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B09229 The apocalyps unveyl'd, or, A paraphrase on the Revelation of the holy apostle and evangelist John the Devine in which the syncronisms of Mr. Joseph Mede, and the expositions of other interpreters are called in question, and a new exposition given of the prophecies of the Revelation, never before extant in any author, from the 6th chapter to the 18th, with variety of reasons for the exposition / by An Orthodox Divine. Hayter, Richard, 1611?-1684.; Mede, Joseph, 1586-1638. Clavis apocalyptica. 1676 (1676) Wing H1224; ESTC R202384 176,063 254

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Dan. 7.21 22.25 Now who are meant by the Saints in Daniel but the Jews 4. VVe read in the same Book that Daniels people shall be in great troubles such as never was since there was a Nation Dan. 12.1 Now from whom shall they have this trouble if not from the Beast here spoken of 5. VVe read in the Prophet Micah According to the days of thy coming out of the Land of Egypt will I shew unto him marvellous things the Nations shall see and be confounded c. Micah 7.15 16. Now the plagues which shall fall upon the Beast are many of them the very same for kind with the plagues of Egypt therefore as the plagues of Egypt fell upon them for the wrong they did unto the Jews so the plagues which shall light upon the Beast shall fall upon him and his people for the persecution of that Nation 6. After the parturition of the woman in the former Chapter v. 12. the Devil knows he hath but a short time and therefore the Beast who is raised by him afterward has but a short time too Now if we look upon the Beasts which are in the world at this time whether Turks or any other they have continued a long time and therefore this prophecy is not meant of any of them but remains to be expected upon the Jews Conversion 7. The Beasts which now are in the world came to their height and eminency by long and tedious wars and by the ruines of other Nations but this Beast is raised on a sudden by the Devils art and policy as you may read v. 2.4 and there are such strange courses taken such witchcraft and inchantment used such signs and wonders shewed such cunning and deceitful tricks invented and such a strange mark imposed by the second Beast to make men adhere unto the first Beast as you may read v. 12 13 14 15 16 17. as never yet was known take them all together at the rising of any Beast since the world began to this very day nor will be till the Jews Conversion and the rising of this enemy of theirs the Beast here spoken of The conclusion therefore is The Antichrist of St. John St. Pauls Man of sin and the Beast here spoken of be not all one The Antichrists of St. John be the false Christs that our Saviour speaks of in the Gospel Mat. 24.24 which should start up before and after the destruction of Jerusalem 1 Joh. 2.18.22 and 4.3.2 Joh. 7. The Man of sin spoken of by St. Paul is avouched by some and denied by others to be the Pope of Rome of which see those that have written on that subject But the first Beast here spoken of is a Heathen King or Emperour raised by the Devil to war against the Jews after their Conversion and the second Beast is a Witch as Balaam was raised by the Devil and imployed by the first Beast as Balaam was by Balak to help him and assist him and do mighty things for him and for his settlement in his Kingdom v. 12 13 14 15 16 17. and for the ruine of the Jewish Nation Chap. 16.13 14. CHAP. XIV The Prophecy of the Virgin Company 1. THen was presented unto me in a Vision what shall come to pass after the three days and a half allotted to the Beasts prosperity shall be ended and I saw a Lamb representing Jesus Christ stand on Mount Sion and with him an hundred forty and four thousand of the Jewish Nation spoken of before but to another purpose in the seventh Chapter who notwithstanding the power and prevalency of the Beast shall boldly profess the Name of Christ and have it and his Fathers Name besides legibly written in their Foreheads 2. And I heard a voice out of Heaven as the sound of many Waters and as the sound of a great and mighty Thunder and after that the voice of Harpers making pleasant Melody with their Harps 3. And they sung a new Song before the Throne of God and before the four living Creatures and before the four and twenty Elders which Song shall be sung by none that be upon the earth but by the one hundred forty and four thousand which shall be redeemed from the rest that be upon the earth 4. These be they which shall not be defiled with Women for they shall be Virgins and unmarried Persons these be they which shall wait and attend upon the Lamb as a Lifeguard doth upon their Prince whithersoever he shall go these shall be redeemed from the rest of men as being the first Fruits to God and to the Lamb of the Jewish Nation 5. These be they which shall be without guile fraud and deceit and without stain of hainous sin in the sight of God The Prolcamation of the first Angel 6. And I saw an Angel flie in the midst between the Heaven and the Earth with a commission to preach proclaim and make known and publish the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ to the inhabitants of Judaea and to every Nation and Kindred and Tongue and People that shall be therein 7. Saying and proclaiming with a loud voice as he shall flie along Fear God and give him Glory for the hour of his Judgment is come and will shortly fall on all that fear not him worship not the Beast nor yeild obeisance unto him in the way that he goeth in opposition to the Gospel of Jesus Christ but worship him alone that made the Heaven and the Earth and the Sea and the Fountains of Waters The Proclamation of the second Angel 8. And another Angel followed after him proclaiming and saying Babylon is fallen is fallen meaning thereby that she shall shortly fall and come to nought because she made all Nations drink of the bitter Wine of her spiritual Fornication The Proclamation of the third Angel 9. And the third Angel followed after them proclaiming and saying with a loud voice If any worship the first Beast or his carved Image or take an Oath to be true and faithful unto him and receive a mark in their right hand or in their Foreheads in token that they have so done 10. The same shall drink of the bitter VVine of the wrath of God without mixing any thing therein to allay the sharpness of it and shall be tormented with Fire and Brimstone in the sight and presence of the Holy Angels and in the sight and presence of the Lamb. 11. And the smoke of their torment shall ascend for ever and never have an end and they shall be tormented Day and Night without ceasing or intermission which worship the first Beast or his carved Image or take an engagement to be true and faithful unto him and receive the print of his Name in token that they have so done 12. Here will be the tryal of the patience of the Saints which are living in Judaea when the Beasts engagement comes among them then it will be known who they be which keep the Commandments of the Lord
the men which cast the three Children into the midst of the burning fiery Furnace did no hurt to the three Children which were cast therein Dan. 3.22 25.2 The Lightning from Heaven may slay one man and not another yea two men may Travel in the Field together and one of them be slain by Lightning and the other not one House may be set on fire by Lightning and not another and one Tree may be blasted at such a time and not another 3. One man and his Family may be visited with a Feaver in a hot Summer season and his next neghbours House or his Family may escape 4. The Psalmist saith the Sun sha'l not sinite thee by day nor the Moon by night Ps 121.6 this strikes the objection quite dead one man may be smitten by the Sun and not another though they live both of them near together 5. The Sun is more predominant in one Country then another so that the Beast and his men may be scorched by the Sun and the Saints which are fled out of his Dominions may escape 6. The Beast would not suffer any of the Saints to live in his Dominions in peace he slew as man of them as he could come by and after they were dead and the rest fled away these Vials fell upon them 7. They that interpret the Vials mystically say that by the earth one sort of men is meant by the Sea another by the Rivers and Fountains of Waters a third and by the Sun a fourth yet all of these be wicked men now if the Vials can distinguish between one wicked man and another so that one wicked man is punished under one Vial and not another why can they not as well distinguish between a wicked man and a good though understood in a literal sense 8. The Angels are the pourers forth of these Vials and they can so order and dispose of them that they shall fall only on the wicked and not upon the good 9. And lastly the persons plagued in these Vials be not expressed in the first words but in the last for instance the first Angel poured out his Vial on the earth the persons plagued be not denoted in these words but in the next and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the Beast So in the second Vial the second Angel poured out his Vial on the Sea and it became as the blood of a dead man the persons plagued be not included in these words but in those which follow and every living soul died in the Sea and so onward of the other Vials except the fifth the last words express the persons plagued and the first express the Creature or the Instrument which it pleased God to use in bringing of the Plague upon them 3 Quest Whether the Kings of the East be the Jews Ans 1. The Jews are no where called Kings Because here is mention of Euphrates and the Kings of the East in the sixth Vial it may probably be gathered from thence that the Vials shall be poured out upon the People which dwell on the other side of Euphrates Eastward and the Plagues of the Trumpets shall fall upon the People which dwell on this side of Euphrates Westward much less the Kings of the East in all the Scripture and therefore why should any one think they are here 2. The King of the South is so called Dan. 11.6 because he lives and Reigns in the South and the King of the North is so called in the same place because he lives and Reigns in the North and therefore the Kings of the East are so called because they live and Reign beyond Euphrates in the East now