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A09383 A commentarie or exposition, vpon the fiue first chapters of the Epistle to the Galatians: penned by the godly, learned, and iudiciall diuine, Mr. W. Perkins. Now published for the benefit of the Church, and continued with a supplement vpon the sixt chapter, by Rafe Cudworth Bachelour of Diuinitie Perkins, William, 1558-1602.; Cudworth, Ralph, 1617-1688. 1604 (1604) STC 19680; ESTC S114465 595,047 756

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them that beleeue And that is to be children of Abraham and heires of all the blessings of God And therefore learne here one golden lesson namely that the basest person that is if he beleeue in Christ is in the place of Abraham and succeeds him in the inheritance of the kingdom of heauen Some man may say O this is excellent comfort if I might know that I were in the case of Abraham Answ. Thou maist know it certenly if thou wilt doe as Abraham did namely follow the calling of God and obey the Gospel that is subiect thy heart to the commandements of God which bidde thee repent and beleeue in Christ for then all the good things reuealed in the Gospel shall be thine The vse Beleeuers in this world must be content with any estate that God shall lay vpon them For they are heires with Abraham of heàuen and earth In this regard Abraham was content to forsake his countrie and his fathers house and as a pilgrime to dwell in tents to the death Heb. 11. 8 9. Secondly they that beleeue in Christ must moderate their worldly cares and not liue as drudges of the world For they are heires of God and haue a title or right to all good things promised in the couenant Therefore they shall neuer want any good thing that is needfull for them He that hath made them heires will carefully prouide for them Therefore our care must be to doe the duties that belong vnto vs and all other cares we must cast vpon God They in this world that are borne to land and liuing are content to liue sparingly and oftentimes very barely with a little vpon hope of further inlargement after the decease of some friends Lastly our speciall care must be for heauen For the things of this world are but trifles in respect The citie of God in heauen is thy portion or childs part Seeke for the assurance of that aboue all things Thus did Abraham Heb. 11. 15 16. CHAP. IIII. 1 And I say that the heire as long as he is a child differeth nothing frō a seruant though he be Lord of all 2 But is vnder tutors gouernors till the time appointed of the father 3 Euen so we when we were children were in bondage vnder the rudiments of the world 4 But when the fulnesse of time was come God sent forth his sonne made of a woman and made vnder the law 5 That he might redeeme them that were vnder the lawe that we might receiue the adoption of sonns 6 And because ye are sonnes God hath sent forth the spirit of his sonne into your hearts which crieth Abba father 7 Wherefore thou art no more a seruant but a sonne and if thou be a sonne thou art also an heire of God through Christ. THese words depend on the former chapter as an answer to an obiection which may be framed on this manner Paul thou saiest that the Iewes before Christ were vnder the law as vnder a schoolemaster c. 3. v. 24. and that we are free from the same schoolemaster v. 25. beeing children of God and heires by Christ v. 29 but we for our parts thinke our selues seruants vnder the law as well as the ancient Iewes and that they are as well children of God as we To this obiection Paul makes answer in these 7. verses as the very first words import And I say that is whatsoeuer you suppose I say thus And then he propounds the reason of his answer which may be framed thus If the time of our bondage be ended and the full time of our libertie come then are we sonnes and not seruants but the time of our bondage is ended and the full time of our libertie is come therefore we are not seruants but sonnes The maior is omitted because it is manifest The minor is in the sixe first verses the conclusion is expressed in the 7. verse Againe the minor the time of our bondage is ended and the time of our libertie is come is first of all declared by a similitude and then confirmed The similitude is borrowed from the Ciuill law and it may be framed thus Heires in their minoritie liue in subiection to Tutors and gouernours but when they are of riper yeares at the appointment of their parents they are at their owne libertie Euen so the people of God before Christ were in their infancie vnder the law as vnder a Tutor but when the fulnes of time was come which God had appointed they entred into the fruition of their libertie The first part of the similitude is expressed in the 2. first verses and the second in the 3. and 4. Againe the minor is confirmed by two reasons The first is this Your libertie is procured by Christ therefore the time of your libertie is come This reason is in the 4. and 5. verses The second reason is taken from the signe You haue receiued the spirit of adoption therefore the time of your libertie is come v. 6. Of these points in order First where he signifies that the father hath authoritie to dispose of his child This is the law of nature and the law of nations Paul saith Col. 3. 20. that children must obay their parents in all things When the deuill had obtained libertie to afflict Iob in all things that belonged to him saue his person he destroied his children Iob 1. 12. 18. And this shewes that the children in respect of their bodies are the goods of their parents In this respect the Iewes were permitted to sell their children Exod. 21. 7. And so sacred a thing was the authoritie of the parent that he which rebelliously despised the same was put to death Deu. 21. 21. This authoritie shewes it selfe specially in two things in the marriage and in the calling of the child In the marriage of the child the parent is the principall agent and the disposer thereof Deuter. 7. 3. Exod. 34. 16. 1. Cor. 7. 38. Where obserue that the commandement touching the marriage of the child is giuen not to the child but to the parent and the parent hath authoritie by the saide commaundement to giue and bestow his child and to take wiues to his sonnes Thus Abraham tooke a wife for Isaac and Isaac suffered himselfe to be disposed at the appointment of his father For a more full declaration of this authoritie I propound these three questions The first is whether the father may command his childe to marrie Ans. Presuppose two things one that the commandement is without compulsion the second that the father knowes what is for the good of the child then I answer that he may command his child to marrie and to marrie a person thus or thus qualified Thus Isaac commanded Iacob to marrie in the house of Laban Gen. 28. 1 2. and Iacob obaied Now whether a father may command his child to marrie this or that person I doubt and therefore suspend The second question is whether parents may make voide the contract secretly
made by their children without or against their consent Ans. The scripture giueth them authoritie either to ratifie such contracts or to make them void Num. 30. 6. the father may make void the vow of the child pertaining to Gods worship much more a matrimoniall promise If a yong man deflowre a maide and this be found in equitie he is to be compelled to marrie her Deut. 22. 28. yet by Gods law this may not be except the father consent Exod. 22. 17. The third question is whether a marriage made without and against the consent of parents be a marriage or no Ans. It may be called a politicke or ciuill marriage because it is ratified in the courts of men according to humane lawes and by this meanes the ishue is freed from bastardie Neuerthelesse it is not a diuine or spirituall coniunction or marriage as it ought to be because it is flat against the commandement of God Touching the callings of children they are to be ordered and appointed at the discretion of parents For if the parent may order the vowe and the marriage of the child then much more the calling Here take notice of the impietie of the Romane religion There are three especiall estates whereby man liues in societie with man the Church the Commonwealth the familie In the Church that religion sets vp another head beside Christ in the Commonwealth it sets vp an authoritie that serues to curb and restraine the Supremacie of Princes in causes Ecclesiasticall In the familie it puts downe the authoritie of the father for it ratifieth clandestine contracts and it giues libertie to children past twelue or fourteene yeares of age to enter into any order of religion against the consent of their parents Againe parents must be put in minde to know their authoritie to maintaine it and to vse it aright for the good of their children specially for their saluation And children must be warned in all things honest and lawfull to yeeld subiection to their parents and in this subiection shall they find the blessing of God Againe here is set downe the office of parents and that is to prouide meete ouerseers and Tutors for their children after their departure When Christ vpon the crosse had the pangs of death vpon him he commends his mother to the tuition of Iohn Ioh. 19. 26. When widdowes and Orphanes are wronged God himself takes vpon him the office of a Tutor in their behalfe Exod. 22. 22. And this shewes that it is a necessary dutie to be thought vpon Thirdly here the dutie of children is set downe and that is that they must be subiect to their Tutors and gouernours as to their owne fathers and mothers Ruth loued Naomi and claue vnto her as to her owne mother Ruth 1. 16. Christ was subiect to Ioseph who was but a reputed father Luk. 2. last The sonnes of the Prophets obay their masters as their owne fathers 2. king 2. 12. and so doe the seruants to their master 2. king 5. 13. Nowe I come to the second part of the similitude v. 3. Euen so we that is the Iewes and all the people of God in the olde testament Were children were as children in respect of the Christian Church in the new Testament Were in bondage The Iewes are said to be in bondage in respect of vs because they were subiect to more lawes then we are and they wanted the fruition of the liberty which we inioy They had the right of sonnes but they inioyed not their right as we doe and this is their bondage For otherwise libertie in conscience frō hell death sin they had euen as we now haue Rudiments of the world that is the lawe or Ministerie of Moses and it is so called in respect of a more full and plentifull doctrine in the ministerie of the newe Testament And it is called the Rudiments of the world because Iewrie was as it were a little schoole set vp in a corner of the world the lawe of Moses was as it were an a b c or Primar in which Christ was reuealed to the world in darke and obscure manner specially to the Iewes The vse Here we see that the people of the old Testament were for right heires as well as we and therefore they had right to all the blessings of God The difference betweene vs and them is onely in the manner which God vsed in dispensing the foresaid blessings to vs. Againe the fathers of the olde Testament before Christ were but as children in respect of vs now Thus much saith Paul in expresse words And they were so two waies First in respect of the Mosaicall regiment because they were kept in subiection to more lawes then we Secondly they were so in respect of reuelation because God hath reuealed more to vs then to them Read Luk. 10. 24. It may be said we now are the best of vs but children to Abraham and the Prophets whether we respect knowledge or faith Answ. It is so If we compare person and person but it is otherwise if we compare bodie with bodie and compare the Christian church with the Church of the Iewes before Christ then we exceede them and they are but children to vs. This must teach vs all to be carefull to increase in knowledge and in the grace of God that we may be answerable to our condition And to liue in ignorance as the most doe is the shame of vs all For in respect of the time we should all be teachers Heb. 5. 12. and yet God knows the most are very babes For aske a man how he lookes to be saued he will answer by seruing God and by dealing truely Now his seruing of God is his saying of his praiers and his praiers are the Beleefe and the ten Commandements This is a poore seruing of God fitter for babes then for men of yeares It is further to be obserued that Paul saith the fathers of the old Testament were in bondage vnder the lawe after the manner of seruants specially by reason of rites ceremonies And hence it followes that the obseruation of a religion in which are manifold bodily rites and figures is a kind of bondage and pertaines to the Church for the time of her infancie or minority Let this be remembred against the Romish religion for it is like to that of the Iewes in the olde Testament standing for the greatest part in bodily rites in differences of meates and drinkes in differences of times places garments in exercises and afflictions of the bodie in locall succession in the collation of grace by the worke done and such like This is manifest to them which know● the masse which indeede is nothing but a masse of ceremonies Therefore the Romane religion is a childish and babish religion and if it were of God yet is it not fit for the church of the newe Testament that is come forth of her minoritie Religion that stands in the afflicting of the body is but a shadow and an
thy selfe vnder the curse of the law and for thine offences by it bound ouer to euerlasting death If thou should est be proclaimed an Outlaw or a writ of rebellion should be serued on thee it would make thee at thy wits ende Now behold the law proclaimes thee a traytour and rebell against God through heauen and earth The law shuts heauen against thee it sets hell and death wide open for thee and it armes all the creatures of God against thee Therefore it stands thee in hand to looke about thee and to flie from the sentence of the lawe to the throne of grace for mercie and forgiuenes It hath bin the fashion of all holy men to acquaint themselues with this one lesson that they were by nature vnder the law specially then when they were to humble themselues in the presence of God Daniel in his praier ascribes shame and confusion to himselfe Dan. 9. according to the voice and crie of the law and the prodigall sonne confesseth that he had sinned against his father and against heauen and that he was vnworthy to be accounted a child of God according to the law iudging and condemning himselfe The third point is what is the price wherby men are bought or redeemed from vnder the law Ans. The obedience of the Sonne whereby he stood in subiection to the law for vs as Paul signifies in the words immediatly going before It may be said how can the obedience of one man be a price of redemption for an other I answer we must consider Christ not as a meere man but as God-man and by this meanes his Obedience is of infinit merit and efficacie Againe we must consider him not as a priuate but as a publike person representing all the Elect in his obedience to his father And by this meanes his Obedience ferues for all that beleeue in him Againe it may be alledged that the law saith Thou shalt loue thou shalt not lust c. And the soule that sinnes that soule shall die Ezech. 18. 20. And a man shall not redeeme the life of his brother Psal. 49. 7. Ans. The law requires that euery man performe obedience and make satisfaction in his owne person and the law knows no other obedience But this must be considered that the law is but one part of the reuealed will of God and that the Gospel is an other distinct part reuealing more then the law euer knew And the Gospel teacheth a Translation of the law in respect of obedience from our persons to the person of the Mediatour and thereby it addes an Exception to the law The fourth point is who are partakers of this Redemption Ans. They which see and feele and bewaile their condition that they are vnder the law and flie from the sentence thereof to the throne of grace for mercie Christ came to saue sinners Matth. 9. that is such as are conuicted by the law and know themselues to be sinners He offers ease to them that trauell and are heauie laden Matth. 11. 28. He preacheth deliuerance to captiues Luk. 4. 18. Here we are to bewaile the miserie of our people that know not themselues to be vnder the law nay they loue and delight to be vnder it For they alleadge for themselues that they say their praiers duly and truly that they meane well to God-ward and deale truly with men and therfore they thinke God will haue mercy on them and haue them excused for all their offences The last point is what benefits arise of this deliuerance from vnder the law Ans. They which turne to God and beleeue in Christ reape foure benefits hereby The first is that no sinne shall haue dominion ouer them Rom. 6. 14. Here marke by the way that they which are in Christ cannot wholly fall from grace For they which wholly fall away are vnder the dominion of sinne The second is that God will accept the indeauour to obay for obedience because they are freed from the rigour of the law Read Malac. 3. 17. The third is that they haue libertie to liue and serue God without feare of damnation or any other euill Luk. 1. 74. The last is that afflictions cease to be curses and are turned to blessings and for this cause they are delaied and qualified for the good of them which are afflicted Psal. 89. 32. J will correct them that offend with a rodde but I will not take my mercie from them Prou. 3. 11. Grieue not for the correction of the Lord for he loueth whome he correcteth Ierem. 10. 24. Correct vs in iudgement and powre forth thy wrath vpon the nations that haue not knowne thee This must teach men that professe or teach Christ not to be discouraged when they are abused railed on slaundered or cursed For if they be from vnder the law and so from vnder the sting of a guiltie conscience nothing shall hurt them They must be content for a while to suffer the snatches and bitings of the deuill for in the ende his head shall be bruised in peeces To ende this point it may be said if we that beleeue be not vnder the law then we may liue and die as we list Ans. We are free from the law as a yoke but not free from it as it is the rule of obedience and good life And because we are freed from the bondage of the law therefore we must be a law to our selues we must be voluntaries Psal. 110. 4. without constraint freely yeelding subiection to the will of God and not for feare of hell and the last iudgement The third and last degree is the Fruition of adoption in these words that we might receiue the adoption of sonnes Here two questions are to be considered The first is How the Church of the new Testament is saide to receiue the adoption which was before receiued in the old Testament Ans. In scripture a thing is often said to be done when it is done more fully and plentifully Christ tells Nathanael that he shall see heauen open Ioh. 1. 51. that is more plainly opened For it was not shut in the old Testament And the holy Ghost was not yet Ioh. 7. 39. that is in the full measure And the way into the Holiest was not open while the Tabernacle was standing Hebr. 9. 8. that is plainly made manifest And in this place Beleeuers of the new Testament receiue the Adoption because they receiue it in a more full and plentifull manner in that the spirit of children is powred forth vpon them in larger measure whether we regard Illumination or the gifts of regeneration This must teach vs that liue in these latter daies to put on the condition of sonnes and daughters of God in reuerence obedience and thankefulnes Butalas among the multitude it is farre otherwise For the most liue euen as Atheists in ignorance according to the lusts of their owne hearts The faith and repentance which they professe is but Ceremoniall faith and Repentance The second question
is whence springs our adoption The answer is plaine in the words from the obedience of the sonne whereby he stood in subiection to the law Here the question of all questions is answered namely what is that thing by which and for which a sinner is iustified before God and saued Ans. The Obedience of the sonne of God made man and made vnder the law for vs. For this is it that frees vs from vnder the law and giues vs the Adoption of sonnes And this alone is it whereby we stand before the Tribunall seat of God which also we are to oppose to the iudgement of God to hell death and condemnation Therefore our common people erre that looke to be saued by their good deedes that is by their good meaning and dealing They thus tread the blood of Christ vnder their owne feete and become Iesuses or Sauiours to themselues Secondly they erre that teach iustification by the essentiall iustice of the Godhead of the sonne for that it is incommunicable and they which are iustified by it are also deified Thirdly the Papist erreth which teacheth iustification partly by remission of sinnes and partly by that which we call inward sanctification which is imperfect and mixed in this life with our corruption and therefore vnfit to absolue and acquit vs before God It may be said what must we doe that we may be iustified and saued by this Obedience of the Mediatour Answ. In the old Testament when a man had sinned he brought a sheepe or an oxe to the doore of the Tabernacle and when the Priest cut the throat of it the partie laid his hand vpon the head of it Exod. 29. 10. And hereby he signified that the beast had done no hurt and that he as a guiltie malefactour had deserued death Now all this was done in figure And it teacheth vs that we miserable sinners must come to God that we must bring our sacrifice with vs namely the lambe of God which is the sonne of God made man made vnder the law that we must present this lambe and the oblation thereof to the father for vs laying our hands on the head of it that is confessing ourguiltinesse and that we haue iustly deserued death and perdition from the presence of God In the last place we must intreat the Lord to accept the blood of the lamb for vs and the whole obedience of the Mediatour Thus shall we be iustified and saued Thou wilt say I will therefore doe this when I am dying I say againe let it be thy daily exercise to the very death Thou wast seauen yeares in learning of thy trade thinke not therfore in an houre or two to worke thy reconciliation with God If thou art many yeares in learning such things as are done by the strength of nature thinke not to attaine to things aboue nature when and howe thou wilt It is a rule receiued of all men that they must blesse themselues now the right way to blesse thy selfe is to plead-guiltie before God and to intreat him to accept the obedience of the Mediatour for thee Uers. 6. Sonnes that is such as inioy the libertie of sonnes Sent forth a speach borrowed from Embassadours which are sent forth with instructiōs what they shal say or do it signifies that the spirit reueales nothing but that which is the will of the father sonne Ioh. 16. 14. Crying making vs to crie Rom. 8. 26. For if the words be taken properly the spirit must pray to it selfe Abba the next word is the exposition Father The sense The father hath sent forth the spirit of his sonne vnto you this spirit sent forth dwels in your hearts dwelling in your hearts it makes you pray to God as to a father● and all this it doth because you are indeed sonnes of God The scope The question is whether beleeuers of the newe Testament be seruants to the law or children Paul answers no and he giues two reasons The first was in the former verses the second in this And it is drawne from the signe thus Yee haue receiued the spirit crying Abba father therefore ye are sonnes indeede In the words I consider fiue things the person sent forth the spirit of the sonne the person sending God the manner of sending the place whither the spirit is sent your hearts the office of the spirit Crying Abba Of the first the spirit of the sonne it is who is sent forth He is so called first because he proceeds by communication of substance or godhead not onely from the father but also from the sonne Secondly because in his manhood he is annointed and filled with the Holy Ghost aboue measure thirdly because by his death he hath merited the giuing and sending of the Holy Ghost vnto vs. Moreouer the spirit of the sonne is here described First he is a person subsisting of himselfe in that he is said to be sent forth secondly he is a diuine person and no creature because he dwels in the hearts of all beleeuers thirdly he proceeds from the father and the sonne from the father because he is sent of him from the sonne because he is the spirit of the sonne The vse By this we learne that the Intercession of Christ is of force with God For he praied for the sending of the spirit and it is accomplished Read Ioh. 14. 16. And it is a superfluous doctrine to teach the Reall presence of the flesh of Christ in the Sacrament For Christ is departed from vs in respect of his manhood because the spirit is sent Ioh. 16. 7. Thirdly that which the spirit inwardly teacheth is the same with that which the sonne hath reuealed by the Ministerie of the Prophets and Apostles because the spirit is the spirit of the sonne Read Ioh. 16. 14. Doctrines then concerning saluation that are beside or contrarie to the Scriptures as a great part of the Romish religion is are not reuealed by the spirit of God but are the fictions of the deuill The person sending is God that is the father in these words God sent forth the spirit of his sonne Where marke the distinction of the persons in Trinitie There is the father the sonne the spirit of the sonne And here remember that this action of sending forth argues not superioritie in the person sending nor inferioritie in the person sent for equals may send each other by common consent but it argues Order and a distinction of persons in respect of their beginning For the father is of none the sonne is of the father and the Holy Ghost is of both and hence it is that he is sent of both The manner of this sending forth was on this sort We may not imagine that in this sending there was any change of place for the Holy Ghost is euery where But he is said to be sent forth when he manifests his presence by his diuine operation or by speciall supernaturall gifts in the hearts of beleeuers as by the
