 Showt-triumphantly Psalm 41.12 Silence for submission Psalm 62.2 Silence for destruction Psalm 31.18 and 49.13 Simple why so called Psalm 19.8 Sion the mount Psalm 2.6 Sitting diversly used Psal 1.1 102.13 Skies Psalm 18 12. Sleep for rest Psalm 127.2 Sleep for death Psalm 13 4. Son diversly used Psalm 79 11 and 80.16 and 89.23 Son for every yong thing Psalm 114 4. and 147 9. Soul what it is Psalm 16.10 Soul for life Psalm 35.4 for will Ps 26.12 Standing for continuing Psal 33.11 and 111.3 for ministring Psalm 134.1 Statute or Decree what it meaneth Psalm 2 7. and 148.6 Strength for praise Psalm 8.3 Strength for Kingdom Psalm 21.2 Strength for Gods Ark. Psal 78.61 Stilnes what it meaneth Psal 4.5 Stirring Psal 4.5 Sun whereof it is named Psalm 19.5 Sin properly is missing or misdoing Psalm 4.5 Sinners who they are Psal 1.1 Swallowing for destroying Psalm 21 10. T. Tarshish for the Ocean sea Psalm 48.8 Tel for preach Psalm 2.7 Tent what it is Psam 15.1 Testimonies of God what they are Psalm 19.8 Together diversly used Psalm 33.15 an● 141 10. Trespasses what they are Psalm 5 11. Tribes of Israel whereof named Psalm 78 55. Tyrus the citie described Psal 45.13 V. Vain-idols Aelim whereof named Psalm 96.5 Vanities for idols Psalm 31.7 Vnconstant-fool Psalm 49.11 Vnicorn Psalm 22.22 Voice for thunder Psalm 29.3 To give the voice what it meaneth Psalm 18 14. Vowe's Psalm 50.14 W. Walking for conversation Psalm 1.1 an● 66.14 Warr whereof it is named Psalm 35.1 Way for course of life or religion Psal 1 ● and 25 4. Wicked what it signifieth Psal 1.1 Woeful-evils whereof so called Psal 5