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A91981 The souldiers catechisme: composed for the Parliaments Army: consisting of two parts: wherein are chiefly taught: 1 the iustification 2 the qualification of our souldiers. Written for the incouragement and instruction of all that have taken up armes in this cause of God and his people; especially the common souldiers. Imprimatur. Ja. Cranford. Ram, Robert, d. 1657. 1644 (1644) Wing R196; Thomason E1186_1; ESTC R208219 10,297 30

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besides we know that God can make use of wicked men to serve his providence as he doth of wicked Angells 4. We have many instances of bad men that have done good service to God and his Church as Saul Ioab c. Q. Is it well done of some of your Souldiers which seem to be religious to break down Crosses and Images where they meet with any A. 1. I confesse that nothing ought to be done in a tumultuous manner 2. But seeing God hath put the Sword of Reformation into the Souldiers hand I thinke it is not amisse that they should cancell and demolish those Monuments of Superstition and Idolatry especially seeing the Magistrate and the Minister that should have done it formerly neglected it Q. But what say you to their tearing and burning the Books of Common Prayer in every place where they come A. Much may be said in their justification who shew themselves so zealous against that Booke 1. It hath been the fomenter of a most lazie lewd and ignorant Ministry 2. It hath been the Nurse of that lamentable blindnesse and ignorance which hath overspread many parts of this Kingdome 3. It is a great cause of our present calamities for who are they that side with our Popish Enemies but Common-Prayer men 4. It is become the most abominable Idoll in the Land people generally doe doat upon it as much as the Ephesians upon Diana and prefer it before Preaching in many places being strangely inraged for the want of it 5. It is high time therefore to remove this Brazen Serpent and grinde it to powder seeing it is the occasion of so much evill 6. It is very likely therefore that God hath stirred up the spirits of some honest souldiers to be his Instruments for the destruction of that Idoll 7. It belongs to the Parliament Souldiers upon the matter to remove all scandalous things they meet with having covenanted and ingaged themselves in the work of Reformation Q. What doe you say concerning valour and courage A. 1. I say it is a most noble and heroicall vertue that makes some men differ from others as much as all men differ from beasts 2. I say it is impossible for any to be a good souldier without it An Army of Harts led by a Lion is better then an Army of Lions led by a Hart. 3. I say that one valiant man in an Army is better then a thousand cowards 4. I say that a coward degenerates from man being of a base and ignoble nature 1. God took speciall care that all faint-hearted cowards should be cashiered out of his Armies Deut. 20.8 2. Cowards ever do more hurt then good being like an X before an L. 3. And for the most part cowards miscarrie sooner then those that are couragious Q. What are the chiefe Arguments and considerations to make a souldier couragious in the Parliaments Service A. 1. The goodnesse of the Cause which undoubtedly is Gods and his Churches 2. The promise of God to help his Church and People against his and his Churches Enemies 3. The manifold experiences that the people of God have had in former ages of his assistance 4. The manifold experiences of Gods speciall goodnesse to his servants in these times 5. The assurance that not a haire can fall from our heads without the providence and permission of God 6. The danger of faint-heartednesse he that would save his life in such times as these shall lose it 7. The promise that whosoever shall lose his life or any thing els in the Cause of Christ and his Gospell shall be a great gainer by the hand 8. The consideration that this Warre is surrounded with the prayers and blessings of all the good people of the Land 9. The multitude of eminent Christians of all sorts that are ingaged in this businesse 10. The great reward of honour here and glory hereafter that shall be given to every one that is valiant for the Lord. Q. What are the principall enemies to courage and valour A. 1. Want of experience fresh-water souldiers are commonly faint-hearted souldiers whereas they that have been used to the Warres are usually of undaunted spirits 2. Want of metall some mens spirits are naturally so low and