be assured that the Scripture is the word of God 31. 33 2 How wee may be assured that the calling of our Pastours is from God 33. 36 3 Of Phariseisme 41. 18 4 Of preuenting and cooperating grace in mans conuersion 51. 9 5 Of a Lye and whether it be alwaies a sinne 62. 22 6 Of the forme and vse of an Oath 65. 14 7 Whether faith may be lost 69. 25 8 Of Satisfaction or restitution 99. 20 9 Of the distinction of Iewes and Gentiles 114. 2 10 Of Iustification at large 116. 6 11 Of Christs Obedience 119. 12 12 Of iustifying faith and apprehension 124. 35 13 How to liue wisely godly iustly sundrie rules 138. 32 14 How Christ liueth in vs and how it may be knowne 145. 15 15 How we liue by faith 149. 24 16 Of Iudging 156. 1 17 Of witchcraft and what a witch is 158. 2. 429. 431 18 Of imputation and imputed righteousnes 175. 16 19 Of the curse of the Law 184. 2 20 That no man can perfectly fulfill the law in this life 186. 35 and 499. 17. 21 The difference betweene the Law and the Gospel 194. 35 22 How Christ became a curse for vs 198. 19 23 Whether all Couenan●s are to be kept and how farre forth 208. 7 c. 24 Of the Judiciall ●aw 230. 27 25 Of Baptisme at large 243. 32 26 Of the Parents authoritie in appointing his childs marriage calling 274. 27 27 Of the mysterie of the Fathers sending the Sonne 279. 5 28 How Christ was subiect to the Law 286. 5 29 Of the obseruation of daies 314. 4 30 Of good Ielousie 331. 23 31 Of Polygamie 342. 9 32 Where our mother the Church is to be found ten motiues answered 352. 25 33 Of spirituall bondage 364. 39 34 Of Christian Libertie 366. 12 35 Of Imprecation or cursing 396. 29 36 Of the right vse and abuse of Christian Libertie 400. 12 37 Of brotherly Loue. 403. 11 38 Of Christian peace and concord 408. 14 39 Of the spirit and walking therein 411. 20 40 Of the combate of the flesh and the spirit 415. 38 41 Of Idolatrie 427. 22 42 Of Heresie 432. 21 43 Of Enmitie 435. 3 44 Of Murther 438. 7 45 Of Drunkennes and gluttonie 439. 11 46 Of Long-suffering 445. 2 47 Of Goodnesse 445. 38 48 Of Temperance 448. 3 49 Of Uaine-glorie 454. 35 50 Of Christian reproofe at large 469. 31. c. 51 Wherein the Law and Gospel agree and differ 497. 24 52 Of Merit of workes 594. 31 53 Of the kindes of goodnesse and rules to be obserued therein 588. 1. c. 54 Of obseruing of times 600. 10 55 Whether it be lawfull to compell men to embrace true religion 614. 5 56 Of Inscriptions of Epistles and post-scripts at large 655. 4 A Table of all those places of Scripture which are briefly expounded in this Commentarie Genesis Chap. vers Pag. lin 15 13 213 22 17 1 188 36 17 14 257 3 43 22 440 28 Exodus 4 28 258 3 12 40 213 29 29 10 292 34 Deuteronomie 30 6 188 16 32 4 190 25 I. Kings 15 5 189 9 II. Kings 2 23 362 30 23 25 188 18 II. Chron. 21 2 270 17 Psalmes 40 6 131 33 69 28 378 38 106 31 176 17 139 21 435 6 Proverbs 24 16 105 4 Isai. 64 24 298 4 Ezechiel 33 13 551 25 Matthew 5 22 156 25 5 22 362 14 7 6 472 10 6 10 189 26 10 8 537 10 13 57 5●0 14 25 35 568 12 28 19 245 34 Marke 9 24 127 5 Luke 1 6 189 11 14 26 435 11 Iohn 3 5 257 10 4 37 551 7 6 45 539 24 13 34 35 494 15     496 13 17 12 630 8 Roman 7 18 189 32 8 4 189 40 8 5 205 39 11 32 225 10 13 5 369 22 13 14 267 4 16 18 25 10 16 17 475 16 I. Cor. Chap. vers Pag. lin 5 4 475 31 7 12 5 12 10 8 525 10 II. Cor. 5 17 380 2 5 19 225 7 13 12 475 34 Philip. 2 3 511 6 3 15 188 36 Coloss. 2 8 434 20 3 17 247 26 I. Tim. 1 5 402 39 2 4 270 8 1 9 368 7 5 12 424 15 5 20 485 32 Titus 3 10 487 3 Hebr. 6 4 5 6 462 25 6 6 250 34 10 19 122 1 10 26 462 27 13 17 521 1 Iames. 2 10 377 32 2 24 385 1 2 26 383 39 I. Iohn 3 9 190 10 5 3 190 16 Apocal. 18 6 552 26 21 27 630 3 An exact Table of all particulars contained in this Commentarie The first figure shewes the page the second the line A THe blessing of Abraham came from the cursed death of Christ. 203. 20 Children of Abraham are of two sortes 177. 30 All beleeuers are children of Abraham three waies 177. 33 VVe must doe three things to walk in the steppes of Abrahams faith 178. 20. Of Gods not Accepting the person of man 90. 18 Who are to be Accursed 25. 35 How the church should accurse any man and in what order 26. 2 Admission into the kingdome of grace is either outward or inward 399. 18 Of Adoption 291. 25 In the grace of Adoption there be two acts of God 236. 33 The foundation of our Adoption 264. 35. Adulterie to be punished with death 233. 34 what Adulterie is and how great a sinne 424. 6 Of flying adultery and fornication 426. 6 Two speciall occasions of Adulterie and fornication 427. 4 In that Adulterie fornication c. are workes of the flesh we are taught three things 426. 29 Inordinate affections what 450. 28 Bodilie Affliction to be suffered ioyfully for the profession of the truth 651. 9 Agar figures Ierusalem two waies 345. 20 All put for many 181. 37 Anathema what it is 25. 31 Anger whether any lawfull and when a sinne and the remedie of it 436. 22 Remedies against Anger Obiections answered 445. 8 Apostasie hath fiue degrees 349. 24 What it is to be an Apostle 1. 37 Apostolike authoritie ceased with the Apostles 5. 18 The Apostles doctrine gods immediate word 5. 3 What is the office of an Apostle 68. 5. Application of Christ and his benefits is to be made by certain degrees 371. 30 Apprehension of Christ stands in two things 125. 4 Three grounds of Apprehension 125. 23. Two degrees of Apprehension 126. 25. Arabia where situate 57. 22 Authority of Scripture se Scriptures B Three markes of inward Baptisme 241. 40 Baptisme in the church of Roome no signe of the true church 243. 3. Baptisme taken six waies 243. 37 In the couenant of Baptisme Gods actions are two mans one 248. 2 The endes of Baptisme are foure 249. 11. The efficacy of Baptisme 249. 21 Arguments of Papists Aswered 250. 14. Baptisme doth not abolish originall sinne 251. 20 How baptisme conferres grace 253. 17 Of the necesitie of Baptisme 256. 22. Foure questions of the person that must administer Baptime 257. 30 The grounds of infants Baptisme 260.
be demanded howe this text can well stand with Act. 16. v. 3. for there Paul circumciseth Timothie a Grecian and here he refuseth to circumcise Titus though he were a Grecian I answer thus Circumcision was at this time a thing indifferent From the first institution to the comming and specially to the death of Christ it was a thing commanded a Sacrament and a part of Gods worship Againe after the planting of the Church of the newe testament it was vtterly abolished and a thing in respect of vse vtterly vnlawfull In the middle time that is while the Gospel was in publishing to the world and the Church of the newe Testament was yet in founding it was a ceremonie free or indifferent It may be obiected that the whole Ceremoniall law was abolished in the death of Christ I answer it was so and circumcision was abolished in respect of faith and conscience yet so as the vse therof was left to the libertie of the people of God for a while Circumcision at this time was as a corps that is dead yet vnburied and onely laid out and so it must remaine for a time that it may be buried with honour It may againe be obiected that baptisme was come in the roome of circumcision and that therefore circumcision was but an idle and emptie ceremonie I answer it was not vsed as a Sacrament at this time or as a part of Gods worship or as a matter of necessitie but onely as a free ceremonie and that onely then when it tended to the edification of men Beeing then a thing indifferent it might as occasion serued be vsed or not vsed Therefore Paul condescending to the weaknes of the beleeuing Iewes circumcised Timothie and that he might not offend the godly and hinder Christian libertie he refused to circumcise Titus Here a great question is answered whether we may vse things indifferent as oft as we will and howe we will The answer is No. Things are not called indifferent because we may vse them indifferently or not vse them when we will and how we will but because in themselues or in their owne nature they are neither good nor euill and we may vse them well or ill we may againe not vse them well or euill Furthermore there be two things which restraine the vse of things indifferent the lawe of charitie and the lawes of men The lawe of charitie is this Things indifferent in the case of scandall cease to be indifferent and are as things morall that is either forbidden or commanded Paul saith if to eate flesh be to the offence of his brother he will eate no flesh while the world stands 1. Cor. 8. 13. And though he circumcised Timothie yet would he not circumcise Titus least he should offend the godly and by his example hurt Christian libertie Likewise the good lawes of men whether ciuill or Ecclesiasticall tending to the common good and seruing for edification restraine the vse of things indifferent so that they which shall doe otherwise then these lawes command with a contemptuous or disloyall minde are guiltie before God yet here two cautions must be remembred One that the lawes of men doe not chaunge the nature of things indifferent for it is the propertie of God by willing this or that to make it good or euill Neither doe they take away the vse of things indifferent For libertie graunted by a soueraigne power cannot be reuersed by an inferiour power Therefore humane lawes doe no more but temper and moderate the ouer common vse of things indifferent The second caution is That when the ende of a law ceaseth when there is no contempt of the authoritie that made the law when no offence is giuen a thing indifferent remaines in his free vse without sinne or breach of conscience Againe here we learne that a thing indifferent when it is made necessarie to saluation as Circumcision was is not to be vsed This conclusion serues to ouerthrow the Popish religion For it stands in the obseruation of things indifferent as meates drinkes apparell times c. And the vsing or the not vsing of them is made necessarie euen in regard of mans saluation For the abstinence from things that are by nature indifferent is made a part of Gods worship and meritorious of eternall life For example to marrie or not to marrie is for nature a thing indifferent and therefore when abstinence from marriage is made necessarie as it is in diuers orders of men and women the nature of the thing is changed which God hath left free and it is a doctrine of deuills which is taught Here againe we learne to make difference of persons Some are weake some are obstinate Weake ones are such as hauing turned vnto God and carrying in their hearts a purpose in all things to please God neuerthelesse doe sundrie things amisse vpon simple ignorance or badde custome till they be better informed Of these Paul saith that he became all to all that he might saue some 1. Cor. 9. 22. and for their sakes he condescended to circumcise Timothie And if we that haue scarce a drop of mercie in vs must thus beare with them that are weake much more will God doe it who is mercie it selfe The good shepheard brings home the stray sheepe vpon his shoulders he carries his lambs in his bosome Isa. 40. 11. He will not quench the smoaking flaxe Isa. 42. he spares them that feare him as a father spares his child Malach. 3. 17. This beeing alwaies remembred that weake ones truly turne to God and carrie in their hearts an honest purpose not to sinne against his lawes at any time wittingly and willingly Obstinate persons are such as professe the faith and yet hold and practise bad things of wilfull ignorance and of malice These persons are not to be borne with nor to be respected and in respect of them Paul would not circumcise Titus Lastly in that Titus was not compelled to be circumcised it may be demanded whether Recusants may be compelled to the exercises of religion I answer yea for exercises of religion are not things indifferent as Circumcision was Iosias made a couenant with the Lord and he caused all his subiects to stand to it 2. Chron. 34. 32. The king at the marriage feast of his sonne saith of the guests Compell them to enter in Luk. 14. 23. It is obiected that men may not be compelled to beleeue I answer it is the commandement of God prooue the spirits 1. Ioh. 4. 1. and this commandement pertaines to all persons Therfore though men may not be compelled to beleeue yet may they be compelled to come to the congregation to heare our sermons and therein the reasons and grounds of our doctrine that they may trie what is the truth and cleaue vnto it For this is their dutie 4 For all the false brethren that crept in who came in priuily to spie out our liberite which we haue in Christ Iesus that they might bring vs into
goe together For good counsell beats downe wickednes and bad example sets it vp againe Thus beleeuers in Christ are great offenders when reformed religion and vnreformed life are ioyned together as often they are For then vnreformed life builds the kingdome of sinne which Christ hath destroied Further we are here taught to be constant in that which is good Tit. 1. 9. and to hold fast the Gospel which we professe We haue put vnder foote the Popish religion for this many yeares our dutie is to be constant herein and no way to build either in word or deede that which we haue to the vttermost of our power destroied 19 For I through the law am dead to the law that I may liue vnto God In these words Paul sets downe a second reason to prooue Christ to be no minister of sinne in abolishing the iustice of the law And the reason is framed thus We Iewes iustified by Christ are dead to the law not to liue as we list but to liue to the honour of God Therefore Christ in taking away the iustice of the law is not the minister of sinne Here three points are propounded the first is that the person iustified is dead to the law the second that he is dead to the law by the law the third that he is dead that he may liue vnto God For the better vnderstanding of the first point we must seach what is meant by dying to the law Here the law is compared to an hard and cruell master and we to slaues or bondmen who so long as they are aliue they are vnder the dominion and at the command of their masters yet when they are dead they are free from that bondage and their masters haue no more to doe with them Here then to be dead to the law is to be free from the dominion of the law And we are free in foure respects First in respect of the accusing and damnatorie sentence of the law Rom. 8. 1. Secondly in respect of the power of the law whereby as an occasion it prouoketh and stirreth vp the corruption of the heart in the vnregenerate Rom. 7. 8. Thirdly in respect of the Rigour of the law whereby it exacteth most perfect obedience for our iustification Thus Paul here saith that he is dead to the law Lastly in respect of the obligation of the conscience to the obseruation of Ceremonies Col. 2. 20. Thus are all persons iustified by the faith of Christ free from the law Hence we learne that the Papists erre and are deceiued when they teach that the Law and the Gospel are one for substance of doctrine For then they which are iustified by Christ should not onely be dead to the law but also to the Gospel Now the Scripture saith not that persons iustified are dead to the Gospel They erre againe in that they teach that persons iustified by the merit of the death of Christ are further to be iustified by the workes of the law For he that is iustified by Christ is dead to the law but if we be iustified by workes then are we by Christ made aliue to the law Thirdly here we see how long the dominion of the law continueth and when it endeth The law raignes ouer all men without exception till they be iustified When they once beginne to beleeue in Christ and to amend their liues then the dominion of the law ceaseth and they then are no more vnder the law but vnder grace Here all such persons as liue in the securitie and hardnes of their hearts are to be admonished to repent of their sinnes and to beginne to turne vnto God For they must know that they liue vnder a most hard and cruell master that will doe nothing but accuse terrifie condemne them and cause them to runne headlong to vtter desperation And if they die beeing vnder the law they must looke for nothing but death and destruction without mercie For the law is mer●ilesse This consideration serueth notably to awake them that are dead in their sinnes Againe all such as with true and honest hearts haue begunne to repent and beleeue let them be of good comfort For they are not vnder the dominion of the law but they are dead to the law and vnder grace hauing a Lord who is also their mercifull Sauiour who will giue them protection against the terrours of the law and spare them as a father spares his child that serues him and not breake them though they be but as weake and bruised reedes and as smoaking flaxe The second point is touching the meanes of our death to the law and that is the Law Here some by the law vnderstand the law of faith that is the Gospel Rom. 3. 27. And they make this to be the meaning of the words By the law of Christ that is by the Gospel I am dead to the Law of Moses But this sense though it be a truth yet will it not stand in this place For it is the question whether by the gospel we be freed from the law Now Paul a learned disputer would not bring the question to prooue it selfe Therefore I take the true meaning of the words to be this By the law of Moses I am dead to the law of Moses It may be demanded how this can be considering the law is the cause of no good thing in vs For it is the ministerie of death and condemnation 2. Cor. 8. 7. 9. Againe that which the law cannot reueale it cannot worke but the law neither can nor doth reueale faith in Christ the death to the law nor repentance c. therefore the law is no cause to worke them It may peraduenture be said that the law workes repentance and sorrow for sinne I answer there is a double Repentance One Legall the other Euangelicall Legall is when men haue a sight of their sinnes and withall are grieued for the punishment thereof This repentance is wrought by the ministerie of the law it was in Iudas and it is no grace of God but of it selfe it is the way to hell Euangelicall Repentance is when beeing turned by grace we turne our selues to God This repentance is a gift of grace and is not wrought by the law but by the ministerie of the Gospel Again there is a Legall sorrow which is a sorrow for sinne in respect of the punishment this is no grace and it is wrought by the law Euangelicall sorrow is sorrow for sinne because it is sinne This indeede is a grace of God but it is not wrought by the law but by the preaching of mercy and reconciliation and it followes in vs vpon the apprehension of Gods mercie by faith The law then beeing the cause of no good thing in vs it may be demanded I say how we should be dead to the law by the law Ans. Though the law be not a cause of this death to the law and so to sinne yet it is an occasion thereof For it accuseth and
