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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22474 The badges of Christianity. Or, A treatise of the sacraments fully declared out of the word of God Wherein the truth it selfe is proued, the doctrine of the reformed churches maintained, and the errors of the churches of Rome are euidently conuinced: by pervsing wherof the discreet reader may easily perceiue, the weak and vnstable grounds of the Roman religion, and the iust causes of our lawfull separation. Diuided into three bookes: 1. Of the sacraments in generall. 2. Of Baptisme. 3. Of the Lords Supper. Hereunto is annexed a corollarie or necessary aduertisement, shewing the intention of this present worke, opening the differences among vs about the question of the supper, discouering the idolatry and diuisions of the popish clergy, ... By William Attersoll, minister of the Word of God. Attersoll, William, d. 1640.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Principles of Christian religion. aut 1606 (1606) STC 889; ESTC S115827 366,439 472

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and so let him eate of this bread and drinke of this cup. Where he giueth a double commaundement first to appeare reuerently then to receiue worthily Now al that must proue and try themselues are commaunded not only to eate bread but to drink of the cup but al must try and examine themselues therfore al are commanded both to eat and drink at the lords table If this be a commaundement to examine then the wordes following of eating and drinking are likewise commandements There is no halting in these let them admit both or let them deny both Eightly if the faithfull take not the cup in the supper of the lord the condicion of Christians vnder the Gospel shal be worse then of the Isralites vnder the law For the people of Israell in the wildernesse hauing the same sacrament in effect with vs Did all drinke of the spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was Christ as the Apostle affirmeth But out condicion is not worser and weaker then theirs therefore all the faithful are to drink of the cup of the lord Bellarmine the Souldan of the Romish Synagogue answereth thus They drunke not water out of the rock when they did eate of the spirituall meate but in another place and at an other time But this is an answearlesse answer which cannot satisfie For albeit the sacraments of the Isralites as figures and types did represent the same graces that our Sacraments do yet it is not necessary they should in all pointes answer each other and in all respectes agree together Besides the Church of Rome at no time aloweth the people to drinke of the Wine a seale of the blood of Christ they keepe them from the cup of the Lord both when they giue them the bread and at all other times and thereby make their estate worse then the estate of the Iewes Indeed if they did at any time permit al the people to drink of the cup they might pretend this example of the Israelites but inasmuch as they vtterly deny them this part of the cup they ouerthrow themselues in their malice and yet in their blindnes they do not see it Lastly many of the fathers did both eate Manna and 〈◊〉 water out of the rock if not in the same place yet at one the same time inasmuch as they gathered thereof euery morning and it ceased not vntill they entred the frontiers and confines of the land of promise But they neuer alow without a toleration and dispensation the people in any place at any time vpon any occasion and in any respect to tast of the cup in the Lords supper Ninthly if the cup of the new testament may be taken from the Lordes people in like manner the water in baptisme may be taken away frō them For the blood of christ whereby remission of sins is purchased and procured is represented by the wine of the Lordes Supper as well as by the water in baptisme But the water in baptisme without great sacriledge cannot be omitted or neglected wherefore then should the cup be taken away Lastly if any part of the supper might be taken away from the people then like wise the word of God may be taken from them for in this point there is the same reason and respect of them both A Sacrament is nothing else but a visible word and a sealing vp of the word and the offence semeth to be the same whether a man break the seale or rent the writing But the word cannot be withdrawen frō Christian people it being the instrument of faith and the life of the Church Wherefore it is the greatest wrong and iniury done to the people of God to take from them the cup of saluation The answer to this reason must be to confesse the parts and yeeld the conclusion forasmuch as by forbidding the people the reading of the Scriptures they haue robbed them of the word of