base that they will never prove good souldiers as it is with cocks so is it amongst men there is a breed and generation of cravens 3. Want of Faith when a man hath little or no confidence in God his heart must needs faile him in undertakings of danger whereas Faith feares not in the valley of the shadow of death Psal 23.4 4. Want of innocency and a good conscience Prov. 28.1 It was the speech of the valorous Earle of Essex our renowned Generals Father cited by D. Barlow in his Sermon at Pauls Crosse March 1.1600 That somtimes in the field encountering the enemy the weight of his sinnes lying heavie upon his conscience being not reconciled to God quelled his spirits and made him the most timerous man that might be 5. Want of wisdome and consideration for surely if men would seriously consider the evills of cowardice and the excellency of valour it would make them abhorre the one and be ambitious of the other Q. Is there any great need of skill and cunning in this Profession A. Yea doubtlesse for David doth thankfully acknowledge the Lords goodnes in teaching his hands to warre and his fingers to fight Psal 144.1 1. Great wisdome policie and experience is required in Commanders 2. And no lesse skill and dexterity in common souldiers they must know how to handle their Armes how to keep Ranks c. 3. Certainly a few well-trained Souldiers are better then a multitude of raw unexperienced men Q. What should be done to make souldiers skilfull in their art A. 1. Officers should bee very diligent in teaching and exercising their men 2. Common souldiers should make it their businesse to learn and yet what cunning they can 3. Every souldier should seeke to God by prayer that he would instruct and teach them for it is the blessing of God that makes men to profit in any profession 4. Both Commanders Officers and common Souldiers may advantage themselves by reading and observing what hath been written by eminent Souldiers of this Act. Q. How ought Commanders and Officers to carry themselves towards their Souldiers A. 1. Religiously shewing them no evill example but being a patterne to them of virtue and godlinesse 2. Lovingly not in a sterne rugged manner considering that their Command is not over Beares But men 3. Discreetly incouraging them most that deserve best and avoiding so much familiarity as may breed contempt 4. Justly not defrauding them of their due nor doing or suffering any injury to be done to the meanest Q. How should inferiour Souldiers demeane themselves toward their Commanders and Officers A. 1. They must acknowledge and honour them as Superiours and account them as men set over them by the providence of God and wisdome of the State 2. They must be exactly obedient to their command even for conscience sake Rom. 13.5 of all men Souldiers are most strictly tyed to obedience the want whereof may prove of very dangerous consequence Q. What say you of such Souldiers as are given to mutining A. 1. They are as dangerous Cattle as can belong to an Army 2. They deserve severe punishment and to be utterly cashiered 3. They will hardly ever prove good Souldidiers that are taynted with this humour Q. What is your opinion of those Souldiers that run away from their Colours A. 1. Such are by Martiall Law to suffer death and surely they well deserve it 2. 'T is a most ignoble and base part to doe so and they deserve to be branded with infamy for ever that are guilty of it 3. Nay it is a fowle wickednesse being offensive both to God and man Psal 78.9 1. For such if the Cause be just doe abandon the Cause of God 2. They deceive that trust which was reposed in them by the State 3. As much as in them lies they betray the Cause they have undertaken 4. They give dangerous example and may occasion the overthrow of an Army Q. How ought souldiers to be incouraged and rewarded A. 1. They ought to be highly honoured especially such as have been couragious and faithfull in their Countreyes Service 2. They ought to be well maintained with sufficient allowance while they are abroad in imployment for no man goeth on warfare at his own charges 3. They that have received any hurt or losse by the warres ought to be liberally provided for and comfortably maintained all their dayes by them that sent them forth Q. What Arguments have you to prove that such honour and respect should bee done to our souldiers A. 1. They that fight against the Churches Enemies are Gods helpers against the mighty Iudg. 5.23 2. They are the Instruments of Justice and the Executioners of Gods Judgements Psalme 149.7 9. 3. They shew themselves men of publike spirits and true lovers of their Countrey 4. They shew themselves valiant and couragious which are very high deserving qualities 5. No men undergoe such hardship and hazzard as the souldier doth 6. None deserve better then they either of Church Commonwealth or Posterity FINIS