of sinne And by this power Christ is said to liue in them that beleeue The third is the Resurrection of the dead bodie to euerlasting glorie in the day of iudgement Rom. 8. 11. Thus then the meaning of the words is euident that Christ as a roote or head liues in them that are vnited to him and that by the operation of his spirit causing them to die vnto their sinnes and to liue vnto God And againe it must be remembred that Paul speakes this not priuately of himselfe but generally in the name of all beleeuers For he saith 2. Cor. 13. 5. Know ye not that Christ is in you except ye be reprobates The vse Hence it followes that they which are true beleeuers cannot make a practise of sinne and againe that they sinne not with the full consent or swinge of their wills Because Christ liues in them and restraines the will in part When they sinne therefore they sinne not of malice but of ignorance or infirmitie Secondly the true beleeuer cannot wholly fall away from grace because the life of Christ cannot be abolished As Christ died but once and for euer after liues to God so they that are in Christ die once to sinne and liue eternally to God Rom. 6. 10. The vertue and power of God that was shewed in raising Christ to life is likewise shewed in quickning them that doe beleeue Eph. 1. 19. He therfore that is made aliue to God dies no more but remaines aliue as Christ doth Thirdly they which are true beleeuers are a free and voluntarie people obeying God as if there were no law to compell them For they haue Christ to liue in them Read Psal. 110. 2. The spirit of life that is in Christ is also in them and that is their law Rom. 8. 2. It is the propertie of the child of God to obey God as it is the nature and qualitie of the fire to burne when matter is put to it It may here be demanded how we may know that Christ liues in vs Ans. By the spirit of God 1. Ioh. 3. 24. And the spirit is knowne by the motions and operations thereof The first whereof is a Purpose to obey God according to all his commandements that concerne vs with an inclination of our hearts to the said commandements Paul saith he was sold vnder sinne and yet withall he addes that he delighted in the law of God according to the inward man Rom. 7. 23. He that loues God and keepes his commaundements hath the father and the sonne dwelling in him Ioh. 14. 23. Let this be obserued Pharaoh when Gods hand was vpon him confessed he was a sinner and his people and requested Moses and Aaron to let the people goe But after God had withdrawne his hand he returned to his old course The like doe sicke men they make promise to amend their liues and they request their friends to pray for them but when they are recouered they forget all their faire promises The reason is this There is conscience in them and by it they know themselues to be miserable sinners but they want this purpose to obey God and the inclination to his laws and therefore indeede they hate not their sinnes but rather the commandement of God The second operation and signe of the spirit is a mind and disposition like to the mind and disposition of Christ which is to doe the will of God to seeke his glorie and to applie himselfe to the good of men in all duties of loue The third and last to omit many is to loue Christ for himselfe and to loue them that loue Christ and that because they loue Christ. This is a true signe that we haue passed from death to life 1. Ioh. 3. 14. It may here be said how can Christ be said to liue in vs considering we are laden with afflictions and miseries Where Christ liues there is no miserie Ans. In the middest of all miseries the life of Christ doth most appeare Where naturall life decaies there spirituall life takes place 2. Cor. 4. 10. I beare in my bodie the mortification of our Lord Iesus that the life of Iesus may be made manifest in me Gods power is made manifest in weaknes 2. Cor. 12. Againe it may be said if Christ liued in vs we should not feele so many corruptions as we doe Ans. The life of Christ is conueyed vnto vs by little and little God hauing wounded and slaine vs first bindes vs vp then he revives vs and the third day he raiseth vs vp Hos. 6. 1. Againe nature feeles not nature nor corruption feeles corruption but grace therefore it is the life of Christ in vs that makes vs feele the masse and bodie of corruption Furthermore here we are to take notice of the common sinne of our daies Men will not suffer Christ to liue in them and to rule ouer them It is reputed a small matter but it is a grieuous offence The Gentiles say Let vs breake their bands and cast their cords from vs. Psal. 2. 2. And it is was the sinne of the Iewes to say We will not haue this man to raigne ouer vs Luc. 19. 14. And therefore Christ saith bring them hither and slay them before me Lastly here we learne our dutie and that is so to liue that we may be able to say with good conscience that Christ liues in vs we must seeke his kingdome aboue all things and take his yoke on vs. It will be said what must we doe that Christ may liue in vs Ans. We must vse the meanes appointed meditation of the word prayer sacraments and withall we must spiritually eate the flesh of Christ and drinke his blood Ioh. 6. 57. And that we may eate him we must haue a stomacke in our soules like the stomacke of our bodies and we must hunger and thirst after Christ and therefore we must feele our owne sinnes and our spirituall pouertie and haue an earnest lust and appetite after Christ as after meat and drinke When Sisera was pursued by the armie of the Israelites he cried to Iael and said Giue me drinke I die for thirst Iudg. 4. 19. euen so we beeing pursued by the sentence of the law by the terrours of hell death and condemnation must flie to the throne of grace and crie out saying Giue me of the tree of life giue me of the water of life I perish for thirst Then shall our wretched soules be quickned and reuiued to euerlasting life Math. 5. 6. Rev. 21. 6. In the fourth place here is set downe the Meanes of spirituall life in these words And in that I now liue in the flesh I liue by the faith of the sonne of God who hath loued me and giuen himselfe for me And that the doctrine may the better appeare I will stand a while to shew the meaning of them By flesh is ment the mortall bodie or the fraile condition of this temporall life Heb. 5. 7. and 1. Pet. 4. 2. And
by them guiding vs and beeing a law vnto vs. Rom. 8. 3. 14. Thirdly God by manifold afflictions nurtures and schooles vs partly to preuent sinnes to come and partly to humble vs for that which is past 1. Cor. 11. 32. Ier. 31. 18. The vse Seeing the law is abrogated as I haue said we must be a free and voluntarie people seruing God not of constraint but willingly as if there were no law to compell vs. All nations shall flow as waters to the mountaine of the Lord. Isa. 2. 2. Thy people shall come willingly in the day of assemblie Psal. 110. 3. In the daies of Iohn Baptist the kingdome of heauen suffered violence Ieremie saith they shall teach euery man his neighbour and his brother Ierem. 31. 31. because men shall learne freely without compulsion or calling vpon Here is the fault of our times Many say in heart to Christ Depart from vs we will none of thy waies and many againe are zealous for the things of this life but for duties pertaining to Gods worship and the saluation of their soules they are neither hot nor could This negligence and slacknes is full of danger and therefore with speede to be amended For cursed is he that doth the worke of God negligently and the Lord will spue out such persons 26 For ye are all the sonnes of God by faith in Christ Iesus 27 For all ye that are baptised into Christ haue put on Christ. 28 There is neither Iew nor Grecian there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female for ye are all one in Christ Iesus Paul had said before v. 25. that the beleeuing Iewes after the publishing of the Gospel were no more vnder the law as vnder a schoolemaster In this 26. v. he renders a reason hereof and it may be framed on this manner If we Iewes were still vnder the law as vnder a schoolemaster then we should be still after the manner of seruants but we are not after the manner of seruants because we are children for euen ye Galatians and that all of you are children of God not by Circumcision or by the keeping of the law but by faith in Christ. Againe that they are children of God he prooues it thus Ye are baptised into Christ and in baptisme ye haue put on Christ in that ye are ioyned with him and haue fellowship with him who is the naturall sonne of God therefore ye are sonnes of God It may be saide All children of God all baptised all put on Christ how can this be seeing some are Iewes some Gentiles some bond some free some men some women The answer is made v. 27. there are differences of men indeede but in Christ all are as one In these words I consider two things The first is the benefit or gift bestowed on the Galatians which is sonne-ship Adoption or the condition of Gods children The second is the description of this benefit by foure arguments The first is by the circumstance of the persons ye all are children of God The second is the inward meanes namely faith in Christ Iesus The third is the outward meanes or the pledge of adoption ye are all baptised into Christ. The last is the foundation of adoption and that is to put on Christ or to be one with him For the better conceiuing of the benefit three questions may be mooued The first is whose sonnes the Galatians were Ans. The sonnes of God It may be saide how the sonnes of God I answer againe God is called a father in two respects first he is a father in respect of Christ the essentiall word and then God signifies the first person Againe God is called a father in respect of men Elect to saluation then the name God is put indefinitly and it comprehends not onely the first person but also the sonne and holy Ghost For all three doe equally regenerate them that are adopted And Paul saith of the Godhead indefinitly there is one God and father of all Eph. 4. 6. And when we pray saying Our father c. we inuocate not onely the first person but also the Sonne and holy Ghost And the sonne of God is expressely called the Father of eternitie in respect of vs Isa. 9. 6. and he is said to haue his seede Isa. 53. 11. The second question is in what respect are the Galatians the children of God Ans. A childe of God is two waies by nature by grace The childe of God by nature is Christ as he is the eternall sonne of God A child by grace is three waies By creation thus Adam before his fall and the good angels are the children of God Secondly by the personall vnion thus Christ as he is man is the child of God Thirdly by the grace of adoption thus are all true beleeuers and in this text the Galatians are saide to be the children of God In this grace of adoption there be two acts of God one is Acceptation whereby God accepts men for his children The other is Regeneration whereby men are borne of God when the Image of God is restored in them in righteousnes and true holines The third question is what is the excellencie of this benefit Ans. Great euery way Ioh. 1. 12. he which is the child of God is heire and fellowheire with Christ Rom. 8. 17. and that of the kingdome of heauen and of all things in heauen and earth 1. Cor. 3. 22. he hath title in this life and shall haue possession in the life to come Againe he that is Gods child hath the angels of God to tend on him and to minister vnto him for his good and saluation Heb. 1. 14. The first argument whereby the adoption of Gods children is set forth is concerning the persons to whome it belongs in these wordes All ye are the children of God So Paul saith all the Ephesians are Elect. Eph. 1. 3. And Peter calls all them to whome he writes 1. Pet. 1. 1. Elect and Iohn 1. epist. 3. the children of God And herein they follow the iudgement of charitie leauing all secret iudgements to God Here I obserue one thing that euery grieuous fall doth not abolish the fauour of God and extinguish the grace of regeneration For the Galatians erred in the foundation of religion and had fallen away to an other Gospel and yet Paul saith that they were for all this the children of God and not some but all of them This truth may be seene by experience The child of God before his fall hath a purpose not to sinne in the time of temptation when he is in falling he hath a strife after he is fallen he lieth not in his fall as wicked men doe but he recouereth himselfe by new repentance And this shews that the child of God by his fall doth not returne againe to the estate and condition of wicked men When S. Iohn saith he that is borne of God sinnes not his meaning is this he that is borne of God
it cannot be fulfilled by vs beeing sinners therefore there must needs be a translation of the lawe from our persons to the person of the Mediatour who is to accomplish euery iot of the law for vs. Againe He that doth not all things contained in the law is cursed Gal. 3. 13. He therefore that would eschewe the curse of the law and come to life euerlasting must by himselfe accomplish all things contained in the law and if this cannot be done the law and all the contents thereof must needs be accomplished in the person of the Mediatour otherwise the curse cannot be auoided Lastly we owe vnto God a double debt or tribute The first is homage or subiection to be performed with all the powers of the soule with all the strength of all the powers and that from the first conception The second is a satisfactiō by death for the breach of the law And the lawe is the bond that binds vs to the paiment of this double debt And till the iustice of God in the law be answered to the full this bond cannot be cancelled Therefore the sonne of God the Mediatour must not onely die for vs but also performe homage for vs to God according to the tenour of the law Therefore he saith that he must performe all righteousnesse Math. 3. 15. And Paul that Christ is the end of the law for righteousnesse Rom. 10. 4. It is alleadged that Christ as man fulfilled the lawe for himselfe and therefore not for vs. Ans. The flesh or manhood of Christ considered by it selfe apart from the godhead of the sonne is a creature that owes homage vnto God Yet if it be considered as it is receiued into the vnitie of the second person and is become a part thereof it is exempted from the common condition of all other men and is not bound to performe subiection as all men are For if the sonne of man be Lord of the Sabboth then also is he Lord of the whole law And Paul here saith that the sonne of God is not borne but made vnder the lawe Againe it is alleadged that the blood of Christ taketh away all sinne 1. Ioh. 1. 7. and when all sinne is taken away the law is fulfilled and the person iustified Ans. When S. Iohn saith the blood of Christ purgeth vs from all sin he excludes the blood of beasts and all meritorious means of saluation in man out of Christ he excludes not the obedience which the Mediatour yeelded to the father in all his sufferings Againe it is not true that a sinner is iustified when all sinne is abolished vnlesse iustice be added For iustification is an alteration of a sinner from one cōtrarie to another from euill to good from life to death and therefore sinne must depart and iustice come in the roome thereof That a darke house may be inlightned darkenes must first be abolished and light must come in the stead thereof And that a man may be iustified sinne must be couered and righteousnesse imputed The second question is how the sonne of God performed this obedience Ans. He was obedient to his father to the death and that according to all the duties of loue in the first table for the second table he loued his enemie as himselfe because he gaue his life for man Marke then he did all things contained in the lawe and more too in respect of the duties of the second Table For the lawe binds vs to loue our neighbours as our selues and not more then our selues This obedience therefore is truely to be tearmed a worke of supererogation and there is none in the world beside The vse That the sonne of God was conformable to the law it argues the goodnesse perfection and excellencie thereof Here againe marke the difference between the man Christ and all other men He was not borne subiect to the lawe but made subiect not subiect by nature but by will and by voluntarie abasement All other men are subiect not by will but by nature not made but borne subiect Therefore Paul saith the Gentiles doe by nature the things of the lawe The remainders of the law since the fall are naturall in all men therfore the whole lawe was naturall before the fall Man was at the first created in righteousnes and holinesse Eph. 4. 24. and therefore in a perfect subiection and conformitie to the lawe It is a naturall propertie of a reasonable creature to doe homage to the creator It is an error then in the papist to teach that the Image of God in our first parents was supernaturall The fourth point or degree is the Redemption of man frō vnder the law in these words that he might redeeme them which were vnder the law Here fiue things are to be considered The first is what is meant by beeing vnder the law Ans. The lawe must be cōsidered two waies first as the Rule of life Thus angels are vnder the lawe and Adam before his fall and the saints nowe in heauen And none yeeld more subiection to the lawe then they and this subiection is their libertie Againe the lawe must be considered as a grieuous yoke which none can beare It is a yoke three waies first because it did bind the Church of the olde testament to the obseruation of many and that very costly ceremonies for the maintenance of the altar at Hierusalem was a matter of great charges Secondly it is a yoke because it binds euery offendour to euerlasting death Gen. 2. 17. Gal 3. 13. Thirdly it is a yoke as it increaseth sinne and as it is the strength of it 1. Cor. 15. 56. Rom. 5. 20. and 7 8. And it increaseth sinne not as a cause but as an occasion For the wicked nature of man is the more to doe a thing the more he is forbidden The Israelites are bidden to goe on to Canaan then they like Egypt well They are forbidden to goe to Canaan and cōmanded to stay in the wildernesse but then they will needs go to Canaan Circumcision commanded was lothed of all nations when it was abolished then men of sundrie nations imbraced it as needefull to saluation To be vnder the law then is to be in subiection to it as it is a burden and yoke in the three former respects specially to be subiect to the curse of the law The second point is who are vnder the law Ans. The Iewes before the comming of Christ were vnder the law in respect of Ceremonies and all men naturally are vnder the law in respect of the malediction and curse therof all beeing borne children of wrath Eph. 2. 3. Here comes a lamentable matter to be considered Very few in respect know themselues to be in bondage to the curse of the law For they thinke it an easie matter to obserue the law and it is vsed for a forme of praier whereby men vse to blesse themselues morning and euening Learne therefore this one lesson that thou art by nature in
that there is a great want of the grace of God among ●s Therefore take heede of it 30 But what saith the Scripture put out the bond-woman and her sonne for the sonne of the bondwoman shal not be heire with the sonne of the freewoman The second answer to the former obiection is in these wordes that they which hate the children of promise shall at length be cast out of the house of God Obiect I. These wordes cast out the bondwoman are the words of Sara to Abraham therefore they are not the words of scripture Ans. The words were vttered by Sara but they were afterward approoued by God Gen. 21. 12. and thus they are the voice of scripture Obiect II. Sara is commended for her subiection to Abraham 1. Pet. 3. 6. yet here shee speakes imperiously Cast out the bondwoman Ans. Shee speakes this not as a priuate woman but as the voice and mouth of God and that no doubt by instinct from God And therefore the words shee vttereth are to be esteemed as the commandement of God This her case is extraordinarie and not to be followed Thevse I. All carnall hypo●●ites mockers of the grace of God shall be cast forth of Gods familie though for a time they beare a sway therein This is the sentence of God Let vs therefore repent of our mocking and hereafter become louers of the grace of God as Christ was Mark 10. 21. II. Consolation the persecution of the people of God shall not be perpetuall For the persecuting bondwoman and her sonne must be cast out The rodde of the wicked shall no● rest vpon the Lot of the righteous Psal. 125. 3. This is our comfort III. All iustitiarie people and persons that looke to be saued and iust●fied before God by the law and the workes of the law either in whole or in part are cast out of the church of God and haue no part in the kingdome of heauen The casting out of Agar and Ismael is a figure of the reiection of all such Behold here the voice of God casting downe from heauen the greatest part of the earth the Turke the Iew the obstinate Papist with the stepmother the Romish church 31 Then brethren we are not children of the seruant but of the freewoman The conclusion of the whole argument following directly from the 27. verse If we be children of the promise then are we children of the freewoman and not of the bondwoman consequently we are iustified and saued without the works of the law by the meere grace of God causing vs by faith to rest on the promise of God whose substance and foundation is Christ. CHAP. V. 1 Stand fast therefore in the libertie wherewith Christ hath made vs free and be not intangled againe with the yoke of bondage THese words are repetition of the principall Conclusion of the whole Epistle Which was on this manner I Paul am called to teach and my doctrine is true therefore ye did euill to depart from it and your dutie was to haue stood vnto it Further they are collected and inferred vpon the conclusion of the last argument vsed in the last chapter thus Ye are children of the freewoman and therefore ye are free and therefore ye should hold fast your libertie In the words two maine points of doctrine are propounded The first is that by nature we are all intangled with the yoke of bondage For the better conceiuing of this I will handle three points the nature of this bondage the signe of it and the vse Touching the nature of it Our spirituall bondage stands in three things The first is bondage vnder sinne which Paul teacheth when he saith I am carnall sold vnder sinne Rom. 7. 14. Here remember that by sinne is meant Originall sinne which hath two parts Guiltines in the first offence of Adam which is imputed to all mankind and the disposition of all the powers of the soule to all manner of euill whatsoeuer And this rebellious disposition is like a leprosie infecting the whole man and it raignes like a tyrant ouer the soule of man by tempting intising and drawing him from one actuall sinne to another so as he can doe nothing but sinne Iam. 1. 14. The second thing is obligation or subiection to all punis●●ment both temporall and eternall And it hath three parts The first is Bondage vnder Satan who keepes vnrepentant sinners in his snare according to his owne will 2. Tim. 2. 26. he rules in their hearts like a God 2. Cor. 4. 4. and hath power to blinde them and to harden their hearts till he haue brought them to eternall death Heb. 2. 14. The second is bondage vnder an euill conscience which sits in the hearts of offendours as an accuser and a terrible iudge and lies like a wild beast at a mans dore readie euer and anon to plucke out his throat Gen. 4. 7. The third is bondage vnder the wrath of God and the feare of eternall death Heb. 2. 15. The third part of this bondage is the obligation to the ceremoniall law It pertaines not to all mankind but onely concernes the Iewes to whome it was a yoke of bondage Act. 15. The signe of this bondage whereby it may be discerned is to keepe a course or practise in sinning Ioh. 8. 34. He that commits sinne is a seruant of sinne or againe a life led according to the custome and fashion of this world in the lust of the flesh or the lust of the eye which is couetousnes or in the pride of life Eph. 2. 2. 1. Ioh. 2. 16. The vse We must learne to see feele acknowledge and bewaile this bondage in our selues Deliuerance belongs onely to such captiues as know themselues to be captiues Luk. 4. 18. and labour vnder this bondage Matth. 11. 28. Thus did Paul when he saith I am sold vnder sinne and O miserable man who shall deliuer me from this bodie of death To feele this bondage is a steppe out of it and not to feele it is to be plunged into it Secondly we must pray earnestly for deliuerance The dumme creatures sigh and trauell till they be deliuered from their bondage much more then must we doe it Rom. 8. 22. Thirdly we must learne to detest whatsoeuer is of our selues because it wholly tends to bondage Lastly we must be content with any affliction that God laies on vs though it be lingring sicknes pouertie imprisonment banishment For God might worthely lay on vs all shame and confusion because we are by nature slaues of sinne and Satan The second maine doctrine is that by grace there is a libertie pertaining to the people of God Here I consider foure things 1. what this libertie is 2. the author of it 3. the persons to whome it belongs 4. our dutie touching this libertie For the first Christian libertie is called the Good or commoditie of Christians Rom. 14. 16. It is a spirituall Right or condition lost by Adam and restored by Christ. I say spirituall because