God and taken from them the key of knowledge neither entring themselues into the kingdom of heauen nor suffering those that would enter No marueile then if they take the cup of blessing from the people who haue taken from them the free vse of the word of God To conclude these reasons it is Antichrist who contrary to the doctrine of christ contrary to the institution of the supper contrary to the practise of the Apostles and contrary to the vse of the former churches hath excluded the people languishing and th●●sting after the blood of christ as the dry earth for the sweete shewers of raine from taking the cup of the lord and left them a dry cōmunion to eat the bread of the sacrament alone Hauing considered the truth of God by sundry reasons grounded in the scripture that the people haue good interest and title in the cup denied vnto them let vs answer the obiections of the aduersaries made against the former doctrine First they pretend that christ administred it to the apostles only and not to any of the people consequently the institution for taking the cup can be no general cōmaundement for al men thus the Rhemistes reason I answer first it may be doubted and disputed whether onely the Apostles were present at his last Supper For seeing diuerse were added vnto the church and professed the faith of christ seeing he had other disciples beside the twelue seeing many Godly men and women followed him to see his miracles and to hear the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth why should we think that none of them were admi●ted to his table who had often heard his preaching and depended vpon him in their liuing Again the passeouer was celebrated in that house of a faithful man as may be collected by sundry circumstances now thē either the lord Iesus annexed that famely vnto his as the law in one case appointed or else we shall haue two passe-ouers at one time in one house which hath no warrant of scripture no colour of truth no probability of reason We read in the institution celebration of the passe-ouer of ioyning house to house and taking his neighbor next vnto him in case of the insufficiency of one houshold to eate the lambe but we neuer read of killing two lambes and keeping two passeouers vnder one roofe Besides the smal remnant of the faithful among the Iewes would no-doubt rightly and religiously obserue the passe-ouer after the example of their lord and maister rather according to the precept of Moses ' then aceording to the practise of the Iewes in imitation of christ rather then according to the tradition of the elders Furthermore we are to consider that in eating the passeouer they sorted thēselues together according to the number of the persons able to eate vp the lambe for they commanded to take A lambe without blemish a male of a yeare old if the houshold be to little for the lambe he shal take his neighbour which is next vnto
that make Iohn and not God to be the appointer author and ordainer of his baptisme contrary to expresse euidence of holy 〈◊〉 For seeing no man taketh this honor vpon him but he that is called of God as Aaron was shall we thinke hee would vsurp this office without gods word warrant And doth not christ himfelfe propound the question to the 〈◊〉 priests and elders of the people touching Iohns Baptisme and teach that he baptized and preached by the authority and commaundement of God Besides do not the Euangelists say he was sent of god Ioh. 1 6 and that the word of God came to Iohn in the wildernesse and he came into all the coastes about Iordan preaching and baptizing Luk 3 2 3. yea Iohn himselfe testifieth that he was sent to baptize Ioh. 1. 33 I knew him not but he that sent me to baptize with water said vnto me vpon whom thou shalt see that spirit come 〈◊〉 and tarry still vpon him that is he which baptizeth with the Holy-ghost Where by appeareth that Iohns baptisme was 〈◊〉 of God no of Iohn and Iohn was not the author but onely the minister thereof Againe he obiecteth and allegeth Math. 3 11 where Iohn himselfe saith I baptize with water but Christ shall baptize with the Holy-ghost whence he gathereth that Christs baptisme gaue the Holy-ghost Iohns baptisme gaue not the holy ghost therefore their baptismes are not all one I answer these words were spoken to inform the people that he was not that christ Luk. 3 15 16. so that they make a difference not betweene the Baptisme of CHRIST and of Iohn but between the persons of Christ and of Iohn betweene the minister of the Sacrament and the 〈◊〉 thereof For this is true of all the Ministers of Baptisme to the end of the world that baptize in the name of the holy Trinity they poure on the water they can do no more they can go no further Christ must giue the grace of regeneration and sanctification Moreouer another