THE SOULDIERS CATECHISME Composed for The Parliaments Army Consisting of two Parts wherein are chiefly taught 1 The Iustification of our Souldiers 2 The Qualification of our Souldiers Written for the Incouragement and Instruction of all that have taken up Armes in this Cause of God and his People especially the common Souldiers 2 Sam. 10.12 Be of good courage and let us play the men for our people and for the Cities of our God and the Lord do that which seemeth him good Deut. 23.9 When the Host goeth forth against thine enemies then keepe thee from every wicked thing Imprimatur JA. CRANFORD Printed for J. Wright in the Old-Baily 1644 THE SOULDIERS CATECHISME Composed for the Parliaments Armie Question WHat Profession are you of Answer I am a Christian and a souldier Q. Is it lawfull for Christians to be souldiers A. Yea doubtlesse we have Arguments enough to warrant it 1. God calls himself a man of war and Lord of Hosts 2. Abraham had a Regiment of 318. Trained men 3. David was imployed in fighting the Lords battels 4. The Holy Ghost makes honourable mention of Davids Worthies 5. God himselfe taught David to fight 6. The noble gift of valour is given for this purpose 7. The New Testament mentioneth two famous Centurions 8. The Baptist doth not require the souldiers to leave their profession Luke 3.14 9. Many comparisons are taken from this Calling in the New Testament 10. There have been many famous Martyrs of this profession Q. What does our Saviour meane then by those words Mat. 5.39 A. 1. Christ there onely forbids private revenge and resistance 2. Scripture is the best interpreter of Scripture we know that other places of Scripture do warrant taking up of Arms in some cases Q. What side are you of and for whom do● you fight A. I am for King and Parliament or in plainer termes 1. I fight to recover the King out of the hands of a Popish Malignant Company that have seduced His Majesty with their wicked Counsels and have withdrawne him from his Parliament 2. I fight for the Lawes and Liberties of my Countrey which are now in danger to be overthrowne by them that have long laboured to bring into this Kingdome an Arbitrary and Tyrannicall Government 3. I fight for the preservation of our Parliament in the being whereof under God consists the glory and welfare of this Kingdome if this Foundation be overthrown we shall soone bee the most slavish Nation in the Christian World 4. I fight in the defence and maintenance of the true Protestant Religion which is now violently opposed and will be utterly supprest in this Kingdome and the Popish Religion again advanced if the Armies raised against the Parliament prevaile Q. But is it not against the King that you fight in this Cause A. No surely yet many do abuse the world with this base and absurd objection our onely aime is 1. To rescue the King out of the hands of his and the Kingdomes enemies and to maintaine his Honour and just Prerogatives 2. We endeavour to defend that which the King is bound to defend both by his Oath and Office 3. Wee take up Armes against the enemies of Jesus Christ who in His Majesties name make warre against the Church and People of God 4. If the King will joine himself with them that seek the ruine of his people and the overthrow of Religion surely both we and all good Subjects may lawfully stand in the defence of both as the people did against King Saul in the case of Ionathan 1 King 14.45 5. We do no more then what our Brethren of Scotland did when they came into this Kingdome with an Army some three or foure yeares since whose Action the King and both Houses have cleered from all Rebellion and they remaine justified in what they then did to all posterity by an Act of Parliament Q. Hath not the King published many Protestations that he will maintain our Lawes Liberties and Religion why then do we feare the subversion of them A. 1. Many things have been published in his Majesties name which in all probability he never saw or knew of 2. Though the King himselfe may intend really and well yet the Sonnes of Zervia are too strong for him 3. It is not to be imagined that a Popish Army will defend the Protestant Religion or lawlesse Libertines the Lawes of the Land 4. We find by wofull