it pertaines to the conscience The vse indeede of our libertie is in outward things as meate drinke apparell c. but the libertie it selfe is in the conscience And thus it differs from ciuill libertie which stands in the moouing of the bodie in the choise of bodily actions and in the free vse of our goods Christian libertie hath two parts a Deliuerance from miserie and Freedome in good things Deliuerance hath foure parts The first is a Deliuerance from the curse of the law for the breach thereof Rom. 8. 1. There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ. And this comes to passe because there is a translation made of the curse from our persons to the person of Christ. Gal. 3. 13. The second deliuerance is from the obligation of the law whereby it binds vs to bring perfect righteousnes in our owne persons for the attainment of euerlasting life according to the tenour thereof Doe this and liue And this deliuerance is procured because there is a translation made of the fulfilling of the law from our persons to the person of our Sauiour Christ. From these two deliuerances ariseth the Pacification of the conscience partly for our Iustification and partly for our conuersation Touching iustification A sinner in his humiliation and conuersion hath by this doctrine a Libertie without respect to his owne workes or to his owne fulfilling of the law to rest on the meere mercie of God for the forgiuenes of his sinnes and the saluation of his soule and to appeale from the throne of diuine iustice to the throne of grace and to oppose the merit of Christ against the wrath and iudgement of God And this hath bin alwaies the helpe of the godly in their distresse Read 2. Chron. 33. 12. Ezra 9. Dan. 9. Psal. 32. 31. 130. 143. Consider the example of the Publican and the Prodigall sonne who condemne themselues and make their appeale to the court of mercie and grace Here some man may say how shall I know that I am freed from the rigour of the law and from the curse thereof Ans. Thou must first set thy selfe at the barre of Gods iudgement and there must thou arraigne accuse and condemne thy selfe this done thou must vse thy libertie and make thine appeale to Gods mercie and grace for pardon by asking seeking knocking and thus at length shalt thou be resolued touching thy deliuerance Moreouer touching conuersation our consciences are setled thus In that we are freed from the Rigour of the law God in mercie accepts the will and indeauour to beleeue repent and obay for faith repentance and obedience He spares them that feare him as a father spares his child when he indeauours to doe that which he can Mal. 3. 17. The law requires perfect obedience at our hands yet God of his mercie lookes more at the will to obay then the perfection of obedience This must be a stay to our mindes when we see more corruption then grace in our selues and our obedience tainted with many spots of disobedience The third Deliuerance is from the obseruation of the Ceremoniall law of Moses Col. 2. 16. And hence ariseth an other deliuerance from the bondage of humane Traditions as Paul saith If yee be dead with Christ from the Elements of the world why are ye burdened with traditions Col. 2. 20. The fourth Deliuerance is from vnder the tyrannie and dominion of sinne Rom. 6. 14. Let not sinne haue dominion ouer you For ye are not vnder the law but vnder grace In the first tonuersion of a sinner Originall sinne receiues his deadly wound and the dominion thereof is diminished according to the measure of grace receiued The second part of Christian libertie is a Freedome in good things and it is fourefold The first is a freedome in the voluntarie seruice of God Luk. 1. 74. We are deliuered from our enemies that we may serue God in righteousnes and holines before him all the daies of our liues without feare Paul saith that the law is not giuen to the righteous man 1. Tim. 1. 9. because he is a law to himselfe and freely does good duties as if there were no law to bind him The cause of this freedome is the Gift and donation of the free spirit of God Therefore Dauid praies Stablish me with thy free spirit Psal. 5. 1. And Paul saith Where the spirit is there is libertie 2. Cor. 3. 17. And The spirit of life which is in Christ is a Law to vs and frees vs from the power of sinne and death Rom. 8. 2. It may be obiected that this freedome in the voluntarie seruice of God is bondage For Christ saith Matth. 11. 29. Take my yoke vpon you And we are as straightly bound to the obedience of the law of God as Adam was by creation nay more straightly by reason of our redemption by Christ. Ans. The more we are bound to obedience the freer we are because the seruice of God is not bondage but perfect libertie The second freedome is in the free vse of all the creatures of God Tit. 1. 15. To the pure all things are pure Rom. 14. 14. And the reason is because the dominion ouer the creatures lost by Adam is restored by Christ. 1. Cor. 3. 22. And hence it is that Paul calls the forbidding of marriage and of meates with obligation of conscience a doctrine of deuills 1. Tim. 4. 1. The third freedome is a Libertie to come vnto God the father in the name of Christ and in praier to be heard Rom. 5. 2. Eph. 3. 12. Whereas according to our naturall condition our sinnes are a wall of partition betweene vs and God and cause vs to flie from the presence of God and though we crie vnto God and fill heauen and earth with our cries so long as we are in our sinnes we are not heard of him The fourth freedome is a Libertie to enter into heauen in the day of our death Christ by his blood hauing made a way Heb. 10. 19. Thus we see what Christian libertie is The vse followes The Anabaptists gather hence that among Christians there must be Magistrates they must haue power to make lawes beside the lawes of God but this power they haue not because Christians haue a free vse of all the creatures of God by Christian libertie Ans. We must distinguish betweene the libertie it selfe and the vse of it And the Magistrates authoritie deales not with the libertie which is in the conscience but with the vse of it and he doth neither diminish nor abolish the vse of any of the creatures but restraines the abuse and moderates the ouer common vse for the common good Thus Magistracie and Christian libertie may stand together and the rather because libertie is in conscience and the Magistrates authoritie pertaines to the bodie Here is further comfort for all the godly for euen by Christian libertie their consciences are exempted from the power of all creatures men and Angels 1. Cor. 7.
causes 351. 6 Of the churches reioycing 358. 37 It is one in number and no more 351. 37. How the church is troubled vide Trouble The catholike church why called our mother 35. 2. 17 Where our mother is to be found 352. 25. The order to be vsed in the censure giuen vpon a church 9. 10 Ierusalem the mother church rather then Rome 61. 15 The church was before the writing of the word but not before the word 77. 6 It is inuisible 352. Of Circumcision 79. 32 Circumcision considered according to the circumstance of time three waies 373. 15 Circumcision in it selfe a thing indifferent yet not to be vsed if it be vrged as a matter of absolute necessitie 614. 35 Ciuill vertues and a ciuill life are no better then sinnes 16. 10 What is the combate that naturall man haue 417. 28 The cause of the spirituall combate and the persons in whome it is 417. 5. The vse of the combate 419. 1 The commandements of God are not grieuous three waies 190. 15 Concealements of the truth sometimes lawfull 63. 13 How it must be vnderstood that in the commandement the sinnes of the fathers are visited vpon the children 521. 29 Papists make three degrees of concupiscence 252. 11 Concupiscence vide Lust. Conference of Pastor and people necessarie 338. 13 How conscience is free and how subiect to the power of the Magistrate 410. 1 Three obiections remooued that the lawes and traditions of the church bind Conscience as truly as the word of God 369. 21 The consent of Pastors and people excellent 6. 25 What is the force of consent 6. 27 Consent no certen marke of the church 6. 37 The catholike consent of beleeuers in points of religion is not the true and liuely Scripture 7. 5. Consent standes in three things 7. 15. Consent not to be found amongest the papistes 7. 18. Consent is to be found amongest vs in the foundation of religion 7. 23. Consider our selues and others 467. 468. 469. Constancie vid. standing Consultation not to be vsed in matters of religion nor in obedience 56. 19. 37. The vse of the contemplation of Christ by faith 162. 30 The effect of contention 408. 6 Contentions some lawfull some sinfull 436. ●5 Contract in some cases may be dissolued 209. 11 Sinnes after conuersion are pardonable 462. 4 Three causes of Pauls conuersion 46. 32. The order and dependance of causes in a sinners conuersion 47. 13 Fiue Questions of Pauls conuersion vide Paul Conuersion wrought by certain degrees 336. 20 Corruption not felt by corruption but by grace 528. 33 Couenants beeing lawfull are to be kept with heretykes and enemies 208. 23. What couenants with losse are to be kept and what not ibid. 30 Couenants of two sorts legall and euangelicall 569. 6 The couenants of workes hath two properties 348. 27 Conferences and councels are laudible 75. 32 Three caueats in gathering a councell 76. 5 For this ending of differences in religion there must be conferences in a free or christian councell 408. 37. Why the protestants ioyned not with the papists in the councell of Trent 409. 5 Fiue rules for our libertie in vsing the creatures vid. Libertie why we ought to take vp our crosse and follow Christ certaine reasons 620. 5 what is mens by the crosse of Christ. 630. 16. Crucifying is either the action of Christ or our action of Christ threefold 451. 7 Three meanes to crucifie the flesh 451. 26 Reasons why a man hanging on a tree is cursed 202. 8 What the curse is that Christ was made for vs 198. 19 How Christ was a curse ibid. 28 Whether Paul did well in cursing his enemies 396. 30 Whether we may curse ours 397. 10 How we should vse the imprecations in Dauids Psalmes 397. 18 D A fourefould kind of obseruation of daies 314. 4 Against the Popish obseruation of holy daies 316. 7 How Protestants obserue them 316. 28. Against obseruing daies of good bad successe 317. 2 Two rules to be obserued for the right manner and measure of eating and drinking vide Eating Christs temporall death did counteruaile eternall death vide Death Wee must carrie our selues as dead men in three respects 144. 29 There are two degrees both in the first and second death 199. 20. 24. What debate is 436. 3 There is a deceit called dolus bonus 64. 2. Of men deceiuing themselues 508. 30. A man may be deceiued both in diuine and humane things sundry waies 546. 19 A man deceiues himselfe two wries 546. 20. The heart of man deceitfull 546. 40. from whence that springeth 547. 3 Good desires distinguished from carnall d 〈…〉 es by three properties 297. 32 Of the desires of our hearts and that they are cryes and how 598. 6 Of the league of compact with the deuil 429. 20 VVhat is the chiefe principle in diuinitie 433. 24 VVhat drunckennes is 439. 11 Two things in this sinne ibid. 14 To be giuen to drincking is a sinne 439. 21. Inducements to detest drunckennes 439. 30. Arg. for drunkennes answered 440. 20. E Two rules to be obserued for the right manner and measure of eating and drincking 439. 5 Electiō ariseth not of the will of man but of the grace of God 40. 27. How we may attaine to the assurance of our election 47. 31 There is a double election 194. 14 Gods election is the roote of all the gifts of God is vs. 308. 15 The meere grace of God is the cause of our election 360. ●6 In religion there ought to be a holy emulation 44. 36 There is a good emulation and a carnall emulation 436. 8 whether Paul did well in cursing his enemies 396. 30 whether we may curse our enemies vide Curse Enmitie vide Hatred Enuie what it is 437. 36 Error in the foundation or beside the foundation of religion 8. 30 Error of humane frailue or of obstinacie 8. 35 No man can set downe the precise time when errors had there be ginning 84. 12 Error is either in iudgement or māners both are of two sorts 409. 20. In the examination of our selues foure rules must be obserued 218. 8. The contagion of euill examples must be cut off in the societie of men 109. 40 Excommunication when to be vsed 390. 32 Offenders are not to be excommu nicated at the first but orderly to be proceeded against 393. 9. 486. 37. F Faith is of great vse in the kingdome of God 382. 32 when faith first begins to breede in the heart 240. 30 How faith in Christ is conceiued in the heart 241. 5 whether faith may be lost 69. 25 what Iustifyng faith is as the Papists define 123. 32 The obiect of Abrahams faith was double 123. 38 what true iustifying faith is 124. 35 Faith and confidence are two distinct gifts of God 125. 11 Two causes why a beleeuer is saide to liue by faith 149. 16 How men liue by faith 149. 24 Faith considered two waies 175. 34 That we may liue by faith we
must doe two things 194. 5 A particular or speciall faith hath 3 acts or effects 239. 22 Arguments of the Papists against special faith answered 239. 30 Euery grieuous fall doth not abolish the fauour of God 237. 13 Of the faith of Infants 261. 15 What faith towardes God is 446. 31. Reasōs to proue that the faith of the most is but false fained 446. 35 Faith workes by loue beeing the cause of loue and loue the fruit of faith 383. 13 In faith two things 385. 24 Faith towardes men standes in two particulars 447. 12 Reasons to mooue vs to maintaine faith truth among men 447. 25 By faith we doe not abrogate but establish the law vide Law The dutie of gouernours of families 410. 24 God is called a father in two respects 336. 13 Or the Fathers sending his Sonne vide God No man exempted from falling 461. 37. Fainting twofold 585. 7 Spirituall fainting twofold 585. 12 Faults of Churches be of two sorts 8. 18. Of naturall feare how it is good and how euill 108. 4 Three kinds of feare 108. 20 Figures and Allegories vsed in scripture 346. 16 Of the spirituall combate betwixt the flesh and the spirit vid. Combate How the flesh and spirit fight together 416. 4 The lust of the flesh hath two actions 416. 21 A treatise of the works of the flesh where is handled the condition the kinds and the punishments thereof 423. 22 Flesh signifies more then sensualitie 433. 15 What the flesh is 450. 18 In the flesh are two things Affections and lusts 450. 27 Meanes to crucifie the flesh 451. 26 For signifies not alwaies a cause but any Argument 568. 14 The foreknowledge of God vide God Fornication what it is 424. ●4 Against tolleration of fornication 425. 12. To flie adulterie and fornication 426. 6. Two speciall occasions of them 427 4. Freedome in good things fourefold 368. 3 G The Galatians reuolt 8. 10 What the churches of Galatia were 9. 28 How the Galatians receiued the gospel 28. 30 To Gentilize what it is 112. 5 Gentlenes what 445. 29 The gifts of God are inordinately vsed three waies vide Inordinate The more excellent gifts any hath receiued the more he is bound to be seruiceable to others 463. 39 The glorie of heauen twofold Essentiall and Accidentall 556. 23 To Glorie implies three things 625. 13. Two Grounds of glorying one in God another in himselfe 517. 12. Howe they differ and howe wee may doe both ibid. Obiections against glorying and reioycing in our selues 517. 30 How glorying in a mans selfe doth differ from vaine glorie which is a branch of pride 517. 30 Foure rules to bee obserued that we may glory in the Testimonie of a good Conference 518. 15 Lessons to be learned from this that we are to glorie in the Testimonie of a good conference 518. 31 Glorying when it is good and when euill 625. Glorying good or euill ibid. 27 Euill glorying is vaine glorying in three respects ibid. 23. Wherein we ought not to glorie ibid. 35. neither in wisdome strength riches honour nor pleasures ibid. Glorying in outward things not only vaine but impious Foure reasons 627. 40 There is a two fould lawfull bosting or glorying one before god another before man 628. 29 Obiections for Boasting answered 628. 16. Vnlawfull glorying when it is 629. 17. Glorying in wickednes three waies 629. 30. Reasons why Paul did Glorie rather in Christs death then in his resurrection 631. 21 The Papists wicked Glorying in the crosse vide crosse Gluttony what it is 439. 16 False Goddes are set vp two waies 304. 16 How God is to be acknowledged and worshipped 12. 15 Gods foreknowledge is not seuered from his will 108. 12 In what order the foreknowledge of God stands to his will 180. 25 God is called a father in two respects 236. 13 How God is said to repent 220. 19 A child of God two waies 236. 26 A treatise of God sending his sonne 279. 5. God knoweth exactly all our actions 549. 26 How the godly mans sinnes doe not condemne him in the latter Iudgment three resons 551. 27 The godly reape not that they sow therefore there is another life 552. 11. Seuen rules to liue godlily 139. 10 What a man must doe to be assured that he is Gods child 297. 14 Why affliction is the portion of the godly two reasons 620. 28 Vses of this that the godly are persecuted and afflicted 621. 15 Good things are commonly done in euill manner 330. 5 How they may be well done three rules 330. 21 The Godly faile in the manner of dooing good 344. 1 The dutie of dooing good declared by sundry arguments 588. 1 Dooing of good standeth in three things 588. 4 Rules to be obserued in dooing good 590. 34 We are not allwaies to imitate God in good and euill for three causes 591. 34 God is the generall good we the particular 591. 40 To the nature of the generall good three things appertaine 595. 4 Reasons why we are to doe good to all men 593. 9 How we are to doe good especially to the houshold of faith 594. 20 Reasons to doe good especially to the faithfull 594. 35 The order to be obserued in dooing of good to others 596. 23 There is no possibilitie of dooing good after this life 601. 37 Goodnes what it is 445. 38. Goodnes respects either the bodie or the mind and stands in foure actions 446. 9 Goodnes three fould preseruing vniting communicatiue 589 Communicatiue Goodnes hath 4. degrees 589. 29 What is vnderstood by God 531. 24 A felicitie to receiue the doctrine of the Gospell and what benefits come thereby 326. 27 The law and Gospell not on in substance of doctrine 378. 9 The Gospell must be preached rather then the law for two causes 54. 1. It must be preached to the Gentiles for two causes 54. 38 There is but one Gospel and one way of saluation 21. 31 Popish religion subuertes the Gospel of Christ. 23. 15 The doctrine of the Gospel called the truth for two causes 159. 20 The antiquitie of the Gospel 181. 19. How it differs from the lawe Vide Lawe The Gospel was not reueiled to the world till after the comming of Christ. 228. 11 Persecution and the preaching of Gospel goe hand in hand 620. 20. The Gospel is no new law 497. 23. In what the lawe and Gospel agree 497. 24 They differ in fiue things 498. 9 Why the Gospel is called a misterie 498. 16 The doctrine of the Gospel called by an excellencie the word also the word of the kingdome of God of saluation of life 530. 36. Our saluation placed alone in grace 654. 15. A child by Grace three waies 236 28. Uide Child The knowledge of the true God stands in sixe points 248. 20 What is ment by Grace 10. 5 The causes of grace be the father Christ and how they are distinct in regard of the manner of working 10. 38 Grace in god is the