the Jews do not Reign there neither do they live there at this time for Judaea where they now are Rev. 14.1 I mean at the execution of this Prophecy is not beyond Euphrates in the East but on this side of Euphrates in the West Mat. 2.1 3. The Kings of the East as the words import be many Kings of many Nations but the Jews are but one Nation and no more 4. The Kings of the East are in prosperity but the Jews are in adversity at this time and shall not be setled in prosperity until the Battel of the great day of God Almighty shall be over 5. We read Ezekiel 38.8 9. After many days thou shalt be visited in the latter years thou shalt come into the Land that is brought back from the Sword and is gathered out of many People against the Mountains of Israel which have been always wast but it is brought forth out of the Nations and they shall dwell fafely all of them thou shalt ascend and come like a storm thou shalt be like a Cloud to cover the Eand thou and all thy bands and many People with thee Therefore the Kings of the East be not the Jews but rather they be some of those Kings that shall joyn with Gog and Magog against the Jews after their Conversion 6. We read Joel 3.2 9 10 11 12. I will also gather all Nations and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat and will plead with them there for my People and for my Heritage Israel whom they have scattered among the Nations and parted my Land Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles prepare War make up the mighty men let all the men of War draw near let them come up Beat your Plow-shares into Swords and your Pruning hooks into Spears let the weak say I am strong Assemble your selves and come all ye Heathen and gather your selves together round about thither cause thy mighty ones to come down O Lord. Let the Heathen be weakned and come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat for there will I sit to Judge all the Heathen round about And this doth also shew that the Kings of the East be not the Jews but they be the Gentiles that shall set themselves against the Jews after their Conversion 7. We read Rev. 19.19 And I saw the Beast and the Kings of the earth and their Armies gathered to make War against him that sat on the Horse and against his Army Now against whom were these Kings gathered but against the Jews Therefore the Kings of the East be not the Jews but they be the Kings of the Earth that shall joyn with the Beast and false Prophet against the Jews in the last expedition they shall make against them 8. I urge the Text where the Kings of the East are expresly spoken of Rev. 16 12. And the sixth Angel poured out his Vial upon the great River Euphrates and the water thereof was dried up that the way of the Kings of the East might be prepared Now who be these Kings of the East Read the next verses and they will tell you And I saw three unclean Spirits like Frogs come out of the mouth of the Dragon and out of the mouth of the Beast and out of the mouth of the
God for the fulfilling of the Trumpets also CHAP. IX The Prophecy of the fifth Trumpet 1. AND the fifth Angel sounded and the Prophecy of his Trumpet was that an Angel shall descend from Heaven to the earth Rev. 20.1 and the Key of the bottomless Pit shall be given into his hand 2. And he shall open the bottomless Pit and upon the opening of it shall come a great smoak out of the bottom of the Pit like the smoak of a great Furnace and the air shall be darkned with the smoak and it shall be so thick that the Sun shall not be able to break through to give light upon the Earth 3. And out of the smoke shall come Locusts into the Land of Asia Wisd 11.18 of a most horrid shape and form never the like seen before and they shall have power to sting the Inhabiters of that Land as the Scorpions of the earth have power 4. And it shall be given them in charge that they shall not hurt the Grass of the Field Rev. 7.3 nor any green Herb nor any vegetable Tree but sting the Men only which shall not have the Seal of God in their Forehead 5. And their Commission shall be not to kill the Men outright but torment them only five Months and no more Luk. 1.24 and the pain of these Men shall be as grievous as the pain that cometh of a Scorpion when he hath stung a Man 6. And all the time of these five Months shall Men wish for Death thinking to end their pains thereby but shall not find it and shall desire to die rather than to live in such woful pain and torment but Death shall flee away from them 7. And the bodies of these Locusts shall be in shape like to Horses prepared unto Battail and they shall have on their Heads the shapes of Crowns like Crowns of Gold and their Faces shall be in shape like the Faces of Men but the matter of them shall be such as insects have 8. And the hair which they shall have shall be in shape like the hair of Women and the teeth which they shall have shall be in shape like the teeth of Lyons but the matter shall be such as insects have 9. And the Brest-plates they shall have shall be in shape like Brest-plates made of Iron and the dreadful noise of their Wings shall be as the noise of Chariots drawn with many Horses running furiously unto Battail 10. And the tayles which they shall have shall be like the tayles of Scorpions and they shall have stings in their tayles like the stings of Scorpions and their Commission shall be to sting the Men of Asia five Months literally to be understood 11. And they shall have a King or Ruler over them to guide them and direct them in this Work Gen. 19.13 Exod. 12.23 2 King 19.35 so that they shall not sting every one they meet but whom the Angel of or over the bottomeless Pit will have them Mat 13.41 42 49 50. 