experience that he hath many waies failed in divers of those large Promises and Protestations notwithstanding that God hath been so often called to witnesse 5. They say it is a Maxime now at Court that Faith is not to be kept with Hereticks and such doe some there account all true Protestants Q. How can you that are Souldiers for the Parliament answer that place of Paul Rom. 13.1 2 3. c. A. 1. That place requires not obedience to any unlawfull Commands neither doth any other place of Scripture we are no further to obey man then may stand with the will of God 2. They are grosly mistaken which say the King is the highest power Indeed he is the highest person in his Dominions but the Lawes and Courts of the Kingdom are above him in power and the King himself is limited and subject to the meanest Court in the Land Therefore surely the high Court of Parliament must needs bee the higher Power which not to obey is to resist the Ordinance of God 3. Suppose the King were the Higher Power yet if he shall intend or permit the ruine of his Subjects both nature and grace allowes people to preserve themselves 4. If the King be the higher power by constitution yet is his power now in other hands by usurpation The Queen Iermin Bristol Digby Cottington Windebanke Porter and many others have for a long time and do still mannage the greatest affaires of the Kingdome so that it were a miserable thing to be subjected in conscience as that Text imports if some mens exposition might passe for orthodox Divinity to such enemies and incendiaries both of Church and Commonwealth Q. What is it that moves you to take up Arms and to ingage your selfe in this Civill Warre A. 1. The love I beare to my Countrey 2. The preservation of our Parliament Laws and Liberties 3. The defence of our Religion against Poperie 4. The care of our Posterity 5. The generall forwardnesse of all good people 6. The consent and provocation of all Gods Ministers 7. The command of the Parliament which is the Higher Power 8. The necessity that now lies upon all that feare God in the Land Q. What do you think then of those Protestants which sit still and do not put forth themselves in these times A. 1. Either they are not convinced of the necessity 2. Or they are but luke-warme Professors 3. Or they are of base and private spirits 4. Or they are faint-hearted cowards 5. Or they are secret enemies to God and his Cause Q. What danger are
3. Winchby neete Horne-Castle 4. Hull the same day 5. Lincolne 6. Gainsborough 7. Arundell Castle 8. Nantwich 9. Alsford near Winchester besides many other defeats given the enemy and divers other places of lesser note recovered without any considerable losse on our side Q. But is it not a lamentable thing that Christians of the same Nation should thus imbrue their hands in one anothers blood A. I confesse it is But as the case now stands there is an inevitable and absolute necessity of fighting laid upon the good people of the Land 1. Is it not high time to stand upon our guard when our enemies have drawn their Swords upon us to invade our persons and whatsoever is dear to us 2. God now calls upon us to avenge the blood of his Saints that hath been shed in the Land and those many outrages which have been committed against his servants 3. The whole Church of God calls upon us to come in to the help of the Lord and his people against the mighty 4. Our children and posterity call upon us to maintain those Liberties and that Gospel which we received from our fore-fathers 5. We are not now to look at our enemies as Country-men or Kinsmen or fellow-Protestants but as the enemies of God and our Religion and siders with Antichrist and so our eye is not to pitie them nor our sword to spare them Ier. 48.10 Q. There are a great many on the Kings Party that have beene held honest men c. will your sword make no difference betweene them and others A. 1. If they joyn themselves with the malignant Party we cannot know them from Malignants 2. It is to be feared that such were never of us because they are so cruell against us hypocrites commonly when they are unmaskt prove the most dangerous enemies Q. Who do you thinke were the Authors and occasioners of this unnaturall Warre A. 1. The Jesuites those fire-brands of mischiefe with all the Popish party 2. The Bishops and the rotten Clergie with all the Prelaticall party 3. The Delinquents that were not able to abide the triall of Justice with all the Malignant party 4. The formall Gospellers of the Kingdome that hate a Reformation with all the Atheistiall