without repentance in the counsell of seperation and in the pleasure of God Thirdly by obseruing well this order we may attaine to the assurance of our election For if thou hast beene called and hast in trueth answered to the calling of God by obedience thou maist assure thy selfe of thy seperation from the womb to euerlasting life because this order is as it were a golden chaine in which all the linkes are inseperably vnited Lastly the consideration of this order serues to mortifie the pride arrogancie of our hearts in that it ascribes all to God and nothing to man in the cause of saluation Read Ezech. 16. 63. Againe by the consideration of these 3. causes we gather that God hath determined what he will doe with euery man and that he hath in his eternall counsell assigned euery man his office and condition of life For there is in God a pleasure whereby he may doe with euery man what he will And by his eternall counsell he seperates euery man from the very wombe to one calling or other and accordingly he calles them in time by giuing giftes and will to doe that for which they were appointed And this I vnderstand of all lawfull callings in the familie church or common wealth Thus Christ was called from the wombe and set apart to be a mediatour Isai. 47. 1. and Iohn 6. 27. Ieremie to be a prophet Ierem. 1. 5. Christ is said to giue Apostles Prophets Pastors teachers Eph. 4. 11. God sent Ioseph vnto Egipt to be the gouernour thereof and a releeuer of Iacobs familie Gen. 45. In this regard the Medes and Persians are said to be the sanctified ones of God Isai. 13. 3. and the men of his counsell Isa. 46. 11. The vse Hence we are all taught to walke in our callings with diligence and good conscience Because they are assigned vs of God Hence we are taught to yeeld obedience to our rulers teachers because they that are our rulers and teachers were seperated from the wombe to be so and that by God himselfe without the will of man Hence we may gather assurance of Gods protection and assistance in our callings for in that he hath appointed vs our callings he will also defend vs in them 2. Cor. 3. 46. Isay. 49. 2. Hence we may learne patience and contentation in all the miseries and troubles of our callings for in what calling soeuer thou art thou wast ordained to it by God from thy mothers wombe Thinke on this Hēce we learne thankfulnes to god because our calings giftes and the exequution of our callings is wholy of God and this Paul signifies when he saith that our seperation to our offices and callings was from our first conception Hence we learne to depend on Gods prouidence for the time to come For if he prouided our callings when we were not he will much more aide and blesse vs in them now while we haue a beeing Read Psalme 22. 8. 9. Poore parents that cannot leaue landes and liuings to their children after their decease let them comfort themselues in this that there children are from their mothers wombe seperated to some good office and condition of life by the wisdome of God and that a good office or calling is better then land and liuing Thirdly it appeares hence that the time of all euentes is determined in the counsell of God For God determines with himselfe the time in which he will call and conuert Paul By this we are taught in our praiers not to limit God to any time for the accōplishment of our requests for the disposition of time is his and that is to be left to his wisdome Againe in our afflictions and temptations we may not make hast for helpe and deliuerance before the time but waite the leasure of God who hath decreede the time of deliuerance He that beleeues makes no hast Isai. 28. 16. Habacuk must waite because the vision is for a time appointed Hab. 2. 1. Dauids eyes and strength failed in waiting on God Psal. 69. 3. Daniel waites on God 70. yeares and then praies for deliuerance out of captiuitie the time beeing expired This serues to discouer the wickednes of them that beeing in any kind of miserie cannot staie the leasure of God till he deliuer them by good meanes but they will haue present remedie though it be from the deuill and if helpe cannot be had when they desire they presently make away themselues The second point is the Forme of the calling or conuersion of Paul in these wordes to reuele his sonne in me that is to teach me the doctrine of the redemption of mankind by the sonne Iesus Christ. Here I consider to whome reuelation is made and how For the first reuelation of the sonne is made to cruell and persequuting Paul a desperate sinner Hence euery man can gather that God hath mercy for great and notorious offenders as for Paul and such like and the collection is good For God is much in sparing Isai. 55. 7. And yet here it must be remembred that all desperate offenders shall not finde mercie vnlesse they be great in their repentance as God is great in mercy For Gods mercy hath a double effect in vs one is remission of sinne by the imputaton of the merit of Christ the other the mortification of originall sinne by his efficacie And these two be inseperable as we see in Paul on whome God shewed great mercie whose repentance also was notable As the woman Iohn 7. had many sinnes forgiuen her so shee loued much v. 47. By this we see the great and common abuse of the mercy of God Men euery where presume vpon the greatnes of gods mercie and they make Christ a packe-horse lading him with their burdens and there is little or no amendment of life The manner that God vsed in reuealing the sonne to Paul stands in two things Preparation and Instruction Preparation is a worke of God whereby he humbled Paul subdued the pride and stubbernenesse of his heart and made him tractable and teachable This humiliation is outward or inward The outward was partly by lightening from heauen that cast him to the earth and made him blinde and partly by a voice reproouing him Saul Saul why persecutest thou me The inward humiliation was in a sight and horrour for his sinnes The sinnes that God reuealed to him are these the first was an height of wickednesse that in persecuting the Church he made warre euen against God himselfe Secondly God made manifest vnto him the meaning of the tenth commandement and that secret lust without consent of will was sinne Rom. 7. 7. And thus the lawe killed him that was aliue in his owne opinion when he was a Pharise The instruction whereby God taught the same to Paul hath two parts The first is the call of God whereby he inuites Paul to become a member of the sonne of God And this he did first by propounding vnto him the commandement of the
proceede further to a reall learning of Christ and that is to beleeue in the sonne of God to die to their sinnes by the vertue of his death and to liue to God by the vertue of his life This is a reall liuely learning of Christ. They that must conuert others it is meete they should be effectually conuerted Iohn must first eate the booke and then prophecy Reuel 10. 9. And they that would be first Ministers of the Gospell must first themselues eate the booke of God And this booke is indeede eaten when they are not only in their mindes inlightned but their hartes are mortified and brought in subiection to the worde of Christ. Vnlesse Christ be thus learned spiritually and really diuines shall speake of the word of God as men speake of riddles and as Preists in former time said their mattens when they hardly knewe what they saide Againe students in euery faculty are with Paul to learne Christ and that as he learned him Such persons desire and loue good learning nowe this is the best learning of all to learne to knowe and to acknowledge Christ. The knowledge of Christ crucified is Pauls learning The knowledge of the remission of our sinnes is the learning of Dauid that great prophet For this title he giues to the 32. Psalme The vnderstanding of Dauid Lastly all men are on this reall manner with Paul to learne the same For he is an example to all that shall beleeue in him to life euerlasting 1. Tim. 1. 12. Paul biddes vs doe the good things which we haue seene in him Philip. 4 9 Hoc vrge The third point is the end of Paules conuersion in these wordes that he might preach him among the gentiles Here I consider what he must preach namely the sonne Christ and to whome I namely among the nations Againe of the preaching of Christ I consider two thinges the first is why Christ must be preached rather then Moses Answer there be two causes One is because Christ is the substance or subiect matter of the whole Bible For the summe of the scriptures may be thus gathered together The sonne of God made man and working our redemption is the sauiour of mankind but Iesus the sonne of Marie is the sonne of God made man working our redemption therefore Iesus the sonne of Marie is the sauiour of mankind The maior is the summe of the old testament the minor is the summe of the new and the conclusion is the scope of both The second cause is The law is the ministerie of death and the Gospell which is the doctrine of saluation by the sonne is the instrument of God to beginne and to confirme all graces of God in vs that are necssarie to our saluation Therefore the doctrine principally to be preached is the Gospell and not the lawe Secondly it may be demanded what it is to preach Christ Answer it is a great worke and it containes 4. ministeriall actions The first generally to teach the doctrine of the incarnation of Christ and of his three offices his kingly office his propheticall office and his priesthood with the exequution therof The second to teach that faith is an instrument ordained of God to apprehend and to applie Christ with his benefits The third is to certifie and to reuele to euery hearer that it is the will of God to saue him by Christ in particular so be it he will receiue Christ. For when the Gospell is preached God thereby signifies vnto vs that his will is to giue vs life euerlasting 1. Ioh. 5. 11. The last is to certifie and to reueale to euery particular hearer that he is to apply Christ with his benefits to himselfe in particular and that effectually by his faith that a change and conuersion may followe both in hart and life 1. Ioh. 3. 23. And thus when these things are rightly performed Christ is preached Hence it appeares that to learne Christ is not only to know him generally but also effectually to apply him to our selues by our faith that there may be a change and renouation of the whole man They which learne Christ must thus learne him els can they not be saued The second point is that Paul must preach to the gentiles there be two causes of it one that the prophecies of the calling of the gentiles might be fulfilled Psal. 2. and 110. Isai. 2. The second because at the death of Christ the deuision which was betweene the Iewes and gentiles was quite abolished Eph. 2. 13. Here I obserue the difference betweene Apostles and ordinary Ministers Their charge is a sett and particular congregation whereas the charge of an Apostle is the whole world The 4. and last point is the obedience of Paul to the calling of God in that he went and preached the Gospell Here a question may be demaunded whether Paul performed his obedience by vertue of the grace which he had formerly receiued without the helpe of new and speciall grace or noe Answer noe His obedience proceedes from the first grace helped or excited by speciall grace In the regenerate that haue power to doe good God workes the will and the deede in euery good worke Phil. 2. 13. And it is a certaine truth we doe not that which we are able to doe vnlesse God make vs doe it as he made vs able to doe it Therefore to the dooing of euery new acte there is new and speciall grace required In Pauls obedience I consider 3. points 1. When he obeyed Immediatly How without deliberation or consultation when In Arabia and Damascus For the first in that he obeied God in going to preach im mediatly we learne how we are to answer and obey the calling of God that calles to amendment and newnesse of life namely in all hast without deferring of time Hebr. 3. 8. To daie if ye will heare his voice harden not your hartes and v. 13. exhort one another while it is called to day Psal 119. 60. I made hast and did not delaie to keepe thy commandements And there be good reasons why we should no longer deferre our conuersi on to God The ende of our life is vncerten and looke as death leaues vs so shall the last iudgement find vs. Secondly when we delay our repentance we add sinne to sinne and so treasure vp wrath against the day of wrath Rom. 2. Thirdly when we deferre to obey and turne to God we growe to perfection in sinne and sinne beeing perfected bringes forth death I am 1. 14. Lastlie late repentance is seldome or neuer true repentance For when men are dying their sinnes forsake them and they doe not commonly forsake their sinnes God hath called vs in England more then 40. yeares together and yet many of vs haue not listned to the call of God but deferred to obey let vs now presently amend and turne to God least if we still deferre the time of our repentance Gods iudgements come forth in hast vpon vs. The manner of his
therefore to liue in the flesh is to liue a naturall life by eating drinking sleeping Further Paul saith that liuing in the flesh he liued by faith and for the better conceiuing of this two questions may be demanded The first is Why a beleeuer is said to liue by faith Ans. There be two causes First faith is an Instrument to vnite vs to Christ and by meanes of this vnion we receiue life from Christ for Christ dwells in our hearts by faith Eph. 3. 17. Secondly faith is a Guide to order and gouerne temporall life in all good manner according to the will of God And this faith doth by a diuine kind of reasoning framed in the mind whereby it vrgeth and perswadeth to good duties Rom. 6. 11. The second question is How men liue by faith Ans. The child of God liues a double life in this world a spirituall and a temporall The spirituall stands specially in three things Reconciliation with God renouation of life and good workes Now in our Reconciliation with God we liue in this world onely by faith For we haue and enioy pardon of sinnes imputation of iustice and acception to life eternall onely by meanes of our faith Rom. 4. 4. 5. 1. Againe in the renouation and change of our liues we liue by faith For our faith in Christ purifieth our hearts Act. 15. 9. partly by deriuing holines and puritie from Christ vnto vs who is our sanctification and partly by moouing and perswading of vs to holines and newnes of life 1. Ioh. 3. 3. Lastly in the doing of euery good worke we must liue by our faith For first there must be a generall faith that the worke in his kind pleaseth God Rom. 14. 25. Secondly iustifying faith must giue a beginning to the worke I beleeued therefore I spake Psal. 116. 12. Thirdly after the worke is done faith must couer the defects thereof that it may be acceptable to God Heb. 11. 5. Temporall life stands in cares or miseries and miseries are outward afflictions or inward temptations And in all our worldly cares we are to liue by faith For our care must be to doe our office and the labour of our calling with all diligence This beeing done we must there make a pause and for the successe of all our praiers and labours we must cast our care on God 1. Pet. 5. 7. Likewise in our afflictions we are to liue by faith For our faith is to assure vs that God according to his promise will giue a good issue 1. Cor. 10. 12. And though all temporall things faile vs it makes vs retaine the hope of mercie and of eternall life Thirdly it makes vs waite Gods leisure for our deliuerance Isa. 16. 28. Lastly in our Temptations we are not to liue by feeling but by faith yea against feeling to rest on the bare promise of God when we feele and apprehend nothing but the wrath of God And thus we see how the beleeuer liues by his faith in this world It may be said What is the faith we liue by Answer is here made It is the faith of the sonne of God And sauing faith is so called because Christ is not onely the Author of it and the obiect or matter of it but also the Reuealer of it For there was a certaine faith in God which was put into the heart of man in the creation which also the morall law requireth but this faith in the Messias was not knowne till after the fall and then it was reuealed to the world by the sonne of God Againe it may be saide What is this faith of the Sonne of God Answer is here made A faith whereby I beleeue that Christ hath loued me and giuen himselfe for me These words then thus explaned are an answer to an obiection which may be framed thus Why shouldest thou say that thou liuest not but that Christ liueth in thee considering thou liuest in the flesh as other men doe Answer is made Though I liue in the flesh yet I liue by the faith of the sonne of God The vse Here first of all they are to be blamed that liue by sense like beasts beleeuing no more then they see and trusting God no further then they see him For if a man whome we see and know make a promise to vs we are comforted yet if God who is inuisible make in his word farre better promises as he doth we are not in like sort comforted Againe we put too much confidence in meanes If we haue good callings house land liuing we can then trust in God but when meanes of comfort faile we are confounded in our selues as if there were no God We are like the vsurer who will not trust the man but his pawne euen so we trust not God vpon his bare word without a pawne If he come to vs with a full hand and with the pawne of his good gifts and blessings we trust him els not Againe they are to be blamed that liue onely by the guidance of reason For many dispute thus I deale truly and iustly with all men and liue peaceably with my neighbours therefore God will haue me excused But there must be a better guide to euerlasting life namely faith in Christ els shall we misse of our marke Thirdly they deceiue themselues that thinke they may liue as they list and call vpon God when they are dying and so die by faith It is well if they can die by faith but that they may so die they must liue by faith Lastly they are to be blamed that spend their daies in worldly cares so as no good thing can take place This is the life of infidels And where true faith raignes it cuts off the multitude of cares and makes vs cast them on God Moreouer here we see what we are to doe in perilous times as in the time of plague famine sword when present death is before our eyes we must then liue by faith When Noeh heard of the flood he prepared such meanes as faith would affoard for the sauing of himselfe and his familie Abraham Isaac Iacob by faith liued as pilgrimes in a strange land and were content Moses left Pharaos court and feared not the wrath of the king because by faith he saw him that was inuisible Hebr. 11. 27. Dauid in the feare of present death comforted himselfe in the Lord his God 1. Sam. 30. 6. When Iehosaphat knew not what in the world to doe he lift vp the eyes of his faith to the Lord. 2. Chron. 20. 12. Christ in his agonie and passion of the crosse by faith commended his soule into the hands of his father Of the Saints of the New Testament some were racked some were stoned to death and that by faith Heb. 11. 36. We must therefore all of vs learne to liue by faith and for this cause we must acquaint our selues with the word and promises of God and mingle them with our faith els shall the life of a man in
written in tables of stone is the law the same law of Moses written in the hearts of men by the holy Ghost is the Gospel But I say againe that the law written in our hearts is still the law of Moses And this ouersight in mistaking the distinction of the Law and the Gospel is and hath bin the ruine of the gospel We must here further obserue that beleeuing and doing are opposed in the article of our iustification In our good conuersation they agree faith goes before and doing followes but in the worke of our iustification they are as fire and water Hence I gather that to the iustification of a sinner there is required a speciall and an applying faith for generall faith is numbred among the works of the law and the deuills haue it This kind of beleeuing therefore and doing are not opposite Againe hence I gather that works of faith and grace are quite excluded from iustification because the opposition doth not stand betweene beleeuing and the works of nature but simply betweene beleeuing and doing Lastly it may be demaunded why the Lord saith He that doth the things of the law shall liue considering no man since the fall can doe the things of the law Ans. The Lord since mans fall repeates the law in his old tenour not to mocke men but for other waightie causes The first is to teach vs that the law is of a constant and vnchangeable nature The second is to aduertise vs of our weaknes and to shew vs what we cannot doe The third is to put vs in minde that we must still humble our selues vnder the hand of God after we haue begunne by grace to obey the law because euen then we come farre short in doing the things which the law requires at our hands 13 Christ hath redeemed vs from the curse of the law when he was made a curfe for vs for it is written Cursed is euery one that hangeth on the tree 14 That the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Iesus that we might receiue the promise of the spirit by faith Paul hauing prooued the truth of his doctrine by sundrie arguments in the former part of this chapter he here answereth an obiection the occasion whereof is from the 10. verse It may be framed on this manner If they be accused that continue not in all things written in the law to doe them then all men are accursed and the Gentiles are not partakers of the blessing of Abraham as you haue said Answer is here made that to them that beleeue there is full redemption from the curse of the law And Paul for the better inlightning of his answer here makes a description of our redemption by foure arguments The first is the author Christ hath redeemed vs from the curse of the law The second is the forme or manner of our Redemption in these words When he was made a curse for vs. And this forme is further declared by the signe in these words for it is written Cursed is euery one that hangeth on the tree The third argument is in the end in these words that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles The last is also an other ende that we might receiue the promise of the spirit Touching the Author in these words Christ hath redeemed vs from the curse of the law sundrie things may be learned First of all comparing these words with the 10. verse or comparing the answer and the obiection together we see and are to obserue that the threatnings of the law are to be vnderstood with an exception from the Gospel All are cursed saith the law that doe not continue to doe all things written therein Except they haue pardon and be redeemed by Christ saith the Gospel And thus are all curses of the law to be conceiued with a limitation or qualification from the Gospel Againe in that Christ hath redeemed vs from the curse of the law here is our comfort that neither hell nor death nor Satā hath any right or power ouer vs so be it we do vnfainedly beleeue in Christ. For we are bought with a price And for this cause we must be admonished not to feare any euill ouermuch as the reuilings and curses of euill tongues withcraft the plague pestilence famine the sword or death For the curse which makes all these and many other things hurtfull vnto vs is remooued from them that are in Christ. And therefore all immoderate feare should be restrained Thirdly our dutie is to glorifie God and Christ who hath redeemed vs and that both in bodie and soule The redeemed must liue according to the will of their redeemer 1. Cor. 6. 20. This is all the thankfulnes that we can shew to our Redeemer for his mercie Lastly here an obiection made by some may be answered If say they we were redeemed by Christ beeing captiues to the deuill the price of our Redemption was paid to him and not to God Ans. We were captiues properly to the iustice of God in the law to the order whereof we stand subiect and by this meanes we are captiues to the curse of the law and consequently to the deuill who is the minister of God for the Execution of the said curse And beeing captiues to the deuill no otherwise then as he is the minister of God for the inf●●cting of punishment the price must not be paid to him but to God who is the principall and hath a soueraigntie ouer him and vs. I come now to the forme of our Redemption Who was made a curse for vs. For the better vnderstanding of these words foure points are to be handled The first is what is this curse Ans. A double death the first of the bodie the second of the soule The first is the separation of the bodie and soule The second is the separation of the whole man from God not in respect of his vniuersall power and presence for the very damned haue their moouing and beeing from him but in respect of his fauour and speciall loue whereby God ceaseth to be their God And this is death indeede whereof the first is but a shadow and this is the curse of the law The second point is How Christ was a curse or accursed who is the fountaine of blessednes Ans. He is not so by nature for he is the naturall sonne of God nor by his owne fault for he is the vnspotted lambe of God but by voluntarie dispensation and therefore Paul saith he was made a curse And he was made a curse first because he was set a part in the eternall counsell of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost to be our redeemer and consequently to be a curse In this regard the father is said to haue sealed him Ioh. 6. 27. and he is said againe to be prcordained before all worlds 1. Pet. 1. 20. and giuen according to the counsell and foreknowledge of God Act. 3. 22. Secondly he was made a curse