obiection he taketh out of Act. 19 4 5. where Luke speaketh of certaine disciples at Ephesus to whom Paule said Haue ye receiued the Holy-ghost since ye beleeued And they saide vnto him we haue not so much as heard whether there be an holy ghost And he said vnto them vnto what were ye then baptized And they said vnto Iohns Baptisme Then Paule saide Iohn verily baptized with the baptisme of repentance saying vnto the people that they should beleeu in him which shal come after him that is in Christ Iesus And when they heard it they were baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus So Paule laid his hands on them and the Holy-ghost came on him and they spake the tongues and prophesied and all the men were about twelue In these words it should seeme at the first sight that Paule baptized the Disciples of Ephesus with the baptisme of Christ which had before receiued the baptisme of Iohn If then he baptized them againe in the name of Christ whom Iohn baptized it followeth necessarily that the baptisme of Iohn was one and the baptisme of christ another otherwise it should bee a needelesse and fruitelesse repetition Besides this the place seemeth to fauour rebaptization and is alleaged by dangerous heretikes to that purpose Wherefore the place being difficult the doubts diuers and the errors many that are gathered and sucked from hence let vs assay by the assistance of God to open the true and naturall meaning thereof If we shall weigh and consider the wordes aright according to the true interpretation thereof agreeable to the drift of the place to the circumstances of the text to the propriety of the words to other testimonies of Scriptures to the proportion of faith we shal see they fauour and further neither rebaptization maintained by the Anabaptistes neither reall difference betweenee Iohns baptisme and Christs defended by the Papists True it is ther is in this scripture a double History and narration inserted intermingled and 〈◊〉 the one within the other which causeth some doubt and 〈◊〉 but may easily be clcered and 〈◊〉 For first of all the wordes verse 5 And they which heard it were baptized are not the wordes of Luke the writer but of Paule the speaker continuing his speach of Iohns Disciples and hearers and are not to be vnderstood of the 12 〈◊〉 as appeareth by the two Greeke coniunctions which are vsed by the maiders of that tongue to ioyne and to disioyne hauing relation one to the other and knitting together the parts of the sentence answering fitly each to other as may be seene in many places wherefore Luke speaketh not heere of Paules baptisme but Paule speaketh of Iohns baptisme He setteth downe the office of Iohn verse 3 then he prose cuteth both the partes of it mentioning his preaching verse 4. his baptizing verse 5. Again these 12. abiding at Ephesus dwelling far from the land of Iudea wher Iohn preached and baptized 〈◊〉 liuing about 30. or 40 years after the death of Iohn could not hear his doctrin from his own mouth or receiue baptisme at his hands Now whereas they are said to be baptized to Iohns baptisme the meaning is they embraced professed the same doctrin which Iohn preached by word sealed with his baptisme Thirdly we haue a like example touching the Samaritans baptized by Phillip The holyghost was yet come down vpon none of them but they were onely baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus then laid they their hands on them and they receiued the holy hgost Heer we are to obseiue this order Phillip preached the people beleeued and were baptized afterward the Apostles hands were imposed and so the holy ghost is receiued They gaue the gifts of the holy ghost by laying on of hands without baptisme Act. 8 17 neither do we read that laying on of hands was vsed in baptisme neither were these baptized againe but onely confirmed and strengthened by imposition of the Apostles hands So in this place the twelue Ephesian Disciples had embraced and receiued the doctrine that Iohn preached and were baptized in the name of christ then the apostle layeth his hands vpon them and they receiue the Holy-ghost they are no more rebaptized then wer the disciples at Samaria Fourthly if the 4 5 verses were to be sundred and dismembred contrary to the vse of the Greeke particles which serue to comoyne the whole and to 〈◊〉 the partes of the sentence as though the one were spoken of Paule the other of Luke why doth Luke afterward verse 6 repeate and assume the name of Paule What neede was there to make mentiō of him again Doth not this shew that in the 〈◊〉 speach before he had spoken of Iohn and his hearers that heard him preaching in the wildernes Furthermore the Apostle neither accuseth nor condemneth the baptisme of these Ephesians neither enquireth whether they were baptized or no