party Q. Do not many of them that you count your enemies stand for Religion as well as you A. 1. Surely they are mad that thinke the Papists will fight in defence of the Protestant Religion 2. They are very simple that expect any care of the true Religion from the Prelates and their party who have beene the grand persecuters of it 3. Neither is it to be imagined that men so loose lewd and wicked as most of your Cavaliers are should really intend the preservation of Religion or any thing else that is good 4. We know the Earl of Newcastle pretends that he fight for Religion yet his Army is for the most part Popish and he said not long since That men might talk of Religion and so forth but Religion of it selfe was but an ayerie thing 5. Their rage and madnesse against those that they know to have been most zealous and forward in the maintenance and profession of the Protestant Religion doth sufficiently shew how cordially they stand for Religion 6. Indeed they do stand for Religion but just as the Ephesians stood for Diana Acts 17. 1. They stand for a Popish Prelacie 2. They stand for an Ignominious Clergie 3. They stand for the soule-starving Service-Booke 4. They stand for a companie of stinking Ceremonies 5. They stand for abominable Monuments of Idolatrie 6. They stand for unchristian liberty Q. Do you think that there will be a Reformation of these things before we shall injoy any peace A. Yea doubtlesse and I gather it from these Reasons 1. Because Gods anger is let loose upon this Nation for these things 2. Because about this time hundred years Poperie was suppressed in this Kingdome and it is noted that every Centurie or hundred years hath produced great alterations in the Church 3. Because it is Reformation that our Enemies do most feare 4. Because the Devill and his Instruments do so bestirre themselves at this time 5. Because all the reformed Churches in Christendome pray for and expect our Reformation 6. Because the measure of our enemies iniquity is now full 7. Because a solemne Oath and Covenant is taken to that purpose The Second Part of the Souldiers Catechisme Q. WHat are the principall things required in a Souldier A. 1. That hee bee religious and godly 2. That he be couragious and valiant 3. That he be skilfull in the Militarie Profession Q. How do you prove that our souldiers should be religious A. 1. By Scripture Deut. 23.9 Luk. 3.14 2. Besides there be many Reasons to confirme it 1. Because they lie so open to death 2. They stand in continuall need of Gods assistance 3. They fight for Religion and Reformation 4. God hath rais'd them up to execute justice 5. Men may be as religious in this Profession as in any other 6. We read of brave souldiers that have been very religious 7. A well ordered Camp is a Schoole of Vertue wherein is taught 1. Preparation to death 2. Continencie 3. Vigilancie 4. Obedience 5. Hardnesse 6. Temperance 7. Humilitie 8. Devotion c. Q. Who do chiefly offend against this Rule A. 1. Such souldiers as give themselves to whoring and uncleannesse 2. Such as use to sweare and blaspheme the name of God 3. Such as follow that swinish sin of drunkennesse 4. Such as plunder and steale whatsoever they come neare Q. Are not these things tolerable in souldiers A. No more in them then other men the Scripture saith generally to and of all men whatsoever 1. That whoremongers and adulterers God will judge Heb. 13.5 2. That the Lord will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his Name in vaine 3. That drunkards shall not inherit the Kingdome of God 1 Cor. 6.9 10. 4. That he that doth wrong shall receive for the wrong he hath done and there is no respect of persons Col. 3. ult Q. What is the reason then that there be so many lewd and wicked men in the Parliaments Army A. 1. Because Commanders in Chief are not more carefull in choosing godly Officers 2. Because honest religious men are not more forward to put forth themselves in this service of God and his Church 3. Because Order and Discipline is not more strictly executed by Superiours 4. Because Officers in Towns and Countrie● aimto presse the scumme and refuse of men and so by easing themselves pesture our Armies with base conditioned people Q. How can we expect a blessing upon our preparations when so many godlesse wretches are imployed in our Armies A. 1. Truly it is a very sad thing and much to be lamented and requires the care of the State to remedy 2. Yet blessed be God we have multitudes of godly and eminent Christians that are ingaged in the Parliaments Service 3. And