seemes there was more time betweene the promise and the law Ans. The meaning of Moses in this place is thus much that the dwelling of the children of Israel while they dwelt as pilgrims was for the space of 430 yeares and that in ●art of this time they dwelt in Egypt as strangers The words may thus be translated The dwelling or Peregrination of the children of Israel in which they dwelt in Egrpt was 430 yeares And this peregrination beginnes in the calling of Abraham and endes at the giuing of the law In Pauls example we see what it is to search the Scriptures not onely to consider the scope of whole bookes and the parts thereof but to ponder and waigh euery sentence and euery part of euery sentence and euery circumstance of time place person This is the right forme of the studie of diuinitie to be vsed of the sonnes of the Prophets The second reason vsed by Paul is in the 18. v. it may be framed thus If the law abolish the promise then the inheritance must come by the law but that cannot be He prooues it thus If the inheritance of life eternall be by the law it is no more by the promise but it is by the promise because God gaue it vnto Abraham freely by promise therefore it comes not by the law The opposition betweene the law and the promise shewes that Paul in this Epistle speakes not onely of the ceremoniall but also of the morall For the greatest opposition is betweene the morall law and the free promise of God Let vs againe marke here the difference betweene the law and the Gospel The law promiseth life but to the worker for his works or vpon condition of obedience The Gospel called by Paul the promise offers and giues life freely without the condition of any worke and requires nothing but the receiuing of that which is offered It may be obiected that the Gospel promiseth life vpon the condition of our faith Ans. The Gospel hath in it no morall condition of any thing to be done of vs. Indeede faith is mentioned after the forme and manner of a condition but in truth it is the free gift of God as well as life eternall and it is to be considered not as a worke done of vs but as an instrument to receiue things promised This difference of the law and the Gospel must be kept as a treasure for it is the ground of many worthie conclusions in true religion And the ignorance of this point in the Church of Rome hath bin the decay of religion specially in the article of Iustification Thirdly we must here obserue the opposition betweene the Law and the free promise of God in iustification of a sinner For if life come by the law it comes not by the promise saith Paul And Rom. 4. 14. If they which are of the law are heires the promise is of none effect By this we see the Church of Rome ouerturnes and abrogates the free promise of God For they of that Church teach that the first iustification is by meere mercie and that the second is by the workes of the law But the law and the promise cannot be mixed together more then fire and water the law ioyned with the free promise disanulls the said promise Lastly in that Paul saith God gaue and freely bestowed the inheritance by the promise it must be considered that this Giuing is no priuate but a publike donation For Abraham must be considered as a publike person and that which was giuen to him was in him giuen to all that should beleeue as he did Art thou then a true beleeuer doest thou truly turne vnto God here is thy comfort the inheritance of eternall life is as surely thine as it was Abrahams when he beleeued For thou art partaker of the same promise with him and when God gaue him life he gaue thee also life in him Againe persons backward and carelesse must be stirred vp with all diligence to vse all good meanes that they may beleeue truly in Christ and truly turne to God For so soone as they beginne to beleeue and to turne vnto God they are entred into the condition of Abraham and if they continue they shall sit downe with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of heauen and after this life they shall rest in the bosome of Abraham For that which was done to Abraham shall be done to all that walke in his steppes 19 Wherefore then serues the law it was added because of transgressions vntill the seede was come to which the promise was made and it was ordained by Angels in the hand of a Mediatour 20 Now a Mediatour is not of one but God is one Paul hath prooued before that the law doth not abolish the promise his last reason was because then the inheritance should be by the law which cannot be Against this reason in the 19 and 20 verses there is an obiection made and answered The obiection is this If life and iustice come not by the law the law then is in vaine And this obiection is expressed by way of interrogation Wherefore then serues the law The answer is in the next words It is added for transgressions that is for the reuealing of sinne and the punishment thereof and for the conuincing of men touching their sinnes Rom. 3. 19 20. Moreouer Paul sets downe the time or continuance of this vse of the law when he saith till the seede came to which the promise was made that is till Christ come and accomplish the worke of mans redemption Here two questions may be demanded The first is whether the law serue to reueale sinne after the cōming of Christ For Paul saith it is added for transgressions till Christ. Ans. The law serues to reueale sinne euen to the end of the world yet in respect of the legall or Mosaicall manner of reuealing sinne it is added but till Christ. For the law before Christ did conuince men of sinne not onely by precepts and threatnings but also by Rites and Ceremonies For Iewish washings and sacrifices were reall confessions of sinne And they were an handwriting against vs as Paul saith And this manner of reuealing sinne ended in the death of Christ. Col. 2. 14. Againe the Ministerie of condemnation which was in force till Christ at his comming is turned into the Ministerie of the spirit and of grace 2. Cor. 3. 11. For vnder the law there was plētifull reuelation of sinne with darke and small reuelation of grace but at the comming of Christ men saw heauen opened and there was a plentifull reuelation of sinne with a more plētifull reuelation of grace and mercie And in this respect also the law is said to be till Christ. The second question is whether the seede of Abraham were before Christ or no Ans. All that followed the steppes of Abrahams faith before Christ were his seede Yet were they not that seede that is the principall seede who is Christ who is the seede
2. 6. This beeing so our dutie is to guard and inclose our selues specially our hearts Prov. 4. 23. and all the senses and powers of our soules Psal. 141. 3. by the wholesome precepts and counsells of God Considering we lie open to so many enemies we should continually be armed and fensed from the head to the foote Eph. 6. 13. otherwise we shall vpon euery occasion be ouerturned To come to the 24. v. the Iewes might happily say seeing we are thus kept and shut vp by the law what meanes haue we of comfort and of saluation The answer is made the law is further our schoolemaster Here by schoolemaster vnderstand one that teacheth little children or Petits the first rudiments or elements A. B. C. And the law is a schoolemaster to Christ for two causes One because it points out and shadowes forth vnto vs Christ by bodily rudiments of ceremonies and sacrifices The second is because the law specially the morall law vrgeth and compelleth men to goe to Christ. For it shewes vs our sinnes and that without remedie it shewes vs the damnation that is due vnto vs and by this meanes it makes vs dispaire of saluation in respect of our selues and thus it inforceth vs to seeke for helpe out of our selues in Christ. The law is then our schoolemaster not by plaine teaching but by stripes and correction In this verse Paul sets downe the manner and way of our saluation which is on this manner first the law prepares vs by humbling vs then comes the Gospel and it stirres vp faith And faith wrought in the heart apprehends Christ for iustification sanctification and glorification Paul sets this forth by a fit similitude They that would be the seruants and children of God must come into the schoole of God and be taught of him In this schoole are two formes and two masters In the first forme the teacher and master is the law And he teacheth men to know their sinnes and their deserued damnation and he causeth vs to despaire of our saluation in respect of our selues And when men haue bin well schooled by the law and are brought to acknowledge their sinnes and that they are slaues of sinne and Satan then must they be taken vp to an higher forme and be taught by an other schoolemaster which is Faith or the Gospel The lesson of the Gospel is that men after they are humbled must flie to the throne of grace beleeue in Christ and with all their hearts turne vnto God that they may be iustified and glorified When we haue by the teaching of this second master learned this good lesson we are become children and seruants of God By this then it is manifest that there are two sorts of badde schollers in the schoole of Christ among vs. One sort are they which come to the Lords table and yet learne nothing either from the law or from the Gospel but content themselues with the teaching of nature The second sort are they which learne something but in preposterous manner For they haue learned that mercie and saluation comes by Christ and with this they content themselues not suffering themselues first of all to be schooled by the law till they despaire in respect of themselues nor to be schooled of the Gospel till they beleeue in Christ and repent of their sinnes In a word he is a good scholler in the schoole of Christ that first learnes by the law to humble himselfe and to goe out of himselfe and beeing humbled subiects his heart to the voice and precept of the Gospel which biddes vs beleeue in Christ turne to God and testifie our faith by new obedience In the second part of the comparison 25. v. Paul sets downe one point that at the comming of the faith the Iewes were freeed from the dominion of the law of Moses and consequently that the said law was abrogated The lawgiuer that is the expounder of Moses law was to last but till the comming of Shilo Gen. 49. 10. The law of commandements standing in ordinances was abrogated by the flesh of Christ. Eph. 2. 15. And the change of the priesthood brought the change of the law Hebr. 7. 12. For the better cleering of this point three questions are to be demanded The first is when was the policie regiment or law of Moses abrogated Ans. At the comming of the faith or when the Gospel first beganne to be published to the world which was at the Ascension of Christ. And he in his death cancelled the ceremoniall law and tooke it out of the way Col. 2. 14. When the old Testament ended and the new began then was the abrogation of the law now the ending of the old Testament and the beginning of the new was in the Resurrection of Christ. For then was the beginning of the new world as it were The second question is How farre forth the law is abrogated Ans. The law is threefold Morall Ceremoniall Iudiciall Morall is the law of God concerning manners or duties to God and man Now the morall law is abrogated in respect of the Church and them that beleeue three waies First in respect of iustification and this Paul prooues at large in this epistle Secondly in respect of the malediction or curse There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ. Rom. 8. 1. Thirdly in respect of rigour For in them that are in Christ God accepts the indeauour to obay for obedience it selfe Neuerthelesse the law as it is the Rule of good life is vnchangeable and admits no abrogation And Christ in this regard did by his death establish it Rom. 3. 31. The Ceremoniall law is that which prescribed rites and gestures in the worship of God in the time of the old testament Ceremonies are either of figure and signification or of order The first are abrogated at the comming of Christ who was the accomplishment of them all Col. 2. 17. The second beeing ceremonies of particular order to the times of the old and new Testament concerne not vs. For example In the commandement of the Sabbath some things are morall some ceremoniall some iudiciall That in one day of seuen there should be an holy rest it is morall Rest vpon the seuenth day from the creation is Ceremoniall in respect of order Strictnes of rest from all labour is ceremoniall in respect of the signification of rest from sinne and rest in heauen Therefore the particular day of rest and the manner of rest is abrogated and Christ by his owne example and by the example of the Apostles examples not beeing contradicted in Scripture appointed the eight day or the day of Christs resurrection to be the Sabbath of the new Testament Iudiciall lawes are such as concerne inheritances lands bargaines controuersies causes criminall and they pertaine to the regiment of the Commonwealth If the Commonwealth of the Iewes were now standing they should be gouerned by these lawes For to them were they giuen The case is not like with vs. Some
appearance of humilitie Col. 2. 23. And the true worshippers of God in the new Testament worship him in spirit and trueth Ioh. 4. v. 24 The fulnesse of time or the full time is that time in which the captiuitie of the Church endeth and her libertie begins This time was ended 4000. yeares from the creation and it is called a full time because it was designed and appointed by the will prouidence of the heauenly father For he is Lord of time and all seasons are in his hand and his will or prouidence makes times fit or vnfit Marke then that is the onely full and fit time for the inioying of any blessing of God which he by his prouidence appointeth This must teach vs when by praier we aske any good thing at Gods hand not to prescribe any time vnto God but to leaue it to his prouidence Againe if thou liue in any miserie waite on the Lord and be content For that is the fit best time of thy deliuerāce which God hath appointed Lastly thou must be admonished to pray to god for grace and mercie and to turne to him this daie before to morrowe For this is the time which God hath appointed for these duties this is the day of grace and therefore the onely fit time Heb. 3. 7. Psal. 32. 6. Thus much of the similitude nowe I come to the first reason whereby Paul confirmes his maine argument Christ hath purchased and procured your libertie therefore the time therof is come and past For the better clearing of this reason Paul sets downe the waie and order which was vsed in procuring this libertie And it containes fiue degrees The first is the sending of the sonne the second his incarnation the third his subiection to the law the fourth our redemption from the laws the fift the fruition of our adoption v. 4. 5. The first the sending of the sonne is in these words In the fulnesse of time God sent forth his sonne That we may attaine to the sense of this great Mysterie sixe questions are to be propounded The first is what is meant by God Answ. The father the first person Eph. 1. 3. Blessed he God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ 2. Cor. 1. 3. and Ioh. 20. 17. And he is called God not because he partakes more of the godhead then the sonne or the h. Ghost but because he is the first in order of the three diuine persons and he is the beginning of the sonne and the H. ghost and hath no beginning of his own person because he doth not receiue the godhead by communication from any other In this respect he is called God more commonly then the sonne or the holy Ghost The second question is How the father sends the sonne Answ. By his counsell and eternall decree whereby the sonne was designed to the office of a Mediatour and consequently to become man Act. 2. 23. And thus is he said to be sealed of the father Ioh. 6. 27. and to be sanctified and sent into the world Ioh. 10. 36. And therefore this sending implies no alteration or change of place The third question is whether the sonne was sent with his owne consent or no Ans. Yea the decree of the father is the decree of the sonne and the holy Ghost because as they are all one in nature so are they all one in will All the persons then haue a stroke in this sending yet for orders false the father is said to send because he is first The fourth question is how the father can send the sonne considering they are both one Ans. In the doctrine touching the Trinitie Nature and person must be distinguished N●ture is a substance common to many as the Godhead A person is that which subsisteth of it selfe and hath a proper manner of subsisting as the father begetting the sonne begotten the H. Ghost proceeding Now the father and the sonne are one indeed for nature or godhead but they are not one for person Nay thus they are really distinct The father is not the sonne nor the sonne the father And thus doth the father send the son The fift question is why the sonne is so called Ans. Because he was begotten of the father by a perfect and eternall generation not to be vttered of man or conceiued And we must be warned not to conceiue it in any carnall or humane manner For an earthly father is in time before his sonne and the sonne after but God the father and the sonne are coeternall and not one before or after the other for time An earthly father is forth of the sonne and the sonne forth of the father but God the father is in the sonne and the sonne in the father An earthly child is from his father by propagation but the sonne is from the heauenly father not by propagation but by communication of substance Lastly the heauenly father begettes the sonne by communication of his whole substance and so doth no earthly father The last question is whether the Sonne be God For it is here said God sent his Sonne Ans. He is God For he that is sent forth from God was before he was sent forth And the sonne is said to be sent forth because he was with God the father before all worlds Ioh. 1. 1. and because he came from the bosome of his father v. 18. Obiect I. The sonne is sent of the father and he that is sent is inferiour to the father and he that is inferiour to God is not God Ans. Two equalls by common consent may send each other and therefore sending alwaies implies not inequalitie Againe inferioritie is of two sorts inferioritie of nature and inferioritie of condition The first doth not befall Christ because for nature he is one and the same with the father The second agrees vnto him because of his owne voluntarie accord he abased himselfe and tooke vpon him the shape of a man Phil. 2. 5. Obiect II. God hath his beginning of none the sonne hath his beginning of the father therefore he is not God Ans. The sonne in respect of his person is of the father but in respect of his godhead he is of none The sonne of God considered as he is a sonne is of the father God of very God But considered as he is God he is God of himselfe because the godhead of the sonne is not begotten more then the Godhead of the father Obiect III. The sonne was made Lord in time Act. 2. 36. therefore no God Ans. Christ as he is the sonne of God was not made Lord in time but is by nature an eternall Lord as the father And he is said to be made Lord in respect of his condition as he is God-man and that in time in respect of both his natures In respect of his manhood because it is receiued into the vnitie of the second person and exalted to the right hand of God in heauen In respect of his Godhead the maiestie and Lordship
at the very first moment of his conception Againe obserue that Christ in his manhood increased in grace as in age and stature Luk. 2. And this increase was without all imperfection for in his infancie Christ receiued a full measure of grace fit for that age when he was twelue yeares old he receiued a further measure fit for that age and so when he was thirtie yeares old And thus increase of grace and the perfection thereof stand both together And this increase is not onely in respect of experience and the manifestation of Grace before God and men but also in respect of the habit or gift though the Schooles for 400. yeares haue taught the contrarie euer since the daies of Lumbard The third thing is the Vniting of flesh to the Godhead of the Sonne and that is done when the sonne of God makes the flesh or nature of man a part of himselfe and communicates vnto it his owne subsistance The like example to this is not to be found againe in the world yet haue we some resemblance of this mysterie in the plant called Misselto which hath no roote of his owne but growes in a tree of an other kinde and thence receiues his sappe And so the manhood of the sonne hath no personalitie or personall subsistance but is receiued into the Vnitie of the second person and is sustained of it It must here be obserued that there is a difference betweene the manhood of Christ and all other men Peter is a person subsisting of himselfe and so is Paul and euery particular man but so is not the manhood of Christ and therefore it is to be tearmed a nature and not a person And it is no disgrace but an exaltation to the nature of man that is subsists by the vncreated subsistance of the second person It may be obiected that all beleeuers are ioyned to the sonne of God as well as the flesh of Christ I answer they are so but in an other kind and in a lower degree by communication of grace and not by communication of personall subsistance Thus we see how the sonne was made flesh the vse follows Hence we learne to vse all meanes that we may become newe creatures and be borne of God God becomes man that we men might be partakers of the diuine nature Christ is made bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh by his incarnation that we might be made bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh by regeneration The sonne of God was made the sonne of man that we which are the sonnes of men might be made the sonnes of God To be made flesh is the abasement of the sonne in this abasement he goes on till he become euen as a worme of the earth Psal. 22. 7. so must we abase our selues till we be anihillated and brought to nothing then shall we be like to Christ and filled with the good things of God Our sinnes are a wall of partition betweene God and vs so as we are farre from God and God from vs Isa 59. 2. and this partition is of our own making and by this means we haue no accesse to God of our selues though we pray vnto him and fill heauen and earth with our crie Now the sonne of God made man is Immanuel that is God with vs Isai 7. 14. and his incarnation is a meanes whereby we haue accesse to god and he is nere vnto vs when we pray vnto him in trueth 2. Chron. 15. 2. This must teach vs to drawe nere to God in the hearing and obeying of his word in praier and in the vse of the holy Sacraments If this be not done great is our wickednesse and great shall be the punishment Iob. 21. 14. Psal. 73. 27. The incarnation of Christ is the foundation of all our comfort and all good things which we inioy By it God comforts Adam The seed of the woman shall brnise the serpents head Iacob is comforted by the vision of a ladder reaching from heauen to earth and this ladder is the sonne of God made man Ioh. 1. 51. Iob comforts himselfe in this that his Redeemer of his own flesh as the word signifieth liueth Iob. 19. 25. In the old testament they which sought vnto God came to the Arke or Propitiatorie and there were they heard and receiued the blessings of God Now Christ God and man is in stead of the Arke Rom. 3. 25. and therefore we must come to him if we would receiue any good thing of God The godhead is the fountaine of all good things and the flesh or manhood is a pipe or conduit to conuaie the same vnto vs. If we would then receiue true comfort we must hunger and thirst in our hearts after Christ and by our faith eate his flesh and drinke his blood Ioh. 6. 54. 56. The third point or degree is the subiection of the sonne of God to the lawe expressed in these words made vnder the lawe Here two questions are to be answered The first is who is made subiect to the law I answer the sonne of God And this may not seeme strange that he which is Lord of the law should be subiect to the law for he must be considered as he is our pledge and suretie Heb. 7. 22. and as one that standes in our place roome and stead and before God represents the person of all the elect and in this respect is he subiect to the lawe not by nature but by voluntarie abasement and condition of will The second question is how the sonne of God was subiect to the lawe Answ. By a twofold obedience namely by the obedience of his passion and by his obedience in fulfilling the lawe The obedience of his passion stands before God as a satisfaction for the breach of the law In it consider two things the foundation of the passion and the passion it selfe The foūdation is that the sonne of God was made sinne for vs 2. Cor. 5. 21 that is all the sinnes of all the Elect were imputed to him and he in our roome and place was recounted a sinner The passion it selfe is the curse of the law laid on the sonne of God namely the first death and the paines of the second death which is in effect and substance the paines of hell as I haue shewed in the 3. chap. v. 13. of this Epistle By the second Obedience in fulfilling the lawe the sonne of God performed for vs all things contained therein that we might haue right to life euerlasting and that according to the tenour of the law Leuit. 18. 5. Doe all these things and liue Of this obedience 2. questions are demanded The first is whether it be necessarie for the iustification of a sinner Answ. It is The summe of the lawe is Loue God with all thy heart and thy neighbour as thy selfe Now euery iot and title of the lawe must necessarily be fulfilled Math. 5. 18. Much more then the summe and substance of the lawe And