1 Cor. 10.10 Hcb. 11.28 and this Angel is not an evil Angel but a good Angel of the Lord whose Name in Hebrew is Abaddon in Greek Apollyon and in English a Destroyer not of the Saints and People of God but of the Enemies of God and of his Church 12. The first Woe is past when these things shall be fulfilled and behold there be two Woes yet to come after these things are ended The Prophecy of the sixth Trumpet reaching from the thirteenth Verse of this Chapter to the fourteenth Verse of the eleventh Chapter or the first part thereof 13. And the sixth Angel sounded and the Prophecy of his Trumpet was Rev. 8.2 that a Command should come from God from the four Corners of the Altar upon which the Angel offered Incense before the Throne of God 14. Saying to the sixth Angel which did sound the sixth Trumpet that he should go and loose the four Angels which should be then bound or restrained from doing Hurt at the great River of Asia called Euphrates but now they should be loosed to execute God's Judgments on the people that dwell there 15. Then the sixth Angel shall go and loose the four Angels which before were bound at Euphrates but ready upon Command to slay the third part of Men that shall be dwelling there and that in as little time as an hour or in as sittle time as a day or in as little time as a month or in as little time as a year waiting for a Command to put their power in Execution 16. And the number of the Army of Horse that under these four Angels shall be imployed in this Work shall be two Hundred thousand thousand for the number of them was related unto me 17. But these Horses shall not be usual Horses nor their Riders Men properly so called but either Angels or strange kind of Creatures Wisd 11.18 19. newly created for this purpose and never known in the World before and thus I saw the Horses in the Vision and they that sat on them what ever they be shall have Corslets of a fiery colour and of a blew jacinth colour and of a pale Brimstone colour and the heads of their Horses shall be in shape like the Heads of Lyons and out of the mouths of every one of them shall come forth fire smoak and brimstone literally to be understood 18. Of these three shall the third part of Men be killed which shall be dwelling at Euphrates at that time some shall be killed by the fire and some by the smoak and others by the brimstone which shall come out of the Horses mouths 19. For the power of these strange Beasts shall be in their mouths and which is yet the more strange they shall have mouths in their tayles for their tayles shall be like a Serpents body and have Heads at the end of them and in their Heads a mouth with which they slay the third part of Men which be dwelling at Euphrates at the Execution of the Prophecy 20. And the two other parts of Men which shall escape from these Plagues and not be killed by them shall not for all this repent of their former wickedness that they should not worship Devils nor Idols which are the work of Mens hands and are made of Gold and of Silver and of Brass and of Stone and of Wood and are such stupid Figments that they neither see what Men do unto them nor hear what they pray unto them for nor do them any good at all 21. Neither shall they for all this repent of their other sins which before these Plagues they committee as of their Murthers nor of their Sorceries nor of their Fornication nor 〈◊〉 their Thefts but persist in them as they did before Disputation V. 1 Quest Whether the Locusts in the Prophecy of the Fifth Trumpet be literally to be understood Answ 1. All the reasons in the former Chapter Quest 2. may be reduced
ordinary and accustomed when as the literal sense makes it a Prophecy extraordinary and to speak of things not usual nor accustomed such as never were but in the Land of Aegypt and they that were in Aegypt though the same for kind were not so grievous as these Vials are like to be 2. It makes the Scripture a nose of Wax which a man may turn which way he will one may turn it one way and another may turn it another way and there be well nigh as many interpretations of the mystical sense as there be writers on the Revelation 3. It subjects the Scripture to our vain lusts and humours and gives every one liberty to interpret it as his humour leads him 4. It makes the Scripture mean not what it speaks but what men would have it mean 5. It makes men interpret the Revelation of themselves or of their own party and of the times wherein they live and the good things they think are spoken of themselves and the evil things of their enemies 6. It turns the Scripture into nonsense what sense is it to say that by the earth in the first Vial is meant the lowest of the People as if an Ulcer could not fall upon the highest as well as upon the lowest What sense is it to say every living soul died in the Sea that is in the extent and compass of the Papal power and Jurisdiction when as there be five Vials to fall upon some men afterward What sense is it to say that the darkness in the fifth Vial is meant of spiritual darkness as if they were not spiritually dark before that or any other of the Vials did begin What sense is it to understand by the Kings of the East in the sixth Vial the Kings of the West and by the River Euphrates which is a River in the East to understand the Popes revenues in the West and by the drying up of that River to understand the draining away the Popes revenues in the West these and many more absurdities do follow from the mystical interpretation of the Vials Ob. If we take the Earth Sea Rivers and Fountains of waters c. in a literal sense how should a Vial of wrath poured out on these be any wit more prejudicial without a miracle to Gods enemies then his Friends who partake of the benefit of these in common with the other Ans 1. Did not Moses sprinkle the ashes of a Furnace towards Heaven and it became dust upon the Earth and after that a boyl breaking forth with blanes upon man and Beast Exod. 9.10 and was not this more prejudicial to Gods enemies then his Friends Again did not Moses smite the waters in the River Et quaecunque Ioannes discipulus Domini vidit in Apocalypsi inveniet casdom plagas universaliteraccipere gentes quas tunc particulatim accepit Aegyptus Irenaeus adversus Haereses lib. 4. c. 50. and they became blood Exod 7.20 21. and was not this more prejudical to the Aegyptians then to the Israelites So thirdly did not Moses stretch forth his hand toward Heaven and there was a thick darkness in all the Land of Aegypt three days Exod. 10.22 23. and was not this more prejudicial to Gods enemies then his Friends And Lastly did not Moses stretch forth his hand toward Heaven and the Lord rained hail upon the Land of Aegypt Exod. 9.23 and was not this more prejudicial to the Aegyptians then the Israelites And if God could do all this and much more in Aegypt in a literal sense why can he not do the like in other Countries without prejudice to his own People 2. Whereas 't is said without out a miracle we say that God in every one of these Vials works a miracle as he did in Aegypt and we further say that God hath promised to do the like again in other Countries According to the days of thy comming out of the Land of Aegypt will I shew unto him marvellous things the Nations shall see and be confounded c. Micah 7.15 16.3 Whereas 't is said that they partake of the benefit of these in common with the other it is nothing so at this time for the Saints do not live in the Beasts Dominions at this time or in that part of them where the Vials fell for they were either slain or fled out of his Dominions before any of the Vials did begin Rev. 12.6.14 Rev. 13.7 Rev. 16.6 Rev. 18.4 Ob. Did ever Rivers and Fountains of waters literally shed the blood of Saints or did God ever in way of revenge give them blood to drink Ans Did men never read the Book of Exodus Did ever the Rivers and Fountains of Aegypt literally shed the blood of the Israelites Yet God turned them to blood as a Plague on the Aegyptians Exod. 7.17 18 19 20 21. and no other is the meaning here The third Angel poured out his Vial on the Rivers and Fountains of Waters and they became blood v. 4. and wherefore is this done but in way of revenge upon the men that they might not have the benefit of the waters as heretofore they had and that because they that is the men which drank of those waters shed the blood of the Saints and the Prophets and thou hast given them that is the men blood to drink Ob. The Book of Exodus is a History but the Revelation is a Prophecy and therefore may not be compared each with other Ans A Prophecy may be compared with a History in respect of the matter Mat. 2.6.18 Mat. 3.3 Mat. 8.17 Mat. 21.5 though not in respect of the time for the matter of a Prophecy may be the matter of a History when it is fulfilled like as the matter of a History was the matter of a Prophecy before it was fulfilled the difference many times is not in respect of matter but in respect of time A Prophecy is the relating of a thing to come and a History is the relating of a thing past but the thing related may be materially the same in both 2. The Book of Exodus is both a History and a Prophecy for the words in Exodus 7.20 21. are a History of turning the waters into blood but the words v. 17 18. are a Prophecy of it before hand So again the words in Exodus 9 10 11. are a History of the Boyl which fell upon the Aegyptians but the words v. 8 9. are a Prophecy of the Boyl before it came to pass So thirdly the words in Exodus 10.22 are a History of the darkness that was in Aegypt but the words v. 21. are a Prophecy thereof and therefore the comparison in all the three places with the Vials of the Revelation is very fit and suitable each to other Ob. How can a Vial be poured on the Sun and not on the Saines which live under it or how can the Sun torment men with fervent heat and the Saints not be tormented by it Ans 1. The fire which slew