because they are not ioyned with a change and conuersion of heart and life Thirdly our desires are to be directed vnto God with importunitie and instancie For the spirit makes vs crie Abba Father that is My father and thy father God requires this importunitie of vs. Luk. 18. 1. It is practised by Dauid Psal. 69. 4. by the woman of Canaan Matth. 15. We must doe as Iacob did wrastle with God and giue him no rest till he fulfil the desires of our hearts and giue vs the blessing And our constant desires and groanes to heauen for mercie shall neuer be in vaine For if we aske any thing according to his will he heareth vs indeede 1. Ioh. 5. 14. Verse 7. These words are the conclusion of the former doctrine of Paul The time of our libertie is come in that your libertie is procured and purchased by Christ and ye haue receiued the spirit of sonnes crying Abba therefore ye are not seruants to the lawe but sonnes of God And from this conclusion Paul deriues a second which is the summe and substance of the whole disputation from the beginning of the third chapter to this place namely that they which are sonnes are also heires not by the lawe and the works thereof but by Christ. This verse is a repetition of the 26. 29. verses of the third chapter therfore I will not stand any lōger in the hādling of it One thing is to be obserued namely the change of the number Paul said before ye are sonnes here he saith thou art a sonne And this he doth to teach vs that they which turne to God beleeue in Christ must be assured that they are the sonnes and heires of God Paul hath set downe immediately before the infallible signe whereby a man may knowe himselfe to be the childe of God therefore in the next words he saith therefore thou art the sonne of God Saint Iohn saith these things we write vnto you that beleeue that ye may know that ye haue life euer lasting 1. Ioh. 5. 13. Thus must euery beleeuer apply the Gospell and the benefits thereof to himselfe The meditation of this point serues greatly to sweeten all crosses vnto vs for if we know that we be Gods children that is comfort enough and we may then assure our selues that in euery crosse God comes vnto vs as a father Again this meditation works a contentation in euery losse For if thou be the childe of god thou canst haue no great losse For all things are thine thou Christs and Christ Gods 1. Cor. 3. 22. Lastly this meditation must stirre vp in vs a care to lead a heauenly and spirituall life 1. Ioh. 3. 3. that we may be like our eldest brother Christ Iesus v. 8. But euen then when yee knew not God ye did seruice vnto them which by nature are not Gods v. 9. But nowe seeing ye know God or rather are known of God how turne ye againe vnto impotent and beggarly rudiments whereunto as from the beginning ye will be in bondage againe v. 10. Yee obserue daies and moneths and times and yeares v. 11. I am in feare of you least I haue bestowed labour on you in vaine Here Paul returnes againe to the principall conclusion of the whole Epistle which is on this manner If I Paul be called to teach and my doctrine be true ye haue done euill to reuolt from it to another Gospel but I am called to teach and my doctrine is true this Paul prooued in the first second and third chapters Therefore ye haue done euill to reuolt from my doctrine This conclusion he propounded before and here againe he repeates it and withall amplifies it two waies First by setting downe the particular matter of the reuolt and Apostacie of the Galatians v. 9 10. ye returne to impotent rudiments ye obserue daies and times Secondly he sets downe the greatnesse of their reuolt first by comparison thus Once ye serued false gods but there is some excuse of that offence because ye did not know God but that ye haue returned to the Rudiments of the world there is no excuse of it for ye then knewe god or rather were known of god Againe he sets forth the greatnesse of their reuolt by the effect v. 11. It makes me feare least I haue lost my labour among you Here Paul sets downe a threefold estate of the Galatians their estate in Gentilisme before their conuersion their estate in their conuersion and their estate in the Apostasie Their estate in Gentilisme stands in two things Ignorance of God then ye knew not God Idolatrie or superstition ye serued them which are not Gods by nature Touching their ignorance of God it may be demaunded how they can be said not to know God whereas Paul saith that which may be known of God is made manifest vnto the Gentiles Rom. 1. 20. and that God did not leaue himselfe without witnesse Act. 14. 17. Answ. Knowledge of God is twofold Naturall or reuealed knowledge Naturall is that which all men haue in their minds by the light of nature which also they may gather by the view and obseruation of the creatures This knowledge hath two properties The first it is imperfect because by it we know some fewe and generall things of God as namely that there is a God and that he is to be worshipped c. In this respect this knowledge is like the ruines of a princely pallace Againe it is weake because it serues onely to cut off excuse and it is not sufficient to direct vs in the worship of God Nay when by it we beginne to set downe the worship of God we then runne headlong into superstition and vanitie Reuealed knowledge is that which is set downe in the written word whereby we may knowe what God is in himselfe and what he is to vs namely a father in Christ giuing pardon of sinne and life euerlasting This knowledge the Gentiles altogether want nay by reason of the blindenes and impotencie of their minds they iudge it foolishnesse Thus then in effect though the Gentiles by nature know some things of God yet doe they not knowe God as he will be known of vs. Againe it may be demaunded whether this ignorance be a sinne in the Galatians Answ. Yea. For all men are bound to know God by the first commandement And this ignorance is a want of the image of God in the minde Col. 3. 10. And euery defect of the image of God is a branch of originali sinne And vengeance is the punishment of this sinne 2. Thess. 1. 8. It may be obiected that Paul here excuseth the Galatians by their ignorance Answ. It excuseth à tanto non à toto that is the degree and measure of the sinne and not the sinne it selfe Luk. 12. 48. Againe it may be said that this their ignorance is inuincible because as the Gentiles doe not know God so they cannot know him Ans. That they cannot know him it is not Gods
may they that lic now vnder the Apostasie of Antichrist be recouered Act. 15. 6. And the promise of God is that when two or three come together in his name he will be with them Matth. 18. Lastly the Ministers as here we see are to temper their gifts and speach to the condition of their hearers The Corinthians were babes in Christ and Paul feedes them with milke 1. Cor. 3. 3. to the Iew he became a Iew to the Gentile a Gentile that he might winne some 1. Cor. 9. 18. For this cause it were to be wished that Catechising were more vsed then it is of our Ministers For our people are for the most part rude and vncatechised and therefore they profit little or nothing by sermons A sermon to such persons is like a great loafe set before a child And it is no disgrace for learned Ministers in plaine and familiar manner to catechise for this is to lay the foundation without which all labour in building is in vaine Againe our ignorant people should be content euen in their old age to learne the catechisme for by reason of their ignorance they lie as a pray to the Atheist and Papist and in much hearing they learne little because they know not the grounds of doctrine that are vsually in all sermons And it is a fault in many that they loue to heare sermons which are beyond their reach in which they stand and wonder at the Preacher and plaine preaching is little respected of such The occasion of Pauls desire is in these words I doubt of you or thus I am in perplexitie for you and this Paul speakes as a mother in some dangerous extremitie in the time of her trauel as Rachel was in the birth of Benjamin Gen. 35. And the words carrie this sense I am troubled for your recouerie and I feare it will neuer be Here we learne how daungerous a thing it is to fall from grace though it be but in part For a man cannot recouer himselfe when he will We doe not the good we can vnlesse God make vs doe it Ezech. 36. 27. Cant. 1. 4. Ier. 31. 29. Therefore it is an Errour to thinke that we may repent and turne to God when we will as many suppose And this must be a warning vnto vs to preserue the good things that God hath put into vs and not to quench the spirit And though Paul doubt of the recouerie of the Galatians yet he spares not to send his Epistle to them and to vse meanes And thus in desperate cases we must vse the best meanes and leaue the successe to God Thus the Israelites when there was no other helpe went into the sea as into their death bedde or graue by faith staying themselues on the promise of god Heb. 11. 29. 2. Chron. 20. 12. That which Paul here saith may be saide of many among vs in whome Christ is not yet framed whether we respect knowledge or good life for they giue iust occasion of doubting whether they will euer turne to God or no. 21 Tell me ye that will be vnder the law doe ye not heare the law 22 For it is written that Abraham had two sonnes one by a seruant and an other by a free-woman 23 But he which was of the seruant was borne after the flesh and he which was of the free-woman by promise From the 8. verse of this chapter to the 20. verse Paul hath handled the conclusion of the principall argument of this Epistle touching the Apostasie of the Galatians and here he returnes againe to his former doctrine touching the iustification of a sinner by faith without the workes of the law and he confirmes it by an other Argument the summe and substance whereof is this Your libertie from the law w 〈…〉 prefigured in the familie of Abraham therefore ye are not bondmen to the law but freemen The argument is at large propounded and it hath foure parts a preface in the 21. verse an historie of Abraham and his familie vers 22. 23. the Application of the historie from the 24. verse to the 30. the conclusion v. 31. And first of the Preface Law the word law in the first place is taken properly for the morall and Ceremoniall lawe of Moses and in the second place for the bookes of Moses and namely for the booke of Genesis And in this sense the word is taken when Christ is said to expound the law and the Prophets Luk. 24. And sometime it signifies all the bookes of the old testament Ioh. 15. 15. Vnder the law to be vnder the lawe is to hold our selues bound to the fulfilling of the lawe and to looke for life eternall thereby Doe ye not heare the law that is ye read and heare indeede but ye vnderstand not the scope and drift of that which you read In this preface first Paul meetes with the pride of mans nature whereby the Galatians went about to establish their owne righteousnesse by the lawe when he saith ye that will be vnder the lawe c. with this pride were the Iewes tainted Rom. 10. 3. and the young Prince that came to Christ and said Good master what must I doe to be saued And the Papists of our time who will not be subiect to the iustice of God but set vp their owne iustice in the keeping of the law The like doe the ignorant people among vs who hold that they are able to fulfill the law and that they are to be saued thereby And when they say they looke to be saued by their faith they vnder stand thereby their fidelitie that is their good dealing Againe Paul here notes the seruile disposition of men that loues rather to be in bondage vnder the law then to be in perfect libertie vnder the grace of God This we see in daily experience All professe Christ among vs yet is it euen a death to the most to forsake the bōdage of the flesh Christ we professe yet so as we take libertie to liue after the lustes of our owne hearts When Paul saith doe ye not heare the lawe he notes the cause of our spirituall pride and of the seruile disposition before named namely ignorance in mistaking and misconceiuing the true scope of the law for the Galatians did not consider that Christ was the scope of the lawe but they supposed that the very obseruation of the lawe euen since the fall of man did giue life and iustifie This ignorance was to the Iewes as a vaile before their eies in the reading of the lawe 2. Cor. 3. 14. And this ignorance hath blinded the Papist at this day for he supposeth that the Gospell is nothing els but the lawe of Moses that Christ indeed is but an instrument to make vs keepers of the lawe and consequently sauiours of our selues In the historie of Abraham I consider three things the facte of Abraham in taking two wiues the Euent vpon this fact he had two sonnes by them the condition of these
vs put a further beginning to our actions then nature can afford causing vs to doe them in faith whereby we beleeue that our persons please God in Christ that our worke to be done pleaseth God that the defect of the worke is pardoned Secondly the spirit makes vs doe our actions in a new manner namely in obedience to the written word Thirdly it makes vs put a new end to our actions that is to intend and desire to honour God in the things that we doe For example A man is wronged by his neighbour and nature tells him that he must requite euill with euill yet he resolues to doe otherwise for saith he God in Christ hath forgiuen me many sinnes therefore must I forgiue my neighbour And he remembreth that vengeance is Gods and that he is taught so to aske pardon as he forgiueth others And hereupon he sets himselfe to requite euill with goodnesse This is to liue in the spirit The vse By this rule we see that most of vs faile in our duties For many of vs professing Christ liue not according to the lawes of nature in our common dealings We minde earthly things and therefore we are carnall It is a principle with many that if we keepe the Church obserue the Queenes laws which are indeed to be obserued and auoid open and grosse sinnes we do all that God requires at our hāds Hereupon to walke in the spirit is thought to be a worke of precisenes more then needes And they which deeme it to be a worke of precisenes walke not in the spirit And indeede they which haue receiued the greatest measure of the spirit must say with Paul that they are carnall sould vnder sinne Rom. 7. 14. Secondly this rule telleth vs that we must become spirituall men such as make conscience of euery sinne and doe things lawfull in spirituall manner in faith and obedience and not as carnall men doe them carnally It may be saide that Ministers of the word must be spirituall men I answer if thou whatsoeuer thou art be not spirituall thou hast no part in Christ. Rom. 8. And the rather thou must be spirituall because a naturall man may doe the outward duties of religion in a carnall sort Thirdly we must not iudge any mans estate before God by any one or some few actions either good or badde but by his walking or by the course of his life which if it be carnall it shewes the partie to be carnall if it be spirituall it shewes him to be spirituall The benefit that ariseth by the keeping of the rule followes in these words Ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh Flesh the corruption of nature the roote of all sinnes Lusts inordinate motions in the minde will and affections Thus largely is lust taken in the tenth Commandement which condemneth the first motions to euill Fulfill fulfilling is not a simple doing of euill but the accomplishing of lust with loue pleasure and full consent of will as also perseuerance in euill by adding sinne to sinne A question How farre doth the child of God proceede in the lust of the flesh Answ. He is assaulted by the lusts of the flesh but he doth not accomplish them More plainly there are fiue degrees of lust Suggestion delight consent the acte perseuerance in the acte Suggestion and delight whereby the minde is drawne away are incident to the child of God Consent is not ordinarily and if at any time the child of God consent to the lusts of his flesh it is but in part and against his purpose because he is ouercarried Likewise the acte or execution of lust is not ordinarily and vsually in the child of God if at any time he fall he may say with Paul I doe that which I hate Lastly perseuerance in euill doth not befall the child of God because vpon his fall he recouers himselfe by new repentance In this sense S. Iohn saith He that is borne of God sinnes not 1. Ioh. 3. 9. The vse Hence it followes that the lust of the flesh is in the child of God to the death and consequently they doe not fulfill the law neither can they be iustified thereby as Popish doctrine is Secondly our dutie is not to accomplish the lusts of the flesh but to resist them to the vttermost Rom. 13. 14. Thirdly here is comfort for the seruants of God Some man may say I am vexed and turmoiled with wicked thoughts and desires so as I feare I am not Gods child I answer againe for all this despaire not For if thou hate and detest the lusts that are in thee if thou resist them and wage battell against them if beeing ouertaken at any time thou recouer they selfe by new repentance they shall neuer be laid to thy charge to condemnation Rom. 8. 1. It is here made a prerogatiue of Gods child when the lusts of the flesh are in him not to accomplish them or to liue in subiection to them 17 For the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and they are contrarie one to another so that ye cannot doe the things which ye would These wordes are a reason of the former verse thus If ye walke in the spirit ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh for the flesh and spirit beeing contrarie mutually refist and withstand one another so as ye can neither doe the good not the euill which ye would Paul here sets forth a spirituall combate of which sixe things are to be considered The first is concerning the parties by whome the combat is made namely the flesh and the spirit The flesh signifies the corruption of the whole nature of man and the spirit is the gift of regeneration as hath beene shewed It may be demanded how these twaine beeing but qualities can be said to fight together Ans. The flesh and the spirit are mixed together in the whole man regenerate and in all the powers of the soule of man Fire and water are said to be mixed in compound bodies light and darknes are mixed in the aire at the dawning of the day In a vessell of luke warme water heat and cold are mixed together we cannot saie that the water is in one parte hott and in another cold but the whole quantitie of water is hott in parte and cold in parte Euen so the man regenerate is not in one part flesh in another part spirit but the whole mind is partly flesh and partly spirit and so are the will and affections through out partly spirituall and partly carnall Now vpon this mixture it comes to passe that the powers of the soule are carried and disposed diuerse waies and hereupon followes the combat The second point concernes the meanes whereby this combate is made and that is a two sold Concupiscence expressed in these words the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh The lust of the flesh shewes it selfe in two actions The first is to defile 〈◊〉
are we so to doe Answ. We are members all of one bodie and we are members one of another Eph. 4. 25. And it is Gods pleasure that men shall be instruments of good mutually one to another Goodnesse respects either the bodie or the minde Goodnesse concerning the bodie hath many actions as to feed the hungrie to giue drinke to the thirstie to harbour the harbourlesse to cloath the naked to visit the sicke and them that are in prison Math. 25. 35 36. to burie the dead 2. Sam. 2. 5. Lastly to lend freely and liberally to such as be decaied and impouerished Deut. 15. 7. Goodnesse concerning the soule is to indeauour partly by counsell partly by example to gaine the soule of our neighbour to God and it stands in foure actions to admonish the vn●uly to comfort the distressed to beare with them that are weake and to be patient towards all 1. Thess. 5. 14. Goodnes is hard to be found in these daies among men The common practise is according to the common prouerb Euery man for himselfe and God for vs all The studie of men is howe to gather goods honours riches for themselues and for their children and the common good is not aimed at Good orders hardly take place as namely the order for the poore and the reason is the want of goodnesse in vs. If any professe any shew of goodnesse more then the rest they are sure to be despised and reproched at euery hand and this shews that there is little goodnesse among men Faith First we are here to vnderstand faith towards God which is to beleeue the remission of our sinnes and our reconciliation with God in Christ. This faith is common to all among vs yet is it but a false dead ceremoniall faith in many men Reason I Faith comes by the hearing of the word of God preached Rom. 10. 14. but this faith in many is conceiued without preaching for they say they beleeue their saluation by Christ and withall they liue in the perpetuall neglect or contempt of the publike Ministerie II. True faith is ioyned alwaies with the exercises of invocation and repentance yet in many among vs this faith is without any conuersion or change of heart and life and therefore it is but a dead faith III. True faith is mixed with contrarie vnbeleefe so as they that beleeue feele in themselues a want of faith and much vnbeleefe But there are many among vs that say they perfectly beleeue and that they neuer so much as doubted in all their liues Now such a faith is a vaine perswasion IV. Many that boast of their faith in Christ want faith in the prouidence of God touching food and raiment And that is manifest because they vse any vnlawfull meanes to helpe themselues now if their faith faile them in a smaller point it cannot be sound in the greatest of all Secondly by faith is meant faith towards men that stands in two things One is to speake the trueth from the heart the other is to be faithfull and iust in the keeping of our honest promise and word This faith is a rare vertue in these daies For the common fashion of them that liue by bargaining is to vse glosing facing soothing lying dissembling and all manner of shifts And with many it is a confessed principle that there is no liuing in the world vnlesse we lie and dissemble They that deale with chapmen shall heardly know what is trueth they haue so many wordes and so many shifts In this respect Christians come short of the Turkes who are said to be equall open and plaine dealing mē without fraud or deceipt Our care therfore must be to cherrish maintain amōg vs the vertue of faith and truth Reasons I. Gods commandement Put away lying and let euery man speake the truth to his neighbour Eph. 4 15. II. By truth we are like to God whose waies are all truth who hates a lying tongue Prou. 6. 17. whose spirit is the spirit of trueth III. Lyars beare the image of the deuill He is the father of lies Ioh. 8. 44. so oft then as thou liest thou makest thy tongue the instrument of the deuill IV. Eternall punishment in the lake that burnes with fire and brimstone Reu. 22. 15. Here marke that liars are entertained at the same table with murderers and theeues and the liar neuer goes vnpunished Prou. 19. 5. V. To speake the trueth from the heart is a marke of Gods child Psal. 15. 2. And he whose faith failes towards men shall much more faile towards God Meekenes The same in effect with long suffering The difference is that meekenes is more generall and long-suffering is the highest degree of meekenesse Temperance It is the moderation of lust and appetite in the vse of the gifts and creatures of God For the better practising of this vertue remember these foure rules I. We must vse moderation in meats drinks This moderatiō is to eat and drinke with perpetuall abstinence And abstinence is to take lesse then that which nature desires and not more And that measure of meate and drinke which serues to refresh nature and to make vs fitte for the seruice of God and man is allowed vs of God and no more II. We must vse moderation in our apparell And that is to apparell ourselues according to our sexe according to the receiued fashion of our countrie according to our place and degree and according to our abilitie Here the common fault in to be out of all order for none almost know any measure Euery meane person now adaies will be a gentleman or gentlewoman III. We must vse moderation in getting of goods and that is to rest content if we haue food and raiment for our selues them that belong vnto vs. 1. Tim. 6 8. Here is our stint we may not desire to be rich v. 9. The king himselfe must not multiply his gold and siluer Deut. 17. 17. and yet hath he more neede of gold and siluer then any priuate man IV. There must be a moderation in the spending of our goods contrarie to the fashion of many that spend their substance in ●●●sting and company and keepe their wiues and children bare at home Against such there is no law Here Paul sets downe the benefit that comes by the former vertues The words carrie this sense Against such vertues and against persons indued with such vertues there is no law And that for two causes One there is no law to condemne such Secondly there is no lawe to compell them to obey because they freely obey God as if there were no law Marke then the condition of spirituall men They are a voluntarie free people seruing God freely without constraint So as if Christ would not giue vnto them life euerlasting yet would they loue him and desire the aduancement of his kingdome On the contrarie if there were no hell and God would not punish adulterie drunkennes blasphemie c. with eternall
Achan sinned and the people fell slaine before the men of Ai therefore euery man doth not beare his owne entire burden The like may be said of the children of the Sodomits and of the first borne of the Egyptians who bare the burden of their parents sinne Ans. The people were punished for their owne sinnes and so was Dauid albeit not in his owne but in their persons for God punished him in his kind in destroying the people with that fearefull plague in whose great multitude he had gloried so much Indeede their punishment was occasioned by his sinne but caused by their owne for no man though neuer so holy is without sinne and therefore none but deserue punishment nay it is Gods mercie that we are not consumed Lam. 3. 22. And albeit all the infants perished in the Deluge and in the ouerthrow of Sodome and Gomorrha which could neither imitate nor approoue the actions of their forefathers yet their death was deserued For though infants be truly called innoc●●ts in regard of actuall sinne yet they are not innocents in regard of originall for from the wombe they carrie a woluish nature which prepares them to the spoile though they neuer did hurt the Scorpion hath his sting within him though he doe not alway strike and though a Serpent may be handled whilst the cold ●ath benummed him yet when he is warmed he will hisse out his venomous poison Mans practise doth cleare God of vniustice in this behalfe in killing the young cubbes as well as the old foxe the wolues whelps as well as the damme Albeit if we speake of their finall estate and come to particulars we are to leaue secret iudgements to God The example of Achan is more difficult seeing that for his sinne 36 of the people were slaine Iosh. 7. 5. and his whole familie rooted out v. 25. who were not consenting to his fact nor guiltie of his sinne Yet something may probably be said in this case First that they were guiltie of this his sinne in part in not punishing theft so seuerely as they ought to haue done which was a meanes to embolden Achan to steale the execrable thing Secondly that priuate good must yeeld to the publike as the life of euery particular person to the generall good of the whole Commonwealth thus souldiours in the warres redeem the publike peace by the losse of their own liues now the manifestation of the glorie of the wisdome power and iustice of God is the publike good of the whole Church therefore mens priuate good euen their liues must giue place to it especially considering he neuer inflicts temporall punishment for the publike good but he respects therein the priuate good of his Elect whome he corrects in iudgement not in ●urie Thirdly howsoeuer Achan did beare the burden of his owne sinne this iudgement might be inflicted vpon them for their good for temporall punishment yea death it selfe is sometimes inflicted for the good of those that are punished as we see in the children of the Sodomits many whereof no doubt were taken away in mercie lest malice should haue changed and corrupted their minds and sometime for the terrour of others to be a warning peece to make them take heede and sometime for both as it may be it was in this particular Fourthly sinne committed by a particular man that is a member of a politike bodie doth after a sort belong to the whole bodie thus the Lord saith that blood defileth the land which cānot be clēsed of the blood that was shedde therein but by the blood of him that shedde it Numb 35. 33. And thus Achans sinne though not knowne to the people made the whole armie guiltie before God till he was put to death Iosh. 7. 11 12. Lastly if the tithing of an armie for the offence of some fewe haue beene thought lawfull and iust why should the death of 36 men seeme vniust for the sin of Achan especially considering it was to make the people more prouident to preuent and take heede of the like euill If these reasons satisfie not yet let vs rest in this that Gods iudgements are often secret but alway iust See August lib. quaest in Iosh. q. 8. and Calvin in 7. cap. ●osh Obiect UII If euery man must beare his owne burden Dauid shall as well beare the burden of his murthering Vrias by the sword of the children of Ammon as Saul the murthering of himselfe with his owne sword Peter his denying Christ as Iudas his betraying him c. Ans. By the sentence of the Law euery one is to beare his owne burden and to satisfie for his owne sinne in his owne person but the Gospel the second part of Gods word makes an exception which is that they which haue their sinnes set vpon Christs reckening shall not giue account for them againe and those that haue the burden of them laide vpon his shoulders who hath borne our sinnes in his bodie vpon the crosse 1. Pet. 2. 23. shall not beare the burden of them themselues at the last iudgement Therefore true beleeuers which haue Christ their suretie satisfying the rigour of Gods iustice for them shall not answer or satisfie forthē themselues for they are freed by him from a threefold burden First frō the burden of ceremonies so consequently of humane lawes and ordinances which were a yoke as Peter saith which neither we nor our fathers were able to beare Act. 15. Secondly from the burden of miseries and crosses which befall men in this life He doth ease vs of this burden by his word and spirit either in remoouing them away Psal. 81. 7. or in giuing strength and patience to beare them 2. Cor. 12. 9. or in mitigating proportionating them to our strength 1. Cor. 10. 13. Thirdly from the burden of sinne as well originall as actuall in beeing made sinne that is accounted a sinner and made a sacrifice for sinne for vs as also by easing them that are heauie laden in pacifying the perplexed conscience Matth. 11. 28. It will be said if Christ beare the burden of our sinnes euery man shall not beare his owne burden Ans. Both be true and may well stand together for Legally euery man is to beare his owne burden the Law requiring personall obedience or satisfaction or both Euangelically Christ our suretie doth beare the burden of them and satisfie the iustice of God for them 1. Pet. 2. 23. Use. Hence we learne first that no man can pay a ransome for his brother or redeeme his soule from death or satisfie the iustice of God for his sinne seeing that euery man by the tenour of the Law is to beare his owne burden and by the Gospel none can be our suretie but Christ. Secondly here we see the nature of sinne that it is a burden to the soule for it is heauier then the grauell of the earth and the sand of the sea It is a burden to the wicked Angels for it waighed them frō the
for vs and to applie it vnto vs. And this worke is done by Christ without impediment and without repentance on his part The seale and foundation of our saluation is this that God accepts and knowes vs for his 2. Tim. 2. 19. and that which concernes vs is that we must worship God in spirit and truth and depart from iniquitie Lastly here is comfort against the consideration of our vnworthines Thou saiest thou art vnworthie of the mercie of God and therefore hast no hope And I say againe dost thou truly exercise thy selfe in the spirituall exercises of faith inuocation repentance be not discouraged thou must not receiue the promise immediately of God but Christ must doe it for thee Though thou be vnworthie yet there is dignitie and worthines sufficient in him If thou say that thou must at the least receiue the promise at the hand of Christ. I adde further that he will not quench the flaxe that doth but smoake neither will he breake the bruised reede He accepts the weake apprehension if it be in truth And our saluation stands in this not that we know and apprehend him but that he knowes apprehends vs first of all v. 17. This I say In the former verses Paul hath laid downe two grounds one is that testaments of men confirmed may not be abrogated the other that the promises were made to Abraham and his seede which is Christ. Now what of all this may some man say Paul therefore addes these words This I say that is the scope and intent of all my speech is to shew that the couenant or testament confirmed by God cannot be abrogated and secondly if it might so be yet that the law could not abrogate the testament because it was giuen 430 yeares after the confirmation of the saide testament And because it might be doubtfull what Paul meanes when he saith the couenant confirmed cannot be abrogated he explanes himselfe in the ende of the verse by saying the promise cannot be made of no effect It is here to be obserued that Paul saith the promise made to Abraham is a couenant or testament It is a Couenant or compact because God for his part promiseth remission of sinnes and life euerlasting and requireth faith on our part In respect of this mutuall obligation it hath in it the forme of a couenant It is also a Will or Testament in two respects First because the promise is confirmed by the death of the mediatour Heb. 9. 15. Secondly the things promised as remission of sinnes and life euerlasting are giuen after the manner of legacies that is freely without our desert or procurement In this we see the great goodnes of God who vouchsafeth to name them in his testament that haue made couenant with the deuill and are children of wrath by nature as we all are Again in that the promise is a testament remission of sinnes and life euerlasting is a Legacie and for the obtainment of thē we must bring nothing vnto God but hunger and thirst after them and make suit vnto God for them by asking seeking knocking Thus are all Legacies obtained there is no more required on our part but to receiue and accept them And though we be neuer so vnworthie in our selues yet shall it suffice for the hauing of the blessing of God if our names be found in the Testament of God Againe Paul saith that the promise made to Abraham is a couenant confirmed of God It may be demanded by what meanes it was confirmed Ans. By oath Heb. 6. 17. Againe it may be demanded to whome it was confirmed Ans. To Abraham as beeing the father of all the faithfull and then to his seede that is first to the Mediatour Christ and consequently to euery beleeuer whether Iew or Gentile For Abraham in the first making and in the confirmation thereof must be considered as a publike person representing all the faithfull Here againe we see Gods goodnes We are bound simply to beleeue his bare word yet in regard of our weaknes he is content to ratifie his promise by oath that there might be no occasion of vnbeleefe Againe here we are admonished to rest by faith on the promise of God as Abraham did when there is no hope Some may say I could doe so if God would speake to me as he did to Abraham I answer againe when God spake to Abraham in him he spake to all his seede and therefore to thee whosoeuer thou art that beleeuest in Christ. And hence we are to gather sure hope of life euerlasting For in the person of Abraham God hath spoken to vs he hath made promise of blessing to vs he hath made couenant with vs and he hath sworne vnto vs. What can we more require of him what better ground of true comfort Hebr. 6. 17. 18. Lastly in that God thus confirmes vnto vs the promise of life euerlasting it must incourage vs to all diligence in the vse of all good meanes whereby we may attaine to the condition of Abraham and it must arme vs to all patience in bearing the miseries calamites that fall out in the strait way to eternal life Further Paul saith that the promise is a couenant confirmed that in respect of Christ because he is the scope foundation of all the promises of God partly by merit and partly by efficacie By merit because he hath procured by his death and passion remission of sinnes and life euerlasting By his efficacie because he seales vp vnto vs in our consciences remission of sinnes and withall restores in vs the image of God The vse If Christ be the ground of the promise then is he the ground and fountaine of all the blessings of God And for this cause the right way to obtaine any blessing of God is first to receiue the promise and in the promise Christ and Christ beeing ours in him and from him we shall receiue all things necessarie The second answer of Paul to the former obiection is that if the promise made to Abraham might be disanulled yet the law could not doe it And he giues a double reason The first is drawne from the circumstance of time Because the promise or couenant was made with Abraham and continued by God 430 yeares before the law was giuen therefore saith Paul the law was not giuen to disanull the promise Against this reason it may be obiected that Abrahams seed was but 400 yeares in a strange land Gen. 15. 13. Ans. Moses speakes of the time that was from the beginning of Abrahams seede or from the birth of Isaac to the giuing of the law and Paul here speakes of the time that was betweene the giuing of the promise to Abraham and the giuing of the law and that was 10 yeares before the birth of Isaac Againe it may be obiected that the Israelites were in Egypt 430 yeares Fxod 12. 40. The dwelling of the children of Israel while they dwelled in Egypt was 430 yeares Therefore it
least we surfet Yet in spirituall ioyes the measure is to reioice without measure if we be rauished with ioy in Christ that we crie againe it is the best of all 28. Therefore brethren we are after the manner of Isaac children of the promise Here Paul shewes that as Sara figured the catholike church so Isaac was a figure of all true beleeuers the children of God Therefore or thus And we brethren We not onely the Iewes but also beleeuing Gentiles Promise the promise made to Abraham I will be thy God and the God of thy seed or the promise made to the church that beeing barren shee shall beare many children Children of promise beleeuers are so called not because they beleeue the promise though that be a truth but because they are made children of God by the vertue of Gods promise For thus was Isaac the child of promise in that he was borne to Abraham not by the strength of nature but by Gods promise And Paul opposeth the children of the promise to the children of the flesh which were borne by naturall strength Rom. 9. 8. Hence it followes that the meere grace of God is the cause of our election and adoption and not any thing in vs. For the promise of God makes vs Gods children and the promise is of the meere grace of God and therefore we are Gods children by the meere grace of God For the cause of the cause is the cause of the thing caused Therefore Paul saith that the Ephesians were predestinate to adoption Eph. 1. 5. And he saith the 7000 that neuer bowed knee to Baal were reserued by the election of grace Rom. 11. 5. And it is a false Position to teach that Election and adoption are according to Gods foreknowledge of our faith and obedience For thus shall we Elect our selues and be children not of Gods promise but of our own freewill and faith Moreouer God foresees our future faith and obedience because he first decreed to giue the grace of faith vnto vs because the foreknowledge of things which are to come to passe depends vpon a precedent will in God Marke further the children of God are called the children of the promise and this promise is absolute and effectual Here a question may be resolued and that it whether the child of God in his conuersion haue a libertie and power to resist the inward calling of God Answ. No. The absolute will of God cannot be resisted nowe the promise whereby men are made the children of God is the absolute will of God Againe with this promise is ioyned the infinite power of God which without all resistance brings that to passe which God hath promised For he makes men to doe that which he commands Ezec. 36. 26. he giues the will and the deede Phil. 2. 13. so as men effectually called cannot but come Ioh. 6. 45. It may be saide that this is to abolish all freedome of will Ans. It sufficeth to the libertie of the will that it be free from compulsion for constraint takes away the libertie of the will and not necessitie Secondly the determination of mans will by the will of God is the libertie of the will and not the bondage thereof for this is perfect libertie when mans wil is conformable to the will of God 29 But as he which was borne according to the flesh persecuted him that was borne after the spirit so is it now These wordes are an answer to an Obiection on this manner We are hated of the Iewes and therefore we are not the children of promise The answer is two fold One in this verse thus No maruell this is the old fashion it was thus in Abrahams familie For Ismael borne after the flesh persecuted Isaac borne after the spirit and so it is at this day Obserue that there is a perpetuall enmitie and opposition betweene true beleeuers and hypocrites God put enmitie betweene the seede of the serpent and the seede of the woman Gen. 13. 15. The world hates them that are chosen out of the world Ioh. 15. 19. Carnall men cannot abide that their opinions and doings should be iudged and condemned of others Ioh. 3. 20. And hence comes the opposition that is betweene beleeuers and hypocrites who cannot abide such as are not like themselues This hatred and opposition shewes it selfe in persecution of which three things are to be considered The first is who persecutes Ans. Carnall Ismaelites such as are of the same religion and familie with Isaac Thus the Iewes persecuted their owne Prophets and the Thessalonians were persecuted of their own prophets 1. Thes. 2. 14. Thus Priests and Iesuits that haue bin hertofore borne baptised brought vp among vs are the causes of many seditions conspiracies and seeke the subue●sion of Church and land The second is who are persecuted Ans. Spirituall men the children of the promise They suffer wrong but they doe none In the mount of the Lord there is no hurt done Isa. 11. 9. they turne their speares and swords into mattocks and sithes Isa. 2. 4. And they which doe no wrong but are content to suffer wrong and that for a good cause are in this respect blessed Matth. 5. 10. The third point is touching the kind of persecution and that was skorning or mocking Gen. 21. 9. It may be demanded how mocking can be persecution Ans. Mocking and derision which riseth of the hatred and contempt of our brother is a degree of murder He which saith Raca to his brother is guiltie of a Councell Matth. 5. 22. Here Raca signifieth all signes and gestures that expresse contempt as snuffing tushing iering gerning c. Cain is rebuked of God euen for the casting downe of his countenance Gen. 4. 6. Againe the mocking wherewith Ismael mocked Isaac proceeded from a contemp and hatred of the grace of God in Isaac which Paul notes when he saith that he was persecuted which was borne after the spirit This hatred of Gods grace in men is the beginning of all persecution and the deriding of the grace of God is as much as the spoiling of our goods and the seeking of our liues Thus Cain hated his brother by reason of the grace of God because his deedes were good 1. Ioh. 3. 12. A great part of the sufferings of Christ stood in this that he was mocked for his confidence in God Psal. 22. 8. Matt. 27. 43. The children of Bethel mocke Elizeus first for his person calling him bald pate secondly for the fauour of God shewed vpon Elias his master in saying Ascend bald ●ate that is ascend not to Bethel but ascend to heauen as Elias did And this prophane skorning he cursed in the name of God 2. King 2. 23. The like skorning is vsed among vs at this day For the practise of that religion which stands by the law of God and the good lawes of this land is nicknamed with tearmes of precis●nes and puritie A thing much to be lamented for this bewraies